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Broad Complex Tachy

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Europace (2011) 13, 465–472 REVIEW


Diagnostic criteria of broad QRS complex

tachycardia: decades of evolution
Becker S.N. Alzand * and Harry J.G.M Crijns *
Department of Cardiology, Maastricht University Medical Center, P. Debyelaan 25, PO Box 5800, 6229 HX Maastricht, The Netherlands

Received 8 September 2010; accepted after revision 26 October 2010; online publish-ahead-of-print 3 December 2010

Broad QRS complex tachycardia still presents a diagnostic challenge when confronted with a 12-lead electrocardiogram (ECG). The ECG
differential diagnosis includes ventricular tachycardia vs. supraventricular tachycardia with functional aberration, pre-existing bundle branch

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block, intraventricular conduction disturbances, or pre-excitation. Despite all available criteria, broad complex tachycardias are still misdiag-
nosed or remain undiagnosed. This paper will briefly review the most recognized criteria.
Keywords Broad QRS complex tachycardia † Wide QRS complex tachycardia † Ventricular tachycardia

but they are not helpful in determining the mechanism of the

Introduction tachycardia.8 – 10 Mostly, VT does not respond to carotid sinus
Broad QRS complex tachycardia (BCT) still presents a diagnostic massage (CSM). Reentrant SVT usually slows down and may
challenge when confronted with a 12-lead electrocardiogram stop with carotid pressure. Cyclic-AMP-related VT that terminates
(ECG). The ECG differential diagnosis includes ventricular tachy- with CSM has also been reported.11
cardia (VT) vs. supraventricular tachycardia (SVT) with aberrant
conduction, pre-existing bundle branch block (BBB), intraventricu-
lar conduction disturbances, or pre-excitation. Ventricular tachy- Atrioventricular dissociation
cardia is the most important differential diagnosis because of its
The finding of atrioventricular (AV) dissociation is one of the most
least favourable prognostic value. An accurate diagnosis with an
useful practical criteria for the diagnosis of VT. However, retro-
immediate treatment is usually required. Delay or misdiagnosing
grade ventriculo-atrial (VA) conduction, whether 1 to 1 or 2 to
VT with an inappropriate intravenous administration of drugs
1, or Wenckebach VA conduction occurs in up to 50% of all
used for the treatment of SVT, such as verapamil and adenosine,
VT.12,13 In these cases, intravenous adenosine—although not com-
can cause severe haemodynamic deterioration and may provoke
pletely safe—may assist in the diagnosis by establishing complete
ventricular fibrillation (VF) and cardiac arrest.1 – 6 Several criteria
VA block and revealing AV dissociation. Atrioventricular dis-
have been described for the differentiation between VT and SVT
sociation can also be seen in rare cases of AV nodal reentry tachy-
with a wide QRS complex. This paper will briefly review the
cardia (AVNRT) and uncommon types of Mahaim tachycardia
most recognized criteria.
(nodo-fascicular/nodo-ventricular), in which the retrograde con-
duction is absent.14 – 17
History and physical examination
Ventricular tachycardia is the most common cause of regular BCT, Clinical detection of atrioventricular
accounting for up to 80% of all cases. The history of prior myocar- dissociation
dial infarction (MI), congestive heart failure, and recent angina pec- Stroke volume and blood pressure fluctuations with variable inten-
toris has positive predictive values for VT of 98, 100, and 100%, sity of the first heart sound can be observed during AV dis-
respectively. Age .35 years has a sensitivity of 92%.7 Cardiovascu- sociation.18 The presence of canon A waves as a reflection of
lar signs and symptoms during tachycardia such as palpitation, simultaneous atrial and ventricular contraction in the presence of
syncope or angina, blood pressure, and patient’s clinical status AV dissociation strongly suggests VT and should be distinguished
are important in indicating the haemodynamic state of the patients from the frog sign which occurs during every beat and is usually

