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Report On Digital Marketing by College Students

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1.1What is digital marketing?

Digital marketing, the promotion of products or brands via one or more forms of
electronic media, differs from traditional marketing in that it uses multiple channels and
methods that enable an organization to analyze marketing campaigns and understand
what is working and what isn’t – typically in real time.

Digital marketers monitor things like what is being viewed, how often and for how long,
sales conversions, what content works and doesn’t work, etc. While the Internet is,
perhaps, the channel most closely associated with digital marketing, others include text
messaging, instant messaging, apps, podcasts, electronic billboards, digital television and
radio channels, etc.

1.2Evolution Of Marketing

At the beginning of the century, social life was mostly local. It was followed by a period
in which commodities were produced on a mass scale. Consumer Marketing operated on
mass marketing principles and business primarily concerned itself with how to build the
best sales force. At the end of the century, there is an emerging global culture. The major
driver of these changes is technology. Technological change has moved steadily back
focusing on the individual. These changes shape the possibility and conduct of business.
Marketing is especially tied to communication and transportation revolution. As the tools
and reach of marketing increase, the job and responsibilities of marketers have evolved
with them.
Philip Kotler formalized this evolution with his book "Marketing Management". His key
stages are production, sales and brand management. Each of these is strongly motivated
by technological opportunities, which permit new methods and new opportunities. A
fourth stage, a focus on the individual customer, is also important. As the new technology
of the Internet develops, it reinforces the new marketing emphasis - which in many ways
is a return to business at the turn of the century.

In today’s technology driven world, a new fast paced digital economy is emerging.
Tomorrow there will be companies that will exist only inside computer networks. Most
business transactions will be made electronically, directly from the producer to the
consumer, bypassing the supply chain. In the digital marketing environment, the
consumer becomes an integral player in the development of the product. In fact, a
consumer might build the product himself from a wide array of parts provided by the
Company. It is e-commerce that is changing the way products and services are conceived,
manufactured, promoted, priced, distributed and sold. The reason being that it is much
cheaper; it allows vast coverage and helps in serving the customer better.


Advertising is a paid form of communication, although some forms of advertising, such

as public service announcements, use donated space and time. Second, not only is the
message paid for, but the sponsor is identified. Third, most advertising tries to persuade
or influence the consumer to do something, although in some cases the point of the
message is simply to make consumers aware of the product or company

Fourth and fifth, the message is conveyed through many different kinds of mass media
reaching a large audience of potential consumers. Finally, because advertising is a form
of mass communication, it also non-personal

A definition of advertising, then, includes all six features

1.3.1.Functions of Advertising

Advertising is an important promotional tool for any marketing campaign. So much so

that whenever we think of marketing we think of advertising although it is just one of the
marketing tools. Till now only companies with a profit motive went in for advertising.
But today government bodies as well as non-governmental organizations (NGOs) go for
high profile advertising campaigns. The purpose here is not to increase the sales figure
but to increase the awareness of people regarding the relevant topics.

Even though each ad or campaign tries to accomplish goals unique to its sponsor,
advertising performs three basic functions:

1. Provide product or brand information

Although many ads are devoid of information, providing the consumer with relevant
information that will aid decision making is still the main function of advertising. The
information given depends on the needs of the target audience. In the case of
purchasing a new suit, needed information might simply include price and outlet
For technical products, the information is likely to be very detailed.

2. Provide incentives to take decision

In most instances, consumers are reluctant to change established behavior. Even if

there are somewhat dissatisfied with the current product or service, a habit has been
established and learning about a new product is deemed difficult. Advertising
provides the consumer with reasons to switch brands by presenting reasons through
copy or graphics. Convenience, high quality, lower price, warranties, or a celebrity
endorser are all possibilities.

3. Provide reminders and reinforcement

It’s amazing how much advertising is directed at current customers. Consumers forget
why they bought a particular brand of microwave or automobile. Advertising must
remind the customer constantly about the name of the brand, its benefits, its value,
and so forth. These same messages help reinforce the customers decision. Most
television advertising seems to provide this function.

1.3.2.Types of Advertising

Advertising is a form of selling. It tries to make consumers buy goods or services.

Advertisers must be aware of the factors that influence people's buying habits and then
use advertising strategies based on this knowledge. Advertising can be classified in
number of ways.

