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4 - Goals and Objectives

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Goals and Objectives

Goals and Objectives
Common Core Standards Objectives
Standard - CC.1.4.4.N Objective #1 TLWBAT fill out an author
Orient the reader by establishing a situation and study sheet by doing some research online
Lesson 1 introducing a narrator and/or characters. to learn more about the author of “The
Standard - CC.1.4.4.V Phantom Tollbooth.” (CC.1.4.4.V)
Conduct short research projects that build Objective #2 TLWBAT actively listen to the
knowledge through investigation of different first few chapters and participate in a
aspects of a topic. discussion about the book which will
orient them to the story. (CC.1.4.4.N)
Standard - CC.1.3.4.C Objective #1 TLWBAT participate in a
Describe in depth a character, setting or event discussion about elements from the story,
Lesson 2 in a story or drama, drawing on specific details and identify and write the elements in a
in the text. flip book. (CC.1.3.4.C)
Objective #2 TLWBAT form sentences
from given words on index cards and write
them on a log sheet. (CC.1.3.4.C)
Standard - CC.1.3.4.C Objective #1 TLWBAT write in their book
Describe in depth a character, setting or event binders and compare and contrast
Lesson 3 in a story or drama, drawing on specific details differing characters’ perspectives, a little
in the text. about what they are learning, any
Eligible Content - E04.A-K.1.1.3 Describe in questions they have, comments about
depth a character, setting, or event in a story, how they are liking the book so far or how
drama, or poem, drawing on specific details in they are feeling about it. (CC.1.3.4.C)
the text (e.g., a character’s thoughts, words, or Objective #2 TLWBAT actively participate
actions). in a blindfolded obstacle course and a
Standard - CC.1.5.4.A discussion about character perspectives
Engage effectively in a range of collaborative through their own experiences from the
discussions on grade-level topics and texts, obstacle course. (CC.1.5.4.A)
building on others’ ideas and expressing their
own clearly.
Standard - CC.1.2.4.F Objective #1 TLWBAT determine the
Determine the meaning of words and phrases as meaning of words and phrases as they are
Lesson 4 they are used in grade-level text, including presented in the book through an
figurative language. engaging activity. (CC.1.2.4.F)
Objective #2 TLWBAT write about the
usage of words through a provided writing
prompt. (CC.1.2.4.F)
Standard - CC.1.3.4.C Objective #1 TLWBAT apply their
Describe in depth a character, setting or event knowledge of Milo in the story to create
Lesson 5 in a story or drama, drawing on specific details an open-mind portrait. (CC.1.3.4.C)
in the text. Objective #2 TLWBAT analyze from the
story, the point of view and write it in
their flip charts. (CC.1.3.4.C)
Objective #3 TLWBAT show what they
know and comprehend from chapters 1
through 10 through completing a quiz.
Standard - CC.1.3.4.A Objective #1 TLWBAT succinctly
Determine a theme of a text from details in the summarize chapters 11 and 12 from “The
Lesson 6 text; summarize the text. Phantom Tollbooth” by Norton Juster.

Standard - CC.1.3.4.A Objective #1 TLWBAT identify and write

Determine a theme of a text from details in the the theme from chapter 13 in “The
Lesson 7 text; summarize the text. Phantom Tollbooth.” (CC.1.3.4.A)
Objective #2 TLWBAT Compare and
contrast two characters from the story.
Standard - CC.1.4.4.K Objective #1 TLWBAT convey ideas
Choose words and phrases to convey ideas through choosing words and phrases to
Lesson 8 precisely. create an acrostic poem. (CC.1.4.4.K)
Objective #2 TLWBAT apply their
knowledge of the story to complete an
exit ticket. (CC.1.4.4.K)
Standard - CC.1.2.4.F Objective #1 TLWBAT create and write a
Determine the meaning of words and phrases as definition of hyperbole. (CC.1.2.4.F)
Lesson 9 they are used in grade-level text, including Objective #2 TLWBAT identify and write
figurative language. examples of hyperbole from the text.

Standard - CC.1.3.4.C Objective #1 TLWBAT apply their

Describe in depth a character, setting or event knowledge of the theme and information
Lesson 10 in a story or drama, drawing on specific details from the story to complete a Sketch-to-
in the text. Stretch and answer questions according to
their comprehension. (CC.1.3.4.C)
Standard - CC.1.3.4.G Objective #1 TLWBAT make connections
Make connections between the text of a story between the text of the book and the
Culminating or drama and a visual or oral presentation of the visual presentation of the text, identifying
Experience text, identifying where each version reflects specific examples from each. (CC.1.3.4.G)
specific descriptions and directions in the text.

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