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Student Feedback System Complete Documentation

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Online student feedback system is the web based feedback collecting system from the
students and provides the automatic generation of a feedback which is given by students. We
have developed student feedback system to provide feedback in a quick and easy manner to
the particular department. We have developed Student Staff Feedback System to provide
feedback in an easy and quick manner to the college principal and Hod’s. So we call it as
Student Staff Feedback System which delivers via the student staff interface as online system
which acting as a Service Provider. So we called it a student’s feedback system which
delivers via the student staff interface as online system which acting as a service provider. By
using this technology we can make fast feedback about the staff by students on time to head
of departments as they referred in online system. By using this technology we can give
feedback in online system as fast as compare to the existing paper feedback system. This
project has four kinds of users Student, Staff, Hod’s, and Principal. The student can give
feedback in online system provided by college staff. The existing system carries more time to
do a piece of work for this reason the online system feedback is implemented. First of staff
can prepare questions & add, update these questions to the online system. After that it was
viewed by the students and can give feedback about the lecturers.Students will fill online
feedback using a standard form. In this project security is also maintain that is the result of
feedback is only visible to authentic user. This feedback report was checked by the Hod’s. He
can view grades and view the grades obtained to the lecturers and give this report to the
principal and he give counseling to the college staff.


Coming to the existing system the feedback is done by manual process. In the existing
system students can give feedback about the lecturers by using paper and pen. The purpose of
this project is to make the process of taking feedback from the students in online regarding
the lecturer’s teaching. As of now this task was done manually with the use of papers and
pens. This has many drawbacks and evaluating this hand written forms is a difficult process.
But the restriction here is once the student submits the report then he cannot modify it later.
With this the student can successfully submit feedback on lecturer’s teaching in a very
efficient manner without any loss of data. The administrator and the faculty members can
access these feedbacks from the students and take appropriate actions. By this process.
Student can give feedback in online system without waste his time in writing. After giving
feedback by every student. With this, the institutes can access the feedback reports in a faster
way and without any loss of data.This Page May Contain What is student staff feedback
system on Java And Latest Information/News About student staff feedback system on Java,If
Not Use Search.Papers are collected by the Hod’s and calculate the overall grade for each
subject and each lecturer. Student needs to logging into the website of online feedback system
and giving his/her feedback and can perform modifications too. Online Student Feedback
System Project Topics, One student is allowed to give only one feedback in one turn;
however they are allowed to change it at any time After that those all grade report is viewed
by the principal which is given by the Hod’s. for both staff and students in an institution. For
Staff to provide student feedback collection form project in core me student feedback system
Hence estimating the performance of lecturers and giving counseling to college staff.


The Online Student Feedback System is a management information system for

education establishments to manage student data. Student Feedback Systems provide
capabilities for selecting particular subject for feedback and generate the report automatically,
build student details, student-related data needs in a college. Using the latest Microsoft
technology, the .Net framework and ASP.Net, our system is a complete feedback management
and staff interaction system with built-in features proofing that easily supports Integration
with the latest student staff feedback system providers. A Online Student Feedback System is
an automatic feedback generation system that provides the proper feedback to the teachers as
per the categories like always, poor, usually, very often, sometimes. Download Student Staff
Feedback System Project Report .The provision may as well have a database of survey which
can be given to the understudies following a secured. In the existing system students can give
feedback about the lecturers by doing manually. By this process student can give feedback in
online system without wasting his time in writing. This system is designed to be simple to
use, simple to understand and easy to implement and configure to fit. After giving feedback
by every student papers are collected by the faculty and calculated the overall grade for each
subject and each lecturer. After that those all grade report is viewed by the HOD which is
given by the faculty. It is provided as an Application Service Provision thus offering low
setup costs.student staff feedback system.doc (Size: 2.3 MB / Downloads: 858). Hence
estimating the performance of lecturers and giving feedback to college staff. So, the existing
system carries more time to do a piece of work for this reason the online system feedback is
implemented. INTRODUCTION We have developed Student Staff Feedback System to
provide feedback in an easy way. This is the main disadvantage of the existing system for
giving feedback about the lecturers and viewing report of lecturers manually. Student
feedback on courses is an essential element in quality assurance. Here we aimed to design
online web application for issuing the feedback about the lecturers by students, this is named
as student staff feedback system. Questionnaires are of primary importance in the dialogue
with students, since they are the best tool we currently have for collecting objective, detailed
and reasonably systematic information on a wide range of questions, which Informs the
teacher about student’s perceptions of the course's strengths and weaknesses. Student Staff
feed Back System to provide feedback in a easy and quick manner to the college principal
and Hod’s. Responses are collated on behalf of departments by the system, and will be used
only for the purposes of quality enhancement. Classle-Online Social Learning Platform for
the students to collaborate, Project Title . Project Embedded System : Create a Project: The
aim of this is to save time for staff in academic departments and to allow a minimum level of
statistical analysis of the data across the College. So we call it as Student Staff Feedback
System which delivers via the student staff interface as online system which acting as a
Service Provider By using this technology we can make fast feedback about the staff by
students on time to head of departments as they referred in online system. This recognizes
that whilst the information remains the property of the College.

Students should be told how the feedback will be submitted, when and how the results
will be published, and that their contribution is important and taken seriously. units to
implement module feedback system and student Learning, Student-Staff Project is co-
ordinated by a Student Feedback on Modules. The Head of Department should discuss a
dispassionate summary of the feedback on each course with the lecturers concerned; These
feedback reports were checked by the Hod’s. He can view overall grades and view the grades
obtained to the lecturers and give this report to the principal and he can give counseling to the
college staff. An analysis of questionnaire returns which concern the department as a whole
should be published within the department, and referred to as appropriate in the Annual
Review report. Project Management Suite. HR Information System; Employee Self Service;
Feedback Management System, Student Feedback, As compared to the manual system, online
system is very simple to use and also understand.


1) Decision making power is provided by this system.

2) Accurate result can be obtained.

3) This system makes Selection process more effective

4) To increase efficiency proposed system is depend on classification method.

