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Scope of The Project: Content Management Made Simple

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The objective of this application is to develop a system that effectively manages all the data related to the
various events that take place in an organization. The purposeis to maintain a centralized database of all
event related information. The goal is to support various functions and processes necessary to manage the
data efficiently.Eventus will be able to provide solutions to many ambiguities and confusions which are
often produced whenever there is any event organized in the city.

This project performs the task of developing a web application that enables the students and faculty to
retrieve the data very easily. The main purpose of event management system is to provide a platform for the
users to view the information about the events that took place in the past and the ones which are about to
take place in the near future. The users can be faulty, students and administrator. They can first login into the
website and see through the information such as details about the events like the venue, theme of the event ,
participants, chief guests ,etc. The faculty can keep the record of the attendance also .The administrator can
login and update the information ,delete any unwanted data ,arrange the information accordingly so that the
user can go through an user friendly and know all the whereabouts of their college

Content management made simple:

Easily add agendas, tracks, speaker bios, exhibitors, sponsor lists and more either individually or by bulk
Real-time updates and announcements:
Inform and engage your attendees with relative live announcements and keep last minute changes under
control with real-time updates.

Therefore, Eventus will indeed prove to be a game changer when it comes to managing and promoting
events in your city. The web application will also generate huge profits for the creators through taking
money from the event managers. The success of Eventus also embarks on the fact that there isn’t any as
credible and as secure web application or infact an android application in Indore or in fact any town or city
in the state of M.P. This is so because of the fact that most to cities are tier-2 and tier-3.
The 2nd function that this web application will be providing is client to client interaction. The website will be
having collaboration with different types of event managers in the city, facilities that they provide, and even
pricing. Therefore, through this any individual or party that wants to organize any event or function, can get
relevant information through our website. This will also become a way to generate income for the company.
The ticket will be generated on his/her phone as a message, which will have a QR code so as to provide
security and easy implementation for the event. Moreover, it will indeed support all type of events whether
it’s a college/school fest, trade fairs, and many more.

In existing system there are lot of paper work and manual processing.
While writing a paper records the management have to keep the records very carefully as the entire data is
written in those books
Everything is paper based hence it is very time consuming.
More than one person cannot access the data at same time.
 Lotof paper work required.
 Man power was more.
 Time consuming process.
Proposed online student registration system will eliminate all the manual intervention and increase the speed
of whole process. System will allow student to fill the form online, system has inbuilt validation system to
validate the entered data. After successful submission, system will give unique registration ID for each
student. Student can login into system by using this registration ID and can give online feedback. System
will generate the result instantly and store the results for further
Improve management productivity, satisfaction and retention by Eliminate paper trails and manual process
with complete online management for handling management for registration of events.
Manage all students’ information easily in comprehensive students record that includes students
information. Simply Event Management System with easy record management. Faculty can easily manage
the attendance of the students who are participating in certain events.
In the existing system lot of paper work was required and it was time consuming process. As it was manual
process retrieving data was very difficult. More than one person cannot access the data.
 Lot of paper work required.
 Man power was more.
 Time consuming process.


It is a web based application that supports online registration and feedback evaluation for event training
programs such as games, seminars and workshops. It helps program attendees, organizers, the authors and
the reviewers in their respective activities.
Development of Event management system is an attempt to address the problems of managing registration
forms, feedback forms and evaluating feedback. The main goal of this software is to give working solution
to store, manage and consolidate the registration data and the feedback data.
EMS is web-based system for collecting registration forms and evaluating the feedback automatically. It
increases the scope of the report generation even by generating report over a period of time.
Typical functions supported by TMIS are:

