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Impact of Brand Loyalty in Context of Online Apparel Purchase

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Submitted By

Atul kumar Mishra (11715500)

Amandeep kaur(11714125)
Simranjeet kaur arora (11710138)

Mittal School of Business


Phagwara, Punjab November, 2018

We hereby declare that the capstone project work entitled “Impact of Brand
Loyalty in Context of online Apparel Purchase” submitted to Lovely Professional
University, is a record of an authentic work done by us under the guidance of
Dr.Gurdip Singh, Assistant Professor, Lovely Professional University, in order to
fulfill the requirement of our degree. This work has not been copied from any
source and whatever decoration and connection made in the circuit is a total
dedicated work by us only.

Atul kumar Mishra (11715500)

Amandeep kaur(11714125)

Simranjeet kaur arora (11710138)

It is our extreme pleasure presenting our capstone project report on
“Impact of Brand Loyalty in Context of online Apparel Purchase” We express
our deep gratitude to our mentor Dr.Gurdip Singh, for guiding us during
each and step about our endeavor. He has been a constant source of
motivation for us throughout the whole project work. We would like to
thank all our friends for their support, for all the thoughtful and
stimulating discussions that encouraged us to continue the work and
complete it.

This is to certify that the Report entitled “ Brand Loyalty in Context of online
Apparel Purchase” submitted by Atul Kumar Mishra Amandeep Kaur and
Simranjeet Kaur Arora partial fulfillment of the requirements for the
award of degree of Masters of Business Administration at Lovely
Professional University, Punjab is an original work carried out by them
under my guidance. To the best of my knowledge and belief, the matter
embodied in the report has not been submitted by them to any other
University/Institute for the award of any Degree/Diploma.

Dr.Gurdip Singh

Assistant Professor

Mittal School of Business,LPU

Table of contents









Brand Loyalty
Numerous organizations have endeavored to cultivate mark steadfastness. Since brand
dependability results from a cozy connection between a brand and its clients, it can offer a
vigorous client base – a solid upper hand. Solid brand devotion is reflected by clients'
enthusiastic connection to a brand and their support conduct toward the brand. As one approach
to manufacture solid brand devotion, it has been underscored that organizations need to pass on
positive brand encounters to customers. Taking into account that mark encounter is included
shoppers' blended impression of all purposes of contact with a brand, a brand's site is viewed as a
significant channel for passing on brand encounter since customers can uninhibitedly investigate
the brand's online contributions through more extravagant and more intuitive routes than through
different channels. With regards to shopping on a brand's site, online stream can be viewed as the
degree to which a shopper is occupied with cooperation with brand-related upgrades on a brand's
site while playing out a web based shopping undertaking. Aptitude in this setting might be
characterized as the degree to which a buyer is furnished with every one of the capacities
expected to shop on the brand's site. On account of clothing brand sites, buyers' internet shopping
expertise, enveloping on the web navigational aptitude, general shopping ability, and attire
particular shopping aptitude, is probably going to impact their online stream decidedly. Test in
web based shopping can be viewed as the dimension of mental uneasiness incited by the
expected exertion to achieve a buy choice on a brand's site. Notwithstanding navigational test
identified with the web composition, shopping test identified with attributes of the stock, for
example, quality, size, cost, and assortment should be considered to conceptualize test in web
based shopping. As proposed in the stream hypothesis, individuals are well on the way to
achieve stream just when both ability and test are high as it is the communication between large
amounts of expertise and test that prompts online stream. On the off chance that purchasers have
an abnormal state of aptitude, they may not be tested and neglect to achieve online stream; if
buyers without an abnormal state of expertise see an abnormal state of test. Notwithstanding
analyzing the and mark devotion, it is important to know how buyers achieve a condition of
online stream when visiting a brand's site. Buyers' stream encounter is known to result from their
desire for power over web route. Stream hypothesis proposes that shoppers can achieve stream
just when they have adequate aptitude to finish an undertaking that is reasonably trying For a
given online assignment, expertise is a client's capacity to achieve the errand, while challenge is
the measure of exertion required to achieve the errand. Earlier examinations have concentrated

on aptitude and test just as far as online navigational assignments Hoffman, which might be
deficient for exploring genuine internet shopping. In addition, contingent upon the item
classification for the web based shopping assignment, classification particular ability and test
may impact the dimension of stream a customer comes to amid web based shopping. For
instance, customers looking for design items online are probably going to require a specialist
learning of ongoing style drifts and in addition route abilities utilizing a program with the end
goal to experience a stream involvement. Consequently, the scope of ability and test should be
stretched out with regards to a particular setting of internet shopping (e.g., what sort of items
buyers are searching for.