5) Proposed system is used to reduce confusion at the time of processing feedback


In this project we implemented the system which works on the concept of online
feedback from students which is the replacement of existing paper feedback system which is
so complicated method for finding an average for particular subject feedback which is
submitted by students. This project has four kinds of users Student, Staff, Hod’s, and
Principal. In this system we have design main three forms student login form, admin login
form, faculty login form. Student will login in their login form with proper id and password
which is provided by admin at the time of registration. The student can give feedback in
online system provided by college staff. First of staff can prepare questions and add, update
these questions to the online system. After that if student want any changes in his profile then
there is an option for edit such particular information of his own. Projects Skip to content
Skip to content; Online Student Feedback System. Student Feedback. 3. Reports. After that
the subject contains page is displayed, where the subject is located in it and as per the
selection from student students continued to their feedback after this page the feedback page
is displayed. This system can be developed using After that it was viewed by the students and
can give feedback about the lecturers. This page contains a form which includes such
questions about the teachers where it contains some simple question regarding particular
subject faculty. After giving the feedback the page appeared which contains a message like
you are feedback is submitted. Then after feedback is submitted there is a log out button after
click on it student will successfully log out from their profile. In main page it contains some
hyperlinks like contact us, frequently ask questions, and submit the queries. And contains
three particular modules like student login, admin login, staff login etc. Admin will fill the
information of students as well as view their feedback, add and delete student and generate
the average report of that feedback. After that log out button occurs and admin simply logout
from the system. Student will login by using user id and password and after the login page
will be open contains subjects, suggestion box, submit suggestions, submit feedback and after
their occurs a log out button for logout successfully from the system.


The proposed system consists of four modules:

Student :

Student can give the feedback about the lecturers on the scale of five. Students can
give feed back about the lecturer based on interaction of lecturer in the class room with
students. Here we shared complete list of student projects that we shared in this page.
Screenshot of Employee and Payroll System; Project SRS. IEEE Standard SRS. According to
that, students can give feedback as per the given grades.

The feedback given by the students can be viewed by the staff and improve their
performance in teaching and other aspects

Head Of Departments :

These feedback reports were checked by the Hod’s. He can view overall grades and
view the grades obtained to the lecturers and give this report to the principal and he can give
counseling to the college staff

Principal :

Finally, report was referred by the principal and give suggestions to lecturers to
improve their teaching. These are the four modules present in the project so we have
developed these things in very easy and clearly understandable way. So, by seen above
description the proposed system having many advantages as compared to the existing system.


 Saves your time

 Manage the entire process in easy and quick way

 Enhance the staff

 Improve the issuing standards




The project is mainly divided into three modules. They are

1) Student module
2) Staff module
3) Admin module



The student will have the authorities on this as following:

1) View questions
2) Giving feedback about the lecturers


1) Update questions

2) Moidfy questions
3) Add questions

Giving feedback about the lecturers:

In this student can give feedback about the lecturer according to questions given in the

Add questions:

In this module the student or staff or Hod’s can add questions if he is interested to
add another question to database to rate the lecturers.

The staff will have the authorities on this as following:

1) Add questions

2) Update questions
3) View questions
4) View report

Add questions:

In this module the student or staff or Hod’s can add questions if he is

interested to add another question to database to rate the lecturers.

Update questions:

In this module the student or staff or Hod’s can update questions.

View questions:

In this module students can view all questions in the database to give feedback
about the lecturers

View report:

After giving feedback by the students; lecturers, Hod’s, principal can view

The PHP Framework is a new computing platform that simplifies application development in
the highly distributed environment of the Internet. The PHP Framework is designed to fulfill
the following objectives:

 To provide a consistent object-oriented programming environment whether object

code is stored and executed locally, executed locally but Internet-distributed, or
executed remotely.
 To provide a code-execution environment that minimizes software deployment and
versioning conflicts.

 To provide a code-execution environment that guarantees safe execution of code,

including code created by an unknown or semi-trusted third party.

 To provide a code-execution environment that eliminates the performance problems

of scripted or interpreted environments.

 To make the developer experience consistent across widely varying types of

applications, such as Windows-based applications and Web-based applications.

 To build all communication on industry standards to ensure that code based on the
PHP Framework can integrate with any other code.

The PHP Framework has two main components: the common language runtime and the PHP
Framework class library. The common language runtime is the foundation of the PHP
Framework. You can think of the runtime as an agent that manages code at execution time,
providing core services such as memory management, thread management, and remoting,
while also enforcing strict type safety and other forms of code accuracy that ensure security
and robustness. In fact, the concept of code management is a fundamental principle of the
runtime. Code that targets the runtime is known as managed code, while code that does not
target the runtime is known as unmanaged code. The class library, the other main component
of the PHP Framework, is a comprehensive, object-oriented collection of reusable types that
you can use to develop applications ranging from traditional command-line or graphical user
interface (GUI) applications to applications based on the latest innovations provided by PHP,
such as Web Forms and XML Web services.

The PHP Framework can be hosted by unmanaged components that load the common
language runtime into their processes and initiate the execution of managed code, thereby
creating a software environment that can exploit both managed and unmanaged features. The
PHP Framework not only provides several runtime hosts, but also supports the development
of third-party runtime hosts.

For example, PHP hosts the runtime to provide a scalable, server-side environment for
managed code. PHP works directly with the runtime to enable Web Forms applications and
XML Web services, both of which are discussed later in this topic.Internet Explorer is an
example of an unmanaged application that hosts the runtime (in the form of a MIME type
extension). Using Internet Explorer to host the runtime enables you to embed managed
components or Windows Forms controls in HTML documents. Hosting the runtime in this
way makes managed mobile code possible, but with significant improvements that only
managed code can offer, such as semi-trusted execution and secure isolated file storage.

The following illustration shows the relationship of the common language runtime and the
class library to your applications and to the overall system. The illustration also shows how
managed code operates within a larger architecture.

Features of the Common Language Runtime

The common language runtime manages memory, thread execution, code execution, code
safety verification, compilation, and other system services. These features are intrinsic to the
managed code that runs on the common language runtime.

