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Investment Account Opening Agreement: For Al Rajhi Capital Products and Services

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Investment Account Opening Agreement

For Al Rajhi Capital Products and Services


(149) ‫ﻣﺠﺎز ﻣﻦ اﻟﻬﻴﺌﺔ اﻟﺸﺮﻋﻴﺔ ﺑﻘﺮارﻫﺎ رﻗﻢ‬

Investment Account No.

Client Name

Investment center Name

Investment center No.

Al Rajhi Capital is a Saudi Closed Joint Stock Company, commercial registration No.1010241681, with paid up capital of SR. 500,000,000, licensed by
Version 1.0

Saudi Arabian Capital Market Authority (License No. 706837/). Head Office : King Fahad Road, P.O. Box 5561, Riyadh 11432, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Investment Center: ............................................................................................................................. Center Number: ............................................................................................

Client no. (Code): ................................................................................................................................. Investment Account no.: .............................................................................

Portfolio no.: ......................................................................................................................................... Nationality......................................................................................................

We kindly request you to open an investment account as per your applicable systems and procedures and according to the following name and details:
Natural person (Individual client):

First name: ........................................................................................................................................... Father’s name: ..............................................................................................

Grandfather’s name: .......................................................................................................................... Family Name: ................................................................................................

Gender: .................................................................................................................................................

ID type: .................................................................................................................................................. ID No.: .............................................................................................................

Issued from: ......................................................................................................................................... Issued on: .......................................................................................................
Expiration date: ................................................................................................................................... Address: .........................................................................................................

P. O. Box: ............................................................................................................................................... Postal code: ...................................................................................................

Governorate / City: .............................................................................................................................. Country: ..........................................................................................................

To be filled , if the blind, or illiterate customer, is identified by the Center’s employee:

The customer has been furnished with all the KYC form data, the Investment Account Opening Agreement , and the terms and conditions of the investment account,
and was read to him, and the customer shall bear all the responsibilities resulting from the opening of the said account.

Employee’s name: ............................................................................................................................... ID No.: ............................................................................................................

Investment Center No.: ...................................................................................................................... Signature : .....................................................................................................

Approval of the Compliance Officer on the Identification letter :

Name of approving officer : ............................................................................................................... ID No. : ...........................................................................................................

Signature : ............................................................................................................................................

Preamble: the Company may use later-and the Company shall have the right to adjust the address of its
Whereas Al Rajhi Capital is engaged in all financial securities business under the license No. website, provided that, this should be preceded by an electronic notification, in the old
(7068/37) dated 10/6/1428H issued by the Capital Market Authority (CMA). Hereinafter referred website.
to as the «Company».Whereas the Client, whose name and details are stated above, wants to
open an investment account in accordance with the systems, regulations and procedures 15- Fees and commissions: this includes all commissions, fees and charges, which the Company
applicable in Al Rajhi Capital to take advantage of the services and products offered by Al Rajhi charges to the debit of the customer, against the services which it extends to him, or as
Capital to its customers and clients. Whereas the client reviewed the terms, conditions and commitment with the relevant regulations or rules, which may be subject to be changed from
provisions of this Agreement and expressed his / her acceptance to strictly adhere and legally time to time based on the Company’s sole discretion, and by virtue of an official notification to
be binding to the same. Whereas, the client confirmed that he / she is the owner of the be published through the electronic channels, or to be sent to the customer’s official address,
investment account and the actual beneficiary and holder of it. as per his /her request. The execution of any transaction, through any one of the provided
services after the publication or receipt of the notification, shall be deemed as acceptance and
It was agreed by the parties (Al Rajhi Capital and the client), both having full legal and agreement to the modification.
legitimate capacity, with the absence of any legal and regulatory impediments to conclude this
Agreement, in accordance with the terms and conditions, as follows : 16- FATCA: The Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act.

First: The above Preamble, along with all the forms and documents required to open this 17- Securities Depository Center Company: This refers to the Center to be established according
investment account, contracts and agreements governing the approved services and all related to Article 26 of the CMA Law.
attachments, shall be an integral part of this Agreement.
Third: Objectives and Customer classification:
Second: Terminologies and Definitions: (3-1) This Agreement constitutes a legally and regulatory binding document which shall govern
Unless otherwise stated, the following terms shall have the definitions assigned to each of the basis on which the Company will provide the Customer with its services and products and
them as stated hereunder : shall implement the lawful orders and instructions of the customers, specified in Clause (5)
hereunder, in addition to any relevant or resulted operations and services.
1- Al Rajhi Capital: a Saudi Closed Joint Stock Company, commercial registration No.1010241681,
engaging and providing financial securities business and services to its customers under the (3-2) This Agreement shall supersede any prior agreements and contracts between the
license issued by the Capital Market Authority (CMA). Company and the Customer, such agreements and contracts must be revoked and / or to cease
acting upon which.
2- Customer: a natural person or corporate body who hold an investment account in its name at
the Company. (3-3) Restrictions which the individual customer wants to impose on investment in securities:
For the purpose of applying the provisions of Article (38) and Annexure (2-5) of the Authorized
3- Capital Market Law : means the Capital Market Law (CML) in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Persons Regulations, as regards the requirements of the provision of services conditions, the
duly issued by Royal Decree No. M/30 dated 2/6/1424H. restrictions determined by the individual customer on the different types of securities in which
he wants to invest, must be determined as follows:
4- The Authority: means the Capital Market Authority (CMA) of Saudi Arabia.
The restrictions determined by the individual customer on his investment in
5-Rules and Regulations of the Capital Market Authority: means, the CMA Law, its 1- Are there any restrictions on the securities which you desire to invest in
Implementing Regulations, and all the rules and regulations issued by the CMA Council, which Do not exist exist (..................................)
organize the securities business in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, as amended from time to time,
including, but not limited to (The Authorized Persons Regulations, The Market Conduct 2- Are there any restrictions on the markets in which you desire to execute transactions.
Regulations, The Securities Business Regulations, The Investment Funds Regulations, The Do not exist exist (..................................)
Merger and Acquisition Regulations, The Corporate Governance Regulations and the Offers of
Securities Regulations. Fourth: Securities business which the Company is authorized to engage in:

6- Tadawul: means the Saudi Stock Exchange «Souq». Dealing: Acting as principle or proxy on a security for selling, purchase and / or managing its
subscription or for undertaking to cover it.
7- Investment Account: means the Customer investment account held with the Company in
Saudi Riyal or any other currency and designated for the implementation of monetary entries Arranging: Providing third parties for securities business, for the provision of consultancy in
corresponding to the trading operations in his / her portfolio and / or his / her participations in corporate finance business or to perform any other actions for implementing certain
investment funds and owning and redeeming their units, in addition to the implementation of transaction on a security.
any operations in international stock exchanges and financial markets, including any relevant
sub - accounts. Management: By managing a security / securities (portfolio) for the Customer in cases requiring
action according to its discretion.
8- Investments: mean all types of securities listed on the Saudi Arabian Securities Exchange
(SASE), including stocks, bonds, tradable debt instruments, warrants, subscription rights, units Consultancy: Regarding the benefits and risks of dealing on a security or in exercising any
of investment funds and any other investment contracts and activities defined, or will be dealing right arising from a security.
defined later, as securities by CML. This also shall include securities listed on the international
stock exchanges and financial markets, and the reference shall be the governing agreements Custody: keeping assets which include securities or arranging to do so by third party.
and regulations.
Fifth: Services and products provided by the Company to its customers and governing controls
9- Customer funds and assets: means all Customer’s funds and assets held by the Company, and regulations:
including the assets of the Customer’s portfolio of shares and the Customer’s investment
account of cash, in addition to all funds received by the Company from or for the Customer (5-1) The Company shall provide the Customer with its services and products according to the
within the course of engaging securities business. Customer’s classification and shall implement his / her lawful orders and instructions in
accordance with the terms and conditions set out under this Agreement, including :
10- Customer’s Instructions: means all regulatory and lawful orders, instructions and requests
made and / or referred by the Customer to Al Rajhi Capital Company with regard to any (A) Management services: to open investment accounts.
investment transactions and other services provided to the customers under the governing
regulations, contracts and agreements. (B) Execution: to execute investment transactions for the account of the Customer, in
accordance with his / her instructions, either directly or through one or more brokers, member
11- Working Day: means a day on which the Company is open for business, and on which the firms of any international securities exchanges or financial institutions chosen by the
dealing in securities business is valid. Company.

