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Agricultural Management

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Managing Agricultural Resources for Biodiversity


Case Study for India, the Philippines, and Vietnam

15 August 2001

Prepared by Hannah Nadel

For The Environment Liaison Centre International
Nairobi, Kenya

During the Third Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biodiversity,

agrobiodiversity arose as one of the poorly defined emerging issues by biodiversity
conservation planners. Although indigenous domesticated crops and livestock hold a
rich diversity of species and varieties, and other organisms around them hold the key
to healthy agroecosystems, little has been done to catalogue, conserve, and promote
them. Indeed, many are in the process of disappearing, especially in the Developing
World, as biodiverse traditional agricultural systems are replaced by monocultures of
high-yielding, high-risk exotic species and varieties, often with disastrous
consequences. In an attempt to reverse this trend, the status of agrobiodiversity and
existing or proposed policies for its conservation and use are examined in India, the
Philippines, and Vietnam. The Philippines and Vietnam have existing National
Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plans, whereas plans are still being conceived in
India. The information and lessons learned will be compiled into a UNEP guide that
will aid national biodiversity conservation planners to formulate their own strategies
and action plans for conserving agrobiodiversity.

I. Impact of agricultural production systems in the region on the conservation
and use of biodiversity

In response to unchecked human populations in the region, a number of

agricultural production systems have developed within the past four or five decades in
an attempt to increase food supplies and alleviate poverty. These consist of:

• conversion of wild land to agriculture,

• overexploitation of wild biodiversity resources,
• conversion of diverse small-scale farming to homogeneous large-scale
commercial farming systems,
• increased utilisation of exotic and modified species and varieties that often require
high inputs such as pesticides and fertilisers, and
• increased cultivation of exotic cash crops.

These shifts in types and intensity of production systems all lead to reduced
biodiversity, both wild and domestic, and to reduced use of biodiversity, with long-
term repercussions.

Conversion of forest to agriculture is a major cause of biodiversity loss throughout

the region. In Vietnam, 50,000 hectares per year of forest are lost to unplanned
agricultural clearances, the same amount to forest fires, and the rest to fuelwood and
timber harvesting. In response, a large-scale reforestation programme is under way.
Unfortunately, most of the land that is being deforested is natural woodland, while the
reforestation is largely made up of industrial forest plantations of pines, rubber and
eucalyptus that add little in terms of ecosystem restoration. Despite worthy
government efforts for biodiversity conservation, existing programmes for protection
of forests and watersheds have not met the need for integrated and sustainable
approach to forest and community development, at least up to the writing of the
Vietnam Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) (Vietnam1995).

Market incentives that encourage commercialisation, especially for the export

market, are heavily favoured by central governments in the region. In India, cash
cropping, already a threat to small-scale biodiverse farms, has been given a major
policy boost. New trends include floriculture, industrial aquaculture, and other forms of
intensive farming that leave little scope for biologically diverse production systems
(Kothari 1999). Modern cultivation has threatened the age-old bonds between local
farmers and traditional crops. Thirty years ago, up to 75 varieties of millet, sorghum,
lentils, pigeonpea, and cowpea were grown in the Deccan region of India. The advent
of hybrid seeds, chemical fertilisers, bore wells, and government loans has since lured
many farmers into gambling on cash crops like cotton and sugarcane — sometimes
tragically (Lumb 1988). During Vietnam’s transition to market economy farmers are
switching to new varieties and species in demand. This poses a danger to traditional
varieties and species adapted to local conditions, which may have long-term rather
than short-term benefits.

Modern farming practices that rely heavily on pesticides and chemical fertilisers
impact the conservation and use of biodiversity. In many parts of the region, such
practices have displaced traditional rice paddies where fish, frogs, and other species

once supplemented local diets. Few of these species can survive with inputs of
pesticides and chemical fertilisers. There is finally an increasing awareness of the
issue of pesticides and other toxic chemicals in India as well as their effect on
dwindling wildlife, especially birds. Awareness is also growing in Vietnam and the
Philippines. The modern thrust toward elimination of wild plant borders around crop
fields is also reducing diversity that once provided a variety of direct and indirect
services to agriculture, including self-regulating pest control and genes from wild
relatives of crop plants.

Over-introduction of new varieties in agricultural production, and over-

exploitation of forest resources are also common causes of regional decline in
agrobiodiversity. Agrobiodiversity in the Philippines has been heavily affected by
importation of exotic species and varieties and by release for commercial planting of
genetically altered varieties approved by the Philippines National Seed Industry
Council (NSIC). From 1955 to 1975 the NSIC focused on rice and corn, but later
expanded to field legumes, root crops, tobacco, sorghum, wheat, cotton, and
vegetables. In1991 it began releasing registered fruit varieties. Threats to livestock
diversity come from inappropriate breeding, importation of exotic breeds, reduction in
grazing area, lack of conservation, lack of awareness of animal genetic resources
conservation, and lack of policy (Philippines 1995a). Human-induced threats to
forest biodiversity come mainly from extensive logging, habitat degradation, kaingin
(slash-and-burn agriculture), and pests and diseases (Philippines 1995b). There is
also increasing trade with neighbouring countries in human and animal food,
medicinal plants, and raw materials for handicrafts and industry (Vietnam 1995),
which is difficult to manage sustainably.

In addition, the widespread traditional practice of shifting cultivation in forests

that once prevented destruction of biodiversity is experiencing grossly premature
cultivation in some areas due to population pressures, leading to habitat degradation,
biodiversity erosion, and reduced productivity. However, measures to reverse the
degradation and to sustainably manage forest use are now in effect in some areas,
such as Thailand. In Vietnam, highland populations appear to be largely untouched
by the national birth control programmes and annual growth rates of 4% are reported.
There are over 1.2 million people in the highlands still engaged in slash and burn
agriculture, and their numbers are increasing faster than food supplies. Increasing
demands for food, fuel, and income are driving the overexploitation of non-
agricultural bioresources through hunting and fishing, wood cutting, harvesting of
wild medicinal, food, handicraft, and industrial plants, and trade in pets and research
animals. In the Philippines, kaingin plots in forest are abandoned after one or two
years of cash-crop production (rice, maize, and vegetables) and do not regenerate for
many years, if at all.

II. Summary of status and trends of key aspects of agrobiodiversity

II.1. Diversity of indigenous crop and livestock varieties is declining; utilisation of

exotic high-yielding crop and livestock varieties is increasing.

Although there is no figure available for agrobiodiversity loss in the region, it

is high. Some idea can be gained of crop diversity loss by an example from India: in

1882, 48 distinct varieties of rice, and thousands of nondescript varieties, were
reported from the Himalaya, displaced now by a handful of high-yielding varieties
(HYVs)(Maikhuri et al. 1997). The area under diverse traditional food crops has
declined substantially too, replaced by monocultures of exotic cash crops. In the
country as a whole only a handful of HYVs are now grown over 70% of rice paddy
land and 90% of wheat land (India 1990).

Traditional homestead gardens in Kerala, India, are major sources of household

requirements. Apart from non-paddy staple food (tubers, jackfruit, etc.), these gardens
provided non-staple food (e.g. fruits), timber and other house construction materials,
biomass energy, fodder, organic manure for the fields, medicinal plants, edible oils,
spices, and even material for clothing. Over the last 4-5 decades, however, this
traditional practice has considerably declined. Coconut plantations or other land uses
have taken over. As a result a number of plants grown in homesteads have disappeared
or declined substantially, with negative effects on both people and the environment
(Kothari 1999). Modern cultivation has threatened the age-old bonds between local
farmers and traditional crops, which include foxtail millet, finger millet, sorghum,
lentils, pigeonpea, and cowpea. Thirty years ago, up to 75 varieties were grown in the
region. The advent of hybrid seeds, chemical fertilisers, bore wells, and government
loans has since lured many farmers into gambling on cash crops like cotton and
sugarcane — sometimes tragically (Lumb 1988).

Livestock diversity has also suffered due to government attempts to increase

productivity. In India, one breed of cattle is already extinct, and from 20% to 50% of
breeds of various livestock are threatened, in addition to all poultry breeds (Kothari
1999). Poultry diversity is especially threatened, and probably will suffer more due to
export-oriented incentives. One of the major causes of diversity decline is the
displacement, even at smallholder farms, by exotic breeds that are better suited for
large commercial farming systems.

II.2. Diversity of wild species within agricultural ecosystems is declining.

Fruit bats provide one example of wild species loss with direct impact on
agriculture. The demise of fruit bats (flying foxes) (Megachiroptera) through over
hunting in South Pacific islands has reduced the pollination and yields of some
traditional fruits. It is likely that a similar scenario exists in parts of Southeast Asia.
Many plants there rely solely on fruit bats for pollination. Overall, more than 92
genera of flowering plants in 50 families have been recorded as being visited by fruit
bats. Yet the populations of these pollinators have plummeted, and three species have
gone extinct.

II.3. Diversity at the landscape level is declining.

Between 1950 and 1990, clearing of old-growth forests in the Philippines for
timber and agriculture (83% loss) and conversion of grasslands to agriculture (65%
loss) were responsible for much conversion from high to low landscape biodiversity.
Forest cover in the Philippines has decreased from 62% to 20% of land area between
1920 and 1991. Between 1948 and 1987 forest loss coincided with doubling in
agricultural area and urban expansion. In total about 9.7 million hectares (33% of
land area) have been converted to agriculture. About 24% of this land resulted in low

agrobiodiversity areas generally devoted to monocropping systems such as irrigated
rice, pineapple, sugarcane, and banana. An additional 34% became medium
agrobiodiversity areas that are currently planted in coconuts with various types of
understoreys. Lastly, 42% (4.2 million hectares) resulted in high agrobiodiversity
areas supporting corn, rain-fed rice, cultivated/managed pasture lands, and other farm
areas devoted to traditional systems that produce multiple crops in small spaces.
About 63% of 19 million hectares of forest is extensively used for agricultural crops,
and 4.3 million hectares are under agroforestry (Philippines 1997).

Similarly in Vietnam, forest cover fell from 46% in 1943 to less than 24%
forty years later. Some 1.3 to 1.7 million cubic meters of timber are felled every year.
In 1994, deforestation rates were around 150,000 to 200,000 hectares per year and
reforestation about 100,000 to 150,000 hectares per year. Unfortunately, most of the
land that is being deforested is natural woodland, while reforestation is largely by
industrial plantations of pines, rubber and eucalyptus that add little to ecosystem

II.4. Agrobiodiversity is too narrowly defined

A major weakness in interpreting status and trends of agrobiodiversity, and

indeed in planning what can be done about conservation, is the restricted definition of
agrobiodiversity pervading the region. The definition of agrobiodiversity in the
Philippines Sectoral Report on Agriculture and Livestock (Philippines 1995a), for
instance, includes only crop and livestock species and their wild relatives, rather than
also the broader ecosystems or landscapes in which these exist. The glossary in the
Report provides the following definition: “Agrobiodiversity pertains to the plant and
animal resources for agricultural development. It refers to that aspect of biodiversity
which has been subjected to selection, modification, and adaption by the various
generation [sic] of people to serve best their growing and changing needs for
survival.” Likewise, the India Biodiversity Bill (India 2000), defines
agrobiodiversity as “the biological diversity of agriculture related species and their
wild relatives”. There is little room in such definitions for the wild diversity that
exists within and around cultivated areas that provides services to agriculture, such as
pollinators, soil organisms that contribute to nutrient recycling and soil formation,
natural enemies of crop pests, and the species that provide habitat for beneficial
organisms and prevent soil erosion. Nor is there room in these definitions for the
broader agricultural landscape and much of the wild biodiversity within it.