With regards to security, managed components are awarded varying degrees of trust,
depending on a number of factors that include their origin (such as the Internet, enterprise
network, or local computer). This means that a managed component might or might not be
able to perform file-access operations, registry-access operations, or other sensitive functions,
even if it is being used in the same active application.

The runtime enforces code access security. For example, users can trust that an executable
embedded in a Web page can play an animation on screen or sing a song, but cannot access
their personal data, file system, or network. The security features of the runtime thus enable
legitimate Internet-deployed software to be exceptionally feature rich.

The runtime also enforces code robustness by implementing a strict type- and code-
verification infrastructure called the common type system (CTS). The CTS ensures that all
managed code is self-describing. The various Microsoft and third-party language compilers

Generate managed code that conforms to the CTS. This means that managed code can
consume other managed types and instances, while strictly enforcing type fidelity and type

In addition, the managed environment of the runtime eliminates many common software
issues. For example, the runtime automatically handles object layout and manages references
to objects, releasing them when they are no longer being used. This automatic memory
management resolves the two most common application errors, memory leaks and invalid
memory references.

The runtime also accelerates developer productivity. For example, programmers can write
applications in their development language of choice, yet take full advantage of the runtime,
the class library, and components written in other languages by other developers. Any
compiler vendor who chooses to target the runtime can do so. Language compilers that target
the PHP Framework make the features of the PHP Framework available to existing code
written in that language, greatly easing the migration process for existing applications.

While the runtime is designed for the software of the future, it also supports software of today
and yesterday. Interoperability between managed and unmanaged code enables developers to
continue to use necessary COM components and DLLs.

The runtime is designed to enhance performance. Although the common language runtime
provides many standard runtime services, managed code is never interpreted. A feature called
just-in-time (JIT) compiling enables all managed code to run in the native machine language
of the system on which it is executing. Meanwhile, the memory manager removes the
possibilities of fragmented memory and increases memory locality-of-reference to further
increase performance.
Finally, the runtime can be hosted by high-performance, server-side applications, such as
Xampp SQL Server™ and Internet Information Services (IIS). This infrastructure enables
you to use managed code to write your business logic, while still enjoying the superior
performance of the industry's best enterprise servers that support runtime hosting.

.NET Framework Class Library

The .NET Framework class library is a collection of reusable types that tightly integrate with
the common language runtime. The class library is object oriented, providing types from
which your own managed code can derive functionality. This not only makes the PHP
Framework types easy to use, but also reduces the time associated with learning newfeatures
of the PHP Framework. In addition, third-party components can integrate seamlessly with
classes in the PHP Framework.

For example, the PHP Framework collection classes implement a set of interfaces that you
can use to develop your own collection classes. Your collection classes will blend seamlessly
with the classes in the PHP Framework.

As you would expect from an object-oriented class library, the PHP Framework types enable
you to accomplish a range of common programming tasks, including tasks such as string
management, data collection, database connectivity, and file access. In addition to these
common tasks, the class library includes types that support a variety of specialized
development scenarios. For example, you can use the PHP Framework to develop the
following types of applications and services:

 Console applications.
 Scripted or hosted applications.

 Windows GUI applications (Windows Forms).

 PHP applications.

 XML Web services.

 Windows services.
For example, the Windows Forms classes are a comprehensive set of reusable types that
vastly simplify Windows GUI development. If you write an PHP Web Form application, you
can use the Web Forms classes.

Client Application Development

Client applications are the closest to a traditional style of application in Windows-based

programming. These are the types of applications that display windows or forms on the
desktop, enabling a user to perform a task. Client applications include applications such as
word processors and spreadsheets, as well as custom business applications such as data-entry
tools, reporting tools, and so on. Client applications usually employ windows, menus,
buttons, and other GUI elements, and they likely access local resources such as the file
system and peripherals such as printers.

Another kind of client application is the traditional ActiveX control (now replaced by the
managed Windows Forms control) deployed over the Internet as a Web page. This application
is much like other client applications: it is executed natively, has access to local resources,
and includes graphical elements.

In the past, developers created such applications using C/C++ in conjunction with the
Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC) or with a rapid application development (RAD)
environment such as Microsoft® Visual Basic®. The .NET Framework incorporates aspects
of these existing products into a single, consistent development environment that drastically
simplifies the development of client applications.

The Windows Forms classes contained in the PHP Framework are designed to be used for
GUI development. You can easily create command windows, buttons, menus, toolbars, and
other screen elements with the flexibility necessary to accommodate shifting business needs.

For example, the PHP Framework provides simple properties to adjust visual attributes
associated with forms. In some cases the underlying operating system does not support
changing these attributes directly, and in these cases the PHP Framework automatically
recreates the forms. This is one of many ways in which the PHP Framework integrates the
developer interface, making coding simpler and more consistent.
Unlike ActiveX controls, Windows Forms controls have semi-trusted access to a user's
computer. This means that binary or natively executing code can access some of the resources
on the user's system (such as GUI elements and limited file access) without being able to
access or compromise other resources. Because of code access security, many applications
that once needed to be installed on a user's system can now be safely deployed through the
Web. Your applications can implement the features of a local application while being
deployed like a Web page.

PHP for Windows Application

Overview of the PHP Framework

The PHP Framework is a managed type-safe environment for application development and
execution. The PHP Framework manages all aspects of your program’s execution. It allocates
memory for the storage of data and instructions, grants or denies the appropriate permissions
to your application, initiates and manages application execution, and manages the
reallocation of memory from resources that are no longer needed. The PHP Framework
consists of two main components: the common language runtime and the PHP Framework
class library.

The common language runtime can be thought of as the environment that manages code
execution. It provides core services, such as code compilation, memory allocation, thread
management, and garbage collection. Through the common type system (CTS), it enforces
strict type-safety and ensures that code is executed in a safe environment by also enforcing
code access security.

