This document is a usage report from Apotek DIAN FARMA pharmacy in Bengkulu, Indonesia for the month of January 2016. It lists 71 different pharmaceutical products by name, unit, and amount used which were all reported as having a usage amount of 0 for the month. The responsible pharmacist, Nelvi Srisurya Yenni, signed at the bottom of the report.
This document is a usage report from Apotek DIAN FARMA pharmacy in Bengkulu, Indonesia for the month of January 2016. It lists 71 different pharmaceutical products by name, unit, and amount used which were all reported as having a usage amount of 0 for the month. The responsible pharmacist, Nelvi Srisurya Yenni, signed at the bottom of the report.
This document is a usage report from Apotek DIAN FARMA pharmacy in Bengkulu, Indonesia for the month of January 2016. It lists 71 different pharmaceutical products by name, unit, and amount used which were all reported as having a usage amount of 0 for the month. The responsible pharmacist, Nelvi Srisurya Yenni, signed at the bottom of the report.
This document is a usage report from Apotek DIAN FARMA pharmacy in Bengkulu, Indonesia for the month of January 2016. It lists 71 different pharmaceutical products by name, unit, and amount used which were all reported as having a usage amount of 0 for the month. The responsible pharmacist, Nelvi Srisurya Yenni, signed at the bottom of the report.
SIPA: 19830611/SIPA_17.02/2012/2002 Laporan Penggunaan Januari 2016 Nama Unit Layanan: Apotek DIAN FARMA Provinsi, Kabupaten/Kota: Bengkulu, Kab. Rejang Lebong Tahun: 2016 Bulan: Januari