 Registering students participants,

 Getting attendance from faculty,

 Collecting feedback from students,

 Generating feedback reports

Reliability Nobody wants to swap their existing system for something less reliable, so we have to be
absolutely sure that our new event ticket system is completely dependable. We can find that out by checking
things like uptime, which is essentially a measure of how often a website is available and working for
people. Reputable sites should have very high uptime (at Eventus our uptime is 99.99%), and any downtime
obviously means time your customers can’t buy tickets. We could also check their social media accounts to
see if there are any complains or comments in the last 6 months or so about not being able to access the site
or experiencing downtime. Trust and Security Alongside reliability, being confident that your online
ticketing provider can offer an exceptional level of trust and security has to be core to our decision. There
are several reasons for this. Firstly, if our online ticketing system doesn’t have a lot of trust, built on years of
delivering great service, then people are much less likely to trust us, or buy tickets to our event through our
provider. So it pays to go with a well-known ticketing system, as the trust they have built up will transfer to
us, too. Secondly, they should have teams dedicated to trust and safety, so they can quickly deal with any
instances of fraud, complaints, or other actions that erode trust. Fraudulent tickets both create upset fans and
can overload our capacity. Make sure our partner has someone watching to make sure the right people have
tickets so that our attendee’s experience and our brand don’t suffer. 5 Thirdly, make sure they’re in
compliance with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI), which ensures that attendee
credit card information is being stored in a secure environment. Finally, they will need to have plenty of
engineers working on trust and safety, to make sure our data (and your customer’s data) is kept safe, with
up-to-date software and best practices implemented. Data Access Speaking of data, wouldn’t you like to
own it? We should have access to all our data, but some partners only provide limited data viewing. Make
sure you can access all the data we collect, even years later. And we should be able to access our data on
demand, whenever we need to (on whatever device we want). Access to our data shouldn’t be limited to
weekly or occasional ‘reports’ that are sent to us from your provider



Java is a programming language originally developed by James Gosling at Sun Microsystems.The

language derives much of its syntax from C and C++ but has a simpler object model and fewer low-level
facilities. Java applications are typically compiled to bytecode that can run on any Java virtual machine
(JVM) regardless of computer architecture.
One characteristic of Java is portability, which means that computer programs written in the Java language
must run similarly on any supported hardware/operating-system platform. One should be able to write a
program once, compile it once, and run it anywhere.
This is achieved by compiling the Java language code, not to machine code but to Java bytecode –
instructions analogous to machine code but intended to be interpreted by a virtual machine (VM) written
specifically for the host hardware. End-users commonly use a Java Runtime Environment (JRE) installed on
their own machine for standalone Java applications, or in a Web browser for Java applets
. Standardized libraries provide a generic way to access host specific features such as graphics, threading and
networking. In some JVM versions, bytecode can be compiled to native code, either before or during
program execution, resulting in faster execution.

A major benefit of using bytecode is porting. However, the overhead of interpretation means that interpreted
programs almost always run more slowly than programs compiled to native executables would, and Java
suffered a reputation for poor performance. This gap has been narrowed by a number of optimisation
techniques introduced in the more recent JVM implementations.
One such technique, known as just-in-time (JIT) compilation, translates Java bytecode into
native code the first time that code is executed, then caches it. This results in a program that starts and
executes faster than pure interpreted code can, at the cost of introducing occasional compilation overhead
during execution. More sophisticated VMs also use dynamic recompilation, in which the VM analyzes the
behavior of the running program and selectively recompiles and optimizes parts of the program.

Java’s Magic: The Byte Code:

The key that allows java to solve both the security and the portability problems just described is that the
output of the java compiler is not an executable code. Rather, it is Byte Code. Byte Code is a highly
optimized set of instructions designed to be executed by virtual machine that the java Run-time system
emulates. This may come as it of surprise as you know c++ is compiled, not interpreted-mostly because of
performance concerns. However, the fact that a java program is interpreted helps solve the major problems
associated with downloading the program over the Internet.

