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EC8251 Circuit Analysis

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SRM Nagar, Kattankulathur – 603 203





Regulation – 2017

Academic Year 2017 – 18

Prepared by

Ms. S. Surabhi, Assistant Professor (O.G) /ECE

Mr. A. Anbarasan, Assistant Professor (O.G)/ECE

Mr. G. Murali Krishna, Assistant Professor (O.G)/ECE


SRM Nagar, Kattankulathur – 603 203.




SEM / YEAR: II / I year B.E.


Ohm’s Law – Kirchhoff’s laws – Mesh current and node voltage method of analysis for D.C
and A.C. circuits - Network terminology - Graph of a network - Incidence and reduced
incidence matrices – Trees –Cutsets - Fundamental cutsets - Cutset matrix – Tie sets - Link
currents and Tie set schedules -Twig voltages and Cutset schedules, Duality and dual
Q. No. Questions BT Level Competence
1. State Ohm’s law. BTL 1 Remembering

2. What is Kirchoff’s Current law? BTL 1 Remembering

3. State Kirchoff’s voltage law. BTL 1 Remembering

4. Define (a) Graph and (b) Cutset. BTL 1 Remembering

5. List the dual pairs and say what Duality is? BTL 1 Remembering

6. Recall tree, co-tree, twig and link. BTL 1 Remembering

7. Summarize the basic mesh analysis procedure. BTL 2 Understanding

8. Outline incidence and reduced incidence matrices. BTL 2 Understanding

9. Explain the relation between Vo,VT and VN. BTL 2 Understanding

10. Illustrate link current and tie set matrix BTL 2 Understanding

11. Calculate R if I= -2µA and V=-44V. BTL 3 Applying

Develop a graph corresponding to the given Incidence BTL 3 Applying
A=[[-1 0 0 0 +1 0 +1 0],
12. [0 -1 0 0 0 0 -1 +1],
[0 0 -1 -1 0 -1 0 -1],
[0 0 0 0 -1 +1 0 0],
[+1 +1 +1 +1 0 0 0 0]]

Calculate the number of branches and nodes in the given BTL 3 Applying


Examine the current drawn by a lamp rated at 250V,40W BTL 4 Analyzing

connected to a supply of 230V.
Evaluate the current through the resistor R3 in the circuit BTL 4 Analyzing
given below.


Analyze the given figure and find the voltage at load. BTL 4 Analyzing


20 lamps are connected in series and has a resistance of BTL 5 Evaluating

17. 25Ω. Determine the total resistance of the set of lamps and
hence the current taken from a supply of 230V.
Estimate the power delivered and the current I, if a 25Ω BTL 5 Evaluating
resistance has a voltage of 150V.
Formulate f-cutset matrix and obtain KCL for the cut-set BTL 6 Creating
for given graph.

Design Dual circuit for the given figure. BTL 6 Creating


Q. No. Questions BT Level Competence
Schematize the dual network of the given circuit and BTL 6 Creating
explain its procedure. (16)


Describe the concept of duality and dual pairs. Also state BTL 1 Remembering
2. the procedure followed to interchange between dual pairs.
State incidence matrix and its properties. Also describe BTL 1 Remembering
the relationship between KCL and incidence matrix. (16)
Analyze the given electrical network and draw its BTL 4 Analyzing
topological graph, write its incidence matrix, tie-set
matrix, link current transformation equation and branch
currents. (16)

i) Explain Fundamental cut-set matrix using suitable BTL 2 Understanding

example. (6)
ii) For the given network, trace the oriented graph and
all possible trees. Also prepare incidence matrix, f-
tie-set matrix, f cut-set matrix. (10)


Predict the voltage VAB in the circuit shown below. (16) BTL 2 Understanding


Using Ohm’s law and Kirchoff’s law on the circuit given BTL 2 Understanding
below, identify Vin, Vs and the Power provided by the
dependent sources. (16)

Assess the current delivered by the source in the circuit BTL 5 Evaluating
shown below. (16)


i) Explain the procedure involved in Mesh current BTL 3 Applying
method. (8)
ii) Calculate the Current supplied by 60V source in
the given network using mesh current method. (8)

i) List the procedure involved in Node voltage BTL 1 Remembering

method. (8)
ii) Examine the given network using node voltage
method and find the Current supplied by 60V
source (8)


Solve the network of given figure by using loop analysis. BTL 3 Applying
Use the incidence matrix of the loop (tie-set matrix). (16)


