Fluids Particle
Fluids Particle
Fluids Particle
A fluid particle is subject to two quite different types of forces. The surface of the particle
experiences a force per unit area called the stress. This is the force acting between
molecules on the surface and those outside the particle in the surrounding medium but
still close to the surface. The intermolecular force that gives rise to the surface stress is
short-range, i.e., it is appreciable only when the molecules are closer than about
apart. On the other hand, there are long-range forces that can be exerted
throughout the volume of the fluid particle. These are called body forces because they act
on the entire particle, not just the surface.
In a fluid, the surface stress depends upon both the relative position of the molecules near
the surface and the relative average motion of these molecules. It is convenient to
subdivide the surface stress into these two categories, the first of which we will call the
pressure p and the second which we call the viscous stress . When a fluid has no relative
motion, the only stress is the first kind, the pressure. We shall find out that this stress
component is always normal to the surface of the particle. However, when the fluid
moves, there will be a viscous stress component whose direction and magnitude depends
upon the rate of distortion of the moving fluid element. For nearly all fluids, this viscous
stress is proportional to the fluid viscosity . (We will treat the viscous stress in greater
detail in Chapter 6 .)
The most common body force affecting the motion of fluids is the gravity force exerted
on a fluid particle by the entire earth. Although the gravity force between molecules of a
fluid particle is extremely weak, that due to the cumulative effect of very large masses at
large distances produces a noticeable force. The strength and direction of the gravity
force is conveniently given by the product of the particle mass times the local
acceleration of gravity . The other possible body forces acting on fluids are the
electrostatic force between electrically charged fluid particles and surrounding charged
fluid or solids and the electromagnetic force induced by a fluid particle conducting
electric current in the presence of a magnetic field. The treatment of fluids subject to
these forces is called electrohydrodynamics and magnetohydrodynamics
Stress in a Fluid
When we compress a fluid, forcing the molecules closer together, we apply an inward
force on the fluid boundaries. This force is transmitted throughout the fluid as the
molecules, being pushed closer together, repel each other more strongly, on average. This
average intermolecular force is called an internal stress.
surface. In general, the stress vector has a component normal to the surface (called a
normal stress) and one parallel to the surface (called a shear stress) which are respectively
parallel and perpendicular to the unit outward normal . By Newton's law of action and
reaction, the stress acting on the fluid inside is equal and opposite to the stress at this
point acting on the fluid outside .
Figure 2.1: The fluid inside a volume is enclosed by the surface . At a point on the
surface, where the unit outward normal is , the stress is .
The stress at a point within a fluid is more complex than is implied by figure 2.1 because
the stress vector depends upon the direction of the surface normal . In order to
describe the state of stress at a point P in a fluid (or a solid, for that matter), we must
specify the three components of the stress vector for each of three mutually perpendicular
orientations of a surface passing through the point. These nine quantities form what is
called the stress tensor. In a fluid, some of the components of the stress tensor depend
upon the rate at which a fluid element is being distorted, and these components are
proportional to the fluid viscosity. In Chapter 6 , where we treat viscous flows, we will
have to take these components into account. For now we can ignore them because we are
considering a case of no flow and therefore no distortion of a fluid element. Only the
remaining components of the stress tensor that are not dependent upon the distorting
motion need to be taken into account.
Pascal's Law
In a static fluid, where there is no motion, the stress vector cannot be different for
different orientations of the surface normal because there is no preferred direction in the
fluid, which is isotropic in structure. At a point P in a static fluid, must therefore have
the direction of and have the same magnitude for all directions of . This startling result
is called Pascal's Law.
