Other Laws Affecting Nursing Practice
Other Laws Affecting Nursing Practice
Other Laws Affecting Nursing Practice
E. Other Laws
1) R.A. 6425 – Dangerous Drug Act – regulation of sales/delivery/distribution
2) R.A. 6675 – Generics Act of 1988 – Medicines are prescribed in generics
3) RA 9165- Comprehensive Dangerous Drug Act of 2002
5) RA 9262- Anti Violence against Women and their children
6) RA 7658- an act prohibiting the employment of children below 15 years of age
7) RA 6809-Emancipation law- lowered majority age from 21 to 18 years old
8) RA 8172 - Salt Iodization Law
9) RA 3573- an act providing for the prevention and suppression of dangerous
communicable diseases
10) RA 8749- Phil Clean Air Act of 1999
Declaration of policy:
1. Right of people to a balanced and healthful ecology
2. Promote and protect the global environment
3. State recognizes the principle that “polluters must pay”
4. State recognizes that a clean and healthy environment is for the good and
concern of all
11) RA 8344- An act penalizing the refusal of Hospitals and medical Clinics to
administer appropriate initial treatment and support in emergency cases
12) RA 7160- Local Government Code- general features include decentralization and
local autonomy; the Local chief executive have the power over: Budgets for
health, Implementation of programs, Personnel appointment
13) RA 2644- Philippine Midwifery Act- Registered nurses may practice midwifery
through passing the midwifery exam and has completed 20 actual deliveries
14) RA 2382- Practice of medicine by a Nurse during epidemics or national
emergencies, whenever services of duly registered physicians are not available
through special authorization given by the DOH and automatically ceases when
epidemic is terminated
15) RA 7432- Senior Citizen’s Act- 20 % Discount
16) RA 8423- Established the traditional and alternative health care
17) RA 3573- an act providing for the prevention and suppression of dangerous
communicable diseases
18) RA 7877- Anti Sexual Harassment Law
F. Salient Aspects of the Philippine Constitution that Affects the Practice of Nursing
o Sec.3.–Civilian authority–supreme over the military
o Sec.4.–Government–prime duty–serve and protect the people
o Sec.9.–State–promote just and dynamic social order
o Sec.10. – State – promote social justice
o Sec.11. – State – values dignity of every human person
– Guarantees full respect for human rights
o Sec.12. – State – recognizes sanctity of family life
o Sec.15. – State – protect and promote right to health of people
o Sec.18. – State – protect rights of workers and promote their welfare
o Sec.27. – State – maintain honest and integrity in public service