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Fokke 2013 - Brighton Criteria GBS 2

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1093/brain/awt285 Brain 2014: 137; 33–43 | 33


Diagnosis of Guillain-Barré syndrome and

validation of Brighton criteria
Christiaan Fokke,1,2,3,4 Bianca van den Berg,1,5 Judith Drenthen,1,6 Christa Walgaard,1

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Pieter Antoon van Doorn1 and Bart Casper Jacobs1,2

1 Department of Neurology, Erasmus Medical Centre Rotterdam, Rotterdam, 3000 CA, The Netherlands
2 Department of Immunology, Erasmus Medical Centre Rotterdam, Rotterdam, 3000 CA, The Netherlands
3 Department of Neurology, University Medical Centre Groningen, Groningen, 9700 RB, The Netherlands
4 Department of Neurology, Gelre Hospitals location Apeldoorn, Apeldoorn, 7334 DZ, The Netherlands
5 Department of Neurology St. Elisabeth Hospital, Tilburg, 5022 GC, The Netherlands
6 Department of Clinical Neurophysiology, Erasmus Medical Centre Rotterdam, Rotterdam, 3000 CA, The Netherlands

Correspondence to: Bart Casper Jacobs, MD, PhD,

Department of Neurology,
Erasmus MC,
University Medical Centre Rotterdam,
PO Box 2040, 3000 CA Rotterdam,
The Netherlands

Guillain-Barré syndrome is an acute polyradiculoneuropathy with a variable clinical presentation. Accurate diagnostic criteria are
essential for patient care and research, including clinical trials and vaccine safety studies. Several diagnostic criteria for Guillain-
Barré syndrome have been proposed, including the recent set by the Brighton Collaboration. In the present study we describe in
detail the key diagnostic features required to meet these Brighton criteria in a study population of 494 adult patients with
Guillain-Barré syndrome, previously included in therapeutic and observational studies. The patients had a median age of 53
years (interquartile range 36–66 years) and males slightly predominated (56%). All patients developed bilateral limb weakness
which generally involved both upper and lower extremities. The weakness remained restricted to the legs in 6% and to the arms
in 1% of the patients. Decreased reflexes in paretic arms or legs were found initially in 91% of patients and in all patients
during follow-up. Ten (2%) patients however showed persistence of normal reflexes in paretic arms. Disease nadir was reached
within 2 weeks in 80%, within 4 weeks in 97% and within 6 weeks in all patients. A monophasic disease course occurred in
95% of patients, of whom 10% had a treatment-related fluctuation. A clinical deterioration after 8 weeks of onset of weakness
occurred in 23 (5%) patients. Cerebrospinal fluid was examined in 474 (96%) patients. A mild pleocytosis (5 to 50 cells/kl) was
found in 15%, and none had more than 50 cells/kl. An increased cerebrospinal fluid protein concentration was found only in
64% of patients, highly dependent on the timing of the lumbar puncture after onset of weakness (49% at the first day to 88%
after 2 weeks). Nerve electrophysiology was compatible with the presence of a neuropathy in 99% of patients, but only 59%
fulfilled the current criteria for a distinct subtype of Guillain-Barré syndrome. Patients with a complete data set (335) were
classified according to the Brighton criteria, ranging from a high to a low level of diagnostic certainty, as level 1 in 61%, level 2
in 33%, level 3 in none, and level 4 in 6% of patients. Patients categorized in these levels did not differ with respect to
proportion of patients with preceding events, initial clinical manifestations or outcome. The observed variability in the key
diagnostic features of Guillain-Barré syndrome in the current cohort study, can be used to improve the sensitivity of the
diagnostic criteria.

Keywords: Guillain-Barré syndrome; diagnosis; cerebrospinal fluid; electromyography; Brighton collaboration

Received May 22, 2013. Revised August 7, 2013. Accepted August 26, 2013. Advance Access publication October 26, 2013
ß The Author (2013). Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Guarantors of Brain. All rights reserved.
For Permissions, please email:
34 | Brain 2014: 137; 33–43 C. Fokke et al.

extent and distribution of weakness, and the presence of auto-

Introduction nomic dysfunction, sensory symptoms and cranial nerve deficits.
The diagnosis of Guillain-Barré syndrome remains based on clinical Clinical variants of Guillain-Barré syndrome have been described,
characteristics and ancillary laboratory investigations, nearly one including the Fisher Syndrome, bulbar and pharyngeal-brachial
century after the name-giving publication of Georges Charles variants, which may progress to more characteristic forms of
Guillain and Jean-Alexandre Barré (Guillain et al., 1916). Guillain-Barré syndrome. Nerve biopsy and electrophysiology also
Accurate diagnostic criteria for Guillain-Barré syndrome are im- identified a variety of subtypes of Guillain-Barré syndrome includ-
portant for clinical practice, especially in the early phase of disease ing acute inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy, and an
when specific treatment is most effective and patients require axonal subtype of Guillain-Barré syndrome (Griffin et al., 1995;
monitoring to prevent life-threatening complications. In addition, Hadden et al., 1998). Patients with Guillain-Barré syndrome also
case definitions are required to conduct therapeutic trials and differ with respect to the rate of progression, severity at nadir,
epidemiological studies, especially vaccine safety studies. Early, occurrence of treatment-related fluctuations and the rate and

