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Traffic Signal Annunciator: Government College of Engineering, Jalgaon 425002

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Submitted to


(An Autonomous institute of Govt. of Maharashtra)


(PRN : 1712204)
(PRN : 1712216)
(PRN : 1712225)
(PRN : 1712217)

Prof. D. S. Chaudhari




1 APRIL 2019

Government college of enggineering jalgaon

(An autonomous institute of Government of maharashtra and affited to NMU jalgaon)

Department of Electronics And Telecommunication Engineering


This is to certified that the project entitled ,"TRAFFIC SIGNAL

ANNUNCIATOR", which is being submitted here with for the award of Bachelor
Technology in Electronics and Telecommunication is the result of the work completed by
MAYUR LADVANJARI , under my supervision and guidence . With the
declaration of student the work embodied in this project work has genuinly contributed to
the best of knowledge and belief .The said project work is carried for the Traffic signal
annunciator to implement at traffic signals.

We hereby Declare that the project report entitled ,"TRAFFIC SIGNAL
ANNUNCIATOR" was carried out and written by us under the guidence of Prof. Dr.D.
S. Chaudhari. of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering. Govt. College of
Engineering , Jalgaon. This work has not been previously formed the basic for the award
of any Degree or Diploma certificate nor has been submitted elsewhere for the award of
any Degree or Diploma

This successful completion of task would not be completed without expression of
gratitude to all those who helped in doing the task. We hereby take this opportunity to
express our heartfelt guidede toward the people whose help proved useful to complete

Our special thaks to Prof.D.S.Chaudhari for this valuabe suggestions in our project
topic.we would also like to express regards to Heart of the E&TC Engineering
Department.Prof.D.S.Chaudhari for this valuabke guidance and strong moral support
.He always help in every difficulty

.We wish to express our gratitude sinecare thanks to our principle Pro.Dr.R.P.Borkar
whose guidance and suggestions have helped us in completting this project report.

In perticular, we jariare thankful to all our staff members of E&TC Engineering

Depertment for their whole-hearted Co-operation.We are thankful to our parents for their
blessing and their valuable moral support.

This project presents a literature review of different types of ttechniques used in
traffic signal control system . we known to the fact one of the main issues to be addresed
by the today's traffic management schemes is traffic congestion on city road neet works
to delay of or works all these heavy traffic in this days is due to the known fact that ,
number of vehicles are increasing exponentially, and the limited technology using for
traffic control on roads. Traffic Police at cross road automatic traffic signal schemes are
most used traffic control schemes in india. cotrast to the regular schemes ,intelligent
traffic management schemes based on image proessing and wireless sensor network are
using to control traffic, from last five years but besides their advantages this schemes has
some limitation it is found at using wireless system alongwith embedded system has
benefit over the existing technique.

So we implemented this project for reducing the human error, for avoiding the
accidents ,foe safety of the human .basically in this project we used the LDR sensor to
sense the contact between the two plates.and when the sensor senses that position then
the buzzer will be blow on that by this technique our project has been run.

Chapter no: Title Page no.

Certificate 2

Declaration 3

Acknowledgement 4

Abstract 5


1.1 Basic concept 8

1.2 Oraganazation of project 9

1.2.1 LDR sensor 9

1.2.2 Working of the LDR sensor 10

1.2.3 Resistor 10

1.2.4 LED 11

1.3 CD 4081 12

1.3.1 Pin diagram 12

1.3.2 Features 13


3.1 General block diagram 17

3.1.1 Requirement 17


4.1 Circuit Design 18

4.2 PCB Design 18

4.2.1 Introduction to PCB 20

4.3 Component Description 24

4.4 Working 30


5.1 Merits 31

5.2 Demerits 31






Chapter 1


1.1 Basic concept:

Basically The Traffic Signal Annunciator is made for the people who does not know
about the traffic signal rules and who are not aware about the traffic signal rules and also
for the people who does not have the care of their life .so specially we made this project
for this type of people .And this project will help to save their and others life also . Traffic
signal detection and recognition have become a vital area of research in recent years.Due
to growing number of vehicle owners ,thr road safety has become important matter of
concern .To regulate the trafffic and gguide the driver ,road sign plays a major role .These
traffic signs have particular Red, Green and Yellow, and shapes which attracts the driver's
attention and guide them .To increase the safety , we introduced Traffic signal
annunciator that increase road traffic safety by helping drivers gain better awarness of
road and its potential hazzards .

