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Mental and Emotional Health

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Mental and Emotional Health •Feeling numb or like nothing matters

Mental health includes our emotional, •Having unexplained aches and pains

psychological, and social well-being. It •Feeling helpless or hopeless

affects how we think, feel, and act. It also •Smoking, drinking, or using drugs more

helps determine how we handle stress, than usual

relate to others, and make choices. Mental •Feeling unusually confused, forgetful, on

health is important at every stage of life, edge, angry, upset, worried, or scared

from childhood and adolescence through •Yelling or fighting with family and friends

adulthood. •Experiencing severe mood swings that

Over the course of your life, if you cause problems in relationships

experience mental health problems, you’re •Having persistent thoughts and memories

thinking, mood, and behaviour could be you can't get out of your head

affected. Many factors contribute to mental •Hearing voices or believing things that are

health problems, including: not true

•Biological factors, such as genes or brain •Thinking of harming yourself or others

chemistry •Inability to perform daily tasks like taking

•Life experiences, such as trauma or abuse care of your kids or getting to work or

•Family history of mental health problems school

Early Warning Signs Emotional health is a state of positive

Not sure if you or someone you know is psychological functioning. It can be thought

living with mental health problems? of as an extension of mental health; it's the

Experiencing one or more of the following "optimal functioning" end of the thoughts,

feelings or behaviours can be an early feelings, and behaviours that make up both

warning sign of a problem: our inner and outer worlds. It includes an

•Eating or sleeping too much or too little overall experience of wellness in what we

•Pulling away from people and usual think, feel, and do through both the highs

activities and lows of life.

•Having low or no energy

In a successful attempt to provide a •Creating a set of coping skills for dealing
definition of emotional health, the with mental health difficulties and external
organization (nod) quotes the stress
Mental Health Foundation: emotional •Living life with a sense of purpose
health is "a positive state of wellbeing which •Making time for hobbies and leisure
enables an individual to be able to function •Honouring your sense of creativity in your
in society and meet the demands of hobbies and leisure time
everyday life."

Essay 5 points each question

Achieving emotional health and wellbeing is
an active process that involves not only
1.Why do you think it is important to raise
identifying emotions but also shaping how
awareness about the importance of mental
we think about them and how we act (or health?
refrain from acting) on them.
2.As a seminarian, how can you help in
Some tips for creating your own emotional raising mental health awareness?
health definition and living it include:
3. What do you think are the benefits in
•Identifying personal strengths, building having healthy emotional health?
them, and living from them
4. Based on your own opinion, is it hard to
•Learning optimism, realistically seeing the maintain a healthy emotional health? Why?
positive in even bad situations If not, why?
•Developing the courage to define, and
then live, your life worth living
•Honing resiliency, the ability to learn from
and bounce back from setbacks as well as
flexibility in facing challenges
•Seeing the good in yourself and developing
a healthy self-concept
•Building a social network, even if it's small

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