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Airline Ticket Purchasing System: Problem Definition

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Airline Ticket Purchasing System


ITEC 630

Problem Definition

The current Airlines Purchasing System is manual, slow, time consuming and difficult
for each student booking through a booking agent or office. Users are required to book
tickets via telephone which becomes difficult for users to remember details received
from booking agents over the telephone. It is difficult to track how many users are
registered and available seating on each airplane. This process requires time and it is a
money wasting process due to the amount of manpower needed..

Prior to implementing the software, records were maintained on paper and managed
through files which as a result generated inaccurate results, record and information. The
software was designed and developed to address this problem.

The project Airlines Ticket Management System is based on managing the airlines
reservations and sales database. This project will outline the basis information of the
Airlines Ticket Management system and the associated attributes such as staff, users
and other related attributes and how to monitor ticket and airline management.

The data managed by the use of MYSQL database will specify all the fields required for
the project to run smoothly. This project with in other words show how to manage the
available ticketing database. MYSQL provides the ease for users, scalability as has a
great performance thereby making it the most favorite opensource database for
programmers to use. The database will consist of student tables which contains all
information regarding the student like the StudentID, StudentName as well as a mentor
table which consists also of all the necessary information about the mentor. there will
also be a third table which will contain all the batches created for the students and the
ticket cost for each student.


HARDWARE Constraints:


- MINIMUM: 568 MHZ Pentium Processor


- RAM: 64 MB



- 1024*768, true type color-32 Bit


 KEYBOARD: Any Window Supported Keyboard

Software Constraints:

 OPERATING SYSTEM: Windows XP Professional or above

 FRONT END: JAVA/JDK 1.5/JRE or above


The proposed System

The functional requirements describe what is required to complete the project.
The functional requirements for this project include:
- Defining user’s requirements
i. it is important to be clear about the user’s needs so that the project can
satisfy the users expectations.
ii. User’s criteria will be used as input
iii. the project results will be the output

iv. the project is required to accomplish the user’s specifications, be safe and
secure, error free and should also follow the quantity, quality and
timeliness restrictions.
- Defining all the classes that would be used in implementing the oop.
i. define the basic structure of all classes that would be implemented for
instance the student with an abstract method like calcluateTuition, (),
insert (), delete (), modify () the various classes that will redefine the
student class method is graduate, undergraduate, part-timer.
ii. The logic needed to create this is known as input.
iii. the classes layout is the output for the function.
iv. adequate care should be taken to ensure that classes created in the
module follow the OOP consideration.
- Defining the database
i. it is important to define the database that will be used for the project. all
tables needed for the project should be laid out.
ii. use the database requirements as input
iii. use the formal database as output
iv. ensure that the database fulfills all the DB requirements. For instance, the
database tables should be adequate and should contain all mandatory
fields. The database should also be normalized.
- Connecting to the database
i. connection is made between the front end and backend. Here insert (),
delete (), modify () methods that were declared as abstract methods in
base class student is redefined. The redefinition proper code in running
SQL queries will be given subsequently.
ii. The input code for JDBC-ODBC
iii. The connection front-end back-end
iv. Adequate care should be taken so that all exceptions like sql, IO
exceptions that can halt the program is properly handled.


The data flow diagram (DFD) maps out the flow of information for any process or
system. It is used to show the flow of information and data within an application. It gives
a business process idea and is divided into four different levels:
- 0 level DFD
- 1st level DFD
- 2nd level DFD
- 3rd level DFD
The 0 Level is the top level of the data flow diagram which only contains one process

the above data flow diagram shows the main entity, the student and the processes, it
shows their relation to the database with the student record maintained by processing
the information. This data flow diagram will be maintained.
The 1st Level data flow diagram is the next in the DFD where input, output and
processing are differentiated to some extent. The basic entity in this project is the
student class further extended by the classes such as graduate, post graduate, mentor
and part-time. The diagram below shows the 1st level DFD.

