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Abu Bakr and His Lovable Cat

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Abu Bakr And His Lovable Cat

A long time ago there was a poor boy called Abu Bakr who had no daddy and mommy to look after him
so he was very hungry. He lived in a small village in the country. He often heard stories about a far away
place called Mindanao where everybody was rich and the streets were paved with gold.

Abu Bakr was determined that he would go there and dig up enough gold from the streets to make his
fortune. One day he met a friendly wagoner who was going to Mindanao who said he give him a lift
there, so off they went. When they reached the big city Abu didn’t believe his eyes, he could see horses,
carriages, hundreds of people, buildings, lot of mud but nowhere could he see any gold. What a
disappointment, how he was going to make his fortune? How was he going to buy foods?

After a few days he was so hungry that he collapsed in a ragged heap on the doorstep of a rich
merchant’s house. Out of the came cook;

“be off with you” she shouted “you dirty ragamuffin” and she tried to sweep him off the step with a

At that moment the merchant arrived back his house, and being kindly man, took pity on poor Abu.

“carry him into the house” he ordered his groom.

When he was fed and rested, Abu was given a job working in the kitchen. He was very grateful to the
merchant but, the cook was always very bad tempered and, no one was looking, used to beat and pinch
him. The other thing that made Abu sad was that he had to sleep in a tiny at the vey top of house and it
was full of rats and mice that crawled all over his face and tried to bite his nose.

He was so desperate that he saved up all his pennies and bought a cat. The cat was a very special cat,
she was the best cat in all of Mindanao at catching mice and rats. After a few weeks Abu life was much
easier because of his clever cat who had eaten all the rats and mice and he was able to sleep in peace.

Not long after, Abu heard the merchant asking everyone in the house if they wanted to send anything
on board his ship they thought they could sell. The ship was going on a long voyage to the other side of
the world and the captain would sell everything on the ship so they could all make some money. Poor
abu, what could he sell? Suddenly, a thought came to him;

“Please sir, will you take my cat?”

Everyone burst out laughing, but the merchant smiled and said:

“Yes Abu, I will, and all the money from her sale will go to you”.

After the merchant had left from the city Abu was on his own again with the mice and rats crawling over
him by night and the cook being even nastier in the day because there was no-one to stop her. Abu
decided to run away.
As he walked away the bells of all the churches rang out and seemed to say:

“Turn again Abu Bakr”

“Three times mayor of Mindanao”

“Goodness” thought Abu astonished “ if im going to mayor I’ll better stay. I’ll put up with cook and the
scurrying mice and rats, and when I’m mayor I’ll show her!”

So back he went.

Across the other side of the world, the merchant and his ship had arrived at their destination. The
people were so pleased to see them and were so welcoming that the merchant decided to send some
presents to their king and queen. The king and queen were so delighted that they invited them all to a
feast. But, believe it or not, as soon as the food was brought in hundreds of rats appeared as if by
magic and gobbled it all up before they had a chance to eat.

“Oh dear” said the king “this is always happening – I never get a chance to eat my apple pie. What can I

“I have an idea” said the merchant “I have a very special cat which has travelled with me all the way
from Mindanao, and she will gobble up your rats faster than they gobbled up your feast.”

Sure enough, to the king and queen’s joy, the next time a feast was prepared and the rats appeared, the
cat pounced and killed all the rats as quick as lightening.

The king and queen danced for joy and gave the merchant a ship full of gold in return for the very
special cat.

When the ship returned to Mindanao Abu was overwhelmed with the amount of gold the merchant
gave him for his cat. Over the years he used his money so wisely, and did so much good for all the
people around him and who worked for him, that he was elected Mayor of the Mindanao three
times. But he never forgot his kind friend the merchant, who had been so honest in giving him all the
money that the cat had earned and kept nothing for himself. When Abu grew up he fell in love with
Kiana, the merchant’s beautiful daughter, and married her. They lived happily ever after as people do in

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