Brand reliability is a critical term that characterizes the connection among client and brand and
communicates the degree to which clients feel that they are in synchronization with the brand.
Aaker characterizes mark steadfastness as a circumstance which reflects how likely a client will
be to change to another brand, particularly when that mark rolls out an improvement, either in
cost or in item includes. Characterized as above, mark reliability was investigated as one of the
significant part of brand value by a few scientists .It is essential for the retailers to have an
extensive steadfast customer base. The dedication empowers the customers to create
propensities, for example, making buys from a similar brand or same retailer and as purchasers
turned out to be more faithful, they don't like to survey alternate options, for example, bring
down cost, alluring advancements and they are less inclined to change to different adversaries.
Then again, some item classifications are more helpful for the purchasers to create faithfulness.
For example being exceptionally useful and innovation concentrated items, sportswear is one
class of attire items for which the customers more often than not settle on their choice thinking
about the brands. In any case, contemplates investigating the brand reliability of customers
towards online clothing buy. The motivation behind this examination is to research the brand
reliability of buyers and their unwaveringness towards the main brands in online clothing in
India. Clothing is one of the fundamental necessities of human development alongside
sustenance, water and safe house. The Apparel Industry mirrors individuals' ways of life and
demonstrates their social and financial status. The Apparel and Textile industry is India's second
biggest industry after IT Industry. At present, it is among the quickest developing industry
portion and is additionally the second biggest remote trade worker for the nation. The attire
business represents 30% of every Indian fare. The Indian government has focused on the
clothing and materials industry sections to reach $50 billion continuously 2017. A standout
amongst the most intriguing highlights of the clothing business is that, it relocates from
surprising expense countries to the ease countries. The development of the household interest for
attire in India is connected with the accomplishment of the retailing area. India by and by has
entered the second period of development and is seeing a huge ascent in the household request.
This is essentially because of the ascent in the way of life caused by the ascent in the center pay
gatherings. In our present financial universe of interest and supply, cost and quality are the key

variables, which decide the achievement of any business. The key component here however, is
the expense of work. India and China have a near preferred standpoint in this industry however,
their immense work powers and the generally minimal effort of work Since, India and China
have the upside of making materials thus texture costs are lower than in different nations, they
have turned into the Apparel sourcing decision for some worldwide organizations. Sourcing
decisions emerge from gainfulness. This incorporates thinking about costs, for example,
purchasing components of generation, similar to land, structures and machines versus factors
influencing incomes, including evaluating, advertising, and appropriation. The issues of work,
material, shipping expenses and taxes structure additionally influence the sourcing decisions.
Since, attire creation is a work escalated action, wage rates are likewise a central point in
sourcing choices. This gives quick upper hand to makers in nations like India and China to fare
to more created and mind-boggling expense nations like the United States and the European

1.1 Fashion Industry

Today form industry is a quickly developing industry on the planet. The form business in India
presently is viewed as unique. Throughout the previous couple of decades the mold business in
India is encountering a blast because of expanding cognizance for design among Indians.
Expanding rivalry and Globalization, and short life cycles of materials in mold retailing, enhance
symmetric purchaser conduct and set various promoting difficulties for retail firms. To make due
in this industry, it is important for producers and retailers to create successful advertising
procedures. It has been seen that the mold clothing market has been to a great degree affected by
form inclines in India. Form clothing industry has turned out to be more assorted by mold
brands, personalization, notice and ethnicity in the worldwide commercial center. In the event
that customers' inclinations can distinguish by makers and retailers of design clothing, they can
be better ready to draw in and keep up their objective purchaser gathering. Subsequently, the
motivation behind the present examination is to research the element of form attire shopping
among purchasers. In spite of the fact that the different measurement that exploration subject of
purchasing goals has been generally shrouded in the writing, this investigation adds to assemble
the situation of producer and retailer in driving buy expectations with elements like esteem and
status, and value affectability and a lot a greater amount of brands among customers in India.
The current urban center and high society Indian shopper purchasing conduct to an expansive
degree has the Western impact particularly among females. There is an expansion in uplifting
demeanor towards the Western patterns. The Indian shopper has turned out to be substantially
more receptive and test in his viewpoint. Outside brands increase wide buyer acknowledgment in
India. Form is a billion-dollar industry utilizing a huge number of individuals in developing
economies as well as over the globe. By this changing scene shoppers are influenced to a

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substantial degree by theories quick changes. The late 1980's, couple of extensive retailers
predominance the form business, design industry has been encountering significant changes
since most recent couple of decades. In the quick developing style industry even the best designs
and exercises can be bombed by monetary change and the activities of contenders. After the
autonomy, changes happened in Indian Fashion industry and dressing style of Indians by the
impacts of globalization, which prompted the combination of Indian and western dresses.
Wearing Curtis on pants, spaghetti with sarees are the precedents demonstrating the impact of
western culture on Indian form industry. The work done by Indian architects is exceptionally
refreshing all around.

1.2 Apparel Industry in India

Clothing is one of the key necessities of each individual close-by help, water and safe house. The
bit of articles of clothing Industry imitates people groups living styles close-by their social and
budgetatory status. In India after IT Industry the Apparel and Textile industry is the second most
noteworthy industry. Right now it is among the quickest making industry and is the second most
prominent outside trade authority for the nation. The pieces of clothing business adds to around
26% to every single Indian trade. The rules issue with the Indian clothing industry is its size and
mix o of inclinations and this is likewise the rule reason that it has so much potential. The
fascinating feature of the Indian articles of clothing industry is that it moved from surprising
expense ernations to the unimportant effort creation countries. The enhancement of the area
business portion energy for attire in India is joined with the accomplishment of the retailing

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range. Right now India has entered the second time of making and has been seeing a colossal
move in the close-by diversion. This is in customers general sense because of rise and change in
the way of life because of ascend in within pay groups. In the present cash related universe of
premium and supply, the key parts which focus the progression of any business are cost and
quality. Regardless the key part is the expense of work. India has a relative playing point in this
industry in context of monstrous work characteristics and the effortlessness of work. India has
changed into the wellspring of Apparel. Choice for some general relationship due further
supporting its favorable circumstances of making materials and lower cost of texture meandered
from various countries. Factors affecting sourcing choices blend costs, for case, obtaining
sections of time, like land, structures and machines issues of work, material, transportation costs
and charges structure. Clothing period is through and through a work expanded activity, pay
rates in like path goes about as a focal idea or trademark in sourcing decisions. This gives high
ground to creators of dress like India to admission to made nation and staggering expense time
nation. The Indian piece of attire business attempts (checking dress retailing, style sorting out
and related updates trade are flourishing like never before. As a delayed consequence of
mammoth development in openings for work and making winning cutoff points has achieved the
difference in perspective of the Indian buyers.

