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EIL Specification For STR. STEEL WORK

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aartart fatréyrt fafact wa Geeta art TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION CIVIL & STRUCTURAL WORKS Utes Sut Hl STRUCTURAL STEEL WORKS Bion Res Em Ts @ [18.04.00] UPDATED & REISSUED 2 a @ | mAY'94 [UPDATED & REISSUED DPA as] GPL Asn 7 10, DATE REVISION By _ CHECKED] CONVENOR [CHAIRMAN 15.5) } ENGINEERS INDIA LIMITED Rieccnon ere NEW DELHI STRUCTURAL STEEL WORKS 6-68-0006 a Page 1 of 24! ot be reproduced] joaned on the borrower's express agreement that they copied, exhibited oF used, except in the limited way pormitted by a written consent given by the lender ta the borrawer for the intended use. ElL 1641-507. A4-210x29: "The drawing, design and details given on this format are the property of ENGINEERS INDIA LIMITED, They are m 1.0 2.0 3.0 40 5.0 6.0 10 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 13.0 14.0 15.0 16.0 17.0 18.0 CONTENTS SCOPE REFERENCES MATERIALS FABRICATION DRAWINGS FABRICATION MARKING FOR IDENTIFICATION SHOP ERECTION INSPECTION & TESTING OF STRUCTURES SHOP PAINTING PACKING TRANSPORTATION SITE (FIELD) ERECTION SAFETY & SECURITY DURING ERECTION FIELD CONNECTIONS GROUTING SCHEME AND SEQUENCE OF ERECTION PAYMENT. PAINTING AFTER ERECTION @ ENGINEERS INDIA LIMITED NEW DELHI STRUCTURAL STEEL WORKS ‘SPECIFICATION REV 6-68-0006 Pago 2 of 24) 10 SCOPE This specification covers the requirements for material, storage, preparation of fabrication drawings, fabrication, assembly, tests/examinations, transportation, erection and painting of all types of bolted and/or welded structural steel works for general construction work. Fabrication of structures shall also include fabric: (@) Built up sections/plate girders made out of rolled section and/or plates. ‘ent that they will not be reproduced] ‘A4-210x297. (b) Compound sections made out of rolled sections, 20 REFERENCE 2.1 BIS Codes IS: 800, 816, 819, 822, 919, 1024, 1261, 1323, 1477, 1852, 2074, 7205, 7215, 7307, 7310, 7318, 9595 and other relevant BIS Codes. SP: 6(1) 22 EIL Specifications 6-68-0002- Materials 6-44-0004- Shop & Field Painting 23 In case of conflict between the clauses mentioned in this specification and those in the Indian Standards, this specification shall govern. Any special provision as shown or noted on the design drawings shall govern over the provisions of this, specification, 3.0 MATERIALS 34 General All materials shall conform to their respective specifications given in EIL Specification no. 6-68-0002. The use of equivalent or alternative materials shall be permitted only in very special cases and for all such cases prior written approval of the Engineer-in-Charge shall be obtained. imited way permitted by a written consent given by the lender to the borrower for the intended us 32 Receipt & Storing of Materials 3.21 Each section shall be marked for identification and each lot shall be accompanied by manufacturer's quality certificate, chemical analysis and mechanical characteristics. 3.22 A sections shall be checked, sorted out and arranged by grade and quality in the store. Any instruction given by the Engineer-in-Charge in this respect shall be strictly followed. 3.23 All material shall be free from surface defects such as pitting, cracks, laminations, twists ete. Defective material shall not be used and all such rejected material shall be immediately removed from the store/site. The decision of the Engineer-in- Charge in this regard shall be final and binding, The drawing, design and details given on this format are the property of ENGINEERS INDIA LIMITED. They are morely loaned on the borrower opi SPECIFICATION | REV ENGINEERS INDIA LIMITED NEW DELHI STRUCTURAL STEEL WORKS 6-68-0006 7 Page 3 of 24 ot be reproduced] = the intended use, joaned on the borrower's exprass agreement that they: ‘The drawing, design and details given on this format are the property of ENGINEERS INDIA LIMITED. They are mara 3.24 3.2.5 3.2.6 33 33.1 33.2 Welding wires and electrodes (packed in their original cartons) shall be stored separately by quality and lots inside a dry and enclosed room in compliance with 1S:9595 and as per the instructions given by the Engineer-in-Charge. Electrodes shall be kept perfectly dry to ensure satisfactory operation and weld metal soundness. Each lot of electrodes, bolts, nuts etc. shall be accompanied by manufacturer's quality/test certificates AIL bolts (including nuts & washers) shall be checked, sorted out and arranged diameter-wise by grade and quality in the store. Material Tests ‘The Contractor shall submit manufacturers’ quality certificates for all the materials supplied by him. In case, quality certificates are not available or are incomplete or when material quality differs from standard specifications, such materials shall not be used in the construction. However, the Contractor shall get all appropriate tests conducted in approved test houses for such materials as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge, at no extra cost, and submit the same to Engineer-in-Charge for his approval. The Engineer-in-Charge may approve the use of such materials entirely at his discretion. ‘The Contractor shall ensure that all materials brought to site are duly approved by the Engineer-in-Charge. Rejected materials shall not be used and shall be removed from site forthwith. Any material of doubtful quality for which specific tests are to be carried out as per the instruction of the Engineer-in-Charge shall be separately stacked and properly identified and shall not be used. These shall be removed from site forthwith. 4.0 41 4.2 43 FABRICATION DRAWINGS Fabrication and erection drawings shall be prepared by the Contractor on the basis, of "Approved for Construction (AFC)" design drawings, EIL Standards issued to the Contractor. These drawings shall be prepared by the Contractor or by an agency appointed by the Contractor and approved by the Engineer-in-Charge. Fabrication and erection drawings shall be thoroughly checked, stamped "Approved for Construction” and signed by the Contractor’s own responsible Engineer irrespective of the fact that such drawings are prepared by the Contractor or his approved agency, to ensure accuracy and correctness of the drawings. Unchecked and unsigned drawings shall not be used for the purpose of proceeding with the work. The Contractor shall proceed with the fabrication and erection work only after thoroughly satisfying himself in this regard. All fabrication and erection drawings shall be issued for construction by the Contractor directly to his work- site. Six copies of such drawings shall simultaneously be submitted to the Engineer-in-Charge who may check/ review some or all such drawings at his sole discretion and offer his comments for incorporation in these drawings by the Contractor. However, the Contractor shall not proceed with the fabrication of such structures whose fabrication drawings are required to be reviewed before taking up the fabrication work as noted on "Approved for Construction (AFC)" design drawings issued to the Contractor or as conveyed by the Engineer-in-Charge. The ENGINEERS INDIA LIMITED NEW DELHI ‘STRUCTURAL STEEL WORKS 6-68-0006 SPECIFICATION REV Page 4 of 24] Sy loaned on the borrower's exprese agreement that they will not be reproduced] 1 borrower for the intended use. Ell 1641-507. A4-210x297. “The drawing, design and details given on this format are the property of ENGINEERS INDIA LIMITED. They copied, exhibited or used, except in the limited way permitted by a written consent given by the lender to 44 4s fabrica drawings. of such structures shall be done only as per the reviewed fabrication The review of such drawings by EIL shall