ANPQP Ver 3.0
ANPQP Ver 3.0
ANPQP Ver 3.0
ExplanationoftheMatrix ProjectMilestones
Co mple te d o cu ment Su bmi t d ocu men t Ob tain a p pro val
1 Must Must Must
(1) If Renault/Nissan requests If Renault/Nissan requests If Renault/Nissan requests
2 Must Must N/A
(2) IfRenault/Nissan requests If Renault/Nissan requests N/A
3 Must If Renault/Nissanrequests N/A ISO/TS
Document submission timing 16949
1.1 Product and Process Concept Product and Process Concept Proposal
DCI 2 2 2
Study (PPCP) 1/4
Change List (CL) DCI (2) 2 (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2)
DRBFM Work Sheet DCI (2) 2 (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) 7.1-7.5,
HCPP Renault DCI (2) 2 2
5.2 Manufacturing Process DesignProcess Flow Chart (PFC) DCI (2) (2) (2) 3 22222
5.3 Tooling, Gauges and Facility Gauge Specification and Approval Sheet 7.2-7.6,
DCI 3 2 2 3 1 1 8.5
Management (GSAS)
6.1 Design Verification and Supplier Test Plan and Report (STPR) DCI 222 222
7.3 3/4
31/10/2016 ANPQP_index
Product/Process Validation
Inspection Report (IR) DCI (2) (2) (2) 22222 2
7.1 Production Part Approval Part Submission Warrant (PSW) DCI 1 1 1 7.3, 7.5
9.1 Design Change Management Design ChangeRequest (DCR) DCI (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1)
9.2 Process/Facility Site Change Process/Facility Site Change Request 8.5
DCI (1) (1) (1)
Management (PFCR)
10.1 Logistics and Packaging Logistics and Packaging Data Sheet (LPDS) DCI 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 7.4, 7.5 4/4
Category Purpose:
To prompt the study of the Request for Quotation (RFQ) files received from Renault-Nissan and identify the technical
aspects of the program.
Element Activity:
1.1 Product & Process Concept Study
1.2 Product Quality and Reliability Management
Activity Purpose:
To demonstrate that the product and process proposal will achieve the Renault-Nissan targets.
The Product & Process Concept Proposal should be part of the detailed response to the Renault-Nissan provided Request for
Quotation (RFQ) package.
The supplier shall conduct a contract review including all technical aspects of the RFQ package.
Phase 1 2 3 4 5
Activi ty Study and develop a Product & Process
Content Concept proposal which achieves all
targets requested by Renault- Nissan.
Output Product and Process Concept Proposal
All ian ce New Pro duc t Q ua lit y P ro ced ure (AN PQP )
Printed versions of this document are not controlled by the version managemen t system.
Product & Process Concept Proposal (PPCP)
Key Point(s):
The Product & Process Concept Proposal is a part of the technical response to the Request for Quotation (RFQ) file.
Activity Purpose:
To prepare and implement a plan to achieve all the product quality and reliability targets agreed with Renault-Nissan.
The Product Quality T arget Study Plan and Product Reliability T arget Study Plan shall be part of t he detailed response to the Renault-
Nissan issued the Request for Quotation (RFQ) package.
Implement the plan and deploy the quality and reliability target agreed with Renault-Nissan into the product and process design.
Phase 1 2 3 4 5
Activity Compare the target Implement the plan and report t he progress to the relevant
Content set by Renault-Nissan department.
Renault-Nissan with
the performance.
(gap analysis)
Prepare a plan to
Key Point(s):
The Product Qual ity Target Study Plan is the document that describes how the supplier wi ll achieve the qu ality target agreed with
Renault-Nissan . (This will be requested through Request for Quotation (RFQ) or r elevant document)
Key Point(s):
The Product Reliability Target Study Plan is the document that describes howthe supplier will achieve the reliability target agreed w ith the
Renault-Nissan (which will be requested through Request for Quotation (RFQ) or relevant document).
The reliability requirement isdefined in the supplier specification asa proportion of failuresat a mileage term in RFQ if applicable.
Category Purpose:
Identify and manage the supply chain (including the deployment of Alliance New Product Quality Procedure (ANPQP) activities to all the
Element Activity:
Activity Purpose:
The suppliers shall have a system for new sub-suppliers selection and current performance evaluation (Criteria for selection,
evaluation and re-evaluation).
All purchased products or materials used in product shall conform to the applicable regulatory/Renault-Nis san requirements. Supplier
is responsible for cascading all requirements to their sub-suppliers to ensure that all Renault-Nissan specifications and targets are
met and sustained throughout the life of the product.
The suppliers shall be responsible for the management and approval of the product quality and the associated document (e.g. Part
Submission Warrant (PSW) and equivalent documents) for all sub-supplier's (including those specified by Renault-Nissan) unless
otherwise agreed in the Request for Quotation (RFQ).
No sub-supplier changes are allowed in Phase 4, unless otherwise agreed by Renault-Nissan.
Phase 1 2 3 4 5
Activity Select the potential Submit the CSCC Update the CSCC Submit the CSCC Update the CSCC
Content sub-suppliers and document based on whenever there are document after document whenever
make a draft the result of product any changes to the identification of all there are changes to
document of feasibility study. sub-suppliers. the sub-suppliers the sub-suppliers
Component Supply before the start of and re submit.
Chain Chart (CSCC). mass production.
Validate and
approve the
sub-supplier PSW or
equivalent before
start mass
production and
Alliance New Product Quality Procedure (ANPQP)
Printed versions of this document are not controlled by the version management system.
submit it if requested
by Renault-Nissan.
Output Component Supply Chain Chart (CSCC)
Document Sub-Supplier Part Submission Warrant (PSW) or equivalent
7.3 Design and development (e.g. 7.3.6 Design and development validation)
8.2 Purchasing
Monitoring and measurement (e.g. 8.2.4 Monitoring and measurement of product)
Key Point(s):
The Component Supply Chain Chart (CSCC) is a chart which visualizesthe structure of the component supply chain to reinforce the sub supplier
The CSCC shall cover all tiers of the supply chain down to raw material level (including grease, sealant, solde r, etc .).
The docu ment shall includ e details of the supplier names, plant locations, develop ment experienc e and re sponsibility .
Special Characteris tics shall be identified at eac h tier usi ng the app ropriate sy mbols (Refer to the “4 .5 Special C haracteristics
Key Fe atures (as required) should be iden tified at each tier.
R / N Project: Nis s an Imp o rt ant Part Ren ault - CSR S 1 Doc. Ref. No./Ver.: N-CSCC417 Iss. 2
X65K Doc Rev. Date: 2011/3/2
R Doc. Origin Date: 2011/3/4
Supplier Name: AAA Industry Co. Supplier Code: 1F86 E-mail:
Plant: Nanjing Author: M Ince Tel: +86 458 745615
Part Name: Pedal Compl - Brake w/brkt Remark:
Part No. & Issue Level: 18002 JR458
Design Note No. / DEVO: T0F587
*= Additional detail may be requested dependin on project and customer
SupplierFeature ManufacturingFeature experience of the
Product Tier N supplier
Business *
Feature ty (Where the
Plant/Proc Method / lii r
Product Structure Manufacturing Plant Experienc b e
supplier has
ess/Line technology i li
e d s p development
r e n
e fii o p
li c r1 p u
s e
Location p e r r e s c r
p p e e i e
r N n e l
u s li li T ie r e
s r t r r u
t d
n p p n ie e c
Supplier N a p p of e o
s u u T p fa m
r s s s y m x
Name e i it p e
h e
i * N e * e * d * o
l t t c *
Plant Name T tl/ th th o f n a i
e o e m h
e u r r m v e
1 Tier
2 Tier
3 Tier
4 Tier 5…N Country State,Cit y th a o f o f m e m le v
r n o D p c
e w w c lo i d
fo R e e e h
w N N w v
e e V
e N D
PEDAL COMPL - AAA Industry Nanjing Plant China Chuzhou Y Y Y Y X64K
RJ Stampings Wuhan Plant China Xiaogan N
RJ Stampings Wuhan Plant China Xiaogan N
Raw Material CA Steel India Chennai Y Y N
RJ Stampings Mumbai Plant Inda Mumbai N
Raw Material CA Steel India Chennai Y Y N
AAA Industry Nanjing Plant China Chuzhou Y Y Y Y X64K
Raw Material CA Steel India Chennai Y Y N
AAA Industry Nanjing Plant China Chuzhou Y Y Y Y X64K
AAA Industry Nanjing Plant China Chuzhou Y Y N
AAA Industry Nanjing Plant China Chuzhou Y Y N
Raw Material CA Steel India Chennai Y Y N
AAA Industry Nanjing Plant China Chuzhou Y Y N
Raw Material CA Steel India Chennai Y Y N
Raw Material NT Limited Wales Swansea N
AAA Industry Nanjing Plant China Chuzhou Y Y N
Raw Material CA Steel India Chennai Y Y N
Raw Material NT Limited Wales Swansea N
Raw Material CA Steel India Chennai Y Y N
Raw Material Bursa Plant Turkey Gemlik N
SeoulPlant Korea Seoul Y N
(2pcs) Components
GREASE Atsugi Plant Japan Atsugi N
RJ Stampings Mumbai Plant Inda Mumbai N
Raw Material CA Steel India Chennai Y Y N
SeoulPlant Korea Seoul Y N
PEDAL Components
Rolled Sheet Rollem Up France Bourges N
Raw Material NT Limited Wales Swansea N
SeoulPlant Korea Seoul Y N
Guadalajara Santa
PIN - FULCRUM Pins Co Mexico N
Plant Maria
Rolled Sheet Rollem Up France Bourges N
Raw Material NT Limited Wales Swansea N
GREASE Atsugi Plant Japan Atsugi N
SeoulPlant Korea Seoul Y N
Key Point(s):
The Sub-supplier Part Submission Warrant (PSW) or equivalent is a document that affirms to the tier 1 supplier the ability of his sub-supplier to
deliver components, which finally allow the final product to meet Renault-Nissan requirements.
Category Purpose:
Identify the requirements, risksand timing associated with managing a project through all phases of Alliance New ProductQuality Procedure
Element Activity:
Activity Purpose:
Each supplier shall be required to nominate at least one Supplier ANPQP Representative (SAR)for their organization. This personwill be
responsible for ensuring that the requirements of ANPQP are deployed through each related function in their organization. As a result, the
nominated SAR(s) shall have sufficient responsibility and authority within their company to successfully undertake these responsibilities.
Phase 1 2 3 4 5
Activity Select a team leader to Update and resubmit the Supplier Contact Directory when necessary
Content supervise the planned
development process.
Select a project team and
Output Supplier Contact Directory
Key Point(s):
The Supplier Contact Directory is the document which gives the contact details of the multi-function team members named by the Supplier's Senior
Management. It demonstrates that all the necessary resources to achieve the Renault-Nissan targets are in place.
The Supplier Contact Directory has three pages and covers;
Head Office
Project Team
Manufacturing Plant
The Supplier Contact Directory shall be provided at the start of a project. A re-submission of the document is required every time any of the
information changes.
The supplier shall add all useful contacts to this format.
Annual Holidays:
Postcode: 65482 Supplier to: From To Duration
No: 00 56 845 54 45 54 Summer
Shutdown: 2012/7/23 2012/8/6 10
Fax No: 00 56 845 56 56 56 Winter Shutdown: 2012/12/23 2013/1/2 7
EDI Number: ABC11111 Nissan
Other Shutdown: - - -
Job Title: Fax:
Job Title: Fax:
Job Title:
by: I Mayne-Mann Signature: MIMAyne
Annual Holidays:
Postcode: 65482 Supplier to: From To Duration
Tel No: 00 56 845 54 45 54 Renault
Summer Shutdown: 2012/7/23 2012/8/6 10
Fax No: 00 56 845 56 56 56 Winter Shutdown: 2012/12/23 2013/1/2 7
EDI Number: ABC11111 Nissan
Other Shutdown: - - -
Patterns: Pay
Shift: From: To: 3rd
Rep. Start End Frequency
DayMon-Thurs 8:15 17:30 AUEW July October 2 yrs
Fri 8:15 15:00 ASTMS June September 2 yrs
NightMon-Thurs 20:30 7:30
ANPQP Document Contact Lab / Trials Contact Safety and Regulation Contact
Name: Ch Kleen Name: B Note Name: N Sinc
Telephone: 00 56 845 54 45 34 Telephone: 00 56 845 54 45 30 Telephone: 00 56 845 54 45 57
Mobile: 00 56 768 60 33 21 Mobile: 00 56 768 60 33 20 Mobile: 00 56 768 60 60 67
E-mail: E-mail: E-mail:
Fax: 00 56 845 56 56 56 Fax: 00 56 845 56 56 56 Fax: 00 56 845 56 56 56
Job Title: ANPQP Facilitator Job Title: Testing Facilities Leader Job Title: Design Manager
by: I Mayne-Mann Signature: MIMAyne
Annual Holidays:
Postcode: 65482 Supplier to: From To Duration
No: 00 56 845 54 45 54 Renault
Shutdown: 2012/7/23 2012/8/6 10
Fax No: 00 56 845 56 56 56 Winter Shutdown: 2012/12/23 2013/1/2 7
EDI Number: ABC11111 Nissan
Other Shutdown: - - -
Patterns: Pay
Shift: From: To: 3rd
Rep. Start End Frequency
DayMon-Thurs 8:15 17:30 AUEW July October 2 yrs
Fri 8:15 15:00 ASTMS June September 2 yrs
NightMon-Thurs 20:30 7:30
Manufacturing Quality Manager Manufacturing Quality Contact Manufacturing Quality Contact 24h
Name: J Jung Name: F March Name: F March
Telephone: 00 56 845 45 58 88 Telephone: 00 56 845 45 58 89 Telephone: 00 56 845 45 58 89
Mobile: 00 56 768 06 05 04 Mobile: 00 56 768 06 05 00 Mobile: 00 56 768 06 05 00
E-mail: E-mail: E-mail:
Fax: 00 56 845 56 56 56 Fax: 00 56 845 56 56 56 Fax: 00 56 845 56 56 56
Job Title: Manufact. Quality Senior Manager Job Title: Manufact. Quality Team Leader Job Title: Manufact. Quality Team Leader
by: M Manf Signature: MMNF
Activity Purpose:
Plan the project activities in line with Renault-Nissan milestones and monitor the progress.
The tier 1 supplier shall deploy all Project Planning and Production Preparation Monitoring requirements to all sub-suppliers (including in-house
There are several sheets on Production Capacity Plan (PCP) format file and the tier 1 supplier shall submit the Cover Sheet in Phase 2. The other
sheets shall be prepared and submitted upon Renault-Nissan requirement.
Phase 1 2 3 4 5
Activity Plan and monitorthe required ANPQP activities.
Content Ensure targets for each activity and milestones are included in the plans.
Key Point(s):
Author The name of the person who created / revised the document.
E-m ail The E-mail address of the person who created / revised the document.
Tel No The telephone number of the person who created / revised the document.
Part Name The part name or description as identified on the product drawing.
Alliance New Product Quality Procedure (ANPQP)
Printed versions of this document are not controlled by the version management system.
Part No. & Issue Lev el As issued by Renault/Nissan design department.
Des ign Note No. / DEV O The latest design note number that applies to the product being developed / manufactured.
Glo bal Par t Mark this box if the part is defined as a global supply part. Ask your contact if in doubt.
RKD Par t Mark this box if the part is RKD (Reverse Knock Down), which is delivered from overseas.
Trial (x5) These five boxes should designate the trials for which parts will be required.
In case of the part to be delivered to ILN (International Logistic Network), delivery date for ILN to
ILN Delivery Date (if applicable)
be shown.
Qua ntity (x5 ) These five boxes are to show the quantity of parts for each specified trial.
Plant SOP Date (Re nau lt/Nissan ) This is the date that production will commence at the relevant Renault/Nissan plant.
This figure represents the annual volume assuming that the maximum monthly requirement for
the year was required in every month.
Planned Maximum Annualized Production
E.g. annual volume could be 350,000 units, but with a peak monthly requirement of 35,000 units,
the maximum annualized production volume would be 411,250 units (based on 20 days /month
and 235 days/ year).
Identify year and months that the timing plan covers. Timing for each element should be shown
Time Scale using a time-scale in months (maximum) to cover the whole of the project life and with reference
to the standard set of symbols.
Enter the Renault/Nissan project milestone names.
Item examples to be planned timing for:
Trial and SOP (Start Of Produc tion) of Re nault/Nissan
Project Milestones
Project kick-o ff meeting held by Renault/Nissan
Delivery of trial pa rts to Renault/Nissan
Design data freeze and release
Timing for testing as identified on Supplier Test Reports and Design Assurance Plan from
Specification T enders /NDS and Renault/Nissan Design meetings.
Note: Open test issues should be reported at all Renault/Nissan review meetings. If open
items remain unresolved by the first Renault/Nissan production trial Material Receiving
Date (MRD) timing, concessions must be formally requested.
Item examples to be planned timing for:
Study of pro duct quality and product reliability target
Study of test items to be implemented
Decision of place for testing and tes t equipment
Order and receipt of off-tool par ts
Test of off-too l parts
Order and receipt of off-process parts
Test of off-pro cess parts
Result review meeting of o ff-tool and off-process p arts test
Describe the preparation schedule for the completion of the design, manufacture,
Describe the preparation schedule for the completion of the design, manufacture and
inspection & buy off for all gauges including additional gauges.
Specify the product location of gauge (supplier name and country name).
Item examples to be planned timing for:
Production Gauging Preparation of gauge list based o n BOM
Gauge DR
Selection and decision of gauge maker
Preparation of gauge spec ification sheet and gauge drawi ng
Submission of gauge specification s heet
Timing for deployment of all Design and Process Failure & Effects Analysis items into the
development of the pre-production and production control plans and submission /
approval of document. Renault/Nissan requirement items are as per the DCI for this
Control Plan document. Item examples to be planned timing f or:
Preparation of pre-production and production con trol plan
Verification and modification of pre-produc tion and produ ction control plan
Submission o f pre-produc tion and production control plan
Overview timing for proposed shop floor layout / process flow . Renault/Nissan
requirement items are as per the DCI f or this document. Timing details should show
schedule from Process design through to document completion. Ensure historical
Floor Plan Layout/ Process Flowchart
concerns are reviewed and countermeasures built into the activities
Item examples to be planned timing for:
Process design
Timing for study plan, evaluation and submission of capability data from off tool
throughout supplier internal trials, concluding with data submission to Renault/Nissan.
Note: Renault/Nissan may ask for development capability data for specific parts and
Capability Study projects. Item examples to be planned t iming for:
Preparation and sub mission of proces s capability s tudy plan
Evaluation of proc ess capability
Submission of proc ess capability result
Timing from start to finish of each internal supplier trial build, any reiteration/ feedback
activities and trial builds that are supporting submission of parts to Renault/Nissan. Note:
Parts Manufacture & Submission Suppliers should liaise with Renault/Nissan to confirm Body / Vehic le MRD requirements
and timings. Item examples to be planned timing for:
Bill of Material (BOM) preparation
N / R Nissa nIm por t a ntPa r t R e na ult-C SR S / No.