Estimate the current in various branches in given figure BTL 4 Analyzing

using mesh analysis. (16)

Using Nodal analysis analyze the given circuit and BTL 4 Analyzing
estimate current in all branches. (16)


i) Define the following terms: a)Graph b)Tree BTL 1 Remembering

c)Cut-set d)Tie-set e)Twig f)links g)incidence
matrix h)reduced incidence matrix. (8)
ii) For the given graph, identify the loop incidence
matrix and the branch currents in terms of the
loop currents. (8)



Network theorems -Superposition theorem, Thevenin’s theorem, Norton’s theorem, Reciprocity theorem, Millman’s
theorem, and Maximum power transfer theorem, application of Network theorems- Network reduction: voltage and
current division, source transformation – star delta conversion.
Q. No Questions BT Level Competence
1. Define Superposition theorem. BTL 1 Remembering

2. Evaluate Thevenin’s theorem. BTL 5 Evaluating

3. Discuss about the Norton’s theorem. BTL 2 Understanding

4. What is Reciprocity theorem? BTL 1 Remembering

5. Apply Millman’s theorem and find the current through 1 Ω resistor. BTL 3 Applying

6. Estimate the current through 5Ω resistor by using Superposition Theorem BTL 6 Creating

7. Show that how to find the Voc and Rth in thevenin’s theorem? BTL 1 Remembering

8. Determine the Norton’s equivalent circuit across terminals AB for the circuit BTL 5 Evaluating
shown in figure.

9. Inspect the Millman’s theorem. BTL 4 Analyzing

10. List out the limitations of Reciprocity theorem. BTL 1 Remembering

11. Infer the Maximum power transfer theorem. BTL 2 Understanding

12. Develop division of current in parallel circuit. BTL 3 Applying

13. Indicate the division of voltage in series circuit. BTL 2 Understanding

14. Differentiate between series and parallel circuits. BTL 4 Analyzing

15. How will you convert the current source to voltage source? BTL 1 Remembering

16. Convert the voltage source into current source BTL 2 Understanding

17. Compose the expression for star to delta transformation BTL 6 Creating

18. How will you transform a set of identical resistors connected in Δ to Y BTL 3 Applying

19. Find the value of the effective resistance between A and B? BTL 1 Remembering

20. Simplify the given Δ network to star connection network BTL 4 Analyzing

1. Demonstrate the principle of superposition theorem, find the current in 10Ω BTL 4 Analyzing
resistor of the network shown in figure. (16)

2. Explain the thevenin’s equivalent circuit for the network shown below. BTL 2 Understanding

3. Modify the circuit shown in figure, find the current through the 30Ω load BTL 6 Creating
resistor using Norton’s theorem. (16)

4. Define reciprocity theorem and find I3 for the circuit shown below. (16) BTL 1 Remembering

5. Discuss about Superposition theorem and find the current through (2+j5) Ω BTL 2 Understanding
impedance. (16)

6. Infer the current in the load impedance (ZL) using Millman’s theorem (16) BTL 2 Understanding

7. Find the current through branch a-b using Thevenin’s theorem in the circuit BTL 1 Remembering
shown below. (16)

8. Estimate the load resistance for Maximum power across it as shown in figure. BTL 5 Evaluating

9. Point out the maximum power transferred to the load ZL in the circuit of figure. BTL 4 Analyzing

10. If 20V is applied across AB, in the circuit of figure, calculate the total current, BTL 4 Analyzing
the power dissipated in each resistor and the value of the series resistance to
halve the total current. (16)

11. Solve the following network and find the total current taken from the source. BTL 3 Applying

12. Produce the expression for Delta to star conversion. (16) BTL 3 Applying
13. In the circuit, six resistors are connected to form Δ and a Y. Find the effective BTL 1 Remembering
resistance between (a) A and B (b) A and N. (16)

14. For the circuit shown in figure, find the equivalent resistance using star-delta BTL 1 Remembering
transformation. (16)


Resonance - Series resonance - Parallel resonance - Variation of impedance with frequency -Variation in current through
and voltage across L and C with frequency – Bandwidth - Q factor -Selectivity. Self inductance - Mutual inductance - Dot
rule - Coefficient of coupling - Analysis of multiwinding coupled circuits - Series, Parallel connection of coupled inductors
- Single tuned and double tuned coupled circuits