be restricted to the checking of the following only: i) Structural layout, orientation and elevation of structures/members. ii) Sizes of members. iii) Critical joint details. Fabrication drawings shall be drawn to scale and shall convey the information clearly and adequately. Following information shall be furnished on such drawings: ~ Reference to design drawing number (along with revi which fabrication drawing has been prepared. number) based on ~ Structural layout, elevations & sections (with distinct erection marking of all members). - Framing plans, member sizes, orientation and elevations - Layout and detailing of rain water pipes and gutters showing all necessary levels, connections and provisions wherever required, ~ Detailing of shop/field joints, connections, splices, for required strength and erection, ~ Location, type, size and dimensions of welds and bolts. ~ Shapes and sizes of edge preparation for welding. = Details of shop and field joints/welds. - Bill of materials/D.O.D. Lists. ~ Quality of structural steel, plates etc. , welding electrodes, bolts, nuts and ‘washers to be used. - Erection assemblies identifying all transportable parts and sub-assemblies with special erection instructions, if required. - Method of erection and special precautions to be taken during erection as required. ‘The Contractor shall additionally ensure accuracy of the following and shall be solely responsible for the same: i) Provision for erection and erection clearances. ii) Marking of members iii) Cut length of members S ENGINEERS INDIA LIMITED NEW DELHI STRUCTURAL STEEL WORKS 6-68-0006 7 ‘SPECIFICATION REV Page 5 of 24| ot be reproduced] 46 47 48 49 4.10 5.0 5 “The drawing, design and detals given on this format are the property of ENGINEERS INDIA LIMITED. They are merely loaned on the borrower's express agreervent that they copied, exhibited or used, except in the limited way permitted by a written consent given by the lender to the borrower for the intended use, Ell 1641-607. A4-210x29) iv) Matching of joints and holes. ¥) Provision kept in the members for other interconnected members. vi) Bill of materials/D.O.D. Lists. Connections, splices and other details where not shown on the design drawings shall be suitably designed and shown on the fabrication drawings based on good ‘engineering practice developing full member strength. Design calculations for such cconnections/splices shall be submitted to the Engineer-in-Charge alongwith the fabrication drawings. Any substitution or change in section shall be allowed only when prior written approval of the Engineer-in-Charge has been obtained. Fabrication drawings shall be updated incorporating all such substitutions/changes by the Contractor at no extra cost to the Owner. In case during execution of the work, the Engineer-in-Charge on review of drawings considers any modifications/substitutions necessary to meet the design parameters/good engineering practice, these shall be brought to the notice of the Contractor who shall incorporate the same in the drawings and works without any extra cost to the owner. The Contactor will be totally responsible for the correctness of the detailed fabrication drawings and execution of the work. Contractor shall incorporate all the revisions made in the design drawings during the course of execution of work in his fabrication drawings, and resubmit the drawings at no extra cost to the Owner. All fabrication shall be carried out only as per the latest AFC design drawings and corresponding fabrication drawings. ‘The Contractor shall supply two prints each of the final/as built drawings alongwith their transparencies to Engineer-in-Charge for reference and record. The rates quoted shall include for the same. FABRICATION General Fabrication of structures shall be done strictly as per "Approved for Construction” fabrication drawings (prepared by the Contractor based on the latest design drawings) and in accordance with 1S:800, 9595 & other relevant BIS Codes and BIS Hand Book SP:6(1). Prior to commencement of structural fabrication, undulations in the fabrication yard, if any, shall be removed and area levelled and paved by the Contractor. Any defective material used in the work shall be replaced by the Contractor at his, ‘own expense. Necessary care and precautions shall be taken so as not to cause any damage to the structure during any such removal and replacement. Any faulty fabrication pointed out at any stage of work by the Engineer-in- Charge, shall be made good or replaced by the Contractor at his own cost. Tolerances for fabrication of steel structures shall be as per IS:7215. Fabrication Procedure Gree) ENGINEERS INDIA LIMITED SPECIFICATION REV NEW DELHI STRUCTURAL STEEL WORKS 6-68-0006 4 Page 6 of 24| ited way permitted by a written congent given by the lender to the borrower for the intended use. ElL 1641-507. A4-210x297. "The drawing, design and details given on this format are the property of ENGINEERS INDIA LIMITED. They are merely loaned on the borrower's express agreement that they will not be reproduced] 5.2.1 5.211 5.21.2 5.2.2 5.23 5.23.1 5.23.2 5.233 5.23.4 5.24 5.24.1 3.243 Straightening & Bending All materials shall be straight and, if necessary, before being worked shall be straightened and/or flattened (unless required to be of curvilinear form) and shall be free from twists. Bending of rolled sections and plates shall be done by cold process to shape/s as shown on drawings. Clearances ‘The erection clearance for cleated ends of members shall be not greater than 2mm at each end. The erection clearance at ends of beams without web cleats and end plates shall be not more than 3mm at each end but where for practical reasons, greater clearance is necessary, suitably designed seatings approved by the Engineer-in-Charge shall be provided. Cutting Prior to cutting, all members shall be properly marked showing the requisite cut length/width, connection provisions e.g. location and dimensions of holes, welds, cleats etc. Marking for cutting shall be done judiciously so as to avoid wastages or unnecessary joints as far as practicable. Marking shall be done by placing the members on horizontal supports/pads in order to ensure accuracy. Marking accuracy shall be limited to + Imm. Cutting may be affected by shearing, cropping or sawing. Gas cutting by mechanically controlled torch shall be permitted for mild steel. Hand flame cutting, may be permitted subject to the approval of the Engineer-in-Charge. Except where the material is subsequently joined by welding, no loads shall be transmitted into metal through a gas cut surface. Shearing, cropping and gas cutting shall be clean, square, free from any distortion & burrs, and should the Engineer-in-Charge find it necessary, the edges shall be ground afterwards, to make the same straight and uniform at no extra cost to the Owner. Holing Holes for bolts shall not be formed by gas cutting process. Holes through more than one thickness of material of members such as compound stanchions and girder flanges shall, where possible, be drilled after the members are assembled and tightly clamped/bolted together. Punching may be permitted before assembly, provided the thickness of metal is less than 16mm and the holes are punched 3mm less in diameter than the required size and reamed, after assembly, to the full diameter. Punching shall not be adopted for dynamically loaded structures, Holes may be drilled in one operation through two or more separable parts and burrs removed from each part after drilling. ENGINEERS INDIA LIMITED SPECIFICATION REV ‘NEW DELHI STRUCTURAL STEEL WORKS 6-68-0006 Page 7 of 24] 3 524.4 3 524.5 BS 3 zz A Be 3s ge 23 35 Bs ay z zB al eg Fa 5.2.5 ae <¢ ee gi ge Fy ee BE a 26 5.26 r 5.26.1 a a5 2e 35 ag 23 Holes in connecting