To prove that the magnitude of is independent of the direction of the surface normal ,
consider a force balance on the fluid element as pictured in figure 2.3.1. The stresses
acting perpendicular to two faces of area and are designated by and
, respectively. Since the fluid element is motionless, the sum of the forces in the x
direction must add to zero:
As the fluid element shrinks to zero, the normal stresses and are colocated at the point
P. However, the magnitude of must be the same for any direction since we could have
chosen z or y for the direction of x in figure 2.3.1. Because we know that fluids can
sustain only a compressive stress, or pressure, we identify the magnitude of with the
pressure p and its direction as opposite to :
But it is also possible to express this pressure force as a volume integral by using Gauss'
theorem, equation 1.43 , to convert the surface integral to a volume integral:
Since the total pressure force exerted on the volume is the quantity integrated over
the volume, the integrand must be the pressure force per unit volume at any point in
the fluid:
Any small volume element will be subject to a pressure force caused by the
difference in pressure on the faces of the volume element. For example, the pressure
difference in the x-direction is and the corresponding force difference is
, so that the total pressure force is . This force acts
in the direction of decreasing pressure, i.e., opposite to the direction of the gradient of
pressure, .
Pressure in a Fluid in a Gravitational Field
When we dive deeply into a swimming pool or a pond, we feel an increasing pressure on
our ears as we descend. Conversely, when we ascend in altitude, as in a rising elevator,
we experience a decreasing pressure. The pressure in a static fluid appears to increase in
the direction of the pull of gravity. Why does fluid pressure change in this manner?
In order for a fluid to remain motionless when subject to a gravitational force field, the
sum of the pressure force per unit volume and the gravitational force per unit volume
must add to zero:
This equation of hydrostatic equilibrium expresses the force balance at each point in a
stationary fluid. It shows that the pressure p must increase in the direction of (since
) and that the magnitude of the pressure gradient is . The denser the fluid, the
greater is the increase of pressure with depth. Furthermore, any horizontal plane in the
fluid is a surface of constant pressure, because has no component in the horizontal
The second term may also be integrated if we note that the acceleration of gravity can be
expressed as the gradient of the scalar product of and the position vector :
Noting that is constant, we now can evaluate the second integral using equation 1.46
to find:
Finally, combining these two integrals, the condition of hydrostatic equilibrium becomes:
It is customary to choose Cartesian coordinates for which the z-axis points upward,
opposite to the direction of the gravitational acceleration . In this convention,
and the general condition of hydrostatic equilibrium, Equation 2.9, assumes the form:
There is a simple way to understand the relationship of equation 2.11. Suppose we isolate
a vertical cylindrical column of fluid of base area A and height . The pressure at
the bottom of this column exceeds that ( ) at the top by an amount , so that there
is an upward force of amount due to the pressure acting on the top and bottom
of the column. Since the sides of the column are vertical, there is no vertical component
of the pressure force acting on the sides. This upward force must be balanced by the
downward pull of gravity on the fluid inside the column, which equals the product of g
times the mass . Thus the force balance requires that
, which is equivalent to equation 2.11. The pressure
distribution of equation 2.11 provides for this vertical force balance on all columns of
The integral equation of hydrostatic equilibrium, equation 2.11, is more general than it
seems. This relation holds not only between any two points in a fluid for which the
density is everywhere constant but also between all points in the fluid. In other words, the
sum has the same value at all points in the fluid that can be connected to each
other by a line that always lies in the fluid. This conclusion can be represented by the
where the constant can be evaluated from knowledge of p and z at one point in the fluid,
say 1. The pressure as a function of height z can then be found from:
The standard instrument for measuring atmospheric pressure is the mercury barometer.
As shown in figure 2.4, it consists of glass tube about a meter in length and closed at one
end. The tube, after being filled with mercury, is inverted and the open end placed below
the free surface of a pool of mercury. The mercury in the column falls below the upper
end of the glass tube, leaving a space which is nearly a perfect vacuum. The pressure of
the atmosphere at the level of the free surface of the mercury pool is calculated from a
measurement of the vertical distance h between the mercury surface in the column (1)
and in the pool (2), as shown in figure 2.4, utilizing the equation of hydrostatic
equilibrium, equation 2.11:
where we have set , the pressure of a vacuum. The density of mercury at is
, and the product is at the standard value of
. If the atmospheric pressure equals its standard value, ,
then . Local weather forecasters often quote
atmospheric pressure in inches of mercury, although the official meteorological unit of
pressure is the bar, which equals , with local atmospheric pressure being
quoted in millibars.