II.5. Opportunities exist for positive change

Despite the many negative forces in the region, the predominance of

traditional farmers, an increasing role by NGOs, and increasing awareness of the role
of environment in rural development provide opportunities for positive change. In the
case of livestock, a growing concern is being felt for conservation of the many
available local varieties. The section on Best Practices (Section VI) in this report
provides only a few examples of the many successes in conservation of
agrobiodiversity experienced in the region.

III. Approaches to the conservation and management of the following
components of agrobiodiversity, in national agricultural plans and in national
biodiversity strategies and action plans (NBSAPs)

III.1. Pollinators
Pollinators are not mentioned directly in the NBSAP or national agricultural
plan of any of the focal countries in the region. The Philippines National Biodiversity
Assessment and Action Plan (NBAAP) project I.C.2 seeks to value and account for
direct and indirect goods and services from biodiversity and bioresources (Table 2),
which at least brings the conservation and management of pollinators within the scope
of the action plan.

III.2. Soil biodiversity

The Indian NBSAP, which is still in progress, will cover micro-organisms in
addition to wildlife, crop, and livestock diversity. Presumably, these micro-organisms
will include those in soil, which are crucial for ecosystem functioning in both wild
and agro-ecosystems. The Philippines NBAAP Project I.A.4 on Microbial Resource
Inventory is more explicit, aiming to address the impact of habitat destruction,
biological pollution, and chemical pollution on soil microbes (Table 2).

III.3. Biodiversity that provides mitigation of pests and diseases

A national integrated pest management (IPM) programme exists in India, as
in other Asian countries, which uses farmer field schools (FFS) to build farmer
capacity and knowledge on agroecology. Some 77,000 farmers have been trained in
2,600 FFS on rice, cotton, sugarcane and oilseeds. A further 12,400 demonstrations
have been conducted after FFSs to help spread the concepts and practice of IPM. FFS
are also being used to address wider soil, water and nutrient management issues. In
Tamil Nadu, farmers are experimenting with row planting, planting distance,
biofertilisers (e.g. Azospirillum, Azolla), organic manures, and basal fertiliser
applications. Farmers’ adoption of biocontrol agents (eg. Trichogramma, neem)
means that conventional pesticide use has fallen by 50% on average. Incomes have
increased by 1000-1250 rupees per hectare, and rice yields have increased by 250 kg
per hectare. (Eveleens et al.1996).

Inherent, but not explicit, in the National Agricultural Plan of India is the
promotion of biodiversity that may result in reduced pest and disease outbreaks, but
only in a limited sense. This lies in Section 4.1.75 of the Agricultural Plan, which
emphasises increasing the area under multiple- and inter-cropping to increase yield
per unit area of pulses. Such polycultural methods have several benefits, including
mitigation of crop pests and diseases.

Project I.C.2 in the Philippines NBAAP (Philippines 1997)(Table 2)

addresses valuation and accounting of direct and indirect goods and services from
biodiversity and bioresources, which paves the way to account for and promote the
services provided by natural enemies of crop and livestock pests.

III.4. Crop and livestock genetic resources

III.4.1. National ex-situ measures
India and the Philippines have a large capacity for ex-situ conservation of
genetic resources in their networks of gene banks. In India, a considerable amount of
the genetic material which has been grown or bred by farmers may no longer be
available in the field, but has been collected and stored in gene banks and breeding
stations. The National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources (NBPGR) and the Indian
Council of Agricultural Research have several hundred thousand accessions in their
network of gene banks (Kothari 1999). In 1996 the Philippines had programmes and
projects on ex-situ conservation that focused on small endemic but endangered
species of staple crops and other plants in agricultural ecosystems. Technologies
employed include seed storage, tissue culture, and living collections of plants. The
National Plant Germplasm and Resources Laboratory (NPGRL) had 32,446
accessions of 396 species in 1994, and is the world or regional germplasm repository
of several important vegetable varieties. The Philippines Rice Research Institute
(PHILRICE) maintains species of native and exotic wild rice from the International
Rice Research Institute (IRRI) Germplasm Center and from collections throughout
the country. The Bureau of Plant Industry and the National Tobacco Authority have
capacities for conserving crop germplasm. Some important non-timber forest species
are conserved in the Rattan Gene Bank, the Bambusetum,and the Palmetum. The
Institute of Plant Breeding at the University of the Philippines at Los Baños has
developed and conserves many varieties of high-yielding, mostly exotic, fruits,
vegetable, grains, and ornamentals. The Philippines Republic Act 7308 (1992), called
the seed Industry Development Act, promotes and accelerates the development of the
seed industry and mandates the conservation, preservation and development of plant
genetic resources of the nation. It vests upon the University of the Philippines, Los
Baños, the leadership in plant biotechnology activities related to plant improvement,
genetic resources conservation and in-vitro mass production of planting materials.
The export of indigenous crop and animal species has been controlled to maintain the
comparative advantage of the Philippines in these species (e.g. Administrative Order
14, series of 1987 on ramie).

There is also a system of botanical gardens in India for ex-situ conservation.

Among them, the Tropical Botanic Garden and Research Institute is the largest
botanical garden in Asia, and maintains a conservatory garden spread over 300 acres
that is home to 50,000 accessions of 12,000 genetic variants of 7,000 tropical plant
species. It’s research and development wing is geared towards achieving the goals of
conservation and sustainable utilisation of plant diversity in tropical India. In the
Philippines, Project II.B.2 of the NBAAP (Philippines 1997) promotes establishment
of botanical gardens (Table 2).

Vietnam’s genetic resource conservation has leaned heavily toward in-situ

methods. By 1985 it did utilise some ex-situ methods of medium-term conservation
by freezing of some seeds, and preservation of rootstock as tissue samples; however,
these technologies did not offer adequate security according to the Biodiversity
Action Plan (BAP)(Vietnam 1995). The BAP advised at that time that government
programmes should favour in-situ conservation.

III.4.2. National in-situ measures

In-situ conservation measures are less well defined, but efforts in that
direction are being made. The Philippines BAAP (Philippines1997) Project II.A.4

aims to establish and improve in-situ conservation centres of wild relatives of
domesticated species (Table 2). This project is important not only for protection of
useful genotypes but often also for wild diversity within agroecosystems (see below).
India’s National Bureau of Animal Genetic Resources (NBAGR), the central agency
dealing with livestock diversity, has recently initiated some schemes to encourage
farmers and pastoralists to continue or revive their use of indigenous breeds. The
NBPGR is also exploring possible schemes to encourage on-farm conservation of
crop diversity in India (Kothari 1999). A “gene sanctuary” has been established in
the Garo Hills of India for wild relatives of citrus, and others were planned for
banana, sugarcane, rice, and mango (Hoyt 1992).

By 1985, Vietnam’s genetic resource conservation utilised short-term

conservation by propagation in fields, as well as ex-situ methods of medium-term
conservation by freezing of seeds, and preservation of rootstock as tissue samples;
however, these technologies were not advanced and did not offer adequate security
(Vietnam 1995). The BAP advised that government programmes to establish and
maintain viable populations of traditional domestic varieties of plants and animals
must be extended and strengthened; that special breeding stations should be
established on agricultural research farms; and that subsidies should be developed to
encourage minority and local farmers to continue growing their own traditional

Vietnam has since then developed a national system of in-situ genetic

resources conservation. This system involves 30 scientific research institutions and
production units to carry out the conservation of genetic resources of agricultural
plants and animals, medicinal plants, and forest trees. So far, there are 16 colonies of
agricultural plants conserved with thousands of sample varieties regionally
represented and naturally distributed throughout the country. Vietnam possesses
3,200 plant species used traditionally for medicines and their usefulness is well
known, but of which only 500 species of commercial and medicinal values have been
conserved so far. Loss of valuable medicinal herbs and other plant species is
threatened by continuing loss of natural forests. The conservation of genetic resources
of forest trees concentrates on native species with reforestation potential and fast
growth, and in extinction-prone species. Others are mainly conserved in-situ in
protected areas. Conservation of agricultural animal genetic resources is focused on
native species and varieties of domestic livestock and poultry, and on preventing the
depletion of these species due to “their lower productivity and ignorance by local
people”. Though the Government has given due attention to the conservation of
genetic resources, the constraint of financial and technical investments, the lack of
expert staff and the incomplete technical facilities make it impossible to meet
requirements for a modern conservation of genetic resources (Vietnam 1998).

The predominant farming system in Vietnam is rice-based agriculture. The

International Plant Genetic Resources Institute (IPGRI) currently coordinates an in-
situ project in the country that addresses genetic diversity in the main ecosystems of
the country: the Red River Delta (Nghia Hung district) and Mekong River Delta (Tra
Cu district) lowlands, the central coastal zone (Hue), the mountains (Da Bac), and the
highlands (Nho Quan, Sapa and Dac Lac districts). Target crops for study include
mung bean (Vigna radiata), rice (Oryza sativa) and taro (Colocasia esculenta). The
project has commenced with diagnostic surveys covering crop genetic diversity and

farmer management. The project aims to integrate conservation and participatory
breeding activities. Various governmental organizations are participating
( situ project).

A regional on-farm conservation project of IRRI, completed in 2000, recorded

the amount and distribution of rice varieties under farmer management in India,
Vietnam, and the Philippines.

III.4.3. National genetic inventories

A national Genetic Inventory System for domestic animals and crops has
existed in Vietnam since 1973, financed and coordinated by the Ministry of Science,
Technology, and Environment.

A plan to compile a database on agricultural and livestock diversity is now

coming into effect in some substates of India, under the implementation of the
India Agriculture Department.

III.4.4. Regional networks

The South Asia Network on Plant Genetic Resources (SANPGR) (formerly
The South Asia Coordinators’ Network [SAC]) was established in 1990 and
encompasses six countries in the South Asia region, namely, Bangladesh, Bhutan,
India, Nepal, Maldives and Sri Lanka. The national Plant Genetic Resources (PGR)
Coordinators and other specialists from member countries meet every two years to
review the progress and to formulate plans for future activities of common interest.
The objectives of the SANPGR are to improve conservation and use of PGR through
collaborative efforts among the member countries
( networks).

RECSEA-PGR is the Regional Co-operation in Southeast Asia for Plant

Genetic Resources set up in December 1993. Membership in the RECSEA-PGR is
open to countries in Southeast Asia. Current members are Indonesia, Malaysia, the
Philippines, Papua New Guinea, Thailand, Singapore and Vietnam
( networks).

