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The passage provides details about the prestigious Kaiu Shiro dojo and training blacksmith apprentices. It also introduces several characters like Kaiu Genji and Chiyo Utaku.

The Kaiu Shiro dojo is known for training the most promising blacksmith students and allowing them to learn alongside master craftsmen, not just the forge itself.

Kaiu Genji has traveled extensively, serving as a yojimbo to various courtiers in different clan lands. He also studies the histories of each clan. He uncovered a maho-tsukai plot along the Dragon/Unicorn border.

Legend of the Five Rings

3rd Edition RPG

Masters of Court Web Supplement

The Crab Clan

Kaiu Shiro [Dojo]

The forges of the Kaiu are as renowned as they are massive, and their use is often restricted to
the most skilled of blacksmiths, who operate on a rotating schedule to ensure that no minute of
their use goes to waste. In recent years, however, one of the massive forges has been set aside
for use in training the most promising of students, an honor that is not lost upon the many
applicants the dojo receives each year. It is not so much the forge itself which makes the
students of this dojo so special, but rather the years they spend alongside master blacksmiths and
craftsmen, many of which will grudgingly offer their advice to the next generation.
Schools: Kaiu Engineer
Paths: Kaiu Blacksmith
Benefit: You gain a +1k0 bonus on all Craft skills.

Kaiu Blacksmith [Courtier]

Kaiu blacksmiths are well known throughout the Empire for their incredible skill and dedication
to their craft. A Kaiu sword is one of the most prestigious gifts the Crab can offer to another
samurai, and the armor produced by their forges is similarly priceless.
Technique Rank: 2
Path of Entry: Kaiu Engineer 1
Path of Egress: Kaiu Engineer 2
Technique: Folds of Iron – You may add your Fire Ring to the total of all Craft:
Armorsmithing and Craft: Weaponsmithing rolls you make. Your Glory gains from crafting
armor or weapons are tripled, instead of being doubled. After an ally gives a gift of at least
Average Quality that you crafted to another character, they may add the points of Glory they
received from giving the gift as a bonus to all their Social Skill Rolls involving the recipient to
for the next week.
This bonus applies only the first time each one of your gifts is given to another character;
if that character were then to give the gift to someone else, neither you nor the gifting character
would receive any sort of bonus from this technique. You gain a Free Raise on all Social Skill
Rolls involving characters that have received weapons or armor that they know you created.
Kaiu Genji, the Traveling Crab
Air: 2 Earth: 3 Fire: 3 Water: 3 Void: 3
Reflexes 3 Intelligence 4 Perception 4

School/Rank: Kaiu Engineer 2 / Kaiu Blacksmith1

Kaiu Artisan Techniques: Path of the Anvil 1, Path of Battle 1
Honor: 2.5
Glory: 5.3
Status: 1.0
Advantages: Absolute Direction, Way of the Land (multiple provinces)
Disadvantage: Compulsion: Wanderlust (2 points, checked each week Genji remains in the
same area), Meddler, True Love (Ikoma Asa)
Skills: Battle 3, Craft: Armorsmithing 4, Craft: Weaponsmithing 3, Defense 4, Engineering
(Siege) 5, Etiquette 2, Iaijutsu 3, Investigation 2, Kenjutsu 3, Know the School: Crane [Daidoji
Yojimbo, Kakita Bushi] 1, Know the School: Dragon [Mirumoto Bushi, Kitsuki Courtier] 1,
Know the School: Lion [Akodo Bushi, Matsu Bushi] 1, Know the School: Phoenix [Shiba Bushi,
Isawa Shugenja] 1, Kyujutsu 1, Lore: History 3, Traps 1

