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Marketing Research Study Material

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1. Marketing Research: Meaning, Scope, Types and Other Details!

Marketing research is defined as, “The systematic, objective and exhaustive

search for the study of the facts relevant to any problem in the field of marketing.”
Marketing research may be described as a method of getting facts to be used by
the executive in formulating policies and plans. It can also be defined as the
systematic gathering, recording and analysing of data about problems relating to
marketing of goods and services.

It is a systematic search for information. It involves data collection, analysis and

interpretation. Research cannot draw decisions, but it helps the marketers in the
task of decision making. A successful executive will never depend upon guess
work. He looks for more accurate information through research.

The main idea of marketing research is to know more about the consumers,
dealers, and the products. As the business grows, the distance between the
manufacturer and consumers also widens. The management depends upon the
marketing research as a tool in solving the marketing problems. It helps in taking
a fruitful and efficient decision as to the flow of goods and services in the hands
of the customers.

2. What is Market Research?

The market research is an important element of the process of marketing research.
Marketing research includes the complete analysis of the market. Information
regarding the nature, size, organisation profitability of different markets, changes
in markets and various factors- economic, social and political-affecting those
changes are studied vigorously. The main purpose of market research is to know
about the consumers and the markets of its products or services.
3. It is a technique to know:
1. Who are customers of our products or services?

2. Where do they live?

3. When and how do they buy the product and services?

4. Are customers of our products satisfied with the products?

5. Who are our main competitors in the market?

6. Are the company’s products inferior or superior to competitors’ products?

7. What policies and strategies are they following?

In order to know the answer to such questions, market research is conducted so

that the marketer may come to know the short comings in his product or policies
and strategies and can make the improvement to make them effective in the best
interest of the consumers and thus to increase the profitability of the concern.
Market research is a branch of marketing research and covers only a few aspects
of marketing. It is only a sub-function of marketing research. It is concerned with
the investigation and measurement of market demand.

4. Scope of Marketing Research:

Clark and Clark define marketing research as “The careful and objective study of
product design, markets and such transfer activities as physical distribution,
warehousing advertising and sales management. Thus the scope of marketing
research lies in its variety of applications.”

1. Diagnosing the current situation or problem based on detailed information.

2. Clearly identifying competitive strengths and weaknesses.

3. Constantly analysing what is happening in the market place.

4. Planning to watch company’s strengths with market opportunities by outlining

objectives for product and market development and devising strategies and tactics
to achieve them.

5. Watching out continuously for threats to the achievement of those plans.

6. Monitoring the progress of strategy implementation.

7. Research creativity, at its best, marketing research develops innovative ways

to solve problems. The main objective of marketing research is to enable
manufacturers to make goods acceptable and saleable and to see that they reach
the market more easily, quickly, cheaply and profitably without sacrificing
consumer interest.

5. Scope of Market Research:

Market research covers the following items of study:
1. Size of the present and potential market.

2. Consumer needs wants, habits and behaviour.

3. Dealer wants and preferences.

4. Analysis of the market size according to age, sex, income, profession, standard
of living etc.
5. Geographic location of customers.

6. Analysis of market demand.

7. Knowledge of competitors and their products.

8. Knowing the profitability of different markets.

9. Study the market changes and market conditions.

10. Analysis of various channels of distribution.

6. Objectives of marketing research:

1. To understand the economic factors affecting the sales volume and their

2. To understand the competitive position of rival products.

3. To evaluate the reactions of consumers and customers.

4. To study the price trends.

5. To evaluate the system of distribution.

6. To understand the advantages and limitation of the products.

7. To find new methods of packaging, by comparing other similar packages.

8. To analyse the market size.

9. To know the estimation of demand.

10. To evaluate the profitability of different markets.

11. To study the customer’s acceptance of products.

12. To assess the volume of future sales.

13. To study the nature of the market, its location and its potentialities.

14. To find solutions to problems relating to marketing of goods and services.

15. To evaluate policies and plans in the right course of action.

16. To know the development of science and technology.

17. To know the complexity of marketing.

18. To measure the effectiveness of advertising.

19. To estimate the potential market for a new product.

20. To assess the strength and weakness of the competitors.

7. Advantages of marketing research:

Marketing research has several advantages. They are:
1. Marketing research is used to measure market potential, characteristics and
share of markets for a company.

2. Companies can use marketing research to evaluate new product opportunities

and product acceptance and to test existing products relative to the competitor’s

3. It helps to make better advertising decisions.

4. It helps to evaluate the effectiveness of marking activities and draws attention

to a potential problem.

