What Is Organic Agriculture ?: African Organic Agriculture Manual Booklet Series No. 1 - Definition and Benefits
What Is Organic Agriculture ?: African Organic Agriculture Manual Booklet Series No. 1 - Definition and Benefits
What Is Organic Agriculture ?: African Organic Agriculture Manual Booklet Series No. 1 - Definition and Benefits
soils, water, plants and animals in order to produce, process and distri-bute
food and other goods. Organic farmers utilize natural resources in a way
that they benefit while protecting these resources for future gene-rations.
This booklet will give you a first insight into the basic approaches and prac-
tices of organic agriculture. It is an invitation to learn more about this ap-
proach in more specific booklets of this series and to evaluate it to make
your way of farming more sustainable.
What is organic agriculture?
We as organic farmers …
> Look at the farm as a big orga-
nism, which we have to look af-
ter very well in order to benefit
from it.
> Protect the soil, water and for-
est resources, as we and the
future generations depend on
> Use natural and renewable re-
sources available on the farm
such as manure, crop residues,
tree leaves and dry grass to fer-
tilize the soil.
> Use natural and non-poisonous
materials to control pests and
> Select and use strong plant va-
rieties and animal breeds that
do well under local conditions.
> Increase the organic matter of
infertile soils and thus eventu-
ally bring dead land back into
How organic farmers feed the soil
A fertile soil is the foundation of
good crop and livestock produc-
tion. It absorbs and holds enough
water and nutrients, and provides
the nutrients to the plants in a bal-
anced way, when they need them.
In an organic farmer’s perspec-
tive a fertile soil is a living soil con-
taining insects, worms and smaller
organisms. These organisms de-
compose green plant material and
animal manure to make the nutri-
ents available to the crops.
Organic farmers protect the soil
from being carried away by water
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Grow fast growing nitrogen fixing
plants and dig them into the soil
to feed the soil organisms
How organic farmers keep crops healthy
A healthy plant will grow to its full
size within its natural time and will
produce well-formed food mate-
rials. So organic farmers look at
providing good growing conditions
to the plants. They perform all field
activities in time, plant early in
the season, remove weeds before
they damage the crop, and remove
excess branches in tree crops before
flowering to ensure good fruit size. Use healthy seeds, seedlings and
Organic farmers use strong cuttings only
plant varieties, which have been
tested under local conditions to be
fast growing, resistant to pests and
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Feed the soil with sufficient
manure and keep it moist
How they keep animals healthy
Organic farmers keep farm animals
to get eggs, milk and meat. Farm an-
imals also provide valuable manure
for improving soil fertility.
Organic farmers handle their
animals with care and respect. They Provide animal friendly housing
feed and house them well, and keep
them free of parasites and diseases.
This allows the animals to behave
naturally, grow and reproduce well.
Organic farmers choose strong
breeds that grow and produce well
with locally available feeds. They
also keep their animals in natural
shape and do not shorten beaks, nor
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Observe and check animals
How do organic farmers benefit?
By growing different crops and
keeping different animals organic
farmers are sure to harvest, even
if a crop fails. By using own seeds Use materials available on the
and making their own fertilizers farms and thus spend less money
and pesticides, and avoiding costly on farming
inputs, they save on money in pro-
duction. Products from a certified
organic farm can in most cases be
sold at higher prices. Lower costs,
safer harvests and higher prices im-
prove their incomes.
Additionally health of farmer
families benefits from organic Produce a diversity of foods to
farming through healthy foods free ensure a balanced diet and a
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What else would you expect from Improve the harvests and income
a farming method, which claims to
be sustainable, healthy and fair?
Sell to better markets and get
higher prices
This booklet
Training is anproject.
Manual outcome of the
It was African Organic
conceived Agriculture
as a handout for
African farmers.
Training Manual project and was conceived as a handout for