Q.No Questions BT Competence
1. What is mean by Resonance? BTL 1 Remembering

2. Define series resonance and draw its circuit diagram. BTL 1 Remembering

3. Write the expression for the resonant frequency of RLC series circuit. BTL 2 Understanding

4. Identify the selectivity of a resonant circuit. BTL 1 Remembering

5. Estimate the expression for maximum energy stored in inductor. BTL 2 Understanding

6. Analyze the frequency response of RLC series and parallel circuit. BTL 4 Analyzing

7. Interpret the bandwidth of a resonant circuit. BTL 3 Applying

8. Find the expression for maximum energy stored in capacitor. BTL 1 Remembering

9. Simplify the term half power frequencies? BTL 4 Analyzing

10. A circuit has the resonant frequency of 60Hz and lower half-power BTL 2 Understanding
frequency of 40Hz. Identify its bandwidth?

11. What are coupled circuits? BTL 1 Remembering

12. How will you recognize the self inductance in a circuit. BTL 1 Remembering

13. Determine the mutual inductance. BTL 5 Evaluating

14. Interpret the term co-efficient of coupling. BTL 3 Applying

15. Formulate the expression for co-efficient of coupling. BTL 6 Creating

16. Write the importance of dot rule for coupled coils. BTL 5 Evaluating
17. Draw the frequency response of a single tuned circuits BTL 4 Analyzing

18. Construct the double tuned coupled circuits. BTL 3 Applying

19. Two coupled coils with L1=0.02H L2=0.01H and K=0.5 are connected in BTL 2 Understanding
series aiding arrangement. Predict its equivalent inductance.
20. Construct the expression for effective inductance of two parallel connected BTL 6 Creating
magnetically coupled coils.
1. Find the expression for resonant frequency in RLC series circuit. (16) BTL 1 Remembering

Discuss the bandwidth of a series RLC circuit as a function of resonant BTL 2 Understanding
frequency. (16)
Interpret the expression for the following: BTL 3 Applying
(i) Half power frequencies (6)

(ii) Selectivity (6)

(iii) Quality factor and its effect on bandwidth (4)
A series RLC circuit has R=10Ω, L=0.54H and C=40µF. The applied BTL 6 Creating
voltage is 100V. Find (i) resonant frequency (ii) quality factor (iii) upper
half power frequency (iv) lower half power frequency (v) bamdwidth (vi)
volatge across inductance at resonance. (16)
5. Develop the expression for resonance in parallel A.C circuits. (16) BTL 3 Applying

For the parallel network shown in figure, identify the value of R for BTL 1 Remembering


Formulate the expression for the resonant frequency for the circuit shown BTL 6 Creating
in figure below. (16)


Examine the relation between self-inductance and mutual inductance of the BTL 4 Analyzing
coupled circuits. (16)
9. How will you evaluate the Conductively coupled coils? (16) BTL 5 Evaluating

Two coils connected in series have an equivalent inductance of 10H. When BTL 4 Analyzing
the connections of one coil is reversed, the effective inductance is 6H. If
the co-efficient of coupling is 0.6, calculate the self-inductance of each coil
and mutual inductance. (16)
Two identical coupled coils in series has an equivalent inductance of BTL 1 Remembering
0.080H and 0.0354H when connected in series aiding and series opposing.
Find the values of the inductance, mutual inductance and co-efficient of
coupling. (16)
12. SCompare the term single tuned circuit with double tuned circuit. (16) BTL 2 Understanding
A coil having an inductance of 100mH is magnetically coupled to another BTL 2 Understanding
13. coil having an inductance of 900mH. The coefficient of coupling between
the coils is 0.45. Predict the equivalent inductnace if the two coils are

connected in i) Series aiding ii) Series opposing iii) Parallel aiding iv)
Parallel opposing (16)

14. Analyze the performance of double tuned circuit. (16) BTL 4 Analyzing


Natural response-Forced response - Transient response of RC, RL and RLC circuits to excitation by Step Signal,
Impulse Signal and exponential sources - Complete response of RC, RL and RLC Circuits to sinusoidal excitation.
Q. No Questions BT Competence
1. Define transient response. BTL 6 Creating

2. What is the time constant of RLC circuit? BTL 1 Remembering

3. Point out the importance of natural frequency. BTL 4 Analyzing

4. Define time constant of RC circuit BTL 1 Remembering

5. BTL 4 Analyzing
Select few applications of RL, RC, RLC circuits.
6. BTL 1 Remembering
Outline natural response.
7. Predict the condition, for the response of RLC series circuit to be BTL 2 Understanding
under damped for step input.

