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Cases On Citizenship

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Republic v Sagun (2012) 17, 1973 of Filipino mothers, who elect Philippine citizenship upon reaching the age of
majority” are Philippine citizens.
Nora Fe Sagun is the legitimate child of Albert S. Chan, a Chinese national, and
Marta Borromeo, a Filipino citizen. She was born on August 8, 1959 in Baguio City It should be noted, however, that the 1973 and 1987 Constitutional provisions on the
and did not elect Philippine citizenship upon reaching the age of majority. In 1992, at election of Philippine citizenship should not be understood as having a curative effect
the age of 33 and after getting married to Alex Sagun, she executed an Oath of on any irregularity in the acquisition of citizenship for those covered by the 1935
Allegiance to the Republic of the Philippines. Said document was notarized by Atty. Constitution. If the citizenship of a person was subject to challenge under the old
Cristeta Leung on December 17, 1992, but was not recorded and registered with the charter, it remains subject to challenge under the new charter even if the judicial
Local Civil Registrar of Baguio City. challenge had not been commenced before the effectivity of the new Constitution.

Sometime in September 2005, respondent applied for a Philippine passport. Her Being a legitimate child, respondent’s citizenship followed that of her father who is
application was denied due to the citizenship of her father and there being no Chinese, unless upon reaching the age of majority, she elects Philippine citizenship. It
annotation on her birth certificate that she has elected Philippine citizenship. is a settled rule that only legitimate children follow the citizenship of the father and
Consequently, she sought a judicial declaration of her election of Philippine that illegitimate children are under the parental authority of the mother and follow her
citizenship and prayed that the Local Civil Registrar of Baguio City be ordered to nationality. An illegitimate child of Filipina need not perform any act to confer upon
annotate the same on her birth certificate. him all the rights and privileges attached to citizens of the Philippines; he
automatically becomes a citizen himself. But in the case of respondent, for her to be
ISSUE 1: Whether or not an action or proceeding for judicial declaration of Philippine considered a Filipino citizen, she must have validly elected Philippine citizenship upon
citizenship is procedurally and jurisdictionally permissible reaching the age of majority.

HELD: NO. Based on Commonwealth Act (C.A.) No. 625 the statutory formalities of electing
Philippine citizenship are:
This Court has consistently ruled that there is no proceeding established by law, or
the Rules for the judicial declaration of the citizenship of an individual. There is no (1) a statement of election under oath;
specific legislation authorizing the institution of a judicial proceeding to declare that a
given person is part of our citizenry. Courts of justice exist for settlement of justiciable (2) an oath of allegiance to the Constitution and Government of the
controversies, which imply a given right, legally demandable and enforceable, an act Philippines; and
or omission violative of said right, and a remedy, granted or sanctioned by law, for
said breach of right. As an incident only of the adjudication of the rights of the parties (3) registration of the statement of election and of the oath with the nearest
to a controversy, the court may pass upon, and make a pronouncement relative to civil registry.
their status. Otherwise, such a pronouncement is beyond judicial power.
Furthermore, no election of Philippine citizenship shall be accepted for
ISSUE: Whether or not an election of Philippine citizenship, made 12 years after registration under C.A. No. 625 unless the party exercising the right of
reaching the age of majority, is considered to have been made “within a reasonable election has complied with the requirements of the Alien Registration Act of
time” as interpreted by jurisprudence 1950. In other words, he should first be required to register as an alien.

HELD: NO. Pertinently, the person electing Philippine citizenship is required to file a petition with
the Commission of Immigration and Deportation (now Bureau of Immigration) for the
When respondent was born on August 8, 1959, the governing charter was the 1935 cancellation of his alien certificate of registration based on his aforesaid election of
Constitution, which declares as citizens of the Philippines those whose mothers are Philippine citizenship and said Office will initially decide, based on the evidence
citizens of the Philippines and elect Philippine citizenship upon reaching the age of presented the validity or invalidity of said election. Afterwards, the same is elevated
majority. to the Ministry (now Department) of Justice for final determination and review.

Under the 1935 Constitution, the citizenship of a legitimate child born of a Filipino It should be stressed that there is no specific statutory or procedural rule which
mother and an alien father followed the citizenship of the father, unless, upon authorizes the direct filing of a petition for declaration of election of Philippine
reaching the age of majority, the child elected Philippine citizenship. The right to elect citizenship before the courts. The special proceeding provided under Section 2, Rule
Philippine citizenship was recognized in the 1973 Constitution when it provided that 108 of the Rules of Court on Cancellation or Correction of Entries in the Civil Registry,
“those who elect Philippine citizenship pursuant to the provisions of the Constitution of merely allows any interested party to file an action for cancellation or correction of
nineteen hundred and thirty-five” are citizens of the Philippines. Likewise, this entry in the civil registry, i.e., election, loss and recovery of citizenship, which is not
recognition by the 1973 Constitution was carried over to the 1987 Constitution was the relief prayed for by the respondent.
carried over to the 1987 Constitution which states that “[t]hose born before January
Records undisputably show that Nora failed to comply with the legal requirements for
a valid election. Specifically, respondent had not executed a sworn statement of her
election of Philippine citizenship. The only documentary evidence submitted by
respondent in support of her claim of alleged election was her oath of allegiance,
executed 12 years after she reached the age of majority, which was unregistered. As
aptly pointed out by the petitioner, even assuming arguendo that respondent’s oath of
allegiance suffices, its execution was not within a reasonable time after respondent
attained the age of majority and was not registered with the nearest civil registry as
required under Section 1 of C.A. No. 625. The phrase “reasonable time” has been
interpreted to mean that the election should be made generally within three (3) years
from reaching the age of majority. Moreover, there was no satisfactory explanation
proffered by respondent for the delay and the failure to register with the nearest local
civil registry.