Ver.: Ref.
Doc 1 ABC-010-8/Ver. 9
X46 Doc. Rev. Date:
Doc. Origin Date: Dec 1st 2010
Supplier Name: ABC Corporation Ltd. Supplier Code: A010 E-mail:
Supplier Plant: Atsugi-Plant Author: Taro Nissan Tel: +81-(0)46-270-1894
Part Name: DVC Compl - Auto Trans Cont Remark
Part No. & Issue Level: 34901 XXXXX
Design Note No. / DEVO: T04587
Vehicle Trial Production Delivery Delivery Delivery Delivery Delivery Annuale Production
Trial Qty Trial Qty Trial Qty Trial Qty Trial Qty SOP Date Volume Max.
Requirements Date Date Date Date Date
(Forcast information) PT Lot 2011/8/18 50 PT Lot 2 2011/10/20 100 2011/12/19 120,000
N / R Nissa nIm por t a ntPa r t R e na ult-C SR S / No.
Ver.: Ref.
Doc 1 ABC-010-8/Ver. 9
X46 Doc. Rev. Date:
Doc. Origin Date: Dec 1st 2010
Supplier Name: ABC Corporation Ltd. Supplier Code: A010 E-mail:
Supplier Plant: Atsugi-Plant Author: Taro Nissan Tel: +81-(0)46-270-1894
Part Name: DVC Compl - Auto Trans Cont Remark
Part No. & Issue Level: 34901 XXXXX
Design Note No. / DEVO: T04587
Vehicle Trial Production Delivery Delivery Delivery Delivery Delivery Annuale Production
Trial Qty Trial Qty Trial Qty Trial Qty Trial Qty SOP Date Volume Max.
Requirements Date Date Date Date Date
(Forcast information) PT Lot 2011/8/18 50 PT Lot 2 2011/10/20 100 2011/12/19 120,000
R / N Project: N is s a nIm por t a ntP a r t R e na ul t-C S R S 1 Doc Ref. No. / Ver.: ABC-010-8/Ver. 9
X46 Doc. Rev. Date:
Doc. Origin Date: Dec 1st 2010
Supplier Name: ABC Corporation Ltd. Supplier Code: A010 E-mail:
Supplier Plant: Atsugi-Plant Author: Taro Nissan Tel: +81-(0)46-270-1894
Part Name: DVC Compl - Auto Trans Cont Remark
Part No. & Issue Level: 34901 XXXXX
Design Note No. / DEVO: T04587
N / R N is s a nIm por t a ntP a r t R e na ul t-C S R Ver.:S / No.
Doc 1 ABC-010-8/Ver. 9
X46 Doc. Rev. Date:
Doc. Origin Date: Dec 1st 2010
Supplier Name: ABC Corporation Ltd. Supplier Code: A010 E-mail:
Supplier Plant: Atsugi-Plant Author: Taro Nissan Tel: +81-(0)46-270-1894
Part Name: DVC Compl - Auto Trans Cont Remark
Part No. & Issue Level: 34901 XXXXX
Design Note No. / DEVO: T04587
Vehicle Trial Production Delivery Delivery Delivery Delivery Delivery Annuale Production
Trial Qty Trial Qty Trial Qty Trial Qty Trial Qty SOPDate
Requirements Date Date Date Date Date Volume Max.
(Forcast information) PT Lot 2011/8/18 50 PT Lot 2 2011/10/20 100 2011/12/19 120,000
Key Point(s):
The Supplier Produ ction Preparation Monitoring Plan / Status Repo rt is a doc ument that is used to establish the targets for the 4M
(Man, Material, Machine, Method) at each stage of the project and to report the achievement of these targets at each milestone.
% of Personnel at Full
Indicate the above plan as a percentage of the personnel required at full volume condition
Volume Condition
% of Process Capability
Indicate the above plan as a percentage of features shown on the Process Capability Study Plan.
Study Plan
Indicate the actual number of features, as shown on the Process Capability Study Plan, that were capable at
each milestone
% of Components Indicate the above plan as a percentage of the total number of sub-components to be fully approved before
Approved by SOP SOP
Approval of
Sub-components Achievement Indicatethe actualnumberof sub-componentsfully approvedat each milestone
% of PlannedTarget Indicatethe aboveachievementas a percentageof the plannedtarget
% of SOP Target Indicatethe aboveachievementas a percentageof the SOP target
PlannedTarget Indicatethe plannednumberof partswith grainingapprovalat each milestone.
% of SOP Target Indicatethe aboveplan as a percentageof the total numberrequiredfor SOP.
Part Graining Achievement Indicatethe actualnumberof partswith grainingapprovalat each milestone
% of PlannedTarget Indicatethe aboveachievementas a percentageof the plannedtarget
Project Milestones
oduction Preparation Influencing Factors (All numbers below are cumulative number Comments
Planned Target 0 2 2 2
% of Personnel at Full Volume Condition 0% 100% 100% 100%
Manning Number of
Requirement Personnel
% of Planned Target
A % of FullTarget
Planned Volume Condition 0 1 2 2
Number of % of Personnel at Full Volume Condition 0% 50% 100% 100%
Skill Level Achievement
Personnel Fully
% of Planned Target
% of Full Volume Condition
Planned Target 2 8 8 8
% of Supplier Test Plan 25% 100% 100% 100%
Test Number of Tests
Achievement Passed
% of Planned Target
% of SOP Target
Planned Target 0 5 5 5
% of Process Capability Study Plan 0% 100% 100% 100%
Process Number of
Capability Features Capable
% of Planned Target
% of SOP Target
Planned Target - 92% 98% 98%
Straight % of SOP Target - 94% 100% 100%
% of Product
Through Achievement
Straight Through
M Ratio % of Planned Target
% of SOP Target
Planned Target - 94% 98% 100%
% of SOP Target - 94% 98% 100%
E % of OK Product
OK Ratio Achievement
R (Including Rework)
% of Planned Target
% of SOP Target
Planned Target 0 1 1 1
E L Approval of Number of Sub- % of Components approved by SOP 0% 100% 100% 100%
Y Sub- components fully Achievement
components approved % of Planned Target
M % of SOP Target
E Planned Target 0 1 1 1
A Number of % of SOP Target 0% 100% 100% 100%
S Part Graining Components with Achievement
U Graining Approval % of Planned Target
R % of SOP Target
A Planned Target 0 2 2 2
Number of
B Part Marking % of SOP Target 0% 100% 100% 100%
Components with
L for Mass Achievement
Mass Production
E Production % of Planned Target
S % of SOP Target
Planned Target 2 2 2 2
Production Number of % Planned at Full Volume Condition 100% 100% 100% 100%
Tooling Production Tools Achievement
Completion Complete % of Planned Target
% of Full Volume Condition
Planned Target 2 2 2 2
M Production % Planned at Full Volume Condition 100% 100% 100% 100%
Number of Gauges
Gauging Achievement
A Complete
Completion % of Planned Target
% of Full Volume Condition
Planned Target 0 2 2 2
I Number of
Facilities % Planned at Full Volume Condition 0% 100% 100% 100%
N Facilities
Commission Achievement
E Commissioned in
ed % of Planned Target
Final Location
% of Full Volume Condition
Planned Target - 0.15 0.15 0.15
Production % Planned at Full Volume Condition - 100% 100% 100%
Cycle Time
Cycle Time Achievement
Achievement % of Planned Target
% of Full Volume Condition
Planned Target 5 10 50 100
Quantity of % Planned at Full Volume Condition 5% 10% 50% 100%
M Packaging
Packaging Achievement
E Available % of Planned Target
T % of SOP Target
H Planned Target 1 1 2 2
O Number of Work % of SOP Target 50% 50% 100% 100%
D Instructions Achievement
Complete % of Planned Target
% of Full Volume Condition
Average Score
Project Milestones
oduction Preparation Influencing Factors (All numbers below are cumulative number Comments
Planned Target 0 2 2 2
% of Personnel at Full Volume Condition 0% 100% 100% 100%
Manning Number of
Achievement 0 1 Person not in place, starts wk 10
Requirement Personnel
% of Planned Target 100% 50%
A % of FullTarget
Planned Volume Condition 0%
0 50%
1 2 2
Number of % of Personnel at Full Volume Condition 0% 50% 100% 100%
Skill Level Achievement
Personnel Fully 0 1
% of Planned Target 100% 100%
% of Full Volume Condition 0% 50%
Planned Target 2 8 8 8
% of Supplier Test Plan 25% 100% 100% 100%
Test Number of Tests
Achievement 2 6 Re-testing, results wk 15
Achievement Passed
% of Planned Target 100% 75%
% of SOP Target 25% 75%
Planned Target 0 5 5 5
% of Process Capability Study Plan 0% 100% 100% 100%
Process Number of Tool modification pending,
Achievement 0 4
Capability Features Capable Completion wk 14
% of Planned Target 100% 80%
% of SOP Target 0% 80%
Planned Target - 92% 98% 98%
Straight % of SOP Target - 94% 100% 100%
% of Product
Through Achievement - 90%
Straight Through
M Ratio % of Planned Target - 98%
% of SOP Target - 92%
Planned Target - 94% 98% 100%
% of SOP Target - 94% 98% 100%
E % of OK Product
OK Ratio Achievement - 93%
R (Including Rework)
% of Planned Target - 99%
% of SOP Target - 93%
Planned Target 0 1 1 1
E L Approval of Number of Sub- % of Components approved by SOP 0% 100% 100% 100%
Y Sub- components fully Achievement 0 1
components approved % of Planned Target 100% 100%
M % of SOP Target 0% 100%
E Planned Target 0 1 1 1
A Number of % of SOP Target 0% 100% 100% 100%
Awaiting judgement by
S Part Graining Components with Achievement 0 0
U Graining Approval % of Planned Target 100% 0%
R % of SOP Target 0% 0%
A Planned Target 0 2 2 2
Number of
B Part Marking % of SOP Target 0% 100% 100% 100%
Components with
L for Mass Achievement 0 2
Mass Production
E Production % of Planned Target 100% 100%
S % of SOP Target 0% 100%
Planned Target 2 2 2 2
Production Number of % Planned at Full Volume Condition 100% 100% 100% 100%
Tooling Production Tools Achievement 2 2
Completion Complete % of Planned Target 100% 100%
% of Full Volume Condition 100% 100%
Planned Target 2 2 2 2
M Production % Planned at Full Volume Condition 100% 100% 100% 100%
Number of Gauges
Gauging Achievement 2 2
A Complete
Completion % of Planned Target 100% 100%
% of Full Volume Condition 100% 100%
Planned Target 0 2 2 2
I Number of
Facilities % Planned at Full Volume Condition 0% 100% 100% 100%
N Facilities
Commission Achievement 0 2
E Commissioned in
ed % of Planned Target 100% 100%
Final Location
% of Full Volume Condition 0% 100%
Planned Target - 0.15 0.15 0.15
Production % Planned at Full Volume Condition - 100% 100% 100%
Cycle Time Cycle time to be reduced by
Cycle Time Achievement - 0.25
Achievement including 3rd operator
Achievement % of Planned Target - 60%
% of Full Volume Condition - 60%
Planned Target 5 10 50 100
Quantity of % Planned at Full Volume Condition 5% 10% 50% 100%
M Packaging
Packaging Achievement 5 10
E Available % of Planned Target 100% 100%
T % of SOP Target 5% 10%
H Planned Target 1 1 2 2
O Number of Work % of SOP Target 50% 50% 100% 100%
D Instructions Achievement 1 1
Complete % of Planned Target 100% 100%
% of Full Volume Condition 50% 50%
Average Score 100% 84%
Key Point(s):
The Production CapacityPlan (PCP) is intended to confirm that the production capacityto support Renault / Nissan requirements will be available
and not constrained by the mix of product required.
The time for any required tooling changeover for manufacture of different products in
Changeover times
the facility, quoted as a time per changeover.
Changeoverfrequency The frequencyof any requiredtoolingchanges
% facilityavailability Thesepercentagesare for the facilityavailabletime for each of the categories
Tool life expectancy Life of the toolinguntilrefurbishmentor replacementwill becomenecessary
Overall efficiency level expected from the product manufacturing facility during its total
Efficiency levels
working time.
Detailswhen applicable: Numberof personnel Numberof staff requiredto operatethe productmanufacturingfacility.
Alliance New Product Quality Procedure (ANPQP)
Printed versions of this document are not controlled by the version management system.
Percentage of expected non-conforming material to be generated during the
Scrap rates manufacturing process. (Percentage of expected nonconforming material to be
generated during the manufacturing process.)
Are there any constraints in the manufacturing process caused by the variant mix/
product diversity?
Variant mix constraints
If yes, input ‘Yes’ on the form and attach a detailed explanation.
If no, input ‘No’.
Changeover times The time for any required tooling changeover for manufacture of different products in
the facility, quoted as a time per changeover.
Changeoverfrequency The frequencyof any requiredtoolingchanges
% facilityavailability Thesepercentagesare for the facilityavailabletime for each of the categories
Percentage of facility Tool life expectancy Life of the toolinguntilrefurbishmentor replacementwill becomenecessary
available: Overall efficiency level expected from the product manufacturing facility during its total
Efficiency levels
working time.
AnnualCapacity JPH The numberof the productsmanufacturedin 1 hour.
CompletedBy Supplierpersonresponsiblefor capacityplanning
Signed Signatureof above
Review Box: Date Date completed
ReviewFrequency Detailthe frequencythat capacityis reviewed.
Next ReviewDate Date of next formalcapacityreview.
Item CompletionInstructions
Nominal cycle time including periodic operations included in standard (ex: boxes carrying, drill replacement).
Standard Cycle time
Not include changeover time.
PlannedOEE (withoutscraps)(%) Thesepercentagesare for the facilityavailableforecast
Plannedcumulatedscraps(%) Sum of scraprates from this operationand all next ones
PlannedPracticalcapacityper hour (Automaticticketing)
Plannedworkinghoursper week Numberof workinghoursneedsto fill-in.
Plannedproductioncapacityper week (Automaticticketing)
Renault Required quantity (Parts) "Renault required quantity" taken from CEC Document. Number is sum of left and right parts.
Project: Nissan
Part Renault - CSR S Doc Ref. No. / Ver.:
A B C OBD Doc. Rev. Date:
Doc. Origin Date:
Name: Supplier
Code: E-mail:
Name: Author: Tel.
Part Remark
Part No. & Issue Level:
Design Note No. / DEVO:
Gray boxes can be either filled or calculated
Planned capacity
(ANPQP : production capacity plan document)
Next Process Machine Name of Ref Listof Standard Nb Average This operation Cumulated Effective Nb hours Nb shifts Total Number of Percentage Number of part Current Weekly
operation operation type and the part final cycle time parts/cycle operational scrap rate Downstrea capacity per per shift per week Weekly machines of (from this capacity
Identificatio produced product [sec] efficiency [%] m scraps hour (same base working production operation) used (equivalent
n by this using (based on [%] as OEE time allocated to per final final product)
operation this Ref. production (this op. calculation) thisRenault- product
results) [%] included) Nissan parts (coefficient)
(not final
including product [%]
Milling A Milling
10 20 Plane machine Bearing
cap1 23 123 300 2 85.0% 0.00% 0.00% 20.40 7.0 18 126.0 1.0 100.0% 1.0 2570
0.00% 0.0
0.00% 0.0
0.00% 0.0
0.00% 0.0
0.00% 0.0
0.00% 0.0
0.00% 0.0
0.00% 0.0
0.00% 0.0
0.00% 0.0
0.00% 0.0
0.00% 0.0
Supply chain investigation : Tier-2 and more F i r m/P l an: t R ef er en ce/In d e:x
Designation :
Designat ion :
Sit :e Veh icle/F u n ct io n
Parts AAAAA, BBBBB, CCCCC 1 parts in 1 line
*YYYY/MM [days/month]
[B] WorkingDayspermonth Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Nov-14 Dec-14
31 28 31 30 31 30 31 31 30 31 30 31
*Depend on Calendar month or Weekly month
*Average of 20 times
*D = (A - d) / A
time 45 [Average minutes/day]
time 15 [Average minutes/day]
Planned Down time
Timeformakingtrialparts 0 [Average minutes/day]
[d] Average
day 90 [Average minutes/day]
[F] Production Capacity Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Nov-14 Dec-14 TOTAL
per month 36,704 33,152 36,704 35,520 36,704 35,520 36,704 36,704 35,520 36,704 35,520 36,704 432,160
*F = (3,600 / C * D * E) * (A / 60 * B)
Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Nov-14 Dec-14 TOTAL
YNM 1,200 13,000 12,300 12,300 12,300 12,300 12,300 12,300 12,300 12,300 12,300 12,300 137,200
DFL 2,500 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 122,500
NissanPlant 1,200 15,500 24,300 24,300 24,300 24,300 24,300 24,300 24,300 24,300 24,300 24,300 259,700
Nissan 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
A 0
B 0
C 0
Other 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
[G] TotalDemand 1,200 15,500 24,300 24,300 24,300 24,300 24,300 24,300 24,300 24,300 24,300 24,300 259,700
[H] Difference ## # # # 17,652 12,404 11,220 1 2 , 40 4 11 , 2 2 0 1 2, 4 0 4 12,404 11,220 12,404 11,220 12,404 172,460
*H = F - G
J a n- 14 Feb- 14 Ma r - 1 4 A pr - 14 Ma y- 14 J un- 14 J ul - 1 4 Aug- 14 S ep- 14 Oct - 14 N ov- 14 D ec- 14
Category Takecountermeasureitems Responsibility Dueda te
OK ratio & STR achieve the target
Special team for Maintenance & Quality
Method Bank build
Key Point(s):
The Capacity Sub mission Warran t gives the de monstration that the suppliers’ industrial system is apt and able to respond to Ren aults’
production volumes & lead-time Targe ts, during the increase in production and serial mass production phase.
The produc tion volumes & lead-time Targets are given by Renault.
Group of pa rt references (one group per docu ment) are p roposed by Renault according to Supplier proc esses.
Supplier has to contact Renault Purchasing Department in case of remarks on parts grou ps.
The supp lier shall document his industrial pr oduction capaci ties in accordance to :
The Production Capacity Plan Results
The Supplier Production Preparation Monitoring Status Report
This is denoted in weekly volumes of parts to be produced for a given period, agreed in accordance with the increase in given
production or the quarter Renault Reference Capacity .
The industrial capac ity can be proved and backed up through supplementary documents (mix theory , Capacity Survey Vx…).
All capacity evolution has to be agreed by Renault prior to any change.
The supplier must use the ANPQP document format and is not allowed to use its own document
The supplier must submit the "Capa city Submission Warrant" for Renault Approval before Supplier Start of Prod uction (Supplier SOP )
For rules r elated to document sub mission, refer to the Ground Rules o f Document Su bmission pag e
Indicate Supplier capacity response to the weekly capacity needs documented by RNPO, expressed in
Supplier Response (weekly quantity) (Period one to
number of parts for each period.