12- The User: means, the customer or his authorized agent, who is authorized by the Company (C) Custody and / or Arranging Custody: Custody for the assets which include securities for the
to have access to its electronic systems, through the available channels, for the purpose of Customer or arranging for third parties to provide safe custody of securities in cases requiring
passing and implementing the trading in securities transactions, both selling and buying, and this action.
transferring of cash from and to the investment account, in addition to the Company’s other
electronic services. (5-2) The Company shall, upon the Customer’s instructions, execute all transactions related to
the purchase and sale of Investments on a cash basis through the Account, as the Company
13-The Company’s Electronic Services: mean enabling access to the Customer’s portfolio in the shall not allow short purchase nor shall deduct the purchase price from the current account of
local, GCC or international stocks, and managing the investment account through the user’s the Customer.
code and the password for some channels, the direct communication via other channels (e.g.
the recorded phone calls), entering the sale and purchase of trading orders and making of (5-3) The Customer is aware and agrees that all transactions to be executed by the Company on
inquiries on the same, in addition to all other transactions available to him or which may be behalf of the Customer under this Agreement shall be non - discretionary, i.e. the Customer
made available to him by the Company later on, including those related to subscribing in shall make all decisions with respect to buying or selling of Investments, and shall instruct the
investment funds, addition of more units, whole or partial redemption of the same, either Company accordingly, and the Company shall not execute any transaction without an
directly by himself, or through the designated employee, and also the transfer of money from Instruction. The Company shall have no advisory capacity when it operates the Account as per
and into its investment accounts, whether the implementation of these transaction is done the Instructions; and any decision to buy / sell the Investments shall not be based on any
automatically via the toll free number, or through the designated employee, the internet, recommendation by The Company.
mobile phone, or ATM, in cases of subscriptions, and through the other available electronic
channels. (5-4) Execution by the Company of any investment transactions or any Instruction issued by the
Customer does not imply the Company’s approval or endorsement of such transactions or such
14- The Electronic Channels: The electronic channels, are the channels which the customer is Instructions.
allowed to subscribe into, to obtain the Company’s electronic services. These channels include,
(5-5) In case of the customer’s direct dealing in local shares, ARC’s responsibility, shall be within
the toll free, for which the following numbers have been designated: 8001240027, 8001423030,
the limits of an agent who executes the instructions of its authorizer, i.e. its capacity is
8001245858, 920005856, as amended from time to time, and notified to the customers, through
executionary only and not advisory, that is, the Company bears no liability unless there proves
any acceptable notification method, in accordance with the provisions of this
to be a transgression or negligence from its side. The Company will endeavor to exert all
Agreement-whether the execution of service in this phone number is done automatically, or
reasonable due diligence, in executing the securities sale and purchase transactions, and all
through the assigned employee, or via Al Rajhi Tadawul, or any other electronic channels which
other orders on behalf of the customer.

(5-6) The Company will not be obliged to execute a sale order / orders on behalf of the customer, (8-2) In addition to the trading commission, each service shall have its own prescribed annual
unless its trading account contains the quantity to be sold without any restrictions, or any fees as determined and authorized at the time of signing this Agreement without prejudice to
proving documents required by the Company with regard to the authorization of the customer, the entitlement of the Company to change such fees from time to time upon its own discretion
and the legality of the transaction, in addition to any other charges or fees. under a prior notice served to the Customer. And in case that the Customer has decided to
subscribe and take advantage of the available service with all conditions satisfied, he / she
(5-7) In choosing the validity period of an order, the customer will have either one of the acknowledges to accept to pay its fees and authorizes the Company to collect the same as of his
following options: / her investment account upon the execution of his /her subscription, or later on in case that
these fees have not been collected upon the execution of the subscription for whatever reason.
(A) Specify the validity for one day, consequently, the validity of the order will expire by the end (8-3) In addition to the trading commission and service fees, the Customer shall further incur all
of the trading day in which the order has been placed. fees, taxes, costs and any other financial commitments incurred by the Company against his /
(B) In case the validity period of an order has not been decided, the period of the order will be her investment account and any consequences thereof including,but not limited to:
specified or approved for one day only.
(C) Specify the validity period of an order, by any period ranging from one day to 30 days from (A) Costs of the execution of any ruling, decree, amicable settlement or any other costs
placing the order, as maximum. including attorney fees incurred by the Company with regard to any claim or judicial
proceedings, whether actual or probable in relation to his / her investment account.
(5-8) When the customer requests purchasing by the market price, this will result in seizing the (B) Registration and other prescribed fees to be paid for purchase and sale operations of
maximum of the customer’s investment account against the price of the stocks, which is financial securities and other investments.
computed based on the stock’s closing price of the preceding day, plus the amount of the (C) All the other related costs and expenditures incurred by the Company including, without
maximum permitted per cent age for the price intraday increase, as per the regulations, which limitation or specification, the fees of custody, proxy and insurance.
is fixed by 10%, as amended in future, in addition to any other charges, commissions and / or
expenses, if any. When the customer requests an order (modification - cancellation), the (8-4) The Customer shall pay to the Company, as per agreement between them, at the same day
entering of the order of modification or cancellation, does not mean that the order has been in which his / her account is being closed, an amount that equals all the Company’s due fees
executed, Unless, Alrajhi Capital obtains a confirmation thereof from Tadawul indicating the and expenditures, which have not been collected from him / her or deducted from his / her
acceptance of modification or cancellation. account.

(5-9) The customer recognizes that, in case that its stocks portfolio is managed by the Company (8-5) The customer hereby, irreversibly authorizes the Company to collect all the due amounts
as manager to his portfolio by virtue of the Investment Account Management Agreement, the from any custodian, taking into consideration any other deductible taxes or fees in such a way
Company will not be responsible and will not bear any loss resulting from this management, that enables the Company or any other paying body to collect all its due amounts.
unless this is due to negligence or transgression from the Company’s part.
Ninth: Custody:
(5-10) The Company may provide or disclose, the Customer’s data to another person, within the (9-1) The Company shall act in its capacity as custodian or arrange with a third party to act as
Kingdom or overseas, for the purpose of executing a transaction or deal that is governed by the such, as per the CMA rules requirements, or if the arranging a third party to perform the tasks of
provisions of this Agreement. The Customer hereby acknowledges that the Company may, from a custodian, is necessary for the purposes of purchasing or keeping the financial securities
time to time, act as an agent for any other company, or may appoint sub - agents. outside the Kingdom.

(5-11) The Company may correct any entries or transactions mistakenly executed on the (9-2) Any financial securities, investments and other assets that belong to Customer, which can
investment account of the Customer and shall notify the Customer with the same to his / her be deposited at the Securities Depository Center Company in Tadawul, shall be deposited in an
latest mailing address, and if the Customer did not show any reservation within fifteen days account in the name of the Customer.
from the date of mailing the notification, such corrective action shall be valid and it may not be
appealed. (9-3) The Company shall accept from the Customer, the financial securities he / she wants to
deposit in his / her investment account and shall be committed to deliver / send the same to the
(5-12) If there is an unintentional mistake made by the company or by a defect in its automated Depositary Center at Tadawul for such purpose, unless the Depositary Center requires them to
system led to unlawfully adding any amount to the Customer’s investment account or enable be deposited through the Customer.
him / her of purchase short, the Customer hereby acknowledges and undertakes to cover the
indebtedness of his / her account investment no later than the next business day, and he shall (9-4) Upon the Customer’s instructions and the requirements of the execution thereof, the
always maintain credit balance in his / her investment account throughout the term of this Company shall be responsible for the following:
agreement and thereafter, till the settlement of all debts and other obligations owes by the (A) To act as a proxy of the Customer in claiming and receiving any cash profits or dividends, and
Customer to the Company and obtaining a final clearance and / or certificate of discharge of all depositing thereof in his / her investment account.
debts and obligations. (B) To exercise any of the rights of transfer or subscription.
(C) To deal with the acquisition offers, and capital re-structuring activities.
Sixth: Third party services: (D) To exercise voting rights.
(6-1) The Company shall be entitled to hire third party services including banks, financial
institutions or any company that is a member in a financial market, whether inside or outside (9-5) The Customer is aware and agrees that, in case of any default by the custodian, the
the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, under the conditions as it deems appropriate to contract Customer may be required to proportionally take part in covering any shortfall or deficiency
therewith in its capacity as a correspondent bank, financial securities broker or custodian or to that occurs and is not possible to be settled.
execute any other services related to cash and securities.
Tenth: Customer’s money:
(6-2) The Customer shall incur the fees paid by the Company against third party services in
addition to the prescribed ones, unless otherwise stated by the controls and regulations (10-1) The Company shall be committed to separate between its money & assets, and those of
governing the required service. the Customer in all its books and records, and shall use those of the Customer in favor of its
customers only as per the provisions of Article (69) of the Authorized Persons Regulations.
(6-3) The Company shall be entitled to arrange for its own commissions taking into
consideration the governing controls stipulated by Article (28) of the Authorized Persons (10-2) The Company shall be committed to deal with money and assets of the Customer as per
Regulations and Article (28) of the Investment Funds Regulations. the relevant governing rules, as stated in the provisions of Article (70) of the Authorized Persons
Regulations, which necessitate separating them from those of the Company, unless the
(6-4) The Customer acknowledges that the third party shall provide services in favor of the Agreement states otherwise.
Customer directly rather than the capacity as a proxy of Al Rajhi Capital. Therefore, Al Rajhi
Capital is not liable to any loss incurred to the Customer as a result of third party’s non - (10-3) As per the provisions of Article (73) of the Authorized Persons Regulations, the Company
performance of his duties properly or due to third party insolvency. Without neglect of Al Rajhi shall be committed to maintain the money of the Customer in an account in his / her name at
Capital responsibilities in selecting a third party. any of the local banks / Al Rajhi Bank. Further, the Company may keep the money of the
Customer in an external bank or to execute an external money transfer by deduction from his /
Seventh: Conflict of interests : her account at the local bank or from his / her other money at the Company in case of necessity
(7-1) The Customer is aware that, conflict may arise between his / her interests and those of the to settle a financial securities transaction outside the Kingdom.
Company and thereof accepts the probable occurrence of such conflict of interests, as long as
the Company has taken the necessary actions to ensure treating him / her fairly in accordance (10-4) Money shall not be treated as Customer’s money and AL Rajhi Capital shall not be held
with provisions of Article (41) of the Authorized Persons Regulations. responsible for it in cases stipulated by the provisions of Article (76) of the Authorized Persons
Regulations, including what has been paid to the Customer or to a third party as per Customer’s
(7-2) The Customer acknowledges that the Company shall be entitled to perform and / or collect, instructions, what has been deposited in a bank account in the name of the Customer, or what
from time to time, the following: has become due to the Al Rajhi Capital and payable by the Customer.

