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101 Coaching NichesG

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101 Real
Glenn Livingston, Ph.D.
Niches Sharon Livingston, Ph.D.

Originally trained as a psychologist, Dr. Glenn Livingston has helped literally

thousands of clients. Along with his wife Sharon, he’s sold consulting,
teambuilding, and workshops to big names like AT&T, Nextel, Panasonic,
Whirlpool, Novartis, Lipton, Colgate-Palmolive, Kraft, and Panasonic. Their
work, research, and theories have been seen in major media publications like
The New York Times, Entrepreneur Magazine, Crain’s NY Business, AdWeek,
America West, and more! (For documentation of these media appearances please
click here, then click the media logos on the top of the page)

In Just Twelve Weeks You Can Become a Professional Coach:

Confident in Your Abilities AND Client Attraction Skills
(click here for more information)
"Do You Have What It Takes to Develop a Successful, Full
Time Coaching Career? Take the FREE Coaching Test to Help
Leverage Your Strengths And Achieve Career Goals Faster"

Click Here to Take the FREE Coaching Test

Table of Contents

Introduction...................................................................................................................... 6
FAQs ............................................................................................................................... 8
1. Academic Coaching .................................................................................................. 9
2. Adoption Coaching ................................................................................................. 10
3. ADD/ADHD Coaching ............................................................................................. 11
4. Anti-aging Coaching ............................................................................................... 11
5. Artistic Coaching ..................................................................................................... 12
6. Asthma and Allergies Coaching .............................................................................. 12
7. Attorney Coaching .................................................................................................. 13
8. Autism Spectrum Coaching .................................................................................... 13
9. Alternative and Cooperative Health Coaching ........................................................ 14
10. Alternative Lifestyles Coaching............................................................................ 15
11. Athletic Coaching................................................................................................. 15
12. Bird Owners/Breeding Coaching ......................................................................... 16
13. Business Coaching .............................................................................................. 16
14. Cancer Coaching ................................................................................................. 17
15. Career Coaching ................................................................................................. 18
16. Cat Owner/Breeder Coaching.............................................................................. 18
17. Culinary Arts Coaching ........................................................................................ 19
18. Christian Life Coaching ....................................................................................... 19
19. Clergy Coaching .................................................................................................. 20
20. Coaching the Coach ............................................................................................ 20
21. College Entrance Coaching ................................................................................. 21
22. Communications Coaching .................................................................................. 22
23. Conflict Management Coaching........................................................................... 23
24. Co-Parenting Coaching ....................................................................................... 23
25. Couples Coaching ............................................................................................... 24
26. Cultural Relations Coaching ................................................................................ 25
27. Diabetes Coaching .............................................................................................. 26
28. Divine Calling Coaching ...................................................................................... 26
29. Divorce Coaching ................................................................................................ 27
30. Dog Owner/Showing/Breeder Coaching .............................................................. 28
31. Educator Coaching .............................................................................................. 28
32. End-of-Life Coaching ........................................................................................... 29
33. Engineering Coaching ......................................................................................... 30
34. Entrepreneur Coaching ....................................................................................... 30
35. Ethics Coaching................................................................................................... 31
36. Etiquette Coaching .............................................................................................. 32
37. Executive Coaching ............................................................................................. 33
38. Exotic Pet Coaching ............................................................................................ 33
39. Family Coaching .................................................................................................. 34
40. Farming/Ranching Coaching ............................................................................... 35
41. Fertility Coaching ................................................................................................. 35
42. 4H Coaching ........................................................................................................ 36
43. Grandparent Coaching ........................................................................................ 37
44. Hairstylist/Nail Tech Coaching ............................................................................. 37
45. Health Coaching .................................................................................................. 38
46. Heart Health Coaching ........................................................................................ 39
47. Heart’s Desire Coaching ...................................................................................... 39
48. Hobby Coaching .................................................................................................. 40
49. Home Buying/Selling Coach ................................................................................ 40
50. Homemaking Coach ............................................................................................ 41
51. Homebuilding/Renovations Coach ...................................................................... 41
52. Horse Training Coaching ..................................................................................... 42
53. Hospitality Coaching ............................................................................................ 43
54. Interior Design Coaching ..................................................................................... 43
55. Laughter Coaching .............................................................................................. 44
56. Leadership Coaching........................................................................................... 44
57. Life Goals Coaching ............................................................................................ 45
58. Loss Coaching ..................................................................................................... 46
59. Marketing Coaching............................................................................................. 47
60. Maternity Coaching.............................................................................................. 47
61. Medical Conditions Coaching .............................................................................. 48
62. Men’s Empowerment Coaching ........................................................................... 49
63. Mental Health Professional Coaching .................................................................. 49
64. Military Career Coaching ..................................................................................... 50
65. Military Transition Coaching ................................................................................ 50
66. Motivational Coaching ......................................................................................... 51
67. Nature Coaching.................................................................................................. 51
68. Nursing Coaching ................................................................................................ 52
69. Organizational Coaching ..................................................................................... 53
70. Parenting Coaching ............................................................................................. 53
71. Performance Arts Coaching................................................................................. 54
72. Personal Development Coaching ........................................................................ 55
73. Personal Finance Coaching ................................................................................ 55
74. Personal Shopper Coaching ................................................................................ 56
75. Personal Style Coaching ..................................................................................... 57
76. Physician Coaching ............................................................................................. 57
77. Play Coaching ..................................................................................................... 58
78. Political Coaching ................................................................................................ 58
79. Procrastination Coaching .................................................................................... 59
80. Public Relations Coaching ................................................................................... 60
81. Real Estate Professional Coaching ..................................................................... 60
82. Restaurateur Coaching ........................................................................................ 61
83. Recovery Coaching ............................................................................................. 62
84. Relationship Coaching ......................................................................................... 62
85. Retirement Coaching ........................................................................................... 63
86. Sales Coaching ................................................................................................... 63
87. Self-Esteem Coaching ......................................................................................... 64
88. Singles Coaching................................................................................................. 64
89. Social Media Coaching ........................................................................................ 65
90. Special Needs Coaching ..................................................................................... 66
91. Spiritual Wisdom Coaching ................................................................................. 66
92. Stress Management Coaching ............................................................................ 67
93. Success Coaching ............................................................................................... 68
94. Team-Building Coaching ..................................................................................... 68
95. Technology Coaching .......................................................................................... 68
96. Transitional Coaching .......................................................................................... 69
97. Veterinary Coaching ............................................................................................ 70
98. Volunteer Coordinator Coaching ......................................................................... 71
99. Wedding Planner Coaching ................................................................................. 71
100. Weight Loss Coaching ......................................................................................... 72
101. Women’s Empowerment Coaching ..................................................................... 73


Do you feel driven to help others? Perhaps you've walked through a dark place and come out on the
other side… and now you want to share your experience with others. Maybe you're at a point in your
life where you’ve accomplished certain important goals and now you want to do something to give
back. Or maybe you're just looking for a new, rewarding career where you can set your own hours,
work from anywhere, and make a genuine difference while you're making a living! (And one you can
easily start part time in under an hour a day)…

If so, then coaching may be for you.

But most coaches make a critical business mistake by advertising as a general coach. Because
they're focused on their own communication skills, and because these skills are applicable to ANY
problem, they reason they should put themselves out in the market as a general coach.

That's a big mistake from both a marketing perspective AND a coaching-skills-development

perspective. Why?

First of all, when you advertise as a general coach, you're putting yourself in direct competition with
all the other general coaches. Now, even though there's a lot less competition than you may think—
as of this publication there were only 20,000 active coaches in North America (one for every 15,000
people… compare this to the hundreds of thousands of counselors, therapists, psychiatrists and
social workers!)—you can still seriously increase your odds of successfully attracting clients by
choosing a specific niche…

But there's a bigger reason you should niche…

When you choose to solve a specific problem for a specific audience you can BUILD YOUR
CONFIDENCE as a coach a lot faster. And the same goes for your ability to CONSISTENTLY

CONFIDENCE is what makes it possible to charge more and keep clients longer, while
RESULTS are contagious: Friends, family, and colleagues of those you helped achieve
lasting, positive change are much more likely to notice and ask for your number.
Yes, there are many, many factors which influence a coach's income. But in the
end confidence and the ability to deliver results is where the rubber hits the road, in our not-so-
humble opinions. For example, we've seen phenomenal coaches—who are very bad at
business—do extremely well because of the strength of their referrals...

CONFIDENCE also helps you keep clients long enough to accomplish their most desired
results. It creates a significant reduction in the need to acquire new clients, and can seriously
improve referral percentages...a powerful combination! (Of course it's entirely up to you
whether you want to use a long term or short term coaching model. There are pros and cons
to both, but you should know our coaching SYSTEM is unique in its focus on preventing clients
from leaving prematurely before they've reached their goals).

CONFIDENCE in your ability to DELIVER RESULTS is really how you can sustain high-paying
clients for years at a time...

So choosing to niche is a very important part of a successful coach's career path!

Now, some people worry that they're going to "box themselves in" by choosing a niche. They agonize
for years about the decision because they're sure they're going to have to live with it forever. But
nothing could be further from the truth: By choosing an initial niche you make it possible to more
easily get clients and develop both coaching and marketing skills. These skills are easily transferable
to other niches once you get the hang of it.

Others refuse to niche because they're concerned they'll get bored talking about and solving the
same set of problems, day in and day out for years. I understand why people may THINK this, but in
practice it's a very different story because once you "take the thorn out of the lion's paw" (solve your
client's MOST pressing problem), it's only natural for them to bring you issues from the rest of their

So in reality, if your goal is to have a practice full of clients who talk to you about the full spectrum of
their lives in an intimate and trusting way… niching IS the way to get there in our experience!

If you just step back and think about it, it really makes sense. Because most people don't wake up in
the morning thinking "Gee, I think I need a coach… today's the day I'm going to call one!"…

Instead they think things like "Why the heck can't I stop eating chocolate?", "I can't stand the
attorneys at my firm, I need to find a new one or start my own!", "How can I help my child get better
grades in school so (s)he can get into college?", "My wife is driving me crazy, I just can't figure out
how to talk to her", "It's almost impossible to navigate this 'adopt a kid from China' maze, help!", "My
business partner is a cheat. He's also my brother. How do I get him out after all these years?", "How
the heck am I ever going to get this dog to stop crapping on the carpet?", "Why can't I break 200 in
bowling?", "I've been diagnosed with a terminal illness and I'm terrified", etc.
And if these kind people were met with Chocolate Addiction Coaches, Legal Career Coaches,
Adoption Coaches, Family Business Coaches, Academic Parenting Coaches, etc, it becomes
immediately obvious why they're SO much easier to attract.

Solving a specific problem for a specific audience is the first step to reaching the next level in
your coaching career (or even getting to square one!)

REMEMBER: Coaches today can work with anyone across the globe thanks to Skype and Video
Conferencing on the internet. And they can reach a much larger and more specific audience for less
money, time, and effort than was ever possible in the past.

When you think about it, the real question isn't "Should I Choose a Specific Coaching Niche?" but
which one is best for you to get started with!

That’s why we’ve listed 101 real coaching specialties to help you get some ideas about the areas
where you can excel as a coach. From coaching in hobbies that may help you establish a modest
second income to coaching in business-related areas that could net you a significant salary, we’ve
covered all the bases to give you a number of ideas.

So, dear reader, press ahead and see which coaching niche might be the right career for you!


What is a coach?

Coaches work with individuals either one on one or in groups to help them to set and achieve goals.
Coaches help their clients by identifying barriers to reaching goals and helping them find ways to
overcome those barriers. Since they are experts in their coaching niche, they can provide
encouragement, support, and assistance in a way that no one else can.

Coaching is NOT psychotherapy, counseling, or medicine, etc., so you don't need any special
background to enter the profession. You can (and should) refer clients with more trouble problems
and/or medical issues to licensed health professionals. "When in Doubt, Refer Them Out!" These
professionals can also become a great referral source back to you in your network!

Why do people go to coaches?

Most people need to achieve success in something or overcome an issue that is holding them back at
having a full and happy life. Coaches, having been through similar experiences, can help guide others
to the path to the life they envision and encourage them while they are on the road. Coaches can help
their clients avoid pitfalls or getting sidetracked. They can inspire their clients by sharing their own
experience and success.

What is the right personality for coaching?

That’s one of the most beautiful things about coaching. You don’t have to be a loud guy with a
megaphone yelling at your clients. You don’t have to be a slick salesperson. EVERY personality can
be a successful coach because all personality types need coaching! You can develop a coaching
style and strategy based on your individual personality that will be effective and keep you on the track
to success.

What sort of skills does a coach need?

Successful coaches are good listeners and are observant of other people’s behaviors. They have
excellent communication skills, too. But don’t worry if you are afraid you don’t have these skills. They
can be learned. What CAN’T be taught is a genuine love for people and a desire to help others. If you
have those qualities, you can be a great coach!

What kinds of coaching niches are out there?

The numbers of coaching niches are endless! Virtually every career, every sport, every school
subject, and even every hobby can be a coaching opportunity. Even the pitfalls in life like chronic
illnesses and loss, can be successful coaching niches. Life events, like marriage, having children and
even retirement offer wide varieties of coaching opportunities.

Depending on your gender, ethnicity or social location, you can narrow your niche even further,
attracting exactly the kinds of clients with whom you want to work. Use your imagination!

To get you started in finding the best coaching niche, here are 101 ideas to get your creative juices

1. Academic Coaching

If you have been a teacher or are naturally a good student, you may have found your niche.
Academic coaches can work with students at every grade level through post-doctorate work.

Clients come to academic coaches when they are not achieving their academic goals. They may be
frustrated, unmotivated, overwhelmed or lacking in self-confidence. Most clients can be helped in a
matter of weeks or months. If they are younger, they will most likely also have frustrated, or even
hopeless, parents. You may choose to coach both the students and the parents together, separately,
or both.

Academic coaches help their clients by helping them develop the tools to succeed in the classroom.
They determine the skills the client needs by determining their roadblocks to success and what the
specific challenges are. The academic coach identifies the client’s strengths and weaknesses that
can be incorporated into a plan for success.

Clients may need help in areas such as study techniques, organizational skills, time management,
communication skills or self-confidence. Coaches may help clients work more effectively with tutors
and their instructors. They may refer clients to outside resources to get help with particular issues,
like vision or hearing, if those issues seem to be part of the problem.

Besides a history of academic success and the knowledge of how you got there, helpful skills that you
may possess or can learn would be motivational methods, active listening and empathy.
One of the joys of academic coaching is watching clients blossom into students who love learning.
Successful clients look forward to school and academic challenge. Learning lasts for a lifetime, and
being an academic coach can help students find ways to be a successful student currently and
beyond their years of education.

2. Adoption Coaching

Adoption is an emotional life event even under the best of circumstances. Coaches can help
everyone involved in the process: birth parents, birth grandparents, birth siblings, the adoptee, the
adoptive parents and the adoptive siblings. Coaching is frequently needed from before the baby is
born, during the adoption process, and in some cases, into the adoptee’s adulthood.

You can choose to work with birth parents and grandparents from the time that they begin
considering adoption, through the pregnancy, during the birth and adoption, and through the
adjustment period after the adoption.

Birth families need coaches to listen. Coaches can provide guidance to help them decide if adoption
is the best option. They can work with their clients to develop a list of characteristics they want in
adoptive families. They can provide emotional support during the pregnancy, birth, and through the
adoption process. They can also help the birth family formulate a plan to negotiate their new
relationship with the birth family, if they choose to have one.

Families hoping to adopt need coaching as well. They can work with their coach to develop a find the
appropriate birth parents. Coaches can help them manage their expectations during the selection and
the adoption process. They can also help them determine the relationship that they will have with the
birth family, if they choose.

Adult adoptees, their spouses, and birth families begin searches every year to find each other. An
adoption search coach can help them prepare for their search, set goals, and help adoptees learn to
manage the emotions that come up for them as well as their adopted and birth families during the

Successful adoption coaches have been through the process that they plan to coach. They should
have the ability to listen. Good coaches will know when to refer their clients to mental health or legal
experts. They need the ability to be able to track complicated relationships through notes or memory.
Besides experience with the appropriate aspect of adoption, helpful skills you can possess or learn
are online research, organization, planning, goal-setting, and empathy.

The reward in adoption coaching is sharing the peace that a family has after making the right decision
for them about an unwanted pregnancy. Or experiencing the joy adoptive parents feel when they
bring their child home. A joy is witnessing an adoptee seeing a photo of a family member who looks
like him for the first time.
3. ADD/ADHD Coaching

Approximately 9 percent of all children in the United States will be diagnosed with Attention Deficit
Disorder or Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder. It’s a condition that frustrates teachers, confounds
parents, and devastates the child afflicted with it.

An ADD/ADHD coach can work with children, parents, teachers, or combinations of all three, to help
children diagnosed with the condition learn to excel socially and academically. You can also choose
to work with the millions of adults who struggle with the effects of ADD/ADHD in the work
environment and in their personal lives.

As an ADD/ADHD coach, you will work with your clients to determine the best personalized tools to
help them learn to communicate with others, manage time, staying on task, and actively making
conscious choices. You and your clients will set goals and other measures to determine improvement
and areas that need extra work. In addition to the experience of helping others with ADD/ADHD, skills
you can possess or learn are how to form a close bond, communication skills, time management, and

The rewards of being an ADD/ADHD coach is watching clients gain self-confidence and develop
greater self-esteem as they learn tools to deal with day-to-day living situations that used to frustrate
or anger them. You’ll watch your clients bloom socially, academically and professionally as they
practice their new coping skills and meet their goals.

4. Anti-Aging Coaching

Any coaching niche that targets those over the age of 50 has a good chance of succeeding because
of the millions of baby boomers that make up this large, and growing, sector of society. Because of
the sector's size, it's possible to be more specific in your niche-targeting, increasing the prospect's
perception that "this is exactly for me!": You could, for example, target anti-aging coaching specifically
to men in their 50s.

Although Americans are living longer lives, they are not necessarily living longer with an exceptional
quality of life. That’s where anti-aging coaches come in. From helping those in their 40s and 50s
learn ways to keep their mental and physical prowess from decreasing rapidly with age, to coaching
those in their 80s and 90s ways to stay mentally and physically healthy enough to continue to live in
their own homes, there are a wide variety of specialties within this niche.

