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DLL I3 Week 3a

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GRADES 1 to 12 School: Grade Level 12


Teacher: Learning Area: IMMERSION

Teaching Dates and Time: November 12 – 16, 2018 (WEEK 3 ) Quarter: 3nd QUARTER
A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate understanding of
1.. the criteria in selecting, citing, and synthesizing related literature
2. the ethical standards in writing related literature
3. the Research Objectives
B. formance Standards The learners are able to
1. Select, cite, and synthesize judiciously related literature and use sources according to ethical standards
2. formulate clearly the research Objectives / statement of the problem
3. present objectively a compilation of written review of related literature
C. Learning Competencies illustrates and explain research objectives
Identifies the Independent and dependent variable(s) involved in the study
presents written review of related literature and conceptual framework
chooses appropriate research design
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages
2. Learners’ Material Pages
3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional Materials from Learning Resource
(LR) Portal
B. Other Learning Resources Practical Research 1 & 2 for Senior High School By Nelia Prieto et. al
Manual of Standards for research (revised edition) By Ruth M. Balajadia – Ducut, EdD, Diana B. Pangilinan , MBA

IV. PROCEDURE Data Collection

A. Reviewing the Previous Lesson/Presenting the
New Lesson Ask Students to differentiate the two words Show some pictures which will lead to idea
Show students diagrams like the one Post the following Situation of PLAGIARISM.
below. Qualitative and Quantitative
a. A group of Grade 12 researchers found out that
there are 520 grade 11 and 615 Grade 12
students in their school. If they want to use the
population of Senior High school students in
their school,

 how many respondents will they

 how will they be able to determine
their respondents?

b. If a member of the group approached you ,

seeking for an advice to address their problem,
what will you advise them?

*Answer will lead to guiding the group of

researchers “

B. Establishing a Purpose for the Lesson

Since students already experienced doing Ask the following reflective question: Ask students about their idea of what
Ask the following questions: qualitative researches last school year, plagiarism and intellectual property
relate their basic definition / understanding After you have compiled and properly cited rights are.
 What information can we derive with what qualitative and quantitative your RLL, what will you do next so that you can
from the diagrams? researches are. compare the similarities and differences of your
study to the previous studies conducted?
 What relationship can we draw *Teacher may point the difference of the two
between and among the by highlighting the key features of Ask more related or follow up questions will
variables shown? quantitative research lead to idea of making a synthesis or
 What do you think the study is
all about?

 Given the information on the

diagram, can you create sample
research objectives?
C. Presenting Examples/Instances of the New
Lesson Present the lesson about Research Discuss the following: Discuss the following: Discuss the following:
objectives and formulation of possible  Types of quantitative and  Meaning of Synthesis  Ethics in Literature review
research title. Highlight the independent qualitative research designs.  Types of synthesis
and dependent variables and how they will  Categories of sources
be used in formulating the research title.

Question to ponder

Aside from the diagrams presented, where

else can you draw inspiration / basis in
formulating your research title and

This will lead to the importance of

reviewing related literatures.
D. Discussing New Concepts and Practicing New After the discussion, ask students to identify
Skills #1 Show students samples of the following: the appropriate qualitative or quantitative Show students how to make a synthesis using
 Review of related literature as a research design to be used given the titles to the following: Ask Students to reflect on their RLL and
basis for the title. be posted / written on the board. check if the ethical standards discussed
 Conceptual framework in the  Guidelines and techniques in writing were followed.
RRL as a basis for research synthesis
objectives.  Synthesis matrix

Ask random students to share their

experiences in PR1 and PR2 wherein
RRL helped them to come up with a
good Qualitative and Quantitative

E. Discussing New Concepts and Practicing New

Skills #2 The teacher will show a sample of how Writing coherent Review of Literature
research design are written in an actaual  Putting together the RLL
manuscript  Working for coherence Discuss I-P-O and how ethics must be
 Sections of RLL observed in every stage to prevent research
- Introduction misconduct.
- Body
- Conclusion

F. Developing Mastery (Leads to Formative

Assessment ) Group Activity: Group Activity: Group Activity: At this point, the teacher will check the RLL
made by the students.
Give students lists of possible topics and Students will be asked to review their studies Students will make a synthesis of their RLL
let them identify which among the topics and write/ describe their research designs. following the guidelines/ techniques discussed. Comments and suggestions will be given so
are Broad and Narrow which can be the students can finalize their RLL for their
considered as a Research Topic. The teacher will ask each group to show their respective manuscripts.
synthesis matrix.
Each group will be given a different set of

After the given time frame, each group will

present and justify their answers.

G. Finding Practical Application of Concepts and

Skills in Daily Living Ask random students how important the Ask students to present their work in class. Show a two- minute video and ask random Ask students to make a reflection about their
following are: students to make a synthesis of the information insights and learning in preparing RLL.
Critiquing of group works. mentioned in the video.
 Reviewing literatures
 Cross referencing of sources
Lead them to the idea:

Do not jump into conclusions. Always examine

available and factual information, study then
thoroughly in order to come up with a sound
judgment based on a credible conclusion.

H. Making Generalizations and Abstractions About

the Lesson Ask random students to present their work Show a matrix of comparison of different Ask the following question: Ask random students how important RLL in
to the class. qualitative research designs. every research?
 After collecting several RLL, why is
Ask random members from each group Ask the following question: it important to make a synthesis?
about their significant learning they had for
the day.  Why it is important to identify the
appropriate research design?

I. Evaluating Learning
The RLL will be checked considering the
A concise description of their research Draft of Related literature with proper citation following:
design submitted at the end of the week will and coherent synthesis submitted at the end of  Proper citation
The grouped activity will be scored and be rated / marked. The assigned mark will the week will be rated / marked. The assigned  Coherence
recorded as part of their performance be recorded as part of their performance mark will be recorded as part of their  Synthesis
tasks. tasks. performance tasks. A scoring will be used to mark the RLL made
by students.

J. Additional Activities for Application or

Similar or parallel activities will be given to students who failed to attend the class due to valid reasons. It will be recorded as part of their performance tasks
A. No. of learners who earned 80% on the formative
B. No. of learners who require additional activities
for remediation
C. Did the remedial lesson work? No. of learners
who have caught up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to require
E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter which my
principal or supervisor can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to share with other

Prepared by: Checked by:

Subject Teacher Principal I

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