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BT Real Estate website

A Practical Training Report


in partial fulfillment

for the award of the Degree of

Bachelor of Technology

in Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Submitted to: Submitted by-

Dr. Sunil Pathak Rahul Soni

Semester- 7

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Amity School of Engineering & Technology
Amity University Rajasthan, Jaipur
August 2019

I hereby declare that the work, which is being presented in the Summer training report, entitled
“BT real estate” in partial fulfillment for the award of Degree of “Bachelor of Technology” in
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, and submitted to the Department of Computer
Science and Engineering, Amity School of Engineering & Technology, Amity University,
Rajasthan. This is a record of my own training preparing under the guidance of Dr. Sunil Pathak.

Rahul Soni
Computer Science and Engineering
Enrolment No.: A20405216099
Amity University Rajasthan, Jaipur


Dr. Sunil Pathak


My project “BT REAL ESTATE” is related to online application of estate. Real estate management
system is advanced solution for his/her estate problem. User shows all the properties of Buyer that
are secure & verify & send them to the realtor. User enquire about the property and realtor verify
them. The online service is provided by us free of charge. Here registration is also free of cost. So
user can do registration by using system and start using website. Register the realtor & verify them.
After few hours or days our guys put them to system. The software is so reliable to user .My main
concept is give best & quick result to user. It also send verification to user for confirming that user
is valid or not.

This website is an online real estate management through which individual agents or buyer can
maintain their property document keeping and managing property registration and also access its
information and manage all the adding, updating, deleting the ads and some of its tasks. The Admin
user can inform their agents for regarding to property and update the information regarding
property and cancellation of property or changing buyer choice.

The system is very useful for the companies or builders that can post and edit the information of
their properties and their personal info and admin can monitor records of all of them. The system
is also useful which also keeps track of Account details of buyers and Investors and also RES
Internship Objectives
The purpose of Industrial Training is to expose me to real work of environment
experience and at the same time, to gain the knowledge through hands on
observation and job execution. From the industrial training, I also developed skills
in work ethics, communication, management and others. Moreover, this practical
training program allows me to relate theoretical knowledge with its application in
the manufacturing industry.
The objectives of industrial training are:
 To expose me to real work environment experience gain knowledge in writing
report in technical works/projects.
 Internship will have higher levels of academic performance.
 Internship programs will increase earning potential upon graduation.
 To build the strength, teamwork spirit and self-confidence in my life.
 To enhance the ability to improve my creativity skills and sharing ideas.
 To build a good communication skill with group of workers and learn to learn
proper behavior of corporate life in industrial sector.
 I was able to installed with good moral values such as responsibility,
commitment and trustworthy during their training.
1. Introduction
1.1 Project purpose
This website is an Online real estate business website through which a user can access its
information and manage all the adding, updating, deleting the assets and some of its tasks.
The Admin user can change the update the information regarding property selling and buying and
cancellation. The system is very useful for the companies who develop apartments, hotels, villa,
residential properties and commercial properties. Companies or individual agents can also
advertise their property.

1.2 Project scope

The real of World Wide Web have spread across millions of household, so naturally, Internet has
become by far the best platform for real estate marketing today.
Now days when everything is online, real estate must be online. There are lot of real estate
companies who advertise their property online so idea behind developing this application is that
their property can show rental property using this. These application are not widely popular but in
future, they have large scope of growth.
This website is an online real estate management through which individual agents or buyer can
maintain their property document keeping and managing property registration and also access its
information and manage all the adding, deleting the ad and some of its tasks. The Admin user can
inform their agents for regarding to property and update the information regarding property and
cancellation of property or changing buyer choice.
The system is very useful for the companies or builders that can post and edit their properties and
their personal info and admin can monitor records of all of them. The system is also useful which
also keeps track of Account details of buyers and Investors and also BT real estate Industry.