Shinsei once said that a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
For Kaiu Genji, that first step brought him to the winter court of Kyuden Ikoma, where he
served as a yojimbo to a young Yasuki courtier. While the court proceedings themselves were
just as boring as Genji had been led to believe, he found himself enjoying the various stories the
courtiers traded about their homelands. When it came time for the next winter court, Genji found
himself volunteering himself as a yojimbo once more, this time to a courtier who had been
invited into the distant lands of the Unicorn. The next winter found him in the lands of the
Phoenix, and the next he was in Dragon lands.
No matter where he found himself spending the winter, Genji remained observant. His
evening hours were spent in the libraries of his hosts, reading scrolls of military history told from
the perspective of his hosts. When his charge chose to spend the day in his or her room, Genji
made his way to the nearest dojo and sparred against off-duty guards and idle yojimbo. Other
times he chose to spend his evening with the local blacksmiths, who were more than eager to
discuss their own work with a fellow craftsman. Even when he found himself in Kudo, in what is
often described as one of the most boring, mind-numbing, and petty of all Winter Courts, Genji
continued to learn from his surroundings.
In the spring, Genji would return to Kaiu Shiro, where the rest of the year would be spent
turning everything he had learned in the winter months to the Crab's advantage. Everything he
learned was written down and passed off to the sensei of the Crab, who in turn passed it on to
their students, preparing them to better deal with the other Clans. The weapons and armor he
forged were given out the next winter, earning favors and glory for both himself and his charge.
After a dozen years of such a routine, Genji found himself daydreaming more and more.
As he worked at the forge, his mind would wander to the different lands he had visited and
wonder what they looked like when not buried beneath the snow. Soon his work had begun to
show signs of his inattentiveness, and Genji approached his lord to ask for leave to travel the
Empire on musha shugyo. His lord refused, claiming that Genji was much too valuable to have
anywhere but at his forge.
Genji, ever the loyal samurai, bowed to his lord and admitted that he had not understood
just how much of an asset he was to the Crab. In fact, the clever engineer continued, if he was
indeed so valuable, he would cease volunteering for yojimbo duty every year, as it only
interfered with his valuable work. Genji's lord stared at the engineer in silence for a long moment
before declaring that he had been mistaken and that Genji was largely useless to the Clan.
This dubious declaration - and the travel papers that went with it - resulted in Genji being
able to travel the Empire in whatever fashion he deemed appropriate, so long as he was standing
to the side of a Yasuki courtier when the first snowflakes of winter began to fall. The magistrates
have begun to refer to Genji as the "Traveling Crab," a moniker that never fails to bring a grin to
the engineer's weathered face.

The Dragon Clan

House of Tao [Dojo]

The "House of Tao" is a general name given to the many small temples hidden away in Dragon
lands, many of which boast no more than a dozen members. The monks that dwell within these
temples take in those who fail to find the High House of Light, offering them another path to
replace the one that has been denied to them. Surprisingly, a number of tattooed monks also call
these temples home, preferring the isolation of the mountains in their search for enlightenment.
Schools: Togashi Tatooed Monk, Students of the Tao
Paths: Ise Zumi Advisor
Benefit: Once per day, you may make a Skill Roll using any non-Void Ring of your
choice in place of the Ring normally used.

Ise Zumi Advisor [Courtier]

Monks are often sought out for their wisdom and advice, and many influential samurai keep a
monk on hand to for counsel. Before the Kitsuki family began to represent the Dragon in court,
the Ise Zumi would often serve as courtiers representing their Clan's interests. While they no
longer fulfill this role in any formal manner, the Ise Zumi are still sought out by their kinsmen
for advice and counsel.
Technique Rank: 2
Path of Entry: Togashi Tattooed Man 1
Path of Egress: Togashi Tattooed Man 2
Technique: Insightful Advice – By speaking with an ally for a few minutes, you may
offer him advice pertaining to the current matters at hand. For the remainder of the scene, so long
as you are able to advise your ally you may make a Social Skill Roll instead of the ally by
expending a Void Point. You must posses the skill in question, and the ally must choose to
adhere to your advice in order use your roll (you cannot force your advice upon others).
Any resulting social penalties or rewards resulting from the roll (such as glory changes or
any resulting duels) are applied normally, as if your ally had made the roll himself. This school
counts as a rank of Tattooed Monk with regards to the effects of your tattoos.
Togashi Ikumu
Air: 3 Earth: 2 Fire: 3 Water: 3 Void: 4
Willpower 3