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case-detecting criteria for defining the Guillain-Barré syndrome extent of recovery. There are no pathognomonic clinical charac-
were developed to investigate the suspected rise in frequency of teristics for Guillain-Barré syndrome, and at present no biomarkers
Guillain-Barré syndrome in persons vaccinated against a swine- are available to discriminate Guillain-Barré syndrome from dis-
orders resembling Guillain-Barré syndrome. Depending on the
origin influenza virus during the national US vaccination campaign
clinical characteristics present in individual patients, there is an
in 1976 (Schonberger et al., 1979). The criteria were reaffirmed
extensive list of diseases that may be clinically similar to Guillain-
and expanded in 1990 by Asbury and Cornblath (1990) and are
Barré syndrome or its variants and result in misdiagnosis (Levin,
frequently used in research and clinical practice. Recently, the
Brighton Collaboration developed a new set of case definitions
Patient cohorts have rarely been described in detail with respect
for Guillain-Barré syndrome, again in response to a possible asso-
to the variation in the key characteristics used to define cases in
ciation between Guillain-Barré syndrome and the H1N1 swine flu
research and to diagnose patients in clinical practice. In addition,
vaccination campaign of 2009/2010 (Sejvar et al., 2011). The
existing diagnostic criteria for Guillain-Barré syndrome have rarely
Brighton Collaboration ( is an
been validated. The objective of the current cohort study is to
international collaboration sponsored by the World Health
describe the variation in key diagnostic features in a large cohort
Organization to facilitate the development, evaluation, and dis-
of adult patients diagnosed with Guillain-Barré syndrome and clas-
semination of high quality internationally standardized case defin-
sify them according to the diagnostic criteria of the Brighton
itions for various illnesses, with the aim of improving vaccine
safety. These innovatory ‘Brighton criteria’ also account for the
level of diagnostic certainty based on the presenting findings at
clinical and additional examinations, ranging from level 1 (highest
level of diagnostic certainty) to level 4 (reported as Guillain-Barré Materials and methods
syndrome, possibly due to insufficient data for further classifica-
tion) (Table 1). Patients
Recent studies indicate that Guillain-Barré syndrome consists of
The study was based on a cohort of 567 patients previously admitted
a spectrum of neuropathic disorders that may differ in the under-
to two randomized clinical trials, one therapeutic pilot study and one
lying pathogenesis and clinical manifestations (Yuki and Hartung, observational multicentre study (Table 2) (van der Meché and Schmitz,
2012). Designing diagnostic criteria that cover all patients with 1992; The Dutch Guillain-Barré Study Group, 1994; van Koningsveld
Guillain-Barré syndrome, therefore, is challenging. Patients with et al., 2004; Ruts et al., 2010b). Patients had to fulfil the diagnostic
Guillain-Barré syndrome differ from each other regarding the criteria from the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and

Table 1 Key diagnostic criteria and Brighton case definitions for Guillain-Barré syndrome

Level of diagnostic certainty

Diagnostic criteria 1 2 3 4
Bilateral and flaccid weakness of limbs + + + +/
Decreased or absent deep tendon reflexes in weak limbs + + + +/
Monophasic course and time between onset-nadir 12 h to 28 days + + + +/
CSF cell count 550/ml + +a +/
CSF protein concentration 4 normal value + +/ +/
NCS findings consistent with one of the subtypes of GBS + +/ +/
Absence of alternative diagnosis for weakness + + + +

+ present; absent; + / present or absent;.

NCS = nerve conduction studies; GBS = Guillain-Barré syndrome.
If CSF is not collected or results not available, nerve electrophysiology results must be consistent with the diagnosis Guillain-Barré syndrome.
Diagnosis of Guillain-Barré syndrome Brain 2014: 137; 33–43 | 35

Belgium centres: AZ Sint-Jan Brugge-Oostende AV, Brugge (six inclusions) and Clinique Universitaire St Luc, Brussels, Belgium (10 inclusions); German centres: Medizinische Fakultät Charité, Berlin (13 inclusions) and Ruprecht-
Exclusion criteria in the therapeutic studies (1–3) were previous episodes of Guillain-Barré syndrome, allergic reactions to matched blood products, selective IgA deficiency, pregnancy, severe concurrent diseases, or expected
Stroke (NINDS) from 1990 (Asbury and Cornblath, 1990). Patients

36 other diagnosis
Excluded cases
participating in the therapeutic studies were unable to walk independ-

Five children

10 children

16 children
ently and were included within 2 weeks after onset of weakness. In

Four other
One other

One child
the observational study, patients with mild weakness at admission and
clinical variants were also included. For the purpose of this study, we
focused on adult patients with Guillain-Barré syndrome and limb
Week 1 and 4 weakness. We excluded patients 518 years of age (n = 32), because
Study entry,

the clinical presentation of Guillain-Barré syndrome in children may

Study entry

53 weeks
Week 4 differ from adults (Bradshaw and Jones, 1992; Korinthenberg et al.,

Week 2
2007; Roodbol et al., 2011). In addition, we excluded patients with

Fisher Syndrome (n = 18), Bickerstaff encephalitis (n = 2), acute-onset

chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (n = 10), myelitis
Week: 10, 12, 14, 18, 22, 26
Week: 8, 10, 14, 18, 22, 26

transversa (n = 3), uncertain diagnosis (n = 3), Sjögren’s syndrome

Week: 13, 26, 39 and 52

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Week 3–6. 8, 10, 22, 26

Weekly during admission (n = 1), spinal disc herniation (n = 1), vasculitis (n = 1), sacral tumour
Week: 1–4: 1  /week

Week: 1–8: 1  /week

Week 1–2: 3 /week

(n = 1) and a previous episode of Guillain-Barré syndrome (n = 1).

