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Valve World

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Keywords: Butterfly valves • Cryogenic • Sealing • Pipeline LNG

Butterfly valves for extreme

Cryogenic applications in
industry become more and
more important especially
since LNG (liquid natural
gas) gains a higher and
higher proportion in power
generation. In such cryogenic
applications, butterfly valves
are used increasingly often
in order to control the liquid
media in the pipeline. Until
now, a typical triple offset
Typical triple offset valve body. Poor disc design causes shaft deflection. Big differences in wall section
butterfly valve with laminated cause asymmetrical shrinkage.
seal would be used for suchlike
applications. The British
the same proportion. Although all parts seat area is even bigger in the shaft area
Standard 6364 is specifying
are bigger at elevated temperatures than perpendicular to it.
the test methods and allowable their shape and proportions remain The typical lamination of a triple offset
leakage rates for cryogenic unchanged. As the thermal expansion butterfly valve has a round bore in
applications. Although these of all used materials is almost the same, the middle and an elliptical shape on
allowable leakages are very many triple offset butterfly valves have the outside. The wall section of the
high and are to be measured passed the fire safe test in accordance lamination is smallest in the shaft area
with a flow meter in ranges with API 607. and the biggest perpendicular to it.
of gallons per minute, it is Unfortunately, the above theory does The wall section of the lamination will
not apply for low temperatures. In be the smallest right where the wall
still very hard to meet these
temperatures of -50°C (-58°F) and section of the body will be the biggest.
requirements. Primarily in
below, the shrinkage of isotropic metallic Due to the non-linear shrinkage of
bigger sizes and temperatures materials is different depending on the steel at cryogenic temperatures,
below -50°C (-58°F) it is hard the wall section. In areas where the the shrinkage of the body will be
to pass the test with common wall section is bigger, the shrinkage is higher especially in the area where the
triple offset butterfly valves. different compared to areas where the shrinkage of the lamination will be
wall section is smaller.
Measurements of metallic parts cooled
By Dr Gregor Gaida, müller co-ax ag
down to cryogenic temperatures of
-196°C (-321°F) prove that in a non-
symmetric part, the bore which was

ll physical and mechanical round at ambient temperatures will
literature is claiming that the become oval. This is the main reason
heat expansion of isotropic why it is so difficult to pass the British
metal materials is linear with increasing Standard 6364 cryogenic test with a
or decreasing temperatures. In fact, this triple offset butterfly valve especially in
would mean that the round bore would larger valve sizes.
remain round independently of the A typical triple offset butterfly valve
temperature and independently of the body has a much higher wall section and
shape of the part. This theory is right consists of much more material in the
even up to very high temperatures such area where the shaft bore is placed. In
as 1000°C (1832°F). As this theory is addition, all triple offset butterfly valves
proven right, all parts of a butterfly valve have an elliptical seat area in the body, Typical triple offset laminated seal. Big differences
will expand to the same extent and in and due to this, the wall section of the in wall section cause asymmetrical shrinkage. May 2011 63


Cryogenic test of QUADAX in accordance to BS6364. Zero leakage.

smaller. The parts, perfectly fitting at of sheets of graphite and stainless steel. very low temperatures. Unfor tunately,
ambient temperature, do not match any Graphite becomes very rigid at low due to the shrinkage of the PTFE which
more at cryogenic temperatures. temperatures and the flexibility of the is much higher than the shrinkage of the
The newly invented four offset butterfly whole seal becomes very small. So this stainless steel, screws in the clamp ring
valve QUADAX is able to reach zero lamination is not able to close the gaps may lose their load and the seal may
leakage at -196°C (-321°F) during the between the seat and the seal which become untight between the disc and
test in accordance with British Standard grows with decreasing temperature the seal itself.
6364. The evolution of the triple because of the above mentioned For such difficult applications like
offset butterfly valve to a four offset different shrinkage of the lamination cryogenic or liquid natural gas,
butterfly valve has eliminated several and of the valve body. A second QUADAX valves have an inconell
disadvantages especially for cryogenic version of a typical seal in a triple offset O-ring serving as seal between the disc
applications. The elliptical seat area butterfly valve would be a lamination and the valve seat. As the shape of the
of a triple offset butterfly valve was which is made of sheets of PTFE and four offset butterfly valve seat is round,
“stretched” until it reached the round stainless steel which remains flexible at a standard inconell O-ring can be used.
shape of the QUADAX. Furthermore,
the seat bore is much bigger compared
to those of all other triple offset
butterfly valves existing on the market.
Due to this design, the seat area has the
same wall section all around the body.
The body of the QUADAX itself has
been optimized in order to reach
an almost round shape also on the
outside. With this design it is possible
to keep the shrinkage of the materials
homogeneous all around the valve
body. Now since the wall sections are
constant all around the valve body the
shrinkage is constant and although all
the parts shrink all the shapes remain
the same and all the parts fit to each
other. In this way zero leakage at -196°C
(-321°F) can be achieved.
In a typical triple offset butterfly valve a
normal seal would be a lamination made Four offset seal design with Inconell O-ring. Identical wall section in every part results in symmetrical shrinkage