(A) To obtain an benefit or to have a direct or indirect interest in the investments executed by it Eleventh: Customer’s instructions and the approved channels of transaction:
upon the Customer’s request as long as his / her interest is not affected or harmed. (11-1) The Company shall accept legitimate instructions informed to it by the individual
(B) To purchase and / or sell the investments through the Customer’s portfolio as principle to its Customer as a principle or by his / her legal proxy or by an authorized person of a corporate
own account or to the account of any of its customers or in its capacity as a proxy to a related body, each within the limits of his / her own power of authorities and in accordance with the
third party. governing controls, whether being pursuant to the printed documents and orders, or via any of
(C) To invest or act on behalf of the Customer in the investment funds units and other group the other electronic channels certified for transaction including phone, internet and other
investment instruments authorized by it or by any of the relevant parties or those managed by it. channels.
(D) To obtain fees against acting as a proxy of a counterpart in a certain transaction in addition
to those prescribed to it as a proxy of the Customer. (11-2) The Customer is aware that his / her phone calls with the Company with regard to business
(E) To execute the purchase and sale of transactions on securities that the Company had offered of financial securities and instructions contained therein, shall be recorded and that such
before on private basis on behalf of the Customer. recordings shall his / her face as if they were written instructions and all operations and
transactions performed thereupon shall be binding and forcible upon him / her unless he / she
Eighth: Payment of services, fees and commissions value : opposes them within no more than the next working day after the date of execution of the
(8-1) The Company will deduct the trading commission in the Saudi Capital Market, for each transaction.
execution of a sale / purchase transaction, in accordance with the prices it specifies to its
customers, and in compliance with the Capital Market Authority (CMA) instructions. These (11-3) The Company may, but not obligated or committed to, take necessary action as it finds
rates are subject to be modified and changed, in accordance with their organizing instructions appropriate in good faith to investigate and verify the personality and character of the caller.
and controls issued by the Capital Market Authority. And in case that the Company has any minimal doubt about the caller, or suspects any violation

of security procedures or password breakthrough, it shall have the right to refrain from wrongly, whatsoever those consequences might be.
executing his / her instructions and / or stop the suspected channel.
(11-16) The customer acknowledges his own and full responsibility of using any electronic
(11-4) The Customer is aware that, the services provided by the Company via the internet and Al channel, and his full responsibility of his actions and / or the actions of his agent, and also
Rajhi Tadawul service, shall be subject to its own discretion and diligence therein from time to acknowledges his full responsibility of the customer;s code and password, and undertakes to
time and that he / she hereby authorizes the Company to execute the instructions and fully maintain them, and not to disclose them to any other body or person, even if he is a
operations issued by him / her via such channels and to affect his / her investment account by company employee. Moreover, the customer acknowledges his full responsibility for any
the corresponding accounting entries and further to document them all under username and consequences resulting from his usage of this service by himself or by his legal agent, and that
password. he will bear the consequence of any transgression or negligence, without the Company being
liable to any responsibility as long as this usage or access to the service has been done, based
(11-5) The Customer acknowledges that, the Company has informed him / her, made him / her on using the user code and the password. The Company does not undertake to verify the
aware of and warned him / her of the possible risks of using the electronic channels and the personality of the customer, or match the voices, as long as the access to the service was done
possibility of a breakthrough to these channels, and that he / she is fully aware of the current through the password.
aspects of defects and deficiencies related to the usage of such technologies as well as controls
and restrictions governing their usages. He / she further hereby completely holds the Company (11-17) The customer agrees and acknowledges that, the Company shall have the right to record
harmless and exempts it from all claims and commitments related to or resulting from his / her all the telephone calls which take place between the Company and the customer, or his Agent,
inability to use such channels or dealing through them for any reason. in electronic medias to be maintained by the Company, pursuant to Article (51) of the
Authorized Persons Regulation.
(11-6) The Customer acknowledges that he / she shall be committed to be careful and cautious
in his / her electronic transactions and to maintain his / her password and not to disclose it to (11-18) To benefit from the required electronic channel, the customer is required to acquire
any person whoever including the Company employees. He / she further acknowledges that he computer devices or mobile phones or fixed phones, that are compatible with the
/ she shall not refer to the Company to claim for any loss that may be incurred by him / her as a requirements of benefitting from the required electronic channel, and executing the trading
result of getting his / her password disclosed to other persons and executing any transaction orders the customer is interested in. Nevertheless, the Company may carry out all whatever it
using it and shall further solely bear all consequences. Further, the customer undertakes to sees as appropriate, such as developing the computer system and its programs, and modifying
inform the company immediately by a written notification, or a recorded telephone call in case and stopping the same for upgrading purposes, or stopping them and update versions of their
of disclosing his password or if another person get access to his password and the username, in programs. The customer acknowledges that, the Company does not bear any responsibility for
order to enable the company take the necessary action, and in such case, the customer shall be all consequences that might result from this logging off, or upgrading, including the
responsible for all the executed transactions and the instructions issued through the usage of non-compatibility of any of the customer’s devices, with all or part of the Company’s services,
the password and / or the user name and the password, until the company receives the official and their updates.
notification (two hours after the notification as maximum), so as to enable the company to take
the necessary actions and stop any action in the name of the user and the password. Twelfth: Internal authorizations and legal proxies:
(12-1) The Customer is aware that, the instructions of the Capital Market Authority (CMA)
(11-7) The customer and / or the user, undertakes to notify the company, immediately and prohibits internal authorizations in selling and purchasing local shares and in executing any
promptly, about any trading transactions that have been executed in his portfolio, including instructions related to management of investment portfolios.
sale, purchase, and any corresponding credit and / or debit entries, executed in his investment
account, for which he or the user did not issue any instructions, or which were done contrary to (12-2) As per instructions of Capital Market Authority (CMA) governing the administration of
his instructions. Such transactions and their corresponding cash entries, are deemed to be final investment portfolios under legal proxies, the proxy shall be a principle, i.e. not a proxy of a
after the passing of two working days from the date of their execution. In this case, the proxy.
customer and any one of its agents who are authorized to operate the account, acknowledge
that, such transactions and their corresponding cash entries, are deemed to be approved and (12-3) The Customer is aware that his / her legal proxy shall be a real one and that all powers
certified correct by the customer, and that no rejection thereof can be accepted in future by any granted to him / her in relation to investment portfolio and financial securities as well as all the
means. Moreover, the customer undertakes that, he will not submit any complaint or raise any other investment, shall be clear, unambiguous and applicable by the Company.
conflict at the competent jurisdictions with regard to the same.
(12-4) The Customer acknowledges that, in case that the proxy deed attributed to him / her is
(11-8) The Company may, upon its own absolute discretion, to modify or change the conditions edited on letter headed papers and includes data and signatures that generate Company’s
and rules governing trading via Al Rajhi Tadawul service. And in case of being displayed on the belief in the validity of such deed, the Company shall not be held accountable for authorizing
website of the Company, the Customer’s use of such service shall be deemed an approval and the proxy to work thereupon, if otherwise is proved or shown later on. And all instructions and
consent by him / her of the modifications or alterations done on these conditions and rules. operations executed upon request of the alleged proxy shall be binding and forcible upon the
(11-9) The Company reserves its own right in rejecting any instructions or inquiries received or
conveyed to it from the Customer or the User, via Al Rajhi Tadawul website, for any reason it (12-5) The Customer is aware that he / she shall be committed to serve a written notice to the
finds convincing. Company in case that he / she terminates the proxy issued by him / her and to provide it with an
exact copy of the original termination deed, and further acknowledges that all instructions and
(11-10) The Company may take, or refrain from taking, any action as it considers necessary to operations executed by the proxy or upon his / her request till the date of the written notice of
ensure commitment to the regulations and instructions, and shall not be held accountable the termination of proxy deed received by the Company, shall be binding and forcible upon the
thereof as long as it has not acted in a transgressive or violative manner. And such action, Customer.
whether positive or negative, shall be binding and forcible upon the Customer.
(12-6) The customer is aware and acknowledges that, according to the instructions governing
(11-11) The customer recognizes the company’s right in determining the number of daily calls it the investment accounts, issued by the CMA, the customer may not authorizes any person to
receives from the user - in case of using the electronic phone channel - and in changing this manage his investment accounts, unless the agent is a relative of the customer on his parents’
number of calls from time to time according to its own absolute discretion. Moreover, it may side, or the offspring, ascending or descending (father, mother, grandfather, grandmother,
refuse receiving, any calls in excess of that number of calls in one day. son, daughter, grandson, or granddaughter) or the husband and the wife, or the brother and
the sister, or otherwise being a proxy who is appointed by heirs to liquidate the investment
(11-12) The Company may, cancel or stop the provision of any electronic services it provides, by account of their testator, and then close the account.
virtue of an official notification to be sent to the customer or published through the electronic
channel that is intended to be stopped or cancelled, or through a recorded call, seven (7) days
at least prior to the date of stopping or cancelling the services. Further, the customer shall have Thirteenth: Lending the Customer:
the right to cancel its subscription in any electronic service by serving an official letter or a (13-1) The Customer is aware that the Company does not provide any cash loans to him / her
recorded phone call, and he will continue to be responsible for any transactions that have been whether directly or indirectly by entering into arrangements with a third party to lend the
executed till the date he had been notified by the Company with respect to accepting the Customer.
cancelation of the subscription.
(13-2) The Company provides the desiring customers, credit shares product guaranteed by
(11-13) The Company may, modify any electronic services it provides, by virtue of an official assets of their portfolios from shares as well as cash in their investment account as per the
notification to be sent to the customer or published through the electronic channel that is assessment of the Customer by the Company as well as governing controls and rules as
intended to be modified, or through a recorded call, seven (7) days at least prior to the date of stipulated in the shares sale - on - credit contract and their modifications from time to time
effecting or applying the modification. The usage of the customer to the electronic channel without prejudice to the provisions of borrowing stipulated by the provisions of Article (44) of
after the date of effecting the modification, shall be considered as an implicit acceptance of the the Authorized Persons Regulations and requirements of the transaction with the coverage
modification. In case that the customer has notified the Company of his disapproval to the margin as stipulated by provisions of Article (45) of the same Regulation.
modification, this will be considered as a no acceptance or rejection and a request for
cancelling the subscription in the service, and this will consequently cancel its subscription
and right in benefitting from the service. In this case, the Company may, without bearing any Fourteenth: Mortgage :
liability, execute any transactions to be demanded by the customer, prior to activating the (14-1) The Customer acknowledges that, in case that he / she has mortgaged any assets or
cancellation of the customer’s access to that electronic channel. financial securities existing in his / her investment account, he / she shall permit the Company
and irreversibly authorize it, in its capacity as custodian of the mortgage, such an authorization
(11-14) The customer recognizes that, the mechanism and controls of the services provided by that is irrevocable whether currently or in the future, to order and act as per directives of the
the Company to the customer electronically, irrespective of the means used for providing this mortgagee, and shall further exempt the Company from any liability for any consequences
service, or through its employees, differs according to the channel used in which he has related thereof until it receives from the mortgagee or from both the mortgagee and the
subscribed pursuant to the organizing conditions and controls, and that his / her subscription Customer a written notice of mortgage release and Customer quittance.
in any electronic channel, does not mean his / her subscription to the other channels, as each
channel is independent from others. (14-2) The Customer is aware that, in case that the assets and financial securities he / she wants
to mortgage are deposited in an account in his / her name at the Depositary and Settlement
(11-15) The user must make sure in all cases, of the validity of his logging in and access to the Center in Tadawul, the application of mortgage and release thereof shall necessitate
required electronic service, irrespective of the channel used for obtaining this service, and he addressing the Depositary Center by the Company in its capacity as custodian, and that the
must enter the number or title of the service by himself, e.g. entering the toll - free phone Company shall not incur any consequences of delay in the application or release of mortgage
number, or writing the web-site name, or writing the number to which the execution orders are for whatever reason as long as it has not committed any transgression or negligence.
sent via the cell phone. The customer alone, shall bear the consequences resulting from the
error committed by the user in accessing the right address or title, or in entering the data