angles and plates, other than splices, also in roof members and light framing, may be punched full size through material not over 12mm. thick, except where required for close tolerance bolts or barrel bolts. All matching holes for black bolts shall register with each other so that a gauge of 2mm less in diameter than the diameter of hole shall pass freely through the assembled members in the direction at right angle to such members. Finished holes shall be not more than 2mm in diameter larger than the diameter of the black bolt passing through them, unless otherwise specified by the Engineer- in-Charge. Holes for tured and fitted bolts shall be drilled to a diameter equal to the nominal diameter of the shank or barrel subject to H8 tolerance specified in 1S:919. Parts to be connected with close tolerance or barrel bolts shall be firmly held together by tacking bolts or clamps and the holes drilled through all the thicknesses in one operation and subsequently reamed to size. Holes not drilled through all the thicknesses in one operation shall be drilled to a smaller size and reamed out after assembly. Where this is not possible, the parts shall be drilled and reamed separately. To facilitate grouting, holes shall be provided in column bases or seating plates exceeding 300mm in width for the escape of air. To avoid accumulation of water in gussetted column bases of laced, battened or box type stanchions, suitable reverse U-type holes shall be provied at the junction of base plate and column section in the vertical gussets for draining out of any water. Assembly The component parts shall be assembled and aligned in such a manner that they are neither twisted nor otherwise damaged, and shall be so prepared that the required camber, if any, is provided. Proper clamps, clips, jigs and other fasteners (bolts and welds) shall be placed in a balanced pattern to avoid any distortion in the members and to ensure their correct positioning (i.e. angles, axes, nodes etc.). Any force fitting, pulling/stretching of members to join them shall be avoided. Proper care shall be taken for welding shrinkage & distortion so as to attain the finished dimensions of the structure shown on the drawings. Welding General a) _All joints shall be welded unless noted otherwise on the design drawings. b) Welding shall be in accordance with 18:816, 18:819, IS:1024, IS:1261, 18:1323 and IS:9595 as appropriate. ©) The Contractor shall make necessary arrangement for providing sufficient number of welding sets of the required capacity, all consumables, cutting and grinding equipment with requisite accessories/ auxiliaries, equipment & materials required for carrying out various tests such as dye penetration, magnetic particle, ultrasonic etc. ENGINEERS INDIA LIMITED NEW DELHI STRUCTURAL STEEL WORKS 6-68-0006 SPECIFICATION REV Page 8 of 24| is given on this format ave the property of ENGINEERS INDIA LIMITED, They are merely loaned on the borrower's express agreement that they will not be reproduced] “The drawing, design and dat imited way permitted by a written consent given by the lender to the borrawer forthe intended use. El 1641-507. A4-210x297, copied, exhibited or used, except in d) °) Adequate protection against rain, dust, snow & strong winds shall be provided to the welding personnel and the structural members during welding operation. In the absence of such a protection no welding shall be carried out. It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to ensure that all welding is carried out in accordance with the terms of this specification and relevant BIS codes. The Contractor shall provide all the supervision to fulfil this requirement. Preparation of Member for Welding a) b) °) a) Edge Preparation Edge preparation/bevelling of fusion faces for welding shall be done strictly as per the dimensions shown in the drawings.In case, the same are not indicated, edges shall be prepared (depending on the type of weld indicated in the drawing) as per the details given in IS:9595. Bevelling of fusion faces shall be got checked and approved by the Engineer in-Charge. The tolerances on limits of gap, root face & included angle shall be as stipulated in IS:9595. Cleaning Welding edges and the adjacent areas of the members (extending upto 20mm) shall be thoroughly cleaned of all oil, grease, scale and rust and made completely dry. Gaps between the members to be welded shall be kept free from all foreign matter. Preheating, Preheating of members, shall be carried out as per 1S:9595 when the base metal temperature is below the requisite temperature for the welding process being used. Preheating shall be done in such a manner that the parts, on which the weld metal is being deposited, are above the specified imum temperature for a distance of not less than 75mm on each side of the weld line. The temperature shall be measured on the face opposite to that being heated. However, when there is access to only one face, the heat source shall be removed to allow for temperature equalization (1 minute for each 25mm of plate thickness) before measuring the temperature, Grinding Column splices & butt joints of struts and compression members (depending on contact for load transmission) shall be accurately ground and close-butted over the whole section with a tolerance not exceeding, 0.2mm locally at any place..In column caps & bases,the ends of shafts together with the attached gussets,angles, channels etc, shall be accurately ‘ground so that the parts connected butt over minimum 90% surface of contact. In case of connecting angles or channels, care shall be taken so that these are fixed with such accuracy that they are not reduced in thickness by grinding by more than 2mm. ENGINEERS INDIA LIMITED NEW DELHI ‘SPECIFICATION REV STRUCTURAL STEEL WORKS ‘6-68-0006 Page 9 of 24] jy loaned on the borrower's express agreement that they wil not be reproduced] ower forthe intended use, EL 1641-507. A4-210x297. “The drawing, design and datalls given on this format are the property of ENGINEERS INDIA LIMITED, Thay are me inited way permitted by a written consent given by the lender to the i 5 i i ii) Ends of all bearing stiffeners shall be ground to fit tightly at both top and bottom. Similarly bottom of the knife edge supports along with the top surface of column brackets shall be accurately ground to provide effective bearing with a tolerance not exceeding 0.2mm locally at any place. Slab bases and caps shall be accurately ground over the bearing surfaces and shall have effective contact with the ends of stanchions. Bearing faces which are to be grouted direct to foundations need not be ground if such faces are true & parallel to the upper faces. Welding Processes Welding of various materials under this specification shall be carried out using ‘one or more of the following processes. ~ Manual Metal Arc Welding Process (MMAW) ~ Submerge Arc Welding Process (SAW) - Gas Metal Arc Welding Process (GMAW) - Flux Cored Are Welding Process (FCAW) The welding procedure adopted and consumables used shall be specifically approved by the Engineer-in-Charge. A combination of different welding Processes or a combination of electrodes of different classes/makes may be ‘employed for a particular joint only after qualifying the welding procedures to be adopted and obtaining the written approval of the Engineer-in-Charge. Approval & Testing of Welders ‘The Contractor shall satisfy the Engineer-in-Charge that the welders are suitable for the work upon which they will be employed. For this purpose the welders shall have satisfied the relevant requirements of 18:7318. If the welders will be ‘working to approved welding procedures, they shall have satisfied the relevant requirements of 1S:7310. Adequate means of identification shall be provided