1. Print Advertising: Newspapers, Magazines, Brochures, Fliers

The print media have always been a popular advertising medium. Advertising
products via newspapers or magazines is a common practice. In addition to this, the
print media also offers options like promotional brochures and fliers for advertising
2. Outdoor Advertising: Billboards, Kiosks, Tradeshows and Events

Outdoor advertising is also a very popular form of advertising, which makes use of
several tools and techniques to attract the customers outdoors. The most common
examples of outdoor advertising are billboards, kiosks, and also several events and
tradeshows organized by the company. The billboard advertising is very popular
however has to be really terse and catchy in order to grab the attention of the
passersby. The kiosks not only provide an easy outlet for the company products but
also make for an effective advertising tool to promote the company’s products.
Organizing several events or sponsoring them makes for an excellent advertising
opportunity. The company can organize trade fairs, or even exhibitions for advertising
their products. If not this, the company can organize several events that are closely
associated with their field.

3. Broadcast advertising: Television, Radio and the Internet

Broadcast advertising is a very popular advertising medium that constitutes of several

branches like television, radio or the Internet. Television advertisements have been
very popular ever since they have been introduced. The radio might have lost its
charm owing to the new age media however the radio remains to be the choice of
small-scale advertisers.

4. Covert Advertising: Advertising in Movies

Covert advertising is a unique kind of advertising in which a product or a particular

brand is incorporated in some entertainment and media channels like movies,
television shows or even sports. There is no commercial in the entertainment but the
brand or the product is subtly (or sometimes evidently) showcased in the
entertainment show.

5. Surrogate Advertising: Advertising Indirectly

Surrogate advertising is prominently seen in cases where advertising a particular

product is banned by law. Advertisement for products like cigarettes or alcohol which
are injurious to heath are prohibited by law in several countries and hence these
companies have to come up with several other products that might have the same
brand name and indirectly remind people of the cigarettes or beer bottles of the same
brand. Common examples include Fosters and Kingfisher beer brands, which are
often seen to promote their brand with the help of surrogate advertising.
6. Public Service Advertising: Advertising for Social Causes

Public service advertising is a technique that makes use of advertising as an effective

communication medium to convey socially relevant messaged about important
matters and social welfare causes like AIDS, energy conservation, political integrity,
deforestation, illiteracy, poverty and so on.

7. Celebrity Advertising

Although the audience is getting smarter and smarter and the modern day consumer
getting immune to the exaggerated claims made in a majority of advertisements, there
exist a section of advertisers that still bank upon celebrities and their popularity for
advertising their products. Using celebrities for advertising involves signing up
celebrities for advertising campaigns, which consist of all sorts of advertising
including, television ads or even print advertisements.

8. Internet Advertising

Internet promotion is one of the newer types of advertising and can be accomplished
in a number of ways. Flash advertising refers to messages that jump onto your
computer screen and often move around. They can be hard to close and are annoying,
but effective at gaining your attention. Pop up and scrolling ads are other examples of
these types of advertising. Pay per click advertising refers to marketers paying to
have their web pages placed high on search engine results pages. These are also
called sponsored links.

2.1. The Advent Of The Internet

The new millennium has brought us on the brink of the I.T. Revolution. This revolution
has been aided by the advent of the Internet in a big way. Internet is fast changing the
way people used to do things. Naturally, the same would have an impact on the
advertisers. The Internet has been accepted as the most powerful media for advertising
due to the absence of geographical barriers. The advent of the Internet and its subsequent
acceptance has once again challenged the traditional forms of advertising. Advertisers are
trying to use the 'net' to advertise their products and hence 'net' their customers. Thus,
with the Internet gaining prominence, advertising equations are fast changing.

Internet marketing, also referred to as web marketing, online marketing, or eMarketing, is

the marketing of products or services over the Internet. Internet marketing ties together
creative and technical aspects of the Internet, including design, development, advertising,
and sale.

The Internet has brought many unique benefits to marketing, one of which being lower
costs for the distribution of information and media to a global audience. The interactive
nature of Internet marketing, both in terms of providing instant response and eliciting
responses, is a unique quality of the medium. Internet marketing is sometimes considered
to have a broader scope because it not only refers to digital media such as the Internet, e-
mail, and wireless media; however, Internet marketing also includes management of
digital customer data and electronic customer relationship management (ECRM) systems.

2.2. 7 P'S Of Digital Marketing

The four P's - Product, Price, Place and Promotion have long been associated with
marketing, but things have changed on the Internet. So along with a change in the nature
of the four P’s there are three new P’s which are relevant to the internet marketer:
Presentation, Processes and Personalization.

1. Product

Product on the Internet usually changes form online, and the user experiences it
electronically, in the form of text, images and multimedia. Physical goods are usually
presented in the form of a detailed online catalogue that the customer can browse
through. Technology allows the user to virtually touch and feel the product on the
Internet - rotate it, zoom in or zoom out and even visualize the product in different
configurations and combination. Content and software are two avatars of digitized
products that can be even distributed over the Internet. On the Internet, E-marketing
will be based more on the product qualities rather than on the price. Every company
will be able to bring down the cost of its products and hence competition will not be
on price. It will rather be on the uniqueness of the product. To be able to attract the
customers and retain them, the company will have to provide nouvelle and distinct
products that forces the net users to purchase and come back for more.

