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Astm A 821/a 821M - 99

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Designation: F 821 – 95 An American National Standard


100 Barr Harbor Dr., West Conshohocken, PA 19428
Reprinted from the Annual Book of ASTM Standards. Copyright ASTM

Standard Specification for

Doors and Frames, Steel, Interior, Marine1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation F 821; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

1. Scope Subchapter H—Passenger Vessels, Subpart 72.05—

1.1 This specification covers the construction of standard Structural Fire Protection7
and custom-built interior steel doors and frames for ships Subchapter I—Cargo and Miscellaneous Vessels, Subpart
including U.S. Coast Guard certificated vessels. 92.07—Structural Fire Protection7
1.2 Doors and frames are to be hollow metal construction Subchapter T—Small Passenger Vessels, Subpart 177.10—
with the door insulated for sound or fire. Hull Structure7
1.3 The doors are intended for use in staterooms, lavatories, Subchapter U—Oceanographic Vessels, Subpart 190.07—
passageways, and other protected areas. Structural Fire Protection7
1.4 Values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded as Structural Insulations, Subpart 164.0077
the standard. Bulkhead Panels, Subpart 164.0087
1.5 The metric equivalents, given in parentheses, are pro- Noncombustible Materials for Merchant Vessels, Subpart
vided for information only. 164.0097
2.3 U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) Equipment Lists:
2. Referenced Documents Commandant Instruction M16714.37
2.1 ASTM Standards: 2.4 American Institute of Steel Construction Manual:
A 167 Specification for Stainless and Heat-Resisting AISC Wire and Sheet Metal Gages—Equivalent Thickness
Chromium-Nickel Steel Plate, Sheet, and Strip2 in Decimals of an Inch, U.S. Standard Gage (USSG) for
A 240 Specification for Heat-Resisting Chromium and Uncoated Hot and Cold Rolled Sheets8
Chromium-Nickel Stainless Steel Plate, Sheet, and Strip 2.5 Builders Hardware Manufacturers Association, Inc.:
for Pressure Vessels2 A 156.18 Materials and Finishes9
A 366/A366M Specification for Steel, Sheet, Carbon, Cold- 2.6 U.S. Public Health Service:
Rolled, Commercial Quality2 Publication No. 393, Handbook on Sanitation of Vessel
A 582 Specification for Free-Machining Stainless and Heat- Construction10
Resisting Steel Bars, Hot-Rolled or Cold-Finished3
D 4066 Specification for Nylon Injection and Extrusion 3. Terminology
Materials4 3.1 Descriptions of Terms Specific to This Standard: De-
E 119 Test Methods for Fire Tests of Building Construction scription of Terms Specific to This Standard:
and Materials5 3.1.1 hands of doors—a term used to describe a door from
E 136 Test Method for Behavior of Materials in a Vertical the outside or key side of the door.
Tube Furnace at 750°C5 3.1.2 right hand regular door—a door having hinges on the
E 152 Methods of Fire Tests of Door Assemblies5 right side when swinging door away from the individual
E 163 Methods for Fire Tests of Window Assemblies6 opening it.
2.2 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Title 46—Shipping: 3.1.3 left hand regular door—a door having hinges on the
Subchapter D—Tank Vessels, Subpart 32.57— left side when swinging door away from the individual opening
Structural Fire Protection7 it.
3.1.4 right hand reverse bevel door—a door having hinges
on right side when swinging door towards the individual
This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee F-25 on opening it.
Shipbuilding and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee F25.03 on Outfitting.
Current edition approved Nov. 10, 1995. Published April 1996. Originally
3.1.5 left hand reverse bevel door—a door having hinges on
published as F 821 – 83. Last revision F 821 – 88.
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 01.03.
3 8
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 01.05. Available from the American Institute of Steel Costruction, 400 N. Michigan
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 08.02. Ave., Chicago, IL 60611.
5 9
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 04.07. Available from BHMA, Inc., 355 Lexington Avenue, New York, NY 10017.
6 10
Withdrawn. See 1994 Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 04.07. Available from United States Public Health Services, Division of Engineering
Available from the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Services, Parklawn Library, Room 1315, 5600 Fishers Lane, Rockville, MD 20857,
Office, Washington, DC 20402. Attention: Ms. Bonnie Scott.