Other diagnoses than Guillain-Barré syndrome were excluded by the
local neurologists according to routine diagnostic work-up. For the

remaining 494 patients all clinical data were collected prospectively

and no alternative diagnoses were made during follow-up of at least
6 months. Most patients were included in The Netherlands, but 38
NCS = nerve conduction studies; RCT = randomized controlled trial; IVIg = intravenous immunoglobulin; PE = plasma exchange; MP = methylprednisolone.

patients were included in two Belgian and two German hospitals.

life expectancy 5 1 year
(or contraindications)

(or contraindications)

Clinical course was described by using the Guillain-Barré syndrome

Exclusion criteriab

steroid treatment

steroid treatment

disability scale (Table 3), a widely accepted scale of disability for pa-
Age 5 16 year

Age 5 12 year
Age 5 4 year

Age 5 6 year

tients with Guillain-Barré syndrome ranging from 0 (normal) to 6

(death) (Hughes et al., 1978). Weakness was expressed using the
Medical Research Council (MRC) sum score of six bilateral muscles
in arms and legs, ranging from 0 (tetraparalytic) to 60 (normal
strength) (Kleyweg et al., 1991). Symmetrical weakness was defined
Weakness onset 5 2 weeks

Weakness onset 5 2 weeks

Weakness onset 5 2 weeks

Inclusion criteria for all patients were fulfillment of diagnostic criteria for Guillain-Barré syndrome according to the NINDS.

as a difference of five or less between the sum of scores of the left-

GBS disability score 4 2

GBS disability score 4 2

GBS disability score 4 2

sided versus the right-sided muscle groups. Nadir was defined as the
Inclusion criteriaa

highest Guillain-Barré syndrome disability score or the lowest MRC

sum score (excluding small fluctuations of less than five points
within the margins of the inter-observer variations) (Hughes et al.,
1978; Kleyweg et al., 1991). In case of discrepancies, case record
forms were reviewed by a neurologist to determine nadir. Duration

of the plateau phase was defined as the number of days between

2 German centresc
16 Dutch centres

55 Dutch centres
8 Dutch centres

nadir and improvement of five or more points in MRC sum score or

one or more points in Guillain-Barré syndrome disability score. Clinical
2 Belgium
28 Dutch

fluctuations were defined previously as an initial improvement or sta-


bilization longer than 1 week followed by secondary deterioration of

five points or more in the MRC sum score or one point or more in the




Guillain-Barré syndrome disability score (Ruts et al., 2005, 2010a).

Treatment-related fluctuations were defined as clinical fluctuations

occurring within 8 weeks after start of treatment, and were regarded

as part of a monophasic disease course (Ruts et al., 2010a). During the
IVIg versus PE

(Pilot study)

6 month follow-up 15 patients died and five patients were lost to

versus IVIg
IVIg and MP

IVIg and MP

follow-up (van den Berg et al., 2013). There was no follow-up of

Pain and

difficulties precluding follow-up for the next 6 months.

reflexes in one of the clinical trials (van Koningsveld et al., 2004).


We tried to obtain the missing data of the 479 surviving patients at

Karls Universität, Heidelberg (nine inclusions).

the clinic where the patients were included. For 335 patients all ne-



cessary data were collected to classify these patients according to the


Brighton criteria. Patients with missing data that could not be obtained

were left out of analysis regarding that particular part of data. Data
Open label
Table 2 Patient cohorts

from nerve conduction studies were used to classify patients in distinct




electrophysiological subgroups, including demyelinating polyneurop-

athy, axonal polyneuropathy and inexcitable nerves (Hadden et al.,
van der Meche and

1998). Patients showing features of a neuropathy without meeting

Study Group, 1994

Ruts et al., 2010b

van Koningsveld

the criteria for one of these distinct Guillain-Barré syndrome subtypes

Schmitz, 1992


et al., 2004

were categorized as equivocal. An equivocal electrophysiological result

The Dutch

was considered to be consistent with Guillain-Barré syndrome. In pa-

tients with serial nerve conduction studies, the study around 2 weeks
after onset of weakness was chosen for the Brighton classification. CSF

36 | Brain 2014: 137; 33–43 C. Fokke et al.

Table 3 Guillain-Barré syndrome disability scale, adapted Table 4 Description of patients with Guillain-Barré
from Hughes et al. (1978) syndrome (n = 494)

0 A healthy state Demography

1 Minor symptoms and capable of running Male/female ratio 276/218
2 Able to walk 10 m or more without assistance but Age (years)a 53 (36–66)
unable to run Symptoms of antecedent infection
3 Able to walk 10 m across an open space with help Diarrhoea 24% (118/489)
4 Bedridden or chair bound Upper respiratory tract infection 38% (183/480)
5 Requiring assisted ventilation for at least part of the day Neurological symptoms at entry
6 Dead GBS disability score
1 1% 7/490
2 4% 21/490