School/Rank: Togashi Tattooed Man 2 / Ise Zumi Advisor 1

Honor: 2.5
Glory: 3.0
Status: 1.0
Advantages: Balance, Inner Gift (Foresight)
Disadvantage: Compulsion (Liquid Void, 2 pts), Sworn Enemy (Bayushi Shigeru)
Tattoos: Cat, Cloud, Eagle
Skills: Artisan: Origami 3, Courtier 5, Defense 2, Etiquette 4, Jiujutsu 3, Lore: Heraldry 2, Lore:
Law 3, Meditation (Void Recovery) 3, Storytelling 2, Theology 3

Togashi Ikumu has always known that he was special. As a child, he would often have
dreams of things that had yet to happen, such as his mother's death or the news that he had been
selected to train among the Togashi like his father. While some young boys might have allowed
this knowledge to go to their heads, Ikumu believed that his dreams were a gift from the Fortunes
and treated them with the respect and reverence of one many years older.
Study of the Fortunes and their lessons became a cornerstone of Ikumu's life as he grew,
and few of his fellow monks were surprised when he received a position tending to a temple of
Hotei shortly after his gempukku. Ikumu would likely have remained at the temple indefinitely,
had the heavens not opened up one day to unleash a torrential downpour of corrupting blood.
The Rain of Blood did not corrupt Ikumu, but it still filled his once-content heart with
anger. Anger at the bloodspeakers that would enact such a foul ritual, and anger at the Empire
that was - according to the Emperor - too weak to resist the call of their own sins. Ikumu
volunteered to join the Mirumoto as they left their mountains to fulfill the Emperor's orders of
cleansing his Empire.
When the purge was complete, Ikumu's commander, Mirumoto Haruhide, revealed that
he had come to rely upon Ikumu's advice in situations involving border guards and samurai from
other Clans, and felt guilty that it was he receiving a promotion to the courts and not the talented
young monk.
Ikumu was touched by Haruhide's confession and agreed to accompany the socially
awkward samurai to Toshi Ranbo. Truthfully, Ikumu was ashamed to return to his previous
position, as he believed that his lust for vengeance against the bloodspeakers had made him
unworthy in Hotei's eyes. Ikumu hoped that service to Haruhide might clear his heart of its anger
and allow him to regain the path that he had lost.
The past years of service have been refreshing to Ikumu, and he finally feels that he has
made amends for his previous actions. His only concern is that his dreams have been more
erratic as of late, and he has begun to fear that the Fortunes have grown impatient with his lack
of worship. If Ikumu knew the truth - that a vengeful Scorpion courtier has been slipping liquid
void into his food for over three months - he would surely find his indignant anger once more.
Unfortunately for Ikumu, his return to Dragon lands to help defend their borders have
taken him out of reach of the Scorpion and the powerful drug that he had been unknowingly
taking. With each day, the monk craves the food of Toshi Ranbo, and he does not know why...
The Lion Clan

Kyuden Ikoma [Dojo]

Kyuden Ikoma is the traditional home of the Ikoma family, and as such contains one of the few
dojo the Lion maintain that is specialized in the instruction of courtiers. Unlike the training
received by other Clans, the training regime at Kyuden Ikoma involves lengthy lessons on
history and the art of storytelling. Any student that cannot recite from memory the lineage of
himself and each of his classmates back seven generations is looked down upon as lazy,
incompetent, or both.
Schools: Ikoma Omoidasu, Ikoma Spymaster
Paths: Ikoma Poet, Ikoma Herald
Benefit: You lose no Honor or Glory from breaches of etiquette or other behaviour that
are caused by displays of emotion.

Ikoma Poet [Courtier]

The Crane are known for their artisans and the Scorpion their actors, but they are not the only
Clans that know how to entertain a crowd. The Ikoma Poet uses gripping prose and tales of
honor to captivate an audience.
Technique Rank: 2
Path of Entry: Ikoma Omoidasu 1
Path of Egress: Ikoma Omoidasu 2
Technique: Stirring the Heart – You may attempt to impress others with your
storytelling or poetry by making an Awareness/Storytelling (Poetry) roll against a TN of 20,
and may call any number of Raises up to your Honor Rank. If successful, you gain a Free Raise,
plus one additional Free Raise for each Raise you called on the initial Storytelling roll.
These Raises may be applied to either a single Social Skill Roll or distributed across any number
of such rolls as you see fit. These Free Raises last for a number of hours equal to your Insight
Rank, or until they are used.