Period six)
Supplier gives a global answer for all parts considered in the document.
Communication of weekly capacity needs documented by RNPO : weekly volume in terms of number of
Capacity Reference (weekly quantity)
parts for each period (each period corresponds to 4 months)
(one to six) = => V :
Indicate de Capacity Referential Number V”x” given by RNPO.
Supplier Response (weekly quantity) Indicate Supplier capacity response to the weekly capacity needs documented by RNPO, expressed in
(Period one to Period six) number of parts for each period.
Items attached to this submission warrant Check (tick) the appropriate box(es)
Describe any Deviation from the declaration.
Declaration Sign to confirm statement including printed name, position and date.
Note: Approval by Renault shall not relieve the supplier in any way from its responsibilities.
Supplier Name: Rapid Automotive Supplier Code: 00024524 01 Document Origin Date : 07/09/10
Supplier Plant : Barcelona Author : JohnThomson TelN°:3 3 43583924
Part Name : Bumper
Part No & Issue level : 8200 585 523 / 524 /525/526/527/528 Index : D
Design Note / DEVO :
Reason for Submission Initial Submission Design Change Location Change Details/other
Re-Submission Process Change Tooling Replacement
Material Change Sub-Supply Change Tooling Refurbishment
8200585523 Bumper N°1 White B98 250 300 400 500 1000 2000
8200585524 Bumper
Green B98 50 60 100 100 500 1000
8200585525 Bumper
N°3Yellow B98 100 80 120 140 300 2000
8200585526B umper
N°4Red B98 70 80 100 100 150 1500
8200585527B umper
N°5Black B98 50 60 100 100 150 1500
8200585528 Bumper N°6 Orange B98 60 70 80 90 100 1000
Global volume to use for your answer 580 650 900 1030 2200 9000
Global volume to use for your answer 4550 4800 7400 4550 4550 8600
1st Four
Year +1
2nd Four 3rd Four 1st Four
Year +2
2nd Four 3rd Four
Part No F a m i l y/Pa r tN a m e C a s e so fu s e Month Month Month Month Month Month
Weekly capacity 5000 6000 8000 8000 8000 9000
Supplier Declaration :
I confirm that the information covered by this documentation confirm that our i ndustrial system is operational, at the level of performance foreseen to
manufacture and to deliver products in conformity to the specifications, to the requested volume and at the requested date. Any deviation from this
declaration are as follows :
Name John
Thomson Position Capacity
Note: Approval by Renault shall not relieve the supplier in any way from its responsibilities.
Page 1 of 1
3.3 Project Risk and Concern Management
Activity Purpose:
Identify all project risks and concerns, and manage corrective and preventative actions during design and product/process development.
Phase 1 2 3 4 5
Activity Identify and record all project risks and concerns during design and product/process development.
Content Identify and record the root cause(s) and countermeasure(s) and define the implementation schedule
Confirm that the effect of potential countermeasures will not cause new concerns
Key Point(s):
The purpose of the Project Development Recordis to compile on one form, all concerns and development issuesidentified during the product
development and production preparation phase. This document will operate as a project diary.
The document will serve as an historical reference when conducting an analysis of design or process failure and effects studyon future projects.
Root cause Details of root cause(s). The srcinal report should contain full and extensive information.
Details of temporary/permanent countermeasures.
The srcinal report should contain full and extensive information.
Design note Design note number for any countermeasures which result in a design change.
N / R N is s anImport an tP art Ren au lt-C SR Ver.:
S/ No.
Doc 1 ABC-010-8/Ver. 9
X123 Doc. Rev. Date: Sep. 20th 2011
Doc. Origin Date: Jun. 23th 2011
Supplier Name: ABC Corporation Ltd. Supplier Code: A999 E-mail:
Supplier Plant: Yokohama-Plant Author: Taro Nissan Tel: +81-(0)46-270-1894
Part Name: Kick Plate Inner Remark
Part No. & Issue Level: 12345 XX123
Design Note No. / DEVO: TQ2345
No. e Tool modification will be
s finished by 20/08/2011, plan
m to confirm OK at T1 trial,
t planned 25/08/2011
Design Note: TQ1234 Design Note: TQ1234 Design Note: Design Note: Design Note:
Raised by: NISSAN Date: 22/6/2011 Judgement: NG Date: 26/8/2011 Judgement: OK Date: Judgement: Date: Judgement: Date: Judgement:
Date: 6/22/2011 Build: T0 trial Conf irmation NG - 22/6/11 (J Smith, NEPQE) OK - 26/8/11 (J Smith, NEPQE)
Sharp edge identified during T1 trial.
Design mismatch, design note (TQ-2345 e
s Design Note (TQ-2345, for Confirmed OK during VC-
issued for VC-LOT adoption) u
c VC-LOT adaption) has not LOT part source inspection
o applied yet. activity at supplier
No. Desigh note (TQ-2345)
re conents will be applied next
a tool modification at 5/9/2011.
mr Part confirmation for VC-lot
n planned at 14/9/2011
Category Purpose:
Element Activity:
In order to assure the quality requirements from Renault-Nissan, suppliers and Renault-Nissan need to clarify potential quality problems and
solve them in design or development stage. Design review is held to prevent all the possible quality problems before their occurrence.
In addition to the supplier internal design review, Renault-Nissan requires to attend on joint design review with Renault-Nissan based on the
assessment level.
Design review implementation timing is required to be clarified in supplier master schedule or its substitute documents.
Full Process DR is applied to the system that is assessed as level H as a joint design review with Renault-Nissan.
Quick DR is applied to the system that is assessed as level M as a joint design review with Renault-Nissan.
Full Process DR
Activity Purpose:
Full Process DR is applied to systems / parts having high newness such as first adoption in the world or first adoption in Renault-Nissan (are
equivalent to assessment level H) as proactive prevention activities against potential quality problems.
Design and production engineers in suppliers and Renault-Nissan jointly detect potential failure modes and decide countermeasure against
them by using standardized tools such as Design Potential FMEA / FTA.
Important characteristics that must be controlled in mass-production process and control plans for these characteristics are clarified by using
the standardized tools that Renault-Nissan requires.
Results are reviewed by expert reviewers of Renault-Nissan in order to study any risk to quality.
Quick DR
Activity Purpose:
Engineers of suppliers and Renault-Nissan jointly conduct proactive prevention against defects and customer dissatisfaction issues swiftly
and efficiently by focusing on changes in design (assessment level M). Defects and customer dissatisfaction issues caused by changing
points are expected to be found through intensive discussion among design, test and production engineers of suppliers and Renault-Nissan.
Countermeasures for these issues are filled in the DRBFM worksheet from the viewpoints of design, test and manufacturing.
Finally, the results are reviewed by expert reviewers of Renault-Nissan in order to study any risk to quality.
Activity Content:
Phase 1 2 3 4 5
Activity In the pre-preparation step, summarize changing points If newness level of a design change in phase 3, 4 or 5
between base design and new design in the Changes List is same level with assessment level M, Quick DR is
form. conducted focusing on the changes in design. Basic
Based on the Changes List, consider concerns related to the procedure is same as described for phase 2.
changing points and summarize the results in the preparation
section of the DRBFM worksheet.
The preparation section of the DRBFM worksheet starts with
the column “part name” and ends with column
“countermeasure to eliminate the concerns”.
In the preparation step, design, test and production engineers
Key Point(s):
The Supplier Internal Design ReviewRecord is a summary of the main issues discussedin the supplier ni ternal design reviews. It shallinclude a list
of issues identified and countermeasures implemented. Attached to this summary are the minutes of all the internal design reviews.
The Supplier Internal Design ReviewRecord is used to confirm that the productand process targets in each phase of Alliance New Product Quality
Procedure (ANPQP) were achieved and all issues/ concerns have been resolved.
The Supplier Internal Design Review Record shall cover the following items as a minimum:
Review of the output documents from the Project Risk and Concern Management activity
Design/ functional requirement considerations(Appearance/ Shape/ Performance/ function etc.)
Formal reliability level and confidence level targets
Component/ sub-system/ system duty cycles (Reliability/ Durability)
Computer simulation and bench test results
Analysis of Potential Failure and Effects
Review of the design for manufacture and assembly effort
Assembly build variation results
Test failures
Design verification progress
Regulatory requirements
Logistics and Packaging
Key Point(s):
Describe the documents that Renault / Nissan requires based on the contents shown above.
Key Point(s):
The Quick D
R Recordis a summary ofmain issuesdiscussed w ith Renault Nissan
/ inQuick DR.
The Quick DRRecord is us
ed to confirm thatroduct
p and processtargets in eachphase ofANPQP wereachieved andall issues / con
cerns have beenresolved.
Quick DR Recordshallcoverfollowingtems
i as a minimum:
Describe the documents that Renault / Nissan requires based on the contents shown above.
Activity Purpose:
Identify potential design failure modes, their associated causes and their effects.
Implement effective and adequate countermeasuresfor the potential failure modes and their associated causes.
Significant system faults shall be analysed using FTA (Fault Tree Analysis) to identify all possiblecauses and implement countermeasures for
The scope of this activity will be decided through discussion between Renault / Nissan and suppliers.
Phase 1 2 3 4 5
Activity Organize the system Review and update related output documents whenever the design is changed
Content structure and functions or modified.
using System Structure
Diagram and Function
Block Diagram.
Detect potential failure
modes and decide
countermeasures for
them using FMEA /
Incorporate the
countermeasures in
drawing / CAD data etc.
Clarify important control
characteristics that need
to be controlled in
process to realize
Key Point(s):
System Structure Diagram isa diagram to break down the system to sub-system and components hierarchically andshow the newness of each
sub-system or component. It is used to extract all the components and judge the adequate failure mode analysis method (FMEA (Failure Mode
Effective Analysis) or DRBFM (Design Review Based on Failure Mode)) based on the newness level of each sub-system or component.
Key Point(s):
Function Block Diagram isa diagram to break down the system to component parts hierarchically byfocusing on the relationship among functions.
Function of the parts, potential failure modesand points on design countermeasures are considered using FunctionBlock Diagram in advance of
Document Description:
Key Point(s):
The Design Potential FMEA is an analytical technique usedby a cross-functional team toensure that all potential failure modesand their
associated causes have been identified and actioned. Complete assemblies, along with every related system, subassembly and component shall
be evaluated.
The Design Potential FMEA does not rely on process controls to overcome potential design weaknesses,but it does take the technical/physical
limits of the manufacturing/assembly process into consideration, for example;
Necessary mould drafts
Limited surface finish
Assembling space / access for tooling
Limited hardenability of steels
Tolerance / process capability / performance
The Design Potential FMEA can also take into consideration the technical / physical limits of product maintenance (service)and recycling, for
Tool access
Diagnostic capability
Material classification symbols (for recycling)
When developing countermeasureactions for potential failure modes, the supplier shall ensurethat the feasibility of each countermeasure from a
manufacturing perspective is analysed before implementing the action.
Document Reference No./Version
Revision Date The
The suppliers
date of thereference No. and
latest revision version
of the No. for the document.
Document Origin Date The date when the document was first issued.
Supplier Name The supplier name.
Supplier Plant The location at which the product will be manufactured.
Supplier Code A unique code to each supplier, issued by Renault- Nissan purchasing department.
Author The name of the person who created/revised the document.
e-mail The e-mail address of the person who created/revised the document.
Tel The telephone number of the person who created/revised the document.
Part Name The part name or description as identified on the product drawing.
Part No. & Issue Level: The part No. and issue level as issued by Renault-Nissan design department.
Design Note No./DEVO The latest design note number that applies to the product being developed/manufactured.
This shall include all assemblies, sub-assemblies and components down to basic component
part level (e.g. Bolt, Gasket, etc.).
Item/Function Describe as accurately as possible the function of each item.
Where the item has multiple functions, each function shall be evaluated separately without
Potential Failure Mode Anticipate and describe all possible ways the part could fail, not how it will fail.
When describing the failure mode, avoid using non-specific terms such as “damage” etc.
The supplier shall contact Renault/ Nissan in order to fully understand the functional relationship
Potential Effect(s) of Failure between the item being analysed and other vehicle parts/ systems. The effect(s) of the failure on
these functional relationships must be considered.
Potential Cause(s)/Mechanism(s) of Failure List every potential cause and/or failure mechanism for each failure mode.
Alliance New Product Quality Procedure (ANPQP)
Printed versions of this document are not controlled by the version management system.
Study and describe the Recommended Actions from the point of view of Design revision/Design
Validation / Design Verification according to the result of Risk Priority Number (RPN)
Recommended Actions such as, but not limited to, the following should be considered;
Recommended Actions
Revised design geometry and / or Tolerances
Revised material specification,
Design of experiments,
Revised test plan (Design Verification and Product / Process Validation)
Responsibility & Target Completion Date
Action Result Action Taken
For Renault
Unless otherwise agreedwith Renault, the Supplier shallstudy and provide a "Product Potential FMEA"(Design Failure Modes, their E ffects and
Criticality Analysis).
The Supplier shall use hisown standard for FMEAevaluation or, by default; the Supplier shall use theRenault standard 01-33-200.
The supplier shall take into account the specific Vehicle Regulation requirements of eachcountry of sale, and the EIC ("Evénements Indésirables
Client") / Feared Events (sent by Renault) when conducting this risk analysis.
For Nissan
Follow the guidelines described inthe AIAG (Automotive IndustryAction Group) Potential Failure Modeand Effects Analysis (FMEA) manual (latest
Key Point(s):
The Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) is a technic for system analysiswhere system faults areanalysed using a top down approach from a single potential
failure mode to identify all possible causes.
For Renault
Unless otherwise agreedwith Renault, the Supplier shall study and provide a FTA according to Renault standard 90-00-053.
Key Point(s):
Changes list is a table to organize changing pointsfrom base design to new design by each component to clarify the changing points innew design
and judge the newness level.
Renault or Nissan Vehicle / Power train project f or which the product is being developed /
R / N Project
Nissan Important Part Tick all boxes that apply to the product being develope d / manuf actured.
Renault - CSR Tick eithe r 'S' or 'R' and '1' or '2' as appropri ate.
Document Reference No./ Version The Supplie rs refer ence no. and version no. for the document .
Document Revision Date The date of the latest revision of the document .
Document Origin Date The date when the document was first issued.
Supplier Name Supplier Company name.
N / R N i s s a nIm por t a n tP a r t R e n a u lt-C SR Ver.:S / No.
Doc 1 ABC-010-9 / Ver.2
432 Doc. Rev. Date: Mar 4th 2013
Doc. Origin Date: Mar 1st 2013
Supplier Name: ABC Corporation Ltd. Supplier Code: A010 E-mail:
Supplier Plant: Atsugi-Plant Author: A. Taro Tel: +81-(0)46-270-XXXX
Part Name: Hood hinge Remark
Part No. & Issue Level: 654XX XXXX
Design Note No. / DEVO: T04322
Parts Base Design N ew
D e s i gn C ha n gi n g
P oi n t New nes s
of the part
Hood -Popping up by Hood without mechanism for Hood with mechanism for -Strengthened
input force from pop-up function pop-up function hood inner reinforce
an actuator ( G37sedan) (G37coupe) (shape & thickness)
-moving the hinge 3
fixing position to
0X direction (--mm)
Hood -Connecting a Hood hinge without pop-up Hood hinge with pop-up -Adding the pop-up
Hinge hood
body mechanism mechanism mechanism
with openable and ( G37
sedan) (G37
c losable
motions Pop-up
-Popping up a hood
Reserved 1/1
DRBFM Work Sheet
Key Point(s):
The DRBFM (Design Review Based on Failure Mode) Work Sheet is used to identify potential concerns(failures/dissatisfactions) related to change.
The content of the document is used in the intensive discussion between the suppliers and Renault - Nissan during the “Quick DR” process to
identify actions and eliminate potential concerns.
The DRBFM Work Sheet targets potential concernsfrom both design and manufacturing, including potential concerns affecting Renault- Nissan
assembly plants.
The actions taken to eliminate each potential concernare determined from the view point of the Design, Evaluation (Test) and/or Manufacturing
functions in either the supplier or Renault - Nissan. Responsibility and timing for each action shall be clearly identified.
Document Description:
N / R N i ss anIm por t an tP ar t R en au l t-C S R Ver.:
S / No.
Doc 1 12345 / N
X98A Doc. Rev. Date: 2011/10/14
Doc. Origin Date: 2010/11/22
Supplier Name: ABC Industry Supplier Code: B023 E-mail:
Supplier Plant: Barcelona Author: E Bygum Tel: +44 7895 156 456
Part Name: Fuel Filler Tube Remark
Part No. & Issue Level: 56789 AB000
Design Note No. / DEVO: T12345
Special Characteristics are identified byRenault-Nissan. For Renault, theseinclude CSR. For Nissan, these include Important A, B, C and OBD.
Key Features are identified by both the supplier and Renault-Nissan.
These are features that have a significant effectupon fit, function, performance, reliability, appearance and serviceability andinclude all features
affecting type approval (homologation).
Phase 1 2 3 4 5
ActivityIdentify all Special Characteristics and Key Features related to the product using experience, knowledge of the
Contentproduct, its intended use, and input from Renault-Nissan.
Use appropriate tools (HCPP (Renault), QA table A/B (Nissan)) to determine
QA TableA (Nissan)
Supplier Feasibility
Commitment (Renault)
QA TableB (Nissan)
Key Point(s):
The HCPP (Hierarchical Organization ofProduct and Process Characteristics) isthe resulting file of the following steps:
Hierarchical Organization ofProduct Characteristicsaccording to gravity in accordance with Renault Standards 01-33-301 and 00-10-040.
Assessment of forecasted industrial feasibility.
Action plan definition depending of criticality (gravity and feasibility matching) and follow-up.
All Special Characteristics and KeyFeatures shall be included in the HCPP study.
For this Renault specific tool,RENAULT CONSULTING is able to provide HCPP training sessions w
Key Point(s):
QA table A is a format to fill in important control characteristics with nominal valuesand tolerances and potential failures of the system that occur fi
the part characteristic exceeds the established tolerance. It is used to transmit important control characteristics surely from design to production.
Document Description:
N / R N i s s a nIm por t a n tP a r t R e n a u lt-C SR Ver.:S / No.
Doc 1 ABC-010-9 / Ver.2
422 Doc. Rev. Date: Mar 4th 2013
Doc. Origin Date: Mar 1st 2013
Supplier Name: ABC Corporation Ltd. Supplier Code: A010 E-mail:
Supplier Plant: Atsugi-Plant Author: A. Taro Tel: +81-(0)46-270-XXXX
Part Name: Claw Remark
Part No. & Issue Level: 654XX XXXXX
Design Note No. / DEVO: T04222
Claw No.1 1 Claw portion Position of hole to fix 1.6mm ±0.2 normal +direction:
screw The claw can not be fixed to catcher by screw
(X direction) -direction:
The claw is broken by input force of actuator
Claw 2 Pipe portion of claw Hole diameter of pipe φ8 +0.1 normal +direction:
portion of claw -0 Backlash between shaft and pipe increases
The shaft can not be inserted to the pipe
Reserved 1/1
Supplier Feasibility Commitment (SFC) - (Renault)
Key Point(s):
Supplier Feasibility Commitment is the supplier commitment for:
forecasted feasibility study is achieved
All suitable devices monitoring are decided consistently with forecasted feasibility.
