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Article Building A Winning Organizational Culture

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Building a Winning Organizational

By Richard Barrett, Chairman and Founder, Barrett Values Centre

In the last three years Deloitte, Ernst & Young (E&Y), and PwC have all issued
reports focusing on the importance of organizational culture in driving a company’s

• According to E&Y, 55% of the FTSE 350 companies have seen a 10% increase
in operating profits driven by their investment in culture. Overall 92% of the
Board Members of these companies said that a focus on culture had improved
their financial performance. i

• According to Deloitte, culture has become one of the most important business
topics of 2016. CEOs and HR leaders now recognize that culture drives people’s
behaviour, innovation, and customer service: 82% of Deloitte’s survey
respondents believe that “culture is a potential competitive advantage.” ii

• According to PwC, 84% of leaders believe that culture is critical to their

organization’s success. Sixty percent think culture is more important than their
strategy or their operating model. iii

The increased recognition of the importance of corporate culture raises three

important questions: What is organizational culture? How do you measure it? And,
most importantly, how can you improve it? This article focuses on the first and last
questions: how to define organizational culture, and what you can do to improve it.
The answer to the question “How to measure organizational culture” is fully
explained on the Barrett Values Centre’s website ( and in my
book, The Values-Driven Organization. iv In this book, first published in English in
2012, and now available in English, French, German, Portuguese and Spanish, I
make the following statements:

• Cultural capital is the new frontier of competitive advantage.

• The culture of an organization is a reflection of the values, beliefs and

behaviours of the current leaders, and the institutional legacy of the values and
beliefs of past leaders that have been institutionalized into the organization’s
structures, policies and procedures.

• Organizations do not transform. People do.

• Therefore the transformation of an organizational culture begins with the

transformation of the values, beliefs and behaviours of the leaders.

The starting point of every cultural transformation initiative should be to find out what
is working and not working in the organization. This involves carrying out a cultural
diagnostic (Cultural Values Assessment) for the whole organization, including data cuts
for each business unit, department and team, as well as organization-wide
demographic categories such as gender and age. The results of the assessment will
allow you to identify the Cultural Health of the organization, and the Cultural Health of
the sub-cultures in each business unit, location, department and team. Also, because
the Barrett Values Centre’s Cultural Values Assessment enables you to measure the
current culture as well as the desired culture, the results provide you with a roadmap
for change.


The cultural transformation process can be divided into ten steps (see Figure 1).
These are described in the following paragraphs. The first five steps apply to
organizations that have not been involved in a cultural transformation programme in
recent years (see Figure 1 (a)). The last five steps represent the feedback loop that
allows organizations to measure and manage their culture on a year-by-year basis
(see Figure 1 (b)).

Figure 1 (a): The cultural transformation process—steps 1 to 5.

Figure 1 (b): The cultural transformation process—steps 6 to 10.

Step 1: Commitment to transformation

Cultural transformation begins with the personal commitment of the leader and the
leadership team to the transformation process—which necessarily includes a
commitment to personal change. Without this commitment to cultural and personal
change, there is no point in proceeding with a cultural transformation initiative. It is
important for the leaders to understand that in making this commitment they may
have to focus on their own personal transformation, particularly those who head up
units, locations, departments or teams that display low levels of Cultural Health or
high levels of Cultural Entropy. v

To improve the culture of an organization, the leaders must change, or you

must change the leaders.

The process of cultural transformation is not something that can be delegated, nor can
it be handed off to a team of consultants. Consultants can help facilitate the process,
but they should not be in charge of the work. Culture work is something that the
organization has to do for itself, and it is always ongoing: culture has to be managed,
and the way we manage culture is through values.

At the start of the cultural transformation process, it will be important, if the leader
has not already done so, to handpick his or her leadership team. As Jim Collins says
in Good to Great, getting the right people on the leadership team and sitting in the
right seats is extremely important. vi

It is quite usual for there to be one or two naysayers in the leadership team who are
not willing to sign up to personal transformation. This is the point where they have to

decide to get on or off the bus. There is no room on the bus for anyone who is not a
willing participant and committed to the process. Usually, at this point, those who
find the prospect of personal change too challenging, start looking for alternative
employment. It is important that the leader be aware that this might happen and is
willing to go ahead despite the fact that he or she might lose some of his or her best

Step 2: Baseline measurement

After the leader and leadership team have made a personal commitment to the cultural
transformation, then you can proceed by carrying out a Cultural Values Assessment of
the organization and, at the same time, build a scorecard of the organization’s current
performance, including output indicators such as productivity, efficiency and quality,
outcome indicators such as profit, income and market share, and causal indicators—
the level of Cultural Health and Cultural Entropy and employee engagement.