The South East Asian Research Institute for Community Education

(SEARICE) provides programme services to partners engaged in plant genetic
resources conservation including training, education, information dissemination,
technical consultancy and resource mobilisation. Among its projects are included: 1)
Community Bio-diversity Conservation and Development, being implemented in
Sabah, Northern Thailand, the Mekong Delta in Vietnam, and the Philippines, 2)
The Seeds of Survival (SOS) Programme, and 3) The Anti-Bio-piracy Programme
that seeks to advocate among the governments of Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia,
Malaysia and the Philippines the adoption of policies to regulate access to biological
and genetic resources leading to the adoption of region-wide protocol.

III.5. Diversity at the landscape level

Little mention is made in national plans of conserving agrobiodiversity at the
landscape level. This is partly due to the restricted definition of agrobiodiversity in
use by planners.

III.6. Wild biodiversity in agroecosystems

As mentioned before, the Philippines BAAP (Philippines 1997) Project

II.A.4 aims to establish and improve in-situ conservation centres of wild relatives of
domesticated species and varieties. Wild relatives are often found in wild borders and
fields around crop lands, but may also be found outside agroecosystems. Also, BAAP
Project I.C.2 seeks to promote valuation and accounting of direct and indirect goods
and services from biodiversity and bioresources. Because many wild species around
croplands are beneficial to agriculture and household use, this project should promote
their conservation, albeit indirectly. A few examples of such species are plants that
repel pests or act as pest traps, natural enemies (parasites and predators) of pests,
plants that attract natural enemies, alternative hosts for natural enemies that provide a
reservoir for the natural enemies, pollinators, wild relatives of crop plants, plants that
improve soil health and prevent erosion, and wild food plants of both humans and

III.7. Traditional knowledge of agrobiodiversity

Strong recognition of the value of traditional knowledge of agrobiodiversity is

evident throughout the region. However, steps to conserve it are only now coming
into existence. Some innovative pilot measures are found in the proposed Indian
NBSAP, namely organisation of local farmers to display indigenous varieties of crops
at mobile biodiversity festivals that travel from village to village, and holding
discussions with them to result in strategy and action plans for conservation and
enhancement of agrobiodiversity for each village. A plan to compile a database on
agricultural and livestock diversity is now coming into effect in some substates,
under the implementation of the India Agriculture Department. The India
Biodiversity Bill (India 2000) proposes that the Central Government shall endeavour
to respect and protect the knowledge of local people relating to biological diversity, as
recommended by the National Biodiversity Authority, through such measures that
may include registration of such knowledge at the local, state or national levels, and
other measures for protection, including a sui generis system.

In 1995, the Vietnam BAP (Vietnam 1995) recognised the role of people and
communities in managing natural resources; however, the role of indigenous
traditional systems is only vaguely implied.

The Philippines NBAAP (Philippines 1997) notes that to some indigenous

communities, some biological resources or sites are sacred and a source of cultural
identity. This type of value attached to a resource contributes to its preservation or
sustainable use. More fundamentally, local communities and especially indigenous
peoples have a rich repository of knowledge and practices about the natural
environment that contributes to biodiversity conservation. Many of these communities
occupy territories, particularly forest areas, which harbour a variety of species. The
cultural and spiritual values attached to biological resources by indigenous peoples

constitute a part of the worth of these resources. Project I.C.1 recognises the
usefulness of indigenous knowledge systems and practices on biodiversity
conservation and sustainable development. Policy exists in the form of an enabling
law (Republic Act 8371 of 1997) known as the “Indigenous Peoples Right Act”.
This act is meant to implement the constitutional mandate (1987) to recognise and
promote the rights of indigenous cultural communities, including the rights to protect
their traditional territories or ancestral domains, and with this their traditional
resource management practices that have hitherto contributed to the protection of
biodiversity-rich areas. It does not guarantee biodiversity conservation, however, and
may be weakened in the face of intensifying exposure of indigenous peoples to the
forces and agents of environmentally unsustainable economic growth. The people are
in effect left to improve their own resource management and strengthen their
organisational capability to deal with threats to their land and biodiversity.

Philippines Executive Order 247 (1995) on bioprospecting includes a

provision for prospecting of biological and genetic resources in ancestral lands and
domains only with prior informed consent of the Indigenous Cultural Communities
(ICCs) concerned, obtained in accordance with their customary laws (Madulid et al.

IV. Policies, regulatory mechanisms and the implications of agricultural

development plans on agrobiodiversity management

IV.1. Policies and Regulatory Mechanisms for Management of Genetic Resources

Philippines Executive Order 247 (Series of 1995) prescribes the guidelines
and establishes a regulatory framework for the prospecting of biological and genetic
resources, their by-products and derivatives for scientific, commercial, and other
purposes. The Philippines Agricultural Sector Report to the Convention on
Biological Diversity (CBD) (Philippines 1995a) states that the Trade Related aspects
of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS), provides for the option to patent plant
varieties or to adopt an effective sui generis protection.

The Philippines Republic Act 7308, or the Seed Industry Development Act of
1992, is policy meant to promote and accelerate the development of the seed industry,
particularly to conserve, preserve, and develop the plant genetic resources of the
nation. It should encourage and hasten the organisation of all sectors engaged in the
industry, integrate all their activities, and provide assistance to them. Furthermore, it
is aimed to promote the seed industry as a preferred area of investment. It should
provide the private sector with encouragement to engage in seed research and
development, and in mass production and distribution of good quality seeds. Lastly,
the policy is meant to provide the local seed industry with protection against unfair
competition from imported seeds. Section 15 prohibits export of rare species,
varieties, lines, and strains of plants from the country except for scientific and
international exchange purposes.

IV. 2. High-Value Crops and Market-Oriented Production Systems

The Philippines Republic Act 7900, or the High-Value Crops Development
Act of 1995, promotes production, processing, marketing, and distribution of high-
value crops for export to augment the foreign exchange earnings of the country.

These high value crops are defined as non-traditional crops that include, among
others, coffee, cacao, various fruits, potato, ubi (a purple yam), various vegetables,
spices and condiments, and cut flower and ornamental plants. The “traditional” crops
include rice, maize, coconut, and sugar, although these are not necessarily indigenous.

The National Agricultural Plan of India (Ninth Plan Document: Agriculture

and Allied Activities, section 4.1 in the Plan) deals little with biodiversity except in a
few implied cases, and is heavily slanted toward market-oriented production systems
that may undermine biodiversity in and around agricultural ecosystems. In section
4.1.141, the major objectives of the Ninth Plan are stated to include conservation,
planned enhancement and utilisation of agrobiodiversity through evolution of high-
yielding hybrids and varieties. Clearly, though conservation is mentioned, the thrust
is not toward conservation of traditional varieties but toward a shift to new
commercial varieties with all of their inherent problems for the small-holder
traditional farmer and for biodiversity conservation in general.

IV.3. Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Equitable Sharing of Agricultural Genetic

Resources, and Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)
The Philippines BAAP (Philippines 1997) is geared mostly toward non-
agricultural biodiversity but Strategy III promotes formulation of an integrated policy
and legislative framework for the conservation, sustainable use, and equitable sharing
of benefits of biological diversity. Within it, Activity III.3 addresses identification,
delineation, and management of ancestral domain of indigenous peoples. To promote
the rights of indigenous cultural communities (ICCs), the Philippines passed an
enabling law (Section III.7, in this report).

The India Biodiversity Bill proposes to protect the intellectual property rights
of its people. It holds that the Central Government shall endeavour to respect and
protect the knowledge of local people relating to biological diversity, as
recommended by the National Biodiversity Authority. It shall do so through such
measures that may include registration of such knowledge at the local, state or
national levels, and other measures for protection, including the sui generis system
(India 2000).

After an extensive and intensive consultation process involving the stakeholders,

the Central Government of India (India 2000) has decided to bring legislation with
the following salient features:
• to regulate access to biological resources of the country with the purpose of
securing equitable share in benefits arising out of the use of biological resources;
and associated knowledge relating to biological resources;
• to conserve and sustainably use biological diversity;
• to respect and protect knowledge of local communities related to biodiversity;
• to secure sharing of benefits with local people as conservers of biological
resources and holders of knowledge and information relating to the use of
biological resources;
• to conserve and develop areas important from the standpoint of biological
diversity by declaring them as biological diversity heritage sites;
• to protect and rehabilitate threatened species;
• to involve institutions of self-government in the broad scheme of the
implementation of the Act through constitution of committees.

The proposed legislation primarily addresses the issue of access to genetic
resources and associated knowledge by foreign individuals, institutions or companies,
and equitable sharing of benefits arising out of the use of these resources and
knowledge to the country and the people. Some exemptions are proposed to allow
Indian citizens within the country to carry out research on genetic resources.
Traditional healers may also be beneficiaries of proposed exemptions from
requirements by citizens, corporations, and associations or organisations to give prior
intimation to the State Biodiversity Board about obtaining biological resources for
commercial utilisation (India 2000).

With regard to equitable sharing of benefits, the India Biodiversity Bill (India
2000) stipulates that the Biodiversity Authority consult with local bodies before
imposing terms and conditions for securing equitable sharing of benefits. Monetary
benefits would be deposited into a National Biodiversity Fund except in cases where
biological resources and knowledge are accessed from a specific individual or group
of individuals, in which case monetary benefits will be made directly to the providers.

Conflict exists over the interpretation of proposed policy to protect the rights of
farmers and their plant varieties. The M. S. Swaminathan Foundation in India
(MSSRF) reported that it has been working with the Government of India (Ministry
of Agriculture and Cooperation and Ministry of Environment and Forests) in the
development of the following two pieces of legislation:
• Plant Variety Protection and Farmers’ Rights Act
• Biodiversity Act
It claims that the draft Acts prepared by MSSRF protect the interests of both farmer-
cultivators and farmer-conservers, and that the draft Biodiversity Act provides for
peoples’ participation in biodiversity conservation and sustainable and equitable use
through Panchayat level Biodiversity Councils and State Biodiversity Boards. A
Voluntary Code of Conduct was developed to ensure that symbiotic bio-partnerships,
and not bio-piracy, govern the relationships between the primary conservers and
holders of knowledge and the commercial companies, who use their knowledge and

Kothari (1999), however, stresses that the draft Bill leans heavily towards the
formal sector breeders, and that farmers' rights are restricted to the ability to save, use,
exchange, share, or sell (except sale for the purpose of reproduction under commercial
marketing arrangements), varieties that are given IPR protection. While providing
breeders the possibility of receiving IPRs (and thereby exclusive marketing rights for a
specified period), the Bill does not provide corresponding protection to the varieties and
knowledge already developed by farmers over millennia. It gives no incentives to
farmers to continue innovating. The national authority that is to be set up under the Bill
apparently does not contain representative farmers or NGOs.

The Bill, however, does contain some advantages to traditional farmers (Kothari
1999). It contains critical clauses that allow the government to exclude plant varieties
from the purview of IPRs if necessary, in public interest, or to compulsorily shift
licence for protected varieties to certain breeders if it is felt that the IPR holder is acting
against public interest. Also, farmers will be able to appeal to the relevant authority if
they feel that their variety has been used by an IPR holder, and receive appropriate

compensation if their appeal is upheld. However, Kothari (1999) has little confidence
that the government will act in the interests of small farmers and local communities,
and will rarely use these clauses. More explicitly farmer- and biodiversity-oriented
legislation is necessary, as are mandatory clauses to conduct environmental impact
assessments to ensure that new varieties do not displace traditional biodiversity.

