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1 - Course Introduction

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Structural Analysis IV Chapter 1 – Course Introduction

Chapter 1 - Course Introduction

1.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................... 2

1.1.1 Background .................................................................................................... 2
1.1.2 Course Aims .................................................................................................. 3
1.1.3 Programme ..................................................................................................... 4
1.1.4 Reading Material ........................................................................................... 5
1.1.5 Website .......................................................................................................... 8
1.2 Syllabus ................................................................................................................. 9
1.2.1 Semester 1 Only............................................................................................. 9
1.3 Assessment.......................................................................................................... 10
1.3.1 Examination ................................................................................................. 10
1.3.2 Continuous Assessment ............................................................................... 11

Rev. 1

1 Dr. C. Caprani
Structural Analysis IV Chapter 1 – Course Introduction

1.1 Introduction

1.1.1 Background
Within 9 months of starting this course you will be qualified to practice as a structural
engineer. Every single day of your career as a structural engineer, you will be
responsible for the lives of every person that will ever use the structures you design.
But more than that: at a minimum you will also be responsible for:
• The safety of the people who will build your structure;
• The quality of life of future generations – structural engineers are in a unique
position to contribute to limiting the significant carbon emissions of the
construction industry;
• The best economic use of your clients’ money to best achieve their goals;
• The use of your time that best achieves your employer’s goals.

Though mistakes that lead to collapse of a structure are rare, they do happen. Often it
is through an unreasonable faith in a computer analysis that makes this so. With
excellent structural intuition; an ability to properly model the structure with structural
analysis software, and; an ability to check computer output with appropriate hand
calculations, the risk of such collapses can be minimized.

This course builds on your ability to analyse statically indeterminate structures from
the 3rd year course and introduces new ideas and areas of study. We do this so that
you are best equipped to deal with the realities of structural analysis and design.

2 Dr. C. Caprani
Structural Analysis IV Chapter 1 – Course Introduction

1.1.2 Course Aims

Given the background just discussed, the general aims of this course are to provide
students with:
• An improved understanding and intuition of structural behaviour;
• An ability to properly model structures and to check output by hand;
• Knowledge of different types of structures and their behaviour.

3 Dr. C. Caprani
Structural Analysis IV Chapter 1 – Course Introduction

1.1.3 Programme

This course is taught in Semester 1 only. It is taught as follows:

• 3 hours lectures per week;

• 2 hours of computer laboratory every two weeks.

We asses your performance on this course as follows:

• Submission of laboratory work - 20% of the marks;

• A 3-hour end-of-semester examination - 80% of the marks.

In the unlikely event of changes to the above arrangements, the changes will be
notified to you well in advance of their implementation by your lecturer.

4 Dr. C. Caprani
Structural Analysis IV Chapter 1 – Course Introduction

1.1.4 Reading Material

Reading about projects and new techniques will be a major part of your engineering
career (CPD). You should read as many different versions or explanations of the
same topic or material as you can. This way it is more likely that you will find a
means of explanation that works best for you.

Some good sources for this course are:

General Understanding of Structural Behaviour

• Brohn, D., Understanding Structural Analysis, 4th Edn., New Paradigm
Solutions, 2005.
• Heyman, J., Basic Structural Theory, Cambridge University Press, 2008.
• Jennings, A., Structures: from theory to practice, Spon Press, 2004.
• Ji, T., and Bell, A., Seeing and Touching Structural Concepts, Taylor & Francis,
• Williams, M.S., and Todd, J.D., Structures: theory & Analysis, Macmillan,

General Structural Analysis

• Coates, R.C., Coutie, M.G., and Kong, F.K., Structural Analysis, 3rd Edn.,
Chapman & Hall, 1987.
• Ghali, A., Neville, A., Brown, T.G., Structural Analysis: A Unified Classical
and Matrix Approach, 5th Edn., Taylor & Francis, 2003.
• McKenzie, W.M.C., Examples in Structural Analysis, Taylor and Francis,
Abington, 2006.

5 Dr. C. Caprani
Structural Analysis IV Chapter 1 – Course Introduction

Books for Specific Topics

• Charlton, T.M., Analysis of Statically Indeterminate Frameworks, Longmans,
• Charlton, T.M., Energy Principles in Theory of Structures, Oxford University
Press, 1973.
• Davies, G.A.O., Virtual Work in Structural Analysis, John Wiley & Sons, 1982.
• Dym, C.L., Structural Modeling and Analysis, Cambridge University Press,
• Guarracino, F. and Walker, A., Energy Methods in Structural Mechanics,
Thomas Telford, 1999.
• Heyman, J., Beams and Framed Structures, 2nd Edn., Pergamon Press, 1974.
• Heyman, J., Elements of the Theory of Structures, Cambridge University Press,
• Hodge, P.G., Plastic Analysis of Structures, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1959.
• Kong, F.K., Prentis, J.M. and Charlton, T.M., ‘Principle of virtual work for a
general deformable body – a simple proof’, The Structural Engineer, Vol. 61A,
No. 6, 1983.
• Neal, B.G., Structural Theorems and their Applications, Pergamon Press, 1964.
• Rees, D.W.A., Mechanics of Solids and Structures, Imperial College Press,
London, 2000.
• Thompson, F., and Haywood, G.G., Structural Analysis Using Virtual Work,
Chapman and Hall, 1986.

