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Grades 1 To 12 Daily Lesson Log: I. Objectives

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Grades 1 to 12 School GOV.


Teacher RITCHIE GLENN M. HERAMIA Learning Area Introduction to World Religion and Belief Systems
DAILY LESSON LOG Covered Date Week 2 Day 1 – Day 4 Semester Second / 4th Qtr.

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4


A. Content Standards Students should understand the history, origin, and doctrines of the three Abrahamic religions: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.

B. Performance Standards Student can demonstrate a deeper understanding of the elements of the three Abrahamic religions---Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.

C. Learning Competencies/ Objectives Recite the Apostle’s Creed, The Interpret the Parable of the Prodigal Explain: the core teaching of Interview a Christian parent or
Write the LC code for each Lord’s Prayer, or the Beatitudes Son Christianity is the message that a couple on why they are Christians
(HUMSS_WRB12-I/ IIIe-f-5.1) (HUMSS_WRB12-I/IIIe -f-5.2) loving God sent His begotten Son in and what beliefs and practices they
order to redeem humankind from adhere to
eternal damnation (HUMSS_WRB12-I/IIIe-f-5.4)



A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages pp. 32-36 pp. pp. pp.
2. Learner’s Materials pages
3. Textbook pages pp. 68-81
B. Other Learning Resources

A. Reviewing previous lesson or presenting 1.Let them do the Motivational Activity
the new lesson in the lesson.
2.Let them answer the following
a.Was it difficult to find someone to
interview for the topic of Christianity?
b.Was the interviewee helpful in
providing answers to your questions?
c.How would you describe Christianity as
a religion based on the data you
3.Let them read the Essential Questions.
Let them formulate their initial idea
about Christianity.
4.Let them do this activity: Formulate
questions based on the words written
inside the box. You may start your
questions with what, where, when, why,
or how.
Holy Trinity
New Testament
Jesus Christ
B. Motivation: Establishing a purpose for the
C. Presenting examples/Instances of the
new lesson

D. Discussing new concepts and practicing Topic: Christianity

skills # 1 (leading to the first formative Let them analyze the concept map. Let this
assessment where teacher gauge serve as a guide in studying the lesson.
students’ answer to determine their level Post a picture of a Christian church. Let them
answer the following questions:
of understanding the lesson)
a.What Christian symbols can you find in the
Suggested Approach: Question and picture?
Answer b.What do these symbols mean?
c.What is the relevance of going to church in
Let them read the lesson proper.
Take note of the following:
a.Essential Questions
b.Guide Questions
c.Web Links
E. Discussing new concepts and practicing Let them do the following group activities:
skills # 2 (leading to the second formative •Skit: Read the Parable of the Prodigal Son
assessment) Suggested Approach: from the New Testament and present it in
Collaborative Learning class through a skit. Afterwards, you will
initiate the discussion and ask how they
interpret the story.
•Reporting through a graphic organizer.
Complete the following diagram.
a. Compare the two Sacred Scriptures
and briefly describe the teachings of
each Book.
b. Let them answer the study aid
regarding the church officials and
their functions in the church.
F. Developing mastery leading to the third
formative assessment
Suggested Approach: Individual Activities
G. Valuing: Finding practical applications of  What do you think is the most important
skills and skills in daily living message imparted by Christianity?
 How does the Jewish view of Christ differ
from that of the Christians?
Understanding Level
 Let them answer the Authentic
Assessment part.
a. Debate
H. Making generalizations and abstractions
about the lesson

I. Evaluating learning (Assessment should be • Let them revise their initial idea about the 1.Explain the instructions for the
congruent to the three types of lesson. activity.
objectives) • Let them answer the Traditional 2.Explain the rubric for grading the
Assessment Part. B. photo-essay activity.
1.True 3.Let them do the activity for the lesson.
2.False---Christian 4.Allot a particular day for the
3.False---1ST Century C.E. presentation of the photo-essay.
4.False ---United States
5.Let them answer the questions under
5.False ---Romans
Critical Thinking part.
6.False ---Emperor Constantine
7.False ---Martin Luther
9.False ---Sacrament of Holy Orders
10.False---Creation Theory
1.i 6.a
2.c 7.h
3.g 8.f
4.j 9.d
5.e 10.b
J. Additional activities for application or
remediation if needed.


A. No. of learners who earned 80% in
the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No.
of learners who have caught up with
the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover which I
wish to share with other teachers?

Prepared by: Checked by: Noted by:


Teacher II SGH/Teacher III School Principal II

Grading Rubric for Poster

5 4 3 2 1

Content Content is accurate Content is Content is accurate Content is Content is inaccurate.

and all required accurate but but some required questionable. Information is not
information is some required information is missing Information is not presented in a logical
presented in a logical information is and/or not presented presented in a logical order, making
missing and/or order, making it difficult to follow.
order. in a logical order,
not presented it difficult to follow.
making it difficult to
in a logical order,
but is still generally
easy to follow.
Presentation Presentation flows Presentation flows Presentation flows Presentation Presentation has no flow.
well and logically. well. Tools are well. Some tools are is unorganized. Insufficient information
Presentation reflects used correctly used to show Tools are not used and lacking some of the
extensive use of acceptable in a relevant member’s information.
tools in a creative understanding. manner. Lacking
some of the
information/ and or
information is not
Pictures, Images are Images are Most images are Images are No images
Clip Art appropriate. appropriate. Layout appropriate inappropriate or
Background is cluttered layout is messy.
Layout is pleasing to
the eye.

Mechanics No spelling errors. Few spelling Few spelling errors. Some spelling errors. Many
No grammar errors. Few Few grammar Some grammar spelling and or grammar
errors. Text is in grammar errors. Text is in errors. Most of text errors. Text is copied.
authors’ own words. errors. Text is in authors’ own words. is in authors’ own
authors’ own words.

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