Sue Dill Calloway RN, Esq. CPHRM
Joint Commission Tracers AD, BA, BSN, MSN, JD
2011 President
Patient Safety and Education
5447 Fawnbrook Lane
What Hospitals Need to Know Dublin, Ohio 43017
614 791-1468
Tracer Methodology
The surveyors follow actual experience of a sample
of patients as they interact with their health care
The surveyors evaluate the actual provision of care
provided to these patients
Looks at how the individual components of the
hospital interact to provide safe, high quality patient
System tracer examine in detail specific high risk
components of the hospital like medication
The proof is in the pudding and this makes great
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Introduction Introduction
Surveyor will begin planning for tracer shortly after Documents such as the organizational chart,
they arrive contact person to assist surveyor, and map
Will describe priority focus processes and describe List of all sites eligible for survey, list of services at
system tracer they will conduct each site, PI data, and infection data,
They will review the documents provided EOC data with Statement of Conditions and any
Plans for Improvement (PFI)
Readiness Guide lists the documents needed so
make sure you have these ready to go Patient lists of scheduled for deliveries, surgeries
and procedures, patient roster and measure of
Integrate tracers findings into Periodic success data
Performance Reviews (PPR)
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Practice multiple mock tracers before the survey so Starts by reviewing a medical record with the
staff are prepared and comfortable person caring for the patient
Surveyor will assure confidentiality and privacy and If staff person is not available may ask for
may use more than one patient
Want to see the ease with which the staff navigate
Purpose of using the medical record is to follow through the medical record to located the requested
care provided information
Surveyor evaluated compliance with standard as Will explore how well record supports the care
they apply to the care the patient received provided
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If present will look at staffing plans, variance Patients that cross programs like admitted to or
discharged from an ambulatory care setting or
reports, manager interviews and additional staff outpatient care setting
Potential role of infections in the cause of death,
Awareness of content of APR.09.02.01 delay in treatment, lack of appropriate follow
Any individual who provides care can report through with the organ donation guidelines/lack of
safety or the quality of care concerns to TJC timely communication with the OPO
without retaliatory action from the hospital May look at deceased patient to determine if
evaluated coordination with OPO
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Will do a closed medical record review Will interview patient to makes sure got information
on who to contact to file a complaint and right to
This is being done to verify that the hospital policy notify the state agency
was followed regarding autopsy appropriate
deaths Will review the complaint P&P to confirm it includes
patient’s right to report without negative
31 32
Data collection processes and responsibilities Applicable undesirable patterns or trends in
performance that are being aggregated and
medication management
blood and blood product use
How to identify and implement changes to reduce
restraints and seclusion the risk of sentinel events
behavior management and treatment Process to take appropriate action if planned
improvements are not achieved or sustained of data
Inclusion and monitoring of contracted services and from outside sources to determine if variability or
individuals unaccepted level of performance
Use of data analysis in the identification and Core measure implementation and process
implementation of process improvements changes
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Possible side effects of the medication Arrangement for follow up such as with physician or home
Contraindications with OTC and prescribed Hand off communication
Medication reconciliation
When to continue or discontinue medications
taken prior to hospitalization Surveyor may interview nurse to check the origination of
discharge information (nurse-physician communication)
45 46
Patient Flow CAH and HAP Programs Patient Flow Tracer LD.04.03.11
Surveyors are to interview staff during each of the
individual tracers on what patient flow processes Look at patient flow and back flow issues
are being measured Evaluate process issues leading to back flow
What other PI measures are in use Identify temporary holding area such as are patients
What has the hospital learned? held in the emergency department or waits for
surgery or critical care units
How has this data been used to make
improvements Treatment delays, medical errors and unsafe
practices can thrive in presence of patient congestion
Surveyor will look for variability in workload during
the day and between days of the week TJC hospitals are expected to identify and correct
patient flow issues
Ask about wait, boarding, and turnaround times
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Tissue Storage and Issuance Tracer Tissue Storage and Issuance Tracer
Interview lab staff to determine; Physical environment (EP 8, 9, and 10) should
Process for ensuring source is licensed include the following:
and federally registered with FDA (EP3 & Daily records to show tissue temperature when
11), control is needed and document
Coordinate tissue ordering, receipt, storage Storage with continuous temperature of refrigerator
