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International Journal of Law: Nicht Gemacht, Est Ist Und Wird Mit Dem Volke (The Law Was

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International Journal of Law

International Journal of Law

ISSN: 2455-2194; Impact Factor: RJIF 5.12
Received: 14-06-2019; Accepted: 17-07-2019
Volume 5; Issue 5; September 2019; Page No. 150-156

The application of Article 26 Section (3) law number 19 of 2016 concerning amendment to law number
11 of 2008 concerning information and electronic transactions on right to be forgotten on personal
information of victims of criminal act connected to law number 40 of 1999 concerning press

Eko Susanto Tejo1, Dewi Rohayati2

Bachelor Program of Law, Faculty of Law, Langlangbuana University, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia
Law Faculty Lecturer, Faculty of Law, Langlangbuana University, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia

The rapid development of information technology has shifted conventional mass media towards online mass media. As the
adage “Das Recht wird nicht gemacht, est ist und wird mit dem Volke, then the concept of right to be forgotten is born. This
concept was born from the desire to restore the control function of personal information circulating on the internet to each
person's personal. In This concept was adopted in Article 26 section (3) of Law Number 19 of 2016 Concerning Amendments
to Law Number 11 of 2008 Concerning Information and Electronic Transactions. By using electronic mass media, everyone
can easily search and read news that happened in the past. However, sometimes the organizers of electronic systems can harm
those reported in presenting such news. However, Law Number 40 of 1999 Concerning Press has given freedom of press
guarantees as citizen’s human rights.
The results concluded that right to be forgotten can be applied to the news containing personal data and/or personal
information of victims of crime, because there is a right for each victim to be free from any negative stigma. Provisions in
Article 26 section (3) Amendment to the ITE Law is a form of restriction on press freedom sourced from public authority.
Until now the concept of right to be forgotten is still ineffective and cannot be applied because there are no government
regulations that govern the procedure for deleting electronic information and/or electronic documents.

Keywords: information and electronic transactions, victims, freedom of press, right to be forgotten

1. Introduction those reported in presenting such news.

The development and utilization of information technology, Information technology itself also changes people's
media and internet-based communication have changed the behavior, so it can be said that information technology is
behavior of people and human civilization globally. These now a double-edged sword, because in addition to
developments make the relationship become unlimited contributing to the improvement of human welfare, progress
space and time. There have been many developments in the and civilization, it is also an effective means of acting
digital era conducted by Indonesia and have influenced against the law. To prevent misuse in the rapidly developing
many fields, including the mass media in Indonesia, which information technology sector, Law Number 11 of 2008
has changed in conveying information. Online mass media Concerning Information and Electronic Transactions or
in this era has shifted conventional mass media. Even better known as the ITE Law.
though Indonesia has been late in adopting a communication As the adage said by Carl Von Savigny “Das Recht wird
technology, especially the internet for almost a decade, the nicht gemacht, est ist und wird mit dem Volke (the law was
digital culture of Indonesian people is very fast in accepting not made, but grew and developed with the community)”,
the development of the technology. Indonesian people in then one of the concepts in the field of cyber law developed,
general are enthusiastic about adopting digital life, mainly namely the concept of rights to be forgotten. This concept
triggered by internet penetration and the use of smart phones itself was born from the desire to restore the control
which continues to increase every year. Some influences on function of personal information circulating on the internet
the development of information technology in the legal to each person's personal. This concept began to develop in
field, including the recognition of digital evidence/electronic the European Union in 2010, where Viviane Reding, who
evidence as legal evidence, the application of e-Court, etc. was then serving at the European Commission, emphasized
Many people prefer to read and search for information or that “internet users must have effective control over the
news using electronic mass media rather than conventional content they share online and must have the power to be
mass media, such as newspapers and magazines, because able to improve, retract and delete the content as he wishes.”
using electronic mass media is felt to be easier and more The concept of right to be forgotten has also been applied
practical and can be done anywhere and anytime. In in the European Union. Where in 2010, Mario Costeja
addition news that can be accessed through electronic mass González, a Spanish citizen, together with Agencia
media is not only limited to the news that occurred at that Española de Protección de Datos (Spanish Data Protection
time, but by using electronic mass media, one can search Agency, AEPD) filed a complaint against La Vanguardia
and read news that happened in the past easily. However, Ediciones SL (publisher of daily newspapers in Spain) and
sometimes the organizers of electronic systems can harm against Google Spain and Google Inc. Because when