1.3 Factors influencing Branding

Brand is alludes to logo, image, name, character that speaks to any item, benefit, put, individual,
experience or thoughts. It is impalpable part of an item which isn't estimated through numerical
system rather can be imaged however how the buyers are getting it to their purchasing conduct.
Anything discernable is mark; if a thong isn't recognizable it isn't mark.

Brand Equity
Brand value is worked through mindfulness building and special exercises, which Keller (2011)
proposed that solid mindfulness building movement through limited time exercises are method
for getting brand value. It is additionally clarified in a way that how long a shoppers were
appended with the brand, it quantifies the parts of the positive side of the brand. As per Bello and
Holbrook (2011), Brand value includes additional incentive with an item and need to disperse the
qualities legitimately with suitable intrigue of the products or administrations.

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Brand Awareness
Brand value is shaped exhaustive brand mindfulness battle and the brand mindfulness crusade is
loaded with special battle as for the brands center components. The center idea of the
mindfulness program is to just call and reviewing the purchasers about the item, benefit and
other successive issues (Aaker, 2011). Buyers information on brand can be manufactured careful
the limited time thoughts and activity. These thoughts are not the only one the method for limited
time it can incorporate new thoughts of including creative buyers consideration activities .Brand
mindfulness is the central point in the huge method for correspondence and data administration
of the brand. Item data is critical for both the buyers and the purchasers, the method for
correspondence can best oblige the shoppers to get fitting learning on the item. Shoppers are the
facilitator of the item they are the primary focus of the brand mindfulness' program. Te program
is upgraded to have a rank of the item on the commercialization mind.

Perceived Quality
What customers expected and what they found from a brand is called seen nature of an item.
Generally purchasers expect an item which likely can quantify the effect of their interest. Yet,
not every one of the products can fulfill their interest; it is happed due to hole in the desire and
created benefit. Seen quality is the estimation of the item which is seen by purchasers. Sending
the message to the purchasers and building the data in way those imperatives creates more data
in the brains of the customers.

Brand Associations
Brand affiliations are a few components which are incorporated into brand value. A brand can be
related with some marvel. These can be identified with highlights, quality, benefit uniqueness
and other consumer loyalty's drives. Brand affiliations are the exact perspective of brands which
are imagined in the psyche of the client before picking an item. Brand affiliations have
noteworthy fair association with the brands name as it is pictured when purchasers pick it when it
is expended. Brands affiliations are the portrayal of the brands and these things are the material
and non-material segment of an organization or an association. At the point when an item is
picked by the purchaser it ought to be remembered that these affiliations with respect to brands
are additionally actualize identity of the shoppers. Brand affiliations are the indications of an
item, with the certification to full fill.

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1.4 Consumer purchasing Behavior
Buyer acquiring conduct is the examination of individuals and the techniques they use to pick,
secure, use, and dispose of things, organizations, experiences, or musings to satisfy needs and the
impacts that these systems have on the purchaser and society (Kuester, Sabine 2012). Customer
lead is gradually a bit of indispensable making courses of action for the best in class adventure
and advancement of any industry. Retail industry or especially to state dress industry is no
uncommon case, Consumers can either be abstract or goal, testing the impact of brand names.
Retail stores offering the things and also accept a basic part in inducing the selection of
customers. As indicated by Schiff man and Karuk (2011) purchaser conduct contemplates the
endeavors and time imperatives of the buyers when they pick an item as creation of items in an
unexpected way. Client considering an item can be imitated if the item is made per the
purchaser's necessities. Advertising programs are delivered to develop such association with the
customers and other target gatherings (Keller, 2011 ).There are no particular brand picture
techniques and reliable classifications of building brand picture. Be that as it may, it can't restrict
the shot of portraying points of view of brand picture. Brand picture streams of purchasers and
they actuate individuals to purchase more. The impediments of brand picture are if the customers
are not satisfied appropriately. The hugeness of the brand picture can't be exaggerated however
the additional recognition and valuation of any brand instigate them to limit from the pertinence.
There are a few components which can be expressed for credited names, introduction of
qualities, and clear highlights. Every last brand has a few which can distinguish and proclaim
some basic brand picture dissolving apparatuses. Brand is portrayal of what the customers need
from the associations.

Research Problem
In spite of the fact that as of late there has turned into a more prominent comprehension of the
attire, most writing is centered around a hierarchical point of view. Along these lines there is
constrained research on customer's conduct towards online clothing brands. Purchaser's conduct
towards garments brands seems, by all accounts, to be summed up, with no valuation for the
conceivably contrasting buyer mentalities and post-buy conduct over the varying value focuses
and quality dimensions. The idea that shoppers buy diverse things from various brands as such is
yet to be found. There means that purchasers are hence multi-mark faithful. Surveying the
uselessness of the case that higher estimated extravagance brands are related with attitudinal
reliability, while conduct dedication is more typical in lower valued brands, for example, those
regarded as quick design; is one target of this investigation which will pick up a superior
comprehension of what influences buyer dependability in the form business. As a result of
advancement in socioeconomics and development in the living procedure for urban individuals,