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3 24% 116/490
count and protein concentration were determined by routine diagnos- 4 61% 299/490
tic methods. The normal value for CSF protein concentration was 5 9% 47/490
0.18–0.58 g/l. Subjects in this study were classified according to Cranial nerve involvement 36% (177/491)
Brighton criteria. This was done for the entire cohort and for the sub- Sensory deficits 67% (322/480)
group of patients in whom there was a complete data set regarding Pain 54% (259/482)
the six key diagnostic features used in the Brighton criteria. The studies Ventilator dependent 10% (47/490)
Neurological symptoms at nadir
were approved by the local ethical committee, and all patients gave
Cranial nerve involvement 53% (258/490)
written informed consent.
Ventilator dependent 28% (138/493)
Statistical analysis Plasma exchange 14% (70)
IVIg 49% (244)
Categorical data were presented as proportions, continuous data as
IVIg and methylprednisolone 33% (161)
means and standard deviations if normally distributed and as medians
No treatmentb 4% (19)
and interquartile ranges (IQR) if not-normally distributed. Correlations
Outcome at 6 months
between MRC sum scores were expressed by the Spearman rank cor-
Walking without assistance 82% (403/489)
relation coefficient (rs). Differences in proportions were tested by the
Death 3% (15/482)
Chi-square or Fisher exact tests and differences in continuous variables
by the Mann-Whitney U test. SPSS Statistics 20.0 was used for GBS = Guillain-Barré syndrome.
statistical analyses. A two-sided P-value 5 0.05 was considered to be a
Median (IQR).
statistically significant. Patients included in the observational study (Ruts et al., 2010b).

The demographic and general clinical characteristics of the 494
patients with Guillain-Barré syndrome are provided in Table 4.

Distribution and severity of weakness

The severity of limb weakness at study entry and at nadir was
highly variable (Fig. 1). Weakness at nadir ranged from mild se-
verity (MRC sum score 5 55) in 25 (5%) patients to tetraparalytic
(MRC sum score of 0) in 41 (8%) patients. The median MRC sum
score at nadir was 38 with an IQR of 24–48. Four patients were
admitted with cranial nerve involvement and initial normal limb
Figure 1 Severity of limb weakness at entry and nadir, ex-
strength, but all developed limb weakness within 11 days. pressed as MRC sum score ranging between 0 (tetraplegic) and
Almost all patients presented with symmetrical weakness: 316 60 (normal strength). At entry four patients (1%) had no limb
(65%) had exactly the same MRC sum score at both sides, and weakness but developed a limb paresis during the disease
459 (95%) patients had a difference of two points or less. Four course. At nadir 41 patients (8%) had a tetraplegia.
patients presented with asymmetrical limb weakness of more than
five points difference, but all became symmetrical within 1 week,
except for one patient with persistent unilateral radial nerve palsy unable to walk independently (Guillain-Barré syndrome disability
in addition to general limb weakness. score 42), despite a relatively high MRC sum score (median 54,
At study entry, most patients had a tetraparesis, but 40 (8%) IQR 52–56). Nine (23%) of these patients also had normal
patients presented with a selective paraparesis of the legs. In this reflexes in the arms. In 28 (70%) of these patients, the weakness
subgroup with a paraparetic variant, 34 (85%) patients were remained restricted to the legs during the entire course of disease.
Diagnosis of Guillain-Barré syndrome Brain 2014: 137; 33–43 | 37

Weakness restricted to the arms was found in three (1%) patients. recovery phase, secondary deteriorations were seen in 73 (15%)
Only one of these patients developed leg weakness later; the patients. In 50 (68%) of these patients the deterioration was re-
other two patients were diagnosed as a pharyngeal-cervical- garded to be a ‘treatment-related fluctuation’, which by definition
brachial variant of Guillain-Barré syndrome. In patients with a occurred within 8 weeks of start of treatment (Ruts et al., 2010a).
tetraparesis, the MRC sum scores expressing the weakness of Patients with a treatment-related fluctuation were considered to
severity in arms and legs were correlated (rs = 0.66, P = 0.01). have a monophasic disease course that was influenced by a tran-
sient effect of treatment. Therefore, in total 472 (95%) patients
had a monophasic disease course during the 6 months of follow-
up. The remaining 23 (5%) patients had clinical fluctuations more
Reflexes and strength were described in detail in 395 (80%) than 8 weeks after start of treatment. In those patients the time
patients for the arms and in 410 (83%) patients for the legs. At interval between onset of weakness and the relapse of muscle
study entry, normal reflexes in paretic limbs were observed in 36 weakness was highly variable with a median of 18 weeks (IQR

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(9%) patients. These patients usually had a relatively mild weak- 14–22 weeks, full range 10 weeks to 6 months). Three of these
ness (MRC sum score median 48, IQR 42–52) compared to the patients had a fluctuation both in the MRC sum score and
patients with decreased reflexes (MRC sum score median 44, IQR Guillain-Barré syndrome disability score, whereas the other 20
34–49) (P = 0.03). Patients with initially normal reflexes also less patients had a fluctuation in only one of these scores.
frequently had sensory deficits (46%) compared to patients with
decreased reflexes (69%) (P = 0.006). Primary axonal variants (see
below) were more frequent in patients with normal reflexes (15%)
Cerebrospinal fluid cell count and
than in patients with decreased reflexes (6%) (P = 0.03). Twenty- protein concentration
six (72%) of these 36 patients with normal reflexes at study entry A lumbar puncture was performed in 474 (96%) patients. The
developed decreased reflexes during the disease course. All pa- time interval between onset of weakness and lumbar puncture
tients developed hyporeflexia in the legs, however, 10 had per- was at a median of 4 days, IQR 2–7 days, and full range 0–32
sisting normal reflexes in the arms. Two patients had initial days. A lumbar puncture within 3 days of onset of weakness was
hyperreflexia in weak limbs, in one patient progressing to areflexia performed in 49% of patients. Overall, 305 (64%) of the 474
1 day later, the other patient was lost to follow-up regarding the patients had an elevated protein concentration in CSF, strongly
reflexes. depending on the timing of the lumbar puncture (Fig. 3).
Protein concentrations in CSF higher than normal were found in
Clinical course 49% of patients in the first day, 53% in the first 3 days, and this
proportion increased up to 88% at 3 weeks (Fig. 3).
All patients reached their nadir within 6 weeks after onset of
CSF cell counts were available from 455 (92%) patients. In 386
weakness. The progressive phase lasted 51 week in half the pa-
(85%) of these patients, the cell count was within the normal
tients, 52 weeks in 80%, and 54 weeks in 97% (Fig. 2). The
range of 55 cells/ml. In 70 (15%) of these patients a mild pleo-
duration of the plateau phase was highly variable with a median
cytosis was found, although all patients had a cell count of 550
duration of 7 days (IQR of 6–14 days, full range between 2 days
cells/ml (Table 5). Mild pleocytosis was observed usually in absence
and end of the follow-up period of 6 months). During the of erythrocytes in CSF, although the occurrence of increased