International Journal of Law

internet users enter their names in the Google search engine, concerning its tendency to other parties, concerning its
the results list will display links to two pages of La objectivity, concerning the stigma that arises, which is
Vanguardia newspaper specifically published an caused by information that appears in the media.
announcement for Mario Costeja González's real-estate
auction, but the news was no longer relevant to Mario 2. Research Method
Costeja González's current condition. Following the trial 2.1 Approach Method
process, in the end the European Union high court decided The author uses the normative juridical approach because
that internet search engine operators were responsible for the research objective is law or method. Understanding the
the processing carried out from personal data that appears method includes the principle of law, the method in the
on the site page published by a third party. strict sense (value), concrete legal regulations. According to
In 2016, the ITE Law was amended to Law Number 19 of Soerjono Soekanto, a normative juridical approach is legal
2016 Concerning Amendment to Law Number 11 of 2008 research conducted by examining library materials or
Concerning Information and Electronic Transactions secondary data as a basic material to be investigated by
(hereinafter referred to as Amendment to the ITE Law). In conducting a search of regulations and literature relating to
the Amendment to the ITE Law, there are 7 points of the problem under study [2].
change and new things, one of which is the adoption of the
concept of right to be forgotten in Article 26 section (3) 2.2 Research Specifications
Amendments to the ITE Law, which states that “every This research uses descriptive analytical specifications.
electronic system organizer is required delete irrelevant Descriptive method is a method that serves to describe or
electronic information and/or electronic documents that are give a description of the object under study through data or
under their control at the request of the person Concerned samples that have been collected as they are without
based on a court decision.” Thus, the Indonesian analyzing and making conclusions that are applicable to the
government has adopted right to be forgotten as a function public [3]. In other words, descriptive analytical research
of control over personal information circulating on the takes a problem or focuses on the problems that are found at
internet to each person's personal information. However, the time the research is carried out, which is then processed
there are differences in the scope of right to be forgotten in and analyzed to draw conclusions.
the European Union and in Indonesia. Right to be forgotten
in Indonesia, not only on search engines that have to delete 2.3 Stages of Research
electronic information and/or electronic documents, but on Stages of research used in this study is the study of
every electronic system organizer, meaning on the search literature. Literature study is related to theoretical studies
engine and on every internet site. and other references relating to values, culture and norms
The first case example is the case of persecution that that develop in the social situation under study, besides
happened in 2017 in Tangerang. Where there are a couple of library studies are very important in conducting research,
lovers who are suspected of being perverted somewhere, this is because research will not be separated from scientific
then they are paraded around the village and also videotaped literature. Literature study to obtain secondary data.
also by local residents. The video has been spread on several Secondary data is data obtained by studying library
internet sites and coverage of this incident has also been materials in the form of legislation and other literature
spread in several mass media, both online mass media and relating to the issues discussed. Secondary data consists of
conventional mass media. The second case example is the primary legal materials, secondary legal materials, and
case of pornographic videos involving 3 young children as tertiary legal materials i.e.:
the cast that happened in 2017 in Bandung. Until now, news a. Primary legal materials, namely binding legal materials
of this case is still on the internet, both in the form of news in the form of laws and regulations.
in the form of text, images and videos. b. Secondary legal materials, namely legal materials that
Some of the content is presented in the form of online media provide an explanation of primary legal materials
coverage. Some news and videos of these cases are still obtained from the study of literature in the form of
available on several internet sites to date and can still be literature relating to research problems.
downloaded. In addition, news about the case is still widely c. Tertiary legal material, which is legal material that
circulated in the internet media. In the world of cyberspace, provides instructions and explanations for primary and
the dissemination of electronic information and/or electronic secondary legal materials related to this research.
documents can be done very quickly, by anyone, through
various kinds of media domiciled both within Indonesia and 2.4 Data Collection Technique
outside Indonesia. This can indeed have a major impact on The data collection technique used in this research is the
victims, ranging from psychological disorders, defamation, study of documentation. According to Sugiyono,
to being ostracized from the community. documentation is a method used to obtain data and
If seen from the news in the mass media, Law Number 40 of information in the form of books, archives, documents,
1999 Concerning Press (hereinafter referred to as the Press writing numbers and pictures in the form of reports and
Law) has guaranteed freedom of press as citizen’s human information that can support research. Study documentation
rights. In addition, the national press also has the right to in this research is to collect data and information about
seek, obtain, and disseminate ideas and information. The cases that are subject to study in this research.
freedom of press guaranteed by this law is freedom
accompanied by responsibility, because it involves the 2.5 Data Analysis
information it brings, it can cause and effect for other Analysis of the data used in this study is qualitative
parties. This means that the information must be held normative. According to Abdulkadir Muhammad, normative
accountable before the public, regarding its truth, research is research conducted through library research in