People who seek out an anti-aging coach may be those who want to keep their edge professionally
while competing with younger people. They may want to learn techniques to keep them physically
and mentally fit as long as possible. The very elderly may want to coping mechanisms to help them
with day-to-day living skills.

Besides an appreciation of the age clients they plan to serve, skills an anti-aging coach can possess
or develop include active listening, goal setting, and age appropriate physical and mental training.
The rewards of anti-aging coaching include helping people determine ways to continue to lead
productive, gratifying lives despite the limits that age imposes on everyone as they age. Some clients
will feel as if they have gotten parts of their lives back as they learn new ways to handle day-to-day
living skills or to do things they thought they would have to give up forever.

5. Artistic Coaching

Sculptors, fiber artists, painters and other artists often need help in a variety of areas to help them be
successful and to stay challenged creatively. An artistic coach can help them with everything from
putting together a portfolio to developing a business model. In addition, the coach will help the artist
find her creative muse to expand and explore the ability to create.

Artists will hire artistic coaches when they are stuck creatively to help them take their work to a new
level. Some new artists may want to learn how to price their work and approach galleries to show
their pieces. They may wish to consult a coach to learn ways to market their work without
compromising their art. Some art students may engage an artistic coach to help them put together a
portfolio for art school admissions. Other artists may want an honest critique from a trusted, impartial
individual who can give them direction.

In addition to understanding the soul of the artist, the creative concept, and loving art, skills an artistic
coach may already have or can learn include critiquing, methods to spark creativity, sales and
marketing, and art business.

The rewards of artistic coaching include helping to develop new talent and watching artists learn to
succeed in either a new artistic direction or even financially. You will help them develop skills to
overcome creative block and to grow in creativity.

6. Asthma and Allergies Coaching

A large number of children and adults suffer physically, mentally, and emotionally from allergies and
asthma. In addition to learning skills to help them cope with their condition, they need help identifying
items in their environment that could be making them sick. (Note: Never represent yourself as a
medical professional if you aren't one. Asthma and Allergy coaches usually work as a supplemental
resource for a patient already receiving medical treatment)

You could narrow down this niche by working with children, adults, with asthma, with airborne
allergies, or with food allergies. Each area has its own specific challenges for the sufferer. From the
teen who wants to play sports to the parent with a child who has a potentially fatal nut allergy, a
coach can help both practically and psychologically.

In addition to some experience in coping with the symptoms of asthma and allergies, a great coach
would possess, or be willing to learn, techniques to lesson symptoms, an interest to keep up with the
latest treatments, and the ability to understand the anxiety and social stigma sometimes associated
with these conditions.
The rewards of allergy and asthma coaching are watching your clients feeling better and
accomplishing things they couldn’t before. A hike in the woods during pollen season or a child
learning how to eat foods that won’t endanger her health or her life can be life-changing for those with
chronic allergies and asthma.

7. Attorney Coaching

The legal profession is more challenging than ever in the 21st century. Attorneys need coaching to
learn how to market their practice, avoid burnout, identify a niche where they can excel, or to learn
how to hand over a practice to a partner when it’s time to retire.

Lawyers also hire coaches to help them determine how to get appointed or elected as a judge.
Female attorneys need help learning how to break the glass ceiling. (Yes, still!) New law school
graduates may need guidance in choosing a specialty that can afford them a good living and give
them the room to grow. Attorneys appreciate a neutral colleague who can guide them without bias.

You can narrow down this niche by working specifically with one gender or one law specialty. You
can also work with lawyers in different phases of their career, from recent law school graduates
getting ready to take the bar to retiring attorneys who are planning to phase out of their practices.

Besides having a background in law, an attorney coach can possess or be willing to learn skills like
legal marketing, politics, goal-setting, practice management, and active listening. Some coaches find
that since laws vary from state to state, they only work with attorneys in their area. Others choose to
learn about law practice in neighboring states, as well.

The rewards of attorney coaching include helping lawyers and law students create practices that
allow them to be happy and successful. With coaching, attorneys can reach their full potential.

Important Note: You don't need to be an attorney to coach them! You just need to commit to learning
the issues they face, and representing yourself honestly. As a matter of fact, this applies to coaching
virtually any profession. We know of very successful dental coaches, for example, who aren't dentists
themselves. (Sometimes people inside a profession are very thankful for the outside perspective. I
found this out in business when I started doing six figure consulting projects for Fortune 500
companies without having ANY formal training in business!)

8. Autism Spectrum Coaching

An explosion of autism, Asperger’s and other related developmental brain disorders has occurred
nationwide over the last decade. These disorders, known as the autism spectrum, create verbal and
social challenges for children. Early intervention is considered the best hope for a child with an autism
spectrum disorder.

Parents often deal with a child who may need constant attention and the morass of doctors,
therapists, and other professionals that offer a wide variety of behavioral treatments and medications.
Parents come to coaches to develop a plan of attack to help their child live with their disorders so that
they have a chance at academic and social success. A coach can also work directly with some
higher-functioning older children and teen-agers to shift some of the responsibility of their care to

You can further break down this niche into working with children in particular age groups. You can
also work with families of children with particular autism spectrum disorders, such as Asperger’s or
Rett’s syndromes.

An autism spectrum coach, besides having some experience with the treatment of the disorders,
should have or be willing to learn goal-setting techniques, time-management skills, active listening
skills, and ways to engage the child into mutually shared experiences. Parents will need emotional
support, especially if their child has been recently diagnosed.

The rewards of being an autism spectrum coach is helping parents become more comfortable with
both the healthcare professionals caring for their child and the behavioral therapy techniques and
structure that is required for them to employ at home to help their child. You’ll watch children respond
to therapy and begin to become more successful academically and more self-confident socially.

9. Alternative and Cooperative Health Coaching

More and more, people with chronic diseases are turning to alternative and cooperative healthcare
providers to manage symptoms or restore them to health. The mainstream medical community is
becoming more open to working with patients who want to pursue these treatments. A coach can help
a patient determine the best alternative therapies for them and teach the patient how to communicate
effectively with all of his health care providers.

Clients come to alternative and cooperative healthcare coaches to develop a plan for determining
what treatments to attempt. They need strategies to help them determine if the treatments are
effective. Clients also need help communicating between their mainstream healthcare providers and
their alternative providers.

Specialties within this niche could focus on the kind of care the client plans to try, like acupuncture,
herbal remedies or meditation. Other specialties could be determined by the disease or disorder the
patient is hoping can be treated. From cancer patients to people experiencing depression, a large
segment of patients try alternative and cooperative treatments in addition to traditional medicine.

The alternative and cooperative health coach needs to have some experience in obtaining or using
these treatments. Other skills you can possess or be willing to learn are effective communication,
goal-setting, active listening, and the ability to be appropriately honest with patients who may not
accept the outcome of their therapies.

The rewards of this coaching niche are that you do see patients get better emotionally, mentally, and
sometimes physically. Those with terminal conditions may be content that they did everything they
could to try to get well. There will also be others who beat the odds and return to complete health.
Your coaching allows you to be with them on their journey to health.

10. Alternative Lifestyles Coaching

A significant segment of the population today is gay, bisexual, transsexual or transgender. As more
and more people make the decision to live their lives in a way that they can be true to themselves,
issues related to these lifestyles can leave people hurt, frustrated, and frightened. Loved ones may
also wish to have coaching to help them determine the best ways to lend emotional support.

Clients come to alternative lifestyles coaches to determine the best way to “come out” to their family,
friends, and employers. Others may want help to determine the best way for them to become a
parent. In the case of the transgendered, those in transition to becoming the person they know that
they want to be may need help creating goals and plans, including and not limited to how they will
finance their reassignment surgeries.

You could narrow down this category to particular genders and lifestyles. You may choose to only
work with men-to-women trans-genders, for example. You can also work with specific age groups,
like lesbians over the age of 30 who are coming out.

In addition to experience in the alternative lifestyle you plan to coach, you may also possess or be
willing to learn active listening skills, financial planning, and goal setting techniques.

Among the rewards that you will experience as an alternative lifestyles coach is the knowledge that
you helped someone become whole and complete. You will help people banish fear from their lives
and replace it with love.

11. Athletic Coaching

Athletic coaching is the quintessential coach that many of us picture. Athletic coaches help athletes
train physically, mentally, and emotionally for particular events. They work one-on-one with the
athlete to determine her strengths and weaknesses and how to parlay those assets into the best
athletic skills possible.

Clients hire athletic coaches when they are trying to reach the next level of talent, such as a high
school student wanting to improve their skills so that they can catch the eye of college recruiters.
Athletes may need help from a coach to stay motivated or to improve a particular skill. After an injury,
an athlete may require one-on-one coaching to conduct the rehabilitative work they need to do and
learn new techniques to keep from getting re-injured.

Athletic coaches can represent any sport. They can work with either gender or any age group. They
can even specialize in one particular aspect of coaching in a sport, such as free-throw shooting in
basketball or serving in tennis.
Besides being an expert in their sport, athletic coaches may possess, or can learn, methods to
motivate athletes, goal-setting strategies, fitness strategies, nutrition plans and creativity.

The rewards of athletic coaching include helping athletes reach their full potential. Sports helps young
people learn how to work in a team and how to set goals. The skills that you impart to an athlete will
help them through their entire life.

12. Bird Owners/Breeding Coaching

From keeping chickens in the city to raising cockatiels, birds are particular pets that require a lot of
knowledge to help them thrive. For those new to bird ownership or bird lovers who want to breed or
show their pets, a coach that knows the tricks of bird care can be invaluable.

People will seek out bird coaches if they have birds that are competing in shows. Those wishing to
get into breeding or raising chickens for eggs may also look for a coach. Even new bird owners may
seek help from a coach to help them with behavioral problems.

Bird owner coaching, like all pet coaching niches, probably won’t result in a six-figure income.
However, it can be a nice sideline for an experienced bird lover. Other skills bird owner coaches can
possess or be willing to learn are goal-setting, active listening, the ability to quickly sum up people’s
skill level in bird care, and the ability to create a plan for bird owners to implement.

Rewards of bird owner coaching include sharing your love of birds with new owners. You can also
help birds that are having behavioral problems lead happier, healthier lives.

13. Business Coaching

One of the most lucrative coaching niches is in the world of business because people will almost
always more easily part with money when they believe it will result in MORE bottom line income.
Business coaching is also one of the versatile, with virtually thousands of specialties. From helping
with specific challenges in particular industries to coaching people in various skills, you will find
endless possibilities if you choose to be a business coach.

Business people striving to get ahead know a coach can help them refine their skills, break bad
habits, and become better at marketing, management, finance, etc. People who come to a business
coach include (but are not limited to) salespersons who want to perfect their closing, a business
owner who needs guidance moving into a new market, or a manager striving to climb the ladder of
corporate success.

Business coach specialties run the gamut of helping someone sharpen their marketing skills to giving
pointers to a client about how to ask for a raise. (And one important distinction within the business
coaching world is whether you'll be targeting business owners vs. doing career coaching with
executives in larger corporations)
Clients may need help with basic skills, such as time management or organization. A manager may
require help dealing with a situation between two employees. Another may want coaching about how
to work with a particular vendor. A new mom may need help learning how to work more effectively,
instead of more hours.

In addition to being a successful business person who has identified a skill or skills to coach, it would
be helpful if you possess or are willing to learn motivational approaches, active listening, business
plan development, and the ability to identify strengths, weaknesses, and practical solutions.

The rewards of being a business coach include using your successes and failures to help others
develop their careers. You’ll help people identify their biggest assets and weaknesses, and learn how
to use them to craft a successful, fulfilling career.

14. Cancer Coaching

Despite the strides medicine has made in cancer treatment and cures, it is still one of the most
frightening diagnoses that anyone can face. Patients undergoing treatment, as well as their families,
need help in staying positive, maneuvering the medical system, and taking advantage of all means
available for a cure or, if that is not possible, good quality of life as long as possible.

Cancer patients seek out coaches for a variety of issues. Some need help determining what to tell
family, friends and their employer. Others want help from someone outside of the medical community
who will coach them about getting information they can understand from their physicians. Others want
to establish a plan and goals when seeking alternative care. Cancer coaches also help patients find
support groups and possible medical trials that would be appropriate. If a patient is terminal, the
coach can help them create a plan for end-of-life issues.

Cancer coaches may work the patient, the patient’s spouse or even their children. The diagnosis
affects everyone in relationship with the cancer patient. Family members need help coping with the
stress of the loss of income, the grueling treatment schedule, or the physical and emotional changes
they see in their loved one.

Cancer coaches should most likely have experience either beating cancer or supporting a loved one
through the disease…although if you have a genuine commitment and interest in helping cancer
patients, you can acquire the experience through volunteering, etc.

Other skills they should possess or be willing to learn are long-term and short-term planning, goal
setting, and active listening. They will also want to know the process of getting into a medical trial and
where to look for support groups.

The rewards of cancer coaching include walking alongside someone who is oftentimes fighting for
their life. Coaches have the ability to share their experience and strength with someone else who is
suffering. A cancer coach gets to celebrate the victories and mourn the losses with cancer patients
and their families.
Like all other medically oriented coaching problems, never represent yourself as a medical
professional and ensure your client is working with an appropriate medical team before you begin
cancer coaching.

15. Career Coaching

Career coaches help people determine what career for which they are the best suited and help them
become successful in their chosen field. This is a particularly successful coaching niche right now in a
high-unemployment economy. Many people are switching careers to more lucrative ones or switching
careers from industries that are dying in the United States. Those looking for work want to work with
someone who will help them get a leg up on the competition.

Although you can choose to focus on particular industries, most career coaches focus on helping their
clients reach their full potential in the field they choose, sometimes after helping them assess their
strengths, weaknesses, and interests to help clients determine what they want to do for a living.

People who come to career coaches are seeking help with skills like resume writing, interviewing, and
how to look for a job. Some are looking at determining how to market themselves for a promotion or
to switch specialties or even careers. Others want help in evaluating job offers or putting together a

You can narrow down your niche by working with particular groups of clients. Maybe you have
experience as an executive, finding a job in the civilian world after leaving the military, or returning to
Corporate America after devoting several years to raise children. Other niches include older workers,
the unemployed, the underemployed, people from other cultures, entrepreneurs going back to work
as an employee, or entry-level workers.

Besides your experience and training in your work, a career coach needs to possess or be willing to
develop skills related to interviewing, job offer evaluation, developing a career plan, active listening,
the skill to assess their clients’ abilities, and research skills to guide clients to find industry-related

16. Cat Owner/Breeder Coaching

Pet cats have exploded in popularity over the last 20 years. Owners, breeders, and those who show
cats need help in a variety of areas. As with all pet niches, cat owner or breeder coaches will have a
harder time turning this particular specialty into a full-time living. But for those who are dedicated to
cats and their well-being, this is a great coaching opportunity.

Cats, in general, are notorious about being finicky about most things. That trait can lead to challenges
for owners and breeders. From eating issues to two cats not getting along with each other, frustrated
owners are looking for help. Others that may hire a coach include people who are interested in
showing their cats at shows.

In addition to having skills in cat care, a cat owner/breeder coach will possess or be willing to learn
behavioral modification techniques to teach owners, breed standards for showing cats, and active
listening. For behavior problems, it would be helpful you if could determine measurements of behavior

The biggest reward of being a cat owner/cat breeder coach is that you will help both owners and cats
achieve happiness in their homes. Fewer cats will end up in shelters because of bad behavior. You
will teach owners and breeders responsible cat ownership.

17. Culinary Arts Coaching

Even when the economy is hurting, most Americans treat themselves to a meal out, and for singles
and couples, restaurants can become their home away from home. For those who are serious about
their chef skills, a culinary arts coach may be in order.

Chefs have demanding careers. They are likely to seek out a coach to help them learn how to work
with a number of sous chefs, make the right career move, or develop a business plan to open their
own restaurants. A chef may feel stuck in a rut creatively or need help recovering from burnout.

As a culinary arts coach, you may be helping a young restaurant employee determine where to attend
culinary arts school. A client may ask for input or a critique of a new menu. Another may want help to
determine how better to lay out the kitchen in a restaurant for maximum efficiency.

In addition to having experience as a successful chef, some of the skills that a culinary arts coach
might possess or be willing to learn include business plan development, goal-setting, active listening,
management skills, time management ability, and the ability to help someone discover their strengths
and weaknesses.

The rewards of culinary arts coaching include watching chefs achieve the next level in their careers.
You will help them make business decisions and learn how to make incredible meals in a more
efficient manner that will create amazing restaurants all over the country.

18. Christian Life Coaching

Because coaches help people succeed in every area of their life, faith is often a key component. For
Christians, or any faith for that matter, keeping their beliefs front and center in all aspects of living is
important. For many, putting God first in their lives makes everything else fall into place. However,
most Christians find difficulty with living out their faith in a secular world.

Christians will seek out a coach for a variety of reasons. They may not have a relationship with a
clergyperson they trust to discuss certain issues. A new Christian may feel that he or she needs extra
help in learning how to live life in faith. Someone who is rededicating their life back to their faith may
want additional help. Others may want help in learning to read scripture or how to pray. Some clients
may want help to determine which worship community is right for them.
If you become a Christian coach, you can focus on specific areas, such as working with men
exclusively, or women. You can work with people who are going through a difficult time, such as a
divorce. Or coach people who have retired and want to jumpstart their faith by determining what
Christian service they should undertake. You may choose to coach people in your particular
denomination, if you have one.

In addition to having a Christian background and be well-versed in scripture, a Christian coach would
like to benefit from particular skills they already possess or be willing to learn them. These include
active listening, knowledge about several different ways to pray, how to create a plan, goal-setting,
and knowledge about different denominations and their practices. Coaches who have clients of
different denominations need to have an open mind and non-judgmental attitude about beliefs that
may not follow their own.

The rewards of being a Christian coach include the experience in helping someone grow closer in
their relationship with Christ. Many coaches also find that their faith is strengthened and renewed as
well as they work with their clients.

19. Clergy Coaching

Ministers, pastors and priests often have little guidance when it comes to practicalities of living out
their professional ministries. Political issues may make discussing any of their shortcomings with their
colleagues, and it is not appropriate for them to seek effective help from their congregation. That’s
where a coach comes in.

Clergy members come to coaches for a wide variety of reasons. They made need help with
organizational, time management or administrational skills. Others may need guidance in dealing with
difficult superiors. Some need assistance to develop skills for fund raising or motivating volunteers.
Even more may need coaching in writing an effective sermon or working out aspects of their theology.