The PHP Framework class library provides a collection of useful and reusable types that are
designed to integrate with the common language runtime. The types provided by the PHP
Framework are object-oriented and fully extensible, and they allow you to seamlessly
integrate your applications with the PHP Framework.

Languages and the PHP Framework

The PHP Framework is designed for cross-language compatibility, which means, simply, that
PHP components can interact with each other no matter what supported language they were
written in originally. So, an application written in PHP might reference a dynamic-link library
(DLL) file written in PHP, which in turn might access a resource written in managed any
other PHP language. This language interoperability extends to full object-oriented
inheritance. .

This level of cross-language compatibility is possible because of the common language

runtime. When a PHP application is compiled, it is converted from the language in which it
was written to Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL or IL). MSIL is a low-level language
that the common language runtime can read and understand. Because all PHP executables
and DLLs exist as MSIL, they can freely interoperate. The Common Language Specification
(CLS) defines the minimum standards to which PHP language compilers must conform.
Thus, the CLS ensures that any source code successfully compiled by a PHP compiler can
interoperate with the PHP Framework.

The CTS ensures type compatibility between PHP components. Because PHP applications are
converted to IL prior to deployment and execution, all primitive data types are represented as
PHP types. Thus, PHP int are both represented in IL code as a System.Int32. Because both
languages use a common type system, it is possible to transfer data between components and
avoid time-consuming conversions or hard-to-find errors.

V ships with languages such as PHP with managed extensions, as well as the JScript scripting
language. You can also write managed code for the PHP Framework in other languages.
Third-party tools and compilers exist for Fortran, Cobol, Perl, and a host of other languages.
All of these languages share the same cross-language compatibility and inheritability. Thus,
you can write code for the PHP Framework in the language of your choice, and it will be able
to interact with code written for the PHP Framework in any other language.
PHP Framework Architecture

The Structure of a PHP Application

To understand how the common language runtime manages code execution, you must
examine the structure of a PHP application. The primary unit of a PHP application is the
assembly. An assembly is a self-describing collection of code, resources, and metadata. The
assembly manifest contains information about what is contained within the assembly. The
assembly manifest provides:

 Identity information, such as the assembly’s name and version number

 A list of all types exposed by the assembly

 A list of other assemblies required by the assembly

 A list of code access security instructions, including permissions required by the

assembly and permissions to be denied the assembly

Each assembly has one and only one assembly manifest, and it contains all the description
information for the assembly. However, the assembly manifest can be contained in its own
file or within one of the assembly’s modules.

An assembly contains one or more modules. A module contains the code that makes up your
application or library, and it contains metadata that describes that code. When you compile a
project into an assembly, your code is converted from high-level code to IL. Because all
managed code is first converted to IL code, applications written in different languages can
easily interact. For example, one developer might write an application in that accesses a DLL
in Visual Basic PHP. Both resources will be converted to IL modules before being executed,
thus avoiding any language-incompatibility issues.
Each module also contains a number of types. Types are templates that describe a set of data
encapsulation and functionality. There are two kinds of types: reference types (classes) and
value types (structures). These types are discussed in greater detail in Lesson 2 of this
chapter. Each type is described to the common language runtime in the assembly manifest. A
type can contain fields, properties, and methods, each of which should be related to a
common functionality. For example, you might have a class that represents a bank account. It
contains fields, properties, and methods related to the functions needed to implement a bank
account. A field represents storage of a particular type of data. One field might store the name
of an account holder, for example. Properties are similar to fields, but properties usually
provide some kind of validationwhen data is set or retrieved. You might have a property that
represents an account balance. When an attempt is made to change the value, the property can
check to see if the attempted change is greater than a predetermined limit. If the value is
greater than the limit, the property does not allow the change. Methods represent behavior,
such as actions taken on data stored within the class or changes to the user interface.
Continuing with the bank account example, you might have a Transfer method that transfers a
balance from a checking account to a savings account, or an Alert method that warns users
when their balances fall below a predetermined level.
CLR Execution Model

Compilation and Execution of a PHP Application

When you compile a PHP application, it is not compiled to binary machine code; rather, it is
converted to IL. This is the form that your deployed application takes—one or more
assemblies consisting of executable files and DLL files in IL form. At least one of these
assemblies will contain an executable file that has been designated as the entry point for the

When execution of your program begins, the first assembly is loaded into memory. At this
point, the common language runtime examines the assembly manifest and determines the
requirements to run the program. It examines security permissions requested by the assembly
and compares them with the system’s security policy. If the system’s security policy does not
allow the requested permissions, the application will not run. If the application passes the
system’s security policy, the common language runtime executes the code. It creates a
process for the application to run in and begins application execution. When execution starts,
the first bit of code that needs to be executed is loaded into memory and compiled into native
binary code from IL by the common language runtime’s Just-In-Time (JIT) compiler. Once
compiled, the code is executed and stored in memory as native code. Thus, each portion of
code is compiled only once when an application executes. Whenever program execution
branches to code that has not yet run, the JIT compiler compiles it ahead of execution and
stores it in memory as binary code. This way, application performance is maximized because
only the parts of a program that are executed are compiled.

2: The PHP Base Class Library

 The PHP base class library is a collection of object-oriented types and interfaces that
provide object models and services for many of the complex programming tasks you
will face. Most of the types presented by the PHP base class library are fully
extensible, allowing you to build types that incorporate your own functionality into
your managed code.

The PHP Framework base class library contains the base classes that provide many of the
services and objects you need when writing your applications. The class library is organized
into namespaces. A namespace is a logical grouping of types that perform related functions.
For example, the System.Windows.Forms namespace contains all the types that make up
Windows forms and the controls used in those forms.

Namespaces are logical groupings of related classes. The namespaces in the PHP base class
library are organized hierarchically. The root of the PHP Framework is the System
namespace. Other namespaces can be accessed with the period operator. A typical namespace
construction appears as follows:


The first example refers to the System namespace. The second refers to the System.Data
namespace. The third example refers to the System.Data.SQLClient namespace. Table 1.1
introduces some of the more commonly used PHP base class namespaces.