5. It helps the manufacturer to adjust his productions according to the conditions

of demand.
6. It helps marketing of goods in efficient and economical way by eliminating all
types of wastage.

7. It helps a dealer to find out the best way of approaching potential buyers.

8. It helps to find out defects in the products and take corrective steps to improve
the product.

9. It guides a dealer in planning, advertising and promotion effort.

10. It helps to assess the effectiveness of advertising programmes.

11. It helps in evaluating the relative efficiency of different advertising media.

12. It facilitates to evaluate the selling methods.

13. It helps to minimize the risks of uncertainties.

14. It helps in exploring new markets for its products.

15. It guides a firm in making sales forecasts for products.

16. It helps to explore new uses of existing products.

17. It is quite helpful for a firm to launch a new product.

18. It helps the firm in knowing general conditions prevailing in the market.

19. It helps in determining pricing policies and pricing strategy of competitors.

20. It reveals the causes of consumer resistance, etc.

8. Major areas for marketing research identified by the management

1. Research on Markets:
This includes market trends, market share and market potential. It is a study of
the size, location, nature and characteristics of markets; and market is segmented
on the basis of many variables-age, sex, income, education, occupation, religion
etc. In short, it can be restricted to the study of “who, what, where, when, why
and how” of actual and potential buyers.

2. Research on Sales:
It covers sales forecasting, quota selling, sales territory design and other sales
related activities. It analyses sales volume, salesman performance data, new
product performance in test markets, opinion on customer-related product data

3. Research on Product:
It involves new product development, brand image, concept tests, product tests,
test marketing of new product etc. It analyses the strength and weakness of
present products in relation to diversification, simplification etc.

4. Advertising and Promotion Research:

It includes media research, copy research, merchandising, packaging and
measuring and effectiveness of various methods of advertising and promotion.

5. Corporate Growth Research:

It emphasizes the studies on economic and technological forecasting, measuring
company image, profitability measurement, merger, acquisitions, location etc.

6. Business Economic Research:

It is concerned with economic forecasting and business trend analysis. Planning
and product mix, price and profit analysis etc. are included.

Types of marketing research:

There are different types of marketing research depending on the objectives that
the research is designed to achieve and the sources of data which are to be used.
Marketing research may also be either qualitative or quantitative depending on
the form of data generated and the degree of mathematical accuracy level to
which it is subjected. The most widely used category of marketing research is
based on the functional objective of investigation.

9. Marketing research can be defined as:

1. Exploratory

2. Descriptive

3. Casual, and

4. Predictive.

1. Exploratory Research:
Exploratory research gives valuable insight, generates ideas and hypotheses
rather than measuring or testing them. “Exploratory research is concerned with
identifying the real nature of research problems and perhaps of formulating
relevant hypotheses for various tests”. Crimp stated that the researcher undertakes
exploratory research in order to generate an adequate basis for designing research
and it includes searching for data that are already available both within the
company and from external sources, consulting experts, conducting observational
studies, getting feedback from market place and surveys.

A marketing researcher uses this type of research when very little is known about
the problem being examined. The major benefit is that it is less expensive and
less time-consuming. For example, if a researcher is interested in finding out
“Which features or factors are vital in a purchase decision? and “What will be the
best mode of communication to reach the consumers? For all these purposes,
exploratory research gives an insight into the problem.

2. Descriptive Research:
Descriptive research is concerned with measuring and estimating the frequencies
with which things occur or the degree of correlation or association between
various variables. It has been seen that market research reports are often
descriptive and they measure market size, market structure, and the behaviour
and attitudes of consumers in the marketplace. In general as the data obtained by
descriptive research is put to various statistical analysis, it is very necessary to
make a list of the variables to be investigated and how these variables will be

3. Causal Research:
Causal research is basically concerned with establishing cause and effect
relationship and an attempt to explain why things happen. For example, to what
extent the price elasticity of demand or the degree to which advertising campaigns
have affected the sales may be explained by causal research.

However, there are two important aspects of causal research:

(i) Necessary condition and

(ii) Sufficient condition which should be kept in mind.

An event may be considered as the cause of another event, if its occurrence is the
necessary and sufficient condition for the latter event to take place. A necessary
condition means that the caused events cannot occur in the absence of the
causative event. A sufficient condition means the causative event is all that is
needed to bring about the caused event.

4. Predictive Research:
The main purpose of predictive research is to arrive at a forecast or prediction or
some measurement of interest to the researcher. The ultimate target may be the
future sales level of the firm. Other goals of predictive research may involve
industry sales level, projection or growth or defining of firm’s product line and
the use of a test market to predict the likely success of a new product.