International Journal of Law

finding data and sources of theory that are useful for solving or sanctions for those who violate the prohibition.
problems [4]. In this research, the documents will be b. Determining when and in what circumstances those who
examined, namely using various secondary data such as violate the prohibition can be punished or punished as
statutory regulations, court decisions, legal theories, and can threatened.
be in the form of opinions of scholars. This type of c. Determine how the crime can be carried out if someone is
normative research uses qualitative analysis, namely by suspected of violating the prohibition.
explaining existing data with words or statements rather Furthermore Moeljatno explained from the definition of
than with numbers. criminal law mentioned above that what was mentioned in
point a was regarding criminal act. What is mentioned in
3. Literature Review point b is regarding criminal liability or criminal
3.1 Electronic Information and Electronic Documents responsibility. What is mentioned in points a and b is a
According to Article 1 section (1) of the ITE Law, the substantive criminal law, because it concerns the contents of
definition of electronic information is one or a collection of the criminal law itself. What is referred to in point c is about
electronic data, including but not limited to text, sound, how or the procedure for prosecuting people suspected of
images, maps, designs, photographs, electronic data committing a criminal act, therefore criminal procedure.
interchange (EDI), electronic mail, telegram, telex, telecopy Commonly called just criminal law is material criminal law.
or the like, letters, signs, numbers, access codes, symbols, or Cyber crime is one of the new forms or dimensions of
processed perforations that have meaning or can be contemporary crime that has received widespread attention
understood by people who are able to understand it. In in the international [8]. In addition, cyber crime is also one of
words the information itself has a definition of data that is the dark sides of technological advances that have a very
processed into a form that is more useful for those who broad negative impact on all fields of modern life today.
receive it [5]. The term cyber crime shows that this form of crime can only
Electronic documents have actually begun to be known in be carried out with devices or devices that produce cyber
Law Number 8 of 1997 Concerning Company Documents reality such as systems and computer circuits connected to
(Law on Corporate Documents), precisely in Article 12 the internet. This concept has caused some legal experts to
section (1) which states that company documents can be have different views about what should be interpreted as
transferred to microfilm or other media. It's just that in the cyber crime [9]. The Wikipedia site provides a definition of
Law on Corporate Documents it isn't explicitly stated with cybercrime is a term that refers to criminal activity with a
the electronic document phrase. computer or computer network being a tool, target or place
According to Article 1 section (5) of the ITE Law, an of crime [10]
electronic system is a series of electronic devices and There are several terms delict (crime) in foreign languages
procedures whose functions are to prepare, collect, process, such as “strafbaar feit” (Dutch language), “delictum” (Latin