F 821
left side when swinging door towards the individual opening it. TABLE 2 Class A-O and A Sill Details
3.1.6 face plates—the exterior metal skins that enclose the
internal supporting structure of the door. Sill Height (H) Maximum Door Undercut (G)

3.1.7 latch—a device normally installed in the vertical edge in. mm in. mm
of door, opposite hinge edge, that when latched retains door in 0 0 ½ max above 13 max above
closed position. finished floor finished floor
1 1⁄2 38 ½ 13
3.1.8 throw—the extension, or reach of the latch bolt. This 6A 152 ½ 13
throw is measured from latch face plate to extreme outer edge A
Max coaming height under sill is 5 in. (127 mm).
of latch bolt with latch bolt in fully extended position.
3.1.9 padlock eye—a means for securing door in closed
position by the use of a padlock. keying of door locks will not be provided unless required and
defined by ordering documents. Instead, each door lock will be
4. Classification keyed differently.
4.1 Classes of doors and frames shall be as indicated in the 5.1.5 Color chip and desired painting specifications or other
ordering information. (See Annex for definition of various commercial designation for final finish. If not specified, doors
class divisions.) will have manufacturer’s prime coat applied.
4.1.1 Class A-O for installation in Class A-O divisions. 5.1.6 For Type II and III doors, sizes and any other
4.1.2 Class A for installation in Class A-15, A-30 and A-60 supplementary requirements.
divisions. 5.1.7 Sill Heights—0 in. (0 mm), 1½ in. (38 mm) or 6 in.
4.1.3 Class B for installation in Class B divisions. (152 mm). See Fig. 1, Fig. 2, and Fig. 3.
4.1.4 Class C for installation in Class C divisions. 5.1.8 Cut out for light switch; if not requested in ordering
4.2 Doors and frames shall be of the following types as data, no provisions will be made.
indicated in ordering information.
4.2.1 Type I standard doors are of the following widths. 6. Materials and Manufacture
Height and details shall conform to Tables 1-6 and Fig. 1, Fig. 6.1 For typical design, see Fig. 1, Fig. 2, and Fig. 3.
2, and Fig. 3. 6.2 Steel for doors and frames shall be cold-rolled sheet,
Size 1—22 in. (559 mm) clear jamb width commercial quality in accordance with Specification A 366/
Size 2—24 in. (610 mm) clear jamb width A 366M. Other materials shall be as indicated.
Size 3—26 in. (660 mm) clear jamb width 6.3 Class A-O Doors (See Fig. 1 and Table 1 and Table 2):
Size 4—30 in. (762 mm) clear jamb width 6.3.1 Door shall be 1¾ in. (45 mm) thick hollow steel with
Size 5—36 in. (914 mm) clear jamb width 16 USSG (0.0598 in. or 1.5 mm) minimum face plates or
4.2.2 Type II Doors conforming generally to specifications equivalent metal construction. Doors 1" in. (35 mm) thick
but requiring special requirements as indicated in the ordering with 18 USSG (0.0478 in. or 1.2 mm) faceplates are also
information (see also 6.7.10). acceptable, provided they comply with fire test performance
4.2.3 Type III Double Doors utilizing two of Type I doors. requirements listed in 10.1.
4.2.4 Type IV Double Doors utilizing two of Type II doors. 6.3.2 Doors shall have a latch with a minimum throw of ¾
NOTE 1—Door widths are approximately 1 in. (approximately 25 mm) in. (19 mm) unless fire tests have proven a lesser throw is
greater than clear jamb width. acceptable. In no case shall this throw be less than ½ in. (13
5. Ordering Information 6.3.3 Door frames shall be of steel with a nominal thickness
5.1 Orders for items under this specification shall include of 16 USSG (0.0598 in. or 1.5 mm) and shall be installed so
the following information by the purchaser: that any flame penetration would be through at least two
5.1.1 Class A-O, A, B, or C. thicknesses of 16 USSG or equivalent. Tubular frames for
5.1.2 Type, hand, clear jamb width, and sill height. installation in unlined steel bulkheads may be of 18 USSG
5.1.3 Options such as vent grills, louvers, vision lights, and (0.0478 in. or 1.2 mm) if fire tests prove satisfactory.
hose ports. 6.3.4 Door frames shall provide a stop of ½ in. (13 mm)
5.1.4 Hardware, sill caps, lock sets, latches, door closers, minimum at the sides and top.
and hold backs if other than manufacturer’s standard. Master 6.3.5 For undercut at bottom of door, see Fig. 1 and Table 2.
TABLE 1 Class A-O and Class A Door Dimension
Table of Dimensions—Door