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the Indian dress part is seeing the thing before getting it. E-trade has possessed the capacity to be
vexed the examinations for web shopping. Progress is a fundamental shopping example of India.
In excess of 10 million Indian part in tending to key tensions of clothing web shopping. High
clients are shopping on the web for things and are making at assurance plot, parts of bits of dress
put on by models, a tremendous pace. Online customers have now moved from 360°
examination and zoom instruments and virtual changing getting just Books or Consumer
Electronics to anchoring locale and have made web shopping all the moreover Clothes, Shoes
and Accessories. As shown by a Fashion spellbinding. Clients can locate the correct fit and can
look system has recorded a most lifted number of exchanges 2017. The example of web
shopping is understanding up in Moreover, clients may pick specific things/brands not simply in
light of the fact that these things pass on the utilitarian or execution compensations foreseen, also
because things can be used to express buyers' personality, monetary prosperity or alliance or to
fulfill their inside mental necessities.

1.3 Research Objectives

 To study key factors that influence online shopping purchase behaviour especially for
 To analyze the brand loyalty of youth in buying online branded apparel.

 To identify the factors that can possible explain the differences in online shopping
behavior among the different online potential buyers.

 To study the factors which influence the buying behavior of youth for branded apparels

1.4 Value of the examination

Pieces of clothing Industry in India positions a likelihood of attire business are one of the
colossal central parts of India to the degree wage, wind and trade and occupation creation.
Clothing industry has monster grouping of things, short thing life cycles, unconventional and as
once in a while as could be typical the circumstance being what it is making demand, long and
steadfast dispersal framework. There is a between time move in the dressing business with time
Clothing purchasers reliably get a kick out of the chance to have the latest style of outfits,
endeavoring to reflect themselves as the tip top area of the bleeding edge society. Inestimable
sponsorship the representations of beyond any doubt maker brands or those appeared by
Bollywood or redirections VIPs. India is a country of in excess of one billion people, a huge
purchaser class and is estimated as the most kept up goals for trade and adventures Apparel and
materials are the best parts in retailing industry With creating pay levels and changing
perspective to "look incomprehensible - feel glorious", game plan Pieces of clothing is seen by

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individuals to demonstrate their character, and goes about as a fundamental expects to expr ess
them in people when all is said in one eye. Clothing is the most valuable reach concerning
change in India in context of the manner in which it has changed the lifestyles of the purchasers
Indian buyers are demonstrating an expanding centrality for web shopping by uprightness of
more epic number of online clients. The creation web bits of articles of clothing business has
changed into an astoundingly enchanting business for general affiliations as well. The motivation
behind this examination is to analyze the connections between aptitude, challenge, online stream,
mark understanding, and brand unwaveringness with regards to web based shopping on a
clothing brand's site. The particular destinations are to look at

 an interaction between skill and challenge that leads to online flow on a brand’s website;
 the relationship between the online flow experienced on a brand’s website and
consumers’ brand experience;
 the relationship between consumers’ brand experience and their brand loyalty;

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Review of Literature

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Literature Review

Alan Hirst (2007) inspects the ladies' state of mind towards online clothing buy. This paper
likewise looks at that whether these ladies characteristics influencing attire shopping on the web.
Its discoveries demonstrate that ladies are dependably indicates uplifting state of mind towards
shopping on the web attire. Ladies who shopping clothing on the web know about some
discouraged highlights of web based shopping, yet these highlights can't stop them to buy for
online attire. The highlights of online retailers are that they center around making the experience
of web based shopping all the more adequately effectively and easy to use. This is vital in light
of the fact that the positive highlights of web based shopping are comfort ease mode and
effectiveness could really compare to the negative highlights absence of securities, online

P. Vikkraman and N.Sumathi (2010) dissected that the purchasing conduct in Indian clothing
market depends on especially the self thought of the purchasers, while prerequisites for
uniqueness specifically affect clothing premium and influence the purchasers mind on the
ramifications of others clothing desire by virtue of neighborhood brands. Seen the quality and the
extraordinary worth are the crucial markers of the purchaser's desire.

Dobni and Zinkhan (2010) as indicated by the most perceived indications of the brand included
brands assignments, protest appearance, advertising, referrals et cetera. A few analysts have
demonstrated about couple of perspectives mark picture and brand uniqueness and these
individual variables are building the items and administrations as brand identity.

Khare, A. (2010), recommended that in creating nations, purchasers are getting to be aware of
design brands. He was coordinated towards understanding the determinants of design dress
inclusion of Indian youth. He inquired about on Youths of Indian schools to comprehend the
significance of mold array in their lives.. The outcomes demonstrate that Indian youth is included
with marked mold wear. There was very little critical contrast in the association of females and
guys towards mold attire. Shopper conduct in web based shopping is a complex socio-specialized
wonder. Earlier investigations have distinguished distinctive elements that influence online
customer conduct.

Krishna C. V (2011) recognized the four points of view to be paper particular brand picture,
bargains progression offers, diagram and store climatic are the fundamental edges impacting
purchaser. The online tendencies for private dimension. The think also derived that the

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demographical points of view to be particular control of the purchaser and social class of the
customer has no effect on the buyer obtaining conduct in picking private check brands. al.(2011) examined that people groups money related characteristics age, sex, and
wage affect their web shopping. The general population eviscerate are experienced e-clients i.e.
individuals who frequently buys on the web. The impacts of their investigation show that the
monetary factors neither effect of past utilization of the web nor the impression of e-exchange, so
they don't lead of the expert e-client.