analyze, store, display, announce, send and/or disseminate language), “criminal act” (English) [11]. Moeljatno gives the
electronic information. Tata Sutabri provides a definition definition of a criminal act as an act that is prohibited in the
that the system is a collection or set of elements, law and threatened with criminal whoever violates the
components, or variables that are organized, interact with prohibition [12]. Another definition of criminal action (crime)
each other, are interdependent and integrated [6]. presented by Simons is that an act which is by law
According to Article 1 section (4) of Government threatened with punishment, contrary to law, is committed
Regulation Number 82 of 2012 Concerning Electronic by an offender and that person is held responsible for his or
System and Transaction Operation, the definition of her actions. It appears that the definition of a criminal act (a
electronic system organizer is every person, state operator, crime) put forward by Simons is a translation of
business entity, and community that provides, manages, “strafbaarfeit” include criminal acts themselves and
and/or operate electronic systems individually or jointly for criminal liability. While Pompe's opinion regarding
electronic system users for their own needs and/or the needs strafbaarfeit is strafbaarfeit can be formulated as a violation
of other parties. Regarding electronic system operators that of the norm intentionally or unintentionally by the
are required or able to register, it is regulated by Regulation perpetrator.
of the Minister of Communication and Information Number Restrictions on the basis of criminal provisions, civil
36 of 2014 Concerning Procedures for Registration of provisions, and provisions of administrative law, or other
Electronic System Organizer, precisely in Article 3 section laws. In every crime, it is always closely related to the
(1), it is stated that electronic system organizer for public victim of a crime. The definition of a victim (a criminal
services are required to register; and Article 3 section (2) offense) in Article 1 section (3) of Law Number 31 of 2014
states that electronic system organizer for non-public Concerning Amendment to Law Number 13 of 2006
services may register. Concerning Protection of Witnesses and Victims, is persons
who suffer physical, mental, and/or economic losses. which
3.2 Criminal Law and Criminal Acts results from a crime. Whereas Government Regulation
To be able to understand the meaning of a criminal offense, Number 3 of 2002 Concerning Compensation, Restitution,
it must first be understood about the term criminal law, and Rehabilitation of Victims of Serious Human Rights
which is a translation of the Dutch term strafrecht, straf Violations, the definition of a victim is an individual or
means criminal, and recht means law. Moeljatno [7] give group of people who suffer physical, mental or emotional
definition that : suffering, economic loss, or experience neglect, reduction or
Criminal law is a part of the whole applicable law in a deprivation of basic rights, as a result of gross violations of
country, which establishes the basics and rules for: human rights, including the victim is his heir.
a. Determine which acts are not allowed, which are The principle of law is the general basis contained in the
prohibited, and which include specific criminal sanctions rule of law, the general basis is something that contains