We think of atmospheric pressure as being constant, yet it varies with altitude just like the
pressure in the mercury column of the barometer. In air, the pressure gradient,
, is much smaller in magnitude
than in mercury because the density of air is smaller than that of mercury by a factor of
about . For differences in altitude of the order of a meter, air pressure changes by
about atmospheres, an amount so small as to be negligible for most engineering
purposes. It is generally permissible to assume that, on a laboratory scale, the pressure of
the atmosphere is constant.
The mercury barometer measures the absolute pressure of the atmosphere. The aneroid
barometer is a mechanical instrument that measures changes in atmospheric pressure. It
consists of a cylindrical container that is evacuated to a very small pressure but one end
of which is flexible. As the atmospheric pressure rises or falls, the flexible end moves
inward or outward in proportion, moving a dial that indicates the amount of pressure
change along a linear scale that is calibrated against a mercury barometer. This same
principle of pressure differences causing proportionate deformation of elastic structures is
used in most pressure measuring devices.
The Manometer
The principal of the barometer can be extended to the measurement of pressure in closed
containers by use of the manometer, as illustrated in figure 2.5. A U-shaped glass tube is
partially filled with a liquid, such as water or mercury. One end of the tube is open to the
atmosphere, while the other is connected to the container whose pressure is to be
measured. Applying equation 2.11 to the manometer fluid (whose density is ) between
the fluid surfaces at 2 and 1:
where we have noted that the pressure equals the atmospheric pressure . The
pressure is not necessarily the same as the pressure of the fluid at the center of the
container if the fluid is a liquid. To account for this difference, we apply equation 2.11 to
the container fluid (of density ) between points 3 and 2:
If the container fluid is a gas, then its density is much less than that of the manometer
liquid , and and are substantially equal. On the other hand, if the container fluid is
a liquid then the pressure difference may contribute significantly
to the determination of the container pressure and should not be disregarded.
Figure 2.5: A U-tube manometer used to measure the pressure of a fluid in a container.
There is another integral of the hydrostatic equilibrium equation, equation 2.6. If we
multiply it by a volume element and integrate over a finite volume , we find:
using, as we did before, Gauss' theorem (equation 1.43 ) to convert the volume integral
to a surface integral. Equation 2.14 states that the pressure force acting on the surface of a
volume of fluid plus the gravity force acting on the fluid inside the volume add to zero.
The force balance on a unit volume of fluid, equation 2.6, and that on a finite volume of
fluid, equation 2.14, is illustrated in figure 2.3. These equations are the differential and
integral forms of the hydrostatic force balance.
Figure 2.3: The hydrostatic force balance on ( left) a unit volume of fluid and ( right) a
finite volume of fluid are alternate differential and integral forms, respectively, of the
equation for static equilibrium in a fluid.
Figure 2.4: A sketch of a mercury barometer. Fluid heights are measured positively in the
z-direction, gravitational acceleration is downward, and the points 1 and 2 identify the
free surfaces of the mercury column and pool, respectively.
Use of the manometer shown in figure 2.5 enables us to calculate the difference in
pressure between the fluid in the container and atmospheric pressure. Unless we measure
the atmospheric pressure with a barometer, we won't be able to calculate the absolute
pressure of the container fluid. (The latter might be important if the container fluid is a
gas and we want to calculate its density from a knowledge of its absolute pressure and
temperature.) Like the manometer, most pressure measuring devices measure the
difference between the absolute pressure of the pressurized fluid and atmospheric
pressure. When this difference is positive, the pressure reading is called the gage
On the other hand, when this difference is negative, its magnitude is called the vacuum
Vacuum pressure is always positive, by definition, but cannot exceed the atmospheric
pressure in magnitude.