Figure 2 Duration of the progressive phase is defined as the

number of days between onset of limb weakness and reaching
nadir. The figure shows a skewed distribution in which the Figure 3 Number of patients and percentages with elevated
duration of the progressive phase is 52 weeks in 80% and 54 protein concentration in CSF in relation to the timing of the
weeks in 97% of patients. lumbar puncture after onset of weakness.
38 | Brain 2014: 137; 33–43 C. Fokke et al.

Table 5 Diagnostic characteristics in patients with Guillain-Barré syndrome (n = 494)

Neurological symptoms at entry

Normal strength 1% (4/490)
Unilateral limb weakness 0% (1/486)
Asymmetrical severity of limb muscle weakness 1% (5/486)
Weakness in arms and legs 90% (443/490)
Weakness in legs only 8% (40/490)
Weakness in arms only 1% (3/490)
Severity of weakness (MRC sum score)a 44 (35–49) (490)
Normal tendon reflexes in weak arms 9% (35/395)
Normal tendon reflexes in weak legs 2% (7/410)
Duration of progressive phase

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Number of days between onset of weakness and entrya 5 (3–8) (493)
Number of days between entry and nadira,b 0 (0–6) (492)
Number of days between onset of weakness and nadira,b 8 (5–13) (491)
Neurological symptoms at nadirb
Limb weakness 100% (494)
Weakness in legs only 6% (28/494)
Weakness in arms only 1% (2/494)
Severity of weakness (MRC sum score)a 39 (24–48) (491)
Normal tendon reflexes in weak arms 2% (10/388)
Normal tendon reflexes in weak legs 0% (0/406)
Duration of nadir (days)c 7 (6–14) (472)
Fluctuations in clinical course
Monophasic course 85% (421/494)
Treatment related fluctuations within 8 weeks after treatment 10% (50/494)
Fluctuations later than 8 weeks after treatment 5% (23/494)
Cerebrospinal fluid examinationd
Cell count 55/ml 85% (385/455)
Cell count between 5–10/ml 8% (36/455)
Cell count between 10–30/ml 6% (28/455)
Cell count between 30–50/ml 1% (6/455)
Cell count 450/ml 0% (0/455)
Protein concentration 4 normal value 64% (305/474)
Nerve conduction studiese
Normal 1% (4/440)
Demyelinating 48% (213/440)
Axonal 6% (27/440)
Inexcitable 4% (16/440)
Equivocal 41% (180/440)

IVIg = intravenous immunoglobulin.

Median (interquartial range).
Nadir was defined as the highest Guillain-Barré syndrome disability score or the lowest MRC sum score.
Duration of nadir was defined as the number of days between reaching nadir and improving at least 1 point in Guillain-Barré syndrome disability
score or 5 points in MRC sum score.
CSF was examined for cell count in 455 (92%) of patients and for protein concentrations in 474 (96%) of patients.
Nerve conduction studies were conducted in 440 (89%) of patients and classified as demyelinating, axonal or inexcitable, equivocal or normal
(Hadden et al., 1998).

erythrocyte cell counts caused by a traumatic puncture was not Nerve conduction studies
recorded systematically. There was no relation between the cell
count and the timing of the lumbar puncture. Results of routine nerve conduction studies were available from
The classic ‘cytoalbuminologic dissociation’, defined as the com- 440 (89%) patients. The median time between onset of weakness
bination of an increased protein concentration and a cell count and these examinations was 13 days (IQR 8–18 days). Only four
550 cells/ml, was observed only in 290 (64%) of these 455 (1%) patients had a normal nerve electrophysiology (conducted at
patients. The proportion of patients with cytoalbuminologic dis- 2, 18, 19 and 30 days after onset of weakness). Patients with a
sociation was fully dependent on the protein concentration and normal EMG had significantly milder weakness at nadir (median
thereby timing of the lumbar puncture (Fig. 3), as no patient had a MRC sum score of 51, range 43–53) compared to patients with an
pleocytosis 450 cells/ml. abnormal nerve conduction study (P = 0.04). Acute inflammatory
Diagnosis of Guillain-Barré syndrome Brain 2014: 137; 33–43 | 39