to enable each weld to be traced to the welder by whom it was made. The Contractor shall intimate the Engincer-in-Charge sufficiently in advance, the commencement of tests, to enable him to be present to witness the same. Approval & Testing of Welding Procedures ‘The Contractor shall carry out procedure tests in acordance with IS:7307 to demonstrate by means of a specimen weld of adequate length on steel representative of that to be used, that he can make welds with the welding procedure to be used for the work to the complete satisfaction of the Engineer- in-Charge. The test weld shall include weld details from the actual construction and it shall be welded in a manner simulating the most unfavourable instances of it-up, electrode condition etc., which are anticipated to occur on the particular fabrication. Where material analysis are available, the welding procedure shall be carried out on material with the highest carbon equivalent value. ENGINEERS INDIA LIMITED SPECIFICATION REV NEW DELHI STRUCTURAL STEEL WORKS 6-68-0006 Page 10 of 24| | After welding, but before the relevant tests given in IS:7307 are carried out, the test weld shall be held as long as possible at room temperature, but in any case not less than 72 hours, and shall then be examined for cracking. The examination procedure shall be sufficiently rigorous to be capable of revealing significant defects in both parent metal and weld metal. "ot be reproduced] Afier establishing the welding method, the Contractor shall finally submit to the Engineer-in-Charge for his approval the welding procedure specification in standard format given in 1S:9595 before starting the fabrication. ‘A4-210%28 5 Sequence of Welding a) As far as practicable, all welds shall be made in a sequence that will balance the applied heat of welding while the welding progresses. iL 164; b) The direction of the general progression in welding on a member shall be from points where the parts are relatively fixed in position with respect to each other towards points where they have a greater relative freedom of movement. ©) All splices in each component part of a cover-plated beam or built up member shall be made before the component part is welded to other component parts of the member. 4) Joints expected to have significant shrinkage shall be welded before joints expected to have lesser shrinkage. ©) Welding shall be carried continuously to completion with correct number of runs. fn by the lender to the borrower for the intended use ) The Contractor shall choose the welding sequence after carefully studying, ‘each case such as to minimize distortion and shrinkage & submit the same to the Engineer-in-Charge for comments and approval. Welding Technique a) _ARer the fusion faces are carefully aligned and set with proper gaps, the root pass of butt joints shall be executed properly so as to achieve full penetration with complete fusion of the root edges. b) —_ Oncompletion of each run, all slag and spatters shall be removed and the weld and the adjacent base metal shall be cleaned by wire brushing and light chipping. Visible defects such are cracks, cavities and other deposition faults, if any, shall be removed to sound metal before depositing subsequent run of weld. ©) All full penetration butt welds shall be completed by chipping/gouging to sound metal and then depositing a sedling run of weld metal on the back of the joints. Where butt welding is practicable from one side only, suitable backing steel strip shall be used and joint shall be arranged in such a way as to ensure that complete fusion of all the parts is readily obtained. ‘The drawing, design and detail given on this format are the property of ENGINEERS INDIA LIMITED. They are merely loaned on the borrower's express agreement that ey copied, exhibited oF used, except inthe limited way permitted by a written consent SPECIFICATION REV ENGINEERS INDIA LIMITED NEW DELHI STRUCTURAL STEEL WORKS 6-68-0006 a Page 11 of 24| 4) While welding is in progress care shall be taken to avoid any kind of ‘movement of the components, shocks, vibrations to prevent occurance of weld cracks. ‘not be reproduced] ©) Any deviation desired from the recommended welding technique and electrodes shall be adopted only after obtaining written approval of the Engineer-in-Charge. 5.26.8 Inspection & Testing of Welds ‘The method of inspection shall be according to IS:822 and extent of inspection and testing shall be in accordance with the relevant applicable standard or, in the absence of such a standard, as specified by the Engineer-in-Charge. Welds shall not be painted or otherwise obscured until they have been inspected, approved and accepted. ‘express agreement that they ‘The Engineer-in-Charge or his representative shall have access to the Contractor's work at all reasonable times and the Contractor shall provide him with all facilities necessary for inspection during all stages of fabrication and erection with, but not limited to, the following objectives jy loaned on the borrower i) To check the conformity with the relevant standards and suitability of various welding equipments and their performance. ji) To witness/approve the welding procedure qualification. iii) To witness/approve the welders performance qualification. iv) To check whether shop/field welding being executed is in conformity with the relevant specifications and codes of practice Inspection and testing of all fabricated structures shall be carried out by the Contracator by any, or, a combination of all the following methods as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge and no separate payment shall be made, unless otherwise mentioned, for inspection and testing of welds/fabricated structures: A. Visual Inspection Alll finished welds (i.e. 100 percent) shall be visually inspected for identification of the following types of weld defects & faults. a) Weld defects occurring at the surface such as blow holes, exposed porosity, unfused welds etc. b) Surface cracks in the weld metal or in the parent metal adjacent to it. ©) Damages to the parent metal such as undercuts, burning, overheating etc. 4) Profile defects such as excessive convexity or concavity, overlapping, unequal leg lengths, excessive reinforcement, incompletely filled grooves, excessive penetration beads, root grooves etc ©) Distortion due to welding i.e., local shrinkage, camber, bowing, twisting, rotation, wariness etc. copied, exhibited or used, except in the limited way permitted by a written consent given by the lender to the borrower for the intended use, ElL 1641-507. A4-210x297 “The drawing, design and detalls given on this format are the property of ENGINEERS INDIA LIMITED, They are SPECIFICATION REV NEW DELHI STRUCTURAL STEEL WORKS 6-68-0006 Page 12 of 24| i 3 ! ‘A4-210%297. “The drawing, design and datalle given on this format are the property of ENGINEERS INDIA LIMITED. They are merely loaned on the borrower's express agre copied, exhibited or used, except in the limited way permitted by a written consent given by the lender tothe borrower forthe intended use. ElL 1641 f) Linear eccentric, angular and rotational misalignment of parts. 