International Journal of Law

ethical values [12]. Furthermore, Satjipto Rahardjo said that 3.3 Press and Privacy
the principle of law is the heart of the rule of law because it According to Article 1 section (1) of the Press Law, the
is the broadest basis for the birth of the rule of law or it is definition of press is a social institution and a mass
the ratio of legis to the rule of law [13]. In order to be communication vehicle that carries out journalistic activities
convicted of a despicable act there must be provisions in the including searching, obtaining, possessing, storing,
criminal law that formulate an act that constitutes a criminal processing, and conveying information in the form of text,
offense and provide sanctions against the act. This principle sound, pictures, sounds and pictures, as well as data and
of legality is considered as a manifestation of the agreement graphics and in other forms using print media, electronic
between the ruler and the individual. In that sense, media, and all types of available channels.
individual freedom as a legal subject is guaranteed Freedom of press is not defined directly in the Press Law.
contractual protection through the principle of legality. Wikipedia uses the term “freedom of the press” which
The principle of legality in criminal law is so important, means that the rights granted by constitutional or legal
considering that this principle is the first door of the protection relating to the media and published materials
criminal law to determine whether or not there is a criminal such as disseminating, printing and publishing newspapers,
act as well as accountability for offenders. Het magazines, books or in other materials without any
legaliteitbeginsel is een van de meest fundamentale government intervention or censorship [15]. In Article 2 of
beginselen van het strafrecht (The principle of legality is a the Press Law it is emphasized that press freedom is a form
very fundamental principle in criminal law) [14]. The of popular sovereignty based on the principles of
principle of legality was coined by Paul Johan Anselm von democracy, justice and the rule of law.
Feuerbach (1775-1833), a German Bachelor of Criminal In an orderly arrangement, such as democracy, there is no
Law in his book : Lehrbuch des penlichen recht in 1801. freedom or unlimited freedom, neither does press freedom.
What Feuerbach formulated contains a very basic meaning Limitation of press freedom can be divided into freedom
that in Latin reads: nulla poena sine lege (no criminal that comes from the press environment itself (self-
without criminal provisions according to law); nulla poena censorship) and restrictions from outside the press
sine crimine (there is no criminal without a criminal act); environment that comes from the public authority.
nullum crimen sine poena legali (there is no criminal act Restrictions from within the press environment itself are
without the law). These three phrases then become adage restrictions that are self-restraint or self-censorship, either
Nullum delictum, nulla poena sine praevia legi poenali. on the basis of a code of ethics or the Press Law. According
System Traditions civil law has four aspects of the principle to Bagir Manan [16], There are 5 restrictions that come from
of legality that is applied strictly, i.e.: lex scripta, lex certa, public power, namely:
non-retroactivity, and analogy. a. Restrictions on the basis of public orders, namely on the
The principle of legality is regulated in Article 1 section (1) grounds of public order, the authorities are justified to
of the Criminal Code, which states that: “An act cannot be take preventive or repressive measures that are
convicted, except based on the strength of existing criminal restrictive. An independent press must seriously consider
law provisions.” Based on the principle, there are seven public order as a basis for restrictions, so as not to
aspects produced, namely: become mines for themselves.
a. Cannot be convicted except under criminal law b. Restrictions on the basis of national security.
b. There is no law enforcement based on analogy c. Restrictions to guarantee political and social harmony.
c. Cannot be convicted only based on habit d. Restrictions on the basis of the obligation to respect
d. There should be no clear formulation of offense (lex privacy.
certa) In Guidelines for Media News Coverage, point 5 letter a
e. There is no retroactive power from criminal provisions states that news that has been published cannot be revoked
f. There are no other crimes except those determined by due to reasons of censorship from outside editors, except for
law issues related to racial intolerance, decency, children's
g. Prosecution is only in the manner prescribed by law future, traumatic experience of the victim or based on other
Law enforcement is the activity of harmonizing the values special considerations determined by the Press Council.
relationships that are set out in solid rules and attitudes to This guarantee of privacy protection refers to the mandate of
act as a series of translation of the final stages of value to Article 28G of section (1) of the Constitution of 1945,
create, preserve and maintain peaceful social relations. which states that “every person has the right to the
In law enforcement there are main problems that lie in the protection of his personal, family, honor, dignity, and
factors that might influence it. These factors have a neutral property under his control and the right to security and
meaning, so the positive or negative impact lies in the protection from the threat of fear for doing or not doing
contents of these factors. These factors are as follows: something that is human rights.” Wikipedia provides a
a. The legal factor itself, which in this paper will be limited definition of privacy as the ability of one or a group of
to the law only. individuals to close or protect their personal lives and affairs
b. Law enforcer factors, namely those who form and apply from the public, or to control the flow of information about
the law. themselves. Privacy can be considered as an aspect of
c. Factors of facilities or facilities that support law security.
enforcement. The concept of privacy rights became popular in 1890 when
d. Community factors, namely the environment in which the Samuel Warren and Louis Brandeis wrote an essay entitled,
law applies or is applied. “The Right to Privacy”, published by Harvard Law Review.
e. Cultural factors, namely as the results of works, They propose recognition of individual rights “right to be let
inventions, and tastes based on human initiative in the alone” and also believes that this right must be protected by
association of life. existing law as part of human rights issues. Thus, the

