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Encyclopedia of The Sciences of LEARNING 2012 Springer M

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The passage discusses the Machiavellian Intelligence Hypothesis, which proposes that large brains in humans evolved due to social competition for reproduction.

The hypothesis proposes that large brains in humans grew over millennia because of intense social competition for reproduction, with competitors evolving complex strategies and tactics for social dominance and reproductive success.

Evidence provided includes primates having larger brains than other animals of similar size, which is argued to allow for more complex social learning and interactions.


Sometimes the Machiavellian intelligence hypothe-

Machiavellian Intelligence sis is called the social brain or social intelligence. The
Hypothesis association with Niccolò Machiavelli, an early sixteenth
century Italian official and thinker is but literary.
MICHAEL JACKSON Machiavelli made no study of primates nor of brain
Department of Government and International evolution. However, Frans de Waal in his Chimpanzee
Relations, University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW, politics (1982) quotes Machiavelli’s works. De Waals
Australia found some of Machiavelli’s insights into the capacity
of some Renaissance politicians to operate on several
levels at once – altruistic and selfish, devout and
Synonyms nationalistic, grasping and strategic at the same
Social brain, Social intelligence time – captured some of the interaction among the
chimps he observed. The name stuck.
Elaborated originally in the study of primates, the Important Scientific Research and
“Machiavellian intelligence hypothesis” (Byrne and Open Questions
Whiten 1988, 1997) is that the large brains of humans The term Machiavellian intelligence is now used to
grew over the millennia because of intense social com- explain patterns of behavior far beyond both humans
petition for reproduction. Competitors evolved ever and primates. Dolphins, elephants, and fish, among
more complex strategies and tactics to achieve social other creatures, have had the Machiavellian Intelligence
dominance with consequent reproductive success. This Hypothesis applied to their behavior (Bshary 2006). In
hypothesis interprets even seemingly altruistic acts in addition, the term is sometimes found in the study of
primates as self-interested cunning. artificial intelligence (Gordon 2001). A search on the
Web of Science today will harvest many references
Theoretical Background across evolutionary biology, primate studies, and arti-
The Hypothesis explains why primates have such large ficial intelligence.
brains, far larger than that of other beasts of a similar size,
far larger than necessary for most of their day-to-day Cross-References
lives. The brain size is puzzling because brains are expen- ▶ Animal Culture
sive and fragile. They consume a great deal of energy; ▶ Animal Learning and Intelligence
they are vulnerable to injury. What enlarged brain size ▶ Artificial Intelligence
brings is the capacity to interact socially and to remem- ▶ Goodall, Jane
ber previous social encounters (Humphrey 1976). Brains ▶ Human–Robot Interaction
allow primates to learn how to interact socially and for
that learning to evolve. The Machiavellian Intelligence References
Hypothesis is that large brains enabled primates to estab- Bshary, R. (2006). Machiavellian intelligence in fishes. In C. Brown,
K. Laland, & J. Krause (Eds.), Fish cognition and behaviour
lish social relations based in part on the shared past. They
(pp. 223–242). Oxford: Blackwell.
learn from their interactions with each other and they Byrne, R. W., & Whiten, A. (1988). Machiavellian intelligence: Social
retain that knowledge. We humans come after thousands expertise and the evolution of intellect in monkeys, apes, and
of generations of that evolution in our forerunners. humans. Oxford: Clarendon.

N. Seel (ed.), Encyclopedia of the Sciences of Learning, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4419-1428-6,

# Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2012
2082 M Machine Inductive Inference

Byrne, R. W., & Whiten, A. (1997). Machiavellian intelligence II: Exten- The idea of machine learning has been present in AI
sions and evaluations. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. since its beginning in the 1950s. In 1980, machine
De Waal, F. (1982). Chimpanzee politics: Power and sex among apes.
learning emerged as a separate field during the first
London: Jonathan Cape.
Gordon, A. (2001). Playing chess with Machiavelli: improving inter- workshop organized by Ryszard. S. Michalski, Jaime
active entertainment with explicit strategies (pp. 41–45). AAAI Carbonell, and Tom Mitchell at Carnegie Mellon-
Technical Report SS-01-02. University. The workshop was followed by the first
Humphrey, N. K. (1976). The social function of the intellecut. In book on machine learning, published in 1983 (Michalski
P. P. G. Bateson & R. A. Hinde (Eds.), Growing points in ethology
et al. 1983). Since then the field has systematically
(pp. 303–317). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
grown and several subfields have been created.

Theoretical Background
Machine learning methods can be classified by the use
Machine Inductive Inference of instructor, forms of knowledge and data used, and
▶ Formal Learning Theory ways in which the system learns. Most commonly,
machine learning methods are classified as:
● Supervised learning (a.k.a. learning with instructor)
in which data consisting of both input (indepen-
Machine Learning dent) and output (dependent) variables are pro-
vided. Two major forms of supervised learning are
JANUSZ WOJTUSIAK classification and regression learning.
Machine Learning and Inference Laboratory, George ● Unsupervised learning (a.k.a. learning without
Mason University, Fairfax, VA, USA instructor) in which the goal is to identify an under-
lying structure of the data without explicitly defined
output. Two typical forms of unsupervised learning
Synonyms are clustering and association rule learning.
Learning in computers ● Reinforcement learning in which the goal is to dis-
cover a sequence of operations that lead to
Definition a solution that maximizes “reward.”
Machine learning (ML) is a scientific discipline that Combinations of these classes of methods, such as
concerns developing learning capabilities in computer semi-supervised learning, are also widely studied.
systems. Machine learning is one of central areas of
Artificial Intelligence (AI). It is an interdisciplinary
area that combines results from statistics, logic, robotics,
Important Scientific Research and
computer science, computational intelligence, pattern
Open Questions
Currently, the main research directions in machine
recognition, data mining, cognitive science, and more.
learning include development of new algorithms, the-
A computer system learns if it improves its perfor-
oretical analysis learning methods, and applications of
mance or knowledge due to experience, or if it adapts
the methods to real world and artificial problems. In
to a changing environment. The experience can be of
machine learning, the following criteria are considered
the system that learns, or can be provided from outside,
when developing new methods:
for example, in the form of data from which the system
learns. Although the majority of machine learning ● Accuracy. Created models have to provide reliable
methods concern learning from data, this is not the predictions, which in most cases is their main func-
only available form of learning. Results of machine tion. Therefore, machine learning methods need to
learning are in the form of knowledge or models (func- accurately map input into these models.
tions) representing what has been learned, and are ● Representation. Models can be represented in mul-
most often used to make predictions about the future tiple forms such as equations, graphical models,
or unknown cases/situations. rules, decision trees, sets of representative examples,
Machine Learning of Natural Language M 2083

and neural networks. Choice of representation is means, typically through the analysis of human lan-
known to affect accuracy of the models, as well as guage artifacts. While work on this problem may be
their understandability by humans. informed by theories of human language acquisition,
● Acceptability. Models need to be accepted by poten- its motivation is less the explication of human language
tial users. While partially related to transparency, learning than the construction of computer systems
acceptability requires that the models don’t contra- that demonstrate competence in various functional
dict the knowledge of existing experts or are other- aspects of natural language. Progress is typically mea-
wise “reasonable.” sured by means of quantitative tests involving gold-
● Efficiency. Both model induction and model appli- standard datasets designed to express a particular
cation algorithms need to be efficient. This is par- requisite capability, rather than by appeal to psycho-
ticularly important for machine learning methods logical or cognitive studies of human language use.
that deal with very large datasets. Here, we are interested only in features of language
common to its two primary vehicles, speech and text;
Cross-References in particular, the problem of machine learning from
▶ Learning Algorithms speech introduces a variety of engineering and scien-
▶ Model-Based Imitation Learning tific challenges that are beyond the scope of this entry.
▶ Multi-robot Concurrent Learning
▶ Reinforcement Learning Theoretical Background
▶ Supervised Learning Work on machine learning of natural language draws
▶ Unsupervised Learning heavily on research in general machine learning and
computational statistics, inheriting much of their the-
References oretical infrastructure. A core function of language is
Michalski, R. S., Carbonell, J. G., & Mitchel, T. M. (Eds.). (1983). the transmission of information, which is the focus of
Machine learning: An artificial intelligence approach. Palo Alto: M
information theory, a theoretical framework fundamen-
Tioga Publishing Company.
tal to machine learning approaches to computational
linguistics. Information theory is a branch of probabil-
ity theory covering the communication of information,
Machine Learning in Robots framed as messages conveyed by some overt encoding.
For example, information theory underpins modern
▶ Robot Learning Via Human–Robot Interaction: The
telecommunications, where it describes how data may
Future of Computer Programming
be transmitted reliably and efficiently as a sequence of
bits. Human language may be viewed as another
method for encoding information for transmission,
and although it exhibits richer structure, greater ambi-
Machine Learning of Natural guity, and more redundancy than the bit sequences that
Language constitute cell phone communications, discovery of
language’s functional characteristics is nevertheless sus-
DAYNE FREITAG ceptible to the same information-theoretic techniques.
Artificial Intelligence Center, SRI International, More generally, probability theory and Bayesian statis-
San Diego, California, USA tics are fundamental to machine learning and its appli-
cation to human language. Many language phenomena
are modeled as the output of a hypothetical generative
Synonyms model, enabling the discovery of latent structure with-
Computational natural language learning out overt annotations of the relevant phenomena. Spe-
cific kinds of generative model that are commonly used
Definition in computational language learning include naı̈ve
Machine learning of natural language refers to attempts Bayes models, hidden Markov models, and Bayesian
to acquire models of human language by automated networks.
2084 M Machine Learning of Natural Language

A core focus of machine learning, both in general by features of the linguistic context in which they are
and in its application to human language, is classifi- used, and learners acquire new words by comparing the
cation. Many problems of computational linguistics unknown words’ contextual distributions with those of
can be framed as an assignment of observed phenom- known words. A number of computational embodi-
ena into one or more prior categories, which are often ments of this principle have been applied to the analysis
suggested by linguistic theory. A simple example, and of large text corpora, leading to the automatic acquisi-
one of considerable practical importance, is deciding tion of various aspects of linguistic competency,
what parts of speech to assign to each of the words in including syntactic functional categories (parts of
a sentence, a process referred to as part-of-speech speech), elements of language morphology, grammar
“tagging.” Whereas the individual classifications rules, and synonym groups.
required by part-of-speech tagging – the assignment
of a part of speech to each word in the input – can be Important Scientific Research and
performed in isolation, intuition suggests and Open Questions
research demonstrates that classifying in a coordi- Many specific challenges of computational linguistics
nated fashion yields greater accuracy. Computational are currently best addressed by approaches predicated
linguistics is a rich source of classification problems in whole or in part on machine learning. On some
like this, in which the desired output is not an indi- problems, the resulting models achieve near-human
vidual classification, but a collection of coordinated accuracy. For example, machine learning approaches
classifications combined in a structured object such as have been proposed that perform part-of-speech tag-
a sequence or a graph. These are problems of struc- ging with accuracy over 95% on reference corpora
tured classification, an area that has been the focus of derived from newswire articles. All such approaches
recent theoretical and algorithmic work in machine involve supervised learning; models are trained on
learning. large volumes of text in which individual words have
Classification problems arising from the model- been given labels that reflect human judgments about
ing of natural language are often characterized by their parts of speech. On most problems where this
a wealth of sparsely instantiated features. For exam- methodology is employed, accuracy increases in an
ple, in part-of-speech tagging, we might define apparently asymptotic fashion as the amount of labeled
a Boolean feature that is true when the current data is increased. The height of the asymptote and the
word is “encyclopedia,” a feature that will almost steepness of the “learning curve” depend on the diffi-
always be false in typical use. Recent work in machine culty of the problem. Accuracy in English part-of-
learning offers a range of algorithms based on speech tagging may be adequate for many applications
a geometrical understanding of the classification that require it, but on harder problems, such as
problem that are robust to problems characterized syntactic parsing and machine translation, but
by high dimensionality and an abundance of margin- achieving comparable accuracies on harder problems,
ally relevant features. Such algorithms arising from such as syntactic parsing and machine translation,
large margin theory include the support vector may require prohibitive amounts of labeled data.
machine, a family of algorithms that has advanced the Circumventing this “human bottleneck” is a central
state of the art in many problems of computational focus of much current research in computational
linguistics. linguistics. Given the relative abundance of human
Much work in the unsupervised acquisition of syn- language data in the current computing environment,
tactic or semantic knowledge is motivated by much effort is directed to the design of semi-supervised
a principle first enunciated by Harris (1968). The dis- learning algorithms, which exploit large volumes of
tributional hypothesis (also called the substitutability unlabeled data in conjunction with a relatively small
hypothesis) was originally advanced as an explanation amount of labeled data.
of the ability of human language learners to infer the The success of algorithms in this class has intensi-
meaning and appropriate use of previously unknown fied a debate within computational linguistics between
words. Under this hypothesis, words are characterized what we might call “deep” and “shallow” approaches to
Machine Learning of Natural Language M 2085

the modeling of human language. Deep approaches are semantics, at least those aspects of semantics required
informed more thoroughly by linguistic theory, to advance the state of the art in information retrieval,
attempting to address specific problems with algo- using singular value decomposition of a matrix of
rithms that reflect faithfully the linguistic and cognitive documents and their constituent words. In an influen-
structures that are presumed to be relevant to them, tial paper, Landauer and Dumais (1997) argue that the
whereas shallow approaches target the functional learning curve associated with “latent semantic analy-
demands of the problem directly, employing whatever sis” exhibits some of the characteristics of the human
techniques can be shown to optimize performance. For language learner over the years in which language
example, a deep approach to machine translation acquisition is most active.
attempts to construct a semantic representation of the All such solutions share two limitations, one
input, and to derive the translation into another lan- a practical concern that is a focus of active research,
guage from this intermediate representation. A shallow the other a more fundamental problem. First,
approach, in contrast, maps directly from the words or although machine learning models can address spe-
phrases in one language to those in the other, using cific problems of computational linguistics very effec-
large word and phrase tables derived from “parallel tively, this effectiveness is always restricted in greater
corpora,” in which sentences from the respective lan- or lesser degree to the domain from which training
guages have been aligned. Some proponents of statisti- data is drawn. This problem of domain specificity may
cal machine translation, which is at the forefront of limit the usefulness of a part-of-speech tagger trained on
current work on the problem, argue that only the lack newswire text when it is applied to other domains or less
of training data in adequate volumes prevents com- formal genres, such as e-mail or chat. Second, and more
puters from achieving human accuracy for most prac- critically, in contrast with the human learner, the
tical applications. The success of such “large-data” machine learner’s acquisition of language knowledge is
approaches has been replicated on other problems, generally divorced from the uses for which the language
leading some to argue against deep, theory-driven was originally intended. The effective incorporation of
approaches and in favor of research into techniques context when learning or using language remains an
that can exploit the current abundance of language enduring challenge to the machine learning of natural
data (Halevy et al. 2009). language, as to the larger endeavor of computational
Of course, human learners acquire language with- linguistics.
out any explicit labeling of the relevant phenomena, an
observation that motivates research into the purely Cross-References
unsupervised acquisition of language competency. ▶ Bayesian Learning
Given nothing but a (typically large) corpus of text, ▶ Language Acquisition and Development
the objective is to derive linguistic knowledge enabling ▶ Probability Theory in Machine Learning
the resulting models to perform well in the same tests ▶ Supervised Learning
used to evaluate supervised approaches. Although eval-
uated accuracy lags behind that of supervised References
approaches, successful learning has been demonstrated Brown, P. F., Della Pietra, V. J., deSouza, P. V., Lai, J. C., & Mercer, R. L.
(1992). Class-based n-gram models of natural language. Compu-
on a range of problems. In a work influential in both
tational Linguistics, 18(4), 467–479.
machine translation and speech modeling, Brown et al.
Halevy, A., Norvig, P., & Pereira, F. (2009). The unreasonable effec-
(1992) showed that an information-theoretic cluster- tiveness of data. IEEE Intelligent Systems, 24(2), 8–12.
ing of words according to their context distributions Harris, Z. (1968). Mathematical structures of language. New York:
recovered latent syntactic and semantic categories. Interscience.
Klein (2005) built on these insights, employing Klein, D. (2005). The unsupervised learning of natural language struc-
ture. Ph.D. Thesis, Stanford University, Stanford, CA.
a generative model framework to induce grammatical
Landauer, T. K., & Dumais, S. T. (1997). A solution to Plato’s prob-
rules directly from unlabeled corpora, demonstrating lem: The latent semantic analysis theory of acquisition, induc-
effective learning of syntax on multiple languages. tion and representation of knowledge. Psychological Review,
Dumais demonstrated the recovery of lexical 104(2), 211–240.
2086 M Macro Actions in Robot Learning

children behaved as if the pretended creature was really

Macro Actions in Robot in the box. In another study, children aged 4, 5, and 6
Learning years were presented with a magic box that could turn
pictures into real objects if a magic spell was cast
▶ Motor Schemas in Robot Learning
(Subbotsky 1985). When asked if such things can hap-
pen in real life, almost all children denied this. But
when the experimenter went out of the room “to
make a phone call,” up to 90% of children tried to
Magical Thinking and Learning magically convert pictures into objects and were bit-
terly disappointed when this did not happen. Another
EUGENE SUBBOTSKY experiment targeted children’s belief in the magical
Department of Psychology, University of Lancaster ways of moving in space and time. Initially, most pre-
Fylde College, Lancaster, UK schoolers denied the possibility of moving through
walls or going back in time. However, when shown
“magical” effects which made these events seem to
Synonyms have happened, the majority of 4- and 5-year-olds
Autistic thinking; Fantastical thinking; Wishful and some 6-year-olds tried to pass their hand through
thinking a glass wall (in order to obtain an attractive object) and
refused to drink “magic” water (fearing they would
Definition become younger again), thereby revealing their belief
Magical thinking (MT) comprises the events and enti- in the potentially unusual properties of space and time
ties that violate known physical principles and conven- in everyday reality (Subbotsky 1994).
tions. Such events and entities may include talking In contrast to earlier theories that viewed MT as
animals, inanimate objects that turn into humans or a phenomenon specific to early childhood (i.e., Piaget),
animals, objects that appear from thin air or instantly recent studies have shown that MT persists in children
turn into other objects, flying horses, dragons, or the of older ages and, albeit to a smaller extent, adults
idea that one’s thoughts can produce direct physical (Nemeroff and Rozin 2000; Subbotsky 2010). The
effects on inanimate objects. Unlike ordinary fantasy issue that arises in this context is whether involvement
(i.e., a child having an imaginary friend or dreaming in MT is a byproduct of cognitive development that
that his or her mum buys a desired toy), magical occurs coincidentally and occasionally is used for
thinking is unfolding whenever a person is involved entertainment, or whether it is a necessary stage of
in some kind of mental processing of supernatural development and has to do with cognition, learning,
events (i.e., through seeing magical events in a dream, and communication.
reading a book, or watching a film with magical
content). Important Scientific Research and
Open Questions
Theoretical Background Research on MT suggests that children who are pas-
Psychologists have long noticed that young children in sively involved in MT can learn to be more creative at
Western cultures remain open to the possibility that solving divergent thinking tasks. Subbotsky et al.
magic is real. Jean Piaget (1929–1971) provided multi- (2010) showed 4- and 6-year-old children a film with
ple examples of young children’s magical behavior either magical or non-magical theme, and then tested
(e.g., one boy believed that by saying their names he on their ability to solve tasks on divergent thinking
could make gorgeous birds and butterflies in his (i.e., problems that do not have only one correct
father’s illustrated manual “to come to life and fly out answer, but allow for a variety of alternative solution).
of the book, leaving holes behind them”) (p. 135). Results indicated that the mean scores of children
Harris et al. (1991) asked children aged 4 and 6 years shown the magical film were significantly higher than
to pretend that there was a creature (a rabbit or that of children watching the non-magical film on the
a monster) in an empty box. When left alone, some majority of subsequent creativity tests, for both age
Magical Thinking and Learning M 2087

groups. This trend was also found for 6-year-olds’ and Film 2 did not include such effects. An immediate
drawings of impossible items. These results were repli- recognition test revealed that both adolescents, but not
cated successfully with 8-year-old children. adults, showed significantly better recognition for the
There is also evidence that involvement in MT can products advertised in the magical film than for
enhance children’s ability to discriminate between the products advertised in the non-magical film. When
fantasy and reality. Distinguishing fantasy from reality the recognition test was repeated in 2 weeks, adults too
is important because it mediates the effect of mass recognized products advertised in a magical film better
media on children and adults’ subsequent behavior. It than products advertized in a non-magical film.
has been shown, for instance, that children who were Altogether, the findings modify some aspects of our
aware that a violent film clip was real later reacted more understanding of children’s cognitive development and
aggressively than children who believed that the film have implications for learning. Teachers sometimes use
was a fantasy; similar mediating effect the fantasy– magical content in the classroom to enhance interest
reality distinction ability may have on children’s and increase engagement in the material. The reported
vulnerability to violent video and computer games research suggested that books and videos about magic
(Comstock and Scharrer 2006). Subbotsky and Slater might serve to expand children’s imagination and help
(2011) examined whether children who watched a film them to think more creatively. Viewing films with mag-
with highly magical effects learn to discriminate ical content can also help children learn the distinction
between ordinary and fantastic visual displays, through between fantasy and reality. Finally, MT affects memo-
priming or (and) association. Six- and nine-year-old ries in children and adolescents, by enhancing false
children were shown a film with either a magical or memories in children and facilitating adolescents and
non-magical theme and were asked to discriminate adults’ real memories for magical effects in advertising.
between ordinary and fantastic visual displays on
a computer screen. Results indicated that the mean Cross-References M
discrimination scores of children shown the magical ▶ Human Cognition and Learning
film was significantly higher than that of children ▶ Imagery and Learning
watching the non-magical film for both age groups. ▶ Imagination Effect
In memory domain, Principe and Smith (2008) ▶ Imaginative Learning
reported that 5- and 6-year-olds who strongly believed
in a fantastic entity – the Tooth Fairy – gave different References
reports of their most recent primary tooth loss from Comstock, G., & Scharrer, E. (2006). Media and pop culture. In
those who believed in the Tooth Fairy to a lesser extent. W. Damon & R. M. Lerner (Senes Eds.) and K. A. Renninger &
Not only were believers’ reports more complex and I. Sigel (Vol. Eds.), Handbook of child psychology (6th ed., Vol. 4).
voluminous than those of non-believers, but they also New York: Wiley.
Nemeroff, C., & Rozin, P. (2000). The making of the magical mind:
recollected more supernatural occurrences, including
the nature and function of sympathetic magical thinking. In K. S.
actually hearing or seeing the Tooth Fairy. This study Rosengren, C. N. Johnson, & P. L. Harris (Eds.), Imagining the
showed that belief in a magical entity could affect impossible: Magical, scientific and religious thinking in children
cognitive processes, by creating false memories of events (pp. 1–34). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
that contradict known physical laws. Another study Principe, G. F., & Smith, E. (2008). Seeing things unseen: Fantasy
(Subbotsky and Matthews 2010) examined if proneness belief and false reports. Journal of Cognition and Development, 9,
toward magical thinking facilitates memories of fic- Subbotsky, E., & Matthews, J. (2010). Magical thinking and memory:
tional events, such as commercial television advertise- Distinctiveness effect for commercial TV advertisements with
ments with magical effects (i.e., talking animals, magical content. Abstracts of the biennial meeting of SRCD,
inanimate objects that turn into humans, objects that March 31–April 2, 2011, Montreal.
appear from thin air or instantly turn into other Subbotsky, E., & Slater, E. (2011) Children’s discrimination of fan-
tastic vs realistic visual displays after watching a film with mag-
objects). Adolescents and adults viewed two films
ical content. Psychological Reports, 112, 603–609.
containing television commercials and then attempted Subbotsky, E., Hysted, C., & Jones, N. (2009). Watching films with
to recall and recognize the films’ characters, events, and magical content facilitates creativity in children. Perceptual and
advertised products. Film 1 included magical effects, Motor Skills, 111, 261–277.
2088 M Maintenance Learning

approach focusing on the role of information

Maintenance Learning processing in the development and maintenance of
▶ Reproductive Learning psychological disorders.

Theoretical Background
The concept of maladaptive schemas has been part of
cognitive therapy since its first formulations in the
Maladaptive Behavior 1960s. It received a prominent role when cognitive
▶ Psychopathology of Repeated (Animal) Aggression therapies for personality disorders were developed in
the 1980s and 1990s. Traditional short-term cognitive
therapy focused on psychological problems that man-
ifest themselves primarily in symptoms (e.g., depres-
sion or anxiety), but the treatment of personality
Maladaptive Schemas in disorders requires that the personality of the patient
Patients with or Without or his or her basic patterns of construing the intra- or
Personality Disorders interpersonal world are addressed. In cognitive therapy,
the building block of the individual’s personality is his
HANS M. NORDAHL1, JENS C. THIMM1,2 or her characteristic schemas and schema-driven
Department of Psychology, Norwegian University of behaviors. Therefore, maladaptive schemas are consid-
Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway ered to be at the core of personality disorders and are
Psychiatric centre, Helgeland Hospital Trust, the target of treatment in cognitive therapies of per-
Mo i Rana, Norway sonality disorders.
Beck and coworkers (Beck et al. 2004) have
described all ten personality disorder categories in
Synonyms terms of typical maladaptive schemas and methods
Core beliefs; Core constructs and techniques for their modification. An alternative
cognitive treatment approach for personality disorders
Definitions is Jeffrey Young’s schema therapy. Young and colleagues
In general, a schema can be defined as an abstraction of (Young et al. 2003) have elaborated on the schema
a concept that is induced from past experiences and concept and proposed a subset of schemas, so-called
guides the organization and appraisal of incoming Early Maladaptive Schemas (EMSs). EMSs are defined
information. as broad themes, consisting of beliefs, memories, emo-
Maladaptive schemas are enduring, rigid, exagger- tions, and body sensations regarding oneself and one’s
ated, and often, at least partially, preconscious beliefs relationships with others. Thus, EMSs refer to more
regarding the self and relationships with others causing complex structures than just cognitions or thoughts,
psychological distress and interpersonal problems. but embody a coherent pattern of cognition, emotion,
According to the American Psychiatric Association and behavioral disposition. EMSs operate on the
(2000), a personality disorder can be described as deepest level of cognition and emotion, and are gener-
a stable, pervasive, and inflexible pattern of inner expe- ally outside of awareness.
rience and behavior, emerging in adolescence or early It is assumed that EMSs are formed during child-
adulthood, deviating markedly from the expectations hood and adolescence. According to Young et al.
of the individual’s culture, and leading to distress or (2003), the main cause for developing an EMS is that
impairment. Ten specific personality disorders are dis- universal psychological needs of the child are repeat-
tinguished: paranoid, schizoid, schizotypal, antisocial, edly frustrated. Psychological needs of every child
borderline, histrionic, narcissistic, avoidant, depen- involve, for example, secure attachments to others,
dent, and obsessive-compulsive personality disorder. autonomy, realistic limits, spontaneity, and freedom
Cognitive therapy is an active, collaborative, time- to express valid feelings. When these needs are not
limited, and empirical-based psychological treatment met because of ongoing adverse experiences with family
Maladaptive Schemas in Patients with or Without Personality Disorders M 2089

members or, later in life, peers, the child is at risk to EMSs are trait-like in that they are proposed to be
develop an EMS. Thus, an EMS is the result of ongoing stable over time, but an EMS is not necessarily activated
negative social interactions, for example, mistreatment at every moment. In order to describe a patient’s cur-
and traumatization. On the other hand, overprotection rent state, the concept of modes has been introduced.
may also contribute to the formation of an EMS. EMSs Schema modes are those maladaptive schemas and
reflect the child’s attempts to make sense of these expe- coping behaviors that are currently operating.
riences and to adapt to its adverse environment. Often, For the assessment of EMSs in adult psychiatric
EMSs are perpetuated later in life even if the circum- patients, self-report questionnaires have been devel-
stances have changed. The EMSs have become a part of oped that cover the EMSs Young et al. (2003) have
the individual’s identity, and the individual behaves and proposed, but the clinician also looks for recurrent
interprets situations in a way that confirms the schema. themes in the patient’s life history and behavior in the
Therefore, EMSs are difficult to change. Based on this therapeutic relationship.
developmental model and clinical experience, Young Empirical research on the relationships between
and colleagues have developed a list of EMSs that cross- EMSs and personality disorders has shown that
cuts psychiatric diagnoses and currently comprises 18 patients with personality disorders score higher on
EMSs. For example, the abandonment schema involves almost all schemas than patients without personality
the expectation that close others are unstable or disorders. Studies have also investigated the relation-
unpredictable and that one finally is abandoned. The ships between specific EMSs and personality disorder
emotional inhibition schema refers to the belief that one categories. However, consistent patterns of relation-
must inhibit spontaneous feelings in order to avoid ships have not emerged yet.
negative consequences.
EMSs are thought to be the result of negative inter- Important Scientific Research and
action with attachment figures. At the same time, EMSs Open Questions M
hamper the child’s capacity to form secure attachments The research body regarding maladaptive schemas has
to others leading to longstanding difficulties in been rapidly growing in the last years. Associations
establishing satisfying close relationships with others. between EMSs and a broad range of psychiatric diag-
Since EMSs are so closely tied to the individual’s iden- noses and psychological problems have been reported.
tity and personality, it is assumed that EMSs are at the It has also been shown that individuals who have been
core of deviant and dysfunctional personality traits and physically or emotionally abused in childhood or
personality disorders. In addition to these problems, remember their parents’ rearing style as cold and
EMSs may underlie other psychological problems, such rejecting also report a higher level of maladaptive
as recurrent depression, anxiety, or substance abuse. schemas. Thus, the maladaptive character of these
An EMS becomes activated in situations relevant to schemas has been demonstrated. Further, EMSs have
the schema and is associated with a high level of neg- shown to be moderately stable in patients over a period
ative emotion. The individual may respond to an acti- up to 9 years. Nevertheless, important questions
vated EMS with a characteristic coping style. Young remain to be answered. First of all, the development
et al. (2003) distinguish between surrendering (give and course of maladaptive schemas in childhood and
in), avoidance (avoid the activation of the schema), adolescence need much more research. Can EMSs be
or overcompensation (acting as if the opposite of the identified in childhood? How do temperamental and
schema was true). For example, an individual with environmental factors interact in the formation of
a defectiveness/shame schema (the belief that one is schemas? Recently, measures of EMSs for children
fundamental defective and therefore inherently have been developed. These measures may help to
unlovable) may surrender to it by choosing partners investigate the development, course, and stability of
that are critical and rejecting, avoid it by not expressing EMSs from childhood to adulthood. Further, the
own feelings and thoughts, or overcompensate by assessment of EMSs is an ongoing challenge. Usually,
pretending to be perfect and criticizing others. Gener- self-report questionnaires are used to assess EMSs in
ally, the individual is not aware of his or her coping individuals. However, EMSs are, by definition, partly
behavior. preconscious, that is, the person may not be aware of
2090 M Male and Female Learning Outcomes

having a particular EMS and therefore not report it in important and interesting). A definition, based on Bur-
a self-report inventory. There is a need to develop goyne and Reynolds (Burgoyne and Reynolds 1997), is:
alternatives that trespasses the shortcomings of self- the learning of management and leadership as the
report questionnaires. ability to organize organizations, the facilitation and
evaluation of this, and the assistance of managers and
Cross-References leaders to progress through being effective (able to do
▶ Early Maladaptive Schemas: The Moderating Effects without knowing how they do it) to being reflective
of Optimism (knowing how they do it) to being critically reflective
▶ Emotional Schema(s) (thinking about the strength and weaknesses of, and
▶ Schema(s) alternatives to, their existing knowledge that underpins
▶ Schema Development their actions).

References Theoretical Background

American Psychiatric Association. (2000). Diagnostic and statistical “Management” can be taken as an abstract function, an
manual of mental disorders (4th ed.). Washington, DC: Author. activity, a faction in organizational settings, and also
Beck, A. T., Freeman, A., Davis, D. D., & Associates. (2004). Cognitive
refer to managers in the individual and collective sense.
therapy of personality disorders (2nd ed.). New York: Guilford.
It can be thought of as the “organization of organiza-
Nordahl, H. M., Holthe, H., & Haugum, J. A. (2005). Early maladap-
tive schemas in patients with or without personality disorders: tion,” and to include what is also referred to, in the
Does schema modification predict symptomatic relief? Clinical Anglo-American context at least, as administration,
Psychology andPsychotherapy, 12, 142–149. leadership, execution (as in the executive role), and
Young, J. E., Klosko, J. S., & Weishaar, M. E. (2003). Schema therapy: direction (as in what directors do). It has
A practitioner’s guide. New York: Guilford.
a relationship to entrepreneurship as well with some
similar and some differing elements.
The meanings (in use) of these terms have shifted
around with time. In the 1960s and 1970s the preferred
term was administration, now largely gone but living
Male and Female Learning on in the MBA (Masters in Business Administration).
Outcomes Then there was the debate between administration and
management, casting the former as relatively routine
▶ Gendered Perceptions of Learning
and the latter as facing unstructured, non-routing
problems. More recently this distinction has been
made under the headings of management and leader-
ship, and more recently still within leadership in the
Management Learning distinction between transactional and transformational
JOHN BURGOYNE Cross culturally different terms are in use. In French
Department of Management Learning and Leadership, “gestion” is something like operational management,
Lancaster University Management School, Lancaster “dirigion” strategic management, or leadership. Lead-
University, Lancaster, Lancashire, UK ership is difficult to discuss in German since the word is
“fuehrer,” which still has world war two connotations.
In America the term “Chief Executive Officer” (CEO) is
Synonyms used whereas the British term is “Managing Director,”
Leadership learning though CEO is spreading worldwide.
The learning part of management learning is about
Definition learning in respect to management in all the above
Management learning is about what it says on the senses.
bottle: the learning of management (as distinct from It begs the question of what, if anything, is special
the management of learning which may be equally about learning management as opposed to learning
Management Learning M 2091

anything else or learning in general. There is, perhaps, Two important institutional landmarks to do with
the prior question of whether management can be learnt management learning are what is now the Department
at all, this debate being most often carried out in the of Management Learning and Leadership, which has
context of leadership and the question of whether evolved from a research unit founded in 1974 to
leaders are born or made. develop the practice and practitioners of management
On the latter, there are many views, but one of the education, and what is now the academic journal called
most plausible is from evolutionary psychology that Management Learning.
argues that the will to lead is largely innate, but that The department has run a part time MA, now the MA
the ability to do it well is learnable (Nicholson 2000). in Management Learning and Leadership for 30 years, for
There is also the related debate as to whether it is experienced practitioners of management, leadership,
learnable (e.g., from experience), or teachable, with and organization development, and for developmental
a middle ground here around the facilitation of “natu- leaders who want to do it as an alternative to the MBA.
ral” learning through processes like coaching, The journal has evolved from a more practitioner-
mentoring, and action learning (sometimes called the oriented journal called Management Education and
“context sensitive” methods). Development, which was the journal of the Association
If there is anything special about learning manage- of Management Education and Development. This was
ment, and I think there is, it is to do with the unstruc- an association of management educators, corporate
tured nature of management challenges, that it faces trainers, and consultants, which has subsequently lost
“wicked” rather than “tame” problems (though this ground to the British Academy of Management, the
debate is contained in debates about what management more academically oriented body.
is, see above). This is a recurring theme in the literature,
to be found in Simon’s distinction between Important Scientific Research and
programmed and unprogrammed work (Simon Open Questions M
1957), Burns and Stalker’s distinction between mecha- Can management learning provide an overarching and
nistic and organic (Burns and Stalker 1961), the dis- integrating framework for the whole of management,
tinction between “P” (programmed knowledge) and organization, and business studies? Can it provide, for
“Q” (questioning knowledge) in action learning the first time, through a critically realist based method-
(Revans 1983), more recently in distinctions made ological approach, a professionally oriented and scien-
between management and leadership (Bennis 1989), tifically based approach to management, leadership,
then within leadership in the form of the distinction and organization? Critical realism takes the world to
between transactional and transformational leadership be an open system with emergent properties rather than
(Bass et al. 1996), and finally in the distinction between a determinist machine as the positivists do or just a sea
order and chaos in complexity theory (Stacey 1992). of cultural meaning as the post modernists and extreme
Management learning in the collective rather than social constructionists do. Managers and leaders deal
individual form of management (thus developing with systems with human and nonhuman elements.
social rather than human capital) suggests organiza- The physical, zoological and biological, psychological,
tional learning, i.e., the notion that organizations, as and social worlds get increasingly complex and
bounded entities, can learn collectively. Learning orga- unpredictable as one progresses through these, and
nization and organizational learning is an important managers and leaders deal with systems from all points
area within management learning (Senge 1990; Pedler on this spectrum.
et al. 1996).
The learning aspect of management can be both Cross-References
naturally occurring or deliberately facilitated ▶ Absorptive Capacity and Organizational Learning
(Burgoyne and Hodgson 1983) and understood in ▶ Acquiring Organizational Learning Norms
terms of theories, models, principles, and practices ▶ Evaluation of Management, Leadership, and Orga-
directed at facilitating learning. I have summarized 14 nization Development
schools of thought on learning, in terms of types of ▶ Organizational Change and Learning
theory (Burgoyne 2002). ▶ The Learning Organization
2092 M Managing Stress

Bass, B. M., Avolio, B. J., & Atwater, L. (1996). The transformational Many Aspects of Anticipation
and transactional leadership of men and women. International
Review of Applied Psychology, 45, 5–34. ROBERTO POLI
Bennis, W. G. (1989). On becoming a leader. London: Hutchinson. Department of Sociology and Social Research,
Burgoyne, J. G. (2002). Learning theory and the construction of self:
University of Trento, Trento, Italy
What kinds of people do we create through the theories of
learning that we apply to their development? In M. Pearn (Ed.),
Individual development in organizations: A handbook in the psy-
chology of management in organizations (pp. 3–16). Chichester: Synonyms
Wiley. Anticipatory behavior; Expectation; Forecast
Burgoyne, J. G., & Hodgson, V. (1983). Natural learning and mana-
gerial action: A phenomenological study. Journal of Management
Studies, 20(3), 13.
Burgoyne, J., & Reynolds, M. (1997). Introduction. In J. Burgoyne & Anticipation refers to the capacity of a system to take its
M. Reynolds (Eds.), Management learning: Integarating perspec- decisions in the present according to forecasts about
tives in theory and practice (pp. 1–16). London: Sage. something that may eventually happen at a later
Burns, T., & Stalker, G. M. (1961). The management of innovation. moment.
London: Tavistock.
Nicholson, N. (2000). Managing the human animal. London: Texere
Books. Theoretical Background
Pedler, M., Burgoyne, J. G., & Boydell, T. (1996). The learning com- Behaving in an anticipatory way means adjusting pre-
pany. Maidenhead: McGraw-Hill. sent behavior in order to address future problems. In
Revans, R. W. (1983). The ABC of action learning. Bromley, Kent:
other words, an anticipatory system takes its decisions
Senge, P. (1990). The fifth discipline: The art & practice of the learning
in the present according to forecasts about something
organization. New York: Doubleday Currency. that may eventually happen at a later moment (Rosen
Simon, H. A. (1957). Administrative behaviour. New York: 1985, p. 341, see Louie 2010 for an introduction to
Macmillan. Rosen’s ideas). The main surprise embedded in the
Stacey, R. D. (1992). Managing Chaos: Dynamic business strategies in theory of anticipation is that anticipation is
an unpredictable world. London: Kogan Page.
a widespread phenomenon present in and characteriz-
ing all types of systems. Life in all its varieties is antic-
ipatory, the brain works in an anticipatory way, the
mind is obviously anticipatory, society and
its structures are anticipatory, even nonliving or
Managing Stress nonbiological systems can be anticipatory.
As soon as one collects data on anticipation, the real
▶ Stress Management
surprise is that over the past century many scholars
from many different disciplines and fields have worked
on anticipation. The unwelcome finding is that nobody
has to date systematically collected and compared the
various proposals (see Poli 2010 for a first survey and
Mandatory Education Nadin 2010 for an extensive, commented bibliography
▶ Compulsory Education and Learning on anticipation). The following is but a cursory pre-
sentation of the research on anticipation in various
Philosophy. Husserl, Mead, and Bloch have worked
on various aspects of anticipation. Husserl views antic-
Manipulative Practice ipation as one of the three components of the most
basic structure of consciousness: the specious present.
▶ Drill and Practice in Learning (and Beyond) For Husserl, what is actually given is always surrounded
Many Aspects of Anticipation M 2093

by a double halo comprising what has just happened cognitive psychology). After the prelude represented by
(retention: strictly speaking, something has gone but its Herbart, studies on anticipation in psychology have
effects are still active) and what is going to happen been conducted only very recently, providing evidence
(pretension or anticipation: even if we do not know of distinct forms of anticipation in learning, attention,
what is going to happen, we naturally – i.e., automat- object recognition, and many other cognitive activities.
ically – develop expectations, which may eventually be These studies show that behavior is more goal oriented
confirmed or disconfirmed). than stimulus driven. In other words, they show that
Mead embedded anticipation in what he called there are robust reasons for challenging one of the main
“conversation of gestures,” where two organisms show assumptions of cognitive science, namely that stimuli
each other the actions that they are going to perform. come first. The contemporary version of IMP claims
In this way, the other organism can prepare itself before instead that ambient interactions reinforce anticipated
the actual execution of the action. Finally, Bloch devel- outcomes. Behavioral and cognitive schemata – be they
oped what I call an “encyclopedia of the categories of pre-given or acquired – shape the way in which organ-
the future” based on the idea that entities are only isms look at the environment. For this reason they are
partially determined because some of their aspects are anticipatory.
still hidden or latent. The difference between being Social sciences. Schutz argued that we simulta-
hidden and being latent can be clarified as follows: neously live in different contexts of meaning, with
Hidden components are there, waiting for triggers to different temporal dimensions, at different levels of
activate them. On the other hand, latent components familiarity. Actions are typically framed by two types
do not exist at all in the entity’s actual state. Latent of opposition: the opposition between my actions and
components relate to incompletely present conditions your actions and the opposition between future and
and aspects. Their incompleteness may be ascribed past actions. Future actions are interpreted according
either to still maturing conditions or to new conditions to an “in-order-to” structure, while past actions are
that may subsequently arise (Poli 2009). interpreted according to a “because” structure. In-
Biology. Over the past few decades, an enormous order-to motives are components of the action: They
amount of experimental evidence in favor of anticipa- shape the action from within. By contrast, because-
tion as a behavioral feature has been accumulated. Stud- motives require reflective acts upon already performed
ies on anticipation in animals have moved through two actions. This structure helps explain why we perceive
main phases of development. The first phase was cen- actions as free according to in-order-to-motives and as
tered on Tolman’s “expectancies” or latent learning, i.e., determined according to because-motives. Actions are
learning of environmental structures despite the absence always elements of wider projects, which in their turn
of reinforcement. The studies conducted by Tolman had rely on various stocks of knowledge. One of the most
little impact, however, and the study of anticipatory familiar components of knowledge is the stock of typ-
behavior in animals started to spread only in the 1980s. ical expectations, which may become actual in typical
Brain studies. Neurons and more complex brain circumstances and predetermine typical reactions.
structures appear to contain what have been called Futures studies. Studies of futures fall under two
“internal models,” whose main task is to guide the main assumptions: (1) that the future is at least partly
brain in its decision-making activities (be these the governed by the past, and (2) that the future can be
firing of neurons or something more complex for better confronted by opening our minds and learning
higher-order structures). to consider different viewpoints. According to (1) the
Psychology. Anticipation is an old friend of psychol- forces which have shaped past and present situations
ogists. Herbart claimed that anticipations of sensory will still be valid as the situation under consideration
effects not only precede but also determine voluntary unfolds; (2) instead considers the problem of preparing
movements. This thesis, known as the Ideo-Motor for the unforeseeable novelties awaiting us in the
Principle (IMP), runs contrary to the claim that psy- future. Learning about widely different outcomes is
chic processes in general are determined by stimuli (i.e., the issue in this case: One must be ready to anticipate
it is at odds with both behaviorism and most of current possibly unfamiliar or alien scenarios.
2094 M Many Aspects of Anticipation

Important Scientific Research and to perceive things that are in plain sight. Patterns con-
Open Questions strain attention, govern the boundary of relevance, and
Even if most of the details concerning anticipation are they direct attention to preestablished foci. The more
still unknown, the following partial observations sum- efficient the patterns, the more likely is the outcome of
marize the current state of knowledge. an over-restricted focus of attention. The more efficient
Anticipation comes in many different guises. The the behavioral patterns are, the more rigid they
simplest distinction is between explicit and implicit become.
anticipation. Explicit anticipations are those of which Anticipation may be partially independent from
the system is aware. They may be used as synonyms for memory. Anticipatory capacities may depend on the
predictions or expectations. Implicit anticipations, by internal organization of the system and do not neces-
contrast, work below the threshold of consciousness. sarily depend on previous memories. This amounts to
They may be active within the system without the saying that anticipation lies deeper than memory in the
system itself being aware of them. Implicit anticipa- functional structure of organisms. It apparently also
tions are properties of the system, intrinsic to its func- applies to both psychological and social systems. This
tioning. As far as explicit anticipation is concerned, the is an important contention which requires firmer
reflexive side of explicit anticipation becomes visible as supporting evidence.
the difference between looking into the future and Different types of anticipation may be at work con-
taking account of the consequences of that looking, temporaneously. None of the best-known theories have
i.e., as the impact of an anticipation on current behav- yet explicitly addressed the problem that systemic
ior. The types or aspects of behavior that can be mod- behavior may be the result of processes unfolding at
ified through anticipation are exemplifications of different levels of reality, including the biological level
normative behavior. If the system evaluates its own (perception, brain processes), the psychological level
evolution as positive (according to its own criteria), it (cognitive processes), and the social level (social inter-
will maintain its behavioral patterns; conversely, if the actions). For complex systems such as ourselves, bio-
system evaluates its own evolution as negative, it may logical, psychological, and social types of anticipation
seek to change its behavioral patterns in order to may work in parallel. They have their own temporal
prevent the occurrence of the anticipated negative patterns, and may be distinguished by other proper-
results. A major question is whether explicit anticipa- ties as well. Moreover, when different types of antici-
tions depend – or to what extent they may depend – on pation are simultaneously active, they may work
implicit ones. Finding the correct answer to this harmoniously together or they may interfere with
question is far from being a trivial undertaking. The each other.
apparently obvious answer that explicit anticipation
depends – at least to some extent – on implicit antici- Cross-References
pation may beg the question. For it may well turn out ▶ Anticipation and Learning
that the two forms of anticipation are based either on ▶ Anticipatory Learning
entirely different enabling conditions, or on different ▶ Anticipatory Learning Mechanisms
subsystems. This last case makes sense as soon as one ▶ Anticipatory Schema(s)
envisages a system composed of different subsystems.
Anticipation exhibits a variety of temporal patterns.
Perceptual microanticipations may unfold in microsec-
Louie, A. H. (2010). Roberto Rosen’s anticipatory systems. Foresight,
onds, while forms of social anticipation may range 12(3), 18–29.
from seconds to years and decades. Nadin, M. (2010). Annotated bibliography anticipation. Interna-
Anticipation has been a major evolutionary discovery. tional Journal of General Systems, 39(1), 35–133.
From an evolutionary point of view, explicit anticipa- Poli, R. (2009). The complexity of anticipation. Balkan Journal of
Philosophy, 1(1), 19–29.
tion is an advantage because it enables more rapid goal-
Poli, R. (2010). The many aspects of anticipation. Foresight, 12(3),
directed processing. The other side of the coin, how- 7–17.
ever, is that focused goal-oriented behavior usually Rosen, R. (1985). Anticipatory systems: Philosophical, mathematical
gives rise to inattentional blindness, i.e., the incapacity and methodological foundations. Oxford: Pergamon.
Marx, Karl (1818–1883) M 2095

Marital and Family Systems Marx, Karl (1818–1883)

▶ Application of Family Therapy on Complex Social Department of Government and International
Issues Relations, University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW,

Marking Criteria Life Dates

Born in Trier on the river Moselle, Karl Marx was
▶ Learning Criteria, Learning Outcomes, and Assess- educated at the Universities of Bonn, Berlin, and Jena.
ment Criteria Both his parents were converted Jews. His stinging
journalistic critiques of social conditions and of the
Prussian government led to exile from Germany in
1843. After short stays in Paris and Brussels, he
Marking Grid decamped to London where he remained. He was
instrumental in the birth of European socialism, while
▶ Learning Criteria, Learning Outcomes, and Assess- also a tireless reader, analyst and writer, mostly at the
ment Criteria British Museum which then housed the British Library.
He fathered eight children, living by meagre earnings as
a journalist and with the support of the industrialist
Friedrich Engels (1820–1895) who also was his fre-
Marking Matrix quent collaborator. No more than a dozen people M
attended his funeral, but since then his tombstone at
▶ Learning Criteria, Learning Outcomes, and Assess- London’s Highgate Cemetery has attracted a constant
ment Criteria pilgrimage, including V. I. Lenin. Marx’s single most
famous work is The Communist Manifesto (1848), but
there are many others, including the multi-volume
Capital (1867). His collected works, including the jour-
Marking Rubric nalism, run to 25 volumes. Some titles are very sub-
stantial. By any measure he is one of the most
▶ Learning Criteria, Learning Outcomes, and Assess- influential thinkers ever.
ment Criteria
Theoretical Background
In politics, both communism and socialism trace back
to Marx. He has also had an even greater influence
Marking Schemes among intellectuals. In the 1960s Marxism entered
economics, political science, sociology, anthropology,
▶ Learning Criteria, Learning Outcomes, and Assess- and other social and human sciences. For a generation
ment Criteria of intellectuals it was de rigueur to denounce liberal
democracy in the name of Marx. His legacy was
claimed and disputed by all manner of self-appointed
Marxists throughout the Western world, while else-
Marking Standards where in the Communist East his texts remained
a gospel of stone and barbed wire. With the collapse
▶ Learning Criteria, Learning Outcomes, and Assess- of the Soviet Union and its European dependencies,
ment Criteria Marxism in the Western academy has become less
2096 M Marx, Karl (1818–1883)

strident, but it remains in hibernation. While Marx Contribution(s) to the Field of

never discussed learning or education in a sustained Learning
way, he has had a tremendous impact on educators and The foundation of Marx’s thought was materialism.
researchers throughout the world. In the Communist He supposed that the material world determined
regimes that impact was material and pervading, thought, and for this reason broke with Georg Hegel’s
though hardly the liberation of the human spirit that Idealism. In Marx’s phrase‚ “life determines con-
Marx desired. sciousness” (German Ideology 1846, p. 155). Our expe-
Marx saw labor as a positive experience in enhanc- rience determines our thoughts. He elaborated
ing human life. Industrialism as he saw it was a theoretical vocabulary to express and extend this
destroying that positive element. The emphasis on the insight. Ideas, emotions, and thoughts, these are all
spiritual value of labor is clearest in his early works but derived from superstructure. The base consists of eco-
it continued, by implication, in his later, more technical nomic relations. From this point, Marx developed
studies. Properly organized labor was a medium of a class theory of social order and social relations.
human expression, and not just a necessary evil to Knowledge is not neutral, nor are the artifacts that
reproduce life. It is through labor that an artisan learns science examines natural, but rather both are products
to express ideas in the material of the world. This of class relations based on economic ownership. The
process is the objectification of the personality of the normal activities of teaching and research perpetuate
worker. That is, the process creates a product (the class relations. We make reality in our own image and it
object) that embodies, to some degree, the distinct in turn reproduces us in that image. A later Italian
personality of the artisan. This sense of unique crafts- Marxist, Antonio Gramsci (1891–1937), developed
manship remains well understood and highly valued, as this theme in his Prison Notebooks (1930–1932) as
distinct from mass-produced items that are equally hegemony, a concept that is now widely used through-
functional, less expensive, and often more durable. It out the social sciences and humanities. Western aco-
is in his lifelong criticisms of child-labor that Marx lytes of Marx have argued, among other things, that
explicitly refers to the need to combine productive liberalism was repressive and that electoral democracy
labor with education. Such sentiments can be found was a sham. An example is Herbert Marcuse’s Repres-
in the Economic and philosophic manuscripts (also sive Tolerance (1965), which was required reading for
known as the Paris manuscripts) (1844), Communist a generation. Enthusiasts for Marxism in the 1970s
manifesto (1848), Capital (1867), and the Critique of claimed that Enver Hoxha’s Albania or Mao’s Cultural
the Gotha Program (1875). The value of education was Revolution represented greater human achievements
that it enabled workers to express themselves. If it than the hoax of liberal democracy. Later Pol Pot and
also made them more productive, as is frequently other sovereign murderers had apologists among their
argued today, for Marx that would be an unintended number.
by-product. He sought to identify the alienating Though leaders of industry in the twenty-first cen-
aspects of labor that subtracted the worker’s personality tury do not cite Marx, they do echo him when they call
from production. Meaningful work reveals and for learning organizations and stress the unique value
enhances the abilities and experiences of workers. of human capital in workers. Corporations likewise
Mass production with its assembly lines of robotic echo Marx when they stress the unique capacities that
workers was anathema to Marx. He was ahead of his their workers apply to the manufacturing. When Volvo
time in several ways. First, he foresaw the logic of mass and Acura advertise the people who build their cars,
production even before it was fully developed in the because both have changed the method of manufacture
assembly line that reduced workers to cogs in a to make it more effective and that has made it more
giant machine. Second, he also prefigured the recogni- satisfying to workers, they are downstream from Marx.
tion in the latter twentieth century that creative What remains of Marxism today? The emphasis on
labor enhances high quality production. The most vis- materialism and social forces, as distinct from ideas and
ible example is the change in automobile production individuals, remain bedrocks in all the social and
from a production line to a manufacturing team (Nagel human sciences. There also remains a recognition of
et al. 1991, p. 32). social structure and the importance of the economic
Mastery Learning M 2097

base of social relations. Similarly, the neutrality of

knowledge – in teaching and in research – remains Mastery Learning
contested. However, much of what was distinctly
Marxist has been integrated into the social and THOMAS R. GUSKEY
human sciences and has changed as a result. The College of Education, University of Kentucky,
union of Marx’s analysis of society with a political Lexington, KY, USA
program has been divorced in both the West and the
East. Today The Communist Manifesto comes installed
on electronic books sold by major multinational cor- Synonyms
porations like Sanyo. Learning for mastery

Cross-References Definition
Mastery learning is a philosophy and set of instruc-
▶ Social Construction of Learning
tional strategies designed to help teachers better indi-
vidualize teaching and learning in group-based
References classrooms. In using mastery learning, teachers first
Berlin, I. (1963). Karl Marx: His life and environment. London:
organize the concepts and skills they want students to
Oxford University Press.
Gramsci, A. (1981 [1930–1932]). Prison notebooks. (L. Marks, trans.). acquire into learning units that typically involve about
New York: Columbia University Press. a week or two of instructional time. Following initial
Kolakowski, L. (1978). Main currents of Marxism. Oxford: Clarendon. instruction on the unit, teachers administer a brief
McLellan, D. (1973). Karl Marx: His life and thought. New York: formative assessment based on the unit’s learning
Harper & Row.
goals to offer students “feedback,” on their learning
Nagel, R., Dove, R., Goldman, S., & Preiss, K. (1991). Twenty-first
century manufacturing enterprise. Bethlehem: Leigh University
progress. Paired with each formative assessment are
Press. specific “corrective” activities, designed to guide stu- M
Wheen, F. (1999). Karl Marx: A life. London: Fourth Estate. dents in correcting any identified learning difficulties.
With the teacher’s guidance, students complete their
corrective activities in a class period or two and then
take a second, parallel formative assessment. This sec-
ond assessment verifies whether or not the correctives
Mastering were successful in helping students overcome their
individual learning difficulties and offers students
▶ Internalization
a second chance at success. Students who perform
well on the first formative assessment and demonstrate
that they have mastered the unit concepts and skills are
engaged in special “enrichment” or “extension” activi-
Mastery and Performance Goals ties to broaden their learning experiences. Through this
process of regular classroom formative assessments,
▶ Age-Related Differences in Achievement Goal combined with the systematic correction of individual
Differentiation learning difficulties, mastery learning theorizes that all
students can be provided with a more appropriate qual-
ity of instruction than is possible under more traditional
approaches to teaching.

Mastery Goal
Theoretical Background
A motivational system whereby individuals are ori- Although the basic tenets of mastery learning can be
ented toward developing new skills, trying to under- traced to such early educators as Comenius, Pestalozzi,
stand their work, improving their level of competence, and Herbart, most modern applications stem from the
or achieving a sense of mastery. writings of Benjamin S. Bloom of the University of
2098 M Mastery Learning

Chicago. In the 1960s, Bloom began a series of investi- appropriate. Bloom believed a far better approach
gations on the variation that existed in student learning would be for teachers to use their classroom assessments
outcomes. He recognized that while students vary as learning tools, and then to follow those assessments
widely in their learning rates, virtually all learn well with a feedback and corrective procedure. In other
when provided with the necessary time and appropri- words, instead of using assessments only as evaluation
ate learning conditions. If teachers could provide the devices that mark the end of each unit, Bloom
time and more appropriate conditions, Bloom rea- recommended using them as part of the instructional
soned that nearly all students could reach a high level process to identify individual learning difficulties (feed-
of learning. back) and to prescribe remediation procedures
To determine how this might be practically (correctives).
achieved, Bloom first considered how teaching and This is precisely what takes place when an excellent
learning take place in typical group-based classrooms. tutor works with an individual student. If the student
He observed that most teachers begin by dividing the makes a mistake, the tutor first points out the error
concepts and skills that they want students to learn into (feedback) and then follows up with further explana-
smaller learning units. Following instruction on the tion and clarification (correctives) to ensure the stu-
unit, teachers administer some form of assessment to dent’s understanding. Similarly, academically
determine how well students have learned those con- successful students typically follow up the mistakes
cepts and skills. Based on the assessment results, stu- they make on quizzes and assessments. They ask the
dents are sorted, ranked, and assigned grades. The teacher about the items they missed, look up the
assessment signifies to students the end of the unit answer in the textbook or other resources, or rework
and the end of the time they need to spend working the problem or task so that they do not repeat those
on the unit material. When teaching and learning pro- errors.
ceed in this manner, Bloom found that only a small With this in mind, Bloom outlined an instructional
number of students learn well and truly master the strategy to make use of this feedback and corrective
intended learning goals. procedure, labeling it “Learning for Mastery” (Bloom
Seeking a strategy that would produce better 1968), and later shortening it to simply “Mastery
results, Bloom drew upon two sources of information. Learning” (Bloom 1971). With this strategy, teachers
He first considered the ideal teaching and learning first organize the concepts and skills they want students
situation in which an excellent tutor is paired with to learn into learning units that typically involve about
each student. He was particularly influenced by the a week or two of instructional time. Following initial
work of early pioneers in individualized instruction, instruction on the unit, teachers administer a brief quiz
especially Washburne’s Winnetka Plan and Morrison’s or assessment based on the unit’s learning goals.
experiments at the University of Chicago Laboratory Instead of signifying the end of the unit, however, this
School. In examining this evidence, Bloom tried to assessment’s purpose is to give students information, or
determine what crucial elements in one-to-one “feedback,” on their learning. To emphasize this new
tutoring and individualized instruction could be trans- purpose Bloom suggested calling it a formative assess-
ferred to group-based classroom settings. Second, ment, meaning “to inform or provide information.”
Bloom looked at studies of the learning strategies of A formative assessment identifies for students precisely
academically successful students and tried to identify what they have learned well to that point, and what they
the activities of high-achieving students in group-based need to learn better (Bloom et al. 1971).
classrooms that distinguish them from their less suc- Paired with each formative assessment are specific
cessful classmates. “corrective” activities for students to use in correcting
Bloom saw value in organizing the concepts and their learning difficulties. Most teachers match these
skills to be learned into units and assessing students’ “correctives” to each item or set of prompts within the
learning at the end of each unit as useful instructional assessment so that students need to work on only those
techniques. But the classroom assessments most concepts or skills not yet mastered. In other words, the
teachers used seemed to do little more than show for correctives are “individualized.” They may point out
whom their initial instruction was and was not other sources of information on a particular concept,
Mastery Learning M 2099

identify alternative learning resources, or simply sug- Important Scientific Research and
gest sources of additional practice, such as study Open Questions
guides, computer exercises, independent or guided Teachers who implement mastery learning generally
practice activities, or collaborative group activities. find that it requires only modest changes in their
With the feedback and corrective information instructional procedures. Excellent teachers use many
gained from the formative assessment, each student aspects of mastery learning in their classes already, and
has a detailed prescription of what more needs to be others discover that the process blends well with their
done to master the concepts or skills from the unit. current teaching strategies. Despite the modest nature
This “just-in-time” correction prevents minor learning of these changes, however, extensive research evidence
difficulties from accumulating and becoming major shows that the use of mastery learning can have excep-
learning problems. It also gives teachers a practical tionally positive effects on student learning (Guskey
means to vary and differentiate their instruction in and Pigott 1988; Postlethwaite and Haggarty 1998;
order to better meet students’ individual learning Walberg 1990), and also shows that the careful and
needs. As a result, many more students learn well, systematic application of these elements can lead to
master the important learning goals in each unit, and significant improvements in a wide variety of student
gain the necessary prerequisites for success in subse- learning outcomes.
quent units. Long-term investigations have yielded similarly
When students complete their corrective activities impressive results. A study by Whiting et al. (1995),
after a class period or two, Bloom recommended they for example, representing 18 years of data gathered from
take a second “parallel” formative assessment that over 7,000 high school students showed mastery learn-
covers the same concepts and skills as the first, but is ing to have remarkably positive influence on students’
composed of slightly different problems or questions. test scores and grade point averages as well as their
This second assessment verifies whether or not the attitudes toward school and learning. Another field
correctives were successful in helping students over- experiment conducted in elementary and middle school
come their individual learning difficulties. It also offers classrooms showed that the implementation of mastery
students a second chance at success and, hence, has learning led to significantly positive increases in stu-
powerful motivational value. dents’ academic achievement and their self-confidence
Some students, of course, will perform well on the (Anderson et al. 1992). Likewise, a comprehensive,
first assessment, demonstrating that they have mas- meta-analysis review of the research on mastery learn-
tered the unit concepts and skills. The teacher’s initial ing by Kulik et al. (1990) concluded, “Few educational
instruction was highly appropriate for these students treatments of any sort (are as) consistently associated
and they have no need of corrective work. To ensure with achievement effects as large as those produced by
their continued learning progress, Bloom mastery learning. . . . In evaluation after evaluation, mas-
recommended that teachers provide these students tery programs have produced impressive gains” (p. 292).
with special “enrichment” or “extension” activities to Researchers today generally recognize the value of
broaden their learning experiences. Enrichment activ- the essential elements of mastery learning and their
ities typically are self-selected by students and might importance in effective teaching at any level of educa-
involve special projects or reports, academic games, or tion. As a result, fewer studies are being conducted on
a variety of complex, problem-solving tasks. the mastery learning process, per se. Instead,
Bloom believed that through this process of for- researchers are looking for ways to enhance results
mative classroom assessment, combined with the further, adding additional elements to the mastery
systematic correction of individual learning difficul- learning process that positively contribute to student
ties, all students could be provided with a more learning in hopes of attaining even more impressive
appropriate quality of instruction than is possible gains. Recent work on the integration of mastery learn-
under more traditional approaches to teaching. As ing with other innovative strategies appears especially
a result, nearly all might be expected to learn well and promising (Guskey 1997).
truly master the unit concepts or learning goals In his later writing Bloom, too, described exciting
(Bloom 1976). work on other ideas designed to attain results even
2100 M Mastery-Challenge Goals

more positive than those typically achieved with mas- Bloom, B. S. (1968). Learning for mastery. Evaluation Comment, 1(2),
tery learning (Bloom 1984). These ideas stemmed from 1–12.
Bloom, B. S. (1971). Mastery learning. In J. H. Block (Ed.), Mastery
the work of Bloom and his students comparing student
learning: Theory and practice (pp. 47–63). New York: Holt,
learning under three different instructional conditions: Rinehart & Winston.
conventional instruction, mastery learning, and indi- Bloom, B. S. (1976). Human characteristics and school learning.
vidual tutoring. The differences in students’ achieve- New York: McGraw-Hill.
ment under these three conditions were striking. Using Bloom, B. S. (1984). The 2 sigma problem: The search for methods of
group instruction as effective as one-to-one tutoring. Educa-
the standard deviation (sigma) of the control (conven-
tional Researcher, 13(6), 4–16.
tional) class as the measure of difference, Bloom dis- Bloom, B. S., Hastings, J. T., & Madaus, G. (1971). Handbook on
covered that the average student under tutoring was formative and summative evaluation of student learning.
about two standard deviations above the average of the New York: McGraw-Hill.
control class. In other words, the average tutored stu- Guskey, T. R. (1997). Implementing mastery learning (2nd ed.). Bel-
dent was above 98% of the students in the control class. mont: Wadsworth.
Guskey, T. R., & Pigott, T. D. (1988). Research on group-based
The average student under mastery learning was about
mastery learning programs: A meta-analysis. Journal of Educa-
one standard deviation above the average of the control tional Research, 81, 197–216.
class, that is, the average mastery learning student was Kulik, C. C., Kulik, J. A., & Bangert-Drowns, R. L. (1990). Effective-
above 84% of the students in the control class. ness of mastery learning programs: A meta-analysis. Review of
Bloom referred to this as the “2 Sigma Problem”: Educational Research, 60, 265–299.
Whiting, B., Van Burgh, J. W., & Render, G. F. (1995). Mastery
Can researchers and teachers devise teaching-learning
learning in the classroom. Paper presented at the annual meeting
conditions that will enable the majority of students of the American Educational Research Association, San
under group instruction to attain levels of achievement Francisco.
that can at present be reached only under tutoring
conditions? Bloom believed that attaining this high
level of achievement would probably require more
than just improvements in the quality of group instruc-
tion. Researchers and teachers might also need to find Mastery-Challenge Goals
ways of improving students’ learning processes, the ▶ Goal Theory/Goal Setting
curriculum and instructional materials, the home envi-
ronmental support of students’ school learning, and
providing a focus on higher level thinking skills. Nev-
ertheless, Bloom remained convinced that careful
attention to the elements of mastery learning would Matched Pair Tandem Designs
allow educators at all levels to make great strides in
▶ Field Experiments in Learning Research
their efforts to reduce the variation in student achieve-
ment, close achievement gaps, and help all children to
learn excellently.

Cross-References Matching
▶ Abilities to Learn: Cognitive Abilities
▶ Adaptive Instruction System(s) and Learning MICHAEL DAVISON
▶ Bloom’s Model of School Learning Department of Psychology, The University of
▶ Competency-Based Learning Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand
▶ Student-Centered Learning

References Synonyms
Anderson, S., Barrett, C., Huston, M., Lay, L., Myr, G., Sexton, D., & Discriminative law of effect; Generalized matching law;
Watson, B. (1992). A mastery learning experiment (Technical Law of simple action; Matching law; Quantitative law
report). Yale: Yale Public Schools. of effect
Matching M 2101

Definition Theoretical Background

Generically, matching is a set of quantitative theories As Herrnstein (1970) pointed out, to understand
concerned with choosing between alternatives, where choice and the allocation of behavior between activities
choosing is defined as allocating behavior (responses is, ipso facto, to understand all behavior – because, he
or time spent responding). The original theory, pro- argued, all behavior is choice.
posed by Herrnstein (1970), was strict-matching the- In the analysis of steady-state choice in experi-
ory. This theory suggested that animals and humans mental settings, the term matching refers to the
allocate behavior or time to available alternatives sim- empirical finding in the 1960s that relative choice
ply in proportion to the payoff (reinforcers) that they between pairs of outcomes that are unpredictable in
obtain from the alternatives. With some additional time equals the relative frequency of food (or other
assumptions, Herrnstein proposed the Law of Simple reinforcer) deliveries. This finding was formalized as
Action (the quantitative law of effect, or Herrnstein’s the equation
hyperbola) to describe the rate of responding pro-
B1 R1
duced by varying reinforcer frequencies for a single ¼
ðB1 þ B2 Þ ðR1 þ R2 Þ
response. However, strict-matching theory failed to
describe all choice data accurately, and was replaced which is now known as the strict matching relation. B
by generalized matching by Baum (1974) and Staddon and R are numbers of responses (or time spent
(1968). Generalized matching introduced the notion responding) and obtained numbers of food or other
of sensitivity to reinforcement and bias, which reinforcers, respectively, and the subscripts denote the
accounted for common deviations from strict choice alternatives. Initial empirical research showed
matching, and provided enhanced accuracy of the that the right-hand side of the equation could also be
description of choice. The generalized matching rela- relative magnitude or relative delay of reinforcers, but
tion has been extended to take into account many see below. This equation, coupled with some further
assumptions, was the basis of the quantitative law of
other aspects of reinforcers and responses, and this
generalization is called the concatenated generalized effect proposed by Herrnstein in the early 1970s. How-
matching relation. ever, further empirical research and data reanalyzes
A further set of matching theories, originally showed frequent and systematic deviations from strict
based on generalized matching, generically called matching, and the law was subsequently modified to
the discriminative law of effect, attempted to extend the generalized matching law.
the domain of applicability of matching theory to The equation of the generalized matching law
stimulus or situational control of choice. Recent ver- (Baum 1974; Staddon 1968) is as follows:
sions of this approach (Davison and Nevin 1999)
B1 R1
assume that behavior allocation results from animals log ¼ a log þ log c
B2 R2
discriminating both the contingencies of reinforce-
ment and the stimulus contingencies that signal The deviations from strict matching are accounted
these response-reinforcer contingencies. Thus, ani- for by the two additional parameters: log c is called bias,
mals and humans learn to discriminate between and describes a constant proportional preference for
differing situations or environments that signal dif- one alternative over the other that is independent of the
ferent choice options and reinforcers for different variable (here, reinforcer frequency) that is changed;
responses. the parameter a is called sensitivity to reinforcement,
A number of theories of matching have been pro- and describes the finding that choice may change to
posed, notably molecular maximization and molar a greater or lesser extent when reinforcer frequencies
maximization. Molecular maximization suggests that are changed. Generally, a has been found to be less than
choice arises from animals emitting the response that 1 (called under-matching), though it can be reliably
has the highest momentary probability of reinforce- greater than 1 when choice is punished or when sub-
ment; while molar maximization says that it arises stantial work is required to move or travel from one
from animals choose so as to maximize the overall alternative to the other. The generalized matching rela-
rate of obtaining reinforcers. tion fits choice data very nicely, with proportions of
2102 M Matching

variance accounted for in both animal and human data the absolute size of the delays. It has also been shown
most often exceeding 95%. that sensitivity to reinforcer magnitude is affected by
The generalized matching relation has been overall reinforcer rate. Sensitivity to reinforcer ratios is
concatenated for a number of different variables that affected by the degree to which animals can discrimi-
affect choice (the concatenated generalized matching nate the alternatives. Research on extreme choice has
law): shown deviations from generalized matching at the
extremes and even constant, but clearly nonexclusive,
B1 R1 M1 D2 F2
log ¼ ar log þ am log þ ad log þ af log þ log c preference when one alternative provides no rein-
B2 R2 M2 D1 F1
forcers, and that choice in this situation is independent
where M is reinforcer magnitude, D is reinforcer delay, of the overall rate of reinforcers on the alternative that
and F is response force, and the a parameters are the does pay off. All of these results are incompatible with
respective sensitivity values. Reinforcer quality (Q) has the generalized matching relation.
also been brought into this equation, and used in a lot A further problem for generalized matching con-
of agricultural research, but it can only be measured as cerns the sensitivity parameters. These cannot be
a constant when some other variable (such as R) is organismic (i.e., due to the way in which individual
systematically varied and qualities are kept constant. animals work), because their values can be changed by
Magnitude sensitivity has often been reported as about environmental manipulation. Thus, they are environ-
0.5 (but there are some reports of 1.0), and force mentally caused, but the generalized matching relation
sensitivity appears to be about 1.0. This relation again does not attempt to account for this environmental
fits data very well indeed, and is clearly an excellent causation. This seems especially pertinent when
description. research on choice is done with humans, rather than
with animals. Humans do show a much wider range of
Important Scientific Research and sensitivity values than do animals in constrained exper-
Open Questions imental environments, and this range may well arise
The generalized matching relation was initially shown from details of the responses and reinforcers used, and
to work well for choice between more than 2 (and up from the decreased environmental control that occurs
to 5) alternatives when applied to each pair of choices. when working with humans.
The implications of this finding is that choice is con- However, despite all these problems, the generalized
sonant with the constant-ratio rule (also known as the matching relation works well and is very accurate. In
principle of indifference from irrelevant alternatives), applying it to human choice in applied situations, all
a choice axiom suggested by mathematical psycholo- that is required is that sensitivity to the reinforcer used
gists. This means that choice, or behavior allocation, in the situation is measured, and that choice is not too
between two alternatives is unaffected by the values extreme. Under these conditions, it is possible to quan-
of all other alternatives. However, some recent tify quite precisely the amount of intervention required
detailed analyzes of four-alternative choice has to change behavior allocation to any desired level.
shown this is not generally true, and have shown Thus, the generalized matching relation is useful; but
reliable curvilinear deviations from the straight lines it is not theoretically correct. It does not have the status
on double-logarithmic coordinates that are predicted of a law, despite it often being called the generalized
by generalized matching. matching “law.”
Indeed, the implication of generalized matching, In the late 1970s, the generalized matching relation
that choice is affected only by the ratio of outcomes was extended to provide a quantitative model of the
has generally been found wanting. It has been shown way in which discriminative stimulus conditions mod-
that sensitivity to constant reinforcer ratios (ar) is ulate the control of choice by reinforcers. This
affected by the overall rate of reinforcers; that sensitiv- approach was developed quantitatively to describe
ity to constant reinforcer magnitudes (am) is affected choice in conditional-discrimination and signal-
by the absolute size of the reinforcers; and that sensi- detection procedures and is sometimes called the dis-
tivity to constant reinforcer delays (ad) is affected by criminative law of effect. The original model provided
Matching M 2103

a measure, log d, of how well an animal discriminated low-level mechanistic effects, and sees matching
between two stimuli or situations that signaled differ- resulting from the relation between extended activities
ent contingencies of reinforcement – independently of (responding) and the reinforcer rates in the presence of
the effects of the reinforcers. This model, especially its these activities. Indeed, the study of dynamic systems
derived parameter log d, has been extensively used. does suggest that relations can occur at a level of anal-
However, it was superseded in the early 1990s (see ysis that is unpredictable from lower levels of analysis.
Davison and Nevin 1999) by a further discriminative A further recent approach has been to see behavior
law of effect that had the avowed intention of describ- allocation as resulting from an evolutionary process
ing both conditional–stimulus-control and reinforcer in which responses are selected by their consequences.
control in the same, stimulus-control, terms: It had two While simulations based on this evolutionary algo-
parameters, one measuring the degree to which an rithm produce behavior very similar to generalized
animal could discriminate between response-reinforcer matching, the problem of post hoc propter hoc remains
relations (which behavior was related to which rein- until this approach can make some novel predictions
forcer), and the other measuring the degree to which an that are empirically found to be correct.
animal could discriminate stimulus-response relations Recently, research on choice and matching has
(which responses could be reinforced in which situa- moved from trying to understand steady-state choice
tion). When the model is simplified to a model of to trying to understand transitions in choice – returning
simple choice, it accurately describes the extreme to the original question of learning. This research has
choice results mentioned above, and some, but not found some remarkable, and unexpected, regularities at
all, of the other difficulties of the generalized matching very fine levels of analysis such as short-term transient
relation. The major benefit of this model is that it does pulses in preference following both reinforcers and pur-
directly imply the environmental operations needed to ported conditional reinforcers. However, the direction
change the two parameters, and some research strongly of these pulses is not always toward the alternative that
supportive of this approach to conditional discrimina- provided the last reinforcer – rather, the direction
tion has been reported. The model has also been used as depends on what these reinforcers (or conditional rein-
the basis of some recent theoretical developments, forcers) signal about the likely location and time of the
applying this discriminative law of effect to many out- next reinforcer. What reinforcers seem to be doing is
standing theoretical and empirical problems in acting as signals, rather than increasing the probability
a number of areas. However, it does have a major of responses that they follow as described by the Law of
drawback; it has not been concatenated to work with Effect. This has led some researchers to question whether
variables that affect choice other than reinforcer fre- theorists might have been wrong about what reinforcers
quency. A further drawback that makes it harder to use do for over 100 years (since the Law of Effect was first
is that it is a nonlinear model, so more data have to be suggested by Thorndike). This research has also shown
collected to fit the model compared to the generalized that learning, or adaptation to new reinforcement con-
matching relation. ditions, is considerably faster when environments
There have been many, varied, attempts to derive change frequently than when they change infrequently.
matching, usually strict matching, from considerations This finding may have some very important implica-
of processes at lower levels – for example, from tions for behavior change in applied practice.
assumptions that animals emit the response that Finally, it could be argued (though not by this con-
momentarily has the higher probability of reinforce- tributor) that research on quantitative theories of choice
ment (molecular maximizing), or assumptions that and behavior allocation has become too concerned with
animals change their choices to get overall the highest gaining very small increments in understanding, too
rate of reinforcers from a situation (molar maximiz- divorced from the practical necessities of learning, and
ing). While many of these have been effective for the behavior change and behavior maintenance. The basic
data sets for which they were developed, none currently matching relations do work very well, and for practical
seems to have sufficient generality. A different purposes they have been used very effectively and may
approach has recently been taken which eschews suffice for most practical problems. But, there are
2104 M Matching Law

a number of reasons why continued research in the area

is important. The first is that a better theory is needed to Matching to Sample
understand the full range of choice – extreme choice is, Experimental Paradigm
of course, a common presentation in applied areas, and
it still is in need of an effective theory. Second, the better JOHN F. MAGNOTTI, ADAM M. GOODMAN, JEFFREY S. KATZ
the quantitative description of choice, the easier it will be Department of Psychology, Auburn University,
to link effectively with the neuroscience of learning and Auburn, AL, USA
behavior. Last, but by no means least, forgetting all links
and applications, there is the unadulterated desire to
advance the fundamental understanding of behavior. Synonyms
Conditional discrimination; Matching; Oddity; Visual
Cross-References search
▶ Animal Learning and Intelligence
▶ Associative Learning Definition
▶ Behaviorism and Behaviorist Learning Theories In a typical matching to sample (MTS) procedure,
▶ Behavior Systems and Learning a participant is presented with a single stimulus called
▶ Evolution of Learning the sample (e.g., blue circle) and then with two choice
▶ Instrumental Learning stimuli called the comparisons (e.g., blue circle, orange
▶ Law of Effect circle). The participant is rewarded for selecting the
▶ Mathematical Models/Theories of Learning comparison that matches the sample. If the sample is
▶ Operant Behavior present at the time of choice the task is called simulta-
▶ Psychology of Learning neous MTS otherwise it is called delayed MTS. The
▶ Reinforcement Learning MTS procedure has remained at the forefront of psy-
▶ Reinforcement Learning in Animals chological research because it can be solved by different
▶ Schedules of Reinforcement strategies, thereby helping to reveal the cognitive flex-
▶ Signal-Detection Models ibility of human and nonhuman species.
▶ Skinner, B.F. (1904–1990)
▶ Matching to Sample Experimental Paradigm Theoretical Background
The MTS procedure can be learned by both item-
References specific and relational strategies (Katz et al. 2007).
Baum, W. M. (1974). On two types of deviation from the matching
Item-specific strategies involve rote memorization
law: Bias and undermatching. Journal of the Experimental Anal- and either configural or if-then rule learning.
ysis of Behavior, 22, 231–242. Configural learning refers to learning the entirety of
Davison, M., & McCarthy, D. (1988). The matching law: A research each display as a whole stimulus (i.e., a pattern or
review. Hillsdale: Erlbaum. gestalt) and learning to respond to a comparison choice
Davison, M., & Nevin, J. A. (1999). Stimuli, reinforcers, and behavior:
based on this pattern. For example, participants may
An integration. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior,
71, 439–482. learn: green-sample, red-left comparison, green-right
Herrnstein, R. J. (1970). On the law of effect. Journal of the Experi- comparison, then choose green-right comparison, as
mental Analysis of Behavior, 13, 243–266. one rule, and learn green-sample, green-left compari-
Staddon, J. E. R. (1968). Spaced responding and choice: son, red-right comparison, then choose green-left com-
A preliminary analysis. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of
parison, as another rule. If-then rule learning involves
Behavior, 11, 669–682.
learning individual stimulus-response pairs to the sam-
ple and each correct comparison stimuli. For example,
participants may learn: if green-sample, then choose
green comparison. Participants learn separate rules for
Matching Law each possible configuration or if-then rule in the train-
ing set of stimuli. These forms of item-specific learning
▶ Matching are bound to the training set of stimuli (i.e., the
Matching to Sample Experimental Paradigm M 2105

domain), sometimes including their specific spatial case, the participant has clearly learned an abstract rule
relationships. In contrast, relational strategies are not (the rule is not bound to item-specific features), but the
confined to the training set. ▶ Relational strategies domain is restricted. Studies of expertise in humans are
require participants to identify a relationship between replete with examples of experts in a given domain
the sample comparison stimuli (e.g., identity, oddity) (e.g., extreme feats of memory for chess pieces) not
within the training stimulus domain. showing increased ability across domains (e.g., an
Determining which strategy participants utilize is increased general memory). The way these relational
examined via a transfer test. After participants reach a concepts change across development is also a key issue
performance criterion (e.g., number of training trials, (Doumas et al. 2008). The MTS paradigm presents an
percent correct), transfer testing typically occurs in efficient method to test the conditions under which
which novel stimuli are mixed with training stimuli rules learned under a given domain may or may not
within the same session. If transfer performance (i.e., transfer to other domains.
accuracy on transfer trials) is not significantly different The MTS procedure is often used to teach language
from chance, the participants are responding based on skills to individuals with developmental disabilities
item-specific learning and such learning is restricted to (e.g., Autism Spectrum Disorder). Three building
some aspect of the training stimulus domain. If transfer blocks of language can be assessed within the MTS
performance is equivalent to baseline performance, paradigm: reflexivity, symmetry, and transitivity.
then abstract-concept learning has occurred. In some First, we slightly modify the paradigm so that instead
cases, relational learning can occur in the absence of of matching samples to identical comparison objects,
▶ abstract-concept learning (Wright and Katz 2009). If samples are matched to comparisons with equivalent
transfer performance is between chance and baseline meaning. The sample may be a written word and the
performance, it is difficult to know what strategy is comparisons pictures, one of which depicts the word.
controlling behavior. Parametric manipulation of crit- The empirical question is whether after repeated word-
ical variables (e.g., training set size) may show the picture trials individuals will be able to solve trials
relative control of behavior by these competing based on emergent relations. The test for reflexivity is
strategies. a test of identity: matching written word to the identi-
The issue of item-specific and relational learning is cal written word. To test for symmetry, the stimulus
central to all learning and that is why MTS has been types for sample and comparison are reversed. If
utilized to address issues in cognitive development, trained on word-picture trials, can individuals solve
cognition, and comparative cognition research. Specif- novel picture-word trials? The final component, tran-
ically, MTS is used to explore aspects of mathematical sitivity, is demonstrated by combining relations
operations, conservation tasks, language acquisition, learned on separate trials. Having learned to match
and other abstract concepts (e.g., Siegler and Alibali words (sample) with pictures (comparison) and pic-
2004). Because MTS does not require a verbal response tures (sample) with audible words (comparison), will
it can be tested in a variety of species. Hence, the MTS individuals match words (sample) with audible words
experimental paradigm can provide important indica- (comparison)? Symbolically, after learning A::B, and
tions about which species possess these abilities and B::C, transitivity implies the relation A::C. Raising the
how mechanisms of learning are influenced. issue of whether nonhuman animals may be able to use
something akin to human language, researchers have
Important Scientific Research and demonstrated the emergence of these three properties
Open Questions in nonhuman primates, marine mammals, but not yet
When developing novel transfer tests, the extent of the with other nonhuman species.
novelty must be dealt with immediately. Strictly speak- Although the transfer test method can uncover the
ing, so long as the transfer stimuli are not perceptually strategy being used to solve the matching to sample
identical to the training stimuli, relational learning can task, the underlying representation supporting the dis-
be assessed. What shall we say when participants learn crimination is an area of active research. A primary
MTS with picture stimuli, transfer to novel picture concern is whether individuals solve the task based on
stimuli, but fail to transfer to auditory stimuli? In this perceptual similarity of the sample and comparisons,
2106 M Material Appropriate Processing

or by using a memory-based strategy. The perceptual ▶ Concept Learning

strategy implies that individuals actively compare the ▶ Metacognition and Learning
sample to each comparison, responding to the object ▶ Transfer of Learning
that is the same as the sample. The memory-based
hypothesis suggests that individuals form a mental References
code (i.e., a memory) of the sample object, and this is Crystal, J. D., & Foote, A. L. (2009). Metacognition in animals.
compared to the two comparison objects. If partici- Comparative Cognition & Behavior Reviews, 4, 1–16.
pants are actively encoding the sample object, then doi:10.3819/ccbr.2009.40001.
Doumas, L. A. A., Hummel, J. E., & Sandhofer, C. M. (2008). A theory
inserting a small delay between the sample and com-
of the discovery and predication of relational concepts. Psycho-
parison presentations should not completely disrupt logical Review, 115, 1–43.
performance. In fact, as the delay increases, matching Katz, J. S., Wright, A. A., & Bodily, K. D. (2007). Issues in the
accuracy should tend toward chance accuracy. When comparative cognition of abstract-concept learning. Compara-
participants initially learn an MTS task without a delay, tive Cognition & Behavior Reviews, 2, 79–92. doi:10.3819/
they typically do poorly when delays are introduced,
Shettleworth, S. J. (2010). Cognition, evolution, and behavior
but steadily improve with continued training. A wide
(2nd ed.). New York: Oxford University Press.
range of species have been tested in this delayed MTS Siegler, R. S., & Alibali, M. W. (2004). Children’s thinking. Upper
procedure, conclusively demonstrating impressive Saddle River: Prentice Hall.
memory ability in an array of vertebrate species (e.g., Wright, A. A., & Katz, J. S. (2009). A case for restricted-domain rela-
humans, nonhuman primates, rodents, aves, dolphins, tional learning. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 16, 907–913.
elephants) and even invertebrates (e.g., honeybees;
Shettleworth 2010). An obvious implication from
these results is to characterize a species’ memory ability
by assessing its MTS performance at expanded delays.
A hot issue is whether participants are aware of
Material Appropriate
when they remember/forget the sample object. Often
called metamemory, or more broadly, ▶ metacogni- Material appropriate processing (MAP) is the concept
tion, the basic procedure consists of allowing partici- that recall in enhanced when encoding strategies
pants to “opt out” of the memory test. The reward for encourage processing that is not redundant with the
opting out is less than that for getting the memory test type of processing already invited by the stimuli.
correct, ensuring that taking the memory test should
be preferred when memory for the sample is strong.
Testing humans in such a setup can confirm that we
are capable of recognizing that we have forgotten
previously presented information, but has much Material Specificity
greater implications for our understanding of
nonhuman cognition. The results suggest that A neurocognitive model that, in its strongest form,
nonhuman primates and perhaps rats can make deci- postulates the existence of two discrete memory sys-
sions based on metamemory, although not all criti- tems in the left and right temporal lobes. The left
cisms have been summarily satisfied (cf. Crystal and temporal system is a necessary substrate for processing
Foote 2009). The way that nonhumans represent infor- learning tasks consisting of verbal material, while the
mation and the extent to which they are aware of their right temporal system is specialized for tasks consisting
cognition remains an active area of research and the of nonverbal material.
MTS paradigm may be the primary tool with which to
assess it.

Cross-References Materials-Based Learning

▶ Abstract Concept Learning in Animals
▶ Associative Learning of Pictures and Words ▶ Resource-Based Learning
Mathematical Learning M 2107

arithmetic, algebra, geometry, probability, and statis-

Math Learning Disabilities tics), it is generally unquestioned that mathematics
▶ Dyscalculia in Young Children: Cognitive and retains integrity as an intellectual domain. One major
Neurological Bases feature of mathematics that makes it significantly dif-
ferent from other intellectual or scientific domains is its
dual nature: mathematics as a descriptor of a perceived
reality and as an autonomous abstract construction.
This duality is acknowledged in the distinction between
Mathematical Learning applied mathematics (the branch of mathematics
concerned with application of mathematical knowl-
LIEVEN VERSCHAFFEL, WIM VAN DOOREN, BERT DE SMEDT edge to other fields such as natural science, engineer-
Centre for Instructional Psychology and Technology, ing, medicine, and social sciences) and pure
Department of Educational Sciences, Katholieke mathematics (mathematics for its own sake, without
Universiteit Leuven, Leuven, Belgium having any application in mind). These different
aspects of mathematics, the practical and theoretical,
have earned the subject a place at the center of educa-
Synonyms tion throughout history.
Mathematics learning
Theoretical Background
Definition Mathematics learning has been studied by a wide vari-
Mathematics learning can be broadly defined as the ety of scientific disciplines, such as neuropsychology,
acquisition of new knowledge, skills, and affects that experimental, developmental, and educational psy-
are related to quantity, space, and structure. The ability chology, instructional science (or pedagogy), ethnog-
to learn mathematics is possessed by humans and to
raphy, sociology, and anthropology. During the last
some extent also by some animals and machines. As far decades, research in mathematics learning and teaching
as humans are concerned, its acquisition is considered to has emerged as a field of scientific study in its own
be the result of the complex interplay of various ele- right. After a long struggle for its identity, mathematics
ments: innate, though plastic, neurobiological struc- learning has become a full-fledged interdisciplinary
tures, as well as perceptual and action schemes that field of research, the key aim of which is to better
allow basic quantitative and spatial activities (such as understand the processes underlying the acquisition
subitizing and quantity comparison); preschool and and development of mathematical knowledge/skills/
out-of-school activities and experiences related to num- affects, and to use this understanding for the design
ber, space, and patterns; and intentional, explicit, and of valuable tools and powerful environments for teach-
systematic mathematics learning in school. ing/learning mathematics.
When people refer to mathematics (sometimes The study and analysis of the nature of mathemat-
shortened to maths or math), they mostly refer to formal ical cognition and how it is learnt can be categorized in
academic or professional mathematics – i.e., the scholarly different theoretical traditions. In general, there are
study of quantity, space, and structure, by seeking out three major traditions that frame the nature of know-
patterns, formulating new conjectures, and establishing ing and learning in mathematics, namely, in
truth by rigorous deduction from appropriately chosen contrasting and complementary ways: the behaviorist/
axioms and definitions, or the simplified version of it they empiricist, the cognitive/rationalist, and the situative/
learnt at school. But mathematics also involves the more pragmatist-sociohistoric tradition.
informal kinds of human practices related to number, The behaviorist/empiricist tradition includes associ-
space, and patterns that are present in human activities ationism, behaviorism, and connectionism. According
like counting, locating, measuring, designing, playing, to this view, mathematical knowledge and skills are the
and explaining. result of an accumulation of acquired associations and
Although there are important differences between skills. A classic example of this tradition is Thorndike,
distinct subdomains of mathematics (such as who applied his associationist view on learning
2108 M Mathematical Learning

(as differential strengthening of associations by rein- seen as a universal knowledge system, the situative/
forcement) to the learning of arithmetic. Although this pragmatist-sociohistoric perspective assumes that
tradition plays a minor role in contemporary research, mathematics differ according to the setting in which
its ideas still permeate into current instructional prac- it has been developed and in which it is practiced.
tices, for example in drill-and-practice approaches.
Conceptions of mathematics as providing correct Important Scientific Research and
answers to well-defined mathematics tasks, of learning Open Questions
mathematics as incremental (with errors to be avoided
or immediately stamped out), and of mathematics The Goal of Mathematical Learning:
teaching as the reinforcement of mathematically Acquiring Mathematical Competence
correct responses, remain prevalent in many current Whereas it was for a long time quite common to think
instructional practices and, as such, represent the of mathematical competence as the mastery of specific
legacy of this first tradition. knowledge and skills, it is now generally agreed that it
The cognitivist/rationalist perspective involves involves a broad set of competencies including: (a) a well-
research traditions such as Gestalt psychology, sym- organized and flexibly accessible domain-specific knowl-
bolic information processing, and constructivism. edge base, (b) a set of problem-solving methods (heuris-
These traditions conceive mathematical knowledge as tics), (c) metacognitive knowledge and self-regulatory
universal mental entities situated in individual skills, and (d) affective components involving beliefs,
learners, such as cognitive schemes and procedural attitudes, and emotions vis-à-vis mathematics and its
rules, and define learning mathematics as changes in learning and teaching.
these universal mental schemes and rules. Typical This broad conception of mathematical compe-
representatives of this tradition are Piaget, who tence is nicely reflected in the characterization of
theorized mathematical development in terms of the “mathematical proficiency” in the report of the
stepwise acquisition of increasingly complex logico- National Research Council (2001), Adding it up,
mathematical structures; Wertheimer, who emphasized wherein proficiency is defined in terms of five strongly
the insightful detection and exploitation of structure in interwoven strands, namely:
mathematical thinking and learning; and information-
● Conceptual understanding, comprehension of
processing theorists such as Resnick and Siegler, who
mathematical concepts, operations, and relations
performed fine-grained analyses of the cognitive struc-
● Procedural fluency, skill in carrying out procedures
tures and processes involved in the acquisition and use
flexibly, accurately, efficiently, and appropriately
of key mathematical concepts and skills.
● Strategic competence, the ability to formulate, rep-
The situative/pragmatist-sociohistoric perspective
resent, and solve mathematical problems
entails traditions such as ethnography, anthropology,
● Adaptive reasoning, the capacity for logical
and situation theory. This third framework embraces
thought, reflection, explanation, and justification
all those theories that view mathematical learning as
● Productive disposition, a habitual inclination to see
a reorganization of activity that accompanies the inte-
mathematics as sensible, useful, and worthwhile,
gration of an individual learner within a “community
coupled with a belief in diligence and one’s efficacy
of practice.” Having its origins in Vygotsky’s work, this
third tradition emerged strongly in the late 1980s in Research in mathematical subdomains, such as
reaction to the then dominant cognitive view of math- whole number arithmetic, algebra, geometry, statistics,
ematical learning as a highly individual and purely etc., contains numerous illustrations of the importance
mentalistic process of knowledge and skill acquisition and interdependency of these different strands of pro-
occurring in the learner. In contrast to this cognitivist ficiency (see, e.g., Grouws 1992; Lester 2007).
view, the situated perspective stresses that mathemati-
cal learning is enacted essentially in interaction with Mathematics Learning
social and cultural contexts and artifacts, and especially In line with the above broad conception of mathemat-
through participation in cultural activities and con- ical competence, it is now quite generally agreed that
texts. Whereas in the cognitivist view, mathematics is mathematical learning is not a one-dimensional
Mathematical Learning M 2109

phenomenon; as it proceeds, each strand of mathemat- memory and long-term memory and their functional
ical proficiency develops in interaction with the others. relations (e.g., the fact that, when processing novel infor-
Moreover, research over the past decades has resulted mation, working memory is very limited in duration
in the view of mathematics learning as the active and and in capacity) determine the quantity and quality of
cumulative construction of mathematical proficiency – what will actually be learnt (Kirschner et al. 2006).
constrained by the structural and functional properties Finally, mathematics learning (and mathematics as
of the human cognitive architecture, and situated in such) is also a situated activity, which means that it is
a given community of learners and a broader sociocul- enacted essentially in interaction with social and cul-
tural context. tural contexts and artifacts, especially through partici-
The view that learning is an active and constructive pation in sociocultural activities and communities. The
process is now common ground among mathematics outcomes of a large series of ethno-mathematical stud-
educators and is supported by substantial empirical ies of the informal calculation procedures, problem-
evidence. Essentially, mathematical competence is solving strategies, and learning mechanisms of partic-
seen as the result of the mindful and effortful involve- ular groups of children and adults involved in everyday
ment of the learner in the processes of knowledge and cultural practices, such as tailoring, weaving, carpentry,
skill acquisition in interaction with the environment, navigating, grocery, packing, cooking, etc., has largely
rather than the result of direct information transmis- contributed to the popularity of this viewpoint.
sion. This involvement is well illustrated in children’s Although the situated nature of doing mathematics
invented idiosyncratic but accurate procedures for and of mathematics learning has been documented
solving arithmetic problems in and out-of-school con- especially well within such out-of-school contexts, it
texts. However, the constructive nature of learning is is obvious that this situatedness also applies to mathe-
also expressed in a negative way in the misconceptions matical learning in school. For instance, the numerous
(such as the idea that “the area of a square increases by examples of students’ “suspension of sense-making”
10% if its sides are increased by 10%”) and defective when doing school word problems (leading to compu-
procedures (such as, in multidigit subtraction, tationally based solutions to absurd problems such as
subtracting in each column the smaller digit from the in “There are 26 sheep and 10 goats on a ship. How old
larger) that many learners acquire. is the captain?” Answer: 26  10=16) can be consid-
Mathematics learning is also cumulative. This refers ered as evidence for the importance of the situatedness
to the pivotal role of prior knowledge, which can affect of mathematical cognition and learning (Verschaffel
learning in both positive and negative ways. There is et al. 2000). From an educational perspective, the
ample evidence that children’s thinking about number situativity view particularly implies the importance of
relies on certain core principles or presuppositions that interaction and collaboration in mathematical learn-
are based on their experience with natural numbers. This ing. This view also stresses that mathematics should be
facilitates some kinds of learning but inhibits others. For taught in close relation to meaningful contexts in
example, this early understanding of natural number which it will be finally used. Mathematics educators
and its properties strongly supports children’s concep- have broadly embraced the view that learning is not an
tion of multiplication as repeated addition, while at the internal solo activity; rather learning efforts are distrib-
same time it leads to the misconception that multiplica- uted over the individual learner, his/her partners in the
tion always leads to a bigger result, or that every number learning environment, and the representational tools
has a number immediately preceding it (Vosniadou and and technological resources that are available.
Verschaffel 2004).
Furthermore, mathematics learning is constrained Instruction
by the human cognitive architecture, i.e., the manner in For a long time, mathematical learners received school-
which our cognitive structures are organized in memory based instruction according to a traditional “skills
and our information-processing system works. Most approach” – an instructional approach that is based on
treatments of the human cognitive architecture use the the view that mathematics learning is a highly individual
sensory memory/working memory/long-term memory activity consisting mainly of absorbing and memorizing
model as their base. The characteristics of working a fixed body of fragmented and decontextualized
2110 M Mathematical Linguistics and Learning Theory

knowledge and procedural skills directly transmitted by

the teacher. Against the background of the above- Mathematical Linguistics and
mentioned view that mathematical proficiency com- Learning Theory
prises the integrated mastery of various kinds of com-
petencies and that mathematics learning is an active, SEAN A. FULOP
cumulative, and situated process of knowledge building Department of Linguistics, California State University,
and skill acquisition, many researchers and practitioners Fresno, CA, USA
have criticized this traditional “skills approach” and
pleaded for reform-based instructional approaches,
which aim at the mastery of all aspects of mathematical Synonyms
proficiency and which are characterized by more mean- Algorithmic learning theory; Computational learning
ingful and inquiry-based (or problem-based) forms of theory; Formal language theory
learning. A classic example is the so-called realistic
mathematics education approach (Freudenthal 1983). Definition
Although there is evidence in favor of these reform- Mathematical linguistics refers to the use of rigorous
based approaches, this evidence is not always entirely mathematical frameworks to model aspects of lan-
positive. There is still a lot of debate among mathemat- guages, either natural or formal.
ics educators nowadays about the goals, the content, Learning theory refers to mathematical modeling of
the teaching methods, and the assessment tools for learning and inductive inference.
mathematics education. This is illustrated by the ongo-
ing “math wars” between “traditionalists” and Theoretical Background
“reformers” in various (Western) countries.
Mathematical Linguistics
Cross-References Traditionally, the subject of mathematical linguistics
▶ Competence was essentially equivalent to formal language theory,
▶ Conceptual Change which was initiated chiefly by Noam Chomsky’s early
▶ Constructivism work in the late 1950s. Precursors to this work included
▶ Mathematical Models / Modeling in Math Learning that of Alan Turing, and also Emil Post, on the theory of
▶ Mathematics Learning Disability computability in the 1930s, and work on defining
▶ Situated Cognition grammars by Axel Thue as early as 1906. A formal
language is normally defined as a set of expressions,
or sentences, consisting of elements drawn from
References a vocabulary. One standard terminology refers to the
Freudenthal, H. (1983). Didactical phenomenology of mathematical
vocabulary as an alphabet, with the sentences then
structures. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Reidel.
Grouws, D. A. (Ed.). (1992). Handbook of research on mathematics
being called words, but it makes no difference to the
teaching and learning. New York: Macmillan. underlying theory. The theory of formal languages is
Kirschner, P. A., Sweller, J., & Clark, R. E. (2006). Why minimal mostly concerned with finite means of generating (i.e.,
guidance during instruction does not work: An analysis of the describing) languages having an infinite number of
failure of constructivist, discovery, problem-based, experiential, sentences from a finite vocabulary, and with studying
and inquiry based teaching. Educational Psychologist, 41, 75–86.
the properties of classes of languages so generated.
Lester, F. K., Jr. (2007). Second handbook of research on mathematics
teaching and learning. Greenwich, CT: Information Age Given any finite vocabulary V of sufficient size,
Publishing. a standard hierarchy of formal language classes,
National Research Council. (2001). Adding it up: Helping children ordered by complexity of the language definitions, is
learn mathematics. Washington, DC: National Academy Press. called the Chomsky hierarchy. The classes in the hierar-
Verschaffel, L., Greer, B., & De Corte, E. (2000). Making sense of word
chy are the finite, regular, context-free, context-sensi-
problems. Lisse, The Netherlands: Swets & Zeitlinger.
Vosniadou, S., & Verschaffel, L. (2004). Extending the conceptual
tive, and recursively enumerable languages. The lowest
change approach to mathematics learning and teaching. Learn- member of the hierarchy literally includes all finite
ing and Instruction, 14, 445–451. languages using V, so that all higher classes contain
Mathematical Linguistics and Learning Theory M 2111

infinite languages. The recursively enumerable lan- enough; it needs to be extended to an intensional sys-
guages are thought to encompass all computable lan- tem in which expressions have a sense as well as
guages, so this class is maximal in an interesting sense. a denotative meaning. Church himself proposed
Formal language theory is entirely concerned with numerous variations of an intensional l-calculus over
the syntax of languages, which amounts to describing nearly 50 years beginning in 1946, but it was the inten-
which sequences of words are allowed as sentences. In sional l-calculus put forth by Richard Montague in
any application, however, a language serves some several papers around 1970 that became the standard
meaningful purpose, and so it is important for math- for studying the semantics of natural language
ematical linguistics to include approaches to semantics. mathematically.
The mathematical study of the semantics of languages An alternative to rewriting grammars for specifying
is historically connected to formal logic, chiefly formal languages syntactically is provided by categorial
through the intermediary of type theory. In a typed grammar, in which vocabulary elements are assigned to
language, every element of the vocabulary is assigned one or more syntactic types in a type theory. It is then
to a category called a type in some fashion. The set of possible to apply one word to another in a functional
types is most commonly infinite, and is usually derived manner, analogous to the l-calculus above, in order to
from a small set of primitive types (e.g., {e,t}) by an derive that some combination of words is a sentence. In
inductive definition including all other types the brand of categorial grammar known as type-logical
representing functions mapping one type to another grammar, the analogy with l-calculus is literal, so that
(e.g., t e and ðt eÞ e). In the preceding nota- word combinations are actually proven to be sentences
tion, the functional map is represented by the arrow, in a logical system of types using rules that parallel the
which may be read as from. In one popular type theory rules of l-calculus. The advantage of such an approach,
for the semantics of natural languages (that of Richard despite its formal complexity, is that the syntax-
Montague), proper noun denotations are assigned to semantic interface between a type-logical grammar
a type e of entities, while sentence denotations are and l-calculus meaning terms is obtained “for free,”
assigned to type t of truth-values. Then one may pro- without the need for syntax-semantics correspondence
ceed by recognizing intransitive verbs as denoting ele- rules to be stipulated.
ments of type t e because they semantically yield For more information, readers are directed to the
a truth-value when provided with the subject entity. books by Partee et al., by Kracht, and by Kornai. Math-
In the 1930s, Alonzo Church developed a system ematical linguistics now extends to morphology and
now called the l-calculus for investigating formal logic phonology should readers wish to pursue those topics
and the foundations of mathematics using a calculus of elsewhere.
terms which could represent both objects and functions
among them. In 1940, Church presented the simply Learning Theory
typed l-calculus as a modification in which all the The first formal paradigm for investigating language
terms of the system were assigned to a type in the learning was codified by E. Mark Gold in a 1967 paper,
fashion described above. It is this typed system that and is usually referred to as identification in the limit (i.
has proven to be most useful in the presentations of i.l.). In this framework (see Jain et al. 1999, for more
logical deductive systems which are capable of information), a learner is modeled as a device which
representing meanings in a manner relevant to both receives an ever-increasing amount of data from lan-
linguistics and language theory in computer science. guage L, and in response it keeps proposing languages
Terms of the typed l-calculus can represent the mean- that it might be observing. Such a learner is held to have
ings of complex expressions in artificial or natural learned a (potentially infinite) formal language
languages in compositional fashion, so that complex L (within some hypothesis class) from a finite data
meaning terms are directly composed out of simpler sequence drawn from L just when its sequence of
terms in a manner which can be directly connected hypothesized languages drawn from the hypothesis
with the syntactic composition of words in a formal class eventually settles upon L (in the limit) and does
language. In order to be adequate for natural language not change hypotheses any longer. In practice, learners
semantics, however, the typed l-calculus is not of this sort that have been described usually perform
2112 M Mathematical Linguistics and Learning Theory

grammar induction, whereby a formal grammar which languages using statistical concepts, it is frequently
generates the learning data (or text) is constructed in necessary to introduce probabilities into the formal
some fashion that allows further generation of language model somehow, to give some meaning to
sentences in a hypothesized language beyond the learn- the notion of the “probability of a sentence.” One way
ing data. Such a process can be seen as a model of of doing this (exemplified in recent work by Alex Clark)
human language learning, wherein a child learning involves assigning probabilities to the rewriting rules in
Spanish, for example, does not have to hear every a grammar, thereby yielding a probabilistic grammar.
Spanish sentence before effectively learning Spanish.
It is generally presumed possible (given the evident Important Scientific Research and
abilities of humans) to induce a correct grammar gen- Open Questions
erating Spanish (presumed to be at least potentially Perhaps the most fundamental problem for mathemat-
infinite if not actually so) from a mere subset of Span- ical linguistics is to delineate the class of possible
ish, operating within a hypothesis class that is naturally human languages. It is assumed that this class includes
limited to the possibly human languages. no finite languages. Moreover, all natural languages are
Gold started a small furor when he proved that no thought to be at least context-free, and there is reason
hypothesis class of formal languages (over a given to believe that some may be context-sensitive. Beyond
vocabulary) that includes the finite class plus even so these basic conditions, there is much more to be nailed
much as one infinite language is identifiable in the limit down, since obviously most context-free languages are
from sentence data only – meaning none of the lan- not possibly human. It is likely that conditions on the
guages in the class is i.i.l. It is important to emphasize, relationship between syntax and semantics are going to
however, that Gold’s theorem is inapplicable whenever form a part of our ultimate specification.
the hypothesis class does not include all finite languages Research on natural language semantics has
over the given vocabulary. Since it would seem very recently moved beyond the intensional framework of
strange to propose that the hypothesis class that should Montague, but there is no consensus on the best
model the possibly human languages (over a given approach to semantics as yet. No system of intensional
vocabulary) contains all finite languages over the logic has yet been developed which is entirely adequate
vocabulary, it has since been realized that Gold’s result for modeling natural semantics, and many researchers
is not generally relevant to the capabilities of formal- have chosen to develop other frameworks which do not
ized language learners that could serve as models of use an intensional logic directly.
natural language learning. One important research topic which is unfortu-
The other important framework in formal learning nately absent from mathematical linguistics is the
theory that has been applied to linguistics is really modeling of morphosyntax, which would account for
a family of related frameworks under the rubric of morphology (word structure) and its relationship with
statistical learning theory (see Niyogi 1998, for more syntax and semantics.
information). One prominent example is the probably Progress in formal learning theory will require
approximately correct (PAC) model of inductive infer- refining our models of language learning to develop
ence, which was introduced by Leslie Valiant in a 1984 a tractable and realistic learning algorithm. There are
paper. In this approach, learning of a target language is currently parallel developments in the i.i.l. paradigm
characterized as hypothesizing, with high probability and the statistical paradigm making progress on this.
and in a computationally tractable amount of time One point of debate in mathematical research on lan-
(specifically, in polynomial time as a function of the guage learning concerns just what sort of information
amount of learning data), a language that is a good should be presented to the learner along with the
approximation to the target in a well-defined sense. sentences of the language. One hard-line position
One difficulty with applying the PAC learning frame- (often considered a null hypothesis) has been that
work, and other statistical frameworks, to the modeling a model learner of natural language should be limited
of language induction stems from the complete lack of to the sentence text; this approach has been character-
probabilistic notions in basic mathematical linguistics ized as learning from pure string data. Some
as described above. In order to deal with formal researchers, however, have instead assumed that more
Mathematical Models/Modeling in Math Learning M 2113

information (such as meaning terms or sentence struc- Niyogi, P. (1998). The informational complexity of learning. Dor-
tures) should be provided to accompany each sentence drecht: Kluwer.
Partee, B. H., ter Meulen, A., & Wall, R. E. (1990). Mathematical
in the learning data. This position is generally
methods in linguistics. Dordrecht: Kluwer.
supported by pointing to purportedly self-evident fea-
tures of human language acquisition, in which a child
learner hears sentences in a natural setting accompa-
nied by experiences which impart some information
about the intended meanings. Mathematical Modeling
Machine learning refers to the research area
concerning computer software which learns a task. ▶ Mathematical Models/Modeling in Math Learning
Where machine learning has been applied to linguistic
tasks, it has not often been applied to the larger task of
learning a natural language grammar per se, although
the class of regular languages in the Chomsky hierarchy
Mathematical Models
has been tackled with several learning algorithms. Most
machine learning algorithms applied to language are ▶ Computational Models of Classical Conditioning
statistical in nature, and so seek to learn some kind of ▶ Mathematical Models/Modeling in Math Learning
statistical language model which may not bear much
relation to a linguistic grammar. Formal theorems
about learnability are rarely important in the machine
learning community, since practitioners are chiefly
concerned with what software accomplishes rather Mathematical Models/
than what it could theoretically do, although some Modeling in Math Learning M
researchers have used machine learning techniques to
test the theoretical results of formal learning theory. MELVA R. GRANT
Formal learning theory has not found application Darden College of Education, Old Dominion
in the area of second language acquisition. This is University, Norfolk, VA, USA
because most scientists believe that a model of induc-
tive inference would not be correct for second language
learning by adults, because second language learning Synonyms
usually proceeds by involving direct instruction and Mathematical modeling; Mathematical models; Model
rote memorization, which stray beyond the boundaries eliciting activities; Modeling; Models
of purely inductive inference. The capacity for adults to
learn language by inductive inference similar to that Definition
performed by a child is rather doubtful. Educational researchers describe a conceptual system as
a collection of elements, relations, operations, and rules
Cross-References that govern interactions (Lesh and Doerr 2003). Model-
▶ Formal Learning Theory ing is a process for symbolically representing concep-
▶ Grammar Learning tual systems given a specific purpose such as building,
▶ Inductive Reasoning explaining, or predicting within a context (Lesh and
▶ Learning Algorithms Doerr 2003). Mathematical models primarily articulate
▶ PAC Learning structural aspects of conceptual systems that are
described using quantitative (and often qualitative)
data and meet specific criteria. Model eliciting activities
are contextually situated problems for which modeling
Jain, S., Osherson, D., Royer, J. S., & Sharma, A. (1999). Systems that
learn (2nd ed.). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. solutions are devised to meet specific criteria for spe-
Kornai, A. (2008). Mathematical linguistics. Berlin: Springer. cific purposes; moreover, these solutions or models are
Kracht, M. (2003). The mathematics of language. Berlin: de Gruyter. developed so that they are readily communicated and
2114 M Mathematical Models/Modeling in Math Learning

recyclable. That is, mathematical models must be continuously interpreted and reinterpreted. One
shareable and modifiable so they may be used for might conclude that the M&M perspective is
building, explaining, predicting, or controlling systems a manifestation of thinking externally and contextually
in the given context or another (Lesh and Doerr 2003). situated.
An example of a mathematical modeling cycle or model
eliciting activity that is typically used with middle- Mathematical Modeling for 21st
grade students is the Bigfoot problem, students are Century Learning
asked to create a model (an approach and rationale This century is emerging as an information age, and
for finding the height of a person given a footprint) technological advances have been and are anticipated
situated in a context. The selected context should to be immense; however, mathematics and science
enhance interest for the children, such as the footprint teaching and learning within classrooms has not
was left by someone who saved a drowning child and evolved similarly. The modern world economy is
the parents wish to pay a reward. The modelers inter- impacted by a myriad of complex systems (e.g., trans-
pret the situation using extant mathematical under- portation systems, resource management and distribu-
standing and other available resources to generate tion systems, social networks, simulation systems, etc.);
a model, and then they defend their models publicly however, most mathematics and science classrooms are
among their peers. This public sharing creates oppor- not designed to expose students to or to create oppor-
tunities for students to reinterpret understandings and tunities for modeling such systems. Researchers have
may lead to model revisions. concluded that there are significant similarities
between student-developed models and those of math-
Theoretical Background ematicians and scientists (Lesh and Doerr 2003; Lesh
The models and modeling (M&M) perspective of and English 2005). Thus, one must question why cur-
learning is related to constructivist theory, yet it goes ricula and pedagogies are not more focused on creating
beyond constructivism and offers a measure of practi- opportunities for students to develop models for
cality for teachers, curriculum developers, researchers, representing the complex systems of the world or to
and teacher educators (Lesh and Doerr 2003). In gen- consider ways for improving systems when students
eral, constructivists agree that learners construct mean- appear to have sufficient conceptual tools and repre-
ing or knowledge and their understandings are not sentational formats for grappling with such problems.
received passively from others (Steffe and Kieren Problem solving in many mathematics classrooms
1994; Cobb and Yackel 1996; Ernest 1996). An M&M is characterized by contextual situations that are
perspective on the acquisition of knowledge is com- unrelated to student experiences, limited interpretive
prised of many relevant processes and constructing freedom, and problem meaning/solutions determined
understanding is only one. Other important processes by others. Fueled in part by pressures for state man-
from an M&M perspective include determining rele- dated testing, too often classroom-based problem
vant information, prioritizing criteria by importance, solving is little more than applying practiced proce-
integrating new criteria, or restructuring representa- dures and skills and requires little cognitive demand
tions for a new audience. from students. In contrast, the M&M perspective of
An M&M perspective supports that some knowl- mathematics is developing mathematical understand-
edge must be constructed, sometimes existing con- ing through modeling conceptual systems. Students
structs require interpretation or reinterpretation, and engaged in model eliciting activities describe struc-
some knowledge is transferred (e.g., skills, established tural aspects of conceptual systems mathematically,
notation, and accepted mathematical procedures). but in ways that are understandable and reusable,
Assumptions from the M&M perspective include: (a) a significantly more cognitively demanding endeavor
people create meaning from their experiences using when compared to traditional problem solving.
models; (b) models allow understandings to be com- Accountability measures must transition from mea-
municated using many representations through differ- suring student proficiency with skills and procedures
ent interactional media; and (c) models are to their ability to interpret, develop, and explain
Mathematical Models/Modeling in Math Learning M 2115

models situated in different contexts (Lesh and (e.g., Lesh and Doerr 2003; Lesh and English 2005).
English 2005). Additionally, research is needed to study existing
Solutions or models emerge from iterative cycles of models and the ways they are refined to understand
modeling until a refined version is deemed acceptable how they change over time and in complexity. These
by the learning community. The modeling cycle research trajectories are not suggested for bringing
includes four phases – description, manipulation, order so student learning may be managed and
translation, and verification (Lesh and Doerr 2003). directed; such studies contribute to more nuanced
The description phase establishes a mapping from the understandings about how learners develop mathemat-
contextual situation to the modeling representational ical and scientific understandings and the processes
space. As the model emerges, manipulation refers to they use to inform teaching practice and improve the
testing the model to refine functionality based upon development of more effective modeling opportunities
actions or processes of the system. Translation, another in classrooms and other settings.
level of testing to refine predictability based upon the
contextualized situation. Finally, verification deter- Cross-References
mines if the model is a reasonable representation of ▶ 21st Century Skills
the system and meets the specific requirements of the ▶ Case-Based Inquiry Learning
contextual situation. ▶ Constructivist Learning
▶ Experiential Learning Theory
Important Scientific Research and ▶ Problem Solving
Open Questions
There are many studies about M&M involving con-
texts situated in science, technology, engineering, and
Chamberlin, S. A., & Moon, S. M. (2005). Model-eliciting activities as
mathematics (STEM) problems. The domains studied a tool to develop and identify creatively gifted mathematicians. M
vary, several trajectories include model quality and Journal of Secondary Gifted Education, 17, 37–47.
effectiveness, implications of M&M for learning Cobb, P., & Yackel, E. (1996). Constructivist, emergent, and socio-
and related theory, and M&M processes (Chamberlin cultural perspectives in the context of developmental research.
Educational Psychologist, 48, 175–190.
and Moon 2005; Lege 2005; Pauli et al. 2007;
Ernest, P. (1996). Varieties of constructivism: A framework for com-
Yarinovsky and Kangro 2009). M&M research is done
parison. In L. P. Steffe & P. Nesher (Eds.), Theories of mathematical
using a variety of methodologies including experi- learning (pp. 335–349). Mahwah: Lawrence Erlbaum (Chap. 20).
mental, developmental, and ethnographic, but new Lege, J. (2005). Socrates meets the 21st century. Teaching Mathematics
methodologies are emerging, such as multi- and Its applications, 24(1), 29–36.
tiered design experiments (Lesh and English 2005). Lesh, R. A., & Doerr, H. M. (Eds.). (2003). Beyond constructivism:
Models and modeling perspectives on mathematics problem solving,
For example, students, teachers, and educational
learning, and teaching. Mahwah: Lawrence Erlbaum.
researchers are developing and learning from M&M, Lesh, R., & English, L. (2005). Trends in the evolution of models &
each modeler has their independent rationales for modeling perspectives on mathematical learning and problem
modeling, but all models are subject to reinterpreta- solving. ZDM – The International Journal on Mathematics Edu-
tion and revision. These researchers suggest that the cation, 37, 487–489.
Pauli, C., Reusser, K., & Grob, U. (2007). Teaching for understanding
model reinterpretation and revision is the apex for
and/or self-regulated learning? A video-based analysis of reform-
thinking and learning because existing understand-
oriented mathematics instruction in Switzerland. International
ings are communicated, tested, and revised with Journal of Educational Research, 46, 294–305.
each modeling cycle. Steffe, L. P., & Kieren, T. (1994). Radical constructivism and mathe-
According to key researchers in the field, there are matics education. In T. P. Carpenter, J. A. Dossey, & J. L. Koehler
many opportunities for studying M&M such as inves- (Eds.), Classics in mathematics education research (pp. 68–82).
Reston: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
tigating the differences in the ways students engage in
Yarinovsky, B., & Kangro, I. (2009). Mathematical modelling with use
modeling, how knowledge development manifests information-communication technologies in course studying
from modeling, the nature of the knowledge developed, ecological toxicology. Problems of Education in the 21st Century,
and the effectiveness of processes related to M&M 16, 59–65.
2116 M Mathematical Models/Theories of Learning

Based on this idea in the 1950s, Rosenblatt developed

Mathematical Models/Theories “Perceptron,” a mathematical model of a neuron.
of Learning Developments in this and related directions are cur-
rently named “early neural networks.”
LEONID I. PERLOVSKY In parallel, statistical approaches to learning were
Harvard University and The Air Force Research developed (Nilsson 1965; Duda and Hart 1973), which
Laboratory, Boston, MA, USA received a name “pattern recognition” (PR) The main
idea of statistical PR was (1) to characterize objects of
interest by a set of “features” (say, color, size, etc.);
Synonyms features form coordinates of a feature space or classifi-
Artificial intelligence (AI); Computational intelligence cation space, where objects are points; and then
(CI); Language acquisition; Natural language learning; (2) develop a mathematical algorithm that partitions
Pattern recognition classification space into regions, corresponding to clas-
ses of objects. Some of these algorithms are used till
Definition today, for example, a linear classifier (a linear combi-
Theories of Learning (TL) include mathematical theo- nation of features makes a line that divides the space
ries and techniques for developing algorithms, soft- into two parts), a quadratic classifier, or a nearest
ware, and hardware enabling computers to learn. neighbor classifier (a class is defined by neighborhoods
Some techniques are designed to learn from structured of selected samples).
data (called learning or training data), examples of Learning abilities of Perceptrons turned out to be
objects or situations of interests; these might be given very limited (Minsky and Papert 1969/1988). Learning
along with labels, for example, an image of an object, abilities of PR were also limited by the number of
say chair, is given along with a label “chair.” This is features that could be efficiently used (the dimension-
called learning with a teacher. Learning without labels ality of a feature space could not be made much more
is more complicated. The most advanced techniques than 7 or 8). This problem was named “the curse of
learn from unstructured, unlabeled sensor data in real dimensionality” (Bellman 1961). A group of scientists
time. Subareas of TL include pattern recognition, (McCarthy, Newell, and Minsky) concluded that devel-
image understanding, and language learning (speech oping learning machines was premature, a more effi-
or text). AI in narrow sense is reserved for computa- cient approach to building intelligent machines was to
tional intelligence techniques based on coded rules and program into machines readymade knowledge about
procedures without learning; in a wide sense it includes a particular area of engineering. This approach was
TL. TL is an active area of research. Successful TL associated with the name “Artificial Intelligence” (AI).
techniques are currently limited to narrow specific Knowledge coded as systems of if-then rules (if A then
fields. Existing TL are much less powerful than animal B) achieved many practical successes. Rules were labo-
or human learning abilities. Therefore, most advanced riously elucidated from experts in a field and called an
current approaches are biologically inspired or cogni- expert system. Today this approach is referred as “rule
tive algorithms. Their development is facilitated by systems.” Rule systems were efficient, when environ-
recent progress in understanding biological learning ment and tasks did not change. When conditions vary,
mechanisms as well as by breakthroughs in mathemat- learning was required, yet many attempts to combine
ics of TL. rules with learning failed.
In the 1980s, model systems were proposed
Theoretical Background (Nevatia and Binford 1977; Brooks 1983; Grimson
TL were initiated almost as soon as computers became and Lozano-Perez 1984) for combining knowledge
available in the early 1950s. Many developers of TL and learning. Knowledge was encapsulated into models
were sure that computers would soon surpass by far (of objects or processes); these models depended on
human minds in their abilities. Human brain cells, parameters, and values of parameters were learned
neurons, learn by modifying strengths of their connec- from data for a particular situation. In parallel,
tions, synapses. This is called Hebbian learning (1949). a second wave of neural network paradigms was
Mathematical Models/Theories of Learning M 2117

developed inspired by studying brain architecture view angles, etc.), but also training had to include these
(Grossberg since 1950s, see 1970, 1982), ART neural object variations in combinations with any other object
network emphasizing interaction of bottom-up and that could be around. CC is unsolvable because even
top-down signals (Carpenter et al. 1992) and a modest number of 100 elements (objects, pixels,
backpropagation algorithm (Werbos 1974). New algo- samples, etc.) result in 100100 combinations; this num-
rithms overcame limitations of the early neural net- ber is larger than all elementary particle interactions in
works. Mathematical modeling of the mind became the entire history of the Universe. No computer ever
a fascinating direction. Yet, modeling human or even would be able to learn that many combinations. CC was
mouse learning abilities was nowhere in sight. related to a most fundamental mathematical result of
Evolutionary algorithms (EA) are an approach to the twentieth century, Gödelian limitations of logic
TL, which models genetic evolution, rather than mech- (Perlovsky 1996, 2001). CC turned out to be
anisms of the mind-brain (Holland 1975/1992). It a manifestation of Gödelian “incompleteness” of logic
offered an approach to learning-optimizing problems in a finite system (a computer). All considered TL
involving discrete constructs or models, which could approaches rely on logic in some essential steps: To
not be at the time described by continuous functions, accommodate training, rule systems had to grow com-
and which could not be approached by other existing binatorial trees of rules, model systems had to consider
methods. The main principles of EA are (1) to describe combinations between data and models, statistical pat-
a discrete system by a list of its components, similar to tern recognition faced the curse of dimensionality, and
how DNA describes an organism; (2) evolve better all algorithms faced combinatorial training procedures.
systems by (i) random mutations, (ii) sexual crossover, This applies even to approaches specifically designed to
and (iii) fitness selection. Limitations of EA are related overcome logical limitations, such as neural networks
to the fact that genetic mechanisms are poorly known; (second wave) and fuzzy logic. Hundreds of TL algo-
the described principles are likely a poor model of rithms are developed every year, yet without under-
genetic evolution. EA is a fascinating research field, standing these fundamental limitations, progress
with concrete engineering applications. Yet, the nature toward generally applicable TL is limited. So far, most
uses different mechanisms for genetic evolution and for of existing algorithms succumb to limitations of CC.
learning in the mind. This suggests that EA may be not Performance of TL algorithms in many applications is
the best for TL, not the right way to model the mind limited by the number of computer operations, not by
and approach its learning abilities. the amount of potentially available information
TL approaches to language originated in the 1950s (Cramer–Rao Bounds).
(Chomsky 1972). They paralleled other ideas in TL, TL approaching animal and even human abilities
rule systems, model systems (or what Chomsky called currently proceeds due to breakthroughs in mathemat-
principles and parameters, 1981). Chomsky postulated ics and neurocognitive understanding of the brain
that language is a separate system from cognition. mechanisms. Below we summarize one successful
Cognitive linguistics attempts to unify language and approach, dynamic logic (DL) also called Neural
cognition. Evolutionary linguistics (developed since Modeling Fields (NMF) (Perlovsky and McManus
the 1980s by Steels, Hurford, Kirby, and others) 1991, Perlovsky 2001). DL-NMF uses parametric
emphasizes that many properties of language can be models, like model systems. DL-NMF is a process-
understood, when considering language as an evolving logic, in which uncertainty of models (or measures of
system, transmitted from generation to generation. fitness between models and data) matches deviations of
In the 1990s, mathematical difficulties of thousands model parameters from their true values. The DL-NMF
of learning algorithms, briefly overviewed above, were process evolves vague-fuzzy models with incorrect
understood as related to a single principle of combina- parameter values into crisp models with correct param-
torial complexity (CC) of learning (Perlovsky 1998, eters. (It is interesting that Aristotle similarly described
2001). CC was a result of combinations inherent to working of the mind: Forms-as-potentialities evolve
learning or training procedures. During training, into forms-as-actualities; potentialities are not logical,
every object had to be “shown” to a neural network or actualities obey logic, Perlovsky 2006). This dynamic
learning algorithm in all variations (of size, distance, process overcomes fundamental limitations of static
2118 M Mathematical Models/Theories of Learning

classical logic. DL-NMF overcomes CC because com- human language. Psychological studies of prelinguistic
binations (between data and models) need not be con- infants demonstrate that their cognition is no different
sidered: Initially all data fits any model, because of the from animals’ (Carey 2009). Human cognition requires
model vagueness. At the end of the DL-NMF process, language. Emerging TL directions emphasize that lan-
all data are correctly assigned to their models. The DL- guage learning is grounded in surrounding language at
NMF process is illustrated in Fig. 1. all hierarchical levels, from sounds to words, phrases,
Similar process was demonstrated to take place in syntax, extended pieces of text, etc. Language models
the brain during human perception (Bar et al. 2006). therefore are acquired “readymade,” and language is
During visual perception, mental representations of learned by 5 years of age. Learning cognitive models
objects (models) are fit to retinal images of objects requires real-world experience. Experience alone, how-
projected to the visual cortex (data). This fitting pro- ever, is not sufficient; no amount of experience would
cess takes about 160 ms. Initial representations are be sufficient to learn useful combinations of events and
unconscious and vague, as in DL-NMF. Conscious actions among many more random combinations, hav-
perception occurs when representations-models ing no use or meanings. Whereas learning perception is
become crisp and fit data. grounded in observing objects, learning higher-level
DL-NMF applications were developed in many abstract cognitive models is not grounded in what can
fields. DL-NMF algorithm performance often be directly perceived. Therefore, learning higher-level
approaches information-theoretic limits (Cramer– cognitive models, “above” perception of objects, can
Rao Bounds), and exceeds past algorithms by an only proceed guided by language.
order (or several orders) of magnitude. Another fundamental TL research direction
addresses hierarchical learning systems. The mind-
Important Scientific Research and brain is organized into an approximate hierarchy. In
Open Questions this hierarchy, concept-models receive higher meanings
TL major paradigms reviewed in the previous section, at higher levels (synthesis), while higher-level concept-
developed since the 1950s, are still in current use in models differentiate into more detailed and specific
practical engineering applications. Rule systems and meanings at lower levels. Mathematical techniques
statistical pattern recognition have clear intuitive should be developed for learning such a hierarchy of
appeal. It is becoming clear however, that appeal to interacting levels, with synthesizing function propagat-
consciousness implies classical logic along with its ing up the hierarchy and differentiating function prop-
inherent limitations. On the road to human-level TL agating down. From the previous paragraph it is clear
an open question to be addressed is to overcome appeal that not one but two interacting hierarchies should be
of intuitive logical algorithms and to combine mathe- modeled, for cognition and for language. Learning this
matical and engineering developments with dual hierarchy, with language hierarchy grounded in
neurocognitive findings about mechanisms of the the surrounding language, and cognitive hierarchy
brain-mind. grounded in experience and guided by language is
Developing mathematics corresponding to brain- a challenge for TL. In this future development what
mind mechanisms opens most fascinating research would be the role of the process “from vague to crisp”?
directions in TL. Whereas combining molecular biol- It is likely that language learning quickly proceeds to
ogy with physics has opened new research fields for the crisp states at all hierarchical levels, whereas cognitive
last half century, combining physics and mathematics models at higher levels of the hierarchy remain vague
with brain imaging and neurocognition will play until experience is accumulated in correspondence
a similar role in the next half century. New TL tech- with language. TL cannot proceed driven by mathe-
niques are developed by further advancing DL by com- matics alone; it should proceed along with psychology
bining it with other TL algorithms and with new and cognitive science.
neurocognitive findings. The role of emotions in learning is another funda-
A major TL research direction is finding mecha- mental direction in future TL. While TL was organized
nisms of interaction between cognition and language. around logically based algorithms, the role of emotions
Human-level cognition exists only in combination with could have been ignored, emotions were modeled just
Mathematical Models/Theories of Learning M 2119

3050 3050
a 3040 b
3030 3030
3020 3020
3010 3010
2990 2990
2980 2980
2970 2970
2960 2960
2950 2950
−50 −40 −30 −20 −10 0 10 20 30 40 50 −50 −40 −30 −20 −10 0 10 20 30 40 50
3050 3050
3040 c 3040
3030 3030
3020 3020
3010 3010
3000 3000

2990 2990
2980 2980
2970 2970
2960 2960
2950 2950
−50 −40 −30 −20 −10 0 10 20 30 40 50 −50 −40 −30 −20 −10 0 10 20 30 40 50
3050 3050
3040 e 3040 f
3030 3030
3020 3020
3010 3010
3000 3000

2970 2970
2960 2960
2950 2950
−50 −40 −30 −20 −10 0 10 20 30 40 50 −50 −40 −30 −20 −10 0 10 20 30 40 50
3050 3050
3040 g 3040 h
3030 3030
3020 3020
3010 3010

2990 2990
2980 2980
2970 2970
2960 2960
2950 2950
−50 −40 −30 −20 −10 0 10 20 30 40 50 −50 −40 −30 −20 −10 0 10 20 30 40 50
x x

Mathematical Models/Theories of Learning. Fig. 1 Finding “smile” and “frown” patterns in noise, an example of DL-NMF
“from vague-to-crisp” process: (a) true “smile” and “frown” patterns are shown without noise; (b) actual image available for
recognition (signal is below noise, signal-to-noise ratio is about 1/3); (c) an initial fuzzy blob-model, the vagueness
corresponds to uncertainty of knowledge; (d) through (h) show improved models at various iteration stages (total of 21
iterations); a noise model is not shown. Between stages (d) and (e) DL-NMF tried to fit the data with more than one model
and decided that it needs three blob-models to “understand” the content of the data. Until stage (g) the algorithm
“thought” in terms of simple blob-models, at (g) and beyond, the algorithm decided that it needs more complex parabolic
models to describe the data. Initial models are vague (contain low-spatial frequencies compared to the final one).
Iterations stopped at (h), when similarity between models and data stopped increasing. This example exceeds previous
algorithm performance by two orders of magnitude in signal-to-noise ratio. Complexity is reduced from combinatorial
105000 (logical search) to 109 (DL-NMF)
2120 M Mathematical Models/Theories of Learning

like other logical rules. Future TL development would Cross-References

have to model emotional mechanisms of the human ▶ Adaptive Learning Systems
brain-mind. The word “emotion” is used for many ▶ Artificial Intelligence
different functions. One of these functions crucial for ▶ Bottom-Up and Top-Down Learning
future TL development is based on Grossberg–Levine ▶ Cognitive Dissonance
theory of instincts and emotions (1987). This theory
suggests that instincts can be modeled as sensors, References
indicating basic needs to the body. Emotions are Bar, M., Kassam, K. S., Ghuman, A. S., Boshyan, J., Schmid, A. M.,
modeled as signals connecting instinctual mecha- Dale, A. M., et al. (2006). Top-down facilitation of visual recog-
nisms (“sensors” of basic needs) with learning of nition. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 103,
concept-models (of objects, events, actions). Emo- 449–454.
Bellman, R. E. (1961). Adaptive control processes. Princeton: Princeton
tions impart instinctual values on objects and events;
University Press.
more valuable events receive more attention and Brooks, R. A. (1983). Model-based three-dimensional interpretation
more learning resources. The most important instinct of two-dimensional images. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Anal-
for TL is an instinct for learning, or the knowledge ysis and Machine Intelligence, 5(2), 140–150.
instinct. This instinct drives learning mechanisms, Carey, S. (2009). The origin of concepts. New York: Oxford.
Carpenter, G. A., Grossberg, S., Markuzon, N., Reynolds, J. H., &
which match internal models to sensory data about
Rosen, D. B. (1992). Fuzzy ARTMAP. IEEE Transactions on Neu-
the world. All TL algorithms have some mathematical ral Networks, 3, 698–713.
model of this instinct. Future TL would unify math- Chomsky, N. (1972). Language and mind. New York: Harcourt Brace
ematical, engineering, and cognitive–psychological Javanovich.
research for adequate understanding of related mech- Chomsky, N. (1981). Principles and parameters in syntactic theory. In
anisms. Emotions related to satisfaction of the knowl- N. Hornstein & D. Lightfoot (Eds.), Explanation in linguistics.
The logical problem of language acquisition. London: Longman.
edge instinct measure correspondence of internal
Duda, R. O., & Hart, P. E. (1973). Pattern classification and scene
models and patterns in sensory data. These are analysis. New York: Wiley.
“higher” emotions in that they address knowledge Grimson, W. E. L., & Lozano-Perez, T. (1984). Model-based recogni-
rather than bodily needs, and they are essential for tion and localization from sparse range or tactile data. Interna-
TL. At higher cognitive levels, they have to involve tional Journal of Robotics Research, 3(3), 3–35.
Grossberg, S. (1970). Neural pattern discrimination. Journal of The-
correspondence of cognitive models (imagery,
oretical Biology, 27, 291–337.
abstract constructs, and behavior), sensory data and Grossberg, S. (1982). Studies of mind and brain. Dordrecht: D. Reidel.
experiences, and contents of language models (words, Grossberg, S., & Levine, D. S. (1987). Neural dynamics of
phrases, syntax, etc.). Modeling these emotions in TL attentionally modulated Pavlovian conditioning: blocking,
are essential for modeling higher cognitive abilities, inter-stimulus interval, and secondary reinforcement. Psychobi-
which mostly consist in learning abstract cognitive ology, 15(3), 195–240.
Holland, J. H. (1975/1992). Adaptation in natural and artificial sys-
and behavioral models in correspondence with lan-
tems. Cambridge: MIT Press.
guage. Musical emotions resolve contradictions cre- Hurford, J. (2008). The evolution of human communication and
ated by cognitive dissonances (Perlovsky 2010). language. In P. D’Ettorre & D. Hughes (Eds.), Sociobiology of
Future TL will have to explore these emerging under- communication: An interdisciplinary perspective (pp. 249–264).
standings and reconcile the instinct for knowledge New York: Oxford University Press.
Minsky, M. L., & Papert, S. A. (1969/1988). Perceptrons. Cambridge:
with basic irrationality discovered by Tversky and
MIT Press.
Kahneman. Combining aesthetic theory of Kant Nevatia, R., & Binford, T. O. (1977). Description and recognition of
(1790) with TL leads to a conclusion that abilities curved objects. Artificial Intelligence, 1, 77–98.
for emotions of the beautiful should be modeled as Nilsson, N. J. (1965). Learning machines. New York: McGraw-Hill.
satisfaction of the knowledge instinct at the highest Perlovsky, L. I. (1996). Gödel theorem and semiotics. Proceedings of
levels of the brain-mind hierarchy (Perlovsky 2010). the Conference on Intelligent Systems and Semiotics ‘96. Gaithers-
burg, MD, vol. 2, pp. 14–18.
Mental models at these highest levels unify entire expe-
Perlovsky, L. I. (1998). Conundrum of combinatorial complexity.
rience and create higher-level meanings. Modeling IEEE Transactions on PAMI, 20(6), 666–670.
these higher-level human mental abilities is the direc- Perlovsky, L. I. (2001). Neural networks and intellect: Using model
tion for future TL. based concepts. New York: Oxford University Press. 3rd printing.
Mathematics Learning Disability M 2121

Perlovsky, L. I. (2006). Toward physics of the mind: Concepts, emo- been defined in a similar way as other specific learning
tions, consciousness, and symbols. Physics of Life Reviews 3(1), disorders, such as dyslexia. MLD involves large and
persistent problems in mathematics that are not merely
Perlovsky, L. I. (2010). Musical emotions: Functions, origin, evolu-
tion. Physics of Life Reviews, 7(1), 2–27. explained by inappropriate instruction, environmental
Perlovsky, L. I., & McManus, M. M. (1991). Maximum likelihood deprivation, and behavioral or emotional disorders. It
neural networks for sensor fusion and adaptive classification. is assumed that MLD is due to underlying brain abnor-
Neural Networks 4(1), 89–102. malities, which are probably of a genetic origin.
Werbos, P. J. (1974). Beyond regression: New tools for prediction and
For many years, the predominant model for defin-
analysis in the behavioral sciences. Cambridge: Harvard Univer-
sity Press. ing MLD was the IQ-discrepancy model, which indi-
cates that there should be a discrepancy between IQ
and performance level in mathematics. The validity of
this model has been seriously questioned. Nowadays,
the above-mentioned low achievement model is com-
Mathematics bined with the response-to-intervention model.
▶ Accounting and Arithmetic Competence in Animals According to this approach, individuals with MLD
show serious difficulties in mathematics achievement
and do not sufficiently respond to appropriate instruc-
tion and intensive intervention (Fletcher et al. 2007).

