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PDQ Application Form 2019

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Becoming a Cambridge Professional Development Centre

Application form

Section A – Organisation details Section B – Tell us more about your organisation

The principal/head of organisation or nominated programme leader should complete sections A B.1 Please describe your organisation’s experience of providing teacher professional
and B. development programmes.

A.1 Organisation name

A.2 Cambridge Centre number or Registration tracking reference

A.3 Main email

A.4 Website

A.5 Which Cambridge Professional Development Qualifications (PDQs) do you

wish to offer? B.2 Please explain why you want to run a Cambridge Professional Development
Certificate Diploma Qualification programme in your organisation.

in Teaching & Learning

in Teaching Bilingual Learners
in Teaching with Digital Technologies
in Educational Leadership

A.6 Which type of Cambridge Professional Development Centre you wish to be?
A Cambridge school offering PDQ programmes to teachers or leader at your school only.
A Cambridge school offering PDQ programmes to teachers or leaders at your school and
other local schools (on non-commercial basis).
A professional development provider offering PDQ programmes on a commercial basis.
A government organisation or department offering PDQ programmes for teachers or
leaders under your authority.
Becoming a Cambridge Professional Development Centre application form continued

B.3 Please tell us about the professional development needs of the teachers or leaders Section C – Details of the nominated programme leader
for whom you are planning to run the programme (please ensure that your candidates
meet the candidate criteria in the syllabus). This section should be completed by the nominated programme leader.
C.1 Your name

C.2 Current position held in organisation

Headmistress Academics

C.3 Your email

A programme leader is required to:

B.4 How do you plan to recruit teachers or leaders onto the programme?
 old a recognised national teacher qualification (e.g. PGCE, DipEd, BEd, teacher certification)
and provide evidence of this
• have a minimum of five years’ teaching experience
 ave a minimum of two years in a position of responsibility for teacher professional
development (for example, as head of department or director of studies)
 rovide evidence of expertise in the area of focus for the relevant Cambridge PDQ (e.g.
Teaching and Learning, Bilingual Learners, Digital Technologies or Educational Leadership).

B.5 Who will pay the Cambridge candidate entry fees? Will they be paid by the teachers
or leaders, the school or another approach?
Becoming a Cambridge Professional Development Centre application form continued

C.4 Please give details of your teaching background and your experience of designing C.6 Please give details of your experience in the PDQ you wish to offer – Teaching and
and delivering teacher professional development programmes. Learning, Bilingual Learners, Digital Technologies or Educational Leadership.

I have done M.Sc(Mathematics), M.Ed and M.A(Psychology) from Osmania We wish to offer Teaching and Learning limiting to teacher candidates from our
University, Hyderabad, Telangana State, India. school.
I have been teaching for about 24 years - 20 years in CBSE and 4 years in I have undergone online Introductory and Extended course in Mathematics for A
Cambridge A levels and IBDP. levels. I have been the A levels coordinator since 2016. It gave me an opportunity to
I have been the HOD Mathematics for 12 years and the A levels coordinator for 4 conduct need based PD session for the teachers of my section. I have been an
years. active member of the local Cambridge Community and have been instrumental in
As the HOD, I have actively guided my teachers in improving their teaching skills arranging for collaboration and implementing best practices in teaching and
and their subject expertise. In the role of the A level coordinator, I have identified learning.
areas that my teachers need training/help and conducted sessions myself and/or I have facilitated training of teachers in assessment of Board style papers.
arranged for sessions from external resources.

C.5 Please give details of your experience of being a team leader with responsibility for C.7 Which educational theories will you refer to when designing and running
teacher professional development programmes. your programme?

I have been responsible for the following at my school: I will refer to Cognitive Constructivism and Social Constructivism when designing
1. Improving quality of teaching by making class observations and giving immediate and running this programme.
constructive feedback. I will also keep in mind the need of the hour which is to cater to multiple intelligence,
2. Improving academic standard in terms of grades procured in board examination. enhance creative thinking and design thinking.
3. Conducting training sessions for teachers to become mentors.
4. Sessions on general teaching pedagogies and class room management.
5. Curriculum overview for teachers who are new to Cambridge Curriculum.
6. Helping/Guiding teachers in designing question papers.
7. Registering teachers for various Cambridge face to face or online training
Becoming a Cambridge Professional Development Centre application form continued

Section D – Details of the proposed PDQ programme

In this section the nominated programme leader should provide information about their D.3 How do you plan to deliver the programme?
proposed programme and participants.
I will be taking sessions for an hour after school and on Saturdays.
The regular classes at school can be used for practical work
If you wish to deliver more than one Cambridge PDQ syllabus please
complete sections C, D & E for each programme. Cambridge recommends
that each programme is delivered by a separate programme leader.

D.1 The following information is for: D.4 How will the three elements of the programme (i.e. guided learning; individual study
Certificate Diploma and collaborative learning; work-based learning support by the school) be sequenced
to provide a coherent learning programme?
✔ in Teaching & Learning
in Teaching Bilingual Learners The three elements will be sequenced in the following manner:
1. Guided learning - the programme leader will give instructions, hold discussions,
in Teaching with Digital Technologies give assignments which will necessitate a little research to take them through the
in Educational Leadership programme.
2. Individual learning - where the candidates will make their lesson plans,
D.2 Tell us about the professional development needs of the participants and how you worksheets, assignments etc., followed by collaborative learning which will help
have assessed these needs. the candidates refine their plans.
3. The teachers will then execute the plans in their class and modify their plans
The section coordinators identify teachers(usually new recruits) who need based on their class dynamics.
Cambridge training and inform the Cambridge Coordinator who then recommends
the names to the HOS. After an approval is obtained, the candidates are registered
for the training sessions.
Some candidates are identified for training in assessments, Active learning etc.,
and these members in turn train the remaining teachers. D.5 How will the learning from the programme be integrated into the everyday life of the
teacher or leader and the school?