Table 1-1.Representative PHP Namespaces

Namespace Description

This namespace is the root for many of the low-level types required
by the PHP Framework. It is the root for primitive data types as
well, and it is the root for all the other namespaces in the PHP base
class library.

System.Collections This namespace contains classes that represent a variety of

Table 1-1.Representative PHP Namespaces

Namespace Description

different container types, such as ArrayList, SortedList, Queue, and

Stack. You also can find abstract classes, such as CollectionBase,
which are useful for implementing your own collection

This namespace contains classes involved in component creation

System.ComponentModel and containment, such as attributes, type converters, and license

This namespace contains classes required for database access and

System.Data manipulations, as well as additional namespaces used for data

This namespace contains a set of classes that are shared by the

.NET managed data providers.

This namespace contains classes that make up the managed data

provider for OLE DB data access.

This namespace contains classes that are optimized for interacting

with Microsoft SQL Server.

This namespace exposes GDI+ functionality and provides classes

that facilitate graphics rendering.

System.IO In this namespace, you will find types for handling file system I/O.

This namespace is home to common mathematics functions such as

extracting roots and trigonometry.

This namespace provides support for obtaining information and

dynamic creation of types at runtime.

This namespace is home to types dealing with permissions,

cryptography, and code access security.

System.Threading This namespace contains classes that facilitate the implementation

Table 1-1.Representative PHP Namespaces

Namespace Description

of multithreaded applications.

This namespace contains types involved in creating standard

System.Windows.Forms Windows applications. Classes that represent forms and controls
reside here as well.

The namespace names are self-descriptive by design. Straightforward names make the PHP
Framework easy to use and allow you to rapidly familiarize yourself with its contents.

Reference Types and Value Types

Types in the PHP Framework come in two varieties: value types and reference types. The
primary difference between value types and reference types has to do with the way variable
data is accessed. To understand this difference, a little background on memory dynamics is

Application data memory is divided into two primary components, the stack and the heap.
The stack is an area of memory reserved by the application to run the program. The stack is
analogous to a stack of dinner plates. Plates are placed on the stack one on top of another.
When a plate is removed from the stack, it is always the last one to have been placed on top
that is removed first. So it is with program variables. When a function is called, all the
variables used by the function are pushed onto the stack. If that function calls additional
functions, it pushes additional variables onto the stack. When the most recently called
function terminates, all of its variables go out of scope (meaning that they are no longer
available to the application) and are popped off the stack. Memory consumed by those
variables is then freed up, and program execution continues.

The heap, on the other hand, is a separate area of memory reserved for the creation of
reusable objects. The common language runtime manages allocation of heap memory for
objects and controls the reclamation of memory from unused objects through garbage
All the data associated with a value type is allocated on the stack. When a variable of a value
type goes out of scope, it is destroyed and its memory is reclaimed. A variable of a reference
type, on the other hand, exists in two memory locations. The actual object data is allocated on
the heap. A variable containing a pointer to that object is allocated on the stack. When that
variable is called by a function, it returns the memory address for the object to which it refers.
When that variable goes out of scope, the object reference is destroyed but the object itself is
not. If any other references to that object exist, the object remains intact. If the object is left
without any references, it is subject to garbage collection. (See Lesson 6 of this chapter.)

Examples of value types include primitives, such as Integer (int), Boolean (bool), Char
(char), and so on, as well as user-defined types such as Structure (struct) and Enumeration
(enum). Classes represent the majority of reference types. Other reference types include the
interface, delegate, and array types. Classes and structures are discussed in Lesson 3 of this
chapter, and other reference and value types are discussed in Chapter 3.

Using PHP Framework Types in Your Application

When you begin writing an application, you automatically begin with a reference to the PHP
Framework base class library. You reference it so that your application is aware of the base
class library and is able to create instances of the types represented by it.

Value Types

int myInteger;

This line tells the runtime to allocate the appropriate amount of memory to hold an integer
variable. Although this line creates the variable, it does not assign a value to it. You can
assign a value using the assignment operator, as follows:

myInteger = 42;

You can also choose to assign a value to a variable upon creation, as shown in this example:

int myInteger = 42;

Reference Types

Creating an instance of a type is a two-step process. The first step is to declare the variable as
that type, which allocates the appropriate amount of memory for that variable but does not
actually create the object. The following syntax declares an object:

System.Windows.Forms.Form myForm;

This line tells the runtime to set aside enough memory to hold a Form variable and assigns it
the name myForm, but it does not actually create the Form object in memory. The second
step, called instantiation, actually creates the object. An example of instantiation follows:

myForm = new System.Windows.Forms.Form();

This line makes a call to the constructor method of the type System.Windows.Forms.Form by
way of the New (new) keyword. The constructor is a special method that is invoked only at
the beginning of an object’s lifetime. It contains any code that must be executed for the object
to work (assigning values to properties, for example). If any parameters were required by the
constructor, they would be contained within the parentheses at the end of the line. The
following example shows declaration and instantiation of a hypothetical Widget class that
requires a string as a parameter in the constructor.

Widget myWidget;
myWidget = new Widget("This string is required by the constructor");

If desired, you can also combine both declaration and instantiation into a single statement. By
declaring and instantiating an object in the same line, you reserve the memory for the object
and immediately create the object that resides in that memory. Although there was a
significant performance penalty for this shortcut in previous versions of PHP and
bootstrapare optimized to allow this behavior without any performance loss. The following
example shows the one-step declaration and instantiation of a new Form:

System.Windows.Forms.Form myForm = new

Both value types and reference types must be initialized before use. For class and structure
fields in PHP, types are initialized with default values on declaration. Numeric value types
(such as integer) and floating-point types are assigned zero; Boolean variables are assigned
False; and reference types are assigned to a null reference.

In PHP variables of a reference type have a default value of null. It is recommended that you
do not rely on the default value. These variables should not be used until they have been

Using Value Type and Reference Type Variables

A variable that represents a value type contains all the data represented by that type. A
variable that represents a reference type contains a reference to a particular object. This
distinction is important. Consider the following example:

int x, y;
x = 15;
y = x;
x = 30;
// What is the value of y?