Designation in. mm
Thickness A 1¾ 45
Clear height from structural deck B 78½ 1994
Clear height from finished deck C approximately 78 approximately 1981
Height from structural deck to center line of vision light D 64 1626
Height from structural deck to center line of cutout for switch E 48 1219
Height from structural deck to center line of knob F 38 965
Undercut G see Table 1B see Table 1B
Sill height H see Table 1B see Table 1B

F 821
TABLE 3 Class B Door and Frame Dimensions
Table of Dimensions—Door

Designation in. mm
Thickness A 1" 35
Clear height from structural deck B 78½ 1994
Clear height from finished deck C Approximately 78 Approximately 1981
Height from structural deck to center line of cutout for switch D 48 1219
Height from structural deck to center line of knob E 38 965
Undercut F See Table 2B See Table 2B
Sill height G See Table 2B See Table 2B

TABLE 4 Class B Sill Details design and a minimum 18 USSG (0.0478 in. or 1.21 mm) if
they are a tubular design.
Sill Height (G) Maximum Door Undercut (F)A 6.5.4 Door frames shall provide a stop of ½ in. (13 mm)
in mm in. mm minimum at the sides and top.
0 0 1 max above 25 max above 6.5.5 For undercut at bottom of door, see Fig. 2 and Table 4.
finished floor finished floor
1½ 38 1 25
6.5.6 Doors shall be insulated with sufficient noncombus-
6B 152 1 25 tible fibrous insulation to sound damp the door adequately. This
In passageways and in areas where ratproofing requirements are invoked, the insulation shall be selected from those listed in the USCG
height of the door undercut shall not exceed ½ in. (13 mm). Commandant Instruction M 16714.3 under Section 164.007,
Max coaming height under sill is 5 in. (127 mm). Structural Insulations, or Section 164.009, Noncombustible
6.3.6 Doors other than those that are normally locked shall 6.5.7 Options for Class B Doors:
be self closing and capable of closing against a 3½° list. Doors may be fitted with any amount of wire
6.3.7 Doors shall be insulated with sufficient noncombus- inserted glass, as door construction permits.
tible fibrous insulation to adequately sound dampen the door. The lower half of such doors may have a louver. The
This insulation shall be selected from those listed in the USCG total net area of louver plus any door undercut shall not exceed
Commandant Instruction M16714.3 under Section 164.007, 78 in.2 (0.05 m2).
Structural Insulations, or Section 164.009, Noncombustible An escape panel of 16 by 19 in. (406 by 483 mm)
Materials. minimum size.
6.3.8 Options for Class A-O and A Doors: 6.6 Class C Doors (see Fig. 3 and Table 5 and Table 6): Vision lights may be installed using wire-inserted 6.6.1 Doors shall be 1" in. (35 mm) thick hollow steel and
glass of not more than 100 in.2 (645 cm2) in size. constructed of 18 USSG (0.0478 in. or 1.2 mm) face plates. An escape panel of 16 by 19 in. (406 by 483 mm) Aluminum construction is acceptable and other noncombus-
minimum size. tible materials will also be considered. Where hose ports are required, they shall be cut in 6.6.2 Doors shall have a latch with a minimum throw of "
the lower corner of the door on the side opposite the hinges so in. (10 mm).
that when hose is passed through the door when the door is 6.6.3 Door frames shall be steel with a minimum 16 USSG
open, it may be closed over the hose. The cut for the host port (0.0598 in. or 1.5 mm) if they are an open channel design, and
should be approximately 8 by 8 in. (200 by 200 mm). A hinged a minimum 18 USSG (0.0478 in. or 1.2 mm) if they are a
or pivoted steel metal cover shall be fitted in the cut, equipped tubular design. Aluminum construction is acceptable and other
with a method of holding it in a closed position yet will permit noncombustible materials will also be considered.
easy and automatic operation of the hinged cover. See Fig. 1 6.6.4 Door frames shall provide a stop of ½ in. (13 mm)
for location. minimum at the sides and top.
6.4 Class A doors (see Fig. 1 and Table 1 and Table 2): 6.6.5 For undercut at bottom of door, see Fig. 3 and Table 6.
6.4.1 Doors and frames shall follow the requirements of 6.6.6 Doors shall be insulated with sufficient noncombus-
6.3.1 through 6.3.6, and 6.3.8. tible fibrous insulation to sound damp the door adequately. This
6.4.2 Doors shall be filled solidly with one half the thickness insulation shall be selected from those listed in the USCG
of structural insulation approved for Class A-60 construction as Commandant Instruction M16714.3 under Section 164.007,
listed under Section 164.007, Structural Insulations, of the Structural Insulations, or Section 164.009, Noncombustible
USCG Commandant Instruction M16714.3. Materials.
6.5 Class B doors (see Fig. 2 and Table 3 and Table 4): 6.6.7 Options for Class C Doors:
6.5.1 Doors shall be 1" in (35 mm) thick hollow steel and Doors may be fitted with any amount of clear safety
constructed of a minimum of 18 USSG (0.0478 in. or 1.2 mm) glass (laminated or heat treated) as door construction permits.
face plates. There are no restrictions on louver size, except that
6.5.2 Doors shall have a latch with a minimum throw of " dictated by door size and construction.
in. (10 mm). Padlock eyes for crew wardrobes may be furnished
6.5.3 Door frames shall be steel with a minimum 16 USSG if specified in ordering information, see Fig. 3 for location.
(0.0598 in. or 1.5 mm) thickness if they are an open channel 6.7 Other Requirements for All Doors:

F 821
TABLE 5 Class C Door Dimensions

Designation in. mm
Thickness A 1" 35
Clear height from structural deck B 78½ 1994
Clear height from finished deck C Approximately 78 Approximately 1981
Height from structural deck to center line of cutout for switch D 48 1219
Height from structural deck to center line of padlock eye E 46 1168
Height from structural deck to center line of knob F 38 965
Undercut G See Table 3B See Table 3B
Sill height H See Table 3B See Table 3B

TABLE 6 Class B Sill Details

Sill Height (H) Maximum Door Undercut (G)A

in. mm in. mm
0 0 1 max above 25 max above
finished floor finished floor
1½ 38 1 25
6B 152 1 25
In passageways and in areas where ratproofing requirements are invoked, the
height of the door undercut shall not exceed ½ in. (13 mm).
Max coaming height under sill is 5 in. (127 mm).

NOTE 1—For Class B door requirements, see 6.5.

FIG. 2 Class “B” Door and Frame

NOTE 1—For Class A-O and Class A door requirements, see 6.3 and
6.4, respectively.
FIG. 1 Class A-O and Class A Door and Frame

6.7.1 Doors and frames shall be made square and parallel to

vessel base line, without sheer or camber.
6.7.2 Sills or sill caps shall be Type 300 stainless steel in
accordance with Specification A 240 with a mill finish.
6.7.3 Where glass is required in doors, it shall be at least ¼
in. (6 mm) thick.
6.7.4 Where wire inserted glass is required it shall be in
accordance with Methods E 163. NOTE 1—For Class C door requirements, see 6.6.
6.7.5 Double doors capable of independent operation and FIG. 3 Class C Door and Frame
latching shall have a clearance between doors not to exceed !
in. (3 mm). Double doors incapable of independent operation attachment to the door.
shall have a ½ in. (13 mm) stop or astragal between doors. 6.7.7 Hinges shall be Type 300 stainless steel in accordance
6.7.6 Doors that require door closers shall be reinforced in with Specification A 240 with a Type 300 stainless steel pin in
way of attachments to door and frame. Doors that require hold accordance with Specification A 582. Where fire performance
open hooks and bumpers shall be reinforced in way of requirements permit, brass or bronze hinges and fasteners may