8. A RLC series circuit has R=10 Ω L=2H. State the value of BTL 1 Remembering
capacitance that will make the circuit critically damped.

9. Give an expression for forced response. BTL 2 Understanding

10. Produce the time constant of RF circuit having R=10 Ω and BTL 3 Applying

11. Give the condition for the response of RLC series circuit to be over BTL 1 Remembering
damped for step input
12. Show the Laplace transform for the unit step function BTL 1 Remembering

13. Explain the steady state value. BTL 2 Understanding

14. Formulate the difference between natural and forced response. BTL 5 Evaluating

15. Develop the equivalent circuit at t=0+ for a capacitor with initial BTL 6 Creating
charge of q=0
16. Illustrate the condition for critically damped response of a series RLC BTL 3 Applying

circuit excited by a AC source

17. Exhibit the difference between steady state and transient state. BTL 3 Applying

18. Distinguish the frequency response of RLC circuit. BTL 2 Understanding

19. A coil having a resistance of 10 KΩ and inductance of 50mH is BTL 5 Evaluating

connected to a 10 volts, 10KHz power supply. Estimate the

20. A coil of resistance 2.2 Ω and an inductance 0.01H is connected in BTL 4 Analyzing
series with a capacitor across 220V mains. Identify the value of
capacitance such that maximum current flows in the circuit at a
frequency of 190 Hz and the maximum current.

Write the step response of RL and RC circuits and State their BTL 1 Remembering
1. performances. (16)
(i)Locate the transient response of a series RL circuit with DC input. BTL 2 Understanding
Sketch the variation of current and the voltage across the inductor (8)
(ii) Distinguish I and V as functions of time in the circuit shown
below. when the switch is closed at time t=0


A series RL circuit With R=30 Ω, and L=15H has a constant voltage BTL 6 Creating
V=60v applied at t=0 as shown in figure. Assess the current I, the
voltage across resistor and the voltage across the inductor. (16)


Formulate the expression for the current responses of RLC series BTL 5 Evaluating
4. circuit with sinusoidal excitation. Assume that the circuits is working
in critical damping condition. (16)

Identify the expression for the complete solution of the current BTL 2 Understanding
5. response of RC series circuit with an excitation of V cos(ωt+φ) and
Briefly explain the significance of phase angle in the solution. (16)
The circuit shown in figure consists of resistance, inductance and BTL 2 Understanding
capacitance in series with 100v DC when the switch is closed at t=0.
Predict the current transient. (16)


A RL series circuit excited by a sinusoidal source e(t)=10 sin 100t BTL 1 Remembering
7. volts, by closing the switch at t=0.Take R=10 Ω and L=0.1H. Relate
the current flowing through the RL circuit. (16)
A series RLC circuit with R=100 Ω, L=0.1H and C=100µF has a DC BTL 4 Analyzing
voltage of 200 volts applied to it t=0 through a switch. Illustrate the
expression for the transient current. Assume initially relaxed circuit


conditions. (16)
(i)Describe natural response and transient response (8)
(ii)In the circuit shown in figure, identify the time when the voltage BTL 1
9. Remembering
across the capacitor becomes 25 V, after the switch is closed at t=0. (8)

A series RL circuit with R=100 ohms and L=1 H has a sinusoidal

voltage source 200 sin(500t+φ) applied at a time when φ=0. (i) BTL 1
10. Recognize the expression for the current (ii) at what value of angle φ Remembering
must the switch be closed so that the current directly enters the steady
state. (16)
A sinusoidal voltage of 10 sin 100 is connected in series with a switch BTL 3 Applying
11 and R= 10 ohms and L=0.1H.If the switch is closed at t=0. Solve the
transient current i(t). (16)
In the RL circuit shown in figure, the switch is closed to position 1 at BTL 3 Applying
t=0.After t =100ms,the switch is changed to position 2. Compute i(t)
and sketch the transient (16)


(i) In the circuit shown in fig, analyze the expression for i(t),VR(t)and BTL 4 Analyzing
VL(t) if the switch is closed at t=0 (8)


(ii) In the circuit shown in fig, detect the value of current ‘i’ at
t=50μS if the switch is closed at t=0 and VC(t=0)=0 . (8)