You could narrow down this niche by denomination, area of expertise or by age or gender. Women
and gay clergy may have a different set of issues than white males. The traditions of the black and
Hispanic church are different as well. You could also work with seminarians or even clergy spouses
or families.

An ideal clergy coach would be a retired clergyperson or someone who has left professional ministry.
Otherwise, the coach should possess or be willing to learn extensive biblical knowledge, theology,
motivational skills, active listening, financial skills, organizational skills, and goal setting.

The rewards of coaching a clergyperson include helping those called to ordained ministry to live out
their call effectively. You’ll help clergypersons recover from burnout and find balance in their lives.
They’ll lead more effective congregations, as well.

20. Coaching the Coach

Most successful coaches have coaches of their own. It doesn’t matter what niche in which you coach,
a coach of coaches is a necessity. Just like their coaching clients, coaches aren’t perfect. They have
things that hold them back that keep them from being the best coaches they can be. They have
strengths that they can’t tap into. They struggle with how to parlay their talents into successful
coaching careers.

Coaches will get coaching for a variety of reasons. Some want to have accountability with a more
experienced peer. Others want help learning skills that help all coaches become successful, like time
management, active listening, or different goal-setting methods. Some coaches need help with
particular clients. Others want assistance growing their businesses.

Besides being an experienced coach, a coach of coaches need skills at least one level above their
clients. They need to be someone who has been successful in several areas of business or life
endeavors. A coaches’ coach needs to be an exceptional listener and an excellent communicator.

The biggest reward of coaching other coaches is that your coaching skills will be sharpened as you
help others. In some cases, you’ll develop symbiotic relationships in which you can tap some of your
former clients for help with particular challenges. It’s a great way to build a network of excellent
coaches that can brainstorm or share their experiences.

21. College Entrance Coaching

Getting into college in the 21st century is no easy feat, especially if a teen wants to get in an elite
university. It takes planning and confidence to create an application that will end up in the acceptance
pool. College entrance coaching helps students set and meet objectives to reach their goal.

Students, and oftentimes parents, hire a college entrance coach for a myriad of reasons. Frequently a
student hasn’t started planning for college and is overwhelmed with the attempt to quickly create a
great high school resume. Others are set on getting into an elite school and need guidance about the
entrance process. Some clients need motivation to complete applications and essays. Others, who
have already been accepted by schools, may need help in the selection process.

A great college entrance coach will listen to a student and help her determine her strengths and
weaknesses, sometimes through aptitude testing. Some students will need help with study
techniques, organization, oral and written communication, and time management.

You’ll give those who don’t have a college picked out resources to choose the best higher-learning
institution for their goals. Together, you will create an action plan, set steps for accountability, and
increase self-confidence. You may need to also help them by teaching techniques to de-stress and

Sometimes parents will want to have some coaching help to guide their child during the college
application process. A coach can choose to see parents, as well. However, sometimes college
entrance coaching requires dealing with family issues and pressure that further stresses and hinders
the student.
You can also choose to work with older people wishing to enter college for the first time, attend
graduate school or finish an education that they started years before. These clients face some of the
same issues as high school students but are often more limited by location and finances.

College entrance coaches, besides having success navigating the university entrance process, will
need to have or be willing to learn active listening skills, relaxation techniques, how to administer
aptitude tests, goal-setting, and excellent oral and verbal communication skills.

The reward of coaching those applying for colleges is sharing in the joy of a student who gets into the
school he’s been dreaming of. You’ll help students gain confidence and poise that will last for a
lifetime. You’ll create better communication between parents and children. You’ll also teach the
student goal-setting and action planning that will help them stay on track all the way through college.

22. Communications Coaching

Most people need some help in communication, whether it’s writing an effective business report,
telling someone that they love them, or delivering a toast at a wedding. From overcoming the fear of
public speaking to creative writing, communications coaching offers a number of specialties in which
coaches can be successful.

Clients who come to communications coaches include broadcasters wanting to get a leg-up on the
competition, a writer who wishes to fulfill her dream of getting published, sales consultants who want
to deliver a presentation more effectively, parents who want to learn how to effectively talk to their
significant other, or scientists who want to learn how to write a grant proposal.

Because communications coaching stretches across a wide number of disciplines, you may want to
narrow down the niche by focusing only on writing, public speaking, or verbal communication. You
can also narrow it down by working only with women or men, or working with only with business

The business niche is the most prosperous because a savvy executive knows that communication
skills are the key to surpassing the competition to reach the next rung of the corporate ladder.
Excellent verbal and written skills help sales people, managers, and even finance executives.

You can teach business executives how to improve their professional image, how to interpret body
language and facial expressions, effective public speaking, how to interact with the media, as well as
different styles of writing and when to use them.

If you choose to go with interpersonal communications, you probably won’t have as lucrative a
business, but it may be more rewarding for some coaches. You’ll help people overcome shyness,
write an online dating profile, become assertive, and how to focus on their own needs and
communicate them to others. You’ll help people become more comfortable communicating both
verbally and through the written word.
Communications coaches should have a background in successful and effective communication in
one or more areas. They should also possess or be willing to learn critiquing skills, active listening,
goal-setting, knowledge regarding body language and visual cues, and more.

The biggest reward a communication coach receives is helping people become more comfortable and
self-confident in their communications skills. Businesspeople will become more successful, and
individuals with interpersonal communications challenges will have healthier, better personal
relationships. You’ll help people meet their goals in learning better written communications, too.

23. Conflict Management Coaching

For those in conflict, coaching can be a lifesaver. Many people don’t know what to do in a conflict.
They feel unsure and frightened that they may lose something they have or not get something they
think they deserve. People in conflict sometimes are unable to see the “big picture” because they are
blinded by emotions. A conflict management coach can help them sort through all of these issues.

People who engage conflict management coaches may be having an issue with a family member or a
co-worker. Sometimes people come to conflict management coaches when they have issues with
their neighbors, their friends, a customer, or parents of a child’s friend.

Conflict management coaches help untangle the feelings from the facts of the situation and manage
expectations. They help their clients understand how they may be contributing to the conflict and how
to stop behaviors that are working against their best interests. Together, the conflict coach will
determine what the client needs to get her needs met. Then they develop a plan to reach their client’s

Besides a background in conflict resolution, a conflict coach management coach should possess or
be willing to learn skills such as active listening, excellent verbal communication, goal-setting, and
impartiality. You need the ability to see all sides of an issue and get to the facts of any conflict.

The biggest reward of being a conflict management coach is helping your clients achieve their goals.
You may help clients master their fears or learn to speak out when it is appropriate. You will help
people achieve peace and harmony at home or in the workplace.

24. Co-Parenting Coaching

Even couples in healthy relationships sometimes do not agree on how to parent children. That’s why
co-parenting coaching can be a successful niche. You will help parents resolve their differences in
regard to how to parent their kids in a positive, healthy way.

You may winnow down this niche by working only with couples who are currently in a relationship,
divorced couples, or single parents who want to co-parent. You can also work with grandparents, a
growing segment of the population who are co-parenting their grandchildren with their children.
Co-parenting coaches often focus on immediate issues. They are often consulted in addition to a
therapist and a mediator as a third party who can help a parent better communicate with the other
parent. They also may need help determining ways to parent within orders placed on them by the
legal system. Through determining the parent’s goals, they will work with the coach to develop a co-
parenting agreement for child custody, visitation, court modifications, and more. They will need help
sometimes adjusting the co-parenting agreement as the children grow older, a parent enters into a
new relationship, or when a parent moves away.

Co-parenting coaches help the parent keep the children’s best interests at the forefront of any co-
parenting agreement. They will coach their clients how to communicate effectively, deal with conflict,
and determine how to avoid letting their personal issues with the other parent get in the way of co-
parenting the children in a positive way.

A coach in co-parenting needs some experience in negotiating co-parenting. They will also need or
be willing to learn excellent communications skills, active listening, goal setting, and how to develop a
co-parenting plan. It is helpful if they have some understanding of child custody and divorce orders.
Since these vary by state, you may choose to only coach parents in your state.

A co-parenting coach is rewarded with helping to create functional parenting plans that are in the best
interest of the children. They will help parents have better relationships with the other parent through
better communication and putting the children first. You will help people move on from their anger and
resentment. You will help create a healthy family.

25. Couples Coaching

As a couples coach, you will help couples and singles develop the skills they need to have a
successful, mutually fulfilling, relationship. Instead of focusing on long-term, deep-seated issues that
are more appropriate for a therapy setting, you will help singles and couples with current challenges
through developing communication and helping them think about their relationship in a fresh

You can choose to narrow down this niche by working with newly married couples, couples who have
been together for decades, newly divorced singles who are dating, or singles who have never been
married who are in a relationship.

People come to couples coaching to learn how to jumpstart a relationship that seems to be losing its
romance. Others come to learn how to more effectively convey their needs to their partner. Some
want to learn how to resolve conflicts or take a relationship to a more intimate level.

What couples coaches do is help couples determine their mutual goals for their relationship. They
help couples better communicate with each other, develop better mutual understanding, and set
goals to eliminate or lessen issues or to build on positives in the relationship.

As a couples coach, you will need experience in forging a strong relationship and maneuvering
through rough patches. You will also need or be willing to learn active listening skills, excellent verbal
communication, goal setting, how to pose questions to your clients to help with getting down to the
real issues in their relationship, and the identification of types of communication styles.

The rewards you will experience will include helping couples overcome obstacles to healthy, happy
relationships. You will help each partner understand their own wants and needs and how to take
steps toward fulfilling their partner’s. Couples will learn how to live life together and separately.

Note: For legal reasons, couples coaches need to be particularly careful about articulating and
maintaining the boundary between coaching, therapy, and counseling.

26. Cultural Relations Coaching

We live in a global economy today, and more and more the ability to do conduct business and sustain
relationships cross-culturally is becoming critical. As a cultural relations coach, you will guide clients
through the differences in various cultures so that they can communicate effectively personally and in

People come to cultural relations coaches primarily for business purposes, which makes this niche
potentially lucrative. You may also have clients who are marrying into another culture who may need
help adapting. You may also have clients from other cultures who are new to North America and want
help acclimating to this culture.

Clients who come to cultural relations coaches include entrepreneurs wanting to start a business in
Asia. It could be a Middle Eastern physician who wants to create a more lucrative practice in the
United States. It may be a newlywed who is now part of a large Latin American family.

This niche may be narrowed down by culture. You may wish to work in the culture that you are the
most familiar with, or you can choose to learn extensively about additional cultures to add to your
coaching practice. You can also choose who you would like to coach, whether it be business
executives, entrepreneurs, people coming to the U.S., or others.

You will inform your clients about social mores in the part of the world they want to explore. They may
include business practices, when to show strength or humility, personal and business etiquette, and
how to close a business transaction in the most expedient way possible. Part of the role of the cultural
relations coach is to role play with their clients, preparing them for anything that comes their way. If
gifts are expected in the other culture, you may give your client tips on picking something appropriate.

In addition to having familiarity with the business and social practices of another culture, you would be
benefit from knowing or being willing to learn active listening, strong communication skills, how to role
play, and perhaps writing guides for your clients to take with them on their trips.

The rewards of coaching cultural relations include helping businesspeople reach their goal of
expanding their reach globally. You may also help those wanting to do business in the U.S. become
successful. If you work with clients who wish to improve their cultural relations for person reasons,
you will create stronger family ties and better communication.
27. Diabetes Coaching

Diabetes is one of the fastest-growing chronic illnesses and the seventh leading cause of death in the
United States. It is the leading cause of blindness and limb amputation. Diabetics must make lifestyle
changes to get their blood glucose stabilized, even if they are taking medication.

A diabetes coach can help clients with the lifestyle changes that are imperative to managing their
disease. They may also guide a client to learn how to talk to their physician about their treatment or
alternative health treatment.

Clients come to a diabetes coach for help with developing and implementing an action plan to change
their diet, exercise habits, and other lifestyle changes. Their coach will guide them through
incorporating the changes as quickly as possible without overwhelming the client yet making them
accountable for their health.

Clients may also want to work with their coach to develop a checklist of questions to ask their doctor
or find out where to look for medical trials. They may need help in remembering to draw their blood to
determine their glucose level several times a day or tips on how to inject insulin without pain.

You can narrow down this niche by choosing the age of people you choose to work with. Some
coaches work only with children, while others prefer to work with the elderly. People of color have
higher instances of diabetes, and cultural differences may keep them from changing their diet or
following through on other medical advice. Some coaches work only with African-American or
Hispanic clients.

In addition to having success in managing diabetes in the long term, it would be helpful if a diabetes
coach possesses or is willing to learn active listening, goal-setting and accountability strategies, and
excellent communications skills. You will likely need good research skills to give clients up-to-date
information from trustworthy online sources.

Diabetes coaches are rewarded when their clients begin to work effectively with physician and other
medical team members. Their clients become more comfortable living with their disease and succeed
in making lifestyle changes that will improve their health.

Note: Diabetes coaches need to clearly articulate the boundary between medical treatment and
coaching, and ensure their clients have an appropriate medical team

28. Divine Calling Coaching

Many people in today’s world are scattered. They never completely develop a sense of purpose, or
they lose it in day-to-day living. For those who believe in a divine plan, finding and connecting with
your spiritual center can help keep you grounded and focused on your purpose in life. Some spiritual
practitioners call that purpose the divine call.

Divine calling coaches help clients achieve a higher understanding of self and what their higher power
is calling them to be and do. Some clients come needing guidance in determining what is getting in
their way of happiness and achievement. With help from their coach, they can also determine what
fears, negativity, and toxic behavior from inside themselves or from others in their lives are getting in
the way of their divine calling.

Through active listening, divine calling coaches will help clients discover their true selves, their divine
purpose, and the things that block them from having a productive life. They will set goals and
accountability together. The coach may teach the client new methods of meditation or prayer to help
with the process.

In addition to being successful in determining and maintaining their divine calling, a coach should also
possess or being willing to learn an understanding of prayer and meditation, active listen, and self-
actualization. It is also helpful to know several effective goal-setting and accountability methods.

Divine calling coaches are rewarded with clients who find purpose in their lives. Often, while working
with a client, a coach receives some insight into their own calling or issues related to it. You will help
people reach their full potential in life.

29. Divorce Coaching

Unfortunately, nearly half of all marriages end in divorce. Men and women going through a divorce
and those whose marriages have just ended often need help rebuilding their lives. Divorce coaches
can help them get back on their feet financially, emotionally, and socially.

A divorce coach deals with the pressing issues that divorce creates, rather than the long-term
ramifications best left to therapy. Coaching can work conjunctively with therapy and legal assistance.
Some of the issues clients come to their coaches with include how to plan financially with one salary,
how to start dating again, and working through co-parenting issues with their ex-spouse.

You can narrow this niche by choosing to work with men, women, parents, or non-parents. Most
clients no matter what your specialty will require help separating their emotions from the legal
ramifications of divorce. A coach will guide them to determine what is the most important to them in a
settlement, and will help them actively plan ways to recover financially and socially.

Some divorce coaches will help with communication issues with the ex-spouse and developing a co-
parenting plan. Some clients may need help spiritually, dealing with issues over the loss of a worship
community or their faith. Other issues can be related to communication with the ex-spouse’s family,
determining what friendships are still intact after the divorce, and setting goals for moving on.

A divorce coach, in addition to possibly having successfully navigated divorce themselves, should
possess or be willing to learn how to actively listen, basic financial planning, goal-setting, planning
methods, and excellent communication skills. They may also have a background in family law,
mediation, spirituality, or co-parenting planning.

A successful divorce coach helps her clients transform from married life to being single again. She
helps her clients set boundaries and goals to get them to where they want to be financially, socially,
and emotionally. The coach walks through the process with the client and helps them to strengthen
and grow along the way.
30. Dog Owner/Showing/Breeder Coaching

Dogs are the most popular pet in the United States. They require a lot of attention and care. Most
people get a dog sincerely believing they will have this family pet for life, but sometimes behavioral
problems leave the owner frustrated and ready to get rid of their pet. Other dog owners are interested
in breeding their pet. Some want to foster homeless dogs. Occasionally dog owners want to train a
pet for shows, field events or agility competition. All of them can benefit from a dog coach.

Since this is primarily a hobby niche, you most likely will not make a six figure income as a dog
coach. But you can share your love of canines with others and make a nice second income. You can
narrow this niche by choosing to work with owners, breeders, or the agility, field training, or show
communities. You could even work with rescue group leaders or people who foster homeless pets.

Clients hire dog coaches to help with behavioral issues. Coaches will help owners develop goals and
hold them accountable for their part in helping their dog behave. For example, to be housebroken
puppies need to be taken outside on a schedule. Coaches will help owners create a plan to make
sure that training is consistent, even when they are not at home.

Other clients seek coaches out to advise them on dog breeding. The coach will help the breeder set
realistic goals and plan the pregnancy as well as the care of the litter. She will help the client find
appropriate mates for their dogs to ensure responsible breeding practices.

Some dog owners want to begin showing their pet in dog shows, while others hope to enter their pets
into field training and agility competitions. Each of these areas requires special expertise. The client
may want to determine whether their pet is competitive, how to train or groom them to reach their full
potential, and what outside assistance they may need to reach their goal.

In addition to success in the appropriate areas of expertise, dog coaches should possess or be willing
to learn goal-setting, accountability methods, training techniques and active listening. They may need
to learn additional information about grooming, specific dog breeds, and advanced training

The rewards of dog coaching include training owners to help their pets reach their full potential. Dogs
that may have been considered unable to be trained can become members of a happy family. You
will help make sure that breeders follow ethical standards. And you may make someone’s dream
come true of owning a champion dog.

31. Educator Coaching

Teachers in every grade level as well as college professors can benefit from coaching. Education is a
high burnout profession, and teachers often need help to stay creative, or to advance in their careers.
An educator coach can help them with these issues and more.
Teachers and professors come to educator coach for a number of reasons. A professor may need
help determining his next research project. Another may want coaching about the steps needed to
achieve tenure. New teachers will want coaching to get a position in the school of their dreams.
Established teachers need help with problem children, parents, or administrators.

You can specialize in coaching teachers by grade level or those at the university level. A kindergarten
teacher will have some issues that are different than an economics professor. However, some of their
issues will overlap. A coach can help any educator create more effective lesson plans, improve their
organizational skills, or perfect their time management in the classroom.