* Corresponding author. Tel: +31 43 3876543, Email: (B.S.N.A.), (H.J.G.M.C.)
Published on behalf of the European Society of Cardiology. All rights reserved. & The Author 2010. For permissions please email:
466 B.S.N. Alzand and H.J.G.M. Crijns

seen in AVNRT. Interestingly, the frog sign is usually visible only in

cases of AVNRT and not in cases of VT with retrograde VA con-
duction. A possible explanation is the change in the position of the
AV ring during the systolic cycle. During AVNRT, the retrograde P
occurs early in systole when the AV ring is still positioned back-
ward towards the atria, whereas during VT with retrograde con-
duction, the retrograde P occurs later in systole when the AV
ring has moved towards the apex of the heart which enlarges
the atria and minimizes the venous backflow. Through the same
mechanism, the frog sign is absent in orthodromic circus move-
ment tachycardias.19

Electrocardiographic detection of
atrioventricular dissociation
In our experience, AV dissociation is generally detectable in a lead
Figure 1 Lewis lead (B): during BCT (A), the presence of
where the P-wave is most prominent whether anterograde or ret-
atrioventricular dissociation is indicated by vertical black bars.
rograde. This lead is usually one of the inferior leads considering Reproduced with permission from the publisher.20

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the lead in which the QRS complex is the most modest, i.e. least
interfering with the relatively prominent P-wave. QRS variability
can indicate AV dissociation. Obviously, care should be taken to
record technically excellent ECGs without disturbances of the
baseline. The mechanism of changes in QRS amplitude is not com-
pletely clear. The most probable explanation is that the QRS
voltage is determined by the variability of ventricular filling and
volume. Additionally, super-imposition of the P-wave on the
R-wave or mechanical factors such as changes in the ventricular
position within the thorax following different atrial contractions
may play a role. Electrical alternans is usually seen in (narrow
complex) circus movement tachycardia and beat-to-beat variations
can occur when the atrial rate is half the ventricular rate, or in the
case of alternating discrete initial conduction disturbance with
beat-to-beat variation in depth of initial q-wave in lead V6. The
use of the Lewis lead can be helpful in detecting the P-waves on
the ECG. The Lewis lead can be obtained from registration of
lead I by placing the right arm electrode to the right, second inter-
costal space adjacent to the sternum, and the left arm electrode to
the right, fourth intercostal space adjacent to the sternum. Voltage
should be calibrated at 1 mV ¼ 20 mm (Figure 1).20
Figure 2 Echocardiographic detection of AV dissociation. Black
Echocardiographic detection of arrows represent right ventricular contraction. White arrows
represent left atrial contraction. A rhythm strip made from an
atrioventricular dissociation external pacemaker lead positioned in the right atrium showing
Although very valuable and currently widely feasible, echocardio- a clear correlation with the echocardiographic M-mode image.
graphy has infrequently been used in the detection of AV dis-
sociation. Atrioventricular dissociation can be easily detected
using different echocardiographic modalities like M-mode, mitral
valve movement, flow Doppler, or tissue Doppler (Figure 2).
Electrocardiographic criteria
The classical criteria
The atrial fibrillation toolbox In 1965, Sandler and Marriott22 attempt to differentiate between
The atrial fibrillation (AF) toolbox is a new medical tool designed ventricular ectopic beats (VEBs) with right BBB (RBBB)-like mor-
to detect, display, and enlarge atrial activities with separation/sup- phology and unselected examples of RBBB. They found that 92%
pression of the QRS complexes.21 The atrial activity can therefore of VEBs with a RBBB have a monophasic or a biphasic pattern in
be analysed isolated from the ventricular activity. This device is lead V1, whereas a triphasic pattern (rsR′ , rSR′ , RsR′ ) was only
originally developed to detect AF. The AF toolbox might play an found in 6% of VEBs. The generally accepted criteria to recognize
important role in the detection of AV dissociation, but its value ventricular extrasystoles at their time were those beats that have
in BCT still needs further evaluation. no visible evidence of premature atrial activity preceding them
Diagnostic criteria of BCT 467