1.1.1 Need Of Traffic Signal Annunciator: This annunciator is used to

maintain a traffic,warn the distracted driver and prevent his/her actions that can lead an
accident. A real time automatic traffic annunciator can help the driver ,significantly
increasing his/her safety.Traffic signal annunciator also generate a good thinking in the
mind of the people.The main objective of the project is to demonstrate the ability of
image processing algorithms on a small computing platforms.

As a result of survey more than 90 percent of road accident happened due to the
driver mistakes. these mistakes are red signal jumping,over speeding, not following road
signs like stop board , speed limit,school crossing . so to overcome this problem
designing of a system that itself takes the real world data of the traffic and take action by
annunciator in the cause driver7 will not responding according to the traffic signal .

Annunciator is basically an audio visual warning system .which highlights the

faults or mishap which is going on ,or even before it happens .this is very necessary for
safety concern also , and sometimes the warnings comes before improper procedure
which warns the operator to avoid unwanted accidents .so by this project we reduce the
human error as well as reduce the traffic problems caused by humans due to the phone
calls and other facilities of the entertainmentor by human avoidance of the traffic signal .

1.2 Organisation Of Project :

1.2.1 LDR Sensor :

A Light Dependent Resistor (LDR) is also called a photoresistor or a cadmium

sulfide (CdS) cell. It is also called a photoconductor. It is basically a photocell that works
on the principle of photoconductivity. The passive component is basically a resistor
whose resistance value decreases when the intensity of light decreases. This
optoelectronic device is mostly used in light varying sensor circuit, and light and dark
activated switching circuits. Some of its applications include camera light meters, street
lights, clock radios, light beam alarms, reflective smoke alarms, and outdoor clocks.

This circuit based project explains the principle of operation of LDR (light
dependence resistor). The circuit has various applications like shadow alarm, automatic
night/morning lamp.

As the name suggests, LDR is a type of resistor whose working depends upon only
on the light falling on it. The resistor behaves as per amount of light and its output
directly varies with it. In general, LDR resistance is minimum (ideally zero) when it
receives maximum amount of light and goes to maximum (ideally infinite) when there is
no light falling on it.

A critical factor that decides LDR’s working is the frequency of light which should
cross a threshold value so as to make LDR respond. Keep on reading to find out how the
circuit is designed and how it is made to work.

1.2.2 Working of light dependent

8 resistor:

An LDR is a Light Dependent Resistor i.e its resistance varies with the amount of
light falling on it. Resistance becomes lower as the light falling on the LDR increases. A
simple circuit would be a voltage divider circuit with an LED connected in parallel with
the LDR. When the amount of light decreases the resistance of the LDR increases causing
the bulb to light up.

LDR, an acronym for light dependent resistor is a resistor whose resistance is

dependent on light. In this project, resistance of LDR is of the order of Mega Ohms in the
absence of light and reduces to a few ohms in presence of light. In this circuit when the
light falls on LDR, the resistance of LDR becomes low and the entire voltage drop takes
place across the variable resistance VR1 (10K ). As a result the base of transistor (T1)
gets high input and it gets biased thereby glowing the LED. When no light falls on LDR,
the resistance of LDR becomes high so almost entire voltage drop takes place across it
and the base of transistor is at low potential. So transistor does not gets biased nor it
becomes conducting, hence switching off the LED. The sensitivity of the circuit can be
adjusted by varying the preset VR1.

Fig.1:Light Dependent Resistor


Resistor is a passive component used to control current in a circuit. Its resistance is
given by the ratio of voltage applied across its terminals to the current passing through it.
Thus a particular value of resistor, for fixed voltage, limits the current through it. They
are omnipresent in electronic circuits.