The convention of reporting gage and vacuum pressures stems from the construction of
pressure measuring devices. The most common mechanical pressure gage is the Bourdon
gage, which consists of a somewhat flattened, long metal tube closed at one end and
coiled in the form of a spiral. When the interior of the tube is connected to the pressurized
fluid, the tube straightens slightly in an amount proportional to the difference between the
internal pressure and atmospheric pressure. The small displacement of the tube is
amplified mechanically to rotate a dial from which the pressure is read.
Electromechanical pressure gages generate a voltage signal that is proportional to the
deflection of an elastic structure responding to the pressure difference between the fluid
and the atmosphere. (This is the type of gage used to record the lubricating oil pressure in
an automobile.) The zero position on all these gages corresponds to an equal
(atmospheric) pressure both internally and externally.
Figure 2.6: The pressure force per unit area acting on an element of the surface of a
solid is , where is the unit normal pointing outward from the fluid. is the position
vector of the surface element measured from the origin O of the coordinate system.
There are many examples of structures that are stressed by pressure forces acting on
them. Pressurized gas storage tanks, dams, ships' hulls, aircraft wings, and skyscrapers
exemplify the necessity of designing structures to withstand the forces from fluids they
contact. An important part of fluid mechanics is the determination of the pressure forces
that such structures have to withstand in order to function properly. In this section, we
consider the pressure forces exerted by static fluids on portions of solid structures.
In many cases, it is sufficient to know the total force and moment acting on a segment
of a structure and caused by the pressure of the fluid in contact with the surface. We may
calculate and by integration of the differential force and its moment that act on
an element of the solid surface. Referring to figure 2.6, the increments in force and
moment caused by the pressure p acting on the surface element located at the
distance from the origin O of the coordinate system are:
Note that the unit normal points outward from the fluid (and into the solid) . Integrating
over the surface ,
In general, these surface integrals do not completely enclose a volume but apply only to a
portion of the structure acted upon by the fluid.
The pressure forces acting on the surface may be replaced by a single force acting at a
point , called the center of pressure, located so as to give the same moment as the
pressure forces:
Note that the moment of the pressure forces about the center of pressure is zero:
After and have been found from equations 2.17-2.18, equation 2.19 may be solved for
In calculating the pressure forces on structures that are completely or partially surrounded
by the atmosphere, it is sufficient to replace the absolute pressure p by the gage pressure
since the total pressure force on the structure is independent of the magnitude of
atmospheric pressure:
where the surface integral of atmospheric pressure acting on the entire volume of the
structure is found to be zero from Gauss' theorem, equation , because . Thus a
uniform pressure applied to the surface of a structure produces no net force or moment
on the structure.
As an example of pressure forces and moments, consider the dam sketched in figure 2.7,
which holds in place a reservoir of water of depth H and width W. To calculate the
pressure force of the water on the dam, first determine the gage pressure on the dam
surface at an elevation z above the dam base by applying the condition of hydrostatic
equilibrium, equation 2.13:
where we have taken the point 1 to be at the surface of the reservoir and noted that the
gage pressure of the atmosphere is zero. We next determine by substituting this
expression for p into equation 2.17:
Note that the average pressure experienced by the dam is and that the force
magnitude F is the product of the average pressure times the area WH.
The moment is determined by substituting the expression for the pressure into equation
The moment of the pressure force of the water has two components. The component
in the y direction has the magnitude of the force F times a distance :
while the z component has the magnitude of the force F times a distance :
The distance to the center of pressure needed to produce the moment is thus:
which satisfies equation 2.19. The center of pressure is located halfway along the width
of the dam and one-third of the water depth above the dam base. To overcome both the
force and the moment , which tend to displace and topple the dam, the thickness and
mass of the dam need to be made sufficiently great that it will not translate or rotate by
deforming the soil beneath.
Figure 2.8: The coordinate system for determining forces and moments on a plane
surface in contact with a fluid.
