Kimura K.K.: Can This Customer Be Saved?
Kimura K.K.: Can This Customer Be Saved?
Kimura K.K.: Can This Customer Be Saved?
Group 8
● Kimura K.K. (major Japanese customer) had decided not to buy 3 additional
Spartacus machines to be delivered to and installed in its new factory in
● Came as a surprise to Pramtex as the price for this order was lowered by 10%
to sweeten the deal
● Production capacity:
VHS tapes/ week CDs/ week CD-Rs/ week DVDs/ week
● Dr. Nomura, top scientist at Kimura, convinced Mr. Kimura to order 3 machines
for the DVD factory in Japan
● Deal with Kimura was important as it could help liaise with other potential
customers in Japan
○ John, representative of Pramtex met with Mr. Kimura (President), Mr. Nomura (Senior
R&D advisor) and Mr. Hashimoto (Finance director)
○ Mr. Hashimoto knew less about technology but was a trusted advisor of Kimura, hence in
a position to impact the decision
○ Purpose of meeting:
■ To align expectations of Kimura from the Pramtex technology
■ Request for submission of quotation after understanding exact requirements
○ Mr. Hashimoto informed John that he received better offers from other companies,
especially Pramtex’s major competitor, Singulus
○ John visited Dr. Nomura and Dr. Komoda to take a brief of the technical specification
○ Purpose of meeting:
■ To submit the technical specifications for Spartacus to deliver an output of 15,000
DVDs a day
■ Emphasise on the importance of getting a delivery before the last week of July
■ Initiate dialogue on the Taiwan plant
○ Spartacus was fitted with state-of-the-art technology to deliver an output of 16,000 DVDs
a day
○ Back in Japan, John stops by the Kimura K.K. headquarters to drop off a bottle of Shiraz as
a thank you token to Dr. Nomura for being so supportive of the deal.
○ John learns from Dr. Nomura’s secretary that Mr. Hashimoto is upset about the fact that
John failed to call him with a new quotation as he had requested.
○ Mr. Kimura expresses confusion regarding the new contract on behalf of Mr.
Hashimoto and him - they didn’t see any major change in the new contract and were
considering competitor’s products
○ Jim is worried about competitors but John assures him that Dr Nomura is on their side
Flashback: Signing the first contract
● April 19: Dr Nomura’s Confidences
○ Mr Kimura was ready to sign the contract for the first three Spartacus
○ Deadline was given emphasis on because of the Disney project which was the end of
July at the latest
○ Dr Nomura confirms competitors like Singulus, Marubeni have been very persuasive
and have given attractive offers but the president has decide to go with Pramtex even
with the high price
○ John receives a call from Dr Komoda to urgently send in some technicians as there was
a problem with one of the Spartacus machines which could not be solved in-house
○ John explained that he could only do something on Monday (after the weekend)
Dr Nomura (Senior R&D Advisor) 4
Mr. Hashimoto (Finance director)
● Studied with Dr. Max Scorse ● Old and trusted advisor
● Wanted Pramtex to get the deal ● Was all about the numbers
● Key reason for Kimura signing the
● Did not understand technology
1st Contract
● Was unhappy that Pramtex quote
was higher than competitors
Customer relationship lapses
1 No proper customer relationship is 3 Weak after-sales service
● The customer when faced a serious service issue,
● Kimura made the first order but it they were asked to wait till the weekend is over.
primarily happened because of personal ● They couldn’t send the engineers to solve the
relationship between Max and Nomura customers issue immediately.
who influenced the decision. ● Even after identifying the issue, the parts that are
● Max didn’t give time to understand if to be replaced are unavailable with them.
they met customer needs post purchase.
Pramtex expectation
Reality Relationship Nomura was not ready to back Pramtex after the
Cost of Management effort ->
Alternative strategies
Reduce price to match competitors offerings Improve customer service to justify premium price
Pros: Pros:
● Due to Pramtex’s superior technology and ● It helps in improving the overall brand image.
reduced price, it would have an overall better ● Improving customer service increases interactions
performance. with customers and gives an overall positive
● It eliminates the skepticism associated with customer experience.
its premium pricing for some customers. ● Long-term relationships are formed with
customers with increased loyalty.
● But it results in a loss of its dominant market
share and total revenue. ● It will take considerable amount of time and
● Lowering the product price would falter with resources for such development.
its brand positioning as a high-end brand and ● If Pramtex operates solely to improve customer
brand image of a premium product. experience, innovation may slow down.
● It is more logical for Pramtex to choose the second alternative i.e. to justify the
premium price with superior customer service.
● In the short term, it has to create a highly technical team available to customers all the
time in case of an issue from the customer’s side.