Resistors can be either fixed or variable. The low power resistors are comparatively
smaller in size than high power resistors. The resistance of a resistor can be estimated by
their colour codes or can be measured by a multimeter. There are some non linear
resistors also whose resistance changes with temperature or light. Negative temperature
coefficient (NTC), positive temperature coefficient (PTC) and light dependent resistor
(LDR) are some such resistors. These special resistors are commonly used as sensors.
Read and learn about internal structure and working of a resistor



Light emitting diodes (LEDs) are semiconductor light sources. The light emitted
from LEDs varies from visible to infrared and ultraviolet regions. They operate on low
voltage and power. LEDs are10one of the most common electronic components and are
mostly used as indicators in circuits. They are also used for luminance and optoelectronic
Based on semiconductor diode, LEDs emit photons when electrons recombine with
holes on forward biasing. The two terminals of LEDs are anode (+) and cathode (-) and
can be identified by their size. The longer leg is the positive terminal or anode and shorter
one is negative terminal.

The forward voltage of LED (1.7V-2.2V) is lower than the voltage supplied (5V)
to drive it in a circuit. Using an LED as such would burn it because a high current would
destroy its p-n gate. Therefore a current limiting resistor is used in series with LED.
Without this resistor, either low input voltage (equal to forward voltage) or PWM (pulse
width modulation) is used to drive the LED. Get details about internal structure of a LED.


1.3.CD 4081 :

1.3.1 Pin diagram of IC CD4081:


Fig.4:Pin Diagram Of IC CD4081

1.3.2 CD4081 - Quad 2-In AND Gate:

The CD4081 quad gate is a monolithic complementary MOS (CMOS) integrated

circuit constructed with N- and P-channel enhancement mode transistors. They have
equal source and sink current capabilities and conform to standard B series output drive.
The devices also have buffered outputs which improve transfer characteristics by
providing very high gain.All inputs protected against static discharge with diodes to VDD
and VSS.

1.3.2 Features:

Low power TTL compatibility: Fan out of 2 driving 74L or 1 driving 74LS

5V–10V–15V parametric ratings

Symmetrical output characteristics

Maximum input leakage 1 µA at 15V over full temperature range

This is a Thru-Hole Device

Fig.5:Pin Discription Diagram

1.3.3Piezo Buzzer :
Piezo buzzer is an electronic device commonly used to produce sound. Light
weight, simple construction and low price make it usable in various applications like
car/truck reversing indicator, computers, call bells etc. Piezo buzzer is based on the
inverse principle of piezo electricity discovered in 1880 by Jacques and Pierre Curie. It is
the phenomena of generating electricity when mechanical pressure is applied to certain
materials and the vice versa is also true. Such materials are called piezo electric materials.
Piezo electric materials are either naturally available or manmade. Piezoceramic is class
of manmade material, which poses piezo electric effect and is widely used to make disc,
the heart of piezo buzzer. When subjected to an alternating electric field they stretch or
compress, in accordance with the frequency of the signal thereby producing sound.

Fig.6:Piezo Buzzer(front side view)

Fig.7:Piezo Buzzer(back view)

This is the opposite side of the PCB, having the necessary electronic
components: a resistor, a transistor and an inductor. The input to the transducer is a low
voltage DC signal, however in order to produce sound the piezoceramic disc needs
oscillations of high voltage. The transistor and resistor combination works as an oscillator
circuit to produce low amplitude oscillations from the DC voltage. The magnitude of
these oscillations is amplified by the inductor.

Chapter 2

For the traffic control different existing ttraffic control schemes (using
image processing , using wireless sensor networks )are used .the new traffic control
system based on wireless communication have proposed . in the urban road traffic control
system generally includes the signsl control machines ,traffic lights , varable message
signs and other detectors. the wirelwss traffic signal control system compose by master
node and slave node. the master node is a center of the syatem, it is the signal control
machine and could provided control signal to solve the nodes ,the slave npde is the end
point devices of the system, it receives and execute the instruction from master node and
then returns report . all of this devices communucated by wireless communication models

The performance of the proposed schemes for the traffic control schemes has
benefit over the all other exixting schemes. Many techniques has been used including,
ground level sensor like video image processing, microwave radar , laser raadar , passive
infrared , ultrasonic and passive acoustic array. but this system have a high equipment
cost and their accuracy is depend on enviornment conditions . at another widely used
technique is convential traffic surrvelience system is based on intrusived ans non
intrusived sensor with inductive loop detector .In addition to video cameras for the
effcient managements of public roads.

Chapter 3

System Development :

3.1Geneal Block Diagram :

Fig.8:General Block Diagram


 To reduces the human errors.