Ikoma Hodota
Air: 3 Earth: 2 Fire: 3 Water: 3 Void: 3
Awareness 4 Willpower 3

School/Rank: Ikoma Omoidasu 2 / Ikoma Poet 1

Honor: 2.8
Glory: 3.0 (effectively 7.0)
Status: 2.0
Advantages: Heart of Vengeance (Hare Clan), Heartlesss
Disadvantage: Brash, Driven (claim Kudo for the Lion Clan)
Skills: Battle 3, Calligraphy 1, Courtier (Gossip) 4, Defense 2, Etiquette 3, Games: Go 2, Iaijutsu
4, Kenjutsu 2, Know the School: Minor Clans 3, Lore: History (Lion Clan) 3, Storytelling
(Bragging, Poetry) 5

Ikoma Hodota is a man filled with anger.

Once he marched at the head of a shining army of gold and orange and proclaimed the
will of his Champion while his ancestors watched with pride. When he drew his blade to cut
down the Hare samurai who stood between him and his duty, he felt a thousand years of Ikoma
samurai guiding his hand and knew that he was on the right path.
And then, everything was taken from him by the Empress.
The City of Kudo returned to the Hare, the Lion armies returned to their own lands, and
Hodota returned to his life as simple courtier. Since the Lion withdrew, Hodota has struggled
with the Empress's orders in an attempt to make sense of her decree. He knows that his thoughts
are dishonorable, but that does not prevent them from replaying in his head over and over again.
Rather than turning towards drink, geisha, or even seppuku to deal with his shame,
Hodota has chosen a different path. One day he will stand on the walls of Kudo as a Lion flag
flaps behind him, marking the city as their own. On that day Hodota will take his life to atone for
his shame, but until then he is a man with a purpose.
Hodota's poetry has lingered upon the failings of the Minor Clans since his return from
Kudo, which has, in turn, ensured that he has been drawn into more than one lethal duel with
irate Minor Clan samurai. With each victory, Hodota grows more and more certain that his
ancestors approve of his chosen path.

The Mantis Clan

Dojo of the Final Coin [Dojo]

Located in Kyuden Kumiko, the Dojo of the Final Coin is brand new, and has so far seen only
two classes of samurai graduate from its ranks. Originally the dojo was intended to school those
students whose parents were stationed far from the rest of their Clan's holdings, but the ascension
of Yoritomo Utemaro as Imperial Treasurer has changed its importance significantly. Armed
with tax records dating back to the time of the first Hantei, the instructors have shifted the focus
of their teachings to a more economical mindset, ensuring that their students will never forget the
importance of koku within the Empire.
Schools: Yoritomo Courtier
Paths: Yoritomo Assessor
Benefit: You gain a +1k0 bonus on all Social Skill Rolls made against characters with
the Greedy, Spoiled, or Compulsion (any material goods) disadvantages.

Yoritomo Assessor [Courtier]

The Mantis understand that a samurai's worth is measured in more than just his
honor. Sometimes that worth is measured in koku or, more specifically, how much koku
he needs or how much he owes to another. A Yoritomo Assessor is able to learn a man's worth
and then use that knowledge to control his actions.
Technique Rank: 2
Path of Entry: Yoritomo Courtier 1
Path of Egress: Yoritomo Courtier 2
Technique: Shameful Audit – You may spend a day looking into a target character's
finances, requiring a contested Awareness/Commerce roll against the target’s
Awareness/Etiquette (Bureaucracy). If you succeed, you have found some discrepancy in his
bookkeeping and may now use your Commerce Skill in place of your Courtier or Etiquette Skills
when dealing with the target. This bonus lasts for one week, by which time the target has usually
managed to fix whatever discrepancy you may have found.
If the target possesses the Greed, Spoiled, or Compulsion (any material good)
disadvantage, you gain two Free Raises on the initial contested roll. This technique does not
prevent a character from suffering Honor Losses for using the Commerce Skill in a public place.

