Embedded System
Embedded System
Embedded System
a) microprocessor
b) microcontroller
c) coprocessor
d) controller
2. How are negative numbers stored in a coprocessor?
a) 1’s complement
b) 2’s complement
c) decimal
d) gray
3. How many bits are used for storing signed integers?
a) 2
b) 4
c) 8
d) 16
4. What are the two major sections in a coprocessor?
a) control unit and numeric control unit
b) integer unit and control unit
c) floating point unit and coprocessor unit
d) coprocessor unit and numeric control unit
5. What is 80/20 rule?
a) 80% instruction is generated and 20% instruction is executed
b) 80% instruction is executed and 20% instruction is generated
c) 80%instruction is executed and 20% instruction is not executed
d) 80% instruction is generated and 20% instructions are not generated
6. How is memory accessed in RISC architecture?
a. load and store instruction
b. opcode instruction
c. memory instruction
d. bus instruction
7. Which of the following has a Harvard architecture?
c) PIC