 For human saftey.

 To maintain a traffic.

 For systematic rules and regulation.

 To overcome the problems like red signal jumping,overspeeding,not following the
road sign like stoped board,speed limit,school crossing .
Chapter 4

System implementation
4.1 Circuit Design :

Fig.9:Circuit Diagram


4.2.1 Introduction to Printed Circuit Board:

Printed circuit board pattern applied to one or both sides of an insulating base,
depending upon that, and it is called single sided PCB or double Sided PCB. Conductor
materials available are silver, brass, aluminum and copper, copper is the most widely
used which is used here also. The thickness of conducting material depends upon the
current carrying capacity of the circuit.

The Printed Circuit Board usually serves three functions:

It provides mechanical support to the components mounted on it.

It provides necessary electrical interconnection.

It acts as heat sink i.e. it provides a conduction path leading to removeal of most of
the heat generated in the circuit.

4.3.1Copper (Cu) Clad:

The base of laminate is either paper of glass fiber cloth. Cu foil, which is
produced by the method of electroplating, is placed on laminate and both are kept under
hydraulic pressure for proper adhesive pressure for proper adhesive. These Cu clad are
easily available in the market.

Types of Laminates :

National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) has various grades of

laminates that are obtained by different resins and filters.


Phenol and Formaldehyde produce phenolic paper base laminate it has phenolic
resins with proper filter. This is Brown in color and opaque. Disadvantage is poor
moisture resistance.

Epoxy Laminates :

Epoxy paper this is also paper based but impregnated with epoxy resin, yellowish
white and translucent. Epoxy Glass base material has high mechanical strength and good
electrical properties usually green in color and semitransparent. There are a variety of
laminates available. We have selected Fiber Glass epoxy laminate.

PCB fabrication includes following steps:

Layout of the circuit

Artwork designing



Mounting of components and soldering



The layout of PCB has to incorporate all the information on the board before one
can go onto the all work preparation. Detailed circuit diagram, design concept and the
philosophy behind the equipment are very important for the layout.

1. Copper clad board :

The copper clad is available in standard sizes

Fig.10:Copper Clad

Cut it to the required size using a Hacksaw blade. The copper clad board has a copper
coated side which forms the soldering side. The other side is the component side on
which the components are placed.

2. Ferric chloride solution :

This is the Etching solution of Ferric chloride. It removes the unwanted copper layers
from the copper clad board.

Fig.11:Ferric Cloride

3. PCB drill and bits :

PCB drill is used to drill holes in the PCB. A hand drill with suitable bits is sufficient for
the purpose. Use drill bits of the following size to make holes for different components

Fig.12:PCB Drill Machine

5. Cleaning solution :

The copper clad may be deposited

20 with oil and other impurities, we can use dish wash
liquids like prill to clean the board
4.4 PCB Making :

4.4.1 PCB fabrication includes following steps:

 Layout of the circuit

 Artwork designing

 Printing

 Etching

 Drilling

 Mounting of components and soldering

 Finishing

1. Cut the copper clad to required size and clean the board using dish wash liquids
like Pril and scrub using scrubber like scrotchbyte to remove the impurity and oil.

2. Draw the layout of the circuit diagram on the copper clad by the pencil.

3. After that we draw the conduction path by the permenant marker.

4. Then for removing the unwanted copper the copper clad is immersed in the ferric
chloride. Shake the container for faster etching. Heating the solution before the
process will give you a better result.

5. After etching, clean the copper clad using tap water. This will remove the
dissolved copper from the copper laminate except the copper beneath Tonne.

6. Drill holes using appropriate drill bits.

7. If required, tin the tracks carefully using solder lead.Dip in varnish to prevent
copper oxidationin tracks.21

4.4.2 Etching :
In all subtractive PCB process, etching is one of the most important steps. The
final copper pattern is formed by selective removal of all the unwanted copper, which is
not protected by an etching unit.

Solutions, which are used in etching process, are known as enchants.

 Ferric Chloride

 Cupric Chloride

 Chromic Acid

 Alkaline Ammonia

Of these Ferric Chloride is widely used because it has short etching time and it can
be stored for a long time. Etching of PCBs as required in modern electronic equipment
production, is usually done in spray type etching machines.