Yoritomo Seiki
Air: 2 Earth: 3 Fire: 2 Water: 3 Void: 3
Awareness 4

School/Rank: Yoritomo Courtier 2 / Yoritomo Assessor 1

Honor: 1.8
Glory: 3.0
Status: 3.0
Advantages: Daikoku’s Blessing, Great Potential (Commerce), Precise Memory
Disadvantage: Compulsion (Geisha), Dark Secret (Kolat Agent)
Skills: Commerce 5, Courtier (Political Maneuvering) 3, Deceit (Intimidation) 5, Defense 3,
Etiquette (Sincerity) 3, Underworld 3, Peasant Weapons 4, Know the School: [Various Scorpion
Schools] 3, Know the School: [Various Crane Schools] 3, Forgery 5, Calligraphy (Mantis Clan
cipher, Kolat cipher) 5

Money is power. That was a lesson that young Seiki learned early in life. His father was
a merchant of moderate success. He even owned his own fleet of merchant vessels. Seiki’s father
had a problem though. He was a gambler, and a poor one at that. Slowly Seiki’s father would
become more and more indebted. It was a Scorpion who finally did Seiki’s father in, taking the
last of his ships in a game of Fortunes and Winds.
But that was not the end of it. Seiki watched as his father became a Scorpion pawn. Seiki
did not fault the Scorpion. After all, he would have done the same thing if he were in their
position; it was only resonable. However his father’s downfall served as a reminder to him of the
true power behind koku. It was a power that he hopped to one day master.
As a courtier for his clan Seiki took an interest in the finance of his various postings,
making sure everything was in order before moving on to his next post. His attention to detail
eventually resulted in his transfer to a posting in Ryoko Owari after the Mantis assumed control
of Tear Drop Island.
Seiki was not without his faults, however. He loved geisha, sometimes a bit too much.
This became a bigger problem when Seiki took his new posting in Ryoko Owari, a problem that
the Kolat took note of. Agents with in the Coin sect had been looking for new ways to benefit
from the recent Mantis takeover of Tear Drop Island.
One morning Seiki awoke in a pool of sweat. Beside him laid the cold body of
Moonlight, a prominent geisha on Tear Drop Island. Seiki had no memory of leaving with her.
Nor no recollection of what happened. In a panic Seiki hurried back to his estate.
Later that day Seiki was approached by a Yasuki woman. She informed him that she
knew what had happened. That she could testify that Seiki was not the last one with Moonlight.
The blame could be shifted away from the Mantis. All it would require is for him to work with
her organization, or rather to be their pawn. If he refused, prominent city officials would testify
that Seiki was with Moonlight. The resulting scandal would likely undermine the Mantis position
in the city and provide the Scorpion with an avenue to assault the Mantis stranglehold on Tear
Drop Island.
With no choice but to protect his clan Seiki agreed to help this Yasuki and her mysterious
organization. Seiki has found life as a Kolat agent to his liking however. And with each passing
day he regrets his choice less and less.

The Phoenix Clan

Steady Heart Dojo [Dojo]

Shiro Shiba is most commonly known for its bushi dojo, but there exists a smaller dojo within its
walls that is no less prestigious. The students of this dojo practice the same kata as their fellow
Phoenix, but the courses are skewed towards approaching situations from a non-martial mindset.
The resulting graduates are much more socially adept than other bushi, and are often assigned to
assist those courtiers and shugenja who are prone to less 'traditional' patterns of thought.
Schools: Shiba Bushi, Shiba Yojimbo
Paths: The Order of the Bent Knee, Shiba Artisan
Benefit: You roll +1k0 on all Cooperative Social Skill rolls.