Here is why java was designed to be interpreted language. Because java programs are interpreted rather
than compiled .It is easier to run them in wide variety of environments. Only the java runtime system needs
to be implemented for each platform. Once the runtime package exists for a given system any java program
can run on it. If java were a compiled language then different versions of the same program will have to

exist for each type of CPU connected to the Internet. Thus interpretation is the easiest way to create truly
portable programs.

Although java was designed to be interpreted, there is technically nothing about java that prevents on the
fly compilation of Byte Code into native code. However, even if dynamic compilation were applied to Byte
Code, the portability and safety would still apply, because the run time system would still be in change of
the execution environment.

Java Virtual Machine

A Java Virtual Machine (JVM) is a set of computer software programs and data structures which use a
virtual machine model for the execution of other computer programs and scripts. The model used by a JVM
accepts a form of computer intermediate language commonly referred to as Java bytecode. This language
conceptually represents the instruction set of a stack-oriented, capability architecture.

Java Virtual Machines operate on Java bytecode, which is normally generated from Java source code; a
JVM can also be used to implement programming languages other than Java. For example, Ada source code
can be compiled to Java bytecode, which may then be executed by a JVM.

The JVM is a crucial component of the Java Platform. Because JVMs are available for many hardware and
software platforms, Java can be both middleware and a platform in its own right — hence the trademark
write once, run anywhere. The use of the same bytecode for all platforms allows Java to be described as
"compile once, run anywhere", as opposed to "write once, compile anywhere", which describes cross-
platform compiled languages. The JVM also enables such unique features as Automated Exception Handling
which provides 'root-cause' debugging information for every software error (exception) independent of the
source code.s

Hyper Text Markup Language (Html)

HTML is a language used to create hypertext documents that have hyperlinks embedded in them .You can
build web pages. It is only a formatting language and not a programming language. Hyperlinks are
underlined or emphasized words or locations in a screen that lead to other documents. WWW is a global,
interactive, graphical, hypertext information system.

The behind hypertext is that instead of reading text in rigid liner structure you can easily jump from point
to another point .You can navigate through the information based on your interest and preferences.

Platform Independentency:
If you can access Internet, you can access WWW, irrespective of your Operating System and the Operating
System of Web Server you are accessing .All you require is to view and download the HTML files, which
are on the WWW, are browser and Internet connections.

HTML is a language for describing structured documents. HTML describes the structure of documents -
lists, heading, and paragraph, etc. Elements of web document are through the usage of HTML tags. It is tags
that describe documents. Anything that is not a tab is part of a document itself

An HTML document is a small and hence easy to send over the net. It is small because it does not include
format information.
HTML documents are cross platform compatible and device independent. You only need HTML readable
browser to view them. Font names, locations etc are required.


Java Data Base Connectivity (JDBC)

JDBC is a set of specification that defines how a program written in java can communicate and interact with
a database. It provides a vehicle for the exchange of SQL between java application and databases. Programs
developed with java and the JDBC are platform independent and vendor independent.
The same java database program can run on PC, a workstation, or java powered terminal. You can move
your data from one database to another, for example from Microsoft SQL Server to Oracle and the same
program can still read your data. This is in sharp contrast to the database programming typically done on
personal computers today. It is all common that one writes the database application in proprietary database
language, using a database management system that is available only from one or two platforms.
At the heart of the JDBC is the JDBC driver. JDBC driver is responsible for ensuring that any requests made
by the application are presented to the database in away that is meaningful to the databases. JDBC was
designed to support the most common form of SQL known as ANSI SQL92 entry level standard.
The JDBC consists of two layers .The top layer is the JDBC API. This API communicates with JDBC
manager driver API sending, it the various SQL statements. The manager should communicate with the
various third party drivers that actually connect to the database and return the information from the query or
performed the action specified by the query.