Tank or bubble etching, in which the boards kept in tank, were lowered and fully
immersed into the agitated, has almost disappeared.


Fig 13: Preparing the Etching Solution

Fig 14: Board in solution for etchin

11. If required, tin the tracks carefully using solder lead. Dip in varnish to prevent copper
oxidation in tracks.

4.4.3 Soldering

The next process after the component mounting is soldering, solder pint is
achieved by heating the solder and base metal about the melting point of the solders used.

The necessary heat depends upon:

 The nature and type of joints

 Melting temperature of solder

 Flux

Soldering techniques are of so many types but we are using iron soldering.

The points to be joined must be cleaned first and fluxed. The hard solder iron and
solder wire is applied to the work. The melted solder becomes bright and fluid. The iron
must be removed after sufficient time and joint is allowed to coal. At the end, finishing is

4.3 Component Description:

4.3.1 LDR Circuit:

This circuit based project explains the principle of operation of LDR (light
dependence resistor). The circuit has various applications like shadow alarm, automatic
night/morning lamp.

As the name suggests, LDR is a type of resistor whose working depends upon only
on the light falling on it. The resistor behaves as per amount of light and its output
directly varies with it. In general, LDR resistance is minimum (ideally zero) when it
receives maximum amount of light and goes to maximum (ideally infinite) when there is
no light falling on it.

A critical factor that decides LDR’s working is the frequency of light which should
cross a threshold value so as to make LDR respond. Keep on reading to find out how the
circuit is designed and how it is made to work.

4.4 Working of light dependent resistor:

An LDR is a Light Dependent Resistor i.e its resistance varies with the amount of
light falling on it. Resistance becomes lower as the light falling on the LDR increases. A
simple circuit would be a voltage divider circuit with an LED connected in parallel with
the LDR. When the amount of light decreases the resistance of the LDR increases causing
the bulb to light up.

LDR ,an acronym for light dependent resistor is a resistor whose resistance is dependent
on light. In this project, resistance of LDR is of the order of Mega Ohms in the absence of
light and reduces to a few ohms in presence of light. In this circuit when the light falls on
LDR, the resistance of LDR becomes low and the entire voltage drop takes place across
the variable resistance VR1 (10K ). As a result the base of transistor (T1) gets high input
and it gets biased thereby glowing the LED. When no light falls on LDR, the resistance
of LDR becomes high so almost entire voltage drop takes place across it and the base of
transistor is at low potential. So transistor does not gets biased nor it becomes conducting,
hence switching off the LED. The sensitivity of the circuit can be adjusted by varying
the Preset VR1.

4.4.1 Resistor:

Resistor is a passive component used to control current in a circuit. Its resistance

is given by the ratio of voltage applied across its terminals to the current passing through
it. Thus a particular value of resistor, for fixed voltage, limits the current through it. They
are omnipresent in electronic circuits.

The different value of resistances are used to limit the currents or get the desired
voltage drop according to the current-voltage rating of the device to be connected in the
circuit. For example, if an LED of rating 2.3V and 6mA is to be connected with a supply
of 5V, a voltage drop of 2.7V (5V-2.3V) and limiting current of 6mA is required. This can
be achieved by providing a resistor of 450 connected in series with the LED.

Resistors can be either fixed or variable. The low power resistors are
comparatively smaller in size than high power resistors. The resistance of a resistor can
be estimated by their colour codes or can be measured by a multimeter. There are some
non linear resistors also whose resistance changes with temperature or light. Negative
temperature coefficient (NTC), positive temperature coefficient (PTC) and light
dependent resistor (LDR) are some such resistors. These special resistors are commonly
used as sensors. Read and learn about internal structure and working of a resistor.

4.4.2 LED:

Light emitting diodes are semiconductor light sources. The light emitted
from LEDs varies from visible to infrared and ultraviolet regions. They operate on low
voltage and power. LEDs are one of the most common electronic components and are
mostly used as indicators in circuits. They are also used for luminance and optoelectronic

Based on semiconductor diode, LEDs emit photons when electrons recombine with
holes on forward biasing. The two terminals of LEDs are anode (+) and cathode (-) and
can be identified by their size. The longer leg is the positive terminal or anode and shorter
one is negative terminal.