Futrell (2011), purchasers ought to be seen as chiefs. All purchasers experience a progression of
ventures before they settle on a buy choice. The initial step is require excitement. The customer
must have a requirement for the item. The item can satisfy either physical or physiological
requirements. Bundle configuration can inspire require excitement. Bundling can pick up buyer
consideration and intrigue and bring out feelings from the purchaser. These responses deliver a
need or want for the item by the purchaser. The subsequent stage is accumulation of data. In the
event that buyers don't know about an item they will need to gather data about the item's value,
focal points, and so on. A great deal of the data that shoppers look for can be found on the item
bundle. Next purchasers take part in data assessment. The purchaser matches item data with their
own needs, states of mind, and convictions. Just when these match will the shopper at long last
settle on a buy choice. Advertisers and originators must know about the statistic and target
showcase that will buy their items and endeavor to create bundling that will indicate how the
item is consistent with the objective markets needs and dispositions. Once acquired, an item can
deliver sentiments of fulfillment or disappointment for the shopper. On the off chance that
purchasers are happy with the item or brand then they will buy again later on.

Kotler and Keller (2011) distinguish that he/she are probably not going to change sentiment on
this brand and are along these lines reluctant to think about options. Regardless, with the many
contending attire brands, offering diverse items for various requirements, it is likely that a
purchaser would buy from contending brands sooner or later. Kotler and Keller's understanding
of the purchaser's self-idea proposes that shoppers may not consider less expensive options in
contrast to their most loved form brands. In any case, with high-road brands, for example, Zara,
being significantly effective; which seem to offer styles like extravagance mold retailers, there is
genuine proof to propose that purchasers will consider less expensive options in the form
showcase. So while shoppers, might be faithful to a brand's personality and the picture that it
depicts, they may not make an interpretation of this steadfastness into a real buy which can
benefit the firm; but instead run with less expensive choices as a rule with regards to the point of

Kuester, Sabine (2012) According to the specialist Purchaser obtaining and research based on
examination of individuals and the technique they use to pick, secure and use and dispose of
things organization experiences thought is to satisfy the necessities and to impacts that these

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makers have on the purchasers society. Purchaser can either be emotional or target testing the
impacts of brand names.

Dr.P.Vikkraman (2012) comprehends the buy lead among the Indian clients as for the overall
scale and contiguous brand in clothing industry. The investigation uncovered that Indian client's
energetic respect and attire preoccupation the basic segments of securing point towards dress
brands. The essential impact of self-thought on neither wish to fit in with others. This
investigation display that the parts by and large, self idea essential for uniqueness obviously
influences clothing premium and by recommendation influences the buy point due to worldwide
and neighborhood advance brands. Solitary dress intrigue and excited worth are the other
fundamental creators of procurement point. The examination paper gives affect the clients with
respect to buy of clothing items.

Pandian, Varathani, Keerthivasan (2012) this examination uncovers that Raymond, Peter
England, and John player remains the main three brands favored by the respondents. Plainly the
majority of the customers of men's marked shirts were very impacted by the components, for
example, toughness, reference gatherings, more extensive decision of shading and structure,
engaging quality, value range and superstar endorser. The greater parts of the clients are
expecting decreased cost and more extensive decision of shading and plan.

Allender,William J and Timoth J. Richards. (2012) Designing advancement techniques includes

two key choices: the rate decrease in cost from the current value point (profundity), and the
recurrence with which an item is advanced. These choices, thusly, are basically needy upon what
number of buyers can be persuaded to change to a brand by briefly diminishing its cost, and what
number of are rather mark faithful. Hypothetical models of how the quality of brand
unwaveringness impacts ideal advancement techniques have been produced, however there are
no thorough trial of their theories that consider discount value variety.

Vikkraman and Sumathi (2012) this investigation directed on Indian attire showcase uncovered
that Indian customers saw enthusiastic esteem and dress premium are the noteworthy positive
forerunners of procurement expectations toward worldwide and Indian buyers with high self-idea
neither wish to be not quite the same as others nor wish to fit in with others and furthermore that
Indian purchasers may consider their self-idea and should be interesting to express their
'distinction'. Noteworthy effect of dress enthusiasm on seen quality and enthusiastic estimation of
worldwide brands uncovered Indian shoppers' inclination for worldwide brands in view of the
materialistic trifles and solid impression of remote brands which was not found in neighborhood

Dr. K Balanaga Gurnatham (2013) looks at that out of apparel buy lead measurements, the most
basic measurements are the progression, store properties and references packs. The exhibits the
dress stores to give more significances to store credit to attract and offer the customers besides
the constrained time program moreover thought to be done powerfully and appropriate with the

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goal that more people persuade looked for after to buy bit of attire. The clothing stores up in like
manner compose programs including distinctive reference groups through which they could
without a lot of a stretch and unquestionably pull in the purchasers so they can be give stock and
organizations according to their requirements.

Sathish and Sathyanarayanan (2013) affirmed that customer's shopping aim is influenced by his
discernment with respect to accommodation and security of web use, hazard and item attributes
which must be fittingly tended to by e-posteriors.

Jafar Ikbal Laskar and Haidar Abbas (2014) this examination means to contemplate the
customer mindfulness about different clothing brands (wellsprings of mindfulness and
additionally the degree of mindfulness), their discernment about these brands and the elements
that influence their recognition. Specialist has seen that notice and retire nearness are the primary
wellspring of brand mindfulness. Firms which are putting resources into different means ought to
introspect their methodologies.