If you specialize in elementary educators, your clients may need help with conducting effective parent
conferences or working well with aides. A middle school or junior high coach may address issues with
learning issues in tweens or help the teacher determine how to keep the students’ attention. High
school teachers will want help in learning how to juggle classroom and extra-curricular sponsorship or
how to be more creative in the classroom.

Professors will want help with a plan to earn tenure or to publish research. They may have more
problems with department politics. Some professors will want help in learning how to supervise
teaching assistants and graduate students.

Besides experience in her area of expertise, an educator coach should possess or be willing to learn
skills such as classroom time management, organization, goal-setting, planning, active listening, and
great communication skills.

As an educator coach, you will help gifted teachers begin to love their professions again as they
recover from burnout. You’ll help others grow in their careers and in their current classroom. You will
help create effective educator who will, in turn, pass on the love of learning to their students.

32. End-of-Life Coaching

A terminal diagnosis is devastating. The patient and his loved ones often don’t know what to do. An
end-of-life coach helps both the patient and his family with both the practical, emotional, and medical
aspects of having a fatal condition.

Clients seek out an end-of-life coach to get affairs in order. Most coaches also help their clients deal
with the emotions that surround the ending of a life. Some clients want help organizing care. Others
want a plan for taking care of their pets after their death. Families may want to learn how to discuss
difficult issues and how to provide love and support to their dying loved one. Everyone involved in the
final days will need support and comfort during each step of the dying process.

You may help family members gather memories with their loved one through visual arts or recordings.
Some coaches help the dying patient plan their funeral or memorial service. You will help both the
family and the patient put aside their feelings periodically to assess issues they consider the most
In addition to experience in end-of-life care, a coach should possess or be willing to learn active
listening skills, the stages of the death process, the steps of writing a will and preparing medical
directives, goal setting skills, planning, organizational skills, and the ability to communicate about
difficult subjects.

End-of-life coaching is very rewarding. You will help a dying person take care of the last-minute
concerns so that he can die without worry. You will walk with him and his family through the final days
of his life. You will help improve communication so that everything that anyone needs to say to each
other is said. Most of all, you will help both the patient and the family make a difficult transition with
few or no regrets.

33. Engineering Coaching

Engineers are by nature factual- and evidence-based individuals. Sometimes they have difficulty with
things that they can’t quantify. That’s where an engineering coach comes in. A coach can help an
engineer work more effectively and advance in their career.

You may decide to narrow your niche by working with engineers that need coaching in specific areas,
such as written communication or learning how to effectively work with a team. You may also choose
to work with engineers by gender or by area of expertise. A petroleum engineer may have a few
different problem areas than an electrical engineer.

Engineers are problem solvers, so they may need help fighting the urge to take care of problems
rather than to delegate tasks to others on their team. They may also seek out a coach to help with
better verbal and written communications skills, especially when working with non-engineers. They
may need encouragement to network and build relationships to further their careers. Some engineers
hire coaches to help them deal with stress associated with project deadlines.

Some of the things you’ll help engineers do include developing career goals, improve management
skills, learn stress-management techniques, explore graduate degree programs, examine
credentialing, and more. You may also role play with them to help them become more comfortable
networking or in making a presentation to clients.

As an engineering coach, in addition to a successful engineering career, you will need some
additional skills. You may already possess or be willing to learn stress management techniques,
excellent communication skills, goal-setting, career planning techniques, and management ability.

Your reward for engineering coaching is helping engineers overcome obstacles that get in the way of
their reaching their full potential. You will help them determine what the perfect career is for them, and
then provide steps and motivation for them to achieve the goals that will help them reach their career

34. Entrepreneur Coaching

People dreaming of starting their own businesses seek out entrepreneur coaches. These coaches
guide entrepreneurs through the steps of creating a successful new business. Whether the clients are
starting an online business from their dining room or planning to buy a franchise retail store,
entrepreneur coaches can help them develop goals and objectives to become successful.

Entrepreneurs seek out coaches to help them with parts of the entire process of creating a business.
They may engage a coach to help them put their ideas into the format of a business plan. Other
clients may need guidance in obtaining financing for their startup costs. Some may need help setting
goals or determining the best pricing for their product or service. Clients may want to learn effective,
low-cost marketing strategies.

You can choose to winnow down this niche by your area of expertise. Online businesses have quite a
bit of overlap with a bricks-and-mortar endeavor, but things like marketing and technology may be
very different. You may wish to work with only women entrepreneurs or young inventors. You can
even work with established entrepreneurs that are planning to expand or start a new business.

Many coaches start by helping get the ideas out of the entrepreneur’s head and onto paper. From
there they can write a business plan that outlines the startup costs, the financing needed, the
projected startup date and projected quarterly earnings. It will also convey the entrepreneur’s skills
and talents, as well as her passion about the business. From this point on, you will help set goals and
provide direction about every aspect of the business plan, as well as providing emotional support.

To become a successful entrepreneur coach, it is helpful if you are a successful entrepreneur. In

addition you may possess or wish to learn some skills, including how to write a business plan, how to
pitch to financiers, accounting, manufacturing, marketing, goal-setting, and how to set benchmarks to
show progress.

The biggest reward of coaching entrepreneurs is helping someone achieve their dream of creating
their own business from the ground up. You will watch your clients increase in self-confidence and
assurance as their dreams become reality.

35. Ethics Coaching

Everyone is challenged by an ethical dilemma from time to time. Whether you are working with a
client that relies on child labor or you are an athlete tempted to dope to stay competitive, ethics – a
system of beliefs of what is right and what is wrong – will guide you.

An ethics coach helps her clients define their ethics based on their personal spiritual beliefs and
guides them through difficult ethical choices. Clients seek out an ethics coach for specific problems or
may come to you to help them understand their personal values so that they can live a life of integrity.

You may narrow this niche by working with specific groups of people, like student athletes or
businesspeople. However, much of the work is the same with any person, no matter their gender, age
or walk of life.
A coach will help her client identify his core beliefs. These are “deal breaker” ethics on which your
client will build an ethical structure. You’ll also determine what erroneous thinking or limiting beliefs
your client has and help him replace those beliefs with positive, productive ones.

Based on the client’s ethical structure, you will help them determine what situations in their lives are
working against their personal ethics. Coaches will develop an action plan to help the client to modify
their behavior in these situations or create an “exit plan” to move on to healthy, positive opportunities.

To be a successful ethics coach, you will need to have a well-defined ethical system that you are
serious about following. In addition, you may possess or be willing to learn goal-setting techniques,
active listening, and how to create an action plan.

The biggest reward you will experience as an ethics coach is helping your client achieve a foundation
that grounds them in life. From this foundation they will be free to explore more opportunities and
know which ones are right for them. Your clients will have freedom to grow.

36. Etiquette Coaching

The art of etiquette is not something everybody learns anymore. From how to eat at a formal place
setting to writing a thoughtful thank-you note, manners help to make others feel comfortable and
appreciated. Etiquette coaches help their clients learn and feel comfortable with these practices.

If a client hasn’t learned etiquette, he may be at a disadvantage in the marketplace. He just might
blow that business deal by not bringing a small gift to a client’s dinner party. Lack of knowledge can
be detrimental personally, as well. A maid of honor for a bride having a formal wedding may be
worried she won’t use the correct fork. A male client may wish to learn the right way to pull out a chair
for his date and other manners that will impress her.

You can narrow this niche by coaching just business etiquette, or you can coach it with social
etiquette as well. You may wish to work with children, teens, or young adults, or you may work with
any age. Even elderly people who are attending a formal event for the first time in years may need
some refresher coaching.

An etiquette coach helps her clients understand how their behavior affects others. They can help their
client learn how to communicate with a wide variety of people without feeling uncomfortable. They will
practice table manners and develop checklists for remembering what to do when responding to a
social or business invitation.

In addition to being a stickler for etiquette with natural self-confidence, the coach may already
possess or want to learn effective role playing, active listening, and excellent communications skills.
They need to be effective in socializing with people from all walks of life.

The rewards of etiquette coaching include creating an appreciation for manners in your clients. You’ll
also guide them to become more self-assured, relaxed, and personable in their business and social
interactions. You’ll prepare clients for special events that they will be able to enjoy instead of dread.
37. Executive Coaching

One of the most lucrative coaching niches, executive coaching involves working with the upper
management of companies and corporations. These are individuals who understand the value of
effective coaching and are willing to pay handsomely for effective guidance.

As an executive coach, you may be working with individual members of the management team or
with them as a group. Your primary goal is to motivate your clients to capitalize on their strengths, to
incorporate change, and to create the best team environment to reach the company’s goals as
quickly as possible.

Executives seek out coaches because there is little time for self-reflection during their working day. A
coach can help them identify their strengths and weaknesses in an efficient manner and provide
constructive feedback. Clients may be wanting help with a short-term solution or a transition within
the company. A management team may want help preparing a company to be sold, a leveraged
buyout or consolidation with another company.

Some executive coaches narrow their niches by career field. You may wish to work with the financial
industry or business-to-business companies. Some coaches want to work solely with the chief
executives of a company, while others will coach others in upper or even middle management.

Some of the issues you will tackle will include worker productivity, time management, organization,
employee retention, effective delegation, marketing, business strategy, the art of compromise, and
much more. You will help your clients set priorities and goals, and then together create a strategic
plan to meet those goals. If you are working with the CEO or a team, you may be helping them form a
long-term vision for the company.

To become a successful executive coach, you will need a strong background in upper management
with top skills. You may possess, or be willing to learn, skills that include active listening,
brainstorming practices, productivity models, human resources practices, accounting, and managerial

Your rewards as an executive coach can be financial. In addition, you will take pride that your skills
can help others create successful businesses and careers. You will help form the structure for new,
vital corporations and more.

38. Exotic Pet Coaching

More and more families are becoming interested in owning exotic pets. And unlike cats and dogs,
most of them have very little experience with snakes, lizards, tarantulas, bunnies, or sugar gliders.
That’s where coaching comes in. As an exotic pet coach, you will help families determine the best pet
for their household or guide them through the care, feeding, habitat, and expectations of the newest
member of your household.
Exotic pets range from hissing cockroaches to ferrets. Unless you have extensive experience with a
wide range of animals, you will want to narrow this niche to your expertise. You could work only with
clients who have small mammals, like guinea pigs or hedgehogs. Or share your love of snakes or

Clients will come to an exotic pet coach to help them design the best habitat for their animal. Or they
may want to learn the best way to interact with their pet. Others may be interested in breeding their
species. Some may be frustrated with behavior or care issues and need suggestions about how to
solve their problems.

As an exotic pet coach, you will work with your clients to determine the best habitat, diet, and care of
their animal. If they haven’t yet adopted or bought a pet, you can ask questions to help them
determine what pet is best for them. Together you will come up with goals and plans to fulfill their
desires of pet ownership or breeding their pet.

In addition to an extensive background caring for exotic pets, as a coach you will want to possess or
be willing to learn skills like active listening, goal setting, pet research, training, and more.

Like most pet and hobby niches, you probably will not have a full time career as an exotic pet coach.
However, the lack of financial rewards will be overshadowed by the help that you give animal lovers.
You will ensure that families select the right pet for their lifestyles, and you will help people learn how
to take care of their exotic pet so that it will live a happy and healthy life.

39. Family Coaching

Families come in all shapes and sizes these days. Families in the 20th century may have two moms
or two dads. They may have a number of step and half family members from previous relationships.
Single-parent families continue to be on the rise. Even the vanishing traditional family has issues from
time to time that require help from a neutral third party.

A family coach helps families deal with crisis, transition, parenting, and more to salvage or repair
family relationships. A coach works with new parents, adoptive parents, blended families,
grandparents raising grandchildren, and more.

A client seeks out a family coach for many reasons. An adoptive mother may not feel like she is
bonding as closely to her child as she would want. A newly married couple with children from
previous relationships may need help determining how to co-parent effectively. A teen whose parents
have gotten divorced may need help getting along with his mom’s new boyfriend. A single mom may
need a strategy to help her raise her toddler alone without constant interference from her parents.
Parents of a teen may not know what to do about her skipping school and using drugs.

A family coach usually works with the entire family to overcome obstacles, build stronger bonds, and
reconcile broken or strained relationships. She may tackle parenting issues, children running away
from home, anger management, marital problems, communication challenges, teen pregnancy, and
The coach will work with the family collectively and sometimes individually to learn what the real
issues are in the household. She will help the family set long-term and short-term goals, and then
create a plan for each member to follow to meet those goals. She will guide families through setting
up a support system, developing realistic expectations, and looking for outside resources if they need
therapy, legal resources or other kinds of ongoing support.

In addition to having successful experience with a wide variety of family situations, a family coach
may possess, or be willing to learn, additional skills like goal setting, active listening, conflict
management, brainstorming, communication techniques, research, and more. She may also have a
rapport with teens or children, or a particular gift in caring for babies or toddlers.

Family coaches find that their biggest reward is guiding families to develop new attitudes and
expectations so that they can have positive, loving relationships. Families can be supportive, joyful,
and harmonious. A family coach can help families achieve those goals.

40. Farming/Ranching Coaching

Although the family farm may be on the decline, there are parts of the country where farmers and
ranchers still flourish. Many farms and ranches have been handed down through families for
generations. Others have been sold to newbies who have dreamed of living off the earth and
providing healthy food to consumers. Coaching can help any rancher or farmer achieve their goals.

Ranchers and farmers will seek out a coach for many reasons. Climate change may mean that a
farmer has to switch crops to be profitable in an ongoing drought. A rancher may want to experiment
with breeding techniques or feed varieties to create leaner beef. A retiring farmer may need help
determining how to sell their farm and cope with the emotions surrounding giving someone else land
that has been in the family for more than a hundred years.

A farming and ranching coach will help their clients primarily with long-term and short-term planning.
They will work together to learn what the client’s goals are, then develop plans to help them achieve
those goals. They may need help determining where and how to grow a particular crop or expand into
a new area of agribusiness. Others may need help transitioning into retirement or another career.
Some clients will want to take their ranching hobby to a money-making enterprise.

In addition to having extensive successful farming or ranching experience, a coach may also possess
or be willing to learn excellent communication skills, goal setting techniques, planning methods,
agribusiness knowledge, active listening, and more.

The rewards of coaching farmers and ranchers include keeping the family farming industry alive and
vibrant by encouraging new people into the field. You will guide farmers and ranchers to grow healthy
food choices and meet their business goals.

41. Fertility Coaching

Couples who have difficulty becoming parents are often on a monthly roller coaster. They feel
frustrated and angry. Well-meaning people give them ridiculous advice that adds to their pain. On top
of the emotional impact of infertility, they undergo time-consuming and costly medical procedures that
add to their anxiety.

Clients engage fertility coaches for many reasons. Some couples need help and support coping with
emotional turmoil of infertility treatments. They look for a change in perspective to give them relief
from the anxiety and frustration they feel. Sometimes they need help navigating the medical
community or the insurance industry to receive the treatment they need.

Fertility coaches are support for couples who are undergoing treatment, have given up on treatment
or are considering treatment. The coach listens to their fears and to how they are feeling emotionally.
She will guide them through goal-setting and alternative plans for creating a family, such as adoption.
Mostly, however, the fertility coach helps couples leave behind the fear and frustration and develop a
new outlook that is positive and hopeful.

Besides experience in undergoing fertility treatment, a coach may also possess or be willing to learn
how to determine the real source of a conflict, active listening, goal setting, excellent communication
skills and a variety of planning methods.
She would have the ability to help clients express their feelings.

The rewards of fertility coaching include the being able to share the joy when a couple reaches their
goal of starting a family. Even when couples don’t succeed at having a child of their own, the fertility
coach gets the privilege of guiding them to a place where they are accepting and at peace with the

42. 4H Coaching

In many parts of the United States, if you live in a rural or maybe even in a suburban environment,
your child has participated in a 4H or Future Farmers of America project. Beginning in middle school,
kids raise everything from rabbits to hogs to compete for college scholarships. A coach can help them
gain an edge over the competition.

In decades past, grandparents or older relatives helped kids with developing a plan to prepare their
animals for competition. But with families moving out of the city to rural or suburban environments,
there may not be a relative with experience raising a calf. That’s where a 4H coach comes in.

Families come to a 4H coach to help them determine the best animal for their child to choose as a
project. They may need help determining the right feed mixture to produce the results that county fair
and stock show judges are seeking. Others need help figuring out what characteristics of their animal
to play up and what to detract from.

A 4H coach needs experience with helping children raise animals. You may be a parent who
successfully guided your children through the process, or you could be a retired agriculture teacher.
You will also most likely need to possess or be willing to learn excellent communication skills, goal
setting practices, and various planning methods.

The rewards that a 4H coach receives may not be that large monetarily. Their work will be seasonal
because it will depend on the school schedule. However, you will guide children to care and produce
healthy livestock that will secure a portion of their education for them. Some may choose to become
farmers or ranchers, but many will not. Even so, they will have learned a lot about responsibility that
they will carry through their lives.

43. Grandparent Coaching

For many people, becoming a grandparent is a joyous time. For others, it can bring some challenges.
For grandparents of children of non-custodial parents or children given up for an adoption, it can be
difficult. Even grandparents who have access to their grandchildren may need guidance to forge good
relationships with them as they grow older, or avoid conflict with their own children.

Grandparents seek out coaches to help them have the best relationship possible with their
grandchildren. They may come to coaching to help them comply with a parenting plan that they find
difficult. Others want help dealing with emotions after a grandchild becomes unavailable to them
because of custody disputes or a family move. Some grandparents step in as parents to their
grandchildren. They may come to coaching to update their parenting skills.

As a grandparent coach, you will help in a number of areas. Your clients will most likely need to learn
communication skills, how to set goals, and create an action plan. You will guide them to express
their emotions and help them get to the source of any problems they may be experiencing.

A successful grandparent coach is often a grandparent who has excellent relationships with their
grandchildren and children. You may also possess, or be willing to learn, a variety of communications
skills, active listening, and goal setting and planning techniques.

The biggest reward of being a grandparent coach is helping families forge healthy, close
relationships. If that is not possible, you will help guide grandparents to a place where they are at
peace with the situation.

44. Hairstylist/Nail Tech Coaching

People in the hair care industry can use the skills of an excellent coach. Whether they are someone
who needs help expanding their clientele or updating their practices, a coach can help.