Mathematics Learning Theoretical Background

▶ Mathematical Learning Numbers and arithmetic are so much a part of our
modern life that it is essential for children to acquire
basic mathematical competencies. Unfortunately,
3–8% of primary school children show large and per-
sistent difficulties in acquiring these competencies.
Mathematics Learning These difficulties have been referred to as mathematics
Difficulties learning disability, mathematics learning difficulties, or
dyscalculia (Berch and Mazzocco 2007). It is important
▶ Mathematics Learning Disability
to note that these difficulties are not transitional and
continue to exist into adolescence and adulthood. As
mathematics is not a unitary skill – it consists of dif-
ferent competencies such as arithmetic, word problem
Mathematics Learning solving, geometry, etc. – children can have, in theory,
Disability difficulties in one or more of these components. How-
ever, the existing research has focused primarily on
BERT DE SMEDT, LIEVEN VERSCHAFFEL, POL GHESQUIÈRE elementary arithmetical competencies. Against this
Department of Educational Sciences, Parenting and background, it is widely agreed that individuals with
Special Education Research Group, Leuven, Belgium MLD have difficulties with executing and understand-
ing procedures for solving arithmetic problems and/or
retrieving arithmetic facts from long-term memory
(Geary 2004). Little is known, however, about more
Synonyms complex mathematics, such as fractions, geometry, and
Dyscalculia; Mathematics learning difficulties; Mathe- probability.
matics learning disabilities MLD does probably not represent a homogeneous
condition and different subtypes of this learning dis-
Definition order have been put forward. The most consistent
Mathematics learning disability (MLD) or dyscalculia subtypes deal with the presence or absence of
is a specific learning disorder in mathematics that has coexisting reading difficulties. Prevalence estimates
2122 M Mathematics Learning Disability

suggest that about two out of three children with MLD information from long-term memory is also impli-
have comorbid reading difficulties. Children with cated in the development of reading difficulties, it has
MLD without reading difficulties and those with been proposed that it may account for the covariation
MLD and comorbid reading difficulties have been of MLD and reading difficulties, yet empirical evidence
found to differ in many ways from each other, with for this hypothesis has been inconclusive so far.
children with MLD and comorbid reading difficulties Against the background of findings from neuroim-
showing more pervasive difficulties, especially in aging research, it has been proposed that MLD arises as
those areas of mathematics that are of verbal nature, a consequence of domain-specific impairments in num-
such as word problem solving. ber sense or the ability to represent and manipulate
numerical magnitudes (Landerl et al. 2004). For exam-
Important Scientific Research and ple, children with MLD have particular difficulties in
Open Questions comparing two numerical magnitudes and in putting
While the issue of MLD is getting increasing attention, numbers on a number line, both of which are thought
research in this area is still lagging behind compared to to measure one’s understanding of numerical
research in other academic subjects, such as reading magnitude.
and language. One of the major concerns of researchers Although various cognitive candidates have been
in the field is to characterize the various cognitive put forward to explain the MLD, the existing body of
processes that are implicated in the development of data is still in its infant state. The current data suggest
MLD. This unraveling of the cognitive characteristics that there are different underlying mechanisms and
of MLD might provide an important basis for design- pathways to MLD, which fits with the heterogeneity
ing and realizing effective educational interventions for observed in the mathematical difficulties of children
children with MLD. with MLD. The available research is, unfortunately,
Several cognitive explanations for the presence of mainly limited to correlational evidence between
MLD have been put forward. Most of the available a particular cognitive factor and mathematics perfor-
research on MLD has dealt with domain-general cog- mance. It remains unclear whether these potential cog-
nitive factors, such as poor working memory and nitive mediators are the source, the consequence, or
difficulties with the retrieval of phonological informa- a non-causally related marker of MLD. Longitudinal
tion of long-term memory. More recently, it has been research is required to investigate this issue. These
proposed that MLD arises as a consequence of studies should focus not only on how impairments
domain-specific impairments in number sense or the develop but also on how compensatory mechanisms
ability to represent and manipulate numerical start to emerge and how apparently normal abilities
magnitudes. might have a different developmental trajectory.
Studies examining the role of domain-general fac- Initial accounts of MLD in the 1970s suggested that
tors in the emergence of MLD largely focused on work- MLD was due to brain abnormalities. With the advent
ing memory, showing that children with MLD exhibit of modern neuroimaging techniques, researchers have
poor working memory, particularly central executive begun to address this issue. There is converging evi-
function (Geary 2004). This might contribute to diffi- dence for the existence of a frontoparietal network that
culties in executing arithmetic procedures, such as dif- is active during number processing and arithmetic
ficulties with the monitoring of the different problem (Ansari 2008). Studies that examine this network in
solving steps or with keeping track of intermediate children with MLD are currently slowly but steadily
results while calculating the answer. The ability to emerging. These few studies consistently indicate that
retrieve (phonological) information from long-term children with MLD have both structural and functional
memory has also been proposed as a domain-general alterations in the above-mentioned frontoparietal net-
cognitive factor to account for MLD. This ability is work, particularly in the intraparietal sulcus, which is
impaired in children with MLD and might explain the brain circuitry that supports the processing of
their difficulties with arithmetic fact retrieval (Geary numerical magnitudes, and the (pre)frontal cortex,
2004). Because the retrieval of (phonological) which is assumed to have an auxiliary role in the
Mean-Field Theory of Ensemble Learning M 2123

maintenance of intermediate mental operations in performance certainly need to be further explored.

working memory. In the next years, this knowledge Understanding the different characteristics of MLD at
should be elaborated by longitudinal research that different levels, the behavioral, the cognitive and
examines the association between abnormal function- the neurobiological, will inform appropriate educa-
ing of brain circuitry and classroom measures of math- tional interventions. The design and evaluation of
ematical performance that are typically used in these remedial interventions needs to be a priority
educational settings. This will allow us to determine on the agenda for future research. These interven-
whether abnormal brain activation predicts subsequent tions may not only treat the difficulties, but also
mathematical difficulties or whether it is a consequence prevent them.
of poor mathematical achievement.
It has been suggested that these brain abnormalities Cross-References
in children with MLD are probably of a genetic origin, ▶ Dyscalculia in Young Children – Cognitive and
yet the genetic basis of MLD remains largely unknown Neurological Bases
and no genes responsible for mathematics (dis)abilities ▶ Learning Numerical Symbols
have been identified. Twin research indicates ▶ Mathematical Learning
a moderate genetic influence and the same genetic ▶ Mental Arithmetic
factors appear to shape individual differences in math-
ematics in the general population. Studies in the field of References
medical genetics have revealed that some disorders of
Ansari, D. (2008). Effects of development and enculturation on
a known genetic origin, such as Turner Syndrome and number representation in the brain. Nature Reviews. Neurosci-
22q11 Deletion Syndrome, show a consistent pattern of ence, 9, 278–291.
MLD. The study of MLD in these disorders potentially Berch, D. B., & Mazzocco, M. M. M. (2007). Why is math so hard for
provides an interesting window onto the characteristics some children? The nature and origins of mathematical learning
difficulties and disabilities. Baltimore, MA: Paul H. Brookes M
of MLD in general and might shed light on the complex
interrelationships between genes, brain development, Dowker, A. (2008). Mathematical difficulties: Psychology and interven-
and mathematics performance. tion. Amsterdam: Elsevier/Academic.
What are appropriate educational interventions for Fletcher, J. M., Lyon, G. R., Fuchs, L. S., & Barnes, M. A. (2007).
children with MLD? Originally, perceptual-motor Learning disabilities. From identification to intervention.
New York/London: Guilford.
training was the dominant way of remediating learning
Geary, D. C. (2004). Mathematics and learning disabilities. Journal of
disorders, but the effects of this type of training have
Learning Disabilities, 37, 4–15.
been discounted. Individualized interventions that tar- Landerl, K., Bevan, A., & Butterworth, B. (2004). Developmental
get those specific components of mathematics with dyscalculia and basic numerical capacities: a study of 8–9-year-
which a child with MLD has difficulty appear to be old students. Cognition, 93, 99–125.
the most effective (Dowker 2008). Such intervention
involves the assessment of a child’s strengths and weak-
nesses in mathematics and this profile is taken as an
input to remediate specific components of mathemat-
ical skill. Remediation strategies should comprise Maturation and Learning
a combination of direct instruction and strategy
▶ Development and Learning (Overview Article)
instruction. There is no doubt that these interventions
should start as early as possible.
Although the last decade has witnessed a serious
growth in research onto MLD, much work remains to
be done. Longitudinal research is needed to identify Mean-Field Theory of Ensemble
developmental precursors and to delineate develop- Learning
mental trajectories of MLD. The neural basis of these
difficulties and their association with classroom ▶ Mean-Field Theory of Meta-learning
2124 M Mean-Field Theory of Meta-learning

by single instances of machine learning with an average

Mean-Field Theory of or effective ensemble response to external stimulus.
Meta-learning The mean-field model allows obtaining some insights
into the behavior of the system at a relatively low
DARIUSZ PLEWCZYNSKI computational cost.
ICM, Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and
Computational Modelling, University of Warsaw, Theoretical Background
Warsaw, Poland The term “meta-learning” is used in the information
sciences to designate the process, where learning algo-
rithm is constructed in order to properly classify the
Synonyms input training data. Therefore, a meta-learning proto-
Mean-field theory of ensemble learning; Mean-field col allows for improving the classification accuracy by
theory of meta-learning; Mean-field theory of semiotic modifying the detailed scheme of particular pre-
landscape formation selected classification algorithm. Typically, in
machine-learning tasks two sets of objects: positives
Definition and negatives are presented to the classification system.
The word meta comes from the Greek word “metά,” During the learning phase, the statistical model of
which means “above,” “among,” or “beyond.” Gener- differences between those two classes is constructed.
ally, the meta-learning is the ability to learn how to Further, the machine-learning model is used for mak-
perform most successful learning. Therefore, meta- ing predictions, i.e., to process new objects, by using
learning algorithm changes some aspects of its internal previously retrieved and stored information organized
learning procedure, such that the modified learner is by the learned model. The prediction phase uses the
able to learn more efficiently, than the original learners. statistical model for assigning the proper class for new
Typically, meta-learning approach is implemented objects, which do not have yet the classification labels.
using an ensemble of learning algorithms, similarly to The meta-learning schema represents the extension
Reservoir Computing. Moreover, those learning algo- of this approach, by allowing the on-demand changes
rithms are coupled in order to exchange the informa- in classification algorithm used to classify training data,
tion about the quality of learned models for a given when not-optimal learning solution is detected. There-
training example. Such interaction is inspired by fore, it presents the generic and abstract method to
famous Hebbian paradigm that “cells that fire together, organize the way in which the knowledge is acquired
wire together.” The parameters of two coupled algo- in the course of training sessions. Such meta-scheme
rithms are then modified to improve the similarity organizes the acquired knowledge about specific set of
between them, therefore increase the strength of training objects and guides the processing of learning,
coupling. i.e., constructing statistical model of training informa-
Here, the mean-field theory of meta-learning is tion. Therefore, meta-learning can be viewed as struc-
defined. The meta-learning equilibration of an ensem- tured expectations about principles of learning, which
ble of a diverse set of machine learning, or clustering are used for building statistical models for given set of
algorithms is generally very difficult to solve analyti- training objects.
cally, except for simplified cases. Therefore, in the The mean-field theory presents a unique way to
mean-field approximation the complex system has to formalize the meta-learning approach by modeling
be replaced by a population of non-coupled algo- each learning paradigm as the stationary state of the
rithms, with a properly selected external bias. The complex dynamical system. In that way, the meta-
proposed external bias replaces the coupling between learning procedure can be simulated as any physical
all algorithms by a mean, average the whole ensemble system, by studying both, the dynamics of phase
response for a given training example, like in the theory changes, and the equilibration process. The first ana-
of Liquid State Machines. Therefore, many-algorithm’s lyzes the dependence of available learning solutions on
problem is reduced into an effective single algorithm order parameter, and the second studies the trajectory
problem with external bias; all couplings are replaced of meta-learning procedure seeking the globally
Mean-Field Theory of Meta-learning M 2125

optimal learning solution. Moreover, the perturbation machine-learning methods during the consensus
theory can be applied to the system, linking the stability phase. We assume simple voting procedure, where
of learned classification model with its surrounding the final class l for object m is selected as the major-
similar solutions in an abstract space of available learn- ity cluster of similarly predicting algorithms.
ing paradigms. 2. Quality Estimators
The model of meta-learning is an application of Three quality estimators characterize each learner:
nonlocal cellular automata approach known from sensitivity pi ¼ TPþFN
, selectivity si ¼ TPþFP TP
, false
physics (Wolfram 1994). The original models, in the alarm rate fi ¼ FPþTN , Matthews correlation

context of social opinion exchange, assume the social coefficient ci ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi

TPTNFPFN ffi , and
influence decaying with distance. Within this general
statistical model the integration of opinion between finally the overall accuracy ai ¼ TPþTNþFPþFN
individual learners (agents) is similar to the dynamical where TP are the true positives, FN are false nega-
approach of the statistical system to its stationary state. tives (positives predicted by a learner as negatives),
Therefore, the phase transitions can be observed in the FP counts false positives (negatives predicted as
system, where the whole system reaches locally a phase positives), and TN are equal to the number of true
change point, emerging the global solution. In our case, negatives. The sensitivity for a given class l is the
the global solution is either uniform, or presenting probability of correctly predicting an example of
a variety of clustered minority opinions, within the that class. The specificity for a class l is the proba-
global sea of majority. This is described here as integra- bility that a positive prediction for the class is cor-
tion of all learning models into the single meta-solu- rect. The accuracy is the overall probability that
tion. Changes between phases of the system are induced prediction for class l is correct. False Alarm Rate is
by some external factors that can be modeled as a bias the probability that an example which does not
added to the local fields (minority clusters are free to belong to the class l is classified as belonging to
this class. The correlation coefficient is a measure
grow, when they agree with their opinion with the bias
value). In that way, the global opinion change can be of how predictions for a class l correlate with actual
easily modeled while the external influence changes training data classification. If predictions match
giving rise to new, global majority in the learning exactly actual data, correlation coefficient is equal
system. This explains the adaptivity of the learning to +1. If predictions disagree with training data
algorithm, when the system dynamically responds on classification, the correlation coefficient is equal to
the change in the training or input data, allowing for 1. Zero value 0 is achieved for an average random
rapid adaptation of the final prediction (e.g., classifica- prediction. Those parameters are calculated for all
tion outcome). Such adaptivity effect describes the training examples, and averaged over k classes. They
memory of the system, where it preserves the previous impact how individual learners interact with each
solutions not impacting the adaptation to emerged new other during meta-learning optimization phase.
training data. The quality estimators for predictor i affect its
The model of meta-learning is based on several influence strength during the consensus. In large
assumptions (Plewczynski 2009): and diverse ensemble of learners the individual
differences between learners can be described as
1. Discrete Logic random variables with a probability density
We assume digital logic of individual learners, €p ¼ ðpi ; si Þ.
i.e., we deal with cellular automata consisting of 3. Meta-Learning space
N learners, each holding one of several states (e.g., One can calculate the learning distance d ði; j Þ
“NO” or “YES” for two class problem) for a given between two learners i and j. The strength of cou-
training example. K integer numbers si ¼ 1; . . . ; k pling between two agents tends to decrease with the
for the k class problem are used for representing learning distance between them. Determination of
those states. The final meta-classification outcome l the learning metric is a difficult problem, and the
for a given training example m is predicted by particular form of the metric and the learning dis-
combining individual prediction results of all tance function should be empirically determined
2126 M Mean-Field Theory of Meta-learning

for a given type of learning data. In the case of considered positively associated if most of the data
strongly diverse meta-learning model, individual falls along the diagonal cells. In contrast, two binary
learners are randomly connected to others without variables are considered negatively associated if
any metric structure. On the other hand, if the most of the data falls off the diagonal. The symme-
learners’ details of internal learning algorithm are try between sensitivity and selectivity is assumed
similar, then Euclidean space with Cartesian coor- here, where both have the same impact on final
dinate system can be introduced. In that case, the consensus solution. The sensitivity evaluates the
decay of learning coupling is described by probability of correctly predicting a training exam-
a function g ðd ð1i;j ÞÞ , equal to constant value g for ple. The specificity is the probability that a positive
d ði; j Þ < R, and 1 for more distant pairs. In prediction is correct. This selection is arbitrary and
order to test the stability of meta-learning solutions can be adjusted to specific needs of a user, for
typically temperature T of the system is introduced example, the sensitivity can be weighed more
by choosing gð0Þ ¼ b1 , with b ¼ kT1 . strongly in the model, or accuracy can be used for
weighting the correct answers. Moreover, the false
4. Meta-Learning coupling
alarm ration can be used for weighting the negative
Agents exchange their opinions for a given
feedback in the system, instead of correlation coef-
training example m by biasing others’ responses
ficient. Summarizing, in the present version of
toward their own classification outcome. This
meta-learning procedure the persuasiveness
influence can be described by the total meta-
describes how effectively the individual state of
learning impact Ii that ith agent is experiencing
agent is propagated to neighboring agents, whereas
from all other learners, when classifying a training
supportiveness represents self-supportiveness of
example. Within the cellular automata approach
single algorithm.
this impact is the difference between positive cou-
The equation of dynamics for a given training
plings of those agents that hold identical classifica-
example changes the individual prediction out-
tion outcome, relative to negative influence of those 0
come si of ith individual learner into randomly
who share the opposite state:
selected from k  1 other states at the next time
X cij   step, if positive value of meta-learning coupling is
Ii ¼ Ip 1  si sj achieved. In the case of negative value of coupling
g ðd ði; j ÞÞ
! ð1Þ no change is observed, and the individual predic-
X sj þ pj   tion class for agent i is preserved. In the case of two
 Is 1 þ si sj
2  g ðd ði; j ÞÞ class problem (k = 2), the dynamical equation is
written as follows:
where g ðd ði; j ÞÞ is a decreasing function of distance 0
d ði; j Þ, and si sj ¼ þ1 for si ¼ sj, or si sj ¼ 1 si ¼ ðsignðsi Ii ÞÞ ð2Þ
with rescaled learning influence:
The modified Matthews correlation coefficient
X cij  
for two agents i and j is equal to Ii ¼ 1  si sj
TPij TNij FPij FNij c  g ðd ð i; j Þ Þ
ccij ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi , and j
ðTPij þFPij ÞðTPij þFNij ÞðTNij þFPij ÞðTNij þFNij Þ X sj þ pj   ð3Þ
describes the strength of coupling between classifi-  1 þ si sj
ðs þ pÞ  g ðd ði; j ÞÞ
cation models of two agents. The correlation coef-
ficient is a measure of how predictions of agent i The states of all agents are updated in parallel
correlate with predictions of agent j, without com- until the steady state is reached. Such synchronous
paring them with given training data classification. dynamics takes shorter time to equilibrate than
The agreement or disagreement between learners is serial methods, yet it can be trapped into periodic
summarized using the contingency table, which asymptotic local states with oscillations between
displays the frequency distribution of the variables neighboring agents. It is much faster in comparison
in a matrix format. Two binary variables are to standard Monte Carlo methods.
Mean-Field Theory of Meta-learning M 2127

5. Noise behavior when the system is reaching the stationary

The randomness of the state change (phenome- state. The statistical mechanical model of social impact
nological modeling of various random elements in the was first proposed by Latane and then extended by
learning system, selection of features describing the Lewenstein (Lewenstein et al. 1992). The impact of
classification model, and/or training data) is given by a group of N agents on a given learner is proportional
introducing a noise into the dynamics. In the case of to three factors: the “strength” of the members of the
two class problem, the modified equation is given as: whole ensemble, their “social” distance from the indi-
0 vidual, and their number N. These model leads to
si ¼ ðsignðsi Ii þ hi ÞÞ ð4Þ ferromagnetic and spin-glass phases, when different
where hi is the learner-dependent noise. One can use values of persuasiveness and supportiveness are
white noise, or even an uniform white noise, where assumed. Later, Kohring did the extension of the
for all agents hi ¼ h. In the first case, hi are random model to include learning (Kohring 1996). The Ising
variables independent for different learners and model of social impact allows for more detailed analysis
time points, whereas in the second case h are inde- of the impact of connections strengths on the final
pendent for different time points. Moreover, the opinion clusters. The Lewenstein’s class of models of
probability distribution of hi can be both site- and cellular automata with intrinsic disorder was later
time-independent, i.e., it can have uniform statisti- extended to continuous limit by Plewczynski
cal properties. The uniform white noise simulates (Plewczynski 1998), and proved that even the model
the global bias affecting all learners (like imperfec- of Cartesian social space (therefore, not fully
tions in training data), whereas site-dependent connected) and containing no learning rules, one can
white noise describes local effects (such as predic- also observe different phases (small clusters in the
tion quality of individual learner in heterogeneous sparse phase with large role of strong individuals, and
populations of machine-learning algorithms). high density phase with almost uniform opinion).
The balance between environment and trained
The system defined here is similar to previously model can be described similarly to social influence
formalized cellular automata models of opinion change theory as the global parameter affecting all constructed
in social sciences (Lewenstein et al. 1992; Plewczynski learning models. Such methodology is directly taken
1998). The main differences of those approaches from from Computational Intelligence (CI) (Engelbrecht
the previously described cellular automata models is 2007), where each intelligent agent performs training
given by the more complex, multi-class state description, on available input data toward classification pressure
and linking the quality of classification models built by described by the set of positive and negative cases.
each learner with its overall cognitive performance. In When the query testing data is analyzed each agent
addition, the random strength parameters are described predicts the query item classification by “yes”/“no”
by the static quality estimators, therefore allowing for decision. The answers of all agents are then gathered
more complex learning behavior of the system. The and fused into the single prediction. The integration
impact function is also included, so learners are able to scheme allows for adaptive changes when different set
exchange their opinions for a given training example of input data is presented to the system by retraining all
classification by the meta-learning coupling procedure. learners. In order to differentiate members of learning
In general, the optimization goal of the meta-learning ensemble from cognitive agents, we name low level
procedure is constructed here by minimizing the free combinations of several learning or clustering algo-
energy of the system, with constrains imposed by the rithms as categorization units (CU), whereas single
existence of the single solution, and that the probabilities algorithms are described as learners.
of both answers should sum to one. The mean-field theoretical framework presents sig-
nificant advancement over the presently available meta-
Important Scientific Research and learning procedures that are more heuristic. It allows for
Open Questions detailed studies of dynamical and emergent effects in the
The mean-field theory studies a variety of stationary limit of large number of categorization units. The main
states for a given dynamical system, and its intermittent problem is that actually the internal states for all used
2128 M Mean-Field Theory of Semiotic Landscape Formation

machine-learning algorithms are not changed during

the course of evolution. Therefore, the bias impact Mean-Field Theory of Semiotic
only consensus phase, without changing the internal Landscape Formation
states of the multi-learner system. On the other hand,
▶ Mean-Field Theory of Meta-learning
such synchronous system can be calculated much more
rapidly than more complex models. The final decision
outcome for the consensus system is calculated using
majority rule in the stationary limit, yet the minority
solutions can survive inside the majority population as Meaning Construction
the complex intermittent clusters of opposite opinion.
▶ Learning as Meaning Making
▶ Anticipatory Learning Mechanisms (in Autonomous
▶ Commonsense Reasoning (in Machine Learning) Meaning Development in Child
▶ Gene Set Enrichment Meta-Learning Analysis Language: A Constructivist
▶ Learning Agents and Agent-Based Modeling
▶ Learning Algorithms
▶ Learning and Evolutionary Game Theory
▶ Learning to Learn
Department of Applied Linguistics, Islamic Azad
▶ Machine Learning
University, Science & Research Branch, Tehran, Iran
▶ Machine Learning of Natural Language
▶ Metacognition and Learning
▶ Meta-Learning
▶ Metatheories of Learning
Constructivism: sociocultural approaches; Emergentism;
▶ Probability Theory in Machine Learning
▶ Schema-Based Architectures of Machine Learning
▶ Schematic Influences on Category Learning and Rec-
ognition Memory
Constructivists are marked by their high attention to
▶ Social Cognitive Learning
the construction of meaning collaboratively, and also to
▶ Social Interactions and Effects on Learning
the interplay between the individual and the environ-
▶ Social Interactions and Learning
ment. In other words, according to the constructivist
▶ Social Learning
vision of learning, the child has a meaning potential,
▶ Social Learning Theory
a semantic system that is shared between himself or
▶ Social Networks Analysis and the Learning Sciences
herself and the significant other. It has been developed
by an ongoing process, in which the others first track
References the child by participating in his acts of meaning, and
Engelbrecht, A. P. (2007). Computational intelligence. Chichester: then reinforce, extend, and modify the child’s meaning
system through the effects of their own responsive acts
Kohring, G. A. (1996). Ising models of social impact: The role of
cumulative advantage. Journal de Physique I, 6(2), 301–308.
(Halliday 2003, p. 143).
Lewenstein, M., Nowak, A., et al. (1992). Statistical mechanics of
social impact. Physical Review A, 45(2), 763–776. Theoretical Background
Plewczynski, D. (1998). Landau theory of social clustering. Physica A, It is widely accepted that meaning acquisition and
261(3–4), 608–617.
meaning development is one of the critical aspects
Plewczynski, D. (2009). Mean-field theory of meta-learning. Journal
of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, 11, P11003.
of child language. If a child is unable to say what he or
Wolfram, S. (1994). Cellular automata and complexity. New York: she means or means what he or she says, he or she has
Addison Wesley. not acquired a language, irrespective of how much he
Meaning Development in Child Language: A Constructivist Approach M 2129

or she gains mastery over syntax and phonology (Lust meaning are cognitive in nature and have not included
2006). On the other hand, it is a controversial issue on the social aspect of meaning construction in their
the time of meaning acquisition since there are some accounts.
beliefs that meaning exists in the child’s mind prior to
language production. The purpose of this chapter is Constructivism
to elaborate how meaning is developed rather than Cognitive theories fall into two areas of “processing
when it is acquired, and then some implications for theories” and “emergentist” or “constructional
(second) language teachers and students will be approaches.” Within the second group, there are some
revealed. approaches known as “emergentism,” “connection-
ism,” “functionalism,” and “constructivism” (Mitchell
Early Approaches in Meaning and Myles 2004). Despite the fact that cognitive theo-
Development ries of language learning put an emphasis on the cog-
Meaning is not right over there to see, to grasp and to nition and knowledge storage to represent meaning
learn; rather it is constructed in a communicative event acquisition, constructivist approaches are grounded in
by interlocutors in an interactive way. Lust (2006) the key constructs of social interaction, mediation,
noted that during childhood the child needs to link zone of proximal development (ZPD), negotiation of
his or her cognitive concepts to the language codes that meaning, and interaction hypothesis (IH). These con-
he or she hears. In this way, meaning construction pro- structs have been clarified as follows:
ceeds and does not end but develops as the child grows. Language learning is a social event and from the
So there is not a fixed meaning for every language code constructivist view of learning as Arnold and Fonseca
or concept because cognitive concepts can be changed. (2007) argue, parents provide scaffolding for children to
Historically, many theories have come into existence to acquire knowledge, to get meaning, and to develop in
explain the acquisition of word meanings in children, the process of language acquisition. In this process,
but they seem to be complementary rather than uni- scaffolding can be in terms of pauses, simplified
tary. They include semantic feature theory (Locke 1968; codes, here-and-now situations, and adding informa-
Clark 1973), prototype theory (Anglin 1977; Rosch tion to the words. In fact, these facilitators are examples
1973; Rosch and Mervis 1975), ontological constraints of ZPD to which Vygotsky (1978) referred. To put it
(Gordon 1985), and semantic constraints (Markman another way, it has been hypothesized that even chil-
1994). These theories cast light on the content of men- dren in their early beginning of life make use of joint
tal representation of the child regarding meaning constructions in their acts of meaning. Some construc-
acquisition. Semantic feature theory assumes that chil- tivist theories in first language acquisition include
dren acquire the word meanings by gradually adding Halliday’s Learning of Meaning, Vygotsky’s ZPD,
the universal binary semantic features to a concept or Tomasello’s Psycholinguistic Model of Language Acqui-
a lexicon. On the other hand, in the prototype theory, sition and Clark’s Principles of Pragmatics. Of course
a particular object that fulfills the mental representa- there are different views and perspectives which con-
tion of that object stands for a prototype indicating the sider language acquisition a social process. From the
meaning of that object. Other relevant objects are cognitive perspective of Piaget, social interaction is
graded around that particular prototype. given a secondary role, whereas in Vygotsky’s perspec-
Semantic feature theory foundered as Lust (2006) tive, social interaction is given a primary role. Social
argued on the basis that researchers realized that there interaction as Vygotsky (1978) defined means that lan-
cannot be found the binary semantic features for all the guage is socially constructed and emerges out of the
existing words and also the results of this assumption learner’s interaction with his environment. Moreover,
varied cross-individually and cross-culturally. Proto- language is intrinsically tied to social interaction. He
type theory also failed to gain support as ill-defined proposed the key construct of “mediation” to mean that
criterial features were used to assign the prototype. it is a social interaction that is brought about by creat-
Other theories did not necessarily represent the mental ing tools and functions are performed in collaboration
representation of the child regarding word meaning. In with others. In Vygotsky’s view, children are in the
sum, the above-mentioned approaches to word process of social interaction in a sociocultural
2130 M Meaning Development in Child Language: A Constructivist Approach

community that is mediated by speech. Lantolf In sociocultural theory, interaction is of two kinds:
(2000) also argues that interaction is a form of media- “social interaction” and “private speech,” or to name
tion through which learners construct new forms and Vygotsky’s perspective, “interpersonal interaction” and
functions collaboratively. “intrapersonal interaction”; “interpersonally,” when
Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) refers to the people communicate in face-to-face activity through
idea that learners construct meaning through socially oral or written medium, and “intrapersonally,” when
mediated interaction and when the adults or proficient different modules of the mind interact to construct
learners help the novice learner to develop language meaning as a response to a phenomenon (Vygotsky
through social interaction (Fletcher and Garman 1978). Interactionists argue that interactionally modi-
1986). This social interaction is in line with the notion fied input can help the learner in the process of learning
of scaffolding proposed by Bruner; that is, when more effectively than simplified input. In this way,
a person helps another one who cannot perform inde- interlocutors collaboratively construct the meaning
pendently. Vygotsky argues that in language learning and reach the mutual understanding. In the process
the external scaffolding includes modeling, coaching, of language acquisition, the child is surrounded by
and feedback, while internal scaffolding is when the both the positive and negative feedback; nonetheless,
learner is engaged in self-monitoring and reflection. it is positive feedback that provides scaffolding for the
Negotiation of meaning is another term included in child to help language development.
the constructivist approach. From the perspective of Today, with the focus on “process” in the path of
Vygotsky, it is a kind of mediation (device) that parents language acquisition, it is believed that language has
employ to help the child move from “object-regula- emerged through interaction and negotiation for
tion” to “self-regulation.” In the view of interactionists meaning. Doughty and Long (2003) elaborate on the
such as Long (1996), interaction is negotiation for idea that there are two types of evidence in the envi-
meaning that facilitates acquisition, because it connects ronment that foster acquisition: positive and negative
input, learner internal capacities, and output in pro- evidence. Gough and Hatch (1975, cited in Doughty
duction ways. Negotiated interaction is influential in and Long, 2003) were among the pioneers who pro-
the language development of child. Concerning L2 posed the idea that language acquisition is fostered by
learners, negotiation occurs when the learner notices conversation. Earlier in this field, it was assumed that
the discrepancy between what he or she knows about language acquisition is fostered by the modified input
L2, and either what he or she does not know or what a in the environment; that is, when the NS or proficient
native speaker knows about L2. speakers adjust their language to the level of low-level
learners to make it more comprehensible. In
Interaction interactionist view, there is more than speaker modifi-
Gass and Torres (2005) define interaction as exchanges cation or modified input in the form of simplification
in which there is some indication that an utterance has to foster language acquisition. As Doughty and Long
not been entirely understood. In this case, conversa- (2003) argue, “Simplification” is not sufficient, but the
tional exchange has the following structure (Fig. 1): proficient speaker should provide an opportunity to

(=makes communication breakdown)

(=indicates some part of the utterance is
indicator not understood)

resolution response (response of NNS)

reaction (reaction of NS to the utterance of NNS)

Meaning Development in Child Language: A Constructivist Approach. Fig. 1 (From Varonis and Gass 1985, cited in
Ellis 1999, p. 4)
Meaning Development in Child Language: A Constructivist Approach M 2131

interact with another less proficient speaker to make setting is one realization of this creativity. Through
input comprehensible. In other words “Modified inter- interaction and interpersonal activities, creative lan-
action” needs to be taken into account rather than guage use plays an important role as the learners engage
“simplification” or “premodification.” During modi- in discussion to meet mutual understanding. If we are to
fied interaction, learners make use of the comprehen- claim that the language learning in our educational
sion checks, clarification requests or confirmation, and system is meaningful, it should be embedded in conver-
self-repetition to remove the problems in interaction. sation. By providing technological aids, software and
Lantolf (1996, 2000) argued that SLA in the view of IH realia in the classroom, even traditional textbooks and
is the process that occurs in the mind of learners rather exercises would be beneficial and promote acquisition.
than in people-embedded activity. He further asserts In social setting, in general, and in classroom setting, in
that interaction is a form of mediation through which particular, there has always been misunderstandings or
learners construct new forms and functions problems in communication among the interlocutors.
collaboratively. Through setting an appropriate time for “interaction,”
these meaningful problems would fade away and that
Second Language Learning and setting, especially the classroom setting, would provide
Meaning Development Through a context for growth and development of participants. It
Constructivist Approach is worth saying that there should be some teacher train-
The constructivist perspective of language learning is ing programs to expand teachers’ vision in collaborative
applicable in the context of foreign language classes. teaching and constructivist approaches.
Arnold and Fonseca (2007) propose that instead of
stressing individuality, rote-learning of vocabulary and Important Scientific Research and
a grammar-centered approach, the teacher is suggested Open Questions
to put an emphasis on meaning and context that is Although there exist many theories of language
interactionally negotiated. The constructivist approach acquisition and development, some studies are
can potentially influence the educational system in gen- needed in the area of constructivism to get to know
eral and language learning in particular. Also it gives how it is possible for the child to crack the code so
insight to the content and the structure of educational easily. One issue is how “social interaction” or “nego-
system. In the case of language learning, the syllabus, the tiation for meaning” helps the child to assign differ-
methodology, and the testing process will be affected. ent meanings to the same entity or to limit a range of
The content of the classroom is in the direction of meanings to the same concept. Another issue is that
process-oriented rather than product-oriented although there are different theories of meaning
approach, and the learners’ needs and interests should development in child language, there are still big
be dealt with. Learners learn the materials while they are challenges concerning the variations in this process.
collaboratively involved in the act of learning and the Individual variations such as cognitive style, person-
meaning is constructed through negotiation of meaning. ality variables, motivation, context of growth, and
The pattern of teaching is not T–S, but T–S, S–T, and gender can be studied thoroughly as they strongly
S–S (T=teacher; S=student). Evaluation measures the affect this process. So it is necessary to direct the
learners’ creativity and amount of their participation researchers’ attention to the particulars in the process
through joint works such as project, fieldwork, and of language acquisition than to the universals. The
communicative acts rather than memorization. Further- next challenging question is the nature of input.
more, “testing” process has been replaced by the process Although “input” has been already recognized to be an
of “assessment.” Moreover, the format and the structure important factor in language acquisition, it has been
of the classroom is not in the form of a rectangle with the recently found that the didactic nature of input is
position of the teacher in one side facing all students; a crucial factor. In other words, premodified or simple
rather it is in the form of a circle (or semi-circle) in input has given the way to the modified input. The last
which the teacher is one member of this structure. issue is what constitutes the mind of the child when they
Moreover, language is a sign of creativity, and the acquire the language. Based on the UG explanation,
ability to conform form of language to appropriate children’s minds have been preprogrammed with
2132 M Meaning Making

syntactical rules, but in the view of constructivists or

sociocultural approaches, the mind needs to be encap- Meaning Making
sulated by the syntactic, semantic, and pragmatic knowl- ▶ Generative Learning
edge so the child can learn the meaning.

▶ Collaborative Learning Meaning Perspective
▶ Concept Learning
The makeup of cultural and psychological assumptions
▶ Constructivist Learning
in which our past experiences are integrated and even-
▶ Infant Language Learning
tually transformed into new experiences. A meaning
▶ Language Acquisition and Development
perspective is made up of a series of meaning schemes
▶ Socio-Constructivist Models of Learning
and is akin to a frame of reference.
▶ Vygotsky’s Philosophy of Learning

Clark, E. V. (1973). What’s in a word? On the child’s acquisition of Meaning Potentials
semantics in his first language. In T. E. Moore (Ed.), Cognitive
development and the acquisition of language (pp. 65–110). ▶ Affordance and Second Language Learning
New York: Academic Press.
Doughty, C. J., & Long, M. H. (2003). The handbook of second
language acquisition. Oxford: Blackwell.
Ellis, R. (1999). Learning a second language through interaction. Amster-
dam: John Benjamin Publishing. Meaning Scheme
Fletcher, P., & Garman, M. (Eds.). (1986). Language acquisition:
Studies in first language development. Cambridge: Cambridge The amalgamation of our beliefs, judgments, feelings,
University Press. and concepts which all inform and influence a particular
Halliday, M. A. K. (2003). The language of early childhood. London: interpretation which can be shared with others.
Lantolf, J. P. (2000). Sociocultural theory and second language learning.
Oxford: OUP.
Long, M. H. (1996). The role of the linguistic environment in second
language acquisition. In W. C. Ritchie & T. K. Bahtia, (Eds.),
Meaningful Learning
Handbook of second language acquisition (pp. 413–468).
▶ Active Learning
New York: Academic Press.
Lust, B. (2006). Child language: Acquisition and growth. Cambridge: ▶ Constructivist Learning
Cambridge University Press. ▶ Experiential/Significant Learning
Mitchell, R., & Myles, F. (2004). Second language learning theories
(2nd ed.). London: Edward Arnold.
Vygotsky, L. S. (1978). Mind in society: The development of higher
psychological processes. Cambridge: Harward University Press.
Meaningful Learning in
Further Reading Economic Games
Bavin, L. (Ed.). (2009). The Cambridge handbook of child language.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Clark, E. V. (2003). First language acquisition. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press. Department of Marketing, University of Michigan,
Gass, S. M., & Torres, M. J. (2005). Attention when? An investigation Ann Arbor, MI, USA
of the ordering effect of input and interaction. Studies in Second Department of Economics, University of Zurich,
Language Acquisition, 27, 1–31. Zürich, Switzerland
Lantolf, J. P. (2006). Language emergence: Implications for applied
linguistics- A sociocultural perspective. Applied Linguistics,
27(4), 717–728.
MacWhinney, B. (1999). The emergence of language. Mahwah, NJ: Synonyms
Lawrence Erlbaum Association. Declarative learning; Explicit learning
Meaningful Learning in Economic Games M 2133

Definition in the development of improved general problem-

In economic games (strategic interactions) played solving ability. Thus, a key property that distinguishes
repeatedly, players can engage in some combination explicit from implicit learning is that the former is less
of strategy learning and meaningful learning. Strategy context-dependent and generates knowledge that can
learning describes the process by which players gradu- transfer to novel situations.
ally learn which strategy produces the highest payoffs in Within economics, and most notably within the
a particular game. Meaningful learning describes the extensive literature on learning in strategic games,
process by which players come to understand mean- researchers have largely ignored the above distinction.
ingful principles (e.g., dominance, backward-induc- Many experimental studies on games demonstrate that
tion, strategic signaling) that are relevant not only in players do not initially play equilibrium strategies, but
the current game, but in others as well. Both strategy that repetition leads behavior to converge toward equi-
learning and meaningful learning can contribute to librium play. Several models attempt to provide
improved performance (i.e., convergence toward equi- a theoretical basis for this regularity (see Camerer
librium) in a particular game. Meaningful learning is 2003, Chapter 6 for a review). While these models
demonstrated when improved performance in one vary in the details of how learning occurs, most assume
game transfers to a superficially different but strategi- that learning operates by players engaging in an adap-
cally similar game (i.e., a game in which the same tive, incremental process based on observation of how
meaningful principle applies). well different strategies perform – either by playing
those strategies, observing others playing them, or
Theoretical Background observing (foregone) outcomes produced by unse-
There is considerable evidence in psychology that peo- lected strategies – and adjusting toward better-
ple learn in heterogeneous ways, characterized by how performing strategies. Thus, most such learning
learning takes place, the resulting knowledge, and the models focus on understanding how players gradually
ability of individuals to transfer what they learn to adjust their behavior toward strategies that yield the
novel contexts. highest payoffs in a specific game, in a process best
One type of learning studied within psychology, described as strategy learning, similar to the implicit
variously referred to as “implicit,” “procedural,” or learning discussed above. The study of learning in
“unconscious” learning (Holyoak and Spellman games, and learning in economic settings more gener-
1993), involves unconscious processes that yield ally, has devoted considerably less attention to under-
knowledge that is neither accessible to cognition nor standing the alternative process, meaningful learning,
verbalizable. A key aspect of this kind of learning is that whereby individuals come to understand meaningful
it operates through perceptual and associative pro- principles that can be transferred across games.
cesses, rather than through cognition, and therefore
fails to produce cognitive or conceptual representations Important Scientific Research and
of what is learned. An important consequence of the Open Questions
absence of such meaningful representation is that what The study of learning in games is beginning to devote
is learned through implicit learning cannot be con- attention to the conditions that stimulate meaningful
sciously manipulated or transferred to new domains. learning. Given the correspondence between what psy-
The other type of learning, commonly referred to as chologists call implicit learning and what economists
“explicit,” “declarative,” or “conscious” learning call strategy learning, manipulations commonly
(Holyoak and Spellman 1993), operates through indi- employed in psychology experiments to inhibit
viduals coming to obtain meaningful cognitive repre- implicit learning and stimulate explicit learning could
sentations of underlying concepts, rules, and serve an analogous function in strategic interactions
relationships. Unlike the knowledge acquired via and could facilitate meaningful learning.
implicit learning, the knowledge acquired via explicit For example, one such manipulation involves the
learning is consciously accessible, generalizable, and amount of feedback participants receive about task
verbalizable. Moreover, explicit learning involves cog- performance. Counterintuitively, psychologists have
nition, the evaluation of hypotheses, and often results often found that deeper and more meaningful learning
2134 M Meaningful Learning in Economic Games

is more likely when people receive minimal or delayed meaningful learning (as measured by distance from
feedback than under full and immediate feedback (e.g., equilibrium in Part 2) when feedback was provided,
Goodman 1998). but provided no additional benefits when feedback
Rick and Weber (2010) examined whether such was withheld. Given that both interventions (with-
manipulations would have analogous effects on mean- holding feedback and prompting self-explanation)
ingful learning in repeated games. Specifically, Rick and have similar and substitutable effects, withholding
Weber manipulated whether or not subjects received feedback appears to stimulate the type of deep think-
round-by-round outcome feedback in a repeated ing and meaningful learning that occurs when
p-beauty contest. prompted to self-explain.
In a p-beauty contest, N players each choose In addition to withholding feedback and requiring
a number (si) in a given range. The average of the N verbalization, several other interventions found in psy-
numbers is then multiplied by a constant (p) to obtain chological research to enhance deeper thinking (e.g.,
a target number. The player whose choice is the inducing positive affect; Isen et al. 1987) might also
smallest absolute distance from the target number stimulate meaningful learning in economic settings. In
wins a fixed prize. Rick and Weber used an “Infinite related research on behavior in games, Cooper and
Threshold” (IT) version of the game (p = 0.7, Kagel (2003) found that either team play or the use of
si 2 ½0; 100) and a “Finite Threshold” (FT) version meaningful context in a game involving strategic sig-
of the game (p = 1.3, si 2 ½100; 200). Iterated deletion naling, in which a first-mover attempts to signal her
of dominated strategies selects unique symmetric equi- willingness to compete through a costly action to
libria in these two games. In the IT game, infinite a second-moving player, yielded significantly greater
iterations of multiplying 0.7 times the upper bound transfer of learning to a subsequent similar signaling
of 100 yields the Nash equilibrium of si ¼ 0. In the game. The efficacy of additional interventions warrants
FT game, three iterations of multiplying 1.3 times the subsequent research. Additionally, future research
lower bound of 100 yields the Nash equilibrium of should strive to further develop economic models
si ¼ 200. Thus, both games are solvable by iterated that account for both strategy learning and meaningful
deletion of dominated strategies. learning.
Groups of subjects initially played ten rounds of
one version (Part 1), and then ten rounds of the other Cross-References
version (Part 2). Rick and Weber (2010) found that ▶ Complex Problem Solving
subjects who played Part 1 without feedback chose ▶ Feedback and Learning
strategies significantly closer to equilibrium in Part 2 ▶ Feedback Strategies
than did subjects who played Part 1 with consistent ▶ Strategic Learning
feedback. That is, playing the first game without
feedback yielded significantly greater learning trans- References
fer. The results suggest that withholding feedback Camerer, C. (2003). Behavioral game theory: Experiments in strategic
encouraged subjects to think more deeply about the interaction. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
game, facilitating their acquisition of a meaningful Cooper, D. J., & Kagel, J. H. (2003). Lessons learned: Generalizing
principle (i.e., iterated dominance). Rick and Weber learning across games. American Economic Review, Papers and
(2010) further examined this interpretation in Proceedings, 93(2), 202–207.
Goodman, J. S. (1998). The interactive effects of task and external
a subsequent experiment that crossed a feedback
feedback on practice performance and learning. Organizational
manipulation with a self-explanation manipulation Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 76(3), 223–252.
(whereby subjects either did or did not explain why Holyoak, K. J., & Spellman, B. A. (1993). Thinking. Annual Review of
they chose what they chose – a method commonly Psychology, 44, 265–315.
employed in psychology to stimulate deeper think- Isen, A. M., Daubman, K. A., & Nowicki, G. P. (1987). Positive affect
facilitates creative problem solving. Journal of Personality and
ing). Subjects initially played ten rounds of the FT
Social Psychology, 52(6), 1122–1131.
game under one of these four conditions (Part 1), and Rick, S., & Weber, R. (2010). Meaningful learning and transfer of
then one round of the IT game (Part 2). Rick and learning in games played repeatedly without feedback. Games
Weber found that self-explanation enhanced and Economic Behavior, 68(2), 716–730.
Meaningful Verbal Learning M 2135

concrete experience in his learning . . . beginning in the

Meaningful Verbal Learning junior high-school period, students can acquire most
new concepts and can learn most new propositions by
NORBERT M. SEEL directly grasping relationships between abstractions
Faculty of Economics and Behavioral Sciences, . . . In large measure this development reflects the
Department of Education, University of Freiburg, availability of an adequate body of higher-order
Freiburg, Germany abstractions and transactional terms. (Ausubel and
Robinson 1969, p. 90)

Synonyms Based on this developmental perspective, the major

Concept learning; Reception learning characteristics of meaningful verbal learning can be
summarized as follows: (1) The situations in which
learning takes place consist exclusively of learning
Definition tasks in the form of verbal material. (2) The main task
The theoretical approach of meaningful verbal learning
of learning is to understand the material, i.e., to impart
was developed by Ausubel in the 1960s as a contrast to
meaning to the material by assimilating the statements
rote learning. Indeed, Ausubel made the very impor-
into an enduring cognitive structure. (3) The cognitive
tant distinction between rote learning and meaningful
structure must also provide suitable links (so-called
learning. Meaningful verbal learning corresponds to
anchors) to enable the learner to put the pieces of
a large extent to concept learning. It involves the func-
information to be assimilated in relation to one
tional internalization of the verbal material presented
another. Ausubel comprehends assimilation as
to learners and occurs through progressive differentia-
a process of subsumption, which means that new mate-
tion and integrative reconciliation. The basic assump-
rial is incorporated into existing cognitive structures.
tion is that concepts are organized hierarchically in the M
Only when an individual encounters completely new
mind and that the most inclusive concepts at the apex
and unfamiliar material does rote learning, as opposed
subsume progressively less inclusive and more differ-
to meaningful learning, take place. This rote learning
entiated subconcepts.
may eventually contribute to the construction of a new
cognitive structure which can later be used in mean-
Theoretical Background ingful learning. When information is assimilated or
Ausubel was largely influenced by Piaget’s epistemology subsumed into the learner’s cognitive structure it is
and constructivist evolutionism. Together with Bruner organized hierarchically. New material can be sub-
he contributed much to the foundation of cognitive sumed in different ways, such as through progressive
learning theory. In contrast to the neo-behaviorist differentiation and integrative reconciliation, but no
views on learning, Ausubel focused on meaningful ver- meaningful learning takes place unless there is a stable
bal learning and related conceptions of instruction. cognitive structure which can provide a framework for
In accordance with Piaget, the assimilation or sub- relating the new learning to the previous information
sumption of new experiences into existing structures is or concepts in the individual’s cognitive structure.
at the core of Ausubel’s theory of meaningful verbal Accordingly, Novak and Cañas (2008) distinguish
learning. As learning proceeds, the learner organizes three conditions for meaningful (verbal) learning:
the content of a particular topic into a hierarchy of
1. The material to be learned must be conceptually
concepts, with inclusive concepts at the apex and pro-
clear and presented with language and examples
gressively less inclusive but more differentiated con-
that can be related to the learner’s prior knowledge.
cepts at lower levels of the hierarchy.
2. The learner must possess relevant prior knowledge.
" Children progress through a regular sequence of Novak and Cañas argue that this condition can be
stages in their transition from dependence upon con- met after age 3 for virtually any subject matter
crete material to the ability to apprehend the meaning domain.
of abstract propositions presented symbolically . . . 3. The learner must choose to learn meaningfully
while the young child is manifestly dependent upon rather than simply memorizing facts, definitions,
2136 M Meaningful Verbal Learning

statements, or procedures. The one condition over relating concepts without having a more inclusive con-
which the teacher or mentor has only indirect con- cept at hand (for more details, see in the entry on
trol is the motivation of students to choose to learn “▶ Assimilation Theory of Learning”).
by attempting to incorporate new meanings into Another important ingredient of Ausubel’s theory
their prior knowledge. of meaningful verbal learning is the concept of advance
organizers. An advance organizer is a mental tool or
According to Ausubel, there are two forms of mean-
a learning aid for helping students to integrate new
ingful verbal learning: progressive differentiation and
information into their existing knowledge. It is
integrative reconciliation. By means of progressive dif-
a device for activating the relevant conceptual patterns,
ferentiation learners increase the degree of elaboration
thus allowing new information to be more readily
of a concept as they increase their understanding about
assimilated into the learner’s existing cognitive struc-
it (Ausubel 2000), whereas the process of integrative
tures. (for more details, see the entry on ▶ Advance
reconciliation allows the learner to discern relations
between concepts which are not initially categorized.
There are two types of integrative reconciliation learn-
ing: superordinate integrative reconciliation and com- Important Scientific Research and
binatorial learning. Superordinate integrative Open Questions
reconciliation occurs when the learner identifies Novak and Cañas (2008) argue that people often con-
a more inclusive concept, whereas combinatorial learn- fuse rote learning and meaningful (verbal) learning
ing happens when the learner discerns the need for with instructional approaches that vary on

New Model of
Concept Mapping Concept mapping,
Scientific research
New music
Simple Well designed
Concept multimedia
Mapping studies
Most routine
research or
Lectures production
Most textbooks Most school
Presentations laboratory work

Rote Multiplication Applying formulas Trial and error

Learning Tables to solve problems puzzle solutions

Guided Autonomous
Discovery Discovery
Instruction Instruction

Meaningful Verbal Learning. Fig. 1 The rote-meaningful learning continuum is not the same as the reception discovery
instructional continuum (Novak and Cañas 2008)
Measurement of Change in Learning M 2137

a continuum from expository teaching (and a direct Ifenthaler, D., Pirnay-Dummer, P., & Seel, N. M. (Eds.). (2010).
presentation of relevant information) to discovery Computer-based diagnostics and systematic analysis of knowledge.
New York: Springer.
learning, which involves having the learners discover
Maas, J. D., & Leauby, B. A. (2005). Concept mapping. Exploring its
regularities and procedures for accomplishing the value as a meaningful learning tool on accounting education.
learning tasks by themselves. However, both expository Global Perspectives on Accounting Education, 2, 75–98.
and discovery teaching methods can result in rote and/ Novak, J. D. (1998). Learning, creating, and using knowledge: Concept
or meaningful learning depending on the motivational maps as facilitators in schools and corporations. Mahwah: Law-
rence Erlbaum.
and cognitive dispositions of the learners and how well
Novak, J.D., & Cañas, A. J. (2008). The theory underlying concept
organized the material to be learned is. Therefore, maps and how to construct them, technical report IHMC
Novak and Cañas conclude that the rote-meaningful CmapTools 2006–01 Rev 01–2008, Florida Institute for Human
learning continuum is not the same as the reception and Machine Cognition, 2008.
discovery instructional continuum. Their argumenta- tions/ResearchPapers/TheoryUnderlyingConceptMaps.pdf
tion is summarized in Fig. 1. Furthermore, they point
out that so-called inquiry studies do not guarantee
meaningful learning but rather “the reality is that
unless students possess at least a rudimentary concep-
tual understanding of the phenomenon they are inves-
tigating, the activity may lead to little or no gain in their ▶ Boredom in Learning
relevant knowledge and may be little more than busy
work” (Novak and Cañas 2008).
Since Ausubel’s introduction of the idea of meaning-
ful verbal learning in the 1960s, many empirical studies
have focused on the effectiveness of advance organizers Means/Ends Behavior
(for more details, see the entry on “▶ Advance Orga- ▶ Instrumental Behavior, Problem-Solving, and Tool
nizers”). Another major field of research resulted in the Use in Nonhuman Animals
application of concept maps as tools to help students
organize verbal information (Novak 1998). Concept
mapping can be considered the most practical applica-
tion of Ausubel’s theory of meaningful verbal learning
developed to date. Concept mapping presupposes Measurement of Change in
a process of externalizing the mental connections and Learning
association patterns that a student makes on knowledge
learned in the form of drawings and diagrams. However, MAIKE LUHMANN1, MICHAEL EID2
concept maps are not only applicable as learning tools but Department of Psychology, University of Chicago,
also as assessment tools (see Ifenthaler et al. 2010). Chicago, IL, USA
Department of Education Science and Psychology,
Cross-References Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany
▶ Assimilation Theory of Learning
▶ Ausubel, David P.
▶ Concept Learning Synonyms
▶ Concept Maps Learning tests; Measurement of growth; Measurement
▶ Meaning Development in Child Language of variability; Statistical models for longitudinal data

References Definition
Measurement of change refers to the assessment of
Ausubel, D. P. (2000). The acquisition and retention of knowledge.
New York: Kluwer. variability on the one hand, and to the assessment of
Ausubel, D. P., & Robinson, F. G. (1969). School learning. An intro- change in a narrower sense on the other hand. Variabil-
duction to educational psychology. New York: Holt. ity is characterized by fluctuations that are of short
2138 M Measurement of Change in Learning

duration and reversible (e.g., variability of mood time points might be of more interest. The slope
states). In contrast, change in the narrower sense is reflects the predicted rate of growth or decline of the
persistent and often irreversible (e.g., development of dependent variable during one time unit, for instance,
language skills). The measurement of variability is during one week.
described by Eid and Luhmann (this volume). This For each person, an individual growth curve is
entry focuses on measurement of change in the estimated. These growth curves are then aggregated so
narrower sense. that the average intercept and the average slope can be
Change can be caused by natural processes such as determined, that is, the average predicted value of the
maturation or by interventions such as trainings or the dependent variable at time = 0 and the average rate of
presentation of specific items and tasks (e.g., learning change during one time unit. In addition, it is possible
during the test completion). Change that is caused by to examine the variance of the individual intercepts and
natural processes is typically analyzed with growth slopes. The variance of the intercepts reflects individual
curve models. Change that is caused by interventions differences at time = 0, and the variance of the slopes
can be analyzed with intervention analysis. Finally, reflects individual differences in the rate of change.
change that occurs during a test session can be analyzed A growth model that contains only the time vari-
with learning tests. Measurement of change can further able as predictor is an unconditional growth model.
be classified into whether the change is assumed to be This model can be extended to include additional time-
quantitative (i.e., continuous) or qualitative (i.e., dis- varying and time-constant variables in order to explain
continuous, categorical, changing from one stage to the individual differences in the intercept and individual
next). differences in the rate of change, or in order to model
nonlinear change. Growth curves can be modeled as
Theoretical Background multilevel models (manifest growth curve models;
Singer and Willett 2003) or as structural equation
Modeling Growth and Decline models that allow a more appropriate control of the
Growth is an increase and decline is a decrease of a trait measurement error (latent growth curve models;
or ability over time. Both types of change can be Bollen and Curran 2006).
modeled with growth curve models. Growth curve In models for qualitative change, it is assumed that
models for continuous variables (i.e., quantitative the dependent variable is categorical. Each category
change) are special variants of regression models represents a stage, for instance, a specific learning
where the trait or ability is the dependent variable Y stage or a specific competence level. In learning
and time (or age) is the predictor: research, these categorical variables are typically
dichotomous (e.g., mastering of certain skill or not),
yti ¼ p0i þ p1i  TIME ti þ eti
but it is also possible to analyze variables with three or
where yti is the observed value on the outcome variable more categories.
Y for individual i at time t, TIMEti is the exact time Qualitative change can be modeled appropriately
point where this value was observed, p0i is the intercept with Markov Chain models (Kaplan 2008; Langeheine
reflecting the predicted value of Y for individual i at and Van de Pol 2002). In these models, the current state
TIME = 0, p1i is the slope reflecting the predicted on a categorical variable is predicted by its state at the
change in the dependent variable Y for individual i previous measurement occasion. Figure 1 depicts
during one time unit, and eti is the residual reflecting a Markov Chain model for a dichotomous variable
the deviation of the predicted and the observed value. (non-mastery vs mastery of a skill) and three measure-
Time can be scaled in any unit (e.g., minutes, weeks, or ment occasions. The probability to move from one
years), but it should reflect actual time, not just the category to another is represented in the transition
enumerated time points in a study. To ensure that the probabilities. In classic Markov Chain models, the
intercept can be interpreted appropriately, at least one transition probabilities are assumed to be constant
time point should be coded with zero. In many cases, across all waves (stationarity). In learning research,
the zero time point (or reference time point) is the very however, this strict assumption is often not met. For
first time point in the study, but in other cases, later instance, the probability of moving from Piaget’s
Measurement of Change in Learning M 2139

1.00 1.00

.20 .40

.00 .00
.80 .60

t=1 t=2 t=3

Measurement of Change in Learning. Fig. 1 A Markov Chain model for a dichotomous variable measured at three
occasions. The transition probabilities from non-mastery to mastery vary between different measurement occasions. The
transition probabilities from mastery to non-mastery are fixed to zero and depicted with a dashed arrow

preoperational stage to the concrete-cognitive stage is intervention (Eid and Hoffmann 1998). The natural
higher at the age of 4 than at the age of 1 (Piaget 1971). change processes occurring within the pre-intervention
Therefore, non-stationary Markov models that allow period and the post-intervention period can be
for varying transition probabilities across measure- modeled in separate change models. Changes that do
ment occasions are usually more appropriate. This is not occur naturally but are caused by the intervention
illustrated in Fig. 1 where the probability to move from can then be assessed by comparing the model parame-
non-mastery to mastery is lower between measurement ters of the pre-intervention period with the model
occasions 1 and 2 than between measurement occa- parameters of the post-intervention period. For exam-
sions 2 and 3. Another feature of classic Markov ple, interventions can change the general level of a trait
Chain models is that transitions in all directions are or ability as well as its rate of growth or decline
allowed. For instance, it is possible to move from cat- over time.
egory 1 to category 2 and again back to category 1. This
transition pattern can be restricted to test specific Learning Tests
hypotheses. For example, it could be assumed that The goal of learning tests is to assess (a) the general
once a specific skill is acquired, it cannot be lost ability level and (b) the learning ability of the tested
again: It should be possible to move from non-mastery person (Klauer and Sydow 2001). These two constructs
to mastery, but not from mastery back to non-mastery. are relatively independent. In learning tests, the partic-
This assumption can be considered in the Markov ipants answer a number of ability-related items and
Chain model by setting the respective transition prob- receive immediate feedback for each item before they
abilities to zero (see Fig. 1). proceed to the next one. Thus, learning takes place
Markov Chain models can be extended to latent during the test completion.
Markov Chain models or latent transition models To analyze these types of tests, dynamic item
(Kaplan 2008; Langeheine and Van de Pol 2002). In response models have been proposed (e.g., Klauer and
these models, the latent categorical variable is mea- Sydow 2001). In regular item response models, the
sured with multiple indicators to control for measure- conditional probability to solve an item is a function
ment error. The transition probabilities then refer to of a person parameter (ability level) and an item
the probability of moving from one latent category to parameter (item difficulty). To analyze learning
another. As the measurement of skills and abilities is tests, a second person parameter reflecting learning
almost always impaired by measurement error, latent ability is added to the model. This learning ability
Markov Chain models are most adequate to study parameter has an increasing influence on the proba-
categorical change in learning. bility to solve an item. That means that this parameter
has no influence on the solution of the first item but
Intervention Analysis a high influence on the solution of the last item. The
To analyze the influence of an intervention, individuals learning ability parameter can then be used in further
have to be repeatedly assessed before and after the analyses.
2140 M Measurement of Creativity

Important Scientific Research and

Open Questions Measurement of Creativity
The statistical models presented in this entry provide
powerful tools to analyze multiple complex questions ALESSANDRO ANTONIETTI, BARBARA COLOMBO
simultaneously. Growth curve models assessing quanti- Department of Psychology, Cognitive Psychology
tative change are used increasingly in learning research, Laboratory, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart,
for instance, to analyze trajectories in academic achieve- Milano, Italy
ment (Johnson et al. 2006) or language acquisition
(Rice and Wexler 1998). In contrast, the potential of
Markov Chain models and dynamic learning tests is Synonyms
largely untapped in the field. New software develop- Creativity test
ments are currently making these methods more acces-
sible, giving researchers the possibilities to examine Definition
new and exciting questions on change in learning. Creativity involves the production of new artifacts that
previously did not exist and which are appreciated by
Cross-References other people because of their practical, intellectual, or
▶ Longitudinal Learning Research esthetic value (Sternberg 1999). These artifacts may be
▶ Mathematical Models/Theories of Learning of cognitive, physical, or cultural form. In order to
▶ Models of Measurement of Persons in Situations measure the extent of people’s creativity two main
▶ Piaget’s Learning Theory approaches can be followed: first, by analyzing docu-
▶ Stochastic Models of Learning ments and artifacts produced in the past; and second,
by asking people to do something (such as answering
References questions or carrying out tasks) in the presence of an
Bollen, K. A., & Curran, P. J. (2006). Latent curve models: A structural evaluator.
equation perspective. New York: Wiley. As far as the first approach is concerned, biogra-
Eid, M., & Hoffmann, L. (1998). Measuring variability and change phies or autobiographies of eminent individuals (who
with an item response model for polytomous variables. Journal of are usually deemed to be creative people) are taken into
Educational and Behavioral Statistics, 23, 193–215.
account. Another possibility is to ask experts to judge
Johnson, W., McGue, M., & Iacono, W. G. (2006). Genetic and
environmental influences on academic achievement trajectories
a piece of work which is evaluated as creative; alterna-
during adolescence. Developmental Psychology, 42(3), 514–532. tively an attempt can be made to reconstruct the crea-
Kaplan, D. (2008). An overview of Markov chain methods for the tive process by analyzing the sketches and the
study of stage-sequential development processes. Developmental preliminary versions which preceded the production
Psychology, 44(2), 457–467. of a creative artifact. Finally, it is possible to check the
Klauer, K. C., & Sydow, H. (2001). Modeling learning in short-term
success of a creative work by recording appropriate
learning tests. In A. Boomsma, M. A. J. van Duijn, & T. A. B.
Snijders (Eds.), Essays on item response theory (pp. 69–86). indicators of its public acceptance and appreciation
New York: Springer. (such as the number of quotations).
Langeheine, R., & Van de Pol, F. (2002). Latent Markov chains. In J. A. In the second approach, both self-report and perfor-
Hagenaars & A. L. McCutcheon (Eds.), Applied latent class anal- mance measures can be recorded. Self-report measures
ysis (pp. 304–341). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
include interviews, questionnaires, and check-lists; per-
Piaget, J. (1971). The theory of stages in cognitive development. In
R. D. Green, M. P. Ford, & G. B. Flammer (Eds.), Measurement
formance measures consist of tests. Interviews are carried
and Piaget (pp. 1–11). New York: McGraw-Hill. out to assess the qualitative aspects of the creative expe-
Rice, M. L., & Wexler, K. (1998). Tense over time: The longitudinal rience. Questionnaires are often employed to identify
course of tense acquisition in children with specific language. habits, beliefs, and people’s conceptions related to crea-
Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 41(6), 1412– tivity. People are asked to endorse check-lists usually to
draw their personality profile. Tests provide evaluators
Singer, J. D., & Willett, J. B. (2003). Applied longitudinal data analysis:
Modeling change and event occurrence. New York: Oxford Uni- with an objective measure of the ability to process stimuli
versity Press. in creative ways.
Measurement of Creativity M 2141

Theoretical Background Important Scientific Research and

Procedures devised to measure skills and traits associ- Open Questions
ated with creativity are often inspired by theories Data derived from biographical records or by analyzing
concerning creativity or are grounded in assumptions artifacts can be useful to assess if and how much an
concerning the basis of creativity. individual is prone to follow a creative process, that is,
A distinction which may be useful to classify mea- to revise his/her mental schemata as a consequence of
sures of creativity makes reference to tenets about the his/her errors and to adapt such schemata to the sug-
process of creative thinking. There are two important gestions coming from experience by generating differ-
perspectives to consider. On the one hand it is ent hypotheses or trying different approaches, or, on
believed that a creative outcome is reached by the contrary, to experience insights (Gardner 1993).
a search process which consists in a sequence of trials The reconstruction of the creative process on these
and errors or in a progressive adaptation. In this grounds was initiated by Francis Galton (Hereditary
perspective it is important to assess if a person can genius, 1869) and developed by many others in the
learn from mistakes and take advantage from the first part of the twentieth century. For instance, Cesare
falsification of his/her conjectures or attempts by Lombroso (see Antonietti and Cornoldi 2006)
modifying them properly. On the other hand it is maintained that creative people differed from other
believed that creative findings emerge as a conse- people in that they saw things in a different manner,
quence of insight-like experiences. In this perspective associated ideas usually considered separate, detected
a creative person should be able to incorporate hidden relations between disparate thoughts, and, as
implicit hints and recognize sudden illuminations, a result, could generate new products. Lombroso
sometimes occurring as a result of an incubation claimed that creativity is close to insanity, since
process. a series of features are shared both by creative persons
Another taxonomy which can be adopted is based and by those who are insane. By analyzing biographical
on the mental operations involved in creativity. To data of eminent scientists, mathematicians, inventors,
summarize, three main theoretical perspectives, which novelists, poets, painters, sculptors, philosophers, his-
stress the role of different core mechanisms, can be torians, economists, politicians, army leaders, and so
identified. In the first perspective it is assumed that on, he provided a list of these deficits. They included
creativity consists (above all) in widening the mental biological characteristics (low stature, thinness, anom-
framework. Accordingly, it is relevant to assess an indi- alous shape of the skull), mental disorders (compulsive
vidual’s ability to keep an open mind, that is, to be ideation, mania, hallucinations, delirium, amnesia,
aware of the great number of elements that can be epilepsy) and deviant behaviors (alcoholism, vaga-
caught in a given situation, to recognize not obvious bondage, suicide), special psychological features
meanings, to discover hidden aspects, to overcome (hypersensitivity, left-handedness, intellectual precoc-
apparent constraints, and to generate numerous and ity, somnambulism, vivid dreams, odd calligraphy),
different ideas. In the second perspective, creativity is personality traits (melancholia, being afraid, ambigu-
mainly thought of as being a matter of connecting. This ity, tendency to share prejudices and stereotypes),
refers to the capacity to establish reciprocal relation- social tendencies (being misunderstood, being refused
ships among different elements, to draw analogies by the contemporary environment, difficulty in
between remote things, to combine ideas in odd ways, accepting other people’s ideas; tendency to remain
and to synthesize the multiplicity of disparate elements unmarried), and moral traits (perversity, arrogance).
into an overall structure. In the third perspective it is Afterward this kind of approach was applied in a more
claimed that the core of creativity is restructuring. Cre- rigorous way, among others, by Howard Gruber
ative skills include the capacity to change a point of (Darwin on man: A psychological study of scientific cre-
view, to see things by inverting the relationships ativity, 1974), who analyzed thoroughly the personal
between their elements, to ask original questions, to notes of the father of the evolutionary theory with an
imagine what would happen if alternative conditions attempt to highlight the microgenesis of creative ideas
occurred. by reconstructing the phases through which the author
2142 M Measurement of Creativity

of the Origin of species modified his conjectures. interpreted. Such tasks were useful to support the notion
Recently, Dean Keith Simonton (Scientific genius, that creativity involves divergent thinking factors, which
1988) devised a historiometric approach based on the are not implied in intelligence, and to assess the possible
computation of the connections between a creative role of gender, age, order of birth, and number of sib-
product and the personal and environmental crucial lings – as well as of education, cultural environment,
variables which favored the emergence of such product social values, and norms – in modulating individuals’
(for instance, the age of its author). creativity.
Whereas the above-mentioned approaches, as well Currently the most frequently employed psycho-
as self-report data, are particularly useful to assess the metric tool to assess creativity skills is the Torrance
qualitative aspects of the creative process, psychometric Test of Creative Thinking (TTCT) (Torrance 1974),
measures are useful to test the quantitative aspects, which includes some tasks originally devised by
mainly the ability to apply the mental operations (wid- Wallach and Kogan (1965) to measure creativity in
ening, combining, restructuring) assumed to be the children. To give an example, in a TTCTsubtest respon-
core mechanism of creativity. The seminal work by dents are presented a sheet reporting a series of couples
Guilford (1950) – who proposed the distinction of parallel lines and are asked to draw as many figures as
between convergent (non creative) and divergent (cre- possible, each different from the other ones, by com-
ative) thinking – inspired the construction of a series of pleting the given lines and to tell a story which can
tasks which should structurally differ from those usu- connect all the drawings. A fluidity score is computed
ally employed to measure intellectual proficiency. Con- by counting the number of pictures produced. The
vergent thinking is activated when we have to face flexibility score corresponds to the number of different
a problem that has only one solution, which is achieved categories the pictures belong to. The originality score
thanks to the application of rules or thanks to past is given by the number of pictures which are seldom
experience and by reasoning within the framework in produced in the normative sample. Finally, an elabora-
which the problem is presented. Traditional IQ tests are tion scores is computed by judging to what extent the
relevant examples of measures of convergent thinking. pictures are coherently organized within the story.
In contrast, divergent thinking is activated when we face Nowadays, but less used, is the Remote Association
a situation that has multiple possible solutions, which Test (RAT) (Mednick and Mednick 1967), which was
are not reached through rules or previously learned often administered in the past. RAT requires a subject
principles and notions but are inspired by a novel to complete a series of three words with a fourth word
approach, often requiring to assume a different con- which can be associated to each of the three given
ceptual framework. This is the case of creativity. terms. Some tests are available in two parallel forms,
Tasks usually employed to measure creative thinking useful for test–retest studies.
abilities ask respondents, for instance, to list as many All the tasks mentioned above are aimed at measur-
objects as possible having a given feature, to find all ing “general creativity” without making reference to
possible uses of an object, to give several interpretations the features of the domain where creativity should
of a drawing, to invent a story about a given picture, to emerge. In contrast, in everyday life, as well as in
imagine the consequences of an event, to solve unusual educational settings, individuals are asked to be crea-
practical problems, to complete given pictures, to write tive in specific contexts. Consistent with this idea, in
as many sentences as possible composed of three words recent years contextualized measures of creativity have
with the same given initial, to invent symbols to denote been devised so to allow evaluators to check whether an
a given concept, and to look for possible titles relevant to individual is able to generate creative ideas within
a given story. These tasks are aimed at measuring the a specific domain (Diakidoy and Spanoudis 2002).
features of ideational productivity and are based on the For instance, tests to assess creativity in music, in
assumption that creative thinking involves a set of pro- painting, in writing, and so on have been constructed.
cesses such as the free production of ideas generated by
a starting stimulus; the search for correspondences, sim- Cross-References
ilarities, and shared elements among disparate elements; ▶ Analogy/Analogies
and the shift in view from which a given situation may be ▶ Associationism
Measurement of Student Engagement in Learning M 2143

▶ Creativity and Learning Resources capturing insights on what students are doing and
▶ Divergent Thinking and Learning their intrinsic involvement with learning, the extent
▶ Nature of Creativity to which people are making use of available resources,
and the extent to which teachers and institutions are
References supporting learning. Empirical insights on student
Antonietti, A., & Cornoldi, C. (2006). Creativity in Italy. In J. Kauf- engagement provide a means for engaging teachers
man & R. J. Sternberg (Eds.), International handbook of crea- and institutions with core educational business, a
tivity (pp. 124–166). New York: Cambridge University Press. structure for framing conversations about quality, and
Diakidoy, I.-A., & Spanoudis, G. (2002). Domain specificity in crea- a stimulus for guiding new thinking about good
tivity testing. Journal of Creative Behavior, 36, 41–61.
Gardner, H. (1993). Creating minds. New York: Basic Books.
Guilford, J. P. (1950). Creativity. The American Psychologist, 5,
444–454. Theoretical Background
Mednick, S. A., & Mednick, M. T. (1967). Manual for the remote Conceptually, student engagement is grounded directly
associates test, form 1. Boston: Houghton-Mifflin. in theories of how people learn. It builds directly on the
Sternberg, R. J. (Ed.). (1999). Handbook of creativity. Cambridge, MA: epistemologies of Socrates, Kant, and Kierkegaard
Cambridge University Press.
which see individual agency and knowledge construc-
Torrance, E. P. (1974). Torrance test of creative thinking. Lexington:
Personell Press. tion as the essential of learning. It springs directly from
Wallach, N. A., & Kogan, N. (1965). Modes of thinking in young neuroscientific theories of how neurons interact, cog-
children. New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston. nitive theories of attention and memory, and under-
standings of motivation and agency. The concept
provides a bridge between learning and what students,
teachers, institutions, and systems actually do.
As these remarks suggest, student engagement
Measurement of Growth M
tends to be interpreted as a constructivist epistemolog-
▶ Measurement of Change in Learning ically. Learning is seen to be a process of individuals
actively building knowledge. From the perspective of
Dewey and Piaget, two formative theorists, this involves
both the formation of new structures and the incorpo-
ration of new experiences into existing frames. The
Measurement of Student ▶ quality of effort (Pace 1979) or ▶ individual involve-
Engagement in Learning ment (Astin 1979) invested by learners underpins both
of these processes. This has implications for measure-
HAMISH COATES, ALI RADLOFF ment, which must somehow tap into the behavior,
Higher Education Research Program, Australian cognition, and emotion that underpins learning.
Council for Educational Research (ACER), Individual involvement is necessary but rarely suf-
Camberwell, VIC, Australia ficient for learning. Learning is a joint proposition. In
keeping with Piaget and related research, contempo-
rary perspectives put much emphasis on environment
Synonyms and instruction. It is important, in particular, that
Effort; Involvement; Learning; Motivation; Participa- learning environments support and stimulate inquiry,
tion; Retention and that teachers set expectations and tasks that facil-
itate exploration and knowledge creation. Working
Definition collaboratively with other learners is particularly fruit-
▶ Student engagement refers to people’s interaction ful as a means of helping learners to test uncertainties
with activities and conditions that lead to learning and insights within what Vygotsky termed the zone of
and development. The concept applies to learning in proximal development.
general but is typically used in formal educational Contemporary perspectives emphasize the amount
contexts. Measuring student engagement involves of time and effort students put into educationally
2144 M Measurement of Student Engagement in Learning

purposeful activities, and the support and encourage- supplement rather than supplant data collected from
ment provided by institutions and teachers. Hence, the students. As with the collection of data from learners,
term student engagement is read as an umbrella term the measurement process can itself be a particularly
that encompasses a number of different student and effective means of engaging people in learning.
institutional behaviors which have been shown to pos-
itively influence student outcomes. This broad concep- Important Scientific Research and
tualization of the phenomenon (see Chickering and Open Questions
Gamson 1987; Ewell and Jones 1996; Kuh 2004; Coates Educational measurement is a relatively young science,
2006) embraces setting academically challenging and, as in many other areas, uncertainties exist with
expectations, participating in active forms of learning, regard to the phenomenon of student engagement.
learning collaboratively, interacting with teachers, pro- Current debate circulates, among other topics, around
viding environmental support, giving prompt feedback definitional matters, measurement strategies, validat-
on performance, participating in developmentally ing assessment approaches, and using evidence to drive
enriching activities, spending time studying, and valu- change.
ing people’s unique talents and ways of learning. This is Securing an enduring yet relevant definition of stu-
a broad scope, but it is bounded by the requirement dent engagement is one of the greatest outstanding
that activities and conditions are linked with effective challenges. Variations exist as a result of the need for
educational practices and hence outcomes. definitions to follow changing educational contexts
These phenomena can be measured in myriad ways. and practices. Yet as the science of learning advances,
Direct (i.e., observation or interview) or indirect (i.e., it may be possible to develop more rigorous definitions
video recording or tracking online interactions) obser- that link the psychology of learning with educational
vation yields large quantities of very textured data, but practice. Re-specification of the phenomenon will
is essentially limited in the coverage it can provide and shape the nature and approach to measurement.
can be resource demanding. Rather than observe stu- The questionnaire, as noted above, has proven to be
dents, therefore, one compromise is to ask students to the most common means of collecting data on people’s
record their learning experiences in time diaries which involvement in learning, particularly in higher education
can then be collated and analyzed. While this yields rich where the concept has been most thoroughly explored
data, it places additional burden on respondents, and and applied – undoubtedly due to difficulties associated
requires confidence in the reliability of self observation with defining and measuring learning outcomes. Yet the
and report. Even greater confidence in learner percep- limitations of questionnaire methods are well known,
tions is required to underpin the most common means raising questions about whether and how more reliable
of measuring student engagement – questionnaire. Cri- forms of measurement may be implemented.
terion validity studies have shown that learner self This leads to the importance of further validating
reports have suitable reliability for aggregated analyses, conceptual perspectives of student engagement –
however, which combines with the efficiency and scal- ensuring they embrace activities and conditions that
ability of questionnaire methods to sustain their pop- are linked with effective educational practice. Many
ularity in the field. Tests are rarely used to measure empirical and meta-analytical studies have been
student engagement as many facets are not amenable conducted and used to improve measurement instru-
to objective assessment. ments and approaches, yet current measures still tend
But as the above definitional remarks portend, to explain relatively small amounts of variation in
while students are the unit of analysis student engage- educational outcomes, prompting questions about
ment is about teachers and institutions as well. Hence, what other phenomena may be measured. Making
advanced approaches to measurement not only collect matters more complex, evidence also exists that the
data from and about learners, but triangulate this with effects of student engagement are conditional,
information from teaching and support staff. Collecting interacting in complex ways with individual back-
such information is complex and can involve interviews ground and educational contexts.
or surveys, or observation, and document reviews. Typ- Perhaps the most important focus for future
ically, however, such information is sourced to research is finding effective ways to ▶ convert insights
Measures of Association M 2145

on student engagement into productive educational

change. Researching student engagement focuses mea- Measures of Association
surement on core facets of learning which prompts
questions about improvement. The significance of the PABLO N. PIRNAY-DUMMER
phenomenon shapes aspirations for change, but more Department of Education, University of Freiburg,
research on change management is required to drive Freiburg, Germany
effective improvement.

Cross-References Synonyms
▶ Academic Motivation
▶ Active Learning
▶ Activity Theories of Learning
Measures of ▶ association capture the properties of
▶ Affective Dimensions of Learning
external observations of the processes of ▶ experience.
▶ Assessment in Learning
For empirical reasons, they rely on externalizations,
▶ Assessment of Academic Motivation
e.g., words and other specific behavior, and thus make
▶ Collaborative Learning
use of the speed and likelihood of an associative response
▶ Engagement in Learning
following either a given sensation or a previously exter-
▶ Evaluation of Student Progress in Learning
nalized idea as antecedent. The goal of the Association
▶ Social Interaction Dynamics in Supporting Learning
Measures (AM) is to determine either general and spe-
▶ Styles of Engagement in Learning
cific abilities for association by determining the speed of
subsequent associations or the likelihood of the occur-
References rence of concrete associations that come up within
Astin, A. W. (1979). Four critical years: Effects of college on beliefs,
a learner who is confronted with a given learning envi- M
attitudes and knowledge. San Francisco: Jossey Bass.
Chickering, A. W., & Gamson, Z. F. (1987). Seven principles for good ronment or content. AM thus also measure how prior
practice in undergraduate education. AAHE Bulletin, 39(7), 3–7. knowledge emerges within a learner dealing with a task,
Coates, H. (2006). Student engagement in campus-based and online training, or presentation of ideas.
education: University connections. London: Taylor & Francis.
Ewell, P. T., & Jones, D. P. (1996). Indicators of “good practice” in Theoretical Background
undergraduate education: A handbook for development and imple- Aristotle (B.C. 384–322) laid the foundation for
mentation. Boulder: National Centre for Higher Education Man-
a general theory of association between mental states.
agement Systems.
Kuh, G. D. (2004). The national survey of student engagement: Concep- He was interested in the thought that an idea or mem-
tual framework and overview of psychometric properties. Blooming- ory image will systematically follow another. Locke
ton: Indiana University Center for Postsecondary Research. (1690) first stated a theoretical framework for the “asso-
Pace, C. R. (1979). Measuring outcomes of college: Fifty years of findings ciation of ideas.” Plato already provided the strong and
and recommendations for the future. San Francisco: Jossey Bass.
inseparable connection between association and learn-
ing (by means of recollection) in the Phaedo (73–74):
" And yet what is the feeling of lovers when they recog-
Measurement of Variability nize a lyre, or a garment, or anything else which the
beloved has been in the habit of using? Do not they,
▶ Measurement of Change in Learning from knowing the lyre, form in the mind’s eye an image
of the youth to whom the lyre belongs? And this is
recollection. In like manner any one who sees Simmias
may remember Cebes; and there are endless examples
Measurement of Working of the same thing. [. . .] and may you not also from
seeing the picture of a horse or a lyre remember
Memory Load
a man? [. . .] and from the picture of Simmias, you
▶ Cognitive Load Measurement may be led to remember Cebes [. . .] or you may also
2146 M Measures of Association

be led to the recollection of Simmias himself? [. . .] And a similar meaning but are connected by frequent co-
in all these cases, the recollection may be derived from occurence (e.g., “fire and water” or “fire and alarm”).
things either like or unlike? [. . .] And when the recol- Free word associations use a similar principle where
lection is derived from like things, then another con- a subject orally responds to a given stimulus word with
sideration is sure to arise, which is - whether the the first word that comes into his or her mind. The
likeness in any degree falls short or not of that which frequencies of large samples were used as a corpus to
is recollected? determine general word associatedness (e.g., with the
Kent-Rosanoff test). The resulting lists exist for large
Through contiguity and similarity, the act of recol- groups and can either be used to contrast association of
lection is made possible. Through the end of the nine- specific groups to the population or to determine suit-
teenth century and the first half of the twentieth able words for texts and headlines if specific associa-
century, ▶ Association Psychology dedicated large tions are intended to be raised in clients or customers.
efforts internationally to the exploration of association In other association tests a given set of words are
and its measurement by using behavioral and structur- grouped or arranged otherwise by the subjects to deter-
alist approaches. mine either their speed of association, their congruency
While the mental states may refer to each other in to a norm group, or their creativity in the arrangement.
a more or less organized manner, the measurement of Response times or number of associations within
associations works only on a behavioral level, i.e., if the a given time are another way to measure association.
learner shows behavior in the form of externalizations. Some of the time-dependent tests aim at memory per-
Like with the empirical access to all cognitive con- formance while others focus on creativity, e.g., the
structs, this comes with a methodological precaution: more words a subject associates within a given time to
In the end, neither the properties of the associations a given initial word, the higher is the considered crea-
themselves are assessed nor measured but rather their tivity. Of course, for a construct like creativity associa-
external derivates. The question when measuring asso- tion measures can only be one part of the whole
ciation always is: how closely related are two or more measurement. Within ▶ Prototype Theory (PT)
mental entities to each other? The main strategies to (Rosch 1973), word associations (response times,
achieve this goal and to answer this kind of question are priming and exemplars) are used to determine best
▶ priming experiments, word associations, picture exemplars for a category and word distances within
associations, speed of ▶ recognitions (which may be categories. The tests that come along with PT usually
seen as a subcategory of priming experiments), and ask for a list of exemplars of a given category (e.g.,
knowledge reconstruction strategies. The latter does birds). The most frequent and quickest responses are
not exist as a standardized term but is used as considered to be central (or prototypical) for the cate-
a stand-in for many instruments that use the explicit gory. Visual association tests are used and work in
construction of a subject to determine association a similar way to word association tests. Instead of
(among them are concept mapping techniques). words, visual stimuli and responses are used. Some of
The direct ▶ expectation, similarity, or contiguity is the tests give combined reciprocal antecedents that
induced as faster reaction by subjects on a given ante- have to be remembered later on. Although the latter
cedent or stimulus (positive priming) while in contrast tests still measure properties of association, they aim
the lack of such an implicit expectation results in more at memory and are more often used. Another
a slower reaction (negative priming). Priming occurs class of visual tests aims at storytelling where a given set
due to the recognition of similar forms (perceptual of scenes is arranged by subjects to tell or recognize
priming) or similar meaning (conceptual priming). a certain story. Moreover, complex external represen-
The faster the recognition and the reaction are, the tations – like written or spoken texts or graphical
closer the things are considered to be associated. Effects visualizations – can be analyzed for their associations
of priming differences can be stable down to a level of to look inside the structure of the learners ideas. In
a few milliseconds, even in language processing. Asso- order to measure associatedness between a net of indi-
ciative priming is also used to determine semantic asso- vidual concepts (or ideas) on this level, a clear under-
ciation between words that do not necessarily have standing and definition of the underlying syntax is
Measures of Similarity M 2147

necessary: Only with a suitable grammar at hand can antique ideas of Aristotle until now, associations play
the constructs be analyzed properly. an important role in every learning, understanding,
and application of knowledge. Although the definition
Important Scientific Research and of higher association functions is an understandable
Open Questions goal for the understanding of human learning and
Leaving the association psychology and also current understanding (especially of an episteme), their role
linguistics and their very interesting experimental within the actual knowledge performance still needs
research behind, the field of learning and instruction more theoretical development as well as empirical sup-
usually focuses on more holistic perspectives within port as they do not seem to be as stable as the associ-
larger sets of associations. ▶ Semantic Web and ations themselves.
▶ Web Ontologies, but also large word-only associa-
tion repositories such as Word-Net can be seen as Cross-References
implicit followers of the early structuralist approaches. ▶ Aristotle
Their instruments focus on gathering information ▶ Associationism
from many speakers, writers, documents, and raters ▶ Associative Learning
to determine a norm structure, e.g., of knowledge in ▶ Plato
a given domain. Other more epistemic approaches ▶ Prototype Learning Systems
use the analysis and measurement of associations of
different kinds as building blocks to describe higher References
cognitive constructs, e.g., mental models, schemata, Aristotle. (B.C. 384–322). Parva naturalia: De memoria et
subjective or naı̈ve theories. Among the currently reminiscentia.
most important tools and algorithms to assess and Ifenthaler, D., Pirnay-Dummer, P., & Seel, N. M. (Eds.). (2010).
measure them, Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA), Path- Computer-based diagnostics and systematic analysis of knowledge.
New York: Springer. M
finder, Think Aloud Protocols, and Structure Forma-
Locke, J. (1690). Essay concerning human understanding.
tion Techniques are to be named. These technologies
Plato. (B.C. 348–347). Phaedo. Plato, dialogues, vol. 2 – Meno,
do not focus on association alone, but they all use basic euthyphro, apology, crito, phaedo, gorgias.
associations one way or another to describe higher- Rosch, E. (1973). Natural categories. Cognitive Psychology, 4, 328–350.
order networks of thought within individuals and Warren, H. C. (1921). A history of the association psychology.
groups. New York/Chicago: C. Scribner’s Sons.
Thus research on the knowledge is concerned with
two aspects of mapping: First, with adding more ana-
lytic structure to the associations by adding specific
functions to them, e.g., causal relations, hierarchical
markers, or a system (dynamic) functions. In other
Measures of Correspondence
words: qualitative and quantitative properties of asso- ▶ Measures of Similarity
ciations are searched for as well as how they may
change over time. Secondly, the current research is
also concerned with automating at least parts of the
analytical processes, e.g., how to automatically identify
associations, to make the measurement more feasible Measures of Similarity
even for smaller research areas and practical applica-
tions that do not have the resources for a manual qual- DIRK IFENTHALER
itative analysis. Institut für Erziehungswissenschaft, Albert-Ludwigs-
Within the existing tools and instruments, different University of Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany
feasible ways to automatically analyze larger amounts
of written and spoken language appear on the horizon,
e.g., asking and answering research questions about the Synonyms
associations within larger linguistic entities. From the Judgment of similarity; Measures of correspondence
2148 M Measures of Similarity

Definition f(0) = 1. A frequently used distance-based similarity

The concept of similarity defines a corresponding fea- measure is the multidimensional scaling (MDS) includ-
ture in which two objects or variables are alike. Measures ing the Euclidean distance and city-block distance mea-
of similarity provide a numerical value which indicates sures (Torgerson 1952).
the strength of associations between objects or variables. However, the underlying axioms of distance-based
The extent to which the variables are corresponding with similarity measures have been criticized by researchers
each other is usually indicated between “0” and “1” who further developed the theoretical assumptions of
where “0” means no similarity or exclusion and “1” similarity measures which extended the theory by
means perfect similarity of identity. introducing features of similarity (Tversky 1977) or
probabilistic models of similarity (Ashby 1992).
Theoretical Background
The concept of similarity is widely used in almost every Feature-Based Similarity Measures
scientific field. Generally speaking, similarity is In his seminal work, Tversky (1977) refers to the
regarded as a numerical value which represents the importance of similarity for the educational and psy-
equivalence between two objects, variables, items, or chological research. According to Tversky (1977), sim-
sets. The degree of similarity between two objects or ilarity is a feature-matching process. Specifically,
variables is usually indicated by a standardized numer- similarity between objects is measured as a linear com-
ical value between “0” and “1.” A “0” indicates no bination of their common and distinctive features.
similarity, exclusion, or independence between the General assumptions of the feature-based similarity
objects and a “1” means perfect similarity or identity measure are that g(A \ B) denotes common features
between the objects or variables. Lin (1998) as well as of objects A and B and that g(A  B) denotes features
Liao et al. (1998) report a variety of specific measures of unique to object A. Based on these general assump-
similarity, e.g., information content similarity, dis- tions, Tversky (1977) developed the feature contrast
tance-based measurements, feature contrast models, model which defines the similarity s of objects A to B as
or mutual information similarity. Such similarity mea-
s ðA; B Þ ¼ ag ðA \ B Þ  bg ðA  fB Þ  gðB  AÞ
sures have been developed to fit to a specific domain
and follow particular assumption within that domain. The constants a, b, and g might be changed
Accordingly, measures of similarity are in most cases according to the underlying theoretical assumptions.
not generalizable and lack a certain degree of univer- Accordingly, the feature contrast model assumes that
sality (see Lin 1998). the similarity between objects increases through com-
However, there exist three major approaches to mon features and decreases through unique features of
measures of similarity: (1) distance-based similarity the objects.
measures, (2) feature-based similarity measures, and
(3) probabilistic similarity measures. Probabilistic Similarity Measures
Taking into account that objects of variables vary over
Distance-Based Similarity Measures time, a deterministic similarity measure (e.g., distance-
The basic assumption of distance-based similarity based similarity measure) might ignore important
measures is that objects can be represented in aspects of possible variations and might not be sensitive
a multidimensional space. Within that space, objects to corresponding features of the objects during these
which are closer to each other are regarded more sim- changes over time. Therefore, probabilistic similarity
ilar and objects which are far apart from each other are measures assume that an object varies probabilistically
regarded as dissimilar. Accordingly, similarity is over time and that this variation is based on a well-
inversely related to distance. In general, the distance- defined transitional rule. As with deterministic similar-
based similarity sim of objects A and B is defined as ity measures, there have been many probabilistic
similarity measures proposed. Ashby (1992) provides
simðA; B Þ ¼ fðdist ðA; B ÞÞ
a well-researched overview on probabilistic models and
where dist is the relation of distance having values their application for educational and psychological
from 0 to 1. f is a decreasing function satisfying research.
Measures of Similarity M 2149

Important Scientific Research and f ðA \ B Þ

Open Questions s¼
f ðA \ B Þ þ a  f ðA  B Þ þ b  f ðB  AÞ
The concept of similarity plays a critically important
role in educational and psychological theories as well as a and b are weights for the difference quantities which
in their empirical research. Numerous studies ask par- separate A and B. They are usually equal (a = b = 0.5)
ticipants to make direct or indirect judgments about when the sources of data are equal. However, they can
features of similarity of objects or variables. Markman be used to balance different sources systematically (e.g.,
and Gentner (1990) provide empirical evidence that comparing a learner’s representation which was
a process of cognitive mapping and alignment occurs constructed within a short period of time to an expert
during similarity judgments. Additionally, Coombs model, which may be an illustration of the result of
(1964) identified similarity as an important compo- a whole book). SMD, HIMATT, and AKOVIA use seven
nent when evaluating products, explained as measures of similarity: on the structural level, there is
a similarity matching between a subjective ideal object surface matching (SFM; frequency), graphical
and generally available objects. matching (GRM; frequency), structural matching
Vosniadou and Ortony (1989) provide an impor- (STM; Tversky), and gamma matching (GAM; fre-
tant overview on similarity and analogy in human cog- quency). On the semantic level, comparisons may be
nition. It is argued that similarity is essential for carried out as concept matching (CCM; Tversky),
recognition and classification within cognitive processes. propositional matching (PPM; Tversky), and balanced
Through the integration of relevant theories and empir- semantic matching (BPM; derived from CCM and
ical evidence from psychology, education, and computer PPM). Ifenthaler et al. (2010) describe the individual
science, Vosniadou and Ortony (1989) present measures of similarity and their applications in detail.
a fundamental piece of research. Accordingly, similarity Open questions arise from the development of
is discussed in the light of decision making (see Kahne- future methodologies and instruments for educational
man and Tversky 1972), transfer of learning, approaches and psychological research. Will researchers develop
to instruction, and the acquisition of knowledge. new measures of similarity for specific applications or
Recently, measures of similarity have been applied domains? Is there a universal definition for measures of
to computer-based diagnostics (Ifenthaler et al. 2010). similarity which combines different measures of simi-
The computer-based assessment and analysis instru- larity and which can be applied in different applica-
ments SMD (Surface, Matching, Deep Structure; tions and domains (Lin 1998)? These open questions
Ifenthaler 2010), HIMATT (Highly Integrated Model may be approached by interdisciplinary research pro-
Assessment Technology and Tools; Ifenthaler et al. jects including domain experts, psychometricians,
2010), and AKOVIA (Automated Knowledge Visuali- mathematicians, and statisticians.
zation and Assessment; Ifenthaler et al. 2010) apply
measures of similarity for describing the associatedness Cross-References
of structural and semantic features of knowledge rep- ▶ Concept Similarity in Multidisciplinary Learning
resentations. Some of the implemented measures count ▶ Role of Similarity in Human Associative Learning
specific features of a given representation. For a given ▶ Similarity Learning
pair of frequencies f1 and f2, the similarity is generally
derived by References
jf1  f2 j Ashby, F. G. (Ed.). (1992). Multidimensional models of perception and
s ¼1
max ðf1 ; f2 Þ cognition. Hillsdale: Lawrence Erlbaum.
Coombs, C. H. (1964). A theory of data. New York: Wiley.
which results in a numerical value of 0  s  1, where s Ifenthaler, D. (2010). Relational, structural, and semantic analysis of
= 0 is complete exclusion and s = 1 is identity. The other graphical representations and concept maps. Educational Tech-
nology Research and Development, 58(1), 81–97. doi:10.1007/
measures collect sets of properties from the represen-
tation. In this case, the feature-based similarity Ifenthaler, D., Pirnay-Dummer, P., & Seel, N. M. (Eds.). (2010).
measure (Tversky 1977) is applied for the given sets A Computer-based diagnostics and systematic analysis of knowledge.
and B: New York: Springer.
2150 M Mechanisms in Human Learning

Kahneman, D., & Tversky, A. (1972). Subjective probability: Definition

A judgement of representativeness. Cognitive Psychology, 3, Olson and Bruner (1974) distinguish between learning
through experience and learning through media. Both
Liao, T. W., Zhang, Z., & Mount, C. R. (1998). Similarity measures for
retrievel in case-based reasoning systems. Applied Artificial play a central role in the development and formation of
Intelligence, 12, 267–288. the individual and collective knowledge of the world.
Lin, D. (1998). An information-theoretic definition of similarity. In However, throughout the literature on media effects,
J. W. Shavlik (Ed.), Proceedings of the fifteenth international there is an important distinction made between media
conference on machine learning (pp. 96–304). San Francisco:
and methods. Whereas learning methods create the
Morgan Kaufmann.
Markman, A. B., Gentner, D. (1990). Analogical mapping during
conditions for fostering competence (Glaser 1976)
similarity judgements. Paper presented at the Twelfth Annual because they stimulate and support the cognitive pro-
Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, Cambridge, MA. cesses necessary for achievement or motivation, the
Torgerson, W. S. (1952). Multidimensional scaling: I. Theory and term media refers to the means of communicating
method. Psychometrica, 17(4), 401–419. doi:10.1007/ information from one individual to another one.
According to Clark (2001), the method that
Tversky, A. (1977). Features of similarity. Psychological Review, 84,
327–352. suppositionally will promote the intended learning is
Vosniadou, S., & Ortony, A. (Eds.). (1989). Similarity and analogical normally selected first, and then the media that will
reasoning. New York: Cambridge University Press. best deliver the information to being processed.
A central function of media consists in depicting
reality or models of reality. However, the carrier of the
depiction together with the conception is also labeled
Mechanisms in Human a medium (i.e., the technical meaning of medium). It is
Learning quite simple to classify media in accordance with their
mechanical and/or electronic components, which
▶ Learning Mechanisms of Depression determine the physical and technical features of
media such as television, radio, textbooks, computers,
etc. From the view of semiotics and cognition, the
technical equipment is a necessary but not a sufficient
Media characteristic of a medium (see Seel and Winn 1997).
The central feature of media is to communicate depic-
Diverse means of communication such as radio and tions of the real or imagined world. Any (inter- and
TV, newspapers, pictures, music, and video. The term intra-individual) communication needs specific means
“media” may refer to the mass media, electronic media, or devices, so-called media.
advertising media, or other media, such as training Learning from media refers to different fields of
media. Most media used in educational settings is interest. The functions of mass media, for example,
multimedia in nature and combines sound, pictures, differ significantly from those of instructional media
and video components in an interactive format. due to the different contexts in which communication
takes place. This entry’s focus is on effects of instruc-
tional media on learning.

Media and Learning Theoretical Background

Effective learning and teaching with media has been at
NORBERT M. SEEL the core of instructional research and practice for
Department of Education, University of Freiburg, decades, and actually there is not any medium or fea-
Freiburg, Germany ture of a medium that has not been extensively inves-
tigated with regard to its effectiveness on learning (cf.
Levie and Dickie 1973; Dörr and Seel 1997). In conse-
Synonyms quence, there is an abundance of empirical data about
Delivery systems; Learning from media the effectiveness of instructional media and their
Media and Learning M 2151

features on learning. However, in summarizing former systems. Here, the processing capabilities of an individ-
research on instructional media, Clark (1983, 1994) ual as well as the semiotic functions of the individual’s
concluded that media are only vehicles for delivering interaction with a specific medium are the principal
information and that their effects on learning are always interest (cf. Seel and Winn 1997).
indirect. Only “certain elements of different media,
such as animated motion or zooming, might serve as Important Scientific Research and
sufficient conditions to facilitate the learning of Open Questions
students who lack the skill being modeled” (Clark As with all technical innovations, instructional media
1983, p. 453). and delivery systems were originally used for instruc-
This conclusion evoked a controversial debate in tion simply to do a better job with what teachers had
the 1990s concerning the effectiveness of learning with been doing all along. As Clark (1994) points out, the
media. Kozma (1991), for example, contradicted hope of many scholars was always that the new media
Clark’s verdict from a constructivist point of view, could help to achieve higher-ordered educational
and other authors, such as Seel and Winn (1997), objectives, such as an improvement in the quality of
focused on the semiotics of learning with media. Alto- teaching and learning, a reduction of costs, a widening
gether, these authors argue that specific media and their of active participation of students in education, and the
attributes can play an important role in learning, and development of new curricular components. The
that the use of electronic media changes the characteris- implicit criterion for the success of an instructional
tic features of learning environments (such as cognitive delivery system was and is often how close it comes to
operations on representational formats, interactivity, emulating a successful human teacher. Indeed, the pos-
visualization of semantic structures, feedback). More- sibility of delivering the subject matter and engaging
over, Seel and Winn conclude from instructional media students in acting and learning requires to taking into
research that: (1) Media have unique effects in designed account not only the contents to be taught but also the
instruction. (2) Media affect the perceptual organiza- various components of information and communica-
tion of messages in ways that are directly attributable to tion technologies.
their unique properties, and in so doing predispose Instructional media and delivery systems have
learners to make certain interpretations rather than evolved to the point where they do have important
others. (3) Media affect how learners encode and inter- and unique roles to play in learning. These roles have
pret information because they are directly responsible to do with creating learning environments, whether
for the nature of the mental representations that simulated or virtual, which students can explore freely
learners construct as a result of interaction with or within varying constraints required by guidance in
media of communication. (4) The signs and symbols order to construct knowledge and practice problem-
that media use to convey messages can be internalized solving methods on their own. The key to the success of
and used by students as “cognitive” tools for the con- this application of media is not so much in how the
struction of knowledge. “message” itself is presented, but in the degree to which
Instructional media and delivery systems should be students can work out for themselves ways to reduce
considered as central parts of the learner’s environment the dissonance between what the environment presents
which can influence learning on different levels. them with and the knowledge and experience they
Accordingly, we can distinguish between bring with them when they enter the environment.
a macroscopic and a microscopic level. As Kozma They relate the represented world to the “genuine”
(1991) pointed out, in the first case, the entire learning world but simultaneously they presuppose technological
environment and the way in which media are inte- literacy or fluency as a prerequisite for learning with
grated into it may have the greatest impact on how media. Actually, technology-based instructional delivery
the students learn and think. Consequently, the larger can be incorporated only if the audience is proficient
instructional context within which the learner interacts with technology. Modern conceptions of technological
with mediated information is of central interest. At the literacy are often connected with two general goals:
microscopic level on the other hand, the focus is on fine- (1) development of skills in problem-solving and
grained information processing by means of sign (2) development of information-managing skills
2152 M Media Effects

(cf. Seel and Casey 2003). Today’s information and ▶ Interactivity in Multimedia Learning
communication technologies are considered as prob- ▶ Learning Strategies for Digital Media
lem-solving tools with unique characteristics: (a) the ▶ Learning Technology
new technologies are interactive systems, (b) the “locus ▶ Learning Through Social Media
of control” is shifted to the learner, (c) the computer can ▶ Literacy and Learning
simulate experiments and model real situations, (d) ▶ Multimedia CALL
immediate feedback is given to student responses, and ▶ Multimedia Learning
(e) the computer can perform complex operations, for ▶ Streaming Media
example, simulations, that are impossible or impractical
on alternative media. Actually, the status of modern References
computer technology makes nearly all other media in Clark, R. E. (1983). Reconsidering research on learning from media.
the technical sense of the word obsolete and useless. The Review of Educational Research, 53, 445–459.
new technologies allow one to apply computer-assisted Clark, R. E. (1994). Media will never influence learning. Educational
Technology Research and Development, 42(2), 21–29.
instruction, interactive videodisc instruction, integrated
Clark, R. (2001). Learning from media: Arguments, analysis, and
multimedia workstations, computer and video confer- evidence. Greenwich: Information Age Publishing.
encing, and so on (Seel and Ifenthaler 2009). Addition- Dörr, G., & Seel, N. M. (1997). Instructional delivery systems and
ally, the intersection of social behavior and multimedia environments. In S. Dijkstra, N. M. Seel, F. Schott, &
computational systems and its impact on learning and R. D. Tennyson (Eds.), Instructional design: International perspec-
social computing is considered as a promising develop- tives (Solving instructional design problems, Vol. II, pp. 145–
182). Mahwah: Lawrence Erlbaum.
ment of the twenty-first century (Redecker et al. 2010).
Glaser, R. (1976). Components of a psychology instruction: Towards
Indeed, when we take into consideration current a science of design. Review of Educational Research, 46(1), 1–24.
conceptions of teaching with new media we can see Kozma, R. B. (1991). Learning with media. Review of Educational
that the availability of tremendous amounts of electronic Research, 61(2), 179–211.
media in our daily lives has conditioned us to not Levie, W. H., & Dickie, K. E. (1973). The analysis and application of
media. In R. M. W. Travers (Ed.), Second handbook of research on
investigate the associated processes of communication
teaching (pp. 858–882). Chicago: Rand McNally.
in instructional settings. We take them for granted, and Olson, D. R., & Bruner, J. S. (1974). Learning through experience and
often choose not to examine the characteristics of media learning through media. In D. R. Olson (Ed.), Media and sym-
and their effects on learning. But in choosing to turn bols: The forms of expressions, communication, and education
away from such an examination, we lose the ability to (pp. 125–150). Chicago: National Society for the Study of
fully understand the instructional potentials of new Evaluation.
Redecker, C., Ala-Mutka, K., & Punie, Y. (2010). Learning 2.0 – The
media. Do we know what is actually learned? Which
impact of social media on learning in Europe. Luxembourg: Office
knowledge and skills are acquired? For example, until for Official Publications of the European Communities.
we understand what multimedia are and what they can Seel, N. M., & Casey, N. C. (2003). Changing conceptions of tech-
do, it will be difficult to understand their potential nological literacy. In P. Attewell & N. M. Seel (Eds.), Disadvan-
impact on learning. In particular, the capability of inter- taged teens and computer technologies (pp. 35–55). Münster:
facing new information technologies for hybrid forms
Seel, N. M., & Ifenthaler, D. (2009). Online lernen und lehren.
of audiovisual communication requires an investigation München: Reinhardt. Online learning and teaching.
of the effects of these communicative techniques on the Seel, N. M., & Winn, W. D. (1997). Research on media and learning.
learner. This research has to go beyond the traditional Distributed cognition and semiotics. In R. D. Tennyson, F.
research on instructional media because the new elec- Schott, N. M. Seel, & S. Dijkstra (Eds.), Instructional design:
tronic media are not only devices for supporting International perspectives (Theories and models of instructional
design, Vol. I, pp. 293–326). Mahwah: Lawrence Erlbaum.
instruction. Rather, they have substantially changed
the characteristic features of learning environments
and instructional settings (Seel and Ifenthaler 2009).

Cross-References Media Effects

▶ Collaborative Learning Supported by Digital Media
▶ General Literacy in a Digital Work ▶ Visual Communication and Learning
Media Violence Effects on Learning M 2153

perceptual and expectation schemata, aggressive beliefs

Media Learning and attitudes, and desensitization to aggression.
▶ Audiovisual Learning Research also shows that prosocial TV and video
games can lead to learning and enactment of prosocial
knowledge structures and behavior (Barlett and
Anderson in press).
Media Literacy
Important Scientific Research and
▶ General Literacy in a Digital World Open Questions
Additional research is needed in some areas. One con-
cerns the potential for exposure to electronic media to
result in attention deficits or executive control problems.
This is of particular importance given the problematic
Media Violence Effects on nature of attention problems for educational contexts and
Learning the number of hours people spend on electronic media.
There is evidence that viewing television in childhood
EDWARD L. SWING, CRAIG A. ANDERSON and adolescence can lead to difficulties sustaining atten-
Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa, USA tion (e.g., Landhuis et al. 2007). Another study suggests
that violent and nonviolent television (but not educa-
tional television) are associated with subsequent atten-
Synonyms tion problems (Zimmerman and Christakis 2007). More
Film violence; Music violence; Television violence; recent research suggests that video game play detracts
Video game violence from some types of attention (Bailey et al. 2010). M
More research is needed to discern whether media
Definition exposure causes attention problems, whether certain
Exposure to television, film, video game, and music features of electronic media (e.g., fast pace, violent
depictions of violence can lead to lasting changes in content) underlie deleterious effects on attention, and
various knowledge structures. whether certain forms or features improve some types
of attention.
Theoretical Background
Exposure to media (violent and nonviolent) has been
linked with different types of learning. The General
▶ Children’s Learning from TV
Learning Model (GLM) describes the processes by
▶ Imitative Learning in Humans and Animals
which variables, such as violent media, can produce
▶ Learned Aggression in Humans
learning (Swing and Anderson 2008). This includes not
▶ Observational Learning: The Sound of Silence
only content information in academic and professional
contexts, but also learning behaviors and skills as well. For
example, video game playing is associated with improve- References
ments in various visuospatial skills (Barlett et al. 2009). Anderson, C. A., Berkowitz, L., Donnerstein, E., Huesmann, L. R.,
Johnson, J. D., Linz, D., Malamuth, N. M., & Wartella, E. (2003).
Considerable research evidence also demonstrates
The influences of media violence on youth. Psychological Science
that exposure to violent media (particularly television, in the Public Interest, 4, 81–110.
films, and video games, but also music) increase aggres- Anderson, C. A., Shibuya, A., Ihori, N., Swing, E. L., Bushman, B. J.,
sive behavior in both short and long-term contexts Sakamoto, A., Rothstein, H. R., & Saleem, M. (2010). Violent
(Anderson et al. 2003, 2010). Repeated exposure to video game effects on aggression, empathy, and prosocial behav-
ior in Eastern and Western countries. Psychological Bulletin, 136,
violent media can result in changes to several types of
knowledge structures that together constitute personal- Bailey, K., West, R., & Anderson, C. A. (2010). A negative association
ity. Specifically, repeated exposure to violent media can between video game experience and proactive cognitive control.
lead to the development of aggressive behavioral scripts, Psychophysiology, 47, 34–42.
2154 M Media-Based Observational Learning

Barlett, C. P., & Anderson, C. A. (in press). Examining Media effects: a person. Mediated learning experiences (MLE,
The general aggression and general learning models. In E. Feuerstein et al. 1979) are considered as the proximal
Scharrer (Ed.), Media effects/media psychology. Blackwell-Wiley.
factor that explains cognitive modifiability. MLE inter-
Barlett, C. P., Anderson, C. A., & Swing, E. L. (2009). Video game
effects confirmed, suspected and speculative: A review of the actions are defined as an interactional process in which
evidence. Simulation & Gaming, 40, 377–403. parents, or substitute adults interpose themselves
Landhuis, C. E., Poulton, R., Welch, D., & Hancox, R. J. (2007). Does between a set of stimuli and the human organism and
childhood television viewing lead to attention problems in ado- modify the stimuli for the developing child (Tzuriel
lescence? Results from a prospective longitudinal study. Pediat-
1999, 2001). Cognitive modifiability is defined as the
rics, 120, 532–537.
Swing, E. L., & Anderson, C. A. (2008). How and what do video
individuals’ propensity to learn from new experiences
games teach? In T. Willoughby & E. Wood (Eds.), Children’s and learning opportunities and to change one’s own
learning in a digital world (pp. 64–84). Oxford: Blackwell. cognitive structures. Feuerstein’s MLE theory is in
Zimmerman, F. J., & Christakis, D. A. (2007). Associations between some aspects similar to Vygotsky’s (1978) concepts of
content types of early media exposure and subsequent atten- the zone of proximal development and internalization
tional problems. Pediatrics, 120, 986–992.
and the concept of scaffolding which have captured the
interest of many developmental psychologists and edu-
cators (e.g., Rogoff 1990; Wertsch 1985).
Media-Based Observational
Theoretical Foundations
Learning In MLE, the mediator modifies the stimuli by changing
▶ Supplantation Effect on Learning their frequency, order, intensity, and context, by arous-
ing in the children curiosity, vigilance, and perceptual
acuity, and by trying to improve and/or create in the
child the cognitive functions required for temporal,
Medial Temporal Lobe spatial, and cause effect relationships. The MLE pro-
cesses are gradually internalized by the child and
The part of the temporal lobe located closer to the become an integrated mechanism of change within
midline of the brain. The medial temporal lobes are the child. Adequate MLE interactions facilitate the
considered to be critical for memory formation and development of various cognitive functions, learning
maintenance, and contain the hippocampi (plural of sets, mental operations, strategies, and need systems.
hippocampus), among other structures. The internalized MLE processes allow developing chil-
dren later on to use them independently, to benefit
from learning experiences in diverse contexts, and to
modify their cognitive system by means of self-media-
Mediated Learning Experience tion. The more the child experiences MLE interactions,
(MLE) and Cognitive the more he/she is able to learn from direct exposure to
Modifiability formal and informal learning situations, regardless of
the richness of stimuli they provide. Lack of MLE may
DAVID TZURIEL be derived from two broad categories: (a) lack of envi-
School of Education, Bar Ilan University, ronmental opportunities for mediation, (b) and inabil-
Ramat Gan, Israel ity of the child to benefit from mediational
interactions, which are potentially available.
Feuerstein conceived MLE interactions as
Synonyms a proximal factor that explains individual differences
Cognitive Change; Cognitive Plasticity; Mediation in learning and cognitive modifiability. Factors such as
organic deficit, poverty, socioeconomic status, and
Definition emotional disturbance are considered to be distal fac-
Mediated Learning Experience (MLE) describes tors: factors that might correlate with learning ability,
a special quality of interaction between a learner and but which affect through the proximal factor of MLE.
Mediated Learning Experience (MLE) and Cognitive Modifiability M 2155

Feuerstein and Feuerstein (1991) suggest 13 criteria of or concrete needs of the children and attempts to
MLE, but only the first three, are conceived as necessary reach additional goals that are beyond the specific
and sufficient for an interaction to be classified as MLE: situation or activity. In mother–child interactions
Intentionality and Reciprocity, Meaning and Transcen- the mother may go beyond the specific experience
dence. These three criteria which are responsible for the by teaching strategies, rules, and principles in order
individual’s cognitive modifiability are considered to to generalize to other situations. For instance, in
be universal and can be found in all races, ethnic a play situation, the mother may mediate the rules
groups, and socioeconomic strata. Mediation does and principles that direct a game and generalize
not depend on the language modality or content and them to other situations. Mediation for Transcen-
can be carried out by gestures, mimicry, and verbal dence depends on the first two criteria, intention-
interaction, provided that the three major criteria are ality/reciprocity and meaning, though the
present. The other ten criteria are task dependent, combination of all three criteria enhances the
strongly related to culture, and reflect variations development of cognitive modifiability and
in cognitive styles, motivation, type or content of skills expands the individual’s need system.
mastered, and the structure of knowledge. (d) Mediation of Feelings of Competence is observed in
The first five MLE criteria were operationalized and interactions in which a mediator conveys to a child
observed in interactions of mother–child (e.g., Klein that he or she is capable of functioning both suc-
1991; Tzuriel 1999), peers assisted learning (e.g., cessfully and independently. The mediator may
Tzuriel and Shamir 2010), siblings (Klein et al. 2002), organize the surroundings in order to supply
and teacher–student instruction (e.g., Tzuriel et al. opportunities for success, interpret them to the
1998). The first five MLE criteria that were child, and reward attempts to master the situation
operationalized for research are as follows: or deal with problems efficiently.
(e) Mediation of Control of Behavior refers to interac-
(a) Intentionality and Reciprocity refers to a mediator’s M
tions in which a mediator regulates a child’s reac-
deliberate efforts to change a child’s awareness,
tion, depending on the child’s reactive style and the
perception, processing or reaction. Intentionality
task demands. The mediator may either reduce
alone is inadequate without reciprocity. Reciproc-
impulsivity or accelerate the child’s behavior. Con-
ity is defined when the child responds vocally,
trol of behavior can be mediated in various ways,
verbally, or nonverbally to the mediator’s behavior.
such as arousing awareness to task characteristics
For instance, Intentionality and Reciprocity are
and suitable responses, analyzing the task compo-
observed when a caregiver intentionally offers an
nents, modeling of self-control, and providing
item to a child or verbally focuses a child’s atten-
metacognitive strategies.
tion and the child undeniably responds. This cri-
terion is considered crucial for the development of An integrative component of the MLE approach is
feelings of competence and self-determination. related to the conceptualization of the developing indi-
(b) Mediation of Meaning refers to a mediator’s vidual as an open system that is modified by mediating
response that conveys the affective, motivational, agents. This component has led to both theoretical
and value-oriented significance possessed by the elaboration of dynamic assessment (DA) of learning
presented stimuli. This can be expressed verbally by potential and development of an applicative system of
enlightening the present context, relating it to other measuring cognitive modifiability. The term DA refers
events, and emphasizing its importance and value, or to an assessment of thinking, perception, learning, and
nonverbally by facial expression, tone of voice, repe- problem solving by an active teaching process aimed at
titious actions and rituals. According to MLE theory, modifying cognitive functioning.
children who experience mediation of meaning will
actively connect future meanings to new information Important Scientific Research and
rather than passively wait for meaning to appear. Open Questions
(c) Mediation of Transcendence refers to interactions in Most of the research on MLE interactions was carried
which the mediator provides both the immediate out with the Observation of Mediation Instrument
2156 M Mediated Learning Experience (MLE) and Cognitive Modifiability

(OMI, Klein 1996) applied in combination with enhancing their cognitive modifiability (Tzuriel and
videotaping of interactions. Cognitive modifiability Shamir 2007, 2010) and math performance (Shamir
was measured by DA using change criteria. The concep- et al. 2007; Shamir and Tzuriel 2004). Thus, children
tualization behind using change criteria as predicted who learn how to mediate become not only better
outcome of MLE interaction is that measures of modi- mediators (tutors) but also better learners, as reflected
fiability are more closely related to mediational pro- in their cognitive modifiability scores. In Vygotsky’s
cesses by which the child is taught how to process (1978) terms, the peer-mediation experience enabled
information, than they are to standardized static mea- the tutors to advance from a lower zone of proximal
sures of intelligence. The mediational strategies used development (pre-intervention) to an upper zone of
within the DA procedure have more “matching value” proximal development (post-intervention).
to learning processes in other life contexts than do
conventional static methods and therefore give better Cross-References
indications about future changes of cognitive structures. ▶ Family Background and Effects on Learning
Accumulating evidence from educational research pro- ▶ Family Learning
vides indications that a score reflecting individual dif- ▶ Home Schooling and Teaching
ferences in “modifiability” added substantially to the ▶ Learning in the Social Context
predictive power of learning (Embretson 1992) and ▶ Mediators of Learning
future academic success (Tzuriel et al. 1999). ▶ Peer Learning and Assessment
Research findings show that the higher is the crite- ▶ Social Learning
rion score saturated with teaching effects (gain score as
compared with pre-teaching score within a DA mea-
sure), the higher was the variance contributed by MLE
Embretson, S. E. (1992). Measuring and validating cognitive modifi-
mother–child processes in prediction the cognitive
ability as ability: A study in the spatial domain. Journal of Edu-
score (Tzuriel and Eran 1990). Mediation for Transcen- cational Measurement, 29, 25–50.
dence and mediation of Regulation of Behavior were Feuerstein, R., & Feuerstein, S. (1991). Mediated learning experience:
found repeatedly as the strongest predictors of chil- A theoretical review. In R. Feuerstein, P. S. Klein, & A.
dren’s cognitive modifiability as indicated by post- Tannenbaum (Eds.), Mediated learning experience (MLE)
teaching scores in DA (Tzuriel 1999). Both MLE criteria (pp. 3–52). London: Freund.
Feuerstein, R., Rand, Y., & Hoffman, M. B. (1979). The dynamic
reflect a typical mother–child interaction in which the
assessment of retarded performers. Baltimore: University Park
mother is involved in mediating rules and principles Press.
(Transcendence) and monitoring (regulating) the flow Klein, P. S. (1991). Improving the quality of parental interaction with
of the children’s behavior (Tzuriel and Ernst 1990; very low birth weight children: A longitudinal study. Infant
Tzuriel and Shomron 2009; Tzuriel and Weiss 1998; Mental Health Journal, 12, 321–337.
Klein, P. S. (Ed.). (1996). Early intervention: Cross cultural experiences
Tzuriel and Weitz 2007). In several studies, the relative
with a mediational approach. New York: Garland.
effects of distal and proximal factors (e.g., MLE pro- Klein, P. S., Zarur, S., & Feldman, R. (2002). Mediation in a sibling
cesses) on cognitive modifiability were investigated. context: The relations of older siblings mediating behaviour and
The overall results of the SEM analyses were congruent younger siblings task performance. Infant and Child Develop-
with the MLE theory according to which proximal ment, 11, 321–333.
factors explain individual differences in children’s cog- Rogoff, B. (1990). Apprenticeship in thinking: Cognitive development
and social context. London: Oxford University Press.
nitive functioning, whereas distal factors (i.e., SES-
Shamir, A., & Tzuriel, D. (2004). Children’s mediational teaching style
level, child’s personality, mother’s acceptance–rejection as a function of intervention for cross-age peer-mediation. School
of the child) do not have a direct effect on children’s Psychology International, 25, 58–97.
cognitive factors, though they do explain some of the Shamir, A., Tzuriel, D., & Guy, R. (2007). Computer-supported collab-
proximal factors. orative learning: Cognitive effects of a peer mediation intervention.
Journal of Cognitive Education and Psychology, 6, 373–394.
Recent research of peer mediation showed that
Tzuriel, D. (1999). Parent–child mediated learning transactions as
children participating in a Peer Mediation with Young determinants of cognitive modifiability: Recent research and
Children (PMYC) program improved their MLE strat- future directions. Genetic, Social, and General Psychology Mono-
egies (e.g., Shamir and Tzuriel 2004) as well as graphs, 125, 109–156.
Mediators of Learning M 2157

Tzuriel, D. (2001). Dynamic assessment of young children. New York:

Kluwer/Plenum. Mediation
Tzuriel, D., & Eran, Z. (1990). Inferential cognitive modifiability of
Kibbutz young children as a function of mother-child mediated ▶ Affordance and Second Language Learning
learning experience (MLE) interactions. International Journal of ▶ Mediated Learning Experience (MLE) and Cognitive
Cognitive Education and Mediated Learning, 1, 103–117. Modifiability
Tzuriel, D., & Ernst, D. (1990). Cognitive modifiability of young
children and mother-child mediated learning experience
(MLE) interaction in low medium- and high-SES. International
Journal of Cognitive Education and Mediated Learning, 1,
Tzuriel, D., & Shamir, A. (2007). The effects of peer mediation with Mediators of Learning
young children (PMYC) on children’s cognitive modifiability.
British Journal of Educational Psychology, 77, 143–165. DAVID TZURIEL
Tzuriel, D., & Shamir, A. (2010). Mediation strategies and cognitive School of Education, Journal of Cognitive Education
modifiability in young children as a function of peer mediation
and Psychology (JCEP), Bar Ilan University, Ramat,
with young children (PMYC) program and training in analogies
versus math tasks. Journal of Cognitive Psychology and Education, Gan, Israel
9, 48–72.
Tzuriel, D., & Shomron, V. (2009). Cognitive modifiability and psy-
chological resilience: The effects of mother-child mediated learn- Definition
ing experience (MLE) and home supportiveness among learning
The term “mediators of learning” refers to agents of
disabled children. Paper presented at the 12th International
Conference of the International Association for Cognitive Edu-
learning that use meditated learning experience (MLE)
cation and Psychology (IACEP), Germany: University of strategies to enhance their learning capacities (see
Osnabrū¨ck. mediated learning and cognitive modifiability for defini-
Tzuriel, D., & Weiss, S. (1998). The effects of mothers’ acceptance/ tion of MLE strategies). Mediators of learning are typ-
rejection attitudes, children’s personality and mothers’ mediated ically parents, siblings, teachers, caregivers, peers, and
learning strategies on cognitive modifiability. Early Development
and Parenting, 7, 79–99.
Tzuriel, D., & Weitz, A. (2007). The Relationship between mediated
learning strategies in mother-child interactions and personality, Theoretical Background
behavior, temperament, and cognitive skills of 8–9:6 year old Most research on mediators of learning focus on the
children born with very low birth weight. Paper presented at the role of parents and peers with very few studies on the
11th International Conference of the International Association
role of sibling, caregivers, teachers, and grandparents.
for Cognitive Education and Psychology (IACEP), Knoxville:
University of Tennessee.
Tzuriel, D., Kaniel, S., Zeliger, M., Friedman, A., & Haywood, H. C. Parents
(1998). Effects of the bright start program in kindergarten on use Parents mediating interactions with their children’s dur-
of mediated learning strategies and children’s cognitive modifi- ing early childhood provide the first culture of learning
ability. Child Development and Care, 143, 1–20. (Cole 1990). As children learn to how to solve problem,
Tzuriel, D., Kaniel, S., Kanner, E., & Haywood, H. C. (1999). The
parents provide support when tasks are too difficult.
effectiveness of Bright Start program in kindergarten on transfer
abilities and academic achievements. Early Childhood Research Parents’ support (scaffolding) of their children’s prob-
Quarterly, 114, 111–141. lem solving includes providing cognitive support,
Vygotsky, L. (1978). Mind in society. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Uni- transferring responsibility when the child is capable of
versity Press. managing the task independently, and motivating the
Wertsch, J. V. (1985). Culture, communication and cognition:
child to complete the task. Many researchers have
Vygotskian perspectives. London: Cambridge University Press.
found that specific activities of parents relate to their
children’s cognitive development, both concurrently
and predictively, and that both the child and the parent
influence the child’s mental development (Berk and
Mediated Signs Spuhl 1995; Klein 1996; Tzuriel 1999).
Klein’s studies with infants (e.g., Klein 1996)
▶ Affordance and Second Language Learning showed the amount of mediation parents gave to
2158 M Mediators of Learning

their infants was more strongly related to the children’s finding showing that younger siblings’ demand for
cognitive development than were commonly used mea- learning was related to the efficient teaching strategies
sures of early cognitive performance. In general, 10 min of older siblings highlights the bidirectional nature of
of observation of MLE interactions when the children learning in the sibling context. It seems that the famil-
were 12 months old could predict the children’s cogni- iarity between siblings not only facilitates the older
tive performance at 48 months of age. Intervention sibling’s teaching strategies, but also promotes the
studies with mothers showed that mothers who were younger child’s skill in asking adequate questions and
trained how to mediate to their children showed higher eliciting concrete instructions from the older experi-
quality of MLE strategies, that the mediation behavior enced sibling, resulting in a more efficient process of
was sustained over several years and that the children’s guided participation. Studies using the MLE model
cognitive performance was improved more than those (e.g., Klein et al. 2003) showed that the frequency of
shown in a control group. Tzuriel’s studies with kin- mediation behaviors in 5-year-old children mediating
dergarten and school age children showed that parental to their 3-year-old siblings was found to be related to
MLE strategies predicted children’s cognitive modifi- the younger siblings’ success on games that were taught.
ability among different groups of typically developing The meditational behaviors of older siblings were char-
children and learning disabled children. The most pow- acterized by relatively high frequencies of regulation of
erful strategies were mediation for transcendence (i.e., behavior and encouraging. The differences in MLE
expanding) and self-regulation. Of most importance strategies between dyads of siblings in which the youn-
were findings showing that the proximal factor of ger sibling has an intellectual disability (ID) as com-
parental MLE strategies explained cognitive modifi- pared with dyads of typically developing (TD) siblings
ability whereas distal factors such as SES, child person- was investigated by Hanukah-Levy and Tzuriel (2007).
ality orientation, and mother’s acceptance/rejection of The findings showed that in all MLE strategies, the
the child did not explain the child’s cognitive modifi- highest mediation was given by older siblings in the
ability. The distal factors explained the MLE strategies ID group (except in Transcendence strategy). These
which in turn affected directly the child’s cognitive findings indicate that the older siblings in the ID
modifiability (e.g., Tzuriel 1999, 2001). group were aware to the special needs of the young ID
siblings above and beyond the existing mental age, and
Siblings therefore, spontaneously compensated for their unique
Older siblings were found to posses meaningful role difficulties by providing higher level of mediation.
models to their younger siblings, thus affecting their
cognitive, social, and emotional development (Azmitia Caregivers
and Hesser 1993; Maynard 2002). Azmitia and Hesser The effects of childcare setting on learning outcome are
(1993) reported that siblings used more frequent spon- controversial. On one hand, childcare quality and time
taneous guidance and provided more positive feedback spent in childcare were found to predict positively
in their interactions with younger preschool siblings in developmental outcomes of children who attended
a teaching situation than with peers. These behaviors childcare, even after controlling for family selection
were related to the younger siblings’ demands for factors such as socioeconomic status, maternal educa-
explanation and requests to gain control over the per- tion, parenting, and family structure (Belsky et al.
formance, which were expressed more frequently 2007). On the other hand, earlier reports revealed that
toward older siblings than toward peers. Vygotsky’s family factors did not predict cognitive development
(1978) concept of “apprenticeship” is particularly differently for children who do and those who do not
meaningful in the present context. Apprenticeship experience childcare (NICHD Early Child Care
(Wertsch 1985) describes learning that takes place dur- Research Network 1998). These large-scale studies did
ing natural daily activities. It is built upon interactions not relate to specific MLE strategies. Klein developed
between older and younger members of a cultural the Mediational Intervention for Sensitizing Caregivers
group where the older sibling “scaffolds” the abilities approach (MISC; Klein 1992) as a tool for enriching the
of the younger during a shared performance, and quality of interaction between caregivers and children.
involve culturally relevant tasks and activities. The One of the characteristics of the MISC is helping the
Mediators of Learning M 2159

caregivers focus on criteria of the quality of interaction (Tzuriel and Shamir 2007, 2010) and math perfor-
that are content-independent and that can be trans- mance (e.g., Shamir, et al. 2007). Moreover, the find-
ferred to a variety of situations. The MISC was effi- ings indicate that tutees who themselves did not receive
ciently applied with typically developing children any training program but were taught by their peers
(Klein 1992, 2003), children with Down’s syndrome trained in using MLE strategies showed also a higher
(Sobleman-Rosenthal and Klein 2003) and PDD level of mediation strategies (Shamir and Tzuriel 2004)
(Greenspan and Weider 1998), and intellectually dis- and a higher cognitive modifiability on seriation tasks
abled adults (Lifshitz and Klein 2007). (Tzuriel and Shamir 2007) and in math (Shamir et al.
2007) than did their peers who were taught by
Important Scientific Research and non-mediating tutors. Repeated findings indicate that
Open Questions children who learn how to mediate to their peers inter-
Promising MLE approaches such as the Bright Start nalize the MLE strategies and become themselves better
program (Haywood, et al. 1986), Mediational Interven- learners in other contexts.
tion for Sensitizing Caregivers (MISC, Klein 2003), Peer
Mediation with Young Children (PMYC, Shamir and Grandparents
Tzuriel 2004; Tzuriel and Shamir 2007), and Analogical In today’s reality, the ties between children and their
Reasoning Program (ARP, Tzuriel and George 2009) are grandparents are stronger than in the past, and grand-
aimed at enriching the quality of MLE strategies parents are increasingly playing a significant role in the
between caregivers and children and consequently the lives of their grandchildren and in intergenerational
children’s cognitive performance. The Bright Start pro- transmission of parenting skills. Most grandparents
gram was found as effective in developing the media- see their grandchildren at least once a month, some-
tion teaching style of kindergarten teachers as well as times much more often. The relationship is seen gen-
enhancing children’s cognitive modifiability and aca- erally by both generations as positive and important.
demic achievements of different clinical groups of chil- Grandparenting role is diverse; the grandparent pro-
dren (Tzuriel et al. 1999; Tzuriel et al. 1998). The MISC vides the grandchild love and affection, care, shelter,
was proved to be effective for enhancement of learning life experience, moral values, company, closeness, trust,
with typically developing children (Greenspan and aid, and support. Studies on the role of grandparents as
Wieder 1998; Klein 1996) as well as with intellectually mediators were carried out with the objectives to inves-
disabled individuals (Lifshitz and Klein 2007). The tigate differences between mediation strategies of
PMYC was found effective in developing mediated mothers and maternal grandmothers as well as the
learning strategies of mediators as well as their cogni- similarities in mediation style as indicative of
tive modifiability and school achievements, and the transgenerational transmission of mediation strategies
ARP was found as an efficient program for developing (Isman and Tzuriel 2007). Findings indicate that
analogical reasoning and math skills. grandmothers tend to mediate intentionality and reci-
procity (i.e., focusing), meaning (i.e., labeling), and
Peers transcendence (i.e., expanding) on a higher level than
The effects of peer-assisted learning on children’s learn- mothers. On the other hand, mothers tend to mediate
ing and academic achievement have been investigated regulation of behavior on a higher level than grand-
extensively during the last two decades (e.g., Rohrbeck mothers. These findings may be explained by the fact
et al. 2003). The concept of peer mediation was devel- that grandmothers are more experienced mediators
oped recently (e.g., Shamir and Tzuriel 2004; Tzuriel than mothers. They intuitively know what the child
and Shamir 2007) following studies about the effects of needs in order to learn effectively; therefore, when
mother–child MLE strategies on children’s cognitive focusing the child, they choose to elaborate mediation
modifiability (e.g., Tzuriel 2001). Recent research has of meaning and transcendence. The mothers’ higher
shown that Peer Mediation with Young Children level of self-regulation strategy might indicate her
(PMYC) program was effective in improving MLE higher level of responsibility for her child’s develop-
strategies of young children (e.g., Shamir and Tzuriel ment, hence her efforts to monitor the child’s behavior.
2004) as well as enhancing their cognitive modifiability Correlations between grandmothers and mothers MLE
2160 M Mediators of Learning

strategies revealed that in a structured situation (e.g., Klein, P. S. (1992). Assessing cognitive modifiability of infants and
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Berk, L. E., & Spuhl, S. T. (1995). Maternal interaction, private Shamir, A., & Tzuriel, D. (2004). Children’s mediational teaching style
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Memory Code M 2161

Tzuriel, D. & George, T. (2009). Improvement of analogical reasoning

and academic achievements by the Analogical Reasoning Pro- Memory Aids
gram (ARP). Educational and Child Psychology, 29, 71–93.
Tzuriel, D., & Shamir, A. (2010). Mediation strategies and cognitive ▶ Mnemonic Learning
modifiability in young children as a function of peer mediation ▶ Mnemotechnics and Learning
with young children (PMYC) program and training in analogies
versus math tasks. Journal of Cognitive Psychology and Education,
9, 48–72.
Tzuriel, D., Kaniel, S., Kanner, E., & Haywood, H. C. (1999). The
effectiveness of Bright Start program in kindergarten on transfer
abilities and academic achievements. Early Childhood Research
Memory Capacity
Quarterly, 114, 111–141.
Vygotsky, L. (1978). Mind in society. Cambridge, MA: Harvard
Memory capacity is an important performance mea-
University Press. sure for associative memories. Different definitions
Wertsch, J. V. (1985). Culture, communication and cognition: coexist. For example, memory capacity has been quan-
Vygotskian perspectives. London: Cambridge University Press. tified as the number of retrievable memories per neu-
ron (Hopfield 1982) or the total information that can
be retrieved normalized by the number of synapses
(Willshaw et al. 1969). The information-theoretic def-
Meditation, Memory, and inition of memory capacity is more general, for
Attention instance, it can be used to assess how sparseness in
the memory patterns affects the performance of asso-
▶ Attention, Memory, and Meditation
ciative memory.

