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AREA from the Region

Session 1 Session 2

A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates appreciation of contemporary art forms, found in the various regions by understanding the elements and
B. Performance Standards The learner: presents a form of integrated contemporary art based on the region of his / her choice.
e.g. choreography, musical instrument, literary and music composition, visual design, and/or theatrical performance
C. Learning Competencies The learner:
2. Classifies various art forms found in the Philippines (CAR11/12IAC-0b-2)
D. Specific Learning At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to: At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:
Outcomes a. define context; a. identify the different contexts of art;
identify the different elements and principles of art b. interpret the notions of appropriation and decontextualization
b. understand the different contexts of art; and through group activity; and
give examples of various art forms found in the categorize the different art forms found in the Philippines
Philippines c. value the implication of context in art.
c. appreciate the significance of learning about the
context of art.
Appreciate the significance of learning about different
art forms in the Philippines
1. Combination of Different Art forms as seen in Modern times


A. References

1.Teacher’s Guides/Pages Curriculum Guide page 1 Curriculum Guide page 1

2.Learner’s Materials Pages

3.Textbook Pages

4.Additional Materials from

Learning Resources (LR)
B. Other Learning Resources Datuin, F.M., (2016) Contemporary Philippine Arts from Datuin, F.M., (2016) Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Regions.
the Regions. Rex Book Store, Inc. pp 45-55 Rex Book Store, Inc. pp 45-55
5. Materials Needed Laptop, LED/LCD TV, projector, task card Laptop, LED/LCD TV, projector, task card

A. Reviewing previous Review: Review:
lesson or presenting the new Through the “Pass the Paper Cabbage Game,” recall the What is context?
lesson timeline of history of the Philippine art. What are the different contexts of art?
How would you differentiate traditional art from
contemporary art? What are the different principles and elements of art?

B. Establishing a purpose for Questions in Focus: Question in Focus:

the lesson Where do artists draw inspiration? What are the contexts or conditions that affect the way art is
How is art honed? produced, received, and exchanged?
What is context?
What are the different contexts of art? What can you say about the materials used and the message of the art
What are the different principles and elements of art? forms found in our country?

C. Presenting examples/ Art Explo: Present a picture of the Sandata, an artwork of Photo Explo: Post a picture of a jeepney. Have the students infer the
instances of the new lesson Cavite-based artist Lirio Salvador. Let context of the form.
the students guess what form of art it Processing Question: How do we encounter the
is. Later on reveal that it is a musical jeepney in this day and age? What does the jeepney
instrument made from assemblage of mean to you today? How does it feel when you
accessible objects like machine ride on it or when you see it on the streets?
discards, bicycle parts, and others.

D. Discussing new concepts Collaborative Approach – Think-Pair-Share Strategy Constructivism Approach – Activity Based (3A’s Activity)
and practicing new skills #1 T-Post the question, “What may shape our understanding Group the class into four.
of works of art?” A (Act) – Ask each group to share their photo of the art form in the
community. Let them select one photo.
P-With a partner, let the students brainstorm.
S-Call on some pairs to share their perspectives. Ask each group to share their photo of the art form in the country.
*Using a concept map, facilitate discussion on what
context is. A (Analyze) – Ask the group to make an analysis on what will happen
when an art object is given another context.
“Half Class Lecture”
Divide the class into three. Group A will give examples of Ask the group to categorize each picture according to regions and
various art forms found in Luzon, while Group B and C make an analysis about the materials used in the art forms.
are taking down notes about the examples given by group
A A (Apply) – Ask the group to select and invent a different context for
the work. Each group will be expected to explain their work in class.
Group B will give examples of various art forms found in
Visayas, while Group A and C are taking down notes Ask the group to create a concept map about the context of art of
about the examples given by group B various art forms in the country.

Group C will give examples of various art forms found in Rubrics: Idea-4points; Presentation-3points;
Mindanao, while Group A and B are taking down notes Creativity-3points
about the examples given by group C

Ask anyone from the class to read their lecture.

E. Discussing new concepts and Discuss further the different art forms using a graphic organizer.
practicing new skills #2

F. Developing mastery What art form in your community do you identify with? What are the contexts or conditions that affect the way art is
(Leads to formative Describe the contexts of the form and its resonance in everyday produced, received, and exchanged?
assessment) life.
What are the different principles and elements of art? How does art form from different regions in the country differ?
Can you give examples of art forms from Luzon? Vizayas?

From the art forms cited, were the artist able to used the
principles and elements of art?
G. Finding Reflective Journal: What happens when an art object is Reflective Journal: When forms of street art like graffiti are placed
practical/applications of given another context? inside the whitewashed walls of the museum, how does looking at this art
concepts and skills in daily make you feel? Conversely, what happens when artists get out of the
living Can you cite a very significant art form in your town? museums and galleries and bring their works to the streets and paint the
How does it signify your community? walls by collaborating with paint manufacturing companies like Boysen or
H. Making generalizations Using an exit card, have the learners summarize their learning Complete the sentence.
and abstractions about the for the day. “Today, I learned that ___.”

I. Evaluating Learning Pencil & Paper Test: Write it!

Identify to which context of art each characteristic belongs. List down at least five contexts of art and briefly discuss how it affects the
1. Source of inspiration of t’nalak (Nature) way art is produced, received, and exchanged.
2. When, where and how art is encountered (Mode of reception) Rubrics: Idea-4points; Relevance-3points;
3. Functionality and value to the community (Everyday life) Organization-3points
4. Mode of production (Artist’s background)
5. Initiating change (Society, politics and economy, and history)

Give at least five art forms found in the Philippines

J. Additional activities for Paste a photo in a sheet of paper of the art form in your Watch any of the two independent films: “Mariquina” (2014), directed by
application or remediation community that you identify with. Interview your family/ Milo Sogueco or “Dukit” (2013), directed by Armando Lao. How is

neighbors/ or possible resource persons regarding the contexts shoemaking or woodcarving woven into these films? What are the different
of the form and its resonance in everyday life. Write down your contexts that affect production? What issues can you identify in relation to
finding below the photo. form? Write a reaction paper and compile it in your portfolio.

Cut/Print at least 5 photos of art forms from different regions in

the Philippines. Paste it in bond paper and write down the
possible resource person of that art form. Make a note of your
personal observation about the photos.

A. No. of learners who
earned 80% of the formative
B. No. of learners who
require additional activities
to remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized material did I
use/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?

Prepared by:

Subject Teacher


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