8) Dimensional errors. B. Mechanical Tests The mechanical testing (such as tensile load tests, bend tests, impact tests etc.) shall be done in accordance with the relevant standards and as per the instructions of the Engineer-in-Charge. C. Magnetic Particle/Dye Penetration/Ultrasonic Examination: ‘The examination shall be done at random as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge. Whenever such tests are directed, the tests shall be carried out on joints chosen by him. The tests shall be carried out by employing approved testing procedure in accordance with 1S:822. D. Radiographic Examination Radiographic examination shall be carried out only in special cases for random Joints as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge. The Contractor shall be paid extra for such examination except for penalty radiographic tests for which the cost shall be bore by him. The Contractor shall make necessary arrangement at his own expense for providing the radiographic equipment, films and all other necessary materials required for carrying out the examination. The tests shall be carried in the presence of the Engineer-in-Charge by employing approved testing procedure in accordance with IS:822. The Contractor shall fulfil all the statutory safety requirements while handling X-ray and Gamma-ray equipment and provide the Engineer- in-Charge all the necessary facilities at site such as dark room, film viewer etc., to enable him to examine the radiographs. Repair of Faculty Welds No repair of defective welds shall be carried out without proper permission of the Engineer-in-Charge and his approval for the corrective procedure. Welds not complying with the acceptance requirements (as specified by BIS Codes & the Engineer-in-Charge), as revealed during inspection & testing of welds or erection or in-situ condition, shall be corrected either by removing & replacing or as follows: a) Excessive convexity = Reduced to size by removal of excess weld metal, b) Shrinkage cracks, __- Defective portions removed down to sound cracks in parent plates metal and rewelded. and craters ©) Under cutting, - Additional weld metal deposited. d) Improperly fitted’ - Welding cut & edges suitably prepared and misaligned parts. parts ©) Members distorted - Member straightened by mechanical means or the by heat of careful application of limited amount of heat, > SPECIFICATION REV ENGINEERS INDIA LIMITED NEW DELHI STRUCTURAL STEEL WORKS 6-68-0006 a Page 13 of 24) ‘express agreement that they will nat be reproduced, FIL 1641-607. A4-210x297, i 5 7 i g 2 E 2 . } £ Eg 5 $ 5 2 | 3 i 5 = £ 5 : z a i a g i & 5.2.7 5.28 5.28.1 5.2.83 5.284 welding ‘temperature of such area not to exceed 650 degree Centigrade dull red heat). In removing defective parts of a weld, gouging, chipping, oxygen cutting or grinding shall not extend into the parent metal to any substantial amount beyond the depth of weld penetration, unless cracks or other defects exist in the parent metal. The weld or parent metal shall not be undercut in chipping, grinding, gouging or oxygen cutting, Any fabricated structure or its component which, in the opinion of Engineer- in-Charge, is defective and/or beyond any corrective action shall be removed forthwith from the site as instructed by the Engineer-in-Charge without any extra claim. The owner reserves the right to recover any compensation due to any loss arising out of such rejections. Bolting All bolts shall be provided such that no part of the threaded portion of the bolts is within the thickness of the parts bolted together. Washers of suitable thickness shall be used under the nuts to avoid any threaded portion of the bolt being within the thickness of parts bolted together. ‘The threaded portion of each bolt shall project through the nut at least one thread. Flat washers shall be circular and of suitable thickness. However, where bolt heads/nuts bear upon the bevelled surfaces, they shall be provided with square tapered washers of suitable thickness to afford a seating square with the axis of the bolt. Splicing Splicing of built up/compound/latticed sections shall be done in such a fashion that each component of the section is joined in a staggered manner. Where no butt weld is used for splicing, the meeting ends of two pieces of joist/channel/built up section shall be ground flush for bearing on each other and suitable flange and web splice plates shall be designed and provided for the full strength of the flange/ web of the section and welds designed accordingly. Where full strength butt weld is used for splicing (after proper edge preparation of the web and flange plates) of members fabricated out of jois/ channel/ angles/ built up section, additional flange and web plates shall be provided, over and above the full strength butt welds, to have 40% strength of the flange and web. Where a cover plate is used over a joist/channel section the splicing of the cover plate and channel/joist sections shall be staggered by minimum 500mm. Extra splice plate shall be used for the cover plate and joist/channel section as per clause oF Prior approval shall be obtained by the Contractor for locations of splices where not shown on design drawings. Only a single splice at approved location shall be allowed for members upto a length of 6 to 7m. Maximum two numbers of splices shall be allowed for members exceeding this length. ENGINEERS INDIA LIMITED SPECIFICATION REV NEW DELHI STRUCTURAL STEEL WORKS 6-68-0006 Page 14 of 24| 1641-507. A4-210x297. ‘The drawing, design and details given on this format are the property of ENGINEERS INDIA LIMITED. They are merely loaned on the borrower's express agreement that they wi copied, exhibited oF used, except in the limited way permitted by a written consent given by the lender to the borrower for the intended use. [ 5.29 5.29.1 5.2.93 5.29.5 6.0 61 62 70 8.0 81 82 83 84 Machining & Grinding All slab bases and slab caps shall be accurately machined over the bearing surfaces and shall be in effective contact with the ends of column sections (shafts). For slab bases and slab caps, ends of column shafts shall be accurately machined. However, for gussetted bases and caps, the column shafts shall be ground flush for effective contact with parts connected together. Gussetted bases and caps shall be ground flush for effective contact with ends of column sections. End of all bearing stiffeners shall be machined or ground to fit tightly at top and bottom without any air gap. While machining or grinding care shall be taken so that the length or thickness of any part does not get reduced by more than 2.0mm, For all machining or grinding works for gassetted base and cap plates, the clearance between the parts joined shall not exceed 0.2mm at any location. MARKING FOR IDENTIFICATION Each component shall be distinctly marked (with paint) before delivery in accordance with the marking diagrams and shall bear such other marks as will facilitate erection. For small members which are delivered in bundles or crates, the required marking shall be done on small metal tags securely tied to the bundle. SHOP ERECTION ‘The steel work shall be temporarily shop erected complete or as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge, so that the accuracy of fit may be checked before despatch. INSPECTION & TESTING OF STRUCTURES ‘The Engineer-in-Charge (or his authorised representative) shall have free access at all times to those parts of the Contractor’s works which are concerned with the fabrication of the steel work and shall be provided with all reasonable facilities for satisfying himself that the fabrication is being undertaken in accordance with the provisions of these specifications & other relevant BIS Codes. Should any structure or part of a structure be found not to comply with any of the provisions of this specification (or relevant BIS Codes as referred to), it shall be liable to rejection. No structure or part of the structure, once rejected shall be resubmitted for inspection, exception cases where the Engineer-in-Charge or his authorised representative considers the defect as rectifiable. Defects which may appear during/after fabrication/ erection shall be made good ‘only with the consent of the Engineer-in-Charge and procedure laid down by him. All necessary gauges and templates shall be supplied free to the Engineer-in-Charge by the Contractor whenever asked for during