1.3 Project Objectives

 The system should have a login. A login box should appear when the system is invoked.
 The Admin should have all the type of authority.
 The Admin should maintain property .Admin identify property type as it is listing.
 The Admin user can inform their agents for regarding to property and update the
information regarding property and cancellation of property or changing buyer choice.
 The user should enquire the property with detail of property.
 The system is very useful for the companies or builders that can post and edit their
properties and their personal info and admin can monitor records of all of them.
 The system is also useful which also keeps track of Account details of buyers and BT real
estate Industry.

1.4 Project Goals

 Planned approach towards working: - The working in the organization will be well planned
and organized. The data will be stored properly in data stores, which will help in retrieval
of information as well as its storage.
 Accuracy: - The level of accuracy in the proposed system cannot be decided. Because here
user buy and another user build the home. There is no guarantee.
 Reliability: - The reliability of the proposed system will be high due to the above stated
reasons. The reason for the increased reliability of the system is that now there would be
proper storage of information.
2. System Analysis
2.1 Scope:
The real of World Wide Web have spread across millions of household, so naturally, Internet has
become by far the best platform for real estate marketing today.

Now a days when everything is online, how is it possible that real estate left web application
behind? There are lots of real estate companies who advertise their property online so idea behind
developing this application is that their property can also sell, or buy or even rent property using
this. These applications are not widely popular but in future, they have large scope of growth.

This website is an online real estate management through which individual agents or buyer can
maintain their property document keeping and managing property registration and also access its
information and manage all the adding, updating, deleting the ads and some of its tasks. The Admin
user can inform their agents for regarding to property and update the information regarding
property and cancellation of property or changing buyer choice.

The system is very useful for the companies or builders that can post and edit the information of
their properties and their personal info and admin can monitor records of all of them. The system
is also useful which also keeps track of Account details of buyers and Investors and also RES

2.2 Objectives

 The system should have a login. A login box should appear when the system is invoked.
 The Admin should have all the type of authority.
 The Admin should maintain property. Admin identify property type as it is residential or
commercial property.
 The Admin user can inform their agents for regarding to property and update the
information regarding property and cancellation of property or changing buyer choic
 The user should book the property for sell or rent with detail of property.
 The system is very useful for the companies or builders that can post and edit their
properties and their personal info and admin can monitor records of all of them.
 The system is also useful which also keeps track of Account details of buyers and Investors
and also RES Industry.

2.3 Overall description:

2.3.1 Product Prospective:

Admin’s interface: Admin is a person who will handle the entire website. For that person has to
give the user name and password to enter the admin page. After entering right password admin
person can enter the admin home area. Here user buy different property & sell them to the system.
Buyer user property & builder verify each-other & make reliable communication to each other.

User’s interface: User can visit the home page of real estate in which first the introduction of our
site mention first. The registered user can login from the login module. Here guest can register free
account to sell and buy property &buyer verify each-other & make reliable communication to each
other. User can search the property and it can select the type of property and its budget and also
find the location of property.

2.3.2 Product Functions:

 Our system must save time and money: Accurate upfront software requirements definition
helps ensure your team works on the business problems that matter most.
 Reduce rework: Early validation and agreement by stakeholder’s means development and
quality teams spend less time on rework.
 Improve requirement accuracy: Industry-unique collaborative storyboarding improves
accuracy by promoting effective communication.

2.3.3 Assumptions and Dependencies:


 The code should be free with compilation errors/syntax error. The product must have an
interface which is simple enough to understand.

 All necessary hardware and software are available for implementing and use of the tool.
 The proposed system would be designed, developed and implemented based on the
software requirements specifications document.
 End users should have basic knowledge of computer and we also assure that the users will
be given software training documentation and reference material.
 The system is not required to save generated reports.

2.4 Specific Requirements:

Software requirements:

 Any Version of browser after Mozilla Firefox 4.0, Internet Explorer 6.0 or above
 Django2.2.2
 django-allauth0.39.1
 djangorestframework3.9.4
 postgres
 VScode
 pylint

Hardware requirements:

 Any processor after Pentium 4.