The object of the scorecard is to develop a set of baseline indicators from which you
can measure the progress and impact of your cultural transformation journey from
year to year. This is also the best moment to do a values clarification exercise. This
involves setting up focus groups across the whole organization to help people develop
a deeper understanding of the impact and behaviours associated with the top positive
and potentially limiting values that show up in the results of the Cultural Values

Step 3: Executive team alignment

At this point, it is vitally important for the leadership team to own the results of the
Cultural Values Assessment, individually and collectively. It is also important that
they have a fundamental agreement on the way forward: On what is working and
not working and what they individually and collectively propose to do to move the
cultural transformation process forward. Without this alignment and commitment,
nothing will change. The culture of an organization is a reflection of leadership
consciousness. If there is no internal cohesion in the leadership team there will be no
internal cohesion in the organization.

The process of building internal cohesion should begin with leadership team

The leadership team can be regarded as a cultural fractal of the whole organization.
If you don’t have internal cohesion in the leadership team, you will not have internal
cohesion in the rest of the organization. The only way to build internal cohesion in a
leadership team is to create a climate of trust. This requires that the leaders spend
quality time together, getting to know each other at more than a superficial level.
You will find the Trust Matrix exercise, which is described in The Values-Driven
Organization, extremely useful in this regard.

There are several different things that can be done to facilitate the alignment of the
leadership team. First, you can pull out the leadership team’s results from the
Cultural Values Assessment. This will tell you the level of Cultural Health and Cultural
Entropy the leadership team experience. This could well be different from the level of

Cultural Health and Cultural Entropy at the management and supervisory levels of
the organization.

Second, you can pull out each leader’s individual values plot and have them share
their results with the rest of the team. Early intervention with the Executive Team is
critical so that they enter the organisational values discussion with accountability and
humility. What we are looking for at this stage of the process is both their individual
and collective accountability.

Step 4: Vision and Mission

After you have completed your baseline measurements and agreed on a way forward,
the next step is to develop an internal and external vision and mission for the
organization. A methodology for doing this, which is known as the Four Why’s Process,
is described in The Values-Driven Organization.

In large and medium-sized organizations setting the vision and mission is the job of
the leadership team. This task cannot be delegated. The direct reports of the
leadership team (the leadership teams of the members of the leadership team) and a
cross-section of the rest of the leadership group should be asked for their comments
once the leadership team has sketched out some draft statements.

The vision and mission statements should be short, easily memorable and
inspirational. They should reflect a higher purpose. The purpose of the mission and
vision statements is to give focus and direction to the organization, so everyone is
working towards the same goals. In small organizations, as long as it is manageable,
it makes sense to involve as many people as possible in setting the vision and
mission. Guidelines for developing mission and vision statements are provided in The
Values-Driven Organization.

Step 5: Values and behaviours

In addition to developing a vision and mission for the organization, it will also
be important to define the values the organization wishes to embrace to guide
its decision making. These are known as espoused values. The Values-Driven
Organization provides guidance for choosing espoused values. The purpose of the
espoused values is to provide a set of common principles that define how people in
the organization should interact with each other and with the outside world.

The results of the Cultural Values Assessment will be useful in this regard since they
will highlight the values that are most important to employees in their personal lives
and their desired cultural values. To the extent possible, all employees should be
involved in this process. The values should be single words or small phrases that are
easily memorized and support the vision and mission. Normally, there should be no
more than five values: Four is ideal. Preferably, the values should be spread over
multiple levels of consciousness with at least one value at levels four and five (see
the Seven Levels Model described on the Barrett Values Website and in The Values-
Driven Organization). Some organizations prefer to choose seven values—one at
each of the Seven Levels of Consciousness. Some organizations also like to prioritize
their values. This is useful if a particular decision requires adherence to more than

one value. It is important that the values can be easily recalled from memory. The
need to prioritize values becomes important when you have more than four values.

Once the espoused values have been chosen, two or three behaviour
statements should be developed for each value.