Hopfield, J. (1982). Neural networks and physical systems with emer- M
Medium gent collective computational abilities. Proceedings of the
National Academy of Sciences of the USA, 79(8), 2554–2558.
▶ Cue Summation and Learning
Willshaw, D. J., Buneman, O. P., & Longuet-Higgins, H. C.
(1969) Non-holographic associative memory. Nature, 222,

▶ Identity and Learning
Memory Code
Memory Center for the Neurobiology of Learning and Memory,
Refers to the ability to store, retain, and recall informa- University of California, Irvine, CA, USA
tion and experiences. This ability allows one to use past
experience to plan future actions.
Cross-References Neural memory algorithm
▶ Video-Based Learning
The term memory code refers to a relationship that
describes the transformation of a cardinal aspect of expe-
Memory Adaptation rience into an enduring neural form. Memory codes may
be appreciated by comparing them with sensory codes,
▶ Adaptive Memory and Learning the operation of which enables the representation of
2162 M Memory Code

a sensory parameter by neural activity. For example, the unlikely because of the unique aspects of particular
loudness of a sound may be represented as an increasing occurrences, memory codes could be used to represent
rate of discharge of auditory system neurons: the louder fundamental features that are common to all
the sound, the greater the rate of discharge. However, memories.
unlike sensory codes, memory codes provide for the
long-term representation of a general attribute of expe- Important Scientific Research and
rience. For example, the behavioral importance of an Open Questions
experience might be represented as an increasing func- Currently, there is some confusion among the terms
tion of the number of neurons that represent that memory code, memory encoding, and engram. Memory
experience (Weinberger 2001). encoding refers to the psychological level strategy
employed to represent a stimulus or event. For example,
Theoretical Background the spoken word “bird” could be encoded as the animal
Views on the nature of memories differ. Some workers to which it refers (semantic level of encoding) or as the
regard them as somewhat veridical records of experi- sound of the word itself (phonological level of encoding).
ences while other consider memories as reconstruc- The term engram is usually employed to refer to the
tions based on bits and pieces of stored information, totality of neural changes that comprise a memory,
subject to a host of other processes that compromise whether stored in a local or distributed manner.
accuracy. Undoubtedly, different forms of memory are A memory code is neither a psychological level
differentially subject to these problems and the list of strategy nor the actual neural substrate of a memory.
variables that affect memory strength and memory Rather, a memory code denotes a particular type of
clarity is known to be long and surely is still incom- “input–output” function. A memory code describes
plete. Nonetheless, whatever one’s views about the the transform from, e.g., patterns of sensory-derived
veracity of memories, for memory as a fundamental neuronal discharges [INPUT] into long-lasting changes
competency of the brain to have any function at all, for in neural organization that represent a cardinal feature
organisms to derive any benefit from past experience, of memory [OUTPUT].
there must be the storage of sufficient correct detail to The major current issue is whether memory codes
support future adaptive behavior. are merely hypothetical constructs or actually are
Memory storage has at least two faces: the specific instantiated by brains. There is now direct evidence
content of an experience, e.g., “Was that car red or for a memory code for the behavioral importance of
blue?”; the meaning of an experience, e.g., “Did that a sensory event, one that operates (perhaps surpris-
car almost hit me?”. It is generally agreed that the more ingly) in the primary auditory cortex. For example,
important an experience, the greater will be its the relative behavioral importance of a tone was
strength. For example, traumatic experiences are gen- manipulated in rats trained to bar-press for water
erally more difficult to forget and less subject to inter- reward in the presence of that tone. The area that
ference or conflation than less meaningful experiences. represented the frequency of this tonal signal in (the
At the extreme, memories can be intrusive as in post- “tonotopic map” of) the auditory cortex was expanded
traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The basolateral as an increasing function of the level of its behavioral
amygdala (BLA) is thought to be a major mechanism significance (Rutkowski and Weinberger 2005). Insofar
that modulates the strength of memories via its reac- as important memories are more resistant to interfer-
tivity to stress hormones that are secreted by the adre- ence, such as in behavioral extinction, one might expect
nal glands (McGaugh 2004). But as most memories are that the stronger the memory, the larger the area of
not traumatic, yet enduring (e.g., your mother’s cortical representation and the slower its extinction.
maiden name), they must have a neural substrate This relationship also has been found (Bieszczad and
which enables their maintenance. One way in which Weinberger 2010).
this could be accomplished is by the instantiation of Research on memory codes is still in its early stages,
memory codes for particular features of memories. perhaps because most brain-memory studies are
While general neural algorithms for the representation concerned with the processes responsible for memory
of the specific content of individual experiences are storage while inquiry on how the brain represents
Memory Consolidation and Reconsolidation M 2163

memory content has lagged. The nascent status of mem- the phenomenon of retrograde amnesia. The term
ory codes clearly provides many opportunities for “consolidation” refers to the presumed underlying neu-
additional inquiry. ral processes involving the storage of memory that
would account for the time-dependent characteristics
Cross-References of retrograde amnesia, in which recent information is
▶ Memory Consolidation and Reconsolidation more vulnerable than older information.
▶ Memory Persistence Reconsolidation represents a special case in which an
▶ Mental Representations old memory that has been reactivated by exposure to
▶ Sensory Memory the learning situation becomes susceptible to an amne-
sic event. Thus, reconsolidation involves the putative
References neural mechanisms involved in re-storage of memory.
Bieszczad, K. M., & Weinberger, N. M. (2010). Representational gain Both terms are also used in a more descriptive sense to
in cortical area underlies increases of memory strength. Proceed- refer to a variety of findings indicating that processing
ings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of of information in animals as well as humans can con-
America, 107(8), 3793–3798.
tinue for a short period of time after an input or event
McGaugh, J. L. (2004). The amygdala modulates the consolidation of
memories of emotionally arousing experiences. Annual Review of has ended.
Neuroscience, 27, 1–28.
Rutkowski, R. G., & Weinberger, N. M. (2005). Encoding of learned Theoretical Background
importance of sound by magnitude of representational area in That traumatic closed-head brain injury such as con-
primary auditory cortex. Proceedings of the National Academy of
cussion could lead to forgetting of earlier events or
Sciences of the United States of America, 102(38), 13664–13669.
Weinberger, N. M. (2001). Chap 16: Memory codes: New concept for retrograde amnesia (RA) has long been recognized. In
old problem. In P. E. Gold & W. T. Greenough (Eds.), Memory addition, clinical observations in the 1800s on patients
Consolidation: Essays in Honor of James L. McGaugh (pp. 321– with traumatic brain injuries suggested that memory
342). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
for events shortly before the injury were more likely to
be forgotten than memory for earlier events. This find-
ing of a temporal gradient of memory loss, based on
case studies, became an important aspect of what came
to be referred to as consolidation. Similar observations
Memory Consolidation were later made when patients undergoing electrocon-
▶ Dreaming: Memory Consolidation and Learning vulsive shock therapy (ECT) for depression seemed to
forget events just before the ECT treatment but not
earlier ones. These informal findings were subsequently
verified experimentally. Patients learned two lists of
material, one shortly before ECT and the other several
Memory Consolidation and hours prior to treatment. When the patients were
Reconsolidation tested, the memory loss was greater for the more
recently learned material.
DAVID C. RICCIO, PATRICK K. CULLEN The term “consolidation” seems to have originated
Kent State University, Kent, OH, USA with laboratory work with humans done by Muller and
Pilzecker in their studies on retroactive interference. It
appeared that interpolating the new information
Synonyms shortly after the target material was acquired was
Memory storage; Restabilize; Re-storage; Stabilize; more detrimental to the original memory than inter-
Time-dependent processes polating the second material after a delay. Although
their finding has not held up in more recent studies,
Definition that outcome and related observations led them to
The terms consolidation and reconsolidation are theo- suggest that during learning the information persisted
retical constructs closely, but not exclusively, linked to or perseverated in memory for a brief period after an
2164 M Memory Consolidation and Reconsolidation

event. They concluded that newly acquired informa- notion of consolidation of storage. Thus, consolidation
tion had to undergo a period of “consolidation” in implied a temporarily labile state that became more
order to become stable. Other investigators quickly stable over time. This concept was further supported
realized that this concept would be relevant to the by the neurobiological speculation that learning or
observations on retrograde amnesia. perceptions initiated neuronal activity that persisted
The inherent limitations on using humans in stud- shortly after the event in the form of “reverberating
ies led to the use of nonhuman animal models (pri- circuits” that provided the underpinnings of storage.
marily rodents) in laboratory studies of RA. One early These findings and concepts combined to provide
investigation trained rats to avoid foot-shock in an an appealing account of retrograde amnesia: The time-
active avoidance task where each trial was followed by dependent effect reflected the cessation of storage when
ECS after one of several different delay intervals. Con- the amnesic agent disrupted the neuronal activity. With
sistent with the human literature, RA diminished as the longer delays, more of the information was already
delay between a trial and the ECS increased, and at the stored. As agents that can inhibit protein synthesis
longest delay of several hours the experimental rats can induce amnesia, many investigators have come to
performed as well as the sham ECS (control) group. focus on that synthesis as the more specific mechanism
As this finding showed, an important implication of involved in consolidation. Currently, a common, but
the temporal gradient was that the memory deficit was not universal, view is that protein synthesis is the pro-
not due to gross brain damage or general memory cess underlying consolidation.
impairment. A major implication of consolidation theory was
One interpretative problem that arose with respect that memory, once consolidated, became relatively
to the early laboratory studies of RA was that the impervious to amnesia. This view was challenged
temporal gradient might result from a punishment when Misanin et al. (1968), using ECS, reported
effect if the amnesic agent were even momentarily obtaining retrograde amnesia for old memory that
perceived as aversive. Poor performance might be tem- had been reactivated by a brief exposure to the training
porally graded due to suppression from punishment cue (CS). They suggested that the level of activity,
rather than memory loss. The issue was resolved by the rather than age of the information, was the key deter-
introduction of the “inhibitory avoidance” (also called minant of vulnerability. Although other labs reported
passive avoidance) paradigm, in which subjects had to conceptual replications of amnesia for “old but
refrain from making a response that was explicitly reactivated” memory, the issue did not attract much
punished by foot-shock. When the training was attention until many years later when a paper by Nader
followed by the amnesic treatment, the memory failure et al. (2000) appeared from a behavioral neuroscience
interpretation correctly predicted that the subjects laboratory. That study showed that inhibition of pro-
would repeat the response, while a suppression of per- tein synthesis in the basolateral amygdala resulted in
formance view would predict the opposite outcome. RA for a reactivated old memory. By demonstrating
Two further advantages of the inhibitory avoidance amnesia in a highly analytic and extensive study,
task were that: (1) it was learned in a single trial, thus Nader’s finding captured the interest of many neuro-
allowing a precise specification of the temporal gradi- scientists. Along with that came a shift in research
ent, and (2) in control groups the response was well strategies from primarily behavioral to much more
retained over long intervals of time. molecular. The term “reconsolidation,” although not
A seminal paper by McGaugh (1966) reviewed the new, became a convenient label for the basic
evidence for time-dependent effects when manipula- phenomenon.
tions (drugs, ECS, etc.) were introduced following con-
ditioning. He noted that this arrangement precluded Important Scientific Research and
potential problems with sensory, motivational, or asso- Open Questions
ciative processes that could occur with manipulations Despite the appeal of the consolidation model, it has
that occur before training. Although many treatments undergone both some modifications and some theo-
produced impairment of memory, some could enhance retical challenges in recent years. With respect to brain
memory, and both outcomes were consistent with the areas of importance for consolidation, a traditional
Memory Consolidation and Reconsolidation M 2165

view has been that the hippocampus serves as differences between the two phenomena with respect
a temporary repository for new information, and that to several characteristics. More recent research has
over time the memory is transferred to neocortical begun to examine the molecular bases for consolida-
areas for more permanent storage. One apparent diffi- tion and reconsolidation and has yielded contrasting
culty with this view has been the evidence from some results. One major issue has been whether
studies of temporal gradients of RA extending back for reconsolidation involves destabilization of the
weeks (animals) to years (humans). These findings led established memory and the need for new protein
to a distinction between relatively brief “cellular con- synthesis to occur again. From this perspective, amne-
solidation” (minutes to hours) and “systemic consoli- sia for reactivated old memory reflects the disruption
dation” that might continue for years. A few studies of de novo protein synthesis. For instance, infusing the
have even reported gradients extending back for years protein synthesis inhibitor anisomycin into the lateral
as a result of various brain lesions. However, an alter- and basal nuclei of the amygdala as well as the dorsal
native view that can explain long temporal gradients hippocampus shortly after reactivation of an old fear
independently of an extended consolidation process memory has been reported to result in persistent amne-
involves multiple traces: Older memories are more sia for that memory. This suggests that a fear memory
likely to have been reactivated at various times, thus returns to a labile state once reactivated and the
establishing multiple neocortical traces that would reconsolidation of that memory requires de novo pro-
attenuate or prevent amnesia. Furthermore, a very flat tein synthesis. Other laboratories have found further
gradient could imply that retrieval or other associative evidence that consolidation and reconsolidation share
mechanisms have been disrupted rather than that stor- similar molecular properties. For example, the tran-
age is impaired. scription factors cyclic AMP-response element binding
The issue of reversibility or attenuation of amnesia protein (CREB) and zinc finger 268 (zif268) appear to
has been a source of contention. A number of studies be required for both consolidation and reconsolidation
have found that various reminder manipulations short of contextual fear conditioning in mice and object
of retraining can alleviate RA resulting from agents recognition in rats, respectively (for further review see
such as ECS and hypothermia. In some cases Alberini 2005). However, other laboratories have either
reexposure to the amnesic agent itself can produce at failed to find protein synthesis-dependent
least partial recovery of memory. The latter outcome reconsolidation or have found transient effects of pro-
has led retrieval-oriented researchers to propose tein synthesis inhibitors on reactivated memories (i.e.,
a modified state-dependent interpretation of both con- recovery from amnesia) suggesting that reactivation of
solidation and reconsolidation (Riccio et al. 2006). an old consolidated memory does not result in
According to that view, new information (or reactivated a destabilization and subsequent re-stabilization of
information) continues to be processed for a short the memory. In addition, several laboratories have
period after the event. This post-acquisition (or post- found certain molecular mechanisms that are unique
reactivation) processing becomes associated or encoded to consolidation and reconsolidation. The transcrip-
with the unique internal state produced by an amnesic tion factor CCAAT enhancing binding protein
agent. At later testing, the memory is not retrieved as ß – (C/EBP ß) has been found to be required for
the state is no longer present; however, reexposure to consolidation within the hippocampus for inhibitory
the agent will provide the necessary state (retrieval) avoidance learning, but not for reconsolidation. How-
cues. This interpretation, based on the importance of ever, C/EBP ß within the amygdala is required for
a match between encoding and retrieval contexts, pro- reconsolidation of inhibitory avoidance learning, but
vides an alternative account of the temporal gradient, not consolidation. Although a clear picture of common
since with longer delays more of the information is versus unique features has not yet emerged it seems fair
encoded in the normal state. to conclude that reconsolidation involves some mech-
A central question with respect to reconsolidation, anisms that are different from consolidation.
assessed in terms of amnesia, involves comparison with Operationally, the procedure of reexposure to the
amnesia for new memory. An early behavioral study by training conditional stimulus to reactivate memory in
Mactutus et al. (1982) found both similarities and reconsolidation is identical to the procedure for
2166 M Memory Dynamics

producing extinction. This raises the question of

whether the poor performance at testing might reflect Memory Dynamics
an extinction effect rather than “memory impair-
ment.” Several lines of evidence argue against the JESSICA TALLET
extinction interpretation. For example, the short PRISSMH-LAPMA, EA 4561, Université Paul Sabatier –
duration of exposure used for reactivation produces UFR STAPS, Toulouse, Cedex 9, France
little extinction in controls. Also, reactivation of old
memory can be achieved by exposure to stimuli (such
as the unconditional stimulus) that are unrelated to Synonyms
extinction. Deformation; Degradation; Formation; Persistence;
In terms of application, the potential modifiability Reappearance of memories; Strengthening
of an old but reactivated memory in anxiety-related
disorders has become of interest to researchers Definition
concerned with the therapeutic implications of Memory is generally associated to the permanent
reconsolidation. retention of past experiences. However, it appears
While arguments about the nature and even exis- that some past experiences persist over very long
tence of consolidation exist, at an empirical level there delays in the memory repertoire while others are rap-
is little doubt that processing of information continues idly forgotten in the face of various constraints or
after an event. The time-dependent characteristics of perturbations. In the field of experimental psychol-
directed forgetting, transfer of retrieval cues, trace con- ogy, memory is tested by requiring participants to
ditioning, and other phenomena all attest to the fact practice a novel task with a model in order to learn
that some type of neural activity persists for a period of it. Then, a retention interval corresponds to a rest
time. period during which participants do not practice the
task. Finally, the model is suppressed and participants
are invited to recall the practiced task from memory.
Cross-References During this stage, the memory can undergo very dif-
▶ Amnesia and Learning
ferent evolutions such as persistence, strengthening,
▶ Dreaming as Consolidation of Memory and Learning
degradation, deformation, or reappearance. ▶ Mem-
▶ Extinction Learning
ory dynamics precisely refers to all these possible
▶ Internal Reinforcement Hypothesis
changes of memories as function of time, environmen-
▶ Linking Fear Learning to Memory Consolidation
tal constraints, or perturbations. Persistence and for-
getting can be considered as two adaptive processes that
References render memory sometimes robust – i.e., able to adopt
Alberini, C. M. (2005). Mechanisms of memory stabilization: Are persistent behaviors in spite of perturbations – and
consolidation and reconsolidation similar or distinct processes? sometimes flexible – i.e., able to adjust to such
Trends in Neurosciences, 28(1), 51–56.
Mactutus, C. F., Ferek, J. M., George, C. A., & Riccio, D. C. (1982).
Hypothermia- induced amnesia for newly acquired and old
reactivated memories: Commonalities and distinctions. Physio- Theoretical Background
logical Psychology, 10, 79–95. Experimental psychology aims at finding general laws
McGaugh, J. L. (1966). Time-dependent processes in memory stor-
that account for various situations and individuals. In
age. Science, 153, 1351–1358.
Misanin, J. R., Miller, R. R., & Lewis, D. J. (1968). Retrograde amnesia this field, a central theoretical and practical challenge is
produced by electroconvulsive shock after reactivation of to find some behavioral signs that enable to predict the
a consolidated memory trace. Science, 160, 554–555. memory dynamics. This question has been studied for
Nader, K., Schafe, G. E., & LeDoux, J. E. (2000). Fear memories more than one century, and two theoretically distinct
require protein synthesis in the amygdala for reconsolidation
approaches have emerged: the so-called “traditional”
after retrieval. Nature, 406, 722–726.
Riccio, D. C., Millin, P. M., & Bogart, A. R. (2006). Reconsolidation:
and “dynamical” approaches of learning and memory.
A brief history, a retrieval view, and some recent issues. Learning These approaches not only differ in terms of their
and Memory, 13, 536–544. origins and theoretical conceptions of memory, but
Memory Dynamics M 2167

also in terms of experimental paradigms and measures However, both conceptions overlook that memories
of memory dynamics. can undergo different fates and spontaneously evolve
The traditional approach is based on the cognitive over time, suggesting that they are not stored as an
theory that emerged in the 1950s with the revolution of exact replica of the past experiences.
engineering sciences, logic mathematics, and computer Memory dynamics is precisely at the heart of pio-
sciences (Gardner 1985) and is still nowadays the dom- neer theories of memory functioning. Considering that
inant approach to learning and memory. A key idea is forgetting can take different forms, researchers assume
that the functioning of human mental processes, such that memories are not stored in a static and permanent
as memory, can be inferred from the understanding of form. Instead, memories can be viewed as changing
computer functioning. The central nervous system representations of the past. The key question is thus
(CNS) is thus considered as an information processing to identify the processes underlying these changes. This
system which encodes environmental information as question has been debated in the light of two different
a symbolic representation, stores it during the retention conceptions deeply rooted in ancient memory meta-
interval, and retrieves it when recall is required. It phors introduced by philosophers in the seventeenth
implies that once encoded, memories are stored in century (Koriat and Goldsmith 1996). First, the storage
a static and permanent form. Forgetting is thus defined metaphor is inspired by the empiricist philosophical
as a loss of information, and researchers set out to point of view (Locke 1632–1704) which considers
identify the possible system failure leading to this loss memory as a tabula rasa on which traces are progres-
of information according to two distinct conceptions. sively written and laid down, like discrete copies of past
The idea of the structuralist conception of memory, events that passively wait for a possible retrieval. Oper-
inspired by the British psychologist Edward Titchener ationally, the number of retrieved memories decreases
(1867–1827), is that memory can be divided into dif- over time. Hence, theories of forgetting postulate that
ferent systems located separately in the brain and stor- the memory traces disappear progressively: they can
ing information according to its nature (declarative, deteriorate with the passage of time in the absence of
procedural,. . .). Forgetting would thus result from a retrieval, as postulated in the Ebbinghaus’ decay theory
structural damage of the system that stored the lost (1885), or they are replaced by other memory traces
information. This explains why information stored in from past or recent learning, as proposed by Müller and
the declarative memory system (concerned with know- Pilzecker in the interference theory (1900). In contrary,
ing “that he did”) can be lost without losing informa- the metaphor of correspondence is founded upon a
tion stored in the procedural memory system rationalist philosophical point of view (Descartes
(concerned with knowing “how to do”). For example, 1596–1650) suggesting that memory is pre-organized
one can forget that he was riding a bicycle last week in generic and abstract internal representations of past
without forgetting how to ride a bicycle. A different experiences called schemas. Experimental findings on
idea of forgetting is postulated in the functionalist or repeated recalls of the same memory revealed that the
proceduralist conception of memory. This conception, performance tends to a more and more simple and
originally inspired by the American psychologist familiar representation of the past, possibly leading to
William James (1842–1910), assumes that records of false memories. On this basis, Bartlett’s distortion the-
past events are stored in a unique reservoir. Forgetting ory (1932) posits that retrieval is a reconstruction of the
is thus attributed to a problem in the encoding or past so that pre-existing familiar memories are inte-
retrieval processes rather than storage. More precisely, grated in the memory trace. Forgetting corresponds to
the encoding context or the processes at work during a memory distortion (i.e., a deformation) of the corre-
practice would influence the retrieval probability at spondence between the actual past event and its mem-
recall. For example, changing the context (location, ory trace due to the active intervention of an internal
mood, etc.) between the encoding and the retrieval schema already existing in memory. To sum up, the two
stages would increase the likeliness of forgetting. All metaphors of memory concentrate on (1) the nature of
in all, both the structuralist and functionalist memory the representations in memory (discrete traces or
conceptions consider forgetting as an ineluctable loss of schemas) and (2) the multiple processes by which the
information during encoding, storage, or retrieval. representations are deteriorated (disappearance or
2168 M Memory Dynamics

reconstruction). However, in no way these theories constraints increase and become critical, the pattern
address the question of the formation, persistence, suddenly destabilizes and may switch spontaneously
and possible reactivation or strengthening of to a more stable pattern. In this case, the pattern cannot
memories. be produced anymore. However, it disappears defi-
More recently, a radically different approach of nitely from the memory repertoire: Once environmen-
learning and memory has emerged. The dynamic pat- tal constraints turn back to the range of possibilities of
tern approach aims at describing, understanding, and the system, the pattern can reappear. It follows that
predicting the formation, persistence, disappearance, only the most stable patterns can persist in response
and reappearance of behaviors in the face of various to increasing environmental constraints or perturba-
constraints or perturbations (Kelso 1995). This tions. Thus, stability (and loss of stability) is thus a key
approach is interested in open complex systems (e.g., property accounting for both robustness (persistence)
climate system, CNS, socio-economic system) which and flexibility (forgetting and reappearance) of the
are continuously exposed to environmental constraints system in response to external changes.
or perturbations that tend to change the ongoing
behavior. Thus, a challenging purpose in this field is Important Scientific Research and
to identify the conditions and underlying processes Open Questions
leading to the persistence of a given behavior in spite The first important finding in the field of DPT is that
of these perturbations. To address this question, memorizing a new bimanual coordination pattern
dynamic pattern approach borrows the concepts from implies a competition between the to-be-learnt pattern
self-organization theories developed in the field of living and the stable patterns pre-existing in the memory
and physico-chemical sciences and the mathematical repertoire. Competition can be reduced by two pro-
tools of dynamic systems. Examples coming from non- cesses that differ in stability during practice and guar-
equilibrium thermodynamics, pioneered by the Nobel antee the robustness and flexibility of the memory
price winner in chemistry Ilya Prigogine (1917–2003), system after practice.
suggest that such systems adopt a limited number of (1) An increase in accuracy without stabilization of
preferred patterns (i.e., organized configurations) the to-be-learnt pattern reduces transiently the compe-
depending on the external conditions. Patterns emerge, tition and reflects a simple adaptation of a pre-existing
persist, disappear, and reappear spontaneously in face stable pattern during practice. At recall, the to-be-learnt
of changing external constraints, without the interven- pattern is forgotten and the pre-existing stable pattern
tion of an internal representation which prescripts reappears. This form of forgetting can be viewed as an
a specific behavior. Formalization of the nonlinear adaptive process which ensures the flexibility of the
patterns’ evolution in response to linear changes of memory system because (a) it allows transient adapta-
external constraints allows predicting the dynamic tion to various environmental constraints, (b) it avoids
behavior of the system. uncontrolled multiplication of persistent memories
On this basis, dynamic pattern theory (DPT) of (e.g., hypermnesia occurring in savant autism), and
human behaviors developed from the middle of the (c) it limits excessive rigidity of behaviors (e.g., persev-
1980s. (see Kelso 1995) It defends that CNS is an erations occurring in frontal damages).
open complex system governed by the generic pro- (2) The stabilization of a new pattern during prac-
cesses of self-organization. Experiments are mainly tice annihilates the competition with pre-existing stable
conducted in the field of perceptual-motor coordina- patterns and leads to the creation of a new stable and
tion. Preferred patterns constitute the memory reper- persistent pattern in the memory repertoire. If the sta-
toire. They are characterized by their stability that is bilized pattern does not correspond to the to-be-learnt
the property to return rapidly to the initial state after one, a persistent false recall is created. It follows that the
a perturbation has moved it away (Haken 1983). Exper- long-term persistence of a new pattern in memory
imental findings on bimanual coordination show that depends on the stabilization process during practice,
a coordination pattern remains stable as long as the whatever the accuracy may be. Neuroimaging studies
external constraints (e.g., movement speed) respect the suggest that the stabilization process go with the for-
range of possibilities of the system. When external mation of a specialized neural network (e.g., Debaere
Memory for “What,” “Where,” and “When” Information in Animals M 2169

et al. 2004). It remains to know if this neural speciali- Gardner, H. (1985). The mind’s new science: A history of the cognitive
zation could be the correlate of pattern persistence at revolution. New York: Basic Books.
Haken, H. (1983). Synergetics. An introduction. Berlin/Heidelberg/
recall, and possibly of its consolidation – i.e., the
New York/Tokyo: Springer.
increase in resistance to interference over time, as first Kelso, J. A. S. (1995). Dynamic patterns: The self-organization of brain
discovered in 1900 by Müller and Pilzecker. and behavior. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Second, DPTsuggests that the creation/stabilization Koriat, A., & Goldsmith, M. (1996). Memory metaphors and the real-
of a new persistent stable pattern can be predicted life/laboratory controversy: Correspondence versus storehouse
conceptions of memory. The Behavioral and Brain Sciences,
before practice. Recent findings comfort Schöner’s pre-
19(2), 167–228.
diction (1989) according to which the resolution of the Schöner, G. (1989). Learning and recall in a dynamic theory of
competition depends on the stability of the nearest coordination patterns. Biological Cybernetics, 62, 39–54.
stable patterns pre-existing in the memory repertoire.
Creation of a new stable and persistent pattern occurs
only if the initial competition is strong enough, i.e., if
the pre-existing patterns are enough stable. Given that
each individual presents his/her own memory reper- Memory for “What,” “Where,”
toire, this highlights the crucial role of the inter- and “When” Information in
individual differences existing before practice to predict Animals
which pattern can integrate the memory repertoire and
persist after practice. This explains that a given mem- MEGAN L. HOFFMAN, DAVID A. WASHBURN
ory system cannot integrate all information equally and Department of Psychology, Language Research Center,
undergo different memory dynamics. Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA, USA
Third, DPT opens new perspective on the memory
dynamics dysfunctions such as Parkinson and
Alzheimer diseases that present difficulties in learning Synonyms
and recall of new procedural or declarative memories. Episodic-like memory; Episodic memory; Event mem-
These memory disorders could reflect troubles in the ory; Object memory; Spatial memory; Temporal
stabilization process. Even if this hypothesis needs memory
experimental validations, it is possible that the patterns
pre-existing in the memory repertoire are not enough Definition
stable to create competition leading to the creation of The term “what-where-when memory” has been used
new persistent patterns. to describe the ability of animals to integrate object,
spatial, and temporal information from past episodes
Cross-References in memory. It has often been used interchangeably with
▶ Ebbinghaus, Hermann (1850–1909) the terms “episodic memory” or the more conservative
▶ Individual Differences in Learning “episodic-like memory” to describe the ability of
▶ James, William (1842–1910) nonhuman animals to remember components of
▶ Locke, John (1632–1704) trial-unique events. This ability has been qualified as
▶ Memory Codes episodic-like because the definition of episodic mem-
▶ Memory Consolidation and Reconsolidation ory (as outlined in the human memory literature and
▶ Memory Persistence elsewhere in this volume) involves not only the inte-
▶ Motor Learning gration of what, where, and when information in mem-
▶ Motor Schema(s) ory, but it also involves a subjective, conscious
▶ Recall and the Effect of Repetition on Recall experience (autonoetic consciousness or mental time-
travel) upon retrieval. Therefore, both episodic-like
References memory and what-where-when memory have been
Debaere, F., Wenderoth, N., Sunaert, S., Van Hecke, P., & Swinnen, S. P. proposed to describe the unique situation of
(2004). Changes in brain activation during the acquisition of a new nonhuman species that demonstrate behavioral evi-
bimanual coordination task. Neuropsychologia, 42(7), 855–867. dence of this memory system, while still maintaining
2170 M Memory for “What,” “Where,” and “When” Information in Animals

the traditional definition of episodic memory and its capable of encoding what, where, and when informa-
emphasis on a subjective conscious experience. tion about trial-unique past events (for
a comprehensive review, see Dere et al. 2006).
Theoretical Background Another approach has been to design computerized
The distinction between memories for personally expe- tasks that can be used across species to examine what-
rienced past events and memory for factual knowledge where-when memory integration. In this paradigm,
about the world was first noted by Tulving (1983) who organisms manipulate a joystick, touchscreen, or
proposed that long-term memory was composed of other input device to respond to computer-graphic
two subsystems; an episodic memory system and stimuli in accordance with the rules of these game-
a semantic memory system. Tulving argued that the like tasks. An initial approach in this tradition used
episodic memory system allowed for the encoding of an analog of the popular children’s memory game in
past episodes through the binding of various compo- which an array of cards are placed picture-side-down
nents of the event in memory (most notably, spatial on a table. Pairs of cards are overturned to reveal the
and temporal information concerning the event). Fur- images on each. If the images match, the pair is
thermore, this system was characterized as involving removed from the array. If the images are different,
a subjective conscious experience because when epi- the cards are returned to the face-down position.
sodic memories are retrieved they are frequently Thus, efficient responding requires memory for what
accompanied by the feeling that one is reexperiencing is located where in this particular game, versus previ-
the unique spatiotemporal context of the event. This ous games where the same pictures might have been
subjective and phenomenological quality initially made located elsewhere. Rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta),
episodic memory difficult to assess in nonhuman ani- like humans, were able to retain information for mul-
mals that are unable to convey information about their tiple objects and spatial locations (e.g., Washburn et al.
mental states through language. However, in recent 2007). The monkeys perseverated on incorrect choices
years many researchers have developed behavioral in this task and showed little evidence of integrating
tests that do not rely on verbal reports, and can be spatial and object information in memory. However,
used to assess memory for past events in animals. when the monkeys were presented with a computerized
delayed matching-to-sample task that had been used
Important Scientific Research and successfully with pigeons, they were able successfully to
Open Questions report what, where, and when information from past
A variety of different methodologies have been devel- episodes (Hoffman et al. 2009). It remains an open
oped to examine event memory in animals (Crystal question whether these results reflect an integrated
2009); some approaches have focused on designing memory system that retains what, where, and when
tasks that incorporate the natural food-caching or for- episodic information, or (as Skov-Rackette et al. 2006,
aging behavior of the species being studied (e.g., reported for pigeons) the contributions of three com-
Clayton et al. 2001), whereas others have used test plementary memory systems that work independently.
paradigms from the study of memory with humans The opportunity to test memory for what-where-
(e.g., Washburn et al. 2007). In these foraging-type when in great apes that have been trained to report
tests, an animal finds different food sources at specific various components of past events through the use of
locations within the environment. They are then symbolic lexigrams and photos (e.g., Menzel 2005;
removed from the environment and allowed to return Schwartz et al. 2005) provides a methodological bridge
after varying delays. By setting up various contingen- between naturalistic, foraging-type tests and laboratory
cies regarding the perishability of different food sources paradigms that are used to study episodic memory in
over time, the experimenters are able to infer whether humans. For example, Menzel developed a unique pro-
the animal remembers what, where, and when infor- cedure for testing the what-where-when memory of
mation from the past event by examining which loca- a language-trained chimpanzee (Pan Troglodytes)
tions they visit when reintroduced into the named Panzee. Under Panzee’s watchful eye, Menzel
environment after a particular delay. Studies using hid food items in the woods outside the ape’s outdoor
this approach have shown that scrub jays and rats are enclosure. For instance, he might conceal a peach in
Memory Modification M 2171

a container, buried in the ground well outside the cage. Dere, E., Kart-Teke, E., Huston, J. P., & De Souza Silva, M. A. (2006).
Hours or even days later, Panzee could recruit a caretaker The case for episodic memory in animals. Neuroscience and
Biobehavioral Reviews, 30(8), 1206–1224.
(who was not aware what, where, or even whether some-
Hoffman, M. L., Beran, M. J., & Washburn, D. A. (2009). Memory for
thing had been hidden) and use her lexigram keyboard “what”, “where”, and “when” information in rhesus monkeys
to name the object that had been hidden. Then Panzee (Macaca mulatta). Journal of Experimental Psychology. Animal
would direct the caretaker outdoors and to the location Behavior Processes, 35(2), 143–152.
where the item was hidden, using pointing, posture, and Menzel, C. (2005). Progress in the study of chimpanzee recall and
episodic memory. In H. S. Terrace & J. Metcalfe (Eds.), The
vocalization to guide the caretaker’s movements. Not
missing link in cognition: Origins of self-reflective consciousness
only was Panzee almost perfect in recalling what had (pp. 188–224). New York: Oxford University Press.
been hidden, she showed impressive skill in recall of Schwartz, B. L., Hoffman, M. L., & Evans, S. (2005). Episodic-like
where the item or multiple items were concealed, and memory in a gorilla: a review and new findings. Learning and
did not make errors that reflected confusions across the Motivation, 36(2), 226–244.
different to-be-remembered locations. Skov-Rackette, S., Miller, N., & Shettleworth, S. (2006). What-where-
when memory in pigeons. Journal of Experimental Psychology.
Taken together, these studies have shown that a variety
Animal Behavior Processes, 32, 345–358.
of species (including rats, pigeons, scrub jays, rhesus Washburn, D. A., Gulledge, J. P., James, F. J., & Rumbaugh, D. M.
monkeys, and great apes) are capable of remembering (2007). A species difference in visuospatial working memory:
multiple components of past episodes and are able to does language link “what” with “where”? International Journal
convey this information through their behavior. What of Comparative Psychology, 20, 54–63.
remains unsettled is the degree to which these behaviors
reflect an integrated episodic memory system analogous
to the one that has been demonstrated in humans, accom-
panied by the experience of reliving the past. There is
some suggestion that language facilitates the integration Memory for Changes in Pictures
and Displays M
of what, where, and when memory by nonhuman ani-
mals. Menzel’s (2005) demonstration of accurate episodic
▶ List Memory and Change-Detection Memory in
recall by a language-trained chimpanzee provides some
evidence on this point, as does the Washburn et al. (2007)
finding that rhesus monkeys, which had not been trained
to represent information with a language-like symbol
system, seemed to remember what, where and when,
but not what-was-where-and-when. On this same Memory for Serially Presented
point, language-trained chimpanzees perfomed signifi-
cantly better than the monkeys on the memory game,
and memory by humans was reliably compromised when ▶ List Memory and Change-Detection Memory in
they were not able to use language to encode the to-be- Animals
remembered information (Washburn et al. 2007).

▶ Episodic Learning
▶ Episodic-Like Memory in Food-Caching Birds
Memory Loss
▶ Semantic Memory in Profound Amnesia
Clayton, N. S., Yu, K. S., & Dickinson, A. (2001). Scrub jays
(Aphelocoma coerulescens) form integrated memories of the mul-
tiple features of caching episodes. Journal of Experimental Psy-
chology. Animal Behavior Processes, 27(1), 17–29. Memory Modification
Crystal, J. (2009). Elements of episodic-like memory in animal
models. Behavioural Processes, 80, 269–277. ▶ Dynamics of Memory: Context-Dependent Updating
2172 M Memory of the Future

convey signals to the nucleus of the neurons in

Memory of the Future order to trigger the involvement of transcription fac-
▶ Prospective and Retrospective Learning in Mild tors that signal the DNA to produce messenger RNAs
Alzheimer’s Disease that will then translate into specific proteins; the
major such signaling pathways are the one triggered
by cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) or pro-
tein kinase A (PKA) pathway, the one regulated by
extracellular factors (extracellularly regulated kinases
Memory Persistence or ERKs), and the one regulated by Ca2+ and calmod-
ulin; (b) nuclear proteins that act as transcription
IVAN IZQUIERDO1, JORGE H. MEDINA2, MARTIN CAMMAROTA1 factors, of which the most important are CREB
Memory Center, Brain Institute, Pontifical Catholic (cAMP response element binding protein) that is acti-
University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, vated by the signaling pathways mentioned above, and
RS, Brazil the inducible factor c-Fos; (c) the brain-derived
Departamento de Fisiologia, Universidad de Buenos neurotrophic factor (BDNF) that is produced by neu-
Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina rons and causes growth of recently stimulated synap-
ses; (d) the neurotransmitter, dopamine, and its
receptor, D1.
Long-term memory; Persistent memory; Retentive- Important Scientific Research and
ness; Temporal extension of memories Open Questions
Recently, two different mechanisms based on the hip-
Theoretical Background pocampus have been found to regulate the persistence
In the first 2–6 h after acquisition, learned informa- of LTMs beyond a few days. One involves the circadian
tion can be consolidated into long-term memories activation of the ERK and the cAMP signal transduc-
(LTMs) (McGaugh 2000; Izquierdo et al. 2006). This tion pathways (Eckel-Mahan et al. 2008). Both signal-
process is now known as cellular consolidation and ing pathways are known to regulate memory processes
takes place mainly in the hippocampus. During this through the phosphorylation of the transcription fac-
process, LTMs are labile and the acquired informa- tor CREB (Izquierdo et al. 2006). The nadir of their
tion is available through short-term memory (STM) activation cycle corresponds with severe deficits in hip-
systems, which operate in parallel to consolidation pocampus-dependent fear conditioning under both
(Izquierdo et al. 1998). Once consolidated, LTMs may light–dark and free-running conditions, so this is prob-
last for just a few days or for several weeks, months, ably unrelated to sleep cycles. The circadian oscillations
or years. Persistence depends in part on the degree of in cAMP and MAPK activity are absent in memory-
emotional arousal present at the time of consolida- deficient transgenic mice lacking Ca2+  stimulated
tion (McGaugh 2000). It is well-known that memo- adenylyl cyclases. Furthermore, physiological and
ries involving a higher degree of emotional arousal pharmacological interference with oscillations in ERK
are retained longer (we all remember where we phosphorylation after the cellular memory consolida-
were and whom we were with at the time of the tion period impairs the persistence of hippocampus-
assassination of President Kennedy or the 9/11 dependent memory. The data suggest that the persis-
attack, but not the day before or a week ago). But tence of long-term memories may depend on
many memories with no important emotional con- reactivation of the cAMP/MAPK/CREB transcriptional
tent can also be remembered for a long time, like pathway in the hippocampus during the circadian
the Pythagoras theorem or Ohm’s Law we learned cycle.
in high school. The other mechanism involves the activation of
The research to be briefly described here refers to dopaminergic cells in the ventral tegmental area both
important molecular mechanisms of memory immediately and again 12 h after memory acquisition,
processing. These involve: (a) enzyme chains that again independently of sleep cycles (Rossato et al.
Memory Reconsolidation M 2173

2009). These cells project to dopamine D1 receptors in References

the CA1 region of the hippocampus (Lissman and Bekinschtein, P., Cammarota, M., Igaz, L. M., Bevilaqua, L. R.,
Grace 2005) and trigger the production of brain- Izquierdo, I., & Medina, J. H. (2007). Persistence of long-term
derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) 12 h posttraining memory storage requires a late protein synthesis-and BDNF-
dependent phase in the hippocampus. Neuron, 53, 261–267.
in this area. Hippocampal BDNF production at this
Bekinschtein, P., Cammarota, M., Katche, C., Slipczuk, L., Goldin, A.,
time, acting through MAPK activation and the produc- Rossato, J., Izquierdo, I., & Medina, J. H. (2008). BDNF is
tion of various transcription factor triggered by early essential to promote persistence of long-term memory storage.
genes, prolongs memory persistence for several weeks Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United
(Bekinschtein et al. 2007, 2008). Probably this is due to States of America, 5, 2711–2716.
Bekinschtein, P., Katche, C., Slipczuk, L., Gonzalez, C., Dorman, G.,
the well-known trophic effects of BDNF on synapses
Cammarota, M., Izquierdo, I., & Medina, J. H. (2010). Persis-
(see Bekinschtein et al. 2008a, b). It additionally tence of long-term memory storage: New insights into its molec-
involves the production of several synaptic proteins ular signatures in the hippocampus and related structures.
after training in the hippocampus (Bekinschtein et al. Neurotoxicity Research, 8, 377–385.
2010) triggered by c-Fos produced 12 h before (Katche Eckel-Mahan, K. L., Phan, T., Han, S., Wang, H., Chan, G. C.,
et al. 2010). Scheiner, Z. S., & Storm, D. R. (2008). Circadian oscillation of
hippocampal MAPK activity and cAmp: implications for mem-
Evidence suggests that this dopamine-regulated
ory persistence. Nature Neuroscience, 11, 1074–1082.
hippocampal BDNF/c-Fos mechanism exists in Gold, P. E., & McGaugh, J. L. (1975). Changes in learning and
humans and works better up to around the age of memory during aging. In J. M. Ordy & P. R. Brizee (Eds.),
40 (Izquierdo et al. 2008). Healthy human volunteers Neurobiology of aging (pp. 145–158). New York: Plenum.
under that age recall more details about declarative Izquierdo, I., Barros, D. M., Mello e Souza, T., Souza, M. M.,
Izquierdo, L. A., & Medina, J. H. (1998). Mechanisms for mem-
memories acquired 7 days before than those over 40.
ory types differ. Nature, 393, 635–636.
The deficit can be overcome by the double-blind Izquierdo, I., Bevilaqua, L. R. M., Rossato, J. I., Bonini, J. S., Medina,
ingestion of a dopamine-enhancing treatment given J. H., & Cammarota, M. (2006). Different molecular cascades in M
12 h after the acquisition of that memory. The rela- different sites of the brain control consolidation. Trends in Neu-
tive decline of persistence seen after middle age has rosciences, 29, 496–505.
also been described in rodents (Gold and McGaugh Izquierdo, I., Bevilaqua, L. R., Rossato, J. I., Lima, R. H., Medina,
J. H., & Cammarota, M. (2008). Age-dependent and age-
independent human memory persistence is enhanced by delayed
posttraining methylphenidate administration. Proceedings of the
Open Question National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 105,
It remains to be seen whether these two systems that 19504–19507.
regulate memory persistence beyond the first couple of Katche, C., Bekinschtein, P., Slipczuk, L., Goldin, A., Izquierdo,
I. A., Cammarota, M., & Medina, J. H. (2010). Delayed wave
days are independent from each other or operate sep-
of c-Fos in the dorsal hippocampus involved specifically in
arately. Clearly, both function in the absence of retrieval persistence of long-term memory storage. Proceedings of the
and thus seem to be unrelated o reconsolidation. National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America,
107, 349–354.
Cross-References Lissman, J. E., & Grace, A. A. (2005). The hippocampal-VTA loop:
▶ A Stability Bias in Human Memory Controlling the entry of information into long-term memory.
Neuron, 46, 703–713.
▶ Adaptive Memory and Learning
McGaugh, J. L. (2000). Memory – A century of consolidation. Science,
▶ Attention, Memory and Meditation 287, 248–251.
▶ Auto-associative Memory and Learning Rossato, J. I., Bevilaqua, L. R. M., Izquierdo, I., Medina, J. H., &
▶ Capacity Limitations of Memory and Learning Cammarota, M. (2009). Dopamine controls persistence of long-
▶ Dreaming: Memory Consolidation and Learning term memory storage. Science, 325, 1017–1020.
▶ Memory Codes
▶ Memory Consolidation and Reconsolidation
▶ Memory Dynamics
▶ Sensory Memory (Iconic and Echoic Memories) Memory Reconsolidation
▶ Short-Term Memory and Learning
▶ Working Memory and Information Processing ▶ Dynamics of Memory: Context-Dependent Updating
2174 M Memory Recovery

postulated its existence based on theoretical argu-

Memory Recovery ments. Recently, memristors have been realized in
▶ Retrieval Cues and Learning hardware on a thin film of titanium dioxide.

Chua, L. O. (1971). Memristor – the missing circuit element. IEEE
Transactions on Circuits Theory, 18(5), 507–519.
Memory Retrieval Cues
▶ Retrieval Cues and Learning

Mental Abstraction
Memory Span ▶ Abstraction in Mathematics Learning

The number of items that people can immediately

recall following a sequence of items.

Mental Activities of Learning

Memory Storage Department of Developmental Psychology, Moscow
▶ Memory Consolidation and Reconsolidation State University, Moscow, Russia

Memory Trade-Off Mental processes of learning

A phenomenon described by some researchers, in Definition

which memory for some central emotional item is Mental processes of learning are the processes which
enhanced (for example, a the gun pointed at you), enable and constitute human learning and support it
but that enhancement comes at a decrement in mem- on the one hand, i.e., the processes which are used by
ory for other information in the episode (for example, a human being to learn to acquire this or that compe-
the face of the person pointing the gun at you). tency (understanding and conceptualizing a problem
situation, working out a general and specific hypothesis
on how to solve the problem, controlling and
correcting the problem solving process, etc.), and the
Memory-Enhancing Strategies mental activities which are considered to be the results
of learning on the other hand.
▶ Mnemonic Learning
▶ Mnemotechnics and Learning Theoretical Background
Recent developments have effected major changes in
traditional theories of learning and instruction, such
as the Instructional Design movement. There has been
Memristor a fundamental reorientation from the behaviorist to
the cognitivist and constructivist paradigm: Increased
A memristor is a passive electronic component, like emphasis has been placed on the active and construc-
resistors, coils, and capacitances. In 1971, Chua tive nature of the learner’s performance, on
Mental Activities of Learning M 2175

meaningfulness as an important condition of learning activities, i.e., about what is guiding the learning pro-
productivity, and on the guiding and determining role cess; information about how this occurs is not less
of internal (vs. external, behavioral) components of important. Another contribution by P. Galperin – pri-
learning processes such as cognitive and mary and secondary properties of mental actions – pro-
metacognitive strategies, mental schemata, etc. Men- vides a good example of the functional description of
tal activities of learning can be considered from at mental activities of learning (see also the ▶ Internali-
least two possible angles: (1) structure – the aspect of zation entry in this volume).
the learning task one or another mental activity is
directed to and what a role it plays, and (2) function – Important Scientific Research and
the features of mental activities which precede,
Open Questions
accompany, or follow learning. With regard to the
There are several important issues that both represent
former, starting with the classical studies by N. Ach,
prospective research areas and raise pertinent and cur-
W. Koehler, and K. Dunker theorists have cited a more
rently unanswered questions.
or less stable list of such tasks and activities directed to
solving them (with various amounts of detail and 1. Using the adjective “mental” (e.g., “mental efforts,”
different emphasis depending on the theoretical “mental schemata,” “mental activity,” “mental
standpoint of the scholar): facing the problem and models,” etc.) to explore human learning involves
its realization, analysis of the problem situation, con- distinguishing between two essentially different
ceptualization of a plan to solve the problem or/and mechanisms that may cause a lack or even
a path to reach a goal, and comparison of intended a complete absence of “mentalability” (capacity to
result and that actually reached through research. The act in a mental plan) in one or another case: (a)
most detailed list is presented in Galperin’s descrip- macro-genetically, a child’s mental plan may be
tion of the structure of the so-called orientation base underdeveloped (Piaget 1970; Galperin 1982) and
hence lead to his/her inability to act mentally in
of action, i.e., a description of hierarchically organized
components which together offer a framework for the definite spheres of reality; (b) micro-genetically,
formation of a concrete action and provide a learner concrete mental actions, which are the prerequisites
with the conditions for adequate (“complete” for learning designed content, might not be formed
according to Galperin) orientation to reach at all (or might be formed with inappropriate and
a solution in a problem situation. These components insufficient properties: under- or ungeneralized,
represent the subjective and objective characteristics under- or untransferrable, etc.) in a student’s past
of a problem situation and include the following: (Galperin 1992).
(1) representation of the final product of an action, 2. When speaking about “developmental dimen-
(2) representation of intermediate products, (3) rep- sions” of learning research, one has to distinguish
resentation of a general plan for achieving the final between two different standpoints. First, develop-
product, (4) representation of plans for achieving the mental dimensions should be considered as an
intermediate products, (5) representation of the tools essential and necessary part of the learning studies
necessary for achieving these products (both orienta- knowledge base. This means taking into account
tion & execution tools), (6) representation of the plan the following: (a) how to plan, design, and orga-
and tools for control and correction of actions as they nize learning/teaching processes in accordance
are being executed, and (7) representation of the with macro-as well as micro-developmental regu-
entire structure of a complete orientation base of larities; (b) the short- and long-term develop-
action (Galperin 1992). mental consequences of these processes, i.e., the
The functional aspect highlights the features of extent to which the learning/teaching processes
mental activities preceding, accompanying, or follow- influence (or perhaps even determine)
ing learning and describes how these features influence a student’s cognitive, personal, moral, social, and
the qualitative and quantitative results of learning. It is emotional development. Second, developmental
not enough to report on the content of mental dimensions should be considered as direct and
2176 M Mental Aging

immediate goals of the learning/teaching pro- the framework of the acquisition of fundamental
cesses. L. Vygotsky (1978) formulated this goal as mathematical concepts or even within the con-
follows: “Instruction is good only when it proceeds text of age-related developmental transitions. It
ahead of development.” This goal was approached has been shown that the acquisition of a set of
and reached with much more concrete psycholog- basic initial concepts such as “measure,” “unit,”
ical descriptions and instructional prescriptions in and “number” facilitates and accelerates the
a number of works by P. Galperin (Galperin 1982, transition from the pre-operational to the
1992 a.o.). concrete operational level of intellectual devel-
3. Three psychologically different but interconnected opment in preschool children (Davydov 1999).
levels of orientation base may be distinguished in Thus the question is what should be learned:
considering mental activities of learning: (a) the concrete knowledge, more general cognitive skill,
executive orientation base, a scheme of human ori- or even metacognitive strategies and heuristics?
entation on how to do something; (b) the goal-
orientation base, a scheme of human orientation Cross-References
on what to do;(c) the sense orientation base, ▶ Activity Theories of Learning
a scheme of human orientation on why (for what) ▶ Development and Learning
to do something. The three levels of orientation base ▶ History of the Sciences of Learning
are connected to each other in both ascending and ▶ Internalization
descending order: Human understanding on how ▶ Learning Activity
to do something also affects higher level sense and ▶ Mental Model
goal representations and is in turn affected by the ▶ Mental Representation
possibilities and execution of the sense and goal- ▶ Piaget’s Learning Theory
orientation bases (Podolskij 1997). ▶ Zone of Proximal Development
4. A number of recent publications suggest
expanding the cognitive field of the learning stud- References
ies knowledge base by including such elements of Davydov, V. (1999). What is real learning activity? In M. Hedegaard &
human mental life as feelings, values, and motives. J. Lompscher (Eds.), Learning activity and development
These components of human activity do play an (pp. 123–139). Aarhus: Aarhus University Press.
Galperin, P. (1982). Intellectual capabilities among older pre-
important, sometimes even a determining role in
school children: On the problem of training and mental devel-
learning processes. The potential of a learning opment. In W. W. Hartup (Ed.), Review of child development
environment would certainly increase if one research (Vol. 6, pp. 526–546). Chicago: University of Chicago
“switched on” these variables to work in favor of Press.
learning and teaching processes. The problem is Galperin, P. Ia. (1989). Organization of mental activity and
effectiveness of learning. Journal of Soviet Psychology, 27(3),
how one should interpret these variables in terms
of modern learning studies and link them ratio- Piaget, J. (1970). Piaget’s theory. In P. H. Mussen (Ed.), Carmichael’s
nally and not only intentionally with the “tradi- manual of child psychology (Vol. 1). New York: Wiley.
tional” ones. Thus, the first question is whether Podolskij, A. I. (1997). Instructional design for schooling: Develop-
the mental activities of learning are limited by mental issues. In S. Dijkstra (Ed.), Instructional design: Interna-
cognitive processes only. tional perspectives (Vol. 2, pp. 289–314).
Vygotsky, L. S. (1978). Mind in society. Cambridge MA: MIT Press.
5. How wide and deep should mental activities of
learning and, accordingly, an expected result of
a learning/teaching process be? For instance,
learning of arithmetic operations in elementary
school may be initiated by a quite concrete objec- Mental Aging
tive to teach the children to count. At the same
time, this process may also be considered within ▶ Cognitive Aging
Mental Arithmetic M 2177

digit, for example, solving 472  241 simply by

Mental Arithmetic subtracting 2 from 4 in the hundreds place, 4 from 7 in
the tens place, and 1 from 2 in the units place, and finally
LIEVEN VERSCHAFFEL1, JOKE TORBEYNS2, BERT DE SMEDT3 by putting together the different partial outcomes from
Centre for Instructional Psychology and Technology, left to right: 231.When the above situation does not
Department of Educational Sciences, Katholieke apply, various other ways of determining the difference
Universiteit Leuven, Leuven, Belgium are possible. To calculate 452  72, one can turn the
Centre for Instructional Psychology and Technology, problem into 452  52  20 = 400  20 = 380. In some
Department of Educational Sciences, Katholieke cases, particularly when the difference between the two
Universiteit Leuven, GROEP T - Leuven Education given numbers is very small or if several digits from b are
College, Leuven, Belgium larger than their corresponding digits in a, it may be
Parenting and Special Education Research Group, easier to find how much must be added to b to get a, as
Department of Educational Sciences, Katholieke in the following example of a subtraction-by-addition
Universiteit Leuven, Leuven, Belgium strategy: To calculate 802  795, one can add 5 to 795
(resulting in 800), then add 2 (to get 802), and then add
the two added numbers 5 and 2 to arrive at the final
Synonyms answer 7. Likewise, to multiply a number by 5 by means
Mental calculation of mental arithmetic, children learn first multiply that
number by 10, and then divide it by 2. Or, to multiply by
Definition 9, they learn to multiply the number by 10 and then
Mental calculation is the practice of doing mathemat- subtract the original number from this result. For exam-
ical calculations in the mind without any help from ple, 9  32 = 320 – 32 = 288.
computing devices or writing them down. People may decide to solve problems mentally (a)
when it is more efficient (i.e., faster and/or more accu-
Theoretical Background rate) than other means of calculation (e.g., when the
numbers in the computational problem do not neces-
The Traditional View sitate to rely on any kind of external tool), (b) when the
Mental calculation or arithmetic is traditionally external tools that would facilitate computation are not
defined as doing exact calculations in one’s head, with available or usable, or (c) when those tools are not
no help from any external tool such as paper and allowed (as in a mental arithmetic class or test). In
pencil, a mechanical or electronic calculator, this traditional view, mental arithmetic is taught in
a computer, etc. According to this traditional view, school primarily because it is practically helpful, but
mental arithmetic is different from various other ways also because it contributes to the development of atten-
of determining outcomes of calculations, including tion, (long-term) memory, and visualization skills.
computational estimation (which is not exact), written
computation (which uses paper and pencil), and work- An Alternative View
ing with computational devices. Many researchers in mathematics education adhere
In this view, mental arithmetic typically involves a different view on what mental arithmetic is and why
the use of specific strategies that are devised for specific it should be taught in school, by stating that its quin-
problem types. These strategies are then taught and tessence is not that it is done in the head (versus being
trained in the educational setting in a routine way: done on paper or on a machine), but with the head
students are learned to always use a particular strategy (versus in a mechanical way) (Van den Heuvel 2001).
on a particular problem type. For example, to calculate So, rather than describing mental arithmetic as arith-
the difference between two numbers a and b, when the metic that is done purely mentally without external
digits of b are all smaller than the corresponding digits representations or aids, they capitalize on the nature
of a, the calculation can be done easily mentally digit by of the computational processes. According to this
2178 M Mental Arithmetic

alternative view, mental arithmetic is characterized by arithmetic properties (Buys 2001).The prototypical
three important features: (a) in mental arithmetic one example of this latter kind of strategy is the story of
operates on numbers rather than on digits, (b) these the great mathematician Gauss as a child, who,
operations on numbers are – ideally – done with asked to find the sum of 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 +
understanding of the underlying mathematical princi- 7 + 8 + 9 + 10, produced the answer extremely
ples and relations, and (c) these operations are exe- quickly, because he noticed that the numbers
cuted by creatively and flexibly taking into account could be arranged in pairs 1 + 10, 2 + 9, etc., of
certain characteristics of the numbers involved in the which there are five, all adding to 11, hence the total
problem. These features of mental arithmetic are typi- is 5  11 = 55.
cally absent in doing the algorithms of written compu-
These three types of strategies can, for each of the
tation, which (a) does not demand that one understand
four arithmetic operations, be performed at different
what the digits represent, (b) tends to mask the under-
levels of internalization, abbreviation, abstraction, and
lying principles that make the algorithm work, and (c)
formalization (e.g., at a lower level by using external
does not require any creativity from the solver but
representations, such as the base-ten blocks or
involves a strict adherence to the taught algorithmic
a number line, at a higher level by noting intermediate
procedure algorithm. According to this mathematics
steps in formal-arithmetic language, or purely inter-
education point of view, mental arithmetic does not
nally) (Verschaffel et al. 2006, 2007).
exclude the use of paper and pencil for writing down
Second, although research has indicated that cer-
partial outcomes; however, doing a computation in
tain problems and problem contexts elicit the use of
one’s head by following the standard algorithm would
mental arithmetic, there is at the same time evidence
not be considered as mental arithmetic.
that mathematics learners apply these mental strategies
less frequently, less efficiently, and less flexibly than
Important Scientific Research and advocates of this alternative view would like to see. In
Open Questions their opinion, this disappointing finding is a direct
Research based on this alternative conception of mental
result of the traditional approach to mathematics edu-
arithmetic revealed, first, a rich variety of mental arith-
cation, with its strong emphasis on the teaching and
metic strategies. These strategies can be generally clas-
practice of the standard algorithms for written compu-
sified into three categories:
tation (Van den Heuvel 2001; Verschaffel et al. 2006,
● Jump (or sequential) strategies in which the numbers 2007).
are seen primarily as objects in the counting row and Third, although most mental arithmetic strategies
for which the operations are movements along the that people apply have been more or less explicitly
counting row: further (+), back (), repeatedly taught, research has also revealed that efficient mental
further (), or repeatedly back (). For instance, strategies are sometimes discovered by the learners
solving 54 + 37 by doing 54 + 30 = 84, 84 + 6 = 90, themselves. This holds, clearly, for Gauss’ efficient
and 90 + 1 = 91. strategy for adding long series of adjacent numbers,
● Split (or decomposition) strategies in which the but also for the above-mentioned subtraction-by-
numbers are seen primarily as objects with addition strategy, which some learners reportedly
a decimal structure and in which operations are have discovered themselves. In this respect, we also
performed by splitting and processing the numbers refer to a specific research line which focuses on so-
on the basis of this structure. For instance, solving called arithmetical savants or people who have out-
54 + 37 by doing 50 + 30 = 80 and 4 + 7 = 11 and standing computational skills (compared to their mod-
then adding the two partial sums: 80 + 11 = 91. erate or even weak skills in other domains, even
● Varying (or compensation) strategies based on other intelligence) and who can do mental calculations that
arithmetic properties in which the numbers are seen are impressive in accuracy, speed, and extent of com-
as objects that can be structured in all sorts of ways putation (Heavey 2003). Research on these arithmetical
and in which operations take place by exploiting savants has revealed that their unusual proficiency is
a suitable structure and using the appropriate subserved by a variety of strategies – frequently
Mental Calculation M 2179

invented ones – ranging from counting and grouping, of these written algorithms seems to be more appro-
to direct retrieval from memory of numerical facts, and priate to the twentieth century than the twenty-first is
use of mathematical shortcuts and rules. gaining ground. In some Western countries, such as the
Fourth, strategies for mental arithmetic typically USA, the UK, and the Netherlands, curriculum reform
require good conceptual understanding of the under- documents have been proposed and introduced
lying structures and principles. Indeed, to meaningfully wherein much less attention is paid to the algorithms
and flexibly apply mental arithmetic procedures, the for written computation and much more attention to
more or less explicit use of conceptual understanding mental arithmetic and computational estimation. But,
of the decimal numeral system and/or of operation- internationally, most elementary school mathematics
related principles such as commutativity (a + b = b + a), curricula continue to pay, for mixed reasons, consider-
associativity (a + b  c = b – c + a), and inversion able attention to the teaching and learning of these
(a – b = c, so c + b = a) are required (Rittle-Johnson and algorithms.
Siegler 1998). However, the precise role of this concep-
tual knowledge in the development of mental arith-
metic – whether it precedes to, results from, or
▶ Adaptability and Learning
co-develops with procedural skills – is still a matter of
▶ Flexibility in Problem Solving: Analysis and
debate among researchers.
Educational Issues ▶ Mathematical Learning
Because mental arithmetic is conceptualized primarily ▶ Problem Solving
as a way to develop (a) a sense of structure in numerical
and mathematical relations, (b) a rich repertoire of References
solution strategies, and (c) a disposition to exploit Buys, K. (2001). Progressive mathematisation: Sketch of a learning
such structure to simplify a mathematical task where strand. In J. Anghileri (Ed.), Principles and practices of arith- M
possible, it should be taught and practiced both before metic teaching (pp. 107–118). Buckingham: Open University
children start learning the written algorithms for the
Heavey, L. (2003). Arithmetical savants. In A. Baroody & A. Dowker
basic operations and alongside that part of the mathe-
(Eds.), The development of arithmetical concepts and skills
matics curriculum. Moreover, mental arithmetic can be (pp. 409–434). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
used as a “stepstone” to written algorithm. In many Rittle-Johnson, B., & Siegler, R. S. (1998). The relation
current curricula and textbooks, the written algorithms betweenconceptual and procedural knowledge in learning-
are gradually built out of children’s strategies for doing mathematics. A review. In C. Donlan (Ed.), The development of
mathematical skills (pp. 75–110). East Sussex, UK: Psychology
mental arithmetic. This process of “progressive sche-
matization” (Van den Heuvel 2001), whereby the avail- Van den Heuvel-Panhuizen, V. (2001). Children learn mathematics.
able mental arithmetic strategies that are available in Utrecht, The Netherlands: Freudenthal Institute, Utrecht
children’s strategy repertoire are gradually internalized, University.
shortened, and schematized until the algorithm is Verschaffel, L., Greer, B., & Torbeyns, J. (2006). Numerical thinking.
In A. Gutteriez & P. Boero (Eds.), Handbook of research on the
somehow “discovered” is one of the main features of
psychology of mathematics education. Past, present, and future
the so-called realistic mathematics education
(pp. 51–82). Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.
approach. However, not all mathematics educators Verschaffel, L., Greer, B., & De Corte, E. (2007). Whole number
support this instructional approach to the written concepts and operations. In F. K. Lester (Ed.), Second handbook
algorithms. of research on mathematics teaching and learning (pp. 557–628).
Another hotly debated issue among mathematics Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing.
educators is whether the algorithmic methods still
need to be mastered by all children, and (thus) deserve
so much instructional attention. With the easy access
and omnipresence of electronic computational devices,
Mental Calculation
the idea that teaching students for long periods on
solving problems involving large numbers by means ▶ Mental Arithmetic
2180 M Mental Chronometry

between two or more different stimuli. Donders devel-

Mental Chronometry oped the subtraction method to decompose total RT on
these more complex ECTs into separate stages of
JOHN H. KRANZLER processing, such as perceptual discrimination time
College of Education, University of Florida, (DRT – SRT) and response selection time (CRT –
Gainesville, FL, USA DRT). Donders’ subtraction method was eventually dis-
puted, but not before experimental research on RT
became a prominent focus of the world’s first psycho-
Synonyms logical laboratory in Leipzig, founded by Wilhelm
Cognitive processing speed; Reaction time Wundt (1832–1920), and the basis of much subsequent
research in mental chronometry. During this period,
Definition Sir Francis Galton (1822–1911) developed a diverse
Mental chronometry is the scientific study of cognitive battery of RT and perceptual-motor tasks to measure
processing speed. Processing speed is measured by sensory discrimination and speed of response to exter-
reaction time (RT), which is the elapsed time between nal stimulation, which he hypothesized was related to
the onset of a stimulus (e.g., visual or auditory) and an general mental ability, or psychometric g. Galton’s
individual’s response. The elementary cognitive tasks work was overshadowed by the success of Alfred Binet’s
(ECTs) used in mental chronometric research are typ- (1857–1911) test of intelligence, published in 1905. As
ically very simple, requiring a relatively small number a result, interest in mental chronometry by differential
of mental processes or operations and eliciting RT’s psychologists waned throughout much of the twentieth
that are measured in milliseconds (ms). Mental chro- century before being revived by Arthur Jensen and
nometry has been used extensively by experimental and others in the 1980s (see Jensen 2006).
differential psychologists to examine models of infor-
mation processing (e.g., stages of processing, serial Important Scientific Research and
versus parallel processing) as well as individual differ- Open Questions
ences in human cognitive abilities. Over the past 30 years, some of the most important
work in the field of intelligence has involved the use of
Theoretical Background mental chronometry. As contemporary research on the
The systematic study of RT began with the work of the nature of intelligence, or psychometric g, has begun to
Prussian astronomer F. W. Bessell (1784–1846). He move from descriptive to causal analysis, researchers
discovered reliable differences between individuals in have attempted to identify variables related to intelli-
their ability to accurately record the time a given star gence outside the realm of psychometric tests, such as
crossed the hairline in a telescope. He developed the the average evoked potential, the electroencephalo-
personal equation to correct for differences in simple gram, glucose metabolism in the brain as expressed by
reaction time (SRT, reaction time for a single response PET scan, and RT on ECTs. In recent years, the theory
to a single stimulus) between observers. Use of the that individual differences in intelligence are integrally
personal equation led to improvements in the precision related to speed and efficiency of cognitive processing
of measurement in astronomy. Although Sigmund has received increased attention (see Jensen 1998). This
Exner (1846–1926) was the first to use the term reaction theory is based upon basic principles of cognitive psy-
time, the Dutch physiologist Frans C. Donders (1818– chology, the most basic of which is the limited capacity
1889) is regarded as the first mental chronometric of short-term memory (STM). This refers to the
researcher. Donders extended the measurement of restriction of information from the perceptual system
SRT to include experimental conditions in which and of information retrieved from long-term memory
there were multiple response stimuli, alternatives, or (LTM) that can be simultaneously processed. In addi-
both. The more complex choice reaction time (CRT) tion to limited capacity, information in STM rapidly
and discrimination reaction time (DRT) tasks involved decays without continuous rehearsal or is lost as
all the sensory and motor components in SRT, but with a result of interference. In order to compensate for
the added mental processes involved in choosing limited capacity, rapid decay, and interference, one
Mental Chronometry M 2181

must either continually process information in STM or cognitive processes and is a measure of the speed of
store it in LTM. But the storage process itself takes time information processing expressed as ms per bit. Indi-
and channel capacity, so there is a trade-off between the vidual differences in RT, as well as the slope of the
amount of information that can be stored and regression of RT on stimulus set-size scaled in bits, are
processed at one time. The advantage of speed of significantly correlated (negatively) with intelligence so
processing increases with information requiring greater that the RT-intelligence correlation increases linearly as
complexity of mental processes. More operations (such a negative function of stimulus set-size scaled in bits.
as encoding, chunking, transformation, and storage of Another theoretically interesting finding is that intra-
incoming information in LTM) per unit of time can be individual variability of RT (the standard deviation of
performed prior to information decay and without RT over trials) in the Hick paradigm is often more
overloading the information processing system. There- highly correlated with intelligence than the overall
fore, higher intelligence should be related to faster and mean or median RT.
more efficient speed of cognitive processing. Memory Search Paradigm. The memory search
Many different ECTs have been used to investigate (MS) paradigm measures the speed of scanning infor-
the relationship between speed of information mation in STM. In contrast to the Hick paradigm,
processing and intelligence. Chronometric techniques where RT increases as a function of bits, RT in the MS
have been used to discover highly reliable individual paradigm increases as a linear function of the number
differences in a variety of ECTs. The response accuracy of items scanned in STM (Sternberg 1966). In the MS
on ECTs, however, is typically so high (errors averaging paradigm, the intercept of the regression of RT on set-
less than 5% of all responses) that the only reliable size reflects stimulus encoding, comparison of the
measure of individual differences is RT. The ECTs probe item to those held in STM, a binary decision,
with the highest correlation with intelligence generally and response production. In contrast, the slope is
have average RTs of less than 1 s. In addition, not only a measure of scanning speed, expressed as ms per
are the skills and processes required for successful task item scanned. Both the intercept and slope of the
completion possessed by virtually every subject prior to regression of RT on set-size have been shown to be
participation, even among individuals with intellectual related to intelligence.
disabilities, but the content of these ECTs hardly resem- Visual Search Paradigm. This paradigm, introduced
bles that of conventional psychometric tests. Many by Neisser (1967), is a measure of the speed of visual
ECTs have no symbolic content, requiring subjects search (VS). Essentially the inverse of the MS para-
simply to push buttons that light up. Those ECTs that digm, the VS paradigm reduces the role of STM to
do employ digits, letters, or familiar words are so sim- a minimum. In the VS paradigm, RT increases as
ple that most subjects would score 100% correct a linear function of the number of items scanned in
responses if they were tested under unspeeded condi- the stimulus array. In the VS paradigm, the intercept of
tions. These observations suggest that ECTs are mea- the regression of RT on set-size reflects only the binary
sures of basic processes, or at least a small number of decision and response production. The slope, however,
processes. The following is a brief discussion of some of measures the speed of encoding a single stimulus and
the most widely used ECTs that have been used in the making a single binary comparison, expressed as ms
study of intelligence. per item searched. Both the intercept and slope of the
Hick Paradigm. The Hick paradigm, named after regression of RT on set-size have been shown to be
Hick’s Law (1952), measures both simple and choice related to intelligence.
RT. Hick’s Law states that RT increases linearly as Posner Paradigm. This paradigm stems from the
a function of the logarithm of the number of choice work of Posner and his colleagues (Posner 1978). Two
alternatives (n), usually scaled in bits (i.e., log2n, or the separate ECTs are used in this paradigm to provide
amount of information needed to reduce stimulus a measure of the speed of retrieval of over-learned
uncertainty by half). The intercept of the regression of information from long-term memory (LTM). The
RT on bits reflects sensory and muscle lag, apprehen- first, Physical-Match, involves stimulus encoding,
sion and encoding of the stimulus, and response pro- comparison of the physical features of the stimulus,
duction. The slope, on the other hand, reflects central a binary decision, and response selection. The second,
2182 M Mental Efficiency

Name-Match, involves stimulus encoding, comparison Jensen, A. R. (1998). The g factor. Westport: Praeger.
of the semantic features of the stimulus, a binary deci- Jensen, A. R. (2006). Clocking the mind: Mental chronometry and
individual differences. Oxford: Elsevier.
sion, and response selection. Name-Match RT is signif-
Neisser, U. (1967). Cognitive psychology. New York: Meredith.
icantly longer than Physical-Match RT. Significant Posner, M. I. (1978). Chronometric explorations of mind. Hillsdale:
differences have also been found between subjects of Erlbaum.
high and low verbal ability, and RT in a modified Sternberg, S. (1966). High speed scanning in human memory. Sci-
version of the Posner paradigm has been found to ence, 153, 652–654.
Vickers, D., Nettelbeck, T., & Willson, R. J. (1972). Perceptual indices
significantly correlate (negatively) with intelligence.
of performance: The measurement of “inspection time” and
Inspection Time. Although research on inspection “noise” in the visual system. Perception, 1, 263–295.
time (IT) has been traced to James McKeen Cattell in
the 1880s, contemporary interest in IT stems from the
work of Vickers, Nettelbeck and their colleagues (e.g.,
Vickers et al. 1972). IT, the only index of mental speed
that does not involve either motor (output) compo- Mental Efficiency
nents or executive cognitive processes (meta-pro-
cesses), is held to tap individual differences in the ▶ Cognitive Efficiency
“speed of apprehension,” the quickness of the brain to
react to external stimuli prior to any conscious
thought. Meta-analysis results suggest that IT is corre-
lated at approximately .54.
In sum, many different ECTs, ostensibly tapping Mental Effort
different stages of processing (such as encoding, STM
scanning, and LTM retrieval) have been used to inves- PAUL A. KIRSCHNER1, FEMKE KIRSCHNER2
tigate the relationship between RT and intelligence. Centre for Learning Sciences and Technologies, Open
Each of the ECTs discussed has been found to have University of the Netherlands, Heerlen,
modest, but reliable (negative) correlations with intel- The Netherlands
ligence, typically in the range of .30 to .50. The Institute of Psychology, Erasmus University
correlation between these ECTs and intelligence may, Rotterdam, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
in fact, be somewhat higher after correction for the
attenuating effects of restriction of range and measure-
ment error. Multiple correlations between intelligence Synonyms
and various measures of RT are approximately .60. Cognitive efficiency; Cognitive load; Mental load
Jensen (2006) convincingly argued that further
advances in mental chronometry will depend in large Definition
part upon standardization of chronometric apparatus The number of non-automatic elaborations applied to
and testing procedures to eliminate the potentially a unit of material to be learned (Salomon 1984, p. 648).
confounding effects of method variance.
Theoretical Background
▶ Human Cognition and Learning What Mental Effort Is
▶ Human Cognitive Architecture Mental effort was first used as a concept to help deter-
▶ Intelligence, Learning and Neural Plasticity mine how hard a person tries to actively process
▶ Memory Persistence presented information. It was seen as a combination
▶ Working Memory of perceived demand characteristics, perceived self-effi-
cacy, and level/depth of information processing such
References that the first two influence the last which determines
Hick, W. (1952). On the rate of gain of information. The Quarterly the amount of invested mental effort. Perceived demand
Journal of Experimental Psychology, 4, 11–26. characteristics depend upon the degree to which
Mental Effort M 2183

a source (e.g., a stimulus, task, context) that is being supplanted mental effort – though often used inter-
attended to poses demands on ones’s processing, changeably with it is cognitive load (P. Kirschner 2002;
because information has to be extracted, discriminated Sweller 1988; see also Cognitive Load Theory in this
among, remembered, and elaborated upon (Salomon Encyclopedia). Cognitive load is based upon human
1984). Research has shown that if the source is seen by cognitive architecture which consists of a severely lim-
a person as being complex (e.g., if a person is ited working memory with partly independent
a complete novice) and/or if the learner is told that processing units for visual/spatial and auditory/verbal
the content of the presented material will be tested, information, which interacts with a comparatively
then the perceived demand will be high. If a person unlimited long-term memory. Paas et al. (2003) see,
perceived the source as being simple (e.g., he/she is in this respect, mental effort as “the aspect of cognitive
more of an expert in the area) and/or is told just to load that refers to the cognitive capacity that is actually
enjoy the materials, then the perceived demand will be allocated to accommodate the demands imposed by the
low. Perceived self-efficacy (Bandura 1982) relates to task; thus, it can be considered to reflect the
how efficacious a person is; the extent that one believes actual cognitive load” (p. 64). Cognitive load theory
that he/she is capable of performing in a specific man- distinguishes between three types of cognitive load,
ner to attain specific goals. According to Bandura, the dependent on the type of processing causing it, namely
more efficacious learners perceive themselves to be, the intrinsic load, extraneous load, and germane load
more likely they are to invest sustained effort to carry which are additive in that, if learning is to occur, the
out a task. In this respect it is related to persistence and total load of the three together cannot exceed the work-
motivation (F. Kirschner et al. 2011). Finally, depth of ing memory resources available.
processing (Craik and Lockhart 1972) relates to the
degree to which a person encodes/recodes a source. How Mental Effort Is Measured
The idea is that the more one elaborates meaning To measure mental effort, a 9-point symmetrical cate-
with already experienced associations, images, and gory scale is often used (Paas and Van Merriënboer
stories, the more likely one is to remember something. 1993). This scale is a subjective, indirect measure of
To this end, encoding/recoding of studied materials for cognitive load that asks learners to report the amount
semantic meaning is seen as deeper processing and of mental effort that they invested in understanding
requires more mental elaborations than encoding/ learning materials ranging from “very, very, very little
recoding for orthographic features. Put together, the effort” to “very, very, very much effort.”
amount of invested mental effort was defined by Salo-
mon as “the number of non-automatic elaborations What This Means
applied to a unit of material” (Salomon 1984, p. 648) Knowing the mental effort that can and is invested
that a person invests which is determined by her/his when attending to a source is important in three
feelings of self-efficacy, how the task is perceived which, ways. First, from the classical definition of mental effort
in turn, determines how deeply the information will be (Salomon 1984) it can be used to mediate learning. By
processed. In this way remembering simple factual affecting the learner’s perceived self-efficacy and/or by
information is considered to require little mental effort the learner’s perception of the task characteristics, both
while inferential learning requires more mental effort. depth of processing and amount of invested mental
Furthermore, in Salomon’s terms, learning from “easy effort can be positively influenced.
media” such as when watching television requires little Second, from the cognitive load perspective, it can
mental effort – leading to more surface level learning – be used to help design and develop better instruction.
while learning from “tough media” such as learning Instructional designs which increase extraneous load
from reading books is seen as requiring more mental and which do not help and/or even hamper learning
effort, with a concomitant increase in deeper learning. should be avoided while designs which reduce extrane-
ous load (with or without a concomitant increase in
From Mental Effort to Cognitive Load germane load) should be embraced. Also, instructional
As stated, mental effort was based upon cognitive, designs that result in unused working memory capacity
perceptual, and volitional factors. A term that has due to low extraneous load can be further improved by
2184 M Mental Effort

encouraging learners to engage in conscious cognitive task relates to the conventional measures taken dur-
processing directly relevant to learning. The greater the ing or after performing the task. Recently, this pre-
proportion of germane cognitive load created by the mental effort rating has been used as an indicator of
instructional design, the greater the potential for a learner’s confidence in completing a task success-
learning. fully instead of one of the more traditional measure-
Finally, mental effort can be used to determine the ments of self- or group-efficacy (F. Kirschner et al.
instructional efficiency of learning materials which is 2011).
useful for either comparing instructional designs or
researching them. The combination of mental effort
and performance allows the determination of instruc-
▶ AIME (Amount of Invested Mental Effort)
tional efficiency in that high-task performance associ-
▶ Capacity Limitations of Memory and Learning
ated with low effort is considered high instructional
▶ Cognitive Load Measurement
efficiency, whereas low-task performance with high
▶ Cognitive Load Theory
effort is considered low-instructional efficiency (Paas
▶ Cognitive Tasks and Learning
and Van Merriënboer 1993; Van Gog and Paas 2008).
▶ Schema Development
▶ Self-Efficacy and Learning
Important Scientific Research and ▶ Short-Term Memory
Open Questions
Group Mental Effort References
Although, contemporary thinking about learning – Bandura, A. (1982). Self-efficacy mechanism in human agency. The
both initial and lifelong – has gravitated from individ- American Psychologist, 37, 122–147.
Craik, F. I. M., & Lockhart, P. (1972). Levels of processing:
ual learning toward learning in collaborative environ-
A framework for memory research. Journal of Verbal Learning
ments or situations, research in which group instead of and Verbal Behavior, 11, 671–684.
individual mental effort is the focus of attention has Hinsz, V. B., Tindale, R. S., & Vollrath, D. A. (1997). The emerging
not yet received much attention. Recently, group or conceptualization of groups as information processors. Psycho-
collaborative learning has become recognized as an logical Bulletin, 121, 43–64.
alternative way of overcoming individual WM limita- Kirschner, P. A. (2002). Cognitive load theory: Implications of cog-
nitive load theory on the design of learning. Learning and
tions (F. Kirschner et al. 2009), in the sense that groups
Instruction, 12(1), 1–10.
of collaborative learners can be considered as informa- Kirschner, F., Paas, F., & Kirschner, P. A. (2009). A cognitive-load
tion-processing systems (Hinsz et al. 1997), consisting approach to collaborative learning: United brains for complex
of multiple limited WMs which can create a collective tasks. Educational Psychology Review, 21, 31–42.
working space. At this point in time it is not clear Kirschner, F., Paas, F., & Kirschner, P. A. (2011). Superiority of
collaborative learning with complex tasks: A research note on
whether the same methodology used for determining
an alternative affective explanation. Computers in Human Behav-
mental effort in individuals can be reliably used for ior, 27(1), 53–57.
determining group mental effort. Paas, F. G. W. C., & van Merriënboer, J. J. G. (1993). The efficiency of
instructional conditions: An approach to combine mental effort
Mental Effort During Task and performance measures. Human Factors, 35, 737–743.
Performance Paas, F., Tuovinen, J. E., Tabbers, H., & van Gerven, P. (2003).
Cognitive load measurement as a means to advance cognitive
Mental effort measurements are normally collected
load theory. Educational Psychologist, 38(1), 63–71.
during or after the learning phase and when related to Salomon, G. (1984). Television is “easy” and print is “tough”: The
the performance scores, they can provide an indica- differential investment of mental effort in learning as a function
tion of the type of load imposed on the learner, the of perceptions and attributions. Journal of Educational Psychol-
quality of the learning outcomes, and the quality of ogy, 76(647), 658.
Sweller, J. (1988). Cognitive load during problem solving: Effects on
different instructional conditions (Paas and Van
learning. Cognitive Science, 12, 257–285.
Merriënboer 1993; Van Gog and Paas 2008). In future Van Gog, T., & Paas, F. (2008). Instructional efficiency: Revisiting the
studies it would be interesting to investigate how the original construct in educational research. Educational Psycholo-
measurement of mental effort before performing the gist, 43, 16–26.
Mental Graphemic Representations M 2185

and fluently and comprehension is aided. Likewise,

Mental Graphemic individuals who can call upon their MGRs when writ-
Representations ing words spend less time considering how to spell and
more time on conveying the intended message of the
KENN APEL1, JULIE A. WOLTER2, JULIE J. MASTERSON3 composition. Incomplete MGRs, as represented below,
School of Communication Science and Disorders, can lead to slower and incorrect guesses during reading
Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL, USA and inaccurate, misrepresentative spellings See (Fig. 1).
Department of Communicative Disorders and Deaf MGRs should not to be confused with orthographic
Education, Utah State University, Logan, UT, USA pattern knowledge. Generally, orthographic pattern
Department of Communication Sciences and knowledge refers to an individual’s knowledge of
Disorders, Missouri State University, Springfield, relationships between sounds and their corresponding
MO, USA spellings (e.g., the “k” sound can be represented in
written English by a c, k, ck, and ch) and other spelling
rules or patterns (e.g., long vowel sounds are typically
Synonyms represented by two vowel letters in English; double
Mental orthographic images; Mental orthographic rep- consonant letters can occur in the middle and end of
resentations; Sight word spellings; Visual orthographic English words, but not in the initial position).
images; Visual spellings; Word spellings
Theoretical Background
Definition There is a long history of discussion on MGRs; much of
Mental graphemic representations (MGRs) are the this dialog has focused on the role of MGRs in reading
stored mental images of written words in memory. and how MGRs are acquired. One well-known model
These word-specific images can include complete and that accounts for the role of MGRs in reading is the
accurate images of written words (e.g., cat), less clear or
dual-route (cascading) model of reading (DRC,
incomplete images that contain only a few letters (e.g., Coltheart et al. 2001). This model posits that there are
prsnl for personnel), or word parts such as prefixes and two main processing routes for reading. The first route
suffixes (e.g., re-, -ing for recycling). As shown in is direct; word-specific orthographic information (an
(Fig. 1) below, the letters missing in an incomplete MGR) is accessed quickly when an indivdiual encoun-
MGR often are those that are ambiguous and corre- ters a known written word while reading. This route
spond to sounds that can be represented by more than often is referred to as sight-word reading. The other
one letter or letter combination. Well-established and route in Coltheart et al.’s model is indirect; letters are
complete MGRs are necessary for fluent reading and matched to sounds and then blended to read words.
writing. When individuals can match printed words to This indirect route is a commonly referred to as
previously stored MGRs, words are read effortlessly decoding or word attack in the reading literature. The
indirect route, as its name implies, requires an addi-
p r s n l
tional processing component (the transformation of
Incomplete MGR
letters to sounds) and thus is not associated with fluent
reading. Conversly, the direct sight-reading route,
p er s o nn e l within which clear MGRs are accessed, is associated
Correct spelling
with fluent reading.
For decades, theorists have proposed that children
Possible spellings p er s a n a l acquire MGRs as they phonologically recode novel
ir e nn e words (i.e., take an indirect route to reading; see Ehri
ur i 1992; Share 1999). Ehri’s amalgamation hypothesis and
u Share’s self-teaching hypothesis both posit that as
children decode, or sound out, words, the sounds are
Mental Graphemic Representations. Fig. 1 Example of bonded to the letters of the words, creating a clear and
Incomplete Mental Graphemic Representation “self-taught” image or MGR of the words. Thus, the
2186 M Mental Health Disorder

ability to develop initial MGRs relies on children’s investigation has simultaneously examined volitional
phonemic (sound) awareness and knowledge of the and non-volitional MGR learning in the same chil-
alphabetic principle (letter-sound correspondence). dren and whether the learning context affects the
Although multiple scientific reports have documented robustness of the MGRs. Second, although researchers
young children’s MGR acquisition via phonological have examined the concurrent relation between MGR
recoding, not all investigations have upheld the basic learning and literacy skills, additional investigations of
tenets of these two hypotheses. For example, some the predictive abilities of MGR acquistion for later
children demonstrate MGR acquisition without having literacy abilities are needed. Finally, initial MGR
basic phonological recoding abilities and other children learning, like early spoken word learning, is influenced
who can phonologically recode words do not necessarily by the statistical regularities inherent in words.
develop adequate MGRs. It remains to be determined when children become
Recently, other investigators have examined young sensitive to orthographic statistical regularities, an
children’s ability to acquire initial MGRs implicitly, apparent important prerequisite to acquiring initial
without overt phonological recoding of novel words MGRs.
(e.g., Apel 2010; Apel et al. 2006; Wolter and Apel
2010). In these latter studies, preschool and kinder- Cross-References
garten children were exposed to novel words within ▶ Anticipatory Schemas
shared storybook reading contexts and then required ▶ Abilities to Learn: Cognitive Abilities
to spell and identify the novel words. Results across ▶ Development and Learning (Overview)
these studies suggest that young children can acquire ▶ Literacy and Learning
initial MGRs after four exposures to novel words. This ▶ Verbal Behavior and Learning
learning is affected by the phonological and ortho-
graphic regularities of spoken and written language.
Further, children’s ability to acquire initial MGRs is
Apel, K. (2010). Kindergarten children’s initial spoken and written
related to and predicts their concurrent reading and/ word learning in a storybook context. Scientific Studies in Read-
or spelling skills beyond that predicted by their pho- ing, 14(5), 440–463.
nemic awareness skills. Children with identified lan- Apel, K., Wolter, J. A., & Masterson, J. J. (2006). Effects of phonotactic
guage impairment or from lower socioeconomic and orthotactic probabilities during fast-mapping on five year-
olds’ learning to spell. Developmental Neuropsychology, 29(1),
homes are less facile in their implicit MGR learning
abilities. Finally, the ability to implicitly develop ini- Coltheart, M., Rastle, K., Perry, C., Langdon, R., & Ziegler, J. (2001).
tial MGRs is strongly associated with the ability to DRC: A dual route cascaded model of visual word recognition
acquire initial phonological knowledge for the novel and reading aloud. Psychological Review, 108, 204–256.
spoken words. These findings, together with results of Ehri, L. C. (1992). Reconceptualizing the development of sight word
previous investigations linking MGR development to reading and its relationship to recoding. In P. B. Gough, L. C.
Ehri, & R. Treiman (Eds.), Reading acquisition (pp. 107–143).
phonological recoding abilities, suggest that young
Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.
children acquire MGRs in both volitional and implicit Share, D. L. (1999). Phonological recoding and orthographic learn-
learning contexts. ing: A direct test of self-teaching hypothesis. Journal of Experi-
mental Child Psychology, 72, 95–129.
Important Scientific Research and Wolter, J. A., & Apel, K. (2010). Initial acquisition of mental graphe-
mic representations in children with language impairment. Jour-
Open Questions
nal of Speech-Language-Hearing Research, 53, 179–195.
That children acquire MGRs in both volitional and
implicit (non-volitional) learning contexts has impor-
tant implications for understanding reading and spell-
ing development, identifying children at risk for
literacy learning, and facilitating early literacy inter- Mental Health Disorder
vention. Several questions, however, remain to be
answered before screening assessments and treatment ▶ Achievement Deficits of Students with Emotional
options can be developed. First, to date, no and Behavioral Disabilities
Mental Imagery M 2187

would have been impossible without images, and that

Mental Imagery memory itself, even memory of abstract concepts,
wouldn’t exist without imagery. Other philosophers
BARBARA COLOMBO found quite suggestive the idea that thought and mem-
Department of Psychology, Cognitive Psychology ory would depend on imagery – concluding that
Laboratory Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, a concept was the same thing as its image. The only
Milano, Italy other possible alternative would have been hypothesiz-
ing nonvisual, hence verbal concepts. But words can’t
be assumed as main ingredient of thinking – since they
Synonyms are not innate. Using verbal sounds to communicate is
Imagery; Mental visualization; Visual imagery natural for humans, but to be able to use them we have
to learn their cultural shared meaning. The foundation
Definition of thinking should be something more basic. More, if
According to psychologists, mental imagery is a product every concept is stored in our mind as a word, how can
of mental activity. When this product presents high we learn the very first word? Since mental images come
levels of creativity and originality, it is usually referred from perception and do not require an arbitrary
to as “fantasy” or “imagination.” On the other side, pairing with what they represent, they appear to be
when this mental product concerns mainly the recall a more adequate candidate for the “original represen-
and/or production of events or objects that are very tation.” Yet, also this theory has some weaknesses. Dur-
close to their actual perception, than we use properly ing the eighteenth century, the Irish philosopher
the term of “mental imagery.” We can use the term both George Berkeley pointed out how it is hard to use
if an actual sensorial stimulation is present or not. imagery to store the concept of a class of objects (we
Mental imagery can be hence intended as tend to visualize a prototypic example and not the
a phenomenon which is specifically determined by its M
whole class).
relationship with sensorial characteristics that it can Psychologists began to investigate the question at
elicit, and that can easily be described referring to its the beginning of last century, first of all Wilhelm
structure and content. Adopting this perspective, men- Wundt. One of his main research topic was mental
tal imagery can be seen as a form for representing images – but he studied them using introspection –
reality. Consequently, most psychological research has and hence his researches were affected by the weak-
investigated it as a cognitive phenomenon that involves nesses of this methodology.
different levels of information processing, different John B. Watson in his contribution Psychology as the
sensorial channels, and that, at different stages of elab- Behaviorist Sees It (1913) tried to trace a different path.
oration, has to consider the contribution provided According to his opinion, imagery is nothing more
both from the sensorial input and from previous than a fiction, introduced by psychologists. Mental
knowledge. images are not mental representation but a form of
Mental imagery often occurs in undirected thinking subvocal thinking. Introspective data that seem to fal-
and also plays other specific roles in directed thinking, sify Watson’s theory could be easily disregarded since
such as in memorizing, learning, problem solving, they can’t be objectively tested. The author was con-
decision making, and motor control. vinced that the brain could be stimulated only by
external stimuli: hence, nor thinking, imagery or
Theoretical Background other so-called “mental activity” would be generated
Historically, mental imagery has been one of the main by the brain. This general idea is, of course, the core
inhabitants of human’s mind. Human though was point of Watson new school (behaviorism) – where
compared by philosophers to a sequence of images, each behavior is nothing more than a specific answer
which are similar to visual stimuli, without being real to a specific stimulus. Even thoughts are not seen as
images. something originated by the mind but as a kind of
Aristotle (384–322 BC) was one of the first to give behavior – a kind of discourse, to be more specific –
to mental imagery a leader role – saying that thought activated by a stimulus.
2188 M Mental Imagery

After 1950s, behaviorism began to lose credit – and During the same years, Alan Paivio (1971, 1975)
theoretical limits of this approach were highlighted. revealed how mental imagery can foster memory –
Even the concept of “stimulus” and “answer” were presenting advantages with respect to a propositional
hard to be defined, and the mind quite hard to be representation of memories. He resumed ties between
denied or ignored. But the behaviorism succeeded in memory and mental images that were already known at
discrediting introspection as a valid research method. ancient Greeks and Romans, demonstrating how words
And mental events, such as imagery, were still seen as that had been stored with a dual code (verbal and
too “impalpable” to be scientifically explored. visual) are memorized better that those memorized
Yet it was hard to reduce tout court the mind to the only verbally.
brain – and imagery was one of the aspects that were Yet, even if this renewed interest for imagery pro-
still unexplained. And it was not easy to believe that moted many new researches, several incongruence
mental images do not exist while it is everyday practice emerged in this newly built relationship between the-
to experiment them to remember or think about ory and research on mental images. Indeed, some
something. results were quite different from hypotheses derived
So, while interest for imagery began to grow once from theoretical paradigms. Moreover, other interpre-
again, questions around it were different. Psychologist tations were proposed to explain unique experimental
didn’t ask themselves only which role mental images effects. Furthermore, it was hard to frame in a univocal
have in thinking. They tried to find out the most theoretical schema all the results gained using a wide
appropriate way to define them and the most effective range of experimental methods.
to discover their properties. Hence, during the 1970s, many discussions
This new perspective derived mainly from a new concerning the actual nature of internal representation
point of view concerning the mind itself – aimed to of mental images were born. Authors tried to define
distinguish two different questions: mental operations a common model and to clarify the role of imagery in
(such as memory, reasoning, perception, and so on) on high-level cognitive activities. The keynote question
one side, and conscious experience of this psychic was if mental images have a functional role in thinking
activity on the other side. processes or if they are only epiphenomenal events
Imagery could be studied scientifically focusing on associated with different processes that have none or
the first side. Several researches pointed out how men- limited pictorial attributes. Naturally, it was also
tal images couldn’t be described only as an empirical important to define physical processes underlying
subjective phenomenon, but also at a theoretical level imagery, and understand if and how those processes
since they are a form of representation of reality that are isomorphic to external objects they represent. The
influence cognitive and behavioral activity of debate that followed is commonly known as the dispute
individuals. over the validity of the analogical model versus the
Mental images, from a theoretical point of view, propositional model of imagery.
were introduced as a way to counter the classical way The problem of image representation focuses pri-
to see knowledge inside a paradigm where the man is marily on specific or nonspecific nature of that repre-
seen as a system to process information. This model sentation. Is mental image a distinct form of internal
does not expect any difference in representing different representation, drawn differently than other forms of
kind of data. Pictorial, linguistic, or olfactory inputs representation, or not?
were completely changed to be translated in internal The debate originated from an article by Pylyshyn
stimuli which had no structural relationship with (1973), which examines whether the concept of image
depicted reality. can be used as a primary explanatory construct (i.e.,
The first author to contest, with sever experiments, a construct that does not require further reduction and
this proposition approach to knowledge was Roger that does not refer, to be explained, to other constructs)
Shepard (1971, 1978). At the beginning of the 1970s, in the psychological theories of cognition.
he was able to demonstrate how humans can form According to the author, the representation
mental images of more or less known objects, and to corresponding to an image is more close to a verbal
compare those images. description of a painting than to the painting itself.
Mental Imagery M 2189

Visual representations, hence, are not pictorial, but representations are of a different nature, can commit
constructions generated using the same procedures errors of interpretation. In particular, Anderson bases
applied in the perception processes: they are built this belief on a careful analysis on the one hand of the
from the propositional structure, and then used as if relationship between representations and processes trig-
they were real pictures. gered and used by these representations, and another
In contrast, theorists who believe in the analogical side on the explanatory constructs that describe the
model argue that mental images are “not analyzed nature of this relationship.
representations,” such as photographs and pictures.
Highlighting that mental images of objects and events Important Scientific Research and
have behavioral effects similar to those that occur when Open Questions
objects and events are actually observed, they claim that It was Stephen Kosslyn (1980, 1981, 1983; Kosslyn and
imagery and perception are equivalent because they are Shwartz 1977; Kosslyn et al. 1984) who gave the full
governed by same rules and generated by the same dignity to mental images to represent a knowledge not
structures and processes. attributable to any other modality and proposed
Pylyshyn’s critique of this model is essentially a theory of imagery congruent with the paradigm of
directed against the use of the metaphor “picture sim- cognitive science.
ilar to photography.” This metaphor implies that what According to him, mental images are not literally
is received from memory, when a mental image is “images inside the head,” but are mental representa-
formed, must be taken into consideration, scanned, tions that allow the experience to “see” something even
and interpreted perceptually in order to obtain signif- in the absence of corresponding visual stimuli. This
icant information on the presence or absence of phenomenon results, at the same time, in
objects, properties, relationships, etc. Contrarily, a representation and in a conscious experience of rep-
Pylyshyn claims that mental images have already been resentation itself. This functional union of parallel pro-
interpreted and organized. As a proof of his position, cedures (one to generate images and one to
he says that when we forget part of an image, what is simultaneously make the subject aware of the unreality
missing is any object- or attribute-relevant material, of the image, which is perceived “as if ” it were before
not a marginal part. our eyes) is unique among the modes of representation
Undoubtedly, on the one side Pylyshyn’s criticism of knowledge.
of the radical position of the metaphor “photographic Kosslyn and Shwartz have also tried to simulate on
image” is valid, but on the other hand, the theory of a computer, using a standard algorithm, the generation
representation in terms of “propositional form” (which of the image of an object, using lists of propositions
denies the specificity of the internal representation of containing information about the object. In that way,
the mental images) is not sufficiently supported and they also show the function of non-pictorial compo-
justified by compelling experimental data. nents of cognitive system. From this point of view,
Anderson (1978) and Anderson and Bower (1973), Kosslyn and his research team have attempted to
while assigning a major role to the semantic and lin- develop a model with both analogical and proposi-
guistic knowledge in different cognitive functions, and tional characteristics, which is considered of great
although they claim that a propositional encoding is importance for the understanding of specific cognitive
needed to represent the meaning, they refuse to accept processes of imagery.
the arguments of Pylyshyn, believing that it is still an Since the 1980s, Kosslyn devoted himself to trans-
open question whether the “photographic metaphor” lating his original model, so that it could also be
is erroneous. represented in terms of brain mechanisms involved,
Indeed, in their view, since we are unable to deter- trying at the same time to explain more directly the
mine if internal representations are of a “pictorial” or relationship between visual thinking and perceptual
“propositional” nature, lacking conclusive experimental vision.
evidence and physiological and neuropsychological data This “revisited” model was presented by the author
in this regard, both those who argue that all representa- in his book “Image and Brain” (1994) in which, starting
tions are propositional, and those who say that pictures from a detailed discussion of the perception of visual
2190 M Mental Imagery

stimuli, he comes to outline a model of the perception mental images are triggered by an autonomous process
of visual stimuli enhanced, if compared to that that activates that specific type of elaboration, and not
presented in previous works. The model has three by someone who tells us what we have to visualize.
major differences compared to the one previously As we’ve seen above, in the perspective of cognitive
developed by the author. First, the theoretical basis of science, imagery is a mental representation that gives
this second version of the model is based clearly on the rise to the experience of “seeing” something in the
studies concerning visual perception rather than on absence of appropriate optical stimuli. The ideal
those conducted on the subject of visual thinking. would then be to study directly this representation.
However (and this can be found as a second differ- Unfortunately, the phenomenon includes both
ence), Kosslyn suggests that the mechanisms responsi- a representation and the conscious experience, which,
ble for creation of mental images constitute as we have seen, is likely to complicate things.
a fundamental and independent part of the process From the perspective of the person who has such
that underlies the recognition of a visual stimulus, not experience, the image itself does not receive more
considering them merely as additional or optional fea- attention than is customary to dedicate to the single
tures. As a third point, building the model on the colors or brushstrokes looking at a painting: in both
extensive research he had conducted in neurological cases, our attention is focused on the objects
field, the author is able to propose specific locations represented. Similarly, from the perspective of the sub-
for each of the neuroanatomical mechanisms assumed ject, what is manipulated (noticed, explored in detail,
by him to explain his model. enlarged, etc.) is the object represented, not the image
Most of the research of experimental psychology, as itself. But we must not forget that, from the perspective
it will be clear from the brief review above, has studied of cognitive science, to be used is the representation,
mental images, not as a result of a creative activity of not the object represented. It is assumed that there is
the mind, but as a phenomenon that involves a set some connection between how mental representations
of cognitive processes concerning the development of are drawn and how the objects appear in the resulting
information and that the various levels of analysis must images, and the exact “link” is precisely the theme of
take into account the contribution that comes both the theories we have examined. The problem is the fact
from the input from the sensory system and from that the mind, by definition, is a private matter. If we
knowledge acquired over time. want to study mental events objectively, we need a way
One criticism that could be raised is that research to make them publicly observable – but how?
on mental imagery can’t easily allow to conduct exper- The researcher of cognitive science can ask a person
iments which present, from an ecological point of view, a question that involves the use of imagery to be
natural situations. The conditions established in the answered, and see how long it takes to respond. Mea-
experiments can only partially reflect the use of imag- suring the effects of mental activity (time spent, num-
ery that we do in real life, which, for example, is rarely ber of errors, etc), we can draw inferences about the
the case of mental images produced on command for activity in and of itself. If indeed mental images depict
purposes known only to our interlocutor. spatial extension, for example, we expect that it takes
In our daily life, the mental images appear as the a proportionally longer time to explore larger distances
result of a cognitive strategy whose aim is to help us visually displayed on an object mentally, which pre-
deal with situations and resolve issues in an articulate cisely matches the experimental data. Exemplary in
and, above all, easy way. When we are faced with this regard are the experiments conducted by Kosslyn
a situation where we have to consider what we observe (Kosslyn et al. 1978; Kosslyn 1980).
here and now, or something seen in the past, and is also With regard to mental images, however, the prob-
necessary to anticipate and/or predict how things lem seems to be more complex, because the informa-
might look if seen from other points of view or other tion that we can derive from indirect actions of the
moments or if they were processed, moved, disman- people are reduced or nonexistent because, for exam-
tled, etc. Then the mental images are formed as the ple, we cannot find any nonverbal behavior
most suitable and less expensive way to deal with corresponding to the experience of forming a mental
the situation or solve that problem. In these cases, the image of one or more stimuli (Quinton 1973).
Mental Imagery and Learning M 2191

Researchers will therefore depend on the verbalization Paivio, A. (1971). Imagery and verbal processes. New York: Rinehart
of these experiences by individuals, with all the limita- and Winston.
Paivio, A. (1975) Perceptual comparison through the mind’s eye.
tions and risks that this procedure involves.
Memory and Cognition, 3, 635–648.
A successfully tested way to explore spontaneous Pylyshyn, Z. W. (1981). The imagery debate: Analogue media versus
visualization is the use of self-report questionnaires. tacit knowledge. Psychological Review, 87, 16–45.
One of the most used is the VVIQ Marks (1973), Quinton, A. M. (1973). The nature of things. London: Routledge &
designed to measure individual differences in the viv- Kegan Paul.
Richardson, A. (1969). Mental imagery. London: Routledge & Kegan
idness of their images. By crossing the results of self-
report instruments, such as the one built by Marks, Shepard, R. N. (1978). The mental image. The American Psychologist,
with the data that can be obtained by techniques related 33, 125–137.
to neuropsychology, we can obtain particularly inter- Shepard, R. N., & Metzler, J. (1971). Mental rotation of three-dimen-
esting data, which can, at least in part, allow to bypass sional objects. Science, 171, 701–703.
the limitations of the self-report instruments. For
example, laboratory studies have suggested that the
subjectively reported variations in imagery vividness
are associated with different neural states within the
brain and also different cognitive competences such as Mental Imagery and Learning
the ability to accurately recall information presented in
Department of Psychology, Cognitive Psychology
Cross-References Laboratory Catholic University of the Sacred Heart,
▶ Learning and Thinking Milan, Italy
▶ Learning Style(s) M
▶ Mental Imagery and Learning
▶ Mental Representations Synonyms
▶ Mental Rotation and Functional Learning Imagery and learning; Visual thinking and learning;
▶ Semiotics and Learning Visualization techniques for learning

References Definition
Mental images are often used in the processes of indi-
Anderson, J. R., & Bower G. H. (1973). Human associative memory.
New York: Winston. rect thinking, such as in fantasies (Pope and Singer
Anderson, J. R. (1978). Arguments concerning representations for 1978; Singer and Antrobus 1972). It has been suggested
mental imagery. Psychological Review, 85, 249–277. that this mental activity performs a function of antic-
Kosslyn, S. M. (1980). Image and mind. Cambridge, MA: Harvard ipation and planning, to help us not to forget the
University Press.
activities not yet completed and to maintain concen-
Kosslyn, S. M. (1981). The medium and the message in the mental
imagery: A theory. Psychological Review, 88, 46–66.
tration when we are engaged in tedious tasks (Singer
Kosslyn, S. M. (1983). Ghost in the mind’s machine: Creating and using 1975). Moreover, the mental visualization plays specific
images in the brain. New York: Norton. roles in the processes of thought such as direct mem-
Kosslyn, S. M., & Shwartz, S. P. (1977). A simulation of visual ory, problem solving, decision-making task, and motor
imagery. Cognitive science, 1, 265–295. control (Denis 1991).
Kosslyn, S. M., Ball, T. M., & Reiser, B. J. (1978). Visual images
All these specific features of visual thinking make it
preserve metric spatial information: Evidence from studies of
image scanning. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Per- a particularly suitable candidate to support learning
ception and Performance, 447–460. (both cognitive and motor), and have thus led to the
Kosslyn, S. M., Brunn, J., Cave, K. R., & Wallach, R. W. (1984). construction of specific imagery training.
Individual differences in mental imagery ability: A computa-
tional analysis. Cognition, 18, 195–243.
Kosslyn, S. M., Thompson, W. L., Wraga, M. J., & Alpert, N. M.
Theoretical Background
(2001). Imagining rotation by endogenous versus exogenous Western culture has generally underestimated the
forces: Distinct neural mechanisms. Neuroreport, 12, 2519–2525. power of visual thinking.
2192 M Mental Imagery and Learning

Many theories, both philosophical and psychologi- manipulate it. This happens because mental images
cal, consider these forms of thought as preparatory or are extremely flexible. They also allow changes to
auxiliary to other forms considered more “noble,” such some elements of the problem on which we are work-
as forms of logical, verbal, mathematical. Hence, visual ing, even changes that would be impossible to imple-
thinking is seen either as a kind of thought that pre- ment in reality. This is particularly useful in learning
cedes the development of modes of reasoning that can situations because, sometimes, new problems, to be
work without images (a “springboard” for abstract solved, must be set differently from the way in which
thinking), or as a kind of “crutch” which occurs when they immediately present themselves. In these cases,
abstract thinking is difficult (e.g., when we need to mental images are useful because they allow to form
explain a concept to a person for whom it is difficult an anticipatory representation of different solution
to follow logical proofs). strategies.
In other cultures, however, things are different. For Imagery can be also used to “transcribe” elements
example, in certain nomadic tribes, pastors realize the of the problem in a visual–spatial format, maintaining
lack of any sheep in the flock, not counting the animals a relationship of resemblance to the real situations.
one by one, but through a simple “look” launched the This we allow the learner to operate mentally on these
flock. On the other hand, our school has accustomed us elements in a more productive and realistic way than by
to play this function through a mathematical proce- using logical–verbal symbols (which imply a higher
dure, which is played here by a quicker visual process. level of abstraction and a greater number of conceptual
In some cultures, children’s games also tend to mediations).
develop visual abilities. For example, in parts of Africa, Moreover, figural representations – for example,
one of the favorite pastimes in childhood is to build piles maps – allow to extrapolate from new situations the
of stones and then determine the exact number of stone most important features, producing thereby
just looking at them – the game is won by the child who a schematic overview, that highlight the essential struc-
is closest to the exact number of stones piled up. Visual– ture of the problem or of the situation.
spatial strategies are also employed for solving complex Imagery is also able to represent simultaneously
problems. For instance, the inhabitants of Polynesian different aspects of a situation. This feature is useful
islands establish the orientation in navigation through to help us to operate in ambiguity and uncertainty.
spatial mental models, rather than – as we do in West
culture – through a complex system of calculations. Important Scientific Research and
Moreover, we can find in various oriental cultures Open Questions
educational practices which make use of mental visu- The functions described briefly above, however, have
alization technique to help people overcome problems been studied mainly in laboratory settings, and this
of an emotional or relational nature. could lead to advancing the doubt that the discoveries
These suggestions are a clear indication that visual concerning the role of mental imagery in cognitive
imagery can be highly effective for the solution of tasks cannot be generalized due to a lack of ecological
problems, and to cope with complex or new learning validity (Yuille 1986). This lack is made heavier by the
task. Also, the results of several experimental investiga- evidence that people, as trained to use imaginative
tions prove that mental visualization can facilitate the approaches in cognitive processes, do not make use of
solution of various kinds of problems or promote mental imagery in everyday life (Katz 1987). We can
learning. therefore hypothesize that, generally speaking, the
How and why does this happen? properties of positive mental visualization supported
First, visual imagery can be particularly productive by the experimental results are not exploited.
since mental images can portray details and relation- Despite these doubts, however, numerous studies
ships that cannot be transferred from words, and can have also clearly shown that, in addition to having
also bring new information compared to information a specific role in everyday experience, mental visualiza-
represented with a linguistic formulation. tion is also associated with specific cognitive tasks. It
Using figural representations, we have also the has been proven experimentally, for example, that
chance to simulate a problematic situation and easily visuospatial ability is related to mathematical and
Mental Imagery and Learning M 2193

scientific skills, problem solving, ease of conceptualiza- the spatial orientation. Although, by definition, the
tion, and reasoning (Kosslyn 1983). types of skills measured by the two tests used by the
Several investigators have shown a positive correla- author were different and the correlation between
tion between imaginative attitudes and execution of their score had been found to be low, she expected
mathematical tasks. Because of this clear effect of imag- the training could sort some kind of effect on the
ery, it is clear the importance of developing specific results of both tests. The reason for this lack of effec-
training to improve the skills of individuals in terms of tiveness is not clear: it could be due to the consider-
mental visualization. Usually, the results of these stud- able difference in the averages of the results of the
ies have been doubly effective, increasing the level of pretest between the experimental and control groups,
performance of spatial tasks, and all other activities that or the belief on the part of the participants that the
require special visual skills. training would not be effective: a verbal strategy prob-
But, despite being recognized, the important role ably would have been equally useful and those that
played by the cognitive field of mental visualization, we have used it in the pretest did not see the need to
can find still relatively few research contributions change it.
focused on building training aimed to enhance visual As is evident from the examples above, it is clearly
imagery per se and which are not seen as mere means to and definitely – the link between visual thinking and
develop secondary skills linked to imagery (usually learning is clear, but we still have to clarify how to build
motor skills). and test appropriate training for upgrading imagina-
A few examples of good experimental training to tive skills.
develop visual imagery in learning situation are
reported below. Cross-References
Parrott (1986) examined the effects of imagery ▶ Learning and Thinking
training to promote the use of imaginative processes, ▶ Learning Style(s) M
comparing the results of the application of visual strat- ▶ Mental Imagery
egies with those of a program of training in the use of ▶ Mental Rotation and Functional Learning
verbal strategies. The author examined the relationship ▶ Mnemotechnics and Learning
between imaginative and space ability, their predictive ▶ Visual Perception Learning
ability in different contexts, as well as the manner in
which the tendency to use preferably one of the cerebral References
hemispheres may influence the effect of imagery train- Cornoldi, C., Logie, R., Bradimonte, M., Kufmann, G., & Reisberg, D.
ing. The data from this experiment did not allow to (1996). Stretching the imagination: Representation and transfor-
distinguish effects caused by hemispheric dominance, mation in mental imagery. New York: Oxford University Press.
as a good execution of the various tasks was directly Denis, M. (1991). Image and cognition. New York: Harvester Wheat
related to a cognitive style which did not involve
McDaniel, M. A., & Pressely, M. (Eds.). (1987). Imagery and related
a preference between the two hemispheres. However, Mnemonic processes. NewYork: Springer.
several authors have demonstrated how the ability to Katz, A. N. (1987). Individual differences in the control of imagery
make use of both hemispheres, or to alternate two processing: Knowing how, knowing when, and knowing self.
cognitive styles, is better than a rigid reliance on In M. A. McDaniel & M. Pressely (Eds.), Imagery and related
a single cognitive style. mnemonic processes (pp. 177–203). New York: Springer.
Kosslyn, S. M. (1983). Ghost in the mind’s machine: Creating and using
Techniques for teaching visual imagery in learning images in the brain. New York: Norton.
situation vary depending on the purpose of the Parrott, C. A. (1986). Visual imagery training: stimulating utilization
research, which usually are centered on a specific sector of imaginal processes. Journal of Mental Imagery, 10(1), 47–63.
(chemistry, mathematics . . .). In contrast, Louise Yates Pope, K. S., & Singer, J. L. (1978). The stream of consciousness.
(1986) proposed to build a program to develop basic New York: Wiley.
Singer, J. L. (1975). Daydreaming and fantasy. London: Allen and
visual skills, and then linked the effectiveness of this
training on the performance of university students in Singer, J. L., & Antrobus, J. S. (1972). Daydreaming, imaginal pro-
coping with tasks used to measure visuospatial ability. cesses, and personality: A normative study. In P. W. Sheehan
There was no evidence that the training has affected (Ed.), The function and nature of imagery. San Diego: Academic.
2194 M Mental Leap

Yates, L. G. (1986). Effect of visualization training on spatial ability relations links them with a high degree of one-to-
test scores. Journal of Mental Imagery, 10(1), 81–92. one mapping and structural consistency) (p. 31).
Yuille, J. C. (1986). The futility of a pure experimental psychology of
● Evaluation, in which a problem solver evaluates the
cognition: Imagery as a case study. In D. F. Marks (Ed.), Theories
of image formation (pp. 197–223). New York: Brandon House. inferences to determine whether they meet the pur-
pose or not, based on the structural relations
between source and target. Then the problem solver
either adapts or abandons these inferences.
● Learning, in which a problem solver learns some-
Mental Leap thing more general (i.e., a schema which captures
the patterns of relational structure) from the success
or failure of the analogy.
Department of Educational Science, University of
Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany Analogy requires concepts. Figuring out the similar-
ity of shared features (e.g., recognizing sensory and
semantic similarities) is necessary for the creation of
Synonyms concepts. Thus, understanding semantic connections
Cognitive jump; Creative leap between concepts is critical in analogical thinking
because they serve as the building blocks for further
Definition understanding of higher-level analogies. In other
Leap is defined as a sudden passage or transition words, analogy helps us to cumulatively form new and
(Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Online Dictionary. more abstract concepts and thus facilitates further com-
n.d.). According to Holyoak and Thagard (1995), plex analogies. This in turn supports the formation of
a mental leap is required to suggest or understand more abstract concepts (p. 23). This is consistent with
analogical thinking, and it happens “like a spark that cumulative learning, which deals with the gradual devel-
jumps across a gap, an idea from the source analog is opment of knowledge and skills that improve over time.
carried over to the target” (p. 7). Thinking by analogy Ward (1998) distinguishes between distant analo-
creates new connections between the two analogues, gies, which are more likely to be associated with
which initially seem unrelated, because the thinker extraordinary forms of creativity, and near analogies,
recognizes the commonalities of the two situations. which are more likely to be associated with everyday,
These abstract similarities create a transfer of knowl- relatively small creative increments. Thus, he describes
edge. Analogy is guided by the three interrelated basic the distant analogies as creative mental leaps (e.g.,
constraints of similarity, structure, and the purpose of Holyoak and Thagard 1995), while intra-domain con-
the person who is using the analogy (p. 7). The follow- ceptual extensions are creative mental hops (p. 222).
ing are four successive stages of the analogical thinking
process (p. 15): Cross-References
▶ Analogical Reasoning
● Selection, in which a problem solver selects a source
▶ Intuition Pumps and Augmentation of Learning
analog by retrieving information about it from his
▶ Mental Models
or her memory. It is guided by a similarity of ele-
ments and structural equivalence. References
● Mapping, in which a problem solver maps the Holyoak, K. X., & Thagard, P. (1995). Mental leaps: Analogy in creative
source to the target by active retrieval or by having thought. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press/Bradford Books.
someone point it out and thereby generates infer- Leap. (n.d.). In Merriam-Webster’s collegiate online dictionary.
ences (e.g., by finding similarities) between the Retrieved April 28, 2011, from http://mw1.merriam-webster.
source and the target. Mapping is controlled by com/dictionary/leap
Ward, T. (1998). Mental leaps versus mental hops. In K. J. Holyoak,
structure, similarity, and the purpose of the anal-
D. Gentner, & B. N. Kokinov (Eds.), Advances in analogy research:
ogy. The human mind generates analogical infer- Integration of theory and data from the cognitive, computational,
ences using attribute, relational, and system and neural sciences (pp. 221–230). Sofia: New Bulgarian Univer-
mapping (mapping based on similar higher-order sity Press.
Mental Model of Dynamic Systems M 2195

a point of reference that structures and guides the

Mental Load learning process with the learner.
▶ Mental Effort Model is a simplified representation of a real system.
Models appear in this entry in the form of external and
internal models. An external model is an explicit,
mostly graphical representation of an internal (mental)
model of an individual. It provides a means for com-
Mental Logic munication and analysis. An internal (mental) model is
a construct of cognitive psychology. Mental models are
▶ Schema-Based Reasoning
internal representations of conceptual and causal inter-
relations among elements that people use to under-
stand phenomena.
Feedback is the transmission and return of informa-
Mental Model Convergence tion about the current output condition of a system.
A feedback process is a process by which a system is
▶ Learning-Dependent Progression of Mental Models
controlled or changed by the output or response it
Learning is considered a feedback process of the
following kind: Our decisions alter the real world, we
Mental Model of Dynamic receive information feedback about the world and
Systems revise the decisions we make and subsequently the
mental models that motivate those decisions. Learning
STEFAN N. GROESSER can also be seen as a process of discovering the content
Institute of Management, University of St. Gallen,
and structure of a model or reality.
St. Gallen, Switzerland A stock and flow diagram (SFD) is a tool for graph-
System Dynamics Group, Massachusetts Institute of ically representing mental models of dynamic systems.
Technology, Cambridge, USA Such a diagram is a means to represent the feedback
structure of a system that consists conceptually of feed-
back loops.
Synonyms System Dynamics is a computer modeling method-
Mental models of dynamic systems, MMDS ology that is used to represent and analyze complex
nonlinear dynamic feedback systems for the purpose of
Definition generating insights and improving system perfor-
Cognitive processes are any mental activity that acquires, mance. It has its intellectual origins in control theory,
stores, transforms, reduces, elaborates, or uses knowledge. management science, and digital computing. It was
Cognitive processes are also referred to as cognition. created in 1957 by Jay W. Forrester of the Massachusetts
Dynamic decision making is the process of assessing Institute of Technology as a method for helping man-
and choosing among alternatives at different times in agers better understand and control corporate systems.
the course of managing a dynamic system, that is, an Today, it is applied to topics in a wide variety of aca-
environment that changes over time. demic disciplines; see and
A dynamic system is one whose state changes with the journal “System Dynamics Review.”
time. Dynamic systems are relevant to describe
dynamic phenomena in many fields of research, for Theoretical Background
instance, in psychology, operations research, manage-
ment, political sciences, sociology, and economics. Relevance of Mental Models of
Model-based learning (MBL) refers to the activity of Dynamic Systems
humans interacting with an external, formal model for It has been argued that today’s world becomes ever
the purpose of learning. The external model is used as more complex, interconnected, and dynamic.
2196 M Mental Model of Dynamic Systems

Incremental and radical innovations are occurring at These are some of the characteristics of mental models
increasing rates in all pertinent areas of life with signif- which have also been addressed by Herbert Simon with
icant impacts. Because of this, human actions lead to his principle of bounded rationality (Simon 1982).
counter-actions by others resulting in resistance against
the original intention. In principle, the performance of Definition of Mental Models and the
activities is a process based on feedback, adaptation, Mental Models of Dynamic Systems
and subsequent learning which is guided by the indi- Mental model research was first used by the psycholo-
vidual’s mental models. A mental model reflects an gist K. J. W. Craik in his 1943 book, The Nature of
individual’s beliefs, values, and assumptions. It forms Explanation. Since then, the term “mental model” has
the reasons for actions. More formally, a mental model taken on a variety of meanings, all of which are still in
is an internal conceptual representation of causal inter- usage. In psychology, for instance, mental models have
relations among elements that people use to under- been used as mental diagrams, mental representations,
stand and manipulate reality. collections of beliefs, schemas, and knowledge net-
Learning is essential for performance in reality. It is, works. One current understanding of mental models
in principle, a feedback process in which our decisions in psychology is that a mental model consists of two or
influence the real world, as a result of which we receive more assertions which are linked together. An assertion
information feedback about the world and revise both is a statement about a fact or a statement about the
the decisions we make and the mental models that logical relationship between facts (Seel 2001).
motivate those decisions. However, experimental Doyle and Ford (1998, 1999) have introduced the
research demonstrates that people have a very poor concept of a MMDS as an understanding of mental
understanding of even the simplest dynamic systems models that is more specific than previous mental
(Sterman 1994). In other words, their mental models of model definitions. Groesser and Schaffernicht have
dynamic systems (MMDS) are not elaborated enough provided an operational definition: “A mental model
to capture the essential aspects of those dynamic sys- of a dynamic system is a relatively enduring and acces-
tems. This is because learning in dynamic systems is sible, but limited, internal conceptual representation of
constrained by several factors: The failure to register an external dynamic system (historical, existing, or
outcome feedback, ambiguous causal understanding, projected). The internal representation is analogous
systematic misperception of feedbacks, nonlinearities, to the external system and contains, on a conceptual
and time delays. To develop more useful and accurate level, reinforcing and balancing feedback loops that
MMDS, methods for enhancing learning about consist of causally linked stocks, flows, and intermedi-
dynamic systems must overcome these impediments. ary variables. The causal links are either linear or non-
Model-based learning with System Dynamics is one linear, and can be delayed.” (Groesser and Schaffernicht
such method to address this (see Groesser, ▶ Model- resubmitted, p. 22).
based Learning with System Dynamics in this issue).
The improvement of MMDS is of the highest relevance, Relation Between Mental Models and
since managerial and political decision making can be MMDS
highly biased when the basic dynamics are not under- In the following, the relation between previous mental
stood (e.g., Sterman 2008). models and MMDS is provided. In principle, a MMDS
is an instance of a mental model with special proper-
General Shortcomings of Mental ties. The most important difference is that mental
Models models in the previous notion are open-loop models,
Mental models are theoretical concepts. They try to that is, models without any particular notion of feed-
represent the cognition of an individual, that is, an back relations. A MMDS, on the other side, emphasizes
individual mental model, or of a group of individuals, the concept of closed-loop or feedback relations. This
that is, a team mental model. Mental models are difference is essential because in an individual’s open-
incomplete, overly simplistic, unstable, and highly flex- loop mental model the dynamics arise from exogenous
ible and thus inconsistent over time, ambiguous, and events, whereas in a closed-loop MMDS the dynamics
often open-loop models with narrow boundaries. emerge internally. A second difference occurs when
Mental Model of Dynamic Systems M 2197

there is more than one reason for an outcome to occur. Causal links are the relationships between variables,
In this case, the outcome is possibly explained by the that is, they are the connections between the knots in
existence of several mental models in parallel. From the the network. They have three properties: Polarity, delay,
perspective of MMDS, only one MMDS exists which and the shape of a relationship. The polarity, as in the
encompasses all of the possible partial explanations for case of a feedback loop, can be either positive or neg-
the outcome. The relative importance of the different ative. For a positive polarity, an increase in the quantity
partial explanations can vary, but the MMDS is of variable A leads to a subsequent increase in the
a comprehensive representation of the individual’s quantity of variable B above the level it otherwise
understanding of the situation. would have had (and vice versa for an initial decrease).
Given an initial increase in the quantity of variable A,
Conceptual Structure of a MMDS a negative polarity leads to a decrease in the quantity of
A conceptual structure of a MMDS, as shown in Fig. 1, variable B below the level it otherwise would have had
shows the constituent elements in its framework. We (and vice versa for an initial decrease). A delay in a link
can see a hierarchy in these elements, beginning with indicates if the causal relationship is directly coupled in
a feedback loop at the highest level. Feedback loops time (no delay) or if the effect lags the initiating cause
consist of the underlying elements, that is, variables by some interval. The shape of relationship between
and causal links. They are closed chains of causal rela- variables A and B can be either linear, that is, a change
tions which return information about the current out- in variable A leads always to the same change in variable
put condition of a system to its input. A feedback loop B, or nonlinear, that is, that a change in variable A leads
has either a positive or a negative polarity. The former to different changes in the variable B conditional on the
reinforces initial changes of a variable in the feedback current value of variable A. After defining the concep-
loop; the latter counteracts changes in a variable within tual structure of a MMDS, the representation thereof is
the feedback loop. shown next.
Variables constitute the second major group of con-
ceptual elements. Variables can be conceived of as the Representation of MMDS
knots in a network. Three types of variables are differ- Conceptually, MMDS consist of the structure as
entiated: Stocks, flows, and auxiliaries. Stocks describe outlined in Fig. 1. Using this structure, the MMDS of
the current condition of dynamic systems. They are an individual can be expressed. What is required is
accumulations of resources which can be measured a representation method which is potent enough to
directly (e.g., material, financial resources) or only indi- account for all elements of the conceptual structure.
rectly (e.g., attitude, motivation). Flows, or flow rates, A stock and flow diagram (SFD) is the method which
describe how stocks change over time, that is, flows are best fulfills this purpose. Another frequently used
the means to change stocks. Auxiliary variables are nei- method is a causal loop diagram.
ther stocks nor flows; they are intermediate variables In a SFD (Fig. 2), feedback loops are identified by
which are used to formulate flow variables. R and B – R indicates reinforcing feedback loops,

Feedback Loop

Element: Variables Element: Causal Link Property: Polarity

Inter- Shape of Positive Negative

Stock Flow Link Polarity Delay
mediary Relationship

Positive Negative Linear

Mental Model of Dynamic Systems. Fig. 1 Conceptual structure of mental models of dynamic systems (Groesser and
Schaffernicht resubmitted)
2198 M Mental Model of Dynamic Systems

annual sales per

that the MMDS is incomplete. For instance, the “per-
ceived relative attractiveness” is a concept which is also
Sales influenced by other products available on the market.
annual sales
+ rate This is, however, currently not an element of the indi-
learning effects based
on cumulative sales + vidual’s MMDS. This MMDS example should clarify
how a SFD is used to present the MMDS of individuals
Delay R1

or teams. For more information on SFD, refer to
Customers Sterman (2000) and the literature cited therein.
price assembly time

+ loss rate Important Scientific Research and
− Open Questions
company's product
attractiveness + adoption rate Research about MMDS is relatively new but neverthe-
Delay + perceived relative less aspiring. It addresses among others the following
Potential questions: How are MMDS measured? How do MMDS
Customers change over time? Why is it that people who have
relatively elaborated MMDS sometimes fail to apply
Mental Model of Dynamic Systems. Fig. 2 Mental them? Research about these topics is undertaken by
models of dynamic systems can be represented as system experts specialized in Psychology and/or System
structure diagram Dynamics, for example, at the Worcester Polytechnic
Institute, USA. (, at the University of St.
B would indicate balancing feedback loops. Stocks, Gallen, Switzerland (, at the
which represent accumulations, are shown as rectangles Universidad de Talca, Chile, and at the University of
(customers, potential customers); flow rates (adoption Bergen, Norway ( In the fol-
rate, loss rate, annual sales rate) cumulated sales are lowing, relevant research areas are outlined and briefly
directly connected to the stocks. The remaining vari- treated.
ables are auxiliary variables. Causal links between the
variables are shown as arrows. The polarities of the links Conceptual Structure, Measurement,
are assigned at the arrowhead (+ or ). Delays are and Elicitation of MMDS
represented by a box labeled with “Delay” (e.g., The comprehensive but parsimonious conceptual struc-
between a company’s product attractiveness and its ture of a MMDS has been detailed in a previous section.
perceived relative attractiveness). The next step is to develop measurement scales and
In the SFD in Fig. 2, the logic of an individual about elicitation procedures to operationalize the conceptual
the production and sales mechanisms of a company is structure. The difficulty, however, is that the mere act of
shown. According to the thinking of this individual, trying to measure and understand MMDS might already
customers who buy the products create sales for the alter the model itself. This fact leads to additional uncer-
company. The increasing number of products sold fos- tainty in the measurement of mental models. Research
ters accumulations in experience and learning about about measurement and elicitation must use methods
production and production management. This, in that are as naturalistic as possible, that is, that corre-
sequence, results in reduced assembly times, a fact spond to the settings, tasks, and question formats that
which customers appreciate. Consequently, customers people normally deal with when they think about
are more loyal to the company, thus leading to a lower dynamic systems (Doyle et al. 2008). Moreover, it
loss rate. In addition, the higher availability of the prod- becomes important to use elicitation methods that do
ucts increases its attractiveness on the market. This is not impose a particular structure, but allow the sub-
registered by potential customers with a perception stantive structure to arise from the subjects’ responses.
delay. After this time lag, potential customers adopt
the product, resulting in an increased customer stock. Evolution of MMDS
The owner of the MMDS perceives two reinforcing External representations of MMDS are only a snapshot
feedback loops (R1 and R2). It is obvious, however, of an individual’s cognition at a specific point in time.
Mental Model of Dynamic Systems M 2199

Changes of a MMDS can occur both over short and long MMDS draw on existing studies of team mental models
periods. In principle, it is possible to compare the sub- (e.g., Lim and Klein 2006; Mohammed et al. 2010).
sequent changes (Schaffernicht 2006). Schaffernicht In general, publications in recent years have shown
and Groesser (2011) have developed a method of com- an upward trend leading to a significant increase in the
paring MMDS which builds on and enhances previous analysis of MMDS.
measurement approaches (Langfield-Smith and Wirth
1992; Markóczy and Goldberg 1995). Cross-References
▶ Computer Simulation Model
Improving MMDS and the Results in ▶ Dynamic Modeling and Analogies
Decision Making ▶ Mental Models
Indications suggest that it is possible to enhance ▶ Model-Based Learning with System Dynamics
MMDS especially by the use of Model-based Learning ▶ Feedback and Learning
with System Dynamics. By this means, it is possible to ▶ Simulation and Learning: The Role of Mental Models
make mental models more complete, coherent, com- ▶ Simulation-Based Learning
plex, dynamic, and feedback oriented. It is argued that
the process of Model-based Learning with System
Dynamics facilitates improving the learner’s mental
Capelo, C., & Dias, J. F. (2009). A system dynamics-based simulation
models by engaging in inquiry that is otherwise experiment for testing mental model and performance effects of
impractical or even impossible. Through the use of using the balanced scorecard. System Dynamics Review, 25, 1–34.
such tools, the cost in time and resources for learning Doyle, J. K., & Ford, D. N. (1998). Mental models concepts for system
iterations is reduced. Thus, the number of iterations dynamics research. System Dynamics Review, 14, 3–29.
can be increased, resulting in a potentially more Doyle, J. K., & Ford, D. N. (1999). Mental models concepts revisited:
Some clarifications and a reply to Lane. System Dynamics Review,
detailed understanding of the problem at stake. In
15, 411–415. M
addition, Model-based Learning with System Dynam- Doyle, J. K., Radzicki, M. J., & Trees, W. S. (2008). Measuring change
ics can reveal the dynamic complexity of the systems; in mental models of complex dynamic systems. In H. Qudrat-
untangle inadequate and ambiguous outcome feed- Ullah, M. J. Spector, & P. Davidsen (Eds.), Complex decision
back; and can help to overcome misperceptions of making: Theory and practice (pp. 269–294). Berlin: Springer.
Groesser, S. N., & Schaffernicht, M. (resubmitted). Mental models of
feedback. By this process, MMDS can be elaborated.
dynamic systems: Taking stock and looking ahead. System
This has been shown by recent studies. For instance, Dynamics Review.
Capelo and Dias (2009) conclude that learning inter- Langfield-Smith, K., & Wirth, A. (1992). Measuring differences between
ventions with System Dynamics computer simulations cognitive maps. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 43,
can lead to a higher degree of similarity among the 1135–1150.
mental modes of the decision makers. Sterman (2010) Lim, B. C., & Klein, K. J. (2006). Team mental models and team
performance: A field study of the effects of team mental model
confirms that an education in System Dynamics is
similarity and accuracy. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 27,
helpful in improving dynamic decision making. How- 403–418.
ever, some well-documented cases exist in which Markóczy, L., & Goldberg, J. (1995). A method for eliciting and
improved MMDS failed to lead to better decisions. comparing causal maps. Journal of Management, 21, 305–333.
More research is required, therefore, to identify the Mohammed, S., Ferzandi, L., & Hamilton, K. (2010). Metaphor no
more: A 15-year review of the team mental model construct.
contingencies under which both improving and utiliz-
Journal of Management, 36(4), 876–910.
ing improved MMDS can occur. Schaffernicht, M. (2006). Detecting and monitoring change in
models. System Dynamics Review, 22, 73–88.
From Individual MMDS to Team Schaffernicht, M. & Groesser, S. N. (2011). A comprehensive method
MMDS for comparing mental models of dynamic systems. European
A further research avenue is the measurement and Journal of Operational Research, 210(1), 57–67.
Seel, N. M. (2001). Epistemology, situated cognition, and mental
development of team mental models. Since research
models: ‘Like a bridge over troubled water’. Instructional Science,
about MMDS is relatively new compared to research 29, 403–427.
about common mental models, not many studies exist Simon, H. A. (1982). Models of bounded rationality. Cambridge, MA:
in this respect. It is advisable that research about team MIT Press.
2200 M Mental Models

Sterman, J. D. (1994). Learning in and about complex systems. System has a long tradition in the twentieth-century psychol-
Dynamics Review, 10, 291–330. ogy and epistemology in which various roots can be
Sterman, J. D. (2000). Business dynamics: Systems thinking and model-
distinguished. In accordance with neopragmatism and
ing for a complex world. Boston, MA: McGraw-Hill.
Sterman, J. D. (2008). Risk communication on climate: Mental constructivism, mental models are widely defined as
models and mass balance. Science, 322, 532–533. the mind’s internal representations of real, hypotheti-
Sterman, J. D. (2010). Does formal system dynamics training improve cal, or imaginary world phenomena. Usually, the idea
people’s understanding of accumulation? System Dynamics of mental models is traced back to Kenneth Craik
Review, 26(4), 316–334.
(1943), who argued that the mind constructs “small-
scale models” of reality to anticipate events, to reason,
and to underlie explanations. In other words, an indi-
vidual who intends to give a rational explanation for
something must develop practical methods in order to
Mental Models generate adequate explanations from knowledge of the
world, using limited capacities for information
SABINE AL-DIBAN processing in doing so. Thus, in order to create situa-
Institute of Educational Psychology and tion-specific plausibility, one individual constructs
Developmental Psychology, Technical University of a model that integrates the relevant semantic knowledge
Dresden, Dresden, Germany and meets the requirements of the situation to be
mastered. This model “works” when it is within the
realm of the subject’s knowledge as well as the explan-
Synonyms atory need with regard to the concrete learning situa-
Cognitive model representation; Internal model; tion to be mastered cognitively. Like pictures in
Working model Wittgenstein’s “picture” theory of the meaning of lan-
guage, mental models have a structure that corresponds
Definition to the structure of what they represent. Since Craik’s
Along with other types of cognitive structure, mental seminal work, cognitive scientists argue that the mind
models are representations in the human mind of constructs mental models as a result of perception,
various aspects of an individual’s lifetime experiences. imagination and knowledge, and the comprehension
Mental models are internal representations of discourse.
containing meaningful declarative and procedural Parallel with emerging cognitive science, similar
knowledge that people use to understand specific conceptions of internal or mental models have been
phenomena. People can construct mental models in adapted by scientists who were concerned with the
order to explain or to simulate problems, events, or pragmatic aspects of modeling (Stachowiak 1973) or
future situations in mind, if no sufficient schema is the psychological investigation of experts operation
available. A scientific analysis of mental models is very with complex technical or physical systems
useful to optimize learning processes but depends on (Veldhuyzen and Stassen 1977). Action regulation
some preconditions. For example, an important pre- approaches consider mental models as the basis for
condition is an adequate measurable externalization of mental simulations, anticipations, and regulation of
mental models. Another precondition is consciousness actions. In addition, the conception of internal models
of knowledge which might be relevant for constructing also played a central role in information science in the
a model. 1950s and 1960s. Here, learning was considered as
a complex procedure of constructing internal models
Theoretical Background of the environment (Steinbuch 1965) that were con-
Although mental models are often considered as ceived as cognitive isomorphisms of structured
a major theoretical construct of modern cognitive sci- domains of the environment.
ence closely related with the issue of knowledge repre- Despite these early approaches, the concept of men-
sentation (Markman 1998), the idea of mental models tal models became very influential in cognitive
Mental Models M 2201

psychology and science, particularly in the 1980s. Actu- construction process of mental models never really
ally, the emerging idea of mental models encompassed ends and goes one through the lifetime (see the entry
situated cognition as well as qualitative reasoning on Mental models and life-long learning by Barker and
(Johnson-Laird 1983). In accordance with constructiv- van Schaik).
ism, the idea of mental models is based on two assump-
tions: (1) The person individually constructs the reality Schemas and Mental Models
and (2) cognition and learning take place in the use of Most cognitive psychologists agree on the point that
mental representations, in which individuals organize cognitive schemas constitute the fundamental basis for
symbols of experience or thought in such a way that the construction of mental models. In Piaget’s epistemol-
they effect a systematic representation of this experi- ogy, schemas serve, first of all, to assimilate informa-
ence or thought as means of understanding it or of tion into pre-existing cognitive structures, whereas
explaining it to others (Seel 1991). Coherent mental mental models can be seen as “tools” of accommoda-
models represent and communicate subjective experi- tion (Seel 1991). In contrast to schemas, mental models
ences, ideas, thoughts, and feelings. are not permanent. While schemata are often absent,
Johnson-Laird (1983) has described the representa- insufficient or inadequate for solving a given task or
tional function of mental models as follows: problem, mental models involve a restructuring of the
cognitive structure which is useful for understanding
" Mental models play a central and unifying role in
a novel situation or an unknown problem. Mental
representing objects, states of affairs, sequences of
models are cognitive constructions in problem situa-
events, the way the world is, and the social and psy-
tions which aim at subjective plausibility. As long as
chological actions of daily life. They enable individuals
new information could be assimilated into the acti-
to make inferences and predictions, to understand
vated schema, a construction of mental models is not
phenomena, to decide what action to take and to
control its execution, and, above all, to experience M
In accordance with this view, Rumelhart et al.
events by proxy. (p. 397)
(1986) have suggested a cognitive architecture of infor-
mation processing that contains two sets of units. One
Characteristic Features of Mental set – called an interpretation network – is concerned
Models with the activation of schemas, the other one is
Since the 1980s, theory construction and research on concerned with constructing a “model of the world.” It
mental models became a prospering field in various takes as input some specification of the actions
areas, such as deductive reasoning, text and dis- intending to carry out and produces an interpretation
course processing, human-machine interaction, of what would happen if someone did that. Part of this
mathematical learning and symbolizing, science edu- specification could be a specification of what the new
cation (see, for example Ackermann and Tauber stimulus conditions would be like. Thus, the interpre-
1990). Clearly, there are “[. . .] different concepts of tation network, that is, a schema takes input from the
mental models, but their same starting point is, that world and produces relevant reactions whereas the
they will be constructed on the basis of recallable knowl- second set, that is, the constructed model of the world
edge” (Seel et al. 2000, p. 265) in order to comprehend explains and predicts how the input would change in
the world. Mental models are characterized as individ- response to these reactions. In the literature, it is
ual, fragmentary, parsimonious, and in most cases common to talk about a mental model that would be
unscientific. Mental models have also been seen as expected to be operating in any case; insofar as it is
being involved in the regulation of action processes generating expectations about the state of the world
(see Hacker 2005). In sum, it can be stated that mental and thereby predicting internally the outcomes of
models are both implicit cognitive tools for and results possible actions. However, it is not necessary for
of complex thinking. world events to have happened. In case that they
People already start to create mental models in early have, the cognitive system replaces the stimulus inputs
childhood (Vosniadou and Brewer 1992). However, the from the world with inputs from the mental model.
2202 M Mental Models

This means that a “mental simulation runs” correspondence between perceptions, encoding, and
envisioning in the imagination the events that would cognitive representations in the mind. He restated this
take place in the world if a particular action was to be point of view much later, pointing out that mental
performed. Thus, mental models allow to perform models reproduce “[. . .] what is true in one possibility,
actions entirely internally and to judge the conse- and so far as possible has an iconic structure”(Johnson-
quences of actions, interpret them, and draw appro- Laird 2006, p. 428). However, there is empirical evi-
priate conclusions. dence that visualization not always support model
Numerous researchers defined the functions of building processes (De Bock et al. 2003).
mental models. A main function is, that mental models Another limitation of the Cognitive Functionalism
“run in the mind’s eye.” This is a central function for becomes apparent when considering complex and
understanding, as it enables to find new solutions, not directly perceptible events like “photosynthesis,”
analogies, and generalizations to explain reality or pre- “air pollution,” “radiation,” or “inflation.” The area of
dict future events (see Al-Diban 2002). This function is reference is restricted on directly perceptible or socially
very important for human decision making, because it mediated phenomena. Johnson-Laird’s approach
constitutes an essential basis for comparing various combines epistemological assumptions of the coher-
alternatives in the mind. ence theory with pragmatism. The function of mental
models is to intermediate between propositions and
A Comparison of Two Approaches to images. The main function of mental models is useful-
Explain Mental Models ness relative to the context in which it is used. As long
The following discussion of two early approaches of as a mental model is useful there is no reason to develop
the mental model construct will afford insight into new ones. Thus, the processes of conceptual change can
this specific field of learning sciences. A dichotomous be very restricted. This points to another weakness of
examination cannot take all theoretical postulated the approach: How can questions about the change-
features into consideration. But the simplification ability and development of the human thinking be
should help to make correspondences and differences explained?
clear. The approach of Seel (1991) focuses on domain-
In 1983, the term mental model was coined mainly specific knowledge and different ways to organize this
by Johnson-Laird. From this point on, mental models knowledge in order to make sense of phenomena of the
are generally distinguished from other forms of mental world and give them plausibility. Direct perception and
representation, such as images and propositions due to analogue representations are not essential in this
their different functions (Markman 1998). In contrast approach, but rather assimilative reconstruction pro-
to propositions which have describing functions only, cesses of domain specific knowledge. Furthermore, this
mental models are useful to explaining phenomena and cognitive psychological approach assumes a subjective
solving problems. Mental models support long-term explanation value and internal consistency of mental
and well founded understanding. The different mental models in addition to subjective plausibility.
model approaches are largely in agreement on these A qualitative distinction is made between so-called
two points. The differences start with the question of “everyday life models” and “expert models.” Another
how these principles of understanding, explaining, and assumption of this approach is that the “everyday life
predicting emerge, and how the related processes work models” of novices and “expert models” have similar-
in detail. A comparison of representatives of the Cog- ities due to their reference to reality as well as differ-
nitive Functionalism and the Epistemological ences because of their different purposes. Novices
Approach should make the various mental model construct models to ensure an adequate management
building processes obvious (Table 1). of their own lives. For experts, on the other hand, the
In Johnson-Laird’s approach perception is essential; purpose of constructing a model is to observe, explain,
it is referred to as the “primary source of mental models and predict phenomena or events in general. Expert
– three dimensional cinematic models of the world” models are characterized by higher levels of abstrac-
(1983, p. 406). Johnson-Laird assumes a broad tion, explanation value, and validity. This approach
Mental Models M 2203

Mental Models. Table 1 Comparison of two mental model approaches

Johnson-Laird’s (1983) cognitive
functionalism Seel’s (1991) epistemological approach
Central 1. Internal models of external and internal reality 1. Internal models of possible worlds
2. Structures analog to corresponding facts 2. knowledge is consciousness about the world
Mental models are
and a system of clauses (“sentences”)
seen as 3. Purpose determines content, form and level of
Particular 1. Principle of economy 1. Reduction of complexity
2. Mapping of identical structures 2. Reproduction of no-observable phenomenon
3. Providing explanations
4. Ability of mental simulations
Epistemology 1. Theory of truth (correspondence) 1. Theory of coherence
(theory of
2. Pragmatism 2. Theory of correspondence if applicable
Reference to 1. Perception based models 1. World knowledge
2. Discourse based models, verifying in relation 2. Open, no special way
to the perception based model
Consciousness Obligatory Obligatory
Language Concepts as mental entities inclu-ding the – Synthetic sentences: empirical founded,
assumption of hereditary semantic primitives encyclopedic knowledge
and intentional correspondence between
language expression and related reality sections
– Analytic sentences: rational founded, semantic M
– Symbolic sentences: without truth checking,
subjective coherence, and consistence of
knowledge basically for inferential thinking
Perception Central: “It is therefore safe to assume that Mediated: “The cognitive system develops its
primary source of mental models – three ‘worlds’ exclusively on basis of the saved
dimensional cinematic models of the world – is knowledge, without need of checking its
perception.” (1983, p. 406) propositions, beliefs, and assumptions directly in
objective reality.” (p. 144)
Mental modeling is – Processes of procedural seman-tic: – Operator schema with assimilation resistance
conceived as interpretations, evaluations, and revision of supports accommodation
mental models:
Simply case: verification of discourse statements Mental models with help of “structural
in relation to a perception based model analogies”/“relation transfer” generated by
processes of “abduction” (p. 138) or as “strategy
Difficult case: discourse based models without
of successive model construction and
relation to perception (undetermined language
completion” (p.143)

posits two main functions of mental models. The first assumptions are based on coherence and the theory of
one consists of maintaining or producing explanatory correspondence. The main function of mental models
coherence and subjective plausibility, and the second is is to organize the area specific knowledge in order to
explaining and predicting observable and no observ- lend subjective plausible to phenomena and give them
able phenomena of reality. The epistemological meaning. Processes of conceptual changes are
2204 M Mental Models

postulated based on analogical thinking and strategies References

of successive model construction and completion (Seel Ackermann, D., & Tauber, M. J. (Eds.). (1990). Mental models and
1991). human computer interaction 1. Amsterdam: North Holland.
Al-Diban, S. (2002). Diagnose mentaler Modelle. Hamburg: Verlag Dr.
Kovac [Diagnosis of mental models].
Important Scientific Research and Caravita, S. (2001). A re-framed conceptual change theory? Learning
Open Questions and Instruction, 11, 421–429.
Craik, K. J. W. (1943). The nature of explanation. Cambrdige: Cam-
The majority of studies on mental models deals with
bridge University Press.
topics in natural science education; only very few De Bock, D., Verschaffel, L., Janssens, D., Van Dooren, W., & Claes,
studies have been conducted on topics in the social K. (2003). Do realistic contexts and graphical representations
sciences (see Caravita 2001). Furthermore, many always have a beneficial impact on students’ perfor-
empirical studies focus on quantifying methods, mea- mance? Negative evidence from a study on modelling non-
surements, and criteria for describing externalizations linear geometry problems. Learning and Instruction, 13,
of mental models (Hovardas and Korfiatis 2006).
Hovardas, T., & Korfiatis, K. J. (2006). Word associations as a tool for
From an instructional point of view, there is great assessing conceptual change in science education. Learning and
interest in assessing novice’s mental models and com- Instruction, 16, 416–432.
paring them with an expert’s in order to identify the Ifenthaler, D., Pirnay-Dummer, P., Spector, J. M. (2008). Understand-
most appropriate ways to bridge the gap that usually ing models for learning and instruction. Essays in Honor of
Norbert M. Seel. New York: Springer
exists between them. Meanwhile, there are as many
Johnson-Laird, P. N. (1983). Mental models: Towards a cognitive sci-
assessment instruments as there are researchers work- ence of language, inference and consciousness. Cambridge, MA:
ing in the field of mental models (Ifenthaler et al. Harvard University Press.
2008). Johnson-Laird, P. N. (2006). How we reason. Oxford, UK: Oxford
The landscape of theoretical approaches to mental University Press.
models becomes more and more differentiated. Markman, A. B. (1998). Knowledge representation. Mahwah: Law-
rence Erlbaum.
A highly promising new trend is that the interaction
Merenluoto, K., & Lehtinen, E. (2004). Number concept and concep-
between cognitive and emotional factors will be taken tual change: Towards a systemic model of the processes of
more closely into consideration in order to clarify the change. Learning and Instruction, 14(5), 519–534.
importance of interaction between the quality of Rumelhart, D. E., Smolensky, P., McClelland, J. L., & Hinton, G. E.
human thinking, self-confidence, and emotions (1986). Schemata and sequential thought processes in PDP
models. In J. L. McClelland, D. E. Rumelhart, & The
(Merenluoto and Lehtinen 2004).
PDP Research Group (Eds.), Parallel distributed processing.
Explorations in the microstructure of cognition. Volume 2: Psycho-
Cross-References logical and biological models (pp. 7–57). Cambridge, MA:
MIT Press.
▶ Alignment of Learning, Teaching, and Assessment
Seel, N. M. (1991). Weltwissen und mentale Modelle. Göttingen:
▶ Belief Formation Hogrefe Verlag [World knowledge and mental models].
▶ Emotional Mental Models Seel, N. M., Al-Diban, S., & Blumschein, P. (2000). Mental models
▶ Folk Psychology About Others’ Learning and instructional planning. In J. M. Spector & T. M. Anderson
▶ Knowledge Representation (Eds.), Integrated and holistic perspectives on learning, instruction
and technology: Understanding complexity (pp. 129–158). Dor-
▶ Mental Models and Life-Long Learning
drecht: Kluwer.
▶ Mental Models in Discourse Processing Stachowiak, H. (1973). Allgemeine Modelltheorie. Wien: Springer
▶ Mental Models in Improving Learning [General model theory].
▶ Mental Models of Environmental Problems Steinbuch, K. (1965). Automat und mensch. Berlin: Springer [Auto-
▶ Mental Representations mat and human].
▶ Model-Based Learning Veldhuyzen, W., & Stassen, K. G. (1977). The internal model concept.
An application to modeling human control of large ships.
▶ Model-Based Reasoning
Human Factors, 19, 367–380.
▶ Models and Modeling in Science Learning Vosniadou, S., & Brewer, W. F. (1992). Mental models of the earth:
▶ Models as Epistemic Tools in Engineering Sciences A study of conceptual change in childhood. Cognitive Psychology,
▶ Simulation and Learning: The Role of Mental Models 24, 535–585.
Mental Models and Lifelong Learning M 2205

generally referred to as cognitive structures (Newman

Mental Models and Lifelong and Lamming 1995). Some typical examples of such
Learning structures include: lists, schema, scripts, rules, decision
trees, plans, procedures and mental models. Some-
PHILIP BARKER, PAUL VAN SCHAIK times, the latter are referred to as “knowledge models.”
School of Computing, Teesside University, However, the latter term is also used to refer to external
Middlesbrough, Cleveland, UK representations of mental models in the form of elec-
tronic or paper-based diagrams and concept maps
(Novak 2010; 264–268).
Synonyms As its name suggests, a list is simply an enumeration
Cognitive structures; Human development; Learning; of a group of items having some characteristic in com-
Learning community; Learning resources; Problem mon – for example, the ingredients needed to make
solving a cake, a shopping list, and the decimal integer numbers.
In contrast, a mental model is a much richer structure
Definition that can embed different types of information and knowl-
The development of mental models is an important edge along with the relationships that exist between them.
aspect of living and learning. These complex cognitive Mental models are important because they encode the
structures capture records of human experience and store experience gained from the learning (or unlearning) that
them in the mind. They can subsequently be used for takes place as a result of everyday living. For example,
problem solving and goal-seeking activity. An individ- most people will usually have a mental model of the room
ual’s collection of mental models starts to develop at an or house in which they live. This would be a specific
early age and is continually modified during that person’s model about a particular place with which an individual
lifetime. The set of mental models that are developed in has gained some level of familiarity as a result of experi-
early life may not be fully applicable to situations that
ence with it. Such a model can be used to derive infor-
arise in later life. During a person’s life span, continual mation that one would not normally wish to remember
learning is therefore necessary in order to fine-tune these “verbatim.” For example, by conducting a “cognitive
models – thereby ensuring their currency. walk” through one’s mental model of a house, it would
be possible to derive how many rooms it has, how many
Theoretical Background doors, how many windows, and so on. Naturally, the
The theoretical background issues underlying the work power of a mental model will depend upon the quality
described in this contribution falls within two distinct, of the new information and knowledge that it can be used
but closely related and overlapping domains: mental to derive. Most people would not, for example, remember
models and lifelong learning processes. Each of these the dimensions of each and every room in their house.
topics is briefly discussed separately in what follows. They could not, therefore, calculate the floor space that
they have available – with any degree of accuracy. How-
Mental Models ever, if it was needed to know this, appropriate cognitive
There is a significant amount of contemporary literature structures (that embed the necessary measurement and
available on the topic of mental models and the role that calculation procedures) could be invoked in order to
they play in relation to human cognition (Goswami derive this information.
2008; Newman and Lamming 1995). An important As well as specific models about particular events,
aspect of this latter topic is trying to deduce how people objects and processes, the human mind can develop
store information and knowledge and, subsequently, more general models that apply to a wider variety of
how they use these resources in order to solve the situations. These are often referred to as “meta-models”
problems that they encounter in their everyday lives. or “meta-knowledge.” For example, most people who
There are many ways in which material (informa- frequently travel by aeroplane will develop a generic
tion and knowledge) is stored in the human mind. model of an “airport situation”; they can use this
Collectively, the various artifacts that are available are model to predict what will happen while they pass
2206 M Mental Models and Lifelong Learning

through any specific airport and use the model to acti- media. We refer to mental models of this sort (where
vate appropriate scripts as and when they are needed external support is used to augment the human mind)
(arrival, customs, security, and so on) even if they have as “distributed mental models” as opposed to the “inter-
not ever visited that airport previously. As their famil- nal mental models” that are held solely in one’s head.
iarity with a new (to them) airport grows, so a specific Obviously, the nature of each of the mental models
mental model will develop – one which can accommo- that a person has will change considerably during that
date their experience of that particular airport. person’s lifetime. New ones will be created and old ones
Mental models and their development within the will be updated. As we have discussed elsewhere
human mind are very dependent upon the passage of (Barker et al. 1998), it is therefore unlikely that the
time. This dependence is depicted schematically in mental models people derive as a result of formal
Fig. 1. Naturally, an important aspect of mental models schooling (in the early years of their lives) will be
is their capability to adapt as a result of reflection, completely sufficient to enable them to cope efficiently
unlearning (or restructuring), and exposure to new (rel- and effectively with the subsequent years that lie
evant) experiences. These mechanisms are important beyond their compulsory education. It is therefore
in relation to the process of refinement – whereby necessary to consider what types of mental model are
a model is “fine-tuned” in relation to the purposes needed in order to overcome the shortfall; we discuss
that it has to fulfill (i.e., the applications to which it is some of the possibilities later in the paper. Further-
put and the problems that it is used to solve). more, with the growing importance of technology
As mentioned earlier, mental models provide within people’s lives, it becomes necessary to consider
a powerful means for storing personal information the roles of distributed mental models and the impact
and knowledge. Of course, when storing materials, they are likely to have on the internal mental models
two broad possibilities exist: storing in the mind and that people create.
storing on external (to the mind) media – such as
paper, a mobile phone, or a computer. Naturally, Lifelong Learning Processes
through the process of exteriorization, material that is The development of mental models is likely to depend
held in the mind can also be stored externally on an upon a range of different physical, psychological, and
appropriate medium. Indeed, because of human cog- pedagogical factors. A more detailed discussion of
nitive limitations (Barker and van Schaik 2010), com- some of the important psychological factors is
plex models may need to be partly stored on external presented in the next section.