2. Price

Price has been drastically changed over the Internet. It lets the buyer decides the
price. Also it gives the buyers information about multiple sellers selling the same
product. It leads to best possible deal for the buyers in terms of price. Pricing is
dynamic over the Internet.

3. Place

Place revolves around setting up of a marketing channel to reach the customer.

Internet serves as a direct marketing channel that allows the producer to reach the
customer directly. The elimination of the intermediate channel allows the producer to
pass the reduced distribution cost to the customer in the form of discounts.

4. Promotion

Promotion is extremely necessary to entice the customer to its website, as there are
currently more than one billion web pages. Promoting a website includes both online
and offline strategies. Online strategies include search engine optimization, banner
ads, multiple points of entry, viral marketing, strategic partnership and affiliate
marketing. Presently, the cyberspace is already cluttered with thousands of sites
probably selling similar products. For the customers to know of the Company’s
existence and to garner information on the kind of products or services that the
company is offering, promotion has to be carried out. There can be traded links or
banner advertisements for the same. Also the traditional mediums like print, outdoor
advertising and television can be used to spread awareness.
5. Presentation

The presentation of the online business needs to have an easy to use navigation. The
look and the feel of the web site should be based on corporate logos and standards.
About 80% of the people read only 20% of the web page. Therefore, the web page
should not be cluttered with a lot of information. Also, simple but powerful
navigational aids on all web pages like search engines make it easy for customer to
find their way around.

6. Processes

Customer supports needs to be integrated into the online web site. A sales service that
will be able to answer the questions of their customers fast and in a reliable manner is
necessary. To further enhance after sales service, customers must be able to find out
about their order status after the sale has been made. 7. Personalization
2.3. The 5 D’s of Digital Marketing

To understand the significance of the digital marketing in the future of marketing in any
business, it’s essential to think about what audience interactions we need to understand
and manage.

Digital marketing today is regarding many more types of audience interaction than
website or email. It comprises managing and controlling these ‘5Ds of Digital’. The 5Ds
defines the opportunities for consumers to interact with brands as well as for businesses
to reach and learn from their targeted audiences in various ways:

1.Digital devices – customers experience brands as they interact with business or

company websites and mobile apps typically by a combination of connected devices
including smartphones, desktop computers, tablets, TVs and gaming devices.

2.Digital platforms – most interactions on these devices are by a browser or apps from
the major social media platforms, that’s Facebook, Instagram, Google, YouTube, Twitter
and LinkedIn.

3.Digital media – different paid, owned and earned online communications channels for
reaching and engaging with audiences including advertising, email and messaging
through content, search engines and social networks.

4.Digital data – the insight businesses collect regarding their audience profiles and their
interactions with businesses, which now requires to be protected by law in most

5.Digital technology – the marketing technology or companies use to create interactive

experiences from websites and mobile apps to in-store kiosk
2.4. Understanding The Digital Customers

Now to be able to use the seven P’s effectively in order to achieve the predefined goals of
any organization it is imperative to understand the customers. Customization will only be
truly effective if we understand our customers and their true needs.

Before adapting marketing practices to the Internet, the marketer needs to

understand the characteristics of the online customers. The Net users can be
classified into five categories depending upon their intention of using the Internet.
The five categories of users are:

Directed Information Seekers: They require specific, timely and relevant information
about the products and services being offered.

Undirected Information Seekers: These users require something interesting and useful.
Something that can give them an edge, advantage, insight or even a pleasant surprise.

Bargain Hunters: They are of two kinds: One who look for free items on the internet
and other who are seeking better deals, higher discounts etc.

Entertainment Seekers: They see the Web as an entertainment medium of vast breath
and potential and want to explore the medium before the mass gets there.

Directed Buyers: They want to buy something - now. They are sure what they require
and just log on to the Web to purchase the item.

2.5Critical Success Factors In Digital Marketing

Having observed the evolving paradigms of business in the Internet era, there are five
critical success factors that the Internet Marketer has to keep in mind.