Fifteenth: Clearing and selling Customer’s assets: prepared for this purpose and can further carryout this action directly by himself via the
(15-1) Without prejudice to any of the Company’s entitlements in face of the Customer under this internet or any of the other electronic channels authorized by the Company.
Agreement or any other relevant agreements or contracts, the Customer hereby authorizes the
Company to debit his / her investment account or any other account of the Customer it keeps on (18-2) In order to execute the cash transfer from the investment account to the current account,
behalf of him / her, with any amount or indebtedness that may be due to it by the Customer. the remaining balance in the account, must be sufficient to cover any existing transaction that
has not yet been settled.
(15-2) The Customer acknowledges that the Company shall be entitled, without any need to
refer to him / her or to serve a prior notice to him / her, to collect all its due amounts from him / (18-3) The Company shall have the right to refuse the execution of any operations or instructions
her by clearing through deduction from any credit balances in his / her accounts starting from of the Customer if it finds, as per its own and absolute discretion, that the credit balance in his
the account that contains the commitment currency (Saudi Riyals) and then the accounts in / her investment account is not sufficient, or will not be sufficient at the date of executing of the
other currencies as per exchange rate at the data of clearing. operation.

(15-3) The Customer is aware that, all his / her accounts at the Company, of different types and (18-4) Where appropriate, the Company shall have the right to transfer any currency from the
names, shall be deemed as one investment account. He / she further acknowledges that the Customer’s account, without notifying him / her, in order to execute any transaction, as per the
Company shall be entitled to merge and unify all his / her money and assets at the Company as provisions of this Agreement, and to pay his / her subsequent financial obligations. And any
well as any of his sub accounts in order to pay and collect any debts due for it by him / her. In transfer of this kind, shall be made in the same method and rates determined by the Company
case of insufficiency of the cash balances in his / her accounts to pay such debts, the Company upon its own discretion (taking into consideration the currency exchange rates prevailing at the
shall be entitled to collect the same from any other assets of the Customer at the Company for date of exchange).
such purpose, including selling financial securities that belong to him / her without any need
for serving prior notice to him / her or get prior permission from competent or concerned (18-5) In case that the account is opened in a foreign currency certified by the Company, all
authorities. Granting this right to the Company, does not mean that it must use it, but the operations performed on it or through it shall be in the same currency. And in case that it is not
commitment primarily rests on the customer who must pay the due amounts and cover any of possible to perform the operation in the same currency of the account, it shall be performed in
his indebted balances. Saudi Riyal as per the exchange rate prevailing in the same date.

(15-4) The Company shall have the right, based on instructions from the CMA, or any other (18-6) The Customer is aware that, opening the account in a foreign currency makes it subject to
competent body, to execute the orders for seizure and freezing of the customer’s monies and / exchange rate fluctuations and that it is possible to be exposed to a big loss upon exchange into
or assets with the Company, immediately, without any obligation on the Company to notify the local currency and vice versa. The Customer further acknowledges that, in his / her capacity as
customer, and the customer has no right to ask the Company to disclose the details of the owner of this account, he / she shall solely incur all consequences without any minimal liability
seizure and / or the freezing of monies, and if he is interested to know these details, he should on the Company.
communicate with the body which issues the seizure or freezing of monies decision. The
customer shall have no right, to claim from the company, any indemnity or expenses or (18-7) The Company undertakes to transfer the financial securities, from the Customer’s
liabilities for any losses or damages that he is exposed to, or may be exposed to, as a result of the portfolio with the Company, to the customer’s portfolio maintained with another authorized
Company’s commitment to execute these instructions. person, after verifying all the confirmatory documents required for accomplishing the transfer
process. As the transfer operation is done through( Tadawul), the Company shall not bear any
Sixteenth: Alteration, compensation, exemption and termination : responsibility for any delay in the execution of transferring the financial securities, that is
(16-1) Alteration: The Company shall be entitled to make the alterations it finds appropriate on attributed to insufficient documents, or to additional orders from Tadawul, or to any other
the terms and conditions of this Agreement and to cancel what it deems futile or ineffectual, reasons which are beyond the control of ARC.
upon prior notice served to the Customer 5 working days before authorization of work
thereupon. And in case of being displayed on the website of ARC, the Customer’s use of the Nineteenth: Confidentiality and disclosure:
website and dealing through it shall be deemed an approval and consent by him / her of such (19-1) Confidentiality: The Company shall be committed to maintain confidentiality of
modifications or alterations. And in all cases, alterations and developments along with their Customer’s information including his / her data with it as well as the information it obtained
terms and conditions shall be a complementary attachment of this Agreement and part and from him / her and his / her transactions with it. It shall further be committed not to disclose the
parcel thereof. same to any other third party except if such disclosure is required by law under provisions of the
Capital Market Law and its Executive Regulations as well as any other relevant applicable
(16-2) Compensation: The Customer shall be committed to compensate the Company for any regulations and except if such disclosure is necessary for the execution of an operation or the
costs or financial burdens incurred by it for the sake of exercising and proceeding of rights and performance of a service to the Customer or in case that the Customer explicitly approves that.
powers granted to it under this Agreement as well as other agreements and contracts that
organize the services certified by it, if this is caused by the Customer’s breach or violation of his (19-2) The Disclosure: The Company may disclose the details of its relationship with the
/ her contractual commitments with the Company. Customer to third parties with whom it deals in case that such disclosure falls within the
framework of the agreed investment services performed by them on behalf of the Customer.
(16-3) Exemption: The Customer is aware that the non – exercising by the Company of any of its
powers and rights guaranteed to it under this Agreement, shall not be deemed waiver by the (19-3) The customer acknowledges that, the Company has the right to disclose his personal
Company of such right or power. information and financial balances, for the purposes of committing to FATCA requirements, in
the event that his investment assets at the Company are subject to a foreign country tax.
(16-4) Termination: This Agreement is an open-ended agreement, and shall be valid until it is
terminated by one of the two parties for any reason and at any time determined by this party, (19-4) Customers whose assets at the Company are subject to a foreign countries taxes,
upon serving a prior written notice to the other party, within a period not falling less than 15 acknowledge that, they allow and authorize the Company, to make any tax deduction from
days before termination. their assets. In the event that, some changes in legislations have been made by the organizing
bodies which stipulate that, he authorized persons must make the tax deduction. In this case
(16-5) The Customer is aware that if he / she decides to terminate this Agreement, and the assets the Company will perform the same.
of his / her investment account, including financial securities, have been liquidated, and it is
verified that no future entitlements related to them exist as a result of the Company’s (19-5) Al Rajhi Capital, releases itself from any legal consequences, and shoulders the customer
procedures, the Company shall permanently close his / her investment account. the entire responsibility and indemnity, in the event that he / she concealed any information or
documents, or in case of submitting them in improper manner, which may lead to failure in
(16-6) The customer acknowledges the company’s right to terminate this Agreement and (Close) determining whether its assets with the Company, are subject to foreign countries tax, or not.
his investment account immediately, without taking into account the notice period mentioned
in Item (17-4) of this Agreement, if the Company, has detected the use of the account in any case (19-6) Acknowledgment of enabling Al Rajhi Capital to obtain information from Al Rajhi Bank.
of manipulation, fraud, or any other case that is described and / or act is classifies in the The Customer who has one or more account with Alrajhi Bank hereby acknowledges and agrees
company’s own discretion, as a violation of the Capital market Law and its Regulations. to grant Alrajhi Bank the right to disclose and to grant Alrajhi Capital the right to receive, keep,
use and rely on the Customer’s data disclosed by Alrajhi Bank, including but not limited to:
(16-7) It is understood by both parties, that the termination of this Agreement shall not Customer’s name, ID number, address, cell phone number, ID expiry date, current account
discontinue the execution of any transaction that was commenced before the termination, and numbers, branch and Customer type. In addition to Al Rajhi Capital right to obtain
shall not affect the mutual rights and commitments till the date of termination. confirmation from Al Rajhi Bank on the validity the ATM card number with Al Rajhi Bank