Clients will engage a coach to help them determine how to make more of a profit from every
customer. They may need a neutral third party to evaluate their skills. Or they may need help in
attracting motivated stylists or nail techs to their salon. Others want to determine if they should move
to another salon and plan how to take their clients with them if they decide to make the move. They
will often need help with both practices and business decisions. As they grow older, some need help
figuring out ways to still work with health issues that could affect their ability to stand for long periods
or use their hands for hours every day.

As their coach, you will critique skills, guide them to set long- and short-term goals, and create plans
of action. You might help someone develop a business plan to start their own salon. You will help
them with business conflicts by helping them set aside their emotions and determine what is the most
important to them.

A successful hairstylist/nail tech coach will be successful in their own related career field. In addition,
you will want to possess or be willing to learn certain skills. These include active listening, problem-
solving techniques, goal-setting, and various planning methods.

Many service-industry coaching positions do not pay the big bucks. You may not make a huge, full-
time salary as a hairstylist/nail tech coach. But you can make a nice second income, especially if you
target clients who are the best producers in the field. Other rewards include sharing your experience
with younger clients who love the making their customers look their best and helping to create happy,
superb professionals.

45. Health Coaching

The United States is aging, and with the Baby Boomers growing older, there is an increasing need for
them and other older people learn new techniques to help keep them healthy and happy. A health
coach does just that. With goal-setting and pinpointing a client’s priorities, a health coach can support
anyone who is interested in living a healthy lifestyle.

Clients come to health coaches after they have been diagnosed with chronic, yet reversible
conditions like high blood pressure or elevated cholesterol. A former college athlete will come to a
health coach to learn how to take care of himself physically, mentally, and spiritually. A senior citizen
may need a coach to help her learn how to talk to her different doctors about her medical conditions
so that they are all on the same page.

A health coach will listen to their clients and ask helpful questions that will give them the information
they need to determine the client’s health priorities. They will look at all areas of the client’s life to
determine his strengths and weaknesses. From there they will create a game plan to help the client
achieve their goals to prolong or bring back their good health.

As a health coach, you will have some background in holistic health. Holistic health takes the client’s
mental and emotional health into account, as well as their physical well-being. In addition, you may
possess or wish to learn certain skills, like active listening, planning, goal-setting methods, and more.

The rewards of health coaching are knowing that the changes you are helping your clients navigate
with benefit them immediately and ensure that they have the best possible health throughout their
lives. You will be able to share your passion about the mind-body connection and inform clients why
their spirit and mind can control what is happening to their bodies.
NOTE: Because of the growing number of health coaches and the broad applicability, coaches are
more likely to be successful when they niche down even further. For example, Sugar Addiction
Coaching, Triathlon Coaching, Nutritional Excellence for Young Women Coaching, etc.

46. Heart Health Coaching

Heart disease is the number one killer of both men and women in the United States. Hundreds of
thousands of people are diagnosed with heart disease every year. Some suffer heart attacks or
strokes. Others have high blood pressure or other factors that put them at risk for heart disease.

A client will come to a heart health coach after suffering a heart attack. Many people have depression
after they recover, but they see the health scare as a wake-up call to change their lifestyle. Others
may want help changing their habits to lower their blood pressure or cholesterol. Others may have
trouble quitting smoking or following other health advice that their heart doctors have given them.

As a heart health coach, you will listen to your clients address their struggles with their health or
changing their lifestyles. Together you will develop goals and an action plan to achieve the goals. You
will agree on terms of accountability and provide motivation.

To be a successful heart health coach, you will need to have successfully returned to health yourself
or helped someone else achieve their goal of a healthy heart. You will also want to learn, or already
have skills in active listening, motivational techniques, various planning methods and knowledge of to
implement accountability measures.

Your rewards as a heart health coach will be sharing your experience and strength with others who
are struggling with the same issues you have successfully overcome. You will help people get back
on the road to recovery.

47. Heart’s Desire Coaching

Over the last couple of decades, New Age practitioners have worked toward a concept known as the
heart’s desire. This way of living helps the practitioner determine what their biggest dream is and to
put the majority of their energy into that dream.

Clients who engage a heart’s desire coach may be going through a midlife crisis. Or they may be
someone who has reached retirement age but isn’t ready to stop having a purpose in life. Another
client may be a recent empty nester with time on her hands. They want more out of life but don’t know
where to start.

That’s where the heart’s desire coach comes in. They begin by guiding the client through an
extensive interview that will help the coach identify the heart’s desire. The client and the coach will
work on outlining the details of the desire, create goals, and then develop an action plan to reach the
goals. The coach is available for accountability and emotional support through the process.
A heart’s desire coach is someone who has or is working on fulfilling their life’s dream. You may also
want to learn or may already possess certain skills, such as active listening, the ability to emotional
supportive, problem-solving, goal-setting, and the ability to create an action plan.

Your biggest reward as a heart’s desire coach is that you will help people realize the dreams they
were afraid of even thinking about. You will give the tools to live their lives as they have always

48. Hobby Coaching

Most people have a hobby, whether it is knitting, gaming, or playing Texas hold ‘em. Although most
hobby coaching is not lucrative enough for a full-time career, you can generate a nice part-time
income and develop your coaching skills helping others who want to excel at quilting, renovating
antique cars or hunting quail.

Most people can go to classes to learn to improve at their favorite hobby. A coach offers more than
that. As a hobby coach, you will critique your client’s skills. You will help him determine his strengths
and weaknesses, then create a goal-oriented plan for him to get to the next level. You’ll do this
through active listening and asking the client questions about their hobby performance. You may also
give them tips about how to improve their technique or send them to an instructor who can help them
with specific issues.

The hobby that you choose to coach can be virtually anything. Choose from chess, competitive bass
fishing, league dart play, gardening, landscape pond building, antique collecting, raising pygmy goats,
or crochet. Any pastime in which you excel is a potential coaching opportunity.

As a coach, you not only need to have exceptional skills in your hobby but also the ability or the
willingness to learn basic coaching techniques like active listening, goal-setting, action plan creation,
and more.

The biggest reward you will receive when you coach you hobby is sharing your passion. You’ll help
people gain confidence in their skills and excel at their favorite pastime. If you are hoping to begin a
full-time coaching business in a more lucrative field someday, coaching a hobby would be good way
to gain some experience.

49. Home Buying/Selling Coach

The housing market is bouncing back in many area of the country, but it is still a challenge for many
people to sell their homes. Others want to buy a home but are held back by stricter lending policies at
financial institutions. Anyone in the market to sell or buy could be helped by a coach.

Unlike a real estate agent or a mortgage broker who are hoping to make a commission, a home
buying/selling coach is a neutral third party. Clients would include first-time home buyers, families
who need to sell quickly so that they can move out of the area, or newlywed couples who both own
homes that need to determine which house, if either, they should keep or sell.
A coach can help guide buyers or sellers through the process of buying or selling with or without the
help of a real estate agent. They can give them resources for creative financing options or staging
advice. The coach helps clarify a buyer’s or seller’s goals, help them devise steps to reach those
goals, and provide emotional support.

A former real estate agent, mortgage broker, or someone with extensive experience buying and
selling homes would make an excellent coach. In addition, you may possess or wish to learn active
listing, interview skills, goal-setting techniques, and how to work with a client to develop an action

The rewards you will reap from being a coach to home buyers and sellers are to share your
experience in the process. You will help people through the anxiety of the process and will give them
the tools they need to reach their real estate goals.

50. Homemaking Coach

Two or three generations ago, girls were often required to take home economics in high school.
Today, many young women and men need to learn the skills it takes to run their own households. A
homemaking coach can help guide them toward resources to help them learn cooking, cleaning,
clothing care, and more. The coach will help them set goals and steps to help them master

Clients who would hire a homemaking coach include women who are about to be married, young
single men, young single women, or anyone who wants to tame the chaos in their home.

The coach listens to the client’s concerns about their homemaking abilities and what they would like
to achieve. She helps the client develop goals and action plans to reach the goals. She may help with
things like organization, household budgeting, time management, and more.

A homemaking coach is someone who has excelled at creating a comforting home environment on a
budget. She will also possess, or be willing to learn, skills like active listening, organization,
budgeting, time management, and how to set goals and create a plan to meet them.

The rewards you will receive as a homemaking coach is helping a generation of young people create
a home environment that will be their oasis from the outside world, instead of a stressful place of
disorganization and burnt meals. You will help them save money by taking care of their clothing
properly and following a grocery budget. These will be skills they will use for life.

51. Homebuilding/Renovations Coach

One of the most short-term stressful events in any family is building or renovating a home. From
agreeing on plans to dealing with the day-to-day of living among the construction, it can cause anxiety
and discord even in the strongest of families. As a homebuilding/renovations coach, you can guide
your clients from the decision to build or renovate through the finished product.
Clients come to a homebuilding/renovations coach because they are a neutral third party who can
help them determine if they should renovate and build, a budget they can afford, and a list of the all of
the features they want their new home to have. They can coach the homeowner what questions to
ask when hiring an architect and contractors. Couples can work out their differences of opinion with
the coach before construction begins, saving money in costly delays. If there is going to be a
renovation, the coach will help the family plan how to work around the construction without turning
their lives upside down.

As a construction/renovations coach, you will guide families through a process to determine their
“must haves” versus their “wants.” You will help them set goals and create plans to help them achieve
their goals. Together, you will develop budgets, checklists, and punch lists to make sure the project
will go as smoothly as possible.

A former architect or contractor, or even someone who has been through the renovation or
homebuilding process several times would make a great coach. In addition, he may also possess or
wish to learn active listening skills, compromise techniques, goal-setting, budgeting, and several
methods of planning.

Your primary reward as a homebuilding, renovations coach is seeing the finished product. You’ll work
with families that have created the home of their dreams and have endured the process without
spending too much money, stressing out, or fighting over details.

52. Horse Training Coaching

Many people around the country take their horse-related recreation very seriously. If you have a
talent in barrel racing, team roping, dressage, show jumping, horse training, or polo, you can coach

This an easy coaching niche to narrow. First you start with the skill or sport you would like to coach.
You may choose to work with children, adults, beginners, or people who are performing in world-class
competition. Clients will come to you to critique their technique, help them decide whether to sell their
current horse and buy a new one, set goals, and for emotional support.

Unlike other sports, both the rider and the horse have to be successful in training to become
champions. You will work with your clients to set goals for both horse and rider. Together with your
rider client, you will assessment weaknesses and strengths, then develop a plan to help them
maximize their full potential.

Any successful horse person who is passionate about their sport would make a great horse training
coach. In addition, you may possess or plan to learn additional skills like assessment, critique, active
listing, goal setting, and learning how to create an action plan with your clients.

As a horse training coach, you will share your love of your particular sport or event. You will work with
horsemen and horsewomen to be the best in their class. You will guide them through setting goals
and setting training goals for both themselves and their horse. You will teach them self-motivation and
other necessities that they will incorporate in all areas of their lives.

53. Hospitality Coaching

Hoteliers and their top management are under constant stress to make guests happy and want to
come back for a return stay. Their jobs require managing housekeeping, bell boys, reservations
clerks, and more. If they are managing a resort, they have even more management responsibilities,
with golf pros, spa employees, and sometimes staff from one or more restaurant.

Hospitality executives find value in coaching. They have issues managing large groups of people,
retaining good employees, and improving the numbers of rooms they book every night. They may
have issues as a team or individually that need improvement. Fresh ideas for marketing might be

As a hospitality coach, you may be meeting solely with the hotel manager or owner, or you may meet
with the management team. You will be addressing issues like time management, leadership,
organizational issues, hiring practices, and more. Together with your clients, you will guide a process
that helps them determine what makes their hotel unique. You will determine the team or the
individual strengths and weaknesses. Together you will set goals and develop a plan to meet those

The best hospitality coach is a person who has had successful executive-level experience in a hotel,
motel or resort. In addition you may possess or be willing to learn brainstorming techniques, active
listening, group dynamics, goal-setting, and how to create an effective action plan that meets the
client’s goals.

You rewards as a hospitality coach is helping clients achieve their full potential professionally, both
together and as a team. They will work together with your guidance to provide exceptional hotel
service for anyone traveling for business or for pleasure. You will help them learn business skills that
will help them in life as well.

54. Interior Design Coaching

Many people have the eye for design, but only a talented few can manage the personalities of clients,
vendors, contractors, and more. Being a successful interior designer takes excellent communication,
the ability to set and stay within a budget, and more.

An interior designer may hire a coach because needs help growing his business. He may want some
guidance in branching out into a new area of expertise. Another may be suffering for burnout and
need some inspiration and motivation.
An interior design coach will work with her clients to determine their strengths and weaknesses. She
will guide them through a process to help pinpoint critical issues in their business, and help them set
goals. Together, they will create an action plan to achieve both long- and short-term goals.

An interior design coach will most likely be someone who has had success in the career field. In
addition, she may also possess or be willing to learn excellent communication skills, financial
acumen, motivational skills, active listening techniques, goal-setting, and methods to write and
implement action plans.

The rewards of being an interior designer coach include helping others become successful in a
competitive field. Coaching them to have both excellent business as well as artistic skills will give
designers an edge over their competitors. Young designers will get a strong foothold in the career
field, while the more established decorators will overcome burnout and rediscover their creativity.

55. Laughter Coaching

Sometimes after a series of losses or as someone nears burnout in their career, they forget how to
make light of situations. They begin to take life way too seriously and lose perspective. Laughter
coaching helps people from any profession or walk of life learn how to laugh at themselves and the
world around them.

Laughter coaching may be incorporated with other niches. It is a tool that helps clients become less
depressed, negative, and stressed. Laughter may even have health benefits for some people.
Coaching someone to internationally look for the hilarity in life helps them to gain perspective and not
take themselves too seriously.

With an improved, more positive outlook on life, clients who incorporate laughter coaching into their
lives will be more open to exploring goals and looking at their strengths and weaknesses. They
become more willing to embrace change needed to help them live happier lives and meet their goals.

A laughter coach is someone who has experienced both the downs as well as the ups in life. She is
someone who has a sense of humor and incorporates laughter as a tool in her own life to achieve
some balance. In addition, she will possess or be willing to learn active listening, interview
techniques, goal-setting strategies, and various planning methods.

The rewards of laughter coaching include getting a good laugh yourself during every coaching
session. You will also watch people become lighter, more balanced, and emotionally healthy as they
begin to incorporate laughter and levity into their lives. You will be guiding your clients to learn a life
skill that will benefit them at any stage of life.

56. Leadership Coaching

Leadership coaching is one of the more lucrative coaching niches. It concentrates on equipping
executives and corporate management teams with the best leadership skills. Although many leaders
are born, they can be made as well with effective coaching.

Decision makers are the majority of your clients when you are a leadership coach. You will work with
chief operating officers, chief executive officers, managing partners in law firms, and business
partners. They will come to you to improve their leadership ability and to learn methods to instill
leadership qualities in their middle managers.

Some of the issues that leadership coaches help their clients navigate include managing layoffs,
improving communication between members of the management team, motivating workers to take
ownership of the quality of their work, and empowering middle managers and key employees to take
on more responsibility.

Leadership coaches help their clients learn techniques to improve work performance, create better
working relationships and improve the bottom line. You will work with your clients to determine their
strengths and weaknesses, create goals, and develop and implement plans with built-in accountability
to help them achieve those goals. You may be helping them with organizational and time
management issues as well.

A leadership coach is someone who is a natural-born leader with insight about how to develop
leadership skills. You may also possess or be willing to learn excellent communications skills,
motivational techniques, goal-setting methods, problem-solving strategies, active listening, and more.

The rewards of a successful leadership coach are often financial. It can be a very lucrative coaching
niche. In addition, you will guide others to become self-confident leaders in business, their
community, and in their personal lives. The skills you coach will not only give them a business edge,
but give them a life with purpose.

57. Life Goals Coaching

Today, people want to have it all – a fulfilling career, a nurturing family life, and leisure time filled with
hobbies and friends. A life goals coach helps their clients look at the big picture of their lives and
develop strategies to help them become fulfilled in every aspect of their lives.

People from all walks of life engage a life goals coach. You may work with college students who want
to map out their lives early. Another client may have reached mid-life and realized that they haven’t
spent enough time in nurturing their friendships. A busy executive may need some strategies to help
create more time with his family.

Life goals coaching involves listening closely to what your clients say. You will help them identify
patterns in their lives that may be holding them back from achieving balance in their lives. You will
help them identify their top priorities in life, create goals, and map out a plan to help them achieve
those goals in both the long and the short term.
A successful life goals coach will be someone who has learned how to achieve some balance in their
own life. You will have set goals and determined steps that you needed to implement to reach those
goals. Other skills you might already possess or be willing to learn include motivational techniques,
active listening, and the ability to see the big picture.

The rewards you will receive as a life goals coach include helping people live purposeful, balanced
lives. You will be coaching people to learn skills that they can replicate in both their professional and
personal lives that will help them achieve balance when they start neglecting a critical part of their
lives. You will help people determine what is most in important in their lives and give them the skills to
nurture those aspects.

NOTE: Because of the broad applicability of this area, coaches will be MUCH more likely to be
successful if they choose to niche down further. For example, a "Legacy Goals" coach would help
elder clients develop goals for leaving a legacy for their family. An "Adventure Goals" coach would
help clients identify and achieve "bucket list" types of goals like climbing Mt. Everest, visiting the
Orient, etc. A "Retirement Goals Coach" would help clients plan financially for retirement, and to
organize goals for what to do once they're there. At this time we do NOT recommend coaches choose
general life goals coaching as a niche in and of itself!

58. Loss Coaching

Personal and professional loss affects people in every aspect of their lives. Paralyzed with grief,
some people shut down. They experience depression, anxiety and are sometimes are unable to
move forward. Their relationships both socially and professionally may suffer.

Loss coaches help their clients understand the grief process and help them identify healthy, effective
ways to grieve their loss. They will help deal with the emotional, mental and physical aspects of how
the loss has affected their life, and help them to embrace life fully again.

People who seek out loss coaches may have lost their job. Others may have lost a loved one to death
or divorce. Others are struggling with the loss of a dream, like professional athletes who have been
permanently sidelined by injury or a young person who has become aware that a career choice for
them is no longer an option.

Loss coaches spend a lot of time the first few sessions listening to their clients. Verbalizing the loss is
a big part of the healing process. From there, he will work with the client to identify the most urgent
needs, set goals, and create a plan to meet those goals. In time, they will set long-term goals to
continue moving the client back to emotion, mental, and physical health again.

