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PID 174 A Mapping of Shale Volume

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Mapping of Shale Volume using Neural Network Modelling in part of Upper Assam Basin, India

Triveni Gogoi*, IIT(ISM) Dhanbad, Rima Chatterjee, IIT(ISM) Dhanbad


Seismic inversion, Acoustic impedance, Neural Network, Volume of shale

Summary (AI), shear impedance (SI), porosity (∅) and density

(ρ) derived from post-stack seismic data. The model
In petroleum exploration, seismic amplitude based post stack inversion section is used to predict
information is used to delineate the lithology type Vsh section in Upper Assam reservoir. By knowing
and the presence of fluid. To infer the detailed rock the amount of clay present within a reservoir, better
and fluid properties, well data has to be carefully and estimations of effective water saturation and effective
closely integrated with the seismic data. A successful porosity can be obtained. For reservoir
reservoir characterization mainly includes derivation characterization, porosity and water saturation are the
of rock properties from the seismic data and relates crucial factors in quantifying producible
them to reservoir properties and mapping their hydrocarbon. Shale volume could also be used as an
distribution within the reservoir. Post-stack seismic indicator of zone of interest.
inversion has been carried out to understand various
rock properties from the seismic section. To delineate
and resolve sand reservoirs accurately, an approach Geologic background of the Study area
has been made here to extract the reservoir
properties utilizing Multilayered Feed Forward The present study deals with the Upper Assam Basin,
Neural Network (MLFN) technique. This technique is located in northeastern India, which constitutes one
applied in geologically challenging Upper Assam of the most important onshore petroleum provinces in
basin of North-East India for estimating volume of India. Important hydrocarbon-producing strata
shale (Vsh). By knowing the Vsh distribution, other include: Eocene Sylhet and Kopili, the upper Eocene-
reservoir properties can be properly estimated in the Oligocene Barail Group, and Miocene Tipam and
reservoir. The method is proven successfully in this Girujan group. The main target in this study is the
study area with better correlation results between the Barail Group of Oligocene age which is the main
actual and predicted Vsh. producing reservoir of this basin. The Barail units can
contain interbedded coals, sandstones, and shales.
Sylhet formation mainly consists of limestone with
Introduction alternation of shale and sandstone which is deposited
in a shallow marine carbonate environment. The
Understanding the lateral variation in reservoir Eocene and Oligocene Barail group comprises as
quality using seismic data is essential for reservoir much as 900 m of sands with minor shales deposited
characterization study. Neural networks (NN) are in a delta front environment. The Lower Miocene
now being used frequently for quantitative analysis of Tipam Formation sandstone is largely of fluvial
reservoir properties. It is used to predict log origin and the heavy mineral content of the unit
properties from seismic data away from well indicates derivation from the rising Himalayas, with
locations. MLFN analysis is carried out to establish a depositional transport towards the south (Mathur et
nonlinear relationship between seismic attributes and al., 2001). The overlying Girujan formation consists
reservoir property at well locations provided an of more than 1300 m of mottled clays containing
improved correlation between the predicted and the minor sandstone lenses (Wandrey, 2004) deposited in
actual logs (Das et al., 2017, Das and Chatterjee, a lacustrine to fluvial environment. Current oil and
2016, Kumar et al., 2016, Singha et al., 2014). The gas production in the region occur mainly in the
main objective of this study is to develop MLFN south of the Brahmaputra River and north of the
model for estimation of Vsh using acoustic impedance Naga thrust belt (Figure 1).
Mapping of Shale Volume using Neural Network Modelling

gamma ray readings using the following relation

(Bateman, 1985)