A simplification of equations 2.17 and 2.18 for the force and moment on a solid
surface is possible whenever the surface is a plane. Such a situation is illustrated in figure
2.8, showing a plane surface of arbitrary shape located beneath a liquid surface whose
pressure is . Choosing a cartesian coordinate system fixed in the plate, with origin at
the plate centroid C and axes x and y lying in the plane of the plate, the position vector
of a point on the plate surface is:
where is the position vector of the centroid C as measured from the origin O on the
liquid surface (see figure 2.8). The centroid position is the area-averaged position of
the surface area :
From equation 2.9, noting that and on the liquid surface, the pressure
on the plane
surface is:
If C is the centroid of the plane surface, then the moments about the x- and y-axes of a
uniformly distributed unit pressure on the surface must be zero:
Using this relation, we can determine the force from equation 2.17 to be:
where A is the plate area. Thus the force acting on a plane surface having any
orientation equals the product of the pressure at the centroid C times the plate area A and
of course acts in a direction normal to the plate.
For a regular figure, such as a square, rectangle, circle, ellipse or triangle, the centroid
location is easily found by symmetry. For irregular figures, it can be obtained by simple
integration so as to satisfy equation 2.23.
The center of pressure cp is the point on the plane surface about which the moment of the
pressure force is zero:
where is the distance from the centroid C to the center of pressure cp. To
satisfy this condition, substitute equation 2.22 into 2.25 and simplify by using 2.23:
where and are the moments of inertia of the plane
surface about the centroid C. Solving for and similarly for , we find:
The moment of the pressure force about the origin O is simply the moment of the force
(equation 2.24) acting through the center of pressure cp, as in 2.19:
Pressure Force on a Curved Surface
For curved surfaces, there is no general simplification of the expressions for the force
and moment corresponding to those for plane surfaces. For curved surfaces that are
portions of regular shapes, such as spheres, cylinders or cones, it may be possible to
define a coordinate system that makes it easy to determine the surface area element
and the normal so that the integrals of equations 2.17 and 2.18 can be evaluated.
Alternatively, it may be possible to form an imaginary closed surface , of which the
curved surface is part but of which the remaining parts are simple plane or cylindrical
surfaces for which it is easy to compute the forces and moments exerted by the
surrounding fluid. By performing a force and moment balance on this imaginary surface
enclosing a volume of fluid, it will be possible to solve for the unknown force and
moment acting on the given curved surface.
Archimedes' Principle
If a body completely enclosed by a solid surface is immersed in a fluid, the total pressure
force acting on the body, called the buoyant force and denoted by , is readily calculated
from equation 2.17 because the pressure force integral over the surface of the body may
be converted to a volume integral over the volume of the fluid displaced by the
Here we have used equation 1.43 to form the volume integral (noting that in equation
2.17 is an inward normal for the displaced volume ) and equation 2.6 to replace the
pressure gradient by the gravitational force per unit volume. Equation 2.28 states that the
pressure force (buoyant force) on an immersed body is equal in magnitude but opposite
in direction to the force of gravity acting on the displaced fluid. This is Archimedes'
The buoyant force can be considered to act through the center of buoyancy since the
moment of the gravity force on the displaced fluid is :
where we have used equations 2.28 and 2.29. The moment of the pressure force about the
center of buoyancy is zero.
When a body floats at the interface between two fluids, such as a boat floating on water,
each fluid will contribute to the total buoyant force an amount equal to the force of
gravity acting on the displaced volume of the respective fluids. However, in the case of a
body floating on water, the density of air is so much less than that of water that we can
neglect the buoyant force of air compared to that of water and consider only the
gravitational force of the displaced volume of water when calculating the buoyant force
Static Equilibrium
A body of mass M immersed in a fluid will not move if the forces (and their moments)
acting on the body add to zero. The forces consist of the buoyant force , the
gravitational force and any external force that might be present, such as the
tension in a balloon tether or an anchor line. Utilizing equation 2.28, the force balance
may be written as:
In the absence of an external force, a body will remain stationary only if its mass M is
equal to , the mass of the displaced fluid. (A submarine maintains this balance by
adjusting the volume of water in its ballast tanks.) A body floating at an air-liquid
interface sinks to a draft that just provides the displaced volume necessary to balance the
mass of the body. (When a ship takes on cargo, it floats deeper in the water by an amount
needed to offset the gravitational force acting on the cargo.)
where is the point of application of the external force and is the position of the
center of gravity of the body. If there is no external force, then the moment balance,
together with the force balance, requires that:
Thus the center of gravity and the center of buoyancy lie on the same vertical line,
making parallel to and their vector product zero.
