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r19 Mba Regulations

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(Applicable for the batch admitted from 2019-20)


KAKINADA-533003, Andhra Pradesh (India)
Applicable for the students of MBA from the Academic Year 2019-20.
1. Duration of the Program
The duration of the program is two academic years consisting of
four semesters. However, a student is permitted to complete the
course work of MBA program in the stipulated time frame of
FOUR years from the date of joining.
2. Minimum Instruction Days
Each semester consists of a minimum of ninety instruction days.
3. Program Credits
MBA program is designed to have a total of 104 credits and the
student shall have to complete the two year course work and earn all
104 credits for the award of MBA Degree.
4. Attendance Regulations

A student shall be eligible to write University examinations if he

acquires a minimum of 75% of attendance in aggregate of all the
subjects/courses, and with minimum 50% in each and every
course including practicals.
4.1 Condonation of shortage of attendance in aggregate up to 10%
(65% and above and below 75%) in each semester shall be
granted by the College Academic Committee.
4.2 Shortage of Attendance below 65% in aggregate shall not be
condoned and not eligible to write their end semester
examination of that class.
4.3 Students whose shortage of attendance is not condoned in any
semester are not eligible to write their end semester
examination of that class.
4.4 A prescribed fee shall be payable towards condonation of
shortage of attendance.
4.5 A student shall not be promoted to the next semester unless, he
satisfies the attendance requirement of the present semester, as
applicable. They may seek re-admission into that semester
when offered next. If any candidate fulfills the attendance
requirement in the present semester, he shall not be eligible for
re-admission into the same class.
5. Examinations and Scheme of Evaluation
Theory Courses
Each theory course shall be evaluated for a total of 100 marks,
consisting of 25 marks for internal assessment and 75 marks for
end semester examination.
Internal Assessment
i) 25 marks for internal assessment, 10 marks are for seminar /
presentation and 15 marks are based on average of two mid-
term examinations.
ii) 10 marks for presentation (5 marks are for report content and 5
marks are for presentation).
iii) Each mid-term examination is conducted for 15 marks with
one and half hours (90mins) duration. Each mid-term
examination consists of three questions, each for 5 marks. All
the questions need to be answered.
iv) The final marks are the sum of average of two mid-term
examinations for 15 marks and 10 Marks for presentation.
External Assessment
The semester end examination shall be conducted for a duration of
three hours with 5 questions and one case study which is
compulsory. All questions are to be answered and for each
question has “either or” option except case study. All 5
questions carries 12 marks each and case study carries 15 marks,
total becomes 75 marks.
Laboratory Course
i) For practical subjects the distribution shall be 20 marks for
Internal Evaluation and 30 marks for the end semester
examinations. There shall be continuous evaluation by the
internal subject teacher during the semester for 20 internal
marks. Out of 20 marks for internal, 10 marks shall be for day-
to-day performance (5 marks for day-to-day evaluation and 5
marks for Record) and 10 marks shall be evaluated by conducting
an internal test conducted at the end of semester.
ii) Endsemester laboratory examination shall be conducted for 30
marks with two Examiners, one of them being the Laboratory
Class Teacher or teacher of the respective college and the
second examiner shall be appointed by the University from the
panel of examiners submitted by the respective college, with a
break-up marks of Procedure-5, Experimentation-15, Results-5,
Comprehensive Viva-Voce
Comprehensive Viva-Voce examination is conducted in all the
subjects of four semesters of the course for 50 marks (internal
evaluation only) at the end of fourth semester by a committee
consisting of two senior faculty members of the department along
with HOD.
Project Work
i) The final project work shall be carried out during the 3 semester
and will be evaluated for 100 marks.
ii) Out of 100 marks, 50 marks shall be for dissertation and 50
marks for the project Viva-Voce. Both are evaluated by the
Board of Evaluators (BOE). BOE, which comprises of
External Examiner appointed/nominated by the University,
Head of the Department and Internal project guide.
iii) Each student shall give one internal seminar (pre talk) on the
topic of his/her project as a prerequisite for submission of the
final project report. He needs to submit plagiarism report (not
exceeding 30% similarity) along with the guide certificate in
the final project report.
(a) Eligibility for Award of MBA Degree
A student will be declared eligible for the award of the MBA Degree
if he fulfills the following academic regulations.
(b) Pursued a course of study for not less than two academic years and
not more than four academic years.
(c) Registered for 104 credits and secured 104 credits.
(d) Students, who fail to complete their Two years Course of study
within Four years or fail to acquire the 104 Credits for the award
of the degree within four academic years from the year of their
admission shall forfeit their seat in MBA course and their
admission shall stands cancelled.
6. Criteria for Passing a Course and Award of Grades
A) Criteria for Passing a Course
i) A candidate shall be deemed to have secured the minimum
academic requirement in a subject if he secures a minimum of
40% of marks in the End semester Examination and a minimum
aggregate of 50% of the total marks in the End Semester
Examination and Internal Evaluation taken together.
ii) A candidate shall be declared to have passed in comprehensive viva-
voce, if he secures a minimum of 50% marks.
iii) In case the candidate does not secure the minimum academic
requirement in any subject (as specified in i & ii above) he has to
re-appear for the End semester Examination in that subject. A
candidate shall be given one chance to re-register for each subject
provided the internal marks secured by a candidate are less than
50% and has failed in the end examination. In such a case, the
candidate must re-register for the subject(s) and secure the
required minimum attendance. The candidate’s attendance in the
re-registered subject(s) shall be calculated separately to decide
upon his eligibility for writing the end examination in those
subject(s). In the event of the student taking another chance, his
internal marks and end examination marks obtained in the
previous attempt shall stands cancelled. For re-registration the
candidates have to apply to the University through the college by
paying the requisite fees and get approval from the University
before the start of the semester in which the re-registration is
B) Method of Awarding Letter Grade and Grade Points for a Course
A letter grade and grade points will be awarded to a student in
each course based on his performance as per the grading system
given below.

7. Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA)
Marks Range
Marks Range
Theory / Project Letter Grade
Comprehensive Level
Work Grade Point
Viva- Voce
(Max – 100)
(Max – 50)
≥ 90 ≥ 45 O Outstanding 10
≥80 to <90 ≥40 to <45 S Excellent 9
≥70 to <80 ≥35 to <40 A Very Good 8
≥60 to <70 ≥30 to <35 B Good 7
≥50 to <60 ≥25 to <30 C Fair 6
≥40 to <50 ≥20 to <25 D Satisfactory 5
<40 <20 F Fail 0
Absent 0

8. Computation of SGPA
 The following procedure is to be adopted to compute the
Semester Grade Point Average(SGPA) and Cumulative
Grade Point Average(CGPA):
 The SGPA is the ratio of sum of the product of the number
of credits with the grade points scored by a student in all the
courses taken by a student and the sum of the number of
credits of all the courses undergone by a student, i.e
 SGPA (Si) = ∑ (Ci X Gi) / ∑ Ci
 Where Ci is the number of credits of the ith course and Gi is
the grade point scored by the student in the ith course.

Computation of CGPA
 The CGPA is also calculated in the same manner taking
into account all the courses undergone by a student over all
the semester of a Programme, i.e.
 CGPA = ∑ (Ci X Si) / ∑ Ci
 Where Si is the SGPA of the ith semester and Ci is the total
number of credits in that semester.
 The SGPA and CGPA shall be rounded off to 2 decimal
points and reported in the transcripts.
 Equivalent Percentage = (CGPA – 0.75) x 10

After a student has satisfied the requirements prescribed for the

completion of the program and is eligible for the award of M.
Tech. Degree he shall be placed in one of the following four
Class Awarded CGPA to be secured
First Class with
Distinction ≥ 7.75
First Class ≥ 6.75 From the
CGPA secured
Second Class ≥ 5.75 to < 6.75 from68

Pass Class ≥ 4.75 to < 5.75

The Grades secured, Grade points and Credits obtained will be

shown separately in the memorandum of marks.

If the student is involved in indiscipline/malpractices/court cases,
the result of the student will be withheld.

2. Supplementary Examinations
i) Supplementary examinations will be conducted twice in a year
at the end of odd and even semesters as per the University
norms & Regulations.
ii) Advanced Supplementary Examinations:
Candidate(s), who failed in theory / comprehensive Viva-Voce
/ project work courses in 4th semester can appear for advanced
supplementary examination may be conducted as per the
University norms & Regulations.
3. Revaluation
As per the norms of the University.

10.1 Discontinued or detained candidates are eligible for re-admission
into same or equivalent subjects at a time as and when offered.
10.2 The candidate who fails in any subject will be given two chances
to pass the same subject; otherwise, he has to identify an
equivalent subject as per R16 academic regulations.

11.1 Wherever the words “he”, “him”, “his”, occur in the
regulations, they include “she”, “her”, “hers”.
11.2 The academic regulation should be read as a whole for the
purpose of any interpretation.
11.3 In the case of any doubt or ambiguity in the interpretation of
the above rules, the decision of the Vice-Chancellor is final.
11.4 The University may change or amend the academic
regulations or syllabi at any time and the changes or
amendments made shall be applicable to all the students with
effect from the dates notified by the University.

Nature of
Malpractices/Improper Punishment
If the candidate:
1. Possesses or keeps Expulsion from the examination
(a) accessible in examination hall and cancellation of the
hall, any paper, note book, performance in that subject
programmable calculators, only.
Cell phones, pager, palm
computers or any other
form of material concerned
with or related to the
subject of the examination
(theory or practical) in
which he is appearing but
has not made use of
(material shall include any
marks on the body of the
candidate which can be
used as an aid in the
subject of the examination)
Gives assistance or Expulsion from the examination
(b) guidance or receives it hall and cancellation of the
from any other candidate performance in that subject only
orally or by any other body of all the candidates involved.
language methods or In case of an outsider, he will be
communicates through cell handed over to the police and a
phones with any candidate case is registered against him.
or persons in or outside the
exam hall in respect of any
2. Has copied in the Expulsion from the examination
examination hall from any hall and cancellation of the
paper, book, performance in that subject and
programmable calculators, all other subjects the candidate
palm computers or any has already appeared including
other form of material practical examinations and
relevant to the subject of
project work and shall not be
the examination (theory or
permitted to appear for the
practical) in which the remaining examinations of the
candidate is appearing. subjects of that Semester/year.
The Hall Ticket of the
candidate is to be cancelled and
sent to the University.
3. Impersonates any other The candidate who has
candidate in connection impersonated shall be expelled
with the examination. from examination hall. The
candidate is also debarred and
forfeits the seat. The
performance of the original
candidate who has been
impersonated, shall be cancelled
in all the subjects of the
examination (including
practicals and project work)
already appeared and shall not
be allowed to appear for
examinations of the remaining
subjects of that semester/year.
The candidate is also debarred
for two consecutive semesters
from class work and all
University examinations. The
continuation of the course by
the candidate is subject to the
academic regulations in
connection with forfeiture of
seat. If the imposter is an
outsider, he will be handed over
to the police and a case is
registered against him.