inspection. The ENGINEERS INDIA LIMITED SPECIFICATION REV NEW DELHI STRUCTURAL STEEL WORKS 6-68-0006 Page 15 of 24| rent that thay will not be reproduced] "A4-2103297 i z The drawing, design and details givon on this format are the property of ENGINEERS INDIA LIMITED. They are merely loaned on the borrower's express ogre copied, exhibited or used, except in the limited way permitted by a written consent given by the lender tothe b 9.0 9.4 9.2 93 94 95 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 11.0 12.0 121 Engineer-in- Charge, may at his discretion, check the test results obtained at the Contractor's works by independent tests at a test house, and the cost of such tests shall be borne by the Contractor. SHOP PAINTING All components and members of steel work shall be given one shop coat of red oxide zine chromate primer (conforming to 1S:2074) or any other primer as specified, in the tender, immediately after the surfaces have been properly Prepared (i.e. degreased, derusted, descaled & cleaned) in accordance with IS:1477 or 6-44-0004, as applicable. The primer coat shall be applied over completely dry surfaces (using brushes of good quality) in a manner s0 as to ensure a continuous and uniform film without "holidaying". Special care shall be taken to cover all the crevices, comers, edges etc. However, in areas which are difficult to reach by brushing, daubers/mops shall be used by dipping the same in paint and then pulling/ pushing them through the narrow spaces. The primer coat shall be air dried and shall have a minimum film thickness of 25 microns or as per EIL Specification no. 6-44-0004 (tolerance + 10%) after drying, as applicable. Surfaces which are inaccessible after shop assembly, shall receive the full specified protective treatment before assembly (this shall not apply to the interior of sealed hollow sections). Steel surfaces shall not be painted within a suitable distance of any edges to be welded if the paint specified would be harmful to welders or impair the quality of the welds. Welds and adjacent parent metal shall not be painted prior to deslagging, inspection and approval by the Engineer-in-Charge. Parts to be encased in concrete shall have only one coat of primer and shall not be painted after erection. PACKING All items shall be suitably packed in case these are to be despatched from the fabrication shop to the actual site of erection so as to protect them from any damage/distortion or falling during transit. Where necessary, slender projecting parts shall be temporarily braced to avoid warping during transportation. Small parts such as gussets, cleats etc., shall be securely wired on to their respective main members. Bolts, nuts washers etc. shall be packed in crates. TRANSPORTATION Loading and transportation shall be done in compliance with transportation rules. In case, certain parts can not be transported in the lengths stipulated on the drawings, the position details of such additional splice joints shall be got approved by the Engineer-in- Charge. SITE (FIELD) ERECTION Plant & Equipment 6 ENGINEERS INDIA LIMITED NEW DELHI STRUCTURAL STEEL WORKS 6-68-0006 SPECIFICATION REV Page 16 of 24| 12.2 123 ‘express agreement that they will not be reproduced, for the intended use, ElL 1641-507. A4-210x297, 12.4 13.0 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 14.0 14.1 142 “The drawing, design and details given on this format are the property of ENGINEERS INDIA LIMITED. They are merely loaned on the borrower copied, exhibited or used, except inthe limited way permitted by a writen consent given by the lender to the borrow The suitability and capacity of all plant and equipment used shall be to the complete satisfaction of the Engineer-in-Charge. Storing & Handling All steel work shall be so stored and handled at site so that the members are not, subjected to excessive stresses and any damage. Setting Out Prior to setting out of the steel work, the Contractor shall get himself satisfied about the correctness of levels, alignment, location of existing concrete pedestals/columns/brackets and holding down bolts/pockets provided therein. Any minor modification in the same including chipping, cutting and making good, adjusting the anchor bolts etc, if necessary, shall be carried out by the Contractor at his own expense. The positioning and levelling of all steel work including plumbing of columns and placing of every part of the structure with accuracy shall be in accordance with the drawings and to the complete satisfaction of the Engineer-in-Charge, Tolerances Tolerances for erection of steel structures shall be as per Annexure °A’ SAFETY & SECURITY DURING ERECTION The contractor shall comply with 18:7205 for necessary safety and adhere to safe erection practices and guard against hazardous as well as unsafe working conditions during all stages of erection. During erection, the steel work shall be securely bolted or otherwise fastened and ‘when necessary, temporarily braced/guyed to provide for all loads to be carried by the structure during erection till the completion, including those due to the wind, erection equipment & its operation etc. at no extra cost to the owner. For the purpose of guying, the Contractor shall not use other structure in the vicinity without prior written permission of the Engineer-in-Charge. No permanent bolting or welding shall be done until proper alignment has been achieved, Proper access, platform and safety arrangement shall be provided for working and inspection, (at no extra cost to the owner) whenever required. FIELD CONNECTIONS Field Bolting Field bolting shall be carried out with the same care as required for shop bolting. Field Welding All field assembly and welding shall be executed in accordance with the requirements for shop assembly and welding. Holes for all erection bolts - where removed after final erection shall be plugged by welding. Alternatively erection bolts may be left and secured, ENGINEERS INDIA LIMITED NEW DELHI STRUCTURAL STEEL WORKS 6-68-0006 A SPECIFICATION REV Page 17 of 24| shed on the borrower's express agreement that they will not be reproduc forthe intended use, Ell 1641-507, A4-210x297. “The drawing, design and details given on this format are the property of ENGINEERS INDIA LIMITED. They are merely ‘| ited way permitted by 8 written consent given by the lender to the borra ‘or used, except in the li 15.0 15.1 15.2 153 15.4 16.0 17.0 71 GROUTING Prior to positioning of structural columns/girders/ trusses over the concrete pedestals/columns/brackets, all laitance & loose material shall be removed by wire brushing & chipping. The bearing concrete surfaces shall be sufficiently levelled, hacked with flat chisels to make them rough, cleaned (using compressed air) and made thoroughly wet. All pockets for anchor bolts shall also be similarly cleaned and any excess water removed. Thereafter, the structural member shall be erected, aligned & plumbed maintaining the base plates/shoe plates at the levels shown in the drawings, with necessary shims/pack plates/wedges. After final alignment and plumbing of the structure, the forms shall be constructed alround and joints made tight to prevent leakage. Grouting (under the base plates/shoe plates including grouting of sleeves & pockets) shall be done with non-shrink grout having compressive strength (28 days) not less than 40N/ Non shrink grout shall be of free flow premix type and of approved quality and make. It shall be mixed with water in proportion as specified by the ‘manufacturer. Ordinary 1:2 cement/sand mortar grout shall be used only for small, isolated structures e.g. operating platforms not supporting any equipment, pipe supports, cross overs, stairs & ladders. The thickness of grout shall be as shown cn the drawings but not