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Shipping / Import / Customs Procedures

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applicable to Contractors
executing ESO Contracts at the ALMA Observatory in


Version: A
Status: Released

Prepared By: Organization Date

Charlotte Hermant Digitally signed by
Charlotte Hermant
Reason: approval
Joint ALMA Office 2005-05-26
Date: 2005.06.17
15:08:56 -04'00'
ALMA Logistics Officer
Approved By: Organization Date
Nicolás Fischman ESO Chile 2005-06-03
Head of Contracts &

Robert Fischer ESO Headquarters

Head of Contract & 2005-06-08

JAO Release: Organization Date

A. Araya for M.
Tarenghi JAO
Massimo Tarenghi 2005-06-10
15:23:04 -04'00' ALMA Director
Shipping, Import and 2
Doc # : ALMA-
Customs Procedures
Date: 2005-06-10
applicable to Contractors
Status: Released
executing ESO Contracts at
Page: 2 of 7
the ALMA Observatory in


Applicable to Contractors executing ESO Contracts at the ALMA
Observatory in Chile

1.1 It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to export to Chile the

equipment, materials, etc. in a most convenient and economic manner
in accordance with existing laws and regulations.

1.2 ESO is exonerated from customs duties in Chile only for materials,
equipment and apparatus, etc. used for the construction and operation
of the Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA) Observatory in Chile
and remaining property of ESO in Chile.

1.3 Duty free imports can only take place in the name of ESO.
A Certificate of Ownership for Contractor's property may be
established upon Contractor's request.

1.4 Duty free imports into Chile in the name of ESO shall not be used for
any other purpose than for construction of the ALMA Observatory in
Chile. Equipment, material etc. shall not be sold by the Contractor or
sub-contractors without ESO’s authorization.

1.5 Prior to effecting any shipment, it must be proposed to the ESO

accredited representatives in charge of the follow-up of the
performance of the Contract, for approval. For this, the Contractor
shall send to ESO (cf. Article 1.16.1 hereafter) copies of the
corresponding invoice(s), packing list(s) and anticipated shipping
details or, alternatively, the shipping plan on a monthly basis.

The ESO accredited representatives will review the shipping

documents or shipping plan, and if not advised to the contrary by ESO
within 10 days after receipt of said documents, the Contractor shall
effect shipment as proposed and send the original shipping
documentation to the ALMA Logistics Department in Chile
(cf. Articles 1.16.2 and 1.16.5 hereafter).

ESO shall be informed not less than 30 days prior to shipments to

Chile and may issue special instructions, if necessary.
Shipping, Import and 3
Doc # : ALMA-
Customs Procedures
Date: 2005-06-10
applicable to Contractors
Status: Released
executing ESO Contracts at
Page: 3 of 7
the ALMA Observatory in

1.6 The Contractor should define the “Category” status under which goods
and materials will be imported in Chile, according to the following:

Category I: Materials and equipment becoming part of the

ALMA Observatory and remaining in Chile as ESO

Category II: Materials, equipment and machinery used during

the construction period, which remain in Chile after
termination of the work, as property of ESO, to be
used, for example, for maintenance, improvement,

Category III: Supplies and spare parts for machinery and

construction equipment required during the
construction period, which remain in Chile as ESO

Category IV: Materials, equipment and construction materials to

be used during the construction period which will
remain the property of the Contractor and will be re-
exported after termination of the work at the ALMA

1.7 Separate shipping documents must be established for:

− Materials, equipment and/or apparatus, used for the construction

and operation of the ALMA Observatory that are within the
contractual scope of supply of the Contract and are bound to
become the property of ESO (corresponding to Categories I, II or

− Materials, equipment and/or apparatus that will remain the property

of the Contractor (corresponding to Category IV).

1.8 Three original Bills of Lading of any such overseas shipment, together
with invoices and packing lists shall be sent to the ALMA Logistics
Department. in Santiago (cf. Articles 1.16.2 and 1.16.5 hereafter). In
case of shipment by airfreight, the Contractor shall notify the ESO
accredited representatives, and the ALMA Logistics Department in
Santiago of the corresponding flight details.
Shipping, Import and 4
Doc # : ALMA-
Customs Procedures
Date: 2005-06-10
applicable to Contractors
Status: Released
executing ESO Contracts at
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the ALMA Observatory in

1.9 ALMA Logistics Department in Santiago will prepare the documents for
customs clearance under ESO privileges and exemptions, apply for
approval by the appropriate Chilean authorities, and transmit them to
the customs agent in Chile designated by the Contractor. The
Contractor shall inform ESO of the name and address of this agent.