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Figure 3 Classical ‘Wellens’ criteria favouring VT in patients without AAD.1,12 One hundred VTs (68 ischaemic, 18 idiopathic, and 14 mis-
cellaneous) and 100 SVTs with aberrant conduction were included in the comparison.

and are followed by a fully compensatory pause; the authors were complex is present in one or more precordial leads, the next
well aware that such beats are indistinguishable from AV nodal step is to measure the longest RS interval. If an RS interval is
extrasystoles with aberration and no retrograde conduction. Mar- longer than 100 ms, the diagnosis of VT is made. If not, the next
riott15 and Marriott and Sandler18 also noticed that ‘concordant’ step of the algorithm is to consider whether AV dissociation is
precordial patterns, whether entirely upright or entirely inverted, present. If so, the diagnosis of VT is made. If absent, the classical
were almost diagnostic for ventricular origin. Positive concordance morphology criteria for VT are used (Figure 3). If both lead V1
may also occur during antidromic tachycardia using a left posterior and V6 fulfil the criteria for VT, the diagnosis of VT is made. If
or left lateral accessory pathway. Negative concordance is nearly not, the diagnosis of SVT with aberrant conduction is made by
always VT. However, Volders et al. 23 published a case report of exclusion of VT.
a 17-year-old male with pectus excavatum and SVT with left
BBB (LBBB) resulting in a BCT with negative concordance. Mar- The aVR ‘Vereckei’ algorithm
riott also introduced in 1971 the term ‘Rabbit ears’ for a double- In 2007, a new algorithm analysed in 287 patients with a high accu-
peaked R-wave in lead V1. Whereas a ‘good rabbit’ with a taller racy27 has been proposed by Vereckei et al. 28 They found that the
right peak being typical for RBBB aberrancy, a ‘bad rabbit’ with a following criteria were suggestive of VT: (i) the presence of AV dis-
taller left peak suggests ventricular origin. In 1972, Swanick sociation; (ii) the presence of an initial R-wave in lead aVR, and (3)
et al. 24 continued the differentiation between right VEB and supra- measuring the voltage during the initial 40 ms (Vi), the terminal
ventricular beats showing LBBB and found that (i) the presence of 40 ms (Vt), their ratio (Vi/Vt), and that Vi/Vt ≤ 1 was suggestive of
S-wave in V4 greater in depth than the S in lead V1, (ii) a wide VT (Figure 5). In 2008, the same group presented a simplified algor-
r-wave ≥0.03 s in lead V1, and (iii) negative QRS polarity in lead ithm using only lead aVR, analysed in 313 patients with the same
I, all favour ventricular origin. In 1978, Wellens et al. 12,13 used His- accuracy29 as their first algorithm. Criteria for VT in lead aVR
bundle recording for the first time to determine the site of origin were (i) the presence of an initial R-wave, (ii) width of an initial
of tachycardia with broad QRS complex and create the so-called r- or q-wave .40 ms, (iii) notching on the initial downstroke of
‘classical criteria’ (Figure 3).25 Later, Coumel et al.26 showed that a predominantly negative QRS complex, and (4) Vi/Vt ≤ 1
a QR pattern in leads other than aVR or a QS pattern in V5–6 (Figure 6).
during VT was present in 89% of the patients with old MI, while
constantly absent in patients with idiopathic VT. Other criteria
Griffith et al.30,31 performed in 1991 a multivariate analysis in 102
The Brugada algorithm patients to identify which of 15 clinical or 11 ECG variables are inde-
In 1991, Brugada et al.27 analysed 554 BCTs and produced simple pendent predictors of VT. They found that (i) the history of previous
criteria in a stepwise approach irrespective of the QRS complex MI, (ii) in lead aVF, a predominant negative deflection was suggestive
morphology, whether RBBB- or LBBB-like, with a sensitivity and of VT especially when Q-wave was present in RBBB pattern tachy-
specificity of 0.987 and 0.965, respectively. The algorithm cardia. In LBBB pattern tachycardia, a QS or qR waveform in lead
(Figure 4) begins with the identification of an RS complex in any aVF is highly suggestive for VT, whereas an Rs complex was specific
precordial lead, if failed the diagnosis of VT is made. If an RS for SVT, (iii) in RBBB pattern tachycardia, a monophasic or biphasic
468 B.S.N. Alzand and H.J.G.M. Crijns