Seventeenth: Enforcement of the provisions of this Agreement against the Customer’s heirs Twentieth: Notifications, account statements and periodic reports :
and his public and private successors: (20-1) The Company shall send investment account statements, periodic evaluation reports and
(17-1) The Individual Customer (natural person) acknowledges hereby that, this Agreement shall all related notifications and correspondences to the last address of the Customer, or through
not end with his / her death and that it shall be binding upon his / her heirs and successors as any of the available electronic devices - such as the E-Mail, as an example - as per the latest
well as executors of his / her wills and liquidator of his / her succession. update of the data of his / her investment account at the Company. The Customer may ask the
Company to keep the investment account statements with it, until he / she receives them by
(17-2) The body corporate Customer, each as per his / her title and capacity, acknowledges that himself / herself, provided that he / she shall fill - in the form prepared for this purpose.
this Agreement shall not be terminated upon the death of the partner in the company, or the
liquidation of the corporation or vanishing of the capacity of the person authorized by him / (20-2) The Customer acknowledges that he / she shall not be entitled to appeal on the account
her, and that it shall be applicable to the successors without prejudice to the company’s statements or periodic evaluation reports after the elapsing of 15 days from the date of being
articles of association or articles of incorporation, or the Companies Act, or the resolutions, sent to him / her or the date of their issuance, in case of being maintained by the Company
licenses and deeds, which establish the artificial body which hold the account ,such as the upon his / her request and that the expiration of such duration shall be deemed a final
public organizations, endowments, charitable associations, etc. acknowledgement by him / her of their validity altogether.

(17-3) The Company shall be entitled, upon its own discretion, to suspend dealing in financial (20-3) The customer acknowledges that, the documents, the account statements, the phone
securities and to refrain from accepting any instructions related to them or to any other records, the outputs and data of the technological programs of the company, which relate to
investment that is governed by the provisions of this Agreement, until it receives an order from the transactions executed on the account via any of the electronic channels provided by the
the competent and authorized body, or receives instructions from the private and public Company, constitute the main reference on which both parties rely, in case any dispute or
successors of the Customer, each in his / her own area of concern, issued in such appropriate disagreement arise. It is the customer’s burden, to refer to the Company in case of existence of
format and convincing manner to the Company, and shall be enforceable . any error, to ensure the correctness and accuracy of those executed transactions, and their
proving documents, data and recorded phone calls.
Eighteenth: Cash transfers:
(18-1) The Customer shall have the right to ask the Company to transfer any amount from his /
her investment account to his / her current account linked to the portfolio using printed forms

(20-4) The Company shall send all the correspondences and notifications of relevance to this (23-8) The Customer acknowledges and pledges that, he / she, will compensate Al Rajhi Capital,
service, and their supplements, through the e-mail of the customer, or his fax or mobile phone, for any consequences, or liabilities, or obligations, or losses, that arise from any claims made by
or through any other means of communication related to the customer and maintained at the third parties, or claims or requirements from supervisory bodies, unless the bearing of the
Company, or to his address registered with the Company in his / her portfolio and investment aforementioned, has resulted from transgression or negligence on the part of the Company.
account. Moreover, the Company may notify the customer via any of the other available means
of notification, including the recorded phone calls and the SMSs. (23-9) The Customer acknowledges and pledges that, he/she ,will bear alone, the responsibility,
consequences, costs, and any financial burdens or expenses, as a result of the execution of Al
(20-5) Failure of receiving any notification by the customer on any executed transaction, does Rajhi Capital, to his sale or purchase orders, regardless of their source.
not mean that, this transaction was not executed, and the customer must ensure the execution
of the transaction through the other electronic methods. (23-10) The Customer acknowledges and undertakes, to abide by the Capital Market Law, and its
executive regulations, as well as the other regulations and rules applicable in the Kingdom of
Twenty first: Disclosure of risks: Saudi Arabia, especially, the Terrorism Crimes & Financing Act, and the Anti - Money Laundering
(21-1) The Customer acknowledges his / her awareness and knowledge of risks accompanying Act, and its Executive Rule, as well any updates affecting the aforementioned, from time to
investment in local and international financial securities, and that any income resulting from time.
them, may increase or decrease. He / she is further aware that,the value of these securities, may (23-11) The Customer acknowledges and undertakes that, in case it is a non-listed body
decline to be below the level of the original investments, and this may be attributed to the corporate, it will inform the Company immediately upon the occurrence of change in any of the
changes that take place in the exchange rates, in case of keeping the financial securities documents submitted for the purpose of opening an account for the customer, including, but
outside the Kingdom. not limited to (the Articles of Association and the Articles of Incorporation, and their
appendixes, with any modifications to them, the C.R., the IDs of the manager in charge and the
(21-2) The Customer is aware that, some financial securities which may be the subject of this authorized persons, the resolution for appointing the board members, list of persons
Agreement, whether partially or wholly, are not guaranteed or covered by insurance, and are authorized to manage the account, the decision of the board or the authorized person
vulnerable to risks and loss. regarding the approval to open an investment account in the name of the customer, and
granting authorities to the authorized persons to operate the investment account, in addition
(21-3) The Customer acknowledges that, the Company has made him / her informed and aware to any licenses issued to the Company from any government body authorized to practice a
of the associated risks of investment in local financial securities, including risks of transfer rates certain activity) .
and foreign exchange, and that it is possible for him / her to lose his / her capital.
(23-12) The non-Saudi resident Customer (natural person) acknowledges and undertakes that,
(21-4) The Customer is aware that some investments may be subject to certain restrictions in its right in investing in financial securities in the Kingdom, is dependent on submitting to the
terms of duration, possibility of exit, sale and redemption, liquidation, transfer and valuation. Company, a valid resident ID (Iqama), and that the Company will suspend the investment
account if the data of this account have not been updated, or if a copy of the renewed ID was
Twenty second: Hardware and software: not submitted.Moreover, the customer undertakes, to commit to provide the Company with a
(22-1) The Customer is aware that intellectual property rights of software, documents and renewed copy of his own ID upon its expiry, or when the Company requires the updating of the
information related to financial securities and electronic investment services, are preserved investment account data .The customer also recognizes the Company’s right, after the elapse of
and that neither he / she not his / her authorized persons shall be entitled to make any a period of (12) months from the date of suspending the investment account, to sell the
upgrading or development on them, or to copy, reverse engineer, record, download or transfer financial securities maintained in the investment account which related to that account, and
them to other hardware. transfer its sale proceeds, to the bank account linked to the investment account, and then close
the customer’s investment account.
(22-2) The Customer is aware that any automatic system, personal computer, phone network
and / or any other devices or electronic supplies provided by the Company to him / her are Twenty fourth: Company’s liability :
properties of the Company and shall remain as such at all times and in all cases. He / she further (24-1) Neither the Company nor any of its officials, employees, affiliates or agents, shall be
acknowledges his commitment to maintain them, and to return them back to the Company responsible by any means for any losses that may be incurred by the Customer, unless such loss
immediately after being requested by it, and in the same status he / she originally received or harm is a direct result of fraudulent behavior, intentional default or purposeful infringement
them. of the Company, especially as a result of the following:
(A) Loss, damage, non-submitting or missing of financial securities issued in Saudi Riyals or
Twenty third: Customer’s acknowledgements and undertakings: shares certificates or any other possession documents.
(23-1) The Customer acknowledges that he / she has signed this Agreement in his full eligibility (B) Delay in the execution of trading operations in shares by sale or purchase or delay in
and legal and legitimate capacities and that he / she is not under any legal or legitimate receiving profits, revenues, returns or any other entitlements related to them or to investments
prohibition that prevents from signing it. He / she further acknowledges that the information in general.
submitted by him / her to the Company under this Agreement as well as any other information (C) Termination, stopping or suspension of trading, in one security, part of or all securities, for
are all valid, reliable and that he is entirely responsible for them in all aspects. whatever reason.
(D) Fluctuations and changes in the market, deficiency in liquidity or any other events that
(23-2) The corporate body Customer acknowledges that, it is established as per the applicable might influence the rates of financial securities and investments.
regulatory rules and procedures, and that the person(s) who signed this Agreement and the (E) Any interruption or technical breakdown, whether totally or partially in the telecom
other relevant documents, are competent and authorized persons as per the applicable rules networks as well as the sudden stoppage that occurs in electronic transaction channels and
and regulations. devices and all breakdowns and aspects of technical interruptions in general.
(F) Negligence and slackening in the executing the requirements of the clearing houses,
(23-3) The corporate body Customer, including governmental authorities, bodies and non - correspondents, brokers and institutions that are members in Securities Exchange, or the
profit organizations, acknowledges that, the validity of this Agreement and approving working financial institutions selected by the Company.
according to it, shall depend upon receiving the approval of the Capital Market Authority (CMA) (G) Fraud, forgery or fraudulent actions related to transactions of financial securities and
accepting him / her as a Customer and opening an account in his / her name and that the investment works.
reference in determining such customers and their similars, shall be the provisions of Article (8) (H) Any losses or damages resulting from incidents and events beyond the control of the
of Money Laundering and Terrorism Finance Control Codes and the other governing Company.
instructions. (I) Any direct or indirect losses resulting from or consequential of any of the above items.