In this example, two integer variables named x and y are created. X is assigned a value of 15,
and then y is assigned the value of x. Next the value of x is changed to 30, and the question is
posed: what is the value of y? The answer to this question might seem obvious, and it is y =
15 because x and y are two separate variables and have no effect on each other when
changed. When the line y = x is encountered, the value of x is copied to the value of y, and
there is no further connection between the two variables.

This situation changes, however, in the case of reference types. Let’s reconsider the previous
example using a reference type (Form) instead of a value type.

System.Windows.Forms.Form x,y;
x = new System.Windows.Forms.Form();
x.Text = "This is Form 1";
y = x;
x.Text = "This is Form 2";
// What value does y.Text return?

What value does y.Text return? This time, the answer is less obvious. Because
System.Windows.Forms.Form is a reference type, the variable x does not actually contain a
Form; rather, it points to an instance of a Form. When the line y = x is encountered, the
runtime copies the reference from variable x to y. Thus, the variables x and y now point to the
same instance of Form. Because these two variables refer to the same instance of the object,
they will return the same values for properties of that object. Thus, y.Text returns “This is
Form 2”.

The Imports and Using Statements

Up to this point of the chapter, if you wanted to access a type in the PHP Framework base
class library, you had to use the full name of the type, including every namespace to which it
belonged. For example:


This is called the fully-qualified name, meaning it refers both to the class and to the
namespace in which it can be found. You can make your development environment “aware”
of various namespaces by using the Imports or using statement. This technique allows you to
refer to a type using only its generic name and to omit the qualifying namespaces. Thus, you
could refer to System.Windows.Forms.Form as simply Form. In Visual Basic PHP, the
Imports statement must be placed at the top of the code window, preceding any other
statement (except Option), the using statement must occur before any other namespace
element, such as a class or struct. This example demonstrates use of this statement:

using System.Windows.Forms;

When two types of the same name exist in more than one imported namespace, you must use
the fully qualified name to avoid a naming conflict. Thus, if you are using
MyNameSpaceOne and MyNameSpaceTwo, and each contains a Widget class, you would
have to refer to MyNameSpaceOne.Widget or MyNameSpaceTwo.Widget to ensure the
correct result.

In C#, you can resolve namespace conflicts such as these by creating an alias. An alias allows
you to choose one name to refer to another class. You create an alias using the using keyword,
as shown below:

using myAlias = MyNameSpaceTwo.Widget;

After implementing an alias, you can use it in code to represent the aliased class. For

// You can now refer to MyNameSpaceTwo as myAlias. The

// following two lines produce the same result:
MyNameSpaceTwo.Widget anotherWidget = new MyNameSpaceTwo.Widget() ;
myAlias anotherWidget = new myAlias() ;

You cannot create aliases for types in this manner in php.

Referencing External Libraries

You might want to use class libraries not contained by the PHP Framework, such as libraries
developed by third-party vendors or libraries you developed. To access these external
libraries, you must create a reference.

To create a reference to an external library

1. In the Solution Explorer, right-click the References node of your project.

2. From the pop-up menu, choose Add Reference. The Add Reference dialog box

3. Choose the appropriate tab for the library you want to reference. PHP libraries are
available on the PHP tab. Legacy COM libraries appear on the COM tab, and local
Visual Studio projects appear on the Projects tab.
4. Locate the library you want to reference, and double-click it to add it to the Selected
components box. Click OK to confirm the choice of that reference.

Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming

Programming in the PHP Framework environment is done with objects. Objects are
programmatic constructs that represent packages of related data and functionality. Objects are
self-contained and expose specific functionality to the rest of the application environment
without detailing the inner workings of the object itself. Objects are created from a template
called a class. The PHP base class library provides a set of classes from which you can create
objects in your applications. You also can use the MicrosoftVisual Studio programming
environment to create your own classes. This lesson introduces you to the concepts associated
with object-oriented programming.

Objects, Members, and Abstraction

An object is a programmatic construct that represents something. In the real world, objects
are cars, bicycles, laptop computers, and so on. Each of these items exposes specific
functionality and has specific properties. In your application, an object might be a form, a
control such as a button, a database connection, or any of a number of other constructs. Each
object is a complete functional unit, and contains all of the data and exposes all of the
functionality required to fulfill its purpose. The ability of programmatic objects to represent
real-world objects is called abstraction.

Classes Are Templates for Objects

Classes can be thought of as blueprints for objects: they define all of the members of an
object, define the behavior of an object, and set initial values for data when appropriate.
When a class is instantiated, an in-memory instance of that class is created. This instance is
called an object. To review, a class is instantiated using the New (new) keyword as follows:

When an instance of a class is created, a copy of the instance data defined by that class is
created in memory and assigned to the reference variable. Individual instances of a class are
independent of one another and represent separate programmatic constructs. There is
generally no limit to how many copies of a single class can be instantiated at any time. To use
a real-world analogy, if a car is an object, the plans for the car are the class. The plans can be
used to make any number of cars, and changes to a single car do not, for the most part, affect
any other cars.

Objects and Members

Objects are composed of members. Members are properties, fields, methods, and events, and
they represent the data and functionality that comprise the object. Fields and properties
represent data members of an object. Methods are actions the object can perform, and events
are notifications an object receives from or sends to other objects when activity happens in
the application.

To continue with the real-world example of a car, consider that a Car object has fields and
properties, such as Color, Make, Model, Age, GasLevel, and so on. These are the data that
describe the state of the object. A Car object might also expose several methods, such as
Accelerate, ShiftGears, or Turn. The methods represent behaviors the object can execute. And
events represent notifications. For example, a Car object might receive an EngineOverheating
event from its Engine object, or it might raise a Crash event when interacting with a Tree

Object Models

Simple objects might consist of only a few properties, methods, and perhaps an event or two.
More complex objects might require numerous properties and methods and possibly even
subordinate objects. Objects can contain and expose other objects as members. For example,
the TextBox control exposes a Font property, which consists of a Font object. Similarly, every
instance of the Formclass contains and exposes a Controls collection that comprises all of the
controls contained by the form. The object model defines the hierarchy of contained objects
that form the structure of an object.