1.10 After customs clearance by the Contractor's agent in Chile, the original
clearance/shipping documents shall be returned to ALMA Logistics
Department in Santiago.

1.11 All costs other than strictly own cost that ESO may sustain in
connection with these import operations will be charged to the
Contractor. It is expressly understood that under no circumstances
ESO shall be liable for any timely, safety or environmental
consequences resulting from the import operations.

1.12 All goods imported under ESO’s privileges and exemptions must
remain in Chile under ESO's name and custody.

1.13 Inventory lists of imported goods and materials bound to become

ESO's property (Categories I, II, III) and of those items that will remain
the Contractor's property (Category IV) shall be kept by the Contractor
and the ALMA Logistics Department in Chile. These inventory lists
shall be regularly checked against one another. The Contractor has
the full responsibility and liability for his property.

1.14 After termination of the work at the ALMA Observatory, i.e. at the latest
after Provisional Acceptance of the entire scope of work and supply as
specified in the Contract, the Contractor shall re-export from Chile at
his cost any equipment, materials etc. that remains his property. This
operation will be performed under the instructions and supervision of
the ALMA Logistics Department in Santiago.

1.15 Any item that the Contractor does not wish to re-export (imported
under Ministry Category IV) after Provisional Acceptance has to be
officially announced to the ESO accredited representatives and, if
acceptable, the ALMA Logistics Department in Santiago will then take
up the matter with the Chilean authorities to clarify procedures,
requirements and actions necessary.
Shipping, Import and 5
Doc # : ALMA-
Customs Procedures
Date: 2005-06-10
applicable to Contractors
Status: Released
executing ESO Contracts at
Page: 5 of 7
the ALMA Observatory in




Previous any shipment, the dispatch advice and the following
documents shall be distributed to the ESO accredited
representatives in charge of the follow-up of the performance of the
Contract, in accordance with Article 7 of the “General Conditions of
ESO Contracts”.
The corresponding address could be found under Contract’s Article:
“Contract Management – Representation – Address for

− Copy B/L 2-fold

− Invoice 2-fold
− Packing list 2-fold


Final delivery should be made to the ALMA Observatory Site at
Chajnantor in Chile. The address of the ALMA Office dealing with
all transport related matters in Chile is as follows:
ALMA Project
Logistics Department
El Golf 40 – Piso 18, Las Condes
Santiago / CHILE
Telephone: +56 2 467 6125
Telefax: +56 2 467 6101


ESO - European Southern Observatory
ALMA Project
El Golf 40 – Piso 18, Las Condes
Santiago, Chile
Shipping, Import and 6
Doc # : ALMA-
Customs Procedures
Date: 2005-06-10
applicable to Contractors
Status: Released
executing ESO Contracts at
Page: 6 of 7
the ALMA Observatory in

Notify address:
(Contractor's address in Chile or designated party)
c/o ALMA Logistics Department – Attn Charlotte Hermant
El Golf 40 – Piso 18, Las Condes
Santiago, Chile
Telephone: +56 2 467 6125 Fax: +56 2 467 6101
Address : Final destination
Port of destination: ANTOFAGASTA/Chile

In case of container shipments: NET weight and TARA to be

indicated separately on the B/L.


Contract No.: …………....................
Box No.: ..........................................
Net weight:
Gross weight:

On at least two opposite sides all packages have to show the

above shipping marks in letters of 6 cm high (for big cases up to 15
cm high) by using stencil and waterproof color. In case of more
than one package these have to be numbered consecutively.


Immediately after shipment the dispatch advice and the following
documents shall be distributed to:
• ESO accredited representatives
− Copy B/L 2-fold
− Invoice 2-fold
− Packing list 2-fold

• ALMA Logistics Department in Chile

(via special courier service immediately after shipment):
− Original B/L 2/3
− Copy B/L 5-fold
− Invoice 5-fold
− Packing list 5-fold
(via special courier service one week later):
− Original B/L 1/3
Shipping, Import and 7
Doc # : ALMA-
Customs Procedures
Date: 2005-06-10
applicable to Contractors
Status: Released
executing ESO Contracts at
Page: 7 of 7
the ALMA Observatory in

Invoice(s) (or, if applicable, Proforma invoice[s]) must indicate:

Number of packages
Gross weight ....... kg
Net weight
Description and value of the goods shipped

The Contractor shall be solely responsible for any consequence resulting

from non-compliance with the present procedure.

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