R e n a u lC
t SR S 1 Document Reference No / Version :
Renault Project : X R 2 SFC333/--C
Document Revision date : 30/03/2011
Supplier Name: LPCA Supplier Code: 11111 Document Origin Date : 26/03/11
With this Feasibility Commitment, the supplier undertakes with Renault to supply a product which can be manufactured, assembled, packed and sent by
answering the quality requirements, Cost and Delay of Renault. F or that purpose, the suppli er must be able to answer in a positive way the following q uestions
(which are not exhaustive). For any negative answer, the supplier has to argue all the anxieties or the changes proposed so as to allow answer the specified
Can the product be manufactured as it is specified in the engineering drawing and in the engineering product specification ?
Is the product correctly defined to enable feasibility evaluation ? Does it fulfill the REACH requirements ?
Can all specified characteristics be manufactured with the capabil ity target that meet requirements ?
Is the manufacturing process known as mastered, or was it enough analyzed to anwer pertinently this evaluation of feasibility ?
Can the proposed manufacturing process answer the requirements of the levels of foreseen quantity ?
Does the study of Handling and Packaging Means demonstrate their efficiency ?
Can the product be manufactured without unusual risk of additional cost (tooling, alternate manufacturing methods…) ?
Name, position and signature of the person having to participate to the analysis of feasibility:
N a me Po s it io n S i g n a t ur e Date
Mr Ducknee Quality Leader 26/03/2011
Mr Engineering
Leader 26/03/2011
Mr Log Logistic
Leader 26/03/2011
Mr Manuf Manufacturing
Manager 26/03/2011
Mr Cost Cost
leader 26/03/2011
The product can be manufactured as specified, but some minor changes are needed to i mprove the
Feasible with proposed i mprovement
product, or to decrease its Cost.
Feasible with restriction The product as specified can be manufactured with difficulty. Minor changes are asked.
Major changes of the product are imperative so as to obtain a practicable industrial feasibility and a
Non feasible
production answering the Quality, Cost, Quantity and Delivery Dates Targets required by Renault.
definitive paint color not available on time for MA apply standard black for MA (covered by signed dispensation) 15/06/2011 MrManuf
apply serial black after 2 weeks for serial production
10/06/2011 apply agreeg final logistic flows 10/06/2011 Mr
Page 1 of 1
QA table B (Nissan)
Key Point(s):
The QA table B is an association table betweenimportant control characteristics described in theQA table A and related production process.It is
used to organize process assurance methods for each important control characteristic.
Key Point(s):
The Special Characteristics and Key Features Diagram isa document which identifies all key features and special characteristics.
The Special Characteristicsand Key Features Diagram shall be used :
to define production and laboratory ongoing periodic testing.
as a template for identifying the reporting items for trial inspection reports
N / R Ni ss anImportan tPart Ren au l t-CSR Ver.:
S / No.
Doc 1 ABC-010-8/Ver. 9
X11A Doc. Rev. Date:2011 10th Aug
Doc. Origin Date: Aug 10th 2011
Supplier Name: ABC Corporation Ltd. Supplier Code: A010 E-mail:
Supplier Plant: Chennai
plant Author: Ince
M. Tel: +81-(0)3-2456-7890
Part Name: Duct Assy Remark
Part No. & Issue Level: 16640 XXXXX
Design Note No. / DEVO: T43172
Special Char. /
Product Specification In Process
7 Key Feature No.
Ident'n Characteristic /Tolerance Checks
6 Material - P.P number ABC 1st off /shift change
7 Foam Material Model number 1234 1st off /shift change
6 5 10kPa/10sec.
13 Foam adhesion 100% visual
14 Pressure test 100% Pokayoke
Activity Purpose:
Design the product to achieve Renault / Nissan design goals: performance,function, reliability, durability, structure, shape, weight, service parts
requirements, etc.
Phase 1 2 3 4 5
Activity Study and create technical Implement design change manage
ment activity if engineering product
Content specifications specification/drawing content is changed.
Create the engineering
7.1 Customer-related
7.2 Planning of product realization (for example: 7.1.4 Change control)
7.3 Design and development
Key Point(s):
The Engineering Product Specifications andEngineering Drawings/AD data are the documents that give the product technical description.
The Engineering ProductSpecifications are used by the supplier to complete the Engineering Drawing/CAD data, andby Renault/Nissan tomake
the product design note.
The Engineering Drawings/CAD data shall comply with Renault/Nissan EngineeringStandards included inthe Request for Quotation (RFQ).
For Renault
The minimum requirements are given in 00-10-415 standard.
For Nissan
3D CAD data (inc. 3D CAD data for assembly or components and supplemental documents)
Dimensional Specifications
List of sub components
Calculation and Simulation Results
Test Specifications
Technical design goal
Special Characteristics
Key Features
Material specifications
Estimated weight (mass data)
Appearance specification
Part identification/ marking methods
Additional regulation specifications (regulatory requirements)
Applicable NES (Nissan Engineering Standards)
Supplier’s own document, which shall meet Renault / Nissan engineering standardsand requirements.
The supplier shall giveall required information related to theuse of the product by the manufacturer or the customer and the potential effect of
The recommendations.
supplier shall give all necessary recommendations and banning related to:
the relation betweenthe product and the other parts it has to be fastened to;
the environment of the product once fitted in the car;
transport, storage, packaging and deconditioning of the product;
rules of process to be observed in fitting on the assembly line, stripping and winding up (in plant, in garage);
handling by the workers (or robots) on the assembly line or by maintenance agents.
recommendations and banning will figure efforts, temperatures, surfaceconditions, geometry, dampness, weights, etc …
Some of the recommendations willbe useful for the owner's manual (ex : "Warnings for use")
Activity Purpose:
Renault-Nissan require that suppliersof all product/parts with SpecialCharacteristics are ableto demonstrate thatthey are controlling all aspectsof
manufacture and that they have incorporated the Special Characteristics Management requirements within their Quality Management Systems.
The Special Characteristics Managementrequirements for Renault andNissan are described separately. Follow the links below to access the
company specific requirements.
The supplier data (including certification) shall be submitted for the Inspection Item to Renault-Nissan department. (Referto the DCI (Document
Completion Instruction) of the “Certificate of Certification (COC) & Conformity of Product (COP))
Renault/Nissan reserves the right at any time to audit the supplier's compliance with these Special Characteristics Managementrequirements.
The supplier for electric and electronic system may be required to comply with ISO 26262 (Road vehicles -- Functional safety--) requirements with
Request for Quotation (RFQ).
Renault Requirements
Renault requires all suppliers of all parts with all characteristics to be able to demonstrate that they are controlling all aspects of manufacture and that
they have incorporated the following requirements within their Quality Assurance Systems.
According to the listing of sales countries of vehicle, the Supplier shall identify the activities to carry out for the parts regarding Regulation, Certification,
"Conformity of Production" control and inform Renault about them.
At each required milestone, during development and mass production, the Supplier shall transmit to Renault the specific certificates and/or the
certification elements (Communication sheet and national certificates) and/or the self-certification elements with the Test Reports, for the parts that are
under the responsibility of the supplier for their own certification (according to each country of sale) and the Conformity of Production control.
These activities and the corresponding Certificates and/or self-Certification Reports and/or Certification Reports shall be included in the document
"Supplier Test Plan and Report".
The supplier must give the demonstration that the Special Characteristics are taken into account in the HCPP, in the Special Characteristics and Key
Features Diagrams, and in the Control Plan to be applied for each trial built.
In particular, the supplier has to consider, in his control plan, all the minimum requirements for COP control for all marketing countries. The car
Manufacturer has to provide these requirements in the RFQ.
The supplier can complete, if necessary, these minimum expectations including all adapted implementations in his control plan (new characteristics,
samples size increase or control frequencies etc...).
Note: The term "Module Part" mentioned in the above refers to a complete functional assembly inclusive of sub-module parts defined by RENAULT part
/ order reference e.g. Cockpit module, Front-end Module, Roof Module etc. Generally, this means a functionally complete part, which composes a
device / machine / system.
The Special Characteristics shallbe identified on the relevant spec tender or part drawing supplied by Nissan.
The Special Characteristic detailsmust be transferred from the drawing onto all relevant documentation, i.e.Drawings, Control Plans, Process
Flow Charts, Part Submission Warrants, Work Instruction Sheets, Training records and any supplier related documents.
Detail definition as follows:
Important A
Characteristic Nissan requires all suppliers of Important-A parts to comply with the
Identifier A "Square Cornered" box with a solid line to be placed around Special Characteristics Requirements below.
the text describing the characteristic deemed to be important.
Important B
Characteristic Nissan requires all suppliers of Important-B parts to comply with the
Identifier A "Round Cornered" box to be placed around the text Special Characteristics Requirements below.
describing the characteristic deemed to be important.
Important C
"Important-C characteristic"
In order to achieve customers satisfaction, characteristic required to
Nomenclature control manufacturing variation:
Symbol D = φ12mm for use in Important Part Symbol column
D = φ7mm for inclusion elsewhere on drawings or within 1) Parts characteristic required to control variation in order to satisfy
other documents. vehicle performance
2) Tightening characteristic to cause malfunction (except
Important-A or B)
3) Harness connecting to cause malfunction (higher than ASIL A)
Characteristic A "Round Cornered" box with a broken line to be placed
Identifier Nissan requires all suppliers of Important-C parts to comply with the
around the text describing the characteristic deemed to be
Special Characteristics Requirements below.
The term "Module Part" mentioned in the above refers to a complete functional assembly inclusive of sub-module parts defined by Nissan part /
order reference e.g. Cockpit module, Front-end Module, Roof Module etc. Generally, this means a functionally complete part which composes a
device / machine / system
When assigning personnel to the production of Important A product/part the supplier shall:
Ensure that all personnelinvolved in ImportantA operations/tests must be 'assigned workers' with training programswhich can clearly
demonstrate that they have achieved the required level of knowledge and skill.
Maintain a record of the personnel responsible for performing activities relating to Important Characteristics.
All machines or equipment performing operations ortests on Important A product/part must beclearly identified with therelevant Nissan Important
A symbol, as shown in Section 1 of this Appendix.
Marking of numbers
Marking on products
a) Suppliers shall indicate lot numbers on products.
b) Markings shall be either die-stamped or printed etc., so the markings cannot easily be erased. Markings shall, as a rule, be located where
they can be seen easily, when the products are installed on vehicles.
Marking on a lot card or bar code of delivered products
a) For the product / parts defined by Nissan, as a rule, suppliers shall indicate the lot number on lot card or bar code
Internal audit:
The supplier shall carry out a programme of internal process audits. Theseshall be documented anddesigned to verify that all process
parameters are controlled and effective.
Any follow up actions shall be monitored to confirm effectiveness and wherenecessary become officially adopted countermeasures.
Change management:
Any modifications to the above must be agreed with the relevant Nissan department.
Category Purpose:
Element Activity:
Key Point(s):
A Process Potential FMEA is an analytical technic used by a cross-functional team to ensure that all potential failure modes and their associated
causes have been identified and countermeasured. Complete assemblies, along with every related system, subassembly and component should
be evaluated.
Follow the guidelines describedin the Automotive IndustryAction Group (AIAG) Potential Failure Mode andEffects Analysis manual (latestedition)
and ensure that the Renault / Nissan specific requirements listed below are also included
Potential Cause(s)/Mechanism(s) of
List every potential cause and/or failure mechanism for each failure mode.
Study and describe the recommended action from the view of Design/ Evaluation/ Manufacturing departments,
according to the result of risk priority
Recommended Action
e.g.) Specification Change, Data collection by the confirmation of experiment evaluation or phenomenon, and
Study the action in manufacturing engineering and manufacturing process control, etc.
The supplier should usethe 5W1H (What, Where, When,Why, Who and How) analysis techniqueto help fully describe every potential failure
The supplier must ensure consistency throughout alldocumentation (e.g.: Control plan,Process Flow Chart , Special Characteristic andKey
Features Diagram, Inspection Report, FMEA) for;
operation step numbering
product characteristics identification
For Renault:
Unless otherwise agreedwith Renault, the Supplier shallstudy and provide a "Manufacturing ProcessFMEA" (which includes ProcessFMEA,
Production Facility FMEA, Flow FMEA).
The Supplier shall use hisown standard for FMEAevaluation or, by default; the Supplier shall use theRenault standard 01-33-200.
The supplier shall take into account the EIC "Evénements Indésirables Client"/ Feared Events(sent by Renault) when conducting thisanalysis.
For Renault:
Supplier own document
For Nissan:
The supplier shalluse the Automotive Industry ActionGroup (AIAG) recommended format orSupplier own document (provided thatit complies with
AIAG requirements) and shall include the above minimum content requirements.
When using the Nissan provided PFMEA format, ensure that the header is completed as described below.
Activity Purpose:
The supplier shall provide a means to verify quality characteristics specified on the document such as Control Plan and Work Instruction.
The supplier shall develop, utilize, andmaintain the required inspectionrelated tools suchas checking fixtures, gages, or other inspection/test
equipment. The confirmation frequency for these items shall be listed on the documents.
Frequencies should beset according to the duration of the test, the m i portance of the testand the way in which this characteristic is determined
and controlled. (Refer to the Supplier Test Plan and Report on “6.1 Design Verification and Product / Process Validation”)
The inspection standardshall consider and include inspection related criteria as indicated on PFEMA studies, etc., and the identified frequency of
inspection must be developed from process capability studies and results.
Sampling frequencies shallbe specific to the inspection item being defined. (Three time per shift etc.)
In order to achieve targets, the supplier shall incorporate poka-yoke(error-proofing) devices in their manufacturing process.The purpose of these
error proofing devices is either:
Do not make non-conforming part (e.g. prevent operational error)
Do not pass non-conforming part(e.g. detect operational error)
Phase 1 2 3 4 5
Activity Study and create the process flow. Develop work instructions for all operations based
Content Define the physical location of all facilities and on the content of the Control Plan
material locations. Train all operators based on the work instructions
Define the control Define the Review the process Apply the change
methods associated with manufacturing control flow based on the management activity
prototype parts. methods and related result of off-tool trials. before any change.
Commence initial study operations associated Define the
of control methods with pre-production manufacturing control
associated with parts. methods associated
pre-production parts. with production parts.
Alliance New Product Quality Procedure (ANPQP)
Printed versions of this document are not controlled by the version management system.
Review the
manufacturing control
methods based on the
result of off-tool trials.
Output Process Flow Chart
Document FloorPlan Layout
Control Plan
Work Instruction
MQA (Renault)
Key Point(s):
The Control plan is the description of all Product and Process control operations implemented in theproduction process. It isa living document and
shall reflect the manufacturing process and control systems at all times.
「Control Plans form a central part of the Supplier's overall process to achieve Renault and / or Nissan's requirements for Quality, Cost and Delivery.
In accordance with ISO/TS 16949, there are 3 stages of control plan used during the ANPQP phases:
The Prototype Control Plan:
A Prototype Control Planis a description of the dimensional measurements material andperformance tests that will occur during manufacture
of the prototype part.
Note: For Renault, the submission of a prototype control plan is not mandatory.
The Pre-Launch Control plan:
A Pre-Launch Control Planis a description of the product/ process controls,dimensional measurements, material andperformance tests that
occur after prototype and before full production.
The Pre-Launch control plan covers the ramp-up period and should include additional product/ processcontrols to be implemented until the
production process is validated e.g. reinforced controls, firewalls, containment etc.
The Production Control plan:
Production Control Planis a description of the product/ process controls, dimensional measurements, material andperformance tests that
occur during mass production.
The production control plan is a logical evolution of the pre-production control plan.
The production control plan shall not be implemented until theexit criteria of ramp-up are achieved.
Special Characteristicsand Key Features Diagram shall accompany the Control Plan.
Item CompletionInstructions
Prototype Tick this box if this is a PrototypeControlPlan
Pre-Production/ Pre-Launch Tick this box if this is a Pre-LaunchControlPlan
Production Tick this box if this is a ProductionControlPlan
R / N Project Renaultor NissanVehicle/ Powertrain projectfor whichthe part is being developed/ manufactured.
NissanImportantPart Tick all boxesthat applyto the productbeingdeveloped/ manufactured.
Renault- CSR Tick either'S' or 'R' and '1' or '2' as appropriate.
DocumentReferenceNo./ Version The Suppliersreferenceno. and versionno. for the document.
DocumentRevisionDate The date of the latestrevisionof the document.
DocumentOriginDate The date when the documentwas first issued.
SupplierName SupplierCompanyname.
Supplier Plant Location at which the product will be produced.
If the site supplying off-tool parts for a trial build is different to that supplying off-process part for
a later trial, this should be discussed with Renault-Nissan and should be reflected in all project
management documentation.
Alliance New Product Quality Procedure (ANPQP)
Printed versions of this document are not controlled by the version management system.
Supplier Code Unique code to each supplier, issued by Renault-Nissan Purchasing Dept.
Author The name of the personwho created/ revisedthe document.
E-mail The E-mailaddressof the personwho created/ revisedthe document.
Tel The telephonenumberof the personwho created/ revisedthe document.
Part Name The part name or descriptionas identifiedon the productdrawing.
Part No. & IssueLevel: As issuedby Renault-Nissandesigndepartment.
DesignNote No. / DEVO The latestdesignnote numberthat appliesto the productbeingdeveloped/ manufactured.
SupplierApproval The name and signatureof the personapprovingthe ControlPlan.
Date The ControlPlan approvaldate.
Dept The departmentin whichthe abovesignatoryworks.
Renault-Nissan Acknowledgement The name and signatureof the Renault-Nissanpersonwho acknowledgesreceiptof the ControlPlan.
Date The date of the Renault-Nissanacknowledgement.
ProcessNo and Processdescription The processstep numberand descriptiontakenfrom the ProcessFlow Chart.
Machine,Device,Jig, Tools for Mfg The name of the processingequipmentincludingany identificationreference.
No. CharacteristicNumberas identifiedin the SpecialCharacteristics
and Key FeaturesDiagram
Product Characteristics are the features or properties of a part, component or assembly that are described
on engineering documents e.g. drawings, specifications or other engineering information.
Process characteristics are manufacturing process parameters that have an effect on product
Process characteristics. These parameters must be identified and controlled to ensure product conformity and
minimize product variation.
Characteristic Class according to the Special Characteristics and Key Features Diagram.
NISSAN Special Characteristics Identification:
N / R Ni ss anImportan tPart Ren au l t-CSR Ver.:S / No.