less than 25 mm nor more than 40mm in any case. ‘The grout mixture shall be poured continuously (without any interruption till completion) by grouting pumps from one side of the base plate and spread uniformly with flexible stee! strips and rammed with rods, till the space is filled solidly and the grout mixture carried to the other side of the base plate. The grout mixture shall be allowed to harden for a period as decided by the Engineer-in-Charge. At the end of this period, the shims/wedges/pack plates may be removed and anchor bolts tightened uniformly. The alignment of the structure shall now be rechecked and if found correct, the voids left by the removal of shims/wedges/pack plates (if removed) must be filled up with a similar mixture of grout. In case after checking, serious misalignment is indicated, the grout shall be removed completely and fresh grouting done after making appropriate correction of alignment. SCHEME AND SEQUENCE OF ERECTION The Contractor shall furnish the detailed scheme and sequence of erection to match with the project schedule and get the same approved by the Engineer-in- Charge. All necessary co-ordination and synchomization shall be done with the Civil contractor where Civil works are not included in the scope of structural ‘contractor at no extra cost so as to match with the project schedule. PAYMENT This clause shall apply to Item Rate tender only. Payment for structural steel works shall be made on the basis of admissible weight in metric tons (determined as described in clause 17.2 and 17.3) of the structure accepted by the Engineer-in-Charge. The rate shall include supplying (as per supply conditions given in the Tender) fabricating, erecting in position (at all levels & locations), testing/examining (excluding radiography only) of bolted and/or welded structural steel works of all types (including all built up/compound sections made out of rolled sections and/or plates) including all handling, ENGINEERS INDIA LIMITED NEW DELHI STRUCTURAL STEEL WORKS 6-68-0006 7 SPECIFICATION REV Page 18 of 24| 5 g 3 z 2 format are the property of ENGINEERS INDIA LIMITED. They are merely loaned on the borrower's express gr imited way permitted by a written consent given by the lender to the borrower for the intended use, Elk 1641 ‘design and details given on th ‘exhibited oF used, except in the 172 173 174 18.0 18.1 18.1.1 18.1.2 transporting, storing, straightening if required, cutting, edge preparation, preheating, bolting and welding of joints (including sealing the joints of box sections with continuous welding), finishing edges by grinding/machining as shown, fixing in line & level with temporary staging & bracing and removal of the same afier erection, grouting with nonshrink/ordinary grout as specified, preparation of fabrication & erection drawings, & erection schedule and getting them reviewed, preparation and submission of as built drawings, as built drawings, preparing the surfaces for painting, surface cleaning, wire brushing, removal of mill scale, dust, rust, oil or grease and applying one coat of red oxide zinc chromate primer or any other primer as specified after fabrication, retum of surplus materials to owner’s stores and material reconciliation in the case of materials supplied by the owner as per relevant contract conditions ete. all complete for all the operations mentioned in the foregoing clauses. ‘The weight for payment shall be determined from the fabrication drawings and respective bill of materials prepared by the Contractor. The bill of materials shall be checked and approved by the Engineer-in-Charge before making the payment. ‘The Contractor shall prepare full scale template in order to supplement/verify the actual cutting dimensions where so directed by the Engineer-in-Charge. The ‘weight shall be calculated on the basis of BIS Hand Book wherever applicable. In case sections used are different from BIS sections, then Manufacturers’ Hand Book shall be adopted. No allowance in weight shall be made for rolling tolerances. Welds, bolts, nuts, washers, shims, pack plates, wedges, grout and shop painting shall not be separately measured. The quoted rate shall be deemed to include the same. The rate shall include all expenses related to safety & security arrangements during erection and all plants & tools required for fabrication, transportation & erection, PAINTING AFTER ERECTION General The scope of painting after erection shall be at the sole discretion of the Engineer-in-Charge and the Contractor shall obtain written instruction in this regard sufficiently prior to taking up any procurement of paint and execution of painting work after erection of steel structures. The Contractor shall carry out the painting work in all respects with the best quality of approved materials (conforming to relevant BIS Codes or EIL. Specification no. 6-44-0004, as applicable) and workmanship in accordance with the best engineering practice. The Contractor shall furnish characteristics of paints (to be used) indicating the suitability for the required service conditions. The paint manufacturer's instructions supplemented by Engineer-in-Charge’s direction, if any, shall be followed at all times. Particular attention shall be paid to the following: - Proper storage to avoid exposure & extremes of temperature. - surface preparation prior to painting, - Mixing & thinning, ENGINEERS INDIA LIMITED ‘NEW DELHI STRUCTURAL STEEL WORKS 6-68-0006 SPECIFICATION REV Page 19 of 24| soment that they will not be reproduced] 7. A4-210%297, sned on the borrower's express fxhibited or used, except in the limited way permitted by a written consent given by the lender to the borrower for the intended use. Ell 1641 ‘The drawing, design and details given on this format are the property of ENGINEERS INDIA LIMITED. They are merely 3 18.1.3 18.1.4 18.1.5 18.2 18.3 18.4 18.4.1 18.4.2 ~ Application of paint and the recommended limit on time intervals between consecutive coats, Painting shall not be done in frost or foggy weather, or when humidity is such as to cause condensation on the surfaces to be painted. Surface which shall be inaccessible after site assembly shall receive the full specified protective treatment before assembly. Rub Down & Primer Application ‘The shop coated surfaces shall be rubbed down thoroughly with emery/abrasive paper to remove dust, rust, other foreign matters and degreased, if required, in accordance with IS:1477 or EIL specification no. 6-44-0004, as applicable, cleaned with warm fresh water and air dried. The portions, from where the shop coat has peeled off, shall be touched up and allowed to dry. Primer coat of red oxide zine chromate primer (conforming to IS:2074) or any other primer as per EIL specification no. 6-44-0004, as specified, shall be applied by brushing/ spraying over the shop coat in a manner so as to ensure a continuous and uniform film throughout. Special care shall be taken to cover all the crevices, comers, edges etc. The final primer coat shall be air dried and shall have a minimum film thickness of 25 microns or as per EIL Specification no. 6-44-0004 (tolerance + 10%) after drying, as applicable. In case a different cleaning procedure & primer specific drawing/Tender, the same shall be adopted. ns are specified in the Final Paint Application After the primer is hard dry, the surfaces shall be dusted off and one coat of synthetic enamel paint of approved colour & shade (conforming to 1S:2932) or any other paint as per EIL specification no. 6-44-0004, as specified, shall be applied by brushing/spraying so that a film free from "holidaying" is obtained, The colour & shade of first coat of paint shall be slightly lighter than the second coat in order to identify the application of each coat. The second coat of paint