Experience Refinement Forgetting Application


Mental Problems

Reflection Unlearning Application

Time Window

Early Life Time Late Life

Mental Models and Lifelong Learning. Fig. 1 Conception and evolution of a mental model
Mental Models and Lifelong Learning M 2207

Two crucial considerations in relation to learning years of their lifetime – in the form of “compulsory
are perceptual processes (and the availability of tools and education” at school and college. In some cases, uni-
technology to support them) and the cognitive processes versity education is a necessary requirement for pro-
that can be used to support the extraction and manip- fessional acceptance. However, as we have noted above,
ulation of data and information from what is perceived. the mental models that are developed in the “early
Subsequently, the extracted material then needs to be years” of life will usually be insufficient to handle the
integrated into existing cognitive structures and/or new “unknown” problems that are likely to occur in later
ones created. Taken together, these processes are often life after formal education has ceased. Of course, we are
referred to as learning processes. not suggesting that intentional learning cannot or does
In our view, there are two very broad types of not take place in subsequent stages of a person’s life
learning: involuntary, innate or autonomous learning experience. On the contrary, we believe that new situ-
and directed or intentional learning. Autonomous ations and new predicaments will often initiate “on
learning is an ongoing lifelong process that involves demand” intentional learning as a result of the need
assimilating an “awareness” of things and situations. to solve new problems that arise. Indeed, a person’s
This type of involuntary learning takes place through- changing circumstances is likely to generate a series of
out a person’s lifetime. Intentional learning involves “need-to-learn” situations. In addition, a person’s
focussed exploration as a result of an individual’s intent changing interests, hobbies, and activities is likely to
to find out more about something. This type of learn- create a “want-to-learn” dimension to an individual’s
ing is strongly influenced by a person’s interests, goals, motivation to learn. Bearing in mind what has just been
and motivation. said, one way to depict the need for and availability of
Although a considerable amount of learning is an lifelong learning opportunities is depicted schemati-
innate ongoing lifelong process, this usually has to be cally in Fig. 2.
augmented by intentional learning processes. This is This diagram depicts the relationship between
particularly true as people encounter new problems to a group of knowledgeable people in a particular
solve and new tasks to be undertaken. For the majority domain (a community of practice or CoP) and people
of people, a considerable amount of focussed/inten- who wish to learn about that domain (a learning com-
tional learning usually takes place during the first 20 munity). In this model, a problem-driven approach is

Learning Community Learn about

and try to solve
Learn about
and use Use Create
Problem Solving

Corpus of
Problem Learning Unsolved
Solutions Problems

Use Create

Know about Know about

and use Community of
and try to solve

Past Time Future

Mental Models and Lifelong Learning. Fig. 2 Learning resources and lifelong learning
2208 M Mental Models and Lifelong Learning

used as the underlying rationale for learning motiva- growing in popularity (Bonk and Graham 2005; Barker
tion. This is based upon our belief that “everything in 2008, 2009).
life” is essentially a problem to be solved.
Fundamental to the success of the scheme depicted Important Scientific Research and
in Fig. 2 is the availability of a corpus of learning Open Questions
resources that would be needed to support the peda- When people finish their formal education, it is impor-
gogic processes that are an inherent aspect of lifelong tant to consider how they are likely to learn during the
learning. Some examples of the wide range of resource subsequent parts of their life. Naturally, this will be
types available for the support of lifelong learning are strongly influenced by their earlier life experiences. It
listed in Table 1. is therefore our contention that within their compul-
Because of the ease with which electronic resources sory study years “learning how to learn” in later life
can be distributed and shared, there is now an increas- should be an important part of the compulsory curric-
ing use of e-learning (electronic learning) in both ulum (Novak and Gowin 1984; Barker et al. 1998). Of
a conventional and a lifelong learning context. This course, as was discussed in the previous section, ade-
can involve both individualized and collaborative quate resources need to be made available to enable
learning scenarios. In addition, computer-based social lifelong learners to study in order to gain the knowl-
networking is also becoming a powerful educational edge and skills that they need to acquire.
resource. These possibilities are discussed in detail by As people live longer, it becomes more important
Mason and Rennie (2008), Holmes and Gardner that they keep their mental models “up to date,” with
(2006), Catherall (2005), and Salmon (2002). Of implications for problem solving and technology use.
course, within a learning community, individual mem- The reason is that mental models (and knowledge
bers are each likely to have different learning styles and structures more generally) are required to perform
preferences in relation to the mechanisms by which particular tasks. Therefore, according to the mental-
they learn and the locations wherein learning takes model hypothesis, the quality of people’s mental
place. This means that, whenever it is possible, people models is correlated with their task performance.
would usually like to “mix and match” the ways in
which they learn. Bearing this in mind, and considering Mental Models and Problem Solving
the broad range of resource types listed in Table 1, the Although with increasing age comes a deterioration in
use of a blended approach to learning is also now cognitive abilities such as attention, memory, and
information-processing speed, this does not necessarily
imply a decline in problem-solving ability. For exam-
Mental Models and Lifelong Learning. Table 1 ple, Hershey and Walsh (1993) found evidence for a lack
Resources to support lifelong learning of such a decline and offer two potential mechanisms.
Conventional books and libraries First, following from the mental-model hypothesis,
Electronic books and digital libraries complex problem solving is guided by the solver’s men-
tal model, indicating the variables that should be con-
Communities of practice
sidered in solving a particular problem. Second, when
Learning communities (both formal and informal) dealing with complex problems, people’s decision-
Other people – social networks making is often “satisficing” – that is, it is constrained
Adult courses (conventional) by simplification and reduction, for example, in terms of
Online courses
the number of options that are considered. Therefore, as
people age, they may develop richer mental models, and
Correspondence courses
judiciously and selectively use these to guide their per-
Group learning formance on problem-solving tasks. It follows then that
Electronic resources (TV, radio, video) by improving the quality of mental models, problem-
Virtual reality systems solving performance can be enhanced or at least
maintained throughout normal adult life, but this con-
Workplace situations
jecture needs to be subjected to empirical testing.
Mental Models and Lifelong Learning M 2209

Obviously, the increasing use of technology, in particu- that many “designers” of Web sites and, in particular,
lar, interactive computer systems, in contemporary soci- weblogs will probably not have been given any training
ety offers further opportunities for users to develop their in relation to information architecture. They are there-
mental models and knowledge more generally. fore more likely to produce difficult-to-use informa-
It is important to realize that as people age, their tion architectures.
motivation in relation to the types of problem they solve Unfortunately, these problems do not only apply to
is likely to change considerably. For example, during “published” web-based artifacts (e.g., sites or blogs) or
a person’s periods of employment, many of the problems interactive systems designed for use by others more
addressed will probably be work-related. This implies generally, but also to systems designed for their own
that the types of problem addressed when a person use. Consider the following powerful example. Anyone
retires from employment is likely to shift from those who has written a substantial computer program
involving work-based issues to those related to newly (without appropriate documentation and very clear
developing personal interests. Although not discussed structure, as often happens) and returned to examine
here, a study of the psychology of aging is an important or, even worse, edit the program after a few months will
area to study in relation to this issue (Belsky 1999). have experienced this problem: the program has
become very difficult or impossible to comprehend!
Mental Models and Technology Use Arguably, one of the most common illustrations of
In this section, the importance of mental models in the problem of using (or trying to use with difficulty)
technology usage is illustrated in the context of the one’s own mental model is people’s “own electronic
growing importance of information architecture information architecture” (personal information
(Rosenfeld and Morville 2002). Information architec- architecture), that is, the organization of folders and
ture involves a consideration of organizational struc- files on their own computer: it can be very hard or
ture, labeling systems, and the navigational structure impossible to find a particular item (e.g., an electronic
available within an interactive computer system. document), depending on information structure (the
According to Norman (1988), users will more effec- way the information has been structured into folders)
tively and efficiently employ interactive systems, if the and labeling (the names given to folders and docu-
underlying system model corresponds with its users’ ments). The problem can be further compounded by
mental model of the system. This observation applies the use of various types of storage device, such as the
to interactive systems in general, but the importance of computer’s fixed hard disk system, portable flash mem-
such a correspondence has become even greater since ory, compact disc, and portable hard drives, over which
the 1990s with the proliferation of World Wide Web the information architecture is likely to be distributed
sites – and even greater still during the 2000s with the or (partially rather than completely) replicated.
additional proliferation of personal publishing on the It is therefore important to consider the problem –
Web using weblogs and wikis. Computer users are for self and others – posed by externalized mental models
therefore likely to be affected by the information archi- in the form of information architectures and the prolif-
tectures of Web-based systems (that are ever increasing eration of personal and externally published information
in number) and by the information architectures of architectures. Given this problem, the role of (self-) edu-
other software that they have on their computers. cation in information architecture to produce more
The situation described above creates two prob- usable architectures becomes ever more important. In
lems. The first of these relates to the fact that the Nielsen’s vision, presented in Rosenfeld and Morville
designers’ and the users’ conceptual structures (i.e., (2002), (a simplified version) of information architec-
their [structural] mental models of the concepts that ture should be taught at secondary and, perhaps even,
are the basis of the content of a Web site) may not primary schools. This will be needed to prepare people
match. Therefore, the information architecture, which for a life in which they will create many personal and
represents a designer’s mental model of a particular externally published information artifacts. While this
Web site, may make it difficult for a particular user vision of education has not been realized, people who
(with a different mental model) to find and compare have not undergone this training at school will need to
specific items of information. The second problem is develop the required knowledge and skills themselves.
2210 M Mental Models and Lifelong Learning

A related research question is then: how should effec- a psychological, validated model of information
tive and efficient training materials (see Table 1) be searching in web-based systems (e.g., CoLiDeS, Web-
designed for the population at large (not just for inter- Ref-03) hold great promise for more effective analysis
ested individuals) – at different levels of education that and “repair” of Web sites. A research question related to
are appropriate to different segments of the population the need for performance support for designers of
– to make them “information-architecture-literate”? information architecture – (almost) all computer
However, given the variability between people in users – is then: how should effective and efficient elec-
terms of their life experience and level of cognitive tronic performance support systems be designed for
function, education may not be sufficient to assist in the analysis and “repair” of both personal and exter-
producing information architectures that others and nally published information architecture?
self can understand and use over time. Therefore, per-
formance support for designers of information archi- Cross-References
tecture would seem to be an essential complementary ▶ Adult Learning
approach to the problem posed by externalized mental ▶ Blended Learning
models in the form of information architectures. Psy- ▶ Communities of Practice
chological principles and guidelines have been pro- ▶ Human Cognition and Learning
posed to identify and “repair” problems posed by ▶ Human–Computer Interaction and Learning
poor information architecture. However, the funda- ▶ Knowledge Organization
mental problem remains that developers are most likely ▶ Lifelong and Worklife Learning
to produce information architectures for users that ▶ Mental Models
have similar mental models to themselves (Blackmon ▶ Problem Solving
et al. 2005). (Given the apparent problem of finding ▶ Schema(s)
information in one’s own information architecture,
even problems for self may not be identified at the References
time of designing this architecture!) However, auto- Barker, P. G. (2008). Blended electronic learning - Managing the
mated methods hold the promise of supporting prob- blend. In H. J. Miller & A. L. Jefferies (Eds.), Proceedings of the
lem identification and “repair” for users with different Third International Blended Learning Conference: ‘Enhancing the
Student Experience’ (pp. 45–53) June 18–19, 2008. Hertfordshire:
background knowledge. For example, the Cognitive
University of Hertfordshire.
Walkthrough for the Web (see Web-Ref-01) is Barker, P. G. (2009). Mobile blended learning. In E. B. Terry, A. L.
a (partially) automated technique that can be used to Jefferies & A. Bracq (Eds.), Proceedings of the Fourth International
identify problems and “repairs” (Blackmon et al. 2005), Blended Learning Conference: ‘Engaging Students in the Curricu-
in principle for user populations with different back- lum’ (pp. 246–257) June 17–18, 2009. Hertford: University of
ground knowledge (although separate analyses will Hertfordshire.
Barker, P. G., & van Schaik, P. (2010). Electronic performance support:
have to be run for different populations). However,
Using digital technology to enhance human ability. Aldershot:
there are still several problems to be overcome in Gower Publishing.
order to make effective and efficient automated sup- Barker, P. G., van Schaik, P., & Hudson, S. (1998). Mental models and
port a reality. This is because existing techniques still lifelong learning. Innovations in Education and Training Interna-
require much “manual work” (e.g., users have to “sub- tional, 35(4), 310–318.
Belsky, J. K. (1999). Psychology of aging: Theory, research and inter-
mit” the characteristics of a web page, such as headings
ventions (3rd ed.). Belmont: Wadsworth Publishing Company.
and links, to automated analysis) or they lack an (elab- Blackmon, M. H., Kitajima, M., & Polson, P. G. (2005). Tool for
orated) underlying model of information architecture. accurately predicting website navigation problems, non-prob-
Manual work can be replaced by capturing a Web site lems, problem severity, and effectiveness of repairs. Proceedings
automatically and then analyzing it to produce a report of CHI 2005 (pp. 31–40). New York: ACM Press.
of (potential) problems in the information architecture Bonk, C. J., & Graham, C. R. (2005). The handbook of blended
learning: Global perspectives, local designs. San Francisco: Pfeiffer.
(see, e.g., Web-Ref-02). Still, modeling of the knowl-
Catherall, P. (2005). Delivering e-learning for information services in
edge of various different user populations in one auto- higher education. Oxford: Chandos Publishing.
mated analysis and, arguably even more so, database Goswami, U. (2008). Cognitive development: The learning brain.
modeling of the information architecture in terms of Hove: Psychology Press, Taylor & Francis.
Mental Models in Discourse Processing M 2211

Hershey, D. A., & Walsh, D. A. (1993). In J. Cerella, J. M. Rybash, Definition

W. Hoyer, & M. Commons (Eds.), Mental models and the main- Mental models have been invoked as an important
tenance of complex problem-solving skills in old age (pp. 553–584).
explanatory principle for comprehension processes at
San Diego: Academic.
Holmes, B., & Gardner, J. (2006). e-Learning: Concepts and practice. a text/discourse level. Different depths of processing
London: SAGE Publications. of a discourse can be detected on a continuum,
Mason, R., & Rennie, F. (2008). E-learning and social network hand- starting from shallow levels – at which the listener
book. Abingdon: Routledge\Taylor & Francis. constructs a mental representation of the discourse in
Newman, W. M., & Lamming, M. G. (1995). Interactive system design.
a propositional format – up to deep levels of
Wokingham: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company.
Norman, D. (1988). The psychology of everyday things. New York: processing – at which the listener creates an articulated
Basic Books. mental model of the contents of the discourse.
Novak, J. D. (2010). Learning, creating and using knowledge. A discourse mental model represents the state of affairs
Abingdon: Routledge\Taylor & Francis. to which a discourse refers by integrating temporal,
Novak, J. D., & Gowin, D. B. (1984). Learning how to learn. New York: spatial, causal, motivational, and person- and object-
Cambridge University Press.
related information stated explicitly in the discourse.
Rosenfeld, L., & Morville, P. (2002). Information architecture for the
World Wide Web (2nd ed.). Sebastopol: O’Reilly. Thus, a discourse mental model captures the discourse
Salmon, G. (2002). E-moderating: The key to teaching and learning significance.
online. London: Kogan Page.

Web References Theoretical Background The earliest proposals advanced in the psychological literature to account for discourse/text comprehension
hound.htm stressed the relevance of propositional representations
in accounting for comprehension, whereas more recent
ones acknowledge the importance of more structured
and elaborate representations such as mental models.
The earliest proposals assumed that a text could be
Mental Models in Discourse parsed into semantic units which are interconnected
according to coherence relationships, and that compre-
hension was reached by adding together the semantic
▶ Mental Models in Discourse Processing units, namely that discourse comprehension
corresponded to the construction of a propositional
Among the more recent proposals, van Dijk and
Kintsch (1983) advanced the Construction-Integration
Mental Models in Discourse model, according to which text comprehension
Processing involves two alternating phases: a construction phase
and an integration phase. In the construction phase
ILARIA CUTICA1, MONICA BUCCIARELLI2 a text base is constructed in a propositional format
Department of Geography and Human from the linguistic input and from the listener’s knowl-
Environmental Sciences, University of Milan, edge; the text base expresses the semantic content of the
Milan, Italy text. In the integration phase, this text base is integrated
Center for Cognitive Science and Department of into a coherent whole. The initial text base may be
Psychology, University of Turin, Turin, Italy potentially contradictory because it consists of
a network of all the propositions formed directly from
the linguistic input, all the relevant and irrelevant
Synonyms related concepts from the knowledge net, and all the
Mental models in discourse comprehension; Mental inferences and elaborations made at the linguistic level.
models in text processing; Situational models in dis- All these components associated with the text elements
course processing are included in the text base disregarding the discourse
2212 M Mental Models in Discourse Processing

context, and many of them are inappropriate. The of the text (see, e.g., Johnson-Laird and Stevenson
integration process excludes these unwanted elements; 1970).
the representation that emerges from the integration
phase is the situation model, which represents the situ- Important Scientific Research and
ation described in the text. Open Questions
Consistently, Johnson-Laird (1983) advanced the Theories of discourse comprehension cannot disre-
Mental Model Theory and assumed that, while read- gard the role of co-speech gestures in constructing
ing a text or listening to a discourse, individuals a discourse mental model; it is well known that co-
construct both propositional representations and speech gestures favor the comprehension of the dis-
mental models: the former account for a representa- course by the listener, and the literature suggests that
tion of the linguistic form of the sentences, the latter speech and co-speech gestures function together
for a representation of their content. According to the forming a single, integrated system of communica-
Mental Model Theory, in discourse comprehension tion. Kintsch (1998) recognized the importance of
individuals construct a model for each sentence, inte- incorporating extralinguistic knowledge in the model-
grate such models also taking into account their prior ing of discourse processing; in the Construction-
knowledge, and consider what, if anything, follows. Integration model, images, perceptions, concepts,
Thus, mental models also allow the reader/listener to ideas, or emotions are translated into predicate-
draw inferences from the information explicitly argument units because of practical considerations
stated in the text. These inferences depend upon (Kintsch 1998 reprinted 2007). Within the theoretical
the conceptual level and are distinguishable from framework provided by Johnson-Laird co-speech ges-
those depending on the linguistic level, whose tures convey information in a direct, non-discrete rep-
function is to fill the coherence gaps in the text. The resentational format that is particularly suitable to be
inferences based on the mental model make explicit inserted into a model representation, because mental
the information which is originally implicit models themselves are non-discrete analogical repre-
in the text: they may regard, for instance, the sentations of a certain situation (Cutica and Bucciarelli
causal antecedent, the causal consequent, or the 2008).
character’s mental states (i.e., beliefs and intentions)
with respect to the actions described (Graesser Cross-References
et al. 1994). ▶ Discourse
The terms mental model and situational model can ▶ Discourse Processes and Learning
be considered equivalent, disregarding their different ▶ Mental Models
theoretical roots: they are an important explanatory
principle for comprehension processes at a discourse References
level, since understanding a discourse is more than the Cutica, I., & Bucciarelli, M. (2008). The deep versus the shallow:
mere understanding of a set of individual sentences Effects of co-speech gestures in learning from discourse. Cogni-
and the construction of a coherent mental model or tive Science, 32(5), 921–935.
situational model is tantamount to the successful Graesser, A. C., Singer, M., & Trabasso, T. (1994). Constructing
inferences during narrative text comprehension. Psychological
comprehension of a discourse or a text. Situational
Review, 101, 371–395.
and mental models encode content information of the
Johnson-Laird, P. N. (1983). Mental models: Towards a cognitive sci-
semantic and pragmatic sort, the individual’s relevant ence of language, inference, and consciousness. Cambridge: Cam-
prior knowledge, and any inferences that are drawn, bridge University Press.
but they do not generally encode surface information Johnson-Laird, P. N., & Stevenson, R. (1970). Memory for syntax.
(the linguistic form of sentences) on which they are Nature, 227, 412.
Kintsch, W. (1998). The role of knowledge in discourse comprehen-
based. Several experimental results have shown that
sion: A construction-integration model. Psychological Review, 95,
the listener/reader who constructs an articulated 163–182.
mental model of the discourse to which she/he has van Dijk, T. A., & Kintsch, W. (1983). Strategies of discourse compre-
been exposed has a poor retention of the surface form hension. New York: Academic.
Mental Models in Improving Learning M 2213

activity which corresponds to in-depth processing of

Mental Models in Improving the situation, and therefore fosters deep learning.
Learning The term mental model was introduced and used in
a broad sense (see, e.g., the edited book of papers by
MONICA BUCCIARELLI1, ILARIA CUTICA2 Genter and Stevens 1983) until Johnson-Laird (1983,
Center for Cognitive Science and Department of 2006) presented a single coherent view of what mental
Psychology, University of Turin, Turin, Italy models are: special sorts of representations that have
Department of Geography and Human three characteristics distinguishing them from other
Environmental Sciences, University of Milan, mental representations (e.g., semantic networks,
Milan, Italy expressions in a language of thought or predicate cal-
culus, connectionist webs of associations):

Synonyms 1. Each mental model represents a possibility – strictly

Model-based instruction; Model-based learning; speaking, a set of possibilities that have in common
Model-centered learning what the model represents. Thus, as compared to
mental images, models are not specific representa-
Definition tional formats, but more abstract representations.
The mental model construct is used to describe the One specific learning task may therefore call for
kind of mental representations individuals build when multiple models, which cause people difficulty.
they reason about a certain matter; a mental model is 2. Mental models are iconic, i.e., their structure cor-
an internal representation of a real or fictional state of responds to the structure of what they represent
affairs, and is usually built on-the-spot to deeply (the concept of iconicity goes back to Peirce who
understand and reason about the state of affairs. Men- distinguished three properties of signs in general, in
tal models that become permanent through cognitive which he included thoughts. Signs can be indexical, M
or physical practice are schemas. Learners construct symbolic, and iconic. Iconic signs represent entities
mental models in response to specific learning situa- in virtue of structural similarity to them). Hence,
tions for which no schema is available or the available for example, people can “read off ” relations from
schema does not fit the situation. In other words, when a model based on a spatial description, and they
confronted with new learning tasks, learners have to find it easier to reason from diagrams that facilitate
construct a mental model integrating their preexisting this process.
knowledge and the new information from the learning 3. Mental models are built according to the principle of
environment, along with proper inferences that can be truth, namely, mental models represent what is true,
drawn from these. This model has to be reconstructed possible, according to the premises, but by default
several times to become a schema, i.e., to be learnt. not what is false, impossible. Indeed, the model
theory postulates that mental models are parsimo-
Theoretical Background nious: the principle of truth minimizes the load on
When learners face a learning situation for which no working memory, and so it applies unless something
schema is available, they attempt to meet the require- exceptional occurs to overrule it. The principle
ments of the situation to be mastered by building applies at two levels. At the first level, mental models
a mental model which integrates the preexisting relevant represent only what is possible. Consider, for exam-
semantic knowledge with the knowledge provided by the ple, how they represent the exclusive disjunction:
specific learning situation. Craik and Lockhart (1972) There is Jane at the party or else there is not Peter at
proposed different levels of processing during learning, the party.
from shallow levels (e.g., wording and syntax) to deep Its mental models represent the two possibilities:
levels of processing (e.g., semantics) which produce
longer lasting and stronger memory traces. The con- Jane
struction of a mental model is a high-cognitive-level not-Peter
2214 M Mental Models in Improving Learning

where each horizontal line denotes a model of a separate George t1 Claude t2 Vincent t3
possibility. Hence, the first row in this diagram represents from which it is possible to extract information that
the possibility described in the first clause in the sentence, was not explicit in the sentences, and to infer that
and the second row represents the possibility described in “George came home before Vincent,” or “Vincent
the second clause. At a lower level, however, a model came home after George.” As there are no alternative
represents a clause in the premises only when the clause is integrated models in which the conclusion is falsified,
true in the possibility. For example, the first model in our the conclusion itself is valid. When it is possible to
example represents that there is Jane at the party, but it construct alternative integrated models, the conclusion
does not represent explicitly that in this possibility it is has to be supported by all of them.
false that there is not Peter at the party, i.e., there is Peter The entire process of model construction and
at the party. The principle leads mental models to give manipulation may involve a process of belief revision,
rise to erroneous inferences. Previous studies have cor- necessary to construct a consistent system of meanings
roborated the existence of such erroneous inferences, and and beliefs. In general, when the model built is success-
shown that they can be eliminated by using instructions ful (i.e., when it is useful to the scope it has been built
designed to overcome the bias toward truth. for), then it is reinforced; a reinforced model is a good
The mental model theory is the basis for theories of candidate to become a stable model. On the contrary,
model-centered learning (see, e.g., Seel 2003). The con- when the model is not successful, or it has inconsis-
struction and manipulation of mental models are pro- tencies, then it is rejected, revised (i.e., some parts of it
cesses through which learners make sense of a string of are modified), or elaborated (i.e., existing models are
information (i.e., text, discourse, observation) within combined) in order to solve the noted deficiencies.
a consistent system of meanings and beliefs, from Further, mental models may improve learning
which they draw inferences. Hence, mental models because they aid in the visualization of either complex
respond to the learner’s need to maintain the cognitive structures or systems. A series of studies in the litera-
system free of contradictions or, say, cognitive conflicts. ture prove the relevant role of visualization and model-
Thus, mental models favor learning because they allow based reasoning in different domains of sciences learn-
the learner a deep comprehension of the information to ing where explanations are largely based on entities and
be learnt, and the drawing of inferences that go beyond processes in the sub-micro world (see, e.g., chemistry,
the information provided explicitly. For instance, in biology), or where distances and scales are too large to
learning from a text, it is assumed that people construct be grasped by direct perception (see e.g., geology,
a model for each sentence, integrate such models, and astronomy). Also, mental models aid in analogy con-
consider what, if anything, follows. When they behave struction from the structure of a known domain to the
rationally, people look for a model that falsifies the structure of an unknown one. In particular, learning
conclusion initially drawn in order to draw a new nec- can take place by means of analogical reasoning.
essary conclusion, valid in all the integrated models of Johnson-Laird (2006) illustrates how this process can
the premises. Consider, for example, the sentence take place through the case of Wilbur Wright, who
“George came home before Claude.” An analogical drew several deep analogies between the bicycle and
representation could be the following: a heavier-than-air flying machine. His analogy
George t1 Claude t2 depended on the manipulation of a three-dimensional
model which allowed him to have an insight on how
where tokens stand for the elements in the sentence,
a plane can turn by twisting its wings in opposite
and are in the same relation as the elements in the
directions without compromising the structural stabil-
sentence. Now consider the description “Claude came
ity of the wings. Mental models also aid in mentally
home before Vincent” and the respective model:
simulating processes or evolution of specific systems.
Claude t2 Vincent t3 This occurs when an individual interacts with the
The integration of the two representations through objects involved in a situation in order to manipulate
the overlapping of the common elements produces the them mentally in such a way that the cognitive opera-
following integrated mental model: tions simulate specific transformations of these objects
Mental Models of Dynamic Systems, MMDS M 2215

that may occur in real-life situations; these simulation strategies used by the learner to deal with a learning
models operate as thought experiments which produce task. To sum up, the quality of maps, diagrams, and
qualitative inferences with respect to the situation to be think-aloud protocols may be taken as evidence for the
mastered (Seel 2006). general effectiveness of the instructional intervention
Sources relevant for building mental models are: the (learning-dependent progression of mental models).
learner’s ability to build models by induction, the A more direct way to assess the learner’s mental models
learner’s ability to observe the world, and other people’s is to look at the inferences drawn on the material to be
explanations. An important scientific question is, there- learnt. Indeed, proper inferences are supported by the
fore, how can we foster the building of mental models construction of mental models, and the quality of such
through instructional strategies? Instructional strategies models can be evaluated through the type of inferences
aimed at discovery learning, as compared to self- drawn by the learner.
organized discovery learning, foster deep understanding
rather that learning by trial-and-error. A number of Cross-References
different paradigms of model-centered learning have ▶ Cognitive Learning
been developed: examples are instructional programs ▶ Mental Models
designed to help learners find their own answers (explor- ▶ Model-Based Learning
atory learning), or programs presenting well-defined ▶ Schema Development
concepts within well-designed conceptual models pro- ▶ Learning and Understanding
vided to learners (oriented learning).
Important Scientific Research and Craik, F. M., & Lockhart, R. S. (1972). Levels of processing:
Open Questions A framework for memory research. Journal of Verbal Learning
There are several open questions in the model-based and Verbal Behavior, 11(6), 671–684.
learning domain. Among them is the issue of how to Genter, D., & Stevens, A. L. (1983). Mental models. Hillsdale: Law- M
motivate the learner to change his/her model when it rence Erlbaum.
Johnson-Laird, P. N. (1983). Mental models: Towards a cognitive sci-
has sufficient explanatory power for everyday experi-
ence of language, inference, and consciousness. Cambridge, UK:
ences. Indeed, individuals usually have a naı̈ve under-
Cambridge University Press.
standing of a particular phenomenon, because they Johnson-Laird, P. N. (2006). How we reason. Oxford: Oxford Univer-
have a mental model based on everyday experiences. sity Press.
However, everyday models may need enriching or Seel, N. M. (2003). Model-centered learning and instruction. Journal
revising particularly when they differ a lot from the of Technology, Instruction, Cognition and Learning, 1, 59–85.
Seel, N. M. (2006). Mental models in learning situations. In C. Held,
scientific mental models. The difference may cause
M. Knauff, & G. Vosgerau (Eds.), Mental models and the mind:
difficulty for the learner and can be an obstacle to Current developments in cognitive psychology, neuroscience and
model revision. Thus, in science teaching, for example, philosophy of mind (pp. 85–107). Amsterdam: Elsevier.
it is important to help the learner to see differences and
similarities between the two models, and to make sci-
entific models more accessible.
A further relevant open question regards how to Mental Models in Text
assess the learner’s internal mental models. One way is
to make the learner externalize his mental models, for
instance, through concept maps, which can be moni- ▶ Mental Models in Discourse Processing
tored in different stages of the learning process,
enabling the necessary interventions in order to foster
learning. Externalization is an indirect assessment of
the mental model, as the individual has to re-represent Mental Models of Dynamic
his own understanding of a phenomenon, in a different
Systems, MMDS
format. Think-aloud protocols can also be used to
assess mental models, in particular, to assess the ▶ Mental Model of Dynamic Systems
2216 M Mental Models of Environmental Problems

● They are temporary, unstable, and dynamically

Mental Models of changing
Environmental Problems ● They get input internally from long-term memory
(e.g., social schemas, person schemas, role schemas,
KAI PATA event schemas) and externally from the perceived
Center for Educational Technology, Institute of environmental dilemma situation components
Informatics, Tallinn University, Tallinn, Estonia ● They are incomplete problem representations
containing of limited and simplified information,
which inhibits rational decision making
Synonyms ● They allow the coexistence and synthesis of several
Implicit causal map of environmental problem situa- value frames and action models
tions; Internal representation of beliefs and ideas of ● They presume arriving on consensus solutions
environmental problems rather than relying on one single solution
overruling the others
Definition ● They may be dynamically shared during grounding
Mental models of environmental problems are tempo-
processes in decision-making situations, enabling
rary cognitive structures formed in working memory
the formation of shared mental models
and comprise information of natural and social sys-
tems in dynamically changing situations where contro- People are engaged in reasoned decision making
versial beliefs, values, and action models of a person about environmental matters on personal and commu-
himself and of other actors are simultaneously under nity level on daily basis. The formation of their ▶ envi-
consideration to guide the thoughts and decision- ronmental awareness (Pata and Metsalu 2008) is tightly
making actions in complex dilemma situations. connected with the formation of mental models in these
decision situations. On one hand, they abstract relevant
Theoretical Background aspects for understanding the situation from observa-
The clear, specific, and mutually agreed upon concep- tions and relate these parts with each other. On the other
tual definition of the term mental models of environ- hand, they selectively activate schemata, composed
mental problems is missing. The definition is deduced upon previously perceived representations of the sim-
from the mental model concept. The formation of ilar problem situations, from long-term memory. The
dynamically changing representation of the environ- synthesis of externally and internally acquired informa-
mental problem situation in working memory may be tion about environmental problems enables to build
referred to as the mental model (Johnson-Laird 1983; mental models of environmental problems dynamically.
Banks and Millward 2000). Johnson-Laird (1983) pro- Individuals judge impacts of the environment in
poses mental models as the basic structures of cognition different ways, depending on their experience, interests,
in representing objects, states of affairs, sequences of and social context. Individuals’ aesthetic, cultural, eco-
events, the way the world is, and the social and psycho- logical, economic, educational, egocentric, ethical/
logical actions of daily life. Mental models of environ- moral, health, political, recreational, religious, scientific,
mental problems are consciously or unconsciously and social value orientation influence their motives,
formed internal representations that integrate a person’s strategies, and choice behavior (Hungerford et al.
knowledge, skills, competences, values, and beliefs about 1992). The confrontation of different attitudes and
socioenvironmental systems, and their general social value systems, and the consequences of actions made
knowledge of actor roles, their values, beliefs, rules, and on the basis of these attitudes and values, will cause
action models in the particular society, and support them dilemma problems. Environmental problems can be
at problem-solving and decision-making situations. classified as dilemma problems. In his hierarchical clas-
Following aspects characterize mental models of sification of problems, Jonassen (2000) suggests that
environmental problems: dilemmas represent the most ill-structured and
● They are formed during environmental decision unpredictable problem situations. Dilemmas are topi-
making cally complex and interdisciplinary situated issues with
Mental Models of Environmental Problems M 2217

antonymous positions and no solutions, which can be are represented by different decision makers, and which
kept in balance by multiple reasoning and articulating changes take place dynamically in individual and shared
preferences with justifications. Environmental dilemmas mental models in case of intervention (e.g., Hukkinen
can happen both at individual-society level, as well as 1999; Pata and Sarapuu 2003). Most of the challenges
between several social groups of the community. and limitations relate to the difficulties associated with
In environmental dilemma situations, the applica- isolating and studying mental models, in the capture
tion of The Rational Choice Theory (Coleman 1990) is and validation of the mental models. Mental models of
restricted. Individuals cannot evaluate the conse- environmental problems can be indirectly captured by:
quences of their choices without predicting how the observing and explaining the problem-solving perfor-
other participants who are related to the problem will mance (interpreting the recorded actions); or reflecting
react. Rational decision making is also limited by time the problem-solving performance (various textual,
pressure in society – each decision made by any of the audible, or visual representations are composed
actors changes the decision-making setting and, thus, dynamically while solving problems, with certain time
environmental awareness has to be generated dynami- intervals, or after problem solving).
cally by running mental models. Environmental Most studies elicit mental model information using
dilemmas are characterized by complex polarities and certain qualitative analysis techniques and analytical
interrelationship between groups of actors. The deci- categorization schemes. For example, the cause-and-
sion makers must have to deal with the probability- effect networks drawn from the individual narratives
based decisions that different agents involved in the was used in combination with Bayesian network anal-
dilemma situation might be making, consider the role ysis to reveal mental models of environmental prob-
of other society members, and comprehend their envi- lems (Hukkinen 1999); the dynamical discussion data
ronmental awareness in order to deal with the was used to demonstrate the changes in the structure of
dilemmas. This presumes that the formation of an individual and shared mental models of environmental
individual’s mental model of environmental problems problems (Pata and Sarapuu 2003).
is simultaneously related with the formation of various Besides the theory of considering mental models as
shared mental models with different actor groups the cognitive structures, the other eco-cognitive explana-
person is in contact with (Banks and Millward 2000; tions of the distributed cognition exist (Magnani 2009).
Cannon-Bowers et al. 1993). It is assumed that humans do not hold a complete
Dilemmas represent situations where groups of internal representation of the environment as is pro-
people do not have a shared mental model of the posed in mental models of environmental problems;
situation that in turn causes conflicts between their instead they use the environment itself as
expectations and actions. Solving the environmental a representation by manipulating and even creating it
dilemmas presupposes establishing a cognitive consen- so as to find room for new cognitive chances not
sus among these groups of people with different opin- immediately available.
ions (e.g., antropocentric, ecocentric) about the
environment, increasing people’s comprehension of Cross-References
the other group’s value systems and action strategies, ▶ Model-based Reasoning
and as a result, building the shared mental model of the ▶ Mental Models
environmental dilemma issue. ▶ Schema(s)
▶ Schemas and Decision Making
Important Scientific Research and ▶ Shared Cognition
Open Questions
Environmental mental model mapping can support References
understanding of environmental problems and sustain- Banks, A. P., & Millward, L. J. (2000). Running shared mental models
ability, support learning and decision making in as a distributed cognitive process. British Journal of Psychology,
dilemma situations. Studies that attempt to identify 91(4), 513–532.
mental models of environmental problems aim to dis- Cannon-Bowers, J., Salas, E., & Converse, S. (1993). Shared mental
cover how the components of environmental problems models in expert team decision-making. In N. J. Castellan (Ed.),
2218 M Mental Objects

Individual and group decision-making (pp. 221–246). Hillsdale:

Lawrence Erlbaum. Mental Presentations
Coleman, J. (1990). Foundations of social theory. Cambridge, MA:
Belknap Press of Harward University Press. ▶ Representations, Presentations, and Conceptual
Hukkinen, J. (1999). Institutions in environmental management: Schemas
Constructing mental models and sustainability. London: Routledge.
Hungerford, H. R., Litherland, R., Peyton, R. B., Ramsey, J., & Volk, T.
(1992). Investigating and evaluating environmental issues and
actions: Skill development modules. Champaign: Stipes.
Johnson-Laird, P. N. (1983). Mental models: Towards a cognitive sci- Mental Processes of Learning
ence of language, inference, and consciousness. Cambridge, MA:
Cambridge University Press/Harvard University Press. ▶ Mental Activities of Learning
Jonassen, D. H. (2000). Toward a design theory of problem solving.
Educational Technology Research and Development, 48(4), 63–85.
Magnani, L. (2009). Abductive cognition: The epistemological and eco-
cognitive dimensions of hypothetical reasoning. Berlin/Heidelberg:
Springer. Mental Rehearsal
Pata, K., & Metsalu, E. (2008). Conceptualizing awareness in envi-
ronmental education: An example of knowing about air-related ▶ Imagination Effect
problems. Science Education International, 19(1), 41–65.
Pata, K., & Sarapuu, T. (2003). Developing students’ mental models
of environmental problems by decision-making role-play in syn-
chronous network-based environment. In J. Lewis, A. Magro, &
L. Simonneaux (Eds.), Biology education for the real world. Pro- Mental Representation
ceedings of the IVth ERIDOB conference (pp. 335–348). Toulouse:
Paragraphic/Groupe Lienhart. ▶ Mental Rotation and Functional Learning

Mental Objects Mental Representations

▶ Representations, Presentations, and Conceptual ANNA STRASSER
Schemas Berlin School of Mind and Brain, Humboldt-
Universität zu Berlin, Berlin, Germany

Mental Orthographic Images Synonyms

Imagination; Internal representation; Mental model;
▶ Mental Graphemic Representations Schema; Script

The notion of a “mental representation” is a theoretical
Mental Orthographic construct to explain ongoing information processing in
Representations the human brain. A mental representation is to be dis-
tinguished from external representations in the world
▶ Mental Graphemic Representations which are used as a stand-in for something else, such as
an architectural which stands-in for a house. There are
four necessary components of representation:

Mental Practice 1. The vehicle (the medium, the representation itself)

2. The representandum with semantic properties (the
▶ Imagination Effect content, the referred-to object)
Mental Representations M 2219

3. The subject (having/using the representation) vehicle and the representandum, and the subject but
4. The triadic relation between those components also a triadic relation between them. The relation
between the vehicle and the representandum must be
interpreted by a person or a system. Being
a representation is not a property of something itself;
a vehicle can only be a representation if it is used as
a representation.
vehicle subject
There is no universal theory of the triadic relation:
theories differ depending on the type of representations
they are characterizing. This is due to the fact that
If a subject is employing a mental representation, different types of representation have varying relations
the representandum is realized by the vehicle and pro- between their components. This can be illustrated by
vides information for the subject. As we will see in looking at the explication of sensory (non-conceptual)
more detail below, it is important to distinguish representations in opposite to conceptual ones:
between mental representations, with cognitive con-
tent, and any structure-preserving presentation, such ● For the general case of sensory, non-conceptual rep-
as pictures. resentations a causal theory seems to be adequate
to capture the triadic relation between the vehicle
Theoretical Background and representandum. One can describe this causal
link in the following way: A stimulus evokes
The Vehicle a reaction/response in the sensory systems (organs)
Given the notion of “mental representation” is and together with some sort of information
a theoretical construct; we do not need to specify, at processing a representation of this stimulus evolves.
this point in time, the precise constitution of the vehicle. The representation of a visual stimulus is caused by M
Further development of neuroscience will specify the the represented stimulus and the involved informa-
corresponding states and processes. The interesting ques- tion processing. Consequently we can claim that the
tion is not how and what is realizing the vehicle but what representandum has semantic properties such as
functional features go along with it and what kind of being appropriate or adequate. So we can talk
structural features can be assumed. The structural prop- about a hallucination as being inappropriate
erties of vehicles will be treated below. Functionally, because it is a representation of a non-existing
a vehicle of mental representation can be characterized object and therefore without a direct causal link to
as an inner state that is realized in the brain which plays the representandum. A possible objection is the fact
a role in ongoing computational processing. that hallucinations also presuppose a memory of
sensory sensations. Taking this into account, you
The Representandum might talk about a relation to existing inner
The content of a mental representation is called the objects instead of a relation to outer stimuli.
representandum, which can be an object. This object Another way out could be to name a hallucination
can be an event, an object in the world, a fact, or another a misrepresentation.
mental state like a memory. The representandum has ● Conceptual representations (comparable to
semantic properties, for example, it can be true, accu- non-pictorial, language-like representations) pre-
rate, appropriate, adequate, or consistent. A necessary serve some or all of the relations between the
condition for a representandum is the existence of an representandum(s). Some essential relations of the
interpreter, in the case of mental representations the referred-to object are chosen and represented.
subject employing the representation. A theory of structural similarity provides an account
of one part of the triadic relation, namely, the rela-
The Triadic Relation tion between the vehicle and representandum. Tak-
A representation is not just an accidental copy of the ing into account that the content of a representation
referred-to object. What is required is not just the (the representandum) can only have a meaning if it
2220 M Mental Representations

is playing a functional role for an interpreter, the phenomena of blind sight (Cp. Weiskrantz et al.
a functional theory can describe the relation of the 1974). The subjects are convinced that they do not see
subject to the representandum (Cp. Vosgerau but their behavior is explicable only if one claims that
2008). The notion of conceptual representations visual information is used by the subjects. This repre-
has been used in the automata theory of human sentation is still a representation even though the sub-
behavior. This theory combines the symbol-system ject only unconsciously uses it. The fact that such
hypothesis, which claims reasoning as symbol representations are required to provide an adequate
manipulation with the Church-Turing thesis functional explanation of behavior demonstrates that
which claims that any symbol manipulation can they exist even though the conscious subject is not
be carried out on a Turing machine. The automaton aware of them. One can question whether such uncon-
theory describes the behavior of an automaton by scious representation should count as mental. For
a function, defining the mapping of a state of the example, the ability to maintain a constant tempera-
automaton plus the input and the consequent inter- ture can be explained by a representational theory but
nal state plus the output. This can be illustrated by those representations seem to be body not mental rep-
the description of a soda machine reacting differ- resentations. However, it seems that it is only if infor-
ently depending on whether money has been mation is used in intentional actions, as it is in the case
inserted (internal state 1) or not (internal state 2). of blind sight that it seems to be justified to describe
Whether or not money has been inserted is them as unconscious mental representations.
represented through the two distinct inner states But it is not clear whether all mental representations
of the machine, and those states determine the can be unconscious. Most striking are the debates about
further behavior of the machine, namely, whether “unconscious pain.” Assuming first that conscious pain
or not a drink is dispensed. Analogously we can can be seen as involving a mental representation, the
refer in the human case to inputs (sensory sensa- functional role of this representation is to inform
tions, internal states, or mental representations), the subjects about a damage of her body. Together with
outputs (behavior), and following changes in inter- the phenomenal content this makes it possible for the
nal states (beliefs, desire, etc.). By positing an inner subject to react in a way to avoid more severe damages.
state (a mental representation) we can explain why An “unconscious pain” then would give such information
humans are able to react in a flexible way to one and to the system and the system evokes a behavior trying to
the same input. The idea is that internal states by avoid the increase of that damage. But it is good question
representing information that goes beyond that whether this still should be called pain because it seems
contained in the input can serve to enable more intuitively clear that pain is painful and a non-painful
flexible information processing. pain would be a contradiction in terms. Nevertheless, it
seems uncontroversial that human beings are able to
Important Scientific Research and represent damages of their body without consciously
Open Questions feeling them, otherwise it would be difficult to explain,
for example, relieving postures in connection with ortho-
The Subject pedic problems. Such unfelt pains would rather count as
There are open research questions regarding all three bodily representations.
components of representation, namely, the subject, the
vehicle, and the representandum. To start with we will Formats of the Vehicle
focus on the subject that employs a representation. Not Taking a closer look at mental vehicles and at findings
all information a subject is using is directly accessible to out of neurosciences it seems possible to map specific
the subject. At least some mental states can be uncon- brain activations to specific thoughts or intentions (Cp.
scious. Data from neuroscience show that persons can Haynes and Rees 2006). It is important to appreciate the
gain and use information without being aware of it. diverse terminology used to refer to the different formats
Looking at their behavior one can refer that they must of mental representations. Notions like schema, scripts,
have had access to information. The most radical exam- and mental models have in common that they describe
ple of an unconscious non-conceptual representation is how representations can be organized. Focusing on the
Mental Representations M 2221

so-called mental models (Cp. Johnson-Laird 1983), they a structural similarity to the referred-to object one
are understood as a conceptual framework of represen- had consequently to admit that this kind of represen-
tations of knowledge. This knowledge can be related to tation does not fulfill the condition of having semantic
the person itself (self-model), to parts of the world properties. One possible way out would be to give up
(world-model), or to abstract correlations. Many other semantic properties as a necessary condition of repre-
notions have been introduced to describe structuring sentation or one could claim that human beings maybe
features of representations. Just to name some: semantic are just not able to have mental representations with an
maps, concept maps, or an individual’s knowledge struc- absolutely new content rather claiming that the new is
ture described as a data association array, retinal arrays, more or less a question of a unexpected recombination
primal sketches and 21/2-D sketches (Marr 1982), of already known elements.
frames (Minsky 1974), and interpreted symbol-filled
arrays (Tye 1991). Each of these focuses on a certain Cross-References
type of referred-to objects (representanda) and claim ▶ Connectionism
that the vehicle has corresponding structural proper- ▶ Human Cognitive Architecture
ties. Taking for example the distinction between picto- ▶ Knowledge Representation
rial and non-pictorial representation (Kosslyn 1980), ▶ Mental Imagery
non-pictorial representations are seen as discrete or ▶ Mental Models
digital where as pictorial ones are described as contin- ▶ Philosophy of Learning
uous and analog. Of course, you can also think of ▶ Psychosemiotic Perspective on Learning
a hybrid form having pictorial and discrete elements. ▶ Schema(s)
Philosophical positions like the computational theory ▶ Semiotics and Learning
of the mind (Fodor 1975) or connectionism also claim
structural properties of mental states. References M
Fodor, J. A. (1975). The language of thought. Cambridge, MA: Har-
Special Cases of Mental vard University Press.
Representation Haynes, J. D., & Rees, G. (2006). Decoding mental states from brain
Special cases of mental representation open up ques- activity in humans. Nature Reviews. Neuroscience, 7(7), 523–534.
tions concerning the above described conditions of Johnson-Laird, P. N. (1983). Mental models. Cambridge, MA: Har-
vard University Press.
representation. When the representandum is Kosslyn, S. M. (1980). Image and mind. Cambridge, MA: Harvard
a memory of a former mental states one might question University Press.
whether there really is structural similarity or even Loftus, E. F. (1980). Memory: Surprising new insights into how we
a causal link to the former mental representation. remember and why we forget. Reading: Addison-Wesley.
Empirical studies about memory have shown that so- Marr, D. (1982). Vision. New York: W.H. Freeman.
Minsky, M. (1974). A framework for representing knowledge. Cam-
called false memory (Loftus 1980) is more often
bridge, MA: MIT-AI Laboratory Memo 306 June.
observed than as one might intuitively believe. How Ritter, J., Gründer, K., & Gabriel, G. (2007). Historisches Wörterbuch
do we call the mental representations of false memory? der Philosophie. Basel: Schwabe AG Verlag.
Would it be adequate to call them misrepresentations Smolensky, P. (1989). Connectionist modeling: Neural computation/
ignoring the fact that memory has a constructive part? mental connections. In L. Nadel, L. A. Cooper, P. Culicover, &
We have seen that mental representations can be R. M. Harnish (Eds.), Neural connections, mental computation
(pp. 49–67). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
explained either by a causal theory or by a theory of Strasser, A. (2010). A functional view towards mental representations.
structural similarities and that in both cases the In D. Ifenthaler, P. Pirnay-Dummer, & N. M. Seel (Eds.), Com-
representandum has semantic properties. If, in case of puter-based diagnostics and systematic analysis of knowledge.
a causal explanation, the stimuli are only represented in New York: Springer.
a deficit manner or if the stimulus is lacking at all we Tye, M. (1991). The imagery debate. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Vosgerau, G. (2008). Adäquatheit und Arten mentaler Repräsen-
talk of misrepresentations. But how should we describe
tationen. Facta Philosophica, 10, 67–82.
a mental representation where the referred-to object Weiskrantz, L., Warrington, E. K., Sanders, M. D., & Marshall, J.
seems to be absolutely new? If the representandum (1974). Visual capacity in the hemianopic field following
has neither a causal relation to a stimulus nor a restricted occipital ablation. Brain, 97, 709–728.
2222 M Mental Resources

to the time course of a physical rotation with constant

Mental Resources angular velocity. Later, mental rotation time of body
▶ Multiple Resource Theory parts (or mental rotation of shapes with added body
characteristics) to a given orientation was shown to be
dependent on how awkward the initial orientation was.
These data provide evidence that mental rotation of
body segments depends on the biomechanical con-
Mental Rotation and Functional straints of the actual movement (Parsons 1987).
Learning There is now compelling evidence that men and
women differ in performance on mental rotation
AYMERIC GUILLOT, NADY HOYEK, CHRISTIAN COLLET tasks, but the causes of these differences are not well
Center of Research and Innovation in Sport, University understood. Overall, several promising hypotheses
Claude Bernard Lyon 1 – University of Lyon, referred to sociocultural or biological differences. The
Laboratory of the Mental, Motor and Material way in which problems are solved, the amount of time
Performance, Villeurbanne, France needed to resolve the mental rotation task, and the
nature and complexity of the items to be rotated, are
influenced both by gender and previous personal expe-
Synonyms rience, and most certainly by the complex interaction
Mental representation; Motor simulation; Spatial among these factors. Unfortunately, no agreement has
ability been reached in regard to each of these issues. However,
both men and women have been found to significantly
Definition improve their mental rotation performance following
Mental rotation is a cognitive operation during which either mental rotation practice.
a mental image is formed and rotated into a different Practically, mental rotation is involved in spatial
orientation in space. Such process usually requires reasoning and problem-solving such as spatial orienta-
cognitive manipulation and spatial transformation tion and mental navigation using map displays. More
of a two-dimensional or three-dimensional object. generally, real-life situations rely on the ability to use
Interestingly, it may also involve the rotation of body mental rotation to turn over and manipulate objects
parts or shapes with embodiment effects. Two mental mentally. In the last decade, there has been an increas-
rotation paradigms are usually distinguished: the per- ing amount of research investigating the neural mech-
spective tasks require to determine how an object anisms mediating mental rotation, as well as the
would appear from a different viewpoint, while in com- influence of mental rotation ability on learning.
parison tasks, changes are not related to the individual,
but to the object itself. The aim is, therefore, to deter- Important Scientific Research and
mine whether pairs of visual stimuli, presented from Open Questions
two different angles, are identical or mirror images. Neuroimaging studies provide a valuable means to
Response time and accuracy are the most frequent determine the neural substrate of mental rotation.
measures of performance. Zacks (2008) concluded that many brain regions
including the superior parietal, the frontal and the
Theoretical Background infero-temporal cortices, were consistently involved
While mental rotation paradigms can be traced back to during mental rotation, with many bilateral foci of
the late 1960s, the most famous study dealing with this activation. Overall, these findings support the view
issue was published by Shepard and Metzler in 1971. By that mental rotation depends on analog representa-
presenting the participants with pairs of three- tions, as well as ▶ motor simulation in some cases.
dimensional asymmetrical assemblages of cubes, they The modulation of activity in the pre-central cortex
provided evidence that response time was proportional would even reflect the extent to which participants
to the increase of the angular disparity between pairs of adopt a motor simulation strategy to solve a mental
items. Mental rotation time would therefore be similar rotation task (Zacks 2008). Practically, another
Mental Simulation M 2223

important question is whether the mental transforma- This line of research is far less extended, and there are
tions associated with object-relative and egocentric currently too little existing data allowing determining
reference frames are subserved by different neural the nature of these common materials. Hence, future
mechanisms. Motor areas are active during egocentric investigations should attempt to define in greater
rotations, but not during object rotations, hence details the relationships between mental rotation train-
suggesting that only mental rotation tasks involving ing and motor performance.
body parts would elicit motor strategies. These results
demonstrate that different types of mental rotation Cross-References
involve distinct neural networks, although Wraga ▶ Abilities to Learn: Cognitive Abilities
et al. (2003) went further and showed that motor ▶ Cognitive Learning
activations could also transfer implicitly across these ▶ Functional Learning
mental rotation tasks in some occasions. ▶ Human Cognition and Learning
Another field of research is the role of ▶ spatial ▶ Imagery and Learning
ability, including mental rotation, in functional learn- ▶ Mental Imagery
ing. In the medical field the learning of both functional ▶ Mental Imagery and Learning
anatomy and surgery procedures has already been con- ▶ Mental Representation
sidered (e.g., Garg et al. 2001). Overall, students with ▶ Science, Art and Learning Experiences
high spatial and mental rotation abilities are favored in ▶ Spatial Learning
the acquisition and retention of functional anatomy
knowledge, and, moreover, they obtain better results References
in surgical procedures than those with lower abilities. Garg, A. X., Norman, G., & Sperotable, L. (2001). How medical
These results collectively suggest a transfer of the ability students learn spatial anatomy. Lancet, 357(9253), 363–364.
to perform object rotations to mental rotation tasks Hoyek, N., Collet, C., Rastello, O., Fargier, P., Thiriet, P., & Guillot, A.
(2009). Enhancement of mental rotation abilities and its effect on M
involving egocentric transformations, and give the
anatomy leraning. Teaching and Learning in Medicine, 21(3),
opportunity to use spatial ability and mental rotation 201–206.
tests as part of a battery to assess students’ potential for Parsons, L. M. (1987). Imagined spatial transformations of one’s
success in anatomy. The effects of mental rotation hands and feet. Cognitive Psychology, 19(2), 178–241.
training on anatomy learning and the internal process Shepard, R. N., & Metzler, J. (1971). Mental rotation of three dimen-
sional objects. Science, 171(972), 701–703.
of such a transfer have also been studied recently
Wraga, M., Thompson, W. M., Alpert, N. M., & Kosslyn, S. M. (2003).
(Hoyek et al. 2009). Results confirmed that high mental Implicit transfer of motor strategies in mental rotation.
rotation ability may facilitate the learning and reten- Neuropsychologia, 52(2), 135–143.
tion of anatomical knowledge, and further revealed the Zacks, J. M. (2008). Neuroimaging studies of mental rotation:
existence of a transfer of mental rotation abilities from A meta-analysis and review. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience,
a task requiring rotation of two- or three-dimensional 20(1), 1–19.

items to a task requiring transforming body segment

and complex anatomical structures. These results
emphasize the previous findings related to health sci-
ence education and the argument that spatial ability Mental Set
and mental rotation training could help students in
various scientific and medical disciplines. Old, less efficient patterns of problem solving persist
Interestingly, transfer between mental rotation abil- even though more efficient solution alternatives exist.
ities and complex motor skills including body rotations
and changes in direction could be effective as well.
Theoretically, if mental rotation and motor perfor-
mance share similar mental processes, enhancing men- Mental Simulation
tal rotation ability or its subprocesses might thus be
transferred to the physical execution of a given action, ▶ Imagination Effect
and therefore contribute to achieve peak performance. ▶ Simulation and Learning: The Role of Mental Models
2224 M Mental State Attribution

Mental State Attribution Message Transmitters

▶ Theory of Mind in Animals Message transmitters include both print and nonprint
media that contain and convey information, ideas,
values, and ideologies from a source, or sender, to an
audience, or receiver.
Mental Toughness
▶ Resilience and Learning

Mental Training Metacognition is an individual’s awareness of his or her
own cognitive processes. With respect to learning, this
▶ Learning by Doing Versus Learning by Thinking can be interpreted as an individual’s awareness of what
they have and have not learned. Metacognition is essen-
tial for learners to in order to self-regulate and guide
Mental Visualization
▶ Mental Imagery ▶ Introspective Learning and Reasoning
▶ Metacognition and Hypermedia Learning: How Do
They Relate?

Mental Workload
▶ AIME (Amount of Invested Mental Effort)
Metacognition and Hypermedia
Learning: How Do They Relate?
Learning Instructional Psychology, School of Education,
Duisburg-Essen University, Essen, Germany
A theory in the tradition of Noam Chomsky which 2
Department of Educational and Counselling
emphasizes the learner’s innate mental capacities for Psychology, McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada
language acquisition.

Metacognition; Metacognitive monitoring and control;
Merging Knowledge Structures Multi-representational learning environments; Scaf-
folding hypermedia; Self-regulated learning
▶ Knowledge Integration
Metacognition, often refered to as “thinking about
thinking,” is defined as “one’s knowledge concerning
one’s own cognitive processes and products or anything
related to them, e.g., the learning-relevant properties of
▶ Communication Theory information or data. [. . .] Metacognition refers, among
Metacognition and Hypermedia Learning: How Do They Relate? M 2225

other things, to the active monitoring and consequent learner control, are assumed to foster the acquisition of
regulation and orchestration of these processes in rela- self-regulatory skills in that learners are continuously
tion to the cognitive objects or data on which they bear, forced to decide between different information sources
usually in the service of some concrete goal or objec- (e.g., which hyperlink they should follow next or
tive” (Flavell 1976, p. 232). whether to retrieve pictures or animations in addition
Contemporary definitions of metacognition char- to which texts to read) and to evaluate whether the
acterize it as an individual’s cognition about his or her information that they just retrieved helps them to
own cognitions, knowledge of and control over one’s achieve their learning goals (see Astleitner and Leutner
own cognition, cognition that reflects on, monitors or 1996, on learning strategies to reach different goals of
regulates first-order cognition or knowing about learning with unstructured hypermedia). Scheiter and
knowing (for an author overview, see Opfermann Gerjets (2007, p. 288) state that enabling the acquisi-
2008). tion of such meta-skills during learning is “one impor-
Metacognition and self-regulatory processes are tant criterion that learning environments for self-
especially important in open-ended learning, e.g., in regulated learning may have to meet.”
nonlinear, multi-representational hypermedia learning Despite the panacea of hypermedia learning envi-
environments. Hypermedia environments are also ronments, there are many potential pitfalls that must be
characterized by a high level of interactivity and net- considered in terms of the role of metacognition and
work-like information structures (Scheiter and Gerjets self-regulation with hypermedia learning. While, on
2007) which require learners to use metacognitive skills the one hand, these environments may come along
in order to make decisions that are enduringly required with all the benefits proposed before, they only do so
due to the high level of learner control. This chapter once certain issues are addressed. With regard to meta-
focuses on the relationship between metacognition and cognition, Azevedo (2005) states that hypermedia envi-
hypermedia learning and emphasizes the importance ronments, despite their educational potential, have
of metacognitive skills and self-regulatory processes for failed to enhance students’ learning because students
learners to benefit from these environments. often lack key self-regulatory and metacognitive skills
and thus struggle with the open and in itself complex
Theoretical Background nature of hypermedia learning environments. More
The importance and popularity of interactive learning specifically, learners do not spontaneously deploy
environments has grown rapidly in the last few decades. monitoring processes like feeling of knowing (FOK;
Specifically with regard to hypermedia environments, linking the current content found in the hypermedia
their network-like structure allows learners to retrieve environment with their prior knowledge) or judgment
information flexibly, thus offering a high amount of of learning (JOL; assessing their emerging understand-
learner control with regard to representational and ing of the content). They do not always plan their
navigational choices. A first major impetus for its use learning by creating relevant subgoals or activating
lies in the belief that this increased flexibility is associ- their prior knowledge. Another important issue is
ated with increased interest and motivation since that they tend not to use effective strategies such as
learners are involved in decision-making processes making inferences, coordinating informational
(Alexander and Jetton 2003), although research in the sources, or engage in knowledge elaboration. These
cognitive and learning sciences reveals that that this is activities, however, are seen as central in hypermedia
not always the case since metacognitive and self- learning. Following his own criticism with regard to
regulatory skills are required in order for learners to existing hypermedia research which, according to
successfully benefit from hypermedia. Second, hyper- Azevedo and Witherspoon (2009), has not yet
media environments are expected to enhance the addressed how exactly a learner regulates his or her
opportunity to adapt learning to one’s personal prefer- learning with hypermedia, the authors introduce
ences and cognitive needs. Third, hypermedia’s high a model which is adapted from self-regulated learning
level of learner control includes affordances for active research and allows a more direct view on the interplay
and constructive information processing; and, finally, between learner characteristics, cognitive processes,
hypermedia environments, due to their high level of and system structure during hypermedia learning.
2226 M Metacognition and Hypermedia Learning: How Do They Relate?

In line with other SRL researchers (Winne and multifaceted structure of hypermedia environments.
Hadwin 2008), Azevedo (2005) sees self-regulated A main difference between successful and unsuccessful
learning with hypermedia as a constructive process learners seems to be that the latter do not seem to
highlighted by several learning phases and cycles of deploy the key metacognitive and self-regulatory pro-
metacognitive monitoring and control. Azevedo also cesses on their own.
proposes SRL as being a multiphase process where
learners need to: Important Scientific Research and
– Analyze the learning situation
Open Questions
Based on the above-mentioned considerations, several
– Set meaningful learning goals
attempts have been made to support hypermedia learn-
– Determine which strategies to use and assess
ing by various means of instructional support. For
whether these strategies are effective to meet the
instance, Stadtler (2006) and Opfermann (2008) let
learning goals
students watch a metacognitive modeling video prior
– Monitor and evaluate their understanding and, if
to learning with their respective hypermedia environ-
ments. In these videos, an exemplary good learner
– Modify plans, goals, strategies, and effort in relation
showed how to optimally navigate through an environ-
to contextual conditions (which include cognitive,
ment in a systematic fashion, how to compare pieces of
motivational, and task conditions)
information from different sources and how to evaluate
The model of Azevedo and colleagues (Azevedo one’s own learning progress and, if necessary, how to
2005; Azevedo and Witherspoon 2009) includes over adapt one’s own way of learning. Other researchers in
three dozen self-regulatory processes such as: the field of hypermedia learning (e.g., Bannert 2006) or
other types of open learning environments (e.g.,
– Planning, e.g., setting relevant goals, activating
Thillmann et al. 2009) worked with several kinds of
prior knowledge
reflection prompts that aimed at scaffolding students’
– Monitoring, e.g., feeling of knowing, judgment of
self-regulated learning process either before or during
learning, monitoring progress toward goals
learning. Finally, authors such as Schmidt and Ford
– Applying learning strategies, e.g., hypothesizing,
(2003) tried to induce metacognitive activities by
coordinating information sources, drawing infer-
presenting direct metacognitive instruction prior to
ences, summarizing
the learning phase (e.g., how important it is for one’s
– Handling task difficulties, e.g., help-seeking
own learning to monitor the own learning progress, to
reflect upon what one is doing, etc.).
In their model, Azevedo and colleagues do not So far, efforts to provide metacognitive support
explicitly label any of these variables as “good” or have produced mixed results. On the one hand, stu-
“bad” aspects of self-regulatory learning with hyper- dents who make use of these support features obviously
media; however, they report that successful learners outperform those who do not with regard to learning
regulated their learning by using effective strategies, performance and learning transfer. But the ability to
planning their learning by creating subgoals, activating use such support effectively, in turn, was primarily
prior knowledge, monitoring emerging understanding, found for learners with high prior knowledge or exper-
and by planning their time and effort. On the other tise, respectively. In line with this, Schnotz et al. (2005)
hand, less successful learners tended to use effective as assume that to benefit from instructional support dur-
well as ineffective strategies equally often, planned their ing computer-based learning, learners should possess
learning by using subgoals and recycling goals in work- certain prerequisites; otherwise such support might
ing memory, and handled task difficulties and demands lead to cognitive overload which may interfere with
through engaging in help-seeking behavior. In line with one’s ability to self-regulate.
this, several researchers (for an overview, see also At first sight, it seems somehow counterintuitive
Opfermann 2008) have found that learners who possess that metacognitive support is only useful for learners
sophisticated self-regulatory skills are better able to who already possess knowledge and metacognitive abil-
cope with the demands imposed by the complex and ities. Isn’t it more logical that learners who lack such
Metacognition and Hypermedia Learning: How Do They Relate? M 2227

abilities receive support to optimize their learning? In addition, and to conclude this chapter, it may
And if so, how can it be assured that learners with little also be assumed that sophisticated self-regulatory skills
prior knowledge and little metacognitive abilities ben- are necessary but not sufficient for hypermedia learn-
efit from support features such as prompting? ing (Scheiter and Gerjets 2007). More specifically,
According to Schnotz et al. (2005), an important aspect motivation and interest might also be prerequisites
for this group of learners is the optional use of support, that strongly influence how much effort someone
i.e., giving students the freedom to decide if and when invests in the resource-demanding activation of sophis-
they retrieve instructional support. In order to enable ticated self-regulatory and metacognitive learning
students with low prior knowledge to benefit from strategies. Future research should therefore include
metacognitive support, Azevedo and Witherspoon motivational variables as well.
(2009) and Bannert (2006) emphasize the need of
extensive metacognitive training for such learners to
help them acquire, practice, retain, and learn to apply
▶ Interactive Learning
self-regulatory processes and therefore become more
▶ Interactive Learning Environments
sophisticated learners who demonstrate gains in con-
▶ Metacognition and Learning
ceptual understanding and transfer their SRL skills and
▶ Multimedia Learning
knowledge. In line with this, Azevedo and Witherspoon
▶ Self-regulated Learning
(2009) found that training students how to regulate ▶ Situated Prompts in Authentic Learning Environments
their learning according to models of self-regulated
learning (e.g., planning, monitoring, and strategic pro-
ceeding) led to greater shifts in mental models, higher References
posttest performance, and higher metacognitive activ- Alexander, P. A., & Jetton, T. L. (2003). Learning from traditional and
alternative texts: New conceptualization for an information age.
ities such as prior knowledge activation, planning, or
In A. C. Graesser, M. A. Gernsbacher, & S. R. Goldman (Eds.), M
monitoring progress toward goals. Handbook of discourse processes (pp. 199–241). Mahwah: Law-
Taken together, these results (cf. Bannert 2005) rence Erlbaum.
seem to indicate that the issue of metacognitive sup- Astleitner, H., & Leutner, D. (1995). Learning strategies for unstruc-
port should be addressed from two perspectives. In tured hypermedia – a framework for theory, research, and prac-
particular, extensive, long-term metacognitive training tice. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 13, 387–400.
Azevedo, R. (2005). Using hypermedia as a metacognitive tool for
as a form of direct metacognitive support should be enhancing student learning? The role of self-regulated learning.
distinguished from indirect support such as Educational Psychologist, 40, 199–209.
metacognitive prompts. While the first form of support Azevedo, R., & Witherspoon, A. M. (2009). Self-regulated learning
is deemed adequate and necessary for students lacking with hypermedia. In D. J. Hacker, J. Dunlosky, & A. C. Graesser
metacognitive competence, the second support form (Eds.), Handbook of metacognition in education (pp. 319–339).
Mahwah: Routledge.
might be rather suitable for students already possessing
Bannert, M. (2005). Designing metacognitive support for hyperme-
metacognitive skills but not being able to display them dia learning. In T. Okamoto, D. Albert, T. Honda, & F. W. Hesse
spontaneously. Most research investigating the impact (Eds.), The 2nd joint workshop of cognition and learning through
of metacognitive support for web-based and hyperme- media-communication for advanced e-learning (pp. 11–16).
dia learning has made use of the latter option – mainly Tokyo: Sophia University.
because time restrictions of the short-termed studies Bannert, M. (2006). Effects of reflection prompts when learning with
hypermedia. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 4,
do not allow for extensive training, but also because 359–375.
participants in these studies are often university or high Flavell, J. H. (1976). Metacognitive aspects of problem solving. In
school students for whom a certain degree of L. B. Resnick (Ed.), The nature of intelligence (pp. 231–235).
metacognitive skills is presumed. On the other hand, Hillsdale: Lawrence Erlbaum.
research in the field of self-regulated learning from Leutner, D., Leopold, C., & den Elzen-Rump, V. (2007). Self-regulated
learning with a text-highlighting strategy: A training experiment.
expository texts in high schools shows that even
Zeitschrift für Psychologie/Journal of Psychology, 215, 174–182.
short-term trainings of metacognitive skills, aligned Opfermann, M. (2008). There’s more to it than instructional design –
with cognitive learning strategies, can be very effective The role of individual learner characteristics for hypermedia learn-
(e.g., Leutner et al. 2007). ing. Berlin: Logos.
2228 M Metacognition and Learning

Scheiter, K., & Gerjets, P. (2007). Learner control in hypermedia Metacognition is dependent on general intellectual
environments. Educational Psychology Review, 19, 285–307. abilities which are developed over long periods of time
Schmidt, A., & Ford, J. K. (2003). Learning within a learner control
on the basis of confrontations with many different kinds
training environment: The interaction effects of goal orientation
and metacognitive instruction on learning outcomes. Personnel of problems. From a metacognitive point of view,
Psychology, 56, 405–429. learners are managers of their own general and specific
Schnotz, W., Heiß, A., & Eckhardt, E. (2005). Wann sind Lernhilfen in knowledge. However, not only do they have to possess
hypermedialen Lernumgebungen erfolgreich? [When is learning the domain-specific and general knowledge relevant for
support in hypermedia learning environments effecticve?]. In A.
learning transfer, they also have to know how to apply
Schütz, S. Habscheid, W. Holly, J. Krems, & C. G. Voß (Eds.),
Neue Medien im Alltag: Befunde aus den Bereichen Arbeit, Lernen
this knowledge in the context of new problems.
und Freizeit (pp. 189–203). Lengerich: Pabst Science.
Stadtler, M. (2006). Auf der Suche nach medizinischen Fachinfor- Theoretical Background
mationen: Metakognition bei der Internetrecherche von Laien
Referring to Piaget’s genetic epistemology and seminal
[Searching for medical information: Metacognition during internet
search of lay persons]. Münster: Waxmann. work on intellectual development, the concepts “meta-
Thillmann, H., Künsting, J., Wirth, J., & Leutner, D. (2009). Is it thinking” and “metacognition” became a topic of sci-
merely a question of ‘what’ to prompt or also ‘when’ to prompt? entific discussion at the end of the 1970s. Developmen-
The role of presentation time of prompts in self-regulated learn- tal psychologists, such as Flavell (1977), observed that
ing. Zeitschrift für Pädagogische Psychologie, 23, 105–115. children who were well advanced in their intellectual
Winne, P., & Hadwin, A. (2008). The weave of motivation and
development differed from less well developed chil-
self-regulated learning. In D. Schunk & B. Zimmerman (Eds.),
Motivation and self-regulated learning: Theory, research, and dren, among other things in their abilities of self-
applications (pp. 297–314). Mahwah: Lawrence Erlbaum. observation in learning. Somewhat later, researchers
were able to demonstrate that this is also true of adults.
Regardless of their age, good problem solvers observe
themselves when processing cognitive problems and
Metacognition and Learning develop their own explanations for solutions.

NORBERT M. SEEL Characteristics of Metacognitive

Department of Education, University of Freiburg, Learning
Freiburg, Germany Metacognition was originally understood as the ability
to observe (monitor) one’s own learning, to evaluate it,
and to outline a plan of action to solve a problem
Synonyms (Flavell 1979). The basis of this theoretical concept of
Metacognitive control; Metacognitive learning; Meta- metacognition is the idea of contemplating one’s own
learning; Meta-thinking; Self-regulated learning thinking. Metacognitive learning is founded on
a person’s mental representations and requires two
Definition main components (Everson and Tobias 1998):
Metacognition is generally understood as the ability to
1. Metacognitive knowledge, which operates according
contemplate one’s own thinking, to observe oneself
to a person’s world knowledge; which is concerned
when processing cognitive tasks, and to organize the
with numerous cognitive tasks, goals, actions, and
learning and thinking processes involved in these tasks.
experiences and includes empirical knowledge or
In psychological terms metacognition includes
convictions about four general factors: (a) knowl-
1. Metacognitive knowledge (what one knows about edge about the nature of one’s own information
one’s own knowledge and behavior) processing (or that of another person), (b) knowl-
2. Metacognitive skills (how one behaves or acts in edge about learning tasks and their specific require-
relation to a given task) and ments, (c) knowledge about cognitive strategies to
3. Metacognitive experiences in terms of a cognitive fulfill these requirements and learning tasks under
and/or emotional judgment of one’s present changeable conditions, and (d) knowledge about
situation the goals achieved through the learning tasks.
Metacognition and Learning M 2229

2. Procedures and strategies to regulate and control the ● Self-management, which has to do with the effective
cognitive processes which need to be carried out to organization and instrumentalization of cognitive
process learning tasks successfully. This component, and metacognitive processes, and
also known as metacognitive control, has always been ● Self-evaluation, which involves being conscious of
the main focus of research on metacognition. Active one’s motivational and emotional states in
monitoring and goal-directed regulation and processing a problem.
instrumentation of cognitive processes are seen as
These components condition not only the acquisi-
central characteristics of metacognition. Central
tion of new strategies and how they are applied to new
aspects of metacognitive control thus include test-
problems but also the quality of one’s thoughts about
ing, planning, selecting, making inferences, self-
questioning and introspection, and the interpreta-
tion of current learning experiences – or also simply
determining what one knows about a problem. The Important Scientific Research and
important thing about this component is that both Open Questions
cognitive strategies and metacognitive strategies are Research on metacognition was initially stimulated by
necessary for the successful processing of a learning studies in developmental psychology which demon-
task: The former help the learner to progress toward strated that people of various ages are capable of apply-
a goal while the latter allow the learner to monitor ing consciously particular strategies to solve cognitive
and control his or her progress on the task. tasks and of affirming the effectiveness of these strate-
gies through reflection. Remarkably, the concept of
Corresponding with the distinction between declar-
“learning strategies” also supports the assumption
ative and procedural knowledge metacognitive knowl-
that humans possess metacognitive abilities: Theorists
edge may also be separated into two main classes:
in this field see the choice of a learning strategy as being
● Declarative metacognitive knowledge includes primarily dependent on a person’s preferences in learn-
knowledge about one’s own thinking and that of ing situations (e.g., “holist vs. serialist learning and
other people as well as knowledge about demands retention,” “certainty vs. uncertainty orientation”).
on one’s own cognition. Friedrich and Mandl (1992) differentiated between
● Procedural metacognitive knowledge refers to the four general learning strategies which presuppose
control and regulation of the execution processes mostly metacognitive processes:
involved in carrying out learning tasks.
● Repetition strategies (active repetition of learned
Interestingly, some researchers (for instance, Bielaczyc information)
et al. 1995) often see a close relationship between the self- ● Elaboration strategies (the creation of relationships
explanations of learners and their performance in solving with previous knowledge with the help of examples,
problems. This highlights the confession that metacogni- analogies, mnemotechniques, and visualizations)
tion refers to thought processes which are executed under ● Organization strategies (semantic classification and
the constant control of consciousness and involve mental reduction of the amount of information, e.g.,
representations of one’s own action in the world of through the creation of a diagram) and
objects and events. In addition, most researchers agree ● Control strategies (monitoring and control of exe-
that metacognition has less to do with personal thoughts cution through metacognitive control)
about one’s own knowledge states and cognitive abilities
A central question of research on metacognition is
than with one’s conscious determination of emotional
when and under what conditions do people use their
and motivational states in carrying out cognitive tasks
metacognitive knowledge and how does this influence
(Mayer 1998). Specifically, metacognition is said to
the organization and management of their learning pro-
include the following components:
cesses? It is not easy to provide a conclusive answer to
● Self-efficacy, which involves asking oneself questions this question, since there is as yet no precise definition of
such as “What do I actually know? How do I think the processes people use to control their learning. Nev-
and why do I apply knowledge or strategies?” ertheless, most theorists agree that metacognition has to
2230 M Metacognition and Learning

do with self-regulated learning which can be character- the psychological dimensions and the essential attri-
ized at the very least by the following elements butes of self-regulation and control by asking the ques-
(Zimmerman 1986): tions why, how, when, what, where, and with whom one
is learning or is to learn. It is assumed that people use all
● The learning situation must allow for an indepen-
of their metacognitive knowledge about cognitive, moti-
dent determination of learning goals, times, and
vational, and environmental strategies to regulate and
methods, that is, the freedom to make individual
control their learning. In this way, they choose the learn-
decisions must be incorporated into the learning
ing strategy which seems most suitable for dealing with
situation so that the learner is free to determine his
the learning task at hand. Metacognitive knowledge
or her own course freely and to search for oppor-
about the operations and processes necessary to solve
tunities to do so.
a cognitive problem manifests itself in the learner’s stra-
● The learning situation must always include the pos-
tegic control of the processes he or she carries out. As the
sibility of self-instruction, that is, it must provide
learner contemplates the learning process, he or she
the informational resources necessary to process the
acquires additional metacognitive knowledge about
tasks as well as additional self-knowledge. This new
● In learning acts, the individual must have the feel-
knowledge is then available for the processing of future
ing that he or she is creating something indepen-
learning tasks. The way in which subjective judgments
dently. Self-strengthening is thus a central moment
and reactions to learning performance differ from per-
of self-regulated learning.
son to person is significant not only from a cognitive and
● Finally, the learning situation must allow for the
motivational point of view; it also forms the framework
selective application of learning strategies.
for additional observations of one’s own behavior and
Accordingly, self-regulation can be paraphrased as that of others. At the outset, self-regulated and con-
self-created thoughts, feelings, and actions in the pur- trolled learning requires for the learner to be capable of
suance of learning goals. People who regulate their taking alternatives into account in order to autono-
learning effectively are described as proactive learners. mously shape the learning process or individual phases
They can process cognitive tasks on their own initiative of the learning process. Moreover, the learner must also
and with creativity, persistence, and a sense of respon- be capable of deciding between these alternatives.
sibility. However, this requires high learning motiva- Various authors (e.g., Simons 1993) see an impor-
tion as well as the skill of self-regulated learning. Most tant link between metacognitive learning and
models of self-regulated learning thus include motiva- metacognitive control as consisting in introspective
tional variables (e.g., goals, self-belief, and intrinsic reflection since learners’ contemplation of their own
interests) as central elements (Zimmerman 1998). In learning process leads to changes in their future informa-
particular, it is assumed that people use three types of tion processing and to additional metacognitive knowl-
strategies to control their learning: edge about learning. As the connecting link between
thinking and acting, reflection – understood here as obser-
● Metacognitive strategies
vation of one’s own thoughts and actions in processing
● Motivational strategies (e.g., amount of effort nec-
cognitive tasks – provides far-reaching information on the
essary to master a task) and
effectiveness of particular learning strategies. It thus
● Behavioral strategies to create a favorable learning
provides a basis for the learner to derive general strategic
knowledge from specific learning activities.
The metacognitive strategies, which are the main Reflection makes it possible for learners to apply
focus in the current entry, include goal setting, inde- their metacognitive knowledge about tasks, themselves,
pendent organization of information, self-observation, and strategies during each phase of the control process –
and self-judgment. To gain a better understanding of that is, during planning, monitoring, and evaluating.
the special role of metacognitive strategies, it will be Reflection enables learners to consider plans before
useful to first outline the decisive dimensions of the applying them to a task in a particular learning situation,
self-regulation of learning processes. To do this, we can and it also enables them to control the progress of the
refer to Zimmerman’s (1998) suggestion of specifying learning process and make changes in their plan for
Metacognition and Learning M 2231

finding a solution. Whereas metacognitive knowledge metacognitive learning should consist of the acquisition
may be seen as static knowledge which includes the of strategies to be applied at any stage of development
strategy variables relevant for processing tasks, reflection and to any cognitive challenge. However, it is unlikely
may be understood as an active process of exploration that universal learning strategies of this type exist.
and discovery.
The idea that people observe and control them-
selves when working on cognitive tasks was introduced
▶ Learning Strategies
to pedagogy by Dewey (1933), who argued that we
▶ Learning to Learn
learn more by contemplating our experiences than we
▶ Metacognition and Hypermedia Learning
do through concrete experience itself. According to
▶ Metacognitive Aspects of Experiential Learning
Dewey, reflection is the hallmark of intelligent behavior
▶ Metacognitive Learning: the Effect of Item-Specific
because it is conducive to effective problem solving and
improvements in the effectiveness of learning. On the
▶ Metacognitive Strategies
basis of this idea, Smith (1991) concluded that we learn
▶ Mnemotechnics and Learning
to learn as soon as we become conscious of ourselves as
▶ Self-efficacy for Self-regulated Learning
▶ Self-regulated Learning
In talking about reflection, it is important to differ-
entiate between reflection on the past and reflection on
the present, that is, between contemplation about act- References
ing and contemplation while acting. This distinction is Bielaczyc, K., Pirolli, P. L., & Brown, A. L. (1995). Training in self-
useful for characterizing the specific type of reflective explanation and self-regulation strategies: Investigating the
thinking that is going on at various steps in the learning effects of knowledge acquisition activities on problem solving.
Cognition and Instruction, 13(2), 221–252.
process. Up to this point, our discussion has been valid
Dewey, J. (1933). How we think: A restatement of the relation of M
for both types of reflection. We dealt with contempla- reflective thinking to the educative process. Boston: Heath.
tion about completed learning as an active process of Everson, H. T., & Tobias, S. (1998). The ability to estimate knoweldge
making sense of previous experience to prepare oneself and performance in college: A metacognitive analysis. Instruc-
for future thoughts and actions. This type of reflection tional Science, 26(1–2), 65–79.
allows people to extract meaning from previous expe- Flavell, J. H. (1977). Cognitive development. Englewood Cliffs: Pren-
tice Hall.
rience. Contemplation while acting, on the other hand, Flavell, J. H. (1979). Metacognition and cognitive monitoring: A new
refers to the three components of self-regulation – area of cognitive-developmental inquiry. The American Psychol-
planning, monitoring, and evaluating – and can be ogist, 34, 906–911.
understood as the way in which people manage their Friedrich, H. F., & Mandl, H. (1992). Lern- und Denkstrategien – ein
learning progress by continually adapting their cogni- Problemaufriss. In H. Mandl & H. F. Friedrich (Eds.), Lern- und
Denkstrategien. analyse und intervention (pp. S3–S54).
tive processing to new information. Reflection may
Göttingen: Hogrefe.
thus consist in contemplation of recent experience or Hacker, D., Dunlosky, J., & Graesser, A. C. (Eds.). (1998). Metacog-
in some cases even in anticipation of future experience. nition in educational theory and practice. Mahwah: Erlbaum.
For educational practitioners the discussion of Mayer, R. E. (1998). Cognitive, metacognitive, and motivational
metacognitive thinking essentially boils down to the aspects of problem solving. Instructional Science, 26(1–2), 49–63.
question of how one can teach school children to Simons, P. R. J. (1993). Constructive learning: The role of the learner.
In T. M. Duffy, J. Lowyck, & D. H. Jonassen (Eds.), Designing
“learn how to learn” (Hacker et al. 1998). It is environments for constructive learning (pp. 291–313). New York:
a common belief that education and teaching should Springer.
do more than teach children subject matter and help Smith, R. M. (1991). How people become effective learners. Adult
them to develop specific skills. In addition, educators Learning, 2(6), 11–13.
argue that school children should also learn to take Zimmerman, B. J. (1986). Development of self-regulated learning:
What are the key processes? Contemporary Educational Psychol-
responsibility for their learning at and away from school.
ogy, 16, 307–313.
It is also said that metacognitive learning takes place each Zimmerman, B. J. (1998). Academic studying and the development of
time a person acquires a strategy to make learning, infor- personal skill: A self-regulatory perspective. Educational Psychol-
mation processing, or problem solving easier. Ideally, ogist, 33(2/3), 73–86.
2232 M Metacognitive Control

events. Thus, metacognitive control over the distribu-

Metacognitive Control tion of practice concerns whether learners will choose
▶ Metacognition and Learning spacing or massing when they schedule their own study
or practice time and how metacognitive knowledge
contributes to their decisions.

Theoretical Background
Metacognitive Control of Scientific thinking about metacognition as it relates to
Learning Strategies learning has been strongly influenced by a theoretical
framework articulated by Nelson and Narens (1990).
▶ Metacognitive Control Over the Distribution of According to this view, we can monitor the current
Practice: When is Spacing Preferred? state of our knowledge, representing it at a higher
meta-level. This meta-level also includes knowledge of
how cognitive processes function and information
about the current learning context. Thus, the meta-
Metacognitive Control Over level allows one to control the learning process by
formulating strategies designed to achieve one’s goals,
Spaced Practice
taking into account the judged level of one’s current
▶ Metacognitive Control Over the Distribution of learning, one’s beliefs of how cognitive processes work,
Practice: When is Spacing Preferred? and current task constraints.
When scheduling one’s own practice, a strategy of
spacing practice would seem to be optimal. There is an
extensive research literature indicating that spaced
practice generally leads to greater learning and memory
Metacognitive Control Over the than the same amount of massed practice. However, it
Distribution of Practice: When is does not necessarily follow that people will use such
Spacing Preferred? a strategy. Studies that have systematically varied the
distribution of practice have found that learners some-
THOMAS C. TOPPINO times err by thinking that they have learned as much or
Department of Psychology, Villanova University, more from massed as from spaced practice.
Villanova, PA, USA Metacognitive theories of how learners schedule their
practice differ in the degree to which learners are
assumed to have knowledge of the superiority of spac-
Synonyms ing over massing.
Metacognitive control of learning strategies; One theory that assumes knowledge of the benefits
Metacognitive control over spaced practice of spacing was inspired by the discrepancy-reduction
model which has been an influential theory in other
Definition domains of self-regulated learning. The model’s basic
Metacognitive knowledge refers to our knowledge of assumption is that learners evaluate how well they have
our own knowledge and of the way in which our cog- learned different elements of information and then
nitive processes work. Control over the distribution of allocate their resources preferentially to learning the
practice refers to using our metacognitive knowledge to information they know least in order to reduce the
decide how to schedule study or practice opportunities largest discrepancies from a desired or target level of
over time. Practice is massed when the same informa- learning. As modified to apply to the distribution of
tion or activity is studied or practiced two or more practice (Benjamin and Bird 2006), the model suggests
times in immediate succession. Practice is distributed that learners will preferentially apply the more effective
or spaced when successive study or practice opportu- strategy (spaced practice) to the information that is
nities are separated by time and, usually, by other least learned and, thus, needs its benefits most. This
Metacognitive Control Over the Distribution of Practice: When is Spacing Preferred? M 2233

implies that learners have at least a tacit understanding vary depending on how well the target information
that spaced practice is superior. has been learned.
Similar knowledge of the benefits of spaced practice
is implied by the adaptation of another existing theory Important Scientific Research and
of self-regulated learning called the agenda-based- Open Questions
regulation model. According to this model, learning is Initial research on the metacognitive control over the
goal directed. To-be-learned information is prioritized distribution of practice seemed to support the hypoth-
in relation to one’s goal on the basis of a variety of eses of Son (2004) and Metcalfe (2009). In a study of
factors, including the difficulty of learning, the time vocabulary learning (word pairs) involving a brief ini-
available for learning, and the reward structure of the tial study opportunity, Son found that learners’ prefer-
task. As adapted to apply to the distribution of practice ence for spaced practice relative to massed practice was
(e.g., Toppino and Cohen 2010), the more effective greatest for items that they judged to be easiest to learn
learning strategy (spacing) will be used preferentially and declined with increasing item difficulty. Subse-
to learn information that is judged to have the highest quent research indicated that these findings were
priority for attaining the goal. (It should be noted that, attributable to the fact that harder-to-learn items
in a situation in which more difficult-to-learn items of were also harder to initially encode or perceive. When
information are given the highest priority, this hypoth- learners failed to encode or perceive a pair, they wanted
esis may be functionally indistinguishable from the to see it again right away (massed presentation). This
discrepancy reduction hypothesis.) inflated the tendency to choose massed practice for
In contrast to the above hypotheses, Metcalfe more difficult pairs. When further research eliminated
(2009) assumed that learners have no metacognitive the correlation between the difficulty of initial
knowledge of the superiority of spaced over massed encoding or perception and the difficulty of learning
practice. Learners are thought to monitor the rate at pairs, a very different pattern of results was obtained.
which they are learning. If the rate of learning is high at Under these circumstances, the results consistently
the end of a study period, indicating that learners are still indicated that the preference for spaced practice rela-
making substantial progress, they will opt to continue tive to massed practice was least for the easiest-to-learn
studying by choosing massed practice. If the rate of pairs and greatest for the most difficult pairs. This
learning has declined substantially so that learners are pattern of results is consistent with the discrepancy
not making progress at the end of a study period, they reduction hypothesis. It also is consistent with the
will choose to stop studying, at least for now. This leads agenda-based-regulation model, provided that we
to spaced practice if the information is studied again at assume that difficult-to-learn items are given the
another time. The important point is that a choice of highest priority when there is no other obvious basis
spacing does not indicate implicit knowledge that spac- for assigning priorities.
ing is better than massing. It is simply the default out- Finally, in a recent experiment by Toppino and
come of choosing to stop studying at this particular time. Cohen (2010, Experiment 3), point values (1 vs 5
Finally, Son (2004) offered a hypothesis that falls points) were assigned randomly to pairs. Learners
somewhere between the previously discussed theories. were told that the points represented the value of
She assumes that learners monitor how well they have remembering a pair on the final recall test. Their goal
learned. If they judge some information to be relatively while studying should be to get the highest point total
well learned at the end of a study period, spacing possible on the final test. Results revealed that learners
should be the preferred strategy because little more preferred spaced practice for 5-point items more than
would be learned by continuing to study. However, if for 1-point items, and, under these circumstances, the
learning were judged to be poor at the end of a study difficulty of learning the items played a reduced role.
period, learners should opt to mass practice because, These results are primarily supportive of the agenda-
otherwise, what was learned might not survive the based-regulation hypothesis because spacing was pref-
interval until the next study period. Thus, Son’s erentially used for the pairs that would contribute most
hypothesis seems to imply that learners believe the to a high score on the final test. More generally and
relative benefits of massing and spacing practice to perhaps most importantly, these results strongly imply
2234 M Metacognitive Experiential Learning

that learners do have at least implicit knowledge that References

spaced practice is more effective than massed practice. Benjamin, A. S., & Bird, R. D. (2006). Metacognitive control of the
A number of important questions remain spacing of study repetitions. Journal of Memory and Language,
unresolved. First, do learners, in fact, have knowledge 55, 126–137.
Metcalfe, J. (2009). Metacognitive judgments and control of study.
that spaced practice is superior to massed practice? The
Current Directions in Psychological Science, 18, 159–163.
tentative conclusion that they do is inferred from their Nelson, T. O., & Narens, L. (1990). Metamemory: A theoretical
pattern of choices when they are allowed to choose framework and new findings. In G. H. Bower (Ed.), The psychol-
between massed and spaced practice. Converging evi- ogy of learning and motivation (Vol. 26, pp. 125–173). New York:
dence, especially evidence based on a more direct assess- Academic.
Son, L. K. (2004). Spacing one’s study: Evidence for a metacognitive
ment of learners’ metacogntive knowledge, is needed
control strategy. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Learning,
before the matter can be considered settled. Second, to Memory, and Cognition, 30, 601–604.
the extent that learners appreciate the relative advantage Toppino, T. C., & Cohen, M. S. (2010). Metcognitive control and
of spaced practice, what do they actually know? To date, spaced practice: Clarifying what people do and why. Journal of
all studies have given learners two options: massed prac- Experimental Psychology. Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 36,
tice and spaced practice. Thus, a preference for spaced 1480–1491.

practice could indicate a metacognitive understanding

that spacing helps or an intuition that massing will not
be helpful. A related question concerns whether learners
understand, in a comparison of two levels of spaced
practice, that greater spacing will usually lead to better Metacognitive Experiential
learning and memory. Third, learners may have Learning
a metacognitive understanding of the advantage of
spaced practice relative to massed practice, but they ALICE Y. KOLB, DAVID A. KOLB
almost always opt for massed practice for some to-be- Organization Behavior Department, Weatherhead
learned items. Why do they not maximize their learning School of Management, Case Western Reserve
by always choosing spaced practice? Fourth and finally, University, Cleveland, OH, USA
very few studies have systematically examined learners’
metacognitive control over the distribution of practice,
and they all have used very similar methodology. Is it Synonyms
possible that the results are limited to the paradigm that Learning how to learn
has been used? For example, one characteristic of the
studies that have been conducted so far is that the second Definition
study opportunity for spaced items occurs closer to the Metacognitive experiential learning is the process by
test than the second study opportunity for massed items. which individuals understand the ways they learn from
Could the apparent preference for spacing actually be experience and themselves as learners and use that
a preference for a short retention interval? Some indica- understanding to improve their learning effectiveness.
tion that this is not the case comes from an experiment
by Toppino and Cohen (2010, Experiment 2) in which Theoretical Background
the typical pattern of preference for spacing was William James (James 1890) was the originator of the
obtained, even though the retention interval advantage idea of metacognitive experiential learning. In the
for spaced items was greatly reduced and made much chapter on will in his famous Principles of Psychology
less obvious to the participants of the study. Neverthe- James developed a theory of intentional action which is
less, the question has not been definitively resolved. essential for any metacognitive knowledge to be useful
in improving one’s learning ability. His ideo-motor
Cross-References action theory states that an idea firmly focused in
▶ Metacognition and Learning consciousness will automatically issue forth into
▶ Metacognitive Experiential Learning behavior. In the early twentieth century William
▶ Recall and Effect of Repetition on Recall James’ emphasis on the role of intentional conscious
Metacognitive Experiential Learning M 2235

experience in learning was eclipsed by the advent of monitoring and control in metacognition. An individual
Watson’s behaviorism and the desire of psychology to monitors their learning process at the object level and
become an objective science untainted by subjectivism. relates the observations to a model of their learning
The prohibition of any role for consciousness in human process at the meta-level. The results of the conscious
learning theories was to continue for over 50 years. introspection are used to control actual learning at the
Flavell’s (1979) introduction of the concept of meta- object level. Until now, research on metacognitive learn-
cognition reintroduced consciousness to the study of ing has explored the influence of only relatively simple
human learning and stimulated a vigorous stream of models of learning. For example, a study of fifth grader
research. His classification of four categories of meta- self-paced learning of stories found that the best students
cognition has guided this work – metacognitive knowl- spent more time studying difficult versus easy stories,
edge (e.g., “I am not as good at math as others are.”), while there was no difference in study times for the poorer
metacognitive experience (e.g., feeling that learning students. The findings suggest that the poorer students
something is hard and frustrating), goals (e.g., a goal lacked a metacognitive model that dictated a strategy of
to learn how to speak a foreign language), and strate- spending more time on difficult learning tasks.
gies (e.g., cognitive or behavioral actions taken to Experiential Learning Theory proposes that by
achieve learning goals). He divides metacognitive using a model based on experiential learning theory,
knowledge into three sub-categories: knowledge of per- learners can better understand the learning process,
son variables, task variables, and strategy variables. themselves as learners and the appropriate use of learn-
Knowledge of person variables refers to general knowl- ing strategies based on the learning task and environ-
edge about how human beings learn and process infor- ment. This suggests a modification of Nelson’s
mation, as well as individual knowledge of one’s own metacognitive model as shown in Fig. 1. Here, an
learning processes. Task variables include knowledge individual is engaged in the process of learning some-
about the nature of the task and what it will require thing at the object level of direct concrete experience.
of the individual. Finally, knowledge about strategy His reflective monitoring of the learning process he is
variables include knowledge about ways to improve going through is compared at the abstract meta-level
learning as well as conditional knowledge about when with his idealized experiential learning model that
and where it is appropriate to use such strategies. includes concepts such as: his self identity as a learner,
More recently, Nelson (1996) and his colleagues have knowledge of whether he is spiraling through each
developed a model that emphasizes processes of stage of the learning cycle, the way his unique learning


Meta-level Learning RO
AC Model

Control RO


Object Level Learning RO

CE Experie


Metacognitive Experiential Learning. Fig. 1 Nelson’s metacognitive model modified to include the experiential
learning model
2236 M Metacognitive Judgments

style fits with how he is being taught, and the learning

demands of what he is learning. This comparison Metacognitive Learning
results in strategies for action that return him to the ▶ Metacognition and Learning
concrete learning situation through the control arrow.

Important Scientific Research and

Open Questions
Current research on metacognitive experiential learning Metacognitive Learning
seeks to answer a number of questions such as: How Strategies
does awareness of the various components of a person’s
metacognitive learning model such as their learning Methods or techniques intentionally used by learners
style, learning identity, and array of learning strategies that generally include planning, monitoring, and reg-
influence learning effectiveness? How does learning style ulating learning.
influence metacognitive activity, for example, are reflec-
tive learners better at monitoring their learning process?

▶ Experiential Learning Space Metacognitive Monitoring
▶ Experiential Learning Spiral
▶ Comprehension Monitoring
▶ Experiential Learning Theory
▶ Kolb’s Learning Styles
▶ Learning Identity
▶ Learning Style
▶ Metacognition and Learning Metacognitive Monitoring and
References Control
Flavell, J. H. (1979). Meta-cognition and cognitive monitoring. The ▶ Metacognition and Hypermedia Learning: How Do
American Psychologist, 34(10), 906–911.
They Relate?
James, W. (1890). The principles of psychology (Vol. 2). New York:
Henry Holt.
Kolb, D. (1984). Experiential learning: Experience as a source of learn-
ing and development. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall.
Kolb, A. Y., & Kolb, D. A. (2009). The learning way: Meta-cognitive
aspects of experiential learning. Simulation and Gaming: An Metacognitive Processes in
Interdisciplinary Journal, 40(3), 297–327. Change and Therapy
Nelson, T. O. (1996). Consciousness and meta-cognition. The Amer-
ican Psychologist, 51(2), 102–116.
Department of Psychology, Norwegian University of
Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway

Metacognitive Judgments
▶ Confidence Judgments in Learning Cognition about cognition; Hypercognition

Cognition is a Latin term, cognoscere, meaning “to
know.” It covers the process of thought and involves
Metacognitive Knowledge
various modes of knowing, such as perceiving, remem-
▶ Beliefs About Language Learning bering, imaging, conceiving, and judging.
Metacognitive Processes in Change and Therapy M 2237

Metacognition is defined as cognition about cogni- metacognitive models and treatment of psychological
tion, and refers to cognitive processes that are involved disorders (Wells 2000; Wells 2009).
in appraisal, monitoring, or control of cognition The concept of metacognition has at least three
(Flavell 1979). facets, which is crucial in understanding psychological
problems. First, metacognition comprises knowledge,
Theoretical Background which is beliefs about one’s own ability to control
J. Flavell used the term “metacognition” very early thoughts or memory. Metacognitive knowledge is
referring to modeling the children’s cognitive develop- the information the individual has about their own
ment (Flavell 1979). The concept of metacognition is cognition, such as what is the most useful to pay
used to model artificial intelligence, but also as a term attention to and how best to remember an important
in the study of neuropsychology and aging (Metcalf piece of information (learning strategies). Second,
and Shimamura 1994). In experimental psychology metacognitive strategies and regulation refers to the
and neuroscience the concept of metacognition has executive functions the person uses in the allocation
been used to study the distinction between monitoring of attention, monitoring information, planning, and
and control. Monitoring is referring to the appraisal detection of errors in one’s performance. Meta-
about one’s mental capacity and strength of one’s cognitive experience is a subjective experience of know-
memories (Nelson and Narens 1990). The other part ing something without being able to retrieve the
of the metacognition involves the active control over information from the brain. An example of
the thinking processes and the regulation of the mon- metacognitive experiences is the so-called tip of the
itoring and plans. Monitoring and control seem to be tongue phenomenon, a feeling of knowing experience,
based in the prefrontal cortex and thus seem to be which is often experienced as a mildly aversive state
acquired skills. Nelson and Narens have proposed that leading to the continuation of the retrieval efforts.
cognition can be divided into two inter-related levels, In the Metacognitive Therapy developed by A. Wells
the meta-level and the object level. The former is (2000, 2009), the distinction between meta-level and
defined as the cognition about cognition (monitoring object level is at the core of the understanding of
and controlling one’s thoughts) and the object level psychological disorder. The model proposes that the
refers to the general thoughts about objects (Wells patients suffering from psychological disorders are in
2000) (Fig. 1). predominantly an object mode of cognition and do not
The distinction between metacognition and cogni- have the resources, cognitive flexibility, or the knowl-
tion has been applied to understand the mind as edge to process information in the metacognitive
a dynamic self-regulatory executive functional system mode. Thus the thoughts and reality are mixed up in
and to inform the role of cognition in psychological a biased way and the person is vulnerable for adversities
disorders (Wells and Matthews 1994). More recently, and emotional problems. The aim of Metacognitive
metacognition has become a crucial element in Therapy is to help the person acquire metacognitive
processing skills, which involve: (1) a metacognitive
perspective and mode of processing, (2) attentional
capacity and biases, and (3) flexible control of thoughts
and information processing. Psychological disorders
are characterized by inflexible preservative processing
styles, such as worry or rumination and threat moni-
Monitoring Controlling toring strategies that sustains the emotional problems.
A healthy mental functioning is associated with flexible
shifting between modes when this is necessary. An
Object level
example is that when appraisal of danger is unrealistic
and threat does not exist, object mode cognitions are
Metacognitive Processes in Change and Therapy. Fig. 1 counter-productive for change. In contrast, if there is
Cognition: The flow of information between meta-level real threat to the person, the object mode processing of
and object level (From Nelson and Narens 1990) the threat is adaptive and has survival value.
2238 M Metacognitive Skills

To describe the metacognitive skills and aims in treatment is generalizable to a variety of disorders.
more detail: Becoming aware of the metacognitive Furthermore, the treatment has recently been tested
perspective involves that the patient is able to examine against wait-list controls, applied relaxation and cog-
his thoughts and beliefs in a detached way and treat nitive behavioral therapy in randomized controlled
them as interpretations and not as real depictions of trials (RCT) of various anxiety and depressive disor-
reality. Furthermore, attention seems to have an exec- ders. Here the MCT came out favorably, but there are
utive organization facility that directs the mind’s still too few RCTs that have been conducted with
attention to a new context by blocking out informa- MCT, so there is a need for more comparisons and
tion. Attentional bias is seen in all psychological dis- studies of long-term effects.
orders, and in emotional disorder it refers to the
selective attention on personally relevant threatening Cross-References
information. In psychological disorder the attention is ▶ Metacognition and Learning
mainly turned inward, on one’s thoughts and sensa- ▶ Metacognitive Experiential Learning
tions, and this strengthens the focus on self-referent ▶ Metatheories of Learning
information on the cost of paying attention to the
social surroundings. Thus, when attention is allocated References
outward this is associated with a healthy functioning. Flavell, J. H. (1979). Metacognition and metacognitive monitoring:
It is a major target in MCT to develop new plans and A new area of cognitive-developmental inquiry. The American
ability to allocate attention externally to the actual Psychologist, 34, 906–911.
Metcalf, J., & Shimamura, A. P. (1994). Metacognition. Cambridge,
situations and to the context of the individual, which
MA: MIT Press.
have adaptive value. Nelson, T. O., & Narens, L. (1990). Metamemory: A theoretical
Moreover, a crucial goal in MCT is to help the framework and some new findings. In G. Bower (Ed.), The
person acquire a flexible control of thoughts, which psychology of learning and motivation (pp. 125–173). New York:
implies that the person may become aware of the style Academic.
Wells, A. (2000). Emotional disorders and metacognition: Innovative
and content of one’s own thinking. For instance, in
cognitive therapy. Chichester: Wiley.
a metacognitive mode a person will be more aware of Wells, A. (2009). Metacognitive therapy for anxiety and depression.
his or her repetitive style of thinking, such as worries, New York: Guilford Press.
and recognize it as a pattern of thinking and learn to Wells, A., & Matthews, G. (1994). Attention and emotion: A clinical
detach from that instead of doing the reality testing of perspective. Hove: Lawrence Erlbaum.
the content of the worry (object level).