The 2nd level

System and database design (Physical model design)


The project has been divided into two parts the front end and the backend. The front
end uses an interface between user and the backend. The frontend takes the values
from each user and performs the necessary tasks, then transfers these values to the
backend where the end results are saved.
HTML is used to develop the frontend in order to provide an interaction platform
between the user and the software. The frontend contains other elements which are
used to give a dynamic look to the interface. CSS Flash is used to enhance the dynamic
use of the interface.
Java Scripting Programing (JSP)
This is a language used at the front end to implement and facilitate the performance of
certain steps to maintain data integrity. This is done by validating the users entered
values for instance if the user enters a character in place of a number in the mobile
number field, the system will not validate the data. It will however check the entered
value and provide an alert cautioning the user to fill in the accurate value.

For the backend, MYSQL server 2012 Is used to maintain the database. All records and
information regarding the students and their counselors, institutions and courses will be
maintained in the database which in a way is a data repository. Every value or
information entered by the student or their counselor is stored within the database. The
SQL server facilitates the development process. With the help of a processor, values
from two different tables can be accessed easily.

Java Database Connection (JDBC)

Since the software has been divided into two parts, connection is needed to established
between the backend and the front end. this connection is established via JDBC which
is actually coded in java language and implemented in the scripting part of the html

Data design

Table: User

Attributes: user_no(Primary Key), first_name,last_name,street , postcode,


Table: Tickets

Attributes: ticket_no(primary Key),destination,start,date,flight_no

Table: Flight

Attributes: Flight_no(primary Key),no_of_passangers,staff_no,

Table: Staff

Attributes: user_no(Primary Key), first_name,last_name,street , postcode,



First Normal Form:

Table: User

Attributes: user_no, first_name,last_name,street , postcode,


Table: Tickets

Attributes: ticket_no,destination,start,date,flight_no

Table: Flight

Attributes: Flight_no,no_of_passangers,staff_no,

Table: Staff

Attributes: user_no, first_name,last_name,street , postcode, dob,sex,position,location

2nd Normal Form:

Table: User

Attributes: user_no(Primary Key), first_name,last_name,street , postcode,

dob,sex,staff_no(foreign Key),ticket_no foreign Key),Flight_no (foreign Key)

Table: Tickets

Attributes: ticket_no(primary Key),destination,start,date,flight_no( foreign Key)

Table: Flight

Attributes: Flight_no(primary Key),no_of_passangers,staff_no( foreign Key)

Table: Staff

Attributes: Staff_no(Primary Key), first_name,last_name,street , postcode,


Third Noraml Form:

Table: User

Attributes: user_no(Primary Key), first_name,last_name,street , postcode, dob,sex,

Table: Tickets

Attributes: ticket_no(primary Key),destination,start,date

Table: Flight

Attributes: Flight_no(primary Key),no_of_passangers,

Table: Staff

Attributes: user_no(Primary Key), first_name,last_name,street , postcode,



System architecture
This system is developed on the web server technology in which the request are taken
from the front end. This request is then transferred in the form of an HTTP request to
the business. In the proposed system, the business rules is composed in JSP and
JDBC which acts as an intermediate between the frontend and the backend,
establishing a connection between both systems. In the backend, the database is used
to store all the information regarding each and every aspect of the system.

I recommend that administrators and staff of airlines companies be trained on how to

use the system, enabling them to understand the functionality of the entire system.
More research should be done to fully identify and eliminate some of the weaknesses
and trending security concerns with online payments and data collection. There is need
for the system upgrade as users’ requirements change. Users requirements differ with
time; therefore, it would be of great business advantage for the system to be flexible.
The system should be encouraged to compensate the system. However, much system
access is protected by a username and a password, the computer system as a whole
should be protected from unauthorized users to avoid misuse and damage of the
system components. Users should carefully choose usernames and password to avoid
security breach of the system. Backups and updates should be done regularly to avoid
hardware or software malfunctions.


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