Java Server Pages (JSP) technology allows you to easily create Web content that has both static and
dynamic components. JSP technology projects all the dynamic capabilities of Java Servlet technology but
provides a more natural approach to creating static content. The main features of JSP technology are

 A language for developing JSP pages, which are text-based documents that describe how to process a
request and construct a response
 Constructs for accessing server-side objects
 Mechanisms for defining extensions to the JSP language

 Declaration Tag
 Expression tag
 Script let Tag
 Directive Tag
 Action Tag


A JSP page services requests as a servlet. Thus, the life cycle and many of the capabilities of
JSP pages (in particular the dynamic aspects) are determined by Java Servlet technology.
When a request is mapped to a JSP page, it is handled by a special servlet that first checks
whether the JSP page's servlet is older than the JSP page. If it is, it translates the JSP page into a servlet class
and compiles the class. During development, one of the advantages of JSP pages over Servlets is that the
build process is performed automatically


During the translation phase, each type of data in a JSP page is treated differently. Template data is
transformed into code that will emit the data into the stream that returns data to the client. JSP elements are
treated as follows:
 Directives are used to control how the Web container translates and executes the JSP page.
 Scripting elements are inserted into the JSP page's servlet class. See JSP Scripting Elements for
 Elements of the form <jsp: XXX ... /> are converted into method calls to JavaBeans components or
invocations of the Java Servlet API.

For a JSP page named page Name, the source for a JSP page's servlet is kept in the file
Both the translation and compilation phases can yield errors that are only observed when the page is
requested for the first time. If an error occurs while the page is being translated (for example, if the translator
encounters a malformed JSP element), the server will return a Parse Exception, and the servlet class source
file will be empty or incomplete. The last incomplete line will give a pointer to the incorrect JSP element.
If an error occurs while the JSP page is being compiled (for example, there is a syntax error in a script let),
the server will return a Jasper Exception and a message that includes the name of the JSP page's servlet and
the line where the error occurred.

Once the page has been translated and compiled, the JSP page's servlet for the most part follows the servlet
life cycle.

1. If an instance of the JSP page's servlet does not exist, the container:
a. Loads the JSP page's servlet class
b. Instantiates an instance of the servlet class
c. Initializes the servlet instance by calling the JSPs Init method
2. Invokes the JSPs Service method, passing a request and response object.
If the container needs to remove the JSP page's servlet, it calls the JSPs Destroy method.


One can control various JSP page execution parameters using by page directives. Various errors can be
encountered while executing a JSP page. So, page directives are used.
When a JSP page is executed, output written to the response object is automatically buffered. You
can set the size of the buffer with the following page directive:
<%@ page buffer="none|xxxkb" %>
A larger buffer allows more content to be written before anything is actually sent back to the client, thus
providing the JSP page with more time to set appropriate status codes and headers or to forward to another
Web resource. A smaller buffer decreases server memory load and allows the client to start receiving data
more quickly.

Any number of exceptions can arise when a JSP page is executed. To specify that the Web
container should forward control to an error page if an exception occurs, include the following page directive
at the beginning of your JSP page:
<%@ page errorPage="file_name" %>
The Duke's Bookstore application page initdestroy.jsp contains the directive
<%@ page errorPage="errorpage.jsp"%>
The beginning of errorpage.jsp indicates that it is serving as an error page with the following page directive:
<%@ page isErrorPage="true|false" %>
This directive makes the exception object (of type javax.servlet.jsp.JspException) available to the error page,
so that you can retrieve, interpret, and possibly display information about the cause of the exception in the
error page.
JSP Versus ASP

JSP and ASP do have some basic concepts in common. They both make use of simple sever-side scripting
to provide access to Web server information and functionality. They both do so using object oriented
scripting. And they both started out with similar styles of delimiting this scripting from a page's content.

Yet while ASP primarily supports two scripting languages – J Script and VBScript -- JSP actually supports
real Java code, not a new scripting language. The difference is that the Java code inside a JSP page is more
script-like because it doesn't require Java class and package definitions. The Java code inside JSP is added
to methods of a Java Servlet that are generated the first time the JSP is requested.