F 821
be used. For Class A-O and Class A doors, the hinges shall be 8. Workmanship and Quality Assurance
mortise type 4 in. (102 mm) high with ! in. (3 mm) thick 8.1 All workmanship and materials to be of specified quality
leaves with Nylon 6/6 anti-friction bearings in accordance with in keeping with this specification and the best commercial
Specification D 4066, PA 111 secured with Type 300 stainless marine practice so as to produce each item suitable for its
steel fasteners. Hinges for Class B and C doors shall be intended use. Doors and frames shall be visually inspected for
identical except the minimum height of the hinge shall be 3½ any defects.
in. (89 mm). Class A-O and A doors shall be equipped with three 9. Finish
hinges, equally spaced, all other Class B and C single leaf 9.1 All steel, unless corrosion resistant or with corrosion
doors shall be equipped with a minimum of two hinges. resistant plating, shall be cleaned and a commercial prime coat
Suitable reinforcements shall be installed in doors and frames applied unless otherwise required by the ordering data.
to properly support all hinges. 9.2 All exposed burrs, raw or sharp edges on doors and
6.7.8 Locksets shall be heavy duty marine design, key in frames which might be injurious to personnel shall be re-
knob type, with Type 300 stainless steel mechanism. Knob moved.
roses and other exposed parts may be brass or bronze, chrome
10. Fire Tests
plated per BHMA A 156.18, finish code number 626 or
equivalent brushed finish Type 300 stainless steel. 10.1 Certification by manufacturer that doors and frames
6.7.9 Where construction of door and frame is of steel, it comply with the requirements of this specification shall con-
shall be of welded construction with spot welds spaced 3 in. stitute verification that these doors and frames will provide
(76 mm) on centers or equivalent arc welds. satisfactory performance in a fire exposure environment.
6.7.10 Special Construction—The following special con- Where deviations from the construction standards outlined in
struction will be furnished only if specified in ordering this specification are proposed, they will be acceptable pro-
information. vided they successfully pass the fire test of door assemblies, Dutch doors will be furnished with hinged shelf of Methods E 152 and the approval criteria listed below for the
Type 300 stainless steel in accordance with Specification A 240 following classification grades.
fitted to bottom half of door. Unless specified otherwise in 10.1.1 Class A-O and A Doors—The minimum thickness
ordering documents, width of hinged shelf shall be 8 in. (200 shall not be less than 1" in. (35 mm) and the face plates shall
mm). Bottom half shall be fitted with lock as for similar doors not be less than 18 USSG (0.0478 in. or 1.2 mm). These doors
and with slide bolt between door halves. Padlock eyes or shall conform to the following fire test requirements.
custom seal eyes shall be provided if specified. A door and frame assembly shall be considered as Double acting doors, doors equipped with hinges meeting the requirements for acceptable performance when a
that permit doors to swing both ways, with double bevel latch typical specimen remains in the opening for 60 min during the
bolt or dead lock with key on outside and thumb turns on standard fire endurance test (Methods E 152) within the fol-
inside. lowing limitations. The movement of swinging doors mounted in pairs Fume tight door with gasket installed in stop of
shall not result in any portion of the meeting edges moving
door frame and around the entire perimeter of door.
more than the thickness of the door away from the adjacent Door with acoustically lined louver shall have a
door edge in a direction perpendicular to the plane of the doors
noise reduction factor equal to that of the joiner bulkhead in
during the entire 60-min classification period.
which it is hung or 20 decibels, whichever is lowest. Door An assembly consisting of a pair of swinging
frames shall be equipped with gasket similar to that for a fume
doors, incorporating an astragal, shall not separate along the
tight door.
meeting edges and in a direction parallel to the plane of the
6.7.11 Operating Requirements: doors more than ¾ in. (19 mm) nor a distance equal to the All doors shall be capable of operation from either throw of the latch bolt along the meeting edges.
side by one person. Doors shall swing easily and freely on their An assembly consisting of a pair of swinging
hinges. The latch set or lock set shall operate freely. doors, without an overlapping astragal, shall not separate along Wherever practicable, interior doors are to open the meeting edges and in a direction parallel to the plane of the
into compartments served and not into passageways. In public doors more than " in. (10 mm), including the initial clearance
spaces, stairway enclosures, corridor exits, etc., all doors shall between doors.
open in the direction of escape where practicable. An assembly consisting of a single swinging door If it is desirable to use decorative doors in addition shall not separate in a direction parallel to the plane of the door
to those required, they shall be constructed of material classi- more than ½ in. (13 mm) at the latch location.
fied as noncombustible by CFR 46, Subpart 164.009. These The movement of a single swing door shall not
decorative doors shall not interfere with the normal operation result in any portion of the door edges moving more than the
of the required doors, and shall open in the same direction if thickness of the door away from the adjacent frame in a
the required doors are in a main avenue of escape. direction perpendicular to the plane of the door during the
entire 60-min classification period. For a door installed so as to
7. Dimensions swing out from the fire, the bottom corners shall move no more
7.1 For dimensions, see Tables 1 and 6. than 1½ times the door thickness away from the adjacent frame