Figure 4 Three hundred and forty-eight VTs and 170 SVTs with aberrant conduction were included in the comparison. None of the patients
were on antiarrhythmic drugs (the Brugada algorithm27).

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and a specificity of about 70% for tachycardias with RBBB mor-
phology and 87% for tachycardias with LBBB morphology. They
also found that the combination of these two criteria did not
increase sensitivity or specificity. Alberca et al.34 analysed 12 pre-
viously described morphological criteria9,12,27,35,36 suggestive of
VT on 232 patients with SR and fixed intraventricular conduction
delay and found that only 5 of the 12 criteria had a specificity of
90%: (i) an Rsr′ or Rr′ QRS complex in V1 in the presence of an
RBBB morphology12 with a specificity of 98%, (ii) a QS, QR or R
pattern in V6 in the presence of an RBBB morphology12 with a speci-
Figure 5 Velocity ratio between initial and terminal 40 ms of ficity of 98%, (iii) any Q in V6 in the presence of an LBBB mor-
the QRS complex. Example of the use of Vi/Vt in lead aVR: (A) phology35 with a specificity of 92%, (iv) a concordant pattern in all
in the initial 40 ms, the voltage of the QRS complex is difficult precordial leads15,18 with a specificity of 100%, and (v) the absence
to measure because of the notch, but it is ,0.2 mV. (B) in the
of an RS complex in all precordial leads which was particularly
terminal 40 ms, the voltage is 0.3 mV. Vi (0.2)/Vt (0.3) ,1,
useful for LBBB morphology27 with a specificity of 91%. The follow-
suggesting slower initial forces and thus ventricular tachycardia.
ing criteria: QRS duration more than 140 ms,12 a left axis with RBBB
A ratio .1 suggests SVT (Vereckei et al.28).
morphology,12 right superior axis with RBBB morphology,9,36
monophasic or biphasic R-wave in V1 with RBBB morphology,12,36
waveform in lead V1 suggested VT, a triphasic RSR, rSR configuration a relation R/S ,1 in V6 with RBBB morphology, an R .30 ms in
suggested SVT, and (iv) change in axis of more than 408 between lead V1 or V2 or .60 ms from QRS onset to nadir S with LBBB mor-
sinus rhythm (SR) and tachycardia were independent predictors of phology, a notched downstroke S-wave with LBBB morphology, and
VT. If none of the above variables was found, the diagnosis was an R-to-S interval .100 ms in one precordial lead, had a specificity
almost certainly SVT. If one criterion was found, the diagnosis was of 0.43, 0.54, 0.87, 0.80, 0.85, 0.78, 0.66, 0.69, and 0.63, respectively.
probably SVT. If two criteria were found, then the diagnosis was Finally, artefact that mimics VT, particularly when observed on a
probably VT. If three or four criteria were found, the diagnosis rhythm strip, can lead to misdiagnosis. Knight et al.37 surveyed 55
was almost certainly VT. The predictive accuracy of this method internists, 221 cardiologists, and 490 electrophysiologists with a
was 93%, increased to 95% by including two other criteria: indepen- case simulation that included a two-lead ECG monitor tracing of
dent P-wave activity and VEB during sinus rhythm (SR) with the same an artefact simulating a BCT and found that the rhythm strip was mis-
QRS morphology as that in tachycardia. In another series, Griffith diagnosed as VT by 94% of the internists, 58% of the cardiologists,
et al. 31 studied 53 patients with LBBB pattern tachycardia and and 38% of the electrophysiologists (Figure 7).
found that the classical VT criteria have a sensitivity of 100% in
patients with previous MI, but only 50% in patients with structurally
normal hearts or non-ischaemic cardiomyopathy. Griffith et al. 32 Limitations of morphological
proposed later that unless typical BBB morphology was found in
the setting of BCT, VT should be diagnosed by default. Grimm
et al.33 compared in 240 BCTs the value of the classical criteria pub- Conditions like bundle branch or interfascicular reentry tachycar-
lished by Wellens in 1978 and those published by Brugada in 1991 dia, fascicular VT, VT exit site close to the His–Purkinje system,
and found that both criteria have a sensitivity of more than 90% pre-excited SVT, and BCT occurring during antiarrhythmic drug
Diagnostic criteria of BCT 469