demyelinating polyneuropathy was the predominant subtype, but and CSF and reflexes (n = 1). The remaining 335 patients were
only 213 (48%) patients fulfilled the specific diagnostic criteria for classified in four levels of diagnostic certainty according to the
a demyelinating polyneuropathy. An axonal polyneuropathy was Brighton criteria. Criteria for level 1 were met by 205 (61%) pa-
found in 27 (6%) patients and 16 (4%) patients had inexcitable tients, for level 2 by 111 (33%) as a result of the normal protein
nerves (Hadden et al., 1998). A subgroup of 180 (41%) patients concentration, for level 3 by none and for level 4 by 19 (6%)
showed an abnormal nerve electrophysiology compatible with per- patients because of a prolonged progressive phase (n = 6) or late
ipheral nerve (root) involvement, but did not fulfil the criteria for fluctuations that deviate from a monophasic disease course
one of the distinct subtypes (demyelinating, axonal, or inexcita- (n = 13) (Table 6). The patient groups in these various diagnostic
ble). The proportion of patients with these equivocal electrophysi- levels did not differ regarding: age, sex, severity of disease, pro-
ology findings decreased after 3 weeks of weakness onset (Fig. 4). portion of ventilator dependency or outcome at 6 months (defined
In the first two studies (between 1986 and 1992), serial nerve by Guillain-Barré syndrome disability score). Preceding upper re-
conduction studies were performed as part of the study protocol spiratory tract infections were seen in 68/203 (34%) of patients in

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(Table 2). This resulted in 128 of the 160 (80%) patients with level 1, in 47/107 (44%) patients in level 2 and 6/19 in level 4
serial nerve conduction studies. Serial nerve conduction resulted (32%). Antecedent diarrhoea was seen in 41/204 (20%) patients
in a change of subtype classification in 77 (60%) patients. Sixty- in level 1, in 34/111 (31%) patients in level 2 and in 3/19 patients
four of these patients (83%) switched between an equivocal and in level 4. Proportions of both preceding symptoms of infections
demyelinating, axonal or an inexcitable classification or vice versa. were not significantly different between the Brighton levels. To
Five patients (6%) changed from a demyelinating to an axonal illustrate the effect of missing data on the level classification, we
classification and three (4%) patients changed from an axonal to a also showed the results for the whole group of 494, including the
demyelinating classification. Five (6%) patients changed from an 159 patients with missing data (Table 6). This subgroup of patients
inexcitable to a demyelinating or an axonal classification. with missing values did not differ from the subgroup with com-
plete data sets regarding preceding events, demographic charac-
teristics, clinical course and outcome.
Classification of cases according to the
Brighton criteria
The classification according to the Brighton criteria is influenced by
completeness of the data. To determine the optimal performance The current study examined the clinical, electrophysiological and
of the Brighton criteria, we excluded 159 (32%) of the 494 pa- laboratory features in one of the largest cohorts of adult patients
tients in which necessary information required to meet one or with Guillain-Barré syndrome. This study affirmed that the diag-
more of the Brighton criteria was missing: reflexes (n = 67), nostic criteria for Guillain-Barré syndrome developed by the NINDS
reflexes and CSF (n = 4), reflexes and nerve electrophysiology in 1990 were met by the majority of patients with certain caveats
(n = 12), clinical course (n = 1), clinical course and nerve electro- (Asbury and Cornblath, 1990). In our cohort, 97% of patients
physiology (n = 1), nerve electrophysiology (n = 38), CSF (n = 33), reached the nadir of their disease within 4 weeks. At admission,
nerve electrophysiology and CSF (n = 3), nerve electrophysiology 99% had a symmetrical limb weakness and 91% had reduced

Figure 4 Classification of nerve electrophysiology subtypes in relation to timing of nerve conduction study after onset of weakness. The
proportions of patients with an equivocal result are given in percentages, indicating abnormal nerve conduction but not fulfilling the
criteria for one of the specific subtypes of Guillain-Barré syndrome. NCS = nerve conduction studies.
40 | Brain 2014: 137; 33–43 C. Fokke et al.

Table 6 Classification of patients with Guillain-Barré presentation not meeting the NINDS criteria may not have entered
syndrome according to the Brighton criteria the trials. The primary aim of the NINDS was to develop diagnos-
tic criteria for research purposes with a high specificity, not to
Brighton level Data All
complete patients capture all cases in clinical practice. On the other hand, the
(n = 335) (n = 494) NINDS criteria are not very strict in the sense that predefined
clinical features are categorized as ‘supporting the diagnosis’ or
Level 1 61% (205) 41% (205)
AIDP, axonal, inexitable 36% (120) 24% (120) ‘casting doubt on the diagnosis’ without specifying the decision
Equivocal NCS 25% (85) 17% (85) rules for inclusion or exclusion of individual patients. This explains
Level 2 33% (111) 36% (177) why a cohort with such a variety of clinical symptoms was
Normal NCS 0% (1) 0% (1) included.
Normal CSF protein concentration 33% (110) 25% (123) Since 1990 many studies showed the high variability of Guillain-
NCS missing 5% (24) Barré syndrome, including variants, ‘formes frustes’ and overlap