Doc 1 THIER-010-8/Ver. 9
X97A Doc. Rev. Date: 2011/3/1
A B C OBD 2 R Doc. Origin Date: 2010/10/20
Supplier Name: Thier & Co Supplier Code: 1111 E-mail:
Supplier Plant: Yokohama, Japan Author: M Way Tel: +81-45-123-4567
Part Name: LAMP ASSY, RR COMB Supplier Approval: M Tier R / N Acknowledgement: M Car
Part No. & Issue Level: 26555/0 97A00 Date: 2011/3/1 Dept.: Quality Assurence Date: 2011/3/10
Design Note No. / DEVO: RN-A123 Note: Acknowledgement by Renault and / or Nissan shall not relieve the supplier in any way from its responsibilities.
- identification
- color conform to
Incoming Follow actions defined in
Master Sample Visual 2 each Inspection "Non-conforming
3 Metal screw B1 - no rust Visual inspection
n° 20 conformity parts batch Standard Product Management"
Conformity to
Ref 073247 0035 Procedure
Master Sample n°
N / R Ni ss anImportan tPart Ren au l t-CSR Ver.:S / No.
Doc 1 THIER-010-8/Ver. 9
X97A Doc. Rev. Date: 2011/3/1
A B C OBD 2 R Doc. Origin Date: 2010/10/20
Supplier Name: Thier & Co Supplier Code: 1111 E-mail:
Supplier Plant: Yokohama, Japan Author: M Way Tel: +81-45-123-4567
Part Name: LAMP ASSY, RR COMB Supplier Approval: M Tier R / N Acknowledgement: M Car
Part No. & Issue Level: 26555/0 97A00 Date: 2011/3/1 Dept.: Quality Assurence Date: 2011/3/10
Design Note No. / DEVO: RN-A123 Note: Acknowledgement by Renault and / or Nissan shall not relieve the supplier in any way from its responsibilities.
- identification
- no damages Incoming Follow actions defined in
Incoming - good shape
Master Sample Apperance, 5 each Inspection "Non-conforming
4 Inspection for - glue presence Visual inspection
n°30 Shape - no loss of material
parts batch Standard Product Management"
Seal 0035 Procedure
Conformity to Ref 167845
Master Sample n°30
Part fits Follow actions defined in
Visual and Inspection
correctly 5 each "Non-conforming
Gauge Assembly tentacle Standard for
according to parts batch Product Management"
inspection bulbs 0035 Procedure
gauge spec.
Ref 578400
N / R Ni ss anImportan tPart Ren au l t-CSR Ver.:S / No.
Doc 1 THIER-010-8/Ver. 9
X97A Doc. Rev. Date: 2011/3/1
A B C OBD 2 R Doc. Origin Date: 2010/10/20
Supplier Name: Thier & Co Supplier Code: 1111 E-mail:
Supplier Plant: Yokohama, Japan Author: M Way Tel: +81-45-123-4567
Part Name: LAMP ASSY, RR COMB Supplier Approval: M Tier R / N Acknowledgement: M Car
Part No. & Issue Level: 26555/0 97A00 Date: 2011/3/1 Dept.: Quality Assurence Date: 2011/3/10
Design Note No. / DEVO: RN-A123 Note: Acknowledgement by Renault and / or Nissan shall not relieve the supplier in any way from its responsibilities.
N / R Ni ss anImportan tPart Ren au l t-CSR Ver.:S / No.
Doc 1 THIER-010-8/Ver. 9
X97A Doc. Rev. Date: 2011/3/1
A B C OBD 2 R Doc. Origin Date: 2010/10/20
Supplier Name: Thier & Co Supplier Code: 1111 E-mail:
Supplier Plant: Yokohama, Japan Author: M Way Tel: +81-45-123-4567
Part Name: LAMP ASSY, RR COMB Supplier Approval: M Tier R / N Acknowledgement: M Car
Part No. & Issue Level: 26555/0 97A00 Date: 2011/3/1 Dept.: Quality Assurence Date: 2011/3/10
Design Note No. / DEVO: RN-A123 Note: Acknowledgement by Renault and / or Nissan shall not relieve the supplier in any way from its responsibilities.
start of
shift and Inform Supervisor to
Control of upon Identification
9 Lens injection Injection press 10-a 2 Right material Visual inspection 1x reference
Replace wrong
material sheet AA37
change material with correct
and every
5 hours
N / R Ni ss anImportan tPart Ren au l t-CSR Ver.:S / No.
Doc 1 THIER-010-8/Ver. 9
X97A Doc. Rev. Date: 2011/3/1
A B C OBD 2 R Doc. Origin Date: 2010/10/20
Supplier Name: Thier & Co Supplier Code: 1111 E-mail:
Supplier Plant: Yokohama, Japan Author: M Way Tel: +81-45-123-4567
Part Name: LAMP ASSY, RR COMB Supplier Approval: M Tier R / N Acknowledgement: M Car
Part No. & Issue Level: 26555/0 97A00 Date: 2011/3/1 Dept.: Quality Assurence Date: 2011/3/10
Design Note No. / DEVO: RN-A123 Note: Acknowledgement by Renault and / or Nissan shall not relieve the supplier in any way from its responsibilities.
Adjust parameters of
Left: 100 +/-5g Measurement Adjust according Auto-reject injection machine or stop
Digital balance 10-c Lens
weight 3 Right: 100 +/- Digital balance 100% instruction to spec. start of function for out the machine, call for the
part unit responsible. According
5g 967533 every shift of spec.
to Procedure 0045.
-No damage
-No flow mark Visual inspection
10-d Lens 2 -No weld mark Visual inspection 100% each standard 788990 Follow actions defined
appearance part in Procedure 0045
-No distortion
-No burr
1 every
piece start of Replace wrong material
Lens Trichromatic AAA colorimetry right shift and with correct one ->
colorimetry 10-e
Check sheet
colorimetry R coordinates OK machine 1 Follow actions defined in
machine piece reference Procedure 0045
left change
N / R Ni ss anImportan tPart Ren au l t-CSR Ver.:S / No.
Doc 1 THIER-010-8/Ver. 9
X97A Doc. Rev. Date: 2011/3/1
A B C OBD 2 R Doc. Origin Date: 2010/10/20
Supplier Name: Thier & Co Supplier Code: 1111 E-mail:
Supplier Plant: Yokohama, Japan Author: M Way Tel: +81-45-123-4567
Part Name: LAMP ASSY, RR COMB Supplier Approval: M Tier R / N Acknowledgement: M Car
Part No. & Issue Level: 26555/0 97A00 Date: 2011/3/1 Dept.: Quality Assurence Date: 2011/3/10
Design Note No. / DEVO: RN-A123 Note: Acknowledgement by Renault and / or Nissan shall not relieve the supplier in any way from its responsibilities.
Contaminatio Vacuum
11 Reflector check 11-b n vacuum of 2 Air pressure Pressure meter 100% each Visual inspection pressure by Follow actions defined
0.5±0.05MPa part standard 002452 in Procedure 0045
Reflector Daily TPM
- No damaged
Reflector - No scratches each Visual inspection Follow actions defined
area,illuminatio 11-b 2 Visual inspection 100%
appearance - No part standard 002452 in Procedure 0045
According to the
Metalic each Follow actions defined
12 Metalic
check 3 3 Nodamages Visualinspection 100% list of components
appearance part in Procedure 0045
-temperature calibration Stop the machine, call
Start of Process Maintenance Responsible
-temperature 250±10℃ Automatically + according to
13 Welding Weldings tation 20 2 1x each Parameters for problem detection, set
- time - time Visually calibration correct parameters and
shift Monitoring Sheet
3±0.5sec procedure HH restart.
Compliant start of
Lens According to the
component shift and Replace wrong
reference Visual inspection 1x upon
list of components
reference components
check reference CC
N / R Ni ss anImportan tPart Ren au l t-CSR Ver.:S / No.
Doc 1 THIER-010-8/Ver. 9
X97A Doc. Rev. Date: 2011/3/1
A B C OBD 2 R Doc. Origin Date: 2010/10/20
Supplier Name: Thier & Co Supplier Code: 1111 E-mail:
Supplier Plant: Yokohama, Japan Author: M Way Tel: +81-45-123-4567
Part Name: LAMP ASSY, RR COMB Supplier Approval: M Tier R / N Acknowledgement: M Car
Part No. & Issue Level: 26555/0 97A00 Date: 2011/3/1 Dept.: Quality Assurence Date: 2011/3/10
Design Note No. / DEVO: RN-A123 Note: Acknowledgement by Renault and / or Nissan shall not relieve the supplier in any way from its responsibilities.
Contaminatio Vacuum
Air pressure each Visual inspection Follow actions defined
14 Lens check n vacuum of 2 Pressure meter 100% pressure by
0.5±0.05MPa part standard 002452 in Procedure 0045
Reflector Daily TPM
- no damage
Inspection - no scratches
Lens each Visual inspection Follow actions defined
area,illuminatio 10 2 - no black points Visual inspection 100%
Appearance - no white point part standard 002452 in Procedure 0045
- no contamination
Automaticaly Automaticaly
Metalic insert Presence of each Follow actions defined
Poka yoke 3 3 Automatically 100% inspection (Poka rejection with
presence metalic insert part in Procedure 0045
Yoke) sensor
Automaticaly Automaticaly
Clipping each Follow actions defined
Poka yoke 13 3 All clips cliped Automatically 100% inspection (Poka rejection with
control part in Procedure 0045
Yoke) sensor
- No damages during
Assembled each Visual inspection Follow actions defined
20 housing check
2 welding process Visual inspection 100%
- Continuous welding line part standard 002452 in Procedure 0045
Compliant start of
Components Bulb A0010 According to the
component shift and Replace wrong
15 Bulbs assembly assembly reference Visual inspection 1x upon
list of
reference components
station check reference components CC
Compliant start of
Bulb A0020 According to the
component shift and Replace wrong
reference Visual inspection 1x upon
list of components
reference CC
check reference
N / R Ni ss anImportan tPart Ren au l t-CSR Ver.:S / No.
Doc 1 THIER-010-8/Ver. 9
X97A Doc. Rev. Date: 2011/3/1
A B C OBD 2 R Doc. Origin Date: 2010/10/20
Supplier Name: Thier & Co Supplier Code: 1111 E-mail:
Supplier Plant: Yokohama, Japan Author: M Way Tel: +81-45-123-4567
Part Name: LAMP ASSY, RR COMB Supplier Approval: M Tier R / N Acknowledgement: M Car
Part No. & Issue Level: 26555/0 97A00 Date: 2011/3/1 Dept.: Quality Assurence Date: 2011/3/10
Design Note No. / DEVO: RN-A123 Note: Acknowledgement by Renault and / or Nissan shall not relieve the supplier in any way from its responsibilities.
Compliant start of
Bulb A0030 According to the
component shift and Replace wrong
reference Visual inspection 1x upon
list of components
reference components
check reference CC
Compliant start of
Bulbholder According to the
component shift and Replace wrong
reference Visual inspection 1x upon
list of components
reference components
check reference CC
Visual conformity:
- no damages
- bulb and connector
pins not damaged
Appearance each Visual inspection Follow actions defined in
1 3 and deformed Visual inspection 100%
of Bulbholder - all plastic pins part standard 002452 Procedure 0045
- good shape of
electrical paths
Compliant start of
Seal According to the
component shift and Follow actions defined in
reference Visual inspection 1x upon
list of components
reference Procedure 0045
check reference CC
N / R Ni ss anImportan tPart Ren au l t-CSR Ver.:S / No.
Doc 1 THIER-010-8/Ver. 9
X97A Doc. Rev. Date: 2011/3/1
A B C OBD 2 R Doc. Origin Date: 2010/10/20
Supplier Name: Thier & Co Supplier Code: 1111 E-mail:
Supplier Plant: Yokohama, Japan Author: M Way Tel: +81-45-123-4567
Part Name: LAMP ASSY, RR COMB Supplier Approval: M Tier R / N Acknowledgement: M Car
Part No. & Issue Level: 26555/0 97A00 Date: 2011/3/1 Dept.: Quality Assurence Date: 2011/3/10
Design Note No. / DEVO: RN-A123 Note: Acknowledgement by Renault and / or Nissan shall not relieve the supplier in any way from its responsibilities.
- No damages
each Visual inspection Follow actions defined in
5 Appearance 3 - No rust Visual inspection 100% standard 002452
- good thread part Procedure 0045
N / R Ni ss anImportan tPart Ren au l t-CSR Ver.:S / No.
Doc 1 THIER-010-8/Ver. 9
X97A Doc. Rev. Date: 2011/3/1
A B C OBD 2 R Doc. Origin Date: 2010/10/20
Supplier Name: Thier & Co Supplier Code: 1111 E-mail:
Supplier Plant: Yokohama, Japan Author: M Way Tel: +81-45-123-4567
Part Name: LAMP ASSY, RR COMB Supplier Approval: M Tier R / N Acknowledgement: M Car
Part No. & Issue Level: 26555/0 97A00 Date: 2011/3/1 Dept.: Quality Assurence Date: 2011/3/10
Design Note No. / DEVO: RN-A123 Note: Acknowledgement by Renault and / or Nissan shall not relieve the supplier in any way from its responsibilities.
Measurement in
Stop the machine, call Maintenance
Check of ECE dark room/ each ECE
20 PhotometricTe st Photometer 18 photometry 100% Responsible for problem detection,
R Requirements Automatic part Requirements set correct parameters and restart.
Functionality test Automaticaly
bulb compliant to each Follow actions defined in
21 (including 15 Stop
light 2 Automatically 100% inspection (Poka light functionality
specifications part Procedure 0045
electrical Yoke)
bulb compliant to each Follow actions defined in
16 Tail
light 2 Automatically 100% inspection (Poka light functionality
specifications part Procedure 0045
bulb compliant to each Follow actions defined in
17 Turn
light 2 Automatically 100% inspection (Poka light functionality
specifications part Procedure 0045
Final appearance final inspection Compliance to each Visual inspection Follow actions defined in
22 30-a of assembled 2 Visual inspection 100% standard 002452
check station specifications part Procedure 0045
Dimensional dimensions Compliance to Gauge + digital 5 each Adjust welding
23 Gauge 30-b 2 X-R control chart
check of Assembled specifications indicator parts shift parameters
N / R Ni ss anImportan tPart Ren au l t-CSR Ver.:S / No.
Doc 1 THIER-010-8/Ver. 9
X97A Doc. Rev. Date: 2011/3/1
A B C OBD 2 R Doc. Origin Date: 2010/10/20
Supplier Name: Thier & Co Supplier Code: 1111 E-mail:
Supplier Plant: Yokohama, Japan Author: M Way Tel: +81-45-123-4567
Part Name: LAMP ASSY, RR COMB Supplier Approval: M Tier R / N Acknowledgement: M Car
Part No. & Issue Level: 26555/0 97A00 Date: 2011/3/1 Dept.: Quality Assurence Date: 2011/3/10
Design Note No. / DEVO: RN-A123 Note: Acknowledgement by Renault and / or Nissan shall not relieve the supplier in any way from its responsibilities.
N / R Ni s sanImp ortan tPart Ren au l t-CSR Ver.:
S / No.
Doc 1 123456 / Ver.2
521 Doc. Rev. Date: 2011/5/6
Doc. Origin Date: 2011/1/6
Supplier Plant: Top Parts Supplier Code: A468 Tel:
Supplier Plant: Tokyo, Japan Author: F. Mercury Tel: +81-49-456-7890
Part Name: Tank Supplier Approval: S O Else R / N Acknowledgement: M Car
Part No. & Issue Level: 54010 BU00 Date: 2011/5/6 Dept.: Quality Assurence Date: 2011/5/10
Design Note No. / DEVO: HEB - 66X Note: Acknowledgement by Renault and / or Nissan shall not relieve the supplier in any way from its responsibilities.
N / R Ni s sanImp ortan tPart Ren au l t-CSR Ver.:
S / No.
Doc 1 123456 / Ver.2
521 Doc. Rev. Date: 2011/5/6
Doc. Origin Date: 2011/1/6
Supplier Plant: Top Parts Supplier Code: A468 Tel:
Supplier Plant: Tokyo, Japan Author: F. Mercury Tel: +81-49-456-7890
Part Name: Tank Supplier Approval: S O Else R / N Acknowledgement: M Car
Part No. & Issue Level: 54010 BU00 Date: 2011/5/6 Dept.: Quality Assurence Date: 2011/5/10
Design Note No. / DEVO: HEB - 66X Note: Acknowledgement by Renault and / or Nissan shall not relieve the supplier in any way from its responsibilities.
Free from
blemishes to
Production Daily audit Rework to procedure
12 Appearance standerd RN24. all 100%
visual inspection overcheck record REW547 or scrap
Flash not to
exceed 1.50mm
Tank Weld Burst pressure Production test First & Last off Lab report and
16 Up/Downstream check &
Strength lass than 2 bar rig every shift review inform customer
10.0mm +/-
1 Flange width Adjust process and
0.5mm Per X-R control
Inspection CMM 5 back check to last OK
50.0mm +/- Hour Chart
Moulder #3 Die 2 Help positon result
5 Plastic Moulding 1.0mm
Adjust process and
Hole 85.0mm +/- Per X-R control
3 Inspection CMM 5 back check to last OK
diameter 0.5mm Hour Chart
Production gauge
- identification 100.0mm +/- #61Production First & Last off 100% back check
4 - color gauge
Check Sheet
1.0mm every shift and containment
N / R Ni s sanImp ortan tPart Ren au l t-CSR Ver.:
S / No.
Doc 1 123456 / Ver.2
521 Doc. Rev. Date: 2011/5/6
Doc. Origin Date: 2011/1/6
Supplier Plant: Top Parts Supplier Code: A468 Tel:
Supplier Plant: Tokyo, Japan Author: F. Mercury Tel: +81-49-456-7890
Part Name: Tank Supplier Approval: S O Else R / N Acknowledgement: M Car
Part No. & Issue Level: 54010 BU00 Date: 2011/5/6 Dept.: Quality Assurence Date: 2011/5/10
Design Note No. / DEVO: HEB - 66X Note: Acknowledgement by Renault and / or Nissan shall not relieve the supplier in any way from its responsibilities.
Production test
Important OBD
7 rig 100% inprocess
part & OBD 5 Gauss
and Quality all 100% test
confirmation maximum 100% back check
Residual Manager data data she
testing 19 and containment
magnetic flux submission
Inform customer
Equipment OBD First & Last off
4.8 ~ 4.9 Gauss tester Check Sheet
calibration every shift
N / R Ni s sanImp ortan tPart Ren au l t-CSR Ver.:
S / No.
Doc 1 123456 / Ver.2
521 Doc. Rev. Date: 2011/5/6
Doc. Origin Date: 2011/1/6
Supplier Plant: Top Parts Supplier Code: A468 Tel:
Supplier Plant: Tokyo, Japan Author: F. Mercury Tel: +81-49-456-7890
Part Name: Tank Supplier Approval: S O Else R / N Acknowledgement: M Car
Part No. & Issue Level: 54010 BU00 Date: 2011/5/6 Dept.: Quality Assurence Date: 2011/5/10
Design Note No. / DEVO: HEB - 66X Note: Acknowledgement by Renault and / or Nissan shall not relieve the supplier in any way from its responsibilities.