10.Users of marketing research:

Marketing research highlights issues and problems relating to marketing and
consequently helps to solve many problems of marketing. It is an effective aid in
implementing marketing concepts by obtaining information that identifies the
consumers’ problems and needs.

The major users are:

1. Consumer:
It goes without saying that, in any competitive environment, consumer is the
King. In the final analysis, all sales proceeds flow from consumers. Therefore,
knowledge of consumer behaviour of a target market is a must for every business
concern. Marketing research locates the consumer requirements of goods and
services and the factors upon which they depend.

2. Market Intermediaries:
Market intermediaries are in integral link between the producers and the final
buyers. Selling a product requires a channel for bringing it to the market and
distributing it to the final buyers. Marketing research helps a manufacturer to
select a right kind of channel.

3. Business Firms:
Every business concern is interested in improving its position in the market
(i) Increasing its market share, and
(ii) Increasing its profitability. In these cases, marketing research is essential and
highly useful tool that is used while taking a decision.

4. Marketing research agencies:

There are numerous specialized agencies engaged in conducting marketing
research covering different segments of markets, both actual and potential. They
have experts for conducting specialized research. These research agencies can be
assigned the relevant projects, by the parties concerned. On the basis of their
findings, they prepare research reports for their clients.

5. Government:
Research in various areas is also done by Government. For example: Price
indices. Per capita income etc.

The following in the procedure generally followed in handling marketing

problems through marketing research:

6. Producers:
A competitive market is flooded with new products, new brands, and new
substitutes almost every day. The threat of cut-throat competition is always there.
He finds that the strategies that worked in the past but are no longer workable.
Here, MR helps in the analysis of the situations.

11.Procedure of Marketing Research:

Marketing manager has to do many jobs, but he is not expected to be a qualified
researcher. He is the user of the findings of the marketing research, but he is not
a researcher. At the same time, he should know the marketing research procedure.
To understand the marketing problem in a better way, one must aim at marketing
research through which solutions against problems can be had. The design and
implementation of the marketing research project greatly depend upon the skill
of the researcher. The exact procedure cannot be laid down for marketing
research, as the procedure may change from firm to firm and from situation to

12.The Marketing Research Process:

1. Defining the Problem:
In order to carry out the research programme, the researcher should know the
basic problem. He must be clear in mind as to what is exactly needed. The basic
problem i.e., marketing problem is given importance and not the marketing
research problem. A competent researcher will not accept a research project, until
he understands the problem clearly. Thus crystalizing the marketing problem is

After identifying the problem, the researcher formulates a plan when the problem
is defined. The purpose of the project determines the nature of the problem and
the ways to solve it. When the researcher gets a clear idea of the problem, he
analyses the situation and understands more about the problem. He analyses the
company, its markets, its competition etc. The informal investigation or
preliminary exploration consists of getting background information relating to the
2. Determining the Information Needed:
The researcher must consider the information and decide which is relevant and
which is irrelevant to the study. In determining the kind of information needed,
the objectives of the research must be borne in mind. The information should be
necessary and relevant. If the available data are insufficient, fresh data have to be

3. Determining the Source of Information:

The Source of information may be classified into primary source and secondary
source. When the information is obtained directly, specially for the problem, it is
known as primary data. When the information is already collected by someone
for some other purpose, and at the same time is helpful to the problem on hand,
it is known as secondary data (see collection of data).

4. Deciding Research Methods:

When secondary data are insufficient, the researcher has to be satisfied with the
primary sources of data. The sources may be by experimental method,
observation method or survey method.

5. Tabulation, Analysis and Interpretation of the Data:

After the collection of data, they are to be classified and tabulated into statistical
summarization. They may be in percentage, average, ratios etc., so as to give the
greatest value in the interpretation work. Interpretation is the important stage in
the process of research. Correct interpretation of data makes a research

The mean or median classifies the nature of the average respondent, and the
standard deviation shows how far respondents are dispersed around the average.
Tests of significance are useful in measuring whether two occurrences are related
to each other. It is important, for example, to know whether a price decrease
caused an increase in sales, or whether the two events just happened

Correlation and association provide a more sophisticated method of making the

same kind of analysis done in cross tabulation. One of the most useful of these is
regression analysis, which allows the researcher to estimate the relationship
between a dependent variable and one or more independent variables and to
determine whether or not one variable causes another.

6. Preparation of the Report:

Draw conclusions from the tabulated summaries. Conclusions, recommendations
and suggestions supported by detailed analysis of findings, must be in a written
form-report of the researcher.