F 821
in a direction perpendicular to the plane of the door during the 10.1.2 Class B doors do not require fire testing provided
entire 60-min classification period. This increased movement is they are constructed in accordance with the requirements of
justified by the reduced risk of flame-through as cold air flows this specification.
into the fire around the bottom edge of the door. 10.1.3 Class C doors do not require fire testing, but must be The test assembly shall withstand the fire endur- made of noncombustible materials.
ance test without developing openings anywhere through the 11. Certification
assembly. No flaming shall occur on the unexposed surface of 11.1 The producer or manufacturer shall furnish to the
a door assembly during the first 30 min of the classification purchaser a certification that the doors and frames were
period. manufactured and inspected in accordance with this specifica- After 30 min, some intermittent light flames (ap- tion and have been found to meet the requirements. If fire
proximately 6 in. or 152 mm long) for periods not exceeding testing is required in accordance with Section 10, a certification
5-min intervals may occur along the edges of doors. assuring compliance with the requirements of this section shall Light flaming may occur during the last 15 min of also be furnished to purchaser by the manufacturer.
the classification period on the unexposed surface area of the 12. Packaging
door, provided it is contained within a distance of 1½ in. (38 12.1 Packaging shall be provided and be acceptable to a
mm) from a vertical door edge and within 3 in. (76 mm) from common carrier.
the top edge of the door and within 3 in. (76 mm) from the top
edge of the frame of a vision panel. 13. Keywords Measurement of unexposed surface temperatures 13.1 A Class doors; B Class doors; C Class doors; hollow
of test specimen and execution of hose stream test is not metal construction; interior steel doors; marine doors; marine
required. frames; ships; steel doors


(Mandatory Information)

A1. A1. Definitions of Interior Divisions—Joinerwork

A1.1 Class A Construction—Bulkheads, decks, and related rising more than 325°F (180°C) above ambient for a period of
structure of steel or equivalent metal construction made intact 1 h.
with the main structure of the vessel. Class A construction shall
be capable of preventing the passage of smoke and flame for 1 A1.3 Class B Construction—Noncombustible bulkheads
h if subjected to an approved fire test (Test Methods E 119 and which are capable of preventing the passage of flame for 30
applicable parts of CFR 46 164.008.) If of steel, the minimum min when subjected to an approved fire test (CFR 46 164.008
thickness for Class A construction of 11 USSG (0.1196 in. or or Test Methods E 119).
3.0 mm). Doors and other penetrations must be constructed to
the same requirement or be fire tested to provide this integrity. A1.4 Class C Construction—Bulkheads or decks con-
Class A-O division have no insulating requirements but by the structed of noncombustible materials.
addition of approved structural insulations, Class A divisions A1.5 Noncombustible Material—Any material which has
can prevent thermal conduction of heat to the unexposed side been subjected to an approved fire test (CFR 46 164.009 or Test
of the division for time periods of 60 min, 30 min, or 15 min Method E 136) and meets the following criteria:
as required, for Classes A-60, A-30, and A-15, respectively.
A1.5.1 Average Temperature Rise
A1.2 Approved Structural Insulation—Noncombustible in- Not more than 90°F (50°C) above the stabilized furnace
sulation which has been subjected to an approved fire test (CFR temperature.
46 164.007 or Test Methods E 119) and, in the proper, A1.5.2 Average Duration of Flaming
approved thickness, prevents the average temperature rise on Not more than 10 s.
the unexposed side from rising more than 250°F (139°C) above A1.5.3 Average Weight Loss
ambient and also prevents the temperature of one point from Not more than 50%.

The American Society for Testing and Materials takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection
with any item mentioned in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such
patent rights, and the risk of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible
technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should make your
views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428.

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