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Figure 6 Three hundred and fifty-one VTs and 132 SVTs were included in the comparison. Next to ischaemic VTs and SVT with aberration,
pre-existing BBB (144), pre-excited tachycardia (20), idiopathic fascicular VT (11), idiopathic right ventricular outflow tract VT (13), other types
of idiopathic VT (13), and patients on class I or III antiarrhythmic drugs (158) were also included (AVR algorithm29).

Figure 7 Two-lead ECG monitor tracing of an artefact simulating a BCT. The rhythm strip was misdiagnosed as VT by 58% of the cardio-
logists surveyed. From Knight et al.37 Reproduced with permission from the publisher.

(AAD) treatment are difficult to diagnose by using the morphologi- QRS complex during aberration is characterized by a QRS dur-
cal criteria, as most of the studies did not include these patients in ation between 180 and 240 ms and bizarre RBBB with a right or
the differentiation. In this section, we will discuss some of these northwest axis, or atypical LBBB with left axis, mimicking VT.
conditions. The explanation of the occurrence of bizarrely shaped BBB
during treatment with class Ic AADs, particularly flecainide, is yet
uncertain. A possible explanation is the occurrence of use-
Broad QRS complex tachycardia dependent conduction delay especially in the myocardium
occurring during anti-arrhythmic drug beyond the block.39 In contrast, conduction is relatively unham-
treatment pered in areas activated by way of the His–Purkinje system, pre-
Antiarrhythmic drugs especially those that slow conduction like serving the initial part of the QRS complex unchanged. That
class Ic drugs may cause proarrhythmia represented by monomor- conduction delay due to flecainide is more pronounced in the ven-
phic VT. On the other hand, class Ic AADs may cause bizarre aber- tricular myocardium than in the His–Purkinje system has been
rant conduction during SVT which may mimic VT38 (Figure 8). The suggested by animal experiments. In contrast to the situation
470 B.S.N. Alzand and H.J.G.M. Crijns

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Figure 8 Atrial flutter with one-to-one conduction in a patient on oral flecainide. Note the extreme broad and bizarre QRS complexes
mimicking VT. An additional alternating intraventricular conduction delay is also present, most apparent in lead 3, making the correct diagnosis
of SVT more complicated.