A successful loss coach will have successfully navigated loss himself and may have training as a
counselor or chaplain. In addition, you may already know or be willing to learn additional skills, such
as active listening, motivational techniques, excellent communication, and goal-setting methods.

As a loss coach, you will walk with clients through some of the darkest points of their lives. The
rewards include seeing how the pain of grief can transform into an inner strength that the client didn’t
possess before the loss. You will coach them to become goal oriented and to create steps to reach
their goals, which are skills they will use for the rest of their lives.
59. Marketing Coaching

Every business needs marketing. Whether a company sells products or services, or has business or
consumer customers, targeted marketing that is a cut above can leave the competition in the dust.
However, some executives need help determining who their potential customers are and how to
reach them.

Clients come to a marketing coach to learn how to reach their audience online. Some may be looking
for an effective way to reach a new audience. Others need some fresh ideas for a product launch.
Others need to determine a multi-prong strategy to reach their marketing goals. You may be working
with anyone from advertising executives, the presidents of public relations agencies, internet
entrepreneurs, and more.

You can choose to narrow this niche by the platform or by the type of business. You may choose to
only with online businesses, or with business-to-business companies. You could work with
established businesses or startups. The possibilities are many.

As a marketing coach, you will help identify the areas where you clients are challenged as well as
areas where they are strong. Together, you will determine long- and short-term goals, and create a
plan of attack. You may help them write a marketing plan for their investors, or develop a timeline for
a product launch.

A successful marketing coach is someone who has excelled in their niche. They will be people who
have an innate ability to identify audiences or use quantitative tools to determine buying habits. You
may also possess or may choose to learn active listening skills, goal-setting techniques, motivational
strategies, and how to create an effective action plan with built-in accountability.

The rewards of being a sought-after marketing coach can be financial. This is a coaching niche that
could be an excellent career. You will also help your clients refresh their creative ability and find the
best marketing techniques for their products and services. You will be teaching them motivational and
goal-oriented strategies that will help them throughout their careers.

60. Maternity Coaching

A first-time pregnancy can be confusing and overwhelming to a couple. Often there is a lot to learn in
a short period of time. Pregnancy can affect marriages, careers, and emotions. A coach can help
parents-to-be understand and prepare for the changes brought about by pregnancy and impending
parenthood. They can also guide couples through decisions they need to make before the baby is

Clients who hire a pregnancy coach include people like a busy attorney who wants to stay on top of
her game throughout her pregnancy. They may also include a pregnant teen and her parents, or a
single mother who is choosing to go through the pregnancy on her own. Other clients may include
women who are older or have high-risk pregnancies. You can narrow your practice to cover some of
these specialties or you may coach them all.
A pregnancy coach helps her clients aware of all the choices that need to be made during pregnancy
and how to determine what is best for them. She does this by listening to her clients and guiding them
through a process of setting goals based on what is best for them and their baby. You will help them
develop an action plan and a checklist of things that have to be completed before the baby comes. A
pregnancy coach also supports the future parents emotionally.

A successful pregnancy coach is someone who has prepared for birth herself. She is someone who is
goal-oriented and detail-oriented. In addition, you may want to learn additional coaching skills,
including active listening, how to provide emotional support appropriately, and how to create an action

The rewards of pregnancy coaching include helping future parents prepare in such a way that they
can enjoy the pregnancy with few worries or stress. Your clients will be ready to start parenthood
equipped with valid information. You will be creating the beginning of a happy, healthy family.

61. Medical Conditions Coaching

Many medical conditions require extensive holistic self-care, good communication with physicians,
and a positive outlook. Millions of people are diagnosed every year with chronic conditions that they
have to learn to live with on a daily basis. As a medical condition coach, you will help your clients
learn tools to help them live the best quality of life possible.

Most of the clients you will see will have chronic, perhaps life-long, medical conditions. They may
include autoimmune disorders like lupus, multiple sclerosis, or fibromyalgia. They may be chronic
liver, kidney or pancreas disease. They can include blood disorders or brain tumors. You can narrow
this niche to include only particular conditions or a specific age group or gender.

Clients will seek out a coach to help them manage their condition for a number of reasons. They may
be seeking a neutral third party who will support them emotionally while they undergo alternative
treatment. Some want to explore the mind/body connection. Others want help learning to discuss
their condition with family, friends or the medical community.

As a medical conditions coach, you will listen to your clients’ perception of their needs and concerns.
You will ask questions to determine if there are any underlying issues or additional strengths or
concerns that need to be taken into account. You help the client set goals and a plan to meet or
exceed these goals.

If you are thinking about being a medical conditions coach, you most likely have learned to live with a
condition or have excelled in a profession that treats them. In addition to your first-hand knowledge
about the condition, you may want to learn additional skills, such as active listening, excellent
communication, goal-setting, motivational techniques, and how to create an action plan.

The rewards you will receive as a medical conditions coach include guiding people to a place where
they can create and maintain an excellent quality of life despite their disease. You will help them
define holistic care that will feed their body, mind, and spirit. They will also learn to be goal-oriented,
which they can incorporate in every area of their lives.

62. Men’s Empowerment Coaching

More and more, men are seeking out the counsel of other men to help them guide their lives. They
want to have more power in both their professional and their personal lives, and need help to
determine what changes in practices and outlook they need to make to be successful. This is where a
men’s empowerment coach comes in.

Men seek empowerment coaches when they know they need to make changes but don’t know how.
They are looking for a coach who understands their particular struggles or issues as men. Your
clients may be seeking help with business, personal, or spiritual issues. They may need help learning
how to express their feelings appropriately or how to nurture themselves effectively.

Most men’s empowerment coaches focus on the here and now. They listen to their clients, then
develop a goals and an action plan to help them achieve what they want the most in their lives.
Coaches may give constructive advice about how to communicate more effectively, how to resolve
conflict or increase their personal wealth.

Most men’s empowerment coaches are men who have been successful in most areas of their lives.
They are usually excellent communicators, motivators, and leaders. You may also wish to learn
additional skills, like active listening, how to ask questions to get to the real problem, setting goals
and how to work as a team.

Your biggest reward as a men’s empowerment coach is helping men find their place in the world and
how to grow in all areas of their lives. They will learn life skills that they can implement in any

63. Mental Health Professional Coaching

Therapists, counselors, and psychologists often have their own therapists, and increasingly they are
seeking out coaches as well. Coaches help them with issues related to their mental health practices
from a business and emotional prospective. Their coaches help them deal with issues particular to
mental health practices.

Your clients may include a psychologist who wants to increase his practice. You may also see a
counselor who wants to determine the best ways to work with insurance companies. Others may
need help with particular ethical issues or advice on learning a new skill or improving an existing one.

As a mental health professional coach, you will listen to your clients’ needs and concerns. You will
ask them questions to ascertain their goals, and together you will create a plan to help them meet
their goals. You may look at the pros and cons of a particular business strategy or marketing method.
Mental health professional coaches typically are people who have had successful practices. They are
interested in sharing their experience with new practitioners or with helping their colleagues with their
businesses. You may also wish to learn or improve your communications skills, goal-setting practices,
listening ability, and planning methods.

Mental health professionals have taken a hit financially as the insurance industry has changed and
offer less mental health coverage for their insured. That means that coaching may not provide a
lucrative income a reward. However, you will help other mental health professionals achieve their
career and business goals. You will help them learn methods to better treat their patients as well.

64. Military Career Coaching

As the wars wind down that the U.S. has fought over the last 10 years, more and more members
of the military wonder what is next for them. They need to determine what is next for them in terms of
their service. Military career coaches can help them determine what their career goals are in the long
term and help them generate a plan to meet or exceed those goals.

Your clients may include high school students who want advice about how to get accepted to elite
officer training. You may see military personnel who are trying to determine the best time to retire.
Others still are wanting support and input about reaching the next rank.

As a military career coach, you will help your clients assess their strengths and areas where they
need more improvement. You will help them generate a game plan that reflects their career goals and
how they plan to reach those goals. You will support them emotionally as well.

A successful coach in this niche is someone who has had a successful military career that they loved.
You most likely have leadership and motivational skills, as well. You may wish to learn active listening
skills, how to set goals, and how to create an effective action plan with accountability built in.

Your reward as a military career coach will be watching individuals reach their professional goals.
You will help them overcome the obstacles in the way of achieving career success, and give them the
tools they need to succeed.

65. Military Transition Coaching

When a person leaves the military back into civilian, there is a big transition both personally and
professionally. A military transition coach helps them navigate the changes in career, personal life
and more during this time.

Clients may include people who are retiring and are deciding where to settle. Others may be trying to
figure out how they can parlay their wartime skills into a non-military career. Others may seek help in
becoming closer to their spouses and children once they have returned home. Some will be seeking
advice about how to start their own business.
You will listen to your clients and help them sort out information from emotion. You will help them
decide their long-term and short-term goals, and then together create a plan outlining steps to
implement them.

A successful military transition coach is most likely a veteran who has re-entered the civilian world
themselves. You may possess of wish to learn other skills, including excellent communication,
motivation techniques, how to set goals, and how to write an action plan.

Your biggest reward as a military transition coach is watching your clients enter back into civilian life
successfully. They will reconnect with their families and learn how to make new friends. They will find
employment, if they seek it, in a civil setting where they can use the skills they developed in the
military. They will lead goal-oriented lives.

66. Motivational Coaching

A popular niche is motivational coaching. This niche helps two kinds of people – those who need to
find ways to motivate themselves, and business executives who are hoping to learn positive ways to
motivate their employees to be more productive.

Certain situations create a lack of motivation in people. Someone may not be motivated to look for a
job if they were fired from their last one. Employees may not have a positive attitude about work after
some of their co-workers are laid off. A coach can help in both of these situations.

As a motivational coach, you will help your clients determine what obstacles are in the way of
motivating themselves or others. You will review what sorts of motivation have or have not worked in
the past. Together, you will determine new strategies to attempt, set goals, and create a plan to
implement the strategies to meet or exceed the goals.

The best motivational coaches are people who can naturally motivate themselves or are skilled in
motivating others in both business and personal life. You may also possess certain skills, or wish to
learn them, including active listening, asking questions that generate insightful answers, goal-setting,
and how to create an action plan with accountability built in.

One of the rewards for a successful motivational coach may be monetary. If you are successful,
particularly with the business community, you will be paid well for your coaching sessions. Additional
rewards will be sharing your experience with motivation with others to inspire them or help them
inspire their employees to do exceed expectations every day.

Note: Motivational coaches may need to address more specific niches in order to achieve the level of
success they desire. For example, " Motivational Coaching for Academic Achievement", "Motivational
Coaching for Entrepreneurs", etc.

67. Nature Coaching

Being cooped up in an office for 40 or more hours a week has long-term effects on some people that
just aren’t emotionally, mentally, or physically healthy. It is important to reconnect with nature on a
regular basis, rather than just once a year on vacation.

Regular excursions into the sunshine help create vitamin D, a necessary nutrient that can is
generated in our bodies when they are exposed to sunlight. Many people feel better mentally and
emotionally when they have spent some time in nature. Others may feel more self-motivated or
mentally refreshed after their escapes into the great outdoors.

Nature coaches help their clients get back in touch with the part of themselves that responds to
nature. Whether it’s the sensational of sand between your toes at the beach, a cool mountain breeze,
or prairie grasses brushing against your legs, the sensations of nature are healing and beneficial to

You will listen as your clients explain their roadblocks at work or home. Together, you will brainstorm
ideas related to getting out in nature on a regular basis. You both will determine the best ideas for
your client, set goals, and then create a plan to implement strategies to meet the goals.

A successful nature coach is a natural-born nature lover. She is someone who has benefitted from
setting times to be outdoors. You may possess or wish to learn other skills, including excellent
communication, motivation techniques, how to set goals, and how to write an action plan.

The rewards of being a nature coach include keeping yourself connected to nature. That will be part
of your job now. You will also watch your clients blossom as they reconnect with nature, becoming
better employees, family members, and friends as they claim what they have been missing in their

68. Nursing Coaching

More career opportunities are open to nurses than ever before. The downside is, cutbacks in
hospitals mean that it is still a high burnout profession. As the Baby Boomer population ages, more
nurses will be needed to care for the sick, recovering, and the elderly.

Nurses will seek out coaching if they are considering furthering their education to enter management
or a more lucrative specialty. Young people considering nursing may consult you to help them
determine what level of education they should receive. Others may want to determine if a new
position offered to them would be the best career move. Others want help overcoming conflict with
physicians, other nurses, and other hospital personnel.

You will spend time the first few sessions with your client listening to his concerns, fears, hopes, and
dreams. Then, you will guide him through a process to set goals, create steps for them to follow to
meet those goals, and develop a system of accountability.

The best nursing coaches are excellent nurses who have had long and varied careers. You may
possess or wish to learn other skills, including excellent communication, active listening, motivation
techniques, how to set goals, and how to write an action plan. All of these skills and your experience
will be helpful to your clients.

Financial success in coaching is often linked to the amount of money your clients earn. If you can
specialize in elite nursing practices, like nurse anesthesiologists, you may earn a fantastic living as a
nursing coach. Even if you don’t make a six-figure income coaching nurses, you will be happy that
you can help others through your experience. You will have clients who will come back from burnout
instead of leaving the profession. They will realize their dream of being the best nurse they can be.

69. Organizational Coaching

Many people do not have organizational skills. For them, finding their car keys to leave the house can
take 30 or 45 minutes. They expend energy looking through piles of clothes and paperwork for things
they can’t find. Many will spend more money than they need to buying duplicate items that have
gotten lost in the shuffle. They are overwhelmed by their clutter and don’t know what to do with it.

Your clients as an organizational coach may be an executive who needs to learn how to use their
administrative assistant to keep him organized at the office. Others may be someone who operates
an internet business from home who can’t keep the clutter at bay. Others may be people who are also
seeking mental health treatment for hoarding, an extreme case of disorganization that can severely
affect someone’s health.

As an organizational coach, you will listen to your clients voice their frustration and anxiety about their
disorganized lives. You will then work with them to determine strategies that will help them de-clutter
and stay organized. Together you will set goals and create a plan to implement them. Motivation and
accountability are important parts of the plan for those who need help with organization.

An excellent organizational coach is someone who is naturally organized and can identify several
organizational processes. Others may be former disorganized people who have learned how to de-
clutter and have learned to be organized. You may possess or wish to learn other skills, including
excellent communication, active listening, motivation techniques, how to set goals, and how to write
an action plan.

Many organizational coaches can make a living helping people get organized. You will help people
feel like they can have their friends and family over in their clutter-free homes. You’ll help
businesspeople and others excel in their careers as they learn to consistently implement the
organizational skills they have learned.

70. Parenting Coaching

Parenting may be the hardest job anyone will ever have. Most people learn their parenting techniques
from their own parents, and in some cases those techniques were severely lacking. Every parent
wants to do the best they can to raise happy, healthy, and productive children. A parenting coach can
help them do just that.
Parents engage coaches before their children are born to help them hammer out a plan that both
mother and father agree upon. However, many parents come their coaches in crisis. They may not
agree on parenting styles with their spouse, especially in a blended family. A single mother may end
up overwhelmed because her support system isn’t as reliable as she hoped. Parents find that they
are living with a tween or teen-ager than they no longer know how to parent.

Parenting coaches often start by listening to your clients voice their frustration and anxiety about their
parenting difficulties. You will then work with them to determine their parenting strengths and
weaknesses, then look at strategies that will help them parent effectively. Together you will set goals
both parents agree upon and create a plan to implement them. Consistency is an important part of an
effective parenting plan, so accountability will be built into the plan.

Successful parenting coaches have been parents themselves. They may have a background in
counseling or teaching, which has given them exposure to many types of children. You may possess
or wish to learn other skills, including excellent communication, active listening, motivation
techniques, how to set goals, and how to write an action plan.

Parenting coaches can attract thriving businesses. However, the primary reward is watching parents
go from harried and frustrated to self-confident and relaxed after they create a parenting plan. You
will help mend relationships and give families the freedom to forge closer ties.

71. Performance Arts Coaching

Singers, musicians, actors, dancers and other performers need incentive, motivation, and drive to be
successful in their careers. That’s why some of them hire performance arts coaches to help them gain
an edge over the crowded field of people competing for the same parts and gigs.

As a performance arts coach, you may be asked to critique your clients’ abilities. They may come to
you to get input on how to create an audition tape. They may need help figuring out how to hire an
agent. Some come for the emotional support they may not get from family and friends who think they
are chasing a dream they will never realize.

Most performance arts coaches will start by listening to their clients voice their fears and dreams.
They then work with them to determine their strengths and weaknesses so that they can develop their
skills to best of their abilities. Together they set goals and create a plan to implement them.

An excellent performance arts coach will be someone who succeeded at a career in Hollywood,
Nashville or on Broadway. They will have experience working with agents, talent scouts, and more. In
addition, they may possess or wish to learn other skills, including excellent communication, active
listening, motivation techniques, how to set goals, and how to write an action plan.

Unless you work with performance artists who have already made a name for themselves, you won’t
have a huge financial return as a reward for your coaching. You will, however, help people realize
their dreams, whether they lie in performance art or in another career. You will teach them
motivational skills and goal-setting techniques they can use in any aspect of their lives.
72. Personal Development Coaching

Some people get stuck in a role in their life and that’s all they know. They lose part of themselves
being a successful businessperson, mother, caregiver, or soldier. These people feel like something is
missing in their lives but they can’t articulate what it is. A personal development coach helps people
who become stuck lead full, multi-faceted lives.

Clients come to a personal development coach when they feel like life is passing them by. Some may
be having a mid-life crisis. Others no longer like their primary role anymore and wonder if they should
leave their job or even their marriage. The coach helps them determine what they really want out of
life and how to pursue it.

As a personal development coach, you will listen to your clients voice their frustration and anxiety
about their unfulfilling lives. You will then work with them to determine what they have done in the
past that made them joyous, or help them articulate their dreams. Together you will set goals and
create a plan to implement them. Motivation and accountability are important parts of the plan for
those who need help with personal development.

To be a successful personal development coach, you most likely have some experience in living your
life to its fullest. You may possess or wish to learn other skills, including excellent communication,
active listening, motivation techniques, how to set goals, and how to write an action plan.

Depending on your clientele, you can have a financially rewarding career as a personal development
coach. However, the greatest reward will be helping people become the person they’ve always
wanted to be, or to regain that part of themselves that they thought was lost forever. You will help
people determine what roles they want to play in life, not what their parents or spouses want them to
be. You offer people a way to live authentically.