4. Smuggles in the Answer Expulsion from the examination
book or additional sheet or hall and cancellation of
takes out or arranges to performance in that subject and
send out the question paper all the other subjects the
during the examination or candidate has already appeared
answer book or additional including practical examinations
sheet, during or after the and project work and shall not
examination. be permitted for the remaining
examinations of the subjects of
that semester/year. The
candidate is also debarred for
two consecutive semesters from
class work and all University
examinations. The continuation
of the course by the candidate is
subject to the academic
regulations in connection with
forfeiture of seat.
5. Uses objectionable, Cancellation of the performance
abusive or offensive in that subject.
language in the answer
paper or in letters to the
examiners or writes to the
examiner requesting him to
award pass marks.
6. Refuses to obey the orders In case of students of the
of the Chief college, they shall be expelled
Superintendent/Assistant – from examination halls and
Superintendent / any cancellation of their
officer on duty or performance in that subject and
misbehaves or creates all other subjects the
disturbance of any kind in candidate(s) has (have) already
and around the appeared and shall not be
examination hall or permitted to appear for the
organizes a walk out or remaining examinations of the
instigates others to walk subjects of that semester/year.
out, or threatens the The candidates also are
officer-in charge or any debarred and forfeit their seats.
person on duty in or In case of outsiders, they will be
outside the examination handed over to the police and a
hall of any injury to his police case is registered against
person or to any of his them.
relations whether by
words, either spoken or
written or by signs or by
visible representation,
assaults the officer-in-
charge, or any person on
duty in or outside the
examination hall or any of
his relations, or indulges in
any other act of
misconduct or mischief
which result in damage to
or destruction of property
in the examination hall or
any part of the College
campus or engages in any
other act which in the
opinion of the officer on
duty amounts to use of
unfair means or
misconduct or has the
tendency to disrupt the
orderly conduct of the
7. Leaves the exam hall Expulsion from the examination
taking away answer script hall and cancellation of
or intentionally tears of the performance in that subject and
script or any part thereof all the other subjects the
inside or outside the candidate has already appeared
examination hall. including practical examinations
and project work and shall not
be permitted for the remaining
examinations of the subjects of
that semester/year. The
candidate is also debarred for
two consecutive semesters from
class work and all University
examinations. The continuation
of the course by the candidate is
subject to the academic
regulations in connection with
forfeiture of seat.
8. Possess any lethal weapon Expulsion from the examination
or firearm in the hall and cancellation of the
examination hall. performance in that subject and
all other subjects the candidate
has already appeared including
practical examinations and
project work and shall not be
permitted for the remaining
examinations of the subjects of
that semester/year. The
candidate is also debarred and
forfeits the seat.
9. If student of the college, Student of the colleges
who is not a candidate for expulsion from the examination
the particular examination hall and cancellation of the
or any person not performance in that subject and
connected with the college all other subjects the candidate
indulges in any malpractice has already appeared including
or improper conduct practical examinations and
mentioned in clause 6 to 8. project work and shall not be
permitted for the remaining
examinations of the subjects of
that semester/year. The
candidate is also debarred and
forfeits the seat.
Person(s) who do not
belong to the College will be
handed over to police and, a
police case will be registered
against them.
10. Comes in a drunken Expulsion from the examination
condition to the hall and cancellation of the
examination hall. performance in that subject and
all other subjects the candidate
has already appeared including
practical examinations and
project work and shall not be
permitted for the remaining
examinations of the subjects of
that semester/year.

11. Copying detected on the Cancellation of the performance

basis of internal evidence, in that subject and all other
such as, during valuation subjects the candidate has
or during special scrutiny. appeared including practical
examinations and project work
of that semester/year
12. If any malpractice is
detected which is not
covered in the above
clauses 1 to 11 shall be
reported to the University
for further action to award
suitable punishment.

Malpractices identified by squad or special invigilators

1. Punishments to the candidates as per the above guidelines.

2. Punishment for institutions : (if the squad reports that the
college is also involved in encouraging malpractices)
(i) A show cause notice shall be issued to the college.
(ii) Impose a suitable fine on the college.
(iii) Shifting the examination centre from the college to
another college for a specific period of not less than
one Year


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