International Journal of Law

concept of privacy rights has been recognized but is still contents are still accessible by all internet users until now.
difficult to define. Privacy, as part of human rights, In the second case is a porn video involving 3 underage
identifies the protection of personal data as an important children as victims. There is an identity (personal data) of
right [17]. the victims appearing on various contents on the internet
In the Explanation of Amendments to the ITE Law Article site. Some of the content is presented in the form of online
26 section (1) it is emphasized that in the use of information mass media coverage, in the form of written news, pictures
technology, protecting personal data is one part of personal (photos), to videos. This case has occurred 2 years ago, the
rights (privacy rights). Personal rights contain the following perpetrators have also been sentenced and have permanent
meanings: legal force, but content that contains personal data and/or
a. Personal rights are the rights to enjoy private life and are personal information against the victims is still appearing on
free from all kinds of distractions. the internet and can be accessed by all internet users.
b. Personal rights are the right to be able to communicate News that is presented in electronic information and
with others without spying. packaged in the form of news by the online mass media
c. Personal rights are the right to supervise access to already has a special arrangement if you want to be
information about one's personal life and data. removed, regulated in the Guidelines for Media News
Coverage. The guidelines have regulated several matters
4. Result and Discussion regarding the exclusion of news verification obligations as
Right to be forgotten concept merely mentions the removal well as limitations, the provisions regarding user generated
of irrelevant electronic information and/or electronic content, copyright, errata provisions, corrections, and right
documents. However, there is no detailed explanation of of reply, up to the revocation of the news. In this guideline
what is meant by irrelevant information. The unclear the term deletion is not known but the revocation of news.
formulation of the phrase “irrelevant information” also has Between deletion and revocation actually has the same
the potential to interfere with the public's right to know. In meaning which is either no longer published or no longer
some cases that caught the public’s attention, the contains information. An electronic information which is
perpetrators were public figures and officials who were very packaged in the form of online news may be revoked based
interested in the clause “erasing irrelevant information”, as on the provisions in the Cyber Media News Guideline in
stipulated by Article 26 section (3) of the Amendments to number 5 letter a.
the ITE Law. The unclear boundaries and definitions of the Seeing the provisions on the revocation of news in the
phrase “irrelevant information” have the potential to be used Guidelines for Media News Coverage, it is possible for
as a means of self-cleansing of the alleged crimes. If this information to be revoked in the mass media. However, the
situation occurs, it will certainly also affect the fulfillment revocation is only limited to news that contains elements of
of the public’s right to information, including journalists in racial intolerance, decency, children's future, traumatic
their capacity to carry out press work as regulated by the experience of the victim, or based on other special
Press Law, where the press assignments are: search, obtain, considerations determined by the Press Council. This
possess, store, process, and convey information in the form guideline can be directed at the principle of protecting the
of text, sound, images, sound and images, as well as data privacy of citizens who do not have the essence of the
and graphics as well as in other forms using print media, public interest. As long as a story that publishes matters
electronic media, and all types available channels. concerning the privacy of citizens can be revoked.
Therefore, if this problem is not formulated in detail and In general, the guarantee of protection of one's personal
proportionally, the exercise of the right to be forgotten is rights (privacy) refers to the mandate of the Constitution of
feared to interfere with the fulfillment of the public's right to 1945, specifically in Article 28G of section (1) of the
know. Constitution of 1945. However, until now Indonesia does
Criminal law in Indonesia adheres to the principle of not yet have a single reference (a legal rule) that clearly
legality (legism), therefore to be able to impose criminal defines the scope of the scope of personal rights that must
sanctions against a crime, there must be provisions in the be protected. As for references regarding personal
criminal law that formulate an act that constitutes a criminal information contained in existing legislation, the contents
offense and provide sanctions against the act. In a crime, of that can be submitted for deletion are those containing:
course there are the interests and rights of the injured 1. Population information
parties, both individuals, organizations/companies, 2. Health history information (medical records)
communities, and the state. Therefore, when there is a 3. Financial, banking and tax information
crime, the criminal law will play a role in enforcing the rule 4. Information about one's personal self, especially relating
of law and protecting the public. to decency, child protection
In the first case is persecution case that occurred on Ryan 5. Information that contains slander content towards a
Aristia and Mia Audina. Ryan and Mia not only suffered person, which has been proven to be slander according to
losses as victims of persecution, but also suffered losses on a court decision which has permanent legal force.
content on internet sites that display personal data and/or Based on the description above, the content and reporting of
personal information such as photos and videos of victims victims of crime in pornographic videos involving young
who contained pornographic elements. In addition, there is children and victims of criminal acts of persecution are
also content that is presented in the form of news in online included in the qualification of news that can be requested
mass media which also displays personal data and/or for deletion. Because in the content there are personal data
personal information in the form of writing (clearly listing and/or personal information of a person (victim) relating to
the full names of the victims), pictures (displaying pieces of decency which must be protected by privacy. In addition
images during events that contain pornographic elements), there is also the right for every victim to be free from any
or video. This persecution case occurred in 2017, but the negative stigma or as a way to clear his name from the news