Stable Equilibrium
The balance of forces and moments is necessary for an enclosed body immersed in a fluid
to remain stationary. However, this equilibrium might be precarious, like that of a pin
balanced on its point. Stable equilibrium requires that, when disturbed slightly from its
equilibrium position, the body will tend to return to that position.
Figure 2.9: Illustrating the stability of equilibrium of a body submerged in a fluid.
Let us examine how this principle might be applied to the case of a body completely
surrounded by a fluid. In figure 2.9, the buoyant force acts through the center of
buoyancy B while the gravity force acts through the center of mass G. As
long as B and G are aligned vertically, the body is in static equilibrium. But suppose the
body is rotated clockwise through a small angle , as shown in figure 2.9. If G lies below
B, then there will be a restoring couple of magnitude , where is the
distance between B and G. On the other hand, if G lies above B, the couple will tend to
increase the angle of rotation. In that case, the body will eventually turn upside down, so
that the center of gravity will lie below the center of buoyancy. We can conclude that the
stability of a submerged body requires that the center of gravity lie below the center of
Figure 2.10: The stable equilibrium of a floating body results from the movement of the
center of buoyancy when the body is tilted through a small angle.
Does the same principle apply to a body floating on the surface of a liquid? Consider the
case of a bar of soap floating freely on water, as shown in figure 2.10. The center of
gravity is located halfway between the upper and lower surfaces of the bar. However, the
center of buoyancy is located halfway between the lower surface and the water line and
hence is below the center of gravity. Yet we know that the bar is stable because it will
return to this position when perturbed.
Consider how this differs from the case of a submerged body. The behavior of a floating
bar of soap when rotated clockwise through a small angle is also illustrated in figure
2.10. While the displaced volume of water has not changed, the center of buoyancy has
shifted to the right because more of the right side of the bar is submerged than the left. If
the new center of buoyancy, , lies to the right of the center of gravity, then the bar will
return to its original position.
The point M on the bar centerline that lies above when the bar is tilted through a small
angle is called the metacenter. If the metacenter M lies above the center of gravity G, as
in figure 2.10, then the bar will be stable and return to its original position when
To locate the metacenter M for the bar of soap, we will first find an expression for the
moment of the displaced volume about the center of buoyancy . The displaced volume
consists of two components, the original displaced volume DHL (L is the length of the
bar of soap) plus a wedge-shaped piece of volume
removed from the left side and added to the right side, its center of gravity having been
displaced a distance of . The sum of the moments of both these components about
the point must add to zero:
We can conclude that the stability of a floating body is improved by making the width W
large and the draft D small and by keeping the center of mass as low as possible (thereby
increasing [GM]). This explains why a rowboat is more stable than a canoe and why it is
destabilizing to stand up in a canoe! It also explains why a bar of soap will not float
stably on its edge, i.e., with the smallest dimension in the horizontal direction.
Stratified Fluids
Sometimes the density of a static fluid in a gravitational field is not uniform. In the
atmosphere, the air density declines precipitously with altitude. In the deep ocean, the
fluid density at the bottom is greater than that at the surface. When fluids are immiscible,
such as water and air or gasoline and water, the denser fluid settles to the bottom of a
container enclosing the two fluids. In all these instances of stratified fluids, the integral
relation of equation 2.13, expressing the pressure as a function of height z in the
gravitational field, is no longer true because the density of the fluid does not have a
constant value independent of z.