Note: Personal development coaches may need to niche down further in order to achieve their
desired level of success.

73. Personal Finance Coaching

A huge segment of the United States population is over its head in credit card debt. Others are
overwhelmed with student loans. Many people live beyond their means. A personal finance coach
helps people who don’t have the necessary skills develop strategies to rein in their spending and
increase their saving.

A client often comes to a personal finance coach in a crisis situation. They may owe back taxes, or
are behind in their monthly financial obligations. Sometimes newly married couples hire a personal
finance coach to help them work out their differences in financial styles. Others come because they
know they are lacking funds for retirement and want learn how to save.

For the first session or two, you will listen to your clients voice their frustration and anxiety about their
personal finances. You will then work with them to determine strategies that will help them figure out
how much money they owe and where their money is going every month. Together you will set goals
and create a budget and a spending plan to implement them. Motivation and accountability are
important parts of the plan for those who need help with personal finance.

A great personal finance coach is someone who has experience in budgeting, accounting, and
following a spending plan. You may be someone who has worked in the finance, or you can simply be
someone who has successfully put their money to work for them. You may possess or wish to learn
other skills, including excellent communication, active listening, motivation techniques, how to set
goals, and how to write an action plan. Knowing how to budget and save are essential skills.

With enough clients, you can make a living as a personal finance coach. In addition to the monetary
rewards, you will help people learn money management skills that will put them on the right track
financially. These are skills they will use for life.

Note: Personal finance coaches may need to niche down further to achieve the level of success they
desire. For example, "personal finance for divorced women", etc.

74. Personal Shopper Coaching

Personal shoppers find the perfect gifts, clothing, and household goods for busy executives. It’s a
career field where the shopper builds a strong rapport with her clients. Although shopping and getting
paid for it seems like a dream job for many people, it requires organizational, time management and
money management skills. For those who are challenged by some of these skills, personal shopper
coaching may be in order.

Personal shoppers come to coaches to learn marketing techniques to grow their clientele. She may
need help getting along with store management or other personal shoppers. Some come needing
better listening skills so that they can bring the client the perfect merchandise they want for any

As a personal shopper coach, you will listen to your clients voice their frustration and anxiety about
their work. You will then work with them to determine their weaknesses and strengths so that you can
develop strategies that will help them be better shoppers. Together you will set goals and create a
plan to implement them. Motivation and accountability are important parts of the plan, especially for
those who need help with time management or organization.

To be a successful personal shopper coach, you will most likely have been successful personal
shopper. You may possess or wish to learn other skills, including excellent communication, active
listening, motivation techniques, how to set goals, and how to write an action plan.

If you are working with successful personal shoppers, you can earn a full-time living as a personal
shopper coach. But primarily your motivation and your reward will be helping shoppers be the best
they can be. You will help them capitalize on their strengths and eliminate their weaknesses to put
them at the top of their career field.
75. Personal Style Coaching

Everyone wants to look good, especially if they are in the public eye. How someone presents
themselves physically can determine how well they do in the business world, as well as socially.
Personal style coaches help their clients put their best foot forward by helping them choose their
clothing, makeup, and hairstyle.

Both men and women are in need of personal style coaching. A company spokesperson may realize
that they did not look their best when they see themselves on television after a press conference. A
salesman may want his style updated to help him continue to look youthful. Anyone looking for a job
may approach a personal style coach to help them get an edge over the competition by looking their

As a personal style coach, you will listen to your clients’ needs and desires. You will critique their
look, pointing out both the strengths and the weaknesses. You will then work with them to determine
strategies that will help them enhance their personal style through a new clothing budget, hairstyle
and, for women, makeup. Together you will set goals and create a plan to implement them.
Motivation and accountability are important parts of the plan.

Most personal style coaches are people who have become successful because of their personal
style. You can be a former model as well as someone loves to keep up with the world of fashion. You
may possess or wish to learn other skills as well, including excellent communication, active listening,
motivation techniques, how to set goals, and how to write an action plan.

If you work with high-profile clients, you will make a nice living as a personal style coach. Even if you
work with executives or people from other walks of life, you will be rewarded as a coach by seeing the
physical transformation when someone begins to care about the way they look or is informed about
what cut of clothes looks the best on their body type. You will help your clients gain self-confidence as

76. Physician Coaching

Doctors are in a fast-paced, quickly changing career field. They emerge from medical school ready to
practice medicine but with limited skills for running a successful medical practice. That’s where a
physician coach can save the day.

A physician will hire a coach when they need a neutral third party to help them make business
decisions. Some have been taken advantage of because of their poor business skills. Others are
looking for help to find a reputable practice manager with integrity. Some are waiting advice about
how to merge a practice with another physician or to change specialties.

As a physician coach, you will listen to your clients voice their frustration and anxiety about their
practices. You will then work with them to determine their strengths and their weaknesses, as well as
their level of communications skills. Together you will develop strategies that will help them set goals
and create a plan to implement them. Motivation and accountability are important parts of the plan for
physicians. Most don’t want to be bothered with the financial or marketing aspects of their practices,
but it is necessary for them to have at least some involvement.

A successful physician coach is most likely a physician who has run a successful practice, or even a
long-time medical office manager. You may have experience in areas like technology, insurance
protocols, finance, human resources, and more. You may possess or wish to learn other skills,
including excellent communication, active listening, motivation techniques, how to set goals, and how
to write an action plan.

Doctors are willing to pay for excellent coaching, so you have the potential for some significant
financial rewards from physician coaching. You will also watch doctors find ways to be appropriately
involved in their business affairs without sacrificing significant time from the first love, practicing
medicine. Your clients will make more money and become more self-confident in their managerial

77. Play Coaching

Many adults have bought into the notion that after a certain age play is no longer necessary. That
couldn’t be further from the truth. Adults need to keep play in their life to help with stress, encourage
growth in creativity and to give them interaction with others in a fun setting.

Clients may approach a play coach to help them bring some balance to their lives. Some may come
looking for a way to help them deal with the overbearing stress and anxiety created by their work.
Others are looking for a fun outlet to re-establish friendships. Some also want to incorporate play into
their lives to help them find their creative muse again.

As an organizational coach, you will listen to your clients voice their frustration and anxiety about their
disorganized lives. You will then work with them to determine strategies that will help them de-clutter
and stay organized. Together you will set goals and create a plan to implement them. Motivation and
accountability are important parts of the plan for those who need help with organization.

As a play coach, you will listen to your clients voice their expectations about incorporating play into
their lives. You will then work with them to determine strategies that will help them determine the
kinds of play they want to pursue. Together you will set goals and create a plan to implement them.
Motivation and accountability are important parts of the plan for those who are attempting to make
play an intentional part of their lives.

If you work with executives or successful creative people, you can make a full-time living as a play
coach. You will also keep play at the forefront of your own life, keeping you happier and healthier.
You will guide people to reclaiming a part of their childhood that will help them be vibrant and creative
in their professional and personal lives.

78. Political Coaching

It takes a special kind of person to run for political office. They often are people who want to serve the
public and help facilitate change. As a political coach, you help potential candidates achieve their

Those thinking about running for office may engage a political coach as a neutral third party. You may
specialize in candidates depending on their party affiliation or they level of office they are hoping to
achieve. They will want your input on fund raising, creating a platform, how to build their team, and
how to work with their political party structure. You may help candidates that have already thrown
their hat into the ring or those who are fact-finding to determine if a bid for public office will be

As a political coach, you will listen to your clients voice their dreams and anxiety about running for
public office. You will help them discover their strengths and identify their weaknesses so that they
can be addressed.. Together you will set goals and create a plan to implement them. Motivation and
accountability are important parts of the plan.

Most political coaches have been successful in winning an office themselves or have been campaign
managers. You may possess or wish to learn other skills, including excellent communication, how to
create a political platform, active listening, motivation techniques, how to set goals, and how to write
an action plan.

Depending on whether you identify with a political party or the level of office your clients want to
pursue, you aren’t likely to make a huge living off political coaching. You might, however, be
appointed to a position by a candidate you help if that is your goal. Your primary reward will be
helping people who genuinely want to serve the public develop skills to run for public office and win.

79. Procrastination Coaching

Some people have trouble making and keeping deadlines. They put off doing the work until the last
minute, causing themselves undue stress and anxiety. Procrastinators can benefit from coaching to
help them kick the habit.

Business executives with procrastination issues are likely to seek out a coach. They may be
foundering in their position because they are constantly missing deadlines. Others may be generating
work that is subpar because it has been performed hurriedly at the last minute.

Procrastinators often have time management problems. Others have problems motivating
themselves. As a procrastination coach, you will listen to your clients voice their frustration and
anxiety about their inability to meet deadlines. You will then work with them to determine strategies
that will help them with motivation and time management. Together you will set goals and create a
plan to implement them. Motivation and accountability are important parts of the plan for those who
need help with procrastination.

Procrastination coaches are people who have great time management and self-motivation skills. You
may be someone who overcame your own issues with procrastination. In addition, you may possess
or wish to learn other skills, including excellent communication, active listening, motivation
techniques, how to set goals, and how to write an action plan.

Business executives will pay for effective procrastination coaching. In addition to monetary rewards,
you will help your clients excel at their careers by meeting deadlines and producing quality work.
They won’t be frustrated and anxious every time a project is due. They will learn life skills that they
can apply in any situation.

80. Public Relations Coaching

Public relations professionals work with the media to generate news about their clients. They also
perform crisis management and special event planning and implementation. It is a high-stress career
where clients often have unrealistic expectations that the executives try to fulfill, oftentimes
unsuccessfully. A coach can help public relations executives communicate clearly and better manage
their clients’ expectations.

As a public relations coach, you may be working with executives who work in corporations or
management teams from public relations firms. You may be hired to help a publicist learn how to use
social media more effectively. Others may seek you out to develop a marketing plan. Some may need
help with managing their employees.

Most public relations coaches start by listening to their clients voice their frustration and anxiety as
well as what they love about their work. Afterwards, she will access their skills to determine strengths
to highlight and weaknesses to improve upon. Together they agree on goals to set and create a plan
to implement them. Motivation and accountability are important parts of the plan for those who need
help with organization.

As a public relations coach, you are most likely a seasoned PR professional. You may have had your
success in a corporate or an agency environment. You may possess or wish to learn other skills,
including excellent communication, active listening, motivation techniques, how to set goals, and how
to write an action plan.

If you work with top-tier executives from corporations or elite agencies, you can make a nice living as
a public relations coach. You will also be rewarded by bringing people out of burnout into a mindset
where they can love their careers again. You will help them develop new skills in a changing media
environment and coach them to hone their existing skills.

81. Real Estate Professional Coaching

Depending on where you live, real estate may still be a tough professional to be in right now. Even in
parts of the country where home sales are up, difficulty in obtaining financing, the glut of foreclosures
on the market, and more people finding themselves upside on their mortgage are making real estate
challenging for even the most seasoned professionals. A real estate professional can help.
A real estate professional coach can help agents perfect their skills during this challenging time. An
agent may engage a coach to help him determine how to market to a particular segment of the real
estate market. Another may want to have her skills critiqued to determine what she should improve to
help advance her career. Some may want to learn about the latest and greatest financing trends to
help their customers qualify for home loans.

As a real estate professional coach, you will often start working with a client by listening to them
articulate the challenges and joys of their career. You will then work with them to determine strategies
that will help them hone their existing skills and perhaps develop new ones. Together you will set
goals and create a plan to implement them. Motivation and accountability are important parts of the
plan to ensure follow through.

An ideal real estate professional coach would be someone who has had a successful career as a real
estate broker or agent. You may be the person who developed creative marketing strategies or found
ways to work with mortgage brokers to obtain better than average results. You may possess or wish
to learn other skills, including excellent communication, active listening, motivation techniques, how to
set goals, and how to write an action plan.

The rewards of being a real estate professional right now may not be as much monetary as in
establishing your business. You will be ready to reap financial benefits as an experienced coach
when the market comes back. You will also be rewarded by helping others find the joy in the work
again through goal-setting and planning.

82. Restaurateur Coaching

Owning and running a restaurant is a challenging job. Nearly a third of all restaurants fail in their first
year. Managers/owners must constantly struggle with retaining good employees, wait staff that don’t
show up for work, broken equipment, health inspectors, adding variety to a menu, and competing with
dozens of other restaurants. A coach can help a restaurateur make their establishment a success.

A restaurateur will seek out a coach to determine how much capital she needs to open the restaurant
of her dreams. Others will seek out a coach to help them with staffing challenges. Some want help
determining the best menu changes to keep customers coming back.

As a restaurateur coach, you will listen to your clients voice their frustration and anxiety about their
careers, as well as hear them explain why they love their work. You will then work with them to
determine strategies that will help them manage different aspects of the restaurant business.
Together you will set goals and create a plan to implement them. Motivation and accountability are
important parts of the plan for those who need help with organization or time management.

Most successful restaurateur coaches have launched and maintained restaurants themselves. They
have dealt with the frustrations themselves first hand. You may possess or wish to learn other skills,
including excellent communication, active listening, motivation techniques, how to set goals, and how
to write an action plan or a business plan.
Because restaurant business is dicey, you probably won’t become rich as a restaurateur coach. You
will reap the rewards, however, of sharing your experience and wisdom with others who love the
food-service industry. You will help them create a dining experience that will make them successful.

83. Recovery Coaching

Many people turn to 12-step programs to recover from addiction. They go to meetings and find a
sponsor who helps them work through the steps, and begin to dedicate their lives to recovery, while
continuing to dealing with problems that started when they were still in their addiction. But, the sad,
unpublished truth is that the five year recovery success rate in these programs is near zero.

Most find it very difficult to stay clean and sober. A sponsor is limited often by time, and is usually not
secure in their own lifetime, permanent abstinence. (And yes, it IS possible to achieve lifetime,
permanent abstinence, despite popular folk lore in our culture)

People engage recovery coaches to help get their finances back on track. Others want help to reduce
the stress in their lives. Some people want to make a career move, and need help determining
whether it would be a good idea in their stage of recovery. Sometimes people want help to meet new,
healthy friends who will be supportive of their recovery.

To become a recovery coach, you need to commit to learning the truth about addiction. That means
reading scientific studies, and associating with organizations and centers who have a significantly
better, documented recovery rate.

84. Relationship Coaching

Building successful, healthy relationships both professionally and personally is important to many
people. The problem is, many people don’t have skills to do so. A relationship coach can help her
clients learn the skills they need to build relationships that will be fruitful and lasting.

People from all walks of life come to relationship coaches. A busy professional woman is trying to
figure out why she can’t find the right men to date. A salesperson wants to understand why he has
trouble developing good relationships with his clients. Another client wants to have appropriate, yet
productive, relationships with her employees.

As a relationship coach, you will listen to your clients discuss their past and present relationships to
determine if there is a pattern of behavior that needs to be reviewed. You will then work with them to
determine strategies that will help them play up their positive and improve their negatives. Together
you will set goals and create a plan to implement them. Motivation and accountability are important
parts of the plan.

Relationship coaches tend to be people who have the innate ability to forge healthy relationships
personally and professionally. You may possess or wish to learn other skills, including excellent
communication, active listening, motivation techniques, how to set goals, and how to write an action
plan with accountability built in.
Because most people need help with relationships at some point in their lives, you will have no
shortage of clients if you choose to be a relationship coach. Depending on our clientele, you can have
a financially successful coaching practice. In addition, you will share your experience and hope with
others that, through some positive change, they can have great relationships, too.

85. Retirement Coaching

Retirement can be a stressful time for some people, especially if they haven’t planned it. Finances
may be an issue, or finding things to do to fill the time once dominated by a career. This is where
retirement coaching can be helpful.

Clients come to retirement coaches for a variety of reasons. They may need help reconnecting with
their spouse. Others may need a financial plan. Others need to determine their priorities so that they
can be fulfilled in life after work. Some may even decide they want to forge a new career.

As a retirement coach, you will listen to your clients voice their feelings about their decision to retire.
You will help them rediscover their dreams and hobbies they may want to pursue. You will then work
with them to set goals and create a plan to implement them. Motivation and accountability are
important parts of the plan.

Many retirement coaches are retired people who have successfully made the transition. In addition,
you may possess or wish to learn other skills, including excellent communication, active listening,
financial planning for seniors, motivation techniques, how to set goals, and how to write an action

The rewards of choosing to be a retirement coach include guiding people through one of the last big
transitions in their lives. You will help your clients rediscover their spouse, their family, and pursuits
they gave up years ago to make a living. You will also help them fulfill their dreams of a fun, relaxing

86. Sales Coaching

Sales executives are constantly under the gun to improve their performance. They are often in
competition with not only with competing companies, but their own colleagues. They share a skill-set
that is unique in business, which is why many of them will seek out a sales coach to help them excel
at their career.

Salespeople come to coaching wishing to hone particular skills, such as closing the sale or
networking. Others want a critique of their pitch to determine how to make it more successful. Some
are considering moving into management and aren’t sure if they want to make the move.

As a sales coach, you will listen to your clients describe their strengths and weaknesses. You may
critique their sales pitch or their sales style. You will then work with them to determine strategies that
will help improve an area of their career or develop a new one. Together you will set goals and create
a plan to implement them. Motivation and accountability are important parts of the plan for those who
need help with sales.

Most sales coaches are people who have long, varied successful careers in sales. You may have
expertise in business-to-business sales or business-to-consumer. Either way, you will have skills that
others will be happy for you to impart. You may possess or wish to learn other skills, including
excellent communication, active listening, motivation techniques, how to set goals, and how to write
an action plan.

Depending on your clientele, you may be rewarded with a nice income from sales coaching. You will
also be rewarded with pride that your clients are sharpening their sales skills and developing an edge
over the competition. They will develop high self-confidence that will show through when they make
sales calls.

87. Self-Esteem Coaching

Some people have trouble with their self-worth and value from an early age. Others find themselves
suffering from self-esteem issues after being fired from a job or going through a divorce. A self-
esteem coach can help her clients look at themselves in a different, positive light.

People come to self-esteem coaches looking for help to feel more self-confident. They are people
who know that you have to love yourself first to be loved in return. They want action-based strategies
to help them overcome the negativity that accompanies low self-esteem.

As a self-esteem coach, you will listen to your clients voice discuss their feelings of self-worth. You
aren’t as interested in the root cause of the negative self-worth than helping your client develop
strategies that will help them reframe their vision of themselves. Together you will set goals and
create a plan to implement them. Motivation and accountability are important parts of the plan to
ensure your client follows through.