as per manufacturer instructions and policy and freezer is maintained and documented
(EP4&5) Refrigerators and freezers and storage equipment
Process for logging all tissue and used to store tissues at controlled temperature has
functional alarms and emergency back up plan
documenting receipt and make package
integrity is met and transport temperate Acceptance of tissue from the source with process to
was controlled (EP 6&7) ensure package integrity and temperature
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Tissue Storage and Issuance Tracer Tissue Storage and Issuance Tracer
Record keeping (TS.03.02.01 EP 5 & 6) includes Will look at adverse event investigation for the
tissue records on storage temperatures, outdated following (TS.03.03.01 EP5):
procedures, manuals and publications are kept for
10 years Written P&P to investigate adverse events related
to tissue use or donor infections
Records are kept on tissues suppliers
Tracking and investigation of tissue transplant
Records are kept on source facility information, pre infections
transplant (such as materials and instructions to Reporting of infections or adverse event to the
prepare tissues) and post transplant documentation tissue supplier
(tissue type and its unique identifier) and return
information (return tissue usage information cards Tissue recipient notification of infection risk or
donors subsequently found to have HIV or hepatitis
requested by tissue supplier)
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Organ, Tissue and Eye Procurement OPO Organ, Tissue and Eye Procurement OPO
OPO conversion rate for patients who died who Hospitals in tier 1 regardless of size
wanted to be organ donors and were eligible
IC and or ED patient tracer
For hospitals in Tier 1 (conversion rate <50%)
The hospital’s communication and coordination
Tier 2 (conversion rate between 51-74%) with more with the OPO and discussions about:
than 150 beds
The organization’s definition of imminent death
Staff knowledge about identification criteria and process
Process for communication and coordination with the OPO Roles and responsibilities of different staff relative
(24/7) to the pursuit of organ donation opportunities
Associated traceable issues, e.g. Advance Directives, The organization’s position about asystolic recovery
language barriers, spiritual issues, data collection, etc.
of organs
Hospital position about asystolic recovery of organs
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Process for assuring shielding equipment is properly Process for annual equipment maintenance and
maintained qualifications of staff that perform maintenance
Request documentation of annual equipment maintenance
Frequency of radiation exposure monitoring
Observe EOC to assure safety precautions are being followed
Qualifications, role, and responsibility of director and
workers must be checked periodically, by the use of Observe radiation exposure monitoring equipment
exposure meters or badge tests, for amount of Observe access and use of appropriate shielding equipment by
radiation exposure staff and patients.
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Surgery and Anesthesia Tracer Verify That Surgery and Anesthesia Tracer
H&P and consent on chart before surgery Preanesthesia assessment to include (continued);
Presedation or pre-anesthesia evaluation is done Notation of anesthesia risk according to established
within 48 hours prior to the delivery of the first dose standards of practice (e.g., ASA classification of risk)
of medication given to induce anesthesia for the Identification of potential anesthesia problems,
surgery or a procedure requiring anesthesia particularly those that may suggest potential
services; complications or contraindications to the planned
procedure (e.g., difficult airway, ongoing infection,
Verify the pre-anesthesia assessment includes, at limited intravascular access)
a minimum
Additional pre-anesthesia evaluation, if applicable
Review of the medical history, including anesthesia, drug
and as required in accordance with standard practice
and allergy history;
prior to administering anesthesia (e.g., stress tests,
Interview and examination of the patient additional specialist consultation)
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Handling, storage, and dispensing of therapeutic Information is filed in the MR in a timely manner
gases This includes advance directives, lab reports, consults,
assessments etc.
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation
MR entries need to dated and TIMED and authenticated
Testing protocols such as pulmonary function
testing, mechanical ventilation, bronchopulmonary Complete informed consent needs to be on the
drainage, aerosol, humidification, and therapeutic chart and dated and timed and done prior to
gas administration nonemergency surgery
Documentation of orders in the medical record Validate the H&P and update was done in
appropriate timeframe
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Part 1 EOC
Part 1 is 70% of time and be prepared to discuss
how the various 6 risk categories (fire safety,
general safety and security, etc.) and construction
Are addressed in the six management processes
Monitor, and improve
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EOC Tracer Patient Diagnostic Testing Falls EOC Tracer Radiation Tandem & Ovoids Tx
Second tracer location may be diagnostic testing The HDR tandem and ovoid (T&O) implant
center such as radiology or ultrasound procedure is used to treat patients with uterine or
cervical cancer in nuclear medicine
How are you informed patient is a fall risk?