13.The language should be clear and properly paragraphed. Generally, a

report may be in the following form:
1. Title of research.

2. The name of the organisation.

3. The objectives of the research.

4. The methodology used.

5. Organisation and the planning of the report.

6. A table of contents, along with charts and diagrams followed in the report.

7. The main report.

8. Conclusions drawn and recommendations suggested.

9. Appendices.
7. Follow up study:
Follow up will ensure the implementation of recommendations made by the
marketing researchers. Otherwise, the report may be left unopened.

14.Methods of Data collection:

There are two sources of data for investigation:
1. Internal sources, and

2. External sources.

The internal sources mean and include a company’s profit and loss account,
balance sheet, sales figures, sales reports, inventory records, registers, documents
etc. A proper analysis of these records will reveal the degree of efficiency of the
business. The collection of information from internal sources is inexpensive.
When information cannot be collected from the internal sources, or when
available information is irrelevant and insufficient, then one will have to depend
upon the external resources-facts collected from outside the company.

Other sources of information are:

(1) Primary data, and

(2) Secondary data.

1. Primary Data:
Primary data are those which are collected for the first time and they are original
in character. These are collected by the researcher himself to study a particular

2. Secondary Data:
The secondary data are those which are already collected by someone for some
purpose and are available for the present study. For instance, the data collected
during census operations are primary data to the department of census and the
same data, if used by a research worker for some study, are secondary data.

15.Methods of Gathering Primary Data:

The following are the methods adopted to obtain primary data:
1. Experimental method

2. Observation method

3. Survey method

1. Experimental Method:
“This method of gathering primary data involves the establishment of a scale
model or a controlled experiment which stimulates the real market situation as
much as possible. The theory is that the small-scale experiment will furnish
valuable information in designing a large-scale marketing programme.” Under
this experimental approach, the producer carries out a small-scale experiment,
tries to get valuable information, which can be of great help in designing large-
scale marketing programme.

This is a method intended to evaluate the effect of a proposed course of action. It

seeks to find the buyer-reaction and can successfully apply it in several cases. For
instance, a soap manufacturer gives different colours to the soaps-white in Kerala,
green in Tamil Nadu and pink in Karnataka; except for the colour all the other
factors are the same. Now the marketing manager records the sales over a period
of time and decides the colour of the soap, promotion campaigns, fixing right
price, products, packages, design etc.

1. This method is more realistic and gives best results.
2. This approach is more effective and profitable.

3. Relative efficiency can be measured.

4. It gives room to improve future research techniques.

1. This method is expensive.

2. It takes a long time to get the results.

3. Careful planning is needed.

4. The test markets selected for the experiments must posses the same
characteristics, which is difficult.

2. Observation Method:
In Observation method, the data are collected by observing some action of the
respondent. No questions are asked in data collection. No interview is made. The
actions or behaviour of the customers are watched personally or mechanically.
Buyers may be observed personally by the observer while making purchases. The
observer or researcher poses as a customer, and observes the marketing situations.
A buyer is unaware that he is being observed and acts in his usual way. The
observer, posing as a customer, knows the ability of salesmen and the brand that
is being pushed through and also the motivating factors of the purchasers.

1. It is more accurate.

2. Interviewer’s bias is reduced.

3. Inaccuracies in answering questions are eliminated.

4. Actual market behaviour is recorded.

5. It is possible to get additional data.

1. The method is expensive.

2. The field observer’s bias may creep in.

3. It consumes more time.

4. It tells “what happened,” but fails to tell “why it happened.”

5. This method is less flexible.

3. Survey Method:
A survey consists of gathering data by interviewing a limited number of people
(a sample) selected from a larger group. A survey has the advantage of getting to
the original source of information. In this method, the researcher obtains
information from the respondents by interviewing them. This is the most common
method of getting primary data. This method is more effective than the
experimental and observation approach.

In the factual survey, respondents are asked to report actual facts, as exemplified
by questions such as: What brand of cigar do you smoke? How many persons live
in your house? Opinion survey is designed to gather expressions of personal
opinions, to record evaluations of different things or to report thinking on
particular matters.

For instance: How do you feel about this new cordless electric shaver? In the
interpretative survey the respondent acts as an interpreter as well as a reporter.
Interpretative data are gathered by using such questions as: Why do you use brand
‘A’ of the product in your house? What feature of the new pack of this product
appeals to you most?

