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Quest The Sorcerous Cabal

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Fan Created Scenario.

Descent: Journeys in the Dark is copyright 2005 Fantasy Flight Publishing. All images are used with permission.
Area 4
The Sorcerous Cabal
By Richard De Armond
As you assend to the top of the staircase several arrows
shatter against the stone wall behind you, barely missing thier
mark. A beastman releases his hound and sharpens his claws
Quest Background upon the stone.

While traveling to the town of Dragon's Gate one day, the Area 5
weather began to turn foul. You found a cave in which to
seek shelter from the approaching storm. A strange light at
the back of the cave caught your eye and you decided to As the warded door slowly opens, two large humanoids heft
investigate the passage it revealed. You find that you have massive stone clubs and begin striding towards you. A large
stumbled into the lair of a cabal of evil socerers bent on the pit blocks your path directly ahead. A massive iron door can
conquest of Dragon's Gate. be seen on the far side of the room.

Quest Goals If any character steps onto the ?:

You goal is to defeat the sorcerous cabal and their demon As you move forward, a tile under your foot shifts and the
master, Diabolus, before their plans come to fruition. If you iron door to the south slowly rises revealing a large fanged
can activate some of the ancient glyphs of transport found in reptile, the guardian of the temple's vault. Flames leap from
the dungeon, maybe you can warn Dragon's Gate of the it's maw as it roars loudly. Your stomach clinches for a
impending peril. You start with 5 conquest tokens. If you moment as a wave of fear slowly spreads over you. Quickly,
ever run out of conquest tokens, then the cabal will have you master your fear and gripping your weapons tightly, and
triumphed over you. Good luck. prepare to receive it's wrath.

All sorcerers have Fear 1. All master socerers have Fear 2. If the Gust The dragon in area 6 has Fear 3 and Armor 6. It is worth 2 conquest
of Wind event is ever drawn by the Overlord, it is immediately put into tokens when defeated.
play free of cost. The Overlord does not aquire threat tokens for Gust
of Wind.
Area 6
Area 1
This room is filled with treasure and the stench of it's former
Opening the door at the back of the cave reveals a room filled
with a strange green light. The sound of dripping water is
almost drowned out by the click of nails and talons Important: The door to area 6 can only be opened by stepping on
approaching from two narrow passages to the west. A man one of the "?" tiles located in area 5.
clad in dark red robes calls to you; "Surrender now or face
swift death at the hands of my servants." The dragon has Fear 3 and Armor 6. The heroes get 2 conquest tokens
for defeating the dragon.

The Socerer has Fear 1. Area 7

Area 2
This is obviously the inner sanctum of the cabal. Strange
glowing runes cover the floor of the threshold before you. A
These tunnels branch off into several directions. The deep voice calls from the chamber to the east; "Enter and face
sulferous smell of brimstone fills the air as the flamed beast the wrath of the master of this complex. I am Diabolus and I
in front of you growls loudly alerting the guards to your shall feast on your bones."

The sorcerers have Fear 1. The master sorcerers are named (Marcus
The Sorcerer has Fear 1. and Grendel) and have Fear 2. The master demon (Diabolus) is also
named and is Undying.
Area 3 The first character to step on one of the "?" tiles triggers
wards which guard the inner sanctum and is moved to the
activated glyph in the start area. His turn ends
The clink of coins and the rattle of bones can be heard in the immediately. This only happens once and only to the first
distance as the guardians of this room rise to challenge you. character who stepped a "?" tile. The tiles can not be
A pair of large winged beasts lead the charge. jumped over. Jumping over a "?" tile has the same effect as
stepping on the tile.

Fan Created Scenario.

Descent: Journeys in the Dark is copyright 2005 Fantasy Flight Publishing. All images are used with permission.
A wave of distortion surrounds you as you trigger the
guardian wards of the inner sanctum. The runes surrounding
the threshold briefly flare to life and then fade slowly into the
stone. You are overcome with nausea and all goes dark.
When you awaken you find yourself at the entrance to the
cave complex.

If the heroes defeat Diabolus:

With a deafening roar Diabolus is consumed by flame. All

that remains are a pile of ashes and a strange amulet which
glows with an eeire green light.

The heroes get 4 conquest tokens for defeating Diabolus.

Fan Created Scenario.

Descent: Journeys in the Dark is copyright 2005 Fantasy Flight Publishing. All images are used with permission.

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