Based on the foregoing circumstances, respondent clearly failed to comply with the
procedural requirements for a valid and effective election of Philippine citizenship.
Respondent cannot assert that the exercise of suffrage and the participation in
election exercises constitutes a positive act of election of Philippine citizenship since
the law specifically lays down the requirements for acquisition of citizenship by
election. The mere exercise ofsuffrage, continuous and uninterrupted stay in the
Philippines, and other similar acts showing exercise of Philippine citizenship cannot
take the place of election of Philippine citizenship. Hence, respondent cannot now be
allowed to seek the intervention of the court to confer upon her Philippine citizenship
when clearly she has failed to validly elect Philippine citizenship.
7. Tan v Crisologo (2017) Tan took an Oath of Allegiance to the U.S.A. on 19 January 1993, prior to the
enactment of R.A. No. 9225 on 29 August 2003. If we were to effect as retroactive
J. Martires Tan's Philippine citizenship to the date she lost her Philippine citizenship, then the
different use of the words "reacquire" and "retain" in R.A. No. 9225 would effectively
On 19 January 1993, Tan, born to Filipino parents, became a naturalized citizen of be futile.
the USA. On 26 October 2009, Tan applied to be registered as a voter in Quezon
City. She indicated that she was a Filipino .Citizen by birth. Her application was Given the distinction between citizens who have "reacquired" from those who
approved by the Election Registration Board (ERB) making her a registered voter in "retained" Philippine citizenship,41 coupled with the legal effects of renunciation of
QC. On 30 November 2009, Tan took an Oath of Allegiance to the Republic of the citizenship, Section 2 of R.A. No. 9225 cannot be used as basis for giving a
Philippines before a notary public in Makati City. retroactive application of the law. R.A. No. 9225 contains no provision stating that it
may be applied retroactively as regards natural-born citizens who became naturalized
The following day, or on 1 December 2009, she filed a petition before the Bureau of citizens of a foreign country prior to the effectivity of the said law. In fact, correlating
Immigration (BI) for the reacquisition of her Philippine citizenship.8 She stated in her Sections 2 and 3 of the law would readily reveal that only those falling under the
petition that she lost her Philippine citizenship when she became a naturalized second paragraph of R.A. No. 9225, i.e., natural-born citizens who became
American citizen. However, Tan executed a sworn declaration renouncing her naturalized citizens of a foreign country after the effectivity of the said law, shall be
allegiance to the U.S.A.9 Thereafter, the BI confirmed her reacquisition of Philippine considered as not to have lost their Philippine citizenship.
citizenship. On the same day, Tan filed her Certificate of Candidacy (CoC) for the
2010 National Elections to run as congresswoman for the First District of Quezon Moreover, to consider that the reacquisition of Philippine citizenship retroacts to the
City. date it was lost would result in an absurd scenario where a Filipino would still be
considered a Philippine citizen when in fact he had already renounced his citizenship.
Vincent "Bing bong" Crisologo filed a petition before the MeTC seeking the exclusion We are not about to give a statute a meaning that would lead to absurdity as it is our
of Tan from the voter's list because (1) she was not a Filipino citizen when she duty to construe statutes in such a way to avoid such consequences. If the words of a
registered as a voter and (2) she failed to meet the residency requirement of the law. statute are susceptible [to] more than one meaning, the absurdity of the result of one
construction is a strong argument against its adoption and in favor of such sensible
ISSUE: W/N whether Tan can be considered a Philippine citizen at the time she interpretation as would avoid such result.
registered as a voter.

HELD: NO. Tan was not a Filipino citizen at the time she registered as a voter and her
inclusion to the permanent voter's list is highly irregular.

In the present case, it is undisputed that Tan filed her voter's registration application
on 26 October 2009, and that she only took her Oath of Allegiance to the Republic of
the Philippines on 30 November 2009, or more than a month after the ERB approved
her application.

R.A. No. 9225 was enacted to allow natural-born Filipino citizens, who lost their
Philippine citizenship through naturalization in a foreign country, to expeditiously
reacquire Philippine citizenship. Under the procedure currently in place under R.A.
No. 9225, the reacquisition of Philippine citizenship requires only the taking of an oath
of allegiance to the Republic of the Philippines.

Congress declared as a state policy that all Philippine citizens who become citizens of
another country shall be deemed not to have lost their Philippine citizenship under the
conditions laid out by the law. It would seem that the law makes a distinction between
Filipino citizens who lost their Philippine citizenship prior to the effectivity of R.A. No.
9225 and reacquired their citizenship under the same law from those who lost their
Philippine citizenship after R.A. No. 9225 was enacted and retained their citizenship.

Once Philippine citizenship is renounced because of naturalization in a foreign

country, we cannot consider one a Filipino citizen unless and until his or her
allegiance to the Republic of the Philippines is reaffirmed. Simply stated, right after a
Filipino renounces allegiance to our country, he or she is to be considered a foreigner.

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