Attracting the Right Customer

Attracting the Right Customer is the first crucial step. Rising digital penetration would
mean that the number of customer visiting particular sites would inevitably go up. While
the number of eyeballs or page views has so far been conveniently used as a satisfactory
measure by most web sites, it would be foolish to cater to the whole spectrum of digital
visitors. Content has to be very target specific. The digital company has to select its target
segment by finding out which section of customers are the most profitable in terms of
revenue transactions and who are the customers who generate the maximum number of
referrals. Here again it is important to note that the majority of online customers are not
seeking the lowest price. Rather they are seeking convenience above everything else. The
power of customer referrals has never been so enormous, since word of the mouse
spreads faster than word of the mouth. E-Bay attracts more than half of its customers
through referrals. Not only do referred customers cost less to acquire than those brought
in by advertising or other marketing tools, they also cost less to support since they use
their friends who referred them for advice rather than using the companies’ own technical

Ensuring E-Loyalty

Ensuring E-Loyalty is vital to the success of any online venture. This is because acquiring
customers on the Internet is enormously expensive and unless those customers stick
round and make lots of repeat purchases over the years, profits will remain elusive.
Contrary to the general view that Web customers are notoriously fickle, they in fact
follow the old rules of customer loyalty. Web customers stick to sites that they trust and
with time consolidate their purchases with one primary supplier to the extent that
purchasing from the supplier’s site becomes part of their daily routine. The issue of trust
is integral to the issues of privacy and security. Companies like, which
command amazing levels of consumer trust, have used a variety of encryption tools and
simple ethical decisions like not accepting money for publishers for independent book
reviews to maintain the trust of its customers.

E-Learning to facilitate personalized interactions

E-Learning to facilitate personalized interactions with customers has been the biggest
contribution of the Web to the marketing strategists. Customers in traditional bricks-and
mortar stores leave no record of their behavior unless they buy something. In the digital
marketplace, however technology has made the entire shopping experience a transparent
process. For example, if the customer exits the web-site when the price screen appears, he
is a price sensitive consumer. Such minute tracking of customer behavior has major
implications for the world of advertising. The Internet may soon be used as a test bed for
testing prototypes of marketing and advertising campaigns. By monitoring pages
selected, click throughs, responses generated, and other indicators, the company would be
able to discover which parts of a prospective campaign would work, thus reducing the
risk of a potential flop. This would make it possible for the company to modify its
product offerings much earlier than usual in the product life cycle.
Providing Digital value to the evolving consumer through his life cycle

Providing Digital value to the evolving consumer through his life cycle has become
possible because of customized interactions and emerging business models. These
models have often disturbed the traditional status quo and created new rules of business.
The sectors where new business models will emerge or have emerged are the music
industry, the financial services industry, the travel industry, the relating segment and the
publishing segment. Digital value is delivered to the consumer by promising him
convenience, allowing the customer to feel his ownership of the Web experience, and
giving the customer a sense of belonging that traverses the physical boundaries.

2.6. Features of Digital Advertising

Advertising on the Internet has certain unique features that differentiate it from other
forms of advertising. They are as follows:

Member registration: Member registration is an efficient tool that is used by firms to

create their database. Such a database may be used to design promotional campaigns.
Allowing registered users to participate in various events can follow systems of free

Online opinion polls: Opinion polls are conducted to obtain the responses from users
regarding the firms' products and services besides including topics of general interest.

Newsletters: Regular newsletters are sent especially to registered users. These contain
information about current updations on the site and activities being performed by the

Contests and sweepstakes: Contests are useful in attracting new users to websites.
They may be for simple things depending on the product or service being advertised.
The prizes offered are in a wide range and usually have the logo of the company and the
homepage address displayed prominently.

Content: The content of the advertisement can be regularly updated with news
regarding the activities of the firm. A fact-based section showing the manufacturing
processes of a company may also be included. The use of multimedia tools can make
this more interactive.
E-cards: Users send free cards via e-mail from the site of the company advertising the
product. The card prominently displays the logo or the baseline of the brand. The cards
may be for different occasions such as birthdays, festivals, birthdays, etc. These cards
are used to reinforce brand identity. Star endorsers of the brand may also be included in
the picture postcard themes.

Downloads: Downloads may include various utilities for the computer such as icons,
desktop patterns, screensavers, themes, etc. Registered users get the opportunity of
downloading software. Charts and other informative articles may also be included.

Coupons: Coupons are used to promote sales off-line. Sending discount coupons for the
products and services of the company on special occasions.