Black ED
Confirmation Salt spray test
coating of Adjust process
Testing to Per Lab report
9 13 mild Test cabinet 1 and inform
(excluding steel NES SPM007 Month and review customer
Important / 400 Hours
OBD tests). reinforcer
Key Point(s):
The Process Flow Chart is the document that describesthe manufacturing stepsto produce, assemble, check, rework, repair, store and to
send the parts to Renault and/or Nissan.
The Process Flow Chart is used to analyze the total process rather than the individual steps. It allowsthe user to see the impacts of variations
(machines, material, manpower, etc.) on the process.
The Supplier shall use flowchart symbols specified by an appropriate standard to complete the layout.
For Modular Assemblies (Cock-Pit Module(CPM), Front-End Module(FEM) etc.), the “Component Supply Chain Chart (CSCC)” should be
appended to the flowchart.
For Renault:
If thefollowing
supplier symbols
wants to should be used
use another for the they
standard, Process
: Chart.
first ask for Renault agreement,
give to Renault the symbols description
For Nissan:
The supplier shall use flowchart symbols specified by an appropriate standard to complete the layout.
The supplier shall clarify the meaning of the symbols used in a legend.
Key Point(s):
The Floor Plan Layout is the document that shows the facilities installationand product flow inside the plant.
The layout should also describe complete process from incoming material to final shipping
The supplier shall confirm the flow line of parts, products and operator by using floor layout plan.
No possibility of cross-contamination and wrong parts mix
No possibility of non-conformity mix and non-conforming out flow
No possibility of physical damage for parts and components
It should be updated during the life of product.
[InWork place]
Documents (e.g. Visual Aids, Working Instruction, Control Plan)
Red Box (for non-conforming productsand parts storage)
Key Point(s):
The Work Instructions specify theactions required to carry out an operation. These documents shall be created for all employees having
responsibilities for the operation of processes that impact conformity to product requirements e.g. manufacturing operations including rework
and repair, inspection, calibration, maintenance, logistics etc.
These instructions shall beaccessible for use at the work station and shall be in a format and language that is easily understandable by the
These instructions shall bederived from sourcessuch as the quality plan, the control plan and the product realization process, andshall be
continuously improved through feedback from the operators.
Suppliers shall describe the best operation method withwhich they can keep the quality, delivery, cost, and also safety.
6 Gently push down on the rear of the mouse body Push until click sound is heard.
cover until click sound is heard .
If there is no sound, put the assembly into the
red box.
Mouse cover tab could be broken.
Total 15
Special note 5 ※Power of pushing a cover: The grade which can carry br ead through with a finger.
*When it does not sound click at the time of attachment , fall and abnormalities occur on parts, st op work
immediately, report to the assistant manager or a leader, and wait for directions. Stop work immediately, report to
the assistant manager or a leader, and wait for directions.
Control No XXXXXXX 1/1
Process No. Revise (Create) day Jul-14
Operation No.xx Revised points
Name Final inspection for Mouse Assembly
Safety Glass Review
Tools Torque driver Manager NISSAN
2 Conduct apperance check visually. Remove the burr and assure no foreign
(Tail side) 2 substance along dotted line.
3-1 Conduct appearance check visually. Remove the burr and assure no foreign
(Left side-side) substance along dotted line. Shake the main
2 (It is easy to find burr and Foreign substance on assembly in the direction
Inspect along the
Dimple 3-1 dotted lines. 3-2 of the arrow .
Check for unusual sound
and inspect along dotted
3-2 Conduct appearance check visually for A main part is shaken in the direction of an line
contamination. arrow.
(Right side-side) Checks that there is not unusual sound.
5 Rotate and check the operation wheel. Wheel shall Rotate smoothly. 4-1 4-2
Check that it clicks twice and Check that it clicks twice and
When rotate is not smooth, put mouse into the operates smoothly. operates smoothly.
red box.
Assure no presence of contamination in the
5 Confirm wheel rotation smoothly 2
P ar t s W he el
Total 11.5 Click Torque 0.01 0.02 Nm
Explained why Key point must be observed. Cannot understand Key point as an important point.
Operation step, Instructions etc To make the contents of work easier to If only explanation by text only,
understand by figure, photo and etc. ・When educating new worker, it is harder for a new worker to
understand operation correctly.
・Judgment is mistaken when a worker is unclear about the judgement.
・ When a superintendent does work observation, it is hard to judge
whether work is done correctly and easily.
Special note Describes for being specially careful for a
operator. There are many written examples of
correspondence of trouble shooting.
Matrix Quality Assurance (MQA) - Renault
Key Point(s):
The MQA (Quality Assurance Matrix) isthe document which demonstrates thatno process failure will reach the customer/client (the final
customer, an intermediate client, the following department, the following operation....).
The MQA tool aims at protecting the customer and checking the quality of this protection.
The Renault MQAshall be in accordance with the specific Renault MQArequirements (see Renaultguide on the Supplier's Portal).
Supplier Name: FF Supplier Supplier Code: 000XXXXAA Document srcin date : 01/10/2010
Part No & Issue level : 82000AAAAAAAA Control Plan Reference / Version : CPDER--D
only one workstation still not fully i mpoved.
As the MQA Study has been almost finished:
An audit on MQA implementation will be performed in January 2011
Supplier Name: FF Supplier Supplier Code: 000XXXXAA Document srcin date : 01/10/2010
Part No & Issue level : 82000AAAAAAAA Control Plan Reference / Version : CPDER--D
Activity Purpose:
The supplier shall manage all ne cessary equipment to ensure that Renault-Niss an requirements are achieved and maintained.
As part of this management, the supplier shall ensure that all equipment is capable, reliable and in a stable condition during
Equipment to be mana ged includes, but is not limited to, machinery, moulds, jigs and fixtures, tools , gauges, inspection and
test equipment.
Planned changes to equipment cond itions (e.g. chan ges required as a r esult of a modification to the pr oduct or process) shall
be managed through the change management activity.
Unplanned changes to equipment conditions (e.g. damage, wear etc.) shall be managed through the suppliers' maintenance
Unless otherwise completed following steps, the supplier shall not start regular production.
Check the equipment condition/function (inc luding poka-yoke (error-proofing)) along with the check sheet.
Inspect first article after s et-up sample size along the chec k sheet. (e.g. Three pieces before regular production )
Assign an appropriate person (e.g. supervisor) and review the result of inspection.
Submission of Gauge Specification and Approval Sheet
Upon agreement with Renault-Nissan, the supplier's own document may be used.
Submission will be required in two stages:
Gauge specification confirmation prior to gauge manufacture.
Gauge approval after gauge manufacture, prior to the supplier's initial "off-tool" trial build.
Part specific gauges shall be specified and procured by the supplier. Ownership of gauges will be agreed with the relevant
Renault-Nissan Purchasing Dept.
All materials employed in the m anufacture of the base or surface of the gauge shall be sufficiently robust and hard wearing to
Phase 1 2 3 4 5
Activity Specify equipment (including Implement the Ensure
all necessary Maintain the condition
Content test equipment), tools, dies installation plan
equipment is installed of all necessary
and gauges. and monitor as per the i nstallation equipment, including
Create an installation plan progress. plan. the correct function of
related to the equipment, Conduct trials of the all error proofing
tools, dies and gauges. mass production devices.
condition to prepare If a change is required,
the system for mass follow the change
production management activity
Validate the equipment (including test
equipment), tools, dies and gauges using the
results of production at the off-tool and
off-process trials.
Output Gauge Specification and Approval Sheet
N / R N i ss anIm por t an tP ar t R en au l t-C S R Ver.:
S / No.
Doc 1 12345
Q78 V Doc. Rev. Date: 2011/5/3
Doc. Origin Date: 2011/3/29
Supplier Name: Automotive Air Systems Supplier Code: B701 E-mail:
Supplier Plant: International Falls, Minnesota, USA Author: Fred Schultz Tel: 419-465-2045
Part Name: External air scoop Drawing No: NBX-200 [1]
Part No. & Issue Level: 27658 AB00 Gauge Reference: EAS 123
Design Note No. / DEVO: NBX-200
Gauge Specification Sheet
Interface Targets / Proximity Parts & Customer Agreed Check Points: Specification Details and Appended Support Document References:
Measuring / Check Points for Part Gauge (Visual and Coordinate Detail):
1 ### 132 860 -1 0 -1
2 ### 99 880 0.6 -1 0.4
3 ### 120 830 -0 0 -1
4 ### 99 844 -0 0 -1
5 ### 0 845 -0 0 -1
6 ### -0 882 0.9 0 0.3
7 ### -99 844 -0 0 -1
8 ### ## 830 -0 0 -1
9 ### 99 880 0.5 0.7 0.4
10 ### ## 860 -0 0 -1
11 ### 10 860 -0 0 -1
Calibration Frequency:
Every 6 Months
N / R N i ss anIm por t an tP ar t R en au l t-C S R Ver.:
S / No.
Doc 1 12345
Q78 V Doc. Rev. Date: 2011/5/3
Doc. Origin Date: 2011/3/29
Supplier Name: Automotive Air Systems Supplier Code: B701 E-mail:
Supplier Plant: International Falls, Minnesota, USA Author: Fred Schultz Tel: 419-465-2045
Part Name: External air scoop Drawing No: NBX-200 [1]
Part No. & Issue Level: 27658 AB00 Gauge Reference: EAS 123
Design Note No. / DEVO: NBX-200
Gauge Approval Sheet
Specification Required Inspection / Buy off Approval
Items Comments
Pedigree / Reference (Yes / No) Report No./ Ref. (Yes / No)
Body / Mating Part Fix Area Identification (Body / Mating Part Recreation in X.Y.Z axis)CAD Drawing 26010 Yes ISR50019 Yes
Drawing Reference
Key Gauge Tolerances Identification (Mating Part Surfaces, Location Surfaces) Yes ISR50020 Yes
Repeatability & Reproducibility Report INT-S 2187 Yes R-R 50019 Yes
Signature: Signature:
Note: Acknowledgement by Renault and / or Nissan shall not relieve the supplier in any way from its responsibilities.
Evaluate, monitor and manage process capability in order to maintain a capable and stable process condition that continuously achieves the
Renault-Nissan targets.
If process capability requirements are not achieved, all products shall be subjected to additional confirmation activities to prevent delivery of
non-conforming product until effective countermeasure(s) are implemented and verified.
In order to maintain a capable and stable process condition, the supplier shall identify an "unusual" or "abnormal" process conditions.
(Examples of an "unusual" or "abnormal" process conditions include (but are not limited to) difficulties experienced during set-up and start-up or
excessive noise or vibration from equipment during operation.)
In the event of an "unusual" or "abnormal" process condition being identified, the supplier shall implement a reaction plan, including escalation
where appropriate.
If the process capability does not achieve the Renault-Nissan requirements, the supplier shall establish root cause(s) and implement effective
countermeasure(s) to meet the requirements by the time to submit Part Submission Warrant (PSW).
The supplier shall continuously monitor and reduce variation in both product and manufacturing process characteristics.
in the component the Process Capability the ProcessCapability the Process Capability
drawings and Study Plan and make Study Result. Study Results if the
specification. the Process Capability Renault-Nissan requests.
Study Result.
Update the final Process
Key Point(s):
The process capability study planis the document that describes how the supplier will implement the processcapability study during;
Phase 3 for off-tool parts if applicable
Phase 4 for off-process parts
Key Point(s):
The Process Capability Study Resultsis a document that records the result of the detailed capability studyfor each feature identified on the
Process Capability Study Plan.
The Process Capability Study Results shall include the followings (as a minimum):
Identification of all characteristics to be studied
(These shall include items from the Special Characteristics and Key Features diagram as a minimum.)
Measurement data analysis method to be used (e.g. Cpk, TAG etc.)
Target value of process capability for each identified characteristics
Specification (nominal and tolerance) of each identified characteristics
Sample size for each identified characteristics
Device/Tool for measuring/inspect characteristics of a product (e.g. Coordinate Measuring Machine (CMM))
Measured raw data and result of analysis (i.e. Raw data and Cp, Cpk calculation)
Recovery plan including containment actionsand permanent countermeasures forthose features that do not meet the targets.
Confirm that the supplier's processes are capable of producing parts at full volume condition that meet all Renault-Nissan targets by conducting
a manufacturing trial. (e.g. Supplier-Full Volume Confirmations (FVC), significant production trial, line speed demonstration etc.)
Confirmation of manufacturing trial as full volume condition shall be conducted and report the result to Renault-Nissan.
If any concerns arise during this manufacturing trial, an additional full volume condition confirmation manufacturing trial shall be conducted to
confirm countermeasures prior to the supplier's start of production.
Renault-Nissan will select certain suppliers and carry out an additional audit activity on their process to confirm their ability to support
Renault-Nissan requirements before, during and after ramp-up.
The date, duration, product quantity and mix for this activity shall be agreed with Renault-Nissan.
This activity will be carried out at the same time as the final manufacturing trial by supplier.
Phase 1 2 3 4 5
Activity Review / audit the process prior to the start of volume production. Continue tomonitor
Content Conduct a manufacturing trial that fully represents final production conditions for man, process/product
material, machine and method. performance.
The trial shall demonstrate set-up, changes and parts identification through to labelling for
dispatch etc. and cover all shifts.
All production jigs, fixtures, tooling, gauges and facilities shall be used.
Output Full Volume Confirmation Audit Results
All ian ce New Pro duc t Q ua lit y P ro ced ure (AN PQP )
Printed versions of this document are not controlled by the version management system.
8.2 Monitoring and measurement
8.5 Improvement (for example; Manufacturing process improvement)
All ian ce New Pro duc t Q ua lit y P ro ced ure (AN PQP )
Printed versions of this document are not controlled by the version management system.
Full Volume Confirmation Audit Results - Sel f Audit (FVCAR)
Key Point(s):
The Full Volume Confirmation Audit Results document shows the results of a full volume confirmation audit carried out by the supplier prior to
the start of production.
Activity Purpose:
Plan and implement additional activities toensure quality and delivery requirements are maintained during the launch period.
Phase 1 2 3 4 5
Activity Create and implement a Ramp-up Activity Plan t shall
tha Monitor progress of the Ramp-up Activity Plan mplement
and i
Content achieve the two objectives of the ramp-up period. countermeasures.
Output Ramp-U
p ActivityPlan
Ramp-Up Activity Concern and Countermeasure Repo
Key Point(s):
A documented Ramp-up Activity Plan is required . This Plan mayexist independently but shall be consistentith
w the pre-production con
trol plan and theroduction
capacity plan
Examples ofadditional activities whichmay beincludedin theRamp-upActivity Planare:
Off-line, separate and indep endent ch eck from the normal production pro cess wheneverpossible
100% inspection
Increasedfrequency/sample size of receiving,processand or shipping inspections.
Sub-suppliercontainmentand or sub-supplier support/audits
Additionof inspection/control items
Increasedverificationof labelaccuracy
The Ramp-upActivity Plan sha ll also spe cify clear xeit criteria for
the ramp-up epriod. Thesecriteria shallover:
Internal & external defect ratios
Duration of activity
If the suppliers iunableto meet theexit criteria, rothe supplier's ramp-up activity
continues to identify non-conformances,the supplier sh
all continue the
additional activities until the quality or delivery concerns have been resolved to the satisfaction of Renault-Nissan.
The organization for themanagement ofthe ramp-upactivity shallbe identifiedon theRamp-upActivity plan.
Supplierown document
Key Point(s):
The Ramp-up Activity Concern and Countermeasure Report is a document that lists the concerns found during the ramp-up period, the root cause
of the concerns and the final countermeasures. It is linked to the Ramp-up Activity Plan.
Supplierown document
All ian ce New Pro duc t Q ua lit y P ro ced ure (AN PQP )
Printed versions of this document are not controlled by the version manageme nt system.
Ramp-up Activity Plan Date 2008/2/21
No Item Contents
1 Parts name & number SEN ASSY 00000 AA001,
2 Manufacture Plant Tokyo Plant,JPN
3 Target Category Item Target
number Responsibility (Dep.Name)
Qty. or PPM of rejected products
0 ppm B.Fore(QA)
at Nissan Plant
5 Control items in Ramp up activity Control item Frequency: Normal -> Ramp-up period Note
Electrical components
Components damaged
100% Visual inspection >>> Add 100%
Teared components
visual inspection in Ramp up period
Lack of components
Insufficiencies 100% visual inspection >>> Add 100%
Soldering Excess soldering quality visual inspection in Ramp
Cuts up period
To ensure that all products are adequately identified and controlled, Renault-Nissan requiresits suppliers to operate an effective identification and
traceability system.
To ensure that all products/parts are adequatelyidentified and controlled, Renault-Nissan requiresits suppliers to operate an effective lot control
system. The suppliers are requested to maintain a register that can cross reference lot numbers and manufacturing characteristics to facilitate
traceability on request.
Traceability control methodto be applied will be ordered in the document (including drawing)by Renault-Nissan designengineer.
If there is no order of control method from Renault-Nissan, the supplier shalldetermine the control method basedon the experience or standard in
the supplier or agreement with Renault-Nissan relevant department.
The tier 1 supplier shall manage traceability for all products and components delivered to Renault-Nissan facilities.
In order to do this, the tier 1 supplier shall deploy the identification and traceability requirements to their sub-suppliers.
For selected products, identification andtraceability requirements maybe specified on the Renault-Nissan approved drawings and/or data notes.
If this is the case, the supplier must comply with the requirements specified on the relevant drawing and/ or data note. (Refer to the “4.5 Special
Characteristics Management”)
For products where no particular identification and traceability requirements are specifiedon the approved drawings and/or data notes, the supplier
must comply with the requirements contained in the ISO/TS 16949 and within the relevant requirements.
To keep the part traceability the lot sizeis left to the supplier to decide,but should be small enough to ensure control and to provide for identification
and traceability within a few hours from a request by Renault-Nissan.
Renault-Nissan reserves theright at any time to audit the supplier's compliance with these identification and traceability requirements.
Category Purpose:
Element Activity:
6.1 Design V erification and Product / Process Validation
Activity Purpose:
When requested, the supplier shall attend the Renault-Nissan trial assembly activities to review the assembled part condition and confirm
Renault-Nissan assembly requirements.
Phase 1 2 3 4 5
Create a design verification Manufacture parts in the Manufacture parts in the Carry out Continuous
and product / process off-toolcondition and perform off-processcondition and conformance testing for
validation plan detailed measurement studies perform detailed measurement functional and performance
When requested, manufacture to confirm that the parts meet studies to confirm that the parts requirements.
Activity prototype parts and perform design specification for meet design specification for Carry out design verification
Content detailed measurement studies dimensions, material, dimensions, material, and product / process
to confirm that the parts meet appearance, etc. appearance, etc. validation activities for design
design specification for changes.
dimensions, material,
appearance, etc.
All ian ce New Pro duc t Q ua lit y P ro ced ure (AN PQP )
Printed versions of this document are not controlled by the version management system.
Implement the planned product
Implement the planned design verification activities. Confirmation
activities shall include: / process validation activities.