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Research Methodology

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Research is the process of gathering information from varying sources usually in relation to a
specific topic and for a specific purpose. The definition of research includes abot gathering
of data, information and facts for the advancement of knowledge.

3.2 Research Design

The study is conducted using both analytical and descriptive types of methodology. The study of
research is based on both primary and secondary data. The primary data is collected through the
structured questionnaire derived out of literature gaps. The secondary data is collected through
websites, periodicals, annual reports, journals and magazines

3.3 Study Area

The study area is confined to Lovely Professional University terms to identify the brand loyalty
among the people purchasing online apparel.

3.4 Questionnaire Design

After reviewing national and international literature, the researcher identified the predominant
gaps pertaining to brand loyalty of online apparel purchase. These gaps paved the way to form a
research instrument comprising of independent and dependent variables. The literature gaps
comprises of measurement, objectives, issues and challenges of financial inclusion. Based on
these aspects, the researcher used multiple options, Unique Options, Bi-Polar type and Likert’s
five point scale type questions. The details are given below.

3.5 Scaling Technique in the Questionnaire

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The questionnaire used comprises of both optional type and Statements in Likert’s 5 point scale.
The responses of these sections are obtained from the employees of banking companies in the 5
point scale, which ranges as follows:

5 – Strongly agree 4 – Agree 3 – Neutral 2 – Disagree 1 – Strongly Disagree

3.6 Population:-The population of the interest For the research is the LPU Students

3.7 Sample Element:- The sample element of the research is Students (LPU)

3.8 Sample Duration:- The sample duration was taken in October 2018

3.9 Hypothesis :-This paper clearly analyzes factors that brand loyalty of consumer towards
online apparel purchase. The following hypothesis is on the basis of factors that influence brand

H0: There is positive and significant correlation between brand loyalty and customer’s
satisfaction towards online apparel purchase.

H1: There is positive and significant correlation between brand loyalty and service quality
provides by online apparel websites.

H2: There is positive and significant correlation between brand loyalty and price on online
apparel purchase.

3.10 Data Analysis

After collection of responses from student and people in Lovely Professional University Punjab
the researcher coded the information in to numerical values in the data sheet. The data coded are
subject to the following univariate and multivariate statistical analysis.

1. Factor Analysis
2. Paired Sample T- Test.

24 | P a g e
Result and Analysis

25 | P a g e
Factor Analysis

KMO and Bartlett's Test Table no.1

Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin .754
Measure of Sampling
Bartlett's Test of Sphericity 375.174
Df .55
Sig. .000

Factor Analysis: - factors analysis has been conducted to identify the factors those
influencing the online shopping for the apparel through different portal. Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin
(KMO) measures the index of sampling adequacy which determines the appropriateness of factor
analysis. The value of KMO is .754, therefore factor analysis is considered as an appropriate
technique for this data.

Bartlett’s test of sphericity is test statics to consider the hypothesis that variables are uncorrelated
in the population. For factor analysis factor must be correlated. The null hypothesis is considered
as a significant at level 0.05 and above. So factor analysis is appropriate method.

26 | P a g e
Table 2 :Related component matrix
1 2 3
Fashion styling is very important to .788
I usually dress for fashion not

If I like something I couldn’t think

twice before spending

Higher the price higher the higher

the quality of apparel

I usually purchase more expensive


I like carefully find apparel with the

best value for money .515

I usually shop different brands to

source a variety of quality & choices
when buying.

I prefer buying high quality cloths .463

I like to shop for all my needs under

one roof for quality products

I like to plan my purchases to get
both better quality rather than
relying on impulse.

Factor 1. Fashion styling: It consists of four factor which is largest for fashionable people. The
other three factors are also related with fashion styling’s which have different factors things.

27 | P a g e
Factor 2 Pricing: It consists of factor in which largest factor is for higher the price and higher
the quality of apparel which consists that people have prefer higher the price with higher the
Factor 3: Quality: It consists of four factor in which largest is shop at different brands to a
source of variety of quality & choices when buying apparels. Other factor related to quantity
chosen by people while shopping for apparels.

Table no.3

Brand Loyalty Quality Availability for Style



Less 7 5.6 3 2.4 3 2.4 1 .8 1 .8


Neutral 9 7.2 5 4.0 11 8.8 4 3.2 5 4.0

Important 38 30.4 18 14.4 42 33.6 25 20.0 24 19.2

Most 44 35.2 50 40.0 46 36.8 46 36.8 57 45.6


Total 27 21.6 49 39.2 23 18.4 49 39.2 38 30.4

The table shows that around 35.2% of people feel that Brand loyalty is important to them while
30.4% people feel that they have a neutral feeling of about loyalty. Around 5.6% of people feel
that brand loyalty is least important while 39.2% people thought that it is most important factors
to them.

Around 39.2% of people feel value for money is important to them while 36.2% feels that
important. On the other hand 0.8% people thought that value for money is least important &

28 | P a g e
30.4% people feel that it important to them 0.8% people feel that style is least important while
19.2% people have neutral feeling towards style of apparels.