IV.4. Decentralisation in Resource Management

Philippines Local Government Units (LGU), under existing Local
Government Code Republic Act 7160, are given authority to exercise their power in
managing the country’s resources. The decentralisation of resource management is a
positive development. LGUs can reclassify agricultural lands and provide for the
manner of their utilisation and disposition. The national government is required to
consult with LGUs to regulate implementation of projects that could cause, among
others, loss of crop land, range land, or forest cover and the extraction of animal or
plant species. LGUs can implement community-based forestry projects, and support
the agricultural sector through the distribution of planting materials, provision of
agricultural extension and on-site research services and facilities. The Local
Government Code provides for preferential treatment and protection for the
marginalised sectors such as the community-based forestry and other agriculture-
related projects by providing extension services and research facilities. Provincial
governments, in particular, are required to enforce forestry laws on community-based
projects and the protection of the environment.

After a new National Forest Policy was passed in India in1988 that identified
the need to motivate forest communities to develop and protect their forests, several
states allocated partial public forest management authority to forest communities.
The National Joint Forest Management resolution in 1990 supported the rights and
responsibilities of forest communities (Poffenberger and McGean 1996). This has
resulted in about 30,000 village-level committees conserving and regenerating 10
million hectares of forest land (McNeely and Scherr 2001). Also, a greater role for
the panchayat (a local governing body made up of small wards) in ecosystem
management has been envisaged by the 73rd Amendment Act to the Constitution of
India by placing new matters under its jurisdiction, including land improvement, land
consolidation and soil conservation, social
forestry and minor forest produce.

IV.5. Protected Agricultural Land

A network of protected areas for agriculture has been established by the
Philippines Department of Agriculture (Philippines 1998) to cover the following:
• all irrigable and potentially irrigable lands
• all alluvial plains highly suitable for agricultural production as determined
by the Bureau of Soils and Water Management
• all sustainable lands that are traditional sources of food
• all croplands that support the existing economic scale of production
required to sustain the economic viability of existing agricultural
infrastructure and agro-based enterprises in the province or region
• all productive lands in low calamity-risk areas suited for the production of
economic trees and other cash crops, and
• all agricultural lands that are ecologically fragile and whose conversion
will result in serious environmental problems.

IV.6. Integration of NBSAPs with National Sectoral Plans, Programmes, and
Philippines Memorandum Order No. 289 (1995) directs the integration of the
Philippines’ strategy for biological diversity conservation in the sectoral plans,
programmes and projects of the national government agencies and the
operationalisation of the objectives of sustainable biological diversity resource
management and development as embodied in the strategy. The Philippines BAAP
(Philippines 1997), Strategy III, promotes formulation of an integrated policy and
legislative framework for the conservation, sustainable use, and equitable sharing of
benefits of biological diversity. Within it, Activity III.5 addresses formulation of
guidelines on land use planning and biodiversity conservation and integration thereof
in the plans of concerned agencies (Table 2).

IV.7. Biodiversity Management Committees

The Biodiversity Bill of India (India 2000) section 41 proposes that:
(1) Every local body shall constitute a Biodiversity Management Committee within its
area for the purpose of promoting conservation, sustainable use and documentation of
biological diversity including preservation of habitats, conservation of land races, folk
varieties and cultivars, domesticated stocks and breeds of animals and micro-
organisms and chronicling of knowledge relating to biological diversity.

(2) The National Biodiversity Authority and the State Biodiversity Boards shall
consult the Biodiversity Management Committees while taking any decision relating
to the use of biological resources and knowledge associated with such resources
occurring within the territorial jurisdiction of the Biodiversity Management

(3) The Biodiversity Management Committees may levy charges by way of collection
fee from any person for accessing or collecting any biological resource from areas
falling within its territorial jurisdiction.

Environmental Impact Assessment

The India Biodiversity Bill (2000) proposes that the Central Government shall
undertake measures:
(1) Wherever necessary, for assessment of environmental impact of that project which
is likely to have adverse effect on biological diversity, with a view to avoid or
minimise such effects and where appropriate provide for public participation in such

(2) To regulate, manage or control the risks associated with the use and release of
living modified organisms resulting from biotechnology likely to have adverse impact
on the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity and human health.

The Philippines Investment Priorities Plan (IPP)(Executive Order 226) of

1992 at present includes both agricultural and non-agricultural based industries.
Among these are projects in crops and aquaculture. The IPP contains a provision that
requires compliance with existing environmental and pollution standards for projects
critical to the environment in general. In theory, the provision should address the

same environmental impact concerns brought out in the India Biodiversity Bill (India

Inclusion of Agrobiodiversity in National Biodiversity Action Plans

The India Biodiversity Bill proposes a measure to provide a framework for
information exchange between general and agricultural biodiversity planners. Section
13(1) proposes that the National Biodiversity Authority (NBA) of India may
constitute a committee to deal with agrobiodiversity. (Agrobiodiversity is defined
there as the biological diversity of agriculture-related species and their wild relatives.)
Section 13 (2) states: Without prejudice to the provisions of sub-section (1), the NBA
may constitute such number of committees as it deems fit for the efficient discharge
of its duties and performance of its functions under this Act. It continues: 13 (3) A
committee constituted under this section shall co-opt such number of persons, who are
not members of the NBA, as it may think fit and the persons so co-opted shall have
the rights to attend the meetings of the committee and take part in its proceedings but
shall not have the right to vote (India 2000). The inclusion of an agrobiodiversity
committee in the NBA is a step in the right direction toward inclusion of
agrobiodiversity concerns in the country’s NBSAP.

The Vietnam BAP (Vietnam1995) was created with consultation of high-

level government, local and international scientists, planners, managers, villagers, and
resource users. The Plan added to previous planning documents by including
agricultural systems as targets of biodiversity conservation. It also advocates the role
of local government in decision-making, as well as the role of people, communities,
and NGOs in managing natural resources.

The Philippines BAAP (Philippines 1997) has already integrated many

components of agrobiodiversity conservation (Table 2). Among them are production
of plant, animal, and microbial resource inventories, inventories of indigenous
knowledge and practices and protection thereof, valuation and accounting of goods
and services from biodiversity, establishement of in-situ agrobiodiversity
conservation centres and of gene banks, and formulating policy and frameworks for
the conservation, sustainable use, and equitable sharing of benefits of biodiversity.

V. Constraints to the use of sound policies and practices

The following constraints are generally regional in nature, but some may be more
relevant in some countries than in others:

• Lack of land-use policies

• Conflicting agendas of government and small-holders: subsidised supply of HYV
seeds and other inputs by governments, and lack of incentives for marketing
traditional crops
• Weak economies, necessitating external input to meet planning goals
• Poor knowledge, communication, and education on existing agrobiodiversity
• Knowledge and policy gaps in agricultural biotechnology
• Weak enforcement or compliance with environmental standards
• Population pressure and poverty
• Lack of commitment/enforcement of trade issues that are linked to the

• The incentive structure for agriculture is still mainly subsidy-based and not geared
to sustainability
• Policy trend toward maximising profit has severely threatened species and breeds
that were bred for domestic uses
• Policies are still geared toward development rather than management of
agricultural resources
• Weak implementation of management policies
• Monitoring and evaluation plans for biodiversity in the agricultural sector are
focusing on domesticated exotic species and varieties, especially livestock.

Table 1 presents the major threats and concerns for Philippines agrobiodiversity,
which can generally be used as examples for the region.

More specific to India are the following constraints that need to be addressed:
• Many clauses in the national agricultural plan of India conflict with the
Biodiversity Bill although the listed duties of the Central Government include
integration of biodiversity conservation and sustainable use into relevant sectoral
and cross sectoral plans, programmes and policies.
• There have been recent moves by the Indian government and some state
governments to relax land ceilings and other regulations that restricted the
conversion of agricultural into non-agricultural land. The result will be that
industrial level agriculture, or even non-agricultural land uses such as industry, will
find it easier to acquire land.
• The introduction of compulsory environmental impact assessment (EIA) for
agricultural projects is incomplete. While EIA is now compulsory for most
development projects like dams and industries, it is not yet geared towards looking
at the impacts on agricultural biodiversity. In addition, many agricultural
development projects are not subject to any EIA at all. Finally, the process is not
participatory (Kothari 1999).
• Freeing of trade restrictions through World Trade Organisation (WTO) agreements
will threaten the livelihood of small and marginal farmers when the markets are
open to large quantities of imports from the West. Indian markets are expected to
be flooded with cheap grains, pulses, fruits, and vegetables that will compete
heavily with locally-grown produce (S. Padmanabhan and A. Kothari, personal

Vietnam suffers especially from financial and technical problems leading to the
following constraints:
§ By-law regulations and supporting documents are needed to strengthen
enforcement of the Law on Environment Protection (Vietnam 1995).
§ The NBSAP is promoting an end to traditional shifting cultivation because
population pressure is too high to allow it to be sustainable; it aims to stabilize the
lives of people and raise their awareness so they will join the protection force
§ Constraints to conservation in general include insufficient institutional
arrangements, limited community participation, and insufficient expertise in social
and economic development (Vietnam 1995).
§ Though the Vietnamese Government has given due attention to the conservation
of genetic resources, the constraint of financial and technical investments, the lack
of a contingent of highly qualified staff, and incomplete technical facilities make

it impossible to meet requirements for a modern conservation of genetic resources
(Vietnam 1998).

A major regional weakness in interpreting agricultural biodiversity issues is that

national documents appear to restrict the definition of agrobiodiversity to crop and
livestock species and their wild relatives, rather than the broader ecosystems in which
these exist (see Section II.4 , this report). Such views exclude wild species that
provide services to agriculture, such as pollinators, natural enemies, soil organisms,
and other species that make up the agroecosystem.

Another problem that pervades conservation issues is the notion that human
population growth is inevitable, and that conservation must necessarily come for the
sustainability of a burgeoning population. However, unchecked population growth in
developing countries whose economies are agriculture based, whose people are
impoverished, and whose resources are already being depleted can only exacerbate
the problem and slow development. The governments of India and Vietnam are, at
least in principle, taking up the challenge to slow population growth.

VI. Examples of best practices

VI.1. Soil Biodiversity

VI.1.1. Soil fauna and organic fertilisers in tea gardens of Tamil Nadu, India
Tea is a high-value plantation crop in India. In recent years, green tea production
has stopped increasing, despite increasing application of external inputs such as
fertilisers and pesticides. The long-term exploitation of soil in tea gardens has led to
important changes in various physical, chemical and biological attributes of the soil,
decreasing organic matter content, cation exchange, water-holding capacity, soil biota
(reduced up to 70%) and pH, simultaneously increasing concentrations of toxic

In response to these limitations on tea production, a patented technology entitled

"Fertilisation Bio-Organique dans les Plantations Arborées" (FBO, for short), was
recently developed by Parry Agro Industries Ltd., in association with the French
Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD) and Sambalpur University
(Orissa, India). This technology aims to improve the physical, chemical and
biological soil conditions by inoculating a mixture of low and high quality organic
materials (tea prunings and manure) and earthworms into trenches dug between the
rows of tea plants. Measurements performed at two sites, beginning in 1994, have
shown that this technique is much more effective than either100% organic or 100%
inorganic fertilisers alone. It increased yields on average by up to 276% and profits by
an equal percentage (from around US$2,000 per hectare using conventional
techniques to about US$7,600 per hectare using FBO) in the first year of application.
This technique has been extended to other countries and is now being used in over 80
hectares, and over 20 million earthworms are being produced each year. Details on
the methodology for its application are described in the patent document (ref. PCT/FR
97/01363) (M. Swift, Tropical Soil Biology and Fertility Program, c/o UNESCO,

Nairobi, personal communication).