The forward voltage of LED (1.7V-2.2V) is lower than the voltage supplied (5V) to
drive it in a circuit. Using an LED as such would burn it because a high current would
destroy its p-n gate. Therefore a current limiting resistor is used in series with LED.
Without this resistor, either low input voltage (equal to forward voltage) or PWM (pulse
width modulation) is used to drive the LED. Get details about internal structure of a


4.5 Pin Configuration Of CD 4081 :

The output state of a digital logic AND gate only returns “LOW” again when ANY of its
inputs are at a logic level “0”. In other words for a logic AND gate, any LOW input will
give a LOW output.

Fig.18:Pin Diagram of CD4081

The logic or Boolean27expression given for a digital logic AND gate is that for
Logical Multiplication which is denoted by a single dot or full stop symbol, ( . ) giving us
the Boolean expression of: A.B = Q.
Then we can define the operation of a digital 2-input logic AND gate as being.

“If both A and B are true, then Q is true”

4.6 Piezo buzzer :

A piezo buzzer is a sound producing device. The main working principle is based
on the theory that, whenever an electric potential is applied across a piezoelectric
material, a pressure variation is generated. ... Piezo buzzers generates a loud & sharp
sound. So,they are typically used as a alarm circuits.A piezo buzzer is a sound producing

Fig.:Piezo Buzzer

The main working principle is based on the theory that, whenever an electric
potential is applied across a piezoelectric material, a pressure variation is generated. A
piezo buzzerconsists of piezo crystals in between two conductors.

When a potential difference is applied across these crystals, they push one
conductor and pull the other conductor by their internal property. The continuous pull and
push action generates a sharp sound
28 wave.

Piezo buzzers generates a loud & sharp sound. So,they are typically used as a alarm
circuits. Also they are used to make an alert of an event, signal or sensor input. A special
characteristics of piezo buzzer is,the sound pitch or level is not depended on the voltage
level that is, it works only in a specific voltage range.

Typically, a piezo buzzer produce can generate a sound in the range of 2 to 4 kHz.

4. 7 WORKING :

In this circuit diagram used amplifier circuit and condition circuit so in this circuit
diagram for sensing the contact between two metal we used the LDR sensor and for
controlling the that LDR we used the 15k pot we used here NPN and PNP transistor in
which NPN transistor is good for 0 and PNP transistor is good for 1.

in the conditioner circuit we used AND gate ,if LDR is in dark then
resistance will be more.if there is a flash on LDR then resistance will be low.if positive
goes to LDR and LDR is in dark then resistance is more of LDR than 10k at a voltage =0
then the voltage at the base of Q1 .that 0 voltage goes to the transistor Q2. but it has
defination like switch .


Chapter 5
Merits and demerits
5.1 Merits :

 Increases the traffic handling capacity.

 Help in reducing the severity and frequency of various types of accidents or

crashes, most specially the right angle collision.

 Improving the safety.

 It intterupts the heavy traffic at intersection to allow other vehiclrs or pedestrians

to cross it .

 It helps in providing a continuous movement of the traffic at certain speed in a

given route.

5.2 Demerits:

 Increase in Rear-End Collisions.

 They lead to increase in Rear-End Vehicle collisions.

 Increase in accidents at the intersection.

 While they do help manege the flow of vehicular traffic.

 They can cause traffic delay.


Chapter 6
We have conclude that the traffic light control system is the basic need for the todays
busy people. this systeam is basically design through logic gatesand amplifier ckt.Also
conclude that this system define a more precautive day-to-day of accident.



Government college of enggineering jalgaon

(An autonomous institute of Government of maharashtra and affited to NMU jalgaon)

Department of Electronics And Telecommunication Engineering


This is to certified that the project entitled ," TRAFFIC SIGNAL

ANNUNCIATOR", which is being submitted here with for the award of Bachelor
Technology in Electronics and Telecommunication is the result of the work completed by
MAYUR LADVANJARI , under my supervision and guidence . With the
declaration of student the work embodied in this project work has genuinly contributed to
the best of knowledge and belief .The said project work is carried for the Traffic signal
annunciator to implement at traffic signals under unnat bharat/maharashtra abhiyan.

Head co-ordinator

“Unnat Bharat/Maharashtra Abhiyan”

Principle Examiner

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