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Importance of Shravan Somwar

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In the Hindu calendar, Shravan is the month dedicated to Lord Shiva. The entire month is
considered auspicious to seek the blessings of Lord Shiva. Every Monday of Shravan is
called as Shravan Somvaar which is extremely auspicious for worship of this desire
fulfilling deity. Lord Shiva is Someshwar.
Shravan is the fifth month of the Hindu calendar which falls during July -August.
Significance of Shravan Somwar
Mondays of Shravan month are considered most auspicio us for Shiv Puja and observing a
fast. In Hindu mythology, Monday is a day devoted to the worship of Lord Shiva. Devotees
keep a fast till sunset, perform Rudra Abhishek and offer Bel Patra. They also recite Shiv
Chalisa and Maha Mrutunjaya Mantra Jaap is done.
Many devotees observe a 16 Monday fast, popularly called as Solah Somwar Vrat,
starting from the first Monday of Shravan.
It is believed observing Vrat (fasts) on Shravan Somvar are beneficial for unmarried girls.
Both married and unmarried women observe a fast, however for different reasons. For
unmarried women, the Shravan Somvar Vrat is kept to find their ideal life partner and for
married women, they fast for a long life of their husbands and also to ensure a happy
marital life. By observing a fast on Mondays during Shravan and worshipping Lord Shiva
is believed to fulfill desires and devotees are blessed with peace, prosperity and

Shravan Somwar Dates:

There is a difference of fifteen days in starting dates of Shravan depending on the
calendar which is followed in the region.
In the states of Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Goa, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Gujarat and
Tamil Nadu the Amavasyant Lunar calendar is followed, whereas in the Northern States of
Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, Himachal Pradesh, Chhattisgarh,
Uttarakhand, Bihar and Jharkhand the Purnimant calendar is followed. In some parts of
Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand, Shravan Somwar is observed as per the Solar

Sawan Somwar Vrat Dates for Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh,

Madhya Pradesh, Punjab, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand,
Chhattisgarh, Bihar and Jharkhand
July 22, 2019, Monday First Shravan Somwar Vrat
July 29, 2019, Monday Second Shravan Somwar Vrat
August 5, 2019, Monday Third Shravan Somwar Vrat
August 12, 2019, Monday Fourth Shravan Somwar Vrat
Sawan Somwar Vrat Dates for Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Goa,
Maharashtra, Gujarat, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu
August 5, 2019, Monday First Shravan Somwar Vrat
August 12, 2019, Monday Second Shravan Somwar Vrat
August 19, 2019, Monday Third Shravan Somwar Vrat
August 26, 2019, Monday Fourth Shravan Somwar Vrat

Sawan Somwar Vrat Dates for Nepal and some parts of

Uttarakhand and Himachal Pradesh
July 22, 2019, Monday First Shravan Somwar
July 29, 2019, Monday Second Shravan Somwar
August 5, 2019, Monday Third Shravan Somwar
August 12, 2019, Monday Fourth Shravan Somwar

Importance of Shravan Somvar Dates

22/7/2019– शशशशशश शशशशशशशशश शशशशश, शशश शशशशशश, शशशशशशशशशशश,
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On Shravan Krishna Paksha, the 5th day of Shravan, Monday, Nitya Shiv Darshan,
Shravan Somvaar Vratam, Uma-Maheshwar Puja
29/7/2019– शशशशशश शशशशशशशशश शशशशशशश, शशश शशशशशश, शशश शशशशशश
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शशशशशशशशशश शशशशश शशश शशशशश शशशशशश |
On Shravan Krishna Paksha, the 12th day of Shravan, Monday, Som Pradosh Vrat, in the
evening Laghu Rudrabhishek, Uma – Maheshwar Puja, Bilwa Patra Archana, recitation of
Shiv Mahimna Stotra, Shiv Sahastranaam with offering of Lotus flowers.
5/8/2019– शशशशशश शशशशशशशशश शशशशश, शशश शशशशशश, शशशशशशशश, शशशशशश
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शशशश शश |
ननननन नननननननन :|| शशशशशश शशशशशशश शशशश शशशशशशशश श शशशशशश
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On the 5th day of Shukla Paksha of Shravan, Monday, Naag Panchami, Shravan Somvaar
Vrat, Parthiv Shivling Puja, performing Laghu Rudrabhishek and reciting Shiv Tandav and
Shiv Mahimna Stotra are beneficial on this day. By recitation of Nav Naag Stotra one
overcomes the fear of snakes and gains victory over enemies.
Nav Naag Stotram:Anantam Vasukim Shesham Padmanabham Cha Kambalam
Shankhpaalam Dhartarastram Takshkam Kaliyam Tatha
Etani Nav Namani Nagaa Naam Cha Mahatmanam
Sayam Kaale Pathenityam Praathah Kaale Visheshtah
Tasmayeh Visham Bhayam Naasti Sarvatra Vijayi Bhavet
12/8/2019– शशशशशश शशशशशशशशश शशशशशशश, शशश शशशशशश, शशश शशशशशश
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On the 12th day of Shukla Paksha of Shravan, Monday, Som Pradosh Vrat, in the evening
Laghu Rudrabhishek, Uma – Maheshwar Puja, Bilwa Patra Archana, recitation of Shiv
Mahimna Stotra, Shiv Sahastranaam with offering of Lotus flowers.

Shravan Somwar Vrat – Rituals

Shravan Somvar Vrat are categorized as follows:

 • Shravan Somvar fast that is observed every Monday during the month of Shravan
 • Solah Somvar fast that is observed for sixteen consecutive Mondays starting from the
first Monday of Shravan
 • Saumya Pradosh which is observed till evening during Shravan

Devotees wake up early and after cleansing themselves visit a Shiva temple and offer milk
and Bilwa leaves to the Shiva Lingam and chant ‘Om Namah Shivaya’ 108 times using
Rudraksha Japamala or the ‘Mahamrityunjaya Mantra’. Shiv Puja is performed twice a
day. Solah Somvar Vrat Katha or Shravan Somvar Vrat Katha is recited every Monday of
the Shravan month. Wearing a Rudraksha during Shravan is considered auspicious and it
is believed that Lord Shiva during the month of Shravan showers special blessings to the
one who wears a Rudraksha. After the Puja, Prasad is distributed among the friends and
family members.

Legend of Shravan Somwar

According to Scriptures, the churning of the ocean, kn own as Samudra Manthan took
place during the month of Shravan. Samudra Manthan saw the emergence of fourteen
gems from the ocean. Along with the gems it also brought out a deadly poison called
Halahala. To save the universe from being destroyed by the pois on, Lord Shiva drank the
poison and for Him to not swallow the poison, Parvati held His throat. From then on, He
came to be known as ‘Neelkantha’ as his throat turned blue with the poison. This led to
the practice of observing Shravan Somvar Vrat as a mark of reverence to Lord Shiva.

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