The survey can also be conducted in two ways: sampling survey and census
survey. Under census survey, the marketer conducts surveys covering the entire
market. The data are collected from each and every person in the market. But
under sampling survey, only a part of the whole group will be studied. We may
study a sample drawn from the large group and if the sample is adequately
representative of the group, we should be able to arrive at valid conclusions. As
such, sampling survey is widely accepted.

Data collection under the survey method is of three types:

(A) Personal interview,

(B) Mail questionnaire, and

(C) Telephone interview.

(A) Personal Interview Method:

Under this method, the enumerator makes personal contacts with the informant
and obtains more information than under any other method. The researcher can
clarify the questions, if they are not understood by the informant. This is of two

(i) Direct Personal Observation:

Under this method, the data are collected by the investigator personally. The
investigator must be a keen observer, tactful and courteous in behaviour. He asks
or cross-examines the informant and collects necessary information, which is
original in character.

16.This method is adopted in the following cases:

1. Where greater accuracy is needed.

2. Where the field of enquiry is not large.

3. Where confidential data are to be collected.

4. Where the field is a complex one.

5. Where intensive study is needed.

6. Where sufficient time is available.

1. Original (first hand information) data are collected.

2. True and reliable data can be had.

3. Response will be more encouraging, because of personal approach.

4. A high degree of accuracy can be aimed.

5. The investigator can extract current information.

6. Misinterpretations, if any, on the part of the informant can be avoided.

7. Uniformity and homogeneity can be maintained.

1. It is unsuitable where the area is large.

2. It is expensive and time-consuming.

3. The chances of bias are more.

4. An untrained investigator will not bring good result.

5. One has to collect information according to the convenience of the informant.

(ii) Indirect Oral Interview:

When the informant is reluctant to supply information, the method of indirect oral
investigation can be followed. Under this method the investigator approaches
witnesses or third parties, who are in touch with the informant. The enumerator
interviews the people, who are directly or indirectly connected with the problem
under study.

For instance, we are asked to collect information relating to the gambling or

drinking habits of people. In such cases, the informants will be reluctant to supply
information relating to their own socially, evil habits. On such occasions, we may
approach the dealer of liquor shops, friends, neighbours etc., to get the needed

Generally this method is employed by different enquiry committees and

commissions. The police department generally adopts this method to get clues of
thefts, riots, murders etc. The police interrogate third parties who possess
knowledge about the happenings under study.

This system is more suitable, where the area to be studied is large. It is adopted
when direct information cannot be obtained. This system is generally adopted by

1. It is simple and convenient.

2. It saves time, money and labour.

3. It can be followed in the investigation of a large area.

4. The information is unbiased.

5. Adequate information can be had.

6. As the information is collected from different parties, a true account can be

expected and all aspects of the problem can be ascertained.

1. Absence of direct contact is there; the information cannot be fully relied upon.

2. Interview with an improper man will spoil the results.

3. In order to get the real position, a sufficient number of persons are to be


4. The careless attitude of the informant will affect the degree of accuracy.

5. Informants may colour the information according to their interests.

The researcher prepares a list of questions in the form of a questionnaire and

either hand over the questionnaire to the informant, who fills the questionnaire or
asks questions from the questionnaire and notes down the replies himself.

(B) The Mail Questionnaire Method:

In this method, a questionnaire consisting of a list of questions pertaining to the
survey is prepared. There are blank spaces for answers. This questionnaire is sent
to the respondents, who are expected to write the answers in the blank spaces. A
covering letter is also sent along with the questionnaire, requesting the
respondents to extend their full co-operation by giving the correct replies and
returning the questionnaire duly filled in time.

To get quick and better response, the return postage expense is borne by the
investigator, by sending a self-addressed and stamped envelope. This method is
adopted by research workers, private individuals, non-official agencies and State
and Central Governments.

1. Of all the methods, the mailed questionnaire method is the most economical.

2. It can be widely used, when the area of investigation is large.

3. It saves money, labour and time.

4. Error in the investigation is small because information is obtained directly from


5. It eliminates the danger of the bias by the interviewer.

1. In this method, there is no direct contact between the investigator and the
respondent. Therefore we cannot be sure about the accuracy and reliability of the

2. This method is suitable only for literate people. In many countries, there are
illiterates who cannot understand and reply the questionnaire.

3. Generally there is long delay in receiving questionnaires duly filled in.

4. People may not give the correct answer and this leads to false conclusion.

5. The questionnaire is inelastic. Asking supplementary question is not possible.

6. Sometimes the informant may not be willing to give written answers, apart
from causing delay.

17.Framing a Questionnaire:
The questionnaire is the medium of communication between the investigator and
the respondent. The success of an investigation depends on the framing of the
questionnaire. As such, utmost care and caution are essential for designing or
drafting the questionnaire. In addition, it requires skill, wisdom, efficiency and

There are no hard and fast rules to be followed but the following general
points may be borne in mind:
1. The Questionnaire should be brief.