To determine what behaviour statements are appropriate for each value you can use
a technique such as appreciative inquiry. vii

The purpose of developing behaviour statements is twofold:

• To give clarity to what each espoused value means in the context of the day-
to-day operations of the organization so you can recognize the value in action.
• To provide a way of evaluating executive and employee performance—to
measure the degree to which leaders, managers and supervisors as well as
other employees are living the values of the organization.

Because behaviours are always contextual, it is not unusual for different behaviours to
be used for the same espoused values in different parts (business units) of the
organization. The behaviour statements should be short, memorable, one-sentence
statements that describe the actions that support the value they represent, and they
should be appropriate for the context of the work unit. For example, the value of “trust”
on a factory floor may give more focus to competence-based behaviours, whereas
“trust” in a sales or accounting department may give more focus to character-based

Together, the values and behaviours, and the vision and mission, should define the
unique character and personality of the organization, the levels of consciousness it
aspires to operate from, and the key features of the brand. The ultimate purpose
of defining the vision, mission, values and behaviours of an organization is to create
internal cohesion and a capacity for collective action.

Step 6: Change strategy

For any significant change process or cultural realignment, there should be a clear
understanding among executives about why the proposed changes are being
undertaken. Whether you are involved in a one-off change project or cultural
transformation exercise, the results of the Cultural Values Assessment will direct you
to the causal shifts that are needed to improve your outputs and outcomes. The
changes that are proposed should be clearly communicated to everyone along with the
benefits the proposed changes are expected to bring. Since the changes proposed will
be alignment with the desired culture that employees have indicated then there should
be very few problems in getting the employees to accept these changes.

The Cultural Values Assessment gives employees a voice.

It provides a way for employees to communicate directly with the leaders of the
organization about what they believe is working and not working, what is important to
them and the needs they have that are not being met.

Organizations that use the Cultural Values Assessment on a regular basis, and act on
the results, have found that the number of employees taking the survey each year
increases as employees realize that the leaders of the organization are not only taking
note of what they are saying, they are also taking actions that address their needs.
When this happens, the year-on-year results of the Cultural Values Assessment will
normally show a drop in Cultural Entropy—an increase in Cultural Health.

Step 7: Personal alignment

Personal alignment should begin with the leadership team and the senior executives
in the organization. When the leaders transform—achieve a higher level of personal
mastery or adopt a higher set of values—their behaviours change, and as their
behaviours change, the culture changes.

To this end, it is important for all members of the leadership team and the extended
leadership group to get feedback from their colleagues on the extent to which their
behaviours support or detract from the desired organizational culture. One way of
doing this is for all members of the leadership team and the extended leadership group
to carry out one of the Barrett Values Centre’s Leadership Values Assessment tools.
The feedback from this assessment should include a coaching session to support each
leader in lowering his or her level of personal entropy and shifting his or her focus to
a higher level of consciousness—helping them to make progress with their personal
development. This will involve developing their empathy and compassion skills and
tapping into their intuition and inspiration. After the leadership team has embarked on
the process of personal alignment, the direct reports of the leadership team should
follow suit. Eventually, everyone in the organization who is a leader, manager or
supervisor should participate in some form of feedback process that enables them to
grow and develop and improve their performance.

Step 8: Structural alignment

The purpose of the structural alignment is to reconfigure the structures, policies,
procedures and incentives of the organization, so they fully reflect the espoused values
and the vision and mission of the organization.

For transformation to happen, the espoused values must become pervasive

at the institutional level.

In large-scale organizations, the process of structural alignment can take up to two-

to-three years to implement. In smaller organizations, it can be done in less than a
year. The responsibility for this usually falls to the human resource function. This
process is explained in The Values-Driven Organization.

Step 9: Values alignment

For the espoused values of the organization to be lived, everyone in the organization
needs to know what the values are, and how the values relate to the role they are
performing in the organization. This is usually communicated through a values

alignment workshop.