64 May 2011


Four offset butterfly valve QUADAX 42”. Zero lekage in both directions at full New closed disc design supports the shaft perfectly and results in no shaft
ANSI 600 rating. deflection.

The used inconell O-ring is spring loaded be made with thicker and thicker The shaft deflection is one of the
and made of material with the same stainless steel sheets and thinner and biggest problems especially when
shrinkage rates as the rest of the valve. thinner graphite sheets in between. tightness in the reverse direction is
In a triple offset butterfly valve the seal, The laminations will become very rigid required: when the higher pressure is
typically a lamination seal, has to fulfill but also very inflexible. Typically in loaded on the clamp ring and not on
several functions. As the triple offset applications where the delta P is higher the shaft side of the disc.
butterfly valve is a torque driven valve, than 60 bar (870 psi) it is getting more The four offset butterfly valves have a
the lamination is used as limit stop for and more difficult to get the triple offset very special disc design i. e. the disc is
the actuator. It must also withstand all butterfly valve tight with zero leakage. extended very close to the valve body
pressure-related forces resulting from The inconell O-ring in the QUADAX where the bearings are extended right
the delta P in the valve. If the shaft valve is placed in a solid, rigid and thick to the disc. In this design the shaft is
is deflecting in consequence of high stainless steel plate which can easily not bent but loaded like a shearing
delta P in the valve, the lamination withstand all forces affecting it: limit stop pin. Additionally the disc has a closed
must withstand the forces affecting of the actuator, forces resulting from design to withstand all the loaded
the disc additionally. So the design of a the pressure on the disc and the shaft forces without loading forces to the
triple offset butterfly valve lamination deflection. In this solid stainless steel shaft. Where in normal triple offset
must find a right compromise between plate the inconell O-ring is placed in a butterfly valve in a size 24 inch the shaft
the flexibility and the rigidity so the groove so the O-ring is covered from all deflection at 20 bar delta P reverse
lamination can fulfill both functions: sides when the valve is closed. Without pressure becomes higher than half an
keep the valve tight and withstand all any problems it is possible to supply inch the shaft deflection in the four
forces affecting it. a butterfly valve with zero leakage in offset butterfly valve was measured as a
Especially in big valve sizes and higher both directions even for a full rated few microns of an inch.
pressure rates the laminations will ANSI class 900.

About the author

Dr Gregor Gaida works for müller co-ax ag. He has a
Master’s degree in electrical engineering and a Phd in
mechanical engineering. Dr Gaida started working for
Alfa Laval Group, which is now Crane, in 1990, where
he developed the Crane MS Valve, which is still on the
market. Then in 1997, he became Technical Director
at GEMÜ, where he developed the CleanStar line, the
BioStar line, electro pneumatic positioner, etc. From
2001 until 2009, Dr Gaida worked an Engineering
Office, where he developed amongst others the Zwick
TriCon valve, the AMG pneumatic actuator, ABK ball
valve, and the High purity Diaphragm Valve. Since 2008, Dr Gaida is the Vice
Four offset Inconell O-ring seal. Solid stainless President of müller co-ax ag, developed the QUADAX and CRYAXX line. He
plate withstand all the loads, the soft O-ring has has more than 20 patents worldwide.
to seal only. May 2011 67

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