2. The questions should be simple to understand.

3. The questions should be arranged logically.

4. There must be choice (simple alternative, multiple choice etc.)

5. Ask only what we want to know.

6. All questions should be numbered serially.

7. Proper words should be used in the questionnaire.

8. Necessary instructions should be given to the informant.

9. The questions should be capable of an objective answer.

10. A questionnaire should look attractive.

11. Avoid ambiguous questions.

12. The accuracy of the questionnaire must be judged.

(C) Telephone Survey:

This type of survey is conducted over the telephone and resembles personal
interview. Where the respondents are scattered in distant areas and where the
telephone communication is advanced, the researcher can contact the informant
to obtain information.

1. The cost is less.

2. It is quick in getting data.

3. This is most simple in collecting data.

4. It is flexible.

5. It gives accurate answer.

6. It saves time and travel of the researcher.

1. Persons who have no phone connection are omitted.

2. Personal bias may creep in.

3. Lower income group respondents are not covered.

4. The interview will be of short duration.

Only a part of the whole group population will be studied in the case of sample
enquiry. According to Croxton and Cowdon, “It may be too expensive or too
time-consuming to attempt either a complete or a nearly complete coverage in a
statistical study. Further to arrive at valid conclusions, it may not be necessary to
enumerate all or nearly all of a population.
We may study a sample drawn from the large population and, if that sample is
adequately representative of the population, we should be able to arrive at valid
conclusions.” The results obtained form sample study can be applied to the whole
universe or population. We can study the characteristics of the population or
universe from the sampling. A study of a sample will give a correct idea of the
universe or population.

A truck load of product is accepted or rejected on the evidence gained from testing
only a few items. A physician makes inferences about a patient’s blood through
the examination of a single drop. Samples are devices for learning about large
masses by observing a few individuals.

1. It saves time because fewer items are studied.

2. It reduces cost also.

3. Where the population is infinite, only sampling method is possible.

4. Degree of accuracy is higher than that in census method.

5. It is more scientific.

18.Methods of Sampling:
There are many methods of sampling. The choice of method will be determined
on the purpose of sampling.

The various methods can be grouped under two heads:

1. Random Sampling method (Probability samples).

(a) Simple or unrestricted random sampling.

(b) Restricted random sampling

(i) Stratified sampling

(ii) Systematic sampling

(iii) Cluster sampling

2. Non-random sampling method (Non-probability samples).

(a) Judgement or purposive sampling

(b) Quota sampling

(c) Convenience sampling

Probability samples result from a process of random selection, whereby each

member of a universe has a known chance of being selected for the sample. Non-
probability samples result from a process in which judgement of bias enters into
the selection of members of a universe included in the sample.

1. Random Sampling Method (Probability Samples):

A random sample is one where each item in the universe has an equal chance of
known opportunity of being selected. “Every member of the parent population
has equal chances of being included.”

(a) Simple Random Sampling:

This is a technique in which sample is so drawn that each and every unit in the
population has an equal and independent chance of being included in the sample.
Several methods have been adopted for random selection of the sample.

(i) Lottery Method:

This is the most popular and simplest method. In this method, all the items of the
universe are numbered on separate slips of paper of the same size, shape and
colour. They are folded and mixed up in a drum or container. A blindfold
selection is made. The required number of slips are selected for the desired sample
size. The selection of items thus depends on chance.

(ii) Table or Random Number:

As the lottery method cannot be used, when the population is infinite, the
alternative is that of using the table of random numbers.

1. It is a scientific method.

2. Personal bias is absent.

3. Samples are more representative.

4. Sampling error can be measured.

5. This method is economical

1. This method requires a complete list of the population.

2. If the size of the sample is small, then it will not be a representative of the

(b) Restricted Random Sampling:

(i) Stratified Sampling:
When the population is heterogeneous or of different segments or strata with
respect to the variable or characteristic under study, then it is stratified. First the
population is divided into a number of sub-groups or strata. Each stratum is
homogeneous. A sample is drawn from each stratum at random.

There are two types of stratified random sampling. They are proportional and
non-proportional. In the proportional sampling, equal and proportionate
representation is given to sub-groups or strata. If the number of items is large in
the population, the same will have a higher size and vice versa.

In disproportionate or non-proportionate sample, equal representation is given to

all sub-strata, regardless of their existence in the population.