Important Scientific Research and

Open Questions
There are compelling evidence of support for the role
Metacognitive Skills
of worry, rumination, and an excessive tendency to ▶ Learning Strategies
focus on threat for emotional disorders (Wells 2009).
The perseverative styles of thinking, such as worry
and rumination seem to have negative consequences
for adaptive emotional self-regulation and mental
health. It is found that change in metacognition is Metacomprehension
associated with treatment outcome in anxiety disor-
der over and above cognition, implying that change ▶ Comprehension Monitoring
in the metacognition is more important for the out-
come. Also the effects of MCT have been shown in
many open trials, demonstrating reliable improve-
ment or recovery during treatment and follow-up. Metadata
The effects of MCT seem to be consistent across
a range of disorders, which indicate that the ▶ E-Learning Authoring Tools
Meta-learning M 2239

description of preconditions and post-conditions for

Metaknowledge each operator, and methodologies for constructing
▶ Abstraction in Mathematics Learning solutions using planning or adaptation of existing

Theoretical Background
The application of machine learning and other decision
Meta-learning support systems to classification and regression tasks
has become a common practice, not only in research
PAVEL B. BRAZDIL1, RICARDO VILALTA2, CARLOS SOARES1, but also in commerce and industry (e.g., credit rating
CHRISTOPHE GIRAUD-CARRIER3 and fraud detection in finance, medical diagnosis,
LIAAD-INESC Porto L.A., Faculdade de Economia, mine-rock discrimination, etc.). Many successful appli-
Universidade do Porto, Porto, Portugal cations are custom-designed, and the result of skillful
Department of Computer Science, University of use of human expertise, which makes it hard to repli-
Houston, Houston, TX, USA cate. Furthermore, there is an ever increasing number
Department of Computer Science, Brigham Young of available systems (machine learning and others)
University, Provo, UT, USA which are relatively complex. This problem is aggra-
vated by the fact that many algorithms require param-
eter settings. An additional factor is that the
Synonyms performance of the algorithms varies on different
Adaptive learning; Learning to learn; Planning to learn; tasks (problems) and even on a single task, the concept
Selection of learning methods; Self-adaptive systems; being modeled may change (e.g., as fraudsters adapt to
Workflow design monitoring strategies). Besides, many solutions repre-
sent really compositions of steps, such as bagged deci-
Definition sions trees. To maximize performance, systems should
In general, metalearning can be defined as the study of be able to adapt to different problem characteristics.
machine learning and related techniques to induce The difficulties presented above have led some
models of the behavior of decision support methods researchers to explore the area of metalearning, which
and exploit them to obtain more efficient solutions. provides a more principled approach in the search for
Here, we focus on a particular approach to the field solutions (Brazdil et al. 2009; Smith-Miles 2008).
of metalearning that is concerned with the relation Metalearning is associated either with a single
between problems or tasks and solutions. Assume subtask, or else, with a more complex problem that
a given task is decomposed into one or more subtasks, can involve more than one subtask. Due to the com-
each subtask is characterized by a given goal, data, and, plexity of the latter case, most work has focused on
possibly, background knowledge. In such case, solu- a single subtask. Each of the two situations is discussed
tions to some of the subtasks can involve the deploy- separately in detail below. As most of the work on
ment of learning algorithms and decision support metalearning addresses machine learning applications,
methods. Metalearning associated with one subtask we focus on this kind of task. Other applications are
involves meta-level information characterizing the cur- discussed later.
rent goal and the given data and exploits meta-level
information acquired in past experiments to recom- Metalearning Associated with
mend the best solution for this subtask. a Single Machine Learning Task
Metalearning associated with a more complex Structure of a System that Exploits Metadata and
problem may include extra information concerning Metalearning: A metalearning system is essentially
how tasks may be decomposed into subtasks, descrip- composed of two parts. One part is responsible for
tion of (partial) solutions of some subtasks and their the acquisition of metaknowledge concerning machine
measure of success in past problems, the ontology of learning tasks, data, and solutions. The other part is
machine learning and decision support operations, concerned with the application of metaknowledge to
2240 M Meta-learning

new problems with the objective of identifying an opti- Characterization of Datasets: A metalearning
mal machine learning algorithm or technique. The approach to solving this problem relies on dataset
latter part – application of metaknowledge – can be characteristics or metafeatures to provide some infor-
used to help to select or adapt suitable machine learn- mation that would differentiate the performance of
ing algorithms. So, for instance, if we are dealing with a a set of given learning algorithms. These include vari-
classification task, metaknowledge can be used to select ous types of measures discussed in detail below.
a suitable classifier for the new problem. Once this has Much previous work in dataset characterization has
been done, one can train the classifier and apply it to an concentrated on extracting statistical and information-
unclassified sample for the purpose of class prediction. theoretic parameters estimated from the training set.
Experimentation and acquisition of metadata: One Measures include number of classes, number of fea-
common way nowadays of acquiring metadata relies on tures, ratio of examples to features, degree of correla-
experimentation, which can be either controlled by tion between features and target concept, average class
a human or carried out automatically. The latter alter- entropy, etc. The disadvantage of this approach is that
native is nearly always preferred. It gives origin to the there is a limit to how much information these features
so-called experiment databases that can be explored by can capture, given that all these measures are uni- or
the whole research community. bilateral measures only (i.e., they capture relationships
To carry out automatic experimentation, we need between two attributes only or one attribute and the
a pool of problems (datasets) and a set of candidate class).
machine learning algorithms to be considered. Then, Another idea is based on what are called
we need to define also the experimental method which landmarkers which are simple and fast learners. The
determines which alternatives should be considered accuracy of these simplified algorithms is used to char-
and in which order. acterize a dataset and to identify areas where each type
Suppose that at some stage we select a dataset char- of learner can be regarded as an expert. An important
acterized using certain metafeatures, in combination class of measures related to landmarkers uses informa-
with certain machine learning algorithms. The combi- tion obtained on simplified versions of the data (e.g.,
nation is assessed using an evaluation method (e.g., samples). Accuracy results on these samples serve to
cross-validation) to produce performance results. The characterize individual datasets and are referred to as
results, together with the characterization, represent subsampling landmarks.
a piece of metadata that is stored in the metadata Designing metafeatures involves a trade-off
base. The process is then repeated for other combina- between information content and computational cost.
tions of datasets and algorithms. Typically, the more informative the measure is, the
Various experimentation methods can be used in more computational cost it requires. One particular
the process. On one end of the spectrum are exhaustive class of techniques does not acquire the information
methods that consider all possible alternatives. On the in one step, but rather uses a kind of active learning
other end of the spectrum are methods that do not approach. Some researchers (Leite and Brazdil 2010)
carry out all possible experiments, but rather try to have exploited this notion when characterizing the
determine which experiments are expected to contrib- performance of algorithms using samples (i.e.,
ute with more information to the metalearning process subsampling landmarks). The process of obtaining
and, thus, should be carried out first. This is related to a characterization is divided into several steps. In each
various other areas, including experiment design, step, a decision is first made as to whether the charac-
active learning/testing on meta-level, and model- terization process should be continued. If the answer is
driven approach to conducting (further) experiments. positive, the system determines which characteristics
Besides, one can generate problems (i.e., metadata) should be obtained in the next step. It was shown that
that may help to understand better the areas of the this approach can lead to savings of time, when trying
metafeature space which are not well known. For to identify the suitable classification algorithm for
instance, one might be interested in understanding a given dataset.
the behavior of a given algorithm on classification As experiments are expensive to perform and each
tasks that have a varying amount of noise. meta-example requires a number of experiments to be
Meta-learning M 2241

performed, active learning has the potential of signifi- general, this can be done more than once, and it can be
cantly lowering the cost of metalearning. Prudêncio done with the help of meta-level information. If the
and Ludermir (2009) have exploited the notion of number of alternatives selected by the metalearning
classification uncertainty to identify the meta- model is relatively small, the system can simply evaluate
examples that are most informative. The results suggest all the alternatives (e.g., with recourse to cross-valida-
that this active learning approach offers some gains tion) in order to select a single best algorithm. We note
over random selection of meta-examples as the error that metaknowledge does not completely eliminate the
rate decreases faster. need for further search, but rather provides a way to
Representation of metadata and metaknowledge: In conduct it effectively. The search effectiveness depends
general, metadata and metaknowledge can be stored on the quality of the metaknowledge.
either in raw form, in a database, or generalized with Role of Metalearning in the Search for Inductive
the help of a metalearner. If the first alternative is used, Hypotheses: Metalearning is often seen as a way of
the generalization of metadata is done in the applica- redefining the space of inductive hypotheses searched
tion phase. This alternative involves the so-called lazy in machine learning and data mining. This issue is
learning method at the meta-level, such as k-NN. related to the idea of search bias, that is, search factors
The other group involves learning algorithms that affect the definition or selection of inductive
whose aim is to generate a generalization model, such hypotheses (Mitchell 1997). In this sense, metalearning
as a decision tree or decision rules. This generalization studies how to choose the right bias dynamically, and
model represents in effect acquired metaknowledge. thus differs from base-level learning, where the bias is
In the early days, the metalearning model, com- fixed or user-parameterized. Metalearning can also be
posed usually of decision rules, was normally produced viewed as an important feature of self-adaptive sys-
manually by the expert researcher. It summarized his tems, that is, learning systems that increase in efficiency
knowledge of various machine learning algorithms. As through experience (Vilalta and Drissi 2002).
the number of machine learning algorithms has grown, Employing Metalearning for Algorithm Selection on
this approach is in general no longer practical. Different Types of Tasks: While most approaches to
Employing Metaknowledge to Select a Subset of metalearning have dealt with the task of selecting
Machine Learning Algorithms: Metaknowledge is typi- machine learning algorithms and, in particular, classi-
cally used to select a subset of machine learning algo- fication tasks, plenty of work has been done showing
rithms. Selection of machine learning algorithms can be how metalearning can be applied to different types of
seen as a search problem. The search space includes the tasks (Smith-Miles 2008). These include other machine
individual machine learning algorithms, and the aim is learning tasks (regression and time series forecasting)
to identify either (1) the single best algorithm, or (2) the as well as tasks in other research areas (sorting, con-
best algorithm and all algorithms considered equivalent straint satisfaction, and optimization). The interest for
to it, or (3) ranked list of algorithms. The last option algorithm selection using metalearning approaches is
involves ordering of different algorithms according to gaining particular attention in the optimization field. It
some performance measure (e.g., accuracy, precision, has been used to address SAT, TSP (Travelling Salesman
recall, AUC, etc.). Furthermore, it is possible to combine Problem), and scheduling problems. One example of
(2) and (3) and return a ranked subset of algorithms. such an approach is SATzilla.
The search method used in this process can exploit Transfer of Knowledge among Domains: Inductive
metaknowledge. This is in general advantageous as it transfer or transfer learning refers to the ability of
often leads to better solutions. Meta-level information a learning mechanism to improve performance on the
involves characterization of the current learning goal current task (i.e., on the target task) after having
(e.g., learn to classify examples and the data). The learned a different but related concept or skill on
process exploits meta-level information acquired in a previous task (i.e., on the source task). Transfer may
past experiments to recommend the best solution for additionally occur between two or more learning tasks
this subtask. that take place concurrently. Recent years have seen an
If the system returns a (ranked) subset of algo- explosion of research tackling the transfer-learning
rithms, then the selection process can be repeated. In problem from different perspectives. As an illustration,
2242 M Meta-learning

a selective mechanism can decide which instances of ● Methodologies for constructing solutions using
the source task can be used for training on the target planning
task; a similar idea is applicable at the feature level, ● Methodologies used for adaptation of existing plans
selecting only those features that are most relevant for
Various recent data-mining systems include various
the target task. Other approaches consist of transferring
aspects (but typically not all) mentioned above. Many
parameter values from one learning mechanism to
systems have been proposed, some already about
another or using the parameters as seed values to opti-
a decade ago – Data Mining Advisor (DMA),
mize the search for optimal parameters on the target
MiningMart, and CITRUS. The more recent systems
task. Finally, there have been attempts to transfer
include IDA, Hybrid Data Mining Assistant (HDMA),
domain knowledge from one task to another, mostly
and NExT, among many others. The issues that concern
in the form of relational knowledge.
the designing of data-mining systems capable of resolv-
ing complex problems are the object of study in various
Metalearning Associated with specialized workshops (e.g., Planning to learn etc.).
Complex Tasks
More complex problems typically include various sub- Important Scientific Research and
tasks. The overall solution thus needs to include Open Questions
a solution to each individual subtask. The overall solu- When using metalearning for a single subtask, the most
tion includes partially ordered sequences of processing important issues are:
steps, which are usually referred to as workflows. The
objective can be formulated as workflow design. This ● Designing suitable metafeatures with acceptable
can be done either manually or automatically. computational cost
Manual workflow design is usually done with the ● Gathering a sufficient amount of metadata also
help of visualization techniques. Many data-mining with an acceptable computational cost
systems, such as SPSS Clementine, Weka, RapidMiner, ● Strategies for characterizing machine learning and
or KNIME (among others), include the possibility of decision support algorithms on demand
composing workflows by dragging in icons Besides, one important problem that needs to be
representing individual operations. Automatic addressed is how to decompose a (learning) goal into
approaches can use planners to compose workflows. subgoals and selecting suitable (learning) operators for
Various techniques are used to make this process feasi- each subgoal, while exploiting meta-level information
ble and/or faster. The process can be facilitated by (as outlined in the previous section) to carry this out as
exploiting meta-level information. efficiently as possible is one of the most important
Meta-level information: As the process of elaborat- research issues in machine learning, data mining, and
ing solutions to complex tasks becomes inherently adaptive computing in general.
more complex, we can include different types of infor-
mation that can facilitate this process, including: Cross-References
● Information concerning how tasks may be ▶ Adaptive Learning Systems
decomposed into subtasks (e.g., the task is ▶ Learning Algorithms
decomposed into a preprocessing step, followed ▶ Multistrategy Learning
by, say, a classification task, as in KDD) ▶ Subgoal Learning
● Description of (partial) solutions of some subtasks ▶ Transfer of Learning
and their measure of success in past problems (e.g.,
solutions that involve bagged decision trees worked References
well in specific circumstances) Brazdil, P., Giraud-Carrier, C., Soares, C., & Vilalta, R. (2009).
Metalearning – applications to data mining. Berlin: Springer.
● The ontology of machine learning operations that
Leite, R., & Brazdil P. (2010). Active testing strategy to predict the best
can be used for each particular subtask and descrip- classification algorithm via sampling and metalearning. In Pro-
tion of preconditions and post-conditions for each ceedings of 19th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence
learning operator (e.g. classification) (ECAI-2010), Lisbon, Portugal, Amsterdam: IOS Press.
Metapatterns for Research into Complex Systems of Learning M 2243

Mitchell, T. (1997). Machine learning. New York: McGraw Hill. focus of this article. However, such an approach is
Pan, S. J., & Yang, Q. (2009). A survey on transfer learning. IEEE applicable to a wide range of other phenomena, such
Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 22(10), 1345–
as teaching, classroom communities, schooling, policy,
Prudêncio, R. B. C., & Ludermir, T. B. (2009) Active generation of and institutional dynamics. Metapatterns are ubiqui-
training examples in meta-regression. In Proceedings of the Nine- tous functional patterns or principles that are widely
teenth International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, evident throughout the scope of biological evolution,
Limassol. Lecture notes in computer science, vol. 5768, Springer, as well as throughout culture, technology, and cogni-
pp. 30–39.
tion. From a complexity sciences point of view,
Smith-Miles, K. A. (2008). Cross-Disciplinary perpectives on meta-
learning for algorithm selection. ACM Computing Surveys, metapatterns are the embedded and emergent patterns
41(1), 25. in the natural world. The extension into culture and
Vilalta, R., & Drissi, Y. (2002). A perspective view and survey of technology is a result of this natural, biological origin
metalearning. Artificial Intelligence Review, 18(2), 77–95. or convergence.
The core list of metapatterns and some of their key
functions and qualities include: (1) spheres – contain-
ment, strength, equanimity; (2) tubes – linear transport
or flow, linear strength, connection; (3) sheets – cap-
Metamemory for Text ture, two-dimensional movement, maximized surface
▶ Comprehension Monitoring area; (4) layers – organization, stability; (5) borders and
pores – separation, barrier, regulation of exchange or
flow; (6) centers – organizational stability, attraction,
control; (7) binaries – simplest level of complex rela-
tionships, pairings; (8) arrows – flow, movement,
Metapatterns for Research into growth, sequences, directional relationships, or con-
Complex Systems of Learning nections; (9) breaks – change, transformation, diver-
gence, branching; (10) calendars and time – a binary of
JEFFREY W. BLOOM1, TYLER VOLK2 movement and memory, stages, as arrow or cycle, pro-
Department of Teaching and Learning, College of gression; and (11) cycles – repetitions, maintaining
Education, Northern Arizona University, systems, feedback looping, circulations (Volk 1995;
Flagstaff, AZ, USA Volk and Bloom 2007).
Department of Biology, New York University, In addition to these 11 patterns, other possibilities
New York, NY, USA exist and have been identified by other scholars. How-
ever, the central characteristics in determining whether
a particular pattern or principle can be utilized as a
Synonyms “meta”-pattern are that the pattern appears in multiple
Abduction; Patterns; Systems thinking contexts or disciplines and it has a set of core functional
properties that are useful across scales. Metapatterns, as
Definition relatively scale-free principles, concepts, or patterns,
The word metapattern was coined by Gregory Bateson can be used to see and explore connections across
(1979/2002, p. 10). According to Bateson a metapattern diverse contexts.
is a pattern of patterns, a vast generalization, and The functional qualities, meanings, and metaphor-
a pattern which connects. In this case, meta- refers to ical aspects of these patterns are of central importance
the sense of overarching or transcendent. in their use in research and learning. For instance,
A metapattern is then an overarching or transcendent binaries are the simplest form of complex relationships.
pattern. The joining or clustering of two or more “things”
generates a new whole that is greater than the parts
Theoretical Background and, at the same time, produces a whole with signifi-
The use of “metapatterns” as tools for research into cant new properties. Binaries are associated with unity
learning, discourse, and cognition is the primary or separation, duality, tension, and complementarity.
2244 M Metapatterns for Research into Complex Systems of Learning

For instance, two senses organs, such as eyes or ears, Any ongoing phenomena or system must have one or
provide a significant new functionality as opposed to more cycles occurring to maintain the system. In an
having only one sense organ. Two eyes provide for argument, these cycles involve student talk as well as
depth perception and a greater field of vision that is student cognition as they continue to develop their
not available with one eye. On the other hand, multiple particular conceptual stance. The triggering (another
lenses in the two eyes of a housefly provide the housefly possible metapattern) of the argument probably occurs
with a greater field of vision (with two eyes) and a vastly as a conflicting binary-based center, which consists of
increased sensitivity to movement (with multiple some sort of conflicting problem or point of view.
lenses). Figure 1 shows an example of a metapatterns-based
There are three fundamental uses of metapatterns model of a student argument.
(Bloom and Volk 2007). The first use focuses on the The third use involves using metapatterns as design
subject matter of the metapatterns themselves, as well and modeling tools, with a focus on representing con-
as related scale-transcending principles. Since cepts as imagery. In addition to the conceptual (func-
metapatterns appear across multiple contexts and sub- tion and meaning) characteristics, these patterns also
ject matter disciplines, they can provide a greater sense lend themselves to visual representation. As
of relevance, meaning, and interconnectedness of a consequence, explanatory and representational
knowledge. Returning to the example of binaries, models can be created. In Fig. 1, as noted, metapatterns
such functional patterns appear in the arts (e.g., syn- can be used to analyze a particular phenomenon. How-
ergy of light and shadow), science (e.g., DNA base ever, they can be used as design tools, such as in the
pairs, symmetry, positive and negative ions), social design of a classroom community that accounts for
sciences (conflict, double binds), mathematics both the physical and social dimensions of such
(e.g., numerical systems, positive–negative), literature a community. The physical layout can be conceived as
(e.g., protagonist vs antagonist), and culture (e.g., a metaphoric sphere (containment of the community),
gods–devils, four directions and their qualities in even though it is box shaped, with various centers
aboriginal cultures). In each case, the binaries (or larger (attractors for various activities), clustering (another
number systems) create a greater whole with significant potential metapattern) of seating to optimize relation-
new properties or meanings. The development of ships (binaries and greater), flow pathways (arrows) for
understandings of such fundamental patterns provides moving between different activities, and so forth. The
for the ability to transfer knowledge across disciplines. social dimension may be conceived of as a holarchy
Even though the specific details of each pattern may (concentric spheres) of layers of participation, where
differ across contexts, the core meaning or functional- the teacher is mentor and primarily occupies the center
ity is still present. layer. Students move toward the center as they develop
The second use involves using metapatterns as ana- as participants in the learning, inquiry, and/or knowl-
lytical tools for investigating phenomena with the aim edge producing community.
of providing new insights into the structure and Thus far the discussion of metapatterns has focused
dynamics of the phenonmena. Since metapatterns on their use as tools for the study of basic principles of
commonly appear throughout and across contexts form and function, for analysis of complex phenom-
(from the natural world to technology to culture and ena, and for design. Many of these uses are suitable for
to mind), they can be used to identify various patterns students in communities of learning, discourse, and
and their interconnections and interactions. For exam- engagement. The key point involves a promotion of
ple, a video recording of an intense student argument pattern thinking (Bloom and Volk 2007; Coward 1990).
along with a transcript and other observational data The viewpoint of pattern thinking includes: (1) the
can be analyzed using metapatterns, in the following embedded and emergent patterns in phenomena;
way: Arrows can represent the thematic and conceptual (2) the functions and meanings of patterns; (3) the
development, while binaries can be used to represent similarities and differences among patterns across
conflicting points of view. As the conceptual themes scales; (4) the adaptive value of patterns in evolution-
develop, they can branch off or break into subthemes. ary systems, from biology to culture; (5) the roles of
Metapatterns for Research into Complex Systems of Learning M 2245

Sub-Theme Theme 1 Theme 2 Sub-Theme 2.3


Sub-Theme 1.3 Sub-Theme 2.2

Sub-Theme 2.1

Sub-Theme 1.2 Thematic

Sub-Theme 1.1

conflicting binary
Metapatterns for Research into Complex Systems of Learning. Fig. 1 Example metapatterns-based model of a student

parts as individual and interacting components within bridges to related patterns across other contexts and
the complex wholes of systems; and, ultimately, (6) the different scales. In this abductive dimension, the pat-
structure of knowledge and methods of obtaining terns involved in bridging will usually have different
knowledge across contexts (or subject matter contexts, such as learning and thinking in schools, in
disciplines). the trades, in corporate settings, across cultures, and so
Based on these characteristics of pattern thinking forth. At the same time, this expanding of extent by the
and a metapatterns viewpoint, a research model for abductive use of metapatterns can be applied to testing
complex systems of learning is comprised of three the “fit” of a new knowledge claim across levels, such as
basic components: (1) depth, (2) abstraction, and how and what we find with one student fits other
(3) extent or abduction (Bloom and Volk 2007). The students in the class all the way up to people in general.
fundamental approach in utilizing this model is one of This model of depth, abstraction, and extent
recursion (Fig. 2). One may begin by inquiring “down- (or abduction) can use metapatterns or any other
ward” into depth, while examining the meanings and pattern-concept that from practice can be applied
relationships among parts of systems and various pat- across contexts. The benefits of this model include the
terns in learning, thinking, discourse, and learning potential for increasing rigor in qualitative research. In
communities. As we engage in this process, we begin particular, the abductive use of metapatterns provides
to formulate explanatory principles, generalizations, a means for determining the limits for claims about
and models “upward” through what is called abstrac- various patterns of phenomena, while also providing
tion in this model. Finally, at the same time, we can justifications for such claims. Such a process also pro-
explore “horizontally” in an abductive manner to build vides for a means to formalize scalable explanations,
2246 M Metapatterns for Research into Complex Systems of Learning


Principles Models


Testing “Fit”



Transcontextual - Transdisciplinary

Inquiring into depth

Relations Meanings


Metapatterns for Research into Complex Systems of Learning. Fig. 2 A model of complex learning and pattern

where the complete explanation in all detail is applica- ▶ Constructivist Learning

ble to the phenomenon originally investigated, but ▶ Critical Thinking and Learning
where degrees of abstraction fit across different scales ▶ Cross-Disciplinary Learning
or contexts. ▶ Cybernetic Principles of Learning
This model also can be used as a model for learning. ▶ Deuterolearning
As applied to classroom instruction, children can ▶ Ecology of Learning
inquire into depth, formulate abstract explanatory ▶ Inquiry Learning
principles, and develop transcontextual and transdisci- ▶ System Dynamics and Model-Based Learning
plinary understandings of fundamental patterns and ▶ Transfer of Learning
concepts through abductive processes. ▶ Transformational Learning

Important Scientific Research and References

Open Questions Bateson, G. (1979/2002). Mind and nature: A necessary unity.
● To what extent can this model be utilized across Cresskill: Hampton.
paradigms of research? Bloom, J. W., & Volk, T. (2007). The use of metapatterns for research
● How can degrees of rigor be developed for the into complex systems of teaching, learning, and schooling. Part
application of this model? II: Applications. Complicity: An International Journal of Com-
plexity and Education, 4(1), 45–68. http://ejournals.library.
● Do researchers find this model more useful and
fruitful than some others for the investigation of Coward, L. A. (1990). Pattern thinking. New York: Praeger.
various phenomena, and if so, which others? Volk, T. (1995). Metapatterns, across space, time, and mind. New York:
Columbia University Press.
Cross-References Volk, T., & Bloom, J. W. (2007). The use of metapatterns for research
into complex systems of teaching, learning, and schooling. Part I:
▶ Abductive Learning
Metapatterns in nature and culture. Complicity: An International
▶ Abductive Reasoning
Journal of Complexity and Education, 4(1), 25–43. http://
▶ Abstraction in Mathematics Learning
▶ Complex Learning 8761/7081.
Metaphor Therapy M 2247

experience and attitude toward the problem is changed

Metaphor too and he or she becomes capable of considering new
▶ Intention Pumps and Augmentation of Learning ways of coping.
▶ Stories in Psychotherapy
Theoretical Background
Language is a central issue in human learning. Through
the stages of development children learn words and
concepts to name objects, phenomena, and experi-
Metaphor Modeling ences. Influenced by their culture, children learn to
indicate their experiences symbolically and creatively
▶ Metaphor Therapy through metaphors. In his seminal book Interpretation
of Dreams, Sigmund Freud explained how our inner
unconscious mind is brought to the dream content
through metaphors and symbols. For him interpreting
the dream helps us reveal the unconscious and under-
Metaphor Therapy stand the repressed drives and wishes of the patient.
Alfred Adler added that the dream work is an attempt
MARWAN A. DWAIRY to process and solve an unconscious problem in
Oranim Academic College, and Emek Yezreel a metaphoric and symbolic language. The use of met-
Academic College, Nazerat Ellit, Israel aphors in our daily life is similar to the dream because it
communicates our inner world to consciousness or to
others. It is a sort of dream state while enabling com-
Synonyms munication with the therapist.
Metaphor modeling; Myth; Symbolic therapy; Imagery
Burns (2001, 2005) considered metaphors as a form
therapy of language, a means of communication that is expres-
sive, creative, perhaps challenging, and powerful. As
Definition therapy is a language-based process of healing, heavily
Metaphor is a phrase of speech or image or something reliant on the effectiveness of communication between
that stands for something else. It has two meanings: client and therapist, metaphors may best bring the
a concrete direct one and a latent symbolic meaning client’s inner world to communication and facilitate
that represents something else. Metaphor can be verbal, the process of change. For Burns, metaphor therapy is
such as biblical parables, myths, legends, and fairy tales, interactive, attracts attention, nurtures imagination,
or nonverbal such as art work, music, or object. It is bypasses resistance, and encourages search process,
short and vivid but the latent meaning is rich and considering outcomes, decision making, and problem
polymorphic. For instance, the metaphor “he doesn’t solving.
bend” in tough situations may mean: he is stubborn, Kopp (1995) considered the individual metaphors
rigid, a fighter, responsible, proud, or assertive. to be analogous to cultural myths where the second are
The term “metaphor” comes from the Greek and the narrations by which a society is unified while the
means “transfer” or “to bring beyond.” It meant to personal myths are the guiding fictions that unify an
express something that is “beyond” an immediate con- individual’s personality. In both cases it is a subjective
crete or logical understanding and produces new open- way to construct reality.
ings on the imaginative and emotional dimension in The way metaphors are used in therapy varies.
the person’s inner world. Metaphor that is used by the Working with dreams as metaphors, Freud allowed
client indicates how he or she communicates with, and himself to interpret the symbols and metaphors and
represents his or her inner state. Metaphor therapy is even imposed his interpretation on the client’s
an intervention that helps the client to alter the meta- consciousness.
phor in order to alter his or her psychological state and Unlike Freud and Jung who were interested in
behavior. Once the metaphor is changed the client’s interpreting the dream, most metaphor therapists
2248 M Metaphor Therapy

focus on mobilizing the metaphoric process toward a own internal images and then describes the inner met-
metaphoric solution. Milton Erickson was interested in aphoric image to the client. The therapist might say,
offering a healing process through metaphors. In his “When you were talking about . . . just now, I got an
work he offered suggestions and brought up metaphors image of. . .].” Such phrasing is permissive, leaving the
and complex stories to create ambiguity and indirec- client free to reject the image and to replace it with one
tion to help the client develop his or her own unique of the client’s own.
response (Erickson and Rossi 1979). When a metaphor David Grove emphasized that this process should
was mentioned by the client, he worked within the come from the client while the therapist communicates
metaphor by parables, interpersonal action, and direc- with the client in the client’s language in order to help
tives to bring about change. Sometimes he allowed him or her in watching the metaphor develop of its own
himself to be authoritarian and described his attitude accord to the point where the problem resolves. In
in a metaphoric language: “There are times when the Grove’s work the whole of the client’s inner world is
patient comes to you because he wants you to take explored, including the position of the symbols in
responsibility, and there are times when you should relation to the client. Sounds, signals, and the body
take on such a responsibility, so you need to be aware language of the client are taken into account. After
of authoritarian techniques and be willing to use them. the metaphor is clear and vivid, the therapist asks
. . . There are some patients who cannot understand “What would you like to have happen?”, shifting the
unless you take a figurative baseball bat and hit them focus toward a positive outcome (Grove and Panzer
over the head with it, and in this case you ought to do 1989).
it. But I think you have the privilege of whether the bat Grove insisted in using a Clean Language that is
shall be of soft wood or of hard wood.” (Haley 1993, based solely on the client metaphor avoiding any con-
p. 16). In one of the Ericksonian metaphor interventions tamination with the therapist’s associations and inner
with a client who suffered from depression since his world. When a client says “I feel stuck in my life” the
father’s death, the client described his depression as “a therapist will not ask “how you will find your way out”
heavy stone-like on his chest”; Jeffrey Zeige suggested to because this question suggests finding a way out. In
him “that he could take something from his yard, per- clean language the therapist may ask in a neutral tone
haps a stone, to the cemetery with him. He could hold of voice “And that ‘stuck’ is ‘stuck’ like what?” The idea is
the stone against his chest and then place it on the grave to not contaminate the client’s metaphors with the
site” (pp. 163–164). This metaphoric solution came out therapist’s preconceived ideas or suggestions. The ther-
of Zeige’s understanding of the client’s metaphor. apist tries to get the client to develop and expand on
Still other models of metaphor therapies avoid their statements without influencing the client’s mental
active suggestions, rather they facilitate processing the processing in any way. In order to encourage the client
metaphor to find a solution. Kopp suggested listening to communicate through metaphors Grove asks the
to the client language to identify metaphors embedded client to give shape and color to the problem.
in his or her language. Once a metaphor is expressed to Metaphors were used for several functions and pur-
describe the problem, Kopp suggested three steps of poses. In their review of the literature Lyddon et al.
metaphor therapy. In the first step, the client is asked to (2001) found that metaphors were used in (a) building
visualize and describe the metaphor and how it feels. relationships with clients, (b) accessing and symboliz-
Then he or she is encouraged to be creative and ing client emotions, (c) uncovering and challenging
describe the change (solution) he or she wishes to underlying client assumptions, (d) working with client
occur in the metaphor. In the last stage, the client is resistance, and (e) introducing new frames of reference.
encouraged to learn from the metaphoric changes In addition to employing metaphors in psychoso-
some practical and applicable actions in his or her life. cial problems, it is important to know that it was
In addition to responding to client-generated met- employed in medical problems too. Bresler (1984) for
aphors, Kopp may encourage the therapist to introduce instance, employed metaphors in a technique that he
his or her own metaphors, a process that called “mind-controlled analgesia” to alleviate pain. In
Kopp described as “listening with the third eye.” this technique, the patient is asked to draw three pic-
The therapist, in this process, attends to his or her tures: one that symbolizes pain at its worst, a second
Metaphor Therapy M 2249

that symbolizes pain at its best, and a third that sym- Dwairy (1997) has proposed a biopsychosocial
bolizes an intensely pleasurable experience. After model that explains how metaphors influence the
inducing a state of relaxation, the patient is asked to mind, body, and social life. This model assumes two-
vividly experience the first picture (the pain at its way relationships between dreams, imaginations, and
worst), then this experience is transformed into the metaphors on the one hand and the psychological,
second picture (that symbolized the pain at its best) biological, and social experiences on the other, indicat-
and finally, the patient is encouraged to experience the ing that metaphoric solutions are not imaginative ones,
pleasurable image. Patients are given prerecorded cas- rather they are very real and influential solutions. Based
sette tapes containing directives to practice several on the ideas of Freud, Rogers, and cognitive therapists,
times a day. Simonton et al. (1978) used imagery to this model assumes two-way relationship between met-
control the immune system activity. They trained can- aphors on the one hand and the psychological con-
cer patients to draw and imagine their white blood cells scious and unconscious experiences on the other. The
activated against the cancer cells. They reported that language that communicates between the two realms is
this imaginative activity alleviated the development of symbols. The second two-way relationship is based on
the disease. Today imagery techniques are widely used neuro-endocrine sciences that explain how neurotrans-
in a variety of medical problems. mitters, hormones, and peptides communicate
between images and body. The third relationship is
Important Scientific Research and between metaphors and the social and cultural experi-
Open Questions ences. This relationship is built upon myths, proverbs,
Metaphors have been used by Sigmund Freud, Carl and cultural idioms (Fig. 1). Based on this model once
Jung, Milton Erickson, Carl Rogers, and many others. the client reaches a metaphoric solution for his prob-
It was used in a variety of interventions: family ther- lem, these new images generate new real psychological,
apy, Jungian therapy, NLP, hypnosis, counseling, psy- physiological, and social changes. Dwairy (2003) was
chotherapy, coaching, and supervision. How does it pioneer in using the client’s physical environment as
work? Bateson (1979) thought that metaphors, rather metaphors in order to promote change. For him,
than logic, are the main characteristic of the mental objects in the clients’ physical environment are not
health organization and represent the logic upon inanimate, rather they carry personal meanings, mem-
which the biological world was built. Ricoeur (1986) ories, and emotions. Once the client addresses in ther-
stipulated that metaphors work as an intermediary apy significant objects from his home, he or she
process or bridge between the logic language of the addresses significant personal experience or memory.
rational thinking and the analogical language of the Changes in the position of the object, such as retrieving
emotions, imagination, and affections, which allow an it from the drawer and placing it in the sitting room,
access to emotions and feelings in the therapeutic may be associated with changes in the personal and
relationship. For Campbell (1988) it allows new psychological client’s life.
knowledge and ideas to be conveyed using frames of One of the major differences in the application of
reference that are familiar to the learner; thus, meta- metaphor therapy is related to the therapist’s role in the
phors give familiarity to the unfamiliar, and making metaphor generation and processing. Milton Erickson,
new information seems less overwhelming and more for instance, suggested and sometimes imposed the
easily understood. metaphor in the client’s mind. On the other hand,
Psychoanalysts believe that metaphors reach the Grove, for instance, insisted on using a clean language
affective unconscious field avoiding the defense mech- that prevents contamination of the client’s own expe-
anisms and elude the resistance. All this happens with- rience by the therapist’s own assumptions and biases.
out making the unconscious explicit but still opens Based on the idea that metaphor therapy influences
spaces for a more free and creative translation by the the mind and the body without revealing the uncon-
client. Kopp (1998) made an analogy between meta- scious content, it is recommended with clients who
phors and Adlerian early recollection. He indicated two possess collective values. This is because therapy that
similarities between the two: both are images from reveals unconscious content that is typically forbidden
childhood and both are not literally true. among such clients, in fact, generates a tough
2250 M Metaphor Therapy

Metaphor level

Symbols Hormones Myths
Peptides Proverbs


Psy Soc

Metaphor Therapy. Fig. 1 Dwairy’s biopsychosocial model of metaphor therapy

confrontation between the client and his or her family for such effect, but only anecdotes that support this
or tribe (Dwairy 2006). Therefore, metaphor therapy assertion. Based on the research found, metaphor ther-
influences the deep unconscious domain without evok- apy typically is effective when it is applied within
ing such confrontation. a wider psychotherapeutic approach.
Metaphor therapy is embedded in many therapies Milioni (2007) conducted a qualitative research
such as psychoanalysis, art therapy, play therapy, based on interviews with therapists and clients and
biblio-therapy, music therapy, and many others. As found that metaphors may serve the power relationship
the clinical work and publication on metaphor therapy between the therapist and the client. It is used as
is huge, the empirical research on metaphor therapy a silencing device in the hands of therapists and to
is rare. resist the client’s worldview and impose another that
Much research has shown that metaphor therapy is favored by the therapist. Such use results in alienating
can be influential in conjunction with other therapies. the client since the meaning of the metaphor is not
For instance, Naziry et al. showed that cognitive ther- arrived collaboratively or after checking out the mean-
apy integrated with metaphor therapy is more influen- ing with the client. In her conclusion Milioni argues
tial on depressive patients than cognitive therapy that is that it is not metaphor as a technique that is problem-
solely rational. These results are consistent with previ- atic in itself, rather it is the instrumentalist view of
ous research that showed that usage of metaphor in metaphor that makes it oppressive and controlling.
psychotherapy improves the efficacy of treatment (i.e., A comparative research is needed to study the
Angus and Rennie 1988; Angus and Korman 2002; impact of such therapies with different people who
Levitt et al. 2000; Martin et al. 1992; Mcmullen 1989; have different problems. Still another question needs
Mcmullen 1996; McMullen and Conway 1996). to be studied: How metaphor therapy may work with
Guiffrida et al. (2007) reviewed the empirical clients from cultures whose language is a metaphoric
research made on the effectiveness of the use of meta- one, such as the Arabic language, as compared to cul-
phors in supervision and found no proofed validation tures whose language is more direct.
Metatheories of Learning M 2251

Cross-References McMullen, L. M. (1989). Methods for studying the use of novel

▶ Analogy Therapy figurative language in psychotherapy. Psychotherapy, 22,
▶ Experiential/Significant Learning McMullen, L. M. (1996). Studying the use of figurative language in
▶ Metacognitive Processes in Change and Therapy successful and unsuccessful case of psychotherapy: Three com-
▶ Psychoanalytic Theory of Learning parisons. Metaphor and Symbolic Activity, 4, 203–225.
▶ Stories in Psychotherapy McMullen, L. M., & Conway, J. B. (1996). Dominance and nurturance
in the figurative expressions of psychotherapy clients. Psycho-
therapy Research, 4, 43–57.
References Milioni, D. (2007). Oh, Jo! You can’t see that real life is not like riding
Angus, L., & Korman, Y. (2002). Conflict, coherence, and change in a horse!’: Clients’ constructions of power and metaphor in ther-
brief psychotherapy: A metaphor theme analysis. In S. R. Fusel apy. Radical Psychology, 6(1).
(Ed.), The verbal communication of emotions (pp. 151–165). Naziry, G. H., Ghassemzadeh, D. H., Katefvahid, M., & Bayanzadeh,
London: Lawerence Erlbaum.
D. S. A. (2010). The application and efficacy of metaphors in the
Angus, L. E., & Rennie, D. L. (1988). Therapist participation in process of cognitive-behavioral therapy for depressive patients.
metaphor generation: Collaborative and noncollaborative styles. Accessed 3 Mar 2010.
Psychotherapy, 25, 552–560.
Ricoeur, P. (1986). La metafora viva. Milano: Yaka Book.
Bateson, G. (1979). Mind and nature: A necessary unity. New York: E. Simonton, O., Simonton, S., & Creighton, J. (1978). Getting well
P. Dutton. again. Los Angeles: Tarcher.
Bresler, D. (1984). Mind-controlled analgesia: The inner way to pain
Zeig, J. K. (1995). Experiential approaches to clinician development.
control. In A. A. Sheikh (Ed.), Imagination and healing: Imagery and In J. K. Zeig (Ed.), The evolution of psychotherapy: The third
human development series (pp. 211–230). New York: Baywood. conference (pp. 161–181). New York: Brunner/Mazel.
Burns, G. W. (2001). 101 healing stories: Using metaphors in therapy.
New York: Wiley.
Burns, G. W. (2005). 101 healing stories for kids and teens: Using
metaphors in therapy. Hoboken: Wiley.
Campbell, J. (1988). The power of myth. New York: Doubleday.
Dwairy, M. (1997). A biopsychosocial model of metaphor therapy
Metaphorical Thinking M
with holistic cultures. Clinical Psychology Review, 17(5), 191–205.
▶ Analogical Reasoning
Dwairy, M. (2003). Components of physical environment as meta-
phors in therapy. Annals of the American Psychotherapy Associa-
tion, 6(1), 34–40.
Dwairy, M. (2006). Counseling and psychotherapy with Arabs and
Muslims: A culturally sensitive approach. New York: Teachers
College Press/Columbia University.
Erickson, M., & Rossi, E. (1979). Hypnotherapy: An exploratory case-
▶ Introspective Learning and Reasoning
book. New York: Irvington.
Grove, D. J., & Panzer, B. (1989). Resolving traumatic memories:
Metaphors and symbols in psychotherapy. New York: Irvington.
Guiffrida, D. A., Stephan Saiz, R. J., & Barnes, K. L. (2007). The use of
metaphor in clinical supervision. Journal of Counseling & Devel-
opment, 85(Fall), 393–400.
Metatheories of Learning
Haley, J. (1993). Jay Haley on Milton H. Erickson. New York: Brunner/
Kopp, R. R. (1995). Metaphor therapy: Using clientgenerated meta- Human Resource Development and Adult Education,
phors in psychotherapy. New York: Brunner/Mazel. University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA
Kopp, R. R. (1998). Early recollections in Adlerian and metaphor
therapy. Journal of Individual Psychology, 54(4), 480–486.
Levitt, H., Korman, Y., & Angus, L. (2000). A metaphor analysis in of
depression: Metaphore as a maker of change. Counseling Psychol- Synonyms
ogy Quarterly, 13, 23–35. Holistic learning theory; Integrated learning theory;
Lyddon, W. J., Clay, A. L., & Sparks, C. L. (2001). Metaphor and change Unified learning theory; Whole-part-whole learning
in counseling. Journal of Counseling & Development, 79, 269–274.
Martin, J., Cummings, A. L., & Habberg, E. T. (1992). Therapist
international use of metaphor: Memorability, clinical impact, Definition
and possible epistemic/motivational functions. Journal of Con- At the basic level meta means going higher or
sulting and Clinical Psychology, 60, 143–145. transcending, theory means a formulation of
2252 M Metatheories of Learning

Actions Consequences Mismatch

Single-Loop Learning

Double-Loop Learning

Metatheories of Learning. Fig. 1 Single-loop and double-loop learning (Argyris 2004, p. 68)

relationships or underlying principles of an observed Whole-Part-Whole Learning Model. Basic psychological need for
phenomenon, and learning means the acquiring of the “whole” and the “parts” utilized to structure general whole-part-
whole learning templates. The W-P-W model is applied at the
knowledge or expertise. Thus, metatheories of learning program and individual lesson levels.
are higher order or transcending theories of how
knowledge and expertise are acquired. 1. Whole (1st whole provides an advanced organizer)
2. Part (Parts are the segments to be learned)
3. Whole (2nd whole provides complete understanding)
Theoretical Background
While the idea of metatheories of learning is old, this A. Whole-Part-Whole Technical Training Design Template
realm remains largely undeveloped. For example, WHOLE-PART
discredited faculty psychology suggested types of peo- 1. Operation/equipment/system overview
2. Start-up
ple and their corresponding ways of acquiring knowl- 3. Operation
edge and expertise. Because of the complexity of 4. Shut-down
5. Defects/faults
human beings, the inclination among learning theo- 6. Troubleshooting
rists and researchers has been toward focused or incre- 7. Solo performance
mental investigation. The result has been numerous B. Whole-Part-Whole Management Training Design Template
highly refined learning theories with limited WHOLE-PART
application. 1. Objectives/purpose of training
2. Illustration of good/bad performance
An interesting observation is the perspective among 3. Conceptual model
most of those pursuing metatheories of learning. Most 4. Elements of the model
5. Techniques
of the work has come from scholars who have been 6. Practice/role playing
close to practical learning issues versus the laboratory 7. Managerial implications discussion
perspective. Some examples include Gagné’s (1962) C. Whole-Part-Whole Motivational Training Design Template
“Military Training and Principles of Learning.” After WHOLE-PART
1. Acceptance of group/individuals
years of working on military training issues, Gagné 2. Problem/opportunity
critiqued the field of learning psychology as spending 3. Fear/greed illustrations (with role models)
4. The solution
too much time studying what was going on inside the 5. Solicit commitment to solution
learner instead of studying what was to be learned. 6. Vision success
Thus, his learning principles shifted from analyzing
Metatheories of Learning. Fig. 2 Whole-part-whole
the learner to analyzing what was to be learned.
learning model (Swanson and Holton 2009, pp. 240–241)
Argyris’s (2004) learning theory is another example
of looking at learning within the context of organiza-
tions. His focus on actions, errors, along with single-
loop and double-loop learning creates an overarching and gestalt (the whole) psychologies to meet the require-
view of the learning process (see Fig. 1). ments of gaining knowledge and expertise within con-
The Whole-Part-Whole learning model is an inte- texts of life and work (Swanson and Holton 2009,
grated learning theory combining behavioral (the parts) pp. 240–241). Specifically, this functional integration
Metatheories of Learning M 2253

of learning theory bridged learning theory and design ● The Behavioral Strategy: Skill Development and
and utilizes learning design templates for different cat- Coaching
egories of learning (see Fig. 2). ● The Cognitive Strategy: Presentations and
Going even further, Davis and Davis (1998) identi- Explanations
fied seven categories of learning required of adults ● The Inquiry Strategy: Critical, Creative, and Dialog-
working in organizations. These categories serve as ical Thinking
a means of accessing the milieu of learning theory and ● The Mental Models Strategy: Problem Solving and
research appropriate to acquiring that particular type Decision Making
of knowledge and expertise. Based on extensive field ● The Group Dynamics Strategy: Human Relations
research of the learning needs in organizations, they and Teamwork
created seven specific learning strategies organized ● The Virtual Reality Strategy: Role Play, Dramatic
around the seven general areas of expertise required Scenarios, and Simulation
to function in contemporary organizations. Their ● The Holistic Strategy: Mentoring and Counseling
approach is to start from the identified realm of exper-
These examples again illustrate the pressure that
tise required, then to proceed to the selection of an
practice plays on ensuring learning success and the
appropriate learning strategy, and to provide complete
willingness of scholars to entertain meta-learning the-
details related to the conduct of the strategy based on
ories to meeting learning demands.
learning research. The seven strategies proposed by
Yang’s (2003) “Holistic Learning Theory” is
Davis and Davis include:
another important contribution for working toward




Explicit Implicit
Knowledge Knowledge

Technical Practical
Knowledge Knowledge

Social Groups/

Metatheories of Learning. Fig. 3 Holistic theory of knowledge and learning: dynamic relationships between individual,
organizational, and social/cultural contexts (Yang 2003)
2254 M Metatheories of Learning

Cognitivist Social
Aspect Behaviorist (Gestalt) Humanist Learning Constructivist Holistic
Learning Thorndike, Pavlov, Koffka, Kohler, Lewin, Maslow, Rogers, Bandura, Rotter Candy, Dewey, Lave, Yang, Jarvis &
theorists Watson, Guthrie, Hull, Piaget, Ausubel, Bruner, Knowles Piaget, Rogoff, von Parker
Tolman, Skinner Tolman, Gagne Glaserfeld, Vygotsky

View of the Change in bahavior Internal mental process A personal act to Interaction with and Construction of Involves facets of
learing (including insight, fulfill potential observation of others meaning from explicit, implicit,
process information processing in a social context experience and emancipatory
memory, perception) knowledge

Locus of Stimuli in the Internal cognitive Affective and Interaction of person, Internal construction Occurs as a result
learning environment structuring cognitive needs bahavior and of reality by of interactions
environment individual with and between
knowledge facets

Purpose of Produce behavioral Develop capacity and Become self- Model new roles and Construct knowledge Systematization,
education change in desired skills to learn better actualized, behavior participation, and
direction autonomous transformation

Teacher’s Arranges environment Structures content of Facilitates develop- Models and guides Facilitates and Facilitator
role to elicit desired learning activity ment of whole new roles and negotiates meaning
response person behavior with learner

Manifestation  Behavioral objectives  Cognitive development  Andragogy  Socialization  Experiential learning  Holistic and dia-
in adult  Competency-based  Intelligence, learning,  Self-directed  Social roles  Self-directed learning lectical perspective
learning education and memory as learning  Mentoring  Perspective transfor-  Dynamic
 Skill development function of age  Locus of control mation
 Skill development  Learning how to learn  Reflective practice

Metatheories of Learning. Fig. 4 Six orientations to learning (Source: Swanson and Holton 2009, p. 195)

a higher or transcending learning theory (see Fig. 3). approach would logically require a partnership of
His theory embraces three indivisible facets – implicit, engaged scholarship between researchers and practi-
explicit, and emancipatory knowledge. Each facet has tioners to get at a deeper and higher order understand-
three layers – foundation, manifestation, and orienta- ing of metatheories of learning.
tion. The value of the holistic theory, as a metatheory of
learning, is in making connections between seemingly Cross-References
disparate streams of philosophy and research related to ▶ Approaches to Learning and Studying
knowledge and learning. ▶ Blended Learning
▶ Conditions of Learning
Important Scientific Research and ▶ Double-loop Learning
Open Questions ▶ Expertise
Attempts at metatheories of learning to this point are ▶ Formal Learning Theory
relatively immature compared to many recognized ele- ▶ Learning in Practice
mental learning theories. The fundamental challenge ▶ Learning Strategies
for meta-learning theorists is to fuse the behaviorist, ▶ Meaningful Verbal Learning
cognitivist, humanist, social, constructiveness, and ▶ Organizational Learning
holistic orientations to learning theory displayed in
Fig. 4 (Swanson and Holton 2009, p. 195). To achieve
Argyris, C. (2004). On organizational learning (2nd ed.). Malden:
this, meta-learning theories require continued concep- Blackwell.
tualization and validation. Davis, J., & Davis, A. B. (1998). Effective training strategies:
Existing attempts at metatheories of learning are A comprehensive guide to maximizing learning in organizations.
attractive to those overseeing practical learning situa- San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler.
tions and they do have a reasonable record of utility. Gagné, R. (1962). Military training and principles of learning. Amer-
ican Psychologist, 17, 83–91.
Thus, applied research in practice may be the most
Swanson, R. A., & Holton, E. F. (2009). Foundations of human resource
appropriate way of advancing the understanding and development (2nd ed.). San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler.
effectiveness of meta-learning theory models and the Yang, B. (2003). Toward a holistic theory of knowledge and adult
promise of reaching verified theory status. Such an learning. Human Resource Development Review, 2(2), 106–129.
Methodologies of Research on Learning (Overview Article) M 2255

Theoretical Background
Meta-Thinking Every discipline that maintains a theoretically sound
▶ Metacognition and Learning interpretation of its fundamental statements depends
on both the applied terminology and methodology.
However, this is to a large extent dependent on the
paradigm a scientist is striving for. In his seminal text-
book The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, Kuhn
Method (1970) defines a scientific paradigm as: (1) What is to
be observed and scrutinized. (2) The kind of questions
▶ Cue Summation and Learning
that are supposed to be asked and probed for answers
in relation to this subject. (3) How these questions are
to be put. (4) How the results of scientific investigations
should be interpreted. The paradigm, in Kuhn’s view, is
Methodologies of Learning not simply the current theory, but the entire worldview
Research Through the Internet in which it exists, and all of the implications which
come with it.
▶ Web-Based Experiment Control for Research on Since the learning process itself is not visible,
Human Learning talking about learning and related phenomena was
a standard procedure for more than 2,000 years. Actu-
ally, introspection was the most prominent method
for gaining “insight” in learning, forgetting, and
Methodologies of Research on remembering. An alternative paradigm and
corresponding methodologies emerged at the end of
Learning (Overview Article) M
the nineteenth century when Ebbinghaus and others
applied the paradigm of experimental research on
learning and forgetting. Within the realm of this par-
Department of Education, University of Freiburg,
adigm, learning can only be “deduced” from observ-
Freiburg, Germany
able changes in behavior, the result of which are
referred to as outcomes of learning. Accordingly, behav-
iorist psychologists attempted to limit their studies to
Synonyms the recording of objectively observable and measurable
Paradigms of learning research; Scientific method
behavior without describing the content of conscious-
ness and cognitive processes. The stimulus–response
Definition pattern became the dominant paradigm of this branch
" “Good methodology is essential to good science”
of psychology of learning for the twentieth century. On
(Simon and Kaplan 1989, p. 20).
the other hand, Gestalt psychology had at this time
The term “methodology” refers to the theoretical already begun to view learning as a process of structur-
analysis of research methods in a discipline that are ing founded on insight into structural relationships.
generally considered appropriate for the inquiry of Gestalt psychologists see learning through insight as
relevant or important issues. It may refer to a set of a process of reorganization in which new structures
methods or procedures or to the rationale which are integrated into the learner’s field of perception.
underlies a particular study relative to the applied Perceived objects change their function and are com-
▶ scientific method, which basically consists of the pared with one another until the moment of insight,
collection of data through observation and/or experi- when the complete organization of the situational field
mentation, and the formulation and testing of theoret- becomes clear to the learner. This approach was
ically sound hypotheses. The choice of a particular extended by Lewin’s field theory, in which learning is
methodology is often determined by a ▶ paradigm, first and foremost understood as a change in cognitive
i.e., the goals and interests which scientists strive for. structures (or in knowledge).
2256 M Methodologies of Research on Learning (Overview Article)

These paradigms and related methodologies char- supporting theoretical assumptions without any par-
acterize the area of learning research until today. Actu- ticular application in view. There are different types of
ally, every discipline uses alternative research methods methods which constitute the body of methodology of
and procedures in order to increase understanding of pure/basic research: In the related literature, usually
the phenomena of interest and to advance the knowl- laboratory experiments are listed on the top of basic
edge base. These methods and procedures are usually research. They are conducted in strictly controlled
developed and discussed by research methodologists in settings which allow to vary systematically particular
order to meet high standards of the scientific method. (so-called experimental) variables of interest and assess
In general, research can be classified into three major their effects on learning. Most characteristically, par-
categories: (1) core and scope of application, (2) guiding ticipants are randomly assigned to experimental and
objectives in undertaking research, and (3) the particu- control conditions and the relevant variables are care-
lar inquiry mode employed in a research study fully assessed (often by means of standardized test pro-
(cf. Goddard and Melville 2001; Kumar 2005). cedures). Whereas laboratory experiments are
Based on these epistemic categories, we can distin- conducted in artificial settings, field experiments are
guish particular types of research on learning (see conducted in more naturalistic settings. However,
Fig. 1). field experiments, like lab experiments, generally ran-
Every research project can be classified from the domize the sampling of participants and their assign-
perspectives of application, objectives, and inquiry ment into treatment and control groups and compare
mode: From the perspective of application, research outcomes between these groups. Actually, randomiza-
on learning may be classified as pure or applied tion of participants to treatments has long been con-
research; from the perspective of objectives, a research sidered a powerful method of control, so much so that
study can be descriptive, correlational, explanatory, or this is the distinguishing characteristic between true
exploratory; and finally, from the perspective of inquiry experimental and other types of research (Campbell
mode, research on learning can be qualitative or and Stanley 1965). However, randomization is typically
quantitative. unavailable in field settings because the researcher is
From the perspective of application, pure research not able to manipulate treatment conditions at the level
(also termed basic research or fundamental research) of the individual participant. In addition, it is difficult
advances fundamental knowledge about learning; it to control the relevant variables in a field experiment,
aims at testing hypotheses derived from theories on while we can rigorously control these variables in
learning. Basic research is usually experimental by a laboratory experiment. Within the realm of field
nature and aims at collecting data and facts for research, it is also possible to conduct cross-sectional

Types of research

From the viewpoint of

Application Objectives Inquiry mode

Pure Descriptive Exploratory Quantitative

research research research research

Applied Correlational Explanatory Qualitative

research research research research

Methodologies of Research on Learning (Overview Article). Fig. 1 Types of research (Kumar 2005, p. 9)
Methodologies of Research on Learning (Overview Article) M 2257

studies which survey a large and representative sample a waste of time to collect data. Correlational research
of participants at one point in time. A good example is clearly not suitable for discovering causal relation-
for such a cross-sectional field research is ▶ PISA. ships between variables but it can be the starting point
Finally, field experiments can also be conducted as for predictive research aiming at the probabilistic pre-
longitudinal studies which evidently offer the best way diction of criteria of interest by utilizing information
to study long-term effects of exposure to learning set- from variables that are considered as predictors. As
tings. Longitudinal studies survey the same group of Pedhazur and Pedhazur Schmelkin (1991) have
individuals at several different times over long periods pointed out, in a predictive study the variables of inter-
in order to detect long-time progressions of cumulative est may be selected, retained, or dropped solely on the
learning. This method of field experimentation is basis of practical considerations. In contrast, explana-
designed to detect causal relationships and statistically tory research is aimed at testing of hypotheses derived
control for environmental, family, and personal char- from a theory which explains a phenomenon of inter-
acteristics that might otherwise account for learning est. The defining characteristic of explanatory research
progression. From here to ▶ multilayer investigations, is the random assignment of participants to the partic-
it is only a small step. Pure or basic research is not only ular conditions of an experiment. In consequence, ran-
concerned with the conduction of lab and/or field domization of participants to treatment conditions has
experiments but rather also with the development, long been considered as the most powerful method of
examination, verification, and refinement of research experimental control, so much so that it became the
methods, procedures, techniques, and tools that form distinguishing characteristic between experimental and
the body of the basic research methodology. In contrast other types of research (Shadish et al. 2002). Explana-
to basic research, applied research deals with practical tory research attempts to clarify why and how there is
problems of learning and related phenomena. Specific a relationship between two features of a situation or
techniques, procedures, and methods form a research phenomenon. Accordingly, explanatory research is
methodology oriented to practical issues. An extreme often considered as a best example of causal research.
position of applied research is action research as a form However, causal inferences have to be based on sound
of self-reflective inquiry aiming at the improvement of theories and hypotheses. That means that theoretical
behaviors in social situations. arguments have to specify the particular regularities or
From the perspective of objectives in undertaking even mechanisms for how a particular event or treat-
research on learning, a research study can be descrip- ment (i.e., the cause) consistently produces an effect in
tive, prescriptive, correlational, explanatory, or explor- time (discussed in terms of “if and only if x, then y”). To
atory. Simply said, descriptive research deals with progress from here to probabilistic predictions is only
everything that can be counted. Therefore, it is also a small step. Indeed, explanatory and predictive
named statistical research which aims at describing research is not mutually exclusive. Nevertheless, the
characteristics about a phenomenon being studied by distinction between them is imperative, as it has far-
means of descriptive statistics. However, descriptive reaching implications for data collection, choice and
research cannot be used to examine causal relation- application of analytic procedures, and interpretation
ships between variables. This holds also true with of results.
regard to correlational research which aims at the deter- The last type of research to be mentioned here is
mination of a relationship or interdependence between called exploratory research and is undertaken with the
two or more features of subjects of interest, such as the goal either to explore an area of interest or to examine
relationship between achievement and intelligence. In the feasibility of particular research. Accordingly, we
general, a correlational study is a quantitative method speak about a pilot study or feasibility study that pro-
of research in which two or more quantitative variables vides insights into and comprehension of an issue or
from the same group of subjects may covariate. Theo- situation. Exploratory research may help to find
retically, any two quantitative variables can be corre- a suitable research design, data collection method, or
lated as long as the scores on these variables refer to the selection of subjects. However, conclusions from
same subjects; when there is little reason to assume exploratory research should be considered with cau-
a relationship between the variables, it is probably tion because they are certainly not generalizable to the
2258 M Methodologies of Research on Learning (Overview Article)

population at large. Although the process is not linear intention to generalize to a population at large but to
in practice, exploratory research often precedes develop an in-depth exploration of a phenomenon of
descriptive research which generally goes before interest (Creswell 1998).
explanatory research.
From the perspective of the inquiry mode employed Important Scientific Research and
in research on learning, two broad approaches compete Open Questions
against each other since a long time. They are usually In general, most methodologists and researchers agree
classified as quantitative versus qualitative research. on the steps in undertaking research – independently
Alternatively, Kumar (2005) speaks about the struc- on the particular inquiry mode or the objectives.
tured (= quantitative) versus unstructured (= qualita- Kumar (2005), for instance, describes the research pro-
tive) approach of research. In terms of this author, the cess in form of an eight-step model: (1) Formulating
structured approach can be characterized by a prede- a research problem, (2) conceptualizing a research
termination of everything that forms the research pro- design, (3) constructing an instrument for data collec-
cess – objectives, design, sampling, data collection, and tion, (4) selecting a sample, (5) writing a research pro-
analysis. The unstructured approach, by contrast, posal, (6) collecting data, (7) processing data, and
allows flexibility in all these aspects of the research (8) writing a research report. In a similar vein, Creswell
process. An analysis of the literature on research meth- (2005) describes the research process as a cycle of six
odologies shows that quantitative and qualitative steps (see Fig. 2).
research are often considered as mutually exclusive In addition, most methodologists agree on the clas-
antipodes according to which we can do either quanti- sification of the aforementioned types of research from
tative (structured) or qualitative (unstructured) the different perspectives. In consequence, it is not
research but not concertedly. This contrastive position difficult to classify and evaluate the existing body of
neglects the possibility of mixed-methods research as research on learning in accordance with the perspec-
well as the fact that the choice of a structured or tives of application, objectives, and inquiry mode.
unstructured research approach, and in consequence Actually, it is quite easy to find an abundance of
of a quantitative or qualitative mode of inquiry, should research studies in the field of learning that can be
depend on the mission and objectives of the inquiry classified as pure or basic as well as applied, although
(e.g., exploration, confirmation, quantification, and meanwhile more and more studies are applied in
hypothesis testing) and the intended use of the results nature and increasingly very little research in the field
(e.g., for hypothesis testing or improvement of learning of learning is pure in nature. Furthermore, very few
practices). In qualitative research studies, it is not the people do research in research methodology per se. In

1 2
Reporting and evalua-
Identifying a research problem Reviewing the literature
ting research
• Specifying the problem • Locating resources
• Deciding on audience
• Justifying it • Selecting resources
• Structuring the report
• Suggesting the need to study it • Summarizing resources
• Writing the report

5 4 3

Specifying a purpose for

Analyzing and inter- Collecting data
preting data • Selecting individuals to
• Identifying the purpose
• Breaking down the data study
• Narrowing the purpose to
• Representing the data • Obtaining permissions
research questions or hy-
• Explaining the data • Gathering information

The Research process cycle

Methodologies of Research on Learning (Overview Article). Fig. 2 The research process cycle (Creswell 2005)
Methodologies of Research on Learning (Overview Article) M 2259

consequence, there is no unique methodology for 30 years ago, Bronfenbrenner (1978) argued that exper-
research on learning but only broad and comprehen- imental replications involve the potential to increase
sive guides for undertaking research in the field of successively the confidence in empirical data and their
social studies in general. theoretical interpretations due to the evidence that
Another critical comment refers to the low com- particular results (of treatments or interventions) are
plexity of the research designs in studies on learning. not limited to a single case. At the same time, Cook and
Traditionally, the effects of treatments on learning are Campbell (1979) argued that many small experiments
assessed by a simple comparison between a pretest and with internal validity may contribute more to the exter-
posttest and the leading paradigm corresponds with nal/ecological validity of investigations than big
the idea of “looking into the black box.” The following national studies which lack internal validity. Actually,
procedure is often applied: After an initial training and replication studies are essential with any construct of
a so-called learning phase which is experimentally var- interest in order to provide further depth and under-
ied, the subjects have to perform specific tasks consid- standing. Methodological authorities such as Cook and
ered indicative for successful learning. Evidently, the Campbell (1979) generally regard replication, or what is
trickiest problem of such studies is to define adequate also referred to as “repeating a study,” to be a crucial
dependent variables to evaluate the quality of learning. aspect of the scientific method in general. The right kind
Another significant problem has been highlighted of repetition means that a previous result will have its
from Donald Norman (1981) with these words: scope extended. It leads to generalizable results, rather
than merely to isolated and uncertain findings. In the
" There has been remarkably little study of learning – real
physical sciences, important findings get repeated hun-
learning, the learning of complex topics, the learning
dreds of times, first deliberately and then as a built-in
that takes months, even years to accomplish. Else-
part of subsequent work. But replication in the social
where I have estimated that experts at a task may
sciences and especially in the sciences of learning is rare.
spend 5,000 hours acquiring their skills: that is not M
such a long time; it is 2 1/2 years of full-time study,
40 hours a week, 50 weeks a year. Not much time to Cross-References
become a professional tennis player, or computer pro- ▶ Action Research
grammer, or linguist. What goes on during that time? ▶ Design Experiments
Whatever it is, it is slow, continuous. No magic dose of ▶ Experimental and Quasi-Experimental Research on
knowledge in the form of pill or lecture. Just a lot of Learning
slow, continual exposure to the topic, probably accom- ▶ Field Research
panied by several bouts of restructuring of the under- ▶ Mixed Methods Research
lying mental representations, reconceptualizations of
the concepts, plus many hours of accumulation of large References
quantities of facts [. . .] Very little effort gets spent at Bronfenbrenner, U. (1978). Ansätze zu einer experimentellen
studying what it would take to accomplish this, per- Ökologie menschlicher Entwicklung. In R. Oerter (Ed.),
Entwicklung als lebenslanger Prozeß (S (pp. 33–65). Hamburg:
haps because there is the implicit realization that the
Hoffmann und Campe.
task is harder than it might seem. [. . .] And so the study Campbell, D. T., & Stanley, J. C. (1965). Experimental and quasi-
and understanding of the learning process remains at experimental designs for research on teaching. In N. L. Gage
a miniscule level. Pity (Norman 1981, p. 284). (Ed.), Handbook of research on teaching (2nd ed., pp. 171–246).
Chicago: Rand MnNally.
In contrast to this verdict, there is evidently a lack of Cook, T. D., & Campbell, D. T. (1979). Quasi-experimentation: Design
longitudinal research on learning in general as well as & analysis issues for field settings. Chicago: Rand McNally.
on cumulative learning in particular. Nevertheless, Creswell, J. W. (1998). Qualitative inquiry and research design: Choos-
occasionally we can find some examples for longitudi- ing among five traditions. Thousand Oaks: Sage.
Creswell, J. W. (2005). Educational research. Planning, conducting, and
nal research on learning (see, e.g., Halle et al. 2009;
evaluating quantitative and qualitative research (2nd ed.). Upper
Saldana 2003). Saddle River: Pearson.
A final critical comment concerns the lack of repli- Goddard, W., & Melville, S. (2001). Research methodology. An intro-
cation studies in the field of learning research. More than duction (2nd ed.). Lansdowne: Juta & Comp.
2260 M Methodology of Learning Research: Meta-analyses

Halle, T., Forry, N., Hair, E., Perper, K., Wandner, L., Wessel, J., & samples and environments (e.g., Vernon and Blake
Vick, J. (2009). Disparities in early learning and development: 1993). However, meta-analyses can also be used for
Lessons from the early childhood longitudinal study – birth cohort
other research questions, for instance, in order to con-
(ECLS-B). Washington, DC: Child Trends.
Kuhn, T. A. (1970). The structure of scientific revolutions (2nd ed.). trast and evaluate different theoretical explanations for
Chicago: University of Chicago Press. a specific phenomenon.
Kumar, R. (2005). Research methodology. A step-by-step guide for
beginners. Thousand Oaks: Sage. Theoretical Background
Norman, D. A. (1981). Twelve issues for cognitive science. In
D. A. Norman (Ed.), Perspectives on cognitive science (pp. 265–
295). Norwood: Ablex.
Strengths and Limitations of Meta-
Pedhazur, E. J., & Pedhazur Schmelkin, L. (1991). Measurement, analyses
design, and analysis: An integrated approach. Hillsdale: Lawrence Meta-analyses offer a broad overview of the research
Erlbaum. field and can help to identify limitations or even gaps
Saldana, J. (2003). Longitudinal qualitative research: Analyzing change in previous work. In addition, meta-analyses provide an
through time. Walnut Creek: AltaMira Press.
estimate for the population effect size which, due to the
Shadish, W., Cook, T., & Campbell, D. (2002). Experimental and
quasi-experimental designs for generalized causal inference. Bos- much larger sample size, is much more precise than the
ton: Houghton-Mifflin. effect sizes estimated from single-sample studies. This
Simon, H. A., & Kaplan, C. A. (1989). Foundations of cognitive summary effect size indicates, for instance, whether
science. In M. I. Posner (Ed.), Foundations of cognitive science a specific learning method is, on average, effective across
(pp. 1–47). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
multiple samples and contexts. In addition to the sum-
mary effect size, meta-analyses also provide information
on the variance of effect sizes between different studies.
In additional moderator analyses, it is possible to exam-
Methodology of Learning ine which substantive and methodological variables
Research: Meta-analyses account for this variance. In sum, meta-analyses are
powerful tools to synthesize primary empirical research
MAIKE LUHMANN1, MICHAEL EID2 and to draw general conclusions about the effectiveness
Department of Psychology, University of Chicago, of interventions or the validity of theories. However,
Chicago, IL, USA a number of limitations shall not be concealed.
Department of Education & Psychology, Freie First, the quality of the meta-analytic findings
Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany depends heavily on the quality of the primary studies
that deliver the data. Poorly designed studies can bias
the estimate of the average effect size. The most con-
Synonyms servative way to cope with poor study quality is to
Quantitative research synthesis; Quantitative review exclude all studies that do not reach certain minimum
standards. However, this approach might lead to
Definition a significant exclusion rate of studies and consequently
A meta-analysis is a quantitative synthesis of primary to a loss of statistical power. Alternatively, meta-
empirical studies on a specific research topic. General analysts sometimes code different study characteristics
goals of a meta-analysis are: (1) to give related to the study quality (e.g., selection of partici-
a comprehensive overview of the current state of pants, randomization) and calculate an index variable
research in a specific field, (2) to aggregate the findings indicating the overall quality of this study. This study
of multiple empirical studies in order to give a precise quality variable can then be included in additional
estimate of the population effect size, and (3) to test the moderator analyses.
influence of different substantive and methodological A second, related issue concerns the reporting of
moderator variables on the effect size estimate. methods and results in the primary studies. Meta-
In the context of learning, meta-analyses are typi- analysts often find that neither effect sizes nor sufficient
cally conducted in order to evaluate the effect of spe- descriptive statistics are reported. Also, important
cific interventions or learning methods across different information about the sample, procedure, and
Methodology of Learning Research: Meta-analyses M 2261

measures can be missing. In this case, meta-analysts characteristics. Coded characteristics typically include
should seek to contact the authors of the primary features of the publication (e.g., publication year),
studies and ask for the missing information. design characteristics (e.g., existence of a control
A final limitation may result from the exclusion of group in intervention studies), sample characteristics
studies. This is particularly problematic if the effect sizes (e.g., proportion of males, mean age), and descriptive
provided by these excluded studies differ systematically statistics (e.g., means, standard deviations, correla-
from the effect sizes provided by the included studies, for tions). The codes are entered on a standardized coding
instance because studies with nonsignificant findings sheet that is accompanied by an extensive coding man-
often remain unpublished. If these unpublished studies ual. To estimate the reliability of these codings, it is
are not detected, the summary effect size may be posi- recommended that each study is coded twice and
tively biased. For this reason, meta-analysts should appropriate indicators of interrater agreement are cal-
always try to retrieve unpublished data in addition to culated and reported.
published studies, for instance by contacting potential
authors directly or by sending requests to academic Step 4: Calculate Effect Sizes
listservs. In addition, the amount of potential bias Although effect sizes are increasingly reported in jour-
should be estimated, for instance by plotting the effect nal articles today, it might still be necessary to calculate
sizes against the sample sizes in a funnel plot, or by effect sizes based on the reported descriptive data.
regressing the effect sizes against the sample size and Various effect sizes for different metrics and purposes
statistically testing this regression coefficient. have been proposed (e.g., standardized mean differ-
ence, odds ratios). Descriptions and formulas for
Steps these effect sizes can be found in most standard text-
Meta-analyses are usually performed along a number of books on meta-analysis (e.g., Borenstein et al. 2009;
sequential steps. It is helpful to document each step in Lipsey and Wilson 2001). Formulas for the most com-
as much detail as possible. monly used effect sizes are presented in Table 1. The
estimated effect sizes may be biased by a variety of
Step 1: Formulation of a Research factors, for instance, sampling bias and unreliability.
Objective For this reason, effect sizes are often corrected for bias.
It is important to formulate the research objective as A large number of adjustment formulas for various
precisely as possible. Some decisions made at this point sources of bias have been proposed (Hedges and
include: (a) What is the overall research question or Olkin 1985; Hunter and Schmidt 1990).
hypothesis? (b) Which variables or constructs are of In addition, it is necessary to calculate the standard
interest? How are these variables (typically) measured? error of each effect size. This measure indicates the
(c) What type of studies should be included, what type degree of preciseness of the effect size and depends,
of studies should be excluded? among others, on the sample size, with larger samples
providing more precise estimates. In some meta-analytic
Step 2: Literature Search and Study approaches, the effect size is weighted using the inverse
Selection variance weight (i.e., the inverse of the squared standard
To develop a coherent strategy for the literature search, error) to ensure that more precise effect sizes receive
the authors must develop a list of appropriate keywords more weight in the estimation of the summary effect
and choose scientific data bases to be searched. After size. Formulas to calculate the standard error of different
running the literature search, the studies are screened effect sizes are presented in Table 1 and can also be
for eligibility according to the inclusion and exclusion found in standard textbooks on meta-analysis.
criteria defined in Step 1. Eligible studies enter the
coding process. Step 5: Data Analysis
Two fundamentally different statistical approaches to
Step 3: Study Coding meta-analyses can be distinguished (e.g., Borenstein
Important characteristics of the studies are coded, et al. 2009): In fixed-effects models, it is assumed that
meaning that, numeric codes are assigned to different all variance between the effect sizes of different studies
2262 M Methodology of Learning Research: Meta-analyses

Methodology of Learning Research: Meta-analyses. Table 1 Formulas for common effect sizes and the respective
standard errors

Type of effect
size Description Formula for effect size Standard error
 G X G   rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
Bias-corrected Mean-level difference X
ES0sm ¼ spooled  1  4N9
3 n þn 0 Þ2
SEsm ¼ nGG1 nGG2 þ 2ðnðES
1 2
standardized between two 1 2G þnG Þ 1 2

mean difference independent samples,

e.g., intervention vs.
control group
X T2 X T1
Standardized Mean-level change ESsg ¼ 2ð1rÞ ðESsg Þ
spooled SEsg ¼ n þ 2n
mean gain between two time
points, e.g., from
pretest to posttest
Natural log of the Effect size for two ESLOR ¼ loge ad SELOR ¼ aþbþcþd
bc 1 1 1 1
odds ratio dichotomous variables
with data presented as
relative frequencies,
e.g., group (control vs.
intervention) and
success (test passed vs.
test failed)

Olkin-Pratt Association between 1r 2
ESOPr ¼ r  1 þ 2ðn13Þ ðn3Þð1r 2 Þ2 F1 ð1;1;n2;1r 2 Þ
SEOPr ¼ ðESOPr Þ2  1 þ n2
approach for the two continuous
product-moment variables, e.g.,
correlation intelligence and
learning ability
ES effect size; SE standard error; sm standardized mean; sg standardized gain; LOR log of the odds ratio; OPr Olkin-Pratt-transformed
product-moment correlation; X mean of variable X; spooled pooled standard deviation; N size of whole sample; n size of subsample; G1 and
G2 Group 1 and Group 2, respectively; T1 and T2 Time 1 and Time 2, respectively; a frequency in Cell A (1st row, 1st column); b frequency in
Cell B (1st row, 2nd column); c frequency in Cell C (2nd row, 1st column); d frequency in Cell D (2nd row, 2nd column); 2F1 = Gaussian
hypergeometric function (cf. Schulze 2004, formula 3.7)
Source: Lipsey and Wilson 2001, Table 3.2; Schulze 2004.

is due to random error. In random-effect models, in identify those variables that account for at least some of
contrast, it is assumed that this variance can also be due the differences between effect sizes. Moderator variables
to systematic differences between the samples. In most can be substantive (e.g., type of intervention, mean age)
contexts, the random-effect model is more appropriate as well as methodological (e.g., study quality).
than the fixed-effects model.
After the decision about the statistical model has been Step 6: Report Findings
made, the summary effect size and the amount of het- Meta-analytic findings can be reported in tables or in
erogeneity of the effect sizes can be estimated. The exact graphs. Tables are particularly useful to report the effect
estimation of these figures varies between fixed- and sizes and other interesting study characteristics of each
random-effect models (for detailed formulas, see Lipsey individual study, as well as for the presentation of
and Wilson 2001). Significant heterogeneity indicates moderator analyses. A specific graphical presentation
that additional moderator analyses may be useful to of meta-analytic findings is the forest plot. In this type
explain some of the differences between the effect sizes. of plot, the effect sizes of single studies, the summary
Importantly, the existence of heterogeneity should not effect size, and the corresponding confidence intervals
be used to decide between a fixed- or random-effect are presented. Forest plots can easily be produced with
approach, but rather, this decision should be based on the metafor package in R (Viechtbauer 2010; see
theoretical grounds. The goal of moderator analyses is to below).
Microculture of Learning Environments M 2263

Software Cross-References
Most standard statistical programs can be used to con- ▶ Methodologies of Learning Research: Overview
duct meta-analyses. However, some programs have
been developed explicitly for meta-analyses and there- References
fore provide more functionality. For instance, the freely Albanese, M. A., & Mitchell, S. (1993). Problem-based learning:
available R package metafor (Viechtbauer 2010) does A review of literature on its outcomes and implementation
issues. Academic Medicine, 68(1), 52–81.
not only provide functions for different variants of
Borenstein, M., Hedges, L. V., Higgins, J. P. T., & Rothstein, H. R.
fixed- and random-effect models, but also a number
(2009). Introduction to meta-analysis. Chichester: Wiley.
of graphical tools that help to display the findings. Hedges, L. V., & Olkin, I. (1985). Statistical methods for meta-analysis.
San Diego: Academic.
Important Scientific Research and Hunter, J. E., & Schmidt, F. L. (1990). Methods of meta-analysis:
Open Questions Correcting error and bias in research findings. Thousand Oaks: Sage.
Lipsey, M. W., & Wilson, D. B. (2001). Practical meta-analysis. Thou-
Many studies in the field of learning studies are random-
sand Oaks: Sage.
ized control trials designed to evaluate the effectiveness Schulze, R. (2004). Meta-analysis. A comparison of approaches.
of specific interventions, for instance, specific teaching Cambridge, MA: Hogrefe & Huber.
methods. Single evaluation studies are often restricted to Spencer, W. D., & Raz, N. (1995). Differential effects of aging on
specific subgroups (e.g., eighth graders), outcomes (e.g., memory for content and context: A meta-analysis. Psychology
and Aging, 10(4), 527–539.
effects on motivation versus effects on academic test
Vernon, D. T. A., & Blake, R. L. (1993). Does problem-based learning
results), and contexts (e.g., number of students in
work? A meta-analysis of evaluative research. Academic Medicine,
a class). Meta-analyses provide a powerful tool to gen- 68(7), 550–563.
eralize the effects of specific interventions across differ- Viechtbauer, W. (2010). Conducting meta-analyses in R with the
ent samples, outcomes, and contexts. Moreover, the metafor package. Journal of Statistical Software, 36(3), 1–48.
specific characteristics of single studies can be examined Wager, T. D., & Smith, E. E. (2003). Neuroimaging studies of working
memory: A meta-analysis. Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral M
in moderator analyses, for instance in order to deter-
Neuroscience, 3(4), 255–274.
mine whether the number of students in the class influ-
ences the effect of a specific learning method. Prominent
examples are two independent meta-analyses on prob-
lem-based learning conducted and published almost
simultaneously by Albanese and Mitchell (1993) and Metric Learning
Vernon and Blake (1993). In both meta-analyses, it
▶ Similarity Learning
was found that problem-based learning was superior to
traditional teaching methods in terms of student satis-
faction, but not in terms of academic achievement.
Meta-analyses are also useful to examine individual
differences in learning. For instance, Spencer and Raz Microculture of Learning
(1995) aggregated studies comparing the episodic Environments
memory capacities of younger and older adults. They
found that memory for context is more strongly JOHANNA PÖYSÄ-TARHONEN
affected by age than memory for content. Finally, Finnish Institute for Educational Research, University
meta-analyses are increasingly used to aggregate the of Jyväskylä, Jyväskylä, Finland
findings of neuroimaging studies. A recent example is
a meta-analysis by Wager and Smith (2003) on the
representation of different working memory processes Synonyms
in the prefrontal cortex. Culture-within-a-culture; Subculture
In sum, meta-analyses have been and most likely
will be highly influential methods to aggregate previous Definition
studies, generalize findings, and identify venues for Microculture of a learning environment includes
future research on learning. a common set of shared norms, values, symbols,
2264 M Microculture of Learning Environments

artifacts, practices, and discourse among a restrictive present, e.g., in classrooms worldwide. However, it is
group of participants in a formal or informal learning widely acknowledged that every community of learners
setting, face-to-face or online. Comprising a network of develops its own culture, its common set of shared
meanings, a microculture equips its members with an norms, values, symbols, practices, artifacts, and discourse,
understanding of what is regarded as acceptable behav- its own microculture that is distinct from the others’. The
ior within their community of learners. This is common characteristics of classroom cultures exist par-
established and communicated through the social and allel to the emerging microcultures that participants con-
cultural norms of this microculture. Microcultures rep- struct within their community of learners.
resent cultures-within-a culture of learning environ- Microcultures of learning environments are duali-
ments, where the members are influenced to a great ties containing two interrelated processes: they are both
extent by the norms of the surrounding overall culture the medium and outcome of social action. They serve
(institutional context, e.g., their school) but also, are as the medium in the sense that members of the micro-
affected largely by the norms of their unique microcul- culture draw on existing cultural norms. That is the
ture of their particular community of learners. adoption by the participants of the shared norms,
values, symbols, artifacts, practices, and discourse.
Theoretical Background Microcultures are also outcomes because the cultural
Much of the research on microcultures of learning envi- norms exist only if they are invoked and reproduced in
ronments, in face-to-face and online contexts, has ori- social practice by the members. This points to the
ented to study classrooms and other learning contexts participation of the members to the development of
such as online learning environments as a sociocultural the shared norms, values, symbols, artifacts, practices,
and socio-cognitive activity where thinking and doing and discourse. A microculture of learning environ-
are linked in a social practice of participants’ community ments is thus at the same time the context and the
of learners (Brown and Campione 1994). Learning is, outcome or product of prevailing social practices;
then, not located only in individuals’ minds, but situ- simultaneously given and constructed.
ated in the physical and social context (Greeno 1989).
Thus, the development of expertise is related not only Important Scientific Research and
to the nature of an individual’s knowledge structures, Open Questions
but also to that person’s access to relevant formal and In general, difficulties of studying culture have been
informal cultural knowledge through participating in widely recognized due to its implicit, complex and
a community of practice (Lave and Wenger 1991; overlapping nature. Also, there are many uses and
Wenger 1998). Learning is not only about learning meanings of culture that may not provide a clear foun-
a topic, but also being a member of a collective. Partic- dation for conducting empirical studies in culture. In
ipation in a community of learners brings about traditional studies in education, culture has not been
a common set of shared norms, values, symbols, arti- under scrutiny, it has been treated as a categorical var-
facts, practices, and discourse. This situated learning iable, or the perspective has been relatively restrictive
approach, in a broad sense, offers tools for analyzing (Gutiérrez 2002). The dual nature of microculture if
the relation between individual and social dimensions seen simultaneously as given and as a unique construc-
of microculture in learning environments in order to tion of the particular community of learners illumi-
better understand how participants become competent nates well the many complexities and challenges faced
members of their communities of learners and how in empirical investigations.
they learn within this context. Research in microcultures of learning environ-
Culture can be approached in both general and spe- ments has been undertaken, e.g., in the fields of
cific terms. At a general level, culture may seem relatively instructional psychology, education, and educational
consistent but in the representations across individuals technology. In classroom settings, such studies have
and their unique communities, universals tend to give been focusing basically on general patterns of class-
way to diversity. In educational practices, certain com- room microcultures or on domain-specific classroom
mon features of classroom culture can be recognized, and microcultures, for example, in the fields of mathemat-
certain patterns of social and cultural practices seem to be ics education (e.g., Motierrez Lopez and Allal 2007)
Microgenetic Method M 2265

and literacy practices (e.g., Gutiérrez 2002), from the

perspectives of teaching and learning. It has been stud- Microgenetic Method
ied how different microcultures emerge in classroom
settings or, what kind of cultural patterns are present in KOEN LUWEL
classroom culture in general terms or in regard to Center for Educational Research and Development,
domain-specific microculture. Also, the studies on ten- Hogeschool-Universiteit Brussel, Brussels, Belgium
sions between the relatively universal and stable nor- Center for Instructional Psychology and Technology,
mative classroom scripts or practices and the local and Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven, Belgium
unique practices constructed by the members of the
learning community are seen critical to better under-
stand individual and social dimensions of learning in Synonyms
diverse learning contexts. This perspective is consid- Microgenetic analysis
ered challenging when it comes to the scrutiny of
teaching and learning practices, having implications Definition
for the design of successful learning environments. The microgenetic method is an approach used in cog-
nitive developmental research which allows obtaining
Cross-References detailed data about changes in a particular competence
▶ Learning Environments at the moment the change is actually taking place. This
▶ Situated Cognition approach is characterized by three key properties: (a)
▶ Situated Learning observations encompass the entire period of change,
▶ Social Learning Theories starting before the change begins and continuing until
the competence has reached a relatively stable state, (b)
References the density of observations is high relative to the rate of
change of the competence under study, and (c) obser- M
Brown, A., & Campione, C. (1994). Guided discovery in
a community of learners. In K. McGilly (Ed.), Classroom lessons. vations are analyzed intensively on an individual and
Integrating cognitive theory and classroom practice (pp. 229–270). trial-by-trial basis as to understand the process that
Cambridge, MA: MIT Press/Bradford Books. gives rise to both qualitative and quantitative aspects
Greeno, J. (1989). A perspective on thinking. American Psychologist,
of change. The second property is especially important.
44, 134–141.
Gutiérrez, K. (2002). Studying cultural practices in urban learning
Densely sampling changes while they are occurring
communities. Human Development, 45, 312–321. provides the temporal resolution needed to understand
Lave, J., & Wenger, E. (1991). Situated learning: Legitimate peripheral the process of change.
participation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Motierrez Lopez, L., & Allal, L. (2007). Sociomathematical norms and
regulation of problem solving in classroom microcultures. Inter-
Theoretical Background
national Journal of Educational Research, 46, 252–265. (Cognitive) developmental researchers started
Wenger, E. (1998). Communities of practice: Learning, meaning and adopting the microgenetic method because the stan-
identity. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. dard methods used in developmental psychology, such
as the cross-sectional or longitudinal method, did not
enable them to study the process of change in great
detail. The time between observations of a changing
Microdevelopment competence in these classical research designs is too
widely spaced to yield fine-grained information about
▶ Modeling Microgenetic Data the change process. The microgenetic method tries to
capture the change process by increasing the density of
observations at the moment the change is occurring,
resulting in a series of “snapshots” of the phenomenon
undergoing the change.
Microgenetic Analysis
The name as well as the concept of “microgenetic
▶ Microgenetic Method designs” already goes back to the work of Werner in the
2266 M Microgenetic Method

mid-1920s (Catan 1986). He sought to formulate gen- normally occur. A second approach is to present a novel
eral developmental laws that would apply to phenom- task and to observe children’s changing understanding
ena on all developmental levels (e.g., the acquisition of as they interact with it.
word meanings in both individual ontogenesis and Microgenetic studies allow analyzing the change
ethnogenesis of languages). Werner aimed at exploring observed along five dimensions (Siegler 2006):
and testing hypotheses of large-scale developmental
● The path of change is the sequence of knowledge
processes by creating small-scale or micromodels of
states, representations or predominant behaviors
these phenomena. The developmental phenomena of
that individuals progress through before they have
interest were scaled down by artificially provoking and
reached full competence. It establishes whether
representing the process, its origins (i.e., its genesis),
individuals show qualitative changes (i.e., different
and the conditions of its activation and development in
types of knowledge or ability), quantitative changes
a miniaturized, accelerated form. Werner termed this
(i.e., increases in speed and/or accuracy), or both.
approach the “microgenetic method.” Despite the
● The rate of change involves the amount of time or
strong pleas in favor of the microgenetic method
experience before a new knowledge state, represen-
(e.g., Vygotsky 1978) and its clear advantages, the
tation, or behavior appears (i.e., the rate of discov-
method was rarely used in the ensuing years. The first
ery), and the amount of time or experience before
publications reporting on microgenetic analyses
the new knowledge state, representation, or behav-
appeared only in the 1970s and early 1980s (e.g.,
ior is implemented consistently across problems
Karmiloff-Smith and Inhelder 1974; Kuhn and Ho
within the same domain (i.e., the rate of uptake).
1980; Wertsch and Hickmann 1987). The number of
● The breadth of change refers to the extent to which
microgenetic studies has, however, increased rapidly
the new approach is generalized to other problems,
over the last 20 years, and this trend looks set to con-
tasks, and contexts.
tinue. Probably the most important reason for this
● The variability of change refers to intra- as well as
increased prevalence is the growing awareness of the
inter-individual differences in the path, rate, and
unparalleled richness of the data yielded by this
breadth of change.
● The source of change pertains to the causes that set
In a prototypic microgenetic study, children receive
the change in motion. A wide variety of experiences
multiple trials of (several versions of) a problem
can evoke change: practice, feedback, direct instruc-
over several testing sessions. The dense sampling of
tion, social collaboration, requests to explain observa-
behavior in a transitional period enables researchers
tions, etc.
to examine, on a trial-by-trial basis, the circumstances
that precede a change (e.g., the kind of problems pre-
ceding the change), the nature of the change (e.g., Important Scientific Research and
whether the child was aware of the change), and how Open Questions
the competence further develops after the change (e.g., Even though the microgenetic method has been
whether the change becomes immediately apparent on applied in diverse age groups, content areas, and set-
all following problems or whether it generalizes only tings, the diverse studies incorporating this method
gradually). have yielded surprisingly consistent findings. Perhaps
One of the biggest challenges in conducting the most central finding revealed by these studies is the
a microgenetic study is ensuring that the period of great variability in behavior. In microgenetic research
intense sampling over time coincides entirely with the variability is considered as an important phenomenon,
period that the change occurs. There are two ways in rather than as a nuisance to be minimized. Its specific
which this challenge could be met. One way is to take focus on individual-based, process-oriented data
an everyday task, hypothesize the type of experiences allows an identification of the irregular aspects of
that typically lead to changes in performance on this change. It has been found that variability can occur
task, and accelerate the change process by providing within participants, with individuals successfully
a higher concentration of these experiences than would using a more advanced approach on a particular
Microgenetic Method M 2267

problem, but then using a less sophisticated approach is combining the microgenetic method with neuroim-
on a subsequent presentation of the same or a similar aging techniques. Like the microgenetic method, these
problem. Individuals may also show high variability techniques can identify and measure change as it
during certain stages of change but low variability occurs. Establishing associations between changes in
during other stages of change for the same competence. brain activity and changes in behavior could help iden-
Variability can also be present between individuals. tifying the psychological mechanisms underlying these
Some children may show a gradual, smooth change in changes.
a competence, while others show a sudden change. The microgenetic method is mostly applied to study
Further, children of the same age may use different cognitive development in an experimental context by
approaches to solve the same type of problems. This having an individual child solving problems on its own.
central finding indicates that the traditional view of However, it still remains to be tested whether the tech-
development as a transition from one consistent under- nique can also be applied in a variety of other settings.
standing toward another more advanced consistent A first context where microgenetic approaches may lead
understanding needs to be refined. It appears that indi- to new insights are social settings. It would be interest-
viduals typically use multiple approaches over ing to know (a) whether specific changes in the nature
prolonged periods of time. Consequently, change can of the social interaction would give rise to changes in
be conceived as a gradual and continuous variation in cognitive competence and vice versa and (b) the extent
the frequencies of the ways of thinking whereby new to which changes in cognitive competence in a social
ways of thinking are being added and old ones being setting would differ from those during solitary activity.
eliminated (Siegler 1996). A second environment in which the microgenetic
Although the microgenetic method can clearly pro- method could make important contributions are edu-
vide a more detailed description of change based on cational settings. This can be realized by carefully exam-
individual trial-by-trial data than most other methods, ining the effects of various types of teaching methods,
it is not clear yet whether it can help in identifying the interventions, and feedback on the learning process of
mechanisms underlying change. Obviously, this goal children. Third, the microgenetic method may also be
cannot be attained easily since these mechanisms can very useful in clinical contexts where change is fre-
be described at multiple levels that vary in specificity quently the main goal of mental health interventions.
(e.g., maturation, improved working memory, autom- The method can offer an approach to examine positive
atization), time frame (e.g., years, months, days, change (i.e., rates of improvements through different
minutes), and system (e.g., behavioral, computational, treatments or interventions) and detrimental effects
neural). Nevertheless, the microgenetic method seems (i.e., rates and pathways of symptoms that define dis-
quite promising in this respect because its detailed orders). Moreover, the microgenetic method can also
descriptions of change enable suggesting candidate be an important diagnostic tool for clinicians. Due to
mechanisms as well as ruling out alternatives. One of its intensity of repeated observations, it gives partici-
the issues that needs to be further explored is whether pants more opportunities to demonstrate different
there exist similarities and differences in how the dif- types of behavior. This enables researchers to observe
ferent aspects of change (i.e., path, rate, breadth, vari- behaviors that may be less frequent but still within
ability, and sources) are involved in various types of a person’s repertoire, revealing the full range of behav-
acquisitions (e.g., strategies, behaviors, beliefs, skills, iors that an individual can produce. Finally, the
knowledge). Another way in which microgenetic data microgenetic method could also be applied to study
can help specify mechanisms of change is by clearly change in diverse populations. For example, it could
differentiating the causes of three types of microgenetic reveal in which of the five aspects of change children
change: the discovery of a new skill, the uptake of that with low IQs, high IQs, or specific learning disabilities
skill, and the increased prevalence of this skill with would differ from their peers.
time. It may be that the underlying mechanisms are In sum, the microgenetic method is a promising
quite different in the three cases. A third direction that research tool of broad applicability offering fine-
may prove fruitful in illuminating change mechanisms grained information about processes of change.
2268 M Microgenetic Studies

Microgenetic data give rise to a growing number of

mechanistic models of short-term change. Testing Microgenetic Studies
whether the mechanisms that produce changes in These studies include dense, trial-by-trial observations
these models can also account for long-term changes of learning to assess the mechanisms underlying the
promises to be a particularly exciting frontier in the process of cognitive change. Microgenetic studies
study of children’s learning. investigate five dimensions of cognitive change: source,
path, rate, breadth, and variability.
▶ Accelerated Learning
▶ Cognitive Tasks and Learning
▶ Development and Learning
▶ Experimental and Quasi-experimental Designs for Microlearning
Research on Learning
▶ Feedback and Learning THEO HUG
▶ Human Cognition and Learning Institute of Psychosocial Intervention and
▶ Laboratory Learning Communication Studies, University of Innsbruck,
▶ Measurement of Change in Learning Innsbruck, Austria
▶ Modeling Microgenetic Data
▶ Piaget’s Learning Theory
▶ Problem Solving Synonyms
Byte-sized learning; Episodic learning; Nano-learning;
On-demand learning
Catan, L. (1986). The dynamic display of process: Historical devel-
opment and contemporary uses of the microgenetic method.
Human Development, 29, 252–263. The term microlearning has been used since the begin-
Karmiloff-Smith, A., & Inhelder, B. (1974). If you want to get ahead, ning of the twenty-first century mainly in the context of
get a theory. Cognition, 3, 195–212. e-Learning. Commonly it stands for an abbreviated
Kuhn, D. (1995). Microgenetic study of change: What has it told us? manner of expression for all sorts of short-time learning
Psychological Science, 6, 133–139.
activities with microcontent. The term is used in many
Kuhn, D., & Ho, V. (1980). Self-directed activity and cognitive devel-
opment. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 1, different ways. The spectrum of implicit or explicit def-
119–133. initions ranges from (1) unspecified forms of webspeak
Miller, P. H., & Coyle, T. R. (1999). Developmental change: Lessons about learning by means of digital media and (2) ideo-
from microgenesis. In E. K. Scholnick, K. Nelson, S. A. Gelman, logical concepts of how learning processes ought to be
& P. H. Miller (Eds.), Conceptual development: Piaget’s Legacy
organized according to the fast-moving world of tech-
(pp. 209–239). Mahwah: Lawrence Erlbaum.
Siegler, R. S. (1996). Emerging minds: The process of change in chil-
nology to (3) differentiated conceptualizations of learn-
dren’s thinking. New York: Oxford University Press. ing processes as related to micro-perspectives in the
Siegler, R. S. (2006). Microgenetic analyses of learning. In W. Damon context of learning, education, and training.
& R. M. Lerner (Series Eds.) & D. Kuhn & R. S. Siegler (Vol. Eds.),
Handbook of child psychology: Volume 2: Cognition, perception, Theoretical Background
and language (6th ed., pp. 464–510). Hoboken: Wiley.
From a historical perspective learning in small steps is
Siegler, R. S., & Crowley, K. (1991). The microgenetic method:
A direct means for studying cognitive development. American nothing new. Already the old saying “A journey of
Psychologist, 46, 606–620. thousand miles starts with the first step” which has
Vygotsky, L. S. (1978). Mind in society: The development of higher been ascribed to the Chinese philosopher Lao-Tse
mental processes. New York: Wiley (Original work published (6th or 4th century BCE) can be interpreted as
a metaphor for a necessary relationship between single
Wertsch, J. V., & Hickmann, M. (1987). Problem solving in social
interaction: A microgenetic analysis. In M. Hickmann (Ed.),
learning steps and long-term learning goals. From
Social and functional approaches to language and thought a history of education viewpoint many examples for
(pp. 251–266). San Diego: Academic. the relevance of “learning in small steps” and also its
Microlearning M 2269

relation to the learning of structures and complex rela- In recent years, some authors have presented
tionships can be pointed out (cf. Hierdeis 2007). microlearning as a relational cross-over concept in the
Whereas implicit conceptualizations of micro- context of technological, societal, and cultural trans-
learning can be traced back throughout history, explicit formation (cf. Hug and Friesen 2009). In order to
forms of using the term proliferate at the intersection of distinguish it from technology-focused concepts of
the social, educational, and technical after the millen- eLearning, mLearning, distributed learning, or the
nium change. In contrast to explicit concepts of implementation of ICT in mainstream education,
microteaching which have been continuously devel- (mediated) learning contexts and cultures as well as
oped especially in the field of teacher education since layers and perspectives of descriptions are considered
the 1960s, microlearning is a rather new expression of importance. In doing so, many versions and meanings
(cf. Hug and Friesen 2009, p. 2). Although it can be of microlearning are taken into account according to
conceptualized as counterpart to microteaching, it is the heterogeneity of different domains of reference and
rather associated with expressions like “microcontent” application and the selected mode of distinguishing
or “micromedia,” particularly in the context of Internet micro-, meso-, and macro-levels (see Table 1).
parlance in which these expressions are typically used No matter how learning is conceptualized as a
for sets of emerging phenomena at the same time process of
lacking a sharp focus.
● Building up and organizing knowledge
The basic idea of designing, using, and reflecting
● Transformation based on processes of meaning-
relatively small learning units and short-time learn-
making in specific contexts
ing activities is not limited to a special learning
● Enabling or leading to relative permanent capacity
theory. On the contrary, many analytic frameworks
change beyond "pure" biological maturation or
for learning offer indications for micro-perspectives
on learning without referring to microlearning
explicitly. and no matter if we are referring to changes of behav-
As to defining microlearning and related theoretical ior, attitudes, values, mental abilities, task perfor-
backgrounds distinguishing between simplex or naı̈ve mance, cognitive structures, emotional reactions,
theories and complex conceptualizations is indicated. action patterns, or social dynamics, in all cases there
In both cases normative and descriptive aspects play is the possibility of addressing micro-, meso-, and
a role. However, simplex versions of microlearning macro-aspects of learning (cf. Hug 2005, p. 3 f.).
often carry connotations of ideology as, for example, This meta-model can be interpreted in terms of
related to: ecological perspectives as well as learning scapes,
spheres, or spaces. However, it offers a manifold of
● Unspecified necessities of life-long learning in
different understandings of microlearning as related to
mediatized societies
learning concepts, situations, arrangements, and con-
● On-demand learning needs of workers in a taken
texts. The analytical framework does not suggest
for granted “New Work Order”
a specific concept of microlearning per se. It rather
● Claims of how learning processes ought to be orga-
opens up various perspectives for understanding,
nized according to technological developments like
designing, and evaluating processes of microlearning.
small screens on mobile devices
Among others, key conceptual developments
● Aspirations of representing the crowning achieve-
refer to the following aspects (cf. Hug and Friesen
ment after other “learning paradigms”
2009, p. 4):
● The promotion of learning bits and pieces in
fragmented lives and lifeworlds as a value in itself.
● Concerning time microlearning is related to rela-
Although such ideological aspects mainly occur in tively short efforts and low degrees of time con-
common sense or market-oriented descriptions, even sumption both in the sense of measurable and
academic psychological or pedagogical notions about subjective time.
microlearning may contain similar elements of ● In terms of content it deals with relatively small
ideology. items or units and rather narrow topics, even
2270 M Microlearning

Microlearning. Table 1 Microlearning–mesolearning–macrolearning (cf. Hug 2005, p. 3)

Example 2 Example 3 Example 4 Example 5
Example 1 Language Learning Course Competency Example 6
Linguistics learning contents structure classification Sociology
Micro level Single letters Vocables, Learning Learning Competencies Individualized
phrases, objects, objects of learners or learning
sentences micro teachers
Meso level Words, letter– Situations, Subareas, Topics, Designing Group learning or
figure episodes narrow lessons a lecture organizational
combinations, themes learning
Macro Texts, Sociocultural Topics, Courses, Designing Learning of
level conversation, specifics, subjects curricular a curriculum generations,
linguistic complex structures learning of
communication semantics societies

though aspects of multiliteracies and multi- relatively small items (content). On the other hand,
modalities can play a complex role. depending on which domain of reference we refer to
● Processes of microlearning can be related primarily as “learning” and which perspective we consider of
to formal, informal, or nonformal contexts. It can special importance, we mark out an object of study
be designed for corporate learning, for continuing which is then conceptualized and communicated as
education, or for classroom learning as part of microlearning.
a curricular setting as well as for learning beyond
the classroom. Entailing subprocesses may be sepa-
Important Scientific Research and
rate or concurrent, situated or integrated into other
Open Questions
activities, and they may follow iterative methods,
Explicit conceptualizations of microlearning in
networked patterns, or certain modes of attention
mediatized learning environments are being discussed
for a few years now (cf. Gassler 2004). Little basic research
● Its form may be described in terms of fragments,
has been done so far, and applied research in this field is
facets, episodes, “knowledge nuggets,” skill ele-
largely limited to technological issues or mechanical
ments, or more or less loosely linked elements.
learning (Learning I sensu Gregory Bateson). Moreover,
● Microlearning can be modeled with reference to ideological aspects of microlearning discourses have
a range of pedagogies and learning concepts, includ-
rather been celebrated than critically analyzed in
ing reflective, pragmatist, conceptionalist, con-
terms of learning theory, knowledge integration, didac-
structivist, connectivist, or behaviorist learning, or
tics, governmentality, or dulling of the mind.
action-, task-, exercise-, goal-, or problem-oriented
Unsurprisingly, the concept of microlearning has
been questioned in the sense that learning in small
● Last but not least, microlearning can involve the use
steps would only lead to an aggregation of isolated
of different media technologies – book printing,
pieces of information, and that social forms and sys-
radio, film, TV, computer, Internet, and various
tems of knowledge could not solely be understood as
mobile technologies. effects of learning in small steps (cf. Hierdeis 2007,
On the one hand, microlearning can be described in p. 49). Indeed, microlearning discourses suggest the
terms of rather simple markers such as low degrees of clarification and rethinking synthetic and analytic
time consumption (temporality) and dealing with methods of teaching and learning. The same applies
Micro-processes of Attention M 2271

to the relation of psychological and pedagogical con- microlearning and how they can allow for episodic
cepts of learning (cf. Göhlich et al. 2007) as well as to structures of learning in fruitful ways. While pessimis-
philosophical and sociological approaches to learning tic voices tend to claim that microlearning is the prob-
in mediated lifeworlds. lem considering itself to be the solution, optimistic
Since the concept of microlearning does not corre- voices might emphasize that the long journey of
spond to a specific learning model, for both, basic and transcending existing orders and reframing learning
applied research an important task is to sound out cultures in the age of digitization starts with micro-
viable configurations in the manifold of different steps.
options and understandings. If we accept that there is
a need for the enhancement of didactical thinking and
for rethinking traditional learning models in view of
▶ Ecology of Learning
media-cultural dynamics, such configurations could be
▶ Episodic Learning
useful. There are quite a few general models which can
▶ Knowledge Integration
be used as starting points in the context of linking
▶ Microculture of Learning Environments
together microlearning elements and micro-, meso-,
▶ Micro-genetic Analysis of Learning
and macro-levels. Among them there are the following
▶ Mobile Learning
(cf. Hug and Friesen 2009, p. 5):
▶ Multimedia Learning
● In the conglomerate model diverse micro elements ▶ Multimodal Learning Through Media
can be arrayed as a kind of assortment of learning
products and processes. References
● In the emergence model new phenomena, coherent Gassler, G. (2004). Integriertes Mikrolernen. M.Phil. thesis, Univer-
structures and qualities evolve from and between sity of Innsbruck, Austria.
microlearning elements themselves. Novel patterns Göhlich, M., Wulf, C., & Zirfas, J. (Eds.). (2007). Pädagogische M
arise out of a multiplicity of relatively simple Theorien des Lernens. Weinheim/Basel: Beltz.
interactions or steps in the dynamic process of Hierdeis, H. (2007). From Meno to microlearning: A historical sur-
vey. In T. Hug (Ed.), Didactics of microlearning. Concepts, dis-
courses and examples (pp. 35–52). Muenster: Waxmann.
● Microlearning processes can be embedded in single- Hug, T. (2005). Micro learning and narration. Exploring possibilities
and double-loop learning strategies when develop- of utilization of narrations and storytelling for the designing of
ing various levels of knowledge and modes of know- “micro units” and didactical micro-learning arrangements.
ing, and promoting the (cognitive) activities Online proceedings of the international conference “Media in
Transition 4: The Work of Stories”. MIT, Cambridge, MA. http://
necessary for this (cf. Peschl 2010). Accessed 30
● According to the medium/form distinction learning March 2011.
results can be understood as form in a medium of Hug, T., & Friesen, N. (2009). Outline of a microlearning agenda.
loosely coupled elements. Because any given form eLearning Papers, Nº 16, pp. 1–13. http://www.elearningeuropa.
can act as medium on another level, layers and layers info/files/media/media20252.pdf. Accessed 30 March 2011.
of distinctions can be described in flexible ways. Peschl, M. F. (2010). Knowledge construction and knowledge crea-
tion as key factors in educational and innovation processes. In H.
● Principles of bricolage such as there are openness,
Risku & M. F. Peschl (Eds.), Kognition und Technologie im
agility, and flexibility in thinking and acting, deal- kooperativen Lernen: Vom Wissenstransfer zur Knowledge Creation
ing with heterogeneous matters and limited (pp. 15–31). Wien: V&R unipress.
resources, spatiotemporal anchoring of actions,
have been applied to educational contexts in vari-
ous ways. They can be reappraised in the context of
learning and corresponding micro-, meso-, and
macro-perspectives. Micro-processes of Attention
Future research might attempt to clarify how these ▶ Role of Attention Triangulation in Organizational
concepts and models can be applied to issues of Learning Processes
2272 M Milgram, Stanley (1933–1984)

in the participants. There is still an ongoing debate on

Milgram, Stanley (1933–1984) the experiment in the psychological community, where
many see it as providing a vindication of torture and
NORBERT M. SEEL murder resulting from learned obedience to authority.
Department of Education, University of Freiburg, However, the study on obedience to authority is only
Freiburg, Germany one example of Milgram’s notorious methodology of
experimental research. Another example is the
small-world experiment conducted in 1967. In this
Life Data experiment, Milgram sent several packages to 160 ran-
Stanley Milgram was born in 1933 in New York City. domly assigned people living in Omaha, Nebraska, and
In 1954, he received his bachelor’s degree in political asked them to forward the package to a friend, who was
science from Queens College, New York. He applied for in turn asked to forward the package to another friend,
a Ph.D. program in social psychology at Harvard and so on. In the end, the package was supposed to reach
University, but was initially rejected due to an insuffi- the final addressee, a stockbroker from Boston, Massa-
cient background in psychology. He was finally chusetts. Milgram reported “six degrees” of forwarding,
accepted to Harvard in 1954 and received a Ph.D. in but he only traced a few of the packages. As
social psychology in 1960. However, Milgram’s rela- a consequence, the “six degrees” theory has been criti-
tionship with Harvard remained problematic because cized by numerous psychologists. Nevertheless, the
he was denied tenure there – probably due to his results of the small-world experiment remain impressive.
controversial experimental research. Instead, he Milgram used the same method in the “lost letter” exper-
became a tenured full professor at the City University iment he conducted a couple of years before. In this
of New York Graduate Center. Milgram died of a heart study, Milgram planted several sealed and stamped letters
attack on 20 December 1984. in public places, addressed to individuals and favorable
organizations, such as medical research institutes, as well
Theoretical Background as to politically stigmatized organizations such as
As a social psychologist Stanley Milgram became pop- “Friends of the Nazi Party.” Milgram found that most
ular due to his controversial experimental study on of the letters addressed to individuals and favorable orga-
obedience to authority – now known simply as the nizations were mailed, while most of those addressed to
Milgram Experiment. This study was conducted in stigmatized organizations were not. However, 36 years
the 1960s and was inspired by the trial of Adolf after Milgram’s small-world experiment, Dodds,
Eichmann and the Nazi Holocaust. The central idea Muhamad, and Watts (2003) replicated the study with
was to demonstrate experimentally the strong relation- 60,000 email users who were asked to reach 1 of 18 target
ship between obedience and authority. In 1963, individuals in 13 countries by forwarding messages to
Milgram submitted the results of his experiment in acquaintances. The findings show that Milgram’s results
the article “Behavioral Study of Obedience,” with the are solid with regard to the six degrees of separation.
result that a controversial debate began concerning the
ethics of the Milgram Experiment (Baumrind 1964).
Contribution(s) to the Field of
Finally, in 1974, Milgram succeeded in publishing his
experimental study and received the annual social psy- " We didn’t need Milgram to tell us we have a tendency
chology award for his excellent work on social aspects
to obey orders. What we didn’t know before Milgram’s
of obedience. The results of the Milgram Experiment
experiments is just how powerful this tendency is. And
were later used to explain the My Lai Massacre in 1968
having been enlightened about our extreme readiness
as well as more general phenomena such as social
to obey authorities, we can try to take steps to guard
aspects of authority in military training, depersonali-
ourselves against unwelcome or reprehensible com-
zation on the basis of racial and cultural differences,
mands (Blass 2002, p. 73).
and so on.
Since its publication, the Milgram Experiment has Milgram’s contributions were remarkably numer-
been criticized as unethical as it caused enormous stress ous and varied during his career: He conducted the
Mill, John Stuart (1806–1873) M 2273

experiments that led to the phrase “six degrees of sep- Cross-References

aration” and devised methodological innovations such ▶ Learning of Obedience to Authority
as the “lost letter” technique. But it is the obedience
experiments for which Milgram will always be remem- References
bered, for better or for worse. Indeed, the Milgram Baumrind, D. (1964). Some thoughts on ethics of research: after
Experiment has proved to be the most influential and reading milgram’s behavioral study of obedience. The American
Psychologist, 19, 421–423.
controversial experiment in modern social psychology.
Blass, T. (1999). The milgram paradigm after 35 years: some things we
It has affected specific fields of interest, such as law,
now know about obedience to authority. Journal of Applied Social
business, medicine, and the military. Plays, films, and Psychology, 29(5), 955–978.
songs have been based on the experiments, and well- Blass, T. (2002). The man who shocked the world. Psychology Today,
known authors such as Doris Lessing and Arthur 35, 68–74.
Koestler have written about them at length. Blass, T. (2004). The man who shocked the world: the life and legacy of
stanley milgram. New York: Basic Books.
Blass (1999, 2004), author of Milgram’s biography,
Dodds, P., Muhamad, R., & Watts, D. (2003). An experimental study
reviewed all the research on and social implications of of search in global social networks. Science, 301(5634), 827–829.
Milgram’s study. In general, he found that the results of Milgram, S. (1963). Behavioral Study of Obedience. Journal of Abnor-
replications have remained consistent and relatively mal and Social Psychology, 67(4), 371–378.
unchanged over the past 45 years, which may be sur- Milgram, S. (1974). Obedience to authority. New York: Harper
and Row.
prising when one considers that many are aware of
Milgram’s studies and the extreme results that blind
obedience can lead to. Milgram’s contribution did not
consist in showing that human beings obey authority,
but in demonstrating how powerful and potentially Mill, John Stuart (1806–1873)
dangerous this predisposition is (Milgram 1974).
Milgram’s experiments are usually discussed in the MICHAEL JACKSON
context of social psychology and the investigation of Department of Government and International
people’s situation-dependent behavior. However, the Relations, University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW,
study on obedience to authority in particular can be Australia
considered as a substantial contribution to the study of
learning in stressful situations. Clearly, the research design
corresponds to a large extent to a learning experiment Life Dates
which works with a “teacher” (i.e., the true participant), John Stuart Mill (May 20, 1806–May 8, 1873) was an
a “learner” (i.e., the confederate of the experimenter), and influential English public intellectual. He named Util-
an experimenter, who was played in the original study itarianism (1861) as a school of thought and is most
(Milgram 1963) by a high-school biology teacher. The famous for his systematic explanation and defense of
essence of the study was really to examine how people the market place of ideas in On Liberty (1859). He was
learn to obey authority. The participants were told they a tireless and effective reformer of the world (in his own
were involved in a study regarding the relationship words) through his essays and parliamentary testi-
between punishment and learning, and they thus mony, later serving a term in the House of Commons.
followed the experimenter’s order to punish learners He advocated free public education, but he himself was
due to their faults in memorizing various word pairs. schooled at home by his father, James Mill. Throughout
Milgram’s experiments also had an impact on the his life, he championed progressive causes including
ethics of research. Today, many people believe that women’s rights. Other important titles are Consider-
a psychological study like the Milgram Experiment ations on Representative Government (1861) and A Sys-
would never be allowed in most countries due to ethical tem of Logic (1843).
considerations. But ethical constraints do not seem to
stop the entertainment industry. In consequence, it is Theoretical Background
easy to find numerous replications of the Milgram James Mill, influenced by his close personal friend
Experiment on obedience to authority. Jeremy Bentham and reading Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s
2274 M Mill, John Stuart (1806–1873)

Émile, decided himself to educate his eldest son, John that John Stuart Mill had an education as rigorous as
Stuart Mill. James Mill believed that the mind was Plato asserted for philosophers to be kings and just as
plastic and that nurture – associationism – determined focused. The Young Mill was subjected to a very strict
its shape. In later life, John Stuart Mill attributed his program; there is never a hint of affection for his father
achievements to his unusual and remarkable educa- in the Autobiography. Whatever the elder Mill’s inten-
tion, and not to any special ability, which proved how tion, John Stuart Mill was a remarkable man. He wrote
much more can be learned than usually is in formal essays and reviews, and then books from his teenage
education. years. His collected works run to more than 30 sub-
Our knowledge of Mill’s education comes from his stantial volumes. The quantity is impressive and so is
Autobiography (1874) published after his death. Like the quality. Mill’s essays are trenchant, clear, and closely
Mozart, the Young Mill was a prodigy. He had learned argued.
to read Greek at age three. At eight he had mastered Among Mill’s many works, his A System of Logic
Latin. Algebra, geometry, and mathematics followed. (1843) codified a comparative approach to inductive
He read copiously starting with Aesop’s Fables, Lucien’s reasoning, and has an important place in the evolution
Histories, Plutarch’s Lives, and Plato’s Dialogues. He of social science. It details five kinds of comparisons:
summarized his reading to his father on long walks agreement, difference, mixed agreement and difference,
and in written notes. As a teenager, he contributed to residue, and concomitant variation. These compari-
James Mill’s publications and edited some of sons lead to conclusions about causation.
Bentham’s. The boy Mill is glimpsed in his fondness
for stirring tales of the sailors Francis Drake and James Contribution(s) to the Field of
Cook, and his appetite for Daniel Defoe’s Robinson Learning
Crusoe (1719). Curiously, this is a book that Rousseau Mill did not attend a university yet has had more
permitted Émile as a testament of self-reliance. His impact on universities than many a distinguished pro-
father accepted this boyish reading provided the fessor. His essays, reviews, and books had such
curriculum came first. Young Mill studied every day a readership in his day that they became set reading in
with his father and was carefully shielded from contact the historic universities Oxford and Cambridge. His
with other children, apart from his own siblings, just as advocacy of free public education also convinced
was Rousseau’s Émile. Mill described himself as physi- many others in the Victorian Age to accept it. He was
cally inept. Because of this isolation, Mill had no way of a formidable advocate of the franchise for women.
knowing that he was different until later. But there is no doubt that his greatest enduring
At about eight, his father made him schoolmaster for influence was through utilitarianism. He was a public
his siblings (eight in all), and though we know little of intellectual long before that term gained currency. On
how this worked, John Stuart Mill says he was a failure at utilitarian grounds, he advocated a series of causes
it. Yet, it continued until Mill was in his 30s. He was through essays and reviews read by the educated public
often required to spend his time in this pursuit rather of Victorian England. Moreover, he testified before
than traveling, socializing, or even reading. parliamentary committees where his formidable intel-
It was only as a teenager, after a sojourn in France, lect proved more than a match for parliamentarians
that nature seems to intrude on nurture. He began to who mocked this book man. Among the causes he
read romantic poetry and to write it. While the adult championed were public education, hygiene including
Mill had colleagues in his many causes, there is scant sewers, equality of women, extension of the franchise,
indication that he had any friends. The only woman in civil service recruitment on merit rather than pedigree,
his life (his mother is not mentioned in the published and the like. He inspired others to follow in utilitari-
Autobiography) is Harriet Taylor who befriended him anism, making a self-conscious school of thought,
and who married him 20 years later. which continues to this day. Such a self-conscious
James Mill said he educated Young John to advocate school of thought is a rarity in the English-speaking
Utilitarianism after he and Jeremy Bentham died. For world. One such exponent was Henry Sidgwick who
that reason, some of John Stuart Mill’s contemporaries continued Mill’s work as a public advocate for educa-
referred to him as a manufactured man. One could say tion in particular.
Mimicry in Social Interaction: Its Effect on Learning M 2275

Mill also inspired ranks of other individuals to see

the practical and moral value of education. His role in Mimicry in Social Interaction:
providing a compelling justification for higher learning Its Effect on Learning
was recognized in 1867 when he was made rector of
Saint Andrews University. In his inaugural address, he ANGÉLIQUE MARTIN, NICOLAS GUÉGUEN
argued that literature and science were both necessary CRPCC-LESTIC, University of South Brittany,
to an educated mind, whereas the general view at the Lorient, France
time was that they were at least competitors if not
adversaries. Mill placed value on the capacity of the
individual, developed through education, not lineage Synonyms
or natural endowments in his support for civil service Behavioral mimicry; Chameleon effect; Postural syn-
reforms and the equality of women. He argued the case chrony; Verbal mimicry
for civic education, as the foundation to electoral
democracy, throughout his Consideration on Represen- Definition
tative Government (1861). Mimicry is an automatic and non-conscious process
A System of Logic (1843) was one of the first and that occurs in many circumstances and in a wide variety
most cogent statements of methodology in the study of of situations. According to Chartrand and van Baaren
society. It did much to elevate the social sciences both (2009), there are several theories of mimicry. Studies
directly by equipping students of society with have demonstrated that mimicry is a communication
a framework of analysis and indirectly by impressing tool used to create and regulate social interactions and
upon its readers the value of conclusion drawn from show others that you understand them. It can truly be
such reasoning. called “social glue” which helps to create strong ties and
Finally, his own education stands as an example of relationships between individuals. According to
Chartrand and Bargh (1999), one of the key mecha-
the application of a theory of learning, associationism,
in nearly laboratory conditions. It is an intriguing nisms of imitation is the desire for affiliation with the
example of the intersection of nature and nurture. subject with whom one interacts. It seems that mimicry
is an effective tool not only to create ties and social
Cross-References relationships, but also for maintaining them. A great
▶ Associationism deal of research has shown that non-conscious mimicry
▶ Associative Learning comes from the automatic link between perception and
▶ Dewey, John (1858–1952) behavior. According to Bargh et al. (1996), the mere
▶ Plato (429–347 BC) perception of the behavior of another person increases
the probability that you will produce the very same
References behavior. Thus, the fact of seeing someone do something
Bain, A. (1882). James Mill: A biography. London: Longmans, Green. activates corresponding behavioral representations,
Capaldi, N. (2004). John Stuart Mill: A biography. Cambridge/ which in turn induce a higher probability that you will
New York: Cambridge University Press. also produce this behavior. The discovery of mirror
Collini, S., Winch, D., & Burrow, J. (1984). That noble science of
neurons has argued in favor of a direct link between
politics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Mill, J. S. (1944[1873]). Autobiography. New York: Columbia Univer-
perception and behavior. Several studies show that see-
sity Press. ing someone do something causes the same neurological
Robson, J. M. (Ed.) (1963–1991). Collected works of John Stuart Mill. activations as doing the action oneself would cause.
Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 33 vols.
Important Scientific Research and
Open Questions
Mimicry has been noted to have an effect on social
Mimicry judgments; you like a person who imitates you more
than if he/she did not imitate you. One perceives some-
▶ Repetition and Imitation: Opportunities for Learning one who imitates him/her as more friendly (Chartrand
2276 M Mimicry in Social Interaction: Its Effect on Learning

and Bargh 1999). Other studies confirm that interper- and finally more ability to perform one’s own actions.
sonal interactions are considered as more pleasant when They find that mimicry leads to the perception of high
you are mimicked and also when you mimic. Mimicry social coordination and thus better social regulation. In
also leads individuals to perceiving themselves as being many researches, subjects who have previously been
closer. These effects of mimicry on judgments and social mimicked achieve a better score on the task of self-
relationships seem to come from the fact that being regulation; they also report eating less junk food and
imitated increases the feeling of familiarity toward the procrastinate less than those who are not emulated. In
mimicker (Guéguen et al. 2009). In a longitudinal his thesis, Kouzakova (2009) also found that mimicry
research involving observation between students and leads to better cognitive functioning in mimickees. The
teachers, LaFrance (1979) observed that the degree of author shows that the subjects who have been mim-
synchrony of nonverbal behaviors and verbal expres- icked have a better score on the Stroop task than those
sions in the teacher–student dyad is a predictor of the who were not mimicked (who indeed are less successful
quality of the relationship between two people. than the control group). The results also show that
In a second study, LaFrance (1982) showed that subjects who are mimicked have better verbal fluency
students tend to mimic the posture of their teacher (better access to the vocabulary in memory).
and that the level of mimicry of the latter is positively Martin (2010) showed that children who have pre-
correlated with the existing ties between him/her and viously been (verbally) mimicked store more informa-
the students. A recent study (Martin 2010) has shown tion in a text submitted by the experimenter mimickers
that children feel more favorably toward an adult who and make fewer mistakes than those who had not been
mimics them than do the children who are not mim- mimicked. It also seems that children who are mim-
icked. Indeed, when they are mimicked, children feel icked pay more attention to the documents provided by
more comfortable with adults, they report that they the experimenter when the latter had previously mim-
have understood better and have been better under- icked them.
stood by him/her. Finally, children who are mimicked
take more pleasure in interacting with him/her. Cross-References
Many research studies have shown that mimicry ▶ Attention and Implicit Learning
causes more prosocial behaviors. Mimickees are more ▶ Climate of Learning
altruistic toward mimickers. Mimickees are also more ▶ Cognitive and Affective Learning Strategies
altruistic toward people in general, even other individ- ▶ Education of Teacher Educators
uals who are not mimickers. It, therefore, seems that ▶ Self-Esteem and Learning
being mimicked increases the likelihood that individuals
will show altruistic behavior toward other individuals
(who mimic or not). References
Bargh, J. A., Chen, M., & Burrows, L. (1996). Automaticity of social
Mimicry increases the perceived trust between the
behavior: Direct effects of trait construct and stereotype priming
partners. We observed an effect of mimicry on the on action. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 71,
negotiation process. Indeed, negotiators using 230–244.
a strategy of imitation obtain more information from Chartrand, T. L., & Bargh, J. A. (1999). The chameleon effect: The
the other party. The authors explain this effect by the perception-behavior link and social interaction. Journal of
climate of confidence engendered by mimicry. Martin Personality and Social Psychology, 76, 893–910.
Chartrand, T.L., & van Baaren, R. (2009). Human mimicry. In M.
(2010) shows that children who are verbally mimicked
Zanna (Ed.), Advances in experimental social psychology (Vol. 41,
by an adult give him/her more confidence by agreeing pp. 219–274). San Diego: Academic.
to tell him/her a secret or by agreeing to tell him/her Guéguen, N., Jacob, C., & Martin, A. (2009). Mimicry in social
something mischievous that they have done. interaction: Its effect on human judgment and behavior. Euro-
Other studies have examined the effect of mimicry pean Journal of Social Sciences, 8(2), 253–259.
Kouzakova, M. (2009). Subtle signs of exclusion: how lack of mimicry
on self-regulation and social coordination and have
affects the self and other perception. Social Psychology Thesis.
noticed a high increase in the mobilization of cognitive Netherlands: Radboud University Nijmegen, 128 p.
resources. The capacity for self-regulation is also LaFrance, M. (1979). Nonverbal synchrony and rapport: Analysis by the
improved, which in turn results in greater self-control cross-lag panel technique. Social Psychology Quarterly, 42, 66–70.
Mindfulness and Meditation M 2277

LaFrance, M. (1982). Posture mirroring and rapport. In M. Davis Such practices were largely used with the aim of
(Ed.), Interaction rhythms: Periodicity in commutative behavior attaining spiritual insight or experience with secondary
(pp. 279–298). New York: Human Sciences.
psychological or physical benefits seen as desirable side
Martin (2010). L’effet Caméléon comme outil de prévention de l’obésité
infantile. L’imitation, une nouvelle technique de soumission effects indicating a reduction of suffering. In the mod-
comportementale? Unpublished doctoral thesis, University of ern context, meditation is attracting considerable inter-
South Brittany. est in various scientific and clinical disciplines on the
back of recent research findings. The investigation of
the pragmatic uses or beneficial side effects of medita-
tion has now attracted a considerable level of attention
Mindfulness and Meditation in the scientific and lay communities.
More recently, there is an interesting and important
CRAIG HASSED fusion between philosophical insight from ancient
Department of General Practice, Monash University, wisdom traditions and modern science and psychol-
Notting Hill, VIC, Australia ogy. Although many wisdom traditions have made
valuable contributions to this field, it is probably the
cross-pollination of mindfulness meditation, Bud-
Synonyms dhism, and contemplative science which has made the
Attention regulation; Attention training; Contempla- greatest single contribution in the modern day.
tion; Contemplative science; Prayer; Relaxation Most wisdom traditions have historically adopted
response a metaphysical understanding of the human being
where consciousness is the primary reality, and the
Definition mind is secondary, i.e., it arises from and is enlivened
In its most universal sense, meditation is a mental dis- by consciousness. The body is therefore tertiary and
cipline involving attention regulation. Attention regula- arises from the organizing intelligence of the mind
tion or training involves developing the capacity to be implicit in the complex structure and function of the
aware of where the attention is being directed and to physical world. The predominant paradigm of science
discerningly choose the preferred object of attention. in recent decades however has been far more materialist
The many varieties of meditation can be further defined in its focus where the physical world is seen as primary
according to the object of attention or the objective of the and mind is secondary, i.e., it is the product rather than
practice. For example, attention can be focused on the the cause of neural activity. Consciousness is tertiary
bodily senses or the breath as in mindfulness medita- being the product of a high level of neuronal sophisti-
tion, a mantra, affirmation or prayer, a mental image as cation. Although this age-old metaphysical debate will
in imagery-based practices, an underlying stillness not be resolved here, it is difficult to avoid the fact that
beneath the thinking mind, or a thought or question the study of the contemplative sciences has opened up
as in reflective-based practices. In meditative practices many philosophical and scientific questions about the
that utilize a more open state of awareness, the atten- nature of consciousness, mind, and the physical world.
tion is not selectively given to any particular object. The Psychology naturally focuses its study on the mind
objectives of meditation practice include becoming and the discipline of mind–body medicine focuses its
more in touch with the present moment, spiritual attention on the links between psychological states and
realization, attaining stillness, peace, unity, insight or the influence they exert over the body. The investigation
transcendence, or for health-based reasons such as in of the meditative or contemplative sciences however has
the management of mental or physical health prob- enriched both these disciplines by investigating the
lems. The objects of attention and objectives of the influence of consciousness or attention on psychological
practice overlap and are not mutually exclusive. and physical states and functioning. It may be that the
use of consciousness is the single most important factor
Theoretical Background for well-being and purposeful living.
Meditative or contemplative practices of one form or In large part, psychology has tended to view the
another have a long history in most if not all cultures. “self ” as the sum total of the contents and dispositions
2278 M Mindfulness and Meditation

of the mind. Thus, personality and behavior can be a clear, accurate, and objective perception of present
seen as mostly fixed after early development as the moment “reality.”
product of genetic factors, upbringing, and condition- The principles of meditation practices and the
ing. The practice of meditation however provides the insights gained from them have been incorporated into
opportunity to view the ephemeral experiences of the a range of psychotherapy models. Most of these have
body (sensations) and mind (thoughts and feelings) evolved from mindfulness and many are inspired by Jon
from a more objective perspective. When the inherently Kabat-Zinn’s Mindfulness-Based Stress Reducation
impermanent experiences of the mind and body are (MBSR) originally developed at the University of Mas-
viewed from a more stable and permanent perspective sachusetts. The psychologists and researchers Teasdale,
of the non-attached observer, then one’s relationship to Segal and Williams adapted a number of these principles
them begins to change. Metacognition is the term and developed Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy
commonly used to describe the capacity to stand back (MBCT). Other forms of psychotherapy such as Accep-
from thoughts and not see them as facts or integral to tance Commitment Therapy (ACT) and Dialectical
the self but rather as transitory events which can be Behavior Therapy (DBT) are not wholly based upon
viewed from a point of non-attached witnessing or mindfulness but utilize mindfulness principles and prac-
“being.” This enhances cognitive flexibility and adapt- tices as a core component of their approaches.
ability. The realization of this perspective is not so The sitting practice is sometimes called the formal
much a matter of belief but more a matter of direct practice of meditation but the formal practice is most
experience. To the meditative traditions, discussion useful if it is seen as a method of training oneself to be
about the theory of meditation in the absence of direct mindful, present, and attentive in daily life, sometimes
experience is ungrounded and pointless. called the informal practice. Thus, the benefits of med-
Thus, from a meditative perspective, “self ” is not so itation do not just make themselves known at the time
much the witnessed and tangible events of body and of the practice but in daily life also. In other words, the
mind, but more the intangible witnessing awareness benefits do not so much accrue from the occasional
itself. Freedom from the suffering associated with self- experience of a more mindful state but from the dispo-
identification with pleasant and unpleasant experiences sition or trait of being more mindful in daily life.
in body and mind, whether it be physical pain, anxiety, As has been previously mentioned, meditation prac-
or even depression, is not so much through the capacity tices all involve training attention toward one object or
to remove or obscure them but rather the transcen- another but vary according to the objects employed. The
dence of them through the detached witnessing and senses are the mainstay of attention training in mind-
nonresistance of them. Relaxation would therefore be fulness practice where the attention can either be moved
seen not so much as a prerequisite for successful med- through various parts of the body – the “body scan” – or
itation practice but more as a side effect of attention rested with the sensation of the breath entering and
training and non-attachment. leaving through the nose or at the chest or diaphragm.
Another essential tenet of meditation or mindful- Other sensory input can be employed such as the hear-
ness training is that the present moment is the only one ing and sight or even taste and smell to help anchor the
which can lay a valid claim to reality. Although one’s attention to the present moment.
present moment experience may be the product of past In mindfulness practice, the meditation process
events and actions, and although one’s present moment does not just involve the training of attention but also
decisions and actions may lay down the foundations for the cultivation of an attitude of openness, acceptance
future experiences, past and future per se do not exist non-judgmentality. There is no attempt to exclude
other than as mental projections in the present other potential objects of attention such as thoughts,
moment. When given attention, such projections can sensations, or external events, nor is there an attempt to
filter and distort present moment experiences. Hence, preferentially experience positive, desired, or pleasant
stress, anxiety, or depression may be far more com- experiences and exclude negative, undesired, or
monly the product of discursive and distracted default unpleasant ones. An attitude of equanimity and non-
mental activity – whether it is given the name of worry, reactivity to passing experiences is cultivated. Attitude
rumination, replaying, or catastrophizing – rather than is crucial because it determines whether the object of
Mindfulness and Meditation M 2279

experience becomes a magnet for the attention through neurones) (Lazar et al 2005). The potential for the
either attraction or aversion and thereby a potential prevention and management of dementia is yet to be
source of compulsion or suffering. Although fully tested. Interesting correlations have also been
a nonjudgmental attitude is cultivated, that does not noted by Davidson and colleagues (Davidson et al.
mean that the person does not develop discernment 2003). Mindfulness training was found to produce
about what is or is not worth giving attention to. improvements in the management of daily stress, pre-
frontal cortex functioning, and immune function.
Important Scientific Research and Most recently, a body of evidence building indicates
Open Questions that dealing poorly with chronic stressors and
Much of the original research on meditation was a disposition toward pessimism accelerates cellular
performed on Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR) aging at a genetic level, whereas mindfulness training
and a mantra-based technique called Transcendental may have an effect on slowing genetic aging as indi-
Meditation (TM). This early work looked at the biochem- cated by telomere length and enhanced genetic repair
ical and physiological effects associated with the relaxa- via increased telomerase activity (Epel et al. 2009). The
tion response, a term coined by Herbert Benson in the implications for the development and progression of
1970s to indicate the opposite of the “stress” or “fight chronic diseases are significant. This work makes an
or flight” response (Benson 1975). The markers of the important contribution to the field of epigenetics (i.e.,
relaxation response include reductions in blood pressure, that the expression of genotype is influenced by a range
pulse rate, catechol output, galvanic skin resistance, met- of lifestyle, psychological, and environmental factors).
abolic rate, thyroid hormones, and cortisol levels as well The full clinical potential for meditation, generally,
as electroencephalogram (EEG) changes such as increases and mindfulness, in particular, to enhance well-being
in alpha wave activity and EEG coherence. Psychological and prevent, slow, and even reverse chronic disease
effects noted included improvements in concentration processes is far from known. If recent indications
and reductions in stress and anxiety. Long-term follow- from the fields of neuroscience, genetics, and immu-
up indicates economic benefits with life insurance com- nology are anything to go by, then this is a direction of
panies finding reductions in health-care utilization. research and clinical practice that is deserving of the
Jon Kabat-Zinn’s work in the 1980s looked at the significant attention it is now receiving. Organizations
impact of MBSR for patients with anxiety, stress, panic such as the Mind and Life Institute (http://www.
disorder, and severe chronic pain (Kabat-Zinn et al. have been helping to stimulate inter-
1987). This work was the main stimulus for Teasdale esting and mutually valuable dialogue between wisdom
and colleague’s more recent trials which demonstrate the and contemplative traditions and modern science, and
impact of MBCT in reducing relapse rates for patients challenging humankind to reconsider the way it looks
with multiple previous episodes of depression (Teasdale at consciousness, mind, brain, body, and genetics.
et al. 2000). These findings have probably stimulated
more interest among clinicians and the public than any Cross-References
other single piece of research, and have catalyzed a rapid ▶ Attention, Memory, and Meditation
expansion of applications for enhancing emotional reg- ▶ Behavior Modification, Behavior Therapy, Applied
ulation, emotional intelligence and compassion, and Behavior Analysis and Learning
managing other mental health problems such as anxiety, ▶ Emotional Intelligence
substance abuse, and eating disorders. ▶ Emotion Regulation
Emergent fields of integrated science are breaking ▶ Mental Imagery
down many longstanding beliefs about the fixity of the ▶ Metacognition and Learning
structure and function of the brain and genetic makeup.
These fields include the role of mindfulness meditation
in neuroscience and its effects on neuroplasticity, thick-
Benson, H. (1975). The relaxation response. New York: Harper Torch.
ening of the cerebral cortex (particularly in the regions Davidson, R. J., Kabat-Zinn, J., Schumacher, J., et al. (2003). Alter-
of the prefrontal cortex and hippocampus), and possible ations in brain and immune function produced by mindfulness
neurogenesis (the capacity of the brain to generate new meditation. Psychosomatic Medicine, 65(4), 564–570.
2280 M Mindreading

Epel, E., Daubenmier, J., Moskowitz, J. T., et al. (2009). Can medita- effect “mirroring” the behavior of the other. The mirror
tion slow rate of cellular aging? Cognitive stress, mindfulness, neuron system in humans allows for human empathy
and telomeres. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1172,
and enables direct social learning.
Kabat-Zinn, J., Lipworth, L., & Burney, R. (1985). The clinical use of
mindfulness meditation for the self-regulation of chronic pain.
Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 8(2), 163–190.
Lazar, S. W., Kerr, C. E., Wasserman, R. H., et al. (2005). Meditation
experience is associated with increased cortical thickness.
Neuroreport, 16(17), 1893–1897.
Teasdale, J., Segal, Z., Williams, J., et al. (2000). Prevention of relapse/
▶ Preconceptions and Learning
recurrence in major depression by mindfulness-based gognitive
therapy. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 68(4),

Mindreading ▶ Non-learning

▶ Theory of Mind in Animals

Mixed eLearning
Mindset ▶ Blended Learning

▶ Attitudes – Formation and Change

Mixed Methods Research on

Miniature Language Learning
▶ Infant Artificial Language Learning FABIO ALIVERNINI
Italian National Institute for the Evaluation of the
Education System (INVALSI), Frascati, Roma, Italy

Minimal Self Synonyms

Blended research on learning; Mixed research on learn-
▶ Development of Self-consciousness ing; Multimethod research on learning

Mixed methods research (MMR) on learning combines
quantitative and qualitative approaches to provide
Mirror Neuron
a broader picture of the phenomenon being studied
A mirror neuron, found in the brains of primates, and/or corroborations of results. In MMR any feature
humans, and other species, is a specific kind of neuron of quantitative and qualitative research (e.g., objectives,
that fires both when an animal acts and when the data type, instruments, data analysis) can be combined
animal observes the action performed by another, in at any stage of the mixed research.
Mixed Methods Research on Learning M 2281

Theoretical Background sampling (Teddlie and Yu 2007) involves combining

In the methodological literature of the social sciences quantitative sampling, in which the probability of the
the idea of combining different methods within the inclusion of a population’s case is known, with quali-
same study can be traced back to Campbell and Fiske’s tative techniques such as purposive sampling, in which
1959 article on convergent and discriminant validation the units are selected according to the specific aim of
by the multitrait-multimethod matrix. However, the study rather than according to a statistical criterion.
according to Johnson et al. (2007), the specific idea of Mixed methods data collection involves the gathering of
blending qualitative and quantitative methods while qualitative information, such as textual data from
studying the same phenomenon first appeared in interviews or unstructured observational data, as well
Denzin’s 1978 book “The research act: a theoretical as quantitative information, such as the closed answers
introduction to research methods.” The practice of to a questionnaire.
combining qualitative and quantitative methods has According to Teddlie and Tashakkori (2009), the
changed a great deal over the years and numerous main types of mixed method data analysis techniques
mixed method research designs have been proposed. are as follows:
With a view to integrating the existing classifica-
tions, Leech and Onwuegbuzie (2009) suggested a three – Parallel mixed data analysis. In this case, there is
dimensional typology of mixed method research a separate analysis of qualitative and quantitative
designs. The first dimension of this typology is the data, following which the results are combined into
level of mixing that distinguishes between fully mixed meta-inferences.
methods and partially mixed methods. Fully mixed – Conversion mixed data analysis. This occurs when
methods combine quantitative and qualitative tech- qualitative data are converted into quantitative data
niques within or across one or more stages of the research or vice versa. The “quantifying” of qualitative data
process (i.e., research objectives, type of data and opera- usually refers to the process of coding data and then
tions, type of analysis and type of inferences). For exam- converting codes into numbers, while the
ple in the same study there might be the presence of both “qualitizing” of quantitative data generally refers
qualitative objectives (e.g., free exploration) and quanti- to the elaboration of typologies on the basis of
tative objectives (e.g., prediction), data collection using numerical data by means of cluster analysis or
qualitative instruments (e.g., open interviews) and quan- other statistical techniques.
titative instruments (e.g., closed answers to – Sequential mixed data analysis. This takes place
a questionnaire), as well as qualitative analysis (e.g., when the qualitative and quantitative parts of
coding) and quantitative analysis (e.g., inferential statis- a study occur at different moments. For example,
tics). Partially mixed methods, on the other hand, do not in qualitative to quantitative analysis a typology of
mix quantitative and qualitative components within or subjects is generated from the qualitative data and
across stages: each component is performed separately those distinct groups are then compared using the
and it is mixed only when the results are discussed and quantitative data. In quantitative to qualitative anal-
interpreted. The second dimension of the proposed ysis, subjects who have high scores on a test (quan-
mixed method research typology is time orientation titative analysis) can be successively interviewed and
since the quantitative and qualitative methods can the more detailed qualitative data can then be ana-
either be concurrent (i.e., applied at the same time) lyzed to search for factors linked to their high test
or sequential (i.e., taking place one after the other). The scores. In iterative sequential mixed analysis, the data
third and last dimension is emphasis of approaches, comes from studies that have more than two phases
which establishes whether qualitative methods and and there is the possibility of various combinations
quantitative methods have the same importance or if of qualitative and qualitative stages of analysis.
there is a prevalence of one over the other. – Multilevel data analysis. When studying settings
In mixed methods research, a specific definition of with a hierarchical structure, such as students who
the various components of a research process, such as are grouped into schools, qualitative and quantita-
sampling, data collection, data analysis and type of tive techniques can be used at different levels. For
inferences, has been proposed. Mixed methods example, a qualitative method could be adopted to
2282 M Mixed Methods Research on Learning

analyze school documentation and teacher inter- On the other hand, qualitative research may be con-
views (school level) and a quantitative method sidered as “open” because it explores an area or tests
could be used to analyze students’ answers to hypotheses on the basis of unstructured data, without
a closed questionnaire analysis (pupil level). the constraint of having to operationally define what is
– Fully integrated data analysis. In this case, qualita- studied. Qualitative research uses data collection tech-
tive and quantitative analysis of data is combined in niques (e.g., open interviews and unstructured observa-
an interactive, interrelated, and iterative process. tion) that do not completely define a priori the variables
– Application of analytical techniques from one and their values, and this may lead to the discovery of
tradition to another. An example of this is the use new information and knowledge. In this sense, qualita-
of matrices, which are typical of quantitative tive research can be considered as “open.” Mixed method
methods in the context of qualitative research. research combines, to varying degrees, the open
approach of qualitative research and the closed approach
As regards inferences in mixed methods research,
of quantitative research, leading to new possibilities and
Morgan (2007) describes the qualitative interpretation
problems. For example (Alivernini et al. 2008), in
as inductive and subjective, while the quantitative
a single mixed methods study, it is possible to:
interpretation is deductive and objective. The author
proposes a pragmatic approach that is based on abduc- (a) Discover aspects and properties of a phenomenon
tion, a form of reasoning that moves back and forth that are not predictable a priori by the researcher
between induction and deduction and intersubjectiv- (this is not possible in pure quantitative research)
ity, in a process of communication and shared (b) Test theories and hypotheses upon the phenome-
meaning. non itself by means of consolidated methodologi-
There has been much theoretical reflection on the cal and statistical procedures (this is not possible in
relation of mixed method research to qualitative and pure qualitative research)
quantitative research. One way to think of this problem (c) Combine the results into a single interpretative
is to consider the quantitative and qualitative approach framework
as being at the opposite ends of a continuum defined by
the degree of “openness” of the study in question
(Fig. 1).
Important Scientific Research and
Quantitative research can be placed at the begin-
Open Questions
Since mixed methods research involves mixing ele-
ning of the continuum, where the maximum degree of
ments that are characteristic of quantitative methodol-
closure is present. Quantitative research can be consid-
ogy with other components that are considered specific
ered as “closed” since it tests hypotheses (e.g., by means
to qualitative research, there are many issues connected
of an experiment) or explores a specific field (e.g.,
to the unfinished debate regarding the differences
a sample survey on students’ attitudes toward school)
between the two methodologies.
by collecting structured data referring to variables with
Table 1 shows specific distinctions that, over time,
values that are determined and closed a priori by means
have been suggested in the literature on this topic by
of the operational definitions of the constructs studied.
various authors. All of these items represent therefore
In other words, in quantitative research, the variables
elements that could be combined in a mixed methods
to be studied and their range of values are already
study, if one agrees with the proposed differences.
known before the data is collected, and in this sense it
The problem is that the literature regarding the fea-
is a closed type of research.
tures of quantitative and qualitative methodology is not
in agreement and many of the differences listed in the
Quantitative Mixed Qualitative
methods methods methods
table are quite controversial. For example, as regards the
object of study, some authors argue that qualitative
Closed research Open research
research studies subjective meanings (Hammersley
1999), while quantitative research focuses on behaviors.
Mixed Methods Research on Learning. Fig. 1 The Nevertheless many quantitative researchers might well
position of MMR between open and closed research affirm that they too frequently study subjective meanings:
Mixed Methods Research on Learning M 2283

Mixed Methods Research on Learning. Table 1 Items that could be hypothetically mixed in an MMR study
Presumed features of qualitative and quantitative research
Aspects of the research Qualitative research Quantitative research
Object of study Nature of things Quantity of things
Meanings Behaviors
Phenomena that occur naturally Artificial settings
General purpose of the research Exploration Testing hypotheses
Idiographic Nomothetic
To make a theory emerge Testing a theory
Techniques of investigation and type of data Participatory observation Experiment
Open interview Sample survey
Closeness of the researcher Distance of the researcher
Natural data Artificial data
Rich data Reliable data
Words Numbers
Data analysis and display of results Coding Statistics
Narrations Tables and figures with numbers

in fact sample surveys that investigate the attitudes, per- exclusively qualitative or quantitative, since some form
sonal values, and subjective perceptions of certain groups of mutual translatability is usually possible, while leaving
of people are common. Another way to distinguish the semantic dimension substantially unchanged.
between quantitative and qualitative research is to main-
tain that the first deals with the quantification of Cross-References
a phenomenon and uses numbers and statistics, while ▶ Experimental and Quasi-Experimental Designs for
the second focuses on the actual nature or essence of Research on Learning
a phenomenon and uses words and various other narra- ▶ Field Experiments
tive means. If this is so, the two approaches may be ▶ Methods/Methodology of Learning Research:
combined within mixed methods research in order to Overview
obtain a fuller picture of the phenomenon studied. The ▶ Qualitative Research Methods
idea that qualitative research does not use forms of quan-
tification is, however, decidedly questionable. For exam- References
ple, Hammersley (1999) pointed out that in qualitative Alivernini, F., Lucidi, F., & Manganelli, S. (2008). The assessment of
research it is very usual to make quantitative statements academic motivation: A mixed methods study. Journal of Multi-
ple Research Approaches, 2, 71–82.
in a verbal form, using expressions like “regularly,” “fre-
Hammersley, M. (1999). Deconstructing the qualitative – quantita-
quently,” “often,” “typically,” “principally” “primarily,” tive divide. In A. Bryman & R. G. Burgess (Eds.), Qualitative
etc. The author states that the form in which such state- research (pp. 70–83). Thousand Oaks: Sage.
ments are made makes no difference to their substance, Johnson, R. B., Onwuegbuzie, A. J., & Turner, L. (2007). Toward
which always refers to quantity. In other words, when a definition of mixed methods research. Journal of Mixed
referring to the presence of a certain element within Methods Research, 1(2), 112–133.
Leech, N. L., & Onwuegbuzie, A. J. (2009). A typology of mixed
a series of interviews using words like “never,” “some-
methods research designs. Quality and Quantity, 43, 265–275.
times,” or “always,” one is still quantifying a phenome- Morgan, D. L. (2007). Paradigms lost and pragmatism regained:
non. It is in fact probably incorrect to state that any kind Methodological implications of combining qualitative and quan-
of language or form of presentation of the results is titative methods. Journal of Mixed Methods Research, 1, 48–76.
2284 M Mixed Reality Learning

Teddlie, C., & Tashakkori, A. (2009). Foundations of mixed methods ● Immersion with bodily experiences in virtual
research: Integrating quantitative and qualitative approached in environments
the social and behavioral sciences. London: Sage.
● Mobile learning
Teddlie, C., & Yu, F. (2007). Mixed methods sampling: A typology
with examples. Journal of Mixed Methods Research, 1(1), 77–100. ● Simulator technologies

The theory and the hypotheses about the utility of

Mixed Reality Learning are based on the effectiveness of
Mixed Reality Learning Situated Learning opposed to class room learning and
similar artificial and decontextualized learning and
MICHAEL HERCZEG teaching methods (Winkler et al. 2002; Rogers et al.
Institute for Multimedia and Interactive Systems 2002; Kirkley and Kirkley 2004). Situated Learning
(IMIS), University of Luebeck, Luebeck, Germany takes place at the location where a problem emerges
or a task has to be performed. Early work had been
done by Maria Montessori through her discussions and
Synonyms experiments about the importance of physical experi-
Learning in mixed realities
ences, i.e., sensual and bodily experiences, for learning
the close relations between learning and the develop-
Definition ment of children’s body and mind were analyzed by Jean
Learning in Mixed Realities (Mixed Reality Learning)
Piaget. Seymour Papert translated the theories of Piaget,
combines Situated Learning and eLearning. It uses
among others, into learning and teaching applications
a well-balanced mixture of learning in the physical
using interactive computer systems (Papert 1980). Situ-
context and computer-supported learning with con-
ated Learning requires a tight relation between a learner
textualized information access. A physical environment
and the “natural environment” and “natural objects” of
and the physical objects contained within the learning
the learning domain. “Natural” does not necessarily
environment are tightly connected to digital informa-
mean that it happens in nature, it just expresses that
tion and computer-controlled learning procedures.
the environment and the objects of the problem
The digitally enriched physical space for the activities
domain as well as their behavior are defining the learn-
is designed as an Ambient Environment where embed-
ing context. The learner is situated in this “natural
ded, mostly invisible computers provide hardware- and
context” and performs the problem solving activities.
software-based functionality attached to the room and
Computer-Supported Learning (eLearning) has
its objects. Objects in the environment are designed as
a long tradition in pedagogy and computer science.
Tangible Objects with intertwined physical and digital
Early work for eLearning has been started in the late
properties. As a result, the learner encounters a natural
1960s when the first computer-supported learning sys-
learning context enhanced by eLearning functionality.
tems and environments had been designed and some of
The strength of Situated Learning is combined with the
them, depending on the state of technology, had been
strength of Computer-Based Instruction. Successful
implemented. In the further development of eLearning,
methods of conventional learning in the physical
over several steps to its today widely used form of Web-
realm can be reused for Mixed Reality Learning with-
Based Training, the learner has been relocated from the
out or with only minor adaptations. Additionally new
class room to the computer work place. Learning in
forms of learning and teaching can be developed.
Mixed Realities tries to reverse this development in the
sense that it moves the computer to the locations where
Theoretical Background
learning can take place most effectively and most nat-
Research on Mixed Reality Learning follows several
urally. The computer will be embedded into the learn-
topics and combines them on the conceptual and the
ing environment in a more or less invisible way. This
technical level:
combines eLearning with the development of Aug-
● Situated learning mented, Mixed, and Virtual Realities as well as Ambient
● eLearning and Smart Environments. Approaches like this have also
● Augmented, mixed, and virtual realities been discussed as so-called Ubiquitous Computing in
Mixed Reality Learning M 2285

Mixed Reality (MR)

Real Augmented Augmented Virtual

Environment Reality (AR) Virtuality (AV) Environment

Reality-Virtuality (RV) Continuum

Mixed Reality Learning. Fig. 1 1-dimensional Reality-Virtuality Continuum defining Mixed Realities (Milgram et al. 1994)

the sense of generally available computer systems in our Extension of

living environments (Weiser 1991). Virtuality
Augmented, Mixed, and Virtual Realities can be
viewed in the spectrum of combining digitally created
virtual worlds with the physical reality. Milgram et al. World- Virtual Mixed
models Reality Reality
(1994) illustrated it as a one-dimensional spectrum

(Fig. 1).