(23-4) The Customer acknowledges his / her complete liability before the competent Twenty fifth: Shariah requirements:
authorities, for the monies and financial securities deposited in his / her accounts either by him (25-1) The Customer is aware that, this Agreement and all the provisions, regulations and codes
/ herself or by other persons with or without his / her knowledge even if they were spent at a mentioned therein, as well as the products and services provided by the Company to its
later time as long as he / she has not officially informed about them,and that all his / her money customers and those who deal with it, inside and outside the Kingdom, are subject to Islamic
and securities are from legal sources and activities. Shariah provisions as per the controls and resolutions issued in this regard by the Company’s
Shariah Board. Moreover, the Company, shall have the right, to suspend the trading in any
(23-5) The Customer acknowledges that he / she is fully aware of the instructions organizing the stock that does not fulfil or abide by the sharia controls.
update of the data of his / her investment account and that he / she shall be committed to
update them at least once per every three year or according to the regulatory instructions or the (25-2) The Customer acknowledges that he / she is certainly aware that, the Company prohibits
directives of the Capital Market Authority (CMA) and upon Attachments No. 1. He / she further trading in the shares of the companies that are not approved by the Company’s Shariah Board
undertakes to renew his ID card or CR before its expiration. And in case of his / her non - as per the list issued by it in this regard, and which the Board updates periodically on quarterly
commitment to the regulatory requirements, including renewal of his / her ID card, the basis, and that he / she can review the same through the Company’s website or at any of the
Company will suspend and discontinue dealing on his / her investment account until he / she investment centers.
completes the requirements .
Twenty sixth: Observations and complaints:
(23-6) The Customer acknowledges that, the Company shall have the right in inquiring about (26-1) The Company is keen to abide by the provisions of the Regulations and the legitimate
him / her at local banks and financial institutions he / she deals with as well as at the concerned instructions of the Customer. It will also make every effort to provide him / her with an
control authorities in order to verify the validity of information and data stated by him / her outstanding service. And in case that the Customer has any observation or complaint, he shall
through this Agreement or pursuant to it or even under any previous agreement or contract that be entitled to submit it to the Company in a written form or via the free phone number from
has not yet expired. inside and outside the Kingdom, as shown in the Company’s website, or any numbers the
Company may assign for this purpose in future. Pursuant to the provision of Article No. (63) of
(23-7) The Customer acknowledges that he / she has reviewed this Agreement and its the Authorized Persons Regulations, the Company undertakes to take the appropriate
attachments and formats, and has acknowledged that, he is aware that, all these formats and corrective actions, to clear the observations and deal with the complaints, in the nearest
attachments, are subject to be modified or omitted or added to, wholly or partially, from time possible time. In the event that, the complaints are resultant of acts of a third party working
to time, and has understood them perfectly, and accepted them as part and parcel of this with it, or which it had recommended, the Company will not slacken to communicate with him,
Agreement. He / she further acknowledges that he / she shall be responsible for the validity and hoping to settle the complaint and deal with its causes.
accuracy of the data of their fields as well as the information included therein and for attaching
and submitting the proving and supporting documents thereof.

And as per the provisions of Article (63) of the Authorized Persons Regulations, the Company Acknowledgement of being informed about, and aware of, the risks of investing in the
undertakes to take appropriate corrective actions in order to clear the observations and handle Parallel Market “Nomu”
the complaints as soon as possible. And in case that the complain is a result of the conduct or
action of a third party working at the Company or recommended by it, it shall not hesitate to With reference to the Rules of listing in the Parallel Market “Nomu”, issued by the Board of the
contact it in the hope of settling the complaint and handling its reasons. Capital Market Authority, pursuant to its resolution No. (3-151-2016) dated 22/3/1438H
corresponding to 21/12/2016G, and with reference to the categories of the Qualified Investors
In handling and settling the Customer’s complaints, the Company shall take into consideration defined by Article Three of these Rules which include the Natural Person who may open an
the provisions of Saudi investment account inside the Kingdom, and an account at the Securities Depository Center,
who must fulfill any of the following criteria: (1) should have carried out deals in the Capital
Capital Market Code and its executive regulations as well as rules certified at global capital Markets with total value of not less than forty million Saudi Riyals and not less than ten deals in
markets and all the other relevant applicable laws, codes and rules, which are collectively each quarter during the last twelve months, or (2) the average size of the individual’s securities
referred to as «Legislations» and then the norms. portfolio shall exceed Ten million Saudi Riyals during the last twelve months, or (3) holds the
General Securities Certificate which is recognized by CMA, I hereby acknowledge that I am a
Twenty seventh: electronic signature, and the formats and contracts sent via the electronic qualified investor as defined in Article Three of the Parallel Market Listing Rules.
(27-1) The customer is aware, acknowledges and agrees that, he /she can sign manually on In fulfilment of the requirements of Para (C) of article four of the listing rules in the Parallel
papers, or through any electronic means, on any agreements or formats that are required by Market “Nomu”, I hereby confirm that I am well aware of the risks associated and involved in
the Company, and the Company may make the electronic signature mandatory at any time. investing in the Parallel Market, which include – but are not limited to – the following: 1) the
Moreover, the customer acknowledges and agrees that, the manual and / or the electronic risks of recentness of Securities Parallel Market, as it is a new market which was not existing at
signature, is obligatory to him /her when dealing with the Company and against any other all in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and in case that this market has not developed and
bodies. The customer acknowledges that, by signing or agreeing through any means becomes vibrant in the manner required, the liquidity and trading price of the issuing
whatsoever, he / she shall abide by all the terms and conditions stipulated in the Agreement, or company’s stock, may be negatively impacted, 2) the risks relating to the non-existence of a
in the signed Format, and the terms and conditions it contains. The customer also, prior market for the stocks of the issuing company, as the stocks of the company have not been
acknowledges and agrees that, he / she will not put as a condition or ask for a tally certificate on traded in any capital market before, and in the event that no vibrant market has developed for
the electronic signature, or endorsement from a third party, to verify the correctness of the trading in the company’s shares after the closing of the issue period, the liquidity and price of
signature or the identity of the signatory, and that the non-existence of any of the the issuing company’s stock, may be negatively impacted, 3) risks associated with the stock
aforementioned, will not affect proving the validity of the signature or the customer’s price fluctuation in the market, as the post issuance price might be affected by factors out of the
undertaking to the Company. Inaddition, The customer agrees and acknowledges that he / she issuing company’s control, including the general status of the Saudi economy, or changes in the
will be satisfied with the ID verification means applied at Al Rajhi Company, and also he / she, government regimes, or the company’s performance and results, or any incidents out of the
acknowledges that, he / she is authorized to sign this Agreement and any other formats company’s control, or the supply and demand situations, 4) risks associated with dividends’
annexed to it, currently or in future, and that any person, whether he is the actual owner of the payouts, as the future dividends payouts depends on many factors such as the company’s
account, or a person authorized from the account owner to manage the account, shall be financial position and the capital requirements, the distributable reserves in the company, the
bound by all the terms and conditions stipulated in the Agreement, or in any one of its annexed general economic conditions ,which means that there are no guarantees for future dividends
forms and documents. distributions, 5) risks associated with issuance of new shares: in the event that the issuing
company has decided to issue new shares in future, this might adversely impact the stock’s
(27-2) The customer acknowledges and agrees that, any agreements, documents, forms that are price in the market, or might cause a decline in the shareholders’ ownership share in the
signed manually or electronically by the customer, or / and any other notifications or advices, company in case they did not invest in the new shares when they were issued, 6) risks
to be sent to the Company or to the customer via any means, whether being electronic (e-mail, associated with the actual control by the founding shareholders, as the shareholders who own
or through the Company’s internal system, as examples only), shall be deemed obligatory and a large number of the company’s shares, can influence all the matters which require the
convincing. Moreover, he / she, acknowledges and agrees that, any notifications or advices, to shareholders’ approval, and consequently exercising this power may significantly affect the
be sent by the Company via any electronic means, represent a complete and acceptable company’s business, financial position and the results of its operations. Moreover, this control
compliance by the customer with any regulatory or contractual obligation, which requires a might be used in such a manner that might negatively affect the company’s business, profits,
written notification. financial results and consequently its stock price, 7) the capital market risks: this happens
when the operation of the market is stopped or suspended, on permanent or temporary basis
(27-3) The customer shall have the right to ask for paper copies of any additional documents, for a compulsory or a regulatory reason, 8) the risks of limited number of qualified traders: it
required by him in excess of the jurisdiction bodies requirements, which are sent to him or sent might be difficult to sell the stocks at a suitable price category after being owned, due to low
by him to the Company, through any electronic means, and the Company reserves its full right, demand for purchase caused by the limited number of qualified investors who are interested to
to charge and / or obtain, fees for the same. own stocks in the traded company.
As a qualified investor who is interested in purchasing the issued shares, I have to inquire into
(27-4) The customer acknowledges and agrees that, his / her e-mail provided to the Company, and study, the information released in the prospectus, and in case that it becomes difficult to
shall be considered a main and essential part of the customer’s personal information, and understand any of the prospectus contents, I will seek the advice of an authorized financial
represents part of his/her address, which the Company will rely on in communicating consultant, prior to taking any investment decision.
electronically with the customer, and in sending any advices, notifications or copies of the
customer’s electronically or manually signed agreements or forms. The customer pledges to In witness thereof, the Customer hereby acknowledges that he / she has read and understood
notify the Company immediately upon the loss of his / her e-mail, whether this occurs through very well the above Agreement and its attachments, and has accepted its contained terms,
hacking, forgetting the password and failure to retrieve it, or due to stopping the provision of conditions and provisions and has agreed to abide thereby and work therewith altogether,
the e-mail service to the customer by the service provider or for any other reason.Moreover, the actually and practically.
customer pledges to provide the Company immediately, with an alternative e-mail. All the
advices and notifications, sent to the customer’s e-mail, shall be deemed correct and valid,
before the customer notifies the Company of his / her loss of his / her e-mail and providing the Name of the Customer:............................. Name of employee - in - charge :....................................
Company with an alternative e-mail.
Signature of the Customer :..................... Signature of employee - in - charge :..............................
Twenty eighth: Settlement of disputes and conflicts, and the applicable regulations:
(28-1) In case that any dispute or conflict arises between the two parties, may Allah forbid,
regarding the application of the provisions of this Agreement, the interpretation thereof and Date : / / Date : / /
everything related or connected to it, and the parties failed to solve it amicably, as stipulated in
Article (27), the dispute or conflict shall be looked into and judged by the competent court in the
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, taking into consideration the governing procedures and dates
thereof. All whatever was not stipulated in this Agreement, shall be subject to the applicable
regulations in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, provided that they are not in contradiction with the
Sharia Principles.