29 | P a g e
TABLE 4: Paired Samples Test
Paired Differences
95% Confidence Sig
Std. Interval of the (2tale
Deviatio Std. Error Difference d)
Mean n Mean Lower Upper df T
Pair 1 01 - 02 .391 1.116 .085 .224 .558 173 4.620 000 .620
Pair 2 03 - 04 .158 1.129 .086 -.013 .328 170 1.829 .0.69 .829
Pair 3 05 - 06 .213 1.224 .093 .030 .396 173 2.292 .023
Pair 4 07 - 08 .170 1.178 .090 -.008 .347 170 1.882 .062
Pair 5 09 - 10 .110 1.245 .095 -.077 .298 171 1.164 .246
Pair 6 11 - 12 -.317 1.001 .077 -.470 -.165 166 -4.09 000
Pair 7 13 - 14 .257 1.146 .089 .082 .433 166 2.09 .004

Pair I- There is significance difference between in opinion of respondents for the statements- Do
you buy branded clothes only because you are happy with the quality of that particular brand &
Do you wear branded clothes to impress people because significance value is at 0.000 for Pair I
which is (less than .05).

Pair II- There is no significance difference in opinion of respondent for statement Do you think
that when new styles of apparel come online you are the one who first buy them & statement

30 | P a g e
Would you buy branded apparel in place of non branded apparel regardless of high price because
significance values at 0.69 for Pair II is (greater than .05)

Pair III - There is significance difference between in opinion of respondents for the statements-
Do you wear branded apparel only because you want look more attractive & Do you feel
different when you wear branded clothes because significance value is at 0.023for Pair III which
is (less than .05).

Pair IV- There is no significance difference in opinion of respondent for the statement- Do you
well knows brands only & how much knowledge do you have about the International/ National
brands of apparel because significance values is 0.62 for Pair IV is (greater than .05).

Pair V – There is significance difference between in opinion of respondent for the statement Do
you buy branded clothes only because you get value for the money you spend & Does your
Friend/ Relatives opinion influence you to buy clothing online because significance value is
because significance values .246 which is (less than .05)

Pair VI- There is significance difference between in opinion of respondent for the statement how
satisfied are you with the online clothing compared with the other clothing available in the
market & Influence of Quality on purchase online apparel because significance values .000
which is (less than .05).

Pair VII- There is significance difference between in opinion Influence of price on purchase of
online apparel & Will you switch your brand preference if you get some promotional scheme
with another brand because significance value is .004 which is (less than .05).

31 | P a g e
1. Age of the Respondent

Table: 05 Age of the Respondent

Years Respondent Percentage

Under 25 14 14%
25 to 30 20 20%
31 to 35 31 31%
41 to 45 30 30%
Above 45 5 5%
Total 100 100
Source: Primary Data

Chart: 01 Age of The Respondent

Interpretation: Above table: 01 indicates total respondent according to AGE, Respondent

under the age of 25 is 14%, 25% is for 25 to 30, 31% is for 31 to 35, 30% is for 41 to 45 and
above 45 is 5%. Between 31 years to 45 years age people are responded.

32 | P a g e

Chart: 02

Table no.6


MALE 82 82%
FEMALE 18 18%
TOTAL 100 100
Source: Primary Data

INTREPRETATION: Tables shows that Total Number of Male & Females is 82% and 18%
respectively. 0% is come under the Not prefer to say category.

33 | P a g e

Chart: 03

Table no.7


Student 52 52%
Businessman 30 30%
Professionals 10 10%
TOTAL 100 100
Source: Primary Data

INTREPRETATION: As per the table, it is examined that 52 of the respondents are Student
30% are Businessman 10% are Professionals and 0% are others.

34 | P a g e

Chart: 04


Under Graduate 21 21%
Graduate 37 37%
Post Graduate 34 34%
Doctorate 8 8%
TOTAL 100 100
Source: Primary Data

INTREPRETATION: As per the table UG are 21%, Graduate are 37%, Post Graduate are
34%, Doctorate are 8% and others are 0%.

35 | P a g e

Chart: 05


below 10000 36 36%
10000 to 15000 26 26%
15000 to 20000 15 15%
Above 20000 23 23%
TOTAL 100 100
Source: Primary Data

INTREPRETATION: As per the table 36% has below 20000 salary, 26% has between 10000-
15000, 15 % has between 15000 to 20000, 23% has between has above.

36 | P a g e
Q.6 How often do you purchase online?

Chart: 06


2-5 TIMES A WEEK 35 35%
DAILY 17 17%
OFTEN 29 29%
TOTAL 100 100
Source: Primary Data

INTREPRETATION: This pie chart shows that respondent around 34.3% purchase online
apparel 2-5 times a week, which is highest whereas 30% of respondent purchase online apparel
often. 18.6% respondent purchase once in a week and only 16.7% respondent purchase online
apparel Daily.

37 | P a g e
Q.7 Specify the Brand you are aware about of

Bar Graph 07

INTREPRETATION: This bar chart shows that around 62% of respondent are aware about the
brand wrangler which is highest whereas 55% of respondent know about the brand Jack & Jones.
50% of respondent aware about Louis Philippe, around 40 % of respondent aware of Peter
England and 30% are aware about Allen Solly which is least among the respondent.

38 | P a g e

39 | P a g e
5. Findings:

Findings of this study need to be interpreted on the basis of the some methodological limitation.
The survey method is online, So the researcher were not able to control the environment in
which respondent has to performed the task given on a website and answer the measurement
items. Since respondent answer the questions at different times and places using internet
connections has maybe the issues. The another limitation of this study covers individuals only
and does not cover any households and firms. Another Limitation of this study covers that
secondary data pertaining to the scheduled brand loyalty of apparel purchase online. Study
considered as limited generalize finding to other context of this study can be considered as
shopping apparel on a online websites.

