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Искусство в нашей жизни

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There are many conceptions of art, and of its role.

Art ought to be defined as the

product or process of deliberately arranging items (often with symbolic significance)
in a way that influences and affects one or more of the senses, emotions, and
intellect. It will have encompassed a diverse range of human activities, creations,
and modes of expression, including music, literature, film, photography, sculpture,
and paintings.
The most common concept of art as pieces of work—whether paintings or
sculptures, displayed in galleries and museums is not the case in today’s modern
world. In fact, people at present acknowledge that there is so much more to art than
what you can see displayed in intimidating art galleries. Indeed, you don`t have to
be said that art surrounds life, every people in every location, without us being really
aware of it.
Since time immemorial, art must have existed as long as man. It is a huge part of
our culture which is to shape our ideas, and vice versa, provide us with a deeper
understanding of emotions, self-awareness, and more. That’s why primitive man
created drawings in the caves perpetuated the most important events of his life.

People usually have one of these two popular opinions about art: either it's a great
thing and everyone should do some kind of art or art has no point other than a hobby
and isn't worth anyone's time. But art is actually very important and beneficial for
individuals as well as societies as a whole:

1. Art is therapeutic.

The recent popularity in adult coloring books is just one example of how art can be
therapeutic. Anyone can use these books to wind down and relax after a hard day
and see art therapy in action. Art therapy is also used for mental escapes from
illnesses, treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, and dyslexia.

2. Art comes in many forms.

Because art has such a wide range of forms, often people can find some kind that
they enjoy. Art can be things like drawing or painting, computer art, sculpture,
crafts, or photography. There are many more types, these are just a few.

3. Can art teach us about history?

Yes, you’ve probably studied art in a history or foreign language class. Historical art
shall show up how people looked, what was going on, and how people felt about
certain situations at the time. Political cartoons show us the opinions of those who
don’t approve of something, while paintings from the Renaissance show us how
religious people were in that period. Without art we wouldn’t know as much about
the history of ourselves and other groups.

4. Art gives people a different way to communicate.

People can express themselves many ways, including the way they dress, through
writing, and how they present themselves on social media. Art is different because
it can be so abstract or very representational when wanted. Art gives people the
ability to communicate their thoughts or feelings in a way that is different from any
other kind of communication.

5. Art helps us see other perspectives.

Artists often use their work to show people their own views. Being able to see
different views through art might help us broaden our own perspective and
understand other points of view.

6. Art is one of the few subjects that is hands-on.

Many school subjects can be viewed as boring by students because they are based
on strictly taking notes and listening to a lecture. Art classes engage and interest the
students because it is hands-on learning that lets them express themselves and gives
them a break from the tedious note-taking classes.
7. Art is essential for childhood development.

Art teaches kids important things like motor skills and colors. Without letting children
color and do crafts, their fine motor skills would not be developed adequately and
their ability to identify colors would be less developed.

Many people fail to realize how art impacts their daily life. Everybody uses art on a
continual basis. Majority doesn’t know how much of a role art plays in our lives and
just how much we rely on art in all of its forms in our everyday lives.

Why should art be important in our daily lives? Because we are surrounded by art,
and without it, the human race will not be as you know it.

Arguably, almost everyone must have any form of art in their home—a painting, a
framed photograph, a table centerpiece, and even the main layout and design of a
house is art. Art is not purely for looking at and admiring, a lot of it is to be functional
too, especially when it comes to our homes. Everything from a delightfully patterned
quilt on the bed or even your decorative tea towels and tea cupscan be considered a
form of art, our brain is just conditioned to think that it is not art when it’s not only
for decoration.

Music, same as art, is a universal language and its importance to our daily lives is
undeniable. Subconsciously, we hear music through television shows, commercials,
radio and through other media. Sounds, songs and music can make life extremely
joyful and can have a huge effect on our mood.

It has a positive impact to people’s moods and perspective. It can boost productivity
and boost up motivation and determination. Similarly, when stress is high, many
people find that relaxing to calming music is something that eases the mind.
Art, in any form, may give people emotions that may lift up their spirit and make
them more driven than ever. One of the most common trends in the tourism industry
is hospitality art, which is to utilize art to invite guests and engage them more
throughout their stay. Corporate art inspires workers and boosts productivity using
art inside the workplace. Hospital art, or healing art is also one way of helping
patients recover faster and their family and healthcare workers to regain their
composure and stay calm.

Art is everywhere, influencing us on a daily basis, whether we realize it or not. And

this is the mere reason why art is important in our daily lives. With the art that we
are surrounded by, whether it’s a painting, music or even videos can have a huge
impact on our mood and emotions.

People think that science and technology are superior to art. But art makes life
worthwhile. It may not be vital to fulfill our basic needs; it does make life joyful.
As we continue to journey a fast-paced life, moments of quick decisions and
fragmented thoughts, art allows every moment memorable. Understanding our
emotions can help us heal, grow and improve ourselves. Increasing our self
awareness through art can lead to more success both personally and professionally.