3.1. Types

1. Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Optimization or SEO refers to the process of growing your online
visibility in non-paid (organic) search engine results. SERPs or search engine results
pages appear to users after they search for a given set of keywords using a search engine
like Google or Bing. Each user receives an individualized results page based on
keywords, the user’s location at the time of searching, and their browsing history.
Organic search results appear in a list and are ranked using the search engine’s algorithm.
As users change the way they search and engage with online content, these algorithms
change. The higher you rank on a SERP, the more traffic is directed to your site and the
more chances of making a passive visitor an active customer.
Search engine optimization includes many factors from keywords within your content to
links to your website around the web. It includes both On-page and Off-page SEO. On-
page SEO refers to the steps you take on your own website to boost your SEO. Off-page
refers to the relationships you make and actions you take outside of your website to fuel
SEO trends change as algorithms change to fit user needs. In this way, SEO is never
about building a website for the sole purpose of ranking high on a list results. At its core,
SEO is about crafting the best possible website for your user. If you stay on top of SEO
trends, you’re that much closer to more visibility online and traffic to your site.

2. Search Engine Marketing

Search Engine Marketing or SEM covers the ground SEO ignores, paid traffic from
search engines. With SEM you purchase advertisement space that appears on a user’s
SERP. The most common paid search platform is Google AdWords. Next, is Bing Ads.
The search engine charges a marketer a predetermined amount to display an
advertisement in a number of places on a SERP generated from specific keywords or
phrases. One example of SEM is pay-per-click advertising or PPC. PPC refers to a digital
marketing method wherein search engines charge a company each time their
advertisement is clicked.
Social media platforms began adopting PPC advertising in recent months. These ads
show up in the news feeds of a company’s target audience. This system is a great example
of how the different types of digital marketing bleed into each other to form a complete
digital marketing strategy. In this example, SEM overlaps with social media marketing.

3. Social Media Marketing

By now you know that social media is a crucial part of your marketing strategy. But do
you know the ins and outs of social media marketing? Social media marketing gives you
increased exposure. It allows you to connect with your consumers in a more intimate
way. From this interaction, you can gain valuable customer feedback that allows you to
improve your customer service, product, or service.
Using social media marketing you’ll gain more reach when you post quality
content. Everything you do to increase traffic or business on your social media channels
is social media marketing. Whether you’re on Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, or LinkedIn
these efforts all amount to social media marketing.
Most everyone benefits from social media marketing, but B2C companies stand to gain
the most. Pay attention to what your target audience talks about on social media. Engage
in the conversation. Use social media marketing as a way to gauge what content you put
out does well by monitoring shares and likes. Shares equate to free advertising for you.

4. Content Marketing
Content marketing refers to the practice of delivering a quality piece of content to your
users to generate sales and leads. This content can live anywhere online. Tweets, a
YouTube video, and blogs on your website all comprise content marketing. Content
Marketing works because it melds together exceptional content with other types of digital
marketing like SEO and Social Media Marketing.
Keep your audience in mind as you create content. Remember who you’re talking to and
what they’re interested in. This will dictate the subject of your content. Consider the
language your audience uses when they search online for information. Use these
keywords to boost your SEO.
Last, share your content across all of your social media platforms for maximum exposure
and feedback. Content marketing is an ongoing practice. It’s not always about sales but
more so about engaging and educating your consumer to build brand recognition, trust,
and equity.
Stay away from fluff pieces. Think about how much content a user comes by every day.
Creating relevant, quality content helps you stand out and boosts your SEO.
And consider having others blog and backlink to your site, a really great tool for this

5. Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate marketing refers to the process of paying for conversions. Think of it like hiring
a sales person for your product or service. That affiliate earns a commission. You
determine the rate for affiliate marketing. You only pay for conversions. This means
there is no upfront cost to affiliate marketing. Many bloggers or e-commerce websites use
affiliate marketing.
When you choose to use affiliate marketing ensure that all of your terms and boundaries
are discussed beforehand. The affiliate represents your brand, so you want them to carry
your brand’s message close to them. Think about the kinds of words you want the
affiliate to use. Of course, you need to make the deal work for the affiliate, too.

6. Influencer Marketing
Influencer marketing is among the newer types of digital marketing. Influencer marketing
uses people with an enormous online reach considered experts by your target market to
drive traffic and sales.
Influencer marketing is popular on social media channels like Instagram and Snapchat.
Companies hire Instagrammers with large followings to promote their brand by posting
one or more photos with the product. Companies now engage in Instagram or Snapchat
“takeovers” where the hired influence controls the company’s social media platform for a
given amount of time, most often a day. These social media takeovers drive the
influencer’s following to your social media channels increasing your new followers and
unique views.
Always make sure to do your research on an influencer before you decide to do business
with them. You might want to verify their Google analytics and make sure their following
proves legitimate and not full of fake accounts.

7. Email Marketing
Email marketing allows you to update your email subscribers on a regular basis about
your company. This fosters a relationship unlike any of the other types of digital
marketing. Your email updates provide value to your consumer. As a result, you build
brand trust and brand loyalty.
The best email marketing campaigns involve a list of subscribers earned by your content
and company, not paid for by your company. People who opt-in to your email
subscription prove more likely to become active buyers.