𝐺𝑅 𝑙𝑜𝑔 −𝐺𝑅𝑚 𝑖𝑛
𝑉𝑠ℎ = (1)
𝐺𝑅 𝑚𝑎𝑥 −𝐺𝑅𝑚𝑖𝑛


𝑉𝑠ℎ = volume of shale

𝐺𝑅𝑙𝑜𝑔 = gamma ray reading of formation
𝐺𝑅𝑚𝑖𝑛 = minimum gamma ray reading (clean
𝐺𝑅𝑚𝑎𝑥 = maximum gamma ray reading (shale)

2-D Post-stack Well log data:

seismic section Gamma Ray

Post-stack seismic
inversion (AI) Volume of
Figure 1: Showing distribution of oil fields and well loactions in
study area of Upper Assam Basin. Shale (Vsh)
Methodology transformation
Using empirical
Post-stack seismic inversion is carried out and results Equations
used to derive SI, ρ and ∅ using transform on AI
volume. The seismic attributes AI, SI, ρ and ∅ are Seismic Attributes: MLFN
used as input in computation of Vsh value in MLFN AI, Density,
model. This methodology is applied to three wells Porosity, SI
(M1, M2 & M3) and 2D post stack seismic section Predicted Vsh section
from parts of Upper Assam basin (Russel and
Hampson, 1991). Two wells (M2 and M3) are used
as training well and M1 well is used to validate the
result. Trained neural network from two of the wells Figure 2: Flowchart showing methodology for prediction of
is applied to the 2-D seismic section to generate Vsh volume of shale using MLFN model.
distribution and validate the results using the third
well. Finally the trained network is used to generate
subsurface Vsh distribution map on the seismic Using acoustic impedance (AI) inversion from post-
section within a time interval of 1550–2250ms. The stack data the seismic amplitude is transformed to its
low values of training error and validation make layer properties (Figure 4). AI, SI, ρ and ∅ sections
reliable Vsh prediction. have been used to train the MLFN model for
mapping Vsh obtained from well logs in part of Upper
Figure 2 is showing the procedure for estimation of Assam basin. SI, density and porosity sections are
Vsh from post-stack seismic section (Figure 3) generated by mathematical transformation from
crossing three wells. Actual values of shale volume at inverted AI section. An empirical relation is carried
the three well locations have been evaluated from out between SI and AI for well M1 of Upper Assam
Mapping of Shale Volume using Neural Network Modelling

basin as shown in Figure 5(a). The transformation Porosity and AI (∅𝐷 = -0.00005AI +0.51) is
equation is obtained as SI=0.75AI-1936 with a established (Figure 5.b). Using this relation, porosity
coefficient of determination (R2) =91%. Using this section is created by transforming inverted AI section
transformation, SI section is generated from inverted (Figure 6). Density section is derived from the
AI section. Similarly, an empirical equation of inverted AI and P-wave velocity (Vp) sections.

Figure 3: Seismic section of part of Upper Assam Basin

Figure 4: Inverted Acoustic Impedance section of the 2-D post-stack Seismic data.

Figure 5: Empirical relation between (a) SI and AI & (b) Porosity and AI for well M 1 of Upper Assam Basin.
Mapping of Shale Volume using Neural Network Modelling

Figure 6: Porosity section of Upper Assam basin using transformation equation.

Results and Discussion

The training data set is used to derive the transform,

while the validation data set is used to measure its
prediction error. Figure 7 depict the correlation
between actual Vsh from well log data and predicted
Vsh from neural network analysis. The training error
and cross-correlation is found to be 0.039 and 0.72
respectively (Figure 8.a) within a time window 1700-
1800ms. The validation error is 0.049 for the seismic
section (Figure 8.b). The derived Vsh shows strong
correlation with the actual volumetric logs, both at
training and validation well locations. It suggests that Figure 7: Cross- correlation between actual and predicted Vsh is
Vsh can be estimated from seismic data using neural 0.72.
network analysis and thereby ease to understand the
lateral variations of reservoir property away from the

MLFN Cross Training Error Validation

method Correlation (fraction) Error
Vsh 0.72 0.039 0.049

Table 1: Showing error in construction of MLFN model for

predicted Vsh.