When the physical and the digital components of

a world construction are somehow balanced, it will be

Object- Tangible

called Mixed Reality. Objects in the realm of Mixed Media


Realities are called Tangible Objects or short Tangibles
(Ishii and Ullmer 1997). The interfaces between humans
and tangible objects are called Tangible User Interfaces Augmented
(TUIs). They consist of a physical representation, which Reality
Tangible M
can be touched, grabbed, and manipulated like ordinary Bits Bits
physical objects, and of a digital representation adding Atoms Objects Worlds
virtual properties. Physical and digital properties are Extension of
connected and related to each other in real-time.
Combining the digital and the physical domains can be Mixed Reality Learning. Fig. 2 2-dimensional Reality-
modeled in a two-dimensional abstract space, concep- Virtuality Continuum defining a Corridor of Mixed Realities
tualizing a Corridor of Mixed Reality, where physical (Herczeg 2006)
and digital worlds are more or less balanced and
provide the advantages of both dimensions (Fig. 2).
Mixed Reality Systems have the potential of creating or even bodily engaged and integrated into a virtual
learning contexts where the learners can interact not environment (Sherman and Craig 2003). This notion
only through cognition but through their bodies and of immersion is tightly coupled with the interaction
their perception as well. They can move and act with concept of Direct Manipulation (Hutchins et al. 1986)
their whole bodies in a natural way. The computer and the design concept of Experience Design (Shedroff
systems of the ambient environment will identify 2001; Herczeg 2004). Users, i.e., learners, can be highly
them, detect their motions and activities, and provide engaged into the interactive environment.
corresponding information or changed augmentation An additional approach of using technology for
of the environment and its objects. The computer cre- Mixed Reality Learning is Mobile Learning. Instead of
ates dynamically Affordances (Gibson 1977), i.e., embedding computer systems into the environment or
opportunities for interaction for the subsequent activ- into objects, mobile computers like PDAs, eBooks, smart
ities according to the learning process. This corre- phones, notebooks, wearables, and even implants may
sponds quite well to the learning theories of be used within the learning contexts. They usually do
Montessori and modern followers. not blend invisibly into the learning environment, but
Mixed and Virtual Realities have been described to they are able to provide functionality and information
create the perception of Immersion, i.e., being mentally access at the location where situated learning takes place.
2286 M Mixed Reality Learning

This will not have the strength of the close connection of To make use of the full potential of Mixed Reality
the physical and the digital like in mixed realities, but Learning it is necessary to develop learning and teach-
will be a pragmatic and easy way of implementing or ing scenarios where mixing the physical and the digital
enriching the mixture of digital and physical situations world is of a well-defined added value (Winkler et al.
in a finer grained form than working with desktop or 2009) instead of just implementing technologically
even mainframe computers. It has been shown in many possible systems.
projects that mobiles allow for a variety of new or The current mainstream of developing new input-
extended contextualized learning scenarios. output devices to be used as user interfaces to computers
Mixed Reality Learning follows the idea of enriching already meets many of the essential requirements of
well-known physical learning and teaching environ- Mixed Reality Learning. Systems like multi-touch tables,
ments with digital information and computer function- three-dimensional walls with remote input, augmented
ality. Therefore conventional, already successful learning reality goggles, gesture input, or tactile input-output
and teaching methods can be applied, like combining with force-feedback are useful components for Mixed
physical and mental tasks and efforts in indoor and Reality Learning Systems. They have to be incorporated
outdoor gaming (Scharf et al. 2008). Developments into learning systems with well-defined properties and
like Pervasive Gaming with a seamless integration of real advantages for teaching and learning.
such technologies applied to learning contexts are
a promising option for future research and application. Cross-References
However, Mixed Reality Learning has a potential of its
▶ Affordances
own providing added values to the plain combination
▶ Computer-Based Learning
of Situated Learning and eLearning. Some of these
▶ Computer-based Learning Environments
values are information at its place where it belongs to
▶ e-Learning
logically or where it is needed, even down to the object
▶ Situated Cognition
level (located information), cognitive support for
▶ Situated Learning
body-oriented learning activities (like in sports), or
the usage of a broader perceptual and sensory-motor
channel for human–computer interactions. References
Gibson, J. J. (1977). The theory of affordances. In R. Shaw & J.
Bransford (Eds.), Perceiving, acting, and knowing: Toward an
Important Scientific Research and ecological psychology (pp. 67–82). Hillsdale: Lawrence Erlbaum.
Open Questions Herczeg, M. (2004). Experience design for computer-based learning
Mixed Reality Learning is just at the beginning of its systems: Learning with engagement and emotions. In Cantoni,
development and distribution. For many years the only L., & McLoughlin, C. (Eds.), Proceedings of ED-MEDIA 2004
developed and evaluated solutions which applied the (pp. 275–280). Norfolk: AACE.
Herczeg, M. (2006). Interaktionsdesign. München: Oldenbourg.
method in its major characteristics have been simula-
Hutchins, E. L., Hollan, J. D., & Norman, D. A. (1986). Direct
tors like being used for transport systems (e.g., flight, manipulation interfaces. In D. A. Norman & S. W. Draper
ship, or car simulators) or in the industry (e.g., power (Eds.), User centered system design (pp. 87–124). Hillsdale: Law-
plant control room simulators) for supervisory control rence Erlbaum.
applications. Kirkley, S. E., & Kirkley, J. R. (2004). Creating next generation
Only a few prototypes and settings have been built blended learning environments using mixed reality, video
games and simulations. TechTrends, 49(3), 42–89.
yet according to these principles for schools or similar
Ishii, H., & Ullmer, B. (1997). Tangible bits: Towards seamless inter-
teaching and learning contexts (Winkler et al. 2002; faces between people, bits and atoms. In Proceedings of CHI 1997
Rogers et al. 2002; Reimann et al. 2003; Melzer et al. (pp. 234–241). New York: ACM.
2005). The main challenges are how to interrelate phys- Melzer, A., Hadley, L., Winkler, T., Herczeg, M. (2005). Developing,
ical and digital properties, how to identify and interpret implementing, and testing mixed reality and high interaction
media applications in schools. In Kinshuk, Sampson, D. G., &
human activities by computers, and how to embed the
Isaı́as, P. (Eds.), Proceedings of CELDA 2005 (pp. 123–130). Porto:
systems in a proper way without interfering disturb- IADIS.
ingly with the physical environment and the learning Milgram, P., Takemura, H., Utsumi, A., & Kishino, F. (1994). Aug-
activities taking place. mented reality: A class of displays on the reality-virtuality
Mnemonic Learning M 2287

continuum. Telemanipulator and Telepresence Technologies, SPIE,

2351, 282–292. Mnemonic Devices
Papert, S. (1980). Mindstorms – Children, computers, and powerful
ideas. New York: Basic Books. ▶ Mnemotechnics in Second-Language Learning
Rogers, Y., Scaife, M., Gabrielli, S., Smith, H., & Harries, E. (2002).
A conceptual framework for mixed reality environments:
Designing novel learning activities for young children. Presence,
11(6), 677–686.
Scharf, F., Winkler, T., Herczeg, M. (2008). Tangicons: Algorithmic
Mnemonic Instruction
reasoning in a collaborative game for children in kindergarten
▶ Mnemotechnics and Learning
and first class. In Proceedings of IDC 2008 (pp. 242–249).
New York: ACM.
Shedroff, N. (2001). Experience design. Indianapolis: New Riders.
Sherman, W. R., & Craig, A. B. (2003). Understanding Virtual Reality:
Interface, Application, and Design. San Francisco: Morgan Mnemonic Learning
Reimann, D., Winkler, T., Herczeg, M., Höpel, I. (2003). Exploring
the computer as a shapeable medium by designing artifacts for
mixed reality environments in interdisciplinary education pro-
College of Education and Human Development,
cesses. In Lassner, D., & McNaught, C. (Eds.), Proceedings of ED- George Mason University, Fairfax, VA, USA
MEDIA 2003 (pp. 915–921). Norfolk: AACE.
Weiser, M. (1991). The computer for the twenty-first century. Scien-
tific American, 1991, 94–104. Synonyms
Winkler, T., Kritzenberger, H., Herczeg, M. (2002). Mixed reality
Memory aids; Memory-enhancing strategies
environments as collaborative and constructive learning spaces
for elementary school children. In Barker, P., & Rebelsky, S.
(Eds.), Proceedings of ED-MEDIA 2002 (pp. 1034–1039). Nor- Definition M
folk: AACE. In Greek mythology, Mnemosyne was a Titaness and
Winkler, T., Ide, M., Herczeg, M. (2009). Connecting second life and
mother (by Zeus) of the nine Muses. She was also the
real life: Integrating mixed-reality-technology into teacher edu-
cation. In Proceedings of SITE 2009 (pp. 1141–1148). Chesapeake: personification of memory. A “mnemonic” then, is any
AACE. procedure or operation designed to improve memory
and/or remember something. Although, very broadly,
this term could refer to very simple strategies, such as
rehearsal, the particular mnemonic strategies described
here are those that involve a transformation of target
Mixed Research on Learning content into more familiar forms, and a provision of
explicit retrieval routes between stimuli and to-be-
▶ Mixed Methods Research on Learning learned information. There are several different types
of these transformational mnemonic strategies, includ-
ing the keyword method, the pegword method, and
letter strategies.
The keyword method works by transforming unfa-
M-Learning miliar information into concrete, similar-sounding
proxies (the keyword), and then associating the key-
▶ Mobile Learning word with information to be learned and remembered,
in a picture or image that shows the two elements
interacting. For example, in order to remember that
the word pato means “duck” in Spanish, a keyword is
first constructed for “pato.” In this case, a good key-
M-Learning Envrionments word would be “pot,” because it sounds like pato and is
easily pictured. Learners are then shown (or asked to
▶ Mobile Learning imagine) a picture of the keyword and associated
2288 M Mnemonic Learning

information interacting, in this case, in a picture of rapidly than non-meaningful ones (e.g., Paivio 1971),
a duck with a pot on its head. When asked for the this type of transformation would be expected to be
meaning of pato, then, learners first think of the key- helpful. In addition, the interactive element of
word, pot, think of the picture with the pot in it, a mnemonic picture (for example, a duck with a pot
remember what else was in the picture (a duck), and on its head) serves to integrate the formerly unrelated
retrieve the answer, “duck.” elements into a meaningful whole. Since it is known
The pegword method works similarly for content that thematically elaborated stimuli are better remem-
that includes numbered or ordered information. In this bered than unelaborated ones, the shared semantic
case, numbers are transformed into rhyming pegwords relationship represented in an interactive picture or
(one is bun, two is shoe, etc.) and associated with the to- image would be expected to improve memory. Since
be-remembered information. For example, to remem- the keyword method and related mnemonic learning
ber that a rake is an example of a third-class lever, an strategies provide explicit retrieval instructions, invok-
interactive picture can be created of a rake leaning ing stimulus enhancement and strengthening associa-
against a tree (pegword for three, or third). Learners tive connections, enhanced retrieval would be
retrieve the image of the rake, remember it leaning on expected, and in fact has frequently been demonstrated
a tree, and retrieve the answer, three, or third-class (Mastropieri et al. 1985).
Letter strategies are probably the most familiar of Important Scientific Research and
the mnemonic strategies. They employ letters in words Open Questions
or sentences to retrieve lists of information. Most peo- Although mnemonic techniques were employed at least
ple are familiar with HOMES, the acronym for the as long ago as the time of the ancient Greeks, the first
names of the Great Lakes: Huron, Ontario, Michigan, modern scientific study was conducted by Atkinson
and so on. All these types of mnemonic strategy work (1975), involving the utility of the keyword method to
by transforming unfamiliar information into more teach Russian vocabulary to college undergraduates.
meaningful forms, and associating them with informa- Since that time, the keyword method and related tech-
tion already in the learner’s memory. niques have been applied to increase substantially the
learning and memory of normally achieving learners of
Theoretical Background a number of age levels, and in a variety of content
Effective recall of associative information (very com- domains (Pressley et al. 1982). More recently, mne-
monly found in many school curricula) is dependent monic techniques have been employed successfully
upon establishing efficient pathways between the stim- with students with mild disabilities (learning disabil-
ulus and the response; these efficient pathways in turn ities, intellectual disabilities, emotional/behavioral dis-
require efficient response learning and associative learn- abilities) in a number of subject areas, including
ing sub-processes (Underwood and Schultz 1960). English and second-language learning, social studies
Response learning requires that learners become famil- (including state, national, and world history), and sci-
iar with the separate to-be-associated elements, while ence (including geology, earth history, biology, and
the associative sub-process requires that they acquire chemistry). Scruggs and Mastropieri (2000) summa-
specific connections between stimulus and response. rized research findings from 34 relevant experiments
Therefore, any method that serves to enhance the involving mnemonic techniques, and reported mean
familiarity or meaningfulness of the stimuli, in addi- effect size of 1.62 (SD =.84), indicating very substantial
tion to any method that strengthens the association improvements in learning and memory over a variety
between the elements would be expected to improve of comparison conditions. To date, mnemonic strate-
learning and memory. gies have been successfully applied in the elementary,
With specific reference to the keyword method, the middle-school, and high-school levels, with normally
creation of the keyword serves to enhance familiarity, achieving learners, learners with mild disabilities, and
by transforming unfamiliar information (e.g., “pato”) intellectually “gifted” students, with a high degree of
into more meaningful entities (“pot”). Since it is success in each case. Although the effectiveness of
known that meaningful stimuli are learned more mnemonic learning techniques has been amply
Mnemotechnics and Learning M 2289

demonstrated, more research remains to be conducted Definition

on techniques for developing the propensity of learners “Mnemotechnics” refers to the application of mne-
to apply these strategies in their own learning, sponta- monic principles and techniques in order to organize
neously and generally, across extended time periods. memory impressions and facilitate later recall. Mne-
monic learning refers to the use of mnemonic strategies
Cross-References employed during instruction and/or the learning pro-
▶ Associative Learning cess to facilitate learning (see Mnemonic Learning
▶ Cognitive Learning entry for additional information). The purpose is to
▶ Cognitive Tasks and Learning make learning more memorable. Mnemonic tech-
▶ Learning and Thinking niques involve a broad class of strategies from simple
▶ Mental Imagery and Learning to complex in nature, such as rehearsal, clustering,
▶ Mnemotechnics and Learning organizational, and transformation including the key-
▶ Paired-Associate Learning word, pegword, and letter strategies. The formats of
mnemonic strategies range from verbal (e.g., simply
References restating for rehearsal), imagery (e.g., creating
Atkinson, R. C. (1975). Mnemotechnics in second-language learning. a mental picture of the to-be-remembered informa-
The American Psychologist, 30, 821–828. tion), to concrete (e.g., drawing or looking at
Mastropieri, M. A., Scruggs, T. E., & Levin, J. R. (1985). Maximizing
a picture of the strategy containing the to-be-recalled
what exceptional students can learn: A review of research on the
content). Strategies can also be taught to learners, who
keyword method and related mnemonic techniques. Remedial
and Special Education, 6(2), 39–45. can then develop their own idiosyncratic mnemonic
Paivio, A. (1971). Imagery and verbal processes. New York: Holt. strategies. Procedures for developing these strategies
Pressley, M., Levin, J. R., & Delaney, H. D. (1982). The mnemonic can also be presented to students during instruction.
keyword method. Review of Educational Research, 52, 61–91. The use of the more complex strategies may require
Scruggs, T. E., & Mastropieri, M. A. (2000). The effectiveness of M
extra instruction and practice with students that have
mnemonic instruction for students with learning and behavior
problems: An update and research synthesis. Journal of Behav- disabilities or learners who are less sophisticated. The
ioral Education, 10, 163–173. keyword mnemonic strategy transforms an unfamiliar
Underwood, B. J., & Schultz, R. W. (1960). Meaningfulness and verbal word, name, or term into an acoustically similar and
learning. Philadelphia: Lippincott. concrete proxy which then interacts with the to-be-
associated information in an interactive picture, verbal
statement, or image. The keyword method has been
used successfully with students of all ages, but most
Mnemonics effectively with students with learning difficulties,
including learning disabilities, mild cognitive disabil-
▶ Learning by Chunking ities, and emotional/behavioral disabilities.
▶ Mnemotechnics in Second-Language Learning Researchers have developed mnemonic strategies to
accompany large units of instruction in science and
social studies. For example, using combinations of the
keyword, pegword, and first letter strategies, the con-
Mnemotechnics and Learning tent from World War I (WWI) through World War II
was successfully taught to secondary-level students
MARGO A. MASTROPIERI, THOMAS E. SCRUGGS with learning disabilities (Mastropieri and Scruggs
College of Education and Human Development, 1988). In these studies teachers identified content
George Mason University, Fairfax, VA, USA that was difficult to remember and used mnemonic
illustrations in order to teach it. For example, students
were taught that countries in the Allied Powers during
Synonyms WWI were France, Italy, Russia, and England through
Memory aides; Memory-enhancing strategies; Mne- an interactive illustration using the keyword method
monic instruction combined with a first letter strategy such that an Allied
2290 M Mnemotechnics and Learning

Van was the keyword for ALLIED Powers and a FIRE Theoretical Background
in the van was a first letter strategy for the name of Effective recall of associative information depends
each country in the Allied Powers. When asked what upon establishing efficient pathways between stimulus
were the countries in the Allied Powers, students were and response, which requires enhancing the familiarity
taught to think of the keyword “Allied van” and then of stimulus information and the relationship between
what was happening in the picture with the Allied van stimulus and response (Paivio 1971; Underwood and
on FIRE in which F represented France; I, Italy; Schultz 1960). Mnemotechnics accomplishes this by
R, Russia; and E, England. Since important individ- replacing an unfamiliar stimulus with a familiar, acous-
uals are initially unfamiliar and difficult to remember, tically similar proxy, the keyword, and relating the
these major figures were taught mnemonically. For keyword to the response through an interactive illus-
example, to teach that George M. Cohan wrote the tration or image (see Mnemonic Learning entry for
famous song Over There, students were taught the a discussion).
keyword “cone” (as in ice cream cone) for Cohan,
and then shown an interactive illustration of someone Important Scientific Research and
asking where children got that cone, and depicting Open Questions
students singing “Over There, Over There” as they Although mnemonic techniques have been used for
pointed to an ice cream cone stand. When asked centuries, Atkinson (1975) documented the first effec-
what George M. Cohan was famous for, students tive use of the keyword strategy to teach foreign-
were reminded to think of the keyword “cone,” what language vocabulary to college students. Subsequently,
was happening in the picture with the “cone” in it, and numerous studies documented the efficacy of the
then retrieve the response Cohan wrote the patriotic approach across a variety of age levels (Pressley et al.
song, “Over There.” 1982). Later, applications of the keyword method were
Scruggs and Mastropieri (1992) later applied the applied with students with mild cognitive and intellec-
same model to science learning and developed several tual disabilities, who consistently outperformed com-
units of instruction designed to teach difficult-to-learn parison students in a variety of subject areas (Scruggs
content using mnemonic strategies. More recently, mne- and Mastropieri 2000). More recently, mnemonic strat-
monic strategies have been embedded within materials egies have been embedded within materials designed
designed to be used in peer tutoring in inclusive classes, for classwide peer tutoring in classes of students with
containing students with and without disabilities diverse learning needs (Marshak et al. 2011). Although
(Mastropieri et al. 2005). With these materials only mnemotechnics have been seen to be very effective in
students who needed the strategy used it and other virtually all experimental investigations to date, effects
students skipped it. For example, important content of very broad applications (e.g., over several years) of
in chemistry was identified and mnemonic strategies provided or learner-generated mnemonics have yet to
were developed for difficult-to-learn content. The be studied.
materials that were developed included a mnemonic
illustration to facilitate learning of the concept of Cross-References
a mole (as the atomic weight in grams) using ▶ Associative Learning
a picture of a mole (the animal) on a weighing scale ▶ Cognitive Learning
with the statement “weight in grams.” If students ▶ Cognitive Tasks and Learning
already knew that piece of information they were ▶ Learning and Thinking
directed to the next questions: What else is important ▶ Mental Imagery and Learning
about moles? What is an example of a mole? Marshak ▶ Mnemonic Learning
et al. (2011) successfully applied this model of peer- ▶ Paired-Associate Learning
mediated embedded mnemonic instruction to inclu-
sive middle school social studies classes. In both of
Atkinson, R. C. (1975). Mnemotechnics in second language learning.
these studies, students with and without disabilities The American Psychologist, 30, 821–828.
recalled more information than students in a non- Marshak, L., Mastropieri, M. A., & Scruggs, T. E. (2011). Curriculum
mnemonic comparison condition. enhancements for inclusive secondary social studies classes.
Mnemotechnics in Second-Language Learning M 2291

Exceptionality, 19(2), 61–74. doi: 10.1080/ (e.g., learning a random list by grouping the elements
09362835.2011.562092. according to word class, topic, etc.), while others
Mastropieri, M. A., & Scruggs, T. E. (1988). Increasing the content
involve applying images (e.g., the method of loci:
area learning of learning disabled students: Research implemen-
tation. Learning Disabilities Research, 4, 17–25. using a set of locations for remembering a sequence
Mastropieri, M. A., Scruggs, T. E., & Graetz, J. (2005). Cognition and of words) and/or sounds (e.g., using rhymes to remem-
learning in inclusive high school chemistry classes. In T. E. ber difficult spellings, like the phrase “I before E except
Scruggs & M. A. Mastropieri (Eds.), Cognition and learning in after C”). Alternatively, some mnemonic devices
diverse settings: Advances in learning and behavioral disabilities
assist recall via employing action (e.g., using physical
(Vol. 18, pp. 107–118). Oxford, UK: Elsevier.
Paivio, A. (1971). Imagery and verbal learning. New York: Holt. response: physically acting out a new expression like
Pressley, M., Levin, J. R., & Delaney, H. D. (1982). The mnemonic “opening the window,” or applying mechanical tech-
keyword method. Review of Educational Research, 52, 61–91. niques like using file cards). Moreover, mnemotechnics
Scruggs, T. E., & Mastropieri, M. A. (1992). Classroom applications of in second-language learning can be used specifically to
mnemonic instruction: Acquisition, maintenance, and generali- remember items in a systematic order (e.g., by using
zation. Exceptional Children, 58, 219–229.
acronyms: the acronym “bangs,” for instance, can help
Scruggs, T. E., & Mastropieri, M. A. (2000). The effectiveness of
mnemonic instruction for students with learning and behavior English-speaking learners of French to remember
problems: An update and research synthesis. Journal of Behav- the order of adjectives before the noun, “Beauty,
ioral Education, 10, 163–173. Age, Number, Goodness, and Size”; for a detailed
Underwood, B. J., & Schultz, R. W. (1960). Meaningfulness and verbal listing of mnemonics and examples see Oxford (1990,
learning. Philadelphia: Lippincott.
pp. 38–43).
Frequently, mnemonic devices applied in second-
language learning involve a combination of different
sensory modalities, for example, verbal and visual
input, which serves the purpose of making the informa-
Mnemotechnics in Second- M
tion to be learned more prominent and also complies
Language Learning with learners’ different ▶ sensory learning style prefer-
ences. A method which is particularly popular in this
ANGELIKA RIEDER-BÜNEMANN context is the keyword method, which is used in vocab-
English Department, University of Vienna, ulary learning for remembering word meanings and
Vienna, Austria involves a combination of an acoustic link and an imag-
ery link between a native language (L1) word or phrase
and a second-language (L2) word. First, an L1 word
Synonyms (the keyword) is chosen on the basis of acoustic and/or
Mnemonics; Mnemonic devices orthographic similarity with the L2 word to be acquired.
Then, the learner forms a strong association between the
Definition target word and the keyword, so that he/she is immedi-
The term mnemotechnics (from the Greek word ately reminded of the keyword when encountering the
mnήmon “mnēmōn,” mindful) refers to a group of target word. Thirdly, a visual image is constructed which
mnemonic devices, that is, tools and techniques combines the keyword and the target word, preferably in
which aid memorization. These techniques commonly a salient manner in order to make memorization easier.
rely on associations relating the items to be remem- For example, an English learner of German intending to
bered to other entities, thus making them easier to store learn the word Raupe (caterpillar) could associate
and recall (see also ▶ Mnemotechnics and Learning). Raupe with the English word rope (sound similarity)
With regard to second-language learning, various and construct a mental image representing a caterpillar
mnemotechnics are employed as ▶ second-language on a rope, perhaps in some exaggerated manner to
learning strategies to enable learners to remember and make it more salient (Hulstijn 1997). As an alternative
retrieve language items. Some of these strategies to the combination of verbal and visual association, the
involve creating mental links between language keyword method can also be employed in a purely
items, like categorizing words into meaningful units verbal version: here, instead of creating an interactive
2292 M Mnemotechnics in Second-Language Learning

image in the third step, a learner would create Important Scientific Research and
a meaningful sentence in his/her L1 that connects the Open Questions
keyword and the target word, for example, to remem- In contrast to the favorable results reached in most
ber the French word soupape (valve) using the English studies investigating mnemotechnics in second-
keyword soup, the verbal mediator phrase to soup up the language vocabulary learning, some questions
engine could be used (Hulstijn 1997). concerning their effectiveness remain open (Cohen
1987; Nation 2001):
Theoretical Background ● Mnemonic devices mainly aim at the retention of
Mnemotechnics have been popular aids for memoriza-
language items. It is not quite clear yet how well
tion for thousands of years and have been investigated
learners can actually use mnemonics for L2 produc-
by philosophers and psychologists since ancient times.
tion, specifically under the time constraints of oral
As regards applying this technique to second-language
learning, research is based on the assumption that
● Mnemonics may not be equally suitable for all
mnemonic devices provide powerful memorization
learners. In fact, selected research results suggest
aids and can thus support specifically those language-
that the keyword method may be more successful
learning tasks which are predominantly related to
with specific groups of students, for example, begin-
memory. Consequently, pertinent research has concen-
ners needing to memorize a large number of words.
trated on the area of ▶ vocabulary learning, which
● Findings on the effect of mnemonics on retention
involves memorizing large numbers of words. The
are not consistent. While mnemonics can certainly
one mnemonic method investigated most extensively
improve immediate recall, some studies show that
in this context is the keyword method; research in this
they appear to fall behind other strategies for long-
area was stimulated by the work of Atkinson and
term retention.
Raugh, who carried out a range of studies investigating
mnemonic aids for vocabulary learning, and as a result Furthermore, it has also been pointed out that
invented the keyword method and coined the term mnemonic devices should be applied with caution for
(Atkinson 1975). the following reasons:
As regards contemporary research in this field, most
● Only some types of word are in fact suitable for
investigations compare one type of mnemonic device,
mnemonic devices (e.g., the keyword technique can
in most cases the keyword method, with a range of
only be successfully applied with words referring to
other learning techniques like ▶ rote memorization,
visual objects), while other types do not seem to lend
using pictures, or guessing from context, and mainly
themselves equally well to applying these strategies.
claim that the keyword method is superior to most
● The mnemonic approach tends to focus on learning
other methods tested, concluding that learners gener-
vocabulary from lists, advocating a one-to-one rela-
ally benefit from applying this strategy. More specifi-
tionship between form and meaning which does
cally, some researchers have argued that the ▶ depth of
not correspond to the various dimensions of word
processing also plays a role, finding that the most
meaning. In addition, too much focus on learning
promising results were achieved if the keyword method
vocabulary as discrete items may lead to neglecting
(involving shallow semantic processing) was combined
contextual aspects.
with a semantic strategy involving deeper levels of
processing. While the usual method involves learners All in all, however, researchers seem to underline the
creating the keywords themselves, the keyword tech- relevance of mnemotechnics for second-language learn-
nique can be also applied with preselected keywords, ing provided that they are used to complement other
which appears to work equally well for younger techniques, rather than to replace them, and that teachers
learners. To ensure that learners are able to make use and learners are aware of the limitations of these methods.
of the keyword method effectively, however, it has also As regards the actual use of mnemotechnics in
been stressed that extended skill training is required – language teaching practice, it appears that unlike
for a detailed review, see Hulstijn (1997) or Nation the recommendations of most researchers, the key-
(2001). word method seems to be only rarely used in actual
Mobile Learning M 2293

second-language instruction, and only marginally (if at Definition

all) mentioned in most language teaching books PDA: Personal Digital Assistant is a handheld device
(Hulstijn 1997). Selected language teaching materials with communicative and computational capabilities. It
can be found, however, which emphasize the use of the can function as a personal organizer, web browser, fax
keyword method and related mnemonics. sender, and cellular phone.
e-Learning: It refers to the delivery of a learning,
training, or education program by electronic means.
Information and Communication Technologies
▶ Learning Strategies
(ICT): It refers to any product that is concerned with
▶ Learning Style(s)
the storage, retrieval, manipulation, transmission, or
▶ Mnemonic Learning
receipt of digital data. It is also concerned with the way
▶ Mnemotechnics and Learning
these different uses can work with each other.
▶ Rote Memorization
Mobile learning: It refers to the use of mobile
▶ Vocabulary Learning in a Second Language
devices, such as PDAs or cellular phones in learning
activities anywhere and anytime, bringing information
References and knowledge to situations and places where learning
Atkinson, R. C. (1975). Mnemotechnics in second-language learning. activities take place.
The American Psychologist, 30, 821–828.
Cohen, A. D. (1987). The use of verbal imagery mnemonics in Theoretical Background
second-language vocabulary learning. Studies in Second Lan-
Mobile phones are now used in almost every region of
guage Acquisition, 9, 43–61.
Hulstijn, J. H. (1997). Mnemonic methods in foreign language vocab- the world, and with countries often having five to ten
ulary learning. In J. Coady & T. Huckin (Eds.), Second language times more mobile phones than personal computers
vocabulary acquisition (pp. 203–224). Cambridge: Cambridge (PCs), these devices are very attractive options to incor-
University Press.
porate the new Information and Communication
Nation, I. S. P. (2001). Learning vocabulary in another language.
Technologies (ICTs) into education. Mobile phones
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Oxford, R. L. (1990). Language learning strategies: What every teacher
are more personal devices than PCs; they are user-
should know. Boston: Heinle and Heinle. centered, almost always are connected (connectivity),
and nearly always are with us (portability). These char-
acteristics make them very appropriate to support truly
anywhere and anytime learning activities.
For many researchers and educators, mobile learn-
Mobile CSCL ing is the new step in e-learning evolution. Caudill
▶ Learning with Collaborative Mobile Technologies (2007), quoting several authors, presents some defini-
tions for mobile learning: “The point at which mobile
computing and e-Learning intersect to produce an
anytime, anywhere learning experience.”, “A mobile
learning educational process can be considered as any
Mobile Learning learning and teaching activity that is possible through
mobile tools or in settings where mobile equipment is
SERGIO LUIS CASTILLO1, GERARDO AYALA2 available.”, “. . .e-learning that uses mobile devices and
Circuito Arco Sur S/N, Universidad Anáhuac Xalapa, wireless transmission.” All these definitions are device-
Xalapa, Veracruz, México based and therefore, technology-bounded. Some
Universidad de las Américas Puebla, Puebla, Puebla, researches have proposed more holistic definitions,
México for example, Laouris and Eteokleous(2006) proposed
that definition of mobile learning must take into
account not only technical, methodological, and edu-
Synonyms cational aspects, but also consider social and philo-
eLearning; M-Learning; M-Learning environments sophical dimensions, because mobile learning requires
2294 M Mobile Learning

a new philosophical framework and new educational to develop learning applications which take advantage
paradigms if it is to thrive. Sharples et al. (2005) define of these already adopted methods. Example of this is
mobile learning as a changing process of “coming to the use of SMS (Short Messages Service) to deliver
know” through conversation in context, in cooperation administrative information and learning content to
with peers and teachers to construct interpretations of students. The lack of friendly and ease-of-use tools to
the world. This process is supported by knowledge and develop learning contents for mobile technologies is
technology as instruments for productive inquiry. In another impeding factor for mobile learning adoption.
mobile learning environments, the mobile devices It also necessary to adopt appropriate business models
should play the role of mediator between the learners, to assure mobile learning delivery (Ganci 2010). Now-
support their interaction, and provide information and adays, mobile learning is mostly based on research
knowledge resources just in time and just in place. For projects, focused on the exploration of theoretical and
Ayala et al. (2010), mobile learning refers to the use of methodological foundations for the creation of con-
mobile technologies to support learning activities any- tents for mobile technologies. We are still waiting for
where, anytime and just in place. the “killer application” that makes mobile learning be
In order to be effective, the development of inno- massively adopted.
vative learning environments requires to be based on
sound learning theories. Mobile learning is supported
Important Scientific Research and
by the following learning theories and techniques:
Open Questions
situated learning, personalized learning, collaborative
Between the current research interests in the area of
learning, ubiquitous learning, and lifelong learning
Mobile Learning, we can mention the following topics:
(Sharples et al. 2005). Parsons and Ryu (2006) identi-
fied some requirements for quality mobile learning: it 1. Design, use, and delivery of learning objects for
should be based on sound pedagogical principles mobile learning environments. The learning object
which take into account the learner type, needs and concept includes two main characteristics: a digital
context; contents must be updated; it should be inter- content that allows or facilitates to achieve an edu-
active; it must allow dialogs between teachers and cational objective, and reusability. Proper combi-
learners; it must help in the identification of knowl- nation of these features of learning objects with
edge gaps; it should enable the learner to construct personalization, connectivity, and ubiquity of
and explore knowledge; it should allow learners to mobile technologies is an open question. Nowadays
communicate and collaborate with peers; and it there is interest to extend the learning object con-
should enable the learners to control their own learn- cept to mobile learning contexts, in such a way that
ing. Because of its characteristics, mobile learning the user can interact with this knowledge elements
seems to be specially suited for informal and lifelong using mobile devices. There are emerging design
learning. guidelines and computational models for this
Even when is relatively new, it is a very fast growing mLearning Objects (Katz and Worsham 2005).
research area. In June 2005, Laouris and Eteokleous Quinn has introduced the concept of flexible learn-
(2006) ran a Google search for “‘mobile learning’ + ing object (2004) for mobile devices, proposing
definition,” and received 1,240 items. In December three levels at which learning objects for mobile
2009, we ran the same search in Google and received devices can be developed: a library of material that
39,900 items. learners can choose from, data to categorize courses
Given the vast diversity of characteristics of mobile and optimize the offerings; and the experience,
devices, even between devices from the same manufac- knowledge, and individual differences and needs
turer, the diversity of wireless networking technologies, of users. There had been also proposals to adapt
and its novelty, adoption of mobile learning faces sev- the standard SCORM 2004 in order to be used in
eral obstacles. One of them is the lack of technical mobile learning environments (Ayala et al. 2010;
standards. Adoption of HTML 5 promises to alleviate Chan et al. 2004).
in some degree this problem. It is also important to 2. Design and implementation of learning activities
look at how people actually use mobile devices in order using mobile technologies designed to support
Modality Effect on Learning M 2295

innovative educational practice is another open Sharples, M., Taylor, J., Vavoula, G. (2005). Towards a theory of
question. The use of mobile phones can promote mobile learning.
Sharples-% 20Theory%20of%20Mobile.pdf Consulted: Decem-
the shift from instructor centered teaching in a
ber 22, 2009.
classroom to a constructivist educative environment Smyth, G. (2006). Wireless technologies bridging the digital divide
centered on the learner and just in place, out of in education. JET International Journal of Emerging Technologies
classrooms, like museums for history subjects, or in in Learning.
the field for biology subjects (Holzinger et al. 2005). Consulted: December 10, 2009.
3. The role of Mobile Learning in developing coun-
tries is another open research question. Interna-
tional community is motivated with the
possibility that wireless technologies contribute to
Modality Effect on Learning
overcome the digital divide in education in the
developed and developing world (Smyth 2006).
School of Education, University of New South Wales,
Cross-References Sydney, NSW, Australia
▶ Cognitive Learning Strategies for Digital Media
▶ eLearning and Digital Learning
▶ Learning Technology Synonyms
▶ Learning Through Social Media
Modality principle
Ayala, G., Paredes, R., & Castillo, S. (2010). Computational models for Definition
mobile and ubiquitous second language learning. International The modality effect refers to a cognitive load learning
Journal of Mobile Learning and Organisation, 4(2), 192–213. effect which occurs when a mixed mode (partly visual M
Caudill, J. G. (2007). The growth of m-learning and the growth of and partly auditory) presentation of information is
mobile computing: Parallel developments. International Review
more effective than when the same information is
of Research in Open and Distance Learning 8(2).
Chan, T., Sharples, M., Vavoula, G., & Londsdale, P. (2004) Educa-
presented in a single mode (either visual or auditory
tional metadata for mobile learning. In Proceedings of the 2nd alone). Take, for example, a geometry problem
IEEE international workshop on wireless and mobile technologies in consisting of a diagram and its associated statements.
education (WMTE 2004), Taiwan. Although the diagram must be presented visually, the
Ganci, J. (2010). Mobile learning: Obstacles and solutions. Learning associated statements can be presented either visually
Solutions Magazine. http://www.learningsolutionsmagazine.
or orally. From a cognitive load theory perspective, the
Consulted: June 20, 2010. conventional picture with written text presentation
Holzinger, A., Nischelwitzer, A., & Meisenberger, M. (2005). Lifelong- format imposes a high load in the visual working
learning support by m-learning: Examples scenarios. eLearn Mag- memory system since both sources of information are
azine, 2005(12), 2. processed in the same system. In contrast, the diagram
Katz, H. A., & Worsham, S. (2005). Streaming m-learning objects via
and narration version induces a lower load in the visual
data resolution and web services to mobile devices: Design guide-
lines and system architecture model. In Proceedings of the 4th working memory because auditory and visual informa-
world conference on mobile learning (mLearn 2005) Cape Town. tion are each processed in their respective systems. The
Laouris, Y., & Eteokleous, N. (2006). We need an educationally relevant modality effect occurs because the total load induced
definition of mobile learning. by this format is spread between the visual and the
papers/Laouris%20&%20Eteokleous.pdf. Consulted: December auditory components in the working memory system.
21, 2009.
Parsons, D., & Ryu, H. (2006). A framework for assessing the quality of
mobile learning. Theoretical Background
doi= Consulted: December
Cognitive and educational psychologists have been
22, 2009.
Quinn, C. (2004). Flexible learning objects. http://www.learning-
exploring the modality effect for many years. Low and Sweller (2005) provide a discussion of the research
Consulted: December 10, 2009. demonstrating this effect. Mayer (2001) uses the term
2296 M Modality Effect on Learning

“modality principle” to describe the effect, and of dual modality instructional materials. In other
Penney’s (1989) extensive literature review refers to it words, the combination of visual and audio informa-
as “separate streams hypothesis.” Evidence for the tion may not overload working memory if its capacity
modality effect unambiguously established that perfor- is effectively expanded via a dual mode presentation.
mance can be enhanced by using dual-mode presenta-
tion techniques. This modality effect is closely Important Scientific Research and
associated with Paivio’s dual-coding theory (Clark Open Questions
and Paivio 1991; Paivio 1986) and Baddeley’s model Mousavi et al. (1995) tested this hypothesis in educa-
of working memory (Baddeley 1986, 1999). It is tional settings via a series of experiments using geom-
explainable by cognitive load theory, an instructional etry problems. There were two presentation conditions:
theory based on our knowledge of human cognitive visual-visual and audio-visual. In the visual-visual pre-
architecture that specifically addresses the limitations sentation, both diagrams and associated texts were
of working memory. given in a visual format as presented conventionally
Cognitive load theory assumes that most cognitive in textbooks, whereas in the audio-visual presentation,
activities are driven by a large store of information held while diagrams were given visually, their related texts
in long-term memory. This knowledge directs the man- were provided as audio input. Results indicated that
ner in which information is processed in working learners in the audio-visual group performed much
memory. For learning to occur, novel material must better than did those in the visual-visual group.
be organized and incorporated into long-term memory Audio-visual instructions were consistently superior
via a limited working memory. For instruction to be to visual-visual instructions demonstrating the modal-
effective, it has to be designed in ways in which the ity effect. This basic modality effect was replicated in
limitations of the working memory are overcome (see subsequent experimental studies employing different
Low et al. 2011, for a more detailed discussion on learning materials. Tindall-Ford et al. (1997) reported
working memory characteristics and instructional increased effective working memory and improved
implications). According to cognitive load theory, learning outcomes under audio-visual conditions in
many instructional materials and techniques may be comparison with visual-visual conditions in electrical
ineffective because they ignore the limitations of engineering courses. Jeung et al. (1997) reported
human working memory and impose a heavy extrane- improved learning outcomes by using visual indicators
ous cognitive load. to highlight the most complex parts of information in
Cognitive load theory distinguishes between three spoken texts. Kalyuga et al. (2000) reported an
kinds of cognitive load: intrinsic, germane, and extra- enhanced learning experience by beginners from dual-
neous load. Intrinsic cognitive load is related to task mode presentations in an industrial training course.
difficulty and is due to the complexity of the informa- The modality effect has also been demonstrated by
tion that must be processed. Germane load (Paas and experimental work undertaken by Mayer and his col-
van Merriënboer 1994) is the cognitive load caused by leagues on multimedia learning (Mayer and Moreno
effortful learning due to attentional (working memory) 1998; Moreno and Mayer 1999; Moreno et al. 2001)
resources being directed to intrinsic cognitive load. using web-based or computer-aided instructional
Extraneous cognitive load is caused by instructional design. Brünken et al. (2002) replicated the modality
designs that do not take into consideration the limita- effect using a dual-task approach. They found that the
tion of working memory resources that are necessary differences in learning outcome demonstrated by the
for learning. Extraneous load can be manipulated in modality effect were related to different levels of cog-
two ways: formatting instructional material in nitive load induced by the different presentation for-
a manner that minimizes cognitive activities that are mats of the learning material. Specifically, they found
not necessary to learning so that cognitive resources that an emphasis on visual presentation of material
can be freed to concentrate on activities essential to resulted in a decrement on a visual secondary task,
learning, and expanding effective working memory indicating an overload of the visual processor. In
capacity. The modality effect falls into the latter cate- a subsequent study, Brünken et al. (2004) again
gory whereby learning is facilitated because of the use reproduced the modality effect when the secondary
Modality Effect on Learning M 2297

task was auditory instead of visual, and there was ▶ Human Cognitive Architecture
a decrement in performance on the auditory secondary ▶ Redundancy Effect
task when the primary task placed an emphasis on the
auditory processor. References
While the modality effect is robust and has been Baddeley, A. D. (1986). Working memory. Oxford: Oxford University
demonstrated in a variety of conditions, there have also Press.
Baddeley, A. D. (1999). Human memory. Boston: Allyn & Bacon.
been exceptions. Tabbers et al. (2004) obtained
Brünken, R., Steinbacher, S., Plass, J. L., & Leutner, D. (2002). Assess-
a reverse modality effect where visual-only instructions ment of cognitive load in multimedia learning using dual-task
were found to be superior to audio-visual instructions methodology. Experimental Psychology, 49, 109–119.
under self-paced conditions. Wouters et al. (2009) did Brünken, R., Plass, J. L., & Leutner, D. (2004). Assessment of cognitive
not obtain a modality effect under self-paced condi- load in multimedia learning with dual task methodology: Auditory
load and modality effects. Instructional Science, 32, 115–132.
tions while Schmidt-Weigand et al. (2009) did not
Clark, J. M., & Paivio, A. (1991). Dual coding theory and education.
obtain an overall modality effect under system or self- Educational Psychology Review, 3, 149–210.
paced conditions. These findings are explicable by cog- Jeung, H., Chandler, P., & Sweller, J. (1997). The role of visual
nitive load theory. The three studies used complex and/ indicators in dual sensory mode instruction. Educational Psy-
or lengthy audio/written materials. It is possible that chology, 17, 329–343.
under conditions where auditory and visual text mate- Kalyuga, S., Chandler, P., & Sweller, J. (2000). Incorporating learner
experience into the design of multimedia instruction. Journal of
rials are complex and/or lengthy, working memory may Educational Psychology, 92, 126–136.
be overloaded thus eliminating any effects. Low, R., & Sweller, J. (2005). The modality principle in multimedia
The modality effect depends heavily on the logical learning. In R. E. Mayer (Ed.), The Cambridge handbook of
relation between the various sources of information. multimedia learning (pp. 147–158). New York: Cambridge Uni-
The effect is only obtainable when the various sources versity Press.
Low, R., Jin, P., & Sweller, J. (2011). Cognitive load theory, attentional
of information are unintelligible in isolation and
processes and optimized learning outcomes in a digital environ- M
must be mentally integrated before they can be ment. In C. Roda (Ed.), Human attention in digital environments.
understood. Thus, a diagram and text such as New York: Cambridge University Press.
a geometry diagram and an explanation can be used Mayer, R. E. (2001). Multimedia learning. New York: Cambridge
to demonstrate the modality effect because University Press.
a statement such as Angle XYZ is unintelligible with- Mayer, R. E., & Moreno, R. (1998). A split-attention effect in multi-
media learning: Evidence for dual processing systems in working
out reference to a diagram. In contrast, if diagrams or memory. Journal of Educational Psychology, 90, 312–320.
text are intelligible in their own right and simply Moreno, R., & Mayer, R. E. (1999). Cognitive principles of multime-
redescribe each other, physical integration or the use dia learning: The role of modality and contiguity. Journal of
of dual-modality presentations will not be beneficial. Educational psychology, 91, 358–368.
Under such conditions, elimination of redundancy is Moreno, R., Mayer, R. E., Spires, H. A., & Lester, J. C. (2001). The case
for social agency in computer-based multimedia learning: Do
students learn more deeply when they interact with animated
The modality effect has both theoretical and prac- pedagogical agents? Cognition and Instruction, 19, 177–214.
tical implications. Theoretically, it provides additional Mousavi, S., Low, R., & Sweller, J. (1995). Reducing cognitive load by
evidence that effective working memory capacity may mixing auditory and visual presentation modes. Journal of Edu-
be increased, and this increase can facilitate learning. cational Psychology, 87, 319–334.
From a practical perspective, the modality effect pro- Paas, F. G. W., & van Merriënboer, J. G. (1994). Instructional control
of cognitive load in the training of complex cognitive tasks.
vides guidelines for effective instruction. It is especially Educational Psychology Review, 6, 351–372.
important in the context of multimedia instruction as Paivio, A. (1986). Mental representations: A dual coding approach.
the medium involves various presentation modes and New York: Oxford University Press.
different sensory modalities. Penney, C. G. (1989). Modality effects and the structure of short-term
verbal memory. Memory and Cognition, 17, 398–422.
Schmidt-Weigand, F., Kohnert, A., & Glowalla, U. (2009). A closer look
Cross-References at split visual attention in system- and self-paced instruction in
▶ Cognitive Load Measurement multimedia learning. Learning and Instruction, 20(2), 100–110.
▶ Cognitive Load Theory Tabbers, H. K., Martens, R. L., & van Merriënboer, J. J. G. (2004).
▶ Design of Learning Environments Multimedia instructions and cognitive load theory: Effects of
2298 M Modality Principle

modality and cueing. British Journal of Educational Psychology, learner. The solution, as observed by the learner, typi-
74, 71–81. cally consists of trajectories in the space of some
Tindall-Ford, S., Chandler, P., & Sweller, J. (1997). When two sensory
observed variables. The appropriate actions that are
modes are better than one. Journal of Experimental Psychology.
Applied, 3, 257–287. needed to steer the robot along the trajectories usually
Wouters, P., Paas, F., & van Merrienboer, J. J. (2009). Observational cannot be observed, but they can be learnt by using
learning from animated models: Effects of modality and reflection a model of the robot’s dynamics. This gives rise to the
on transfer. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 34(1), 1–8. term model-based imitation.

Theoretical Background
It has long been known that humans and animals use
Modality Principle imitation as a mechanism for acquiring knowledge.
▶ Modality Effect on Learning Consequently, algorithms and models have been pro-
posed to implement imitation as a learning mechanism
in robotics. In a broad class of robotics problems,
imitation represents a powerful way for transferring
Model important skills, tasks, and information to a robot. In
such a way, a robot can take advantage of the same sorts
▶ Scaffolding Learning by the Use of Visual of learning and teaching scenarios that humans use.
Representations Using data sequences recorded in a demonstration
of a specific control task to design a robot controller is
called “imitation” or “behavioral cloning.” It has been
most commonly applied in order to achieve a desired
Model Eliciting Activities motion pattern. In the literature, this approach is also
referred to as “learning from demonstration,” “pro-
▶ Mathematical Models/Modeling in Math Learning gramming by demonstration,” “learning by watching,”
“imitation learning,” “expert imitation,” and “teaching
by showing.”
A robot with the ability to imitate the actions of
Model-Based Imitation a human provides a simple and effective means for the
Learning human to specify a task to the robot without any
programming. Such a robot potentially has
ROBERT BABUSKA a considerably lower cost of deployment than the one,
Delft Center for Systems and Control, Delft University which requires programming by an expert. In addition,
of Technology, Delft, CD, The Netherlands robots equipped with imitation skills can serve as
a testbed for cognitive researchers and provide agents
for interaction with humans in psychological experi-
Synonyms ments. From a machine-learning perspective, imitation
Behavioral cloning; Learning from demonstration; is a way to quickly generate a rough solution to a task
Machine learning; Robotics; Skill transfer using demonstrated behavior. It therefore provides
a means to constrain the search space and so to speed
Definition up the learning process. Imitation can direct the learner
Model-based imitation refers to a family of machine- to first explore the promising part of the search space,
learning methods, which can be used to quickly gener- which contains the goal states. This is important when
ate a rough solution to a given control task, usually in the search space is large and global search is infeasible.
robotics, using demonstrated behavior. The premise is It is important to recognize that learning by imita-
that a large class of tasks can be demonstrated, either by tion refers to an attempt to achieve the goal performed
a human, e.g., household tasks for domestic robots, or by the teacher. Due to uncertainty in the world and in
by other “teacher” robots that are more skilled than the the robot itself, the goal typically cannot be realized by
Model-Based Imitation Learning M 2299

merely replicating the teachers’ actions. It is often the balancing task performed by a human demonstrator
case that the robot and the teacher have the same state equipped with and markers on the joints. Kuniyoshi
and action spaces, but nevertheless the robot does not et al. (1994) consider a robot learning to replicate
have the exact same capabilities as the teacher. This is a block-stacking task in a constrained environment
mainly due to limitations in the robot actuators making containing white objects on a black background.
the robot unable to exactly reproduce the human motion However, in real-world situations, the teacher can be
(Atkeson and Schaal 1997). In addition, the actions that indifferent to the attempts of the learner to imitate it. In
are needed to steer the robot during the task often cannot such a case, learning is a difficult problem that requires
be observed (unless the teacher operates the robot the observer to decide what to imitate, when to imitate,
through a joystick or another similar device). Instead, and how to decide whether the imitation is successful.
the learner observes the effect of these actions in terms of Representation of control policies: Typically, the tra-
trajectories in the space of some measured variables, such jectories first have to be transformed to a parametric
as positions, joint angles, etc. The appropriate action model before they can be used as a control policy. Well-
must be learnt by using a model of the robot’s dynamics. established supervised algorithms and approximators
This gives rise to the term model-based imitation. In are usually employed, such as neural networks, local
such a case, an inverse dynamic model of the robot can linear regression, etc. However, alternatives exist that so
be used to map desired states to actions. far have not been explored that much. Bratko and Šuc
Among the approaches published in the literature, (2002) argue that qualitative representations are more
a main distinction can be made between explicit imita- flexible and potentially more successful than controllers
tion and model-based imitation. Explicit imitation (also that simply map states to actions. Examples of qualitative
called task-level learning or direct-policy learning) uses representations are a set of if-then statements relating
state-action sequences recorded from the teacher to input to output, the sign of a variable, variable crossing
directly learn the policy by using supervised learning. a landmark, variable reaching local extreme, etc.
Model-based imitation (indirect control) needs a model
of the process to compute the control policy that allows Cross-References
the robot to follow the demonstrated trajectory. ▶ Imitation Learning from Demonstration
It has been observed that imitation alone seldom ▶ Imitational Learning (of Robots)
leads to a satisfactory solution. The induced controller ▶ Model-Faciliated Learning
is typically not robust with respect to small changes in ▶ Robot Learning from Demonstration
the control task and should be combined with other,
self-learning algorithms such as reinforcement learning References
(RL). In RL, a reward signal is used to optimize the Atkeson, C., & Schaal, S. (1997). Robot learning from demonstration
agent’s behavior, rather than relying on examples pro- (pp. 12–20). San Francisco: Morgan Kaufmann.
Bratko, I., & Šuc, D. (2002). Using machine learning to understand
vided by a teacher. Imitation learning then becomes
operator’s skill. In T. Hendtlass & M. Ali (Eds.), Developments in
a two-stage process – the first stage is the copying of the applied artificial intelligence, (Lecture notes in computer science,
teacher’s behavior and the second stage is self- Lecture notes in artificial intelligence, 2358) (pp. 812–823). Berlin:
improvement (Peters 2003). Springer.
Kuniyoshi, Y., Inaba, M., & Inoue, H. (1994). Learning by watching:
Important Scientific Research and Extracting reusable task knowledge from visual observation of
human performance. IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automa-
Open Questions tion, 10(6), 799–822.
Learning setting: To make the problem tractable, Schaal, S. (1997). Robot learning from demonstration. In D. H. Fisher
researchers have vastly simplified one or more aspects Jr. (Ed.), International conference on machine learning (ICML97)
of the environment and the behaviors of the teacher and (pp. 12–20). San Francisco: Morgan Kaufmann. 1997.
the learner. Typically, robots have been trained to per- Schaal, S. (1999). Is imitation learning the route to humanoid robots?
Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 3(6), 233–242. June 1999.
form a single task by observing a human demonstrator.
Peters, J., Vijayakumar, S., & Schaal, S. (2003). Reinforcement Learn-
Only simple perceptions are used, which are matched to ing for Humanoid Robotics. Proceedings of the Third IEEE-RAS
relevant aspects of the task. For instance, Schaal (1997) International Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids2003),
used a robot arm with vision to learn a pendulum 1–20 (September 2003).
2300 M Model-Based Instruction

inadequate, it may be rejected and another model

Model-Based Instruction formed, or it may be revised and then used
▶ Mental Models in Improving Learning to try again. Revisions may involve making changes to
an element of the model or it may take the form of
elaboration – adding elements to the model in order to
better accomplish the task. Elements may also be
Model-Based Learning dynamic systems. Ideally, model-based learning results
in rich, multilevel, interconnected mental models that
BARBARA C. BUCKLEY are extensible and useful for understanding the world.
WestEd, Redwood City, CA, USA
Theoretical Background
Following in the footsteps of Craik (1943), Johnson-
Synonyms Laird (1983) characterized mental models as internal
Knowledge integration; Model-building representations of “objects, states of affairs, sequences
of events, the way the world is and the social and
Definition psychological actions of daily life.” They enable reason-
Model-based learning is the formation and subsequent ing that supports making predictions and generating
development of mental models by a learner. Most often questions, hypotheses, and explanations. They struc-
used in the context of dynamic phenomena, mental ture one’s understanding of the world by organizing the
models organize information about how the compo- components of a phenomenon and the interactions of
nents of systems interact to produce the dynamic phe- the components that produce some emergent behavior,
nomena. Mental models arise from the demands of property, or result. This makes mental models very
some task that requires integration of multiple aspects useful for integrating and extending one’s understand-
and/or multiple levels of a system or situation (See ing of complex phenomena in a wide variety of settings
Fig. 1). Model formation integrates prior knowledge and domains.
and new information about the instance into a mental Model-based learning begins with a task, whether
model of the situation. When the mental model is used explicit or tacit. That task is likely to be trying to
to accomplish the task, it is evaluated for its utility in understand or produce some phenomenon or repre-
performing the task. If the mental model is deemed sentation thereof. The external representations (repre-
useful, it is reinforced and may become routinized with sentations include text as well as diagrams, animations,
repeated use. If the mental model is deemed gestures, physical or computer models; in short, any
external representation that stands for something else)
prior knowledge new information are generated from an individual or group’s mental
models. They may be categorized as either expressed
model formation
or consensus models. Expressed models are represen-
tations of various types generated for a particular pur-
pose. Consensus models, on the other hand, are models
developed, agreed upon, and used by a group with
learner’s model use
TASK some degree of permanence, such as the students in
models a class or the scientists and scholars of a domain
(Gilbert and Boulter 2000).
model evaluation
The contributors to Gentner and Stevens’ Mental
Models (1983) provide an informative array of work on
model reinforcement mental models and their use in understanding dynamic
model revision phenomena. The chapters range across domains, from
electricity to Micronesian navigation to artificial
model rejection
devices. Most of the contributors think about knowl-
Model-Based Learning. Fig. 1 Model-based learning edge representation and processing in terms of
Model-Based Learning M 2301

computational semantics. They employ a very wide to learn about the circulatory system. Her analysis iden-
collection of methodologies that include protocol anal- tified components of deKleer and Brown’s theory at
ysis, cognitive psychology experiments, developmental work in a classroom context. In contrast to even the
studies, novice-expert studies, and multiple settings for most able students in the class, this student’s intentional
observations and comparisons and more. In an attempt model-building was evident in researching and planning
to contribute to a theory of how people understand the a presentation for the class and in explaining how a new
world, the researchers write primarily about knowledge surgical technique would work when given a newspaper
representations in a domain and phenomenological illustration. When conducting research, this student
theories of human processing. Norman (p. 7) makes posed three questions that intuitively instantiated
useful distinctions among models that make it clear deKleer and Brown’s theory: What are the parts? What
that the authors are all writing about their own mental are their purposes? How do they work together? She
and computational models of learners’ mental models explored video of live circulatory phenomena, such as
and their use in qualitative reasoning. Williams, a heart beating in an open chest and blood cells circu-
Hollan, and Stevens (p. 131) define mental models as lating through capillaries, all structured around a sche-
a collection of connected autonomous objects. “An matic of the circulatory system. The student’s card sort
autonomous object is a mental object with an explicit of parts of the circulatory system was anatomically struc-
representation of state, an explicit representation of its tured. Her presentation was clear and correct. When
topological connections to other objects, and a set of asked about the novel surgical technique, she was able
internal parameters. Associated with each. . . is a set of to reason about how it would work; more able students
rules which modify its parameters and thus specify its in the same classroom study had to be reminded that the
behaviors (p. 133).” They used protocol analysis to heart beat before they could even begin to reason about
examine one subject’s formation and revision of the technique. From the multiple sources of data
a model of a heat exchanger, facilitated by a “dialectic collected, Buckley constructed a multilevel expressed
between the developing mental model and experiential model that represented the student’s mental model of
knowledge, (p. 152).” This is an example of model the circulatory system in terms of parts and behavior,
evaluation and revision. deKleer and Brown (p. 155) and how the interaction of parts at one level produce the
delve into the assumptions and ambiguities in mecha- behavior of the higher anatomical level.
nistic mental models. They distinguish among device The contributors to Gilbert and Boulter (2000)
topology (structure), envisioning, a causal model, and provide multiple perspectives and examples for how
running. Envisioning is the process of reasoning from model-based learning contributes to the development
the device’s structure to its functioning using known of mental, expressed and consensus models in science
principles (model formation). A causal model describes education. Boulter and Buckley (p. 41) developed
how the structural components interact to produce the a typology to support research on how expressed
behavior or functioning of the device. Running the models might contribute to a learner’s mental model.
causal model allows one to predict or produce They categorize expressed models found in classrooms
a behavior (model use). deKleer and Brown also discuss in terms of the mode of representation employed (con-
embedded models, that is, models whose components crete, verbal, visual, mathematical, gestural, and mix-
are themselves models to describe the depth of knowl- tures thereof) and the attributes of the representation.
edge about a device. Using historical protocol analysis, Attributes include distinctions between quantitative
Wiser and Carey (p. 267) describe the formation and and qualitative, static and dynamic, and deterministic
revision of consensus models of heat and temperature and stochastic. They illustrated the use of the typology
and their differentiation. Clement (p. 325) highlights with examples from the solar system and the circula-
the similarities between students’ naı̈ve mental models tory system. In order to characterize and define mental
and Galileo’s expressed models. models and examine methods for investigating them,
Building on this work, Buckley (2000) used Franco and Colinvaux (p. 93) present examples of
a combination of naturalistic observation and cognitive model revision by describing how Einstein’s combina-
psychology techniques to examine the understanding tion of the concepts of inertial and gravitational mass
of a student using an interactive multimedia resource shaped his work on general relativity. They describe
2302 M Model-Based Learning

similar examples from children’s development of phenomena being represented (Gilbert and Boulter
models of the earth. Buckley and Boulter (p. 119) 2000). If, however, they are motivated by the desire to
focus on the role of representations (expressed models) understand, they will try to construct mental models
in building mental models of the circulatory system and pose questions accordingly (Buckley 2000).
and the solar system, because “Phenomena may be The construction of knowledge whether by an indi-
hidden within or may be too small, too large, too fast, vidual or a group involves a fluid interaction of mental
or too slow for humans to see. Even when phenomena models, expressed models, and consensus models.
are within the range of the human perceptual system, it Whether this is formalized within a domain such as
can be difficult for learners to detect the parts of science or guided in a classroom or engaged in by an
a system or model. This is especially the case when individual who seeks to understand, model-building
directly observing phenomena or images thereof. requires cycles of model generation, use, evaluation,
Nature doesn’t come with labels, and boundaries and revision. This results in a progression of models,
between parts are often indistinct (p. 133).” They exam- whether historic, naturalistic, or guided by instruction,
ine what aspects of the phenomenon (structure, behav- which produces a network of connected knowledge
ior, or mechanism) are represented and how the that can be traversed and examined in diverse ways.
particulars of a representation may present semiotic This creates a conceptual ecology that influences future
challenges for learners’ sense-making. They discuss the learning.
difficulties of making clear the components and their The authors cited in this entry and countless others
interactions in various representational modes and sug- have contributed to the development of a consensus
gest some representational techniques that might help model of model-based learning and to embedding it
learners overcome the semiotic challenges of a given in a consensus model of model-based teaching and
representation. Reiner (p. 157) discusses the role of learning. All call for additional research to validate
mental models in thought experiments, in particular, these models through an eclectic and functional collec-
the use of an imagery strategy. She suggests that tion of methodologies that enable us to draw inferences
thought experiments are a tool for generating, testing, about the state of a learner’s mental models and their
and refining mental models. She explores the nature of evolution. Model-based learning theory is a powerful
thought experiments and of embodied, tacit, non- organizer for learning, teaching, and assessment. The
propositional knowledge. In a case-study, she shows model of model-based learning is an intermediate
how embodied knowledge is reflected in thought exper- model. That is, it must be supported by research in
iments while modeling a situation in a physics problem. cognition and in the underlying mental representations
and neurochemistry. Its utility for designing learning
Important Scientific Research and environments, both computer-based and classroom-
Open Questions based, must be examined. Finally, the ramifications
Mental model-building for the purpose of operating in for policy-level decisions about standards, assessment,
the world is ubiquitous and spontaneous; much of it is and teacher education must be considered.
unconscious (Johnson-Laird 1983). When it is not,
motivation plays an important role in model-based Cross-References
learning (Seel 2003). What motivates a learner to ▶ Mental Models
engage in model-based learning? Psychologists who ▶ Mental Models in Improving Learning
conduct research in motivation have contrasted intrin- ▶ Model-Based Reasoning
sic vs. extrinsic motivation, the desire to understand vs. ▶ Model-Based Teaching
the desire to perform, or spontaneous vs. intentional ▶ Model-Facilitated Learning
vs. directed learning. Model-based learning is no doubt ▶ Simulation and Learning: The Role of Mental
influenced by all of these, as well as the epistemology of Models
the learner. If students believe that the illustrations or References
physical models they encounter in instruction are to be Buckley, B. C. (2000). Interactive multimedia and model-based learn-
memorized and regurgitated, they are unlikely to invest ing in biology. International Journal of Science Education, 22(9),
the effort required to construct mental models of the 895–935.
Model-Based Learning with System Dynamics M 2303

Craik, K. J. W. (1943). Nature of explanation. Cambridge: Cambridge level of detail; no information about the model’s inner
University Press. structure is available. A grey box model offers a level of
Gentner, D., & Stevens, A. L. (Eds.). (1983). Mental models. Hillsdale:
detail ranging in between black and white box models.
Lawrence Erlbaum.
Gilbert, J. K., & Boulter, C. J. (Eds.). (2000). Developing models in A mental model is a construct of cognitive psychol-
science education. Dordrecht: Kluwer. ogy. Mental models are internal representations of con-
Johnson-Laird, P. N. (1983). Mental models. Cambridge, MA: Har- ceptual and causal interrelations among elements that
vard University Press. people use to understand specific phenomena. A mental
Seel, N. M. (2003). Model-centered learning and instruction. Tech-
model of a dynamic system is a relatively enduring and
nology, Instruction, Cognition and Learning, 1, 59–85.
accessible, but limited, internal conceptual representa-
tion of the dynamic characteristics of an external system.
An expert model is a representation of essential parts
of reality for a situation of interest. The expert model
Model-Based Learning with has a high level of fidelity and validity and is substan-
System Dynamics tially free of biases. Such a model can be conceived of as
the mental model of human experts who have the best
STEFAN N. GROESSER knowledge and insights of a specific part of reality.
Institute of Management, University of St. Gallen, Feedback is the transmission and return of informa-
St. Gallen, Switzerland tion about the current output condition of a system.
System Dynamics Group, Massachusetts Institute of A feedback process is a process by which a system is
Technology, Cambridge, USA controlled or changed by the output or response it
Learning is considered a feedback process of the
Synonyms following kind: Our decisions alter the real world, we
Computer-based learning environment; Computer- receive information feedback about the world and
based learning; Flight simulator; Interactive learning revise the decisions we make and the mental models
environment; Simulation-based instruction that motivate those decisions. Learning can also be seen
as a process of discovering the content and structure of
Definition a model or reality.
Model-based learning (MBL) refers to the activity of System Dynamics is a computer modeling method-
humans interacting with an external, formal model ology that is used to represent and analyze complex
for the purpose of learning. The external model is nonlinear dynamic feedback systems for the purpose of
used as a point of reference which structures and guides generating insights and improving system perfor-
the learning process with the learner. mance. It has its intellectual origins in control theory,
Model is a simplified representation of a real system. management science, and digital computing. It was
Models appear in this entry in the form of simulation created in 1957 by Jay W. Forrester of the Massachusetts
models and mental models. A simulation model is an Institute of Technology as a method to help managers
explicit, computer-based representation of essential better understand and control corporate systems.
parts of reality. It provides an environment where Today, it is applied to topics in a wide variety of aca-
a human learner can experiment with hypotheses. Syn- demic disciplines; see: and
onyms for simulation models are interactive simula- the journal “System Dynamics Review.”
tions, microworlds, participatory simulations,
interactive learning environments, flight simulators, Theoretical Background
or computational learning devices.
A white box model, also called glass box model, is Relevance of MBL with System
a model about a system where all necessary causal Dynamics
information about the system is available in the It was the Greek philosopher Heraclitus who said that
model. The model structure and behavior is accessible. nothing endures but change; thence, continuous learn-
Black box models, on the other hand, have only a low ing is pertinent. Learning is, in principle, a feedback
2304 M Model-Based Learning with System Dynamics

process in which our decisions influence reality. As content. A key feature of MBL with System Dynamics
a result, we receive information feedback about the is that the information feedback provided by the simu-
world and revise the decisions we make and the mental lation model depends on the way in which the learner
models that motivate those decisions. Unfortunately, in has changed the variables of the simulation model.
the world of social action various impediments slow or
prevent these learning feedbacks from occurring, Theoretical Basis
allowing flawed and harmful behaviors to persist. The MBL with System Dynamics is rooted in Kolb’s exper-
barriers to learning include the dynamic complexity of imental learning theory and Bruner’s method of discov-
the systems themselves; inadequate and ambiguous ery learning.
outcome feedback; systematic misperceptions of feed- Kolb’s experimental learning theory (1984) develops
back, nonlinearities, and time delays; inability to sim- a learning process which unfolds over time and iterates
ulate mentally the dynamics of our mental models; and through four stages: concrete experience (1), observa-
poor scientific reasoning skills. Experimental research tion and reflection (2), forming abstract concepts (3),
substantiates the fact that people have a very poor and testing them in new situations (4). The learning
understanding of even the simplest dynamic systems. cycle begins with a person carrying out a particular
To be successful, methods to enhance learning about action and then observing the effects of this action
complex systems must address these impediments. (1). The second step is to understand these effects in
MBL with System Dynamics is one powerful method the particular instance so that if the same action was
to address the shortcomings (Sterman 1994). taken in the same circumstances it would be possible to
anticipate what would follow from this action (2). The
Content of MBL with System third step is to induce the general principle under
Dynamics which the particular instance falls (3). Generalizing
What is meant by MBL is the fostering of a human may require executing several actions over a range of
learning process by means of a computer simulation circumstances to gain experience beyond the particular
model. Using external devices as learning tools is as old situation and suggest the general principle. The learn-
as mankind. MBL with System Dynamics has been used ing cycle is completed with the testing of the newly
since 1960s. It concentrates specifically on the interac- acquired abstract concepts in new situations (4).
tion of learners with an instructional simulation based Bruner’s discovery learning (1961) is a method of
on the methodology of System Dynamics. In this con- instruction of self-guided learning behavior. As pro-
tribution, the terms “computation model” and “Sys- posed by this method, students interact with their
tem Dynamics model” are used interchangeably. environment by discovering and manipulating objects,
In principle, two modes of teaching can be differen- coping with controversies, and executing experiments.
tiated: conceptual and procedural. The former focuses Bruner argues that the content which has been acquired
on teaching of substantive content; the latter addresses by own activities is more readily available and stored
teaching about how to perform something in more sustainably. Discovery learning takes place in
a substantive area. Educational uses of System Dynamics situations where problem solving is required.
generally concern the conceptual mode of teaching by
which students learn about the content of a system and Process of MBL with System Dynamics
the mechanisms which govern the behavior of that sys- Ideally, the process of learning with computational
tem. In a computer learning environment, the learner models follows a scientific reasoning process: define a
interacts with a computer model which is considered an problem situation; state hypotheses about the elements
expert model. This expert model has been built by causing the problem; design an experiment to test the
a programmer in advance of the educational situation. hypotheses; perform the experiment using the compu-
It consists of an embedded set of relationships of tational model; collect, analyze, and interpret the sim-
a particular domain with a high level of validity and ulation data; and evaluate and perhaps reformulate the
fidelity. Most often, the expert model is supported by original hypotheses. The formulation and
additional information and communication technolo- reformulation of the hypotheses help to form
gies by which the learner can investigate the model’s a mental model of the problem situation. Hence, by
Model-Based Learning with System Dynamics M 2305

means of the interaction with the computational questions: Does MBL with System Dynamics yield
model, the learner can successively change and improve more comprehensive learning? Does model-based
the hypotheses and hence advance the mental model learning with System Dynamics result in faster and/or
about the situation gradually. By this process, the stu- more retentive knowledge? Does guided (re)-discovery
dents gain a deep understanding of the computational of existing models or the creation of own models yield
model’s substantive content. The computational model better results? Research about these topics is under-
is used as an explicit and formal expert model which taken by experts specialized in System Dynamics, for
contains the knowledge that is to be obtained. example, at the Sloan School of Management at MIT
In MBL with System Dynamics, the computational (, at the University
models are provided as iconic, graphical representa- of St. Gallen (, and at the
tions detailing the causal structure of the underlying University of Bergen ( In
system. In most learning environments using System the following, relevant research areas are outlined and
Dynamics, the models are fully accessible by the briefly commented.
learners. Besides testing the hypotheses about cause
and effect, such environments enable learners also to Effectiveness of MBL with System
trace the cause and effect structure and understand the Dynamics
causalities of why the hypotheses could or could not be The educational value of computer simulations has
confirmed. This full access to the causal model struc- been accepted as an article of faith. As for any educa-
ture is a defining characteristic of System Dynamics tional method, MBL with System Dynamics has to
models. By this, the learner has the potential to under- establish its usefulness and its advantages relative to
stand even counterintuitive system behaviors which are other teaching methods. It must provide value other
deeply rooted in the dynamic complexity of reality. methods cannot. Even though qualitative as well as
System Dynamics simulation models are therefore quantitative research with small sample sizes evaluating
also sometimes called causal white box models with the process and outcomes of MBL with System Dynam-
a high degree of validity or fidelity. Other names for ics exists, a large scale systematic research endeavor is
computational models are, for example, microworlds still missing. In this, System Dynamics shares the legit-
or interactive learning environments. The process of imating pressure as other instructional methods.
MBL using computational models is also referred to as Until now, it has been shown that the use of com-
simulation-based discovery learning or simulation- putational models frequently induces active learner
based exploratory learning. behavior and constructive learning processes (de Jong
et al. 1998). The reason is perhaps that a computational
Results of MBL with System Dynamics model supports students’ scientific reasoning process.
The process of MBL with System Dynamics facilitates Moreover, qualitative studies have shown that MBL
improving the learner’s mental models by engaging in with System Dynamics can serve such distinct purposes
inquiry that is otherwise impractical or even impossible. as to comprehend basic dynamics of a system, to illus-
Through the use of such tools, the cost in time and trate problems associated with control of complex and
resources for each learning iteration are reduced. Thus, nonlinear systems, to offer participants an opportunity
the number of iterations can be increased with the result to practice group communication and leadership skills,
of a potentially more detailed understanding of the and to gain understanding of time delays (Lane 1995).
problem at stake. In addition, computational models
can reveal the dynamic complexity of the systems, Building Versus Using Simulations
untangle inadequate and ambiguous outcome feedback, A general differentiation in the educational use of sim-
and can help to overcome misperceptions of feedback. ulation is whether one learns by building simulations
or by using existing simulations. System Dynamics has
Important Scientific Research and historically been based on the former. The alternate
Open Questions approach is to provide students with complete simula-
Scientific research about MBL using System Dynamics tions with which they should explore, experiment, and
is diverse and addresses among others the following practice. This approach accounts for the major share of
2306 M Model-Based Learning with System Dynamics

existing educational simulation. The models underly- variables, conduct experiments in a systematic way to
ing such simulations may be created by designers using test multiple hypotheses, and to interpret the results of
System Dynamics software. the simulations with respect to the original hypotheses.
Further techniques are to offer predefined hypotheses
Combination of MBL and Other Types or provide concrete hints about experimentation with
of Instructions the specific microworld (van Joolingen et al. 1997).
Most of the existing research about the effectiveness of
MBL has only considered MBL as the sole educational Complexity of the Expert Model
approach used in the classroom. Few researches have The level of complexity and degree of difficulty of the
demonstrated that students can be stimulated toward expert model determines the actual amount of
deeper learning by means of effective combinations of acquired knowledge. The degree of difficulty of
lectures, cases, readings, and MBL with System Dynam- a learning simulation negatively impacts on the
ics (Romme 2003). Additional large scale research is amount of acquired knowledge. This is contingent on
required to nurture our understanding of beneficial the type of knowledge: Quantitative knowledge about
combinations of MBL and other educational causal relations is more negatively influenced by more
approaches. difficult computer simulations than semi-quantitative;
semi-quantitative is stronger, negatively influenced
Effect of Level of Fidelity and Visibility than qualitative knowledge (Kluge 2008; Moxnes
of a Simulation on Learning Outcome 2004). The drawbacks of simulations with high com-
System Dynamics models can have high levels of fidel- plexity and high degrees of difficulty can be
ity and visibility. Research has found out that learners counterbalanced by more learning iterations and
familiar with the methodology of System Dynamics can more informative decision aids, for example, an acces-
use this additional information to their benefit. With- sibly designed interface.
out a previous introduction to System Dynamics, such Besides guiding and controlling the learning process,
an effect could not be found. The degree of model another method to stimulate the motivation of learners
visibility, that is, the accessibility of the underlying is to provide the learner a succession of expert models
model structure, positively moderates the learning which increase in their dynamic complexity. With the
effect of MBL (Alessi 2000). succession of simulation models, the level of task diffi-
As problems of interest in reality are usually more culty increases accordingly leading to a progressive
complex than a simulation model can represent, the acquisition of the knowledge and skills of the domain.
question arises what level of fidelity is required. From In general, the publication history shows an upward
a practical perspective, there is a tradeoff between trend leading to a significant revivification of interest in
achievable level of fidelity, external validity of the MBL using System Dynamics especially in the field of
model, and economic feasibility of the construction of management education.
the simulation environment. More research about the
external validity and transferability of the insights from Cross-References
MBL with System Dynamics is required. ▶ Computer Simulation Model
▶ Computer-Based Learning Environments
Guided Discovery ▶ Computer-Enhanced Learning and Learning
Another open question is to what extent the explorative Environments
learning should be guided by educational information. ▶ Discovery Learning
To maximize the benefits of MBL with computational ▶ Feedback and Learning
models, it has been suggested to structure the learners’ ▶ Guided Discovery Learning
interactions with the simulation. In principle, helping ▶ Interactive Learning Environments
the student to conduct concise scientific reasoning and ▶ Mental Model
experimentation is already beneficial. This can include ▶ Mental Model of Dynamic Systems
such guidance as to focus on specific variables, generate ▶ Model-Based Learning
hypotheses about relationships involving these ▶ Simulation-Based Learning
Model-Based Reasoning M 2307

References Theoretical Background

Alessi, S. M. (2000). Designing educational support in system- A mental model is a simplified internal representation
dynamics-based interactive learning environments. Simulation of some aspects of the world that is used as a cognitive
& Gaming, 31, 178–196. simulacrum in order to allow the cognitive system to
Bruner, J. S. (1961). The act of discovery. Harvard Educational Review,
predict future outcomes. The idea of a mental model
31, 21–32.
de Jong, T., & van Joolingen, W. R. (1998). Scientific Discovery was first proposed by Kenneth Craik in 1943. Models
Learning with computer simulations of conceptual domains. contain only critical dimensions of whatever is to be
Review of Educational Research, 68, 179–201. understood, without having to consider the full com-
Kluge, A. (2008). Performance assessments with microworlds plexity of real phenomena. Thus mental models allow
and their difficulty. Applied Psychological Measurement, 32,
the cognitive system to simulate aspects of the real
Kolb, D. A. (1984). Experimental learning experience as the source of
world in a compact way. The idea of using mental
learning and development. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall. models to explain deductive reasoning was proposed
Lane, D. C. (1995). On a resurgence of management simulations and by Philip Johnson-Laird in 1983. Deductive reasoning
games. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 46, 604–625. refers to the ability to draw logically necessary conclu-
Moxnes, E. (2004). Misperceptions of basic dynamics: The case of sions from initial premises that are considered to be
renewable resource management. System Dynamics Review, 20,
true. Simple forms of deductive reasoning present an
Romme, A. G. L. (2003). Learning outcomes of microworlds for initial major premise which includes a logical connec-
management education. Management Learning, 34, 51–61. tive linking two states (if P then Q, P and Q, etc.),
Sterman, J. D. (1994). Learning in and about complex systems. System followed by a minor premise which specifies the truth
Dynamics Review, 10, 291–330. value of one of the states (Q is false). The mental model
van Joolingen, W. R., & de Jong, T. (1997). An extended dual search
theory of reasoning proposes that people use mental
space model of learning with computer simulations. Instructional
Science, 25, 307–346.
tokens to represent combinations of states that are
possible for a given major premise. A model is
a single combination of tokens representing one possi-
ble combination of two (or more) states. For example,
the major premise “P and Q” is represented by a single
Model-Based Reasoning model:
Department of Psychology, Université du Québec à The major premise “if P then Q” is represented by
Montréal, Montreal, QC, Canada three models:
Synonyms ⌐P Q
Deductive schemas
⌐P ⌐Q
Definition where the ⌐ symbol is used to indicate negation. The
Model-based reasoning is a theory that attempts to models used to represent the major premise can then be
describe the psychological processes that are used scanned for models which are consistent with the
when making a logical inference from a given set of minor premise. The first such model will indicate
premises. Mental models are schematic representations a potential conclusion. Although there is a certain ten-
of possible outcomes that are consistent with premises, dency for this conclusion to be accepted, a key compo-
using internal tokens to represent classes of events or nent of the theory is a search for alternatives.
objects. The semantics of logical connectives (if, or, Specifically, this is a process by which a reasoner will
etc.) determine the way that the representation is struc- then attempt to scan for models which are consistent
tured. Combining premises produces a limited set of with the minor premise, but which contradict the
possible outcomes from which potential conclusions potential conclusion. If such a model is detected, then
can be read off. the conclusion will be rejected, otherwise the
2308 M Model-Based Reasoning

conclusion will be accepted. For example, when rea- overload, leading to production of nonlogical conclu-
soning from the premises “if P then Q – P is true,” the sions. In fact, model theory predicts that the difficulty
three models representing the “if P then Q” premise are of a given inference (i.e., the probability of producing
scanned for models in which P is true. The first model the logically correct response) is directly related to the
is such a case, which suggests the conclusion that Q is number of models required to fully represent the pre-
true. No other model exists in which P is true, so “Q is mises. Use of restricted working memory capacities is
true” is given as the conclusion. In contrast, when related to another important postulate of the theory,
reasoning from the premises “if P then Q – Q is true,” which is the principle of economy. In order to limit the
this representation is scanned for models in which Q is use of working memory, the reasoning process is
true. In the first such model P is true, which becomes assumed to start with a limited representation of the
a potential conclusion. However, there is a second major premise. This represents only possibilities in
model in which Q is true, but in this case ⌐P is true. which the antecedent is true. The existence of other
In this case, the search for alternatives results in the possibilities is acknowledged by a mental footnote,
rejection of the initial potential conclusion that P is which may or may not be expanded. In the often-
true, and the reasoner will conclude that there is no studied case of if-then inferences, this is a single initial
necessary conclusion. If a given potential conclusion is model representing the antecedent and the consequent
rejected in this way, the cycle involving identification of only. For example, the premise “if P then not-Q” would
potential conclusions and the subsequent search for generate the initial model:
alternatives can be repeated.
P ⌐Q
Each model represents a “true” combination of
states in the logical truth table corresponding to the
connective used in the major premise. This is a critical The symbol (. . .) represents the notion that there
dimension of the model theory, which assumes that exist other, implicit, models that must be specified in
people generally reason by considering potentially order to generate a complete representation of the pre-
true states of the world that are consistent with mises. Reasoners are assumed to prefer using the initial
a given major premise, that is, what might be true. model in order to generate conclusions. This would
They will generally not consider states that are not allow rapidly concluding that, for example, “if P then
possibly true given this premise. While the fully not-Q – P is true” leads to the conclusion that Q is not
implemented model procedure will lead to a logically true. Similarly, the minor premise “Q is not true” leads
valid conclusion, considering only potentially true to the conclusion that P is true. If no model is found
combinations of states reflects a general characteristic that is consistent with the minor premise, then no
of human reasoning, which is the tendency toward conclusion is possible. Use of the initial model allows
confirmation. The ability to reason from what is making rapid, low-cost inferences while liberating
impossible is difficult and rarely seen in ordinary rea- working memory resources for other operations. How-
soning. Thus the overall structure of model theory ever, the resulting conclusions are not reliably valid.
provides a way of accounting for the ability to derive People will sometimes produce a conclusion that is
logical conclusions, without postulating the use of pro- logically false or reject a conclusion that is logically
cedures such as reductio ad absurdum which requires true by relying on initial models.
explicit consideration of impossibility. Under some conditions, which are not fully speci-
Although in theory reasoning based on mental fied, people will complete the initial model in a process
models should lead to logically correct conclusions, referred to as “fleshing out.” Fleshing out requires
variability in logical performance is accounted for in accessing a semantic representation of the connective
several ways. Most critical is the fact that the models used in the major premise which will allow incorpora-
used for reasoning are retained in working memory tion of additional models consistent with this premise
and require active use of cognitive resources for their into the full representation used for generating infer-
generation and manipulation. Since working memory ences. Under ideal circumstances, this will access the
has a limited capacity, reasoning with more than core meaning of the connective, which corresponds to
a single model has the potential to create a cognitive its full decontextualized semantic representation.
Model-Based Reasoning M 2309

However, various forms of interpretational processes working memory in reasoning according to model
can affect which models are actually included in the theory. There is clear evidence that the relative diffi-
final representation. By a process referred to as prag- culty of inferences is correlated with their complexity as
matic and semantic modulation proposed by Johnson- measured by the theoretical number of models
Laird and Byrne in 2002, people are assumed to use required for a full representation of premises. In addi-
contextual and/or semantic cues to access alternative tion, individual differences in working memory predict
representations of a given connective, resulting in dif- the relative ability of people to make correct logical
ferent model sets. One very clear example of interpre- inferences on problems involving different numbers
tational variation concerns reasoning with conditional of models. The theory has also been used to make
(if-then) promises. When given a promise of the form: some predictions about the development of reasoning
“If you cut the grass, then I will give you $5,” people abilities in young children, based mostly on the idea
strongly tend to infer that cutting the grass implies that children’s limited working memory capacities will
receiving $5, and vice versa. Model theory would limit the complexity of the model sets that they can
account for this by assuming that the common inter- theoretically manipulate.
pretation of conditional promises leads to the following Model theory has predicted that the use of initial
restricted model set: models to make inferences on complex problems will
result in strong tendencies for people to make specific
false inferences for a variety of forms of reasoning.
⌐P ⌐Q However, evidence for initial model use in simple if-
then reasoning is much less clear. Another important
In other words, common interpretations of condi-
postulate is the search for alternative models. There is
tional promises lead people to assume that the combi-
some evidence that people will actively search for
nation of not cutting the grass and receiving $5 is not
disconfirming instances when reasoning, although
consistent with the meaning of the promise, and this M
this is not universally true. In addition, the tendency
combination of states is not used when reasoning in this
to search for alternatives varies greatly between indi-
viduals, and instead of being universal, may be
Human reasoning is notoriously variable, and often
a characteristic of more competent reasoners. The the-
nonlogical. Mental model theory starts from the sup-
ory has also been expanded to include explanations of
position that people have access to the core meanings
probabilistic reasoning and consistency.
and the basic representational skills required to make
While the several postulates of the theory have
logical inferences. Variability in reasoning is accounted
received much empirical confirmation, there are some
for by limited working memory which restricts the
key aspects that remain open. Possibly the most critical
ability of many people to make more complex infer-
of these concerns the way that variation in reasoning
ences, and promotes the use of an initial, limited,
related to content is explained. Model theory assumes
model set which can also lead to nonlogical responses,
that such variation is a product of modulation which
and by the effects of interpretational factors. Thus,
implies that a basic core meaning is adjusted by con-
model theory assumes a basic human competence for
textual or semantic factors which function at the level
logical reasoning, and explains variation from logical
of model selection. However, more recent theories of
norms by a variety of secondary, performance factors.
familiar reasoning assume that the essential compo-
nent of reasoning is a probabilistic evaluation of the
Important Scientific Research and likelihood of a conclusion being true. Such a process
Open Questions would involve an active search through a reasoner’s
The model theory of reasoning has been used to explain statistical knowledge base about the world in order to
a wide variety of phenomena in human reasoning, produce an estimate of the probability of a conclusion
although there is a great deal of controversy about its being true. Related to this is a very basic question about
adequacy. Some of the key postulates of the theory have the nature of people’s semantic representations of log-
received at least some empirical confirmation. The first ical connectives. The most often studied of these is the
set of predictions concern the key role that is played by if-then conditional. Model theory assumes that the
2310 M Model-Based Scene Interpretation by Multilayered Context Information

core semantic representation of conditionals involves a scene image consists of visual components such as
representing the true cases of the corresponding truth background and multiple objects. The background can
table, which does not include the P ⌐Q model. be a meaningful place. Visual elements are not inde-
However, probabilistic theories assume that the base pendent but strongly interrelated. Assume that a street
meaning of conditionals involves the relative frequen- scene where cars, humans, trees exist. Cars run on the
cies of P Q and P ⌐Q cases. road, humans walk on the sidewalk, and trees are
around the street. We call the visual interrelation as
Cross-References visual context in computer vision. Especially, we call it
▶ Models and Modeling in Science Learning as multilayered context if there are multiple contexts
▶ Normative Reasoning and Learning such as place-object, object-object, object-part, part-
part context. Human visual systems use the visual con-
References text frequently for accurate and fast scene understating
Evans, J. S. B., Over, D. E., & Handley, S. J. (2005). Suppositionals, or ▶ scene interpretation. Likewise, the visual context
extensionality, and conditionals: A critique of the mental model can be mathematically modeled using graphical model.
theory of Johnson-Laird and Byrne (2002). Psychological Review, It is the combination of graph theory and probability
112, 1040–1052.
theory to handle both the relation and uncertainty.
Johnson-Laird, P. N. (1983). Mental models. Cambridge: Harvard
University Press. Visual models are necessary to recognize backgrounds
Johnson-Laird, P. N., & Byrne, R. M. J. (1991). Deduction. Hillsdale: and multiple objects in scenes. In a graphical model, we
Laurence Erlbaum. can build graphs by learning and understand scenes by
Johnson-Laird, P. N., & Byrne, R. M. J. (2002). Conditionals: A theory inferencing.
of meaning, pragmatics and inference. Psychological Review, 109,
Markovits, H., & Barrouillet, P. (2002). The development of condi-
Theoretical Background
tional reasoning: A mental model account. Developmental The research of visual context of human visual system
Review, 22(1), 5–36. is traced back to the pioneering work conducted by
David Marr, a British neuroscientist and psychologist
(Marr 1982, pp. 196–197). In the Marr’s Vision, there
are inter-element interactions among spatial elements
in human visual system. The interaction can be used to
Model-Based Scene the correspondence strength in stereo match. Such kind
Interpretation by Multilayered of lateral interaction is called spatial context. Recently,
Context Information Moshe Bar found specific mechanisms of the contex-
tual facilitation of object recognition in human visual
SUNGHO KIM1, IN SO KWEON2 systems (Bar 2004). Although much has already been
Department of Electronic Engineering, Yeungnam revealed about the cognitive and cortical mechanisms
University, Gyeongsan-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do, that serve recognition of individual objects, surpris-
South Korea ingly little is known about the neural underpinnings
Department of Electrical Engineering, Korea of contextual analysis and scene perception.
Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, A recurring proposal is that prototypical context
Daejeon, South Korea might be represented in structures that integrate infor-
mation about the identity of the objects that are most
likely to appear in a specific scene with information
Synonyms about their relationships. A typical scene structure that
Hierarchical graphical model; Place and object follows physical and contextual semantic rules facili-
recognition; Scene understanding; Visual context tates recognition. When subjects are presented with
a scene of a familiar context, such as bathroom, objects
Definition that are consistent with that context (such as a drier)
Automatic scene understanding is the final objective in are recognized more easily than object that would not
computer vision like human visual systems. In general, be expected in the context (for example, a guitar).
Model-Based Scene Interpretation by Multilayered Context Information M 2311

These findings support the idea that context facilitates that lends itself naturally to the design of efficient
object recognition by activating place recognition general-purpose model. So, the visual context for
(hierarchical context: place recognition ! object rec- scene understanding can be modeling using the
ognition). Likewise, place recognition can be facilitated directed graphical model (example Bayesian Net) or
by recognizing objects (hierarchical context: object rec- the undirected graphical model (Markov Random
ognition ! place recognition). Context also facilitates Field) depending on the contextual relationship.
the recognition of related objects even if these objects
are ambiguous when seen in isolation. An ambiguous Important Scientific Research and
object becomes recognizable if another object that Open Questions
shares the same context is placed in an appropriate For a long time, mechanisms of human visual system
spatial relation to it (spatial context: object ← ! for scene understanding were special topic of psychol-
object). In general, there are two kinds of visual context ogy, psychophysics, and neurophysiology. Although
such as spatial context and hierarchical for static partial low level processing mechanisms are revealed
images. Spatial interaction among objects or parts can but most of the scene understanding mechanisms are
be regarded as spatial context. Part-whole interaction unknown due to difficulties of experiments VanRullen
between a place and objects or an object and parts can 2003). So, one important direction of scientific
be regarded as hierarchical context. As presented by research for scene perception is to find the detailed
Bar, the visual facilitations are not unidirectional but mechanisms of human visual system especially the
bidirectional way. intermediate processing that connects low level visual
information to high level scene understanding.
Place Place
Another popular research field of scene under-
Objects standing is computer vision and robotics. The research
Parts objective of computer vision is to make a human-like
Object Object
vision system using a camera and a computer. So, one
important research direction is to model mechanisms
of human visual system mathematically and to validate
Parts its performance in real-world environments. Gabor
Part Part
filter and Canny edge detector are well-known exam-
Cooccurrence ples motivated from the mechanisms of low level visual
processing of human visual system (Canny 1986). They
The visual context for scene understanding can be focused on the physical mechanisms of receptive field
mathematically modeled using the graphical model V1 of human visual system and modeled mathemati-
(Jordan 1999). Graphical models are a marriage cally using exponential function, sine, cosine, or Gauss-
between probability theory and graph theory. They ian function. Likewise, vision-based scene
provide a natural tool for dealing with two problems understanding system can be built motivated from
that occur throughout applied mathematics and engi- findings of human visual system. One example of
neering – uncertainty and complexity – and in partic- recent finding about high level visual perception is
ular they are playing an increasingly important role in visual context (Bar 2004). Objects in a scene do not
the design and analysis of machine learning algorithms. stand alone but facilitate each other (spatial context).
Fundamental to the idea of a graphical model is the Scene information such as place can be useful to dis-
notion of modularity – a complex system is built by criminate ambiguous objects. Recognized object infor-
combining simpler parts. Probability theory provides mation can be useful to the recognition of place of
the glue whereby the parts are combined, ensuring that current scene (hierarchical context). So, one important
the system as a whole is consistent, and providing ways property of visual context is bidirectional facilitation in
to interface models to data. The graph theoretic side of scene understanding. Feasible realizations of visual
graphical models provides both an intuitively appeal- context for scene understanding are hierarchical graph-
ing interface by which humans can model highly ical model-based approaches proposed by Kim and
interacting sets of variables as well as a data structure Kweon (2007). Both approaches can detect multiple
2312 M Model-Based Teaching

objects based on graphical model. However, there are models. We define mental models as internal represen-
several scientific issues such as unknown graph structure tations of integrated knowledge that include compo-
(varying number of visual elements) and inaccurate nents of a dynamic system and their interactions,
segmentation and recognition. Moreover, object catego- which produce some emergent behavior or property.
rization is still an unsolved problem in scene under- Learners build, extend, elaborate, and improve the accu-
standing. If scene understanding method is established, racy and completeness of their mental models, much as
this can be realized in robot vision of service robot, science extends our understanding of the world about
surveillance system, smart car, and military area. us. Settings may be formal classrooms or informal learn-
ing activities. Teaching philosophies may range from
Cross-References didactic to discovery and may employ instructional
▶ Bottom-up- and Top-down Learning strategies and tactics that operate over months of
▶ Categorical Learning instruction to those that operate over seconds (Clement
▶ Categorical Perception and Supervised Learning and Rea-Ramirez 2008; Gilbert and Boulter 2000).
▶ Collaborative Learning
▶ Computational Models of Human Learning Theoretical Background
▶ Context and Semantic Sensitivity in Learning The core beliefs of model-based teaching are the
▶ Human Cognitive Architecture assumptions that “mental modeling is a universal way
of thinking, that expressed models are a universal com-
References ponent of communication, and that consensus models
Bar, M. (2004). Visual objects in context. Nature Reviews. Neurosci-
are produced by all social groupings that have some
ence, 5, 617–629. degree of permanence” (Gilbert and Boulter 2000, p.
Canny, J. (1986). A computational approach to edge detection. IEEE 343). Both expressed and consensus models are exter-
Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 8(6), nal representations that interact with mental models.
679–698. The use of external models in model-based teaching is
Jordan, M. I. (1999). Learning in graphical models. Cambridge, MA:
common. Mayer (1989) focused on the use of concep-
MIT Press.
Kim, S., & Kweon, I. S. (2007). Robust model-based scene interpre- tual models (external) and their role in helping stu-
tation by multilayered context information. Computer Vision and dents build mental models of the systems they study.
Image Understanding, 105(3), 167–187. He concluded that conceptual models can improve
Marr, D. (1982). Vision: A computational investigation into the human students’ systematic thinking and their ability to solve
representation and processing of visual information. New York:
transfer problems, and urged the use of dependent
VanRullen, R. (2003). Visual saliency and spike timing in the ventral
measures such as conceptual recall, verbatim retention,
visual pathway. Journal of Physiology Paris, 97(2–3), 365–377. and problem-solving transfer as more sensitive mea-
sures of systematic thinking. He argued that a good
conceptual model (external) should be complete, con-
cise, coherent, concrete, conceptual, correct, and con-
siderate of the learner (pp. 59–60).
Model-Based Teaching Stewart and colleagues (2005) focus on inquiry and
problem-solving as instructional strategies through
BARBARA C. BUCKLEY which students develop, evaluate, and reject, revise, or
WestEd, Redwood City, CA, USA elaborate their mental models. Students are given prob-
lems or tasks that require reasoning not only from
cause-to-effect (e.g., making predictions) but also
Synonyms from effect-to-cause (e.g., explaining observations).
Model-centered instruction In the process of forward and backward reasoning,
students test and evaluate their models against data,
Definition which in turn leads to model revision or elaboration.
Model-based teaching is instruction designed to support In addition to writing on the nature and signifi-
the development and evolution of learners’ mental cance of models and modeling in science education, the
Model-Based Teaching M 2313

researchers of the Centre for Models in Science and Seel (2003) extended the definition of model-based
Technology (CMISTRE) focused on external consensus teaching and learning that combined the work of Buck-
models used for teaching and learning and their role in ley and Boulter (Gilbert and Boulter 2000, pp. 122 and
the development of learners’ mental models (Gilbert 304), as shown in Fig. 1. In particular, he expanded the
and Boulter 2000). The researchers describe the role of learner characteristics beyond prior knowledge to
external models in explanations in chemistry and phys- include affective and cognitive factors that influence
ics and biotechnology. They also describe how they not only the learner’s interpretation of the information
function as a critical part of discourse in classrooms, message (which he also expanded and articulated), but
in computer modeling of phenomena, and in the devel- also patterns of participation and persuasion in the
opment of teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge. construction of meaning that takes place in classrooms
This work contributed much to the growing research and other learning contexts. Informed by Mayer’s work
and theory base of model-based learning. (1989), Seel and his colleagues (2003) investigated the

Learner′s Information
Preconception Message

Strength Coherence Understandable ?

Motivation Coherent ?

Dissatisfaction? Relevance Plausible ?

Social Cognitive Rhetoric strength ?

context? needs? Control
Model-based Teaching

Patterns of Patterns of
participation persuasion

Language of meaning Knowledge

Patterns of
Representations Phenomena

Model formation
Model-based Learning

Mental Model use


Model reinforcement
model revision
model rejection

Model-Based Teaching. Fig. 1 The interplay between model-based learning and instruction (Seel 2003, p. 73)
2314 M Model-Based Teaching

effectiveness of providing a conceptual model at the definition of model-based teaching and learning.
beginning of the learning process and the long-term They begin with two main goals: finding an appropriate
impact of a multimedia learning program that was learning pathway toward an age-appropriate target
guided by cognitive apprenticeship approach. Their model and finding teaching strategies that help stu-
investigations focused on a learning-dependent pro- dents move along that pathway. They assert that, “Path-
gression of mental models. Through the use of ways that stretch across large topic areas, such as
learner-generated causal diagrams, they examined different systems in the human body, set up the impor-
both the acquired domain-specific knowledge and the tant goal of making a curriculum coherent by integrat-
stability of the initially constructed mental models, ing the student’s knowledge into an interconnected
conducting five replication studies. They found that framework of ideas” (p. 257). Clement (p. 255) articu-
the learners’ mental models were not intact adoptions lates six levels of organization for curriculum design
of the external conceptual models presented during and teaching. He charts both goal structures for learn-
instruction. Rather, they concluded that the learners’ ing outcomes and teaching strategies relevant to that
mental models were constructed when needed (author’s level organization. At the highest level (6) the focus is
emphasis) to deal with a particular situation. on curriculum integration studies intended to help
Clement and Rea-Ramirez (2008) expand our students develop integrated target models across
understanding of teaching strategies and techniques in units, which has implications for sequencing and
a collection of research studies that took place in connecting units. The lowest level (1) focuses on dia-
classrooms focusing on a similar evolution of mental logical tactics intended to promote active idea sharing
models. Their contributors describe student–teacher and social norms for discussion in science class and
co-construction of mental models in a variety of implemented by the teacher in less than 20 seconds. In
domains and focus on a wide range of teaching strategies between these extremes, the goals and strategies focus
and techniques. Effective model-based teaching begins on the progression of intermediate models that com-
with an integrated target model (an age-appropriate prise the learning pathway for both planning and
version of the expert consensus model) and an effective implementation. Strategies that come into play at the
learning pathway. While traversing this pathway, both different levels include introducing problems, building
students and teachers contribute elements to the model parts, facilitating syntheses, as well as observa-
expressed models. They describe a pathway that begins tions and teacher moves that stimulate the cycles of
with students’ models, usually expressed as drawings, model generation, evaluation, or modification needed
followed by cycles of model criticism and revision. The to move students’ mental models forward.
stimuli for revision range from discrepant questions to Horwitz and colleagues (2010) created a complex
experiments that demonstrate the shortcomings of multilevel model-based learning environment for
a mental model. Throughout the studies, teachers set genetics. At the heart of the genetics environment is
the agenda and decide which of the revisions to address a multilevel computer model of transmission genetics
at what time. Ideally, students are kept in a Vygotskian- that ranges from DNA molecules to pedigrees. All are
like “reasoning zone,” which Clement and Rea-Ramirez represented in computer models that are linked, so that
define as “an area of discussion where students can changes in the DNA base pairs may result in allele
reason about ideas and construct new ideas produc- changes that may result in changes in observable char-
tively” (p. 19). When the discussion ranges outside the acteristics of the organism (dragons), and could result
reasoning zone, the teacher must provide enough sup- in heritable traits. Based on earlier work with
port to bring it back into the zone. Teachers may scaffold GenScope, they embedded these models into a series
students’ reasoning with a “leading question, hint, new of learning activities intended to help students build
observation, reference to an earlier comment, discrepant increasingly complex mental models. They provided
question or piece of information” (p. 19). This requires scaffolding that supported the learner’s interpretation
a skillful teacher and decisions made in the midst of of the representations, drew attention to the relevant
discussions. model information, and set forth a series of tasks
Clement and Rea-Ramirez tie these studies together intended to stimulate construction and modification
into an organizing framework that expands the of mental models. Learners were also asked to reify and
Model-Centered Instruction M 2315

reflect on their understanding in textual form. Within assessing the extent of students’ models and their abil-
a learning activity, the tasks became increasingly com- ity to engage in model-based reasoning and inquiry. We
plex and the scaffolding decreased. The ultimate task also need to educate teachers so that they can help our
for these learners was to determine the genotypes of students do well on such assessments by supporting
two invisible dragons through breeding experiments. mental model-building and by making model-based
A key feature of the environment was that the system learning an explicit and taught learning strategy and
monitored student answers and actions, and provided skill. None of these are easy tasks, but they are impor-
specific feedback as students progressed through each tant complex work that needs to be done. In order to
activity. This feature also enabled Horwitz et al. to accomplish this work, we need research that ranges
embed assessments seamlessly into the learning activity from brain-based and cognitive research on the pro-
and provide immediate feedback, as well as reports for cesses of model-building to classroom-based research
teachers and researchers. They demonstrated the feasi- and beyond to high-stake assessments.
bility of this model-based instruction in large-scale
studies that involved nearly 2,000 students in over 70 Cross-References
biology classrooms worldwide. ▶ Mental Models
▶ Mental Models in Improving Learning
Important Scientific Research and ▶ Model-Based Learning
Open Questions ▶ Models and Modeling in Science Learning
A common theme among the researchers cited here is
the need to specify learning pathways that start with References
naı̈ve or alternative conceptions and progress through Clement, J. J., & Rea-Ramirez, M. A. (Eds.). (2008). Model based
a series of intermediate models that lead to a target learning and instruction in science. London: Springer.
model, which in turn can be considered on the path to Gilbert, J. K., & Boulter, C. J. (Eds.). (2000). Developing models in
science education. Dordrecht: Kluwer. M
the expert consensus model. Is there an optimal learn-
Horwitz, P., Gobert, J. D., Buckley, B. C., & O’Dwyer, L. M. (2010).
ing pathway or are there many paths to the same target Learning genetics with dragons: From computer-based manipu-
model? Are some paths more productive than others? latives to hypermodels. In M. J. Jacobson & P. Reimann (Eds.),
Another common theme is the creation of Designs for learning environments of the future: International
a “comprehensive and empirically valid theory of perspectives from the learning sciences (pp. 61–87). New York:
instructional design of model-centered learning in var-
Mayer, R. E. (1989). Models for understanding. Review of Educational
ious instructional settings” as expressed by Seel (2003, Research, 59(1), 43–64.
pp. 80–81), but echoed by all. How does one use Seel, N. M. (2003). Model-centered learning and instruction. Tech-
model-based teaching and learning theory to create nology, Instruction, Cognition and Learning, 1, 59–85.
effective museum displays or intelligent tutoring sys- Stewart, J., Cartier, J. L., & Passmore, C. M. (2005). Developing
tems or curricula or to guide classroom discourse? understanding through model-based inquiry. In National
Research Council Committee on How People Learn (Ed.), How
These authors have provided us with a wide range of
students learn: History, mathematics, and science in the classroom
examples. We cannot do any of this work without the (pp. 515–565). Washington, DC: National Academies Press.
ability to assess learner’s mental models, or as Seel
(2003) quotes Scandura, “any theory of teaching and
learning must include some way of finding out what
students know at any phase of learning” (p. 80). Model-Building
The theory of model-based teaching and learning
has significance for a wide range of educational ▶ Model-Based Learning
endeavors. At the policy level, it suggests that we should
be framing our standards more explicitly as target
models that stretch over large topics rather than
fragmented propositional knowledge. This has ramifi- Model-Centered Instruction
cations for large-scale, high stakes assessments. If we
value model-based learning, then we should be ▶ Model-Based Teaching
2316 M Model-Centered Learning

meaningful sense of the problem is one aspect of

Model-Centered Learning model-facilitated learning (MFL). Having learners
▶ Mental Models in Improving Learning engage in modeling activities to gain insight into the
complexity of a problem situation is a second aspect of
MFL. MFL assumes three stages of learning develop-
ment and has associated instructional guidelines for
each stage (Milrad et al. 2003). The first stage is prob-
Model-Facilitated Learning lem orientation in which problems or related sets of
problems are presented to learners and learners are
asked to solve relatively simple versions. The second
Learning and Performance Support Laboratory,
stage of learner development involves inquiry explora-
University of Georgia, Athens, GA, USA
tion in which learners are challenged to explore
a complex task domain and asked to identify and elab-
orate the relationships among the various components
Synonyms of the problem. The third stage of learner development
Graduated complexity; Model-based learning; Prob-
involves policy development in which learners are
lem-centered learning; Situated learning
asked to reason in a more global and holistic perspec-
tive with regard to rules and heuristics to guide deci-
Definition sion making concerning various problem situations
Model-facilitated learning (MFL) is learning that is
that may arise in that task domain. Principles to guide
centered around and facilitated by models in the form
the elaboration of learning activities and instructional
of expert and student representations of a problem or
sequences within these stages include such notions as
problem space, a solution approach, and/or a solution.
(a) situating the learning experience in the context
The models may or may not be created by learners, but
of meaningful and realistic problems (Merrill 2002),
learner interaction with models is generally considered
(b) presenting problems of increasing complexity,
critical to the learning process.
involving learners in a sequence of related tasks involv-
ing the initial problem scenario (van Merriënboer and
Theoretical Background Kirschner 2007), (c) involving learning in an increas-
MFL is an instructional approach that integrates learn-
ingly set of complex inquiries and explorations with
ing theory (e.g., socio-constructivist epistemology),
regard to the problem situation, and (d) challenging
representational methodology (e.g., system dynamics
learners to develop rules and guidelines to guide deci-
modeling), and educational technology (e.g., interac-
sion making in anticipated problematic situations.
tive, collaborative simulations) in a systematic manner
The foundations for model-facilitated learning are
to guide the planning and implementation of instruc-
derived from system dynamics (see, e.g., Sterman
tional curricula (e.g., learning activities, units of
1994), educational and learning psychology (see, e.g.,
instructions, sequences of lessons). The particular
Lave and Wenger 1990; Spiro et al. 1988), and from
emphasis in model-facilitated learning is on improving
instructional design (see, e.g., Merrill 2002). In addi-
understanding with regard to complex and challenging
tion, MFL integrates the principle of graduated com-
learning tasks and problem-solving situations. Com-
plexity (Milrad et al. 2003) in the form of guidance for
plex learning tasks are those that tend to have many
the elaboration of instructional sequences. According
interacting components, some of which may be incom-
to this principle, instructional sequences should chal-
pletely defined, and with some nonlinear relationships
lenge learners to:
and delayed interaction among the various compo-
nents. Such problems occur in economic forecasting, 1. Characterize the representative behavior of a complex
engineering design, environmental planning, manage- system, indicating how it behaves over time
ment decision making, and many other situations that 2. Identify a desired outcome and key variables and
are encountered every day. Using models of complex points of leverage with respect to attaining that
phenomena to help learners gain a holistic and outcome
Modeling Microgenetic Data M 2317

3. Identify and explain alternative causes for observed References

phenomena Lave, J., & Wenger, E. (1990). Situated learning: Legitimate peripheral
4. Reflect on how the system and associated variables participation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
seem to change over time and through Merrill, M. D. (2002). First principles of instructional design. Educa-
tional Technology Research & Development, 50(3), 43–59.
Milrad, M., Spector, J. M., & Davidsen, P. I. (2003). Model facilitated
5. Develop a rationale to explain complex phenomena learning. In S. Naidu (Ed.), Learning and teaching with technol-
in terms of an underlying system structure, includ- ogy: Principles and practices (pp. 13–27). London: Kogan Page.
ing decision-making and policy formulation Spiro, R. J., Coulson, R. L., Feltovich, P. J., & Anderson, D. (1988).
guidelines Cognitive flexibility theory: Advanced knowledge acquisition in
ill-structured domains. In V. Patel (Ed.), Proceedings of the 10th
6. Broaden understanding through diverse and new
annual conference of the cognitive science society (pp. 375–383).
problem situations Mahwah: Erlbaum.
Sterman, J. D. (1994). Learning in and about complex systems.
Important Scientific Research and Systems Dynamics Review, 10(2–3), 291–330.
Open Questions van Merriënboer, J. J. G., & Kirschner, P. (2007). Ten steps to complex
What is not known in a general way is how best to learning: A systematic approach to four-component instructional
design theory. New York: Routledge.
support the development of expertise and insight with
regard to complex problem-solving activities. How well
instruction created in accordance with the principles of
MFL, especially in comparison with other instructional
methodologies, has not been established. Which kinds Modeling
of models (student-created, expert-created, partially
complete, etc.) are effective with different learners ▶ Mathematical Models/Modeling in Math Learning
and learning tasks is also not well known. While ver- ▶ Social Learning
sions of MFL have been implemented and evaluated in
the first two stages indicated above (problem orienta-
tion and inquiry exploration), very few MFL environ-
ments exist to promote learning at the last stage of
Modeling and Simulation
learner development (policy development). As
a result, research on effective MFL techniques to pro- ▶ Simulation and Learning: The Role of Mental
mote policy development knowledge remains very Models
open for further research and development, and addi-
tional research is needed in the first two stages as well.
Additionally, effective MFL instructional sequences for
complex problem task domains is not very well
established. A central underlying problem concerns
Modeling Microgenetic Data
the need for well-developed means to assess the pro-
gressive development of student understanding in
Department of Psychology and the ERSC National
complex task domains. This requires validated means
Centre for Research Methods, Lancaster University,
to elicit and evaluate student models in response to
Lancaster, UK
problem scenarios, yet those means are still in the early
stages of development.
Cross-References Synonyms
▶ Belief Formation Microdevelopment
▶ Complex Learning
▶ Complex Problem Solving Definition
▶ Expertise The main aim of microgenetic studies is to examine
▶ Situated Learning change as it is occurring. These studies involve
2318 M Modeling Microgenetic Data

intensive observations of behavior over a period of signed test or Friedman’s test for repeated measures.
development and yield rich datasets that tap into the However, their emphasis is on simple hypotheses that
processes of change. One of the challenges that are unable to take into account aspects of microgenetic
researchers face is how to analyze such complex data such as random effects, complex model specifica-
datasets. One solution is to employ statistical modeling tions, and other dependence structures. Their emphasis
techniques. A modeling approach allows us to take into on ranks does also not provide the flexibility needed to
consideration the true characteristics of the data with- examine hypotheses relating to change.
out violating the assumptions of more traditionally
used methodologies such as Analysis of Variance Important Scientific Research and
(ANOVA). Open Questions
Statistical modeling is becoming a more popular way of
Theoretical Background addressing research hypotheses without violating
Repeated-measures ANOVA is accepted within the assumptions of more traditional forms of analyses. By
learning sciences as the standard approach to the anal- modeling data we have more control over how it is
ysis of experiments with longitudinal designs. analyzed, for example, we can specify an alternative
Microgenetic studies share the feature of repeated distribution if the data do not conform to a normal
observations with longitudinal studies (although distribution (such as a binomial or Poisson distribu-
microgenetic data are collected over a much shorter tion) and examine differences between experimental
period of time) and as a result have commonly shared conditions that do not have the same number of obser-
the same methods of analyses. The usefulness of vations. The software used to model data includes R,
repeated-measures ANOVA is that it can track patterns SAS, MPlus, and GLIM4. They allow the user to take
of change over time and can also identify differences control of how the data is analyzed by specifying any
between groups of participants within such number of commands, rather than using a preset one-
a framework. However, for microgenetic data, the use size-fits-all selection in a typical statistics package.
of ANOVA is problematic. Specification of models is therefore more complicated
Microgenetic data often do not adhere to the but texts have been written that describe the procedures
assumption of normality required for the use of (e.g., Moskowitz and Hershberger 2002).
ANOVA. It is common for participants to be performing Common issues that arise when specifying
near floor in early sessions and near the ceiling in later a statistical model that are more particular to
sessions. Therefore, microgenetic data are often skewed microgenetic data include individual variability, exper-
and has different patterns of variance over time. imental design, the trajectory of performance and how
A related issue is that ANOVA assumes that there performance is related to scores at different time points
is constant variance between individuals and within (dependence structure).
individuals. When participants’ scores are near floor or Individual variability. Microgenetic experiments
ceiling it is more likely that there will be lower variance follow the same individuals over a period of learning.
than when participants return more central scores. When specifying a statistical model we are able to
Microgenetic designs may not be balanced with include a “random effect” that can account for the
differing numbers of measurements at different times variability that is attributed to an individual participant.
for each individual. ANOVA cannot deal with this Experimental design. The one thing that
issue. microgenetic studies have in common is that they
Finally, ANOVA works by decomposing the variance include repeated observations of participants over
within datasets. Microgenetic hypotheses regarding time. However, within these studies the experimental
change may be better tested through parameter estima- design can vary greatly. There may be different exper-
tion, which has fewer constraints and can thus highlight imental conditions, different skills being tested at dif-
subtleties within developmental data. ferent time points, and different periods of time
Other experiments will yield datasets without between observations. Unlike ANOVA it is possible
a normal distribution and are commonly analyzed for statistical models to compare groups of participants
using non-parametric methods such as Wilcoxon who have different number of observations over the
Modeling Microgenetic Data M 2319

same period of time. This is useful for control groups analyzing data from microgenetic experiments with
who may be tested at the first and last time points of a single condition. Similar to factor analysis, Latent
a microgenetic study (to check for any “natural” learn- Class Analysis identifies common features in the
ing over the same time period) with the experimental observed data to separate participants into groups.
groups being tested additionally on a number of other These latent “classes” are mutually exclusive and
occasions in between. exhaustive. For example, in an experiment examining
Dependence structure. Another advantage of statis- strategy usage, participants may be separated into three
tical modeling is that we are able to test whether per- categories: user of optimal strategy, user of suboptimal
formance is dependent upon the experience at that strategy, and those who fail trials. Each participant has
specific time point or whether there is a lag effect, in a probability of belonging to one of these groups.
that performance at one point in time is dependent Latent Transition Analysis extends Latent Class
upon scores at a previous time point. Analysis for repeated measures data. Latent Transition
Trajectory of performance. When examining learning Analysis examines change over time by identifying
of a particular phenomenon we often predict that partic- latent statuses (as opposed to classes, as they can be
ipants’ scores will improve over time. Statistical modeling transitioned in and out of) across the time points. The
can allow us to test predictions of different trajectories probability of a participant belonging to a latent status
of change during different periods of microgenetic at each time point is identified, as well as the probabil-
development. For example, we might predict gradual ity of belonging to a status at a time point depending on
improvement until a strategy is discovered, followed by membership of a status at another time point. Other
a sharp increase in performance, followed by a plateau. factors such as order of tasks, performance at specific
We can specify “change points” in a statistical model that time points, and participant demographics can be
mark the points at which a trajectory may change gradi- added as covariates.
ent and we can also test whether these changes in trajec- These are not the only types of models that have
tory are consistent between groups. One of the main been employed to examine microgenetic data. Other
benefits of including change points is that we do not models include fuzzy sets modeling (van Geert 2002)
smooth out the subtle patterns of development that can and graphical chain modeling (Edwards 2000). One
occur when using less sophisticated methods such as potential problem of statistical modeling is that it is
repeated-measures ANOVA. possible to construct complex models that involve as
The term statistical modeling can encompass a wide many variables and interactions as there are partici-
range of techniques. Two examples of where statistical pants. It is important that modeling techniques are
modeling can be used with microgenetic data are used to test existing theoretical claims rather than to
quasi-binomial logistic regression models and latent search for spurious associations. However, a modeling
transition models. approach, when used with care, allows for greater con-
Quasi-binomial logistic regression modeling. Logistic fidence in the interpretation of microgenetic data as the
regression can be used as a base for modeling analysis can be pursued without having to violate basic
microgenetic data (see Cheshire et al. 2007 for statistical assumptions.
a detailed example). The standard logistic regression
technique can be modified by specifying the type of Cross-References
distribution (e.g., quasi-binomial – a binomial distri- ▶ Measurement of Change in Learning
bution is useful for examining data with a number of ▶ Microgenetic Method
yes/no outcomes. It can be modified to allow for dif- ▶ Modeling Microgenetic Data
fering difficulty between items), adding change points, ▶ Simulation and Learning: The Role of Mental Models
a random effect, and combining experimental groups ▶ Simulation-Based Learning
to identify the most parsimonious model. These
models can examine change over time and group References
effects without violating assumptions of the technique. Cheshire, A., Muldoon, K., Francis, B., Lewis, C. N., & Ball, L. J.
Latent transition models. Latent Transition Analysis (2007). Modelling change: New approaches to analaysing
(see Collins and Lanza 2010) is particularly good for microgenetic data. Infant and Child Development, 16, 119–134.
2320 M Modeling, Rehearsal, and Feedback

Collins, L. M., & Lanza, S. T. (2010). Latent class and latent transition a form that can be directly manipulated, allowing for
analysis for the social, behavioral, and health sciences. New York: description, prediction, and explanation. For example,
a biology teacher might show students a plastic replica
Edwards, D. (2000). Introduction to graphical modelling (2nd ed.).
New York: Springer. of a human heart, identifying the ventricles and their
Moskowitz, D. S., & Hershberger, S. L. (Eds.). (2002). Modelling relative locations. The replica is not an actual heart, but
intraindividual variability with repeated measures data. Mahwah: rather a sculpted reproduction that is intended as an
Lawrence Erlbaum. educational tool. This type of model can be handled by
van Geert, P. (2002). Developmental dynamics, intentional action,
students, perhaps taken apart and reassembled, as
and fuzzy sets. In N. Granott & J. Parziale (Eds.),
Microdevelopment: Transition processes in development and learn-
a means of becoming familiar with the structural fea-
ing (pp. 319–343). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. tures of the heart. The types of educational supports
and activities used in everyday science classrooms often
rely on such physical models (e.g., ball-and-stick chem-
ical molecules; a globe of the Earth; mechanical models
of engines built with Lego bricks; and gears). There are,
Modeling, Rehearsal, and though, other types of models that have proven valu-
Feedback able as educational tools. Virtual models are computer
reproductions of actual objects (e.g., a three-
▶ Behavioral Skills Training and Skill Learning dimensional image of a brain; a program that can
explode the Earth to display the interior structure) or
interactions between those objects and phenomena
(e.g., the Physics Education Technology Project’s sim-
ulations of the behavior of electrical circuits) that are
Models manipulated through a software interface. Notably,
▶ Mathematical Models/Modeling in Math Learning virtual models are useful for exploring concepts or
processes, but do not necessarily allow a learner to
modify or iterate the underlying computer program
or architecture. In contrast, computational models are
glass-box simulations of scientific phenomena which
Models and Modeling in Science can be modified, extended, and rebuilt by learners
Learning through direct manipulation of their underlying pro-
grams. Computational models have been designed for
DAVID N. RAPP1, PRATIM SENGUPTA2 research domains including physics (e.g., electrical
School of Education and Social Policy, & Department conduction), biology (e.g., natural selection), chemis-
of Psychology, Northwestern University, Evanston, try (e.g., gas laws), and materials science (e.g., crystal-
IL, USA lization) (as examples, developed in a variety of
Department of Teaching and Learning, Peabody modeling platforms). These models allow individuals
College, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, USA to design and test aspects of their simulated objects and
processes, and have been used successfully as learning
environments in K-16 settings. It should be noted that
Synonyms these various models are also employed by scientists in
Conceptualization; Simulation; Visualization actual research laboratories, and thus are not restricted
in terms of who might benefit from their usage.
Models are physical, computational, or mental con- Theoretical Background
structions that are intended to represent some other The physical, virtual, and computational models that are
thing, set of things, or phenomena. Scientific models in employed in science classrooms and laboratories are
particular are tools for expressing scientific theories in intended as supports for helping individuals to build
Models and Modeling in Science Learning M 2321

their own internalized mental models for scientific con- But beyond theoretical considerations, there is con-
cepts. Mental models are mental representations for siderable evidence that scientific models and the pro-
objects and concepts we learn and know about. For cess of scientific modeling are effective tools for
example, an experienced Earth Scientist will most likely learning. For example, researchers have contended
have an elaborate understanding of the causes and that engaging in the modeling process can help indi-
consequences of earthquakes, such that predictions viduals develop sophisticated mental models of scien-
could be made about the likelihood of tectonic events tific phenomenon as well as deep domain knowledge.
under various geological circumstances. When individ- For example, students who utilized lab-based simula-
uals run mental simulations in their minds for how and tions of ground-water flow demonstrated better under-
why things might happen, they are employing mental standing of underlying scientific principles (e.g.,
models. Mental models, then, are crucial memory rep- Darcy’s law) as compared to students who were pro-
resentations that can exemplify adequate comprehen- vided with texts conveying the same conceptual infor-
sion. They are the mental products that hopefully result mation (Renshaw et al. 1998). In another example,
from the use of scientific models and other kinds of life students who used computational models of electrical
experiences. conduction demonstrated a much better understand-
In the context of science education, modeling refers ing of key concepts in electricity, as compared to stu-
to the process of constructing, extending, verifying, or dents who underwent traditional textbook-based
testing scientific models. As Schwartz and White (2005) instruction (Sengupta and Wilensky 2009).
clarify, the term scientific modeling identifies the process
used in much of modern science that involves (a) Important Scientific Research and
embodying key aspects of theory and data into Open Questions
a model – frequently a computer model, (b) evaluating But what makes modeling so effective as an educational
that model using criteria such as accuracy and consis- practice? Researchers have argued that computer
tency, and (c) revising that model to accommodate new modeling can make scientific material more accessible
theoretical ideas or empirical findings as necessary. and interesting by bootstrapping students’ personal
Consider that one of the central pedagogical goals of and intuitive knowledge, as well as their naı̈ve repre-
modeling is to scaffold students’ development of mech- sentational competencies. Beyond issues of motivation
anistic explanations of scientific phenomena. In pur- and engagement, researchers have also argued that
suit of this goal, scientific modeling requires that models embed activities in contexts that are highly
individuals define and identify important variables authentic – that is, the activities involved in scientific
and their characteristics as pertaining to the object, modeling closely align with researchers’ actual practices
system, or phenomenon being modeled. Based on of doing and thinking about science (Lehrer and
these definitions, individuals can think about how the Shauble 2000). Thus, students who engage in modeling
identified variables interact, and as such, how measure- are involved in scientific activities that necessitate
ment of those variables and the overall model might be causal reasoning, hypothesis testing, the generation
constructed. The success or failures of the resulting and evaluation of ideas, and the representation, record-
models as adequate tools for generating hypotheses ing, and analysis of data through scientific inscriptions.
and testing data-driven outcomes can be utilized These activities encourage encoding into memory,
in an iterative way to consider their effective redesign. deeper processing, and the types of cognitive experi-
Scientific modeling, then, is an iterative design process ences that foster learning and transfer (Rapp and Kurby
that encourages conceptual understanding and careful 2008).
testing of model-relevant topics. It is worth noting Over the past decade or so, several new forms of
that the activities described here are directly in modeling have emerged in science education; these
line with the activities associated with the scientific models incorporate aspects of physical, virtual, and
method in general; as such, it might be argued that computational models in their design and usage. Some
models are themselves the actual language of science notable examples include emergent modeling, micro-
(e.g., Giere 1988). behavior-based modeling, tangible programming, and
2322 M Models of Latent State-Trait Theory

hybrid modeling. Emergent models are best suited for mathematics) domains including physics, chemistry,
modeling complex systems, in which complex phenom- biology, materials science, etc. Third, there is
ena at one level (e.g., population dynamics in ecosys- a genuine need for preparing teachers to employ
tems; behavior of electrical circuits) emerge from simple modeling activities in their classrooms. This includes
interactions between thousands (or hundreds of thou- not just informing instructors about the available tools
sands) of individual level actors or “agents” (e.g., pred- and models that they might use as part of their instruc-
ators and prey; electrons and ions), without a key leader tional activities; it also involves investigation of the
or a centralized process. Micro-behavior-based model- challenges that students and teachers face while
ing is an even more recent invention – it provides stu- engaged in modeling, as well as the design of useful
dents with a few prototypical “agents” and their instructional supports that promote effective interac-
“behaviors.” Micro-behaviors themselves are bits of tions by students and teachers with scientific modeling.
code that are carefully designed to be easily understood,
composed, and parameterized. Students assemble and Cross-References
execute combinations of these micro-behaviors to gen- ▶ Dynamic Modeling and Analogies
erate a composite model. Tangible programming com- ▶ Mental Models
bines the power of traditional computational ▶ Problem-Based Learning
programming with the usability of simple physical ▶ Simulation and Learning: The Role of Mental Models
manipulatives (e.g., wooden blocks). Tangible program- ▶ Simulation-Based Learning
ming has been used successfully in informal settings
(e.g., museums) for science education. Finally, hybrid References
or bifocal modeling involves connecting real-world sen- Giere, R. N. (1988). Explaining science: A cognitive approach. Chicago:
sors and physical devices (e.g., motors) to computa- The University of Chicago Press.
Lehrer, R., & Shauble, L. (2000). Modeling in mathematics and
tional models. Using such models, students can
science. In R. Glaser (Ed.), Advances in instructional psychology
control, validate, and refine their computational models
(Vol. 5, pp. 101–159). Mahwah: Lawrence Erlbaum.
with real-world data. As these descriptions suggest, con- Rapp, D. N., & Kurby, C. A. (2008). The “ins” and “outs” of learning:
temporary modeling trends are affording the opportu- Internal representations and external visualizations. In J. K. Gil-
nity to consider processes, phenomena, and objects that bert, M. Reiner, & M. Nakhleh (Eds.), Visualization: Theory and
are multidimensional and complex, which without practice in science education (pp. 29–52). London: Springer.
Renshaw, C. E., Taylor, H. A., & Reynolds, C. H. (1998). Impact of
modeling would be difficult to observe and challenging
computer-assisted instruction in hydrogeology on critical-
to understand. thinking skills. Journal of Geoscience Education, 46, 274–279.
There are a variety of directions one could envision Schwartz, C. V., & White, B. Y. (2005). Metamodeling knowledge:
for the future of scientific modeling, but here discus- Developing students’ understanding of scientific modeling. Cog-
sion is constrained to three important elements. First, nition and Instruction, 23, 165–205.
Sengupta, P., & Wilensky, U. (2009). Learning electricity with NIELS:
there is still a need for data on the ways in which
Thinking with electrons and thinking in levels. International
modeling practices influence learning. This could
Journal of Computers for Mathematical Learning, 14, 21–50.
involve projects that range from, but not limited to,
ethnographic analyses of classrooms that utilize model-
ing as a primary or complementary instructional tool,
randomized controlled trials of comparison classrooms
utilizing different types of modeling scenarios and Models of Latent State-Trait
tasks, and mixed-method designs that seek to describe Theory
and explain any potential benefits (and limitations) of
modeling activities. Second, future work should exam- Models of latent state-trait-theory are psychometric
ine how to best prepare students for engaging in models that allow measuring latent variables that rep-
modeling practices. For example, researchers are now resent the influence of components characterizing (a)
investigating various approaches through which stu- the person, (b) the situation and/or the interaction
dents can be introduced to emergent modeling in spec- between the person and the situation, and (c) measure-
ified STEM (i.e., science, technology, engineering, and ment error.
Models of Measurement of Persons in Situations M 2323

of all outer and inner conditions an individual is in on

Models of Measurement of a specific occasion. For the measurement of individuals
Persons in Situations in specific situations, it is important to develop specific
psychometric models that are able to distinguish
MICHAEL EID1, MAIKE LUHMANN2 between personal and situational determinants of
Department of Educational Science and Psychology, behavior and experiences, that make the measurement
Freie Universitaet, Berlin, Germany of these determinants possible, and that allow to esti-
Department of Psychology, University of Chicago, mate the degree to which interindividual differences on
Chicago, IL, USA an occasion of measurement are due to the different
sources (person, situation, interaction).

Latent state-trait models; Trait-state-error models Latent State-Trait Theory
Latent state-trait (LST) theory is an extension of clas-
Definition sical test theory that allows considering situational
Models of measurement of persons in situations are influences (Steyer et al. 1999). In LST theory, the
psychometric models that allow measuring latent vari- starting point is an observed variable Yik representing
ables that represent the influence of components char- the individual scores of a measure i (e.g., intelligence
acterizing (a) the person, (b) the situation and/or the test) measured on measurement occasion k. An
interaction between the person and the situation, and observed variable Yik is decomposed into a latent state
(c) measurement error. These models are often called variable Sik and an error variable Eik:
latent state-trait models or trait-state-error models. Observed variable Yik ¼ latent state variable Sik
þ measurement error variable Eik M
Theoretical Background
Many theoretical approaches propose that the behavior The values of the observed variable are the observed
and the experiences of an individual depend on the test scores. The latent state variable characterizes an
person, the situation, and the interaction between the individual in a specific situation on an occasion of
person and the situation. Examples are Lewin’s (1935) measurement. The values of the latent state variable
dynamic theory of personality, modern interactionism are the true (error-free) state values. The latent state
(Magnusson and Stattin 1998), and Mischel and variable is further decomposed into a latent trait vari-
Shoda’s (1995) cognitive-affective processing model of able Tik and a latent occasion-specific variable:
personality. According to these theories, situational
Latent state variable Sik ¼ latent trait variable Tik
influences are omnipresent. They are not only impor-
þ occasions-specific variable Oik
tant for variable constructs such as emotions but also
for traits and abilities such as intelligence. For example, The latent trait variable characterizes an individual
the result of an intelligence test also depends on the across different situations. The occasion-specific vari-
situation the person is in on an occasion of measure- able is a latent residual variable. It represents the devi-
ment (nervousness, test anxiety). ations of the latent state values from the values
There are many different concepts of situations. predicted by the latent traits. Hence, it is that part of
Situations can be considered as settings that are char- a state variable that is not due to the trait variable. This
acterized by objective features such as the number of part comprises the influences due to the situations the
individuals present or the temperature. However, for individuals are in on an occasion of measurement and/
the behavior and the feelings of an individual it is more or the interaction between the individuals and the
important in which way individuals perceive and situations. The influences due to the interactions can-
appraise specific situations. Moreover, the inner state not be separated from the influences due to the situa-
of an individual (e.g., the current mood) can be con- tions because in natural life, the persons and the
sidered as a part of the situation (“inner situation”). situations are not independent from each other and –
Therefore, the term situation often refers to the totality according to the concept of inner situations – the
2324 M Models of Measurement of Persons in Situations

situations are often not known. If specific aspects of the considers only one observed variable, it is not possible
situations are measured, these aspects can be included to measure the latent variables because there is not
in the model as occasions-specific covariates. enough information in the data. In order to measure
the latent trait and the latent occasion-specific variables
Variance Components and to estimate the different components of variance,
In LST theory, the variance of an observed variable can psychometric models with more than one observed
be decomposed into the variance of the latent state variables are needed. It is necessary to have at least
variable and the variance of the error variable: two occasions of measurement and two indicators
that measure the same construct on each occasion of
VarðYik Þ ¼ VarðSik Þ þ VarðEik Þ
measurement. That means that it is obligatory to have
The part of the variance of the observed variable at least four observed variables. Moreover, these
that is due to the latent state variable is the reliability observed variables have to follow specific assumptions.
coefficient. It is the percentage of variance of the These assumptions differ between different models of
observed variable that is not due to measurement error: LST theory. Models of LST theory are described by
Steyer et al. (1999). In the simplest model of LST
RelðYik Þ ¼ VarðSik Þ=VarðYik Þ
theory, it is assumed that all observed variables on the
The variance of the latent state variable can be same measurement occasion measure the same latent
further decomposed into the variance that is due to state variable, and that all latent state variables measure
the trait variable and the variance that is determined by the same latent trait variable. Besides models of LST
the occasion-specific variable: theory, there are related models that are based on very
similar ideas, for example, trait-state-error models
VarðSik Þ ¼ VarðTik Þ þ VarðOik Þ
presented by Kenny and Zautra (2001). LST models
The consistency coefficient is the variance due to the for categorical observed variables are described by Eid
latent trait variable divided by the variance of the and Hoffmann (1998).
observed variable:
ConðYik Þ ¼ VarðTik Þ=VarðYik Þ
Important Scientific Research and
Open Questions
It shows to which degree observed interindividual Models of LST theory have been successfully applied in
differences on an occasion of measurement are due to many different areas of psychology to assess the reli-
stable individual differences. The occasion-specificity ability, consistency, and specificity of the measures
coefficient is the variance that is due to the occasion- considered. For example, Eid and Hoffmann (1998)
specific variable divided by the variance of the observed have analyzed how stable and variable interests in phys-
variable: ics are, and they could show that there was a change in
the trait component of interests in physics after the
SpeðYik Þ ¼ VarðOik Þ=VarðYik Þ
Chernobyl disaster. Hagemann et al. (2005) have
It indicates to which degree observed individual applied models of LST theory to analyze resting EEG
differences are due to occasion-specific influences (sit- asymmetry. Kirschbaum et al. (1990) have analyzed
uations, interactions). These coefficients can be used to salivary cortisol levels with LST models. There are
evaluate the appropriateness of a psychological test many different applications to the measurement of
to measure stable (consistency) or variable (specificity) mood, emotions, and attitudes (for an overview see
constructs. For example, a test measuring stable abili- Steyer et al. 1999). In most cases, situational covariates
ties should show high consistency coefficients whereas have not been entered into the model. This might be
a questionnaire measuring variable mood should show partly due to the fact that comprehensive theories of
high specificity coefficients. situations are missing that could guide
the measurement of characteristics of the situation.
Models of Latent State-Trait Theory Future research should focus more strongly on the
In LST theory, an observed variable is decomposed into measurement of situational features that should be
different components that are not observable. If one included in these models.
Monitoring Affective Trajectories During Complex Learning M 2325

Cross-References Definition
▶ Measurement of Change in Learning An affective state is a feeling, mood, or emotion. Stu-
▶ Situated Cognition dents’ experience affective states during learning activ-
▶ Situated Learning ities such as problem solving, studying for an exam,
taking a test, or learning from a human or computer
References tutor. An affective trajectory is a sequential pattern of
Eid, M., & Hoffmann, L. (1998). Measuring variability and change
affective states that change over time. For example,
with an item response model for polytomous variables. Journal of
Educational and Behavioral Statistics, 23, 193–215. confusion followed by frustration followed by anger is
Hagemann, D., Hewig, J., Naumann, E., Seifert, J., & Bartussek, D. an affective trajectory. Complex learning pertains to
(2005). The latent state-trait structure of resting EEG asymme- learning at deeper levels of comprehension. Complex
try: Replication and extension. Psychophysiology, 42, 740–752. learning requires learners to generate inferences,
Kenny, D. A., & Zautra, A. (2001). Trait-state models for longitudinal answer causal questions, diagnose and solve problems,
data. In L. M. Collins & A. G. Sayer (Eds.), New methods for the
make conceptual comparisons, generate coherent
analysis of change (pp. 243–263). Washington, DC: American
Psychological Association. explanations, and demonstrate application and trans-
Kirschbaum, C., Steyer, R., Eid, M., Patalla, U., Schwenkmezger, P., & fer of acquired knowledge. This form of deep learning
Hellhammer, D. H. (1990). Cortisol and behavior: 2. Application can be contrasted with shallow learning activities, such
of a latent state-trait model to salivary cortisol. Psychoneuroen- as memorizing key phrases, definitions, and facts, and
docrinology, 15, 297–307.
classical associative learning. This entry is concerned
Lewin, K. (1935). A dynamic theory of personality. New York:
McGraw-Hill. with tracking sequences of student affect during com-
Magnusson, D., & Stattin, H. (1998). Person-context interaction plex learning activities.
theories. In R. M. Lerner (Ed.), Handbook of child psychology
(Theoretical models of human development, Vol. 1, pp. 685– Theoretical Background
759). New York: Wiley. Efforts to learn difficult subject matter at deeper levels
Mischel, W., & Shoda, Y. (1995). A cognitive-affective system theory M
of comprehension (i.e., complex learning) involve
of personality: Reconceptualizing situations, dispositions,
dynamics, and invariance in personality structure. Psychological a complex coordination of cognitive and affective pro-
Review, 102, 246–268. cesses. Cognitive processes such as diagnosing prob-
Steyer, R., Schmitt, M., & Eid, M. (1999). Latent state-trait theory and lems, making salient comparisons, and generating
research in personality and individual differences. European explanations are inevitably accompanied by negative
Journal of Personality, 13, 389–408.
emotions such as confusion, frustration, anger, and
sometimes rage when the learner makes mistakes,
struggles with troublesome problems, gets stuck, and
experiences failure. On the other hand, positive emo-
Modern Apprenticeship tions such as flow, delight, excitement, and eureka are
experienced when tasks are completed, challenges are
▶ Learning in Practice and by Experience
conquered, insights are unveiled, and major discoveries
are made.
Theoretical frameworks that predict systematic
relationships between affective and cognitive processes
Monitoring Affective during learning are beginning to emerge in the fields of
Trajectories During Complex psychology (Dweck 2002), education (Schultz and
Learning Pekrun 2007), neuroscience (Immordino-Yang and
Damasio 2007), and artificial intelligence (Conati
SIDNEY D’MELLO and Maclaren 2009). Some of the emerging theories
University of Memphis, Memphis, TN, USA that link affect and learning have highlighted the
importance of confusion, frustration, boredom, flow/
engagement, anxiety, curiosity, delight, and surprise to
Synonyms learning activities. Although identifying the emotions
Affect dynamics; Affect transitions; Affect sequencing that are relevant to learning is an important step,
2326 M Monitoring Affective Trajectories During Complex Learning

knowing what states occur and how they impact learn- emerge during learning. The model postulates an
ing does not tell the entire story. What is missing is important role for cognitive disequilibrium in compre-
a specification of how these states evolve, morph, inter- hension and learning processes. Cognitive disequilib-
act, and influence learning and engagement. rium is a state that occurs when learners face obstacles
An analysis of the affective trajectories is particu- to goals, contradictions, incongruities, anomalies,
larly relevant because emotions are seldom static and uncertainty, and salient contrasts (Piaget 1952). Cog-
persistent; instead, they are dynamic and highly tran- nitive equilibrium is restored with thought, reflection,
sient. For example, consider the affective trajectory of problem solving, and other effortful deliberations. The
an actual learner from a learning session with model states that the complex interplay between exter-
a computer tutor (see Fig. 1). The learner settles into nal events that trigger impasses, and the resultant cog-
the flow or engaged state after initially oscillating nitive disequilibrium, are the key to understanding the
between engagement and delight. An impasse poten- dynamics of the affective processes that underlie
tially causes the learner to transition out of the engaged learning.
state into a state of confusion. Repetitive oscillations The model suggests that learners who are in a flow/
between confusion and flow are observed, presumably engaged state will experience confusion when an
as problem solving proceeds. Sometimes the learner impasse is detected. They engage in effortful problem
gets stuck and experiences frustration. Success in prob- solving activities in order to resolve the impasse and
lem solving yields delight and extreme novelty triggers restore equilibrium. Equilibrium is restored when the
surprise. This is the dominant pattern of affective tran- impasse is resolved and learners revert back into the
sitions until boredom emerges toward the end of the flow/engaged state. However, confusion transitions
session. into frustration when the impasse cannot be resolved,
A model of cognitive disequilibrium is one frame- the student gets stuck, and important goals are blocked.
work to understand the affective transitions that Furthermore, persistent frustration may transition into








0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000
Time (secs)

Monitoring Affective Trajectories During Complex Learning. Fig. 1 Sample affective trajectory during a learning
session with a computer tutor
Monitoring Affective Trajectories During Complex Learning M 2327



Flow Confusion



Monitoring Affective Trajectories During Complex Learning. Fig. 2 Transitions between affective states

boredom, a crucial point at which the student disen- informative, because it would highlight the need for
gages from the learning process. Boredom may revert either a more comprehensive model that generalizes
back into frustration when a student is forced to endure across contexts, or individual models that are sensitive
the session despite his or her ennui. to subtle nuances in contexts.
Emerging evidence has confirmed the presence of There are also opportunities for the model to be
confusion – flow and boredom – frustration oscilla- refined and expanded. Currently, transitions from one
tions as well as confusion to frustration transitions (see state to another are governed by single links (e.g.,
Fig. 2) (D’Mello and Graesser 2010). Hence, students in impasse detected). This leaves room for additional
the state of engagement/flow are continuously being possibilities. For example, identifying multiple condi-
challenged and are experiencing two-step episodes tions that trigger transitions between the same pairs of
alternating between confusion and insight. In contrast states would represent one important advance. The
to these beneficial flow–confusion–flow cycles, there are model can also be expanded in scope as it currently
the harmful oscillations between boredom and frustra- only addresses four affective states. Expanding the
tion. As the cognitive disequilibrium model asserts, model to include additional learning-relevant affective
confusion plays a central role in the learning process states such as anxiety and curiosity would be another
because it the gateway to positive (flow) and negative item for future research. It is also unlikely that all
(frustration) emotions. learners transition through emotions in similar ways.
Hence, refining the model to incorporate individual
Important Scientific Research and differences in prior knowledge, ability, motivation,
Open Questions and learning styles is yet another crucial and open
At this point in science, we have only begun to under- problem. Finally, in addition to these research ques-
stand the dynamics of student emotions during learn- tions that attempt to provide a process level account of
ing. The present entry has described an emotional the affective trajectories during learning, there is also
trajectory that was observed (and replicated) in one a need to understand how affective dynamics influence
learning context. There is the important question of the products of learning (i.e., distinguishing transitions
whether this trajectory replicates across different learn- that facilitate learning from transitions that hinder
ing environments (human tutors, computer tutors, learning).
classrooms), topics (science vs. math), and learner
populations (ages, cultures, etc.). If the major patterns Cross-References
in Fig. 2 generalize to different contexts, then we will ▶ Affective and Cognitive Learning in the Online
have some confidence that the cognitive disequilibrium Classroom
model is a viable framework to study affect dynamics. ▶ Affective Dimensions of Learning
However, failure to replicate the patterns will be equally ▶ Boredom of Learning
2328 M Monoaminergic Drug

▶ Cognitive and Affective Learning Strategies

▶ Confusion’s Impact on Learning Mood and Learning
▶ Emotion-Based Learning
▶ Emotions: Functions and Effects on Learning SERGE BRAND
▶ Flow Experience and Learning Psychiatric Hospital of the University of Basel, Basel,
CH, Switzerland
Conati, C., & Maclaren, H. (2009). Empirically building and evalu-
ating a probabilistic model of user affect. User Modeling and Synonyms
User-Adapted Interaction, 19(3), 267–303. Affect
D’Mello, S., & Graesser, A. (2010). Modeling cognitive-affective
dynamics with hidden markov models. In R. Catrambone, & S.
Ohlsson (Eds.), Proceedings of the 32nd annual cognitive science
society (pp. 2721–2726). Austin: Cognitive Science Society.
Mood is understood as a momentary, relatively long
Dweck, C. (2002). Messages that motivate: How praise molds stu- lasting, and subjectively experienced state of mind, the
dents’ beliefs, motivation, and performance (in surprising ways). cause of which is generally unclear. Unlike emotions,
In J. Aronson (Ed.), Improving academic achievement: Impact of mood states are generally less specific and less likely to
psychological factors on education (pp. 61–87). Orlando: be triggered by a particular environmental or intrapsy-
chic stimulus. Moreover, the low mood intensity does
Immordino-Yang, M. H., & Damasio, A. R. (2007). We feel, therefore
we learn: The relevance of affective and social neuroscience to not normally interrupt current actions and behavior.
education. Mind, Brain and Education, 1(1), 3–10. Mood can be described as a continuum ranging from
Piaget, J. (1952). The origins of intelligence. New York: International a bad/negative to a good/positive mood. People gener-
University Press. ally state that they are in a good or bad mood. Note that
Schultz, P., & Pekrun, R. (Eds.). (2007). Emotion in education. San
even if from an experimental and methodological point
Diego: Academic.
of view, good and bad moods are distinguished from
a neutral mood, everyday experience and experimental
analyses show that people are generally in a good
mood. One major function of mood is to inform the
Monoaminergic Drug subject about the general quality of her or his momen-
tary emotional state. When the diffuse state of mind
▶ Amphetamine, Arousal, and Learning
goes below or exceeds a certain intensity, duration, and
characteristics, these mood states are generally
regarded as pathological. An exceedingly good mood
may lead to hypomania and mania, whereas an exceed-
Monotony ingly bad mood may lead to dysphoria and a depressive
▶ Boredom in Learning
With regard to the association between mood and
learning, there is a general consensus that mood influ-
ences learning, that is to say: mood may change the way
information is processed cognitively. By contrast, no
Monte Carlo Tree Search general consensus is observable with regard to the
manner in which a specific quality of mood (good vs.
▶ Learning with Monte Carlo Methods
bad) may have a favorable or unfavorable influence on
cognitive processes (see below).