Analysis of existing system
This existing system is not providing secure registration and profile management of all the users
properly.This system is not providing on-line Help.This system doesn’t provide tracking of users activities
and their progress.This manual system gives us very less security for saving data and some data may be lost
due to mismanagement.This system is not providing event management through internet.This system is not
providing proper events information.The system is giving manual information through the event
management executer.

Identify the problem

That’s a great first step, because handling event registrations via email, or Google forms, or ‘contact us and
we’ll get back to you’, or excel sheets is a bit of a nightmare for everyone involved. It probably takes you
too much time to complete repetitive tasks that could be done automatically, and it’s 100% going to be
losing you business, because people expect to be able to buy their tickets quickly and conveniently on
whatever device they happen to be on.
The development of this new system contains the following activities, which try to automate the entire
process keeping in the view of database integration approach. This system maintains employee’s personal,
address, and contact details.This system will provide on line help and search capabilities. User friendliness is
provided in the application with various controls provided by system rich user interface.Authentication is
provided for this application only registered users can access. Event information files can be stored in
centralized database which can be maintained by the system. This system provides the employees to manage
the events systematically.

Purpose of the System


Nobody wants to swap their existing system for something less reliable, so we have to be absolutely sure that
our new event ticket system is completely dependable.

We can find that out by checking things like uptime, which is essentially a measure of how often a website is
available and working for people. Reputable sites should have very high uptime (at Eventus our uptime is
99.99%), and any downtime obviously means time your customers can’t buy tickets.

We could also check their social media accounts to see if there are any complains or comments in the last 6
months or so about not being able to access the site or experiencing downtime.

Trust and Security

Alongside reliability, being confident that your online ticketing provider can offer an exceptional level of
trust and security has to be core to our decision.

There are several reasons for this.

Firstly, if our online ticketing system doesn’t have a lot of trust, built on years of delivering great service,
then people are much less likely to trust us, or buy tickets to our event through our provider. So it pays to go
with a well-known ticketing system, as the trust they have built up will transfer to us, too.

Secondly, they should have teams dedicated to trust and safety, so they can quickly deal with any instances
of fraud, complaints, or other actions that erode trust.

Fraudulent tickets both create upset fans and can overload our capacity. Make sure our partner has someone
watching to make sure the right people have tickets so that our attendee’s experience and our brand don’t

Thirdly, make sure they’re in compliance with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI),
which ensures that attendee credit card information is being stored in a secure environment.

Finally, they will need to have plenty of engineers working on trust and safety, to make sure our data (and
your customer’s data) is kept safe, with up-to-date software and best practices implemented.

Data Access

Speaking of data, wouldn’t you like to own it? We should have access to all our data, but some partners only
provide limited data viewing. Make sure you can access all the data we collect, even years later.

And we should be able to access our data on demand, whenever we need to (on whatever device we want).
Access to our data shouldn’t be limited to weekly or occasional ‘reports’ that are sent to us from your

Intelligence and Insights

Having access to (and ownership of) our data is crucial, but it’s only partially useful unless it’s provided to
us in the right way. Data doesn’t become useful until it can be turned into intelligence and insights.

Most partners will provide us with data, but not all of them will help usvisualise and sort that data into
meaningful insights. The ability to track our event as it happens and build a database across events will help
us learn about our attendees and gain valuable knowledge about what makes our events most successful.

The User Experience

Every little thing that makes the user experience a little better will help us sell more tickets. And every little
thing that makes it worse will lose you sales.

It’s that simple.Sowe take this very seriously when considering which online ticketing system to use.


The truth is that nobody can sell all of our tickets for us, so we’ll always need to do some groundwork to
market our event. The question is, how much help can our ticketing partner provide us with?

And that’s by getting more of your existing visitors to buy, before we even have to find new sources of
traffic.This concept is calledconversion rate optimisation, and without spending a single penny on marketing,
it could easily double our ticket sales. So it’s doubly important to make sure your event ticket system has a
great user experience, because it will ultimately mean you have to spend less on marketing.