Shiba Arbitrator [Courtier]

While the Phoenix are well considered to be the most pacifistic Clans, that does not mean that
they are necessarily polite and peaceful. The feud between the Asako and Isawa families is
rooted in the very beginnings of history, and the two families have spent most of the time since
bickering with each other, leaving only the Shiba to mediate between the two in an attempt to
keep their Clan from falling apart in prideful arrogance. It is a testament to the skills of the Shiba
mediators that the Phoenix continue to endure, despite any internal conflict that may rise.
Technique Rank: 1
Path of Entry: None. This is an entry-level Path
-- Trait: +1 Awareness
-- Honor: 3.0
-- Skills: Courtier (Political Maneuvering), Defense, Etiquette (Sincerity), Meditation,
Tea Ceremony, Theology (Shintao), any one Bushi Skill.
-- Outfit: Katana, Wakizashi, light armor, any one weapon; kimono and pair of sandals,
traveling pack; 3 koku
Path of Egress: Any Shiba School at Rank 1
Technique: The Harmony of the Elements – You may attempt to mediate a conflict
between two or more characters by proposing an option that results in a beneficial gain for each
side. Doing so requires at least one minute of conversation with the involved parties, as well as
the expenditure of a Void Point.
You make an Awareness/Etiquette roll opposed by the Awareness/Courtier (political
maneuvering) rolls of each involved party. If you succeed on only one of the rolls, the proposed
option only seems fair to that party, and there are no consequences for either party refusing the
new option. If you succeed on every roll, the deal you propose is believed to be fair for everyone,
even if nobody gets everything they want. Either party may still refuse the new option, but at the
cost of seeming petty; the refusing individuals lose honor as if they had committed a Major
Breech of Etiquette.
Shiba Riza
Air: 3 Earth: 3 Fire: 2 Water: 2 Void: 3
Agility 3 Strength 3

School/Rank: Shiba Bushi 2 / Shiba Arbitrator 1

Honor: 3.5
Glory: 4.0
Status: 2.0
Advantages: Combat Reflexes, Higher Purpose (Remove Emma-O's curse)
Disadvantage: Bad Fortune, Cast Out, Sworn Enemy (Emma-O)
Skills: Courtier (Political Maneuvering) 4, Defense 5, Etiquette (Sincerity) 5, Meditation 3, Tea
Ceremony 3, Theology (Shintao) 3, Kenjutsu (Katana) 5, Kyujutsu 3, Iaijutsu 5, Pole arms 4
Kata: Tail of the Sun

Riza would seem like the perfect Phoenix. He is a man trained for war. He is a man that
desires peace. He is a man that is willing to sacrifice this own life for the sake of a charge. Shiba
Riza does his best to be the very best example of not only a Phoenix, but a Shiba.
Riza must do this to make amends for a terrible curse he has wrought upon himself. As a
child he was petulant. He was disobedient. When he was young he insulted the monks to a
temple dedicated to Emma-O. On that day Emma-O took notice. And on that day young Riza
became a cursed man.
With the hopes of curbing Riza’s behavior his family sent him to be trained in negotiation
tactics. This however was not to Riza’s liking. After completing his initial training he requested
to be made a yojimbo, to serve in the roll that his father had served, and his father before him had
served. This was a role that Riza excelled at.
Over the course of many years Riza was besieged by a series of tragic events. One by one
close friends and family members were dieing around him. The deaths were of course perfectly
natural, nothing more than a series of unfortunate coincidences. At least it seemed that way until
an Asako Inquisitor took greater interest in Riza.
After much research into Riza’s strange luck a pattern emerged. Every time Riza saved a
life, another would be lost. Someone close to him. Riza was torn. If he continued performing his
duties he would soon see the end of his entire line. Riza retreated to his family estate to ponder
his fate. For a time Riza pondered seppuku to save his family. But he was unsure of how that
would affect his remaining family.
When Riza emerged from seclusion at his family estate it was with a new resolve. He
would continue to save the lives of his fellow Phoenix. However he would do so without
drawing his sword. By rededicating himself to the training he reserved as a youth Riza would be
able to saves lives by preventing conflict.
The perfect Shiba was born.
The Unicorn Clan

Heaven's Breath Dojo [Dojo]

Otaku Seido is home to Heaven's Breath Dojo, a fairly recent facility specialized in training
members of the Utaku in the arts of the courtier. The dojo was originally intended to be built
within Ide provinces, but a disagreement between two high-ranking members of each family over
the actions of their Khan - and the resulting duel between the two of them - made its current
location a much safer choice for everyone involved. Today, much of the bitterness around the
school's founding has been forgotten, and the two families have developed something of a
friendly rivalry with regards to their new students.
Schools: Utaku Battle Maiden, Utaku Infantry
Paths: Utaku Mediator
Benefit: After you spend a Void Point to enhance a Skill Roll, you may add your Honor
Rank to the total.