VI.2. Biodiversity that Provides Mitigation of Pests and Diseases

VI.2.1. Integrated Pest Management and Biodiversity Utilisation in Cotton in India

There is a success story from the cotton belt of Karnataka, where an FAO
supported, Integrated Pest Management (IPM) project has been operating in six
villages. IPM is the careful integration of a number of available pest control
techniques that discourages the development of pest populations. It keeps pesticide
use and other interventions to levels that are economically justified and safe for
human health and the environment, and enhances production of all functionally
important species. Fifty-two percent of the total pesticides used in India are on
cotton and the expense to the farmer is very high, often resulting in net loss. The
project has succeeded in changing farmers' thinking about pest control. An intensive
training of trainers was accomplished at a cost of half a million rupees. These trainers
now train the farmers over the whole cycle of the crop. The farmers become as
knowledgeable as the experts about cotton IPM. They are able to explain IPM, the
Integrated Nutrient Management system (INM), point out beneficial and harmful
insects and birds, explain the uses of various traps and even some economic models.
It has had a great impact and they have now formed their own club and are spreading
their knowledge to others. They are expecting a good harvest without resorting to any
synthetic insecticide spray where they were using 15-20 rounds earlier.

The approach used to reach and enhance local human expertise for IPM in the
region is through Farmer Field Schools (FFS), which build on local knowledge and
expertise. About 25 farmers in FSS spend five to six hours together weekly; two hours
are spent in the field observing the ecosystem and analysing its biodiversity. They
collect arthropods in plastic bags and after the field work discuss what they have
observed, prepare poster diagrams and present findings to their fellow farmers. They
classify populations into functional groups depending on their trophic position in the
agro-ecosystem (herbivores, predators, etc.). Farmers observe populations in the field
but also test their trophic linkages by setting up “insect zoos”. These answer their
questions on “what eats what” and “how many are eaten”, etc. Such experiments
advance farmers’ knowledge and lead to further experimentation with agricultural
biodiversity, for example, the planting of different rice varieties that can make a big
difference to disease resistance or other factors. In the case of double cropped irrigated
rice in Vietnam, with annual yields over 300% of the world average, farmers’
advanced knowledge about rice field biodiversity has also led to experimentation with
different management options. One example is growing a crop of fish with rice in the
same field, using the rice field to grow fish between two rice crops, or growing fish
after rice instead of a second rice crop. Financial benefits per hectare surveyed in a
sample of FFSs in more than 1,300 villages averaged from 20 to 25% higher in IPM
fields than in regular fields. Better utilisation of resources, healthy crops of rice and fish
and increased income and food security reinforce farmers’ acceptance of IPM and their
rejection of pesticides. However, a prerequisite for these changes to take place is an
enabling policy environment, for example, removing perverse pesticide subsidies or, as
in India, putting a tax on pesticides. The increased skill and empowerment of farmers’
groups through FFSs also leads to stronger local accountability and the ability of
farmers to determine local policies that increase benefits to production, income and the
environment, including agricultural biodiversity (adapted from a case study presented

by Peter Kenmore and Matthias Halwart, FAO).

VI.2.2. IPM for Highland Vegetables in the Philippines

The Commonwealth Agriculture Bureau International (CABI) Bioscience IPM
for Highland Vegetables project was set up in 1994 and is funded by the Asian
Development Bank. Insecticide resistance and human health problems had become so
severe that the IPM project set up FFSs to increase awareness about the harmful
effects of pesticides, increase knowledge of natural enemies, and encourage
discussion on best husbandry practice among farmers. The project reached 1,719
farmers in 65 FFS groups, and trained 48 trainers, mainly from local government.
Resulting from this was the development by farmers of a range of alternative pest-
control methods. There has been an 80% decrease in pesticide use in the wet season
(55% in the dry season) and the synthetic fertiliser rate has halved, giving farmers a
net rise in income of 17%. Vegetable yields have also increased by about 20%. FFSs
are now considered a good investment by municipal authorities (Pretty and Hine

VI.2.3. Pest amelioration through modified resource management in the Philippines

Simple intercrops of maize and peanuts help to control the maize-stem borer.
Populations of a spider that feeds and controls the stem borer caterpillars are
encouraged to develop in maize crops by intercropping with peanuts that provide
habitat and prey (springtails) for the juvenile spiders (McNeely and Scherr 2001).

VI.2.4. Rice IPM in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam (Pretty and Hine 2000)
Researchers with the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), Ministry of
Agriculture and Rural Development of Vietnam, and Visayas State College of
Agriculture, Philippines, have been engaged in a unique and successful initiative to
encourage the adoption of more sustainable rice production in the Mekong Delta,
Vietnam. Surveys in the early 1990s showed that insecticide use by farmers was
high, particularly to control leaf-feeding larvae that caused visible defoliation.
Farmers believed that such visible damage caused yield loss, but researchers
discovered that leaf-damage during the vegetative stages of rice rarely reduces yields.
Indeed, use of insecticides was more likely to kill beneficial insects and lead to
outbreaks of secondary pests.

Through an innovative media campaign backed with FFSs, farmers in Long

Am Province were encouraged to test whether insecticide spraying is needed for leaf-
folder control in the first 40 days after sowing. The campaign distributed 380,000
leaflets and 35,000 posters, organised 1,390 demonstrations and broadcast a radio
drama 1,550 times. This reached 97% of the 20,000 farmers in the study region, and
82% of those in the whole province, a total of 172,000. In the two and a half years
after the campaign, mean insecticide spraying fell from 3.35 to 1.56 sprays per farmer
per season. Farmers’ perceptions had changed substantially – 77% had stopped early
season spraying, and 20-30% had stopped using insecticides altogether.

Other provinces in the Mekong Delta adopted the approach, and their
campaigns have reached 92% of the 2.3 million farmers – who have now reduced
spray frequencies to one per season (a 70% reduction). Rice yields have not changed
during this period – remaining at about 4tons per hectare. Researchers concluded that
the two interventions – detailed understanding provided by FFSs, combined with

dissemination through the media campaign -- played complementary roles in
changing both farmers’ beliefs and practices. Researchers are now exploring ways to
develop targeted advice for other phases in the rice cycle, as the total potential
audience of rice farmers in Asia is more than 200 million.

VI.2.5. Improving agricultural biodiversity functions in intensive rice production

through Integrated Pest Management and Aquatic Life Management in Vietnam
Farmers who achieve higher production of rice and other crops by using IPM
systems are also conserving and enhancing agricultural biodiversity. Conservation of
agricultural biodiversity is an essential part of intensification to increase agricultural
productivity. In rice monocultures, wider agricultural biodiversity is important. For
example, species that decompose organic matter contribute through an aquatic food
chain to the build up of predator populations early in the season, even before the rice
is planted. Ecologically, this renders the agroecosystem more resilient and therefore
more productive. When pesticides are not used, about 700 arthropod species can be
found in paddies that keep the balance between pests and their natural enemies
(predators and parasites) and prevent pest outbreaks. Populations of fish, snails, frogs,
aquatic insects and other species that constitute an important part of the diet of many
rice-farming households are also enhanced in these IPM systems.

VI.3. Crop and Livestock Genetic Resources

VI.3.1. Regional networks

The South Asia Network on Plant Genetic Resources (SANPGR) was
renamed in 1988 from the earlier South Asia Coordinators’ Network that was
established in 1990. Six countries in the South Asia region, namely, Bangladesh,
Bhutan, India, Nepal, Maldives and Sri Lanka are the members of this Network. The
secretariat (interim) is located at IPGRI South Asia Office in New Delhi. The national
plant genetic resources (PGR) Coordinators and other specialists from member
countries meet every two years to review the progress and to formulate plans for
activities of common interest. The objectives of the SANPGR are to improve
conservation and use of PGR through collaborative efforts among the member
countries, as follows:
• To enhance scientific interaction among the National Programmes and identify
priorities for research and training
• To promote exchange of germplasm and sharing of information and technologies
• To foster collaboration for joint research and development activities
• To derive greater benefits for human resource development from the strengths of
the partners
• To provide a platform for developing common policies and harmonising regional
views on PGR issues and related policy matters.

The Regional Co-operation in Southeast Asia for Plant Genetic Resources

(RECSEA-PGR) was set up in December 1993. Membership in the RECSEA-PGR is
open to countries in Southeast Asia. Current members are Indonesia, Malaysia, the
Philippines, Papua New Guinea, Thailand, Singapore and Vietnam
( networks).
Its objectives are:

• To develop information systems that can be used to rationalise collections and
provide information on germplasm technologies and related policies to member
• To identify research topics that can strengthen national plant genetic resources
(PGR) programmes.
• To identify appropriate in-situ and ex-situ conservation strategies for the region's
• To identify the training needs and provide information on training opportunities to
member countries.
• To identify and solicit funding to achieve these objectives.
• To interact with regional and international PGR-related organisations like IPGRI
and FAO on projects and activities.
• To identify the common elements to strengthen the position of Southeast Asian
countries in international fora.
• To facilitate, exchange information, and interact with regional fora.
• To promote public awareness on the value, conservation and use of PGR.

The South East Asian Research Institute for Community Education

(SEARICE) provides program services to partners engaged in PGR conservation
including training, education, information dissemination, technical consultancy and
resource mobilisation. Among its projects are included: 1) Community Bio-
diversity Conservation and Development (CBDC), where SEARICE is
implementing the Asian component of the global Community Biodiversity
Conservation and Development (CBDC) Program. The CBDC is a partnership
between formal and informal systems aiming towards strengthening community PGR
conservation and development. The program is being implemented in Sabah,
Northern Thailand, the Mekong Delta in Vietnam and the Philippines. 2) The Seeds
of Survival (SOS) Program, under implementation since 1992, aims to promote
PGR conservation and development at the community level. SEARICE continues to
provide technical assistance, management advice and education materials to local
NGOs and people’s organisations involved in PGR conservation and development
under this program. 3) The Anti-Bio-piracy Program is a community-oriented
investigative research and policy advocacy work that seeks to advocate among the
governments of Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines the
adoption of policies to regulate access to biological and genetic resources leading to
the adoption of region-wide protocol. The program seeks to identify trends in bio-
prospecting activities in Southeast Asia, heighten public awareness on bio-piracy
activities in the region and their impact, develop the capacities of local communities,
people’s organizations and NGOs to protect their interests, and preserve bio-diversity
and indigenous knowledge systems.

VI.3.2. In-situ conservation guidelines

Guidelines for southern India on in-situ conservation of wild relatives and
related taxa of cultivated plants are offered online, including case studies
( The guidelines are well
designed and applicable to much of the region.

