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17Pcs03 - Advanced Java Programming Question and Answers: Unit - I

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Question and Answers

Unit – I 12. Write a short note on Dialog Boxes.(5 Mark)

1. Explain about Java Thread Model(10 Mark) 13. Write a short note on File Dialog Box. (5 Mark)
2. Explain Thread Priorities(5 Mark) 14. Briefly explain about Handling Events by Extending
3. Explain Creating a Thread. (10 Mark) AWT Components. (10 Mark)
4. Write a short note on Creating Multiple Threads in Unit – III
java (5 Mark) 1. Briefly discuss about image fundamentals. (10 Mark)
5. Write a short note on isAlive() and Join() Methods in 2. Write a short note on Image Observer. (5 Mark)
java (5 Mark) 3. Write a short note on DoubleBuffering. (5Mark)
6. Explain Synchronization in java Programming(5 4. Write a short note on MediaTracker. (5Mark)
Mark) 5. Write a short note on ImageProducer. (5 Mark)
7. Describe Interthread Communication (5Mark) 6. Write a short note on ImageConsumer. (5Mark)
8. Describe about Suspending, Resuming, and Stopping 7. Explain about ImageFilter. (5Mark)
Threads in java (5Mark) 8. Discuss about RGBImageFilter. (10 Mark)
9. Discuss about File (10 Mark) 9. Write a short note on Cell Animation. (5Mark)
10. Write a short note on Closeable() and Flushable() 10. Discuss about features of Swing. (5Mark)
Interface. (5Mark) 11. Explain MVC connection. (5 Mark)
11. Discuss about Byte Stream(10Mark) 12. Write a short note on components and containers of
12. Discuss about Character Stream(10Mark) swing. (5 Mark)
13. Write a short note on Console Class. (5Mark) 13. Explain swing packages. (10 Mark)
14. Write a short note on Improving wc( ) Using a 14. How to create a swing application? Explain. (5 Mark)
StreamTokenizer (5Mark) 15. Explain Relational Database in JDBC. (10 Mark)
15. Write a short note on Serialization. (5Mark) 16. Explain steps using database using JDBC. (10 Mark)
16. Write a short note on Networking Classes and Unit – IV
Interfaces. (5Mark) 1. Write a short note on Life Cycle of servlet. (5Mark)
17. Explain TCP/IP Client Sockets. (5Mark) 2. How to create a simple servlet? Explain.(5 Mark)
18. Explain URL. (5Mark) 3. Briefly explain javax.servlet package. (10 Mark)
19. Write a short note on HttpURLConnection. (5Mark) 4. Briefly explain javax.servlet.http package. (10 Mark)
20. Write a short note on URLConnection. (5Mark) 5. Explain HTTP request and HTTP response. (10 Mark)
21. Explain Datagrams. (5Mark) 6. Discuss about Cookies in servlet. (10 Mark)
22. Explain abouat Delegation Event Model. (5Mark) 7. Describe about session tracking. (10 Mark)
23. Discuss about Event Classes. (10Mark) 8. Discuss implicit objects in JSP. (10 Mark)
24. Discuss aboutEvent Listener Interfaces. (10Mark) 9. Write a short note on scripting. (5 Mark)
25. Explain Handling Mouse Events and Keyboard 10. Write a short note on directives. (5 Mark)
Events. (10Mark) 11. Write a short note on standard actions. (5 Mark)
26. Write a short note on Adapter Classes.(5Mark) 12. Write a short note on RMI. (5 Mark)
27. Write a short note on Inner Classes. (5Mark) 13. Briefly explain about client/server application using
Unit – II RMI. (10 Mark)
1. AWT classes are contained in the java.awt package. Unit – V
(5Mark) 1. Explain architecture of EJB. (10 Mark)
2. Explain AWT defines in window fundamentals. 2. Discuss building and deployment of EJB. (10 Mark)
(5Mark) 3. Briefly explain roles of EJB. (10 Mark)
3. How Window is derived from frame? Explain. 4. Discuss design and implementation of EJB. (10 Mark)
(5Mark) 5. Write a short note on life cycle of EJB. (5 Mark)
4. How to creating a Frame Window in an Applet? 6. Explain statefull session bean. (10 Mark)
Explain. (5Mark) 7. Explain stateless session bean. (10 Mark)
5. Briefly discuss about working with Graphics. (10 8. Explain life cycle of EJB entity bean. (10 Mark)
Mark) 9. Describe building and deployment of EJB entity Bean.
6. How java support AWT color? Explain (5Mark) (10 Mark)
7. How AWT support multiple fonts? Explain. (5Mark)
8. Just explain Java supports number of fonts.(10 Mark)
9. Discuss AWT type of controls.(10 Mark)
10. Discuss about Layout Managers.(10 Mark)
11. Discuss about Menu and Menu Bar.(10 Mark)

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