8. Viral Marketing
Viral marketing refers to a post of some sort that is trendy, funny, or strange enough to
garner a massive amount of shares online. Viral marketing causes an enormous spike in
website traffic over a short period of time. This is hard to do but the benefits alone make
the effort worth your time.
B2C companies stand to gain the most from viral marketing. B2C companies can use
social media to reach an enormous audience across all of their active platforms.

9. Mobile Phone Advertising

Each of the types of digital advertising can happen on a mobile device. Some types of
marketing using a mobile phone do not fit the above types of digital marketing.
These include SMS advertising which could prove an asset to local marketing efforts.
You can prompt your consumers to use SMS to receive special offers, coupons, and
updates from your company.

3.2. Social Media Marketing

The influence of traditional media and marketing have over consumer perception is
waning as people migrate to the variety of social media technologies for entertainment
and to share information with each other. But these social media outlets are more than
another channel through which to deliver messages to the marketplace. Companies like
Dell, Microsoft, Nikon and Nintendo are successfully using social media and marketing
strategies to understand and engage their audiences more deeply – with demonstrable
business results. Social media is making an impact on all aspects of business
communications today. Reliance is the latest additions to Social Media Marketing.

In 2006, social media formats like blogs, photo sites and video sites crossed the
threshold from techno-curiosity to become a bona fide societal trend. Consumers by the
millions have embraced these powerful communication tools to post an opinion, share
an experience, and join the online conversation. These conversations affected many
companies, some positively and some negatively, and raised the awareness of the power
social media has to influence business results.

Now we are in an era where companies must take action. The reach and influence of
social media is only going to grow.

3.3. The Social Web’s New Communication Forms Draw More Users

Communications has always been the fundamental value of the internet to consumers.
Back in the net’s early days, email was the “killer app” that made the Web a “must-
have” and continues to be a mainstay of the online experience. Communication
activities split the lion’s share of consumers’ online time with content, and far outstrip
commerce and entertainment.

3.4. Technology-Powered Communications Accelerate Word of Mouth

From the earliest UseNet groups to today’s hot video sharing and social network sites,
each new innovation has increased consumers’ reach and influence.

Email was first practical application of the Internet for most people and it was the first
word of mouth accelerator as it enabled people to connect with family and friends
instantly, frequently and at little cost.

Usenet groups and discussion boards made it easy for people to find others with similar
interests and consumers learned that the Internet freed them from the limit of geography
and personal connections. The influence of word of mouth expanded rapidly within these
vertical niches.
Consumer review sites used the discussion board format, but focused discussions around
specific products, such as books at Consumers embraced the idea of
reading book reviews written by other readers and not relying on professional reviewers’
opinions to decide whether to pick up the latest bestseller.

Blogs freed consumers from the limited membership of discussion boards. Blog sites like
Blogger made it simple for an average Web user to post his or her opinions to the world.
Armed with a browser, basic typing skills, and a few straightforward Web commands,
anyone can publish their thoughts, rants, or daily journal in a few minutes a day.

Consumers soon learned their conversations aren’t limited to words. Digital

photography’s boom introduced people to sharing their creations, first via email then via
first-generation photo-sharing sites like
Digital camcorders and audio/video editing programs like Apple’s iMovie became
affordable and user-friendly versions for home users. People were no longer limited to
text or still photos, and consumer-created video site YouTube quickly bloomed to six
million users watching 40 million videos per month.

Social networks like MySpace skew more toward the social end of the social-to-content
continuum. They combine a selection of social media tools like blogs, photo sharing, etc.
to give the author a platform for expressing their passions and preferences, while at the
same time serving as a central communication hub for a group of friends. Early on, bands
would build online fan communities to promote their music; now brands like Burger
King, Toyota, Adidas, and Cingular create circles of “friends” that become brandbuilding

3.5.Social Media Transforms Communications into Content

These new tools blur the line between communications and content. Blogs are a natural
example of how content and communications blend into a single experience. Each entry
(or “post” as it is known) is a short article, essay, news item, etc. But bloggers mean to
stimulate feedback and conversation, as readers add comments and links to other blogs to
make a point. This interplay results in a dialogue of different perspectives and opinions.
Sometimes the resulting communications can be so influential they end up taking the
story in an entirely new direction.

Social Media Begins to Impact Brands

One of the most exciting and powerful forms of social media is the video. Videos are the
ultimate expression of creativity since they can “mashup” (all in one) elements and
messages from audio, video, blogs, company-created messages and media coverage.

Social media sites like Orkut, Myspace and Facebook are usually seen just as places
where people go to connect with friends and find others with similar interests.