(28-2) In case that the incidents of disputes or conflicts, are supposed to be judged by
competent bodies outside the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the verdict issued by this competent
body shall be final and enforceable, provided that there is no agreement with the Kingdom of
Saudi Arabia, that explicitly states the prevention of executing any ruling / decision of this kind,
otherwise the competent authority or court shall be determined upon the Company’s own
discretion. The Customer hereby, explicitly acknowledges that he gives up any claim and formal
or procedural defense related thereof.

Twenty nineth: The language of the Agreement:

(29-1) This Agreement has been executed into the Arabic language, and in case that it is
translated into the English language, the Arabic language text shall prevail against the text of
any other language.

Thirty: Discrepancies between texts :

(30-1) Any agreement, or format to be signed later with the Company, shall be deemed part and
parcel of this Agreement. However, in case of the existence of any discrepancy or contradiction
between the text of this Agreement, and that format or the agreement that is signed later, the
provisions of this Agreement shall be applicable, unless this Agreement or format, provides

Annex (1) KYC

General Information (Individuals)

Name:.......................................................................................................................... Telephone:....................................................................................................................
Nationality:................................................................................................................. Mobile:..........................................................................................................................
Date of birth:............................................................................................................... Email:.............................................................................................................................
Place of birth:.............................................................................................................. Do you hold any other nationality?...........................................................................
Number of dependents:............................................................................................ Marital Status:..............................................................................................................
Main Address:............................................................................................................. P.O Box............................................. code Postal:..................................................
If the mail address is different from the Main address, please write the mail address here:..................................................................................................................................

ID details :

ID type:...................................................... ID No. :........................................ Issued from: ............................................. Issued on:........................................

Expiration date: ....................................... Address:...................................... Governorate / City:................................... Country:...........................................

Job information:

Employee Student Business Man/Woman Retired Other ……….....…....…....…....…....…....…....…....…....…....…....…....…....…....…....…....…....…....…....

If you chose Business Man/Woman, Retired or Other, please describe nature of activity, or the previous job:..…....…....…....…....…....…....…....…....…....…....…....…....….....

Employer Information

Name of Employer:…....…....…..…....…....…..…....…....…..…....…....…..…....…....…... Employer Address:…....…....…..…....…....…..…....…....…..…....…....…..…....…....….....

Employer Tel. Number:…....…....…..…....…....…..…....…....…..…....…....…..…....….... Position:…....…....…..…....…....…..…....…....…..…....…....…..…....…....…..…....…....…...

Service Period:…....…....…..…....…....…..…....…....…..…....…....…..…....…....…..….....

Individuals Only

Approximate Annual Income (SAR) Approximate net Wealth( excluding the house) - (SAR)
25.000 or below 25.000 or below

25.001 – 50,000 25.001 – 100.000

50,001 – 100.000 500.000 – 100.001

100.001 – 250.000 1,000.000 –500.001

250.001 – 500,000 5,000.000 – 1,000.001

500.001 – 1,000.000 Above 5,000.000

Above 1,000.000

General Information

Client’s Source of Income: Salary Other (Specify:………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….)

Does the client work: For himself ( self-employed) For Others (Specify: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………......)

Is the client a board member , or of a high rank , in a listed company? Yes No

If the answer is yes, please mention the company name:………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….......……….

Does the client or any of his relatives, hold, or used to hold a governmental or military senior position? (*First Degree: Father, Mother, Grandfather, Grandmother,

and so forth. *Second Degree: Sons, Daughters, Descendants, and so forth.) Yes No

If the answer is yes, please specify the position………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….....………

Any additional financial information about the client:…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Are you the actual beneficiary of the account ? Yes No

If the answer is no, please fill form B attached.

Information on the ideal investment Portfolio for the client

Low Risk (short term debt Medium Risk (Long term High Risk ( small single product companies,
instruments, Investment Funds) instruments, Big companies) High yield, loans backed products)

Stocks ...........................................% ...........................................%

Debt Instruments ...........................................% ...........................................% ...........................................%

Investment Funds ...........................................% ...........................................% ...........................................%

Trade Financing ...........................................%

Commodities ...........................................%

Option Contracts ...........................................%

Please make sure the total of all percentages above are equal to 100%

Current Account Information

Bank name:......................................................................... Branch:....................................................... Current Account Number:.................................................................

Custodian information: ARC ,Head office –King Fahad Road, P.O. Box 5561 Riyadh 11432 , Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Account Name (customer):................................................................................................................... Account Number (Portfolio):...................................................................

Where would you like the following to be sent: (Please check the required box)

1. Certificates Client Custodian Other: ( specify any special instructions from the customer regarding the body to be sent to)

2. Dividends or any other income Client Custodian Other: ( specify any special instructions from the customer regarding the body to be sent to)

3. Sale proceeds Client Custodian Other: ( specify any special instructions from the customer regarding the body to be sent to)

Investment Information

Details of the Client’s current investment Portfolio:

Shares:..................................................................................................................................................... Debt Instruments.....................................................................................

Foreign Currencies: ............................................................................................................................... Deposits: .............................................................. ....................................

Trade financing: .................................................................................................................................... Investment funds: ...................................................................................

Commodities: ........................................................................................................................................ Option Contracts/ Future Contracts: ....................................................

Real estates:............................................................................................................................................ TOTAL.........................................................................................................

Investment knowledge and experience Weak Medium Excellent

Client’s Risk appetite: Low Medium High ( the (customer’s risk appetite is considered high, when participating in the stock markets)

What are the investment goals in general? Capital Protection Achieving Income Balanced Capital Growth

What is the preferred investment assets? (You can choose more than one category): Assets in SAR Assets in other Foreign currencies

Please specify other currencies: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………....………………………………

Is the customer subject to another foreign country’s taxes ? Yes No

This is to acknowledge that, all data and information provided in this form, are correct, and that , I have not concealed any information regarding my being
subject to the tax system of any country. Also, the company acknowledge that ,it will notify ARC immediately in case there is a change in the company’s owners or
the percentage of ownership.

Client name:...........................................................................................................................................

Client’s signature :................................................................................................................................. Date: / /

For Company Use only

Staff Name:............................................................................................................................................. Stamp

Staff ID:....................................................................................................................................................

Signature:................................................................................................................................................ Date: / /
Did the client disclose, whether he is, or he is not , subject to another country’s Tax system?

Don’t want to No Yes

Form (A): To be only filled by respective employee:

Important clarification to the employee:

The answer to the following questions, depends on the customer’s disclosure , and FATF recommendations

Assessment of ARC Employee who met the customer

The meeting with the client took place on:................................................................................................................................................................................... Date: / /

AML Risk Level Assessment: Is the client a public or political person? Yes No

High risk Trading

Does the client practice within the nature of his business , businesses that are classified as high risk as per KYC rules and regulations? Yes No

If the answer is yes, please list these businesses: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………....…….



Do the client’s expected activities match his annual income? Yes No

Please specify:…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………................................


Risk Level Final Assessment: Low Risk Medium Risk High Risk

Client Categorization
Individual Client – Execution only ( Investment Accounts that are managed by the client)

Individual Client (Portfolios and Mutual Funds that are managed by ARC) : Note : Please fill in the Product’s Convenience to the Customer Form.

Counterparty (Companies that provide investment and financial services to their customers)

For Review and Verification

To make sure that the client is suitable to ARC , it is important that we get the above information in a complete and accurate manner, and confirm that it is certified
and reliable.


Respective Department:....................................................................................................................... Signature:.............................................................. Date: / /

Operations Department:...................................................................................................................... Signature:.............................................................. Date: / /

Compliance Department (only if the client is classified as a high risk client):....................................... Signature:.............................................................. Date: / /

Form (B): To be filled if the account opening signer is not the real beneficiary ( agent, guardian , trustee):

Personal Information

Name:....................................................................................................................................................... Nationality:................................................................................................