Mood Theoretical Background

Research on mood and learning focuses on the influ-
▶ Affective and Emotional Dispositions of/for Learning ence of both positive and negative mood states on
▶ Emotional Intelligence in Animals learning performance and cognitive processes.
Mood and Learning M 2329

To explain why different mood states may have mood leads to a simplification of cognitive processes,
a favorable or unfavorable influence on the processing a reduction in processing capacity, and a decline in
of information, research has focused on the reduction motivation. In particular, it is argued that a positive
of the information processing capacity. Accordingly, it mood suppresses convergent, analytic thinking by
has been argued that a positive mood leads to depleting central executive resources while solving,
a depletion of central executive processes, because the for instance, the Tower of London problem. Addition-
person is occupied with finding out why he or she is in ally, with respect to social perception, people in
that specific mood state. As a result, less cognitive a positive mood are more prone to rely on stereotypes
capacity is available for the processing of the learning and are more vulnerable to halo effects. These obser-
tasks. By contrast, at least four reasons have been vations are in agreement with the claim that a positive
offered for the fact that a negative mood is associated mood impairs performance. By contrast, a number of
with a reduction in cognitive performance, again, all of studies demonstrate that a negative mood can result in
them focusing on the reduction of the information more systematic, elaborate, and analytical cognitive
processing capacity. First, the resource allocation processing, and can significantly reduce halo effects.
model (Ellis and Ashbrook 1988) points out that peo- People in a negative mood (as compared to those in
ple in a sad mood are concerned with extra-task a neutral or positive mood) seem especially likely to
processing (e.g., thinking about their own bad mood) engage in systematic processing, to adhere more con-
or with task-irrelevant processing. Second, a bad mood sistently to the given data and to show less confidence
leads to a depletion of central executive processes. in their assumptions. Correspondingly, judgments of
Third, a bad mood leads to a reduction of the infor- people in a negative mood are less influenced by
mation processing capacity since subjects in a bad stereotypes, and more specifically by negative stereo-
mood are more concerned with finding the reason for types. As recent data suggest, a negative mood
their specific mood than with solving the task at hand. induced by bad weather even leads shoppers to show
Fourth, Alice Isen (1987) proposes that a person in increased memory performance for unusual objects
a negative mood tries to regain a better mood (“mood placed in the check-out area (Forgas et al. 2009). Yet
repair”); as a consequence, cognitive capacity must be the observation that a negative mood may improve
divided between the task and the mood correction. performance is at odds with the conclusion that a bad
Why should a positive mood lead to improved mood is associated with a reduction in cognitive
cognitive performance? The underlying theoretical processing.
framework is based on the idea that subjects in Improved performance has been observed in sub-
a positive mood may have access to more varied infor- jects in a positive mood when a task requires either
mation. Consequently, there is a tendency to see elaboration of the given data, decision making, logical
a relationship between types of information that are thinking, problem solving, transfer of problem-solving
normally not associated. This suggests that a good procedures, or broadening the scope of attention (see
mood influences the breadth of attention, thus Brand et al. 2007 Isbell 2003; Isen 1987). Furthermore,
resulting in a larger and more varied range of informa- it has been shown that people in a positive mood were
tion. A neurobiological theory of positive affect points more likely to acquire a problem-solving procedure. In
out that a positive mood may be directly associated addition, an increased flexibility in thinking has been
with increased dopamine levels in the brain. found to co-occur with a positive mood: subjects in
a positive mood solved insight problems or word asso-
Important Scientific Research and ciation problems faster and more accurately than sub-
Open Questions jects in a negative mood. Furthermore, subjects in
With regard to the specific direction of the relation a positive mood showed flexible thinking even when
between mood and performance, there does not seem they were not required to do so. Recent research has
to be one general rule. There is empirical evidence that emphasized the concept of affect-as-information (the
cognitive performance may be reduced in the presence AAI-model; see Martin and Clore 2001) according to
of a positive, as opposed to a negative mood. These which the assessment and significance of the momen-
findings tally with models assuming that a positive tary situation and hence also the associated processing
2330 M Mood Congruency Learning

style changes as a function of mood. If situations are

interpreted as being unproblematic and not requiring Mood-Congruency
caution, it can be assumed that the already existing ▶ Mood-Dependent Learning
knowledge structures can be used successfully and
repeatedly. On the other hand, unknown or problem-
atic situations require a more information-driven pro-
cedure. Thus, people in a positive mood should have
confidence in their available cognitive concepts, Mood-Dependent Learning
whereas those in a negative mood tend to take the
existing data into account and engage in more system- SERGE BRAND
atic information processing. Psychiatric Hospital of the University of Basel, Basel,
In sum, the empirical findings are controversial; Switzerland
a positive mood can be associated with reduced cogni-
tive performance but also with more flexible thinking;
a negative mood can result in more systematic and Synonyms
data-oriented information processing but can also Mood-congruency; State-dependency
impair performance.
Cross-References Mood is understood as a momentary, relatively long
▶ Capacity Limitations of Memory and Learning lasting, and subjectively experienced state of mind, the
▶ Cognitive Learning cause of which is generally disregarded. Unlike emo-
▶ Creativity, Problem Solving, and Feeling tions, mood states are generally less specific and less
▶ Mood-Dependent Learning likely to be triggered by a particular environmental or
intrapsychic stimulus. Moreover, the low mood inten-
References sity does not normally interrupt current actions and
Brand, S., Reimer, T., & Opwis, K. (2007). How do we learn in behavior. Mood and learning performance are associ-
a negative mood? Effects of a negative mood on transfer and ated (see Mood and Learning). Here, we focus on the
learning. Learning and Instruction, 17, 1–16. influence of mood during the encoding and retrieval of
Ellis, H. C., & Ashbrook, P. W. (1988). Resource allocation model of
the effects of depressed mood states on memory. In K. Fiedler & J.
Forgas (Eds.), Affects, cognition, and social behavior (pp. 25–43).
Toronto: Hogrefe International. Theoretical Background
Forgas, J. P., Goldenberg, L., & Unkelbach, C. (2009). Can bad The acquisition of knowledge is not an exclusively
weather improve your memory? An unobtrusive field study of cognitive process; rather, affective and emotional states
natural mood effects on real-life memory. Journal of Experimen-
continuously co-occur during learning processes;
tal Social Psychology, 45, 254–257.
Isbell, L. (2003). Not all happy people are lazy or stupid: Evidence of
accordingly, there is compelling evidence that during
systematic processing in happy moods. Journal of Experimental the encoding, storage, and retrieval of knowledge affec-
Social Psychology, 40, 341–349. tive information is also encoded, stored, and retrieved.
Isen, A. M. (1987). Positive affect, cognitive processes, and social Note that learning refers to both explicit and implicit
behavior. In L. Berkowitz (Ed.), Advances in experimental social learning processes, whereby explicit learning processes
psychology (Vol. 20, pp. 203–253). San Diego: Academic.
refer to the conscious and intentional acquisition of
Martin, L. L., & Clore, G. L. (2001). Theories of mood and cognition.
A user’s handbook. Mahwah: Erlbaum. knowledge, and implicit learning processes refer to the
unconscious and unintentional acquisition of knowl-
edge. In this respect, implicit learning processes occur,
when the learning performance is related to mood
Mood Congruency Learning Example 1: A high school student has to learn 50
new French words. She is in a good mood, because she
▶ Emotion-Based Machine Learning is looking forward to playing tennis afterwards. First,
Mood-Dependent Memory M 2331

it is highly conceivable that these 50 new French words phase, participants also alter the associations between
are associated with a good mood, that is, implicitly, their mood and the affective value of the learning
the knowledge acquisition (encoding 50 new French material. Bower and colleagues acknowledged
words) is closely connected with a good mood. Sec- that processes of state-dependency and mood-
ond, following Bower’s (1981) concept of state- congruency could not be systematically replicated;
dependent learning, the student will perform the test rather, effects of state-dependency and mood-
well, when she is in a good mood during the test, congruency are observed if the learning material is
whereas she will perform less well, when she is in of high individual and personal affective value (i.e.,
a bad mood during the test. In other words: the mood the content of the learning material triggers personal
(in this case: good mood) during the encoding and current concerns).
retrieval stages is identical, and therefore, the knowl- Whereas research in cognitive psychology showed
edge acquired in this mood state is much better that the association between mood and learning is not
retrieved. As a result, learning performance is as simple as suggested by the concepts of state-
increased. dependency and mood-congruency (see Mood and
Example 2: The high school student has to study Learning), in cognitive-behavioral therapy the two con-
a chapter in history related to the millions of innocent cepts have gained importance to the extent that, as
civil victims during World War II. Specifically, she is a rule of thumb, patients are motivated to shift their
learning how ruthless squadrons killed innocent chil- mood from a bad mood to a good mood. In so doing,
dren and defenseless women. Thus, the content of first, the recall of negatively affected memories should
what has to be learned is associated with the affective be reduced (state-dependency), and second, the thera-
value of sadness, grief, and consternation. How does peutic (working and) progress should be associated
her learning performance change as a function of the with a positive mood (mood-congruency).
mood during retrieval? Bower’s concept of mood-con-
gruency (1981) would predict an increased learning Cross-References
performance if the high school student is in a bad ▶ Emotion Regulation
mood (i.e., the current sad mood tallies with the sad ▶ Emotions in Cognitive Conflicts
content of what has to be learned). By contrast, the ▶ Mood and Learning
concept of mood-congruency predicts a decreased learn- ▶ Stress Management
ing performance if the high school student is in
a current good mood, because the affective value of References
the learning matter is not congruent with the current Bower, G. H. (1981). Mood and memory. American Psychologist, 36,
mood. 129–148.
Bower, G. H., & Mayer, J. D. (1985). Failure to replicate mood
congruent retrieval. Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society, 23,
Important Scientific Research and 39–42.
Open Questions Clore, G. L., Schwarz, N., & Conway, M. (1994). Cognitive causes and
Bower and Mayer (1985) observed that their predic- consequences of emotion. In R. S. Wyer & T. K. Srull (Eds.),
tions did not match the data entirely. Specifically, Handbook of social cognition (2nd ed.). Hillsdale: Erlbaum.
whereas participants in a good mood did show an Isen, A. M. (1987). Positive affect, cognitive processes, and social
behavior. In L. Berkowitz (Ed.), Advances in experimental social
increased performance remembering information
psychology (Vol. 20, pp. 203–253). San Diego: Academic.
with a positive affective value (mood-congruency),
this was not the case for participants in a bad mood:
these participants did not show an increased learning
performance remembering information with
a negative affective value. How do we explain this Mood-Dependent Memory
asymmetry? Isen (1987) postulates that people in
a sad mood are inclined to shift their mood from Mood-dependent memory occurs when the congru-
a bad mood to a good mood (mood repair). Therefore, ence of current mood with the mood at the time of
while changing the quality of mood during the test memory storage helps to recall stored information of
2332 M Moore’s Law

the past. For instance, when people are happy, they are
more likely to remember other times when they were Moral Learning
Department of Education, University of Salzburg,
Salzburg, Austria
Moore’s Law Department of Sociology, Radboud University,
Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Moore’s law describes the long-term trend between 3
Private University of Education of the Diocese of Linz,
1970 and 2010 in the history of computing hardware. Linz, Austria
This law states that the number of transistors that can
be placed inexpensively on an integrated circuit has
doubled approximately every 2 years. Synonyms
Character education; Ethics learning; Moral develop-
ment; Moral education; Moral socialization; Values

Moral Development Definition

▶ Moral Learning The topic of moral learning and development is every
▶ Video Games for Prosocial Learning type of acquisition of morally or ethically relevant dis-
positions (values dispositions), namely, spontaneous
learning and development, socialization, and moral
and values education. Morally or ethically relevant dis-
positions are dispositions which are concerned with
Moral Education a subject’s values decisions, values justifications, values
arguments, and moral action. Values in this context are
A theory of prosocial development based on work by judgments about whether something must be done or
Piaget and Kohlberg that asserts individuals can deepen must be avoided, whether it is right and wrong, etc. Four
their moral reasoning skills through both experience issues seem important in this context: (1) Moral values
and education. are always values that draw on reflection, that are argued
for (or against); (2) these arguments deal with questions
Cross-References of welfare, justice, care, and rights, or other issues that
▶ Moral Learning are seen as obligatory and to some degree as general
regardless of a specific person’s attitude toward it;
(3) they are distinct from conventional values (custom-
ary practices of social systems) and personal choices
(Turiel); (4) mostly moral values have also an emotional
Moral Engagement component, with feelings like guilt or good or sore
conscience. One can distinguish two types of values
▶ Video Games for Prosocial Learning
dispositions, namely, (1) content dispositions: What
values are defended by the subject (such as life, toler-
ance, property), and (2) judgment dispositions: How
values are defended by the subject (such as by referring
Moral Internalization to universal principles or to the law or by obedience).
The content dispositions are usually discussed within
▶ Prosocial Learning in Adolescence: The Mediating moral learning while the judgment disposition is the
Role of Prosocial Values topic of moral development (Kohlberg 1981/1984).
Moral Learning M 2333

Theoretical Background sanctions – whether intentionally set by educators or

One can assume that some values dispositions (such as a natural consequence – following an action which is
altruism) and some prerequisites for morality (capacity identified as moral (according to the definition above)
for empathy) have phylogenetic roots but are shaped and modeling moral behavior may have an influence
through experience. Most of them, however, are on the values a person defends. One important issue is
acquired during lifetime. Learning and development whether the person pays attention to the moral dimen-
in the moral domain will happen in any case: If not sion of the action under consideration. In any case, it is
intentionally and goal-directed guided by another per- the person who decides whether to internalize such
son or a curriculum effort (manifest education) it will a value or not. There are several further processes that
be an unconscious process of moral learning (latent can be included, such as discipline strategies, power
education) which is unsystematic and incidental or assertion, love withdrawal, and reasoning from the
a developmental process in which maturation and part of social agents and the protagonist’s anger,
socialization influences interact. feeling of guilt, etc. (Hoffman 1975).
Many models of moral learning, development, and Socialization is closely related with cognitive social
socialization have been proposed, among which the learning. Socialization theory deals with understanding
following are seen as the most important by the the continuity of values from generation to generation
authors: and the processes of values transmission, including the
bilateral internalization (e.g., influence of the children
1. Cognitive social learning theory
on their parents). However, society develops, and the
2. Socialization
diversity of values within cultural groups has strongly
3. Development through values clarification
increased over about half a century; as a corollary,
4. Development of the moral judgment (Kohlberg
values will change from generation to generation due
to differing social and technological conditions, to the
These approaches must not be seen as independent, introduction of new ideas in the society (e.g., postmod-
but as complementary. The first three focus primarily ernism), social processes like multiculturalization,
on content dispositions, whereas the last addresses individualization, and secularization, to changed pri-
judgment dispositions. orities, etc. Besides parents, other adults and institu-
The cognitive social learning theory (Bandura, tions as well as peers have influences on the children
Mischel) refers to learning that is triggered by social and are, in turn, influenced by them. Again, as in
interactions. This includes, but is not restricted to, cognitive social learning, children are perceived as
reinforcement, punishment, and imitation. While it actively internalizing the values in what Kuczynski
has its origins in behaviorism, it is now a cognitive and Navara (2006) call the child’s “personal working
approach, focusing, among others, on cognitive vari- model” that is influenced by the parents’ personal
ables like the person’s perception of the situation and working model, but also by the working models of the
expectations, goals, and self-regulation in specific situ- child’s culture and the child’s generation (p. 312 ff.);
ations. Morality is important in two regards: (1) Values this influence works through the child’s committed
(in the sense of goals in particular situations) play an (voluntary or even enthusiastic) compliance with the
important role (“what is important to me?”); people proposed values, compliance due to external pressure,
have several goals simultaneously (in the same situa- unwilling compliance (children show their agency by
tion), which might be in competition with each other, complying as little as possible or under protest), and
and some of these goals or values are morally justified, accommodation (the child cooperates but reinterprets
some are not. For instance in a particular situation the way of compliance). It is also possible that children
morally justified values may push the protagonist reject the values that are offered (noncompliance). This
to do one thing but personal priorities may push to means also that the values system of a person is in
do the opposite; what the protagonist then actually constant development (Kuczynski and Navara 2006).
does will depend on the weights of the different goals. The theory of values clarification (Raths et al. 1966)
(2) Values are acquired (internalized) through cogni- is an educational concept. The assumption is that
tive social learning processes: Positive and negative through focusing the children’s attention on issues of
2334 M Moral Learning

their lives and stimulating them to consider their broken. The subjects discuss and argue in favor or
choices, etc., they will acquire morally relevant dispo- against the different values and mutually challenge
sitions like values awareness. The teacher’s role is only their justifications with arguments they believe to be
one of a facilitator, and there is no attempt to influence better. While Kohlberg focused on justice, other
except for extreme concepts; within these limits, what- authors in this tradition had other priorities (e.g.,
ever values the child defends have to be accepted and care is addressed by Gilligan; see issue (2) in the
respected. The underlying learning model is important definition above).
which stipulates that children are confused by the mul-
titude of values and the values conflicts they experi- Important Scientific Research and
ence. Reflection on life experience and values would Open Questions
then help them to be more self-directing and so to A central issue in the field of moral learning and
overcome the values confusion, to know what they development is the normative background. Morality
really value – and what not. Raths et al. developed can be seen from a descriptive standpoint: How are
a series of techniques to achieve this goal; however, values learned, how does moral argumentation
evaluations showed that the program did not achieve develop, etc. But it must also be seen from an ethical
the goals that were set. point of view: Which values and argumentation
Kohlberg’s (1981/1984) theory of moral judgment structures are normatively required individually, in
and its development is a constructivist approach. “Judg- a society or for humankind (see also issue (2) above in
ment” means here how people justify the moral choices the definition)? The relationship between descriptive
they make in a given situation (typically a dilemma and normative ethics needs to be made more explicit
situation); hence it focuses on the arguments people in research on moral learning and development. The
use (see issue (1) in the definition above). Kohlberg appropriate meta-ethics is nonnaturalistic: The nat-
distinguished six developmental stages of moral judg- uralistic fallacy (the conclusion from Is to Ought)
ments: (1) obedience and submission, (2) mutual must be avoided, and normative statements must be
interests and exchange, (3) adherence to reference argued for according to the principles of normative
group, (4) maintaining social order, (5) social contract ethics; in research and discussions on moral learning
and individual rights, and (6) universal principles. and development this distinction is often not made.
Research in the Kohlbergian tradition showed that the For instance values clarification (see above) is
individual development progresses in this sequential criticized for being relativistic; this criticism is justi-
order, that there are no regressions, that persons argu- fied, however this is not based on descriptive state-
ing on a certain stage usually understand arguments on ments (like “values clarification has little influence on
the next higher stage and reject arguments on lower moral learning and development”) but on normative
stages, and these results tend to be independent of the grounds since relativism is ethically inacceptable
culture. Not all people reach the highest stage; rather because it would permit practices that must be
most of them stay on stages 3 and 4, which are rejected for being inhuman.
called “conventional,” whereas only few reach the A second challenge is the importance of emotions
“post-conventional” stages 5 and 6. The development in regulating values and behavior. Especially the rela-
can be explained according to Piaget’s equilibration tions between moral cognitions, feelings, and expres-
model: When confronted with a problem he or she sions need further attention (see also issue (4) above in
cannot solve with the existing cognitive structure, the definition).
a person “invents” a new way to argue (accommoda- The impact of moral competence or moral judg-
tion in the sense of Piaget); this new argumentation ment on behavior is still an important issue; one can
pattern will be on a higher stage. The process needs assume that features of situations (and their interpre-
weeks or even months and repeated challenges tation by the person) are important (see above, feature
(unsolved problems). For education purposes dilemma (1) in the cognitive social learning theory).
discussions are used: The subjects are confronted with Moral education is important in several regards.
a situation whose protagonist has to take a decision; First, the problems with values justification have
whatever he or she decides, an essential value will be already been addressed. Second, although several
Motivation M 2335

programs and practices in the field of moral education ▶ Constructivist Learning

advocate the development of virtues and hope to shape ▶ Cooperative Learning
directly and systematically the moral behavior of the ▶ Development and Learning (Overview)
new generation a lot of basic and evaluation research is ▶ Knowledge Acquisition: Constructing Meaning from
needed to deliver demonstrable evidence of the effec- Multiple Information Sources
tiveness of the various character education approaches. ▶ Kohlberg, Lawrence
Third, the teachers’ morality needs to be discussed ▶ Piaget, Jean (1896–1980)
(Klaassen and Maslovaty 2010). Being a teacher nowa- ▶ Socialization-Related Learning
days means that one needs the courage to keep to
certain professional and moral standards and to pro- References
mote the development of moral norms and values in Hoffman, M. L. (1975). Moral internalization, parental power, and
their students. Besides the braveness to do this, moral the nature of parent-child interaction. Developmental Psychology,
courage also points to the perseverance to stick to the 11, 228–239.
goals that are oriented to the well-being of the student Klaassen, C., & Maslovaty, N. (Eds.). (2010). Moral courage and the
and the will and competence to function as a moral normative professionalism of teachers. Rotterdam-Taipeh: Sense.
Kohlberg, L. (1981/1984). Essays on moral development. Vol. 1: The
philosophy of moral development. Vol. 2: The psychology of moral
Finally, educational concepts based on the development. San Francisco: Harper & Row.
Kohlbergian framework have been quite successful. Kuczynski, L., & Navara, G. S. (2006). Sources of innovation and
One of them, VaKE (Values and Knowledge Education, change in socialization, internationalization and acculturation.
Patry et al. 2007), integrates constructivist values edu- In M. Killen & J. G. Smetana (Eds.), Handbook of moral develop-
ment (pp. 299–327). Mahwah: Lawrence Erlbaum.
cation and constructivist knowledge acquisition:
Patry, J.-L., Weyringer, S., & Weinberger, A. (2007). Combining
A moral dilemma is used as challenge (in the sense values and knowledge education. In D. Aspin & J. Chapman
of Piaget, see above) both for moral problem solving (Eds.), Values education and lifelong learning (pp. 160–179). M
and for information search (e.g., on the Internet). New York: Springer.
Students defend their own standpoints and are chal- Raths, L. E., Harmin, M., & Simon, S. B. (1966). Values and teaching:
lenged by their peers. The discursive debate on alter- Working with values in the classroom. Columbus: Charles E.
native points of view triggers the awareness of the
own values and argumentation principles; on the
other hand, to support the decision the students
need information which they look for on the Internet.
Evaluations have shown this approach to be quite Moral Socialization
While dilemma discussions and VaKE focus on the ▶ Moral Learning
moral judgment, Kohlberg’s Just Community approach
emphasizes moral action. A Just Community is
a participatory democracy (e.g., school): The members
decide shared rules that govern their living together.
The process of collective norm development causes Motivated Forgetting
a strong sense of obligation to abide by the rules and
▶ Directed Forgetting
active care for the welfare of the community and each
single member. As a result, the moral atmosphere (the
sense of community, solidarity, and unity) is positively
influenced and leads to moral actions directed by
fairness. Motivation
Cross-References ▶ Measurement of Student Engagement in Learning
▶ Adaptive Learning Through Variation and Selection ▶ Motivation, Learning, and Performance
▶ Change of Values Through Learning ▶ Socio-emotional Aspects of Learning
2336 M Motivation and Learning: Modern Theories

however. Deficits still have their place in motivational

Motivation and Learning: analysis, just not as prominently or reliably.
Modern Theories Of current theories, the ones that have been the
most helpful in understanding motivation are (1) attri-
MARILLA D. SVINICKI, JANE S. VOGLER bution theory, (2) expectancy value theory, (3) self-
Department of Educational Psychology, University of efficacy theory, (4) achievement goal orientation
Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, USA theory, and (5) self-determination theory.

Attribution Theory
Synonyms Attribution theory is based upon the idea that people
Conation; Drive; Goal; Need; Purpose; Volition try to explain past events by identifying the possible
causes for those events (Weiner 1984). The attributions
Definition one makes then affect future motivation. Individual
Motivation is a process of interaction between the differences may arise in these explanations (i.e., one
learner and the environment, which is marked by selec- student may attribute failure on a test to his lack of
tion, initiation, increase, or persistence of goal-directed studying, while another student may attribute failure to
behavior. It has been thought of variously as a quality of what he perceives as the instructor’s unfair grading
the individual, the situation, or the activity in which practices); however, all attributions fall somewhere
the individual is engaged. along the following dimensions: locus, constancy, and
Theoretical Background Locus refers to whether the cause of the event is
In the broadest sense, motivation is used to explain the considered internal or external to the individual. Apti-
increase or decrease in the frequency and/or intensity tude and effort are examples of internal attributions,
of an individual’s goal-seeking behavior. It has been whereas help from others and task difficulty are exter-
described as both a quality of an individual and nal. In the previous example, attributing failure to lack
a result of the individual’s interactions with the situa- of studying is an internal attribution, but blaming the
tion. As an individual trait, we describe a person as teacher’s perceived unfair grading practice is external.
being motivated, implying that the force behind behav- Constancy includes the aspects of stability and con-
ior change is within the individual regardless of the sistency. Weiner explains, “Stability relates to temporal
situation. As a characteristic of the situation, we consistency, while globality is concerned with cross-
describe circumstances as being motivating, implying situational consistency” (Weiner 1984, p. 21). In the
that it is the conditions under which a person is initial example, lack of studying is an unstable attribu-
performing that provide the impetus for behavior tion (the student could always choose to study more)
change without the individual’s intervention. More and a teacher’s grading practices are “situational” to
recently, research has focused on interactions between that class only.
the individual and the environment as the impetus for Controllability relates to how much control the
behavior change. individual believes he had over the situation. If he
Research and theory on motivation have moved chose not to study, but to go out with friends, there
away from a model based on a deficit of some desired was high controllability. If, however, he failed to study
situation (e.g., drive theory was based on a deficit in the due to illness, there was low controllability. This is
physiological balance of the individual; needs theories different from the first dimension, causality, in that all
were based on deficits in the psychological/social bal- things internal are not necessarily controllable, (e.g.,
ance of the individual) to a model that stresses the way illness), and all things external are not necessarily
the individual interprets the situation. Thus unlike uncontrollable (e.g., loud study environment can be
early theories which were more mechanistic, modern altered).
theories acknowledge that what is motivating to one While there is general agreement regarding where
individual might not be to another. Older theories have attributions fall along these dimensions, it is one’s own
not been replaced entirely by cognition-based theories, perception of an attribution’s characteristics that
Motivation and Learning: Modern Theories M 2337

affects motivation. The most motivational attributions task. However, it is the interpretation of the situation
are internal, inconsistent, and controllable, because by the learner that determines whether a particular
they are within one’s power to change. Attributions action will enhance motivation. What one individual
that are external, consistent, and uncontrollable suggest finds valuable, another might not. How one individual
one is powerless to influence the outcome. Consider interprets signs of success might be different from
the student who performs poorly on exam and attri- another individual.
butes the outcome to lack of studying versus the one
who blames the instructor for unfair grading practices. Self-Efficacy (cf. Self-Efficacy of
The first attribution empowers the student to change Learning)
his behavior before the next exam and attain a better Recent developments in motivation have focused on
result, while the second leaves the final outcome in the individual’s self-control and how it is impacted by
what he perceives to be the unjust hands of another. and impacts his behavior. Bandura’s Social Cognitive
Theory (Pintrich and Schunk 2002) is the overarching
Expectancy Value Theory theory of learning that exemplifies this idea of reciproc-
As one of the earliest motivational theories to represent ity between the individual and the environment. The
a cognitive interpretation of motivation, expectancy motivational component of this theory is referred to as
value theory is actually a combination of two separate, self-efficacy theory. In this component, motivation
but linked sources: an individual’s belief that he will be stems from the individual’s belief that he will be suc-
able to succeed at the task (expectancy) and the degree cessful at a task. An important characteristic of self-
to which the task is something that he values (value) efficacy is that it is task-specific rather than all
(Eccles and Wigfield 2006). If either of these two encompassing. For example, an individual might have
sources is low or missing altogether, the overall effect self-efficacy in the area of interpersonal relationships.
will be to lower his motivation. So, for example, This means that he believes he can interact effectively
a student might be motivated to take a math course with others most of the time. As a result, his motivation
because she enjoys the content (task value) and is good to interact with others is enhanced. If he had low self-
at math (expectancy for success). However, if either of efficacy in this area, he would be more likely to avoid
those two things is not true (she does not enjoy it or is social situations.
not good at it), her motivation is lower. Self-efficacy is developed through prior success
The expectancy side of the equation can be affected with a task type, through observation of another per-
by several sources. These include prior or ongoing son similar to the individual being successful, and
success at the activity, a match between the learner’s through encouragement and feedback from
skills and the requirements of the task, and persuasion a respected other. Self-efficacy is similar in meaning
from a credible source, like a teacher or coach. So to expectancy for success in expectancy-value theory,
a student might study math because she is usually and the competence component of self-determination
successful at it or because a respected teacher tells her theory. It might also be considered similar to having an
that she will be successful. internal locus of control for a particular situation in
The value side of the equation also has several attribution theory. All these theories credit a belief in
sources, such as a match to the learner’s goals, approval one’s own ability as a significant source of motivation.
of the activity by the individual’s social group, intrinsic
interest and challenge, physiological and affective Self-Determination Theory (cf. Self-
responses interpreted as pleasurable, recognition with Determination of Learning)
praise and support, and some sort of tangible gain such The concept of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, or
as money or prizes. A student might study math doing something for the inherent satisfaction of doing
because her future career requires it or because her it versus the rewards received from an outside source,
peer group thinks it is a mark of intelligence to be has been extensively explored throughout motivation
good at math. research but ultimately better explained by self-
One can influence another’s motivation by increas- determination theory (Ryan and Deci 2000). Although
ing either the expectancy for success or the value of the this theory recognizes intrinsic motivation as an
2338 M Motivation and Learning: Modern Theories

internally driven desire to behave in a particular way, it confidently demonstrate ability. Within such a goal
is unique because it differentiates between several orientation, encountering a problem indicates a lack
forms of extrinsic motivation, which vary in terms of of ability; therefore, when unforeseen difficulty
the level of self-determination involved. In the lowest occurs, the individual is likely to retreat from the
form, a person who is externally regulated engages in task in an attempt to avoid demonstrating any
a specific behavior to either receive a reward or avoid incompetency.
punishment (equivalent to extrinsic motivation). The In general, a teacher would want to maximize the
next three forms of external regulation are referred to as level of mastery goal orientation in a class by making
introjection, identification, and integration and repre- the classroom a safe place to take risks and to view
sent increased levels of internalizing of the external errors as learning opportunities rather than indications
reasons for a behavior. of incompetence.
For example, according to this theory a student will
be more motivated if he is allowed to determine his Important Scientific Research and
own topic for a writing assignment (intrinsic motiva- Open Questions
tion). However, he will also be motivated if he chooses Like other psychological constructs that are not directly
the topic because it is valued by society (internalized observable, motivation constructs have been difficult
extrinsic motivation). to concretize, resulting in many different theories
Like most other cognitive theories, self- attempting to explain the same phenomena. Even the
determination theory also recognizes the individual’s nature of motivation (is it a process, a characteristic,
need for feeling competent and for acceptance into a state) is not universally agreed upon. With this lack of
a community as important influences on motivation. clarity comes a lack of reliability of measurement,
which can pose difficulties for studying a phenomenon
Goal-Orientation Theories scientifically. Although everyone phenomenologically
Various goal-based theories of motivation have identi- recognizes motivation as an important variable in
fied two distinct orientations toward goal achievement: learning, measures of it rely on self-report (which is
one related to learning/mastering a task and the other unreliable) or behavior change (which involves circular
focused upon gaining approval for demonstrating reasoning). Several open questions arise from this
competency. Goals focused upon acquiring skills and dilemma. The first is the juxtaposition of the concepts
knowledge are referred to as task-involved goals, mas- of situated motivation versus self-regulation of moti-
tery goals, or learning goals, depending on the theory vation. In the former case, motivation is thought to be
being referenced. Goals focused on being seen as com- determined by environmental conditions, a stance con-
petent are sometimes referred to as ego-involved goals, sistent with behavioral psychology, but discussed more
but more often referred to as performance goals (Elliot recently in the study of classroom goal structures and
and Dweck 2005). Subsequent versions of the theory their impact on student motivation (Meece et al. 2006).
have refined these two main orientations, but are In the case of self-regulation of motivation, it is the
beyond the scope of this entry. learner that controls his or her own motivation
These goal orientations have a profound effect through active regulation strategies (Pintrich and
upon motivation, on both what individuals choose Schunk 2002). These two frameworks offer differing
to pursue and the persistence with which they pursue recommendations for the study and enhancement of
it. For those who adopt learning goals, the choice is motivation. Modern theories, such as social cognitive
more likely to include a task that is new and challeng- theory, generally assert that the level of motivation is
ing, which will provide the greatest opportunity for a result of the interaction between the individual and
growth. If such a task presents a problem, the individ- environment, with neither being clearly the dominant
ual is likely to persist in order to further develop his force.
skills and learn through the process. Performance A related source of interesting open questions is the
goals, however, are often associated with familiar or relationship between intrinsic and extrinsic sources of
easy tasks, those in which the individual can motivation. To what extent and in what way does an
Motivation Enhancement M 2339

extrinsic source of motivation dampen the impact of

motivation that arises from the individual or the Motivation Enhancement
intrinsic value of the activity? The answers to these
questions are particularly important to educators who ANDREW J. MARTIN
wish to promote self-regulated, lifelong learning, but University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW, Australia
have difficulty getting students interested in the stan-
dard curriculum and often resort to grades as the
source of motivation. Synonyms
One step beyond is the impact of emotion on moti- Achievement motivation enhancement; Achievement
vation, an area of research that is gaining in importance motivation intervention; Engagement enhancement;
as more is learned about the brain in relation to behav- Engagement intervention; Motivation intervention
ior. The ability to monitor the brain’s response to
changes in the environment at many levels may actually Definition
provide a solution to the initial dilemma of this section: Academic motivation has been described as students’
the need for a more reliable measure of motivation, energy and drive to engage, learn, work effectively, and
which might lie in advances in monitoring neurological achieve to potential (Martin 2007). Motivation
responding. enhancement refers to intervention (e.g., counseling,
pedagogy, parenting, coaching) aimed at facilitating
and improving motivation (Martin 2008). Motivation
Cross-References plays a large part in students’ interest in and enjoyment
▶ Achievement Motivation and Learning of learning. Motivation also underpins achievement
▶ Emotion(s) and Learning (Pintrich 2003). Research has shown that a variety of
▶ Learned Helplessness factors impact students’ motivation, including the
▶ Motivation Enhancement nature of pedagogy they receive, relationships they
▶ Motivation, Volition, and Performance have with their teachers, parents’ attitudes toward and
▶ Motivational Variables in Learning expectations for their children, peers, class climate,
▶ Self-determination of Learning school culture and structure, sociodemographic status,
▶ Self-efficacy of Learning gender, and age (see Martin 2007 for a review). Many of
▶ Self-regulation and Motivation Strategies these have been the target of motivation enhancement
▶ Volition for Learning efforts.
In critical reviews of motivation research, it has
been suggested that research oftentimes yields limited
References practical implications and applications and that there is
Eccles, J., & Wigfield, A. (2002). Motivational beliefs, values, and
goals. Annual Review of Psychology, 53, 109–132.
a need to devise research that advances scientific under-
Elliot, A., & Dweck, C. (2005). Handbook of competence and motiva- standing and which has applied utility. Hence, there
tion. New York: Guilford. have been calls to give greater attention to use-inspired
Meece, J., Anderman, E., & Anderman, L. (2006). Classroom goal basic research in education and psychology contexts
structure, student motivation, and academic achievement. (Pintrich 2003). Critical reviews of motivation research
Annual Review of Psychology, 57, 487–503.
also point to the fact that such research is diverse and
Pintrich, P., & Schunk, D. (2002). Motivation in education: Theory,
research, and application (2nd ed.). Upper Saddle River: Merrill fragmented. As a result, there have also been calls for
Prentice Hall. more integrative approaches to its research and theo-
Ryan, R. M., & Deci, E. L. (2000). Intrinsic and extrinsic motivations: rizing (Pintrich 2003). It is in this context that the
Classic definitions and new directions. Contemporary Educa- Motivation and Engagement Wheel (Martin 2007)
tional Psychology, 25, 54–67.
was developed (with an accompanying measurement
Weiner, B. (1984). Principles for a theory of student motivation and
their application within an attributional framework. In R. Ames
tool, the Motivation and Engagement Scale, (Martin
& C. Ames (Eds.), Research on motivation in education (Student 2009)). The Wheel comprises 4 higher order and
motivation, Vol. 1). San Diego: Academic. 11 first-order factors, as follows: adaptive cognition
2340 M Motivation Enhancement

(self-efficacy, valuing, mastery orientation), adaptive failure avoidance, uncertain control, self-handicap-
behavior (planning, task management, persistence), ping, disengagement) can be a basis for intervention
impeding/maladaptive cognition (anxiety, failure to enhance key dimensions of student motivation. The
avoidance, uncertain control), and maladaptive following is advice from Martin (2007, 2009) targeting
behavior (self-handicapping, disengagement). Martin’s these 11 dimensions (see also Covington 1992;
multidimensional motivation framework has been McInerney 2000).
effective in driving multidimensional measurement The development of self-efficacy can involve
and intervention (motivation enhancement) work restructuring learning so as to maximize opportunities
(e.g., Martin 2007, 2008). for success – for example, through individualizing
tasks, addressing and enhancing students’ (negative)
Theoretical Background beliefs about themselves, and developing skills in effec-
Research has sought to examine the effect of interven- tive goal-setting that are likely to lead to success and
tion programs on students’ academic motivation. which provide a basis for enhancement of one’s self-
Many of these interventions have been successful in efficacy. Central to students’ valuing (of school) is their
enhancing students’ self-concept, attributional pat- view that school is relevant and important. Students’
terns, goal orientations, and sense of control, as well perceptions of significant others’ valuing impact on the
as reducing students’ anxiety (see Martin 2008 for value they attach to school. This underscores the
a summary). However, the bulk of intervention studies importance of educators being positive role models
focus on relatively few dimensions of students’ moti- for valuing what they teach and parents being positive
vation. In response to calls for more integrative role models for valuing (school) and subjects within it
approaches to the study of motivation enhancement (Covington 1992; Martin 2007, 2009; McInerney
(see Pintrich 2003), more recent work has sought to 2000).
develop approaches underpinned by multidimensional Goal theory provides direction for enhancing
frameworks. Martin (2008), for example, applied students’ mastery orientation, planning, task manage-
a “Prepare-Generate-Reflect-Close” procedure that ment, and persistence. Mastery orientation centers on
was aimed at: (a) providing an advance organizer for students’ ability to focus on mastery and the task at
the target motivation factor and key activities aimed at hand; thus, encouraging students to focus less on com-
enhancing it, (b) enabling the student to generate and parisons with others or evaluative concerns and more
construct key learnings relevant to their motivation, (c) on the task at hand and the effort needed to master the
providing an opportunity for the student to reflect on task is one means of developing a greater mastery focus.
key messages developed through these learnings, and It is also suggested that a focus on developing students’
(d) then attaining closure on the target motivation self-regulatory skills is an important means of enhanc-
factor through having mentors sign off the activities ing their capacity to plan, manage their study, and
for that week. Using a pre- or post-treatment/control persist in the face of challenge. This can encompass
group design, it was found that the motivation inter- using time more effectively, prioritizing, and develop-
vention brought about significant gains in motivation. ing strategies for doing and checking schoolwork as it is
These findings attested to the potential for being completed (Covington 1992; Martin 2007, 2009;
multidimensional educational interventions for McInerney 2000).
enhancing students’ motivation. There are numerous ways to address uncertain con-
This recent work has provided guidance on the trol. First, when students see the connection between
overall structure of motivation enhancement interven- their effort (a controllable element of their schoolwork)
tion (i.e., “Prepare-Generate-Reflect-Close”). Impor- and academic outcomes, they are likely to gain a greater
tantly, many researchers have provided substantive sense of control over their ability to attain or repeat
guidance on strategies targeting specific facets of moti- success or avoid failure. Control is also developed by
vation. As described in Martin (2007), the Motivation providing feedback in effective and consistent ways.
and Engagement Wheel (and its 11 first-order motiva- For example, it is important for educators to provide
tion factors: self-efficacy, valuing, mastery orientation, feedback on students’ work that makes it clear how they
planning, task management, persistence, anxiety, can improve. Further, control is enhanced when
Motivation Enhancement M 2341

educators administer consequences that are directly homework compliance, perhaps a home-/parent-
contingent on what students do – often inconsistent focused intervention would be more effective. There is
response contingencies create uncertainty in students’ only limited time to allocate to educational enhance-
minds as to what they did to receive that consequence. ment efforts and this may mean motivation is not the
It is suggested that control is particularly pivotal for focus on some occasions. On other occasions there may
addressing students’ disengagement. Through chronic be a need for joint/integrated motivation and “other”
levels of low control, disengaged students have given up intervention such that, for example, motivation inter-
to the point of not even trying to avoid failure. These vention and mathematics tutoring are provided.
students believe there is little or nothing they do to Research is needed to provide further information as
affect academic outcomes in their life and are generally to when motivation should be a target for educational
disengaged from tasks and display a helpless pattern of enhancement efforts, when other factors (e.g., tutoring,
motivation. A key factor underpinning failure avoid- home-school links) should be the target, and when
ance, anxiety, and self-handicapping is a fear of failure. both should be the target.
Research suggests that ways to reduce students’ fear of It is also the case that motivation enhancement
failure include promoting the belief that mistakes pro- research tends to be short term. We do not know
vide diagnostic information about how to improve, can a great deal about the effects of motivation enhance-
be important ingredients for future success, and do not ment efforts over the medium to longer term. Are
imply that the student is lacking in worth. When fear of enhancement effects maintained 6 or 12 months later?
failure is addressed, there are fewer bases for anxiety, If not, what motivation factors are most susceptible to
avoidance, and self-handicapping (Covington 1992; dilution over time and what intervention is needed to
Martin 2007, 2009; McInerney 2000). maintain them? It might be the case that enhancement
efforts are more effective for some students than others
Important Scientific Research and (i.e., a moderation effect), in which case it is important
Open Questions to know who is best assisted (and why) and who is not
An important test of the effectiveness of motivation assisted (and why not).
enhancement is to assess the link between improved Finally, much of this discussion has implied that
motivation and subsequent learning. It has been motivation is state-like. It is probable, however, that
contended that changes in motivation are likely to there are also trait dimensions to motivation. For
lead to changes in learning (Martin 2007). However, example, motivation is also likely to be a function of
this needs to be tested in the context of an intervention one’s personality (e.g., conscientiousness), with some
that investigates changes in motivation and the subse- students perhaps more likely to be energized and
quent impact this has on academic outcomes. engaged and others anxious and avoidant. The rela-
It is possible that some motivation factors are more tive salience of state and trait dimensions of motiva-
desirable as intervention targets than others. For exam- tion is an important direction for research. There
ple, some motivation factors may be more closely asso- might also be yields in exploring the neurological
ciated with learning, achievement, and attainment and and genetic bases of motivation. Advances in brain-
thus might receive greater prominence in enhancement based research and sophisticated genetic methodolo-
efforts. Or, some motivation factors might be relatively gies open up new opportunities for understanding
easy or rapid to enhance and thus more deserving of motivation. The task then is to apply these findings
priority in pedagogy and counseling. Research is to better develop and target motivation enhancement
needed to guide practitioners in decisions on matters efforts.
such as these.
There may be occasions when motivation should Cross-References
not be the focus of intervention and assistance. If, for ▶ Academic Motivation
example, motivation is a target to assist learning in ▶ Achievement Motivation and Learning
mathematics, perhaps it is more advisable to provide ▶ Engagement in Learning
additional mathematics instruction (e.g., tutoring). Or, ▶ Incentives and Student Learning
if motivation is the target of intervention to improve ▶ Motivation, Volition, and Performance
2342 M Motivation Intervention

References theories, concepts, and design processes related learner

Covington, M. V. (1992). Making the grade: A self-worth perspective on motivation, self-regulatory behaviors, and learning as
motivation and school reform. Cambridge: Cambridge University reflected in performance. This MVP theory portrays
Press. the various integrated theories and concepts that are
Martin, A. J. (2007). Examining a multidimensional model of student
represented in a systems diagram (MVP model) that
motivation and engagement using a construct validation
approach. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 77, 413–440. illustrates how they are connected with regard to
Martin, A. J. (2008). Enhancing student motivation and engagement: inputs, processes, and outputs and also preserves the
The effects of a multidimensional intervention. Contemporary theoretical integrity of each component. This type of
Educational Psychology, 33, 239–269. theory can be characterized as a concatenated theory
Martin, A. J. (2009). The motivation and engagement scale – User
(Keller 1983) or a constructive theory as Einstein called
manual (9th ed.). Sydney: Lifelong Achievement Group. www.
it (Keller 1983) in contrast to a hierarchical theory.
McInerney, D. (2000). Helping kids achieve their best. Sydney: Allen A concatenated theory consists of an assembly of
and Unwin. explanatory components pertaining to a central phe-
Pintrich, P. R. (2003). A motivational science perspective on the role nomenon, in the present case learner motivation and
of student motivation in learning and teaching contexts. Journal performance. This is in contrast to a hierarchical theory
of Educational Psychology, 95, 667–686.
in which the component laws and principles are
derived from a set of basic principles, as in
a hypothetico-deductive theory.

Motivation Intervention Theoretical Background

The MVP theory grew out of an earlier theory called the
▶ Motivation Enhancement “macro model of motivation and learning” (Keller
1983) which postulated that the primary influences
on learners’ efforts to succeed are internal, or personal,
motivational characteristics combined with environ-
mental characteristics (Fig. 1). Effort, the first outcome
Motivation to Learn variable, has a direct influence on performance as do the
▶ ARCS Model of Motivation learner’s background knowledge, abilities, and skills
▶ Self-Efficacy for Self-Regulated Learning combined with environmental influences related to
instructional design and resources. The consequences
of a student’s performance, such as grades or praise,
result from the way in which reinforcement contingen-
cies are managed. And, finally, satisfaction with the
Motivation, Learning, and learning experience results from the combination of
Performance the actual consequences and the learner’s cognitive
evaluation of them. High satisfaction leads toward
JOHN M. KELLER continuing motivation as related to having a positive
Educational Psychology & Learning Systems, Florida value for the given goal activity.
State University, Tallahassee, FL, USA This macro model was useful in guiding inquiry on
motivation and learning and providing a basis for
identifying design issues. For example, audience anal-
Synonyms ysis can be used to identify sources of motivation and
Integrative theory; Motivation; Motivational design; learning problems and to then design solutions that
Volition incorporate the appropriate strategies (environmental
stimuli) with regard to motivation, instructional
Definition design, and contingency management. As a process
The motivation, volition, and performance (MVP) model, this macro model illustrates the relationships
model refers to a theory that integrates numerous among various structures but does not provide detailed
Motivation, Learning, and Performance M 2343

illustrations of the activities that occur within the a goal, the next step is to act on it and this is facilitated
major components. For that, one would have to look by having strong commitment, or intentions, to
into the theories and procedures within the given com- achieve the goal which leads to the outcome labeled
ponent. For example, with regard to the expectancy- effort initiation. The third phase is to sustain one’s
value part of the model, it is assumed that the goals efforts to achieve a goal. This is facilitated by actions
with the highest valence will automatically result in that protect one’s goal intentions from distractions and
action in the form of effort to accomplish the desired other obstacles. If a person’s motivation to achieve
goals. Although this is true, this example also illustrates a goal is high enough, the person is not likely to be
one of the shortcomings of the model that led to its deflected from efforts to achieve it. But in many
expansion. Descriptions of the macro model and the instances, especially when one’s motivation is primarily
associated ARCS model explain the challenges of sus- extrinsic and the strength of a given goal is low, it might
taining learners’ efforts to accomplish a given goal be beneficial to employ self-regulatory strategies, or
despite distractions and competing goals, but the action control strategies (Kuhl 1987) that assist with
model does not include specific concepts or procedures maintaining one’s effort persistence. All of these effort
pertaining to this problem. Therefore, the theory and outcomes are also influenced by motivational strategies
its associated model were expanded to explain the that are implemented in the learning environment
internal volitional, or self-regulatory, processes (Fig. 2, Section 1) and other external input aspects of
together with external supports that can assist learners the environment such as social support, competing
in moving from goal selection to goal-directed actions values, and so forth.
and persistence. The revised model includes volition as The remaining motivational components in the
a distinct component and also expands other areas to MVP model are related to satisfaction (Fig. 2,
include such things as intentions and information Section 4) and are essentially the same as in the original
processing theory. model (Fig. 1). However, this section is now called
The motivational section of the MVP model that outcomes processing and it includes both cognitive
pertains to goal setting and persistence (Fig. 2, reflection and emotional processing. Also, note that
Section 1) has been expanded to include three stages the influence of behavior management by means of
of effort. The first is effort direction which refers to goal reinforcement contingencies has been retained from
choice and which is explained primarily by expectancy- Keller’s original model, but there is a new block
value theory as in the earlier model. After selecting (Fig. 2, Section 4) in the external inputs section.

Personal Characteristics

Curiosity (Attention)
Motives (Relevance)
Abilities, knowledge, Cognitive evaluation,
Expectancy skills Equity

Effort Performance Consequences

Motivational design Learning design Contingency design

& management & management & management

Environmental Characteristics

Motivation, Learning, and Performance. Fig. 1 A macro model of motivation, learning, and performance (Based on
Keller 1983)

Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 Section 4

Implementation Influences: Reaction Influences:
Influences: Factors that Facilitating Influences: Factors that explain how
Factors that Learning Influences:
External Factors that influence the Factors that influence people manage emotions
influence Factors that affect
Inputs influence development interactions between and evalutions of
curiosity, cognitive processing,
Implementation or support of motivation, volition, consequences.
values, and learning, and
planning. self-regulatory and learning.
expectancies. performance.
actions. Outcomes Influences:
Contingency management
and intrinsic reinforcers.
Influence &
interact with:
Motivation & Volitional Processing Information & Psychomotor Processing

Goals, Pre-Action Actions Motivation & Information Long Term Memory

Desires Planning Sensory Satisfaction
Processing Interface Prior Knowledge
Motivation, Learning, and Performance

Acquired Skills
Psychological Mental Resource
Interest Action
Environment Emotions management Outcomes Processing
Curiosity control Practice
(Positive & Focus of Attention
Motives strategies
Negative) Engagement Monitoring
Values (Self-
Commitment Metacognitive Activity Working Memory Reflections &
regulatory Emotional Reactions
Expectan- Intentions (Cognitive Load)
actions) including
Cognitive evaluation
Mental Activities
Selection Organization and perceived equity
Resulting in: Integration Production

Effort Effort Effort Learning &

Outputs Consequences
direction initiation Persistence Performance

Motivation, Learning, and Performance. Fig. 2 The integrative model of motivation, volition, and performance (MVP) (Based on Keller 2008)
Motivation, Learning, and Performance M 2345

It incorporates strategies that can be implemented to dual processing theory due to the already complex
influence how people manage their emotional and structure of the model, but they are presumed to be
evaluative reactions to events. For example, providing within the sensory inputs and working memory com-
guidance on personal management strategies such as ponents. Although there are numerous control pro-
mindfulness and support groups have been shown to cesses within working memory, attention is called to
help people manage their emotional and cognitive the concept of cognitive load (Sweller 1994) in the
reactions to events as well as to help them move for- present model. This variable is presumed by many to
ward in a more productive state of mind. be a key factor in designing instruction, especially in
Another important characteristic of the MVP regard to designing instruction for the teaching of
model is its incorporation of information processing complex cognitive skills where the stimulus arrays
theory. However, a limitation of information can be complex and distracting and have a direct
processing theory in general is that it does not include influence on motivation. Also, the concept of practice
motivational or volitional considerations. Astleitner is included because, as shown by Ericsson (2006), the
and Wiesner (2004) proposed an integrated theory of type of practice that distinguishes superior performers,
information processing and motivation that includes called deliberate practice, is a behavior that combines
motivational processing as well as elements of mental psychomotor, cognitive, and motivational elements in
resource management (Fig. 2, Section 3). They draw the development and maintenance of expert
primarily on Kuhl (1987) who postulated that such performance.
things as wishes, intentions, values, and emotions are
also part of working memory in addition to the tradi- Important Scientific Research and
tionally recognized perceptual and cognitive processing Open Questions
components. Motivational components such as goal Traditional design and research approaches typically do
setting and action control are connected to the infor- not allow for the consideration of multiple, interacting
mation processing model by means of mental resource influences on motivation or offer adequate guidance
management activities such as attention, engagement, for distinguishing among the many symptoms versus
and monitoring which have been placed in a special causes of motivational difficulties among learners.
section of the MVP model (Fig. 2, Section 3) in order to There are many theories and models that explain
illustrate how they interface between motivation and aspects of motivation, volition, and learning but most
information processing. It should be noted of them tend to stand alone as relatively independent
that Astleitner and Wiesner’s (2004) use of the term areas of inquiry. For example, research on motivational
“attention” refers to actions that facilitate learning, variables such as need for achievement curiosity, or
such as providing cues to focus attention to salient attributions usually include learning as a dependent
parts of the mental tasks at hand. This is different variable, but they do not integrate multiple aspects of
from using “attention” in the motivational sense (Kel- motivation, environmental design, and learning
ler 2008) which refers to stimulating and sustaining theory.
arousal and curiosity. Astleitner and Wiesner’s model In contrast to this situation, a cardinal premise
also lists several mental management activities that are underlying the MVP theory is that it is beneficial if
related to the filtering of input information and the not actually necessary to integrate the primary theo-
control processes in working memory (Fig. 2, ries and concepts related to motivation and learning
Section 4). These processes are helpful in identifying in order to provide an adequate basis for learning
motivational challenges to learning. For example, fail- environment design and inquiry. Even though the
ure to exercise effective control over relevant input primary focus of this entry is on learner motivation,
information can lead to excessive cognitive load and including the initial motivation of learners and their
demotivation. continued motivation (volition), other components
Two other distinctive characteristics of the infor- of the overall learning environment must also be
mation and psychomotor processing component of taken into consideration in designing research and
the MVP model are the explicit references to cognitive practices that are ecologically valid; that is, studies
load and practice. It does not delineate the elements of that can be implemented in an action environment
2346 M Motivation, Learning, and Performance

and can account for a variety of influences on moti- volition to better understand how to immunize users
vation and learning. against these inevitable frustrating obstacles in com-
For example, studies of the concept of computer puter environments, and the influence of interface
rage began as an investigation of a particular phenom- design on ease of information processing and cognitive
enon and the causes, based on self-report and obser- load in order to preserve as much working memory as
vational measures, were presumed to be errors, time possible for the task at hand. It is, of course, possible
delays, and emotional reactions. The most commonly and even perhaps likely that researchers would eventu-
used theoretical explanations were based on the tra- ally identify some of these avenues of inquiry, but the
ditional frustration-aggression hypothesis. However, contention of this entry is that an integrative model can
this provides only a partial explanation because even facilitate and speed up the process, and even
though it has been confirmed consistently in many perhaps stimulate ideas that would not have otherwise
studies that aggression is caused by frustration, the occurred to people.
converse is not true; that is, frustration does not There are other examples of integrative research
always lead to aggression. This has led to research on (Keller 2008) that range from controlled variable stud-
ways of alleviating frustration in ways that avoid ies as in the preceding example to applied studies that
aggression. The primary methods include removal of are more in the nature of action research, or design-
the causes of frustration by improving the quality and based research. However, this is a recently formulated
reliability of computer interfaces and by providing theory and it can benefit from a variety of studies that
frustration alleviating feedback in the form of apolo- illustrate and validate the overall model.
gies and other kinds of messages (Klein et al. 2002). To
provide theoretical support for this approach, Cross-References
researchers are investigating theories of human emo- ▶ ARCS Model of Motivation
tion and emotional management as a basis for design- ▶ Motivation and Learning: Modern Theories
ing computer interfaces that are sensitive to emotional ▶ Motivation Enhancement
changes in the user and then providing an appropriate ▶ Motivation to Learn
response. ▶ Motivational Variables in Learning
Even though this area of inquiry is broadening, it ▶ Self-regulation and Motivation Strategies
could perhaps expand even more quickly into relevant
and potentially useful areas by examining an integrative References
theory such as that represented in the MVP model. For Astleitner, H., & Wiesner, C. (2004). An integrated model of multi-
example, if we try to give an overall characterization of media learning and motivation. Journal of Educational Multime-
this research with reference to the MVP model, we can dia and Hypermedia, 13(1), 3–21.
see that user efforts to perform well (refer to the outputs Ericsson, K. A. (2006). The influence of experience and deliberate
practice on the development of superior expert performance. In
row, Fig. 2) are frustrated by the environmental condi-
K. A. Ericsson, N. Charness, P. Feltovich, & R. R. Hoffman (Eds.),
tions (external inputs) that either facilitate or restrict Cambridge handbook of expertise and expert performance (pp. 39–
performance due to poor man–machine interfaces. 68). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
These deficiencies result in emotional frustration Keller, J. M. (1983). Motivational design of instruction. In C. M.
(outcomes processing) and a frequent tendency to Reigeluth (Ed.), Instructional design theories and models: An
overview of their current status. Hillsdale: Lawrence Erlbaum.
behave aggressively toward the equipment. The con-
Keller, J. M. (2008). An integrative theory of motivation, volition, and
cept of frustration-aggression also falls under outcomes performance. Technology, Instruction, Cognition, and Learning,
processing as an emotional reaction. However, not 6(2), 79–104.
everyone responds in the same way to frustration or Klein, J., Moon, Y., & Picard, R. W. (2002). This computer responds
to interventions such as apologies from the computer, to user frustration: Theory, design, and results. Interacting with
which some people regard as inappropriate “anthropo- Computers, 14, 119–140.
Kuhl, J. (1987). Action control: The maintenance of motivational
morphizing” of the machine. It might be fruitful to
states. In F. Halisch & J. Kuhl (Eds.), Motivation, intention and
incorporate investigations into goal setting (the stron- volition (pp. 279–291). Berlin: Springer.
ger one’s goal motivation, presumably the greater one’s Sweller, J. (1994). Cognitive load theory, learning difficulty, and
frustration in being thwarted from achieving the goal), instructional design. Learning and Instruction, 4, 295–312.
Motivational Variables in Learning M 2347

and other things that might impede learning. The

Motivational Design construct of volition is perhaps a better way to treat
▶ ARCS Model of Motivation the many individual motivational variables that have
▶ Motivation, Learning, and Performance been investigated and discussed in the research

Theoretical Background
Although motivation is not the same as volition
Motivational Variables in (Corno 2004), the two constructs are not mutually
Learning exclusive; rather, motivation, defined as “the process
whereby goal-directed activity is instigated and
CHANMIN KIM sustained,” originally encompassed volition (Pintrich
The Department of Educational Psychology & and Schunk 2002, p. 5). The early work of James (1890)
Instructional Technology, The University of Georgia, distinguished between two components of motivation
Athens, GA, USA – will and volition – but that distinction was not
maintained in the research literature on motivation.
Keller (2008), in his review of the literature on motiva-
Synonyms tion, reintroduces this distinction; “will” refers to
Commitment; Desire; Willingness a person’s intention to pursue a goal and “volition”
refers to actions taken to fulfill that intention. In this
Definition vein, Pintrich and Schunk’s (2002) definition of moti-
In order to define the phrase “motivational variables in vation appears to indicate both parts, that is, the pro-
learning,” learning should be defined first. Learning cess of a goal-directed activity being instigated seems to
refers to “change in abilities, attitudes, beliefs, capabil-
refer to will and the process of a goal-directed activity
ities, knowledge, mental models, patterns of interac- being sustained seems to refer to volition. A reciprocal
tion or skills” (Spector 2001, p. 313). Motivational relation is found between motivation and volition,
variables in learning can be defined as the attributes meaning that a person’s will, desire, and intention to
that make a learner desire to pursue such changes. Not pursue a goal influence the person’s actions to achieve
only the initiation of a desire, but also its continuation the goal, and vice versa. Pintrich and Schunk’s (2002)
is necessary for the desire to result in change; that is, to notion of motivation indexes corresponds to the recip-
be considered a motivational learning variable, rocal relation between motivation and volition,
a learner’s desire ought to be sustained until there is although they do not use the term of volition. That is,
a change in the learner indicating that learning has the indexes contain “choice of tasks, effort, and persis-
occurred. There are numerous variables that might be tence” (Pintrich and Schunk 2002, p.13), which repre-
associated with the initiation and continuation of sent the critical components of volition mainly
a learner’s willingness to learn, including interest, per- discussed in volition research (e.g., Corno 2004).
ceived relevance, activation of prior knowledge, goal Just as the motivation literature refers to the con-
orientations, self-efficacy, epistemological beliefs, emo- cept of volition, the volition literature includes the
tions, autonomy, satisfaction, and more. However, the concept of motivation. For example, Gollwitzer and
discussion of these variables is not the focus of this Brandstätter (1997) propose a model illustrating how
entry; instead, motivational variables are discussed in to transform desires to actions, called the Rubicon
terms of volition which is a characteristic of the learner model of implementation intention(Gollwitzer and
associated with the continuation of a desire and its Brandstätter 1997). The model consists of four phases,
transformation into sustained action (e.g., in the which are pre-decisional, pre-actional, actional, and
form of sustained commitment to a program of post-actional phases, with the first phase indicating
study). Volition is clearly associated with a learner’s motivation with the steps of wishing, deliberating,
willingness to continue to learn, but it is also associated and choosing. Kuhl’s (1987) action control theory
with a learner’s ability to control negative emotions also includes motivation. The theory specifies a set of
2348 M Motor Learning

control strategies that can help a person overcome ▶ Self-regulation and Motivation Strategies
distractions interfering with the person’s intentions ▶ Understanding Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation
and actions, and motivation control is one of the
strategies. References
Corno, L. (2004). Introduction to the special issue work habits and
Important Scientific Research and work styles: Volition in education. Teachers College Record,
106(9), 1669–1694.
Open Questions
Gollwitzer, P. M., & Brandstätter, V. (1997). Implementation inten-
Volition as a critical motivational variable works for
tions and effective goal pursuit. Journal of Personality and Social
willingness and ability to remain focused and on task Psychology, 73, 186–199.
until learning occurs. However, most empirical stud- James, W. (1890). The principles of psychology (Vol. 2). New York:
ies have separated the construct of volition from the Henry Holt.
construct of motivation and vice versa. Although Keller, J. M. (2008). An integrative theory of motivation, volition, and
performance. Technology, Instruction, Cognition and Learning, 6,
understanding motivation and volition together is
beneficial for the design and development of effec- Kim, C., & Keller, J. M. (2008). Effects of motivational and volitional
tive learning and teaching environments, most email messages (MVEM) with personal messages on undergrad-
empirical studies have separated the two. There are uate students’ motivation, study habits and achievement. British
only a few studies with an integrative perspective of Journal of Educational Technology, 39(1), 36–51.
Kuhl, J. (1987). Action control: the maintenance of motivational
motivation and volition (e.g., Kim and Keller 2008).
states. In F. Halisch & J. Kuhl (Eds.), Motivation, intention and
In other words, there is a tendency to study on (a)
volition (pp. 279–291). Berlin: Springer.
how people form their will, desire, and intention to Pintrich, P. R., & Schunk, D. H. (2002). Motivation in education:
pursue their goals without further inquiries regarding Theory, research, and applications (2nd ed.). Upper Saddle
their persistent actions in pursuit of the goals (i.e., River: Merrill Prentice Hall.
research on motivation excluding volition), and (b) Spector, J. M. (2001). A philosophy of instructional design for the
21st century? Journal of Structural Learning and Intelligent Sys-
how people take actions on their goals without
tems, 14(4), 307–318.
attempts to understand the underlying reasons for
the formation of their goals (i.e., research on volition
excluding motivation). In addition to the need for an
integrative approach, the need for timely measure-
ment of volition as a motivational variable is neces-
sary for detection and feedback that optimize Motor Learning
motivational variables to learn in actual learning
situations. GABRIELE WULF
Department of Kinesiology and Nutrition Sciences,
Cross-References University of Nevada, Las Vegas, NV, USA
▶ Achievement Motivation
▶ Affective and Emotional Dispositions of/for
Learning Synonyms
▶ Affective Dimensions of Learning Motor skill learning; Motor skill acquisition
▶ ARCS-Model of Motivation
▶ Attribution Theory of Motivation Definition
▶ Emotion Regulation Motor learning reflects a relatively permanent change
▶ Expectation and Attention in Learning in a person’s capability to perform a motor skill
▶ Mood and Learning (Schmidt and Lee 2005). Learning occurs as
▶ Motivation a function of practice, and individuals typically go
▶ Motivation and Learning: Modern Theories through various stages of learning. Fitts and Posner
▶ Motivation Enhancement (1967) proposed three learning phases: the cognitive,
▶ Self-efficacy for Self-regulated Learning associative, and autonomous phase. The cognitive
▶ Self-regulated Learning phase is characterized by the learner trying to figure
Motor Learning M 2349

out what exactly needs to be done. Considerable cog- temporary effects of different practice conditions
nitive activity is typically required in this stage, in (e.g., caused by different degrees of fatigue or motiva-
which movements are controlled in a relatively con- tion) a chance to dissipate – leaving only the relatively
scious manner. During this phase, learners often exper- permanent, or learning, effects. Thus, retention or
iment with different strategies to find out which ones transfer tests are used to determine which practice
work or do not work in bringing them closer to the condition was most conducive to learning. Aside from
movement goal. Also, learners tend to pay attention to the temporal delay relative to the practice phase, an
the step-by-step execution of the skill, which requires important aspect of these tests is that all groups per-
considerable attentional capacity. The result of using form under the same conditions. Only then can the
conscious control strategies is that the movement is performance of different groups be compared directly,
relatively slow, abrupt, inefficient, and performance is and researchers can draw conclusions about the effec-
rather inconsistent. tiveness of different practice conditions for motor
Once a learner has acquired the basic movement learning.
pattern, the associative phase of learning begins. It is
characterized by more subtle movement adjustments. Important Scientific Research and
The movement outcome is more reliable, and the move- Open Questions
ments are more consistent from trial to trial. Inefficient In the past few decades, research in motor learning has
co-contractions are gradually reduced, and the move- come a long way in describing and explaining how
ment becomes more economical. In addition, at least performance and learning of motor skills is affected
parts of the movement are controlled more automati- by different factors. These include, for example, the
cally, and more attention can be directed to other aspects distribution of practice (massed vs distributed), types
of performance. of practice (e.g., physical, observational, mental), guid-
After extensive practice, a performer will usually ance (e.g., verbal, physical guidance) versus discovery
reach the autonomous phase, which is characterized learning procedures, implicit learning, the feedback
by fluent and seemingly effortless motions. Movements provided to the learner (e.g., timing, type, frequency),
are not only accurate, with few or no errors, but also the organization of practice (e.g., practice variability,
very consistent. In addition, movement production is contextual interference), self-controlled practice (self-/
very efficient and requires relatively little muscular learner-controlled vs yoked), and attentional focus
energy. The skill is performed largely automatically at instructions (internal vs external focus) (see Schmidt
this stage, and movement execution requires little or no and Lee 2005).
attention. For example, observational practice has been dem-
onstrated to be an effective method in the learning of
Theoretical Background motor skills. It can make unique and important contri-
Motor learning research is generally concerned with butions to learning especially when observation is com-
identifying variables that affect the learning of motor bined with physical practice. Neuroimaging experiments
skills. Typical experiments involve two or more groups have shown that a set of common neural structures are
of participants practicing a motor task under different activated during both action production and action
conditions (e.g., feedback frequencies, movement dem- observation. Specifically, mirror neurons in the
onstrations, attentional focus instructions) during premotor and posterior parietal cortex have been
a practice phase. Yet, because learning reflects shown to be activated not only during the execution of
a relatively permanent change in a person’s capability actions but also when observing somebody performing
(Schmidt and Lee 2005), researchers use ▶ retention those actions. These seem to be the basis for the effec-
tests (or ▶ transfer tests) that are performed after an tiveness of observational practice.
interval of at least one day, but sometimes several days Another important variable in the learning process
or even weeks, to assess what was actually learned is feedback. Feedback examined in the context of motor
under different practice conditions. The purpose of learning research usually involves information about
the retention interval (i.e., interval between the practice the outcome (knowledge of results) or the quality of the
phase and retention/transfer test) is to give any movement (knowledge of performance). Much
2350 M Motor Schema

research in the motor learning domain has been learning process so that a higher skill level is achieved
concerned with the informational function of feed- sooner.
back, that is, its role of providing information about
an individual’s performance in relation to the task goal. Cross-References
In this context, studies have addressed issues such as ▶ Automatic Information Processing
the effect of feedback frequency, timing, accuracy, or ▶ Learning-Related Changes of b-Activity in Motor
error estimation. This research has provided important Areas
insights into the role of augmented feedback for learn- ▶ Motor Schema(s)
ing. Recent findings indicate that the motivational ▶ Retention and Transfer
properties of feedback can have an important influence ▶ Self-Regulated Learning
on learning as well. For example, studies have shown ▶ Sensorimotor Adaptation
that providing learners with feedback after successful
performance, rather than less successful attempts, References
results in more effective learning, presumably because Fitts, P. M., & Posner, M. I. (1967). Human performance. Belmont:
of its positive motivational effects. Brooks/Cole.
Schmidt, R. A., & Lee, T. D. (2005). Motor control and learning:
Another important line of research is related to self-
A behavioral emphasis (4th ed.). Champaign: Human Kinetics.
controlled learning. There is converging evidence that
the effectiveness of skill learning can be enhanced if
learners are given some control over the practice con-
ditions. For instance, having learners decide after
which trial they want, or do not want, to receive feed-
back has been demonstrated to lead to more effective Motor Schema
learning than predetermined feedback schedules.
Other studies have found advantages of self-control GABRIELE WULF
over the use of physical assistive devices (for the learn- Department of Kinesiology and Nutrition Sciences,
ing of balance tasks) or video demonstrations of University of Nevada, Las Vegas, NV, USA
a skilled performer, compared to yoked control condi-
tions. Self-controlled practice might be more in line
with the learner’s specific needs and desires. In addi- Synonyms
tion, it presumably satisfies learners’ fundamental psy- Recall schema; Recognition schema
chological need for autonomy.
Finally, ample experimental evidence has demon- Definition
strated that directing a learner’s attention, through Motor schemas (schemata) are memory representa-
instructions or feedback, to his or her movements (i.e., tions of movement parameters (recall schema) or the
inducing an internal focus) is relatively ineffective. In sensory consequences of movements (recognition
contrast, directing attention to the intended movement schema). According to schema theory (Schmidt
effect on the environment, such as the movement of an 1975), the production of a movement pattern involves
implement, object, or support surface (i.e., inducing an a ▶ generalized motor program, or GMP (i.e., a set of
external focus), results in more effective performance motor commands that is specified before movement
and learning. An external focus is associated with initiation), that is retrieved from memory and then
greater movement ease, automaticity, or fluidity. Con- adapted to a particular situation. In order to be flexible,
versely, focusing on personal movements results in the motor system must learn the relations between the
a more cognitively conscious type of control, thereby initial conditions (e.g., distance between the football in
constraining the motor system and disrupting auto- one’s hands and the receiver), the generated motor
matic control processes. A focus on the intended move- commands (e.g., timing and forces to be generated
ment effect facilitates the utilization of unconscious or during the throw), the sensory consequences of these
automatic processes. Thus, an external focus speeds the motor commands (e.g., proprioception of arm
Motor Schema M 2351

movement), and the outcome of the movement (e.g., presumes their existence – it made important predic-
actual distance of the throw). In schema theory, these tions regarding the learning of motor schemata.
relationships are represented in motor schemas. The A fundamental prediction of schema theory is that
recall schema represents the relationship among the variable practice within a class of movements (i.e.,
initial conditions, movement parameters (e.g., absolute practice in parameter selection) enhances a learner’s
time, absolute force), and movement outcome. It is capability to assign parameters in future situations.
used for movement production, specifically, to com- That is, compared to constant practice experience, or
pute and select the appropriate parameters necessary to limited variability in practice, variable practice facili-
achieve the movement goal. The recognition schema is tates the development of a schema rule. Thus, by
the relationship among the initial conditions, sensory enhancing the schema rule, variable practice should
consequences, and movement outcome. It is used for also facilitate the selection of novel parameters. Fur-
movement evaluation, that is, it enables the performer thermore, if any of the four types of information is
to evaluate the outcome, even in the absence of extero- unavailable following a movement, no schema
ceptive feedback. updating (learning) can occur. For example, if
a learner does not know whether the produced action
Theoretical Background was correct (no information about the movement out-
In 1975, Richard A. Schmidt published an influential come), the schema cannot be updated. Finally, incor-
motor learning theory in a paper, entitled “A schema rect movements may also provide learning
theory of discrete motor skill learning.” In contrast to opportunities and allow for development of more pre-
Adams’ (1971) closed-loop theory, it provided an cise error detection and correction mechanisms. An
explanation for the control and learning of both rapid incorrect movement produces the same types of infor-
and slow movements, and was a more parsimonious mation as correct movements, and can thus be used to
account of how the numerous movement variations update the schema.
that humans are capable of performing are produced
and stored in memory. The memory representations Important Scientific Research and
underlying this capability are the generalized motor Open Questions
program (GMP) and motor schemas (i.e., recall and Schema theory has played an important role in the field
recognition schema). The GMP is an abstract move- of motor behavior. It continues to play a historical role,
ment representation that governs a class movement although many researchers do not consider the theory
(e.g., one’s signature, golf swing, overhand throw). a viable theoretical perspective anymore. One reason
Movement variations within a class share invariant for this is that some of the assumptions of the theory
features such as the sequencing of sub-movements, have not been fully supported in subsequent research.
relative timing, and relative forces. These are inherent Nevertheless, the original theory proposed a number of
in the GMP. However, movements governed by a GMP constructs that have received empirical validation (for
can be “scaled” across various superficial dimensions reviews, see Schmidt 2003; Shea and Wulf 2005).
by the assignment of movement parameters, such as Numerous experiments have demonstrated the
absolute time, absolute force, and the specific muscles independence of the GMP and movement parameters.
used, via the recall schema. Thus, when movements For example, certain practice conditions (e.g., feedback
governed by a GMP are scaled in this way, the sequenc- frequency, blocked versus random practice) have been
ing, relative timing, and relative force are assumed to shown to impact the relative (GMP) and absolute char-
remain essentially invariant, as if the movement could acteristics of the movement (parameters) differently –
be systematically “compressed” or “expanded” in both thus supporting the theoretical dissociation of GMP
amplitude and time. Importantly, the GMP and motor and parameterization processes.
schemata were proposed as independent memory rep- Variable practice was thought to provide learners
resentations that could presumably be learned inde- with a wider range of specified parameters and asso-
pendently of each other. That is, while schema theory ciated movement outcomes that were abstracted to
did not address how GMPs were learned – but rather form the rule for specifying future parameter
2352 M Motor Schemas in Robot Learning

requirements (i.e., recall schema). This notion led to

the variability of practice hypothesis – the main pre- Motor Schemas in Robot
diction of schema theory, which resulted in a flurry of Learning
experiments testing this idea. Indeed, there is consid-
erable evidence in support of the prediction that LYNNE E. PARKER
schema learning is enhanced by variable as opposed Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer
to constant practice. Science, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN, USA
However, it appears that the scheduling of param-
eter variability (random or blocked practice) also plays
a role in schema learning, and not just the presence or Synonyms
absence of variability. This is not in line with a strict Basis behaviors for robot learning; Macro actions in
interpretation of schema theory, according to which robot learning; Movement primitives in robot learning
these practice regimens should result in similar schema
learning. Furthermore, recent evidence suggests that Definition
massive amounts of practice of a particular movement Motor schemas used for robot learning are sequences of
variation in a movement class (e.g., free-throws in action that accomplish a goal-directed behavior, or
basketball shooting) can lead to the development of a task. Motor schemas in robot learning are also
an especial skill, that is, one that represents a highly known as movement primitives, basis behaviors, units
specific variation within that class and is distinguished of action, and macro actions. Rather than representing
by superior performance relative to other variations the simplest elementary actions available to the robot,
within that class. such as a simple command to a robot actuator, schemas
Overall, there has been fairly strong support for and motion primitives represent a higher-level abstrac-
some of the basic assumptions and predictions tion of robot actions, such as “avoid obstacles,” “wan-
of schema theory. However, some of the ideas pro- der,” “walk,” “grasp a cup,” and “move to goal.” These
posed in schema theory need to be revised to accom- schemas and motion primitives define control policies
modate more recent findings. As Schmidt (2003) put that are encoded with only a few parameters, and serve
it, “. . .it is time the motor learning field developed as the basis set, or movement vocabulary, of the robot.
a new theory for motor learning. If I were to do this, it Such primitives are sufficient for generating the robot’s
would probably include many of the features of entire repertoire of motions via the combination of
schema theory that have weathered the past schemas or primitives. The schema can serve as
25 years. Also I would exclude or at least change a basis for robot learning, since it provides an abstrac-
many of the other features to include new data and tion that can be represented with fewer parameters,
thinking” (p. 373). thus reducing the complexity of robot learning. This
reduction in learning complexity allows robot learning
Cross-References to scale to more complex robots or tasks, thus making
▶ Motor Learning practical applications tractable.
▶ Schema(s)
▶ Variability of Practice Theoretical Background
The use of motor schemas in robotics first became
References popular in the 1980s, especially with the work of
Adams, J. A. (1971). A closed-loop theory of motor learning. Journal Lyons and Arbib (1989), and of Arkin (1987). Their
of Motor Behavior, 3, 111–150. development of the motor schema concepts was
Schmidt, R. A. (1975). A schema theory of discrete motor skill inspired by similar concepts in psychology and the
learning. Psychological Review, 82, 225–260. neurobiological sciences. These early researchers recog-
Schmidt, R. A. (2003). Motor schema theory after 27 years: Reflec-
nized that ideas for how motor behavior control is
tions and implications for a new theory. Research Quarterly for
Exercise and Sport, 74, 366–375.
achieved in animals (e.g., frogs, as studied by Arbib)
Shea, C. H., & Wulf, G. (2005). Schema theory: A critical appraisal or in humans can provide a model for how similar
and reevaluation. Journal of Motor Behavior, 37, 85–101. behaviors can be created in robots. As defined in this
Motor Schemas in Robot Learning M 2353

early work, a robot schema consists of a list of input appropriate to achieve the task at hand. Learning
and output ports, a local variable list, and a behavior techniques allow the robot to learn the appropriate
that defines how the input is processed to generate the sequences of schemas/behaviors that will accomplish
output. Robot schemas can be of two broad types – the task, or the appropriate parameters with which to
perceptual schemas and motor schemas. Perceptual instantiate the schemas/behaviors, without requiring
schemas, which can be embedded inside motor the designer to fully specify how the task should be
schemas, process input from environmental sensors accomplished. The overall rate of learning for a task has
on the robot to provide information to motor schemas. been shown to be increased by breaking down the task
The motor schemas then generate output control vec- into subtasks, then learning at the subtask level, rather
tors that represent the way the robot should move to than monolithically at the higher-task level. Thus, the
achieve a goal, in response to the perceived stimuli. schema-based approach to robot learning provides
Schemas are independent, and can run concurrently a helpful abstraction for making the learning task
with other schemas. A network of schemas can be built achievable.
by manually connecting the outputs of one schema to
the inputs of another. The output from multiple motor Important Scientific Research and
schemas can be combined using techniques from Open Questions
potential fields, such as vector addition. Motor A primary challenge in the use of motor schemas/
schemas can be grouped to form more complex behav- primitives in robot learning is determining how to
iors, which are sometimes called behavior assemblages. select, parameterize, sequence, or combine the
At the higher level, a nested network is established to predefined schemas or primitives to achieve a given
represent collaboration among multiple robots. task. One approach to this challenge is to have
In more recent years, roboticists have made less use a human teacher or trainer to illustrate the desired
of the schema terminology, preferring instead to task; the robot then seeks to emulate this demonstrated
describe robot design in terms of movement primitives, task. Much current research investigates this idea of
basis behaviors, units of action, or macro actions. These robot learning via imitation of human actions, by
latter terms still capture many of the same ideas as the building up from existing motion primitives (e.g.,
robot schema concept, although the implementation Breazeal and Scassellati 2002). In this approach, the
and realization of the movement primitives may be robot must observe the human and determine which
somewhat different from the original schema concept. of the human’s actions are relevant for the current task.
While human designers of robot systems can try to This challenge includes the 3D perception problem of
manually define the specific motor schemas and their perceiving human movement through vision, as well as
interconnections that will be used in a robot system to the attention problem, in which the robot selectively
solve a given task, this manual design process proves to focuses on the aspects of the motion that are particu-
be quite difficult for most practical applications. The larly relevant to the task to be learned. Once the action
difficulties arise in (1) the inability to anticipate the has been perceived, the robot must transform the per-
interactions of multiple schemas (or movement prim- ception into its own motor actions that achieve the
itives), (2) the inability to discover the proper schema same result.
(primitive) combinations that achieve the required However, it is not trivial for a robot to determine
task, and (3) the unexpected interactions of the robot which motor schemas, or motion primitives, corre-
with the environment in which it operates. Because of spond to the demonstrated task. One approach
these difficulties, learning approaches are preferred that (Schaal et al. 2003) is to execute each motor primitive,
enable the robot to learn and adapt its behavior from observe its outcome, and evaluate the result using
the fundamental behavior building blocks (i.e., a performance criterion that compares the similarity
schemas and/or movement primitives) provided by between the teacher’s behavior and the robot’s gener-
the human designer. Schemas and/or movement prim- ated behavior. Another approach makes use of predic-
itives are especially helpful in this context, as they tive forward models, in which each movement
provide the robot with fundamental building blocks primitive tries to predict the next observed motion,
that can be combined and parameterized as based on the current state of the teacher. The motion
2354 M Motor Schemas in Robot Learning

primitive with the best prediction capabilities would be tracking the movements of humans, using Principal
selected as the best match. Components Analysis to extract the most relevant fea-
Another way of mapping the behavior of the trainer tures from the motion data, and then using these fea-
onto the robot’s existing repertoire of basic/primitive tures to reconstruct the original movement on the
capabilities has been proposed by Nicolescu et al. robot.
(2008). This work defines a behavior-based approach An alternative approach for robot learning of more
to learning from demonstration that uses behavior complex tasks from primitive schemas is to enable the
fusion to provide bottom-up generalization to new robot itself to explore its capabilities, rather than fol-
situations. This approach learns a coordination policy lowing the guidance of a human trainer. This type of
that linearly fuses the combined output of preexisting approach is often called constructivist robot learning,
robot behaviors, which are expressed as schemas or which is a method for learning new knowledge and
potential fields, in a manner that matches the teacher’s skills based upon past experience. This type of learning
demonstration. The learning of this coordination is is recognized to be a common method used by humans
expressed as a fusion estimation problem, that is, from infancy to adulthood for lifelong learning.
state estimation in the space of linear combinations of Because much of human learning seems to be based
primitive behaviors. For domains such as mobile on schema building blocks, a similar approach is used
robotics, fusion estimation is often subject to ambigu- in robotic applications. For example, Gary Drescher, as
ous changes in world state that are attributable to well as Harold Chaput, both developed schema-based
a large space of solutions. To account for this ambiguity constructivist learning models to computationally
and dynamic changes to the user’s fusion policy, emulate an infant exploring the environment using
a particle filter is used to infer fusion estimates from very basic perceptual schemas and motor schemas.
robot sensory observations and motor commands. This Their work concentrated on the biological verification
learning technique allows for learning of superposition of the constructivist point of view using very basic level
behavior fusion from existing innate robot primitives, schemas that reflect the inherent abilities of an infant.
and learning of sequential activities from multiple A related approach to schema learning that does
superposition fusion primitives. not involve a human teacher is the work of Tang and
Another approach for addressing this challenge is Parker (2008), who developed the SB-CoRLA (for
the work by Maja Mataric, which is based on the dis- Schema-Based, Constructivist Robot Learning Archi-
covery of “mirror neurons” in monkeys, which fire tecture) architecture, in which robots are able to build
when the monkey both observes a goal-oriented action, up combinations of schemas, called “chunks,” which
and when it performs the same action. The entire can then be used to improve the robot’s efficiency in
approach to robot imitation learning combines several performing future tasks. The approach involves both
cognitive approaches, including movement perception an offline learning phase and an online learning phase.
through a specialized selective attention system, direct In the offline learning phase, which occurs when the
sensory-motor mapping between the perceived and robot is not busy performing tasks, the robot uses an
executable movement, movement generation through evolutionary search technique to analyze its schema
a system of composable motor primitives, and learning repository for highly fit partial solutions to tasks of
of new movements and skills by building on existing interest to the robot. These solutions are then saved as
repertoire of motor primitives through classification chunks for future use in the online phase. In the online
and combination. In this work, three types of motor learning phase, the robot uses both the individual
primitives are defined: discrete straight-line move- schemas and the schema chunks to quickly find good
ments, oscillatory movements, and postural move- solutions for addressing the task at hand.
ments that define large subsets or whole-body A unifying theme of all these approaches is the
arrangements of joints. Learning techniques such as recognition that the use of fundamental building
reinforcement learning can be used to parameterize blocks, in the form of schemas, motion primitives,
these primitives appropriately. In related work, certain basis behaviors, etc., is a powerful way to make the
types of motor primitives can also be learned by robot learning problem tractable. By properly defining
Müller-Lyer Illusion M 2355

motor schemas for a given application, developed tech-

niques can be used to select, parameterize, sequence, or Motor Simulation
combine the predefined schemas or primitives to This theoretical term is widely used in the field of
enable the robot to achieve a given task. Many open mental rotation and motor imagery. It refers to the
issues remain, however. Certainly, more research is ability of the observer to anticipate how he would act
needed to deal with the perceptual understanding of to manipulate a given object. The participant may
the effects of motions, whether motions generated by simulate moving objects with his (her) hands to solve
human teachers or by the robot itself. Further, it is still mental rotation problems.
currently difficult for robots to understand the high-
level goals or objectives of demonstrated movement, Cross-References
and to determine how to best map these to the ▶ Mental Rotation and Functional Learning
predefined repertoire of motion primitives. Additional
open challenges include determining the appropriate
set of schemas for a given application, and determining
how to enable a robot to learn new schemas, in order to
build up the available repertoire of motor schemas. Motor Skill Acquisition
Cross-References ▶ Motor Learning
▶ Action Schemas
▶ Developmental Robotics
▶ Learning Action Affordances and Action Schemas
▶ Motor Schemas
▶ Robot Learning Motor Skill Learning
▶ Schema-Based Architectures of Machine Learning
▶ Motor Learning
▶ Schema-Based Learning
▶ Schemas
▶ Sensori-Motor Schemas

References Motor Skills

Arkin, R. C. (1987). Motor schema based navigation for a mobile
robot: An approach to programming by behavior. In Proceedings ▶ Abilities and Learning: Physical Abilities
of the IEEE international conference on robotics and automation,
Breazeal, C., Scassellati, B. (2002). Robots that imitate humans.
Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 6(11), 481–487.
Lyons, D. M., Arbib, M. A. (1989). A formal model of computation
for sensory-based robotics. IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Movement Primitives in Robot
Automation, 5(3), 280–293. Learning
Nicolescu, M., Jenkins, O. C., Olenderski, A., Fritzinger, E. (2008).
Learning behavior fusion from observation. Interactive Studies ▶ Motor Schemas in Robot Learning
Journal, 9(2), 319–352 special issue on Robot and Human Inter-
active Communication.
Schaal, S., Ijspeert, A., Billard, A. (2003). Computational approaches
to motor learning by imitation. Philosophical Transactions of
the Royal Society of London: Biological Sciences, 358(1431),
Müller-Lyer Illusion
Tang, Y., Parker, L. E. (2008). Towards schema-based, constructivist
robot learning: Validating an evolutionary search algorithm for
The label for the illusion in which two lines of equal
schema chunking. In Proceedings of the IEEE international con- length are seen to be unequal because of the arrows on
ference on robotics and automation, Pasadena. either end: <─> versus >─<.
2356 M Multiagent Learning

Because this rule has such appeal from a design stand-

Multiagent Learning point, it is interesting to ask what happens when several
▶ Multiagent Q-Learning Dynamics agents using it are put in a noncooperative situation. Its
unique properties lead to previously unseen behaviors
such as discovering cooperative outcomes even when
there is an incentive not to cooperate and no way of
remembering what the other player just did.
Multiagent Learning System A central concept for understanding behavior
game theoretically is the Nash equilibrium, defined as
▶ Learning Agent and Agent-Based Modeling the combination of strategies where the payoff cannot
be improved if any participant unilaterally deviates
from its strategy. The simplest class of games has two
players and two actions (2  2) and is played once.
Each of these games has one of three possible types of
Multiagent Q-Learning equilibria. The first is where there exists a dominant
Dynamics action for one or both of the players, such that playing
that action always results in a higher payoff than the
MICHAEL WUNDER, MICHAEL LITTMAN other action in a single round. In this case, there is only
Computer Science Department, Rutgers University, one pure Nash equilibrium, like in the famous Pris-
Piscataway, NJ, USA oner’s Dilemma game. The second type of equilibrium
is where there are two pure Nash equilibria and one
mixed Nash equilibrium. In coordination games like
Synonyms the Battle of the Sexes, there are two equilibria and one
Chaotic dynamics; Hybrid dynamical systems; may happen to be more beneficial to one or both
Multiagent learning agents. Finally, some games have only one mixed
Nash equilibrium in which the two players must choose
Definition actions stochastically to form an equilibrium. Zero-
Multiagent Q-learning, a subfield of multiagent learn- sum games like Matching Pennies fall into
ing, is the study of the simple and effective Q-learning this category.
algorithm in strategic situations with more than one If a game is repeated, there are many possible equi-
agent that may be learning. In environments with only libria and many strategies may exist. Most learning
one agent, Q-learning finds an accurate estimate of the rules without a notion of state focus on guaranteeing
action values using a straightforward computational a minimum security value, which is consistent
rule. When there are two or more agents in a game, with a Nash strategy. However, other rules can find
the interacting players behave according to some substantially higher long-run rewards when played
dynamical system that depends on the properties of against like-minded players. This result is somewhat
the rule employed. Therefore, we must examine the unintuitive if we consider that these rules only give
system described by the learning players and the game strategies with no exact memory of previous actions.
payoffs as a whole. Two standard types of reinforcement-learning
approaches are ▶ policy search and value-based
Theoretical Background approaches. The first typically uses gradient methods
Learning in an environment with multiple agents to move an agent’s policy toward a better outcome
(a game) who might also be learning simultaneously directly but gradually. That is, if one action currently
is difficult because the effective reward for a given yields a higher reward than another, then a policy search
action may be constantly changing. This entry discusses will play the better action more frequently, and the worse
the result of applying an update rule called ▶ e-greedy one less. This tenet is the basis for such algorithms as
Q-learning, a simple and yet powerful tool for finding Infinitesimal Gradient Ascent (IGA (Singh et al. 2000))
optimal actions in unknown, static environments. and a variation called Win-or-Learn-Fast IGA
Multiagent Q-Learning Dynamics M 2357

(WoLF-IGA (Bowling and Veloso 2001)). The former e-greedy Q-learning. In the game, one player plays the
algorithm achieves a strategy that either converges to or role of a Parent who can spoil or punish, and the
“orbits” the Nash strategy and the latter converges to it other a Child who can behave or misbehave. It is
consistently, at least in the simplest 2  2 case. better for the Child to be spoiled, but the Parent
Value-based algorithms keep track of the long-run only wants to spoil if the Child behaves. The
values of the actions, and use that information to make Child would prefer to misbehave when spoiled,
decisions. Q-learning is a typical example, and it uses so when his Q-values change to reflect this fact, the
the following simple learning rule to adapt action Parent then will eventually learn to punish. Only then
values, sometimes called Q-values, as exponentially will the Child return to behaving, which causes the
weighted moving averages over the obtained rewards. Parent to spoil again. From a pure best-response
Assuming that the agent perceives only one state, upon perspective, it seems like this system of agents would
getting the reward feedback for an action a, the value just jump around from one combination of actions to
update rule is captured by the equation the next. The e-greedy Q-learning rule tempers this
decision making, so that the players spend most of
QðaÞ ¼ ð1  aÞ Q ðaÞ þ aðRðaÞÞ;
their time in the spoil/behave outcome, which is
where a is the learning rate and R(a) is the reward mutually beneficial compared to the Nash outcome.
received. One variation of Q-learning uses an e-greedy Consider what happens when two agents play the
decision rule, meaning that it explores randomly with Prisoner’s Dilemma game (Table 2), which has the
probability e and otherwise takes the action with the property that each agent has a dominant action
highest Q-value: argmaxa Q(a). Note that in this simple (defect) but there is also a mutually beneficial out-
rule there are two parameters that must be set: the come (both cooperate) that is significantly higher
learning rate a and the exploration rate E. As a ! 0, than both defecting. One example of these payoffs
the decision becomes less noisy and more like would be that Alice pays 1 every time she cooper-
a continuous-time dynamical system because values ates, but gets 4 if Bob cooperates, and vice versa.
are changed smoothly. Even with smoothed learning, If the players start out cooperating, e-greedy
the greedy factor means an agent’s decision can switch Q-learning dictates that their Q-values for cooper-
suddenly from one action to the other when the values ation rise until they reach value of this action. Even-
switch ordering, in contrast to the gradual change of tually, as the players take exploratory actions, the values
policy-search methods. for defection reach this level. Say that Alice starts
Two interacting Q-learning agents form a dynamical defecting first. She derives some initial benefit for
system with special properties, called a hybrid dyna- this action, but eventually Bob will begin defecting
mical system. In fact, this learning rule creates several along with cooperating, as his values for both start to
dynamical systems that are defined by which actions are
greedy. In the 2  2 case, there are at least four distinct
systems with separate dynamics. The discontinuous Multiagent Q-Learning Dynamics. Table 1 The Spoiled
nature of the action decision causes the e-greedy rule Child game
to behave in different ways in the three classes of games Behave Misbehave
described earlier. In general, the learning rule can con-
Spoil 1,2 0,5
verge to the Nash equilibrium. However, if there is
a non-Nash, cooperative payoff (called ▶ Pareto opti- Punish 0,1 2,0
mal) that is higher than the single-play pure Nash
equilibrium, then the system enters into an oscillation
that yields higher payoffs than a Nash strategy would. Multiagent Q-Learning Dynamics. Table 2 Prisoner’s
Therefore, there are six possible classes of games when dilemma
agents apply this rule (Wunder et al. 2010). Cooperate Defect
One example of this oscillatory behavior arises in Cooperate 3,3 0,4
the so-called Spoiled Child game, described in Table 1.
Defect 4,0 1,1
It is a mixed equilibrium game that is not stable for
2358 M Multiagent Q-Learning Dynamics

fall. Next, Alice’s values fall also, but ultimately both 4

3.8 RP C
players may begin to cooperate greedily. At that RP D 2.16
point, the Q-values return to their higher points, leav- 3.6 CP C
CP D 2.12
ing the defection values to slowly catch up again. 3.4 6.4 7.2 8
The pattern resembles a Tit-For-Tat sequence, where 3.2

Alice’s defection causes Bob to defect, even 3
without remembering the previous turn. In effect, the 2.8
values themselves retain a long-term memory, which 2.6
stores the benefit of cooperation and is not easily 2.4
erased. This cycle can repeat endlessly, perhaps with 2.2
one player benefiting slightly more, but with both 2
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
benefiting more than they would if they both
defected always. The system has another property
in that it does not repeat exactly the same way twice, Multiagent Q-Learning Dynamics. Fig. 1 The sequence
which suggests a chaotic system. The Prisoner’s of four phases during PD with e-greedy Q-learning agents,
Dilemma class of games is the only case of the six as shown by a time series plot of the values for every
where chaotic behavior occurs, revealing another player’s action. Phase I is the peaceful initial phase, where
unique property of this game to the game-theory com- both tribes get along. Phase II occurs when the fishing tribe
munity. See Figs. 1 and 2 for a graphical example. (RP) learns that it is often better not to give its fish to the
This behavior has a real-life analogy in conflict farming tribe (CP), so that CP suffers while RP benefits.
between groups of people. Imagine two tribes on an Phase III is an uneasy period where the tribes cooperate
island that have specialized skills and resources. One some of the time, but the fishers and farmers give less and
tribe fishes well and the other grows vegetables. Every less. Eventually the farmers strike back in Phase IV and
day, they have the option of giving their extra food to the withhold their produce altogether. After the fishers’ food
other tribe, or keeping it for themselves even though it is supply drops in value, both sides learn it is better to
worth more to the others. Some of the food is eaten cooperate and Phase I returns again
while some of it is saved. The two tribes do not keep
records of when the other tribe was generous, but keep
the food they accumulate in two piles, corresponding to Among these are a resilience to undesirable opponent
the two actions. Each tribe will take the action that behavior that allows it to guide the outcome to
currently has the bigger pile, although occasionally a cooperative one if the opponent is open to it, and
they try the one with the smaller pile. What will happen, defend itself if not. The situations resulting in this non-
considering that on any given day a tribe receives more Nash behavior are limited to those cases where such
by keeping its own stock (not giving it away)? a cooperative outcome exists, of course. The possibility
Most of the time the tribes trade normally. Once in of chaotic oscillation in a single class of the 2  2 games
a while, one tribe, perhaps the fishing tribe, gets the idea opens up these learning systems to new areas of analy-
that if they keep all of their fish as well as the vegetables sis. Finally, this analysis demonstrates that there are
they get from the other tribe they will be better off. many feasible approaches when it comes to repeated
However, this action hurts the farming tribe, who games that result in outcomes that diverge from a strict
begin to provide less produce in response. Over time, focus on discovering one-shot Nash strategies.
the fishers learn that they are worse off than before, and
resume trading with the farmers. Notice that this recip- Important Scientific Research and
rocation is not based on a formal agreement, but instead Open Questions
arises from the dynamics of the decisions over time. In This entry discusses the behavior of a specific class of
effect, the accumulated value acts as a form of memory algorithms in a very limited subset of games. The most
regarding each action and its consequences. interesting games have many players, many actions,
The e-greedy Q-learning rule has a number of prop- and may take place in an environment with states.
erties that distinguish it from other similar rules. The dynamical system containing Q-learning agents
Multicultural Issues in Music Instruction and Learning M 2359

Multicodal Learning
▶ Multimedia Learning
RP Q(C) - Q(D)



Multi-Constraint Theory of
0 Analogical Thinking
−0.2 ▶ Analogical Coherence/Correspondence
−0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2
CP Q(C) - Q(D)

Multiagent Q-Learning Dynamics. Fig. 2 A figure

showing the chaotic behavior of a Q-learning system
Multicultural Education
playing Prisoner’s Dilemma, as time progresses. The left
axis is the difference of RP’s values for cooperate and ▶ Developing Cross-cultural Competence
defect, and the bottom axis is CP’s value difference. When
the current values cross the zero axis, the behavior changes
sharply, and never crossing the same point twice. Because
of the chaos, starting with slightly different values leads to
greater changes later on
Multicultural Issues in Music
Instruction and Learning M
has interesting and unique properties that researchers
are just beginning to explore, and an understanding of 1
Department of Music & Dance, University of
the simplest games can help others put the investiga-
Massachusetts, Amherst, MA, USA
tion in its proper context. 2
Center for Music Education Research, School of
Music, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL, USA
▶ Learning and Evolutionary Game Theory
▶ Q-Learning
▶ Query-Directed Learning
Cross-cultural issues in music education; Cultural
diversity in music education; Cultural issues in music
education; Ethnomusicology in education;
Bowling, M., & Veloso M. (2001) Rational and convergent learning in
stochastic games. Proceedings of the Seventeenth IJCAI. Intercultural issues in music education; World music
Singh, S., Kearns, M., & Mansour, Y. (2000). Nash convergence of education
gradient dynamics in general-sum games. Proceedings of UAI.
Wunder M, Littman M, & Babes M. (2010). Classes of multiagent Definition
Q-learning dynamics with e-greedy exploration. Technical
Multicultural issues are problems, questions, and
report, Rutgers University DCS-tr-670, 2010.
topics that arise within the interchange of people of
different cultures, or within groups in which more than
one ▶ culture coexists. In education, including the area
Multicast of music teaching and learning, multicultural issues
can arise between learners and instructors of different
A multicast stream is one-to-many connections cultures, among learners in multicultural groups,
between the host and the client’s computer, which between learners and culturally incongruent or irrele-
means that each client receives the same stream of data. vant curricula, between instructors and curricula that
2360 M Multicultural Issues in Music Instruction and Learning

contain material from a culture different from theirs, theories of effective teaching provide a holistic view of
and between instructors and the surrounding commu- students and curricula, with curricula serving as effec-
nity if cultural values represented in curricula are dif- tive tools, relevant to students’ lived experiences,
ferent from community values. Issues may also arise through which students can develop and assert their
when different musical traditions coexist within and capabilities without being forced to fracture their eth-
across cultures. Multicultural issues specific to music nic and cultural foundations in the process.
instruction and learning include (a) issues of philoso- Geneva Gay’s (2000) theory of ▶ culturally respon-
phy, such as the roles of various musical traditions and sive teaching, which is defined as “using the cultural
▶ multiculturalism in music teaching and learning, (b) knowledge, prior experiences, frames of reference, and
issues associated with the practice of teaching, such as performance styles of ethnically diverse students to
identification of ▶ best practices and preparation of make learning encounters more relevant to and effec-
teachers, and (c) issues associated with people and tive for them” (p. 29), offered that, in addition to
culture, including the teaching of all types of music to demonstrating qualities generally associated with effec-
students of all cultures. tive teaching, teachers must also be culturally respon-
sive in order to effectively teach minority students.
Theoretical Background According to her theory, teachers must demonstrate
James A. Banks (1941–), a pioneer in multicultural the following qualities in order to be considered as
education in the United States, is a prolific African- culturally responsive: (a) a knowledge base of cultural
American scholar who has developed approaches, the- diversity, (b) the ability to design culturally relevant
ories, principles, and strategies in multicultural educa- curricula, (c) the ability to incorporate cultural caring
tion as an action to alleviate racial conflicts and to in building a learning community, (d) effective cross-
improve inter-racial understanding. His substantial cultural communications, and (e) cultural congruity in
stream of books and articles began to appear in the classroom instruction.
1970s. Many of his books have multiple revisions to Lastly but not least, “think tanks” of music educa-
date. Some music educators applied elements of his tion philosophers and scholars of different parts of the
work to music learning contexts with the key dimen- world contributed substantially to the knowledge base
sion of musical-cultural values. Furthermore, knowl- as well. One of the most successful think tanks occurred
edge of multicultural issues in music teaching and in 1998, in a Northwestern University (USA) Music
learning has developed as a result of (a) a desire for Education Leadership Seminar titled Issues of Multicul-
music teachers to be effective teachers of all students and turalism in Music Education. Topics within this seminar
to provide equity in music learning environments, (b) the included past, present, and future directions of multi-
realization that levels of cultural diversity in music learn- culturalism in music education, perspectives on multi-
ing environments are growing, that culture affects learn- culturalism from different parts of the world,
ing, and that learning takes place more easily in culturally philosophical questions on multiculturalism, and
relevant environments, and (c) the human desire to make applications and practices associated with teaching
music and learn about music. world musics. The resulting publication in 2002,
Scholarly work on effective teaching provides World Musics and Music Education edited by Bennett
a plethora of theories and descriptors of effective teach- Reimer, has been pivotal in its importance as
ing. Although there is not yet consensus as to a single, a framework for philosophy, research, and practice
widely accepted definition of effective teaching, many concerning multicultural issues in music teaching and
scholars agree that: (a) All students can learn if taught learning. This publication includes chapters written by
effectively and (b) Teacher effectiveness is the single some of the most important theorists, practitioners,
most important influence on student learning. researchers, and pioneers in this field, such as Bryan
Although not referring specifically to the education of Burton, Patricia Campbell, Anthony Palmer, Anthony
ethnically and culturally diverse students, the century- Seeger, and Terese Volk. Another highly successful
old arguments of John Dewey (1902), in particular, think tank is the Cultural Diversity in Music Education
support effective teaching in a way that is congruent (CDIME), which is an informal network promoting
with multicultural learning environments. Dewey’s exchange of ideas, experiences, and practices. It began
Multicultural Issues in Music Instruction and Learning M 2361

in 1992, holding its first conference in Amsterdam. Preparation of Teachers for

Since then, a biennial conference takes place in different Multiculturalism in Music Learning
parts of the world. The International Society for Music Environments
Education also holds biennial world conferences that Music educators and scholars would agree that everyone
contain substantial content materials that address has culture, that culture affects learning, and that some
multicultural issues in music instruction and learning. students exhibit identifiable cultural learning styles. Cul-
tural differences can cause difficulties for music teachers
Important Scientific Research and in designing instruction that is relevant to students of
Open Questions different cultures. In addition, there is a general consen-
Although there has been evidence of multicultural sus that these difficulties, in part, lead to a higher rate of
music education as far back as a century ago (Volk teacher attrition in schools having culturally diverse
1993), the body of research on multicultural issues in student populations, and that music teachers often feel
music education is hitherto limited, having mainly unprepared by their teacher-training programs to be
emerged in the last 20 years. Currently a small, but effective in culturally diverse learning environments.
growing base of knowledge concerning multicultural Research has shown that extended social interaction
issues exists in the area of music teaching and learning. between music teachers and students of differing cul-
As a result of scholarship in this area, several important tures aids in the development of cultural appreciation
questions have been highlighted relating to the role of and respect in music learning environments, increases
world musics in school curricula, preparation of music teachers’ comfort levels in working with cultur-
teachers for multiculturalism, and the actual teaching ally diverse populations of students, and increases their
of multicultural music. willingness to teach in culturally diverse learning envi-
ronments. In addition, research has shown that in
The Role of World Musics in School order for students of minority cultures to learn, it is
Music Curricula critical for music teachers to become culturally respon-
A majority of music education practitioners and scholars sive in their teaching, including acquisition of in-depth
agree that a well-rounded music education includes the knowledge of students and their cultures, design of
study of world musics. However, this idea does not always instruction that incorporates students’ prior experi-
translate into practice in school music. Music curricula ences, and facilitation of a caring, supportive classroom
in many schools still include music from only a few environment (Lehmberg 2009). Extended pre-service
traditions, usually predominated by the Western-art- field experience has been shown to be helpful in raising
based tradition. The question remains as to how to trans- pre-service music teachers’ levels of comfort in cultur-
late beliefs supporting the value of world musics into ally diverse learning environments (Emmanuel 2006).
more widespread inclusion in school music curricula. Although research has shown that extended social
Currently, the purpose of world musics within school interaction between teachers and students of minority
curricula is somewhat mixed. Some music educators and cultures has increased teachers’ comfort levels in mul-
music education scholars support the view that the role ticultural learning environments, it has not definitively
of world musics is to serve as a vehicle for student shown that this type of experience actually increases
learning of musical concepts, as well as a means of learn- teacher effectiveness in these types of environments.
ing about musical traditions found in different parts of Hence, the question remains open as to how music
the world. Others believe the role of world musics is to teachers can best be prepared not only to be comfort-
facilitate the development of multicultural understand- able in multicultural environments, but also to be
ing, by helping students develop cultural identity, respect, effective teachers of culturally diverse populations.
and appreciation, and by preparing them to be members Many music education practitioners and scholars feel
of an increasingly global society. Still others believe the that music teacher-preparation programs should
role of world musics is dual, and that the goal is to shoulder the responsibility of preparing music teachers
accomplish both of these. Until the role of world musics to be culturally responsive in multicultural learning
in schools is further clarified, questions will continue to environments. An inherent issue is that music teacher
arise as to what best practices should be for teaching it. educators often have little or no experience themselves
2362 M Multicultural Issues in Music Instruction and Learning

in culturally diverse learning environments, making it A second, perhaps less controversial issue concerns
difficult for them to effectively mentor students as to preparation of teachers with the knowledge and skills
best practices for teaching and learning in these types of they need to teach music of many cultures. Similar to
environments. The music education profession has not the prevailing attitudes concerning preparation of
yet discovered a solution to this problem. teachers to be effective with culturally diverse groups,
many music education practitioners and scholars feel
Issues Concerned with the Teaching that the responsibility of preparing teachers to teach
of World Musics world musics should fall on teacher educators within
Issues also exist surrounding the best teaching practices music teacher-preparation programs. Questions asso-
for world musics. One of the largest concerns among ciated with this include the determination of (a)
music educators is the ▶ authenticity with which world which teacher education courses should include the
musics are presented in various music learning envi- study of world musics and their pedagogies and (b)
ronments. The general consensus within the area of how to fit instruction on world musics and pedagogy
music teaching and learning is that world musics into already-packed music teacher preparation
should be presented authentically; yet, a great deal of programs.
controversy exists concerning the level of authenticity.
Some feel that authenticity should be absolute or near-
absolute, meaning that world musics should be (a)
▶ Authenticity in Learning Activities and Settings
presented by a ▶ culture-bearer, (b) set within their
▶ Cross-Cultural Factors in Learning and Motivation
cultural context, (c) presented in their original lan-
▶ Cross-Cultural Learning Styles
guages, and (d) culturally appropriate within the con-
▶ Cross-Cultural Studies on Learning and Motivation
text in which they are presented. Others encourage
▶ Cross-Cultural Training
teachers to include world musics in instruction even
▶ Developing Cross-Cultural Competence
if no culture-bearer is accessible, but to take great care
▶ Intercultural Learning
that the presentation is accurately situated in its cul-
▶ International Perspectives in Music Instruction and
ture, contains original lyrics and notation (where uti-
lized), and above all, is “faithful to the nature of the
▶ Music and Learning
musics involved” (Fung 2002, p. 201). Still others
believe that authenticity is a continuum, and that it is
appropriate for the degree of authenticity to fluctuate References
depending on the age of the students involved, as well Dewey, J. (1902). The child and the curriculum. Chicago: University of
as issues that might arise from the original language of Chicago Press.
the music and students who are speakers of a different Emmanuel, D. (2006). Cultural clashes: The complexity of identifying
urban culture. In C. Frierson Campbell (Ed.), Teaching music in
language. For example, some practitioners feel that it is
the urban classroom: A guide to survival, success, and reform
appropriate to change elements of a piece of music (Vol. 1). Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield.
(lyrics, rhythms, etc.) in order to accommodate stu- Fung, C. V. (2002). Experiencing world musics in schools: From
dents who have not yet attained the level of musical fundamental positions to strategic guidelines. In B. Reimer
development necessary to perform the piece authenti- (Ed.), World musics and music education: Facing the issues
(pp. 187–204). Reston: MENC – The National Association for
cally. Their rationale is that it is more important to
Music Education.
include the piece in the curriculum and present it in Gay, G. (2000). Culturally responsive teaching: Theory, research and
a pseudo-authentic manner, than to leave the piece out practice. New York: Teachers College Press.
of the curriculum completely. In addition, if the orig- Lehmberg, L. J. (2009). The challenges and rewards of urban general
inal lyrics of a piece of multicultural music contain music teaching: Six elementary music teachers’ perceptions of effec-
a word or words that are homonyms of words in the tive teaching and pre-service preparation for urban classrooms.
Saarbrüken: VDM Verlag Dr. Müller.
students’ language that are inappropriate in a music
Volk, T. M. (1993). The history and development of multicultural
learning environment, some practitioners feel that it is music education as evidenced in the “Music Educators Journal”,
appropriate to change those words in order to keep the 1967–1992. Journal or Research in Music Education, 41(2),
students’ focus on the piece as a whole. 137–155.
Multidisciplinary Research on Learning M 2363

disciplines. We can find a wide range of definitions of

Multiculturalism these concepts, and the divisions between the defini-
The practice of accepting, promoting all cultures in tions are not always obvious. A multidisciplinary
society; providing equal opportunity and equity for research project on learning can have elements of all
all cultures in society. these definitions.

Theoretical Background
Traditionally, learning research has had a home in
psychology. However, it has had also a close relation-
Multidisciplinary Learning ship with the educational sciences, particularly educa-
tional psychology. In the last three decades, the focus
▶ Concept Similarity in Multidisciplinary Learning has moved from teaching to learning research in the
educational sciences (Niemi 2009). Different subject
matters in schools, e.g., math, science, and languages,
are studied more and more from the learner’s perspec-
tive, which connects psychology, education, and a large
Multidisciplinary Research on range of academic disciplines. In the last two decades,
Learning the spectrum has widened radically, and, presently,
a wide range of disciplines contribute to the under-
HANNELE NIEMI standing of learning. Learning has become a concept
Institute of Behavioural Sciences, University of that is situated in the contexts of different disciplines.
Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland In addition to education and psychology, it is an
important concept in sociology, economics, technol-
ogy, architecture, and neuroscience, among other
Synonyms disciplines.
Cross-disciplinary research on learning; Interdisciplin- The major reasons for multidisciplinarity are
ary research; Transdisciplinary research changes that have happened at conceptual levels or
methodological issues related to learning phenomena
Definition and urgent needs in society.
Multidisciplinary research refers to how two or more
disciplines contribute to understanding and defining Changes in the Concept of Learning:
what learning is. Parallel concepts, or cousins, as some Cognition and Learning as a Social
researchers (e.g., Strober 2011) describe them, are Process
cross-disciplinary, interdisciplinary, and transdisci- The concept of learning has gone through a large pro-
plinary. They illustrate the depth of the integration of cess of redefinition in recent decades. Learning is seen
disciplines. Very often, multidisciplinary and cross- more and more as an active individual process, where
disciplinary are used as synonyms describing the aim learners construct their own knowledge base (construc-
to cross boundaries between disciplines, e.g., in research tivism). Learning is also increasingly seen as a process
questions and methodological approaches of learning. based on sharing and participation with different part-
Interdisciplinarity aims at a deeper integration of ners in a community, and is being viewed as a holistic
methodologies, theories, contents, and perspectives. process of construction interconnected with learners’
Interaction raises new research topics, creates new con- social and cultural premises. Social perspective theories
cepts, and expands and deepens research questions. have been variously called social constructivism, the
Transdisciplinarity denotes even greater level of inte- sociocultural perspective, sociohistorical theory, and
gration by transferring and transcending, e.g., knowl- sociocultural-historical psychology. Although social
edge and research methods to joint learning, research perspective theorists’ views are diverse, each theorist
tasks and creates a unity of knowledge in the most posits that learning occurs through the mediation of
radical sense without any boundaries between social interaction. Knowledge is not an individual
2364 M Multidisciplinary Research on Learning

possession but is socially shared and emerges from longer does any one institution or group have
participation in social activities (Cole 1991; Reynolds a monopoly on knowledge. While knowledge continues
et al. 1996, p. 98). to be available in educational institutions such as
The concept of cognition emerged in the 1970s in schools and universities, it is increasingly located in
learning research. Related to it, the concepts “metacog- workplaces as well as in everyday life, accessible
nition” and “self-regulated learning” have changed the through various media- and technology-based envi-
landscape of learning. Even though learning is seen as ronments. Open access to knowledge creates new
a social process, there are many research topics requirements for learners and learning research.
concerned with the individual level. We have evidence
that self-regulated learners are generally characterized Learning Environments Have
as active learners who efficiently manage their own Changed Radically
learning experiences in many different ways. Self- Along with schools and educational institutions, they
regulated learners have a large arsenal of cognitive now also cover a large range of different kinds of
and metacognitive strategies that they readily deploy, learning spaces, including virtual environments. Work-
when necessary, to accomplish academic tasks. ing life and organizations as well as the media and
Many researchers stress that motivational and emo- leisure time are tearing down traditional concepts of
tional strategies have a very important role in self- where and how people are learning. People can learn
regulated learning processes. Paul Pintrich (2000) even if there is no teaching provided, and it is well
defines self-regulated learning as the strategies that known that some people do not learn when teaching
students use to regulate their cognition as well as the is available. Learning environments have also changed
resource management strategies that they use to con- because of development and the impact of technology.
trol their learning. New tools of digital and mobile technology, web-based
The concepts of cognition and socio- communication, technology-supported collaborative
constructivistic theories have opened many channels learning environments, human–computer interaction,
for cooperation with other disciplines. The questions and learning machines have opened rich research areas
of lifelong learning as well as inclusion and exclusion in for promoting learning. Social media connected with
society and different communities connect learning these new tools create globally shared platforms of
research with education, social science and sociology, learning.
cognitive science, and recently and with increasing
frequency, neuroscience. New topics in neuroscience Learning, the Brain, and the Mind
include, e.g., how people learn empathy and how we Findings from recent research on the brain provide new
can find changes in their brain. Important cross- knowledge on how brains learn throughout life. The
disciplinary research areas connecting the social nature new findings about the plasticity of the brain and the
of learning and cognition can be found in organiza- importance of learning environments for the brain,
tional learning. Organizational learning is enabled e.g., the quality of the social environment and interac-
through an increased awareness of distributed cogni- tion, nutrition, physical exercise, and sleep, call for
tion and emotions. It can be seen as the evolution of more multidisciplinary research and more holistic
consciousness; organizations are the places where the approaches than ever before.
circumstances for this evolution are created. Leaders The OECD’s (the Organization for Economic
play a key role in enabling these circumstances. Cooperation and Development) Centre for Educa-
tional Research and Innovation (CERI 2007) has
Changes in the Concept of Knowledge recently published the comprehensive book Under-
The concept of knowledge has also changed from one standing the Brain: the birth of a learning science. It
of static transmitted contents to knowledge that is ever begins, “After 2 decades of pioneering work in brain
renewable and often construed jointly with other research, the education community has started to real-
learners. Knowledge creation is socially shared and ize that ‘understanding the brain’ can help to open new
emerges from participation in sociocultural activities. pathways to improve educational research, policy and
The contents and processes are intermediating. No practice” (CERI 2007, p. 13). The publication is
Multidisciplinary Research on Learning M 2365

a compendium of the recent state of the art in brain extension on technology until 2010. Finland has the
research and cognitive neuroscience. One of the main Life as Learning Program 2002–2006 promoting
messages is that understanding human development multidisciplinary research on learning. National initia-
from the perspective of neuroscience could have tives have been also taken in Sweden, Norway, and other
a powerful impact on educational practice. Even though European countries. Another action has been the estab-
we do not yet have the answers to all learning problems, lishment of research centers in universities that cross
we have significant scenarios about how our brain works disciplinary borders. Almost all the best universities
in learning processes and how we can utilize this knowl- have centers or research programs that focus on issues
edge. New methods in the neurosciences which allow of innovative uses of technologies and new media. In
measurements in more natural conditions are promising many cases, commercial interests are also involved.
and will create important connections between biologi- Many business schools have centers for organizational
cal, neural, philosophical, psychological, and social pro- learning and even connections to the neurosciences, e.g.,
cesses of learning. Research in neuroscience has acted as in decision making. Finally, national or international
an eye opener to the world of consciousness. It relates cross-disciplinary networks have been established.
many questions to the mind and how we create and use Many of them are related to technology-based learning
our minds when steering our behavior. Philosophy is environments or lifelong learning, and some have
also needed in these themes. a larger umbrella (e.g., the CICERO Learning Network, connecting research on learning,
Learning Has Become a Societal and the brain, and technology.
Political Concept We can see many indications that a multidis-
Knowledge-based societies want to base their future on ciplinary research on learning, and even interdisciplin-
people’s capacities to learn. Learning across the lifespan ary cooperation, is on the rise. Research incorporating
is a typical topic when speaking about changing occu- transdisciplinary approaches is still very rare, due to
pations and aging issues, which are examples of why funding issues and universities’ administrative struc-
learning should be a continuous process throughout tures. Strober (2011) sees that even stronger barriers are
life. Changes in society and the nature of work, com- cultural. Talking across disciplines is as difficult as
petence building, knowledge management, social inno- talking to someone from another culture. Different
vations, access to learning, and issues of inclusion and disciplines have their own disciplinary languages and
exclusion urgently highlight the need for multidis- their own assumptions, concepts, categories, and
ciplinary learning research. We know that learning methods of discerning, evaluating, and reporting.
experiences shape learners’ own learning identity, and They also differ in styles of arguing. Multidisciplinary
that learning has many connections with quality of life, research on learning is still a very young phenomenon.
even with health and personal well-being. Learning can There are many indications that interdisciplinary
be seen as empowerment. This means that through research is slowly increasing in areas where there has
learning, people acquire the tools to shape and control long been continued cooperation, such as technology-
their lives and can create new knowledge and compe- and media-based learning environments. David Sill
tencies. Learning across the lifespan means that educa- (2001) argues that that integrating interdisciplinary
tional systems, formal and nonformal settings of work should be seen more as a process than an out-
learning, and informal learning, including tacit knowl- come. This is relevant also in learning research. Seeking
edge have became important research areas. more cooperation and even integration opens our eyes
to the complexity of learning phenomena and provides
Important Scientific Research and new tools to investigate them in a holistic way. When
Open Questions emphasizing learning as a very complex phenomenon,
In order to activate multidisciplinary learning research, at the same time we must see that contexts in our
some countries have open national research programs societies are even more complex. Seeking solutions to
(OECD 2007). Great Britain had the extensive national complex problems requires insights from multiple dis-
program TLRP (Teaching and Learning Research Pro- ciplines. The diversity of disciplinary knowledge, per-
gram) in 2003–2008, which continued with an spectives, and methods is a source of creativity. And it is
2366 M Multifaceted Model of Intrinsic Motivation

this creativity that we urgently need if we consider Definition

learning as the main factor in empowering people in Intrinsic motivation refers to motivation that comes
their own lives and regard learning as a primary tool for from inside an individual rather than from any external
a knowledge-based economy and society. or outside rewards.

Cross-References Theoretical Background

What are the basic desires of our species? What moves
▶ Field Research on Learning
us? Are there universal goals common to our species?
▶ Learning Environment(s)
Global theorists reduce all human motives to only
▶ Longitudinal Research on Learning
two or three kinds. Mind-body dualists, for example,
▶ Metacognition and Learning
divide motives into just two kinds, the needs of the soul
▶ Metapatterns for Research into Complex Systems of
versus the needs of the body. Hedonists distinguish
between positive and negative feelings. Freud reduced
▶ Neuroeducational Approaches on Learning
all human motives to sex and aggression. Social psy-
chologists classify motives into two global categories
References called intrinsic versus extrinsic motivation.
CERI. (2007). Understanding the brain.The birth of a learning science. In contrast, multifaceted theorists recognize that
Paris: Centre for Educational Research and Innovation/OEDC. goals are too diverse to reduce them into two or three
Cole, M. (1991). Conclusion. In L. B. Resnick, J. M. Levine, & S. D. macro categories. They delineated anywhere from 5 to
Teasley (Eds.), Perspectives on socially shared cognition (pp. 398–
30 fundamental motives, many with different evolu-
417). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
Niemi, H. (2009). Why from teaching to learning. European Educa- tionary histories. Multifaceted theorists say that human
tional Research Journal, 8(1), 1–17. motives cannot be validly classified into just two cate-
OECD. (2007). Evidence in education: Linking research and policy. gories such as intrinsic and extrinsic motivation (Reiss
Paris: OECD. 2005).
Pintrich, P. R. (2000). The role of goal orientation in self-regulated
Four generations of Harvard University psycholo-
learning. In M. Boekaerts, P. R. Pintrich & M. Zeidner (Eds.),
Handbook of self-regulation (pp. 451–502). San Diego, CA: Aca- gists – William James, William McDougall, Henry
demic Press. Murray, and David McClelland, plus Abraham Maslow –
Reynolds, R. E., Sinatra, G. M., & Jetton, T. L. (1996). Views of advanced multifaceted theories of human motives.
knowledge acquisition and representation: A continuum from William McDougall (1908) suggested that every person
experience centered to mind centered. Educational Psychologist, is so constituted to seek, strive for, and desire the same
31(2), 93–104.
goals. These universal goals include food, romantic
Strober, M. H. (2011). Interdisciplinary conversations. Challenging
habits of thought. Stanford: Stanford University Press. intimacy, companionship, shelter from danger, and
Sill, D. (2001). Integrative thinking, synthesis, and creativity in inter- triumph over opponents. Both James and McDougall
disciplinary studies. The Journal of General Education, 50(4), called these goals “instincts” because they are desired
288–311. automatically and not the result of conscious reflec-
tion. Henry Murray called them “psychological needs.”
To give emphasis to the subjective aspects of these
instincts/needs, I called them “basic desires.”
Multifaceted Model of Intrinsic Multifaceted theories were quite popular during
Motivation the first 60 years of the twentieth century, but they
eventually lost influence. The Harvard psychologists
STEVEN REISS did not scientifically validate their lists of needs. Fur-
Department of Psychology, The Ohio State University, ther, the Harvard psychologists and many of their
Columbus, OH, USA followers based nearly all of their research on contro-
versial (and arguably imprecise) projective measures
of the unconscious mind. When scientists challenged
Synonyms these measures in the 1960s and 1970s, research on
Intrinsic reward system human needs rapidly lost its influence because of the
Multifaceted Model of Intrinsic Motivation M 2367

absence of a noncontroversial measure. Another issue been validated scientifically in terms of what are called
concerned the relevance of human needs theories. The “construct validity” (which shows mathematically how
Harvard psychologists and their followers applied each motive is associated with other motives), reliabil-
their motives to what are now outdated models of ity (which shows that a person’s basic desires are stable
psychiatric diagnosis and to little else. Without over time), and criterion validity (Havercamp and
practical applications to issues beyond clinical diag- Reiss 2004). Using the RMP, we can assess the following
noses, social science moved back to global models of six common motivational causes of poor grades in
motivation, especially intrinsic versus extrinsic schools, each with a different implication for
motivation. intervention.
In the early 1990s, I had a novel idea: If we want to Afraid of Failure (High Need for Acceptance).
learn what are the true fundamental wants of human Nobody likes to fail, but most people can shrug off
nature, why not ask people? I was aware that many the experience and move on. A small percentage of
psychologists believed that what people say about students, however, experience failure as devastating.
themselves can be unreliable and self-serving, but Since failure hurts less when they do not try, students
I modified our research methods to minimize these who are devastated by failure tend to underachieve
distortions. Susan Havercamp, at the time a graduate because they hold back effort. Parents and teachers
student, and I conducted a series of surveys that asked should gently encourage them to improve effort and
people from diverse stations in life to tell us, anony- grades.
mously, what they desired (Reiss and Havercamp Incurious (Low Curiosity). Students vary enor-
1998). Using mathematical techniques called explor- mously in how long they can sustain thought before
atory and confirmatory factor analysis, we identified they scream in frustration. Students who hate to think
the following 16 basic desires: are naturally incurious with regard to book learning.
These students tend to be bored with intellectual activ-
Acceptance, the desire for positive self-regard M
ities, theories, and abstractions. Parents and teachers
Curiosity, the desire for understanding
need to use extrinsic incentives with these students.
Eating, the desire for food
Since deep thinking is not required in many careers,
Family, the desire for family life
these students may achieve much more in life than in
Honor, the desire for character
Idealism, the desire for social justice
Laid Back (Low Desire for Power). Students who
Independence, the desire for self-reliance
devalue achievement tend to be laid back and interested
Order, the desire for orderliness
in leisure. These students do poorly in school because
Physical activity, the desire for muscle exercise
they do not care about doing well. They will have
Power, the desire for influence
a tendency to underachieve in school and later in
Romance, the desire for sex
career. Parents and teachers need to set strict expecta-
Saving, the desire for collections
tions and provide extrinsic incentives to motivate
Social contact, the desire for peer companionship
Status, the desire for high social standing
Disorganized (Low Desire for Order). Some students
Tranquility, the desire for safety
experience order as confining and prefer to follow their
Vengeance, the desire for confrontation
nose. These students tend to be disorganized. Some
All psychologically important human motives teachers mark them down for being sloppy. Parents
appear to be expressions of these 16 or combinations and teachers should teach organizing skills to help
of these 16 basic desires (Reiss 2004). these students.
Combative (High Desire for Vengeance). Some stu-
Important Scientific Research and dents may do poorly in school because they are dis-
Open Questions tracted by their battles. Parents and teachers need to
I constructed the Reiss Motivation Profile (RMP), help these students learn how to direct their fighting
a self-report instrument, to assess the strength and spirit into socially appropriate activities such as com-
weakness of each of the 16 basic desires. The RMP has petitive business or perhaps sports.
2368 M Multilayer Investigations

Expedient (Low Desire for Honor). These students

may shirk duties such as homework when they think Multilayered Context
they can get away with it, or they may cheat on exams Multilayered context represents spatial context and hier-
when they think the teacher is not watching. Teachers archical context. In general, a scene consists of multiple
mark these students down for being irresponsible. Par- objects in a background. These visual elements are not
ents and teachers need to set strict ethical limits with independent but contextually interrelated. The spatial
these students. context can be part–part context and object–object con-
text. The hierarchical context can be part–object context
Cross-References and object–background context.
▶ Academic Motivation
▶ Curiosity and Exploration
▶ Interest and Learning
▶ Interest-Based Child Participation in Everyday
Learning Multimedia
▶ Motivation to Learn: Modern Theories
▶ Motivation, Volition, and Performance Multimedia means a combination of different media.
▶ Stability and Change in Interest Development Multimedia includes a combination of text, audio, still
images, animation, video, and other form of interac-
tivity content.
Havercamp, S. H., & Reiss, S. (2004). A comprehensive assessment of
human striving: Reliability and validity of the Reiss Profile. Cross-References
Journal of Personality Assessment, 81, 123–132. ▶ Streaming Media
Maslow, A. H. (1943). A theory of motivation. Psychological Review, ▶ Video-Based Learning
50, 370–396.
McClelland, D. C. (1961). The achieving society. Princeton: Van
McDougall, W. (1908/2003). An introduction to social psychology.
Mineola: Dover. (Originally published in 1908).
Murray, H. A. (1938). Explorations in personality: A clinical and Multimedia CALL
experimental study of fifty men of college age. New York: Oxford
Reiss, S. (2004). Multifaceted nature of intrinsic motivation: The
ITEC-IBBT, K.U.Leuven Kulak, Kortrijk, Belgium
theory of 16 basic desires. Review of General Psychology, 8, 179–
Reiss, S. (2005). Extrinsic and intrinsic motivation at 30: Unresolved
scientific issues. Behavior Analyst, 28, 1–14. Synonyms
Reiss, S., & Havercamp, S. M. (1998). Toward a comprehensive Language learning through multimedia; Multimedia
assessment of fundamental motivation. Psychological Assessment, enhanced language learning; Multimedia language
10, 97–106.