An object model is a hierarchical organization of subordinate objects contained and exposed

within a main object. To illustrate, let’s revisit the example of a car as an object. A car is a
single object, but it also consists of subordinate objects. A Car object might contain an Engine
object, four Wheel objects, a Transmission object, and so on. The composition of these
subordinate objects directly affects how the Car object functions as a whole. For example, if
the Cylinders property of the Engine subordinate object is equal to 4, the Car will behave
differently than a Car whose Engine has a Cylinders property value of 8. Contained objects
can have subordinate objects of their own. For example, the contained Engine object might
contain several SparkPlug objects.


Encapsulation is the concept that implementation of an object is independent of its interface.

Put another way, an application interacts with an object through its interface, which consists
of its public properties and methods. As long as this interface remains constant, the
application can continue to interact with the component, even if implementation of the
interface was completely rewritten between versions.

Objects should only interact with other objects through their public methods and properties.
Thus, objects should contain all of the data they require, as well as all of the functionality that
works with that data. The internal data of an object should never be exposed in the interface;
thus, fields rarely should be Public (public).

Returning to the Car example. If a Car object interacts with a Driver object, the Car interface
might consist of a GoForward method, a GoBackward method, and a Stop method. This is all
the information that the Driver needs to interact with the Car. The Car might contain an
Engine object, for example, but the Driver doesn’t need to know about the Engine object—all
theDriver cares about is that the methods can be called and that they return the appropriate
values. Thus, if one Engine object is exchanged for another, it makes no difference to the
Driver as long as the interface continues to function correctly.


Polymorphism is the ability of different classes to provide different implementations of the

same public interfaces. In other words, polymorphism allows methods and properties of an
object to be called without regard for the particular implementation of those members. For
example, a Driver object can interact with a Car object through the Car public interface. If
another object, such as a Truck object or a SportsCar object, exposes the same public
interface, the Driver object can interact with them without regard to the specific
implementation of that interface. There are two principal ways through which polymorphism
can be provided: interface polymorphism and inheritance polymorphism.

Interface Polymorphism

An interface is a contract for behavior. Essentially, it defines the members a class should
implement, but states nothing at all about the details of that implementation. An object can
implement many different interfaces, and many diverse classes can implement the same
interface. All objects implementing the same interface are capable of interacting with other
objects through that interface. For example, the Car object in the previous examples might
implement the IDrivable interface (by convention, interfaces usually begin with I), which
specifies the GoForward, GoBackward, and Halt methods. Other classes, such as Truck,
Forklift, or Boat might implement this interface and thus are able to interact with the Driver
object. The Driver object is unaware of which interface implementation it is interacting with;
it is only aware of the interface itself. Interface polymorphism is discussed in detail in Lesson

Inheritance Polymorphism

Inheritance allows you to incorporate the functionality of a previously defined class into a
new class and implement different members as needed. A class that inherits another class is
said to derive from that class, or to inherit from that class. A class can directly inherit from
only one class, which is called the base class. The new class has the same members as the
base class, and additional members can be added as needed. Additionally, the implementation
of base members can be changed in the new class by overriding the base class
implementation. Inherited classes retain all the characteristics of the base class and can
interact with other objects as though they were instances of the base class. For example, if the
Car class is the base class, a derived class might be SportsCar. The SportsCar class might be
the base class for another derived class, the ConvertibleSportsCar. Each newly derived class
might implement additional members, but the functionality defined in the original Car class is



Processor : Intel i3 Processor

Hard Disk : 500 GB HDD

Monitor : 12” minimum needed

As this application can be accessed via internet, only web server is required as a
hardware interface to be able to run it. It is assumed that web server is in a secure
environment with necessary firewall and network setting done.


Operating System : Windows 7 / 8 / 10

Browsers : Google Chrome / Firefox / Opera / Safari

Language : PHP , Bootstrap , HTML .

Back End : Xampp server

IDE USED : Netbeans


 Feasibility Assessment :

Feasibility study is a test of system proposal according to the workability, impact on

the organization, ability to meet user needs and effective use of the available resources. The
objective of feasibility study is not to solve the problem but to acquire a sense of its scope.

Three key combinations are involved in the feasibility analysis. They are:

Economic analysis is the most frequently used method for evaluating the effectiveness
of a client system. More commonly known as cost/benefit analysis, the procedure is to
determine the benefits and savings that are expecting from a client system and compare them
with cost.

Technical feasibility centers on the existing system and to what extent it can support
the proposed system. The benefits such as high accuracy, minimum response time and user
friendliness of the proposed system over weights cost for designing and implementing the
new system

The time schedule required for the development of the project is important, since
more development time affects machine time and cost of delay in the development of other

Software design is an interactive process through which requirements are

translated into a ‘Blue Print’ for constructing the software. The design is represented at high
level of abstraction, a level that can be directly translated to specific data, functional and
behavioral requirements. Preliminary design is concerned with the transformation of
requirements into data and software architecture. Detailed design focuses on refinements to
the architectural representation that lead to detailed data structure and algorithmic
representation for software.

1 Introduction to UML

The Unified modeling language (UML) provides a blueprint to Software Engineers

and Developers. It is a Language for Specifying, Documenting, Visualizing and constructing
the various aspects of a Software System.

UML is an Industry-Standard Modeling Language. It Contains a number of graphical

notations and symbols (diagrams) that allow the analyst and designer of a Software
Application to describe the architecture of the application in a graphical form.