What is the process for preparing radioactive source
Who is process to prevent a fall when undergoing a material
What technology is utilized to minimize exposure risk to
What orientation and training do staff receive staff
What is the process for responding to radioactive material
How was this fall risk information communicated? exposure
Was there a process put in place to prevent patient Who is responsible for maintaining the lead aprons and
falls? other shielding devices
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EOC Tracer Radiation Tandem & Ovoids Tx Patient Care Area Tandem & Ovoid
Who is responsible to monitor the proper use of the May interview the physician or the physicist or
shielding devices radiation therapist
What is the process for reporting the radioactive What is the process for handling radioactive source
exposure material from the time/place of delivery, patient
administration, through source retraction and
What orientation and education is required
removal from inpatient unit
regarding the safe preparation of radioactive source
material What is the process for responding to a source
retraction failure or other treatment emergency
Surveyor will observe the radioactive material
preparation and disposal area and Proper personal What is the process for reporting an emergency
dosimeter exposure counter usage by staff related to tandem and ovoid treatment
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Patient Care Area Tandem & Ovoid EOC Tracer Tandem & Ovoid
Will ask what orientation and education did you Will also interview housekeeping
receive on the safe handling of radioactive source
What is the process for removing radioactive
May interview nursing fro process for radioactive waste from the patient care unit to final disposal
material safety including providing direct care
What is the process for responding to a
Same questions as above with process for radioactive waste spill or staff exposure
responding to an emergency, how to report an
What is the process for reporting a spill or
emergency related to tandem & ovoid treatment
Will interview patients and ask what education did
What orientation and/or education did you receive
you receive, what did staff wear when you started
regarding the safe handling of radioactive waste
and stopped your treatment
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Operating Room Fires and laser fires Control contraband in the ED and behavioral health
Medical equipment failures and water used in
Fire hazards during construction hemodialysis
Patient smoking if permitted Isolation rooms
Hazmat radiation and hazardous vapors Disruption of utility such as water, gas or generator
Glutaraldehyde, ethylene oxide, cauterizing Construction bariatric patients and infection control
vapors during construction projects
Infant abduction
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EM Exercises
Fire and collapse of public building
Natural disaster like tornado
Heat wave and persistent drought
Severe winter storm
Truck or suicide bomber
Toxic industrial accident
Chemical spill in transit
Terrorist attack using chemical agent
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You can sign up at FDA to get notices and Also pharmacy review of medications, use of
NPSG requirements and assimilation of literature
ASHP has information on their website
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Infection Control (IC) Tracer HAP BHC Infection Control Tracer Parts
Approximately 60 minutes First part is prior to the session while conducting
the individual tracer
Surveyor will look at performance reports on IC
Identify a high risk patient with a HAI such as C-
Need quiet area for brief interaction with infection
diff, a drug resistant organism, or other
preventionist and staff who oversee IC process
communicable disease
Surveyor will learn about planning, implementation,
Part two is 15-30 minutes in the meeting room
and evaluation of your IC program
Current and past surveillance activity
Remember: TJC has 8 page chapter on IC and
Learn about IC program and how outbreaks are
CMS hospital CoP has 12 pages of standards
CMS gets $50 million dollar grant to enforce IC Part 3 is moving through the organization 45
standard in 2010 and 2011 minutes
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1 http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/dhqp/pdf/guidelines/Disinfection_Nov_2008.pdf
2 www.apic.org
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Information management with access to information Will select patient with repeated episodes of
in a timely manner by those who need to know violent behavior
NPSG.15.01.01 in 2011 Identifying patients at risk With or without injury to self, staff, or others
for suicide and inpatient suicides is number two SE Evaluate the physical environment that could make
and occurs every 16.6 minutes and 11th most violent behavior possible
frequent cause of death
Evaluate measures taken to ensure security
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Evaluate security systems such as cameras and Will interview staff about:
alarm mechanisms Episodes of violent behavior
Will interview patient and family about their Communication to other care givers
perception of violent behavior and use of R&S Identifying the risk and prevention of violent
Will ask patient if guidance was provided from behavior in patients served
staff to prevent further violence Risk assessment process
Will ask patient about violent behavior prevention Restraint use
activities Orientation and training of staff about violent
behavior risks
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Will select a patient receiving care in the facility in Surveyor to evaluate the effectiveness of the foster
the past 12 months care agency’s process surrounding number of
foster home placement of children
Patient receiving continuous care or respite care To assess safety issues in the home
Patient getting infusion therapy Problems with placing child in multiple foster
Pediatric patient homes (alienations, isolation)
Interview social worker and parents about the
Patient receiving alternative complementary care placement process
Patient undergoing pain management Look at criteria for placement and assess process
See page 71 for more information
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Patient Care Unit Tracer Form Patient Care Unit Tracer Form Cont.
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Patient Care Unit Tracer Form Cont. Patient Care Unit Tracer Form Cont.
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TJC Sells Tracer Workbook for EOC TJC Sells Tracer Workbook for EOC
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