Email: Email is still the number one source of ticket sales for the event industry, so we need to make sure
our ticketing provider can help us deliver and track emails to our target attendees.It may be they offer a
native system built into their platform, or theyintegrate with other best in class solutions email solutionslike
MailChimp, Aweber, Emma and many others. At Eventus we actually offer both, which lets us choose the
solutions best suited to our needs.

Social Media: There’s no doubt that social media helps spread the word about events, drives brand
engagement and ultimately sells tickets.

How well integrated is our ticketing solution with the major social networks? Does it form a seamless part of
the post-sale process, encouraging our most recently converted attendees to become evangelists for your
events? If not, it could be costing us more than werealise.

Problems don’t just arise Monday-Friday, 9-5. So we need to be sure we have someone we can count on at
all hours. A dedicated, well-trained, knowledgeable and friendly team on-hand 24/7, via email or
phone.Whether we have a quick question or want strategic advice, our partner should provide us with the
answers asap.
Online ticketing doesn’t (or shouldn’t) mean a lack of support from real humans, so just check to make sure
our chosen solution has feet on the ground as well as its infrastructure in the cloud.


Nobody can be the best at everything, so it’s best to leave some things to the experts who focus only on that
one thing. Blogging platforms, email, badge printing, audience engagement, onsite event networking app
they’re all products that are complicated, and require dedicated attention.

At Eventus we made the decision to be really, really good and ticketing and registration, and thenwork with
really great partnersto offer everything else .

Because the services are integrated via APIs, data can be shared securely between products, and we don’t
have to do time-consuming manual data uploads / downloads etc. But we’re also not tied into a platform that
tries to do everything, paying for functionality we don’t actually need or use…or worse, having to use all
their features which are less good than the leading providers can offer as standalone products.

Onsite Support And Functionality

We should be looking for entry management technology that is supported across multiple entrances and
gates, all synced in realtime, to streamline check-in and prevent bottlenecks.

It’s inevitable that some attendees will forget their tickets. Our partner should have a fast solution to look
them up right then and there, rather than send them to customer support.Attendees should also be able to
easily access their tickets on mobile (or event smart watches) and they should be scannable with the same
tech as paper tickets (you don’t want to be swapping over scanners or devices all the time.)

Hardware Choices

Hardware Specification is listed below. Equivalent or higher hardware is preferred for optimal system

RAM Capacity 4gb

HDD Capacity 1TB
Recommended O.S. Windows 7/10
Processor Intel Core i3-6100U (6th Gen)

Software Choice

Front end NOTEPAD++

Backend MYSQL

Middleware JAVA ,JSP

Browser CHROME

IDE NetBeans

OS Windows 8


 Students

 Faculty

 Administrator

ADMINISTRATOR does login, upload events, and verify events registration form, logout.
Use cases:

 Login

 Upload events

 Delete events

 Verify events registration

 Logout

A STUDENT does login, registration, view events, events registration, event status, logout.
Use cases:

 Login

 Registration

 View events

 Event Registration

 Event status

 Logout

FACULTY does login, register, and view events, view register students, logout
Use cases:

 Login

 Register

 View events

 View register students

 Logout




Data Input
Administator Employee
Data Output Data

EventManager Data Input

Event Data Output UI Screens


Data Input
Employee Task Data Output



System Process

Web Resources

[1] R. J. Vidmar. (1992, Aug.).“On the useof atmospheric plasmas as electromagnetic reflectors”.
Available: on: 12 August 2018


[2] A. Rezi and M. Allam, “Techniques in array processing by means of transformations”, Fourth Edition,
Pearson Publication, Year of publication 1995, pp.


[3] J. R. Beveridge and E. M. Riseman, “How easy is matching 2D line models using local search?” IEEE
Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 564-579, June 1997..


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