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Ventilation - Electrical Rooms PDF

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May 2000




This document describes the main features of design and construction of ventilation and air
conditioning of electrical equipment rooms in industrial applications.

The purpose of this recommendation is to give the decision-makers an overview of the con-
struction process, and guidance to sources of more detailed information.


There has been a lack of "common language" for the design, construction and operation of air-conditioning of
industrial electric-, electrotechnical- and control rooms. Requirements for the equipment and its environmental condi-
tions are presented in different standards and guidelines in such a way that many interpretations are possible. For
example, a given temperature limit can have been regarded by the end user as an absolute maximum, while the
equipment supplier could allow it to be exceeded (within another range) for a short period.

As a result of this,

-in some rooms the environment is too severe, resulting in operational errors and equipment failures, which really
can be worth more than the whole equipment

-some rooms are conditioned unnecessarily well in relation to the actual environmental requirements, resulting in
high investment costs, due to oversized (or unnecessarily double) air-conditioning equipment, or in high operation


-to specify the design parameters clearly according to the
Project execution, critical stages IEC classification in order to select the most appropriate
air-conditioning system and equipment
The requirements of ventilation and air conditioning are
generally taken into account too late in the design process. -to arrange, by structural and ventilation measures, a
Also the design criteria for ventilation and air-conditioning proper overpressure in the equipment room, to prevent
can generally be interpreted in an ambiguous way, or they leakages of contaminated air from adjacent spaces
are too vaguely expressed. This can result in
Many other important factors have to be taken into ac-
---unsatisfactory climatic conditions in the equipment count aswell:
rooms, resulting in disturbances or even failures in produc- -environmental conditions
tion processes, or in -heat loads
-reliability if use of the equipment
---oversizing of the systems, resulting in uneconomical -space requirements
operation -fire protection
-future need of extension
Modern electrical equipment is sensitive to its environ- -life cycle costs
ment, and if the conditions of the equipment rooms are not
properly controlled, there is an obvious risk to even a
complete failure in the production process. Special questions in decision-making
How serious can a failure be? In a highly automated Legislation, standards, guidelines, recommendations
process a failure may cause losses in production many
times greater than the equipment itself. For example a In the ”bibliography” the common international references
breakdown of a paper machine can cost up to 30.000 € in are listed. In addition to this, national norms and standards
one hour. have to be taken into account.

It is therefore important to Fire safety

-have the HVAC designer involved from the beginning of
the planning process These issues are described in national regulations and in
instructions of insurance companies. Some of the most
-define the basic parameters in the very beginning: loca- important details include the spreading of poisonous gases
tion and size of the equipment rooms, and also the envi- from e.g. cable insulation materials in the case of fire, and
ronmental classes required for the equipment reactions during fire extinguishing which may cause addi-
tional damage to the equipment. More information e.g. in
-in the design process discuss all possible changes in these IEC 721-2-8.
basic parameters
Insurances and reliability
-to make sure that, at the time of purchase of all electrical
equipment, all essential data for system design are in- The ventilation and air conditioning shall be planned so
cluded in delivery: heating and cooling loads, target levels that disturbances in the system do not harm the electrical
for temperature and other indoor air parameters. The target equipment and/or production process. Therefore a risk
values make the basis for all guarantee values for the sys- analysis should be included in the system design. This
tems issue is important in industrial applications like this, be-
cause the consequences of failures can cost lots of money.
-reserve proper time to start-up and commissioning of the If failures result in a short-time breakdown, the conse-
HVAC equipment, including all functional and perform- quences of which partly or completely fall under the
ance checks. owner’s responsibility depending on the terms of insur-
ance, attention has to be paid in measures which prevent
-to update all documentation before the handing over of failures or minimise the risk of a breakdown.
the HVAC systems, and to go through the documentation
and all changes made during the design and construction It is essential to assess the risks carefully in advance and
process. make a plan to eliminate or minimise the risks. Depending
on the insurance policy, there are different options:
In its details, the design and construction process shall
follow the Design Methodology for Industrial Air -to duplicate or even triplicate the critical components
Technology. -to build a complete reserve system
-to build two or even three parallel systems, each dimen-
Main factors in system selection sioned for e.g. 80% of the maximum heating or cooling
For electrical equipment rooms, the following items are in
normal cases the most essential ones:
Reserve space for later extension
-to specify the equipment according to the standardized
IEC classification Usually the number of equipment in an electrical equip-
ment room increases in the course of time. This should be
taken into account in design of both the room and the Basic system solutions are:
systems. Again, there are different options:
1. natural ventilation
-to design for a later maximum load and to make sure that
the HVAC equipment works efficiently also during partial 2. forced extract ventilation
loads 3. over-pressure ventilation
-to add parallel HVAC equipment according to the in-
creased load (modular units) 4. cooling with circulated air
5. separate cooling placed to the room.
Permanent workplace in equipment room
Factors that affect on system selection are the position,
This is very seldom the case, but in case this is possible layout and structures of the room, environmental
the following has to be taken into account: conditions, heat load in the room, reliability of use of the
equipment, need of space, fire areas and costs. If
-legal minimum requirements for permanent necessary, the need of extension has to be noticed too. A
workplace: summary about the condition classes that will be reached
--comfort criteria with different systems is shown in table 1.
--acoustic requirements Pressure balance