UML is a general purpose visual modeling language that is used to

1. Specify
2. Visualize
3. Construct
4. Document
The artifacts of the software system

2. Rules of the UML

The UML has semantic rules for

 NAMES : It will call things, relationships and diagrams

 SCOPE : The content that gives specific meaning to a name
 VISIBILITY : How those names can be seen and used by others
 INTEGRITY : How things properly and consistently relate to
 EXECUTION : What it means is to run or simulate a dynamic model
3. Building blocks of UML

The vocabulary of the UML encompasses 3 kinds’ building blocks

1. Things
2. Relationships &Diagrams
3.1 Things: Things are the data abstractions that are first class citizens in a model. Things are
of 4 types

a. Structural things
b. Behavioral things

c. Grouping things

d. An notational things

3.2 Relationships: Relationships tie the things together. Relationships in the UML are

a. Dependency

b. Association

c. Generalization & Specialization

3.3 Diagrams: Diagrams in the UML are of 2 types

 Static diagrams
 Dynamic diagrams
Static diagrams are

i) Class diagram
ii) Object diagram
iii) Component diagram
iv) Deployment diagram

Dynamic diagrams are

i) Use case diagram

ii) Sequence diagram
iii) Collaboration diagram
iv) State chat diagram
v) Activity diagram

3.1 UML Diagrams

A diagram is a graphical representation of a set of elements. The various diagrams in

UML are as follows:


A Class diagram shows a set of classes, interfaces, and collaborations and their
relationships. Class diagrams address the static design view of a system. Class diagrams that
include Active classes address the static process view of a system.

A Class is a description of a set of objects that share the same attributes, operations,
relationships, and semantics. A Class implements on or more interfaces.


An Object diagram shows the relationship between a group of objects and their
relationships. Object diagrams represent static snapshots of instances of the things found in
class diagrams. Object diagram address the static design view or static process view of a


A Use case diagram shows a set of use cases and actors(a special kind of class) and
their relationships. Usecase diagrams address the static use case view of a system. These
diagrams are especially important in organizing and modeling the behaviors of a system.


A Sequence diagram is a visual representation of a scenario. A sequence diagram

shows the various actors in the scenario, and the way they interact with all the subsystems.

A Sequence diagram is an interaction diagram that emphasizes the time ordering of


A Collaboration diagram is an interaction diagram that emphasizes the structural

organization of the objects that send and receive messages. Collaboration diagram address the
dynamic view of a system.


A State chart diagram shows how an object dynamically changes its lifetime. A State
is a condition or situation in which the object satisfies some condition, does some task, or
waits for an event to trigger. A State chart diagram address the dynamic view of the system.


An Activity diagram is a special type of state chart diagram. It usually depicts the
flow of events within an object. An Activity diagram addresses the dynamic view of a system.
They are especially important in modeling the function of a system and emphasize the flow
of control among objects.


A Component diagram shows the organizations and dependencies among a set of

components. Component diagram address the static implementation view of a system. They
are related to class diagrams in that a component typically maps to one or more classes,
interfaces, or collaborations.


A Deployment diagram shows the architecture of the execution time details of a

system. Deployment diagram address the static deployment view of an architecture.

They are related to component diagrams in that a node typically encloses one or more

The following shows usecase diagrams, sequence diagrams for describing the system

A Database Management System is a set of pre-written programs that are used

to store, update and retrieve the database.

The Various Data Tables used in this project are:-









PHP is a “software Platform”. It is a language-neutral environment for
developing rich PHP experiences and building applications that can easily and
securely operate within it. When developed applications are deployed, those
applications will target. PHP and will execute wherever PHP is implemented
instead of targeting a particular Hardware/OS combination. The components
that make up the PHP platform are collectively called the PHP Framework.

The following code is used to design student staff feedback system


1. Software Testing

Software testing is a critical element of software quality assurance

and represents the ultimate reuse of specification. Design and code testing
represents interesting anomaly for the software during earlier definition and
development phase, it was attempted to build software from an abstract
concept to tangible implementation.

The testing phase involves, testing of the development of the system

using various techniques such as White Box Testing, Control Structure

2. Testing Techniques

2.1 White Box Testing

White box testing is a test case design method that uses the
control structure of the procedural design to derive test cases. After
performing white box testing it was identified that

 The Leave Recording System (LRS) software guarantees that

all independent paths within the modules have been exercised at least
 It has been exercised all logical decisions on their true and false sides.
 It was tested to execute all loops at their boundaries and within their
Operational bounds
 It was tested for the internal data structures to ensure their validity.
2.2 Control Structure Testing

The following tests were conducted and it was noted that the BCBS
is performing them well.
 Basic path Testing
 Condition Testing
 Data Flow Testing
 Loop Testing
Black box testing methods focuses on the functional requirements of
the software by conducting black box testing using the methods Equivalence
Partitioning Boundary Value Analysis and Cause-Effect-Graphing techniques.

 Functional validity of LRS checked.

 Checked the isolation of the boundaries of a class.
The tolerance of the system for the data rates and data volumes

3. Testing Strategies

A strategy for software testing must accommodate low-level tests that are
necessary to verify that a small source code segment has been correctly
implemented as well as high level against customer requirements.

3.1 Unit Testing:

Unit testing focuses verification on the smaller unit of software

design such as form. This is known as form testing. The testing is done
individually on each form. Using the unit test plan, prepared in design phase
of the system development as a guide, important control paths are tested to
uncover within the boundary of the module. In this step, the module is
working satisfactorily as a regard to the expected output from the module
3.2 Integration Testing:

Data can be lost across an interface, one module can have an

adverse effect on another sub function, when combined, may not produce the
desired major function. Integration testing is a systematic technique for
constructing the program structure while at the same time conducting tests to
uncover errors associated with the interface. All the modules are combined in
the testing step. Then the entire program is as a whole.

Different integrated test plans like top down integration and bottom up
integration are tested and different errors found in the system are corrected
using them. Finally, all the combined modules are performed well.

3.3 System Testing:

Testing the entire system as a whole and checking for its

correctness is system testing. The system is listed for dispensaries between the
system and its original objectives. This project was effective and efficient.


The Project “Student Staff FeedBack system” is designed in order reduce

the burden of maintaining bulk of records of all the students feedback details of
who study in an Educational Institution. Inserting, retrieving and updating the
feedback details of a student are easy when it is compared to the manual
feedback and storing. Maintaining the project is also easy which can is easily
understandable. Maintaining the details in the database is manageable.

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