Utaku Mediator [Courtier]

The martial prowess of the Shiotome is feared throughout the Empire, however the family's close
ties to that of the Ide through the marriage between two of Shinjo's most trusted vassals, the
Utaku have learned from their Ide brothers the arts of mediation as a means to bring an end to a
battle. The Utaku Mediators developed as the Utaku's way of assisting Shinjo and the Ide in
resolving disputes before they even happened. While popular with the Shiotome many Utaku
males would attend this school before continuing training elsewhere.
The Unicorn's previous Khan, Moto Chagatai, made frequent use of the Utaku Mediators after
his failed attack of Toshi Ranbo.
Technique Rank: 1
Path of Entry: None. This is an entry-level Path.
-- Trait: +1 Awareness
-- Honor: 2.5
-- Skills: Courtier (Political Maneuvering), Etiquette (Conversation) 2, Horsemanship,
Investigation, Kenjustu, Any one high skill
-- Outfit: Wakizashi; gaijin riding horse, kimono and sandles, traveling pack, 10 koku
Path of Egress: Utaku Infrantry, Utaku Battlemadien, or Shinjo Magistrate
Technique: Calming the Gale – You can use misdirection to diffuse a tense situation by
skillfully changing the subject to a less controversial subject matter. You may spend a Void
point to make an opposed Awareness/Etiquette (Conversation) roll against the
Awareness/Etiquette (Sincerity) rolls of everyone involved in a conversation to declare the topic
taboo and shift the topic of conversation.
For a number of hours equal to your Insight rank, anyone who fails the roll will suffer
Honor losses as if they had committed a Major Breach of Etiquette each time they bringing up
the taboo topic, take part in a discussion about the taboo topic, or agree to champion anyone who
was challenged for continuing to discuss the taboo topic.
Utaku Chiyo
Air: 3 Earth: 2 Fire: 3 Water: 3 Void: 4
Agility 4

School/Rank: Utaku Battle Maiden 2 / Utaku Mediator 1

Honor: 3.5
Glory: 5.0
Status: 2.0
Advantages: Dangerous Beauty, Blissful Betrothal, Luck (1)
Disadvantage: Idealistic, Sworn Enemy (Yoritomo Instigator)
Skills: Courtier (Political Manuevering) 5, Etiquette (Conversation) 4, Horsemanship 3,
Investigation (Notice) 2, Kenjutsu (Katana) 6, Storytelling (Poetry) 5, Defense 3, Kyujutsu 3,
Meditation 2, Games: Shogi 1

Utaku Chiyo is the eldest daughter of a proud Taisa in the Shiotome and an even-
tempered former-duelist turned courtier. The dichotomy of the household made for a unique
upbringing, even by the open-minded Utaku standards. Because of this, Chiyo not only excelled
in the martial arts, but soon discovered a knack for mitigating conflict between peers. The
decision to delay her martial training in favor of expanding upon her disarming nature would
prove to be an advantageous combination for the Unicorn.
Not all were enthralled by the young Utaku's meekness, nor her lofty ideals that peace
could be attained outside of war, which set her greatly at odds with her clansmen, especially
during the Khan's March. This led to distant posts in attempt to keep her as far away from other
Unicorn, in case her inclinations did not match up with the Clan's goals. Despite the misgivings
of her Clan lingering over her, Chiyo nevertheless strove to prove to herself that she had a place
among her kin, and to forge new ties between the Unicorn and the other Great Clans.
During a particular incident, Chiyo, a Seppun magistrate, and several other Clan samurai
uncovered a maho-tsukai plot in a remote village located in the borderlands of the Dragon and
Unicorn. Though luck, quick thinking, and a well-trained blade, the corrupt official responsible
for the terror plaguing the city was apprehended and the city was purged of the black magic's
curse. Were it not for the presence of the nimble young battle maiden and her Seppun
companion, the incident would likely have resulted in strained or even broken relations between
the two Clans.
Since then, many blessings have come into the young Utaku's life. She has worked
alongside the magistrate involved in the borderlands incident several times, but most recently to
broker better ties between the Imperial families and the Unicorn following the Khan's
march. The pacifistic Phoenix who occupied Toshi Ranbo in the wake of the Khan's assault
became endeared to the young woman and arranged a marriage between Chiyo and the Seppun,
claiming that it was the first step to repairing relations between the Imperials and the Unicorn.
Unfortunately, not everyone seems to share the Chiyo's hope of redeeming the Unicorn.
A Yoritomo courtier has taken steps to block her progress every step of the way, for reasons that
are known only to him. What was once only a passing grudge between the two samurai has
deepened into hatred, made only stronger because Chiyo cannot understand his motivations.
Why would an ally of the Unicorn work to undo everything she has fought for?
The  Masters  of  Court  Web  Supplement  