1. It is more representative.

2. It ensures greater accuracy.

3. It is easy to administer as the universe is sub-divided.

4. Greater geographical concentration reduces the time and cost.

5. When the original population is badly skewed, this method is an appropriate


6. For non-homogeneous population, it may yield more reliable results.

1. To divide the population into homogeneous strata, it requires more money,
time and statistical experience which is a difficult one.

2. If proper stratification is not done, the sample will have an effect of bias. If
different strata of population overlap, such sample will not be representative one.

(ii) Systematic Sampling:

It is also known as quasi-random sampling. A systematic sample is selected at
random sampling. When a complete list of the population is available, this
method is used. We arrange the items in numerical, alphabetical, geographical or
any other order. If we want to select a sample of 15 students from 150 students,
under this method Kth item is picked up from the sample frame and k is the
sample interval.

k = N/n

k = Sampling interval

N = Size of universe

n = Sample size

In the above example k = 150/15 = 10.10 is the sampling interval. Every 10th
student will be taken as sample i.e., 10th, 20th, 30th and so on (OR) 1st, 11th,
21st and so on. (OR) 6th, 16th, 26th and so on.

1. This is simple and convenient.

2. The time and work are much reduced.

3. If we take care, the result will be satisfactory one.

4. It can also be used in infinite population.

1. It may not represent the whole population.

2. There is the element of personal bias of the investigators.

(iii) Cluster sampling (multistage sampling):

It is also called as sampling stages. It refers to a sampling procedure, which is
carried out in several stages. The whole population is divided into sampling units,
and these units are again divided into sub-units. This process will continue till we
reach the last number. For instance, we want to take 5,000 students from Madhya
Pradesh. We must take universities at the first stage, then the number of colleges
at the second stage, selection of students from the colleges at the third stage etc.

1. It introduces flexibility in the sampling method.

2. It is helpful in large-scale survey where the preparation of list is difficult, time-

consuming or expensive.

3. It is valuable in under-developed countries, where no detailed and accurate

framework is available.

It is less accurate than other methods.

2. Non-random Sampling Method (Non-Probability Samples):

(a) Judgement sampling (purposive or deliberate sampling):
The investigator has the power to select or reject any item in an investigation. The
choice of sample items depends on the judgement of the investigator. He has the
vital role to play in collecting the information. For example, if a sample of 5
students is to be selected from a B.Com. Class of 50 students for analyzing the
habit of picture seeing, the investigator would select 5 students, who according
to his opinion are the representative of the class.

1. It is a simple method.

2. It is used to obtain a more representative sample.

3. It is very helpful to make public policies, decisions etc. The executives and
public officials use this method for their urgent problem
1. Due to individual bias the sample may not be representative one.

2. It is difficult to get correct sampling decisions.

3. The estimates are not accurate.

4. Its results cannot be compared with other sampling studies.

(b) Quota Sampling:

This sampling is similar to stratified sampling. It is used in U.S.A. for
investigating public opinion and consumer research. To collect data, the universe
is divided into quota according to some characteristics. Each enumerator is then
told to interview a certain number of persons who are his quota. The selection of
sample items depends on personal judgement.

It is stratified-cum-purposive sampling and thus has the advantages of both the

methods. There is saving of time and money. If there are trained investigators,
the sampling will give quite reliable results. Personal prejudice and individual
bias are there. It is not based on random sampling, and so sampling error cannot
be estimated.

(c) Convenience or Chunk Sampling:

Chunk is a convenient slice of a population which is commonly referred to as a
sample. It is obtained by selecting convenient population units.

Merits and Demerits:

1. It is suitable when the universe is not clearly defined.

2. Sample unit is not clear.

3. Complete source list is not available.

A sample obtained from automobile registration, telephone directories etc., is a
convenience sample. The results of this sampling cannot be representative. They
are unsatisfactory. They are biased. But they are used for pilot studies.

Qualities of a good sample:

A sample selected should have the following essentials:
1. It must be true representative.

2. It must have homogeneity.

3. It must be random.

4. It must be adequate.

5. It must be proportional.

6. Items of the sample must be selected independently.

7. Selection of sample must be based on “the law of statistical regularity” and

“the law of inertia of large numbers.”

Sources of secondary data:

1. Internal accounts, records and reports of the company.

2. Libraries.

3. National and international publications.

4. Publication of research institutions.

5. Publications of commercial and financial institutions.

6. Reports of various committees and commissions.

7. Journals, newspapers, etc.

Precautions in the Use of Secondary data:

We must take extra care when using secondary data. The degree of reliability of
secondary source is to be assessed from the source, the compiler and his capacity
to produce correct statistics. The users for the most part, tend to accept a series,
particularly one issued by a government agency as its face value without
enquiring its reliability. Prof. Bowley says, “Secondary data should not be
accepted at their face value.”