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CSF missing and NCS 6% (29) syndromes, with an equally large variation in type of preceding
consistent with GBS
infections and specificity of antibodies to nerve glycolipids (Hughes
Levels 3 0% (0) 1% (3)
and Cornblath, 2005; Willison, 2005; van Doorn et al., 2008). In
NCS and CSF missing 0% (2)
Normal NCS and missing CSF 0% (1)
2009 the Brighton Collaboration took the initiative to develop a
Level 4 6% (19) 22% (109) new set of criteria to better identify patients for vaccine safety
Progressive phase 4 28 days 2% (6) 3% (13) studies. Important advantages of the Brighton criteria are the ex-
No monophasic disease course 4% (13) 5% (23) plicit case definitions and the classification in four levels of diag-
Reflexes missing 15% (71) nostic certainty depending on the patient characteristics and the
Clinical course missing 0% (2) availability of the data. As the classification is partly determined by
missing data, we validated the criteria separately in the subgroup
Patients with Guillain-Barré syndrome were classified in four levels according to
the cases definitions of the Brighton Collaboration (Sevjar et al., 2011). This of 335 patients with a complete data set for all key diagnostic
classification is influenced by the completeness of the data, and for the results are features, which is a strength of our study. Despite the complete-
therefore given for the patients in whom all data were available (n = 335) and for ness of the data and the certainty of the diagnosis in this subgroup
all patients together (n = 494). Reasons for not reaching a higher level were
specified for each level. Patients reaching level 1 were subdivided in two groups: of patients, only 61% could be classified as level 1. The predom-
those who met the criteria for one of the predefined electrophysiological subtypes inant cause for not reaching this level of highest diagnostic cer-
of Guillain-Barré syndrome, and those with an equivocal electrophysiology (Sevjar tainty was a normal protein concentration in CSF (33%). Other,
et al., 2011).
AIDP = acute inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy; NCS = nerve conduc- less frequent causes were a prolonged progressive phase of 428
tion studies; GBS = Guillain-Barré syndrome. days (2%), and the absence of a monophasic disease course (clin-
ical deterioration beyond 8 weeks of onset of weakness) (4%).
Those using the Brighton classification for nerve electrophysiology
reflexes in all paretic limbs. During disease progression, all patients may find it confusing as described in its current context. As writ-
developed reduced reflexes in the legs, although a few patients ten, we initially reserved Brighton level 1 only for patients who
retained upper limb reflexes throughout their illness despite arm fulfilled the electrophysiological criteria for one of the distinct
weakness. All patients showed recovery to some extent and 95% Guillain-Barré syndrome subtypes. However, personal communica-
had a monophasic disease course, some with a transient treat- tion with Cornblath and Sevjar clarified their intention to classify
ment-related fluctuation in the acute stage. All patients with an all patients with electrophysiological results consistent with a neur-
examination of the CSF showed a cell count 550 cells/ml and opathy for level 1, also including the ‘equivocal’ class of Hadden
almost all nerve conduction studies showed evidence for a neur- et al. (1998). In our study, this resulted in 25% of patients in level
opathy. Patients were diagnosed by a neurologist according to 1. Patients from various levels did not differ regarding clinical se-
routine diagnostic work-up. Because of the follow-up period of verity or outcome, indicating that they are equally important for
at least 6 months, it is highly unlikely that patients had another future vaccine safety studies. Applying the criteria to all 494 pa-
disorder than Guillain-Barré syndrome. Our study cohort may have tients resulted in 41% level 1, 36% level 2, 1% level 3, and 22%
been subject to selection bias. Patients included in the therapeutic level 4, illustrating the importance of missing data in the perform-
clinical trials may have had different symptomatology compared to ance of these criteria. In a previous Dutch study on the Guillain-
patients who do not participate in such trials. Most patients (94%) Barré syndrome background incidence rate, not overlapping with
in our cohort were unable to walk independently, and we may the current studied cohort, only six (26%) of 23 patients reached
have excluded milder cases with different symptomatology. Also level 1 or 2, largely because of missing data (van der Maas et al.,
patients with a CSF cell count over 50 cells/ml might not be 2011). Also in studies from Korea and India, a considerable pro-
included in these clinical trials, although this was not one of the portion of patients were classified as level 4 (14% and 24%, re-
specific exclusion criteria. The clinical and electrophysiological spectively), partly because additional investigations were
phenotype of Guillain-Barré syndrome is influenced by the geo- frequently not performed or results not available (Choe et al.,
graphical origin of the patients, and in the current study all pa- 2011; Mateen et al., 2011). However, level 3 of the Brighton
tients were inhabitants of The Netherlands, Belgium or Germany. criteria is dependent only on clinical criteria and does not rely on
The clinical manifestations may also differ in children, which have additional investigations. This category was designed particularly
been excluded in the current study. Patients who had an atypical with resource-poor settings in mind, in situations where
Diagnosis of Guillain-Barré syndrome Brain 2014: 137; 33–43 | 41

electrophysiological and CSF examination may be difficult, imprac- represent a ‘subacute’ variant of Guillain-Barré syndrome (Hughes
tical, or unavailable. This study emphasizes the fact that accurate et al., 1992). The duration of the plateau phase was equally vari-
and thorough documentation of clinical signs should allow for able: most patients start recovering within less than a week after
better classification of Guillain-Barré syndrome in both developed, reaching nadir, but 6 months follow-up without clear signs of
and in developing countries. In The Netherlands additional inves- recovery is still compatible with the diagnosis of Guillain-Barré
tigations such as CSF examination or serial nerve physiology may syndrome. All patients recovered at some stage, yet secondary
not be conducted routinely in clinical practice if alternative diag- deteriorations during the follow-up period were seen in 15% of
noses are not suspected. patients. Two-thirds of these patients (10%) had a typical treat-
The current study identified subgroups of patients with charac- ment related fluctuation, in which the secondary progression may
teristics that may be considered atypical for Guillain-Barré syn- be attributed to a transient effect of treatment that lasted shorter
drome, and may cause initial diagnostic confusion. One than the active disease phase (Kleyweg and van der Meché,
subgroup of 8% presented with a paraparesis of the legs, which 1991). One-third of deteriorations (5%), however, occurred 48

