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Technology Comparison of CO Capture For A Gas-to-Liquids Plant

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Energy Procedia1 00
Energy Procedia (2008)
(2009) 000–000


Technology Comparison of CO2 Capture for a Gas-to-Liquids Plant

Sandra Heimela *, Cliff Lowea
Chevron Energy Technology Company, 100 Chevron Way, Richmond, CA 94802, USA

Elsevier use only: Received date here; revised date here; accepted date here


The accelerating pace of climate change regulatory action has rendered it necessary to understand the potential impact of carbon
constraints on unconventional hydrocarbon resources such as gas-to-liquids (GTL). A systematic evaluation approach was
applied to a GTL plant:

1. Estimate carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from a GTL plant.

2. Determine the cost of CO2 capture with retrofit, conventional facilities.
3. Determine the CO2 capture cost for alternate technology, oxy-firing plant heaters.
4. Determine the cost of CO2 capture integrated into the original design.

Results from stages one through three are included. The capital and operating costs of the capture technologies are compared.

c 2009 Elsevier Ltd. Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.

Gas-to-Liquids (GTL); Carbon Dioxide Capture; post-combustion capture; oxy-firing; unconventional resources

1. Introduction

As regulatory action around climate change continues to increase, the energy industry will need to consider the
impact of CO2 emission mitigation on existing operations and the development of new resources. As
unconventional resources grow in importance in the overall energy equation, the industry is studying the potential
impact of carbon constraints on projects such as heavy and extra-heavy oil upgrading, coal to liquids (CTL),
biomass to liquids (BTL), liquefied natural gas (LNG) and gas to liquids (GTL).

A staged evaluation methodology was developed to characterize, quantify, and mitigate carbon emissions from
unconventional resources. Alternative processes for capturing carbon dioxide (CO2) from the specific facilities are
evaluated for economic and technical feasibility, and a technology based mitigation plan centered on carbon capture

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +1-510-242-2307; fax: +1-510-242-2823.

E-mail address:
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Energy Procedia 1 (2009)
00 (2008) 4039–4046

and sequestration (CCS) is developed. The ultimate goal of this project is to enable the future, successful utilization
of unconventional resources in a carbon constrained world.

This methodology was implemented to characterize the impact of mitigating carbon emissions in a GTL plant.
Baseline carbon dioxide emissions levels from a generic GTL plant were established. The cost of mitigating these
emissions using proven, post-combustion carbon capture technology were calculated. Oxy-firing GTL plant heaters
was evaluated as an alternative, based on a Carbon Capture Project (CCP1) study [1] that indicated that this
technology decreased the cost of CO2 avoided by 38% compared to post-combustion capture in a refinery scenario.
Technical and economic feasibility was compared for the two CO2 capture technologies.

2. Methodology

In this staged methodology for evaluating and mitigating carbon emissions, CO2 capture schemes are evaluated in
order of increasing technological risk:

1. Develop the baseline case: quantify CO2 emissions from a generic GTL plant without CO2 capture
2. Design a retrofit CO2 capture facility based on post-combustion CO2 capture with no process/facilities
integration with existing GTL plant
3. Design a new GTL facility with a minimal pre-investment that makes provisions for future integration with
CO2 capture facility. Consider traditional as well as emerging capture technologies. Oxy-firing technology
was chosen for the GTL scenario.
4. Design a new GTL facility to be fully integrated with the CO2 capture facility

Steps one, two, and three in this methodology have been completed for the GTL case and are summarized in this
report. Designs and cost estimates for future CO2 capture schemes fully integrated with the GTL process (Step 4)
are ongoing.

3. Study Basis

3.1. GTL Plant Study Basis

The study is based on a generic GTL plant utilizing technology consisting of syngas generation, Fischer-Tropsch
synthesis, and product upgrading. The GTL plant produces nominally 34,300 bbl/day liquid products and is
assumed to have an on-stream factor of 90%. Unmitigated CO2 emissions were quantified using a comprehensive
Aspen Plus model of a GTL plant.

3.2. CO2 Capture Plant Cost Estimate Basis

The study basis includes the cost of CO2 capture, purification, and associated utilities. Product CO2
specifications are based on generating a pure stream of CO2 that is ready for pipeline transportation and storage: less
than 3% inert content (Ar, O2, N2, etc), pressure of 103 bar, and temperature less than 70°C. The costs associated
with CO2 transportation, storage, and monitoring are highly site specific and are thus excluded from the scope of this

The capture plants are designed to be stand-alone. All utilities, including power, heating, and cooling are
generated without any integration with the existing GTL plant. There is an exception in that 61.5 tonnes/hr of
medium pressure steam (11 barg and 188°C) is simply condensed in the Base Case GTL process as there is no local
use for it. This “free” steam is considered to be available for use in the capture plant.

