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Part B & Part C Questions - Unit Wise: Ec8251 Circuit Analysis

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Anna University Exams April / May 2019 – Regulation 2017 Unique Important Questions – 2nd Semester BE/BTECH

Unit I

1. Find the current flowing in the 40Ω Resistor, R3

2. For the a.c. network shown in Figure determine, using mesh-current analysis, (a) the mesh currents
I1 and I2 (b) the current flowing in the capacitor, and (c) the active power delivered by the 100∠0◦V
voltage source

3. State incidence matrix and its properties. Also describe the relationship between KCL and incidence

4. Analyze the given electrical network and draw its topological graph, write its incidence matrix, tie-set
matrix, link current transformation equation and branch currents.

5. Find the current through each resistor of the circuit shown in fig, using nodal analysis
6. For the a.c. network shown in Figure, determine the current flowing in each branch using Kirchhoff’s

7. Design Dual circuit for the given figure.

Unit II

1. For the circuit shown in Figure 5.23 calculate (a) the value of resistor Rx such that the total power
dissipated in the circuit is 2.5kW, and (b) the current flowing in each of the four resistors.

2. For the arrangement shown in Figure find the current Ix.

3. Power dissipated in 4 Ω resistor ,P=I2R=(0.571)2 (4)=1.304W Use Thévenin’s theorem to determine

the current flowing in the 3 Ω resistance of the network shown in Figure (a). The voltage source has
negligible internal resistance.
4. Use Norton’s theorem to determine the current I flowing in the 4 Ω resistance shown in Figure (a).

5. Explain the thevenin’s equivalent circuit for the network shown below

Unit III
1. Discuss the bandwidth of a series RLC circuit as a function of resonant frequency.
2. Interpret the expression for the following: (i) Half power frequencies (ii) Selectivity (iii) Quality factor
and its effect on bandwidth.

3. How will you evaluate the conductively coupled coils?

4. Two coils connected in series have an equivalent inductance of 10H. When the connections of one
coil is reversed, the effective inductance is 6H. If the co-efficient of coupling is 0.6, calculate the self-
inductance of each coil and mutual inductance.

5. A coil of inductance 5 mH and resistance 10 Ω is connected in parallel with a 250 nF capacitor across
a 50 V variable-frequency supply. Determine (a) the resonant frequency, (b) the dynamic resistance,
(c) the current at resonance, and (d) the circuit Q-factor at resonance.
6. A series L–R–C circuit has a sinusoidal input voltage of maximum value 12 V. If inductance, L = 20 mH,
resistance, R = 80 Ω, and capacitance, C = 400 nF, determine (a) the resonant frequency, (b) the value

of the p.d. across the capacitor at the resonant frequency, (c) the frequency at which the p.d. across
the capacitor is a maximum, and (d) the value of the maximum voltage across the capacitor.
7. A series RLC circuit has R=10Ω, L=0.54H and C=40µF. The applied voltage is 100V. Find (i) resonant

frequency (ii) quality factor (iii) upper half power frequency (iv) lower half power frequency (v)
bandwidth (vi) voltage across inductance at resonance.

Unit IV
1. Explain in details about the step response of series RLC circuit.
2. A series RL circuit with initial current I0 in the inductor is connected to a dc voltage V at t = 0. Derive
the expression for instantaneous current through the Inductor for t>0.
3. Derive the expression for instantaneous current through the inductor for t>0. (or) A series RC circuit
with initial current I0 in the inductor is connected to a dc voltage V at t = 0.
4. A sinusoidal voltage of 10 sin 100 is connected in series with a switch and R= 10 ohms and L=0.1H.If
the switch is closed at t=0. Solve the transient current i(t).
5. (i)Describe natural response and transient response (ii) in the circuit shown in figure, identify the
time when the voltage across the capacitor becomes 25 V, after the switch is closed at t=0.
6. Formulate the expression for the current responses of RLC series circuit with sinusoidal excitation.
Assume that the circuits is working in critical damping condition
7. A series RL circuit With R=30 Ω, and L=15H has a constant voltage V=60v applied at t=0 as shown in

figure. Assess the current I, the voltage across resistor and the voltage across the inductor.
Unit V
1. Show that (i) Current through purely resistive circuit is in phase the applied voltage. (ii) Current
through pure inductance lags applied voltage by 90 o (iii) Current through pure capacitance leads
applied voltage by 90o.
2. Show that i) Current lags voltage in R-L series circuit ii) Current leads voltage in R-C series circuit

3. Draw the phasor diagram for a series RLC circuit energized by a sinusoidal voltage showing the
relative position of current, component voltage and applied voltage for the following case a) When
XL > Xc b) When XL < Xc c) When XL = Xc.

4. An alternating current i= 414 Sin (2π x 50 x t) A is passed through a series circuit of a resistance of
100 and an inductance of 0.31831 H. find the expression for the instantaneous values of voltage
across, a. The resistance , b. Inductance c. Capacitance
5. The wave form of the voltage and current of a circuit are given by e= 120 Sin (314 t) i= 10 Sin (314 t
+ π∕6) Calculate the value of resistance, capacitance which is connected in series to form the circuit.
Also, Draw wave forms for current, voltage and phasor diagram. Calculate power consumed by the

6. Outline the characterization of two port networks in terms of Z, Y and h parameters.

7. For the given bridge T- network, develop the driving point admittance Y11 and transfer admittance
Y21 with a 2ohm load resistor connected across port 2.

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