Calculations. Confirmation activities shall
Digitalsimulation/ test. include:
Confirmationof CADdata quality. Test activitiesto validate
Reviewof implementation of countermeasuresfrom lessons that manufacturing
learned and recurrence prevention activities. process variation has not
affected the ability of the
parts to meet design
requirements for function
and performance.
When requested, provide Provide measured sample Provide measured sample
measured sample parts in the parts in theoff-toolcondition for parts in theoff-process
prototype condition for use in use in Renault-Nissan trial condition for use in
Renault-Nissan trial assembly assembly activities. Renault-Nissan trial assembly
activities. activities.
Output Supplier Digital Test Report
Document Supplier Test Plan and Report
Inspection Report
Appearance Approval Report (Nissan)
All ian ce New Pro duc t Q ua lit y P ro ced ure (AN PQP )
Printed versions of this document are not controlled by the version management system.
Supplier Digital Test Report (SDTR)
Key Point(s):
For Renault:
Supplier own document
For Nissan:
R/N Ni s s a nI m p o rt a n tP a r t Re n a u l t-CS R S 1
Doc Ref. No. / Ver.:
Project: X10A AA B OBD 2
SDTR X10A /□4
R Doc. Rev. Da 2007/10/7
Name: ABC Corporation Ltd. SupplierCode: 2D78 Doc.
Date 2007/3/3
Supplier Plant Name: Atsugi Author: Taro Tokyo Tel No.: +81 456 872 489
Part Name Exterior Plastic Moulding SDTR Report No. KA1E-X10A-001
Part No. & Issue Level 62123 XXXXX
Design Note No. / D T0A458
Make plan Approve plan DS Lot report DS Lot approval DC Lot report Approve
(Supplier) (Nissan Design) (Supplier) (Nissan design) (Supplier) (Nissan design)
Name Taro Tokyo Ichiro Nissan Taro Tokyo Ichiro Nissan Taro Tokyo Ichiro Nissan
DS Lot DC Lot
u -su - ssessment ssessment
Category Sub-category Testing Item Assessment Result Doc. No. Assessment Result Doc. No.
categories Projection Method Projection Method
European Damage by external
EEC79/488 impact (Corner radius) - Simulation OK 1 Simulation OK 11
Fit PQ Assessment DMDR OK 2, 3 DMDR OK DS
Maintaining good
Reliability appearance Vehicle Condition PQ Assessment Nissan(DMDR) OK - Nissan(DMDR) OK -
Objectives No abnormal Fitting parts to prevent
noise or vibration
- Standard Structure OK 4 Standard Structure OK DS
noise or vibration
Key Point(s):
The SupplierTest Plan andReport is thesummary ofthe test resu lts identified forach
e test period(prototype, off-tool, off
The document begins as a test planand is updated iw th results from theverification and validation tests
as they arecompleted. Thefinal version of the
shall demonstrate the full conformity of the part to the functional and performance specifications.
N / R Ni ss anImportan tPart Ren au l t-CSR Ver.:
S / No.
Doc 1 A1245
D99K Doc. Rev. Date:
Doc. Origin Date: 2011/2/20
Supplier Name: BB Widgets MFG. LLC Supplier Code: X001 E-mail:
Supplier Plant: French Lick, Indiana, USA Author: Chris Bridgette Tel:
Part Name: Round Legged widget-Supreme Remark
Part No. & Issue Level: 12345 ZK 09
Design Note No. / DEVO: NAM-X100
Related Parts Number/ Reference and Name: PlanAgreed ReportAgreed Plan Agreed Report Agreed Plan Agreed Report Agreed Note
Signature C. Bridgette D.D. Clyde C. Bridgette D.D. Clyde
Date 28-Feb-11 17-Mar-11 5-Mar-11 9-Apr-11
Formal Report
15-Mar-11 30-Mar-11
Submission Date
TestPeriod(Plan) From: 2011/2/29 To: 10-Mar-11 From: 18-Mar-11 To: 30-Mar-11 From: To:
Test Period (Actual) From: 2-Mar-11 To: 11-Mar-11 From: 16-Mar-11 To: 30-Mar-11 From: To:
None Spec, Tender /
S NAM-X100 NAM-X100
Design Note No.
A Manufacture
Jan-11 6-Mar-11
Tool Type Prototype Production Tool at Tool supplier
E Mould Type
Prediction OK On-going
NG Sample Result Summary & Sample Result Summary & Sample Result Summary &
No. Test Name & Requirements Test Method Acceptance Criteria Justification & CA
NA NA NA test
Size Report No. NS Size Report No. NS Size Report No. NS
Report No. NA Frequency
Key Point(s):
The Inspection Report is a standard report form used to communicate product quality data. The characteristics to be inspected will be agreed with
Renault-Nissan prior to submission.
The Inspection Report must be submitted to Renault-Nissan with each trial parts submission. An Inspection Report shall be submitted to
Renault-Nissan following any changes to the product, material, process or tooling.
Minimum Content Requirement(s):
Part Status:
Process Instructions & Production Facilities
Tier-N Components
Control Gauges
Packaging and Logistics
Manufacturing process status
Measurement data for all features identified onthe drawing and in the Special Characteristicsand Key Features Diagram. Thisshall include
measurement data from all suites / cavities of any multi-part tooling.
The conformity status of each measurement (OK / Not OK)
The unit for each measurement will be identified
Supplier approval signature and date
A unique report number
IMDS (International Material DataSystem) ID number (data validated by R/N )should be inputted in inspection report.
When there are plural parts for the inspection report, use“part number detail” and attached.
Measured samples are required with each report submitted (minimum 5 samples)
The measured samples shall be clearly numbered and referenced in the Inspection Report.
The supplier must ensure consistency throughout all documentation for:
operation step numbering
Alliance New Product Quality Procedure (ANPQP)
Printed versions of this document are not controlled by the version management system.
product characteristics identification
(e.g.: Control plan, Process Flow Chart , Special Characteristic and Key Features Diagram, Inspection Report, FMEA)
Document Description:
Nissan Important Part Tick all boxes that apply to the product being developed / manufactured.
Renault - CSR Tick either 'S' or 'R' and '1' or '2' as appropriate.
Document Reference No./ Version The Suppliers reference no. and version no. for the document.
Document Revision Date The date of the latest revision of the document.
Document Origin Date The date when the document was first issued.
Supplier Name Supplier Company name.
Supplier Plant Location at which the product will be produced.
Supplier Code Unique code to each supplier, issued by Renault-Nissan Purchasing Dept.
Author The name of the person who created / revised the document
E-mail The E-mail address of the person who created / revised the document.
Tel The telephone number of the person who created / revised the document
Part Name The part name or description as identified on the product drawing
Part No. & Issue Level As issued by Renault-Nissan design department
Design Note No. / DEVO The latest design note number that applies to the product being developed / manufactured.
Milestone The name of the Renault-Nissan milestone for which the inspected product is being delivered.
Control Plan Reference / Version The Control Plan reference number and the Issue Level that the parts have been manufactured
Tier N components identified as key critical (list & status) and their Status (Off Process, Off Tool, Proto)
Supplier comments:
ANPQP criteria
(complete and submit ANPQP documentation)
No. Special Characteristic Nominal Lower Results (=number,pass,OK) Conformance
Upper Method of Measurement,
(match Character Specification Dimension Tolerance Not
Tolerance 1 2 3 4 5 OK Reports, or Comments
KFD) Symbol and Tolerance (numeric only) (use - sign) OK
1 Dimension
QVCC 6-1 GAP 0 .5+0.6/-0.4 0.5 0.6 -0.4 1.0 1.0 0.8 1.1 0.8 OK CALIPER GAUGE
QVCC 6-1 GAP 0 .5+0.6/-0.4 0.5 0.6 -0.4 1.0 0.5 0.7 0.5 0.4 OK CALIPER GAUGE
QVCC 6-1 GAP 0 .5+0.6/-0.4 0.5 0.6 -0.4 0.6 0.5 0.9 0.6 0.4 OK CALIPER GAUGE
QVCC 6-2 DeviationMax.0.7 0.7 0.4 0.5 0.7 0.6 0.4 OK CALIPER GAUGE
QVCC 6-2 DeviationMax.0.7 0.7 0.5 0.6 0.4 0.5 0.4 OK CALIPER GAUGE
QVCC 6-2 DeviationMax.0.7 0.7 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.6 0.4 OK CALIPER GAUGE
QVCC 6-3 GAP 0 .5+0.7/-0.4 0.5 0.7 -0.4 0.7 0.6 0.4 0.3 0.1 OK CALIPER GAUGE
QVCC 6-3
GAP 0 .5+0.7/-0.4 0.5 0.7 -0.4 0.5 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.4 OK CALIPER GAUGE
QVCC 6-3 GAP 0 .5+0.7/-0.4 0.5 0.7 -0.4 0.5 0.4 0.5 0.3 0.4 OK CALIPER GAUGE
QVCC 6-4 DeviationMax.1.0 1.0 0.5 0.4 0.5 0.3 0.4 OK CALIPER GAUGE
QVCC 6-4 DeviationMax.1.0 1.0 0.5 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.5 OK CALIPER GAUGE
QVCC 6-4 DeviationMax.1.0 1.0 0.6 0.6 0.7 0.7 0.4 OK CALIPER GAUGE
QVCC 6-5 GAP 0 .5+0.7/-0.4 0.5 0.7 -0.4 0.8 0.6 0.9 0.9 0.6 OK CALIPER GAUGE
QVCC 6-6 GAP 0 .5+0.7/-0.4 0.5 0.7 -0.4 0.8 0.7 0.9 0.6 0.6 OK CALIPER GAUGE
QVCC 6-7 40+0.25/-0.25 40 0.25 -0.25 40.1 40.1 40.1 40.0 40.0 OK CALIPER GAUGE
QVCC 6-8 90+0.3/-0.3 90 0.3 -0.3 90.1 90.0 89.9 89.9 90.1 OK CALIPER GAUGE
Approval signature:
E. Bygum Date:
June 8th 2011
Key Point(s):
The Appearance Approval Report (AAR) is a standard report form, to communicate information on product / part appearance.
The product / part to be reported upon will be agreed with the relevant Nissandepartment prior to submissionand will normally be either:
A product / part that has a grained or other textured finish.
A product / part that has a painted or other coloured finish.
For Renault:
The Appearance Approvalis a Renault standard procedure; thesupplier should refer tothis standard to manage the appearanceapproval of the
product / part with the Renault relevant department:
Shape approval of the visible body part see Renault norme 00 10 007
Shape approval of the injection part see Renault norme 03 20 006
This document shall be submitted at the following timing:
Trial Submission:
The AAR is used to support the Parts Submission Warrant and a copy showing the Nissan OK signature must be submitted when
submitting the Warrant pack.
Post SOP submission:
The AAR should be submitted upon Nissan request.
Areas inside the bold lines are for Nissan completion only.
Items marked * denotes if required by Nissan.
Document Reference No./ Version The suppliers reference no. and version no. for the document.
Document Revision Date The date of the latest revision of the document.
Document Origin Date The date when the document was first issued.
Supplier Name Supplier company name.
Supplier Plant Location at which the product will be produced.
Supplier Code Unique code to each supplier, issued by Renault / Nissan Purchasing Dept.
Author The name of the person who created / revised the document
E-mail The E-mail address of the person who created / revised the document.
Tel The telephone number of the person who created / revised the document
Part Name The part name or description as identified on the product drawing
Part No. & Issue Level: As issued by Renault / Nissan design department
Design Note No. / DEVO The latest design note number that applies to the product being developed / manufactured.
Drawing No. As issued by Renault / Nissan design department
Reason for Submission Tick the appropriate box. If other is used add explanation of submission.
Color I.D. The color identification number used by Nissan.
Part No. Suffix The final potion of the part number that identifies the color of the product.
Master Number The identification number of the master plaque used for the measurement .
Material Type For self-colored submissions, the name of the material.
Alliance New Product Quality Procedure (ANPQP)
Printed versions of this document are not controlled by the version management system.
For painted / other colored finish submissions, the name of the substrate
For self-colored submissions, the source / manufacturer of the material.
Material Source
For painted / other colored finish submissions, the source / manufacturer of the paint / finish.
Grain depth * The average grain depth.
Numerical results (from color computer) for submitted parts.
Color Computer Data * Note:
Supplier should agree which method of color approval will be used with the relevant Nissan department.
R / N Project: Ni s s anImport antPart Rena ul t-CSR S 1 Doc Ref. No. / Ver.: ABC-010-8/Ver. 9
X46 Doc. Rev. Date: Aug 10th 2011
Doc. Origin Date: Jul 1st 2011
Supplier Name: ABC Corporation Ltd. Supplier Code: A010 E-mail:
Supplier Plant: Atsugi-Plant Author: Taro Nissan Tel: +81-(0)46-270-1894
Part Name: DOOR ASSY-BACK Drawing No: 80850 JD400-B121/B122
Part No. & Issue Level: 80850 XXXXX
Design Note No. / DEVO: A16796
Part No. Master Material Material Grain Colour Computer Data Visual Colour Assessment
Colour I.D. Gloss Comment
Suffix Number Type Source Depth DL DA Db De CMC Supplier Nissan OK/NG
PC74 JD400 24 PVC 0.15 0.12 0.3 0.356 0.323 +1 Dark, +1 Blue Dark,
+1 OK
company 160.5
AB Rmax:
PC74 JD400 24 PVC 0.15 0.12 0.3 0.356 0.323 +1Dark,+1Blue +2Dark,+1Red OK
company 185.6
PG05 JD401 09 PVC 0.1 0.01 0.09 0.135 0.091 +2 Light,+1 Blue +3 Light,+2 Blue OK
company 160.5
AB Rmax:
PG05 JD401 09 PVC 0.1 0.01 0.09 0.135 0.091 +2 Light,+1 Blue +3 Light,+2 Blue OK
company 185.5
PK30 JD402 47 PVC 0.23 0.01 0.36 0.427 0.36 +1 Dark, +1 Blue +2 Dark, +1 Red OK
company 160.5
AB Rmax:
PK30 JD402 47 PVC 0.23 0.01 0.36 0.427 0.36 +1
+1Blue +2
+1Red OK
company 185.5
PC80 JD403 22 PVC 0.09 0.17 0.19 0.27 0.255 +2Light,+1Blue +3 Light, +2 Blue OK
company 160.5
AB Rmax:
PC80 JD403 22 PVC 0.09 0.17 0.19 0.27 0.255 +2Light,+1Blue +3 Light, +2 Blue OK
company 185.5
Reserved 1/2
Example for grained or other textured finished product.
R / N Project: Ni s s anImport antPart Rena ul t-CSR S 1 Doc Ref. No. / Ver.: ABC-010-8/Ver. 9
X46 Doc. Rev. Date: Aug 10th 2011
Doc. Origin Date: Jul 1st 2011
Supplier Name: ABC Corporation Ltd. Supplier Code: A010 E-mail:
Supplier Plant: Atsugi-Plant Author: Taro Nissan Tel: +81-(0)46-270-1894
Part Name: BOX ASSY-GLOBE Drawing No: 76850 JD400-B121/B122
Part No. & Issue Level: 76850 XXXXX
Design Note No. / DEVO: T04896
Part No. Master Material Material Grain Colour Computer Data Visual Colour Assessment
Colour I.D. Gloss Comment
Suffix Number Type Source Depth DL DA Db De CMC Supplier Nissan OK/NG
Comfirmation in coloring
JAA 1C*0* 706-505 P,P XYZ corp. - -0.8 -0.7 -0.4 1.2 92 Compared to colo mastar:OK
judgement meeting:OK OK
Comfirmation in coloring
NAE 1C*1* 706-506 P,P XYZ corp. - -1.6 -0.4 -1.1 1.9 90 Compared to colo mastar:OK
judgement meeting:OK OK
Comfirmation in coloring
K23 1C*2* 401-516 P,P XYZ corp. - -2.0 0.3 0.5 2.1 100 Compared to colo mastar:OK
judgement meeting:OK OK
Comfirmation in coloring
K51 1C*3* 508-507 P,P XYZ corp. - 0.6 -0.1 0.5 0.8 90 Compared to colo mastar:OK
judgement meeting:OK OK
Comfirmation in coloring
K52 1C*4* 508-508 P,P XYZ corp. - -1.2 0.1 -0.2 1.2 91 Compared to colo mastar:OK
judgement meeting:OK OK
Comfirmation in coloring
KH3 1C*5* 87-18158 P,P XYZ corp. - 0.2 0.1 -0.4 0.4 88 Compared to colo mastar:OK
judgement meeting:OK OK
Comfirmation in coloring
QAA 1C*6* 610-509 P,P XYZ corp. - 0.23 -0.3 1.7 1.7 88 Compared to colo mastar:OK
judgement meeting:OK OK
Comfirmation in coloring
CAC 1C*7* 708-506 P,P XYZ corp. - -0.3- 0.6 -2.0 2.1 94 Compared to colo mastar:OK
judgement meeting:OK OK
Reserved 2/2
Category Purpose:
Confirm that off-process products meet Renault-Nissa n targets at full volume condition.
Element Activity:
Confirm that product and mass production process and mass production capacity meet Renault/Nissan requirements and get Production Part
Mass production starting in supplier is not acceptable until Production Part Approval is provided.
Shipment to Renault / Nissan of product is not acceptable until Production Part Approval is provided.
Renault/ Nissan not fully approve PSW until report of Confirmation of full volume conditions is provided.
Advanced information must be provided if full approval is not expected in line with Renault / Nissan requirements.
If the Renault/ Nissan PSW judgment is "Interim approval" or "Rejected", the supplier shall develop countermeasures in order to achieve full
"Approval" status.
Master Samples from all tool suites or cavities must be retained at the supplier for the life of the product.
Phase 1 2 3 4 5
Activity Complete and submit the Part Submission Warrant ( PSW) with all supporting
Content If a change occurs, follow the
documentation necessary to confirm satisfactory completion of the requirements of
change management
The submission date is defined in the Supplier Master Schedule (SMS).
Part Submission Warrant (PSW)
Key Point(s):
The Part Submission Warrant (PSW) is a document that affirms the ability ofthe supplier to deliver products thatmeet Renault/ Nissan
The ANPQP Part Submission Warrant isa summary document and should be accompanied by the documents required byRenault/ Nissan.
The supplier will agree these documents with Renault/ Nissan prior to submission of the warrant.
Item CompletionInstructions
Supplier Name Common usage name of company
R / N Project Renault or Nissan Vehicle / Power train project for which the product has been developed /
Nissan Important Part Tick all boxes that apply to the product being developed / manufactured.
Renault - CSR Tick either 'S' or 'R' and '1' or '2' as appropriate.
Document Reference No. The Suppliers reference no. for the document.
Supplier Name Supplier Company name.
Supplier Plant Location at which the product was produced.
Supplier Code Unique code to each supplier, issued by Renault /Nissan Purchasing Dept.
Author The name of the person who completed the document
Control Plan
Plan Reference / Version
Revision Date The date
The reference andcontrol
that the the issue
wasof the Control
revised/ Plan used for the manufacture of the parts.
Average Weight The average weight of five parts, in kilograms.
R / N Plant The Renault/Nissan assembly plant that will use the parts.