1. Brand name is the major factor to influences the customer to shopping online clothing.
2. Product Quality & Promotional schemes are the relevant factors to buy online apparels.
3. New Style influences the customer to buy online clothing.
4. Friends/Relatives suggestion also influences the customer to buy online apparel.
5. Customer prefers branded clothes still they are price conscious.

40 | P a g e


41 | P a g e
6. Conclusion

Indian online apparel demand is in its blast stage. More than 10 million Indian consumer
purchases and shopping online. Online customers have now moved from purchasing just books
and accessories. Fashionable styles and branded apparel demand has sudden rises due to the
availability and accessibility of Internet has sudden change the way of customer towards
purchasing online apparel. Last few years their be sudden growth in market of e-commerce
specially in apparel industry. This report reveals that web is likewise utilized by number of
individuals for purchasing item through online websites. Most of the individuals has want to buy
through online websites once in a two month and some in less than a month. Most of the
individuals make to buy online once in a month. A few individuals has want to buy through
online websites once in a two month and some in less than a month. Most prominent
classifications among individuals for online shopping are electronics instead of clothing but this
graph will change in upcoming year. A research reveals that 400% increases in purchasing of
apparel through web in the year of 2025. The factors are revealed in this study that Friends/
relative suggestion influence the customer towards buying branded apparel through shopping
websites. On the fundamental point of interest brand switching towards others websites also the
another factor of brand loyalty on online purchases of apparel. Promotional schemes and
discount affects the mindset of customer to switch towards other brand. The other factors also
said that price consciousness also the main key to buying online clothing. Indian customers
easily attracted on price, in online apparel we easily see that price of clothing is not much higher
in bigger brand as compare to retail apparel because they gave schemes and offer which easily
attract the customer to buy online clothes. From analysis of this study four factors of brand
loyalty that affect the environment in Lovely professional university Punjab which are brand
name, product quality price promotion services quality and styling. So marketers should find it
useful to understand how brand loyalty of online apparel influence the consumer buying
behavior through various e-commerce websites which can help in segmenting consumers and
markets for their brand and marketing communication.

42 | P a g e
6.1 Recommendations & Suggestion

1. Shopping websites should improve consumer value about perception of products and
reduce consumer risk in the online shopping environment by providing better quality of
products well time delivery and full their expectations what they want from their brand
and websites. They also can easy the website which can use by every person more
effectively and efficiently.
2. This study reveals that consumers want more stylish and fashionable clothes which are in
the current trends. Apparel market is totally based on latest trends and fashionable styling
so online websites should showcase those products which attract and influence the
consumers to buy online clothing.
3. Brand loyalty is totally based on brand trust so brands should provides better quality
which reduces the uncertainty of brand switching and increases the degree of value
towards particular brands which is available at e-commerce websites.
4. Pricing is another factor which influences the customer to buy online apparel. Online
shopping websites should provide quality of products at price because Indians customer
are more conscious about pricing, if a customer pay high prices he/she wants more
quality on that particular branded product.
5. Provided what they actually shown in their websites. Most of the times customers are
complain about mostly in clothing what they ordered the product and what they delivered
by the company there be significant difference. It may reduce the trust of the particular
brand image among the customer. So company of particular brand should focus more on
the product expectation of customer.
6. Advertisement should influence the customer to purchase online apparel. A good online
advertisement will attract more customers so proper advertisement among online portal
help to consume the more customer towards brands.
7. Promotional schemes at right time will attract the more customer because many brands
give more schemes so it will increases the uncertainty of brand sifting so provide
schemes at perfect time will sustain the customers for longer period of time.

43 | P a g e


This survey is for our Capstone Project for Lovely Professional University. All
information shared by you is for academic purpose only and will be strictly confidentially





 below 10000
 10001 to 15000
 15001 to 20000
 20000 above

44 | P a g e

 Under Graduate
 Graduate
 Post Graduate
 Doctorate

Do you wear branded clothes to impress people?

 Strongly agree-5,
 Agree-4,
 Neutral-3,
 Disagree-2,
 Strongly Disagree-1

Do you think that when new styles of apparel come online, you are the one who first buy them?

 Strongly agree-5,
 Agree-4,
 Neutral-3,
 Disagree-2,
 Strongly Disagree-1

Would you buy branded apparel in place of non-branded apparel regardless of the high prices?

 Strongly agree-5,
 Agree-4,
 Neutral-3,
 Disagree-2,
45 | P a g e
 Strongly Disagree-1

Do you buy branded apparels only because you want look more attractive?

 Strongly agree-5,
 Agree-4,
 Neutral-3,
 Disagree-2,
 Strongly Disagree-1

How much knowledge do you have about the International/National brands of apparels?

 Strongly agree-5,
 Agree-4,
 Neutral-3,
 Disagree-2,
 Strongly Disagree-1

Do you buy branded clothes only because you are happy with the quality of that particular

 Strongly agree-5,
 Agree-4,
 Neutral-3,
 Disagree-2,
 Strongly Disagree-1

46 | P a g e
Does your Friend/Relative’s opinion influence you to buy clothing online ?

 Strongly agree-5,
 Agree-4,
 Neutral-3,
 Disagree-2,
 Strongly Disagree-1

Rank the following factors based on your experience on buying clothing online?

o Good quality
o Affordable price
o Timely available
o Easy applicability
o Reliability

Will you like to switch your brand preference if you get some promotional
Scheme with another brand?

 NO

If yes please specify the brand you are aware of:

o Louis Philippe
o Wrangler
o Jack & Jones
o Peter England
o Allen Solly

47 | P a g e


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