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PKC Algorithm

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PKC algorithm

RSA & Diffie-Hellman
 RSA - Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir and Len Adleman
at MIT, in 1977.
 RSA is a block cipher
 The most widely implemented
 Exchange a secret key securely
 best known & widely used public-key scheme
 can be used to provide both secrecy & digital
 security due to cost of factoring large numbers
Key Lengths
SKE length PKC length
56 bits 384 bits
64 bits 512 bits
80 bits 768 bits
112 bits 1792 bits
128 bits 2304 bits

 certification authorities use 4096 bits

RSA Key Setup
 each user generates a public/private key pair by
 select two large distinct primes at random - p, q.
 compute their system modulus n=p.q
 note ø(n)=(p-1)(q-1)
 select at random the encryption key e
 where 1<e<ø(n), gcd(e,ø(n))=1
 solve the following equation to find decryption key d
 e.d=1 mod ø(n) and 0≤d≤n. How ?
 publish the public encryption key: PU={e,n}
 keep secret private decryption key: PR={d,n}
 It is critically important that the factors p & q of the modulus n are kept
A hacker problem
 If public key = (31,3599), then what is the private
 From the problem e = 31, n = 3599
 From this find p and q easily
 Finding p and q, find ∅(n)
 Having found out ∅(n), apply Extended Euclidean to
find d
 to encrypt a message M the sender:
 obtains public key of recipient PU={e,n}
 computes: c = me mod n, where 0≤m<n
 to decrypt the ciphertext C the owner:
 uses their private key PR={d,n}
 computes: m = cd mod n
 note that the message m must be smaller than the
modulus n
RSA Example - Key Setup
• Select primes
p=17 & q=11
• Compute n
n = pq =17 x 11=187
• Compute phi value
ø(n)=(p–1)(q-1)=16 x 10=160
• Select encryption parameter
e: gcd(e,160)=1; choose e=7
• Determine decryption parameter
d: de=1 mod 160 and d < 160
Value is d=23? 6

• Publish public key PU={7,187}

• Keep secret private key PR={23,187}
RSA Example - En/Decryption
 The sample RSA private/public operations are:
 Given message M = 88 (note that 88<187)
 Encryption is
C = 887 mod 187
= 88(3+3+1) mod 187
= (883 mod 187)(883 mod 187)(88 mod 187)mod 187
= (44 * 44 *88)mod 187
= 11

 Decryption is
M = 1123 mod 187 = 88
RSA Example - Key Setup
 Select primes
p=11 & q=3
 Compute n
n = pq = 11 x 3 = 33
 Compute phi value
ø(n)=(p–1)(q-1)=10 x 2 = 20
 Select encryption parameter
gcd(e: gcd(e,20)=1; choose e = 3
 Determine decryption paramter
d: de=1 mod 20 and d < 20
Value is d=7 since 7X3=21=20x1+1
 Publish public key PU={3,20}
 Keep secret private key PR={7,20}
RSA Example - En/Decryption
 The sample RSA private/public operations are:
 Given message M = 7 (note that 7<33)
 Encryption is
C = 73 mod 33
= 343 mod 33
= 13
 Decryption is
M = 137 mod 33
= 13(3+3+1) mod 33
= (133 mod 33)(133 mod 33)(13 mod 33)mod 33
= (2197 mod 33)(2197 mod 33)(13)mod 33
= 19.19.13 mod 33 = 4693 mod 33
= 7
Another Example
 Consider the text grouping in the groups of three i.e.

 Represent the blocks in base 26 using A=0, B=1, C=2…..

 ATT = 0 * 262 + 19 * 261 + 19 = 513
 ACK = 0 * 262 + 2 * 261 + 10 = 62
 XAT= 23 * 262 + 0 * 261 + 19 = 15567
 XSE= 23 * 262 + 18 * 261 + 4 = 16020
 VEN = 21 * 262 + 4 * 261 + 13 = 14313

 Next issue is designing the cryptosystem – selecting the parameters.

 What should be the value of n ?

 The value of n should be greater than 17575. How & why ?

 Let p = 137 and q = 131; so that n = pq = 17947
Another Example – Key Setup
 Compute phi value
ø(n)=(p–1)(q-1)=136 x 130 = 17680
 Select encryption parameter
gcd(e: gcd(e,17680)=1; choose e = 3
 Determine decryption parameter
d: de=1 mod 17680 and d < 17680
6 u

Value is d=11787
u 6

 Publish public key u PU={3,17947}

 Keep secret private key u PR={11787,17947}
Another Example – En/Decryption
 The sample RSA private/public operations are:
 Given message M = ATT = 513
 Encryption is
C = 5133 mod 17947
= 8363
 Decryption is
M = 836311787 mod 17947
= 513
 Overall the plaintext is represented as the set of integers m
 Overall the ciphertext is represented as the set of integers c
Speed of RSA
 In H/W, the speed of RSA is 1000 times slower than
 In S/W, the speed of RSA is 100 times slower than DES
 It is assumed, the difference will remain….
 even with the advancement in technology

 How to speed up the RSA operations ?

RSA Key Generation

 The users of RSA must

 determine two primes at random - p, q
 select either e or d and compute the other
 primes p,q must not be easily derived from modulus n=p.q
 means must be sufficiently large
 typically guess and use probabilistic test
RSA Key Generation (contd)
 exponents e, d are inverses, so use inverse
algorithm to compute the other
 So, the basic operation involved, in either case, is
 modular exponentiation
 hence need to optimize the same
 Use square-and-multiply
Computational complexity: Encryption
 encryption uses exponentiation to power e
 hence if e small, this will be faster
 the most common choices are 3, 17 and 65537
 X.509 recommends 65537
 PEM recommends 3 while
 PKCS#1 recommends either 3 or 65537

 but if e too small (eg e=3) security attack is possible

 if e fixed one must ensure gcd(e,ø(n))=1
 i.e. reject any p or q not relatively prime to e
Computational complexity: Decryption
 decryption uses exponentiation to power d
 this is likely to be large and insecure if not
 can use the Chinese Remainder Theorem (CRT)
 to compute mod p & q separately and then combine to get the
desired answer
 approx 4 times faster than doing directly
 only owner of private key who knows values of p & q
can use this technique
RSA Security
 RSA has been extensively analyzed for vulnerabilities by many researchers.
 After thirty years, one finds interesting attacks but,
 none of them is critical
 they mostly illustrate the dangers of improper usage of RSA
 hence, securely implementing RSA is a nontrivial task.
 At an outset, the security depends on two mathematical problems
 the problem of factoring large numbers
 the RSA problem
 both the above problems are considered to be hard
 How do we define the RSA problem?
 How do we define the RSA function ?
 What is breaking the RSA security?
 The most promising approach to solve the RSA problem appears to be
 being able to factor n into p and q not knowing them a priori
 How to use the factors then, to break the security?

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