during a straightforward BBB, this may result in an exaggerated in the right precordial leads, indicating that initial ventricular acti-
asynchrony of activation of the various parts of the heart, giving vation occurs through the specific conduction system.
rise to a bizarre type of BBB.38 Interfascicular tachycardia has been less commonly reported.
Class III AADs, especially pure IKr blockers like dofetilide may This tachycardia usually has an RBBB morphology. The orientation
also cause atypical aberrant conduction and sequential bilateral of the frontal plain axis is variable and may depend on the direction
BBB which may be easily misdiagnosed as multiple monomorphic of the reentrant circuit. Anterograde activation over the left
VTs.40,41 This relates to the fact that class III AADs prolong the anterior fascicle and retrograde through the posterior fascicle
refractory period in the Purkinje system much more than in would be associated with right-axis deviation and the reversed acti-
the ventricular myocardium. In addition, differential effects within vation sequence with left-axis deviation.46
the Purkinje system (left vs. right, distal vs. proximal, left posterior
vs. left anterior fascicular region) may cause bizarre QRS com- Fascicular ventricular tachycardia
plexes, whereas QRS duration is not terribly prolonged. The This relatively narrow QRS complex VT presents usually in young
sequential bilateral block patterns mimicking multiple monomor- patients. It can be classified into three subtypes: the common orig-
phic VTs are due to cycle length-dependent changes in refractory inating from the left posterior fascicle with an RBBB configuration
periods among bundle branches. Misdiagnosis is enhanced not only and superior axis; the uncommon type originating from the left
by atypical BBB morphologies and the repetitive multimorphology anterior fascicle with RBBB configuration and right-axis deviation;
BCT, but also by an atypically long coupling interval before the and the rare type originating in the upper septal fascicle with a
onset of these BCTs as well as the relatively long cycle length narrow QRS complex and a normal axis.11 The diagnosis of fascicu-
during BCTs (Figure 9). lar tachycardia is difficult due to the relatively narrow complexes
and the young age of the patients with no evidence of structural
Bundle branch and interfascicular reentry heart disease. Capture beats and fusion beats may be present,
tachycardia suggesting the diagnosis of VT rather than SVT. The QRS duration
These are uncommon forms of VT usually seen in patients with an in fascicular tachycardia can vary from 100 to 140 ms. The RS dur-
acquired heart disease and significant conduction system impair- ation in the precordial leads is ,80 ms, which is in contrast with VT
ment. The surface ECG in SR characteristically shows intraventri- associated with structural heart disease where the RS interval is gen-
cular conduction defects with or without PR interval erally .100 ms.47 Fascicular and bifascicular VT with an alternating
prolongation. A relatively narrow baseline QRS complex suggests focus between the anterior and the posterior fascicle can be seen in
a role of functional conduction delay in the genesis of bundle patients with digitalis intoxication or Andersen– Tawil syndrome.
branch reentry. The QRS morphology during VT is a typical BBB
pattern, usually LBBB, and may be identical to that in SR.42 – 45 In Pre-excited supraventricular tachycardia
contrast to VT of myocardial origin, bundle branch reentry with No morphological differentiation is theoretically possible between
a LBBB pattern characteristically shows rapid intrinsicoid deflection VT and SVT with AV conduction over an accessory pathway.12,35 In
Diagnostic criteria of BCT 471

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Figure 9 Change from RBBB to LBBB aberrant conduction during AF in a patient receiving dofetilide for attempted chemical cardioversion.

one or more of the leads V2–6. (iii) Atrioventricular relation

different from 1:1 (more QRS complexes than P-waves). The
final sensitivity and specificity of these three steps were 75 and
100%, respectively.

Broad complex tachycardia often exhibits, especially at higher fre-
quencies, an indistinct morphology to make a certain diagnosis.
Despite all available morphological criteria, BCTs are still misdiag-
nosed or remain undiagnosed. To achieve a high positive predictive
value of more than 95% to identify VT, we prefer combining three
clinical criteria; any of the morphological criteria, AV dissociation
Figure 10 Ventricular tachycardia vs. pre-excited SVT;
detected clinically through the ECG or echocardiography, and
adapted from Steurer et al.48
the past history of myocardial disease (MI, cardiomyopathy, conge-
nital heart disease, and previous surgery). If the diagnosis is still
uncertain and typical BBB morphology is missing, VT should be
1994, Steurer et al.48 studied 149 VT, 113 with previous MI, and diagnosed by default. Procainamide prolongs the refractory
118 pre-excited SVT to differentiate between them. They designed period of the myocardium, the accessory pathway, and the retro-
a stepwise approach with three ECG criteria (Figure 10). The cri- grade conduction of the fast AV nodal pathway and therefore,
teria favouring VT were: (i) the presence of predominantly negative when in doubt, may be given, thus avoiding drugs with potentially
QRS complex in leads V4–6. (ii) The presence of a QR complex in harmful effects.49
472 B.S.N. Alzand and H.J.G.M. Crijns

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