International Journal of Law

that contains elements of pornography and is already the court (judicial institution). However, to date no judicial
widespread on the internet. institution has ever carried out this process of requesting
In the democratic order, there is no unlimited freedom, right to be forgotten. Therefore, the factor of facilities or
neither does press freedom. From the internal scope of the facilities that support law enforcement is still not effective.
press already has provisions regarding the removal or
retraction of news based on elements as mentioned in d. Community factors
number 5 letter a Guidelines for Media News Coverage, The development of society is very closely related to the
which is a form of restriction on press freedom which is development of law. However, until now the community
sourced from the internal press (self-censorship). Whereas seems to not believe in the law as the only solution to the
the provisions of Article 26 section (3) of the Amendments problems that occur around it. Moreover, Indonesian society
to the ITE Law constitute a limitation on the independence is diverse and spread in various regions, so that people's
of the press which springs from public power authority, understanding of law will be different, where the majority of
which one of them is a limitation on the basis of the Indonesian people's understanding of law is still ordinary. In
obligation to respect privacy. Accordingly, all Electronic reality, money also becomes a main thing in solving legal
System Operators (PSEs), including PSEs in the press must problems. In addition, the degree of public compliance with
comply with the provisions of Article 26 section (3) of the Article 26 section (3) is still very minimal. Therefore, the
Amendments to the ITE Law regarding right to be forgotten. effectiveness of applying the concept of right to be forgotten
Reflecting on these two case examples, the actual existence from the community factor is still ineffective.
of the concept of right to be forgotten is a very good,
innovative legal concept that aims to protect one's personal e. Cultural factors
data and personal information (privacy). However, the Cultural diversity in Indonesia is very influential on the
existence of the concept of right to be forgotten which is development of law and legal culture formation. Cultural
listed in Article 26 section (3) Amendments to the ITE Law factors are very influential on the substance of law and legal
cannot be independent, but also very dependent on factors structure in Indonesia. People who have different cultures,
that affect the effectiveness of law enforcement. Broadly will surely accept a substance or different rules of law as
speaking, there are 5 factors that influence the effectiveness well, according to their respective cultures. Therefore the
of the application of Article 26 section (3) Amendments to concept of right to be forgotten can be conservative,
the ITE Law related to the Press Law on reporting on moderate, to aggressive. This is because no matter how
victims of criminal acts, can be analyzed as follows: good the substance or rule of law, if it is not supported by a
good community legal culture, then the substance or rule of
a. The legal factors themselves law will not function optimally. At present, issues relating to
The legislators have enacted a new concept of right to be ITE are more dominated by people who live in big cities or
forgotten in Indonesia since November 25, 2016, as stated in in the capital and from the middle and upper classes (public
Article 26 section (3) Amendments to the ITE Law. The figures, artists, officials, etc.). Therefore, cultural factors are
application of this new concept is an innovation in the field still not effective.
of law which is a means to achieve spiritual and material The law will have meaning if the law can serve the interests
welfare for both society and individuals. However, up to of humans, and provide benefits to humans. If there are still
now the concept of right to be forgotten has not been disturbances or obstacles to the factors that affect law
implemented because a government regulation has not been enforcement, then law enforcement is not working properly
established as a mandate from Article 26 section (5) and cannot respond to the various needs of the community.
Amendment to the ITE Law or as a derivative regulation
from an Amendment to the ITE Law. There is also no clear 5. Conclusion
definition of the phrase “irrelevant information” that can 5.1 Based on the results of the analysis and discussion
cause confusion in its interpretation and application. several conclusions can be drawn as follows
Therefore, until now the concept of right to be forgotten is a) The application of the concept of right to forgotten can
still not applicable, so the legal factor itself is still be applied to victims of criminal acts whose personal
ineffective. information is spread in online media (the internet)
because there is a right for each victim to be free from
b. Law enforcer factors any negative stigma or as a way to clear his name from
The role of law enforcer (judges, prosecutors, police, the news that contains pornographic elements;
advocates) in the application of the concept of right to be b) This concept is a good and innovative concept, but the
forgotten has not been seen, because until now there has not application of the concept of right to forget is not yet
been a single case that can be processed by law enforcers. effective and cannot be applied because there are no
This is due to incomplete legislation governing the government regulations that govern the procedure for
procedures for deleting electronic information and/or deleting electronic information and/or electronic
electronic documents as mandated in Article 26 section (5) documents, and the ineffectiveness of the other factors,
Amendments to the ITE Law. Therefore, from law enforcer such as the legal factors themselves, law enforcer
factors are still not effective. factors, facility factors or facilities that support law
enforcement, cultural factors, and community factors.
c. Facility factors or facilities that support law
enforcement 5.2 From the results of the analysis and conclusions
Associated with facilities or facilities that support law drawn from this study, the authors provide the
enforcement, especially in terms of the implementation of following suggestions
the concept of right to forgotten, which is available, namely a) Immediately make government regulations governing

International Journal of Law

the procedure for deleting electronic information and/or

electronic documents as mandated by Article 26 section
(5) Amendments to the ITE Law and its derivative
regulations so that the concept of right to be forgotten
can be immediately applied and can benefit the
b) Clarifying the meaning and limits of the phrase
“irrelevant information” contained in Article 26 section
(3) Amendments to the ITE Law, so that the phrases are
not multiple interpretation.

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