First Part Delivery Date The date on which the first parts covered by the PSW will arrive in the relevant Renault/Nissan plant
and/or facility.
Reason for submission Tick the appropriate box(es).
Details / Other Any appropriate information to explain the reason for submission.
Items attached to this Submission Tick the appropriate box(es).
Warrant For each supporting document, indicate the issue level and date on an attached list
Submission Acceptability Tick the appropriate box(es).
Tick the Yes / No boxes as applicable. If "No", add an explanation.
Declaration Sign to confirm statement including printed name, position and date.
For each supporting document, indicate the issue level and date on an attached list.
Submission Acceptability
Dimensional Requirements OK The results meet all drawing and specification requirements: YES NO
Appearance Requirements OK
Material Requirements OK If NO, explanation required:
Functional Requirements OK
Statistical Process Data OK
Component Marking OK
Full Volume Confirmation Audit Result OK
I confirm that the samples covered by this documentation are representative of production parts and have been manufactured to the relevant
drawings and specifications with no off-standard operations in the production process. Any deviations from this declaration are as follows:
Signature: E. L. Wis
Wisttyy Date: 12/12/2011
Name: Name:
Position: Position:
Signature: Signature:
Date: Date:
Note: Approval by Renault and / or Nissan shall not relieve the supplier in any way from its responsibilities
Category Purpose:
Activity Purpose:
Key Point(s):
The 8D Concern and Countermeasure Report Summary isthe summary of the actions taken toresolve a concern using the 8D (Discipline)
Complete all 8 sections of the report following the completion instructions givenbelow and submit to Renault-Nissan-Nissan.
The 8D Concern and Countermeasure Report Summary shallbe supported by evidence of investigation activities (e.g. Fault rTee Analysis (FTA),
Cause & Effect diagrams, detailed countermeasure implementation timing plans etc.).
The minimum investigation activity requiredis a 5 Why analysis covering 4M (Man, Material, Machine,Method).
For each submission, the 8D Concern and Countermeasure Report Summarydocument must be approved & dated.
Item CompletionInstructions
Supplier Name Common usage name of company
Supplier code Code uniqueto each supplier , issuedby Renault-NissanPurchasedepartment.
Part Number As specified on the drawing
Part Name The Part Name specified on the drawing
Completed by The name of the suppliercompanyrepresentativewho completedthe 8D-CCR
The position of the supplier company representative (should be quality director or above) who authorized the
Job title
release of the 8D-CCR
Date The date the 8D-CCRwas completed
Authorized by The name of the suppliercompanyrepresentativewho authorizedthe releaseof the 8D-CCR
Job title The positionof the suppliercompanyrepresentativewho authorizedthe releaseof the 8D-CCR
Date The date the 8D-CCRwas approvedfor release.
Rev The Suppliers reference no. and version no. for the document.
Alliance New Product Quality Procedure (ANPQP)
Printed versions of this document are not controlled by the version management system.
stock Customer”.
Qty. OK / NOK Insert the OK quantities or the NOK quantities found during containment.
Describe the containment countermeasure actions taken to prevent the delivery of non-conforming
Temporary Countermeasure Details product to Renault/ Nissan. Include the total quantity of product that this action has been applied to.
Attach details to the 8D CCR if necessary.
Indicate the method / mark / identification used to identify the product that is the subject of the
How are OK parts identified?
temporary countermeasure.
Label of first OK parts shipment & Delivery The delivery date and delivery identification code of the 1st delivery of OK product. This will allow
Date Renault-Nissan to identify and manage the introduction of OK delivered product.
The delivery date and delivery identification code of the 1st delivery of OK product. This will allow
Remarks Renault / Nissan to identify and manage the introduction of OK delivered product.
Type in supplier comment if any
5 - Final analysis
Date of analysis end The date when the analysis has been finished.
The analysis must address two questions at the same time:
1. Why was the non-conformity made?
2. Why was the non-conformity not detected?
Real / Root Causes of Concern in Process
A description of the real root cause(s) of the non-conformance.
Note: The term process includes all direct and indirect processes. Any appendices to the 8D-CCR
should also be referenced in this section.
Resp. The name of the management level company representative responsible for the non-conformance.
Dept. The department responsible for the non-conformance
6 - Permanent countermeasure
Application Date The date when the action plan is validated (end of step 6)
A description of the countermeasure to be implemented to permanently prevent the non-conformance
being repeated in the future.
Resp. The name of the management level company representative responsible for the implementation of the
Dept. The department responsible for the implementation of the countermeasure
Date When will the countermeasure be implemented
7 - Countermeasure confirmation
Validation Date The date that the countermeasure will be confirmed as effective and efficient
Alliance New Product Quality Procedure (ANPQP)
Printed versions of this document are not controlled by the version management system.
Has the countermeasure been confirmed Tick relevant box to indicate whether the countermeasure has been confirmed as effective or not (Yes /
as effective? No).
Detail the manner in which the countermeasure has been confirmed as effective. Attach any relevant
information (dimensional reports, capability results…)
Number of the parts found in supplier
Fill in number of the parts found in supplier manufacturing process.
Number of the parts found in R-N plant Fill in number of the parts found in Renault-Nissan plant
8 – Follow-up action
A prompt to ensure consideration has been given to any further actions that may be required in
reference to the reported non-conformance. This shall include a review and update of all related
Follow-up action documentation.
Tick the 'Yes' box if the document will be updated. Include the name / dept. of the responsible person
and the timing.
Yes No
Recurrence How are OK parts identified ? Attached green mark on the back of part 7 - Countermeasure confirmation Validation date : 2008/07/01
2 - Similar part consideration Label of first OK parts shipment 123123 Has the countermeasure been confirmed as effective? Yes No
Cantheconcernappearonotherparts? Deliverydate 2004/8/8 Remarks : None
Yes No Comments/results 5 - Final Analysis Date of analysis end 2008/5/15 How?
Other models X34 Real root causes of concern in process : Check the issue detection level. Suspect parts were 100% rejected based on the
Genericparts Man,
l Material,Machine,Method standard.
Other colours All colours l Who, Where, When Why, How
Opposite hand Right wing l Process settings, rework
Front/rear Maintenance
l Number of the parts found in supplier process 600
Others Causes Resp Dept. Number of the parts found in R-N plant 500
1) In-correct stripping GB Manufacturing Attach relevant data (e.g: Dimensional report, Capabilty study, Atribute Yes
data, Fault Tree analysis & 5why analysis etc.)
- 3 2) Undefined rework process Follow-up
- 8action
Manufacturing Date to finish act.
Where should the non-conforming parts have been detected ? Do any of the following require action as a Yes Resp. (Dept) Timing
Yes No 3) Undefined package mainteanance Logistics result of this concern ?
During process/manufacture In
housework/inspectioninstructions ND (Manufacturing) 2008/06/30
Afetre manufacture (e.g final inspection) 4) Process Flowchart GD (Manufacturing) 2008/06/30
to Control
/ ND (Manufacturing) 2008/06/30
for? 5) FMEA GD (Manufacturing) 2008/06/30
Auto-control operation have not been executed although it is written in Drawings
the control plan. Level 1 audits have not been achieved. 6) Gage
Others (investigation, pokayoke…)
7) Sub-supplier follow-up
Category Purpose:
Manage potential risks associated with changes to product design and process/facility site.
Element Activity:
Activity Purpose:
To manage the introduction of design changes in order to ensure that there is no negative impact
on quality, cost or delivery.
The scope of Design Change Management covers all design changes made by the tier 1 supplier
or their supply chain.
Design change includes any change affecting the form, fit, function, performance and/or durability
of a part. Examples of design changes include below (but are not limited to):
Changes mechanism or structure
Changes electrical function
Changes material (including supporting material such as grease, paint, welding rod etc.)
Changes dimensions or mass
Changes sub-component layout
Changes affecting homologation/safety/regulation
For software specific changes, the supplier shall declare actual areas of software to be modified
and any other software module contained within the control unit which may receive information
from the changed source.
There are two types of design changes below;
Design change instigated by Renault-Nissan
Design change instigated by the supplier
Authorization to proceed with any change is only given through the issue of an approved design
note by Renault-Nissan.
If any modifications to gauges are required as a result of a design change, it shall be detailed in
the relevant Gauge Specification and Approval Sheet. (Refer to the “5.3 Tooling, Gauges and
Facility Management”)
The shipment to Renault-Nissan of changed product is not acceptable until a Parts Submission
Warrant (PSW) has been submitted and approved. (Refer to the “7.1 Production Part Approval”)
If the tier 1 supplier or their sub-suppliers would like to make a change, the tier 1 supplier shall
submit a Design Change Request (DCR) document to the relevant Renault-Nissan department.
Design change request shall be submitted to Renault-Nissan at least 30 days before the date of
the change, unless otherwise agreed with Renaud/Nissan.
The supplier shall ensure that all requests for design changes are authorized by Renault-Nissan
prior to any change taking place.
Phase 1 2 3 4 5
Activity Perform risk analysis onthe proposeddesign change.
Content Complete the relevant change request document and submit to the relevant
Renault-Nissan design department.
If requested, participate in Joint
Design Review with
Output DesignChange Reque st (DCR)
Supplier Renault-Nissan
DR DR is re uired?
End Cancel re uest
A rove?
Start mass production & deliver product
Notify completion
With associated doc.
End (Receive the product)
Output DesignChangeRequest(DCR)
The Design Change Request (DCR) is the document used by the supplier to request Renault/Nissan agreementto proceed with formal drawing
The supplier shall provide all necessary information to describe and justify the change. This shall include:
the reason for the change request (justification of the change)
a full explanation of the change, complete with a list of associated parts
a full explanation of the effects of the change on the associated parts
a risk analysis and plan to manage all potential risks identified
complete timing plan, including the anticipated first shipment date
the cost effect of the change
The Design Change Request (DCR) document shall only be submitted for design changes which are initiated by the supplier.
Item CompletionInstructions
R / N Project The Renault-Nissan Vehicle/Power train project for which the product is being
Nissan Important Part Tick all boxes that apply to the product being developed/manufactured.
Renault - CSR Tick either 'S' or 'R' and '1' or '2' as appropriate.
Document Reference No./Version The suppliers reference No. and version No. for the document.
Document Revision Date The date of the latest revision of the document.
Document Origin Date The date when the document was first issued.
Supplier Name The supplier name.
Supplier Plant The location at which the product will be manufactured.
Supplier Code A unique code to each supplier, issued by Renault-Nissan purchasing department.
Author The name of the person who created/revised the document.
E-mail The e-mail address of the person who created/revised the document.
Tel The telephone number of the person who created/revised the document.
Part Name The part name or description as identified on the product drawing.
Part No. & Issue Level: The part No. and issue level as issued by Renault/Nissan design department.
Design Note No./DEVO The latest design note number that applies to the product being manufactured.
Drawing No. As issued by the Renault-Nissan design department
Affected Vehicles(s)/ENG/Unit(s) References of the Renault-Nissan vehicles affected by the proposed change.
1. Reason for Request Tick "Tier 1" if the changed product is developed by tier 1 supplier.
Tick "Tier N" if the changed product is developed by tier N supplier.
Type of change/Tick the type of design change.
Number of affected plant(s) / List of affected The total number and names/ locations of Alliance plants requiring delivery of parts subject to the
plant(s) proposed design change.
2. Explanation of Change Detailed explanation of the proposed design change and how it will be accomplished.
3. Explanation of Process / Facility Site Change Detailed explanation of how the change or relocation will be accomplished. (Include Why, Where
from / to)
Name: ABC Castings Supplier
Code: A054 E-mail:
Plant: An Industrial Estate Author: D C Mann Tel: +44 1234 567 890
Name: Widget A Drawing
No.: 12345 JD000-B1
PartNo.&IssueLevel: 12345 JD000 AffectedVehicle(s)/ENG/Unit(s):
ALL B platform vehicle
Design Note No. / DEVO: T07844
DETAIL OF CHANGE (Supplier) No. of Affected Plant(s):
1. Reason for Request: 2
1)Changeat 2)Typeof Change List of affected Plant(s):
Tier 1 specification Mechanism or structure Homologation
2. Explanation of Change:
Reduce the height of flange 'Y' from 3.8mm to 3.5mm to eliminate foul condition. Drawing attached showing proposed modification.
Note: This has been verbally agreed with both affected customer plant QA and PE departments.
5 . T i mi n g P l a n De t a i l s ( a p p e n d c o p y o f T i mi n g P l a n ) : 6 . Co s t I mp a c t s ( Pr o d u c t , T o o l i n g , L o g i s t i c s ) :
See attached timing plan Product : -€0.25 per CAR set
Note: This plan has been discussed with both affected customer plan Tooling : +€300
change control departments. Logistics : No effect
N a me : P osi ti o n: Da te: Si gn ed :
N a me : P osi ti o n: Da te: Si gn ed :
NOTE : A pproval by R enault/Nis s an s hall not relieve the s upplier in any way from its r espons ibilities .
DateofPSWapproval: 27th
Jan.2015 DateoffirstproductionshipmentintoRenault/Nissan: 23th
N a me : DCMann Project
P osi ti o n : Engineer Da6th
t eJan.2015
: Si gn ed :D C mann
We hereby warrant that the process change has been carried out in the line with the requirements detailed in this process change plan,
and that the product will meet all appropriate Renault/Nissan specifications and requirements
To manage the introduction of the process/facility site changes in order to ensure that there is no negative impact on supplier products.
(The scope of the Process/Facility Site Change Management covers all changes made by the Tier 1 supplier or their supply chain.)
The supplier shall have a change management system which includes, schedule for the changes, risk analysis & management, product
verification & validation activities.
Once the adoption of the change is confirmed as successful, mass production part approval from the Renault-Nissan is necessary before
shipment of any change affected product.
The supplier shall ensure that all requests for the Process/Facility site changes are authorized by the Renault-Nissan prior to any change taking
The Tier 1 supplier or their sub-supplier shall not carry out any process/facility site changes during Phase 4 and Phase 5 Ramp-Up.
(The facility site provided for the "off-process" condition shall be in line with that agreed at the supplier sourcing confirmation.)
If the Tier 1 supplier or their sub-suppliers will make a process/facility site change, the Tier 1 supplier shall submit a Process/ Facility Site
Change Request document to the relevant Renault-Nissan department. Example of changes that require the Renault-Nissan authorization
includes below;(Routine planned maintenance activities such as Total Preventative Maintenance (TPM) do not require the application of the
Process/ Facility Site Change management activity.)
The Process / Facility Site Change Request document shall be submitted to the first customer in Renault/ Nissan, if effect for the several
number of plant in Renault/ Nissan.
N Feasible? N Approve?
End (Cancel request)
Designate item for Part Submission Warrant
Review the action item & update the plan
Production trial
Part Submission
Warrant (PSW)
Start mass production & deliver product
Key Point(s):
The Process/Facility Site ChangeRequest is the document used by the supplier to request the Renault-Nissan approval toproceed with the
process/facility site change.
The supplier shall provide all necessary information to describe and justify the change such as below;
Change description and justification
Complete timing plan, including the anticipated first shipment date
Risk analysis and plan to manage all potential risks identified
Plan to assure quality and capacity requirements
List of the affected parts
3. Explanation of Process / Facility Site Change (for Facility Site Change include Why Where from / to):
Set up of new facility in Chennai with staggered transfer of current production from Spanish plant to new plant. New
facility to have direct copy of existing processes and equipment in Spain
Parts DCL-Logistics and Packaging Data Sheet
Control Plan Supplier EDI Agreement
Category Purpose:
Element Activity:
Activity Purpose:
Select the best logistics option & packaging specifications to ensure the conformity of the product is preserved.
The documentation used to communicate the content of this activity with Renault/ Nissan is specific by each company.
The specific requirements are outside the scope of ANPQP.
For detailed guidelines on specific requirements, see the “Other Supply Requirement” on ASG (Alliance Supplier Guide))
Phase 1 2 3 4 5
Activity Propose the logistics Review and optimize Review related Confirm and validate the If a change will occur,
Content and packaging the logistics route and documents and update packaging specification contact to
specification to be packaging if necessary. meets the requirements Renault/Nissan plant or
specification in line specified in the relevant facility and request the
with the latest documents. instruction.
Output (RFQ Reply) Logistics and Packaging Data Sheet
7.4 Purchasing
7.5 Production and service provision
Key Point(s):
The "Logistics and Packaging Data Sheet" is a document which is used to do the packaging specification.
The supplier uses that form tomake the choice of boxand pallet or container, the number of parts in the packaging, the number of boxes on the
pallet. It also indicates the logistics costs.
Renault/Nissan has to validate the data sent by the supplier. In case of rejection, Renault/Nissan will inform thesupplier and negotiates a different
Minimum Content Requirement(s):
Renault/Nissan has specific logistics and packaging requirements for each company.
The supplier shall contact to relevant logistics &packaging department for information ontheir specific requirements.
Comply with laws and regulations in e ach country or region and with Renault & Nissan environment p olicies especially with Renault
Green Purchasing Guideline & Nissan Green Purchasing Guideline.
Activity Purpose:
Comply with law s and regulations and anticipate ch anges or trends in the law s and regulation s in each cou ntry or re gion for the
following environmental issues,
- control the substances used in parts and vehicles and prevent the use of prohibited substances
- improve recycling and encourage the integration of recycled/renewable materials in an increasing number of parts
- control the cabin air quality
The suppliers shall comply with laws and regulations and the following Renault-Nissan requirements conce rning recy cling and
environmental impacting substances and continuously improve the management of environment related issues.
for Renault: Renault-Nissan CSR Guidelines for Suppliers
RENAULT Green Purchasing Guideline
Standard 00-10-415, Renault Manufacture and supply of products general requirements
for Nissan : Renault-Nissan CSR Guidelines for Suppliers
Nissan Green Purchasing Guideline
For each environmental issue, the suppliers shall co mply with following Renau lt-Nissan req uirements.
The supplier shall input an d submit International Material Data Sy stem (IMDS) da ta for all the parts and materials independently
of the vehicle shipment destination.
The suppliers shall refer to the following Renault-Nissan requirement when inputting IMDS data.
Phase 1 2 3 4 5
Activity Study the environmental issues not only Input all the Update the IMDS data.
Content to comply with regulatory requirements necessary
but also to comply with requests f rom information into
Renault-Nissan. IMDS.
Output International Material Data System (IMDS)
” Material Investigation Report regarding the restriction of use of environment-impacting substances” shall be submitted, refer to
ISO/TS 16949 Reference Number:
Key Point(s):
The MDS (Material Data Sheet) describes the decomposition of the part in sub parts, each sub part being discomposed in
materials, each material in substances. This is required for each part designed for and supplied to Renault and/or Nissan.
The suppliers shall comply with following Renault-Nissan requirement for the input of IMDS data.
For Renault: 00-10-050 Prohibited or Restricted Substances List and Declaration Modes
80 - 00 – 044 IMDS Documentation Rule For Renault Suppliers
For Nissan: NES M0301 " Substance Use Restrictions”
NES M0302 "Substance Data Input Standard by IMDS"