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in more than half of the patients remained restricted to the legs weeks after treatment. Such prolonged deteriorations may have
during a follow-up of at least 6 months. The majority of these previously been reported as the first episodes of acute onset
patients were unable to walk independently, but had normal chronic immune demyelinating polyneuropathy (Ruts et al.,
strength in the arms. All these patients developed decreased 2010a). In the current study, however, the patients with acute
reflexes of the legs and fulfilled the other diagnostic criteria for onset chronic immune demyelinating polyneuropathy were
Guillain-Barré syndrome and showed recovery after treatment. excluded. These deteriorations may have been caused by a more
Other diagnoses than Guillain-Barré syndrome were excluded in persistent or relapsing-remitting active state of disease, possibly
all cases. A similar paraparetic variant was previously described by influenced by secondary infections or other complications. The
Ropper (1994), although the frequency and pathogenesis so far observed fluctuations may in part also be explained by the clini-
remained elusive. In contrast, some patients had weakness re- metric limitations of the MRC sum score and Guillain-Barré
stricted to the arms and were in part identified as having a pha- syndrome disability score (Kleyweg et al., 1991; Vanhoutte
ryngeal-cervical-brachial variant. Another subgroup of 9% of et al., 2012). Local clinical care facilities and treatment options
patients presented with paretic limbs without reduced limb may also influence the clinical course and outcome of Guillain-
reflexes. These patients frequently had a relatively mild, pure Barré syndrome.
motor and axonal variant of Guillain-Barré syndrome. Most pa- CSF examination may be useful in cases of clinical uncertainty
tients with initial normal reflexes developed areflexia during about the diagnosis, especially to exclude other causes associated
follow-up, but 10 patients had persistent normal reflexes in paretic with CSF pleocytosis, such as infectious polyradiculitis and acute
arms. Retrospectively, 10 included patients did not fulfil the criteria poliomyelitis (Guillain et al., 1916). In all 455 patients where CSF
of NINDS because of persistent normal reflexes in weak arms was examined, the cell count was 550 cells/ml, confirming the
(Asbury and Cornblath, 1990). These patients were all tetraplegic, specificity of this finding. CSF cell counts between 5 and 50 cells/
had decreased reflexes in weak legs, without any alternative diag- ml, however, were found in 15% of patients, indicating that a mild
nosis made during follow-up and were therefore not excluded pleocytosis is compatible with the diagnosis of Guillain-Barré syn-
from this study. Also the Brighton collaboration has not specified drome. The ‘cyto-albuminologic dissociation’ in CSF, commonly
explicitly if such patients fulfil the criteria for reduced reflexes or regarded as one of the hallmarks of Guillain-Barré syndrome,
not. From our perspective they do because of the reduced reflexes was found in less than half of the patients when tested within
in the weak legs and therefore could reach a level 1 to 3 (de- the first day after onset of weakness. Only after a week of weak-
pending on the CSF and nerve conduction study results). ness this typical finding for Guillain-Barré syndrome reaches a sen-
Recently, some patients from Japan and Italy have been sitivity of 80%. Repeating a lumbar puncture in case of a normal
described with Guillain-Barré syndrome in combination with limb CSF to confirm the diagnosis may be confusing as both the cell
hyperreflexia (without Babinski sign or spasticity) (Yuki et al., count and the protein concentration may be influenced by the first
2012). In the current study, two patients with initial hyperreflexia puncture and by treatment with IVIg (intravenous immunoglobu-
in weak limbs were reported, in one patient rapidly progressing to lin) (Ben Menachem et al., 1989; Sekul et al., 1994; Wurster and
areflexia, the other patient was lost to follow-up regarding the Haas 1994). Future improvement may come from specific bio-
reflexes. Some patients may have additional involvement of the markers for axonal degeneration or demyelination (Brettschneider
CNS, such as in overlap syndromes with Bickerstaff encephalitis or et al., 2009).
spinal cord involvement (Odaka et al., 2003), but pre-existent Routine nerve electrophysiology was performed in 440 patients,
brisk reflexes caused by concomitant unrelated disorders, including usually in the second or third week after onset of weakness. In
cervical myelopathy, should be excluded. almost all patients the findings were compatible with the presence
Guillain-Barré syndrome is considered to be an acute monopha- of a neuropathy. The predominant subtype was acute inflamma-
sic disorder, induced by a transient immune response against an tory demyelinating polyneuropathy (48%), confirming previous
acute environmental trigger. Our study shows that the expected studies in patients from Western countries (Hadden et al.,
clinical course with a successive progressive, plateau and recovery 1998). Forty-one per cent of the patients, however, did not
phase is remarkably variable. Eighty per cent of patients already meet the criteria for one of the defined subtypes of Guillain-
reached nadir within 2 weeks, but at the other end of the spec- Barré syndrome. In current clinical practice the value of subtyping
trum 4% had a progressive phase of 4 to 6 weeks, which may by nerve electrophysiology is uncertain. Nerve physiology might
42 | Brain 2014: 137; 33–43 C. Fokke et al.

have prognostic relevance (Cornblath et al., 1988). Importantly, at Koningsveld, Liselotte Ruts, Nikki van Leeuwen, Carina
present there are no definite agreed-upon diagnostic electro- Bunschoten, and the patients participating in the studies. We
physiological criteria for the diagnosis of Guillain-Barré syndrome. also thank David C. Cornblath and James J. Sejvar for their valu-
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drome. The subtyping of Guillain-Barré syndrome is complex as
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