For the purpose of calculating operating costs, the site is assumed to be a typical remote location where a GTL
facility would be economically viable. The implications of a remote physical location include inexpensive fuel gas
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costs compared to developed locations and no available import or export of process utilities. Capital costs of the
carbon capture facilities are based on instantaneous 1st quarter 2007 costs on the US Gulf Coast.

3.3. Post-Combustion Capture Plant Basis

The capital and operating costs for a post-combustion CO2 capture plant were estimated. The capture plant uses a
re-circulating monoethanolamine (MEA) to scrub CO2 from the flue gases. Based on the simulated GTL flue gas
data, process flow diagrams were developed, equipment was sized, and cost estimates were determined.

The capture plant design is based on 90% CO2 recovery from the capture plant feed. Approximately 6% of the
feed gas is vented to the atmosphere through the vent stack to avoid backpressure on the GTL process while
preventing oxygen ingress into the capture plant. Capturing incremental additional CO2 emissions from the capture
plant utilities is not included in the capture plant design.

3.4. Oxy-fired CO2 Capture Plant Basis

For the oxy-fired CO2 capture technology, it was assumed that the furnaces would be designed for conversion to
firing on pure oxygen upon the enactment of regulations constraining CO2 emissions. The scope of the capture plant
includes the heater design modifications, oxygen source, flue gas dehydration, flue gas purification, and required
utilities. Aspen Plus® modeling software was used to model the oxy-fired GTL plant heaters and subsequent CO2
separation, purification, and compression. The cost estimate for standard equipment was generated using Aspen
Icarus Process Evaluator® software. Equipment quotes were sought for high-cost and lump-sum-turn-key (LSTK)
items, such as the cryogenic air separation unit and gas turbo-generator. Consistent with the post-combustion case,
the additional CO2 generated in the capture plant utilities was emitted to the atmosphere rather than captured.

4. Process Description

4.1. GTL Process Description

The gas to liquids process is a means to monetize medium to large reserves of natural gas via chemical
conversion to transportable liquids. See Figure 1 for a process schematic.


Air Separation Utilities: Steam, Fuel,

Unit Cooling, Power, waste H2 Plant

Natural gas O2 H2
& steam Syngas Wax Diesel
Syngas Fischer-Tropsch Product Naphtha
Generation Reactor Work-Up LPG

Figure 1: GTL Plant Block Flow Diagram

Natural gas is combined with steam and pure oxygen from a cryogenic air separation unit before it is heated and
fed into an autothermal reformer (ATR). Syngas, a mixture of H2 and CO, leaves the ATR and enters the Fischer-
Tropsch (FT) synthesis reactor, where it is converted to a hydrocarbon wax. The wax exiting the FT reactor is
upgraded in the product work-up unit to yield approximately 70% diesel and 30% naphtha liquid products. A
steam-methane reforming hydrogen plant is required to provide hydrogen for the product upgrading as well as inlet
natural gas pre-treatment. GTL plant CO2 emissions comprise of five point sources, illustrated in the plot layout in
Figure 2: H2 plant, product workup unit, 2 ATR pre-heat trains, and the steam super-heater.
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Figure 2: GTL Plot Layout (not to scale)

4.2. Post Combustion Capture Plant Process Description

A schematic of the basic post-combustion CO2 capture process is illustrated in Figure 3. Various proprietary
process designs have incorporated process and solvent enhancements over this generic process.

Figure 3: Generic Post-Combustion CO2 Capture Plant Process Diagram

Flue gases exit the GTL process at temperatures ranging from 165 - 450°C. Heat recovery is included in the
capture plant design to recover thermal energy. Due to the scattered locations of the CO2 emissions sources in the
GTL plant, two individual trains are necessary for heat recovery and flue gas cooling.
The cooled flue gases are combined and routed to a single train for CO2 absorption, solvent regeneration, CO2
dehydration, and CO2 compression. The low pressure gas stream is contacted against a re-circulating amine
solution. A reboiled amine stripper regenerates the amine and recovers an overhead stream of wet CO2. The
stripper overhead is cooled and sent to the CO2 drying and compression train to meet the product specifications.
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Key utility requirements from the post-combustion capture plant include power, steam, and cooling. Ancillary
equipment supports the capture plant.