What will be the pressure in a stratified fluid? Certainly, the pressure will decrease as z
increases. However, the density of the fluid will also tend to decrease as the pressure
decreases, so that the rate of decrease of pressure, which is proportional to density
(equation 2.6), will be smaller in magnitude as z increases. This coupling of the density
with pressure is important in the atmosphere and the ocean over vertical distances of
several kilometers but is insignificant for most engineering systems. In the latter case,
density differences arise principally from heating or cooling, from differences in
chemical composition or from phase differences of the fluid layers.
where we have used vector calculus equations 1.36 and 1.39 to evaluate the curl
products and have noted that is zero since is a constant. equation 2.36 requires
that is either zero or is a vector having the same direction as . Since has the vertical
direction, must be a function of vertical height alone in order to ensure that has only
one component, in the direction of . This is the condition of static stability.
This certainly agrees with our everyday experience. The surface of water in a glass is
horizontal, the density of the fluid
changing abrubtly from that of water to that of air at the height of this surface irrespective
of horizontal location within the glass. A lighter fluid poured into a container of denser
fluid will float on top, forming a horizontal interface between the two fluids.
It is also obvious from daily experience that the denser fluid always underlies the lighter.
If we invert a container half filled with water and air, the water always flows to the
bottom. But to have a layer of water above the layer of air does not violate the condition
of static stability provided the interface remains horizontal. We never observe such
upside-down fluids because the interface of a dense fluid above a less dense fluid is
dynamically unstable, like a pin balanced on its point.
Figure 2.11: The dynamic stability of a dense fluid beneath a less dense fluid depends
upon the tendency of fluid disturbances to return to the undisturbed state.
To illustrate the principle of dynamic stability, consider the container half filled with
water and air shown in figure 2.11. Suppose we interchange a small droplet of water with
an equal volume of air, resulting, as shown, in an air bubble below the interface and a
droplet suspended above it. This will require some work, not only to raise the drop
through the air and to push the bubble into the liquid, but also to form the air/water
interface on the surface of the bubble and droplet where surface tension exists. If we
release the droplet and the bubble, the former will drop, while the latter will rise to the
air-water interface, annihilating each other. Since the system returns spontaneously to its
original configuration after being disturbed in this manner, we say that it is dynamically
Now turn your textbook upside down and study figure 2.11 for the case where the water
layer lies above the air. Upon release of the bubble and the droplet, the bubble will rise
further into the water and the droplet will descend into the air. The upside-down
configuration is definitely unstable since it departs further from its original state. We call
this dynamic instability. Note also that the work to displace the droplet and bubble is
negative, although positive work is required to form the interfaces against the force of
surface tension. For very small
samples of water, such as a drop suspended from the end of an eyedropper, it is possible
to have a dynamically stable interface with water above air, as is found at the bottom of
such a drop, because of the stabilizing influence of surface tension which requires
positive work when the interface is deformed.
Pressure in Stratified Fluids
When the fluid density is a known function of the height z in the gravitational field, say
, the pressure as a function of height can be found by integrating the equation
of hydrostatic force balance, equation 2.6. Taking the vertical component of this
equation, we can find a total differential equation for the pressure:
Integrating between a point where the pressure is known and any point z within the
fluid, we find:
The Earth's Atmosphere
The earth's atmosphere is a comparatively thin layer of gas held to the earth's surface by
gravitational attraction. Its density and pressure are greatest at the earth's surface, and
both decline approximately exponentially with altitude. Most of the mass of the
atmosphere is contained within the first ten kilometers of altitude. The atmospheric mass
is not so large as to be unaffected on a global scale by human activity. In recent decades,
gases mixed into the atmosphere have resulted in a decrease in the amount of ozone and
an increase in surface temperature because of the interaction of the atmosphere with
For the purpose of calculating the pressure and density of the atmosphere, we can regard
air as a perfect gas obeying the perfect gas law equation 1.11 , where the gas constant R
does not vary with altitude. Substituting the perfect gas law into the differential
equation of force balance, equation 2.37, and integrating, we find an expression for the
pressure :
where is the atmospheric pressure at the earth's surface, z=0. The density may be
found readily by dividing equation 2.39 by . Note that the atmospheric absolute
temperature must be known as a function of altitude in order to evaluate the integral
of equation 2.39.