Therefore, before using the secondary data, the, investigators should

consider the following factors:
(a) Suitability of data

(b) Adequacy of data

(c) Reliability of data

The investigators should be careful in using secondary data and should

consider the following points:
1. Were the data collected for a similar object?

2. Are they free from errors?

3. Were they collected by efficient and experienced agency?

4. What was the type of enquiry adopted?

5. What was the definition of the units?

6. What was the degree of accuracy aimed?

7. Was there any bias in the collection of data?

8. Were the data collected through a good method?

9. Were they collected in boom or depression or normal period?

10. Were the data properly edited and analysed?

Without knowing the meaning and limitations, we cannot accept the secondary
data. Bowley points out. “It is never safe to take published statistics at their face
value without knowing their meaning and limitations, and it is always necessary
to criticize arguments that can be based on them.”

19.Organisation of Marketing Research:

Generally producers want to market all the products produced. They would not
like to hold the stock idly, which means blocked or dead capital amount.
Whenever a fall in the sales is smelt, the businessman tries to find out the reasons
through marketing research.

There are two ways in getting the job done:

(a) By the company’s own personnel and

(b) By an outside agency.

It is always better to have a separate marketing research department, within the

organisation and at the same time it is advantageous that the researchers are well-
versed in company procedures and know the information available. There are
many institutions, having highly qualified specialists in the marketing research
field-outside agency. They offer their expert services for hire.

There are no clear cut solutions to the problem of budget to be fixed. It is difficult
to assess the expenditure of the research and the value of the result of a research
project. Costs will be more as the precision increases. Nature of the research work
and the size of the firm will decide the amount to be spent for the marketing

20.Limitations of Marketing Research:

1. Marketing research needs the services of qualified and trained persons. Such
persons are rarely found.

2. It is highly expensive and time-consuming.

3. If the researcher is biased to the problem, the results will be unsatisfactory and

4. Marketing research studies the behaviour of customers; so it is quite impossible

to achieve mathematical accuracy.

5. It is not an end itself. It presents the correct information for decision making.
Unless the information is used by a qualified manager, the study will be of no

6. By the time the results are ready, the circumstances might have changed; and
then the whole study will be valueless.

7. It deals with human behaviour and as such cannot be examined in a controlled

environment. There are various and uncontrollable factors which influence
marketing forces. This gives for wrong conclusions. Hence this leads to
marketing research as not being an exact science.

8. The complicated problems may not be comprehensively studied and their

impact properly analysed by the researcher on account of insufficient fund, time
and technique. This leads to erroneous, which disappoint the management.
9. The validity of marketing research is also limited by the limitation of tools and
techniques involved.

10. Its use and effectiveness largely depends upon the ability of executives to get
the most value of it.

21.Status of Marketing Research:

In earlier stages, the market was a smaller one. But now the gap between the
consumers and the producers is wider. Competition may enter at any time in the
market. Changes are always there. The taste of the buyers changes at any time.
For example, the higher demand, in the past for radio is replaced by television;
the higher demand for terylyn is replaced by polyester.

Thus day to day changes take place in the market. Changes may occur in the
market because of technological progress, expansion of markets, complexity
growth of market, changes in the consumption pattern etc. The changes that take
place in the markets must be understood by the management.

For this, the management must depend upon the marketing research as a guide. It
is an aid to the management. It places all necessary facts before the management,
who can shape the solution to the problems. Marketing research plays an
important role in decision-making.

22.Contribution of Marketing Research:

1. Marketing research, as a guide will shape the products suitable to the demand.

2. Prices can be adjusted in accordance with the demand.

3. It helps to stimulate the sales through sales promotions.

4. It will not only increase sales, but also cut down the unnecessary expenses.
5. It will guide to achieve consumer satisfaction and sales profitability.

23.Marking Research in India:

The marketing research is unpopular with Indian manufacturers because of
the following reasons:
1. Demand exceeds supply; in such a condition the sales are guaranteed and the
market is favourable.

2. Firms earn profits without a marketing research.

3. The management thinks that the amount to be spent on marketing research can
be used profitably for expansion and improvements of the products.

4. Available sources of information are adequate.

5. The management concentrates their interest on production and raw materials.

But marketing research in India will certainly in the long run, increase the profits,
eliminate the wastes, fetch consumer satisfaction, guide progress etc.

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