The predicted Vsh derived from MLFN analysis

varies from 24% to 49% (Figure 9). Inverted Porosity
value varies from 14% to 57% around well M 1
(figure 6).
Figure 8: (a) Training error is 0.039 and (b) Validation error is
0.049 for the seismic section of Upper Assam basin.
Mapping of Shale Volume using Neural Network Modelling

In Figure 9, a high Vsh zone above 1500 ms low values of training and validation error make
corresponds to the Girujan clay formation. The same reliable estimation of Vsh in this study area. The
zone is clearly indicated by the low impedance (in estimated MLFN predicted Vsh model follows the
Figure 4) and high porosity (in Figure 6) above general geological trend of Upper Assam basin. Since
1500ms. The Tipam series includes sandstones that presence of shale impact the reservoir quality, shale
are somewhat coarser, mottled clays, and a few volume estimation is important parameter in log
conglomerates . The Surma series consists of analysis. So it is important to determine the shaly
alternating beds of shale , sandy shale , shaly sand analysis in reservoir characterization studies.
sandstone, sandstone, and conglomerate (Corps, Better estimations of hydrocarbon production can be
1949). The zone between 1550-1750 ms shows achieved by understanding the shale distribution and
alternate layers of shale and sand (Figure 9), that knowing the volume of shale in the reservoir.
corresponds to part of Tipam and Surma group.
Comparatively low Vsh zone with shaly sand features
is exhibited from 1800 to 2200ms (Figure 9), which
is the Barail group of Oligocene age. The same

Figure 9: MLFN predicted volume of shale (Vsh) distribution for the seismic section of Upper Assam basin.

formation within 1800–2100 ms is characterized by a References

high value of porosity (27%-38%) in figure 6 and low
AI value (in Figure 4) compared to its lower zone. Chatterjee, R., Das, B., Singha, D. K. and Kumar, R.,
This is the main producing reservoir in Upper Assam 2017, Post-stack Seismic Inversion and Attribute
basin. This formation serves as a good shaly sand Analysis in Shallow Offshore of Krishna-Godavari
reservoir in this study area. A low Vsh, high AI and Basin, India; Journal of Geological Society of India,
low porosity zone from 2350 ms characterizes the 90, 32-40.
Sylhet limestone formation of middle Eocene age.
Corps, E. V., 1949, Digboi Oil Field, Assam; Bulletin
of the American Association of Petroleum
Conclusions Geologists, 33, 1-21.

This new approach to shale volume prediction from Das, B. and Chatterjee, R., 2016, Porosity Mapping
post-stack seismic section using neural network from Inversion of Post-Stack Seismic Data;
proved to be effective in Upper Assam basin. The Georesursy, 18, 306-313.
Mapping of Shale Volume using Neural Network Modelling

Kumar, R., Das, B., Chatterjee, R. and Sain, K., Singha, D.K., Chatterjee, R., Sen, M.K. and Sain, K.,
2016, A methodology of porosity estimation from 2014, Pore pressure prediction in gas-hydrate bearing
inversion of post stack seismic data; Journal of sediments of Krishna– Godavari basin, India, Marine
Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 28, 356-364. Geology, 357, 1-11.

Mathur, N., Raju, S. V. and Kulkarni, T. G., 2001,

Improved identification of pay zones through Acknowledgement
integration of geochemical and log data: A case study
from Upper Assam basin, India; AAPG Bulletin, 85, Authors are thankful to Oil India Limited, Duliajan,
309-323. Assam for their kind approval and providing us well
log and seismic data for academic and research
Russel, B., and Hampson, D., 1991, Comparison of purposes. We are also grateful to the Ministry of
post-stack inversion methods; In: 61St SEG annual Earth Science (MoES(11)/2015-16/456/AGP) for
International Meeting, Expanded Abstracts, 10, 876- provision of fund to carry out this research work.

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