VI.4. Diversity at the Landscape Level

VI.4.1. Reduction of land conversion by increasing productivity:
VI.4.1.1. Increasing yields of lowland rice reduces extensive hillside farming in the
Population growth in the Philippine frontier province of Palawan has been
particularly high (4.6% per year), and resulted in agricultural expansion into marginal
and environmentally sensitive areas, promoting acute upland deforestation. The
area’s main staple is rice and its main cash crop is maize; farm size averages 2.6 to
5.1 hectares. To intensify and raise agricultural production, the Philippine National
Irrigation Administration constructed or upgraded a number of small-scale communal
irrigation systems in Palawan. These are in the lowlands, but most are adjacent to
inhabited upland forest areas.
Household surveys show that irrigation allowed farmers to increase cropping
intensity to 1.9 crops per year, whereas on rainfed farms it was only 1.2. They used
less family labour and less overall labour during each cropping season, but more hired
labour. By raising the opportunity for paid labour, intensification of lowland irrigated
cropping induced upland farmers to participate less in lower-paying forest-clearing
and forest product extraction (hunting, charcoal making, resin collection), and more in
lowland cropping. After the irrigation systems were installed in the lowlands, annual
forest clearing by upland households declined by 48%. After the introduction of
lowland irrigation, average wage income rose nearly three-fold among upland
households that engaged in work outside their own farms. These positive impacts
resulted in part from the fact that the upland area is physically adjacent to the lowland
irrigated area, reducing the cost of working outside their own farms. Also, there was
relatively little investment needed in labour-saving technology among lowland
farmers, which would have partly offset the employment gains (Shively and Martinez

VI.4.2. Develop Habitat Networks in Uncultivated Areas:

VI.4.2.1. Soil erosion barriers with native plants in the Philippines
Contour hedgerows are rows of perennial shrubs established along the contour
that have been promoted on steep lands to reduce erosion and produce organic matter
for soil improvement. Most contour hedgerows in the country used exotic grasses or
shrubs that require nursery development and considerable labour for establishment.
In the early 1990s, researchers at the International Centre of Research in Agroforestry
(ICRAF) in the Philippines, frustrated at farmers’ low adoption of hedgerow
technology, began a series of studies to identify the most cost-effective approach to
contour planting of perennials. They discovered that natural vegetative strips (NVS)
– contour rows left uncultivated during ploughing so that natural vegetation could
grow there – were not only the least expensive (zero cost for planting materials and
establishment), but erosion control was nearly as effective as by planted shrub
hedgerows. Studies found rows as far apart as 2 to 4 meters elevation distance served
nearly as well for erosion control as more closely-spaced rows, but removed much
less area from production (Mercado et al. 1997). Further research developed a very
low-cost method for laying out initial contour lines, and for enriching the natural
vegetative strips with high value fruit trees from which farmers could earn cash

Since its introduction in1996, thousands of farmers have adopted this low-cost
technology in the densely populated steep farmlands of northern Mindanao. The
natural vegetative strips are not only valuable for maintaining soil fertility on farms

and protecting local watersheds, but they also provide important habitat for wild
biodiversity. A study of floral composition and community characteristics of fields
with NVS confirmed the high diversity of native plant species, while the presence of
untilled areas provided habitat for native fauna (Ramiaramanana 1993).
Economically profitable timber and fruit tree species in the NVS further expand their
habitat value for wildlife.

VI.4.3. Modify resource management practices:

VI.4.3.1. Regenerating native forests through joint management in India
Following India’s independence in 1947, forest policy emphasised
nationalisation and commercial utilisation of the country’s national forests. The
national government, however, was unable to manage these resources effectively,
instead expanding exotic tree species plantations to supply fast-growing demand. By
the 1980s, less than half of this “forest” land had good tree cover, and subsistence
forest products became scarce. In response to this degradation, thousands of
communities, primarily in eastern India’s tribal forest tracts, took action to protect
their degrading forests. They organised hamlet-based forest protection groups who
halted cutting and grazing, often initiating rapid regeneration of the natural forests.
Researchers and NGOs, recognising the potential of natural forest regeneration, began
to support these village initiatives by developing methods to accelerate natural
regeneration and sustainably manage product extraction. After a new National Forest
Policy was passed in 1988, identifying the need to motivate forest communities to
develop and protect their forests, several states allocated partial public forest
management authority to forest communities. The National Joint Forest Management
resolution in 1990 supported the rights and responsibilities of forest communities
(Poffengerger and McGean 1996).

Today, an estimated 30,000 village-level committees are protecting and

regenerating 10 million hectares of forests (Bahuguna 2000). Village forests are
managed to provide a flow of subsistence products like fuelwood, medicines, fodder
and condiments, and some income from commercial timber sales. Their biodiversity
value is enhanced many-fold relative to their previous degraded state, while
biodivrsity is also enhanced in adjacent areas because environmental services of
forests are recovering. The extent of habitat improvement for many types of wildlife
may be greater than that provided by many of India’s official protected areas.

VI.5. Wild Biodiversity in Agroecosystems

VI.5.1. Expand wild biodiversity Reserves:

VI.5.1.1. Buffer zones to protect rhinos and tigers in a national park in Nepal
Competition between humans and rhinos, tigers, and other large mammals
around the Royal Chitwan National Park has caused major conservation problems.
Tigers are major predators of cattle, and rhinos can significantly damage rice and
other crops. People living around the park derive up to 80% of their needs for
firewood and fodder from the forest. In 1993, pioneering legislation empowered the
government of Nepal to declare areas surrounding Chitwan as a buffer zone, and for
local User Group Committees to use 30-50% of park revenues for managing
community forests, income generation activities, community development work, etc.
A community-based ecotourism project, under the auspices of the Baghmara User
Group Committee, was granted land management rights by the government in 1995.

The Baghmara Group constructed nature trails for elephant-back safaris and a wildlife
viewing tower where tourists can stay overnight. Within the first six months of
operation, nearly 8,000 tourists visited the Baghmara wildlife viewing area and
generated nearly US$200,000 in revenues, allowing the Baghmara Group to refurbish
three schools and a clinic. Half of annual income will go to support the National Park
and about 5% will be retained by the Baghmara Group. An area that had been largely
deforested and supported little wildlife before this conservation investment has now
become one of the most popular tourist destinations in Nepal (83,000 tourists per
year), based on elephant-back tours into the riverine grasslands to view rhinos and
other mammals, birds, and reptiles. Villagers in the area receive incomes of about
$200 per elephant, plus $3 per trip. The income has enabled them to build biogas
plants and smokeless stoves, provide training to local women’s groups, and carry out
numerous other activities that reduce human pressure on the park. The local villagers
are now convinced that rhinos are a critical tourism attraction and they claim to do
whatever they can to support conservation (McNeely 1999).

VI.6. Traditional Knowledge of Agrobiodiversity

VI.6.1. Innovations in the NBSAP Process and Revival of Indigenous Crops in India
The Deccan area succeeded in bringing farmer participation to the ongoing
NBSAP process, which proved to be useful also in reviving nearly extinct crop
varieties. A biodiversity festival was organised in which about 70 villages around the
Zaheerabad region of Deccan were visited by bullock carts displaying seeds of a
variety of crops. Discussions with farmers took place in each village about
agrobiodiversity that they planned to conserve, enhance for sustainable use, and
equitably distribute. This resulted in a BSAP for agrobiodiversity conservation for
each village.

Key participants reported that the response to the festival had been enormous,
including from many big cash-cropping farmers who were sceptical of the return to
traditional seeds, but nevertheless were sufficiently impressed to promise to try them.
In many villages, elders recounted how in so many ways their lives were better off
when they had the old seeds now nearly gone.

The discussions amongst the farmers brought up many crucial benefits of

mixed organic farming: an increase in the nutritive values of the food they consumed,
a variety of fodder available for their cattle, an enhancement of soil fertility and
prevention of its erosion, an increase in immunity against illnesses and disease, a
decline in pest attacks, and a means of managing climatic unpredictability. Many
challenges and constraints were also voiced, one of the biggest ones being the
shortage of farmyard manure. Over the years it has become increasingly difficult for
farmers to maintain their livestock. There has been a reduction in the availability of
fodder. Grazing lands previously available to rural communities are often
appropriated for various developmental purposes, with little thought about the
consequences to villagers. What also came up repeatedly was the need for a change in
government policies to boost to the marketing value of traditional varieties, by even
including them in the Public Distribution System of the State (S. Padmanabhan and A.
Kothari, Kalpavriksh - Environmental Action Group, personal communication).

VI.6.2. Reviving Traditional Crops and Practices in Jardhargaon, India
Recognising that modern techniques of agriculture that government extension
officers were bringing them are yielding only short-term benefits, some farmers have
revived traditional practices in the village of Jardhargaon. One farmer, for instance, is
trying out 150 varieties each of rice and beans, along with other traditional crops like
millets, and then spreading back to other farmers those varieties that are particularly
useful. He and others have formed a Beej Bachao Andolan (Save the Seeds
Movement). The Andolan has actively pursued the revival of traditional farming
methods, such as baranaja, in which about a dozen crop species grown together yield
a variety of produce that fulfil a variety of domestic requirements, while maintaining
soil fertility (A. Kothari, Kalpavriksh – Environmental Action Group, personal

VI.7. Policies and Regulatory Mechanisms

VI.7.1. Individualized Land Rights Reduce Deforestation in Vietnam

Individualized land rights in Vietnam have led to agricultural intensification
and regeneration of forests. Based on community-level data from three decades,
Tachibana et al. (2001) compared agricultural intensification with extensification due
to shifting agriculture. They stress the relevance of agricultural practices for
deforestation in hilly areas, and conclude that strengthened land rights tend to deter

VI.8. Multi-faceted Conservation Approaches

VI.8.1. Permaculture Practice and Agrobiodiversity Conservation in India

The Deccan Development Society (DDS) was started in 1983 in the
Zaheerabad region of Medak district, Andhra Pradesh, by a group of professionals
from nearby Hyderabad. Its main aim was to regenerate the livelihoods of the people
by linking crucial environmental and economic factors to bring true developmental
change in the region. The promotion of permaculture, a variant of organic or nature-
based farming, has been one of its main activities.

DDS works with small-holder and marginal women farmers, mostly Dalits.
The women have organised themselves into sanghas, and today there are over 4,000
members in about 75 villages. A number of programmes linked to agriculture have
been initiated. The establishment of a community grain-fund programme saw the
regeneration of over 1,000 hectares of fallow land, and the start of a Public
Distribution System (PDS) that the women own and run. Collective farming was
initiated for women with very small land-holdings. A community gene-fund
programme established seed banks in over 30 villages, and revived over 60 crop
varieties that are now under cultivation. Some traditional foods, once almost
forgotten, are again common in many households. At the seed bank there is no
exchange of money; instead, the women return double the amount of seeds that they
have taken from the bank. They are also establishing an alternate market that is under
their control, where they can fix prices that are higher than in regular markets.
Through all these activities, DDS has generated the equivalent of over a million new
jobs over a decade, increased food availability by 100 to 200 kg per acre, and
enhanced per acre earnings by an average factor of 12. Chemical inputs have been
eliminated and the use of biodiversity in the fields has increased. Several of the

women and men farmers were honoured for their outstanding work in conserving
seeds and demonstrating sustainable productivity (S. Padmanabhan and A. Kothari,
Kalpavriksh - Environmental Action Group, personal communication).