The pressure decreases exponentially with altitude, declining by a factor of e for each
increment of in altitude. The length , called the scale height of the
atmosphere, has the value of when .
The temperature of the atmosphere varies somewhat with altitude depending upon the
location on the earth and the time of the year. Averaged over the continental U.S. and
over many years, the temperature profile may be represented by a piecewise linear
where is the temperature at the lower edge of each interval i and is the
When this expression is substituted into equation 2.40 and the integral evaluated, the
pressure distribution in each linear segment is found to be:
The values of and are exhibited in table 2.1 for altitudes that
include the troposphere and stratosphere. Values of T, p and at intermediate altitudes
may be found by use of equations 2.40--2.42 and the perfect gas law.
Atmospheric Stability
In the case of a stratified gas, however, we must take into account the fact that a gas
particle moved vertically will experience a reduction in density because it moves to a
region of lower pressure and expands in volume. Thus the density of the surrounding
fluid must not only decrease with height but must decrease more rapidly than does that of
the displaced particle. This condition of dynamic stability may be expressed as:
where the density change with pressure of the displaced gas particle occurs at constant
entropy because it is a reversible adiabatic change. For the atmosphere, we may use the
perfect gas properties of equations 1.11 and 1.14 to express this condition in the form:
The ratio has the value for air, and the corresponding temperature
gradient of is called the adiabatic lapse rate. Note that the U.S.
Standard Atmosphere (table 2.1) is a stable atmosphere since the temperature gradients
always exceed the adiabatic lapse rate. Generally speaking, the earth's atmosphere is
stable except in the lower troposphere when it is heated by the earth, usually during
daylight hours.
As shown in figure 1.4(b) , when the interface between two fluids comes in contact
with a solid surface, the interface makes an angle with the solid surface, called the
contact angle, which is a property of the two fluids and the solid. (By convention, the
angle is that subtended by the solid surface and fluid interface in the denser fluid.) This
angle reflects the balance of interfacial tensions between the solid and the fluids at the
point where the fluid interface meets the solid surface. In the case of a liquid/gas interface
having a contact angle less than , the liquid tends to creep along the surface,
displacing the gas, and the liquid is said to wet the surface. On the other hand, when the
contact angle exceeds , the liquid moves away from the gas and is said to be
nonwetting. A water-air interface in contact with clean glass is wetting, whereas when it
is in contact with paraffin it is nonwetting.
Figure 2.12: Liquid rises in a capillary to an equilibrium position determined by the
balance of the surface tension force and the gravity force acting on the column of
elevated fluid.
Another example of the effect of surface tension acting in a static fluid is the rise of a
liquid in a small diameter tube, or capillary tube, extending vertically above the surface
of a liquid exposed to air, as shown in figure 2.12. The average rise height h of the liquid
in the tube above the air/liquid interface may be computed from the balance of the
surface tension force component in the vertical direction, , and the gravity force
acting on the elevated column of liquid:
Note that the rise height will increase as the radius r of the tube is made smaller. For
nonwetting liquids, such as mercury, the contact angle is greater than , and the
height h is negative ( ), i.e., the fluid moves downward in the capillary tube rather
than upward.
Capillary action can be important when liquids infiltrate into porous materials. For
example, the upward flow of liquid by capillary action is essential to the maintenance of a
candle flame. Radiant heat from the candle flame melts the wax at the base of the candle
wick. The melted wax is drawn upward in the wick by capillary action, evaporating as it
rises because of heat transfer from the flame surrounding the wick. The vapor then
diffuses into the flame, burning by mixing with the surrounding air and feeding back
some heat to maintain the process of melting and evaporation.