As already stated, different behaviours may be associated with the same value
depending on the functions that a particular unit, department or team performs. It is
useful, as part of the values alignment process, for employees to define the behaviours
of their unit during the values alignment workshop. Once employees in a particular
unit have agreed on a set of behaviours, they should individually and collectively
commit to them, and be accountable for supporting each other in living the agreed

The purpose of values alignment is to inculcate the espoused values and behaviours
into the executive and employee population. Apart from the informational content, the
values alignment workshops should give participants an opportunity to explore their
own most important values and practice the concept of values-based decision making.
The Personal Values Assessment (PVA), which can be found at, can be used as part of the personal values clarification

Step 10: Mission alignment

Just as everyone in the organization needs to be aware of and aligned with the
espoused values and behaviours of the organization, they also need to be aware of
and aligned with the vision and mission. This is usually communicated through a
mission alignment workshop. Apart from the informational content, the mission
alignment workshop should give employees the opportunity to explore their own sense
of purpose or mission to see if the role they are currently performing matches their
skills and talents, and aligns with their passion. The workshop should also enable
employees to get a clear line of sight between the work they do each day and the
mission or vision of the organization. Every employee needs to know how the
contribution they make on a daily basis makes a difference to the success of the
organization. Part II of this book is devoted to the topic of values alignment and
mission alignment.

The four most frequent mistakes made in culture transformation programmes are as

Forgetting to do structural alignment

This step—the realignment of the structural incentives—is the one that is most
frequently forgotten in cultural transformation initiatives. Many organizations put a
great deal of energy and resources into personal alignment or personal development
programmes for their executives without doing anything about structural re-alignment.
This serves only to aggravate the level of discontent and disillusionment in the
executive and employee population. When executives and employees return from
personal development and personal mastery programmes, they usually come back
with a higher personal awareness about how they should be interacting with their
colleagues. They quickly become disillusioned when they realize that, although they
have changed, the organizations policies, systems, processes and procedures have
not. The new behaviours they have learned are not only not practised, they are also

not rewarded.

Unique focus on team building

Another frequent mistake that companies make is to invest in team building without
first focusing on personal alignment. This significantly limits their potential for success:
without self-knowledge and personal mastery, the impact of a team-building exercise
may not last. For maximum impact, personal alignment (learning to lead yourself)
should precede team building. This particularly applies to the top team where very
often most of the dysfunction lies. Learning to lead yourself is a fundamental
prerequisite to leading others.7

Failure to customize the transformation process

Change agents and consultants frequently make the mistake of using off-the-shelf
personal alignment or team-building programmes that have not been tailored to the
specific needs of the organization, unit, department or team they are working with.
When you carry out a Cultural Values Assessment of a team you immediately know,
when you get the results, what issues need to be tackled and what topics your personal
alignment and team-building programmes should address. Also, I would suggest that
you use the Trust Matrix exercise described in The Values-Driven Organization.

Failure to build internal capacity for values/culture management

Cultural transformation is an inside job, and it is an ongoing process: It needs to be
managed and facilitated by people who are trained. It cannot be handed off to
consultants, but it can be guided by experienced individuals who can transfer their
knowledge and skills to the people in the organization who are charged with
values/culture management. In large organizations, it is particularly important to train
people throughout the organization in the use of the Seven Levels of ConsciousnessTM
Model and the Cultural Transformation Tools®. These people, once trained, become
the organization’s cultural ambassadors and culture navigators also known as change
leaders or culture leads.

To build a high-performing, values-driven organization that engenders high levels of
Cultural Health, employee engagement and well-being and low levels of Cultural
Entropy, you will need to develop a cultural transformation process that targets both
the personal alignment of the leaders and the structural alignment of the organization.

This work should not be approached as a project: It should be regarded as an ongoing

process of values management that becomes deeply engrained into the measurement
ethos of the organization. Using the Barrett Values Centre’s Cultural Values
Assessment and the Leadership Values Assessment tools, on an annual basis, will
enable you to monitor the level of Cultural Health and Cultural Entropy of the
organization as well as the level of personal entropy of the leaders, managers and

Carrying out an annual Cultural Values Assessment allows you to determine the needs
of your employees, and monitor the extent to which they feel aligned with the culture

of the organization (values alignment), and the extent they feel the organization is on
the right track (mission alignment). Together with the level of Cultural Health and
Cultural Entropy, these indicators will enable you to assess the level of employee

Richard Barrett
November 2016

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Global Human Capital Trends 2016. The new organization: Different by design, Deloitte University Press, p. 37.
Richard Barrett, The Values-Driven Organization: Unleashing Human Potential for Performance and Profit
(London: Routledge), 2012.
Cultural Entropy is a measure of the degree of dysfunction in an organization due to fear-based behaviours.
Jim Collins, Good to Great (New York: HarperCollins), 2001.
Appreciative Inquiry (AI) is a process or philosophy for involving individuals in a dialogue that focuses on renewal
and change. See The New Leadership Paradigm, pp. 456–457.

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