4.3. Oxy-fired CO2 Capture Plant Process Description

In the oxy-fired CO2 capture process, GTL heaters are designed to burn fuel in nearly pure oxygen rather than in
air, generating a nitrogen-free flue gas. The heater duty, combustion temperature, flue gas temperature, and balance
of radiant and convective duties are assumed to remain consistent between the air-fired base case and the oxy-fired
case. As in the base GTL case, heater fuel is assumed to be provided by GTL process tail gas. In oxy-fired
operation, the heater temperature is moderated by recycling a portion of the flue gas to dilute the oxygen feed and
thereby keep the combustion temperature low enough for available materials of construction.

A large source of pure oxygen, one of the key requirements for using oxy-firing technology, is assumed to be
generated in a cryogenic air separation unit (ASU). The ASU is designed to provide oxygen at 95% purity.
Although cryogenic ASU’s can provide higher purity oxygen, this is unnecessary since the GTL fuel gas already
contains significant quantities of nitrogen that accumulate in the tail gas recycle stream.

The design of the CO2 capture plant is based on local drying and compression of the five individual flue gas
streams, followed by transportation to a central processing area for final inert removal and compression to the design
specification. Some nitrogen is introduced to the flue gases with the oxygen and the fuel, necessitating downstream
inert removal in which a refrigeration system separates the inert gases from CO2 at low temperatures. Product CO2
is compressed to the design pressure. Key utility requirements from the oxy-fired capture plant include power for
the large ASU compressors and CO2 compressors, and process cooling. A process schematic is illustrated in Figure
4 for one of the emissions points.

Figure 4: schematic of oxy-firing heaters plus CO2 capture

5. Results

5.1. GTL Plant Emissions without CO2 Capture

A GTL plant producing nominally 34,300 bbl/day liquid products was predicted to emit 1.6 MM tonnes/year CO2
(90% on-stream).
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The GTL plant CO2 is generated from several sources:

x Entering with the inlet natural gas (feed gas assumed to contain 1.6 mol% CO2)
x Forming during syngas generation
x Forming in the FT reactor
x Forming in the hydrogen plant
x Forming in the process heating furnaces

Process tail gases from the GTL plant are diverted to the plant fuel system. Therefore, the CO2 that is generated in
various locations in the plant is emitted via five different heater stacks:
x Two ATR pre-heater furnace train stacks
x Steam super-heater stack
x Hydrogen plant stack
x Product workup unit (PWU) stack

The detailed breakdown of the source and emission points of CO2 in a GTL plant is illustrated in Figure 5.
Syngas Generation
(ATR) 14% PWU furnace stack
6% ATR pre-heater
furnace stack
synthesis 4%

gas 5%
Steam super-
heater stack
Fired 44%
heaters 63%
H2 plant 14%
H2 plant stack

Figure 5: Left: Sources of CO2 in a GTL plant; Right: Point emissions of CO2 from a GTL plant

5.2. GTL Emissions With CO2 Capture

A summary of the total CO2 generated from the GTL plant and recovered using the two different capture
technologies is shown in Table 1.

Table 1: CO2 Emissions

Post Combustion CO2 Emissions Oxy-firing CO2 Emissions

Source of CO2
(MM tonnes/yr) (MM tonnes/yr)
CO2 generated in Base Case GTL plant (without CO2 capture) 1.58 1.58

CO2 generated in oxy-fired GTL plant (without CO2 capture) - 1.42

CO2 generated in GTL + capture plant 1.71 1.66

CO2 feed to capture plant 1.22* 1.42

CO2 captured 1.04 1.34

CO2 emitted (with capture) 0.67 0.32

CO2 avoided 0.91 1.26

*In this study, only 70% of the GTL plant emissions were fed to the capture plant
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In the post-combustion capture case, 61% of the net CO2 is captured from the combined GTL and capture plant.
A fraction of the flue gases were not fed to the capture plant in this study, accounting for approximately 30% of the
CO2 that was not captured. The balance of the CO2 that is released to the atmosphere includes the CO2 slip in the
capture plant design and the CO2 generated in the capture plant utilities.

In the case of oxy-fired GTL plant heaters, the switch from air firing to oxygen firing increased heater efficiency.
From Table 1 it can be seen that this transition caused a 10% decrease in CO2 emissions in the oxy-fired heaters.
When capture plant utilities are considered, the net CO2 captured in this case is 81%.

5.3. Post-Combustion Capital Costs

The capital cost of the retrofit, post-combustion, EFG+ capture plant is $223,000,000 (-15%/+35%; instantaneous
$US 1Q2007; US Gulf Coast; 15% contingency, includes technology licensing fee).