3.6. Business Results with Social Media

There are four primary ways companies can use social media to drive business results:
By Monitoring social media, companies can track how their messages are being
interpreted in the marketplace to understand how the company is perceived and to learn
how any responses or message changes should be approached. This will also provide
valuable insight into potential threats from competitors, changing industry trends, and
customer preferences.

Monitoring also enables companies to track the evolution of known trends in order to
quantify the ones gaining the most attention and acceptance within their target audience.

Measurement provides the quantitative reporting data on the specific issues and buzz
driving media coverage making it easy to demonstrate the impact of PR and marketing

But social media also calls for a Discovery approach, in which companies learn what
influences are driving the internet discussions in the marketplace. From this, companies
can measure the growth of many

4.1. Importance of Digital Marketing

1.Opens up growth options for small businesses

Importance of digital marketing for business lies in the option to select your
method of marketing as per your budget and reach a wider audience at a lesser
cost. Even a decade back getting your product marketed especially for a small
business was a task in itself. Most of the expensive models were just out of
their reach and they had to resort to small level methods where the guarantee
of success was close to negligible
The digital modes of marketing are customizable and hence much cheaper. If
you are trying to make a foray into an already established market you can still
make your presence felt by targeting a small base of customers.

2.The conversion rate is Higher

The businesses that are using online as the preferred mode of marketing are
able to measure the conversion rate through real-time using a simple method.
That is identifying the percentage of viewers who get converted into leads and
then subscribers and in the end finally purchasing the service or product. SEO,
Social media marketing and Email marketing are methods which have a high
conversion rate as they are able to generate a quick and effective
communication channel with the consumer.

3.Get connected to the Mobile Customer

After Google mobile first update nearly almost all the websites these days are
made in a manner that they are easily viewable on the mobile as well. This is
because that almost all customers have access to a smartphone and most of
them even look for products on the same. In many instances, customers have
changed their purchase plan and picked up a product from a different brand
just because they were convinced that the new product has a much better

4.Better ROI for your Investment

While earlier budget allocations were done individually to handle each kind of
marketing medium the situation becomes more progressive now. Being digital
you have access to packages at different levels of costing hence ensuring that
you can pick up one which suits your budget best. Even a small level of
investment done in a mode of email marketing has the potential to deliver
results in terms of customer’s engagement. Using web analytics helps the
business owners know whether your website is providing optimal ROI. While
the website may not be generating revenue for you directly you can always
track conversion rate of inquiries made through email and telephone calls to

5. Digital marketing is Cost Effective

A small business needs to save up on its resources before it finally goes into
the green zone and starts making profits. Digital marketing gives you the
scope to reach out to many customers at the same time and that too within
your budget. You can plan your marketing strategy such that you only use
modes which lie in your budget. If there is a desire not to extend the budget
then you can always target niche audiences who you know would definitely
like and appreciate the concept of your offering.

There are a few variations in the cost of traditional marketing and digital
marketing. As business advertisements on TV and radio, print ads in daily
newspapers and magazines and other such media ads cost a lot while online
social media ads are very affordable. Along these lines, traditional marketing
spends an enormous cost to hold the advertisement running under the plan.
Internet marketing can likewise cost, however, there are several Digital
marketing techniques that are free.

Ongoing result
In traditional marketing, we need to wait for weeks or sometimes months to
see an improving result in the business. While once we start using online
marketing, we don't have to hold on longer to see an important increment in
the business.

Results of traditional marketing technique can't easily be measured. On the

other hand, in Digital Marketing, it is easy to determine a return on
investment (ROI) by utilizing Google analytic tools.

Traditional marketing contains Print media (newspaper and magazines ads,

newsletters, brochures and other printed material)
Digital marketing calculating your marketing opportunities turns out to be
simple and sharp.

You can quickly see which technique is performing and which isn't via Google
Analytics, other than different things too, for example, basic trend, incoming
traffic, transformation rate, interest visitors, bounce rate and benefit.

It is tough to track traditional marketing techniques. To evaluate your group of
viewers and their communications we have to put up added efforts which are
time-consuming. For example, we have to direct overviews to discover the
actual results.

Information and results

of digital marketing techniques can be simply registered. We can without a lot
of hard work check if the procedures are working by utilizing Google
Analytics. If not, we can take the best measures for better marketing and
accordingly take a shot at better keywords to target the group of viewers we
can likewise utilize Social Media channels which are free and nearly
everybody utilizes them.