Project  Leader:  Dace  

Additional  Material:  Mason  Crawford,  Erykah  Fasset,  Howard  Hooven,  Ryan  Reese  

RPG  Rules  Team:  Mason  Crawford,  TiMar  Long,  Aaron  Rubman  


Head  Playtester:  Brian  Bates  

Team  #1  (Brian  Yoon,  Dave  Smith,  Patrick  Chen,  Aien  Elmi,  Jason  Kang,  Ki  Chang  Kim,  Roger  Liang,  Arthur  
Nguyen);  Team  #2  (Lucas  Twyman,  Lee  Masheter,  Amanda  Martyn,  Chad  Kirby,  Andrew  Flynn,  Lauren  
Murray);  Team  #3  (Kit  LaHaise,  Tom  Lewis,  Catherine  Pickett,  Bret  David  Hewes,  Francois  Martineau);  
Team  #4  (Rob  Hobart,  Becca  Hobart,  Todd  Stites,  Will  Stampley,  Kevin  Blake,  Lewis  Fleak,  Daniel  Briscoe,  
Bob  Martin);  Team  #6  (TiMar  Long,  Erykah  Fassett,  Tracy  Pinkelton,  Daniel  Walters,  Laura  Harvey,  Kelly  
Hoesing);  Team  #7  (Jason  Shafer,  Nathan  Shafer,  Matt  Strout,  Liza  Strout,  Joe  White,  Terry  "Dingo"  
Moore,  Eric  Newlin);  Team  #8  (Robert  Knight,  Brebouillet  Mathieu,  Aaron  Rubman,  David  &  Richard  
Whitney,  Stuart  Biggs,  Edward  Reynolds,  Jean-­‐Philippe  Lafond,  Ryan  Goossens);  Team  #10  (Luke  
Fleeman,  Joseph  Schuster,  Andrew  Snow,  Christopher  Myers,  Michael  Neer,  Paul  Siebuhr,  Ryan  Flynn);  
Team  #11  (Cory  Mills,  Catlin  Mills,  Molly  Poole,  Darren  Walters,  Lynne  Ahlgren,  Jeremy  Bullens,  Albert  
Koenig);  Team  #12  (Don  Eisele,  Kate  Adams,  Matt  Ussary,  Janet  Bozarth,  Nate  Hedrick,  Mike  Shimek,  
Chester  Decker);  Team  #13  (Howard  Hooven,  Jennifer  Oney-­‐Hooven,  David  Farmer,  Scott  Smith,  William  
Hart,  Gentry  Trimble);  Team  #14  (Stephanie  Dane,  Greg  Krywusha,  Reginald  Garth,  Ryan  Reese,  Elliot  
Smorodinsky,  Randy  Schneider);  Team  #15  (Mason  Crawford,  Allen  Cantrell,  Julien  Valette,  Kristof  
Parker,  April  Hamilton,  Mark  Butler,  Luis  Fernando  de  Vasconcelos);  Team  #16  (Mike  Brodu,  Bane  
Hanshin,  Wendell  Katerenchuk)  

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