Most self-esteem coaches have a background in counseling or some other related field. They may
have struggled with self-esteem issues themselves or have walked through recovery with a close
friend or relative. They may possess or wish to learn other skills, including excellent communication,
active listening, motivation techniques, how to set goals, and how to write an action plan.

It depends on your clientele how lucrative your self-esteem coaching practice will be. You will be
rewarded with clients who are finally able to move forward in life with the ability to love themselves,
warts and all.

88. Singles Coaching

Singles have unique issues in day-to-day living. Some of them feel as if society only values them if
they are half of a couple. They often battle with loneliness and the constant pressure to from family
and friends to “settle down.”
People who are unmarried or divorced sometimes have a difficult time finding the right people to date.
Those new to single life may need help in running a household alone or adjusting financially to one
income. Singles coaching can help clients with these issues.

As a singles coach, you will listen to your clients articulate what issues they are hoping to resolve
through coaching sessions.. You will then work with them to determine strategies that will help them
decide what is truly important to them in life. Together you will set goals and create a plan to
implement them. Motivation and accountability are important parts of the plan to keep singles on

Singles coaches are usually people who are happily single themselves. They may have a background
in counseling or a related discipline, but it is not necessary. All that you need is a desire to help other
singles choose and accept their life choices. You may possess or wish to learn other skills, including
excellent communication, active listening, motivation techniques, time management, how to set goals,
and how to write an action plan.

Depending on your clientele, you could develop a full-time business as a singles coach. What you
can expect as a reward is helping singles become happy with where they are in life. Whether they
decide to stay happily single or to be open to finding a partner, you will help them plan how to
conquer their goals.

89. Social Media Coaching

Like most of electronic media created over the last 25 years, social media can be used for positive or
negative purposes. Both businesspeople as well as individuals want to know how to harness this
powerful medium for a variety of purposes.

You can easily break down this niche into a few specialties. The most lucrative category is working
with marketing people to help them learn how to use social media to advertise their products and
services. However, others will pay for some coaching to learn how to use the platform for personal

Some people seek out a social media coach to learn how to market their business on Facebook,
Pinterest, or Twitter. Others want to look for friends or potential mates through a social media
platform. Parents want to learn about social media so that they can help their children make wise
choices about its use.

As a social media coach, you will listen to your clients voice what they hope they will get out of the
coaching experience. You will then work with them to determine strategies that will help them
optimize their use of social media. Together you will set goals and create a plan to implement them.

Most social media coaches are people who have extensive knowledge about how to use one or more
social media applications. You may have a background in marketing, software development, or
another field entirely. You may possess or wish to learn other skills, including excellent
communication, active listening, motivation techniques, how to set goals, and how to write an action

If you are working with business executives, social media is still a new enough platform that you
should be able to reap some financial rewards coaching. If you work with people who want to learn
social media for personal reasons, you will not be able to charge as much per session. Either way,
you will be able to use your social media skills to help people learn how to benefit from this form of

90. Special Needs Coaching

Whether someone is born with special needs or has an accident that results in needing extra help,
most people want to learn to live as independently as possible. Coaches can help persons with
special needs set goals for independence, work through the emotions surrounding their decisions and
take steps to realize those goals.

People who engage a special needs coach maybe a recently injured paraplegic who needs extra
continuing to learn how to perform simple tasks. An elderly person who is losing her sight may want
tips to help her stay living alone as long as possible. A wheelchair-bound young person wants to learn
to live on their own.

As a special needs coach, you will start by listening to your clients say what they hope they will get
out of the coaching experience. You will then work with them to determine strategies that will help
them achieve their long-term goals. Together you will set short-term goals and create a plan to
implement them. Motivation and accountability are important when working with special needs clients.

Many special needs coaches have special needs themselves or have worked with those who do. You
may have a background in physical therapy, nursing, or counseling, but it is not necessary. You may
possess or wish to learn additional skills, including excellent communication, active listening,
motivation techniques, how to set goals, and how to write an action plan.

Your biggest reward in coaching special needs clients is that you will help them achieve the highest
level of successful independence possible in a shorter time frame than without it. They will learn life
skills that they can implement in virtually any situation as well.

91. Spiritual Wisdom Coaching

More people than ever consider themselves “spiritual but not religious.” Most people who fall into that
category believe in a higher power but may not have a community of people with similar beliefs from
which to draw wisdom. A spiritual wisdom coach can help them deepen their faith and become more
aware of the workings of their high power around them.
Someone may seek out a spiritual wisdom coach if they feel “stuck” in their spiritual life. Perhaps they
have suffered a loss that has caused them to question their faith. Others may be looking for
understanding their high power’s plan for them in both the long and short term.

As a spiritual wisdom coach, you will listen to your clients articulate what they hope they will get out of
the coaching experience. You will then work with them to determine strategies that will help them set
priorities. Together you will set goals and create a plan to implement them. Most people seeking
spiritual wisdom need some accountability structure built into their action plans to give them a greater
chance of success.

Most people who go into spiritual wisdom coaching have extensive experience in spiritual practices.
You may be an expert in meditation, different types of prayer, or more. You may also possess or wish
to learn other skills, including excellent communication, active listening, motivation techniques, how to
set goals, and how to write an action plan.

The rewards you receive as a spiritual wisdom coach include helping people grow closer in their
relationship with their higher power. You will help them develop spiritual practices that will help them
stay grounded through anything that life can through at them. They will grow in happiness and self-
confidence, too!

92. Stress Management Coaching

Many people experience too much stress in their lives. Although some positive stress is healthy for
most people, too much negative stress can lead to emotion, mental, and chronic physical problems.
Most people don’t know how to alleviate stress on their own and are sometimes overwhelmed by the
emotions that go along with it.

People hire stress management coaches when they hit a wall physically or emotionally. Some people
get a wake-up call from their doctor that their stress-induced weight gain is harming their heart.
Others may need new ways of combating stress because old methods are no longer working. Some
clients need to evaluate their career or family situation to determine if they need to make a change to
help them cope with their stress.

As a stress management coach, you will listen to your clients describe the stress in their lives and
what they hope they will get out of the coaching experience. You will then work with them to
determine strategies that will be the most likely to help them manage their biggest stressors. Together
you will set goals and create a plan to implement them. Motivation and accountability are important
parts of the plan to help clients stay on track.

Most stress management coaches have experience managing stress in their own lives. Some of them
have experience as counselors or in other helping professions, but it is not necessary to be a success
coach. They will have experience with a variety of stress management methods, too. You may
possess or wish to learn other skills, including excellent communication, active listening, motivation
techniques, how to set goals, and how to write an action plan.
The biggest reward you will receive as a stress management coach is knowing that your coaching is
helping save lives. People who successfully manage dangerous stress levels are less likely to have a
heart attack or stroke and are less likely to suffer from depression or anxiety. Your clients will have a
lease on life!

Note: Stress Management coaches may need to niche down their target market further in order to
achieve the level of success they desire. Consider, for example "Parenting Stress Management" or
"Bereavement Stress Management", etc.

93. Success Coaching

Most people know that they need goals in their lives to fulfill their dreams and to keep them
challenged. The problem is, most people have a difficult time reaching their goals for a variety of
reasons. After several failures, they may give up setting goals. A success coach can help break the

Clients engage a success coach because they don’t know how to have realistic expectations of
themselves. They may need help with learning how to set goals. Others may have a hard time
figuring out how to set priorities.

As a success coach, you will listen to your clients describe their personal goal-setting system and
what they hope to get out of the coaching experience. You will then work with them to determine
strategies that will help set goals. Together you will create a plan to implement them. Motivation and
accountability are important parts of the plan for those who need help setting goals and meeting or
exceeding them.

Most success coaches have overcome their own inability to set goals and meet them. They may be
businesspeople or have a background in counseling. It is not necessary, however, to be an effective
success coach. You may possess or wish to learn other skills, including excellent communication,
active listening, motivation techniques, how to set goals, and how to write an action plan.

The rewards of being a success coach include sharing your experience to help others dare to dream.
Now equipped with the tools to meet their goals, clients gain self-confidence that they can be
successful at anything they are willing to work at.

Note: Success coaches usually will need to niche down further in order to achieve the level of
success they desire in their coaching practice. For example, "Fitness Success Coaching for Older
Women", "Financial Success for Teens", etc. These become entry points into the market, and once
the client achieves some results you can help them use their new-found success skills to achieve
goals across the rest of their lives.

94. Team-Building Coaching

Managers at all levels of business are in great need of learning how to build teams. Conflict and
employees not working as a team costs millions of dollars in productivity every year, and many
managers do not have the skills to solve these issues. The results are high employee turnover and
added costs of constantly having to hire and train new employees.
Managers may hire a team-building coach to help them develop the ability to motivate their team.
Others may need immediate help with a conflict between workers that is damaging productivity. Some
may need help with hiring practices to make sure they hire the right fit for a current team.

Team-building coaches may work with a manager or with the entire team. You will you will listen to
them describe the challenges their team faces and what they hope to get out of the coaching
experience. You will then work with them to determine strategies that will help them implement team-
building exercises. Together you will set goals and create a plan to implement them. Motivation and
accountability are important parts of the plan for those who need help with team building.

Most team-building coaches have a background in business, but they may be from the non-profit
world as well. In addition to team-building skills, you may possess or wish to learn others, including
excellent communication, active listening, motivation techniques, how to set goals, and how to write
an action plan.

Your rewards as a team-building coach could be monetary if you work with larger corporations. In
addition to the financial rewards, you will empower managers to create effective, high functioning
teams that will consistently get the job right and on time.

95. Technology Coaching

Unless you are employed in the tech industry, it is virtually impossible to keep up with quickly
changing technology. Technology coaches help business people bridge the gap between the latest
and greatest and the most effective technology to do the job.

People hire technology coaches to help them make the right decisions in buying new technology.
Others need help keeping up with new mediums, like tablets or smart phones. Tech workers may
need guidance in furthering their careers. A good technology coach can help all of them find

As a technology coach, you will want to evaluate your clients’ current technology, then determine
what they hope they will get out of the coaching experience. You will then work with them to
determine strategies that will help them implement and purchase the best technology for their
organization. Together you will set goals and create a plan to implement them.

Technology coaches are often people who have worked in IT in large companies. In their year of
experience, they have seen technology at its worst and its best. You will need to keep up with the
latest trends in tech. In addition, you may possess or wish to learn other skills, including excellent
communication, active listening, motivation techniques, how to set goals, and how to write an action

The biggest reward of being a technology coach is that it will help you stay on the cutting edge with
the latest technology available. You will also be able to help guide buyers to purchase technology that
is easy to use.
96. Transitional Coaching

Almost everybody goes through some sort of transitional in their lives. From cross-country moves to
changing careers, transition is common in the world of business. People go through transition
personally as well, with losing a parent, having a child, or getting a divorce. A transitional coach can
help people navigate their new lives before, during, and after a transition.

People come to a transitional coach to help them plan as best they can for change. Some need help
dealing with the grief that is often part of the transition process. They may need practical help
organizing a move or going through a recently deceased loved ones belongings.

As a transitional coach, you will listen to your clients describe their transition and what they hope they
will get out of the coaching experience. You will then work with them to determine strategies that will
help them stay on track. Together you will set goals and create a plan to implement them. Motivation
and accountability are important parts of the plan for those who need help with time management and

A great transitional coach has been through many changes professionally and personally and has
navigated them easily. You may possess or wish to learn other skills, including excellent
communication, active listening, motivation techniques, how to set goals, and how to write an action

The biggest reward you will receive as a transitional coach is sharing your skills to help people
maneuver through the obstacles caused by change. You will also teach people to be goal-oriented,
which can benefit them in all areas of their lives.

97. Veterinary Coaching

The pet industry continues to grow worldwide, and veterinarians and animal hospitals are poised to
benefit from the ongoing love American families have for their pets. However, like many physicians,
veterinarians are not always equipped to handle the business aspects of their practices. They may be
stressed or worried that their practiced isn’t reaching its full potential.

That’s where a veterinary coach can help. From setting guidelines to help hire the best staff to
determining if a vet should go into a partnership, a coach can help. Some vets also need help with
time management and organizational issues, marketing, and more.

As a veterinary coach, you will listen to your clients describe their practices, and what they love and
hate about their career. You will ask them what they hope they will get out of the coaching
experience. You will then work with them to determine strategies that will help them continue to build
on their strengths and improve their weaknesses. Together you will set goals and create a plan to
implement them. Motivation and accountability are important parts of the plan for those who need
help with organization and time management.
Most veterinary coaches are former veterinarians who had vibrant, successful practices. They can
relate to the specific challenges veterinarians face. In addition, you may possess or wish to learn
other skills, including excellent communication, active listening, motivation techniques, how to set
goals, and how to write an action plan.

Your biggest reward as a veterinary coach is helping vets to design vibrant practices that they have
always dreamed of. You will help vets come back from burnout. And you will ensure that pets receive
the highest standard of care possible.

98. Volunteer Coordinator Coaching

Volunteer coordinators have the challenging task of team building with people who are involved only
because they want to be. Unlike employees who are being compensated financially at the least,
volunteers need to be motivated in different ways. Volunteer coordinator coaching can help.

People come to volunteer coordinator coaches because they are burned out. They may not have any
team building or motivational skills. Others may need help attracting the right kind of volunteers to
their organization.

As a volunteer coordinator coach, you will listen to your clients describe the challenges of their jobs
and what they hope they will get out of the coaching experience. You will then work with them to
determine strategies that will help them attract and keep volunteers. Together you will set goals and
create a plan to implement them.

Most volunteer coordinator coaches are former volunteer coordinators. They get the unique
challenges that come with having volunteers responsible for meeting deadlines and coordinating
projects. To benefit your coaching practice, you may possess or wish to learn other skills, including
excellent communication, active listening, motivation techniques, how to set goals, and how to write
an action plan.

The biggest reward of volunteer coordinator coaching is helping people who feel called to help others
recover from burnout. You will help them recruit and retain wonderful, giving volunteers that will grow
their organizations and help those the organization was created for.

99. Wedding Industry Coaching

Wedding-related businesses in the United States are growing by leaps and bounds. From bridal gown
stores and caterers to wedding planners, owners and managers of these businesses have specific
challenges that can be solved by effective coaching.

People will seek out a wedding industry coach if they are considering expanding their business.
Others may be looking for ways to avoid burnout. Some need help in resolving conflict between the
bride and the wedding party or her family.

As a wedding industry coach, you will listen to your clients describe what they love and hate about
their businesses. You will manage expectations by asking what they hope they will get out of the
coaching experience. You will then work with them to determine strategies that will help them
overcome their obstacles to success. Together you will set goals and create a plan to implement
them. Motivation and accountability are important parts of the plan for those who need help with team
building and organization.

Most wedding industry coaches have experience in planning all kinds of weddings. In fact, many of
them are wedding planners. This is not necessary, though, to become an effective wedding industry
coach. To help you with your practice, you may possess or wish to learn other skills, including
excellent communication, active listening, motivation techniques, how to set goals, and how to write
an action plan.

The rewards of being a wedding industry coach include helping others grow their businesses to their
full potential. Those who love working in the wedding industry will learn to reframe their perceptions
so that they can appreciate life and its transitions, like marriage, all the more!

100. Weight Loss Coaching

The weight-.loss industry in the United States is huge. From fad diets to exercise equipment, most
Americans have tried to lose weight at least once in their lives. Being overweight can cause a wide
variety of health problems and affect self-esteem. A qualified weight-loss coach can help.

People hire a weight-loss coach to help them find an effective diet and weight loss program that
addresses their particular concerns. Some need help from a coach to set goals. Others are burned
out or feeling like failures for trying numerous times to achieve weight loss.

As a weight loss coach, you will listen to your clients tell you about their successes and failures in
regard to weight loss. You will help them manage expectations by determining goals. After that step,
you will then work with them to determine strategies that will help them stay on track. Together you
will set goals and create a plan to implement them. Motivation and accountability are important parts
of the plan for those who need help with organization.

Most weight loss coaches have lost significant weight and have managed to keep it off. You will have
leadership skills, the ability to motivate others, and knowledge about different weight loss programs to
help your clients choose what is best for their lifestyle. You may possess or wish to learn other skills,
including excellent communication, active listening, how to set goals, and how to write an action plan.

As a weight loss coach, you will help men, women and even children change their ways of thinking
about diet and exercise so that they can lose and keep weight off. You will be giving them skills that
will restore their health, physically and emotionally.

Note: Because of the recent proliferation of weight loss coaches, we highly recommend nicheing
down this target market even further. For example, "Emotional Eating Coaching", "Weight Loss for
College Women", "Weight Loss for Aerobic Atheletes", etc. Most general weight loss coaches we've
met have a very hard time succeeding. Specificity is NOT optional in the weight loss industry unless
you've got tremendous marketing resources and know-how.
101. Women’s Empowerment Coaching

Women often face obstacles in both their business and professional lives because of their gender.
They tend to make lower salaries than their male counterparts and are less likely to be promoted to
top-level business positions. Even today, most women feel as if they have choose between
motherhood and career. Personally, many women end up in relationships that are not healthy, and
even sometimes abusive. A women’s empowerment coach can help women struggling with these

Women seek out an empowerment coach to help them move ahead in their careers. They may need
help learning how to balance work and marriage, or work and motherhood. Other women seek out an
empowerment coach to help with self-esteem and self-worth issues.

As an empowerment coach, you will spend a lot of the first sessions with your clients listening. You
will get to know their struggles, as well as their hopes and dreams. You help them manage
expectations by determining what they hope they will get out of the coaching experience. You will
then work with them to pinpoint strategies that will help them physically, emotionally and mentally
become the best person they can be. Together you will set goals and create a plan to implement

Women empowerment coaches often have extensive experience in Corporate America. They may
also have a counseling background, but it is not necessary to become an empowerment coach. You
may possess or wish to learn other skills, including excellent communication, active listening,
motivation techniques, how to set goals, and how to write an action plan.

Your rewards as an empowerment coach include watching women grow into the person that they’ve
always wanted to be – a vibrant, self-assured whole person. You will guide women to succeed both at
home and at work. You will teach her self-motivational skills that she can implement in virtually any
101 Real
Glenn Livingston, Ph.D.
Niches Sharon Livingston, Ph.D.

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