 Any version of Windows XP or later.

2.5 Functional Requirements:

Since this project uses database and control, it needs the retrieval of information from the database.
It needs access of Database from a front end, as python, it provides easy linking to the database,
along with the flexibility required to develop a user-friendly website.

Usability: The interface should use terms and concepts, which are drawn from the experience of
the people who will make most of the system.

Efficiency: The system must provide easy and fast access without consuming more cost.
Reliability: User should never be surprised by the behavior of the system and it‘s easy to use to
stored data and easy to used transfer data (only .jpg files)

2.6 System attributes:

 Reliability: This system is designed to have very simple database just to enter the exact
need of real estate management. It is tested for all the constraints at development stage.
 Availability: This system will only available till the system on which it is installed is
 Security: This system is provided with authentication without which no user can pass. So
only the legitimate users are allowed to use the application. If the legitimate users share the
authentication information then the his profile is open to outsiders.
 Maintainability: There will be maintenance required for the software. The database is
provided by the company and therefore is maintained by this company.
 Portability: The system is portable as it is not a standalone application running on single
system with no shared database.
3. System Design
3.1 Class Diagram
3.2 Use-Case Diagram
3.3 Sequence Diagram
3.4 Activity Diagram
4. Implementation and Results
This is home page of website which consists of some latest listings and search bar for different
users as per their requirements. This page also consists of some details of company.
This is page for user i.e., user dashboard which consists of all listing for which user is contacted or applied
for after which user get notification for his listing.

This page is about the company where anyone can see details for company and he can also see the
seller of month for company.
This is a page where all listings are going to view by user where he log in to system after verifying
his email.

This login page for normal user and if someone want to login as a realtor then he has to click on
login as a realtor.
This page is for register new user and realtor.

This page is for seller or realtor where he can see all listing for which he is contacted for and after
that he can contact them.

 Unit Testing: This is the lowest level of testing that is conducted to remove syntax & logic
errors from a single unit. Individual components are tested to ensure that they operate
correctly. Each component is tested independently, without other system components.
 Module testing: A module is a collection of dependent components such as an object class,
an abstract data type or some looser collection of procedures & functions. A module
encapsulates related components, so can be tested without other system modules.
 Sub-System testing: This phase involves testing collections of modules, which have been
integrated into sub-systems. This tests for problems that arise from component interactions.
This testing should begin as soon as usable versions of some of the system components are
 System testing: The sub-systems are integrated to make up the system. The system as a
complete entity is tested over here. This process is concerned with finding errors that result
from unanticipated interactions between sub-systems. It is also concerned with validating
that the system meets its functional & non-functional requirements & testing the emergent
system properties.
 Acceptance testing: This is the final stage in the testing process before the system is
accepted for operational use. The system is tested with data supplied by the system
customer rather than simulated test data. Acceptance testing may reveal errors & omissions
in the system requirements definition because the real data exercise the system in different
ways from the test data. It may also reveal requirements problems where the system’s
facilities do not really meet the user’s needs or the system performance is unacceptable.
6. Conclusion
In whole procedure to prepare project, we first gather the requirement of the project and decide the
time schedule. After planning we design the documentation of project. After the design we
generate the code of system. In design the code we do the error estimation and effort estimation.
If error was occurred then solved it. Finally, when code is designed then test the project and decide
the cost of project.

The purpose of Project was to (a) develop improved, integrated real property procedures and
business practices in the project development and (b) develop suggestions to improve property
management practices (c) apply requirements of client.
7. Future Scope
System for which we have made are requirements for client in company where I did my internship
but I can extend this project. In future, I can add machine learning to find predictive price after
some months. It can help user to buy listing. I can also add google maps to locate listings in map
that help user in finding property easily.

I can also add feature that will going to take user current location and provide all listings that
nearby him.
8. References

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