The M. S. Swaminathan Foundation in India has five major programme areas

(PAs) that include the following relevant activities:
PA 200: Biodiversity and Biotechnology
The three principal goals are to:
• Develop an implementation framework for achieving the triple aims of CBD,
namely, conservation, sustainable use and equitable sharing of benefits
• Save endangered habitats and species
• Use genetic enhancement, bio-monitoring, and micro-propagation techniques for
promoting the cause of conservation and sustainable use

Good progress was made in achieving these goals. A large number of tribal
and rural women and men were trained in the art and science of biodiversity
conservation and in chronicling local biodiversity resources. Trained youth constitute
a Community Agro-Biodiversity Conservation corps, who will be able to assist their
respective communities in taking decisions on questions like "prior informed consent"
and "access and benefit-sharing", after the national Biodiversity Act comes into force.

In the area of sustainable use, further progress was made to link conservation
and commercialisation in a mutually supportive manner and to promote participatory
plant breeding. The work on the revitalisation of the in-situ on-farm conservation
traditions of tribal and rural families, and on sustainable and equitable use, received
generous support from the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC).
This project is in progress in the States of Tamil Nadu (Kolli Hills), Kerala (Way-
anad) and Orissa (Jeypore). A Voluntary Code of Conduct based on the principles of
CBD guides the work of all researchers working in this project.

The participatory plant breeding work initiated this year in collaboration with
the farming families of Kolli Hills, Wayanad and Jeypore has made a good beginning.
The methodological underpinning of the project was discussed at a workshop jointly
organised by MSSRF and the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid
Tropics (ICRISAT) at Hyderabad. An important component of this work relates to the
improvement of njavara, a rice strain widely used in Ayurvedic medicine in Kerala.

The community in-situ and ex-situ conservation activities were streamlined

through a linked network of in-situ Field Gene Banks (on-farm) and ex- situ
Cryogenic Gene Bank. This represents the first scientifically structured Community
Gene Management System in India (the term "gene management" refers to
conservation and sustainable and equitable use of genetic resources).

Several training programmes for rural youth were organised by the B. R.

Barwale Chair in Biodiversity. Steps were also taken to assist local communities in
the preparation of People’s biodiversity registers. Pending the setting up of official-
level Panchayat Biodiversity Councils, the formation of broad based village level
Biodiversity Management Committees including the Panchayat President, Village
Officer and Local School Headmaster, is being promoted. This voluntary code of
conduct calls for adherence to the principle of prior informed consent.

In the field of molecular mapping and genetic enhancement, a binary vector
carrying the BADH gene cloned from mangrove species was constructed. Methods of
integrating the BADH gene, which confers tolerance to sea water salinity, into the
tobacco genome were standardised. The work on biomonitoring of ecosystem health
using Pseudomonas and lichen species made further progress. Micropropagation
protocols were standardised for 14 species (10 endangered and medicinal and 4
mangrove species). These protocols have been made available to the Department of
Biotechnology for commercialisation.

PA 300: Ecotechnology and Sustainable Agriculture

The Ecotechnology programme aims to promote sustainable livelihoods in
rural areas by undertaking the technological and skill empowerment of the poor. The
seed village programme at Kannivadi led to the distribution of nearly a million rupees
as wages to women. The ornamental fish production and Low External Input
Sustainable Aquaculture (LEISA) programmes at Keelamanakudi and Chidambaram
helped to improve household income substantially. The work on creating markets for
traditional grains like Panicum, Paspalum and Setaria species made good progress.
Wheat bread prepared with 10% flour of sadan samai (Panicum sumatrense) was
substantially high in micronutrients like calcium, iron and vitamins. Negotiations are
in progress for introducing a new brand of bread prepared with the flour of wheat and
minor millets.

VI.8.2. Area-wide integration of crop and livestock production, Vietnam

Periurban dairy centres pose the threat of a net accumulation of phosphorus
and potassium in urban drinking water and soil. A report by Bob Orskov of
Aberdeen, Scotland, to a recent electronic conference on area-wide integration of
crop and livestock production revealed a solution to this problem in Vietnam.
Dairy units around Ho Chi Minh City sell manure to coffee farmers far from the
city. The cows are fed mainly on city by-products delivered from urban factories,
including brewer’s waste grain, cassava waste, tofu waste, etc., in addition to some
green feed and rice straw. The cows are therefore extracting nutrients from city
wastes. Milk and other products are returned to the urban environment and the
manure is again sent away to fertilise coffee and other crops, reducing the threat of
degradation of urban water and soil quality.

VII. Results and lessons learned

Agrobiodiversity includes not only agricultural species, varieties, and their relatives,
but all living elements within the agricultural landscape that provide support and
services to agriculture.

Services provided by wild biodiversity in agroecosystems, such as pollination, soil

quality enhancement and reduced erosion, and pest amelioration, have not been
sufficiently addressed in NBSAPs or agriculture sector reports.

Departments of agriculture must work together with NBSAP planners to maximise

agrobiodiversity conservation and sustainable productivity.

National agricultural plans must be revised with a grassroots – up approach. Input by
small-scale farmers, women, and indigenous peoples must be incorporated into
agricultural plans and the NBSAP.

Indigenous cropping systems should be given incentives to flourish, and riskier, less
biodiverse production systems like cash-cropping should be given reduced incentives.

Multiple cropping in space and/or time intensifies productivity and reduces risk of
pest and disease outbreaks compared with monocropping.

Open trade with foreign countries may result in hardship to small farmers.

Communities can work on their own if empowered to revive and conserve their own
indigenous crops and livestock.

Communities can work to improve market potentials by combining small farms into
larger co-operatives and fixing higher prices.

Strengthened individual land rights tend to lead to agricultural intensification and to

deter deforestation and other habitat degradation.

On-farm training can result in increased capacity to use novel means to increase
production without risk to biodiversity, such as IPM.

Human population pressure is a major cause of biodiversity erosion in the region.

Agricultural intensification can support some increase in demographic pressures.

VIII. Guidelines or policies that resulted from this experience

The Philippines Agriculture Sector Report (1995) recommends biodiversity

conservation and sustainable use strategies that include the following:
• In-situ conservation of traditional farming systems
• In-situ conservation of wild relatives of domesticated species – this will require
the basic understanding of the needed interphase between varietal agrobiodiversity
and ecosystem agrobiodiversity. The wild germplasm of use in agriculture and
forestry should be maintained within its natural ecosystem.
• Promotion of equitable benefits from agrobiodiversity
• Enhancement of agrobiodiversity value

Specifically for the livestock sector, the Report recommends the following strategies:
• Information and education campaign among farmers
• Setting up a buy-back/save-the-herd scheme
• Establishment of a nation-wide livestock diversity conservation network
• Inclusion of a livestock diversity conservation programme in the government’s
livestock development programme
• Capacity building on relevant technologies for livestock biodiversity conservation
• Inclusion in school curricula issues of domestic indigenous animal conservation in
addition to wildlife conservation
Development opportunities for forest biodiversity include:

• prospecting for economically important products
• species domestication and breeding for productivity
• biodiversity conservation and management by local/indigenous communities
• ecotourism
• biotechnology.


Cabrido, C.A., Jr. and W. E. Cabezon. 1995. Philippine biodiversity country study:
biodiversity and land use. Final report for Protected Areas and Wildlife
Bureau, Department of Environment and Natural resources, Philippines.

Eveleens, K.G., R. Chisholm, E. van der Fliert, M. Kato, P.T. Nhat, and P. Schmidt.
1996. Mid term review of Phase III Report. The FAO Intercountry Programme
for the Development and Application of Integrated Pest Control in Rice in
South and Southeast Asia. FAO, Manila and Rome.

Government of India. 1990. Statistical Handbook. New Delhi.

Government of India. 1998. Outline for Biological Diversity Act. Ministry of

Environment and Forests, draft.

Government of India. 2000. The biological diversity bill. Bill No. 93 of 2000.

Hoyt, E. 1992. Conserving the wild relatives of crops. IBPGR, IUCN, and WWF.
Second Edition.


Kothari, A. 1999. Agro-biodiversity: The future of India's agriculture. In: Pillai,

G.M. (ed.). Challenges of Agriculture in the 21st Century. Maharashtra
Council of Agricultural Education and Research, Pune, India.

Lumb, L. 1988. ‘Crops of Truth’: conserving agricultural biodiversity in Andhra

Pradesh, India. Science from the Developing World. IDRC Reports.

Madulid, D.A., R. Serrano, and W. S. Gruezo. 1995. Philippine biodiversity country

study: Sectoral report on forestry. Final report for UNEP-DENR, Quezon City,
the Philippines.

Maikhuri, R.K., R.L. Semwal, K.S. Rao, S. Nautiyal, and K.G. Saxena. 1997. Eroding
Traditional Crop Diversity Imperils the Sustainability of Agricultural Systems
in Central Himalaya. Current Science 73(9).

McNeely, J.A. 1999. Mobilizing broader support for Asia’s biodiversity: How civil
society can contribute to protected area management. Asian Development
Bank, Manila.

McNeely, J.A. and S. Scherr. 2001. Strategies to enhance wild biodiversity in

agricultural lands. A paper presented at the Workshop on Agricultural
Biodiversity, Nairobi, Kenya, 3 – 5 July.

Mercado, A., Jr., M. Stark, and D.P. Garrity. 1997. Enhancing sloping land
management technology adoption and dissemination. Paper presented at the

IBSRAM Sloping Land Management Workshop, Bogor, Indonesia, 15 - 21

Philippines. 1995a. Philippine sectoral report on agriculture and livestock to the

CBD. Republic of the Philippines.

Philippines. 1995b. Philippine sectoral report on forestry to the CBD. Republic of

the Philippines.

Philippines Department of Environment and Natural Resources. 1997. Philippines

biodiversity: an assessment and action plan. Bookmark, Inc., Makati City,
Republic of the Philippines.

Philippines. 1998. The first Philippine national report to the Convention on

Biological Diversity. Protected Areas and Wildlife Bureau, Department of
Environment and Natural Resources. Republic of the Philippines.

Poffenberger, M. and B. McGean (eds.). 1996. Village voices, forest choices: joint
forest management in India. Oxford University Press, Delhi.

Pretty, J. and R. Hine. 2000. Feeding the world with sustainable agriculture; a
summary of new evidence. Final report of SAFE Project, University of Essex.

Tachibana, T., T. Nguyen, and K. Otsuka. 2001. Agricultural intensification versus

extensification: a case study of deforestation in the northern-hill region of
Vietnam. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 41(1): 44-69.

United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO).

http://sanrem16.sanrem.uga. edu/ electronic conference.

Vietnam. 1998. Report of the Vietnamese Delegation at the Fourth Conference of

the Parties to the Convention of Biological Diversity (COP 4). May 2-15,
1998. Bratislava, Slovakia.