If the client is a U.S Citizen, a resident in the US, or in any way subject to the US taxation system, please fill form (C).

Date of Birth:........................................................................................................................................... Place of Birth:.............................................................................................

ID No. / Passport No.:............................................................................................................................. Marital status:............................................................................................

Number of dependents:........................................................................................................................ Main Address:.............................................................................................

If your mail address is different from the main address, please write an address here: ……………...........................................................................................................………….

Phone Number:...................................................................................................................................... Mobile Number:.........................................................................................

Email : …………………………...............................................................................................................….. Do you hold another nationality? Yes (specify: …………………..) No

Profession Information:

Employee Student Business Man/Woman Retired Other .…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………....

If you chose Business Man/Woman, retired or other, please describe the nature of your business or the previous profession:…………………………………………………........

Employer Information

Name of employer:……………………………………………………………………………………………………... Employer Address:…………………………………………………………………..

Employer Telephone:…………………………………………………………………………………………………… Position:………………………………………………………………………………...

Service Period:…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Approximate Annual Income (SAR) Approximate net Wealth( excluding the house) - (SAR)
25.000 or below 25.000 or below

25.001 – 50,000 25.001 – 100.000

50,001 – 100.000 500.000 – 100.001

100.001 – 250.000 1,000.000 –500.001

250.001 – 500,000 5,000.000 – 1,000.001

500.001 – 1,000.000 Above 5,000.000

Above 1,000.000

Self-Certification & Declaration Form (FATCA & CRS) – INDIVIDUAL


Governments around the world are imposing ever-increasingly new information gathering and reporting requirements for financial institutions to protect the
integrity of the tax systems in various jurisdictions. These informational exchange regimes include the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) of the US, and the
Common Reporting Standard (CRS) of the OECD.
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has committed itself and its Financial Intuitions to comply with these international tax transparency initiatives.
You have received this form because you are an individual holding an account with Al Rajhi Capital in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (“KSA”). The concept of an
‘Individual’ covers all natural persons and Sole Proprietorships.
Under FATCA, Al Rajhi Capital is required to determine whether you are a US citizens or US residents for tax purposes. Whereas under CRS, Al Rajhi Capital is required
to determine the jurisdictions you are an Account Holder tax resident in. If you are a tax resident outside the country where your account / investment is held, Al
Rajhi Capital may need to report to the national tax authority this information, along with information related to your accounts / investments.
Completing this form will ensure that Al Rajhi Capital holds accurate and up-to-date information about your tax residencies. If your circumstances change and, as a
result, any of the information provided in this form becomes incorrect, please let us know immediately and provide us with an updated Self-Certification and
Declaration Form within 30 days.


All Account Holders that are individuals and sole proprietorships will be required to complete this form. For joint account holders, each entity / individual needs to
complete a separate form.
Regardless of whether you may have provided Al Rajhi Capital information related to FATCA at an earlier stage, you still need to provide the additional information
required in this form and accept by signing the declarations outlined at the end of this form.
If you are completing this form on behalf of someone else, please ensure to inform them and advise Al Rajhi Capital as to in which capacity you are signing this form.
In addition, please provide a copy of the authority to sign on behalf of the other party. Please also indicate in this form in what capacity you are signing (i.e. you may
be an authorized officer of the business).


All parts of this form are mandatory and please do not use abbreviations.
Please review and respond to Parts A through D in the form below.

For more information on tax residence, please consult your tax adviser or the information at the OECD automatic exchange of information portal http://ww- for CRS and the Internal Revenue Service. for FATCA.


This for to be used to Individuals, “Natural persons”

In the case of joint Account Holders, each Account Holder must complete a separate form.
All sections of this form are mandatory.

Title Mr. Mrs. Miss Other

Customer Full Name in Arabic (First/Middle/Last):.............................................................................................................................................................................................................
Customer Full Name in English (First/Middle/Last):...........................................................................................................................................................................................................
Date of Birth (Gregorian/Western) City:................................................................. Town or City of Birth::......................................................................................................
Country of Birth:......................................................................................................... Current Residence Address - (Wasel):..........................................................................
Building Number:....................................................................................................... Street Name:....................................................................................................................
District: ........................................................................................................................ City:....................................................................................................................................
Postal Code and additional number (if any):.......................................................... Country:............................................................................................................................
Mailing Address (if different from the Current Residence)’ to be included............................... Building Number:............................................................................................................
Street Name:............................................................................................................... District:.............................................................................................................................
City:............................................................................................................................... Postal Code and additional number (if any):...............................................................

Are you a Tax Resident of any country or countries outside of Saudi Arabia? (by selecting ‘No’, I confirm that Saudi Arabia is my sole residency for tax purposes) Yes No

If Yes, please complete section B

Section B – Tax Residency Information

Please specify your Country (ies)/Jurisdiction(s) of Residence for Tax Purposes including Taxpayer Identification number.

If you are a Tax Resident of the United States of America (USA), please also complete Section C)

Country/jurisdiction Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) or

(Abbreviations are not Allowed Functional Equivalent *If no TIN available enter Reason A, B or C

*If TIN is not available please choose one of the following reasons:

A. The country/jurisdiction where the Account Holder is resident does not issue TINs to its residents

B. The Account Holder is otherwise unable to obtain a TIN or equivalent number (Please explain why you are unable to obtain a TIN if you have selected this


Country1:…………………………………………………………………………………….......… Country2:……………………………………………………………………………………......………


C. No TIN is required. (Note. Only select this reason if the domestic law of the relevant jurisdiction does not require the collection of the TIN issued by such jurisdiction)

Section C – USA Tax Residents

If you are a USA Tax Resident please provide one of the following TINs. A US TIN can be one of the following:

A Social Security Number (SSN), or

An Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN)

Please provide you TIN in one of the lines provided below:

SSN: -
ITIN: - -

Section D –Declaration and Signature

I declare that all the particulars and information provided herein, are true, correct, complete and up-to-date in all respects and I have not withheld any information
and I acknowledge that Al Rajhi Capital will rely on the information provided in this form until notice in writing satisfactory to Al Rajhi Capital of its revocation and
by submission of an updated Self-Certification & Declaration Form is received by Al Rajhi Capital, within 30 days where any change in circumstances occurs.
I hereby undertake to inform Al Rajhi Capital of any change in information / circumstances provided, and to furnish to Al Rajhi Capital any changes/amendments
taking place in future with reference to the documents submitted by me/us as and when such changes/amendments occur.
I undertake to inform Al Rajhi Capital if I am away from my own country of residence for any period that may impact the United States Substantial Presence Test as
herein defined, or the presence test related to any other countries I am tax residents in.
I confirm and accept that should any withholding, tax, other impositions or other governmental dues related to me become payable to domestic or overseas
regulators or tax authorities, all payments made to me shall be net of any such taxes etc.. Al Rajhi Capital assumes no liability in this regard.
I waive Al Rajhi Capital of its duty of confidentiality and grant Al Rajhi Capital the liberty to make available, as and when required by law/authorities, to the Courts,
regulatory/or other authorities of Saudi Arabia or my country of residence or the country in whose currency this account will be maintained or routed, or to any
other regulator/tax authority or other authorities in domestic and other jurisdictions, any information relating to my account, without any prior consent from me.
Any information / documents provided by you or your authorized representative in relation to this self-certification form shall only be disclosed to the relevant
authorities for the purpose of compliance with FATCA

Name of Signatory in Arabic:………………………………………………………………... Name of Signatory in English:……………………………………………………………….......

Capacity of Signatory: (Please tick 1 box only) Account Holder Power of Attorney Guardian Other (Please specify)...................................................

Signature:………………………………………………………………………………………...... Date:……………………………………………………………………………………………….........

To be Completed by Al Rajhi Capital

Account Holder Name (First / Middle / Last):………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………....

Al Rajhi Capital RM/CSR Name:……………………………………………………………. Al Rajhi Capital RM/CSR signature:…………………………………………………………....

Customer ID Number:


The definitions in this section are the relevant ones related to this Form and are not an exhaustive list. For the complete set of definitions, please refer to the FATCA /
CRS regulations which are on the internet.

Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) Definitions

US Resident - US resident is a US citizen or other person with residency (Green Card or substantial Presence) regardless of where physically resident

Green Card holder - A person with permanent residence status in the USA.

Born in the USA - a person born in the USA is considered a “US Citizen” – by birth or naturalization, unless the person has formally renounced citizenship

Substantial Presence Test - You will be considered a United States resident for tax purposes if you meet the substantial presence test for the calendar year. To meet

this test, you must be physically present in the United States (U.S.) on at least:

• 31 days during the current year, and

• 183 days during the 3-year period that includes the current year and the 2 years immediately before that, counting:
- All the days you were present in the current year, and
- 1/3 of the days you were present in the first year before the current year, and 1/6 of the days you were present in the second year before the current year

Common Reporting Standard (CRS) Definitions

Tax Residency - Your tax residency is the country where you are resident/registered for tax purposes. Each country has its own rules for defining tax residence. For

more information on tax residence, please consult your tax advisor or the information at the OECD automatic exchange portal ( )

Tax Information Number - A Taxpayer Identification / Information Number (TIN) is a unique combination of letters and/or numbers assigned to you. Some countries

do not issue a TIN, but may rely on other issued numbers such as social security/insurance numbers or company registration numbers for entities. You may need to

provide these if requested. The OECD has published a list of the acceptable Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) formats and their alternatives.

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