Multimedia CALL refers to the learning of a (primarily
Multilayer Investigations second or foreign) language supported by multimedia
technology. Multimedia for language learning covers
A multilayer analysis is a procedure which interrelates a wide range of visually and/or aurally enhanced
data from different levels of social reality in order to instructional materials, from audio recordings, picture
explain individual and collective data with regard to flash cards, graphically annotated texts, and subtitled
effects of social groups, organizations, societal subsys- television broadcasts to interactive educational soft-
tems, learner characteristics etc. on individual behav- ware applications such as ▶ courseware, interactive
iors and achievements. videodisks, and ▶ digital games.
Multimedia CALL M 2369

Multimedia CALL is generally used in a broader comprehensible input, interaction, and comprehensi-
sense than ▶ multimedia learning, as the latter refers ble output. Comprehensible input is that portion of all
specifically to learning with pictures (including video) the L2 input to which the learner is exposed that is just
and sound, and as its research focuses on the effects of above his or her proficiency level, in which case the
the characteristics of aural and visual materials on learner is more likely to notice aspects of the L2 (such as
learning. Multimedia CALL also encompasses non- new vocabulary or grammatical structures), which may
sensory aspects that are central, though not exclusive, then become candidates for intake into the learner’s
to multimedia applications, such as interactivity, linguistic system. Comprehensible output is the part of
learner control, and motivation. From a technological the output produced by the learner that can be
and pedagogical point of view, multimedia CALL is comprehended by other users of the language or, in
more restricted than multimodal (computer-assisted) the case of multimedia learning, a computer applica-
language learning, which denotes learning by means tion. Interaction encompasses the meaningful
of multimedia applications that make use of several exchanges between the learner and teacher, native
modes of bidirectional human–machine interfacing, speaker(s) and peers through technology, as well as
such as typed text, speech, gestures, and facial expres- between the learner and technology. Exchanges are
sions. In multimedia applications, pictures, sound, and considered meaningful when they lead to comprehen-
text are only situated at the level of the material, not on sible input, or to linguistically correct or appropriate
the level of learner output, which is limited to typed comprehensible output. This mirrors the communica-
text or clicking. tive process in which speakers of the L2 cooperatively
Multimedia CALL is a significant area of interest in try to work out or clarify the meaning of words,
the field of Computer-Assisted Language Learning chunks, or sentences.
(CALL). This field also investigates, among other The function of multimedia, then, is to enhance the
aspects, the affordances of computer-mediated com- SLA process by supporting comprehensible input, and
munication (CMC), artificial intelligence (natural lan- by eliciting and negotiating comprehensible output
guage generation and parsing), and corpora for through interaction. More specifically, multimedia is
language teaching and learning. thought to play a significant role in the apperception
(selection), comprehension (organizing), and intake
Theoretical Background (integration) of input. Moreover, it is considered to
A useful theoretical framework for multimedia CALL is facilitate (learner) correction of erroneous or incom-
based on the ▶ Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learn- prehensible output.
ing, and is expanded in the light of interactionist sec- Apperception is the selective process in which a share
ond language acquisition (SLA) theory (Chapelle of all the verbal and pictorial input given to the learner
1998). The basic assumption of CTML is that the is respectively represented in a verbal text base and in
human brain is equipped with a visual/pictorial as a visual image base. This process involves noticing, that
well as a verbal/aural channel for processing informa- is, selectively and consciously focusing one’s attention
tion, that these channels function independently of on specific aspects of the L2 input that are not yet
each other, and that learning will be most effective acquired. The role of multimedia in apperception is
when both channels are simultaneously stimulated. to visually and/or aurally enhance the input, and to
Interactionist theory of SLA is grounded in increase the chances that learners are prompted to
a perspective that puts meaningful, communication- notice important aspects of the language. Typical
directed interaction in the second language (L2) center- input enhancement strategies are lexical or grammati-
stage, rather than discrete, form-focused teaching of cal highlighting, displaying pictures for certain words,
grammar and vocabulary. Attention to formal aspects and adding video to aural material.
of an L2, such as phonological, lexical, The next step toward language acquisition is com-
morphosyntactic, or pragmatic structures, is both inci- prehension. In this process, material in the verbal and
dental and inherently part of the ongoing interaction. visual bases is organized into verbal and visual models.
Interactionist theory of SLA defines three aspects that These models imply understanding of the semantics
are crucial to second language acquisition: of the L2 and also, to some extent, syntactical aspects.
2370 M Multimedia CALL

The process of comprehension is thought to be mainly well as incidental L2 vocabulary acquisition than lexical
catalyzed by the interactive features of multimedia items without pictorial enhancement. Picture glosses in
applications. When learners are given control over the reading texts help vocabulary acquisition more than
input which they are exposed to, they can decide which textual glosses. Moreover, research on incidental
portions need to be modified in order to be made vocabulary acquisition in reading texts (e.g., Plass
comprehensible, for example, by means of pictures or et al. 1998) indicates that learners profit more when
aural information. Receiving these tailored input mod- they look up both textual and pictorial annotations
ifications is thought to facilitate the SLA process than when they look up only one type of annotation.
significantly. Next, highlighting of words in reading texts does not in
Subsequently, in the cognitive process of integra- itself facilitate incidental vocabulary acquisition, but
tion, connections are established between verbal and highlighting with multimedia glosses has been shown
visual mental models. For SLA, this means that the to be effective (e.g., Chun and Plass 1996).
intake, or the comprehended input that can potentially In the area of vocabulary learning, more research is
be acquired, becomes part of the learner’s linguistic warranted into what types of pictorial information
system. This phase relies heavily on the retrieval and facilitate acquisition better than others, for example,
activation of prior knowledge, with which new infor- high-imagery words (i.e., words that can be easily
mation is integrated. Prior knowledge can be stimu- depicted in images) vs. low-imagery words, or moving
lated and retrieved by so-called advance organizers, video vs. still images.
which serve as introductory material to new informa- Most of the findings in the area of vocabulary
tion. Typical advance organizers in the form of multi- acquisition can be extrapolated to the development of
media are video passages. L2 reading skills. There is large empirical support that
In SLA theory, there is growing consensus that the apperception process in reading activity profits
(comprehensible) output plays a significant role in from the highlighting of words in conjunction with
the acquisition process. Output is considered to serve the provision of multimedia glosses. Next, reading
acquisition, because it gives learners the opportunity to comprehension benefits more from the provision of
test their knowledge of the L2 by getting (corrective) picture glosses than from textual glosses. In addition,
feedback from other L2 speakers, and to modify and text comprehension is aided when learners look up
correct their output in case of problems. It should be both pictorial and textual annotations than when they
kept in mind that in multimedia environments, tech- only look up one type of annotation. A particular strat-
nology mediates the ways in which (comprehensible) egy based on multimedia that improves text compre-
output is realized, so that output may comprise either hension is the inclusion of advance organizers in the
of genuine and (relatively) free L2 production, such as form of video (Plass et al. 1998).
typed text and speech, or of more limited kinds of Listening comprehension seems to be aided by the
output, such as pointing and clicking. use of video, especially for learners with high spatial
ability. Also, pictorial and textual enhancements of
Important Scientific Research and listening materials enhance text comprehension, and
Open Questions pictorial annotations in particular have a strong and
Research in multimedia CALL has principally exam- lasting effect on text comprehension. In addition, even
ined the effects of multimedia on L2 vocabulary acqui- if the combination of pictorial and textual enhance-
sition, reading, and, to a more limited extent, listening ments leads to better immediate results, learners tend
comprehension. Only a small number of studies have to prefer to choose which type of enhancement they
dealt with the role of multimedia for stimulating pro- get, depending on the situation.
ductive language skills, and with individual differences, Little research to date has investigated the effects of
such as the role of learner control in multimedia envi- multimedia on learners’ realization of (comprehensi-
ronments, and the impact of multimedia on learner ble) output in communication-oriented instructional
attitudes. approaches. As for the impact of multimedia on
There are consistent findings that lexical items learners’ language production, one recent experimental
accompanied by pictures lead to better intentional as study found that learners produce significantly more
Multimedia Language Learning M 2371

on-task chat language and negotiation strategies in 3D ▶ Language Acquisition and Development
than in text-based immersive virtual environments ▶ Language Learning
(Bumgarner 2008). More research in the area of digital ▶ Multimedia Learning
game-based language learning may empirically investi- ▶ Multimodal Learning
gate the effects of sound, text, and animation (ani- ▶ Psycholinguistics and Learning
mated pedagogical agents) on the language learner’s ▶ Second Language Learning
output. Moreover, for many meaningful pedagogical ▶ Vocabulary Learning in a Second Language
tasks, graphical aspects of the immersive environment
may not be crucial, which allows for experimental
Brett, P. (1996). Using multimedia: An investigation of learners’
Given recent technological advancements in the attitudes. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 9(2–3),
area of speech technology and natural language 191–212.
processing for language learning, and considering the Bumgarner, C. (2008). The impact of virtual environment on second
strong tendency in SLA theory to revalue pushed out- language production: An exploratory study. Unpublished doctoral
put and corrective feedback for learning, more research dissertation, Pepperdine University
Chapelle, C. (1998). Multimedia CALL: Lessons to be learned from
is expected into the role of multimedia for providing
research on instructed SLA. Language, Learning and Technology,
valuable feedback and for stimulating comprehensible 2(1), 22–34.
output. Multimedia may play a significant role in Chun, D., & Plass, J. (1996). Effects of multimedia annotations on
enhancing the feedback on productive activities. As vocabulary acquisition. The Modern Language Journal, 80(2),
an example, claims have been made for including visu- 183–198.
Plass, J. L., & Jones, L. C. (2005). Multimedia learning in second
alized feedback in courseware for speaking practice, in
language acquisition. In R. E. Mayer (Ed.), The Cambridge hand-
order to help language learners correct pronunciation book of multimedia learning (pp. 467–488). New York: Cam-
errors. bridge University Press. M
Learner control in multimedia applications remains Plass, J. L., Chun, D. M., & Mayer, R. E. (1998). Supporting visual and
a controversial issue, but there is tentative support that verbal learning preferences in a second-language multimedia
learners benefit more when they can control the order learning environment. Journal of Educational Psychology, 90(1),
of instruction, its pace, and the availability of help
options. Learner attitudes toward multimedia CALL
are, as may be expected, generally favorable (Brett
Research on multimedia CALL has important con-
sequences for language pedagogy and instructional Multimedia Enhanced
design. From a pedagogical point of view, interest in Language Learning
multimedia applications is largely motivated by claims
▶ Multimedia CALL
for realizing authenticity in task-based environments.
However, rather than just taking the value of multime-
dia applications for language learning for granted, lan-
guage educators should be (made) aware of the general
findings established in multimedia CALL research, so
that they can make objective judgments over instruc-
Multimedia Information
tional materials and technologies. Second, findings in ▶ Animation and Learning
multimedia CALL research should be taken into
account when designing instructional software and
learning environments.

Cross-References Multimedia Language Learning

▶ Advance Organizers
▶ Game-Based Learning ▶ Multimedia CALL
2372 M Multimedia Learning

codes, such as phonemes, letters, signs, symbols, etc.,

Multimedia Learning (representational formats view). Multimodal refers to
the use of different sensory modalities, such as visual,
HELMUT M. NIEGEMANN, STEFFI HEIDIG auditory, haptic, or olfactory (sensory modalities
Department of Education, University of Erfurt, Erfurt, view). The most frequently used definition of multi-
Germany media learning as learning from words and pictures is
based on the representational formats view (Mayer
As the term “multimedia” is mostly associated with
Synonyms the information presentation by digital media, some
Audio-visual learning (older); Multicodal learning; authors also see interactivity as an essential attribute of
Multimodal learning multimedia learning. In contrast to multimedia, how-
ever, interactivity is a reciprocal activity between
Definition a learner and a learning system and therefore requires
Multimedia learning refers to situations in which peo- behavioral activities on the learner’s side. While both
ple learn from words and pictures; also optionally, multimedia and interactivity seek to cognitively engage
using other modes, such as haptic devices, smells, or the learner, behavioral activities of the learner are
tastes. As the latter are rather seldom used, research on a defining feature of any interactive event (Domagk
multimedia learning refers almost exclusively to learn- et al. 2010).
ing with texts and pictures. Texts comprise material
that is presented in verbal form and include printed Theoretical Background
and spoken words. Pictures refer to the pictorial form Following this definition, multimedia learning as
and include static pictures, such as graphics, diagrams, a phenomenon has existed since instructional pictures
illustrations, photos, and maps, as well as dynamic were first used together with verbal explanations.
pictures, such as animations, films, or videos. Two theoretical approaches have mainly influenced
The term “multimedia” in its current definition current models and theories on multimedia learning:
emerged at the end of the 1980s and was adapted Paivio’s “dual code” theory of human cognition
from marketing into educational psychology. Even so, (assumption of separate channels for processing visual
there are three different approaches to what is meant by and auditory information), and Baddeley’s model of the
“multimedia”: first, it is the delivery device used to human working memory with an emphasis on the
display the information, such as a computer screen, limitation of the amount of information that can be
a blackboard, speakers, or a flipchart. Second, it is the processed in each channel at any one time (Paivio
presentation modes or representational formats that 1986; Baddeley 1986). Based on these approaches,
are applied to present the information, such as using Mayer developed a cognitive theory of multimedia learn-
words or pictures. Third, it is the sensory modalities ing (CTML, Mayer 2005, 2009). A third assumption
used by the learners to receive the information, such as besides dual channels and the limited capacity of the
eyes and ears. Whereas the first definition represents working memory is an active processing of information
a technology-centered approach, the latter two repre- covering the selection, the organization, and the inte-
sent a learner-centered approach. The technology- gration of the processed information into coherent
centered approach may be of importance in practice, mental representations.
but is not sufficient from a psychological point of view Figure 1 represents the main features of the CTML.
as it is not crucial for learning whether information is Words (written or spoken) and pictures from
presented in a book or on a computer screen. There- a multimedia presentation (far left box) reach the sen-
fore, research on multimedia learning refers to the sory memory (ears or eyes) where they are held for very
learner-centered approach. In order to obtain concep- short periods. Selected information is then transferred
tual clarity in the learner-centered approach, some to working memory, a capacity limited functional system
authors differentiate multicodal learning and multi- representing the temporarily holding and manipulat-
modal learning: multicodal implies the use of different ing of information at least partly in active
Multimedia Learning M 2373

consciousness. Information from both sensory modal- is that the cognitive theory of multimedia learning
ities (visual, auditory) are processed and organized, assumes that a verbal model as well as a pictorial
sound images are related to pictorial images and vice model are constructed and then integrated. In Fig. 1,
versa. The sound of a word (e.g., the word “dog”) is the integration is represented by the circle in working
related to an image of a dog and the visual image of memory. The integrated model of text and picture
a dog is related to the word “dog,” constructing verbal comprehension, however, assumes the construction of
and pictorial models, which are related to and integrated only one mental model that integrates the information
with elements of prior knowledge. In Fig. 1, prior from auditive and visual working memory, as well as
knowledge is represented by the far right box labeled the propositional representations.
long-term memory. Another theoretical approach that mainly
In accordance with dual-code theory (Paivio 1986), influenced research on multimedia learning is cognitive
separate channels are assumed for the processing of load theory (Chandler and Sweller 1991). It describes
verbal and pictorial knowledge. The limited capacity multimedia learning and instruction in terms of effi-
assumption, based on Baddeley’s model of the human ciency considering the cognitive load that is imposed
working memory (Baddeley 1986), means that each by additional representations of information (adding
channel has limited processing capacity. One corollary words or pictures) or the instructional design of the
is the assumption that the total amount of information learning material. The cognitive costs are conceptual-
to reach working memory can be greater if both chan- ized by three kinds of cognitive load in working mem-
nels are used instead of only one. ory: (1) essential (intrinsic) cognitive load, which
The cognitive theory of multimedia learning claims depends on the number and interaction of the elements
to be a theory functional for the instructional design of of a learning task; (2) extraneous cognitive load, which
multimedia learning environments and applied sci- stems from sources outside the core of the learning task
ences of learning, but not for cognitive science or (irrelevant information, bad instructional design, bad
neuropsychology. Empirical research to prove the the- usability, background sounds, etc.,); and (3) generative
ory, therefore, mostly refers to applications in instruc- (germane) cognitive load, which is needed for the elab-
tional design. orative and constructive processing of the information
An alternative model for multimedia learning is the in working memory.
integrated model of text and picture comprehension
(Schnotz 2005). Both models consistently assume mul- Important Scientific Research and
tiple memory systems in the human cognitive architec- Open Questions
ture including a limited-capacity working memory A series of experimental studies confirmed hypotheses
and, in accordance with dual-code theory (Paivio deducted from the cognitive theory of multimedia
1986), different channels for information processing learning, and the integrated model of text and picture
and storage. The main difference between the models comprehension, as well as Sweller’s theory of cognitive

Multimedia Sensory Working Memory Long-Term

Presentation Memory Memory

Selecting Organizing Verbal

Words Ears words
Sounds words Model

Integrating Prior

Selecting Organizing Pictorial

Pictures Eyes Images
images images Model

Multimedia Learning. Fig. 1 Cognitive theory of multimedia learning (From Mayer 2009, p. 61)
2374 M Multimedia Learning

load. Mayer (2009) summarizes the results of these spoken by a friendly human voice rather than by
experiments in 12 principles grouped into three cate- a machine voice. (c) People do not necessarily
gories: principles (a) for reducing extraneous learn more deeply from a multimedia presenta-
processing, (b) for managing essential processing in tion when the speaker’s image is on the screen
multimedia learning, and (c) for fostering generative rather than not on the screen.
processing in multimedia learning.
Any principle is based on 4 to more than 20 experi-
● Principles for reducing extraneous processing in ments confirming the hypothesis behind the respective
multimedia learning. principle with remarkable effect sizes. In almost all
– Coherence principle: learning is improved when experiments, recall and transfer are used as dependent
(1) interesting but irrelevant words and pictures variables and prior knowledge as an intermediate vari-
(seductive details), (2) interesting but irrelevant able. As the process of multimedia learning is based on
sounds and music, and (3) unneeded words and the integration of texts, pictures, and prior knowledge,
symbols are excluded or removed from the latter plays a decisive role. Novice learners require
a multimedia presentation. more instructional support to integrate the new infor-
– Signalling principle: people learn better when mation into a coherent mental model than learners with
cues that highlight the organization of the essen- higher levels of prior knowledge. An instructional picture
tial material are added. explaining the interplay of different variables may be
– Redundancy principle: people learn better from necessary for novice learners to understand the material.
graphics and narration than from graphics, At the same time, it may even be detrimental for more
narration, and printed text. experienced learners as it may interfere with existing
– Spatial and temporal contiguity principle: people knowledge structures, or at least be redundant, inducing
learn better when corresponding words and unnecessary extraneous cognitive load. This effect is
pictures are (1) presented rather near than far referred to as “expertise reversal effect” (Kalyuga et al.
from each other on the page or screen, and are 2003) or “individual differences principle” (Mayer
(2) presented simultaneously rather than 2009). Other variables that have been shown to mediate
successively. the effectiveness of multimedia learning are spatial
● Principles for managing essential processing in ability, reading ability, and learning time.
multimedia learning. Therefore, the principles on how to design multi-
– Segmenting principle: people learn better when media instruction as summarized by Mayer (2009)
a multimedia message is presented in user- should not be conceived as strong commandments.
paced segments rather than as a continuous They rather summarize empirical evidence drawn
unit. from studies that rely on theories on the nature of
– Pretraining principle: people learn more deeply human cognitive processing, which seek to explore
from a multimedia message when they know the the conditions under which these principles apply.
names and characteristics of the main concepts. Critics of the research refer to the fact that the
– Modality principle: people learn more deeply instructional material used in the majority of the
from pictures and spoken words than from pic- experiments consists of rather short learning
tures and printed words. sequences, which reduces the external validity. Other
● Principles for fostering generative processing in questions address possible interactions of the indepen-
multimedia learning. dent variables with variables of the general learning
– The multimedia principle: people learn better situation, such as time-on-task or self-regulated vs.
from words and pictures than from words alone. system-regulated learning. There is more research
– Personalization, voice, and image principles: (a) warranted using longer instructional sequences and
people learn better from multimedia presenta- different conditions of the learning situation. Although
tions when words are in a conversational style there is empirical evidence for the personalization,
rather than a formal style. (b) People learn more voice, and image principles as principles for fostering
deeply when words in a multimedia message are generative processing in multimedia learning, the
Multimodal Learning M 2375

theoretical explanation of the results seems as yet

insufficient. Multimedia Modality
Mayer’s theory of multimedia learning is called ▶ Effects of Multimedia Redundancy in History
a cognitive theory, but there is no doubt that motiva- Learning
tional and emotional or affective variables do influence
multimedia learning. There have only been the first steps
in research to study the influence and interactions of
those variables. A theoretical model that integrates cog-
nitive, emotional and motivational variables has been Multimethod Research on
introduced on interactivity (Domagk et al. 2010). It is Learning
related to multimedia learning, as interactive features
such as feedback, guidance, and learner control are also ▶ Mixed Methods Research on Learning
discussed in the context of multimedia learning, espe-
cially in the design of animations and simulations.

Cross-References Multimodal Learning

▶ Animated Pedagogical Agents
▶ Audiovisual Learning
▶ Cognitive Load Theory
Perceptual Science Laboratory, University of
▶ Computer-Based Learning
California- Santa Cruz Social Sciences II, Santa Cruz,
▶ Interactivity in Multimedia Learning
▶ Learning with Instructional Animations
▶ Mental Models
▶ Modality Effect
▶ Multimodal Learning Through Media
Bimodal learning; Multisensory learning
▶ Pictorial Representations and Learning
▶ Redundancy and Learning
▶ Role of Prior Knowledge
Multimodal learning refers to an embodied learning
▶ Split Attention Effect
situation which engages multiple sensory systems and
▶ Working Memory
action systems of the learner. This type of learning is
traditionally emphasized for children with learning chal-
References lenges, and can include a variety of visual inputs in
Baddeley, J. (1986). Working memory. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
addition to text. Some examples include pictures, art,
Chandler, P., & Sweller, J. (1991). Cognitive load theory and the
format of instruction. Cognition and Instruction, 8, 293–332. film, video, and graphic organizers. Auditory inputs can
Domagk, S., Schwartz, R., & Plass, J. (2010). Interactivity in multi- include text-to-speech synthesizers, various forms of
media learning: An integrated model. Computers in Human singing and musical instruments, rhyming, and spoken
Behavior, 26, 1024–1033. language games. One salient example is the use of the
Kalyuga, S., Ayres, P., Chandler, P., & Sweller, J. (2003). The expertise
alphabet song to learn the alphabet. Tactile inputs are
reversal effect. Educational Psychologist, 38(1), 23–31.
Mayer, R. E. (2005). The Cambridge handbook of multimedia learning.
often manipulatives such as the use of an abacus for
New York: Cambridge University Press. math learning, sculpting materials such as clay, paint,
Mayer, R. E. (2009). Multimedia learning. New York: Cambridge and paper for representing objects and ideas, and puzzles
University Press. for fact learning such as learning the states and their
Paivio, A. (1986). Mental representations: A dual coding approach. capitals. Finally, kinesthetic engagement includes all
Oxford: Oxford University Press.
forms of motor behavior and gesture such as jumping
Schnotz, W. (2005). An integrated model of text- and picture com-
prehension. In R. E. Mayer (Ed.), The cambridge handbook of rope to memorize songs and hop scotch to practice
multimedia learning (pp. 49–70). Cambridge, New York: Cam- school lessons. A recent trend is the change from fairly
bridge University Press. passive computer games such as Sudoku, Tetris, and
2376 M Multimodal Learning

Solitaire to much more active types of game activity such Theoretical Background
as the sports and fitness games for the Wii Nitendo Perhaps the most germane background for Multimodal
(2010). Another trend with great promise is the creative Learning is Montessori’s Principles of Educational
integration of the physical engagement of traditional Practice (Stoll-Lillard 2005). Montessori’s Principle 1
hands-on board games with miniaturization technol- claims that motor behavior and cognition are closely
ogy and methodology from wireless sensor networks, intertwined and that physical movement can enhance
as in siftables (Sifteo 2010). thinking and learning. At first glance, this principle
An interactive multimedia environment is ideally seems the antithesis of direct computer-aided instruc-
suited for multimodal learning. For example, incorpo- tion with an animated tutor. However, we have learned
rating text and visual images of the vocabulary to be that our nervous systems appear to be wired in a way
learned along with the actual definitions and sound of that observations of actions activate neural mecha-
the vocabulary facilitates learning and improves mem- nisms involved with the actual performance of those
ory for the target vocabulary and grammar. At the same actions. The so-called mirror neurons involved in
time, the learner is actively engaged by listening to the performing an action are activated when that action is
words, pronouncing the words, and if literate, reading observed. One possibility, therefore, would be to imple-
and writing the words. In one typical application ment lessons on Nintendo’s Wii to allow the child
(Massaro 2006; Animated Speech Corporation 2010), to have larger physical movements. Another would be
a computer-animated agent guides the students to to have animated movies as well as pictures for
(1) observe the words being spoken by a realistic talking learning.
interlocutor, (2) experience the word as spoken as well Montessori’s Principle 2 states that choice and per-
as written, (3) see visual images of referents of the ceived control promote children’s concentration and
words, (4) click on or point to the referent or its contentment in the learning process. As is currently
spelling, (5) hear themselves say the word, followed exists, direct instruction does not appear to allow
by a correct pronunciation, (6) spell the word by typ- much choice. On the other hand, the child can be
ing, and (7) observe and respond to the word used in given a library of lessons and she can choose the lesson
context. Although half of the exercises involve multiple to study. A precocious child might even be able to
choice testing, there is evidence that this experience create a lesson of her choosing.
boosts performance on later tests. The other half of Principle 3 assumes that personal interest enhances
the tests involve either spoken or written generation learning in a context where interests build on prior
of the students’ answers, which facilitates learning knowledge and the children’s own questions. For exam-
(Metcalfe and Kornell 2007). The test exercises can be ple, a deaf French child used the Lesson Creator to
viewed as learning exercises because testing has been document her travel and holiday pictures in a set of
demonstrated to increase learning and retention. English vocabulary lessons. Thus, learning a new lan-
In a recent experimental test, children, whose native guage was facilitated by involving her direct experience
language was Spanish, were tutored and tested on and interests with a normally tedious task.
English words they did not know. The research utilized Principle 4 indicates that extrinsic rewards nega-
a multiple baseline design to insure that any learning tively impact long-term motivation and learning.
was due to the application itself rather than from out- Rewards and feedback can be controlled exactly in
side of the lesson environment. The children learned computer-assisted learning. Directed feedback can
the words when they were tutored but not words that allow errorless learning without focusing on rewarding
were simply tested. This result replicates the previous the child for correct answers and punishing the child
studies carried out on hard of hearing and autistic for incorrect answers.
children with Baldi as the animated conversational According to Principle 5, collaborative (child–
tutor. In other experiments, we have also observed child) arrangements are conducive to learning.
that Baldi’s unique characteristics allow a novel Although most automated instruction is one-on-one
approach to training speech production to both and precludes collaborative learning, this principle can
children with hearing loss (Massaro 2004) and adults be instantiated in several different ways. First, the ani-
learning a new language. mated agent can be a child who works along with the
Multimodal Learning M 2377

child. Second, children can work together on a lesson and perceptual experience. In face-to-face speech per-
or on creating lessons, and can even distribute the ception, for example, the FLMP assumes that the visible
required learning and thereby achieve the benefits of and audible speech signals are integrated. Before inte-
the Jigsaw Classroom. gration, however, each source is evaluated (indepen-
Principle 6 assumes that learning situated in and dently of the other source) to determine how much that
connected to meaningful contexts is more effective source supports various alternatives. The integration
than learning in abstracted contexts. Although most process combines these support values to determine
automated instruction can be considered relatively how much their combination supports the various
unsituated and not connected to a meaningful context, alternatives. The perceptual outcome for the perceiver
the Lesson Creator allows the immediate creation of will be a function of the relative degree of support
lessons on subjects that are currently taught: Just-in- among the competing alternatives. Across a range of
time learning. Thus, the child sees the value and appro- studies comparing specific mathematical predictions,
priate context of the lesson when it is connected to her the FLMP has been more successful than other com-
appropriate interest and cognitive level. petitor models in accounting for the experimental data
Principle 7 claims that sensitive and responsive (Massaro 1998).
(nurturing) teaching is associated with more optimal The FLMP has proven to be a universal principle of
outcomes. Tutors can be created and programmed to pattern recognition. In multisensory texture percep-
be highly nurturing. For example, the difficulty of the tion, for example, there appears to be no fixed sensory
lessons can be controlled to meet the child’s preferred dominance by vision or haptics, and the bimodal pre-
difficulty level, and errorless feedback can be provided. sentation yields higher accuracy than either of the
Principle 8 assumes that order in the environment unimodal conditions. Preschool as well as school
promotes and establishes mental order and is beneficial children integrate auditory and visual speech to pro-
to the child. Direct instruction is highly orderly in its duce a multimodal benefit of having two sources of
functioning, which adheres to this principle. information relative to just one. In addition, both hard
Another relevant background source is the empiri- of hearing children and autistic children appear to
cal and theoretical literature on multimedia learning integrate information from the face and the voice.
(Mayer 2005). This research, for example, gives princi- These results from typically developing children as
ples for the ideal placement of illustrations in science well as deaf and hard of hearing and autistic children
texts. It is a challenge to have both illustrations and indicate that multisensory environments should be
written text appropriately placed. Usually this requires ideal for speech and language learning.
that the text is placed near the referent. Gestalt princi-
ples of organization could be used to insure that the Important Scientific Research and
text and the appropriate aspect of the illustration are Open Questions
perceived as near one another. Spoken language during There are, of course, many remaining research and
the lesson is not easily localized because of our percep- theoretical questions to be addressed in future research.
tual limits in perceiving small differences in the local- For example, one might question why perceivers inte-
ization of sound. In this case, the appropriate part of grate several sources of information when just one of
the illustration can be highlighted while it is being them might be sufficient. Most of us do reasonably well
discussed. More generally, it is important to make it in communicating over the telephone, for example.
easy for the learner to hold pictorial and verbal repre- Part of the answer might be grounded in our ontogeny.
sentations in working memory at the same time. Integration might be so natural for adults even when
Finally, when illustrating a sequence of events, succes- information from just one sense would be sufficient
sive or causal links in the sequence should be presented because, during development, there was much less
near one another. information from each sense and therefore integration
A theory that serves important background for was all the more critical for accurate performance.
Multimodal Learning is the Fuzzy Logical Model of A natural question concerns the neural mechanism
Perception (FLMP) According to this model, multiple underlying the integration algorithm specified in the
sensory influences are combined before categorization FLMP. An important set of observations from single
2378 M Multimodal Learning Through Media

cell recordings in the cat’s brain could be interpreted in annual hawaii international conference on system sciences,
terms of integration of the form specified by the FLMP. (HICCS’04), (CD-ROM,10 pages). Best paper in Emerging Tech-
nologies. IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alimitos
A single hissing sound or a light spot can activate
Massaro, D. W. (2006). A computer-animated tutor for language
neurons in the superior colliculus. A much more vig- learning: Research and applications. In P. E. Spencer & M.
orous response is produced, however, when both sig- Marshark (Eds.), Advances in the spoken language development
nals are simultaneously presented from the same of deaf and hard-of-hearing children (pp. 212–243). New York:
location. The FLMP is mathematically equivalent to Oxford University Press.
Mayer, R. E. (Ed.). (2005). The cambridge handbook of multimedia
Bayes’ theorem, which is an optimal method for com-
learning. New York: Cambridge University Press.
bining two sources of evidence to test among hypoth- Metcalfe, J., & Kornell, N. (2007). Principles of cognitive science in
eses. The brain can implement an analogous education: The effects of generation, errors, and feedback.
computation so that the response of a neuron is pro- Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 14, 225–229.
portional to the posterior probability that a target is Nitendo (2010). Accessed 19 Jan
present in its receptive fields, given its sensory input. 2010.
Sifteo (2010). Accessed 19 Jan 2010.
Therefore, the target-present posterior probability
Stoll-Lillard, A. (2005). Montessori: The science behind the genius.
computed from the impulses from the auditory and Oxford: Oxford University Press.
visual neurons is higher given sensory inputs of two
modalities than it is given input of only one modality,
analogous to the synergistic outcome of the FLMP. This
type of research informs questions about the neural Multimodal Learning Through
underpinings of Multimodal Learning. Media
Multimodal Learning situations are often
implemented in virtual rather than real worlds. It is CHARLES FADEL1, CHERYL LEMKE2
feasible that limiting the students’ experience to the 1
21st Century Learning LLC, Boston, MA, USA
two-dimensional world of computer monitors would 2
Metiri Group, Culver City, CA, USA
constrain learning relative to a live teacher. The success
of two-dimensional media such as the television and
the Internet, however, is a real-world experimental Synonyms
proof of the sufficiency of two dimensions for learning. Audiovisual learning; Collaborative learning; Cone of
To date, tutoring on two-dimensional surfaces appears experience; Cone of learning; Learning pyramid; Mul-
to be as effective as live tutoring, although additional timedia learning
research is still required on this question. However,
with the exploding popularity of three-dimensional Definition
(3D) movies such as Up and Avatar, and the increasing Multimodal Learning refers to the using of multisen-
availability of 3D projection systems, TVs, and com- sory approaches to learning, combined with higher-
puter monitors, learners will more often find them- order experiences such as interactivity. The differential
selves in more realistic simulated 3D worlds. learning outcomes are of significant interest due to
potentially large impact on retention and actuation.
▶ Cross-Modal Learning Theoretical Background
▶ Multimedia Learning “A picture is worth a thousand words.” This common
saying has been attributed to Confucius, Napoleon,
References and others, but its true author is unknown. Emergent
Animated Speech Corporation. (2010). http://www.animatedspeech. neuroscience and visualization research now reveals
com/. Accessed 19 Jan 2010.
Massaro, D. W. (1998). Perceiving talking faces: From speech perception
glimpses of the science behind the saying. Visuals mat-
to a behavioral principle. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. ter, and so does interactivity. Our brains are wired to
Massaro, D. W. (2004). Symbiotic value of an embodied agent in process visual input very differently from text, audio,
language learning. In R.H. Sprague, Jr. (Ed.), Proceedings of 37th and sound. There is also increasing recognition about
Multimodal Learning Through Media M 2379

how much we learn via social mechanisms. Recent ● Expertise is developed through deep understand-
technological advances through functional Magnetic ing. Students learn more when the concepts are
Resonance Imaging (fMRI) scans confirm a dual cod- personally meaningful to them. In order to deeply
ing system through which visuals and text/auditory understand a topic, learners not only need to know
inputs are processed in separate channels, presenting relevant facts, theories, and applications, they must
the potential for simultaneous augmentation of learn- also make sense of the topic through organization
ing. Students using well-designed combinations of of those ideas into a framework (schema) of under-
visuals and text, accompanied by interactivity, learn standing. This translates into a need for authentic
more than students who only use text. Also, interactiv- learning: depth of concept, relevance to learner in
ity matters more for acquisition of higher-order skills, the real world, and learner’s use of the key ideas in
rather than basic skills. a production.
● Learning is optimized when students develop
Important Scientific Research and metacognitive strategies. To be metacognitive is to
Open Questions be constantly “thinking about one’s own thinking,”
in search of optimizing and deepening learning.
Historical Perspective: Cone of Metacognitive learners approach problems by auto-
Experience matically trying to predict outcomes, explaining
Edgar Dale (1954), an early researcher in the field of ideas to themselves, noting and learning from fail-
visual learning and the father of the Cone of Experience ures, and activating prior knowledge.
is credited for the original linkage between instruc-
tional theory and communications media. Dale’s orig- Multimedia Design: Principles
inal model is explicitly described as a visual aid about As a reminder, a set of principles related to multimedia
audiovisual materials. Dale’s cone of experience is and modality are listed below (from Richard Mayer,
essentially a “visual metaphor” depicting types of Roxanne Moreno, and other prominent researchers
learning, from the concrete to the abstract. Dale did [Mayer 2001; Ginns 2005]).
not intend to place value on one modality over another.
1. Multimedia Principle: Retention is improved
The shape of the cone is not related to retention, but
through words and pictures rather than through
rather to the degree of abstraction (Dale 1946/1954/
words alone.
1969). However, he does contend that, as one’s experi-
2. Spatial Contiguity Principle: Students learn better
ences move toward the bottom of the cone, more of the
when corresponding words and pictures are
senses are engaged (such as hearing, seeing, touching,
presented near each other rather than far from
smelling, and tasting).
each other on the page or screen.
3. Temporal Contiguity Principle: Students learn bet-
How People Learn: The Cognitive ter when corresponding words and pictures are
Science presented simultaneously rather than successively.
A 2001 publication from the US National Academy of
4. Coherence Principle: Students learn better when
Sciences, How People Learn (Bransford et al. 2000) out-
extraneous words, pictures, and sounds are
lines important principles upon which learning should
excluded rather than included.
be redesigned:
5. Modality Principle: Students learn better from ani-
● Student preconceptions of curriculum must be mation and narration than from animation and on-
engaged in the learning process: Learning is greatly screen text.
enhanced when prior knowledge is made visible. It 6. Redundancy Principle: Students learn better when
is at that point the learner has the opportunity to information is not represented in more than one
correct misconceptions, build on prior knowledge, modality – redundancy interferes with learning.
and create schemas of understanding around 7. Individual Differences Principle (a): Design effects
a topic. Learning is optimized when new concepts are higher for low-knowledge learners than for
build on prior knowledge. high-knowledge learners.
2380 M Multimodal Learning Through Media

8. Individual Differences Principle (b): Design effects learning. Figure 1 (Cisco Systems – Metiri Group 2008)
are higher for high-spatial learners rather than for below provides insights into when interactivity aug-
low-spatial learners. ments multimodal learning of moderately to complex
9. Direct Manipulation Principle: As the complexity topics, and when it is advantageous for students to
of the materials increase, the impact of direct work individually when learning or building automa-
manipulation of the learning materials (animation, ticity with basic skills.
pacing) on transfer also increases.
● Quadrants I and II: The average learner scores on
Multimodal Learning: Impact of basic skills assessments increase by 21 percentiles
Interactivity when engaged in noninteractive, multimodal learn-
The complexity of teaching and learning becomes ing (includes using text with visuals, text with
increasingly apparent as the physiological, cognitive, audio, watching and listening to animations or
social, and emotional aspects of learning become lectures that effectively use visuals, etc.) in compar-
known. The most effective designs for learning adapt ison to traditional, single-mode learning. When
to include a variety of media, combinations of modal- that situation shifts from non-interactive to inter-
ities, levels of interactivity, learner characteristics, and active, multimedia learning (such as engagement in
pedagogy based on a complex set of circumstances. In simulations, modeling, and real-world experiences
general, multimodal learning has been shown to be – most often in collaborative teams or groups),
more effective than traditional, unimodal learning. results are not quite as high, with average gains at
Adding visuals to verbal (text and/or auditory) learning nine percentiles. While not statistically significant,
can result in significant gains in basic and higher-order these results are still positive.

The Impact of Multimodal Learning in

Comparison to Traditional, Unimodal Learning
Findings Reported Separately for Basic Skills and Higher Order Skills,
and by the Inclusion or Absence of Interactivity

Basic Skills Higher Order Skills

Multimodal Learning
Includes simulations, modeling and Percentile**
real world experiences; typically increase for
includes collaboration with peers, but +9
average student
could be an individual interacting with Percentile*
resource II. increase for III.
average student

Multimodal Learning
Includes using text with Illustrations,
watching and listening to animations,
listening to lecture with graphics on +21 +20
devices such as whiteboards, etc; Percentile* Percentile**
typically involves individualized increase for increase for
learning, or whole-group work that average student average student
includes listening, observing, or I. IV.
reading, but little to no interaction

Average Student *Percentile Ranking on Retention of **Percentile Ranking on Higher Order or

Basic Skills Transfer Skills

Multimodal Learning Through Media. Fig. 1 Comparison between unimodal and multimodal learning
Multiple Intelligences and Learning Styles M 2381

● Quadrants III and IV: When the average learner is

engaged in higher-order thinking using multimedia Multiple Cognitive Abilities
in interactive situations, on average, their percent- ▶ Multiple Intelligences and Learning Styles
age ranking on higher-order or transfer skills
increases by 32 percentile points over what that
learner would have accomplished with traditional
learning. When the context shifts from interac-
tive to noninteractive multimodal learning, the Multiple Intelligences and
result is somewhat diminished, but is still signif- Learning Styles
icant at 20 percentile points over traditional
Institute for Behavioral Sciences, Swiss Federal
Open Questions Institute of Technology (ETH) Zurich, Zürich,
● Impact of the agent of interactivity: Physical person Switzerland
versus virtual person versus machine
● Impact of group size
● Impact of learner’s age Synonyms
● Multiplicity of types of social interactions Frames of mind; Multiple cognitive abilities
● Scaffolding required to prepare learners to the effec-
tive use of multimedia Definition
● Learning designs necessary to minimize cognitive The theory of Multiple Intelligences (MI) was intro-
overload throughout learning duced by Howard Gardner (1983) in his book Frames of
Mind. Its main characteristic is the assumption that M
Cross-References individuals differ not only in a single intelligence (g or
▶ Adaptation to Learning Styles general intelligence) but rather in a set of relatively
▶ Adaptive Blended Learning Environments autonomous intelligences. Intelligence is defined as
▶ Collaborative Learning Supported by Digital Media a biopsychological potential to process information
▶ Learning with Instructional Animations that can be activated in a cultural setting to solve prob-
▶ Multimodal Learning lems or create products that are of value in a culture
(Gardner 1999). In contrast to MI which is associated
References with individual differences in cognitive abilities, the
Bransford, J., Brown, A., & Cocking, R. (2000). How people learn. term ▶ Learning Styles refers to individual differences
Brain, mind, experience, and school (p. 33). Washington, DC: in the habits, preferences, or orientation toward learning
National Academy Press Expanded version. and studying. Research into learning styles has developed
Cisco Systems – Metiri Group (2008). “Multimodal learning through
independently of Gardner’s theory, but the MI profiles
media – What the research says”
Dale, E. (1946/1954/1969). Audio-visual methods in teaching.
were sometimes misinterpreted as learning styles.
New York: Dryden.
Ginns, P. (2005). Meta-analysis of the modality effect. Learning and Theoretical Background
instruction (Vol. 15, pp. 313–331). University of Sydney: Institute
Gardner emphasized that the theoretical basis for the
for Teaching and Learning.
Mayer, R. (2001). Multi-media learning. New York: Cambridge Uni-
MI theory was the combination of empirical findings
versity Press. from a variety of disciplines, including psychology,
neuroscience, anthropology, and cultural studies. Fol-
lowing this multidisciplinary approach, he set up a list
of criteria that have to be met for a cognitive ability to
be defined as one distinct intelligence:
1. The existence of a separate brain region supporting
▶ Cue Summation and Learning the relevant cognitive functions
2382 M Multiple Intelligences and Learning Styles

2. A plausible evolutionary history 7. Interpersonal intelligence was defined as the capac-

3. An identifiable set of core operations ity needed for successful interaction with other
4. Susceptibility to encoding in a symbol system individuals, i.e., the understanding of intentions,
5. A distinct developmental history motivations, and needs of others, and the ability
6. Evidence from individuals with distinctive low of working effectively with them. Physicians,
(e.g., specific learning disabilities) or high (e.g., teachers, politicians, salesman, and actors would
savants, prodigies, geniuses) intelligence require high interpersonal intelligence to be suc-
7. Support from experimental psychological tasks cessful in their profession. The example genius in
8. Support from psychometric findings this intelligence was Mahatma Gandhi.
In his original work, Gardner (1983) described the In 1999, Gardner apparently combined the latter
following seven intelligences and, in later publications, two intelligences to one Personal intelligence and put
added some examples of geniuses in the respective forward two further intelligence candidates: Naturalis-
intelligence which should illustrate the importance of tic intelligence, as the ability to process information
each intelligence for life success. related to distinguishing among natural and manmade
objects and, Existential intelligence, as the ability to see
1. Linguistic intelligence reflects the sensitivity to spo-
oneself in relation to further reaches of the cosmos. The
ken and written language, the ability to flexibly
latest modification of the MI theory (Gardner 2004)
manipulate language to express oneself, and the
was the proposal of two overarching intelligence pro-
ability to learn new languages. A high linguistic
files that describe the ways in which the autonomous
intelligence could be found, for instance, in writers
intelligences interact: searchlight and laser. The first
and public speakers. Thomas S. Elliot was given as
can be understood as a profile in which various intelli-
example for a genius in this intelligence.
gences are of comparably high strengths, whereas the
2. Spatial intelligence refers to the ability to envision
latter characterizes individuals who demonstrate one
and transform visual-spatial representations. High
or two powerful intelligences that overshadow the
levels of spatial intelligence would occur in pilots,
other intelligences.
architects, engineers, and sculptors (e.g., Pablo
3. Logical-mathematical intelligence represents the Important Scientific Research and
ability to reason deductively and think logically, to Open Questions
detect complex mathematical patterns and to work Since its introduction, the MI theory has attracted
scientifically. This intelligence would be promi- a great deal of attention in education as well as in the
nently pronounced in mathematicians, logicians, general public. This was, for instance, reflected in an
and scientists, such as Albert Einstein. increasing number of (commercial) workshops on how
4. Musical intelligence consists of the ability to recog- to adapt teaching to the implications of the MI theory.
nize, compose, or perform musical patterns (pitches A plausible reason for the still great popularity of MI
and rhythms) and could be typically found in com- theory might lie in the simplicity of the theory
posers and performers (e.g., Igor Stravinsky). suggesting that the human mind (and brain) can be
5. Bodily kinesthetic intelligence is described as the divided into seven to nine separate intelligences and
potential of using the own body in problem solving that there is a high probability that every individual is
or in creating products. Example professions are intellectually gifted in at least one of them. In addition,
dancers (e.g., Martha Graham), actors, athletes, even though Gardner repeatedly highlighted that MI
surgeons, and craftsmen. theory does not have direct educational implications,
6. Intrapersonal intelligence is the knowledge of and some recommendations have been put forward by him
access to one’s own feelings and desires and the and others as to how the theory can be implemented in
ability to use this knowledge effectively in real life. the classroom.
Psychologists and psychotherapists such as In the community of psychologists, in particular of
Sigmund Freud would possess a high level of this intelligence researchers, the MI theory has been
intelligence. severely criticized on multiple grounds (e.g.,
Multiple Intelligences and Learning Styles M 2383

Waterhouse 2006). First, it has been highlighted that general intelligence (e.g., Visser et al. 2006). The intro-
the theory does not adequately consider evidence from duction of the searchlight and laser intelligence profiles
well-established psychometric intelligence research and further complicates an empirical investigation as sta-
is not innovative. The assumption of relatively inde- tistical interdependence could be justified to reflect the
pendent intelligence factors has already been elabo- searchlight and statistical independence the laser intel-
rated in the first half of the twentieth century (e.g., ligence profiles. As another example, Gardner’s claim
Thurstone’s primary mental abilities), and many of that each intelligence is supported by a separate neural
the proposed intelligences can also be found in other structure also stands in contrast to current knowledge
theories on intelligence structure (e.g., the hierarchical about brain organization. Finally, despite the great
model of intelligence by Carroll). This holds particu- popularity of MI theory among educators, the educa-
larly true for linguistic, spatial, logical-mathematical, tional implications are unclear, and it is debatable
and musical intelligence. The personal intelligence whether any recommendations can be derived that go
shows similarities to the concept of social intelligence beyond current knowledge in the educational sciences
by Thorndike and emotional intelligence by Salovey (cf. Klein 2003). The following suggestions to bring MI
and Mayer, and the bodily kinesthetic intelligence theory to classroom were offered by Gardner: using
may be related to practical intelligence proposed by multiple points of entry, multiple representations,
Sternberg. Second, even after more than 25 years and analogies and metaphors. Multiple points of
since its proposal, no psychometric tests have been entry refers to teaching in a way which engages many
developed to assess the MI. Gardner argued for the or all of the intelligences. As an example, students could
development of “intelligence-fair” tests that look learn about the revolutionary war by studying battle
directly at the intelligence without the linguistic or maps, learn revolutionary war songs, read a novel
logical components that are required in traditional about life during that period, or perform role plays.
paper-and-pencil test. Spatial intelligence, for instance, Some students may prefer one of the activities over
could be assessed through the observation how indi- others, and this might also be related to their intelli-
viduals navigate in an unfamiliar terrain or how an gence profiles. But Gardner has not further explained
individual can take apart and reassemble the relationship between the multiple entry points and
a mechanical machine. Despite the plausibility of this the multiple intelligences and has also not provided
approach, no test has been proposed so far that meets specific information on how both should be matched
all the essential diagnostic criteria of objectivity, reli- to improve learning. Similarly vague are the recom-
ability, and validity. Other researchers used self-report mendations to use multiple representations (e.g., lin-
measures to assess MI, where individuals were asked guistic, pictorial, mathematical) of a curricular topic as
about their interests, leisure activities, and self-concept. well as analogies and metaphors (within and between
Given that the correspondence of self-reports with intelligences) which should foster the interaction of
performance measures is typically rather low, and that different intelligences. Undoubtedly, multiple repre-
self-reports should be applied after an ability construct sentations, analogies, and metaphors are valuable
can successfully be measured using performance tests, tools to acquire curricular topics, but the incremental
also this attempt can be put into question. Third, the insights that are gained by considering the MI theory
theory itself has not been empirically validated. The are unclear.
argument by advocates of the MI theory that its gener- Apart from these critical issues which also represent
ation was already based on empirical findings from open questions for future research, the principal merit
various disciplines does not make an empirical valida- of MI theory can be seen in emphasizing that real-
tion dispensable. Although some of Gardner’s claims world success is not only a function of psychometric
are vague and do not reflect clear-cut hypotheses that intelligence, but also of domain-specific knowledge and
can be falsified, some key assumptions of the theory skills. This claim is in line with findings from expertise
have been scrutinized but could not be confirmed. research showing only weak or moderate correlations
Large-scale studies have, for instance, revealed consid- between general intelligence and expert performance
erable correlations between measures of the supposedly and that lower intelligence can be compensated by
independent intelligences and strong associations with more knowledge in domain-specific performance.
2384 M Multiple Resource Theory

Cross-References has been applied in psychology to areas such as dual-

▶ Abilities to Learn: Cognitive Abilities task performance as well as applied areas such as com-
▶ Emotional Intelligence and Learning munication to understand how people make sense of
▶ Expertise television messages and in consumer research to under-
▶ Intelligence, Learning and Neural Plasticity stand how people process information about
▶ Learning Style(s) a product.

Theoretical Background
References One of the most fundamental assumptions in cognitive
Gardner, H. (1983). Frames of mind: The theory of multiple intelli-
psychology is that people’s ability to process informa-
gences. New York: Basic Books.
Gardner, H. (1999). Intelligence reframed: Multiple intelligences for the
tion is limited. This perspective believes that people are
21st century. New York: Basic Books. only able to evaluate a limited amount of information
Gardner, H. (2004). Audiences for the theory of multiple intelli- at a time, and exceeding that threshold results in “infor-
gences. Teachers College Record, 106, 212–220. mation overload.” Supportive of the general assertion,
Klein, P. D. (2003). Rethinking the multiplicity of cognitive resources some research demonstrated that providing too much
and curricular representations: Alternatives to ‘Learning Styles’
information can reduce decision quality. An important
and ‘Multiple Intelligences’. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 35(1),
45–81. issue underlying resource limitations is the underlying
Visser, B. A., Ashton, M. C., & Vernon, P. A. (2006). Beyond g: Putting reasons for these limitations and mechanism behind it.
multiple intelligences theory to the test. Intelligence, 34(5), Theory and research have focused primarily on how the
487–502. attentional process selects some information to come
Waterhouse, L. (2006). Multiple intelligence, the mozart effect, and
into our consciousness at the expense of other infor-
emotional intelligence: A critical review. Educational Psychologist,
41(4), 207–225.
mation. Many theorists believe that overload is avoided
through attention mechanisms that direct conscious-
ness at some items and away from others.
A critical question underlying the notion of infor-
mation limitation is the question of where are the
possible resource limitations or bottlenecks in the pro-
Multiple Resource Theory cess. Research has had difficulty identifying any consis-
tent bottleneck as proposed by the early theorists, such
as one ear or in terms of the number of “bits” of
University of Lethbridge, Lethbridge, AB, Canada
information. A tenable alternative to a fixed or static
bottleneck is the notion of dynamic resource limita-
tions. According to this approach, people perform
Synonyms multiple mental operations on incoming information
Mental resources; Resource limitations
with attentional limitations that regulate which opera-
tions can be performed. With this formulation some
Definition research began to examine the specific levels of infor-
The Multiple Resource Theory asserts that people have mation or pacing where people were overloaded, espe-
a limited set of resources available for mental processes. cially in a single channel perspective (Wickens 2002).
These resources can be thought of as a pool of energy
that is used for a variety of mental operations, from Important Scientific Research and
sensory-level processing to meaning-level processing. Open Questions
This shared pool of resources are allocated across dif- The resource limitation paradigm has been tested in the
ferent tasks, modalities, and processing. This theory area of consumer decision making. For example,
explains how difficult single-tasks can run into research has examined whether the provision of addi-
processing difficulties and how dual-task performance tional information results in lower-quality decisions.
is more likely to be hampered by performing similar The results of this research, however, have not been
tasks than dissimilar tasks. Multiple resource theory straightforward in identifying specific levels of
Multiple Resource Theory M 2385

information beyond which the processing degrades. As Resource Theory include a variety of human perfor-
a result there has been some debate on not only the mance tasks, including driving while talking on
meaning of the results, but also the results themselves. a mobile telephone (Wickens 2002). If we can under-
Evidence seems to suggest that additional information stand the availability and overlap of these resources to
might not be employed, and may even reduce some various tasks, we can predict overload and design inter-
measures of decision quality, but does that necessarily active environments that are less likely to result in
indicate “overload.” overload (Wickens 2002). MRT also has implications
As a result of these failures and others to identify for consumer information processing. For example, to
a specific bottleneck at specific stages or processes, an what extent can people make sense of nutrition labels?
even more dynamic attention mechanism was proposed – Understanding when people are overloaded by infor-
termed “Multiple Resource Theory” (Wickens 1980). mation, and how this can be avoided has important
According to this theory people have a pool of resources implications in the realm of consumer disclosure.
available to a variety of operations, from sensory-level Despite general agreement on the concept of atten-
processing to meaning-level processing. Wickens (2002) tion, there is still debate on what form that attention
traces the origins of this theory to attentional models takes – a “spotlight” or general activation and whether
including Kahneman’s. Multiple Resource Theory attention determines “consciousness.” Even with the
explains how dual-task performance is more likely to continuing debate on the exact mechanism, it is impor-
be hampered by performing similar tasks than dissimilar tant to realize that the fundamental assumption
tasks (Wickens 1980). In later research Wickens and supported by Multiple Resource Theory is that infor-
colleagues demonstrated support for the notion of mation processing requires cognitive resources, which
a shared pool of common resources allocated across can overload to privilege some information at the
different tasks, modalities, and processing (Wickens expense of other information.
1980, 1984, 2002).
Research has applied the notion of multiple Cross-References
resource pools to processing television information, ▶ Attention and Implicit Learning
which typically consists of a stream of auditory and ▶ Audiovisual Learning
visual stimuli that need to be processed at both ▶ Audio-Video Redundancy
a sensory and semantic level (Lang 2000). Application ▶ Capacity Limitations of Memory and Learning
of this paradigm has suggested the intentional use of ▶ Cognitive Load Measurement
secondary task measures, such as response times to ▶ Dual-Task Performance in Motor Learning
cues, as an indicator of available resources (Basil ▶ Interactive Learning Environments
1994). Despite the logic of this approach, empirical ▶ Mental Effort
insights provide a somewhat confusing picture of sec-
ondary tasks performance (Lang and Basil 1998). In References
generally though, the evidence from this line of Basil, M. D. (1994). Multiple resource theory I: Application to tele-
research does support the notion of resource limita- vision viewing. Communication Research, 21, 177–207.
tions that result from these dynamic processes, and that Lang, A. (2000). The limited capacity model of mediated message
the bulk of these limitations appears to result from processing. Journal of Communication, 50, 46–70.
meaning-level processing (Lang 2000). A critical pre- Lang, A., & Basil, M. D. (1998). Attention, resource allocation, and
communication research: What do secondary reaction task reac-
diction of Multiple Resource Theory, the level of tion times measure, anyway? In M. E. Roloff (Ed.), Communica-
“redundancy” between the audio and visual informa- tion yearbook (Vol. 21, pp. 443–473). Newbury Park: Sage.
tion has emerged as a predictor of the information load Wickens, C. D. (1980). The structure of attentional resources. In
on viewers. To the extent that audio and visual infor- R. Nickerson (Ed.), Attention and performance (Vol. VIII,
mation “match up” the information task processing is pp. 239–257). Hillsdale: Lawrence Erlbaum.
Wickens, C. D. (1984). Processing resources in attention. In
easier and more resources appear to be available as is
R. Parasuraman & D. R. Davies (Eds.), Varieties of attention
predicted by Multiple Resource Theory. (pp. 63–102). Orlando: Academic.
Multiple Resource Theory has other important Wickens, C. D. (2002). Multiple resources and performance predic-
applications. Possible applications of Multiple tion. Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science, 3, 159–177.
2386 M Multiple-Cue Probability Learning

to as nonmetric multiple-cue probability learning

Multiple-Cue Probability (NMCPL), and the latter case with continuous cues is
Learning termed metric multiple-cue probability learning. Out-
comes or responses are typically discrete (e.g., press
DANIEL R. LITTLE1, STEPHAN LEWANDOWSKY2 a button when shown cue A, but do not press the
Psychological Sciences, The University of Melbourne, button when shown cue B) or categorical (press the
Parkville, Victoria, Australia button for category X or Y, depending on the cue
School of Psychology, The University of Western configuration); however, some variants of the MCPL
Australia, Crawley, WA, Australia task use continuous outcomes. Depending on the types
of cues and outcomes, MCPL is often very similar to
other concept-learning domains; a classification of the
Synonyms most popular domains is shown in Fig. 1. The key
Function learning; Lens model; Probabilistic categori- distinguishing element of MCPL is the fact that the
zation; Weather prediction task corrective feedback that follows each response is prob-
abilistic rather than deterministic; those cells are
Definition shaded in Fig. 1.
Multiple-Cue Probability Learning (MCPL) is an As an illustration of MCPL, consider the weather
experimental paradigm concerned with how well peo- prediction task shown in Fig. 2 (the task is called a
ple can learn imperfect relationships between cues and weather prediction task because the outcomes are usu-
outcomes. In a typical MCPL task, participants are ally given arbitrary names such as RAIN and SHINE).
shown an array of cues each of which predicts The stimuli are comprised of four cues. Each cue can
a particular outcome with some probability; usually either be present or absent on each trial, and for the
this probability is less than unity, mirroring the imper- present example, only one shape may be presented on
fect nature of cues in the natural environment. The each trial. Each cue is represented by a different shape
cues are usually instantiated as simple perceptual stim- that can be used to predict an outcome, in this case
uli, which can be either discretely (often binary) valued, with probabilities equal to 0.45, 0.55, 0.80, and 0.40 for
such as color – a given cue might be a red or green, for outcome X, for the four cues, respectively. (Note that in
instance – or stimuli can be comprised of continuously this example, there are only two possible outcomes.
valued dimensions – such as bars of different lengths. The opposite outcome, call it Y, is predicted with one
The former case with discrete cues is typically referred minus the probability of outcome X; in this example,


Deterministic Probabilistic

Outcomes Discrete Continuous Discrete Continuous


Multiple Cue Multiple-Cue Multiple Cue

Discrete Categorization
Judgment Learning Judgment
Cues Prediction Task

Continuous Categorization Metric MCPL MCPL

Multiple-Cue Probability Learning. Fig. 1 Classification of concept-learning paradigms based on cues, outcomes, and
Multiple-Cue Probability Learning M 2387

Probability of outcome X
Circle .45
Plus .55
Triangle .80
Square .40

Multiple-Cue Probability Learning. Fig. 2 Example of an MCPL task

P(Y) is 0.55, 0.45, 0.20, and 0.60 for the four cues, Theoretical Background
respectively.) The cues vary in how well they predict MCPL originated as a method to apply Egon
the outcomes, if a participant responded with X every Brunswik’s ideas about probabilistic functionalism,
time she were shown a triangle, she would be correct which were initially developed to study visual percep-
80% of the time. tion, to learning and behavior. Probabilistic function-
Unlike other learning paradigms, MCPL does not alism is the idea that the external environment and
primarily focus on learning strategies but on how internal perceptions of that environment are variable,
closely people’s behavior matches the relative informa- and that to function successfully in a variable environ-
tion available in the cues. For example, of the four cues ment, an organism must learn to utilize only reliable
in Fig. 2, the triangle is a more valid predictor than the and valid cues (Brunswik 1943). Probabilistic function-
other three symbols; higher levels of accuracy can be alism thus emphasizes the imperfect nature of the envi-
attained by using only this cue to guide decision mak- ronment (and organisms). Foremost among
ing and ignoring the other less valid cues. The core Brunswik’s concerns were that psychological labora-
concept of validity refers to how well a cue predicts tory experiments should use stimuli and feedback
a given outcome; cues with high validity are good pre- which represent the probabilistic nature of the envi-
dictors of an outcome whereas cues with low validity ronment and that the external environment should be
give little or no information about what the outcome given as much prominence in psychological theory as
might be. In MCPL, primary importance is placed on the organism in that environment. The former concern
how well people utilize cues of different validities; that has clear reverberations in modern concerns about
is, do people base their responses and decisions on cues ecological validity; the latter concern predated rational
with greater validity? And how well does observed cue approaches to cognition (e.g., Anderson 1990), but was
utilization compare with optimal cue utilization? perhaps better advocated by Brunswik’s contemporary,
The optimal strategy for the example in Fig. 2 is to James Gibson, culminating in ecological psychology
always respond X when a triangle is present and and dynamical systems approaches to perception, cog-
respond Y when a triangle is absent; although this nition, and action.
response strategy, known as “maximizing” cannot
avoid the inevitable error arising from probabilistic Important Scientific Research and
feedback, it can at least maximize accuracy. However, Open Questions
people typically deviate from this optimal strategy and MCPL is related to several other domains, and many
instead match their response proportions to the under- tasks which are currently popular (such as function
lying probabilities. That is, when shown a triangle, learning) have direct precursors in the MCPL litera-
people tend to respond X only 80% of the time (reduc- ture. However, the use of MCPL as a tool for studying
ing accuracy from a possible 80% to 64%); when shown learning declined substantially in the late 1970s, con-
a plus sign, they respond with X only 55% of the time; current with a shift in cognitive psychology toward
and so on. Probability matching is commonly observed emphasizing computational modeling of the processes
in decision-making and categorization tasks. One way and representations underlying learning behavior (cf.
to examine probability matching is by computing Estes 1976). MCPL’s preoccupation with simple mea-
a measure of achievement, such as the correlation sures of achievement (“how well can people learn?”)
between response proportions and the underlying feed- was abandoned in favor of measures of strategy and
back probabilities. prediction (“what and how do people learn?”).
2388 M Multiple-Cue Probability Learning

However, several important studies have thus sought to the underlying probabilities associated with each cue
differentiate computational models using NMCPL. combination. (In typical applications of the weather
In NMCPL, two sources of cue information have prediction task, on any given trial, any combination of
been studied extensively: cue validity and cue salience. present and absent cues may be shown to an observer;
Salience refers to some intrinsic property of the cue hence, cues occur not only in isolation but also in
which attracts attention regardless of how useful or combination with other cues.) In support of this
valid that particular cue may be. The research in hypothesis, patients with amnesia were as successful
NMCPL has indicated that validity and salience as controls in learning the task (Knowlton et al.
trade-off in predictable ways. Table 1 provides a sum- 1996). Because the weather prediction task (and MCPL
mary of the main findings. People are good at learning generally) is concerned primarily with the aggregate cue
which cues are valid for a given task and will utilize utilization following learning, it is not clear to what
those cues accordingly. If all of the cues have the same extent differential strategy use plays a role in these stud-
validity then people will utilize cues with higher ies. For instance, responses generated by always using
saliency. Increasing either a cue’s validity or its saliency a single cue can often result in similar performance to
will enhance its utilization (to the detriment of other using a conjunction of cues (Gluck et al. 2002). Conse-
cues). Irrelevant cues also impact performance – quently, participants might follow a number of differ-
adding an irrelevant cue decreases utilization of ent strategies to arrive at the same level of aggregate
a valid cue, but the effect depends on the salience of performance making it difficult to infer what different
the irrelevant cue – people must “notice” the irrelevant levels of performance actually mean. Hence, it is diffi-
cue in order to utilize it and it takes a highly salient cue cult to assess the degree to which MCPL might rely on
to attract attention to what is irrelevant (see Kruschke memory or implicit knowledge; however, recent ana-
and Johansen 1999). People are also more adept at lyses have aimed to determine the underlying strategy
utilizing a single cue than using cues comprised of used in MCPL tasks and not just the level of accuracy.
combinations or configurations of single cues.
The weather prediction task illustrated in Fig. 2
has been used extensively in studies of neurocognition,
▶ Behaviorism and Behaviorist Learning Theories
primarily to examine dissociations between declarative
▶ Cognitive Tasks and Learning
and procedural memory. The task putatively does not
▶ Complex Learning
involve declarative memory because recalling previous
▶ Cue Summation and Learning
trials should not help the learner avoid errors due to
▶ Design of Learning Environments
probabilistic feedback. Instead, the weather prediction
▶ Human Feature Learning
task is presumed to rely on some implicit knowledge of
▶ Neuropsychology of Learning

Multiple-Cue Probability Learning. Table 1 Summary of

important MCPL findings References
Increased validity leads to increased utilization Anderson, J. R. (1990). The Adaptive character of thought. Hillsdale:
Decreased validity leads to decreased utilization Brunswik, E. (1943). Organismic achievement and environmental
Increased salience leads to increased utilization probability. Psychological Review, 50, 255–272.
Estes, W. K. (1976). The cognitive side of probability learning. Psy-
Decreased salience leads to decreased utilization chological Review, 83, 37–64.
Validity and salience interact Gluck, M. A., Shohamy, D., & Myers, C. (2002). How do people solve
the “weather prediction” task?: Individual variability in strategies
Increased utilization of one cue decreases utilization for
for probabilistic category learning. Learning & Memory, 9,
other cues
Salient but irrelevant cues decrease utilization of valid Knowlton, B. J., Mangels, J. A., & Squire, L. R. (1996). A neostriatal
cues habit learning system in humans. Science, 273, 1399–1401.
Kruschke, J. K., & Johansen, M. K. (1999). A model of probabilistic
Single cues are easier to utilize than configurations of
category learning. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Learning,
Memory, and Cognition, 25, 1083–1119.
Multiplicative Thinking and Learning M 2389

involving the mind of learners reacting to incoming

Multiple-Documents Literacy information. Multiplicative thinking represents the
▶ Knowledge Acquisition: Constructing Meaning from learner’s mental adaptive processing of multiplication
Multiple Information Sources concepts by using different methods and approaches in
various mathematical problem contexts. Considering
the level of complexity inherent in the nature of mul-
tiplication, one requires a more complex approach
when thinking about numbers and operations. Multi-
Multiple-Texts Comprehension plicative thinkers are those who have understood the
▶ Knowledge Acquisition: Constructing Meaning from concept of multiplication and are able to apply the
Multiple Information Sources concepts and solve problems relationally.

Theoretical Background
Multiplicative thinking has gained more recognition
and interest in recent years, following the early work
Multiplicative Reasoning of Vergnaud in 1983. The growth of multiplicative
▶ Multiplicative Thinking and Learning thinking is critical for a learner’s conceptualizing or
articulating of his or her world. However, studies reveal
that many conceptual stumbling blocks that learners
encounter in the elementary and even middle school
curriculum are related to multiplicative thinking. The
Multiplicative Structures inability to bridge the gap from additive to multiplica-
▶ Multiplicative Thinking and Learning tive thinking is a significant reason causing this varia-
tion which impedes a meaningful understanding of the
mathematics curriculum. Determining what experi-
ences might be important to foster this understanding
requires a thorough analysis of the schema of children’s
Multiplicative Thinking thinking in the area of multiplication. Some of the
▶ Multiplicative Thinking and Learning questions we need to ponder are: What do we know
about multiplicative thinking/structure? What are the
ways learners build on such structures? What cognitive
operations underlie such structures? Three major per-
spectives on multiplicative thinking have argued on the
Multiplicative Thinking and analysis of multiplicative construct and the cognitive
Learning structures necessary to understand it.
The first perspective on building dimensional rela-
PARMJIT SINGH tionships between quantities in multiplicative situa-
University Technology MARA, Shah Alam, tions was pioneered by Vergnaud in 1983.
Selangor, Malaysia A diagrammatic representation was developed to illus-
trate the structure of multiplicative problems (see
Fig. 1). This structure called “isomorphism of mea-
Synonyms sures” consists of the relation between two measure
Multiplicative reasoning; Multiplicative structures; spaces (or units) M1 and M2, comprising two different
Multiplicative thinking quantities. Examples of this relation are distance and
time, items purchased and their cost, etc.
Definition Given that a, b, and c are provided and that x is
Multiplication (and division) is an arithmetic operator missing, two kinds of operators, namely, the scalar
used on numbers while thinking is a cognitive process operator and functional operator are proposed. The
2390 M Multiplicative Thinking and Learning

scalar operator transposes the operator linking a to c in thinking requires that learners construct and coordi-
M1 to the other measure space M2, and then applies it nate three aspects of multiplicative situations (groups
to b to get x (see Fig. 2). It is called scalar because it is of equal size, number of groups, and the total quan-
a ratio of two magnitudes of the same unit and has no tity), “in such a way that one of the composite units is
dimension. distributed over the elements of the other composite
The functional operator transposes the operator unit” (Steffe 1994, p. 19). This scheme involves taking
linking a to b on the upper line to the lower line and a set as a countable unit (the number of groups) while
applies it to c to get x (see Fig. 3). It is called functional maintaining the unit nature of its element (groups of
because it represents the coefficient a of the linear equal size). There is a significant difference between
function f(x) = ax from M1 to M2. Its dimension this pre-multiplication iteration from the conventional
comprises the quotient of two other dimensions (e.g., 4  3 of four groups and three units in it (3 + 3 + 3 + 3)
price of pizza, miles per hour). as the basis for repeated addition. Iterate simply means
The analyses on this dimensional relationship (pro- the repetition (distribution over another) of the unit,
portionality) are based on fundamental multiplicative and in this iteration scheme, the 4 indicates four iter-
structures applied in relational problem contexts and ation of an iterable unit 3 (3, 6, 9, 12). Iterating
represented at different levels of abstraction from sim- is a form of distributing one quantity across another
ple to more complex situations. However, it does not (3, 3 + 3, 6 + 3, 9 + 3).
discuss explicitly the learner’s voice and ways of talking. These iteration schemes can develop or progress to
Beyond these formal structures, one should ask, how a more abstract level of cognizing multiplicative think-
learners construct their own multiplicative thinking ing. The following table (Table 1) illustrates this level of
based on their schema? competency (through a problem context) from a pre-
The second perspective involves the measure of multiplying scheme to Vergnaud’s (1983) isomorphism
units where learners build on prior knowledge of mul- of measures to illustrate the iterative structure of mul-
tiplication and model the situations based on their tiplicative thinking.
schema. Here, the development of multiplicative Question: Mariam needs exactly 3 cups of water to
make 4 small cups of coffee. How many cups of coffee
can she make with 12 cups of water?
M1 M2
a b Situation 1: Pre-multiplying Scheme
c x A buildup procedure that uses an additive strategy
Multiplicative Thinking and Learning. Fig. 1
which is based on establishing a relationship within
Representation of isomorphism of measures
a ratio (3:4) and extending it to the second ratio by

Situation 2: Iterative Multiplication

M1 M2
a b
c x
A simultaneous coordination of the invariant iteration
of multiples 3 and 4 and distributing one of the
Multiplicative Thinking and Learning. Fig. 2 Scalar composite units over the elements of the other com-
operators posite unit.

Situation 3: Scalar Functional

M1 M2 Operator
a b A formal structure that involves finding
c x
a multiplication scalar (unit factor 12/3 = 4) and mul-
tiplying it with 4 that gives 16.
Multiplicative Thinking and Learning. Fig. 3 Functional Learners curtailed this iteration process by using
operators known multiplication facts to help determine the total
Multiplicative Thinking and Learning M 2391

Multiplicative Thinking and Learning. Table 1 Three development levels of a multiplicative thinking situation
Pre-multiplying scheme (Repeated Iterative multiplication
addition) scheme Scalar functional operator
3 C water makes 4 C coffee 3 C water makes 4 C coffee
3 C water 4 C coffee
3 C water makes 4 C coffee 6 C water makes 8 C coffee x4 x4
12 C water ?
3 C water makes 4 C coffee 9 C water makes 12 C coffee
3 C water makes 4 C coffee 12 C water makes 16 C coffee
12 C water makes 16 C coffee
Repeated addition of 3:4 Iteration of 3:4 Multiply with a scalar operator of 4
Symbolically, Symbolically, Symbolically,
12:16 = (3:4) + (3:4) + (3:4) + (3:4) + (3:4) 12:16 = 4(3:4) 4  12/3 = 16
C Cup

number of iterations. This curtailment requires learners ● Jenny folded a piece of paper into three equal parts,
to sufficiently abstract the iteration action so that one then eight equal parts. Jason folded his piece of
can reflect on it and anticipate that the result of several paper into six equal parts. If he wants to make
iterations can be captured by a known multiplication exactly as many parts as Jenny has, how many
fact. This will reflect the learner’s ability to move from parts should he fold his paper into next?
the fundamental iteration schemes to a more abstract
These folding action activities embody many-for-
level of understanding in multiplicative thinking. This M
one (Dienes 1967) multiplicative structure, in that
level of competency represents Vergnaud’s (1988) rep-
each fold creates many parts and operates on the
resentations of isomorphism of measures to illustrate
parts created by previous folds. It is theorized that
the structure of multiplicative problems.
having learners making connections between the
The third perspective is based on multiplicative
number of folds and the number of parts created,
actions independent of addition ideas using the analy-
and reflecting upon these folding tasks could facilitate
sis of actions and images (e.g., partitioning, splitting).
the development of multiplicative thinking (in terms
This paper-folding (partitioning) learning activity
of anticipatory structures) which can progress to
involves a fractional part (1/2, 1/3, or 1/4) to determine
exponential thinking. In fact, this analysis seems to
the number of equal parts made by a series of the
point to actions on actions (kinesthetic movement) as
actions (of folds) and the resulting sequence of folds.
opposed to iteration of number scheme which points
This serves as a basis for multiplicative thinking. This
to units of units.
folding activity can also generate learner thinking on
exponential functions as they progress (see Table 2).
Important Scientific Research and
Open Questions
● If you fold a piece of paper in half four times, how The iterating scheme does suggest that children begin
many equal parts will you create? (have the students using counting strategies, progress to pre-multiplying
predict, then fold) scheme (strategies based on repeated addition), and
One fold makes 2 parts, two folds make 4 parts, finally, use features of scalar (or functional) multipli-
three folds make 8 parts, four folds make 16 parts. cation operators to solve problems. Although obser-
Symbolically, halving a paper generates an expo- vations have been made on learners’ multiplicative
nential function of 21, 22, 23, in determining the thinking development, the thought processes involved
number of equal parts. in such thinking are not clear. It is well established in
● If you folded a piece of paper and created 32 equal the literature (e.g., Jacob and Willis 2001) that some
parts. How could you have folded the paper? learners never reach the stage of effectively using
2392 M Multiplicative Thinking and Learning

Multiplicative Thinking and Learning. Table 2 Fold in equal parts of two, three, and four
Fold in two equal parts (Half) Fold in three equal parts (One third) Fold in four equal parts (Quarter)
One fold makes 2 parts (2  2 )
One fold makes 3 parts (3  2 )
One fold makes 4 parts (4  20)
Two folds make 4 parts (2  21) Two folds make 6 parts (3  21) Two folds make 8 parts (4  21)
Three folds make 8 parts (2  22) Three folds make 12 parts (3  22) Three folds make 16 parts (4  22)
Four folds make 16 parts (2  23) Four folds make 24 parts (3  23) Four folds make 32 parts (4  23)
Symbolically n folds = 2  2n–1 n folds = 3  2n–1 n folds = 4  2n–1

multiplicative thinking as there is an overreliance on processes (where they need to go), and the use of the
the pre-multiplying scheme based solely on repeated different perspectives or approaches needed (how to
addition. How, then, do learners bridge the gap get there).
between the three approaches to multiplicative think-
ing? Research (e.g., Susan and Erin 2006; Confrey 1994)
has indicated the emergence of multiplicative
▶ Learning Activity
thinking in learners’ solutions through paper-folding
▶ Learning Numerical Symbols
tasks (splitting and partitions). Is the splitting/
▶ Learning Strategies
partitioning learning activities the answer to bridging
▶ Mathematical Learning
the gap?
▶ Mental Arithmetic
In general, the relative difficulty of multiplication
▶ Schema(s)
word problems is affected by the type of multiplier, and
in these schemes (iteration of number scheme and
partition/splitting), it is based on whole numbers. References
Will learners be able to apply these schemes to Confrey, J. (1994). Splitting, similarity and rate of change: new
a decimal multiplier (larger or smaller than 1) or frac- approaches to multiplication and exponential functions. In
G. Harel & J. Confrey (Eds.), The development of multiplicative
tion? These perspectives also do not cater for many
reasoning in the learning of mathematics (pp. 293–332). Albany,
influential variables in a problem situation like text, NY: State University of New York Press.
structure, context, and syntax. Dienes, Z. P. (1967). Building up mathematics. London: Hutchinson
One of the goals of research is to identify impor- Educational Publishers.
tant mathematical knowledge of learners based on Jacob, L., & Willis, S. (2001). Recognising the difference between
their thinking processes and schemas, and start devel- additive and multiplicative thinking in young children. In J.
Bobis, B. Perry & M. Mitchelmore. (Eds.), Numeracy and beyond
oping them early. Identifying and understanding such
(Proceedings of the 24th Annual Conference of the Mathematics
thinking processes will allow multiplicative domains Education Research Group of Australasia, Sydney pp. 306–313).
to become widely accessible to all learners from early Sydney: MERGA.
childhood through early adulthood. Taken together, Steffe, L. (1994). Children’s multiplying schemes. In G. Harel & J.
the three perspectives do identify the important pro- Confrey (Eds.), The development of multiplicative reasoning in the
learning of mathematics (pp. 3–40). Albany: State University of
cesses and give the reader a variety of choices about
New York Press.
how to conduct research in the multiplicative concep- Susan, B. E., & Erin, T. (2006). The emergence of multiplicative
tual field. However, do these perspectives provide an thinking in children’s solutions to paper folding tasks. Journal
adequate framework for assisting learning and teach- of Mathematical Behavior, 25, 46–56.
ing of multiplication in schools? These three perspec- Vergnaud, G. (1988). Multiplicative structures. In J. Hiebert & M.
tives are rich in ideas; however, their implication for Behr (Eds.), Number concepts and operations in the middle grades
(pp. 141–161). Reston: National council of Teachers of
classroom practices is less clear. In developing adept
multiplicative thinkers, one needs to assess learners’ Vergnaud, G. (1983). Multiplicative structures. In R. Lesh & M.
current level of thinking (where they are), the context Landau (Eds.), Acquisition of mathematics concepts and processes
(or dimensions) of the important multiplicative (pp. 127–174). New York: Academic.
Multi-robot Concurrent Learning M 2393

(3) robots having different capabilities and learning

Multi-representational may need to discover these capabilities and to take
Learning Environments advantage of them.
▶ Metacognition and Hypermedia Learning: How Do
They Relate? Theoretical Background

Multi-robot System Introduction

Cooperative multi-robot system is a wide research
topic spanning many applications including multi-
Multi-robot robot cooperative material transportation, distributed
sensing, exploration and mapping, team formation and
▶ Multi-robot Concurrent Learning marching, robot soccer, etc. The cooperative multi-
robot system is more than just a simple extension of
the single-robot system. It not only increases the per-
formance and robustness of the system by parallel
Multi-robot Concurrent operation, but it is also able to accomplish the tasks
impossible for a single-robot system through “cooper-
Learning ation.” The term “cooperation” is widely used in robot-
ics literature. Cao et al. (1997) states that “Given some
1 task specified by a designer, a multiple-robot system
Accenture, China
2 displays cooperative behavior if, due to some underly-
Department of Mechanical Engineering, National
ing mechanism (i.e., the “mechanism of cooperation”),
University of Singapore, Singapore
School of Engineering and Computer Science,
there is an increase in the total utility of the system.” M
Compared to a single-robot system, the cooperative
Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington,
multi-robot system is distinguished by the following
New Zealand
● Multi-robot systems can accomplish some inher-
Synonyms ently complex tasks that cannot be accomplished
Cooperation; Machine learning; Multi-robot; Rein- by single-robot systems, e.g., two robots carrying
forcement learning a load that is impossible for one robot to carry.
● Multi-robot systems can enhance the performance
Definition by working cooperatively to achieve performance
Multi-robot Concurrent Learning means a team of better than combined performance of individual
autonomous robots (or agents) learning to achieve robots.
a desired collective task. Learning is achieved by inter- ● Multi-robot systems are more robust than single-
action with other robots and the environment. Learn- robot systems because failures of robots, in general,
ing can be done in a distributed way where each robot do not critically affect the ability of the robot team
learns on its own, in a centralized way where learning is to accomplish the collective task.
realized in a central computing system that communi- ● As compared with an expensive and
cates with the robots, or a combination of distributed multifunctional robot, the cost of a team of simple
and centralized learning. Current research activities robots may be cheaper.
focus on: (1) learning algorithms based on the robot’s
interactions where sensing and actuation are typically Multi-robot System Classification
corrupted with noise, (2) concurrent learning where Generally, multi-robot systems can be categorized by
the behavior of a robot is affected by what it has learned their control architectures (centralized or distributed),
and thereby affecting other robots’ learning and behav- robot differentiation (homogeneous or heteroge-
iors (stability issues have to be addressed), and neous), and cooperation level (low to high).
2394 M Multi-robot Concurrent Learning

Centralized and Distributed Multi-robot System Control

In centralized control, a commander (a leader robot or Methodology
a host PC) gives commands to every robot, whereas in In robotics research, four basic policies are usually used
decentralized control each robot makes decision by to control the robot: reactive, deliberative, hybrid, and
itself and works with other robots without the need behavior-based control. They can be summarized as
for a central controller. An important advantage of follows (Mataric 2001):
distributed control is the higher level of robustness,
● Reactive control: do not think much, just act
since the task is not solely dependent on the central
depending on sensor inputs.
controller. But the resources available (e.g., computing
● Deliberative control: think first, and then act.
power) of individual robots are in general much less
● Hybrid control: think and act independently at the
than that of a central controller. The best system com-
same time.
bines both centralized and distributed control to
● Behavior-based control: think the way to act.
achieve an optimum collective execution of the task.
The characteristics of the mission and the environ-
Homogenous and Heterogeneous ment, and the capabilities of robots determine the
If all robots are identical, the team is homogeneous, control policy that is suitable for a given mission.
otherwise it is heterogeneous. In a heterogeneous robot Reactive, deliberative, and hybrid controls are usually
group, individual robots usually have different physical used in single-robot systems and are able to achieve
configurations and capabilities. For example, a robot action level cooperation in multi-robot systems.
team can have several subgroups, one group can serve Behavior-based control is more complex, but it can
as the “brain,” another group as actuators, etc. achieve task level cooperation in multi-robot systems.
Behavior-based control is therefore a popular control
Action Level Cooperative or Task Level methodology that is applied to cooperative multi-
Cooperative robot systems.
Multi-robot systems can be classified as task level coop-
erative or action level cooperative, depending on the Multi-robot Concurrent Learning
level of cooperation (Tangamchit et al. 2002). In task There is extensive literature on single-robot learning.
level cooperation, the mission is broken down into However, the basic learning algorithms for single robot,
simpler tasks; each robot chooses different tasks such as concept learning, decision-tree learning, artifi-
(roles) and behaves differently, according to the task cial neural networks, Bayesian method, computational
allocated to it. Action level cooperation does not dif- learning, instance-based learning, and genetic algo-
ferentiate between the behaviors of the robots. It is rithms, are seldom used for multi-robot learning. Two
usually accomplished by enabling the robots to work basic assumptions, Markov decision process and sta-
in parallel. The term “cooperation” in action level tionary environment, which are usually valid in the
cooperation only refers to the fact that a robot will single-robot domain, are inapplicable in multi-robot
not impede others, e.g., collision. For instance, in domains due to the interactions among the concur-
a robot soccer team, task level cooperation allows the rently learning robots (Kaelbling et al. 1996). One
robots take on different tasks (behaviors), such as class of solutions to address this problem is to estimate
defending, passing, and shooting. On the contrary, if the influence of other robots and consider the process
the cooperation is at the action level, the mission is not as semi-Markovian and pseudo-stationary for an indi-
divided and all the robots try to achieve the same goal: vidual learning robot. Another class of solutions is to
get the ball and then kick it toward the goal. Task level coordinate or schedule the distributed learning pro-
cooperation, in general, has superior performance cesses to reduce interference. However, the coordina-
compared to action level cooperation. Depending on tion and scheduling of the learning processes have to be
the application, a hybrid combination of task and deliberatively designed and usually require explicit
action levels of cooperation may also be needed (e.g., communications among the robots.
many robots carrying and transporting a common For multi-robot systems, reinforcement learning is
payload). extensively studied. This is due to the fact that
Multi-robot Concurrent Learning M 2395

behavior-based control is very popular in multi-robot continuous space without discretization. The function
systems, and reinforcement learning (RL) is suitable for approximation approach applies a generalizing func-
behavior-based control because it focuses on learning tion approximator to estimate the state-action value
directly from the feedback of the environment. Another instead of using discrete lookup tables. Also, reinforce-
explanation is that other machine learning algorithms, ment learning can be used to derive optimal feedback
such as Genetic Algorithms, have heavy computational control laws for linear/nonlinear systems. However,
burden and may not be practical for robots used in these approaches usually assume that the environment
multi-robot systems; therefore they are not extensively model is known and may incur heavy computational
used. burden if the training data set is large. Another class of
solutions is to integrate reinforcement learning with
Reinforcement Learning for Multi- Fuzzy Inference Systems (FIS) by allowing the rein-
robot Concurrent Learning forcement learning module to learn/tune the fuzzy
Reinforcement learning is a simple but powerful learn- rules for the FIS. The FIS can then retrieve continuous
ing algorithm that is model free, does not require strict and infinite states and perform the corresponding
supervision, and can be optimal subject to user defined actions. These deliberatively designed approaches can
criteria (Sutton and Barto 1998). In addition, rein- tune the FIS to achieve satisfying performance; how-
forcement learning provides a natural fit for the behav- ever, the control architecture and learning algorithm
ior-based control which requires the robot to “select” are usually complex and the applications are mostly for
optimal actions under any given state (Mataric 2001). low level control involving simple tasks and missions,
For example, a robot can use the reinforcement learn- e.g., approaching targets with obstacle avoidance.
ing algorithm to learn the elementary behavior “avoid
obstacles,” such that when it is “near to an obstacle” Important Scientific Research and
(“high level” state), it will carry out the (“high level”) Open Questions M
action “make a detour along the boundary of the Multi-robot concurrent learning usually applies rein-
obstacle.” forcement learning algorithms and aims to obtain the
In last three decades, reinforcement learning has desired behavior-based control system. The reinforce-
been extensively studied for multi-robot concurrent ment learning module has to retrieve discrete input
learning of cooperative behaviors. However, to apply states and perform discrete actions. A challenging
reinforcement learning to behavior-based control, the work is to design a totally continuous and infinite
designers usually need to discretize the continuous space learning algorithm, and enable the robot to per-
input state space and output action space. The problem form state/action discretization through learning. This
associated with discretization is that if the is an important research issue to be studied.
discretization is too coarse, some states may be hidden Another problem associated with the learning con-
and the optimal control policy cannot be found; if the troller is that the behavior-based control system is usually
discretization is too fine, the states cannot be general- specific to one type of cooperation task. If other type of
ized and the huge state/action space will adversely cooperation task is selected the specific behavior-based
impact the learning speed. In addition, if the states control system has to be redesigned accordingly. If the
and actions are discretized and finite, the behaviors control system is inappropriately designed and does not
will also be discrete and finite because the robot can fit the requirements of the task, reinforcement learning
only perform one action corresponding to a single may not work optimally. Therefore, the performance of
behavior at any one time. This contradicts the human the system can be greatly improved if the behavior-based
reasoning that the optimal solution to accomplish control system is generic and effective for all types of
a task may comprise the concurrent execution of sev- control problems. This is another important research
eral elementary behaviors. Furthermore, switching issue to be studied.
among discrete behaviors usually results in unsmooth Last but not the least, in distributed learning con-
control, which is undesirable in most scenarios. With trollers, the interference among the concurrent learning
respect to this problem, several methods have been robots may cause the distributed learning controller to
proposed to enable reinforcement learning in generate unsatisfying results. Another future research
2396 M Multisensory Integration

topic of importance is to examine how communications

(both direct/explicit or indirect) can be exploited to Multistrategy Learning
achieve better concurrent learning.
LIAAD-INESC Porto L.A./Faculdade de Economia,
University of Porto, Porto, Portugal
▶ Collaborative Learning
▶ Collective Learning
▶ Group Learning
▶ Robot Learning
Dynamic selection; Induction and abduction; Inferen-
tial strategies; Learning methods; Workflow design
Cao, Y. U., Fukunaga, A. S., Kahng, A. B., & Meng, F. (1997). Coop-
erative mobile robotics: Antecedents and directions. Autonomous Definition
Robots, 4(1), 7–27. Multistrategy learning (MSL) is concerned with devel-
Kaelbling, L. P., Littman, M. L., & Moore, A. W. (1996). Reinforce- oping learning methods and systems that integrate
ment learning: A survey. Artificial Intelligence Research, 4, 237–
different inferential and/or representational strategies
Mataric, M. J. (2001). Learning in behavior-based multi-robot sys-
in solving a given learning task. In general, a learning
tems: Policies, models, and other agents. Journal of Cognitive task is defined as a composition of three components:
Systems Research, 2(1), 81–93. the type of knowledge to be learned, the input infor-
Sutton, R. S., & Barto, A. G. (1998). Reinforcement learning: An intro- mation available to the learner, and the learner’s prior
duction. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. (or background) knowledge. As for integration of dif-
Tangamchit, P., Dolan, J. M, Khosla, P. K. (2002). The necessity of
ferent strategies, different people attribute a different
average rewards in cooperative multirobot learning. In Proceed-
ings of IEEE international conference on robotics and automation, meaning to this term. Some are concerned with differ-
Washington, DC (pp. 1296–1301). ent inferential strategies, such as induction and abduc-
tion. Others explore combinations of several different
learning methods for the same goal and a particular
inferential strategy. Moreover, the learning methods
may be accompanied auxiliary computational pro-
Multisensory Integration cesses (e.g., pre-preprocessing). Others are concerned
mainly with dynamic selection of learning methods for
▶ Intersensory Facilitation
the same learning goal. A more general problem
involves decomposing a learning goal into subgoals
and selecting suitable (learning) operators for each
subgoal. The last alternative can be referred to as
Multisensory Learning workflow design and can involve planners.

▶ Multimodal Learning Theoretical Background

Due to complementary nature of different learning
strategies, multistrategy learning approaches have
a potential for a wider range of applications than
Multi-sensory Neurons monostrategy systems. The field of multistrategy learn-
ing goes back to the 1980s where various authors began
A multi-sensory neuron exhibits an altered response to integrate various techniques or methods, although
(e.g., in terms of spike rate or activation threshold) by the term got into use later. In the period 1991–2000,
concurrent stimulation from more than one modality. a series of five workshops was organized under this
Different types of multi-sensory neurons have been name in different countries. The first one was orga-
identified in different brain areas in mammals and nized by R. Michalski and G. Tecuci in 1991. After 2000
other animals. the activities in this area continued usually under
Multistrategy Learning M 2397

different names, but clear links can be established. This The interdependence between the level of detail and
issue is addressed further on in this entry. learning has recently been addressed in the area
As has been mentioned in definition given above, referred to as Knowledge Discovery from Databases
MSL methods or systems integrate different inferential (KDD). Detailed information is stored in a Data Ware-
and/or representational strategies. It was mentioned house and the level of detail can be changed on demand
that different people attribute a different meaning to using drill-up/drill-down operations.
this term. In the following various different interpreta- Others have included various types of mecha-
tions are covered in more detail. The aim is to provide nisms of arriving at knowledge, including perception,
an up-to-date view, taking into account the new devel- communication, learning, and deployment of
opments in the last decade. learned models, but the activity is restricted to
a particular domain to make this tractable. One
Combining Different Types of good example is robotic soccer. The experience
Inferential Strategies gained in this rather specific task may be of use in
In this setting, we may require that the inferential other types of domains.
methods should be radically different methods, such Another interesting line of research aims at
as, for instance, induction generalization, abductive der- extending symbolic reasoning and learning to incorpo-
ivation or deduction discussed by Michalski (1994). rate probabilistic information, giving rise to reasoning
Knowledge transformations are referred to in this set- and learning in probabilistic logics (de Raedt 2008).
ting as transmutations. Abstractions and specializations There is no doubt that this area will continue to be
(concretions) change the level of detail. The aim of this investigated in future. So far, the progress has not been
research is to organize different inferential strategies as fast as one would wish, as the investment to develop
into one coherent whole specifying the conditions such systems is high and the return, when trying to
determining which strategy should be triggered when solve real problems, is not immediate. This is the main
(i.e., under what conditions). reason why researchers have devoted their attention to
This setting is really a challenging one, as it requires some of the problems discussed below, which lead to
that the architecture of an intelligent agent be defined in more immediate returns.
some detail, including the relationship between mecha-
nisms responsible for knowledge acquisition and trans- Combining Different Learning
formation with recourse to different inferential strategies Methods Within the Same Learning
(incl. induction) that the agent may have recourse to. Strategy for the Same Goal
Although in the last decades, various proposals have One sub-area of MSL is concerned with model combi-
been made concerning the general architecture “intelli- nation for the same learning goal (e.g., classifying
gent systems” that includes also learning, no consensus examples). We note that models that are being com-
has been established. Note that the architecture involves bined involve the same learning strategy (e.g., classifi-
a so-called control task, that involves the issue of deter- cation learning). As this sub-area is easier to tackle than
mining which mechanism to employ when. This is the more general goal described above and has led to
sometimes referred to as meta-level control. The meta- practical benefits, it has witnessed a great expansion in
level control is often defined with recourse to symbolic the last two decades. There are two basic approaches to
methods (e.g., logic), as in Michalski (1994). model combination. The first one exploits variability in
As defining the architecture is a kind-of all the given data and combines multiple copies of a single
encompassing task, and hence rather difficult, many learning algorithm applied to different subsets of data.
people preferred to consider more restricted sub-areas The most famous examples of this type include bagging
related to this general setting. and boosting. The second one exploits variability
So, for instance, one may try to determine how to among learning algorithms. This approach includes,
design systems that exploit both induction and abduc- for instance, stacking and cascade generalization. As
tion. This has drawn interest of a part of the community both the inference mechanism and learning goals are
and led to organization of specialized workshops on fixed, the aim is to improve a given measure of success
this topic (e.g., Flach and Kakas 2000). (e.g., classification error).
2398 M Multistrategy Learning

Machine Learning Method Warehouse). The classical sequence of operations that

Accompanied by (or Preceded by) is then applied involves data selection, data preparation
Auxiliary Computational Processes (e.g., selection of features), data mining, and post-
In this setting we require that some learning method, processing. Data mining is normally seen as a process
when complemented by some auxiliary computational that selects a suitable machine learning method for
method (or several such methods) has some advan- training and/or deployment. Again, we note that spe-
tages over the original learning method. The auxiliary cific communities have been established that have
computational method is usually included for a specific turned this sub-area into their main object of research.
aim (e.g., to overcome some shortcoming of the learn-
ing method). Dynamic Selection of Machine
Many contributions in the area of MSL in the past Learning Method that Exploits Meta-
would fall into this sub-type. They were not limited to level Information
the task of classification, but rather covered most areas As the number of machine learning algorithms grows,
of machine learning, including theory revision, causal the problem arises which one is to be selected for
modeling, combination of symbolic and sub-symbolic a given task. The problem arises, as no single algorithm
methods, improving rule-based classification using is the best one for all problems. Some researchers have
genetic algorithms, using clustering prior to regression, thus explored the possibility of using meta-level infor-
etc. Many of the topics in this list appear as articles in mation (metadata) to guide the process of selection,
literature on this topic (e.g., Michalski and Tecuci making the selection dynamic. Meta-level information
1994). (metadata) includes, in the first place, information
Some authors tried simply to show that their work concerning problems dealt with in the past by applying
simply includes more than one method, overcoming different machine learning algorithms (e.g., classifiers)
thus some shortcomings of the predecessor systems. and their corresponding performance. Besides, it
This is the case of using clustering prior to regression. includes also some characteristics of the new problem.
We note that normally the component types in each The aim is to exploit all this in order to predict (rec-
proposal were fixed by the designer. For instance, in the ommend) the best type of method (classifier) for the
work on improvement of rule-based classification new problem (Brazdil et al. 2009).
using genetic algorithms, the work included a rule-
based classification learning supplemented by an auxil- Dynamic Multistage Processing that
iary method, genetic algorithms, whose aim was to Exploits Meta-level Information and
identify the apparently best rule set. Planning
We note that the distinction between multistrategy This topic can be seen as a combination of the previous
and monostrategy learning approaches may be argu- two lines. It involves dynamic selection of algorithms or
able. For instance, we recollect that a decision tree methods, but the objective is not to select a single
classifier incorporates a pruning technique. A Naive machine learning method, but rather (partially
Bayes classifier may incorporate a built-in ordered) sequences of processing steps, which is usually
discretization algorithm. Many learning systems have referred to as workflow. So, the objective can be formu-
evolved to be quite complex and incorporate various lated as workflow design. This can be done either man-
techniques to achieve a given goal. Whenever ually or automatically. Manual workflow design is
a combination of techniques has been established and usually done with the help of visualization techniques.
has proved itself useful, it is normally regarded simply Many data mining systems, such as SPSS Clementine,
as a whole, albeit more sophisticated than its predeces- Weka, RapidMiner or KNIME (among others) include
sor. So to regard these as multistrategy learning systems the possibility of composing workflows by dragging
nowadays would be questionable. in icons representing the individual operations.
Before ending this section, we need to mention one Current approaches that are being investigated use
special kind of sequence of operations, referred to as planners to compose workflows. Various techniques
Knowledge Discovery from Databases (KDD). It pre- are used to make this process feasible and/or faster.
supposes an existence of some data source (e.g., Data These include usage of ontologies of operations,
Music and Language Learning M 2399

meta-level information characterizing individual oper- Michalski, R. S. (1994). Inferential theory of learning: Developing
ations, which in turn are used as heuristics that can be foundations for multistrategy learning. In R. S. Michalski & G.
Tecuci (Eds.), Machine learning: A multistrategy approach (Vol.
used to guide the search. These issues are the object of
IV). San Francisco: Morgan Kaufmann.
study in various specialized workshops (e.g., PlanLearn Michalski, R. S., & Tecuci, G. (1994). Machine learning: A multistrategy
2010). approach (Vol. IV). San Francisco: Morgan Kaufmann.
PlanLearn (2010) 3rd planning to learn workshop associated with
ECAI-2010, Lisbon, Portugal.
Important Scientific Research and planlearn10.html
Open Questions
The area of combining different types of inferential
strategies, that was originally described by (Michalski
and Tecuci 1994) in the early days of MSL continues to
be an important research question. As has been men- Multivariate Regression
tioned in the last decades various proposals have been
made concerning the general architecture “intelligent ▶ Learning via Linear Operators
systems” that includes also learning, but no consensus
has been established. Note that the architecture involves
the issue of determining which mechanism to employ
when. The costs and benefits of differently employing Music and Education
such mechanisms (deciding what to do when) need to be
carefully weighted at each step. These may involve deter- ▶ Music and Learning
mining what one wants to do, which may require certain
knowledge resources. Then one needs to decide how the
knowledge is to be obtained. This may be done using M
deductive inference, communication with other agents,
Music and Human
or learning. Learning, if not defined exogenously,
involves defining a learning goal, gathering new infor-
mation or data required for learning, activating suitable ▶ Music and Learning
pieces of background knowledge and initiating and con-
trolling the learning process. This area is sometimes
referred to as meta-level control. This process may be
dynamic and involves planning certain cognitive
actions. Although in the last decades, various proposals Music and Language Learning
have been put forward and progress made in specific
sub-areas, in our view this area will continue to be JACK HELLER
a challenge to the community. School of Music, University of South Florida, Tampa,
▶ Abductive Learning
▶ Discrimination vs. Generalization Synonyms
▶ Learning Algorithms Musical expression; Musical interpretation; Musical
▶ Metalearning nuance

References ▶ Musical expression is the performer’s microtonal
Brazdil, P., Giraud-Carrier, C., Soares, C., & Vilalta, R. (2009).
and/or microrhythmic variations around any nota-
Metalearning. Heidelberg: Springer.
de Raedt, L. (2008). Logical and relational learning. Berlin: Springer.
tional fixed point.
Flach, P., & Kakas, A. (Eds.). (2000). Abduction and induction: Essays Music cognition is the demonstration of perceptual
on their relations and integration. Dordrecht: Kluwer. awareness of musically organized patterns.
2400 M Music and Language Learning

Language and music are ubiquitous in all human a similar purpose, i.e., to encode something about
cultures that we know about. It has been argued that speech. The word encode is used because music and
musical abilities and speech abilities develop in similar speech are not communicated in the sense of a one to
ways (Campbell and Heller 1980). The infant eventu- one literal transmission from performer (speaker) to
ally learns to organize acoustic speech information into listener. (There is no isomorphism here.) The word
meaningful sounds. The young child develops an abil- communication is not used because that word implies
ity to learn the language of its parents. By the age of 5 or that there is a direct acoustic link of the stream of music
6, the child has begun to master the intricacies of its or speech from the performer or speaker to the listener.
culture’s speech. This does not mean that abstract con- This direct link conveys very little about the speaker or
cepts and constructs are generally learned by age 6, but performer’s intent unless both performer and listener
rather that the full range of expression in speech is belong to the same speech or musical culture. In this
normally learned by this age. The normal 6-year-old view, the performer encodes the message and the lis-
can tell when a parent is not happy with them by the tener decodes the message, whether music or speech
manner in which the parent speaks. Before the age of (Fiske and Heller 2010). If the listener is not part of
10, the child has already learned that how something is the same musical culture as the performer, little, if
said may be more important than what is said. The anything, is decoded. Much like language, if a speaker
pre-teenaged child has mastered a very complex set of is speaking a language, the listener does not speak, very
language rules (Heller and Campbell 1982). little information is provided to the listener. Of course,
there may be some global attributes of speech (loud-
Theoretical Background ness, gruffness, high or low pitch) that might
The underlying theory here presented is that music is convey certain meaning from speaker to listener, but,
learned in a similar manner that speech is learned. The in general, unless the speaker and listener are part of the
young child’s brain is destined to learn its mother same general language culture, not much decoding can
tongue in speech and probably also in music. The take place in the listener. This view holds as well for
human brain is designed to organize acoustic informa- music.
tion into patterns. At some point early in life, these In the development of language, there is a learning
patterns become recognizable speech or other acoustic window that opens at birth (some say even before birth)
patterns (like music). The word music here is used to and closes somewhere between the ages of 6 and 10.
denote some organized set of acoustic patterns that is This same window may also operate for music learning
meaningful to some group of humans. (Heller and Campbell 1982). Since neurons in the brain
Researchers in language and brain functions have become organized into patterns for speech use, they
developed models of auditory processing that have may also be used for a second language or for
provided new insights into musical learning (Patel music. According to this theory, the learning window
2008). With these models as guides, music researchers is accompanied by a practice window for language, but
may be in a position to provide better answers for two not necessarily for music. If such a practice window for
basic questions that have important practical as well as music is made available to the very young child, then it
theoretical implications. The first question is simply would become possible for such a child to have the
“Why study music;” the second is “How is music opportunity to learn the important expressive qualities
related to other categories of human experience?” necessary for musicality. In this case, the young child is
Music provides “a shared social/cultural contract” able to learn the acoustic patterning rules of
(Campbell and Heller 1981) that gives context for music. Both the learning window and practice window
decoding the acoustic signal. Music (as defined here) must overlap for mastery of language and music skills.
is not meant to be something that is notated in
a written code that can be learned. Musical notation Important Research and Open
is very much like written language. It is a system orga- Questions
nized to encode something about music (the acoustic Many researchers in cognitive psychology support the
phenomenon), and language notation is used for notion of a strong music and language connection. For
Music and Learning M 2401

example, musical syntax and linguistic syntax are com-

pared. By and large, such connections are made based Music and Learning
on notated variables like pitch, rhythm, and timbre.
However, these studies do not generally consider the C. VICTOR FUNG, CLINT RANDLES
very important non-notated expressive nuance vari- Center for Music Education Research, School of Music,
ables of music performance (Lerdahl and Jackendorff College of The Arts, University of South Florida,
1983; Patel 2008). MUS 101, Tampa, FL, USA
Most normal children have the opportunity to
practice their language skills from birth onwards.
Adults (usually parents) constantly teach their chil- Synonyms
dren how to speak from the earliest moments of life. Music and education; Music and human development;
This activity does not usually take place for learning Music education
music at such a young age. However, there are numer-
ous examples of 3- and 4-year-old children learning Definition
to perform musically. These children have had Music and learning may be interpreted in two ways. It
a practice window that opened very early in their may mean the learning of music or the role music plays
lives. Many ascribe a God given talent to these in learning experiences. Whether they are a dichotomy
children. A more appropriate conclusion is that they or a continuum depend on the value music holds in the
have been lucky to have had the opportunity to practice setting and how the musical experience is set up.
their musical skills along with their language skills early
in life. Theoretical Background
Evidence suggests that music was present in all
ancient societies, including China, Egypt, Greece,
Cross-References and India. Music in ancient societies was inclusive
▶ Enculturation and Learning of poetry and moral cultivation and was integrated
▶ Human Cognition and Learning with dance and other art forms. The learning of music
▶ Infant Language Learning was a key component in the human growth experi-
▶ Language Acquisition and Development ence, at least based on philosophers such as Confu-
▶ Linguistic Factors of Learning cius (551–479 B.C.) and Plato (428–347 B.C.).
▶ Music and Learning However, music has become highly specialized and com-
▶ Speech Perception and Learning partmentalized through the last two millennia. Today,
while the key status of music learning has been taken
over by other subjects, such as language and science,
References musicians have become highly specialized, leaving
Campbell, W., & Heller, J. (1980). An orientation for considering poetry, moral cultivation, dance, and the likes to other
models of musical behavior. In D. A. Hodges (Ed.), Handbook of experts. Furthermore, the field of music has been broken
music psychology. Lawrence: NAMT. down into many subfields, such as composition, musi-
Campbell, W., & Heller, J. (1981). Psychomusicology and psycholin-
cology, ethnomusicology, performance, music theory,
guistics: Parallel paths or separate ways? Psychomusicology, 1(2),
music education, conducting, and so forth. Even within
Fiske, H., & Heller, J. (2010). Psychology of music. In New grove performance, it is common to specialize in piano, violin,
dictionary on line. New York: Oxford University Press. erhu, kayagum, percussion, or just about any instru-
Heller, J., & Campbell, W. (1982). Music communication and ment with a specialist at the local institution. While
cognition. Bulletin, Council for Research in Music Education, many music subfields constitute a foundation of train-
72, Fall.
ing musicians, it is rare to see musical experts crossing
Lerdahl, F., & Jackendorff, R. (1983). A generative theory of tonal
music. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. over to another subfield. The learning of music itself
Patel, A. (2008). Music, language and brain. New York: Oxford Uni- seems to be highly specialized in contemporary
versity Press. societies.
2402 M Music and Learning

Music learning is naturally connected to hearing abil- environment and the type of musical stimulations
ities. The Native Americans often speak of the heartbeats available.
of the mother and self, the first sounds humans hear as Based on neurological evidence, early and ongoing
the fetus develops inside the mother’s womb. The heart- musical exposure affects the organization of the musi-
beat, symbolized by a drumbeat in the Native American cal brain (Hodges 2000). This effect seems to be true to
tradition, is the medium of connection among humans most other types of early exposures, such as language,
and the entire web of life. Be it fast or slow, it becomes mathematics, and chess. While there are many studies
a basic pattern for the vast majority of music–a regular that indicate significant and positive correlations between
and steady beat pattern. As the auditory abilities con- music learning and performance in academic subjects
tinue to develop after birth, humans learn about various such as language and mathematics, a causal effect has
sonic patterns, rhythmic, melodic, or in combination. not been determined thus far. It is uncertain whether
Humans are able to discriminate among these patterns. students with higher academic achievement are drawn
These patterns are recognized, learned, understood, to music learning or music learning has led to higher
interpreted, and used in making music, using tools called academic achievement. Regardless, it is clear that music
instruments and the voice. Throughout the lifespan, learning is associated with higher academic achievement.
especially during the first decade (Gordon 2003), There has been some work in examining the effects
humans collect a huge reservoir of musical patterns, of music on learning when music is played in the
from which they absorb, select, recall, produce, repro- background. Some of this research has examined the
duce, and enjoy through various musical activities. effect of playing classical music for infants on their
Music is one of the few human activities that could relaxation level. Other work has focused on the effects
involve multiple modes simultaneously, aural, visual of playing classical music in the background on indi-
(e.g., looking at musical notation), kinesthetic (e.g., viduals’ spatial reasoning skills. This work led to the
finger movement when playing a musical instrument), blossoming of the Mozart Effect, a branch of research
and touching (e.g., feeling of pressure on finger tips that focused exclusively on the effects of listening to
when playing the piano, the violin, or the hand-drum). Mozart’s music on spatial temporal reasoning (Music
It may occupy multiple domains simultaneously, cog- Educators National Conference 2000). The results of
nitive, affective, and psychomotor. The cognitive fac- this research seem to be inconsistent (Demorest and
ulty needs to be in full force when creating music, in Morrison 2000). As a result, some researchers are skep-
composition, improvisation, musical analysis, or musi- tical about advocating for music instruction as
cal memorization while performing. The affective a component of the education of all students on this
domain is stimulated during music processing, includ- insecure foundation.
ing music listening. The psychomotor function is acti- A stronger argument for music studies might be
vated whenever muscular motion is in place, such as gained by way of an understanding of music as
playing an instrument or singing (considering the vocal a distinctive form of human intelligence. Howard
folds are tiny muscles). Furthermore, social learning Gardner’s (1983, 2006) Theory of Multiple Intelligences
takes place as musical styles are being developed in clearly shows that music is a unique form of intelligence
a musician. The influence of culture is indisputable. involving sound and that music is the earliest form of
Given the multiple facets of musical activities, music intelligence to emerge in an individual. No educational
offers a unique potential to facilitate development in scheme should deprive an individual from developing
multiple modes and domains, and in social learning. any one of the forms of intelligence. Just like language,
Besides formal and systematic music learning that mathematics, and other forms of intelligences, music
takes place in school settings, much music learning should be part of all educational structures. To allow
takes place by way of enculturation, acculturation, individuals to grow as complete persons, all forms of
and many forms of informal learning, including intelligences, including music, must be developed.
self-taught. Regardless of the means of music learn- In summary, music has shown to be a unique form
ing, various levels of accomplishments could be of intelligence. Music learning should aim at develop-
expected at different age levels. These levels of accom- ing this unique form of intelligence and making com-
plishments could vary greatly depending on the plete the human growth process. Evidence suggests that
Music and Learning M 2403

the effect of music on other types of learning is at best Research on Music Teaching and Learning (coedited by
associational, speculative, and peripheral. Richard Colwell and Carol Richardson 2002).
Building on the idea that music and learning could
Important Scientific Research and mean the learning of music or the role of music in
Open Questions learning, the authors have developed the following
Given the multifaceted nature of music and learning, model (see Fig. 1).
research in this area is directly linked to music studies The model illustrates the interaction of how stu-
in cognitive psychology, developmental psychology, dents, teachers, and curriculum (the design and plan
social psychology, educational psychology, and philos- for implementation of music making) affect both the
ophy. Furthermore, there is an aesthetic dimension of learning of music and music in learning within the
music based on various cultural values. Considering educational setting. None of these areas should be
the scientific aspects of music learning, a major driving considered static. Rather, they should be viewed as
force is the call for measurement, assessment, and eval- complementary pieces of a complex puzzle. The act of
uation. Measurement in music learning offers relatively music making in the Learning of Music side of the figure
objective information, such as a music test score. could be viewed as comprising all of the intersecting
Assessment in music learning helps instructors to areas (students, teachers, and curriculum), with the
trace changes in the learning experience. Evaluation focus being learning. The act of music making in the
in music learning incorporates all available informa- Music in Learning side of the figure could be viewed as
tion to help make decisions in policy and future comprising all of the intersecting areas (students,
actions. These practices show accountabilities in the teachers, and curriculum), with the focus being music
music teaching and learning experience. They may as one of a number of areas in general learning. Music
offer helpful information for the learner, the teacher, making in the education setting is therefore influenced
the parents, or anyone who cares about the learner’s by beliefs about what each of these areas mean (stu-
experience. There is so much scientific research done in dents, teachers, and curriculum). Once researchers
music teaching and learning. Good places to begin develop an understanding of what music and learning
looking at these studies can be found in the Handbook mean in their specific setting, and how each of the areas
of Research on Music Teaching and Learning (edited by – students, teachers, and curriculum – affect what they
Richard Colwell 1992) and The New Handbook of are interested in regarding music learning or the role









Teachers Curriculum Teachers Curriculum


Music Learning

Learning of Music Music in Learning

Music and Learning. Fig. 1 Model of music and learning

2404 M Music Creation

that music plays in learning, they will then be able to Gardner, H. (1983). Frames of mind: The theory of multiple intelli-
more effectively develop research questions. gences. New York: Basic Books.
Gardner, H. (2006). Multiple intelligences: New horizons. New York:
Current open questions in music and learning con-
Basic Books.
cern the uniqueness of music and other areas, music Gordon, E. (2003). A music learning theory for newborn and young
learning across cultures and time periods, and impact children. Chicago: GIA.
of informal music learning practices: Hodges, D. A. (2000). Implications of music and brain research.
Music Educators Journal, 87(2), 17–22.
● What strategies can researchers use to determine Music Educators National Conference. (2000). Music makes the
a causal relationship between music learning and difference: Music, brain development, and learning. Reston:
other types of learning? MENC.
● How is learning in music different from learning in
other areas of formal education?
● How is learning in music different from other areas
of learning in the arts, such as painting, sculpture,
Music Creation
theatre, and dance? What areas of learning in music
are similar to learning in the arts? ▶ Composition Learning in Music Education
● What mechanisms for music learning are similar
across a variety of cultures, and across time?
● Much of the studies in music learning, cognition,
and development were done with Western art music
and in Western cultures. What difference would it Music Education
make if the research methodology of existing stud- ▶ Music and Learning
ies were modified to use music outside of the West-
ern canon, and the data be collected in non-Western
cultural contexts?
● What can music learning in formal education learn
from informal music learning practices? Music Education Methods
Hopefully, more studies along these lines will guide ▶ Music Instructional Methods
music and learning to a more prosperous path.

▶ Cognitive Psychology of Music Learning Music Instructional Approaches
▶ Composition Learning in Music Education
▶ Developmental Psychology of Music ▶ Music Instructional Methods
▶ Instrumental Learning in Music Education
▶ International Perspectives in Music Instruction and
▶ Multicultural Issues in Music Instruction and Learning
Music Instructional Methods
▶ Music and Language Learning
▶ Music Instructional Methods
▶ Research Methods in Music Instruction and Learning
Department of Music & Dance, Fine Arts Center,
▶ Social Psychology of Music Instruction and Learning
University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA, USA
▶ Technology in Music Instruction and Learning

References Synonyms
Demorest, S. M., & Morrison, S. J. (2000). Does music make you Music education methods; Music instructional
smarter? Music Educators Journal, 87(2), 33–39, 58. approaches; Music methodologies; Music pedagogies
Music Instructional Methods M 2405

Definition a single method, exemplifying the view that method

Music instructional methods are pedagogies and should drive instruction. Others choose a method or
approaches used in teaching music, based on theories combination of methods that best fit their personalities
of teaching and learning that have been developed and preferences, endorsing the premise that method
through research. Each particular method has its own should be instructor-driven. Still others consider (a)
identifiable philosophy and unique instructional pro- their own personalities and preferences, (b) the needs
cess. In addition, some methods utilize specialized and backgrounds of their students, and (c) the learning
materials or instruments. environment at hand, and combine elements from
many methods to create a personal method that is
Theoretical Background both student- and instructor-driven. Music methods
Music instructional methods are framed by a plurality are developed from the desire to improve music edu-
of theories of learning and instruction from the fields of cation in some way. The open question remains as to
education and music education. Theories of learning whether one method is truly more effective than
provide foundational knowledge of how students another, or whether effectiveness fluctuates due to dif-
acquire knowledge, skills, and values. Theories of ferences among students, teachers, and learning
instruction result from research examining the rela- situations.
tionship of (a) the perceived needs of learners, (b) the
instructional processes of the teacher, (c) the learning Traditional Music Instructional
processes of the students, and (d) the learning out-
comes. Modern theories of learning and instruction Traditional methods of music instruction utilized in
are framed by the ideas of Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi
many countries include the Dalcroze, Kodály, Orff-
(1746–1827), who believed that education should be
Schulwerk, and Suzuki approaches. Of these, the
“so sequenced and structured that each stage could
Suzuki approach is used solely for instrumental music M
grow naturally out of the preceding and into the
instruction. It is based on the belief that musical talent
succeeding stage” (Choksy et al. 2001, p. 5). These
is not innate, but can be developed by any child. The
theories are also framed by the work of John Dewey
Dalcroze, Kodály, and Orff-Schulwerk approaches are
(1902), who presented a holistic, pragmatic view of
used in ▶ general music education, and share the con-
students and curricula, and emphasized that students
trary philosophy that each student possesses innate
should develop their capabilities through interaction musicality. In addition, they support the view that
with curricula that are relevant to their lived experi-
music is essential to a well-rounded education, and
ences. Contemporary theories that are particularly rel-
place high value on active music making, including
evant to music instruction include those of
some form of movement. All four approaches begin
constructivism, stage development, reinforcement,
music instruction aurally, rather than through intro-
learning style, and instruction (Campbell and Scott-
duction of musical notation. The following paragraphs
Kassner 2010). Table 1 provides more information and
provide more information about the outstanding fea-
representative examples of each of these types of
tures of each approach.
● Émile Jaques-Dalcroze (1865–1050), a Swiss musi-
Important Scientific Research and cian, was a professor of harmony, ▶ solfège, and
Open Questions composition at the Geneva Conservatory in the
The multiplicity of extant music instructional methods 1860s. The Dalcroze approach was developed early
belies a consensus among music education practi- in the twentieth century in response to what he
tioners and scholars as to the importance of method- perceived to be a general deficit among students in
ology as a framework for music teaching and learning. rhythm, pitch, and intonation accuracy. The
At the same time, it illuminates a lack of consensus as to approach consists of three components: (a)
a best or most effective teaching method for specific age eurhythmics: concepts of rhythm, structure, and
groups of students or types of learning environments. musical expression taught through movement,
Some music educators are unwavering supporters of resulting in the development of an inner muscular
2406 M Music Instructional Methods

Music Instructional Methods. Table 1 Theories that inform music teaching and learning
Type of theory Theorist(s) Brief description
Constructivism Jerome ● Learners develop understanding and make meaning of the world through their own
Bruner experiences and through reflection on those experiences
Stage Jean Piaget ● Learning occurs through four age-related stages of cognitive development:
Development sensorimotor (birth-2 years), preoperational (2–7 years), concrete operations (7–11 years),
and formal operations (11 years–adulthood)
Jerome ● Learners move through three stages of intellectual development: enactive
Bruner (manipulation of objects), iconic (visual recognition), and symbolic (abstract reasoning)
Reinforcement B.F. Skinner ● Learning is a function of overt behavioral change. Behaviors that are reinforced are
more likely to recur
Learning Style Walter ● Learners process information through one of three preferred modes: visual, auditory,
Barbe or kinesthetic
Howard ● Learners process information through multiple intelligences: visual-spatial, bodily
Gardner kinesthetic, musical, interpersonal, intrapersonal, linguistic, logical-mathematical, and
Richard ● Cerebral hemispheric dominance has an effect on how learners process information.
Restak “Left-brain” learners process information in a logical and sequential manner, and “right-
brain” learners process information in an intuitive, holistic manner
Socialization Albert ● Students learn by observing the behaviors of others
Lev ● Socio-cultural interaction plays a fundamental role in learning
Instruction Robert ● Nine steps of instruction are necessary to achieve learning outcomes: (1) attention,
Gagné (2) presentation of learning outcomes, (3) recall of previously learned information, (4) new
material, (5) guided practice, (6) application, (7) feedback, (8) assessment of retention,
and (9) synthesis and transfer
Edwin ● Music learning takes place through an eight-step process that begins with
Gordon ▶ aural learning and ▶ oral imitation, ends with creative experiences and theoretical
understanding, and results in ▶ audiation

sense; (b) ear training: concepts of pitch, scale, and developed the Kodály approach, which incorpo-
tonality taught through solfège in order to develop rates the goals of instilling the love of music in
the inner ear; and (c) improvisation: concepts of every student, developing each student’s innate
form and meaning taught through free expression musical abilities, facilitating the development of
using movement, voice, and instruments, in order cultural identity through the use of folk music,
to develop the capacity for creative expression. and enabling every learner to become musically
Through this approach students develop the ability literate. The Kodály approach is characterized by
to respond immediately and creatively to music. the use of (a) traditional folk music and dance, (b)
● Zoltán Kodály (1882–1967) was a Hungarian music unaccompanied singing, including the use of
educator, composer, and ethnomusicologist. The solfège and hand signs in order to develop inner
Kodály approach was developed in the mid- hearing, (c) rhythm duration syllables, and (d)
twentieth century as a result of his belief that sequential activities leading to development of
music was for everyone, as well as his desire to music literacy.
raise the quality of music education in Hungarian ● The Orff-Schulwerk approach was developed
schools. Kodály, his colleagues, and his students from the ideas of German composer Carl Orff
Music Instructional Methods M 2407

(1895–1982) and colleague Dorothy Gunther, who Later Developments in Music

together founded the Guntherschule in Munich in Instructional Methods
the 1920s, in order to provide a learning environ- Newer methods of music instruction have emerged
ment for integration of the performing arts of from the need to customize music education to be
music movement, speech, and drama. After the congruent with changing patterns and values in society.
destruction of this school in World War II, Orff The following methods are some of the best-known
collaborated with music educator Gunild Keetman newer methods; however, others exist and continue to
through radio broadcasts with children, in order to emerge.
restore the idea of integration of the arts. The pop-
ularity of these broadcasts led to the creation of the ● The Comprehensive Musicianship Through Perfor-
Schulwerk: five volumes of chants, songs, and mance (CMP) approach was initiated in the United
instrumental pieces for children. The overarching States through the sponsorship of the Ford Foun-
goal of the Orff-Schulwerk approach is musical dation. CMP developed out of the desire to improve
learning, experience, and expression, accomplished musical understanding in performance-based
through the exploration of space, sound, and music classes through the incorporation of broader,
musical form. Learning experiences are designed more holistic learning experiences in each lesson.
to nurture student development of musical skills Through this approach, students examine different
and understanding, and comfort with active music musics through common structural elements and
making, including singing, moving, playing instru- concepts. Learning experiences consist of
ments, use of speech in rhythmic and dramatic performing, listening, analysis, critical response,
contexts, improvising, and composing. Orff- reflection, composition, conducting, arranging,
Schulwerk is often referred to as “elemental” historical perspective, and improvisation.
music making, meaning that the materials used ● The Education Through Music approach, developed
are simple, basic, natural, and relevant to the child’s in the 1960s by American music educator Mary
world of thought, fantasy, and play. This elemental Helen Richards, is a holistic adaptation of the
music making includes folk music and poetry, and Kodály approach in order to make it more relevant
is frequently accompanied by simple pitched to North American instructors, students, and
percussion instruments developed by Orff for use school curricula. Its overarching goal is to promote
with children. the well-being of children. Sub-goals are to promote
● Japanese violinist Shinichi Suzuki (1898–1998) language development, social skills, listening skills,
developed the Suzuki or mother-tongue approach, intellectual growth, literacy, physical coordination,
based on his belief statement that, “Musical ability self-esteem, musical development, and imagina-
is not an inborn talent but an ability which can be tion, while reducing bullying, aggression, inatten-
developed. Any child who is properly trained can tion, and impulsiveness. Musical goals include (a)
develop musical ability, just as all children develop development of aural skills through folk songs and
the ability to speak their mother tongue. The poten- singing games from the British Isles and the United
tial of every child is unlimited.” Suzuki’s goal was States, (b) movement activities to promote under-
not simply to develop professional musicians, but standing of rhythm and musical form, and (c) pat-
to nurture loving human beings and help develop tern recognition to prepare children for sight-
each child’s character through the study of music reading.
(SAA 2010). The Suzuki approach is an instrumen- ● In the 1970s, American music educator Edwin
tal music approach, in which instruction begins at Gordon (b. 1928) began to explore the musical
a young age. Parents accompany children to lessons, development of very young children, resulting in
and take an active part in the learning process. the development of his Music Learning Theory
Children learn aurally before learning to read a comprehensive method for teaching audiation,
music. Technique is taught through musical pieces, or the ability to think music in the mind with
which are repeated frequently as students perform understanding. Gordon believes that through
individually and in groups. audiation, students can make greater meaning
2408 M Music Learning Over Time

from music, with the primary goal of Music Learn- ▶ Learner-Centered Learning
ing Theory being the development of tonal and ▶ Multicultural Issues in Music Instruction and
rhythm audiation. This approach is characterized Learning
by an eight-step hierarchy of instruction that begins ▶ Music and Learning
with aural skills and listening, progresses through ▶ Research Methods in Music Instruction and
the development of music literacy skills and impro- Learning
visation skills, and culminates in theoretical under- ▶ Social Psychology of Music Instruction and Learning
standing (Campbell and Scott-Kassner 2010).
● The Music in Education method was created in the References
1980s by the Yamaha Corporation in response to Campbell, P. S., & Scott-Kassner, C. (2010). Music in childhood: From
the rapid growth of technology and its emergence in preschool through the elementary grades. Boston: Schirmer
education. This approach promotes computerized Cengage Learning.
Choksy, L., Abramson, R. M., Gillespie, A. E., Woods, D., & York, F.
MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) key-
(2001). Teaching music in the twenty-first century (2nd ed.).
board labs as substitutes for traditional general Upper Saddle River: Prentice Hall.
music classroom settings, and posits that students Dewey, J. (1902). The child and the curriculum. Chicago: University of
can still participate in traditional general music Chicago Press.
activities such as singing, movement, and listening, GIML – The Gordon Institute for Music Learning. (2010, November
14). Audiation [web resource]. Retrieved from http://www.giml.
but can also add the experience of technology-based
composition. Students progress at their own pace Richards Institute of Education and Research. (2010, November 14).
through a prescribed curriculum. Education through music: About ETM [web resource]. Retrieved
● The Weikart Movement Sequence is frequently from
incorporated in the teaching of movement activities SAA – Suzuki Association of the Americas. (2010, November 14).
within other methods of music instruction. This Suzuki twinkler: Every child can learn [web resource]. Retrieved
approach was developed by Phyllis Weikart, an
American physical education teacher, from her
belief that many people are not successful in move-
ment activities because they have not learned to
keep a steady beat. Her movement learning Music Learning Over Time
sequence is based on the connection between lan-
guage and movement, and consists of the following ▶ Developmental Psychology of Music
four steps:
1. Language only: Saying the movement steps in
2. Language + movement: Saying the movement Music Methodologies
steps in rhythm as the movement is performed.
3. Language + movement: Whispering the move- ▶ Music Instructional Methods
ment steps in rhythm as the movement is
4. Movement only: Thinking the movement steps
in rhythm as the movement is performed. Music Pedagogies
Cross-References ▶ Music Instructional Methods
▶ Beliefs About Learning
▶ Cognitive Psychology of Music Learning
▶ Constructivist Learning
▶ Instrumental Learning in Music Education Music Technology
▶ International Perspectives in Music Instruction and
Learning ▶ Technology in Music Instruction and Learning
Music Therapy M 2409

Defining music therapy is such a complex and

Music Therapy evolving task that Kenneth Bruscia (1998) has devoted
an entire book to this topic. His revised definition
KENNETH S. AIGEN follows: “Music therapy is a systematic process of inter-
Temple University, Philadelphia, PA, USA vention wherein the therapists help the client to pro-
mote health, using music experiences and the
relationships that develop through them as dynamic
Definition forces of change” (Bruscia 1998, p. 20). While this
Music therapy is the intentional use of music and definition is probably the one that is most widely
musical experiences by a professional music therapist used internationally, the profession has undergone sig-
to enrich human life; alleviate human suffering; nificant change in the 12 years since its publication,
enhance physical, cognitive, emotional, and social thus necessitating the somewhat broader definition at
functioning; and promote processes of normal devel- the beginning of this entry.
opment and self-actualization. Music therapists work
with individuals with and without disabilities, and they Theoretical Background
work with individuals in private sessions, small groups, Music has been used to promote emotional, spiritual,
and community contexts. and physical well-being since the dawn of history, and it
Music therapy is practiced globally with profes- continues to be used in this way by individuals such as
sional associations devoted to its advancement in over shamans and healers in non-technological societies.
40 countries. In many of the countries with The origins of the modern profession of music therapy
a professional infrastructure devoted to music therapy, date back to the early twentieth century. While there
music therapists are eligible to receive licenses and were fledgling efforts to build a modern profession and
certifications that are recognized by various govern- practice during the first half of the century, it was not
mental agencies. For example, in the USA, music ther- until the second half of the century that these efforts M
apists can earn board certification by passing a national took root.
certifying examination and obtain various licenses as Beginning in the 1940s, in both the USA and the UK,
counselors and psychotherapists on a state-by-state the early development of the profession was driven by
basis. Because music therapy is a dedicated course of large numbers of veterans of the Second World War who
study from the undergraduate through doctoral levels, suffered emotional and physical injury, and who were
and because there is such a developed infrastructure of populating hospitals and clinics. Volunteer musicians
professional regulation internationally, the profes- noted significant (if anecdotal) health benefits, and the
sional practice of music therapy is limited to those need for professional training and regulation soon
interventions performed by a recognized professional. became apparent. Music therapy experienced rapid
Hence, the term does not encompass any and all ben- growth throughout the second half of the twentieth
eficial uses of music, even when these uses are century as it became disseminated throughout the
implemented by health care professionals such as world. As music therapy became a recognized discipline
nurses, social workers, or medical doctors. with academic degrees and professional organizations
One of the reasons that this definition is so broadly and credentials, Ansdell (2002) notes that it took on five
constructed is because the designation music therapy characteristics that distinguished it from the proto-
defines an area of practice not by its intended results music therapy forms that developed during the first
but by its medium of intervention. This is different half of the twentieth century: (1) a change from exclu-
from related disciplines such as psychotherapy, speech sively receptive methods to participatory ones, (2) a use
therapy, or physical therapy. In each of these cases, the of improvisation to allow spontaneous joint music-
label reflects the targeted area of clinical change. In making, (3) an emphasis on the relationship between
contrast, the fact that music therapy is defined by its therapist and client that was modeled after other forms
medium of intervention means that the practices of of therapy, (4) emphasis on individual sessions, and
music therapists cut across an extremely wide range (5) allying with extrinsic medical and therapeutic the-
of areas in human services. ory for both explanatory and legitimizing purposes.
2410 M Music Therapy

The clinical practice of music therapy generally that while music therapy practice was primarily
does not require the client to have special musical skills implemented as a form of psychotherapy in the former
or training. This may be more obvious when interven- areas, in the USA music therapy was being extensively
tions involve receptive forms of music or singing. applied in other areas such as schools, medical facilities,
When music therapy interventions involve the client and facilities for individuals with developmental
as an active participant in making music, music thera- delays. There are other historical factors involved in
pists generally employ instruments that, while expres- this theoretical evolution, primarily related to the fact
sively rewarding, do not require advanced skills to play, that the profession of music therapy was heavily
such as drums, cymbals, gongs, and various forms of influenced by educational organizations and behavior-
pitched (tonal) percussion instruments. In addition, ism dominated so many areas of psycho-social care
some standard instruments that do not require years beginning in the 1970s.
of training to produce a pleasing tone can be adapted In the 1960s and 1970s, fully developed models of
for use in music therapy, such as the piano and guitar. music therapy practice began to emerge. At the World
The important point is that music therapists generally Congress of Music Therapy in 1999, five such interna-
play music with people, not for them, a common tional models were recognized: Analytical Music Ther-
misconception held by people unfamiliar with the apy (Preistley 1994), Behavioral Music Therapy,
profession. Benenzon Music Therapy (Benenzon 1981/1997),
Although it is relatively small profession, there is an Guided Imagery and Music (Bonny 2002), and
extremely wide variety of clinical music therapy appli- Nordoff–Robbins Music Therapy (Nordoff and Robbins
cations. For example, while there are approximately 2007). The criteria for recognition of these models were
5,000 board-certified music therapists in the USA, that each had to be practiced internationally and have
they report ongoing clinical work with approximately its own approach to treatment, clinical training, and
50 different clinical populations in approximately 50 research. The theoretical influences of Analytical Music
different types of work settings. In spite of this great Therapy and Behavioral Music Therapy are noted in
diversity, Bruscia’s (1998) empirical examination of the their names, and Benenzon Music Therapy is also based
profession revealed six broad areas into which existing on psychoanalytic thinking. The approaches of Guided
music therapy practices could be subsumed based upon Imagery and Music and Nordoff–Robbins Music Ther-
their common clinical focus: the didactic, medical, apy are more firmly anchored in humanistic and trans-
healing, psychotherapeutic, recreational, and ecologi- personal psychology. With the exception of Behavioral
cal. For example, music therapists who conceive of Music Therapy, each of the other four models was
their work as an in-depth form of personalized treat- created by a single visionary individual or team.
ment and who work with emotionally traumatized In the mid-1980s, some theorists in music therapy
individuals would be in the psychotherapeutic area; began articulating their dissatisfaction with the use of
music therapists whose focus includes increasing theory imported from other domains of inquiry and
immune system response or enlarging the range of began arguing for indigenous theory (Aigen 1991).
motion of a damaged limb would have their work These authors argued that the description and expla-
classified in the medical area. Each of these six areas nation of music therapy phenomena through non-
has music therapists who work in very different ways to musical theories imported from psychology and/or
very different ends and who lean on a wide variety of education fundamentally distorted the nature of these
sources of theoretical support for their work. phenomena. At the same time, the hegemony of the
The earliest theoretical influences in music therapy – positivistic views on research with its attendant reliance
from the mid-1940s through the late 1960s – were on exclusively quantitative models was also challenged.
derived from various strains of psychoanalytic and It was argued that the underlying foundations of crea-
psychodynamic thinking. While this psychodynamic tive, improvisational, and music-based forms of prac-
thinking remained predominant through most of tice were incompatible with the philosophy underlying
Europe and South America, in the USA behaviorism positivistic forms of quantitative research. Construc-
became a dominant theoretical foundation beginning tivist epistemologies began to be employed as
in the 1970s through the 1990s. One reason for this is a foundation both for clinical practice and research.
Music Therapy M 2411

In the first part of the decade after the year 2000, era is that clients of all types are able to circumvent
music therapy theorists began to directly apply ideas areas of disability while engaged in music. A few
and values that were grounded in the philosophical examples of this phenomenon will illustrate the
critiques from the 1990s. These included music- types of questions most relevant for music therapy
centered (Aigen 2005) and music-based models research: autistic children who cannot communicate
(Garred 2006), and approaches that took more cogni- verbally and who are said to have trouble
zance of the social, cultural, and other contextual fac- distinguishing the foreground and background of
tors in therapy, such as culture-centered music therapy their perceptual and social worlds are able to engage
(Stige 2002), community music therapy (Pavlicevic in interactive and responsive antiphonal improvisa-
and Ansdell 2004), and humanities-based music ther- tions with their therapists while discerning and
apy (Ruud 2010). While representing a diversity of responding to the alteration and embellishment of
approaches, the aforementioned models have in com- musical themes; individuals with psychiatric illnesses
mon a strong reliance on the structures, processes, and resulting in thought disorders are able to internalize
contexts of music-making in their rationales and expla- and relate through musical forms; individuals with
nations for the value and efficacy of music therapy. verbal impairments due to stroke or other neurolog-
They also tend to focus more on enhancing client ical impairments are able to sing words that they
strengths and abilities rather than remediating disabil- cannot speak; individuals with motor impairments
ities or deficits, and thus tend to be resource-oriented are able to move in more fluid and intentional manner
and focus on client empowerment (Rolvsjord 2004). while playing music; and individuals with severe
They also work under a greatly expanded notion of dementia can recall and sing songs from their youth,
what constitutes a legitimate focus of music therapy in spite of not being oriented to the present day and
to work to include things such as improving the well- unable to recall events from the previous day. The
being of communities (circumstantial and otherwise) common phenomenon here is that clients with vari-
and to address problems of social justice. ous types of cognitive and affective deficits are able to
In contrast to these music- and socially-based the- engage with music in a way that indicates a level of
ories, there has been a strong impetus in music therapy cognitive and affective functioning that is not revealed
to employ a medical model of treatment that is more through other verbally based interactions.
prescriptive in nature and that is based upon standards On the neurological level one area of research
of experimental research. This desire was first manifest involves investigating how the human interaction
in the support for behavioral approaches and recently it with music can restore damaged neurological pathways
has manifested as a movement to ground all music or create new pathways where none existed. This line of
therapy treatment in brain science (Thaut 2000; Taylor investigation, while certainly important, begs the ques-
1997). The current drive towards evidenced-based tion of what is happening on a functional level in the
medical practice throughout much of the Western areas of human cognition and affect that orients and
world is providing further impetus for this emphasis motivates the individual with a disability toward musi-
on the medical model of music therapy grounded in cal interaction and allows that person to function more
neurology and supported by research characterized by fully. There is clearly a “chicken and egg” dilemma here
randomized control trials. that involves the relationship between neurological and
functional changes. This focus on the relationship
Important Scientific Research and between music therapy and brain science is in an incip-
Open Questions ient stage of development, however, it appears to be
Music therapy has been demonstrated to achieve something that will be quite fruitful in the coming
important health benefits in the areas of cognition, years.
emotion, social interaction, motor skills, and physio- In response to the conventional wisdom in music
logical and neurological functioning. Such findings therapy regarding the way in which clients are able to
can be found in published meta-analyses of research circumvent areas of disability while involved in music,
in music therapy. A truism in music therapy that has music therapy theorists have embraced a new concep-
driven its dissemination since the post-World War II tion of musical competency as something that human
2412 M Music Therapy

beings do rather than as something that they know Cross-References

through a form of propositional knowledge. Hence ▶ Abilities and Learning: Psychomotor Abilities
the terms musicing (derived from the work of David ▶ Action Schema(s)
Elliott) and musicking (derived from Christopher ▶ Anticipatory Schema(s)
Small) have gained great currency in the professional ▶ Embodied Cognition
literature as they emphasize this active form of know- ▶ Epistemology of Learning
ing. The concept of musical interaction as field of ▶ Implicit Knowledge
human knowledge is consistent with the epistemolog- ▶ Infant Learning and Development
ical viewpoints of authors such as Michael Polanyi ▶ Learning by Doing
(personal knowledge) and Donald Schön (reflection- ▶ Motor Schema(s)
in-action). ▶ Schema Development
One final area of epistemological significance is the ▶ Schema(s)
recent interest in the application of the schema/meta- ▶ Tacit Knowledge
phor theory of Lakoff and Johnson (1980) in music ▶ Virtual Change Agents
therapy. An important aspect of Lakoff and Johnson’s
perspective is that much of human cognitive function-
ing rests upon the existence of core schemas that orig-
Aigen, K. (1991). The roots of music therapy: Towards an indigenous
inate in the human being’s experience as a material research paradigm. New York University. Dissertation Abstracts
body in a three-dimensional world. The same schemas International, 52(6), 1933A.
that underlie cognitive functioning – such as verticality, Aigen, K. (2005). Music-centered music therapy. Gilsum, NH:
source-path-goal, and container – operate in the Barcelona.
domain of music and are, in fact, necessary for the Ansdell, G. (2002).Community music therapy and the winds of
change. Voices: A world forum for music therapy, 2(2). Retrieved
experience of sound as music. In other words, to even
July 18, 2002, from
hear a series of tones in a melody as moving through ansdell.html
a series of vertical positions in a metaphoric space, it is Benenzon, R. (1981/1997). Music therapy theory and manual: Contri-
necessary to employ the cognitive schema of verticality. butions to the knowledge of nonverbal contexts. Springfield:
Current investigations in music therapy (Aigen 2005) Charles C. Thomas.
are beginning to examine two important questions in Bonny, H. (2002). Music consciousness: The evolution of guided imag-
ery and music. Gilsum, NH: Barcelona.
this area: (1) When cognitively- and motorically-
Bruscia, K. (1998). Defining music therapy (2nd ed.). Gilsum, NH:
impaired individuals are able to respond and interact Barcelona.
through music, what schemas are implied by their Garred, R. (2006). Music as therapy: A dialogical perspective. Gilsum,
mode of musical acting? (2) Is it possible that music NH: Barcelona.
can provide a virtual space for individuals with cogni- Lakoff, G., & Johnson, M. (1980). Metaphors we live by. Chicago:
University of Chicago Press.
tive and motor impairments to first develop the
Nordoff, P., & Robbins, C. (2007). Creative music therapy: A guide to
schemas that are typically developed by infants and fostering clinical musicianship (2nd edition, revised & expanded).
toddlers as they gain control over their own motor Gilsum, NH: Barcelona.
functions and are able to intentionally move through Pavlicevic, M., & Ansdell, G. (Eds.). (2004). Community music ther-
space? For example, it is possible that the source-path- apy. London: Jessica Kingsley.
goal schema is developed when infants first learn to Preistley, M. (1994). Essays on analytical music therapy. Phoenixville,
PA: Barcelona.
crawl and can now control their movement toward
Rolvsjord, R. (2004). Therapy as empowerment. Nordic Journal of
a goal in space. Yet this same schema is implied in Music Therapy, 13(2), 99–111.
being able to perceive tonal and harmonic motion in Ruud, E. (2010). Music therapy: A perspective from the humanities.
music. Perhaps the dynamic field of tonal interaction is Gilsum, NH: Barcelona.
processed by humans in a way that the concept of Stige, B. (2002). Culture-centered music therapy. Gilsum, NH:
source-path-goal can be developed through the motion
Taylor, D. (1997). Biomedical foundations of music as therapy. St.
of tone in a metaphoric space, much as the infant Louis: MMB Music.
develops the same schema through controlling motion Thaut, M. H. (2000). A scientific model of music in therapy and
in physical space. medicine. San Antonio: IMR Press.
Myth M 2413

Music Violence Musical Nuance

▶ Media Violence Effects on Learning ▶ Music and Language Learning

Myers–Briggs Type Indicator

Musical Expression (MBTI)
▶ Music and Language Learning
▶ Jungian Learning Styles

Musical Interpretation Myside Bias

▶ Divergent Probabilistic Judgments Under Bayesian
▶ Music and Language Learning
Learning with Nonadditive Beliefs

Musical Maturation Myth

▶ Developmental Psychology of Music ▶ Metaphor Therapy

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