...vs. target values required for the electrical To control indoor air parameters in the electrical equip-
equipment. ment room it is necessary to have positive pressure in the
room in relation to adjacent rooms. A suitable overpres-
For example, to fulfil the most stringent category for elec- sure is approximately 20 Pa.
trical equipment means automatically that the IAQ is suffi-
cient for a workplace, also the temperature is within the Selection of air-conditioning equipment
required range, but attention has to be paid also on air
velocity and noise level. Items to be considered:

Structural issues -filter selection

--need for chemical filtering...
Pressure conditions play a very important role, because --selection of mechanical filtering
generally all leakages from adjacent spaces increase the -cooling (and its control)
contaminant load. The designer shall therefore pay atten- -selection of air diffusion and other equipment
tion to other than HVAC aspects, such as location in rela-
tion to spaces with more contaminated air Commissioning
-doors, windows The commissioning includes many stages which have to
be carefully planned and scheduled in the design stage,
Other important structural issues are: considering the dependence of different measures. These
stages include:
-Thermal insulation in construction materials and equip-
ment -structural, device and installation checks
-Structural fire safety in construction materials and seal- -performance tests
ants -test run

Operation, service and maintenance

Air conditioning
Key items are:
Basic systems -Operation and maintenance plan
-Controls and monitoring
-spare part design is an essential feature in opera-
tion and maintenance planning.
Table 1 Condition classes according to IEC 721 standards that are reached with different air conditioning systems
(number of system refers to clause 5.1)



1 2 3 4 5

3K1 - - - + +*)

3K2 - - - + +

3K3 +**) +**) +**) + +

3K4 +**) +**) +**) + +

3K5 +**) +**) +**) + +

3S1 - - + + +

3S2-4 +***) +***) + + +

3C1****) - - + + +

3C2*****) + + + + +

* Attention has to be paid to the cooling control.

** Depending on the maximum temperature and heat loads
*** Depending on the location
**** Requires a chemical filtering in areas with highly polluted outdoor air
***** Not close to process emissions without a chemical filtering

EN 50082-1 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) -
-International standards generic immunity standard, part 1: resi-
dential, commercial and light industry
ISO 9223. Corrosion of metals and alloys, Classifica-
tion of corrosivity and atmospheres, 1989. EN 50082-2 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) -
generic immunity standard, part 2: in-
IEC 68-1 Basic environmental testing procedures. dustrial environment
Part 1: General
- Other standards
IEC 721-2-8 Classification of environmental condi-
tions. Environmental conditions appearing ISA 571.04-85 Environmental conditions for process
in nature. Fire exposure. measurements and control systems: Airborne contami-
IEC 721-3-0 Classification of environmental condi-
tions. Introduction

IEC 721-3-3 Classification of environmental condi-

For more information, see
tions. Stationary use at weatherprotected

- European standards REC12

EN 50081-1 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - 62 Bd de Sébastopol – 75003 Paris
generic emission standard, part 1: residen- Tel. 33 1 49 96 69 95 – Fax. 33 1 49 96 45 10
tial, commercial and light industry

EN 50081-2 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) -

generic emission standard, part 2: indus-
trial environment

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