The teacher who undergoes this training will be better equipped to understand the
nuances of teaching - learning process, will be able to plan his/her lessons
considering the different learning styles of students, design proper formative and
summative assessment tasks and will be able to give appropriate feedback to the
The school leader will know what exactly to look for while observing a class and to
guide the teachers properly which in turn helps in improving the standard of the
The learning from the programme will be shared with other teachers.
Becoming a Cambridge Professional Development Centre application form continued

D.6 Tell us about the professional support you will have in place to successfully D.8 What venue and facilities are available for the professional development programme?
deliver the programme. For example, your team, support from exams officer,
We have a number of well furnished, well ventilated and air conditioned rooms which
principal, experienced teachers and mentors.
can accommodate 30 people and large halls which can accommodate more than
Teachers who have been working with our organisation for a year or more have 100 people. these rooms have WiFi routers and projectors. We can also provide
undergone at least the introductory course in their respective subject. candidates with laptops if required.
Our school has leaders at various level - coordinators, headmistresses, Vice
principal and principal all of who have an experience of more than 15 years in
teaching. The HODs of various departments have expertise in their subject content
and guide their department teachers in the content and teaching methodology. The
school is keen to have an in-house master trainer and hence is willing to extend full
support to implement this.
D.9 W
 hat is the intended start date for the programme? It takes approximately four months
to become an accredited programme leader.

End of May or beginning of June

D.10 How many programmes do you intend to run per year?


D.7 How long will the PDQ programme take participants to complete (in weeks D.11 What is the estimated number of candidates in each intake?
per module)?
Module one:

40 hours

Module two:

60 hours

Module three:
50 hours
Becoming a Cambridge Professional Development Centre application form continued

Section E – Declaration

E.1 To be completed by the principal/head of the organisation. E.3 To be completed by the proposed Programme Leader.
I support this application for our organisation to offer programmes for the I confirm that I am authorised to make a formal application to become a programme leader
Cambridge Professional Development Qualifications. for the Cambridge International Professional Development Qualifications on behalf of my
organisation. I understand that candidates entering for the qualifications should be full- or
a) Name part-time teachers or leaders and meet all requirements as outlined in the relevant syllabus.
Iffat Ibrahim
a) Name
b) Job title

c) Email address b) Date
d) Date:
22/05/2019 Please submit this form and supporting documents to

E.2 To be completed by the exams officer On signing this form please note that;
I support this application for our organisation to offer programmes for the On average a programme leader responsible for a school-based programme
Cambridge Professional Development Qualifications. needs to spend 30 per cent of their working week as programme leader. Since the role
is challenging and requires time commitment, it is very unlikely that practically
a) Name a school principal or equivalent could manage this as well as everything else.

K Venkat Raman

b) Email address
Becoming a Cambridge Professional Development Centre application form continued 7

Next steps Programme Leader accreditation

1. Once we receive your application, we will review it and respond to you within ten working days. • A programme leader is accredited for three years, subject to
2. When we accept your application the programme leader will be enrolled on the next online Programme the annual review process. After three years, the programme
Leader Induction course, and the Extension course if you want to offer both Certificate and Diploma. leader must be reaccredited for the organisation to continue to
offer the Cambridge Professional Development qualifications.
3. You will receive detailed enrolment information in the week before the Induction course starts.
• Programme leaders who are accredited for a PDQ at
4. The Induction course is facilitated and interactive. It will introduce you to the key features of the PDQs and Certificate-level and who subsequently wish to offer a
provide guidance to help you develop your programme plan overview and rationale. programme at Diploma level need to contact Cambridge.
5. The Extension course is self-study, and is started after you have completed the Induction course. • If a programme leader leaves the school or organisation,
6. To be accredited as a programme leader you design a programme plan overview and rationale for your a new programme leader will need to be accredited so that
PDQ programme and submit this during the induction course. the school can continue to offer Cambridge PDQs. Please
– If you want to run a Diploma programme you should start to design the programme plan overview for contact Cambridge.
Modules 2 and 3 when you have completed the Induction course and the Extension course. • If a programme leader leaves the school or organisation
7. The programme plan overview and rationale will be reviewed against criteria which can be accessed on the and wants to run a programme at a new organisation, they
professional development learning community site (which programme leaders will have access to when they should contact Cambridge. The programme leader will
enrol for the Induction course). re-apply to Cambridge. Depending on the circumstances,
they may be required to do the online Programme Leader
8. Assuming all activities during the course are completed successfully, we will accredit the programme Induction course again.
leader for that particular PDQ, and the school or organisation will approved as a Cambridge Professional
Development Centre.
9. If activities on the course are not suitably met Programme Leaders will be required to attend the course again.
10. If you are a prospective Cambridge school registration as a Cambridge Professional Development Centre will
be finalised after the programme plan and rationale has been approved.
11. The fees for the Programme Leader Induction and Extension course, and all the PDQs, are on the Cambridge
fees list (which can be downloaded from CIE Direct or your Cambridge Associate).

Please email this form and a scanned copy of your initial teacher training qualification to us at

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