Art can make a community more beautiful. It also makes the places we go and spend
time in more interesting. Through art we gain a better understanding of cultures,
history and tradition; as well as help the people in the present weave their own today.
1. Demoyte himself, Mor supposed, must originally have conformed to the
requirement; but by the time Mor first met him his orthodoxy had long ago been
worn down into a sort of obstinate gentlemanly conservatism. - Наверняка вначале
Демойт строго придерживался параграфов устава относительно веры, но ко
времени прихода Мора ортодоксальность y директора успела поизноситься,
превратившись в вежливый, но непоколебимый консерватизм. (the
suppositional meaning, near certainty, должно быть, P. 20) (‘The Sandcastle’
Iris Murdoch)

2. ‘I'm not afraid of him,' said Felicity. 'If you are, you needn't come.'- «Я его не
боюсь», - сказала Фелисити. «А тебе не обязательно идти, если ты боишься».
(the imperative meaning, permission not to do smth, можете не идти, P. 24)
(‘The Sandcastle’ Iris Murdoch)

3. China’s economists, sociologists, and demographers, who might have

injected more wisdom and balance, were largely left out of the
decision making, as the Cultural Revolution had starved social
scientists of resources and prestige. - Китайские экономисты, социологи
и демографы, которые могли бы привнести больше здравого смысла и
баланса, были в значительной степени исключены из процесса принятия
решений, поскольку культурная революция лишала социологов ресурсов
и престижа. (the imperative meaning, reproach, могли бы привнести, P. 14)
(‘One Child’, Mei Fong)

4. Brazilianenvironmentalist Charles Clement wrote that all

governments should “adopt a one-child policy in some form . . . rather
than abolishing this policy in China and ignoring its world-wide
importance.” - Бразильский защитник окружающей среды Чарльз
Клемент писал, что всем правительствам нужно «принять политику
одного ребенка в той или иной форме... вместо того, чтобы отменить эту
политику в Китае и игнорировать ее всемирное значение». (the imperative
meaning, advice, нужно, P. 27) (‘One Child’, Mei Fong)
5. "We shall do the same thing here. Encourage them and leave them with a little equipment and
a toy industry." "Toy industry?" "Your plastic." "Oh yes, I see." - «Мы обязательно
сделаем то же самое здесь. Поощрите их и оставьте небольшое количество
оборудования и игрушечное производство». "Игрушечное производство?"
"Ваш пластик." "О да, я вижу." (the primary meaning, certainty,
обязательно сделаем, P. 25) ( ‘The Quiet American’, Graham Green)

6. I was to be the new foreign editor, arriving every afternoon at half past three,
at that grim Victorian building* near Blackfriars station* with a plaque of Erord
Salisbury by the lift. - Я должен был стать новым иностранным редактором,
приходившим каждый день в половине третьего в то мрачное здание в
викторианском стиле* возле станции Blackfriars* с мемориальной доской
Erord Salisbury у лифта. (the primary meaning, expected action, должен
был, P. 17) ( ‘The Quiet American’, Graham Green)

7. She could not imagine what business he could have in town so soon after his
arrival in Hertfordshire; and she began to fear that he might be always flying
about from one place to another, and never settled at Netherfield as he ought to
be. - Она не могла представить, чем он мог заниматься в городе так скоро
после его прибытия в Хартфордшир; и она начала бояться, что он,
возможно, всегда перемещался из одного место в другое и никогда не
оседал в Незерфилде так, как ему следовало бы. (couldn`t imagine & could
have – the primary meaning, mental & physical ability, не могла
представить & мог заниматься, P.1; might be always flying –
suppositional meaning, doubt, возможно, всегда перемещался, P. 15;
ought to be – the imperative meaning, advice, следовало бы, P. 31) (‘The
Pride and prejudice’, Jane Austen)

8. «Design! nonsense, how can you talk so! But it is very likely that he may fall in
love with one of them, and therefore you must visit him as soon as he comes». -
"Нонсенс, как ты можешь так говорить! Но очень вероятно, что он
влюбится в одну из них, и поэтому вы должны посетить его, как только он
прибудет». (how can you talk so! – the modal verb can may be used to make a
sentence more emotional. Such sentences have the form of questions but are
not questions because the speaker doesn`t really expect an answer; P. 8; must
visit – primary meaning, necessity, должен посетить, P. 16) (‘The Pride and
prejudice’, Jane Austen)

9. I`m off the deep end, watch as I drive in

I`ll never meet the ground
Crash through the surface, where they can`t hurt us
We`re far from the shallow now.

Я выхожу из себя, смотри, как меня накрывает волной чувств,

Я никогда не выплыву на сушу.
Погружаемся в толщу воды, где нас никто не тронет,
Мы теперь далеко от мелководья. (the primary meaning, physical ability,
не могут ранить, P. 1) (The text of song ‘Shallow’ by Lady Gaga & Bradley

10. I`ll sing it one last time for you

Then we really have to go
You`ve been the only thing that`s right
In all I`ve done

Я спою тебе это в последний раз,

А потом нам действительно нужно идти.
Ты была единственной правильной вещью,
Из всего, что я сделал. (the primary meaning, necessity, нужно идти, P.
16) (The text of song ‘Run’ by Snow Patrol)

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