In the circuit shown, point out the transient current after switch is BTL 4 Analyzing
closed at time t=0, given that an initial charge of 100µC is stored in the
capacitor. Examine the necessary equations. (16)



Two port networks, Z parameters, Y parameters, Transmission (ABCD) parameters, Hybrid (H) Parameters,
Interconnection of two port networks, Symmetrical properties of T and π networks.
Questions Competence
No Level
1. Define a two port network. BTL 1 Remembering
Compare z- and y- parameter of a typical four terminal network. BTL 4 Analyzing
3. Summarize h parameter and give its applications.
BTL 2 Understanding
4. In a two port network, Z11=100Ω, Z21=120Ω, Z12=120Ω, Z22=50Ω.
BTL 1 Remembering
Find Y parameters.
5. Build the frequency response of two port Circuit

BTL 3 Applying

6. Recall the equivalent T and π models of two port networks BTL 1 Remembering

7. The Z parameters of a two network are z11= 5 Ω, z22= 2 Ω, z12=z21=3

Ω. Load resistor 4 Ω is connected across the output port. Illustrate the BTL 2 Understanding
input impedances.
8. The Z –parameters of a two port network are z11=25 Ω, z22=40 Ω,
BTL 3 Applying
z12=z21=10 Ω.Solve the Y parameters
9. Examine the transmission parameters of a two port network. BTL 4 Analyzing
Rephrase ABCD parameters of a two port networks BTL 1 Remembering
11. For the given symmetrical network, Outline the Z parameters and
ABCD parameters.R1=40 Ω,R2=40 Ω,R3=20 Ω

BTL 2 Understanding

12. What is symmetrical two port network? BTL 1 Remembering

Recite hybrid parameter of a two port network. BTL 1 Remembering
14. Discover the Z parameters Z11 and Z21 for the 2-port network in the

BTL 3 Applying

15. A Two port network is terminated with a load resistance of 5 Ω at the

output port. Estimate the input impedance if the ABCD parameters are BTL 6 Creating
16. Assess the applications of cascaded ABCD parameters. BTL 5 Evaluating
17. Relate Y-parameters in terms of Z-parameters. BTL 2 Understanding

18. Conclude reciprocal two port network. BTL 5 Evaluating

19. Discuss on active and passive ports BTL 6 Creating
20. Inspect the importance of open circuit forward transfer impedance. BTL 4 Analyzing


(i) Determine the driving point impedance of the network shown in

fig. (8)

1. (ii) Measure the h-parameters of the two port network shown in fig. BTL 5 Evaluating

Outline the characterization of two port networks in terms of Z, Y

2. BTL 1 Remembering
and h parameters. (16)
(i) Illustrate the Z parameters for the circuit shown in fig. (8)

3. BTL 2 Understanding

(8 marks)
(ii) Demonstrate Y parameters of network shown in fig from Z
parameters. (8)

For a two-port network, the Z parameters are Z11=50Ω,

Z22=30Ω,Z12=Z21=25 Ω. Invent the ABCD parameters. Hence, Write
4. BTL 6 Creating
the network functions using these two types of parameters. (16)

Examine the symmetry and reciprocity conditions for ABCD and h

5. BTL 4 Analyzing
parameters (16)
For the two port n/w shown in the figure 3, the currents I1 and I2
entering at port 1 and 2 respectively are given by the equations.
I1 = 0.5 V1 - 0.2 V2
I2 = -0.2V1 + V2

6. BTL 2 Understanding

Where V1 and V2 are the port voltages at port 1 and 2 respectively.

Evaluate the Y, Z parameters for the n/w also its equivalent pi
network. (16)
Derive the expression for Y-parameters in terms of ABCD and Z-
parameters in figure.

7. BTL 3 Applying

8. Identify the Z-parameters of two port network (16) BTL 1 Remembering

Recall the h-parameters for the circuit

9. BTL 1 Remembering

(i) Inspect the impedance (Z) parameter of the given two port
network shown in fig. (8)

10. BTL 4 Analyzing

(ii)Discover the hybrid parameter of the two port network shown in

For the following network shown in figure. Outline Y parameters(16)

11 BTL 1 Remembering

Develop Y12 for the circuit (16)

12 BTL 3 Applying

For the following network shown in figure. Prove ABCD parameters

and hybrid parameters (16)

13 BTL 4 Analyzing

Predict the Z parameters for the networks shown in the figure (16)

14 BTL 2 Understanding

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