5.4. Oxy-fired heaters plus CO2 Capture Capital Costs

The capital cost of converting the GTL plant to oxy-fired heaters is $341,000,000 (-35%/+50%; instantaneous
$US 1Q2007; US Gulf Coast; 20% contingency).

5.5. Operating Costs

The base case assumes that the GTL process is used for monetizing remote natural gas. Fuel costs tend to be
exceptionally low in remote locations where there is no existing market for natural gas. Additionally, there is no
available outlet for excess steam or power from the GTL plant, meaning that excess steam produced in the GTL
plant is available for the capture plant. To better understand the effect of the remote GTL plant location and the
availability of excess steam, a sensitivity case is included. In this sensitivity case, natural gas prices are assumed to
be typical for North America, and it is assumed that the excess GTL plant steam is not available for use in the
capture plant.

The operating cost comparison of the post-combustion and oxy-fired capture plants has been included in Table 2.

Table 2: Operating Costs ($US 2007)

Post-Combustion Capture Oxy-fired Capture

Base Case Sensitivity Case Base Case Sensitivity Case
Base case natural gas fuel cost $1.00/MMBTU $7.5/MMBTU $1.00/MMBTU $7.5/MMBTU
Steam available from GTL plant 62 tonnes/hr None 62 tonnes/hr none
Annual Operating Cost $6,526,000 $31,800,000 $8,700,000 $26,000,000

5.6. Cost of CO2 Avoided

The Base case and the Sensitivity case were compared on the basis of the cost of CO2 avoided in Table 3.
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Table 3: CO2 avoided cost: CO2 Emissions expressed in MM tonne/year

Post-Combustion Capture Oxy-firing Capture

Base Case Sensitivity Case Base Case Sensitivity Case
Gas Cost $1.00/MMBTU $7.5/MMBTU $1.00/MMBTU $7.5/MMBTU
GTL plant Steam Used 62 tonnes/hr none 62 tonnes/hr none
CO2 captured 1.04 1.04 1.34 1.34
CO2 avoided 0.91 0.83 1.26 1.24
CO2 avoided cost* $36/tonne CO2 $70/tonne CO2 $39/tonne CO2 $54/tonne CO2

*10% discount rate, 20 year project life

6. Conclusion

This study evaluated the impact of mitigating carbon emissions from a GTL facility by capturing CO2 for
geologic sequestration using two distinct technologies: post-combustion CO2 capture and oxy-fired CO2 capture.
The evaluation focused on the cost of CO2 capture, excluding the site-specific costs of CO2 transportation and

A generic GTL plant was calculated to release 1.6 MM tonnes/year CO2 emissions for a 34,300 bbl/day facility.
A techno-economic evaluation of a retrofit, post-combustion capture plant determined the cost of capturing GTL
emissions without integrating with the GTL process. Oxy-firing GTL plant heaters was evaluated as an alternative
capture technology and compared to the baseline post-combustion case. The results of the baseline and alternative
CO2 capture technologies applied to the GTL plant are included in Table 4.

Table 4: Capture Technology Comparison for a Gas-to-Liquids Plant

BASELINE: post-combustion ALTERNATE: oxy-firing % change

CO2 avoided (MM tonnes/year) 0.9 1.3
% total CO2 captured (GTL plus capture plant) 61% 81%
Capital Cost ($US 2007 -35%/+50%) $223,000,000 $341,000,000
Base Case CO2 avoided cost (remote site assumptions) $36/tonne CO2 $39/tonne CO2 8%
Sensitivity Case CO2 avoided cost (non-remote site) $70/tonne CO2 $54/tonne CO2 -23%

Oxy-fired CO2 capture technology has an 8% higher cost of CO2 avoided compared to post-combustion capture
for the GTL scenario. This unexpected result is due to site specific economic issues deriving from the remote site
assumption. The economic environment in the remote GTL plant scenario is dominated by high capital costs and
low operating costs, and in this cost atmosphere, post-combustion technology is favored over oxy-firing. The
sensitivity study demonstrates this location effect; in an environment of high energy costs, oxy-firing is shown to
decrease the cost of CO2 avoided by 23% compared to post-combustion technology. This study shows that it is
important to consider site-specific issues when comparing the cost of CO2 capture for different applications. There is
an opportunity to decrease the cost of CO2 capture from remote, unconventional resources such as GTL by taking
advantage of the low cost of energy in some remote locations.

7. References

1. Melien, T. (2005) Chapter 3 In: Carbon Dioxide Capture for Storage in Deep Geologic Formations – Results from the CO2 Capture Project.
[Thomas, D. (ed)]. Volume 1, pages 47 – 87. Elsevier: Naperville, IL, USA.

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