shall be applied after the first coat is hard dry. The minimum thickness of each film shall be 20 microns (+ 10% tolerance) after drying. In case a different type of paint & painting procedure are specified in the drawing/tender, the same shall be adopted. Inspection & Testing of Painting Works All painting materials including primers & thinners brought to site by the Contractor for application shall be procured directly from reputed and approved manufacturers and shall be accompanied by manufacturer’s test certificates. Paint formulations without certificates shall not be accepted. The Engineer-in-Charge at his discretion may call for additional tests for paint formulations. The Contractor shall arrange to have such tests performance ENGINEERS INDIA LIMITED NEW DELHI STRUCTURAL STEEL WORKS 6-68-0006 7 SPECIFICATION REV Page 20 of 24| 1 be reproduced ‘A4-210x297, ‘The drawing, design and detaila given on this format are the property of ENGINEERS INDIA LIMITED. They are merely loaned on the borrower's express agreement that they wi copied, exhibited or used, except in the limited way permitted by a written consent given by the lender to the borrower for the intended use. EIL 1641-507, including batch wise test of wet paints for physical & chemical analysis. All costs shall be bome by the Contractor. 18.4.3 The painting work shall be subject to inspection by the Engineer-in-Charge at all times. In particular, the stage inspection will be performed and Contractor shall offer the work for inspection and approval at every stage before proceeding with the next stage. The record of inspection shall be maintained. Stages of inspection are as follows: (@) Surface preparation (b)_ Primer application (©) Each coat of p: 18.4.4 ‘Any defect noticed during the various stages of inspection shall be rectified by the Contractor to the entire satisfaction of the Engineer-in-Charge before proceeding further. Irrespective of the inspection, repair and approval at intermediate stages of work the Contractor shall be responsible for making good any defects found during final inspection/guarantee period/defect liability period, as defined in General Conditions of Contract. Dry film thickness (DFT) shall be checked and recorded ater application of each coat. The thickness shall be measured at as many locations as decided by the Enginee Charge. The Contractor shall provide standard thickness measuring instrument such as elkometer (with appropriate range for measuring dry film thickness of each coat) free of cost to the Enginer-in- Charge whenever asked for. 18.5 Payment Payment for painting of structural steel works shall be made on the basis of admissible weight in metric tons of the painted structures accepted by the Engineer-in-Charge. The rate shall include supplying & applying two coats of synthetic enamel paint or any other p t specified in the tender of approved quality and shade over a coat of red oxide zine chromate primer or any other primer specified in the tender over one coat of shop primer already applied to structural steel works of all types/shapes at all levels, locations & positions including storage, surface preparation, degreasing, cleaning, drying, touching up of shop primer coat, providing temporary staging, testing etc. all complete to the entire satisfaction of the Engineer-in-Charge. S ENGINEERS INDIA LIMITED NEW DELHI STRUCTURAL STEEL WORKS SPECIFICATION REV 6-68-0006 Page 21 of 24| (Clause 12.4) Maximum Permissible Erection Tolerances Note: 1. Tolerance specified under 3 should be read in conjunction with 4 & 5. Note: 2. *H’ is the column height in mm. Ee 38 A. Columns £3 25 1 Deviation of column axes at foundation toplevel with 5 respect to true axes. 32 i) In longitudinal direction +5mm_ Bo ii) In lateral direction +5mm i: g = Deviation in the level of bearing surface of columns at ay foundation top with respect to true level +5mm 35 gs 3. Out of plumb (Verticality) of column axis from true vertical 5E axis, as measured at top: & i) Upto and including 30m height +H/1000 or +25mm z whichever is less. & g ii) Over 30m height +H/1200 or +35mm E whichever is less. 2 4 Deviation in straightness in longitudinal & transverse planes 2 of column at any point along the height. 4H/1000 or +10mm z whichever is less. 2 5. Difference in the erected positions of adjacent pairs of columns 2 along length or across width of building prior to connecting 2 trusses/beams with respect to true distance. +5mm Eg 6. Deviation in any bearing or seating level with respect to true +Smm = level. E 7. Deviation in difference in bearing levels of a member on 2 adjacent pair of columns both across & along the building. +Smm_ i 2 zg £ 3 g 2 z copied, exhibited oF used, except in the limited way permitted by a written consent given by the lender to the borrows B. Trusses 1. Shift at the centre of span of top chord member +£1/250 of height of with respect to the vertical plane passing through ‘russ in mm at centre the centre of bottom chord. of span or 15mm whichever is less. 2. Lateral shift of top chord of truss at the centre of span £1/1500 of span of from the vertical plane passing through the centre of ‘russ in mm or +10mm supports of the truss. Whichever is less 3. Lateral shift in location of truss from its true position. +10mm SPECIFICATION | REV ENGINEERS INDIA LIMITED NEW DELHI ‘STRUCTURAL STEEL WORKS 6-68-0006 Z Page 22 of 24 ot be reproduced] Toaned on the borrower's express agreement that they wil ‘The drawing, design and details given on this format are the property of ENGINEERS INDIA LIMITED. They are m ‘A4-210%297, copied, exhibited or used, except in the limited way permitted by a written consent given by the lender to the borrower for the intended use. Ell 1641+ 4, Lateral shift in location 5. Deviation in difference the true level, C. Gantry Girders & Rails 1, Shift in the centre line of crane rail with respect, to centre line of web of gantry girder. of purlin from true position, of bearing levels of truss from 2. Shift of alignment of crane rail (in plan) with respect to true axis of crane rail at any point. 3. Deviation in crane track gauge with respect to true gauge. i) For track gauge upto and including 15 m. ii) For track gauge more than 15m. 4, Deviation in the crane rail level at any point from true level. 5. Difference in level between crane track rails (across the bay) at i) Supports of gantry girders Mid span of gantry girders 6. Relative shift of crane rail surfaces (at a joining) in plan and elevation. 45mm 41/1200 of span of ‘truss in mm or 20mm whichever is less. {web thichness (mm)}+2 mm] 2 +5 mm +5 mm. AL 5 + 0.25 (S-15)] Subject to maximum + 10mm, where $ in metres is true gauge. + 10 mm. 15 mm, 20 mm, ENGINEERS INDIA LIMITED NEW DELHI STRUCTURAL STEEL WORKS SPECIFICATION REV 6-68-0006 Page 23 of 24| ANNEXURE-'B" (Clause 18.2) PAINTING COLOUR CODE FOR STRUCTURAL STEEL ‘A4-210%297, 1 GANTRY GIRDER & MONORAIL, DARK GREEN 2, GANTRY GIRDER & MONORAIL STOPPER SIGNAL RED 3 BUILDING STRUCTURAL STEEL COLUMNS, DARK ADMIRALITY BRACKETS, BEAMS, BRACINGS, ROOF TRUSS, GREY PURLINS, SIDEGIRTS, LOUVERS, STRINGERS 4 PIPE RACK STRUCTURE & TRESTLE DARK ADMIRALITY GREY 5. CHEQUERED PLATE (BOTH FACES) BLACK 6 GRATING BLACK 7, LADDER RUNGS - BLACK. VERTICALS & CAGE RED 8. HAND RAILING ‘way permitted by a written consent given by the lender to the borrower for the intended use. ElL 1641-507, van on this format are the property of ENGINEERS INDIA LIMITED, They are merely loaned on the borrower's express agreement that they will nat be reproduced] - HANDRAIL, MIDDLE SIGNAL RED RAIL, TOE PLATE - VERTICAL POST BLACK g = 3 3s 3] 3 ee SPECIFICATION | REV ENGINEERS INDIA LIMITED NEW DELHI STRUCTURAL STEEL WORKS 6-68-0006 7 Page 24 of 24

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