6 Dr. C. Caprani
Structural Analysis IV Chapter 1 – Course Introduction

Structural Dynamics
• Beards, C.F., Structural Vibration Analysis: modelling, analysis and damping of
vibrating structures, Ellis Horwood, Chichester, England, 1983.
• Bhatt, P., Structures, Longman, Harlow, England, 1999.
• Case, J., Chilver, A.H. and Ross, C.T.F., Strength of Materials and Structures,
4th edn., Arnold, London, 1999.
• Clough, R.W. and Penzien, J., Dynamics of Structures, 2nd edn., McGraw-Hill,
New York, 1993.
• Craig, R.R. and Kurdila, A.J., Fundamentals of Structural Dynamics, 2nd End.,
Wiley, New York, 2006.
• Irvine, M., Structural Dynamics for the Practising Engineer, Allen & Unwin,
London, 1986.
• Kreyszig, E., Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 7th edn., Wiley, 1993.
• Smith, J.W., Vibration of Structures – Applications in civil engineering design,
Chapman and Hall, London, 1988.

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Structural Analysis IV Chapter 1 – Course Introduction

1.1.5 Website
The course will be supported through the lecturer’s website: – go to the Structural Engineering section of the site.

On the site there are two main resources:

• Lecture notes: most of the lecture notes will be available in PDF format for
download from the website. Class handouts will still be the main source of
• Discussion Forum: to facilitate students studying on their own, or maybe when
home for the weekend, there is a forum through which you can liaise with
others. Feel free to ask questions and to answer them. Though the forum will be
facilitated by your lecturer, there is no guarantee that a question will receive an
answer. This is primarily a way to encourage student-to-student remote learning.

Some other resources that may prove useful will be links to sites with good material
and the provision of some software (with absolutely no guarantees!).

The website support for the course is only meant to help, so please:
• Do not abuse either the facility or the facilitator!
• Try to use the site to best help you and your friends.
• Suggest ways to improve the usefulness of the website.
• Do not post inappropriate comment/content – your site access will be removed,
with more serious consequences also possible.

You are required to register for the forum – only registrations in your own name
will be approved. You can change your display name later on.

8 Dr. C. Caprani
Structural Analysis IV Chapter 1 – Course Introduction

1.2 Syllabus

1.2.1 Semester 1 Only

The topics to be covered in the lectures are as follows:

Virtual Work (Compound Structures)

A Virtual Work analysis is used for structures whose members undergo a
combination of stress resultants, most notably bending and axial force.

Virtual Work (Arches)

Here we use Virtual Work to analyse moments/shears and axial forces in parabolic
and semi-circular arches.

Matrix Stiffness Method

This topic provides an introduction to the basis of modern structural analysis
software. This is a particular case of finite element analysis.

Influence Line Analysis

These are used to determine design loads for members in structures subjected to
moving loads (e.g. bridges) or for repeated analysis of a structure under various
loading scenarios.

Structural Dynamics
This topic covers exact and approximate methods of determining the motion of
structures under dynamic loading situations.

9 Dr. C. Caprani
Structural Analysis IV Chapter 1 – Course Introduction

1.3 Assessment

1.3.1 Examination
The examination will be held at the end of Semester 1. The format is:

There will be 5 questions and you are to answer 4.

Each question is worth 25%.

The exam is 3 hours in duration.

The questions will examine a topic or topics from the lectures. Further information
will be given.

Exam Handout
A handout will be attached to the paper in each exam with relevant information and
formulae. A copy of this will be given to you during Semester 1.

Note: in the event of any changes to these arrangements, they will be notified to you
well in advance.

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Structural Analysis IV Chapter 1 – Course Introduction

1.3.2 Continuous Assessment

Continuous Assessment is primarily carried out through laboratory work. These labs
are not the same as traditional labs you may have already done. You will be given
tasks, with a schedule of dates for delivering various aspects of the problem to ensure
an even distribution of workload. You will be given access to the lab to facilitate your
work, not only at scheduled lab times. We hope that this will improve your prospects
to self-direct your learning.

11 Dr. C. Caprani

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