Table 1. Problems, threats, and issues in forest- and agro-ecosystems (excerpted

from Philippines Biodiversity: an Assessment and Action Plan, 1997)

Major Concerns Forest Ecosystems Agroecosystems

A. Problems and threats
1. Habitat destruction Forest fires
Conversion Conversion
Natural calamities Natural calamities
Pests and diseases
2. Overexploitation Commercial timber and non-
timber species
Increased demand due to Increased demand due to
population growth population growth
Open access Open access
3. Biological pollution (species Introduction of alien species Inappropriate breeding
4. Chemical pollution Chemical defoliants Inappropriate farming systems
5. Weak institutional and legal Inappropriate policies Inappropriate policies
Lack of technical expertise
Shortage of funds
Weak IEC
B. Issues
1. Biotechnology Developments of undesirable Developments of undesirable
mutants mutants
Genetic erosion Genetic erosion
Biological warfare Biological warfare
Pest resistance and introgression Pest resistance and introgression
2. Ecotourism Ecological stress --
Cultural stress
3. Domestication Genetic erosion Genetic erosion
4. Bioprospecting Species extinction Species extinction
Genetic erosion Genetic erosion
C. Gaps
1. Knowledge Baseline Baseline
2. Management* Various aspects Various aspects
3. Policy** Various aspects Biotechnology
Biosafety Biosafety

*Management: means of intervention such as conservation of biodiversity or bioresources.

**Policy: definite course of action adopted and pursued by government such as biodiversity
conservation and bioresource utilisation.
Table 2: Matrix showing the primary problems, threats, issues, and gaps addressed by
the programs and projects of the Philippines Biodiversity Assessment and Action
Plan (PBAAP) for the forest and agriculture ecosystems (excerpted from the PBAAP
1997, TABLE 97)(legend follows).

Programs, projects, activities Problems addressed Gaps Addressed

Forest Agro- Forest Agro-
ecosystem ecosystem ecosystem ecosystem
Strategy I Expanding and improving
knowledge on the characteristics,
uses and values of biological
I.A Biodiversity inventory programme
Project I.A.1 Plant resource inventory HD BP HD BP GK GK
Project I.A. 2 Animal resource inventory HD BP HD BP GK GK
Project I.A. 4 Microbial resource inventory HD BP CP HD BP CP GK GK
Project I.A.5 Carrying capacity assessment of HD OE GK
critical forest habitats and
Project I.A.8 Carrying capacity of major HD OE HD OE GK GK
critical watersheds in the country
Project I.A.10 Interhabitat connectivity studies HD OE CP HD OE CP GK GK
Project I.A.11 Ecological and population studies HD OE BP GK
of forest species
I.B Ecosystem mapping and data validation
Project I.B.1 Identification and mapping of HD HD GK GM GK GM
biodiversity-rich areas not
covered by NIPAS or declared
protected areas
Project I.B.2 Detailed mapping of biodiversity- HD HD GK GM GK GM
rich areas and proposed
infrastructure development
Project I.B.4 Foundation GIS of biodiversity- HD HD GK GM GK GM
rich areas using updated data
I.C Socio-economic studies programme
Project I.C.1 Indigenous knowledge systems OE WILC OE WILC GK GM GK GM GP
and practices on biodiversity GP
conservation and sustainable
Project I.C.2 Valuation and accounting of HD OE HD OE GK GM GK GM GP
direct and indirect goods and WILC WILC GP
services from biodiversity and

Programs, projects, activities Problems addressed Gaps Addressed

Forest Agro- Forest Agro-
ecosystem ecosystem ecosystem ecosystem
Project I.C.4 Integrate a biodiversity OE WILC OE WILC GK GM GK GM GP
component to the population- GP
framework of the Philippine
population management
Project I.C.5 Development and OE WILC OE WILC GK GM GK GM GP
institutionalisation of an GP
ecologically-oriented and
disaggregated population data
Programs, projects, activities Problems addressed Gaps Addressed
Forest Agro- Forest Agro-
ecosystem ecosystem ecosystem ecosystem
Strategy II. Enhancing and integrating
existing and planned biodiversity
conservation efforts with
emphasis on in-situ activities
II. A In-situ conservation programme
Project II.A.1 Rehabilitation of damaged critical HD OE BP HD OE GM GM
habitats and ecosystems
Project II.A.3 Conservation of mother trees for HD OE BP
seed and sapling production
Project II.A.4 Establishment of in-situ HD OE BP GM
conservation centres of wild
Project II.A.5 Establishment of on-farm HD OE GM
agrobiodiversity conservation
Project II.A.6 Piloting of landscape-lifescape HD OE BP HD OE BP GM GM
approach to watershed and CP WILC CP WILC
biodiversity conservation and
Project II.A.7 Development and piloting of HD OE BP GM
management and utilisation CP WILC
systems for old growth and
secondary tropical forests.
Project II.A.8 National ecotourism development HD OE GM
Project II.A.9 Ecotourism as a tool for forest HD OE BP GM
biodiversity conservation and CP
II.B Ex-situ conservation programme
Project II.B.1 Recovery and reintroduction of HD OE BP HD OE BP GM GM
rare and endangered species
Project II.B.2 Establishment of botanic gardens HD OE BP HD OE BP GM GM
Project II.B.3 Establishment of wildlife rescue HD OE GM
and refuge centres

Project II.B.4 Establishment of gene banks HD OE BP HD OE BP GM GM

Strategy III Formulating an integrated policy
and legislative framework for the
conservation, sustainable use and
equitable sharing of benefits of
biological diversity
Project III.1 Codification of laws related to WILC WILC GP GP
Project III.2 Development of a realistic system HD OE BP HD OE BP GM GP GM GP
of economic instruments such as: CP WILC CP WILC
access fees, incentives and
penalties for the utilisation of
biological resources and
Project III.3 Identification, delineation, and HD OE BP HD OE BP GK GM GK GM GP
management of ancestral domain CP WILC CP WILC GP
Activity III.1 Policy advocacy HD OE BP HD OE BP GM GP GM GP
Activity III.2 Formulation of guidelines on land HD OE BP HD OE BP GM GM
use planning and biodiversity CP WILC CP WILC
conservation and integration
thereof in the plans of concerned
Strategy IV Strengthening capacities for
integrating and institutionalising
Programs, projects, activities Problems addressed Gaps Addressed
Forest Agro- Forest Agro-
ecosystem ecosystem ecosystem ecosystem
biodiversity conservation and
IV.A Institutional capacity programme
Project Creation of a Philippine WILC WILC GM GM
IV.A.1 biodiversity centre
Project Establishment of an inter-agency WILC WILC GM GM
IV.A.2 advocacy group on population-
Project Enhance the population- HD OE BP HD OE BP GM GP GM GP
IV.A.3 biodiversity-environment CP WILC CP WILC
specification of the
environmental impact assessment

Activity Expansion of the membership of WILC WILC GM GP GM GP

IV.A.2 the sub-committee on
biodiversity of the Philippine
Council for Sustainable

Programs, projects, activities Problems addressed Gaps Addressed

Forest Agro- Forest Agro-
ecosystem ecosystem ecosystem ecosystem
IV.B Human resources development
Project Development of capacity on WILC WILC GM GM
IV.B.1 biodiversity planning: I. Private
sector stakeholders
Project Development of capacity on WILC WILC GM GM
IV.B.2 biodiversity planning: II.
Government decision makers
Project Formation of a curriculum WILC WILC GK GM GK GM
IV.B.3 drafting committee
Strategy V Mobilising an integrated
information, education, and (IEC)
system for biodiversity
V.A. Biodiversity conservation awareness and
information programme for local communities
Project V.A.1 Popularisation of educational WILC WILC GM GM
materials on biodiversity
conservation ethics and strategies
Project V.A.2 Support for the integrated IEC WILC WILC GM GM
system implementation for
biodiversity conservation
Project V.A.3 Community organising and WILC WILC GM GM
biodiversity conservation training
for local stakeholders
V.B. Community-based biodiversity
conservation education and research programme
Project V.B.1 Technical competency training on WILC OE WILC OE GM GM
biodiversity research and
management information system
Project V.B.2 Establishment of a pilot village WILC WILC GM GM
biodiversity research and
management information system
Project V.B.3 Community-based development WILC WILC GM GM
and management for biodiversity
Programs, projects, activities Problems addressed Gaps Addressed
Forest Agro- Forest Agro-
ecosystem ecosystem ecosystem ecosystem
education for local communities
V.C. Value-added products and alternative
sustainable livelihood development for
bioresources-dependent communities
Project V.C.1 Local capability building for OE OE GM GM
development and management of
livelihood enterprises
Strategy VI Advocating stronger international
cooperation on biodiversity
Project VI.1 Establishment of the ASEAN WILC WILC GM GM
Regional Centre for Biodiversity
Legend: Problems addressed: Gaps addressed:
HD - Habitat destruction GK – Gaps in knowledge
OE – Overexploitation GM – Gaps in management

BP – Biological pollution GP – Gaps in policy

CP - Chemical pollution
WILC – Weak institutional and legal capacities


Annex 1. The Proposed India Biological Diversity Act, 1998: Important

Provisions with Relevance to Agrobiodiversity (Source: Kothari 1999?)
The Government of India, in a follow-up action to the international Convention on
Biological Diversity, has drafted a Biological Diversity Act. Set to go to Parliament by
early 1999, the proposed Act aims to conserve biodiversity, achieve sustainable use of
biological resources, and ensure equitable sharing of the benefits arising from such
uses. Amongst its important provisions, with relevance to agro-biodiversity, are the
following. It:

1. prohibits transfer of Indian genetic material outside the country, without specific
approval of the Indian Government through a due process;
2. stipulates that anyone wanting to take a patent or other intellectual property right
(IPR) over such material, or over related knowledge, will have to seek permission
in advance;
3. provides for the levying of appropriate fees and royalties on such transfers and
4. regulates access to such material by Indian national also, to ensure that there is
some control over over-exploitation (e.g. of medicinal plants), and that there is
some sharing of benefits to all concerned parties; however, it provides some
relaxation in the case of research;
5. provides for measures to conserve and sustainably use biological resources,
including habitat and species protection, conservation in gene banks,
environmental impact assessments of all projects which could harm biodiversity,
and so on;
6. empowers local communities to have a say in the use of resources and knowledge
within their jurisdiction, and to enter into negotiations with parties who want to
use these resources and knowledge;
7. provides for the development of an appropriate legislation or administrative steps,
including registration, to protect indigenous and community knowledge;
8. empowers governments to declare Biodiversity Heritage Sites, as areas for special
measures for conservation and sustainable use of biological resources, as also
notify threatened species to control their collection and use;
9. stipulates that risks associated with biotechnology (including the use of
genetically modified organisms), will be regulated or controlled through
appropriate means;
10. provides for the designation of repositories of biological resources, at national and
other levels.

The BDA envisages the creation of Funds at local, state, and national levels, which
will be used to support conservation and benefit-sharing activities. These funds will
be generated from fees, royalties, donations, etc. The BDA proposes to set up bodies
at the national, state, and local levels, to carry out the above functions. Whether this
Act will indeed help to protect agrobiodiversity and farmer community rights, only
time will tell.


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