The reason why internet marketing has become so popular is because they provide three
major benefits to potential buyers:

1. Convenience: Customers can order products 24 hours a day wherever they are.
They don’t have to sit in traffic, and a parking space, and walk through countless
shops to find and examine goods.
2. Information: Customers can find reams of comparative information about
companies, products, competitors, and prices without leaving their office or home.
1. Fewer hassles: Customers don’t have to face salespeople or open themselves up
to persuasion and emotional factors; they also don’t have to wait in line.

5.1. Internet marketing also provides a number of benefits to marketers

1. Quick adjustments to market conditions: Companies can quickly add products

to their offering and change prices and descriptions.
2. Lower costs: On-line marketers avoid the expense of maintaining a store and the
costs of rent, insurance, and utilities. They can produce digital catalogs for much less
than the cost of printing and mailing paper catalogs.
3. Relationship building: On-line marketers can dialogue with consumers and learn
from them.
4. Audience sizing: Marketers can learn how many people visited their on-line site
and how many stopped at particular places on the site. This information can help
improve offers and ads.

Clearly, marketers are adding on-line channels to find, reach, communicate, and sell.
Internet marketing has at least five great advantages. First, both small and large firms can
afford it. Second, there is no real limit on advertising space, in contrast to print and
broadcast media. Third, information access and retrieval are fast, compared to overnight
mail and even fax. Fourth, the site can be visited by anyone from any place in the world.
Fifth, shopping can be done privately and swiftly.
5.2. Objectives of Internet Advertising

Advertising: As far as advertising on the Internet goes, all advertisements will serve to
attract the user's attention and draw him to the company, which is advertising.

Build brand awareness: Direct or indirect methods can be used on the websites to
build brand awareness of the different brands of a company. This is where the Internet
scores traditional media and methods as explained below.

Stimulate direct action: Visitors to a company's web site should get involved with the
offerings on the site. Valuable customer information can also be captured and tracked
for future marketing initiatives.

Promote its brands: Promotional give - away or contests generate excitement while
simultaneously promoting your brands online, aiding off - line sale.

Building a culture around its brands: This goes along with that company's traditional

Surrogate advertising: This is another means of surrogate advertising of the company,

where all forms of traditional advertising fail. Surrogate advertising can be proved to be
positive in case of advertising on the Internet.

5.3. Reason why to use digital marketing

1. Affordability
Digital marketing is considerably less expensive than other marketing methods. Specific
prices vary based on what you’re doing but ad spend tends to be lower than other forms
of marketing.

2. Mobile Access
You may not know this but 77 percent of American adults own a smartphone and are
likely to use that smartphone or another mobile device for news, social networking, and
countless other activities. Digital marketing lets you reach them while they’re doing this.
With remarketing ads, email and text marketing, and social media – you can be in front of
your audience while they use many different apps on their mobile phones.

3. Flexibility
There are many forms and uses of digital marketing, including banner ads, email
marketing, content marketing, and social media posts. Thus by learning how to market
yourself digitally, you open up a wide range of possibilities for future publicity strategies.
With digital marketing, you also have the flexibility of testing and stopping poorly
performing campaigns in real time.

4. Expansion
Many consumers do almost all of their shopping online. Digital marketing lets you appeal
to these people and thus expand the reach of your company. Between Google Shopping
Ads and brand awareness campaigns, you can expand your brand recognition and boost

5. Multimedia
of all forms of publicity and integrating your campaigns.

Customers tend to engage more with marketing materials that combine multiple types of
content, including photos, video clips, and audio. It is far easier to incorporate all these
content types into digital marketing than any other type of publicity – and it is very

6. Interactivity
Digital marketing lets you communicate directly with the customers who see your
content, notably through website comments, messages, reviews, and social media posts.
This shows those customers that you care about what they say and think, leading them to
feel respected and part of the community you’re building. It also allows you to gather
invaluable information on customers’ reactions and preferences.

7. Tracking
Besides communicating with customers, digital marketing lets you track their activities.
You can monitor which ads and types of content they have seen shortly before they make
a purchase. This tells you which marketing methods are most effective, allowing you to
refine and improve your strategy.

8. Authority
Digital marketing makes it easy to comment on issues and controversies that relate to
your product or your industry. In this way, you can establish yourself as an authority on
such topics, leading readers to trust you, come back for more information, and eventually
make a purchase. Digital marketing allows you to come off as the industry expert that
you are and will instill trust in your business.

9. Influencer Engagement
Many of the most influential figures in modern culture promote themselves online or
through social media. Digital marketing allows you to engage with these influencers and
gain their respect. If you play your cards right, you can get them to endorse you, leading
their followers to become customers and spread brand awareness.

10. Print Enhancement

Digital marketing lets you expand on your print marketing efforts. By writing online
content that explains claims you make in your print ads, you can go into greater detail,
maximizing the effectiveness

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