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Hadi Banat CV

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Ph.D. Candidate in English, Purdue University May 2020
Dissertation: Assessing Intercultural Competence Development in Writing Programs
through Linked Courses
Emphases: Cultural Rhetorics, Writing Studies, Composition Pedagogy, Mixed
Methods Research Design, and Teaching English as a Second Language
Committee: Tony Silva (Chair), Bradley Dilger, Margie Berns, April Ginther

MA in English, American University of Beirut 2003-2007

Thesis: A Comparative Study of Humor in American and Egyptian Comedies
Emphases: English Language, Applied Linguistics, and Sociolinguistics
Committee: Kassim Shaaban (Chair), Rula Diab, and Lina Choueiri

BA in English, American University of Beirut 2000-2003

Dissertation Fellow 2019-2020
Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
Professional Writing Instructor 2018-2019
Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
Research Assistant, Corpus and Repository of Writing 2018-2019
Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
Writing Center Tutor/WAC Coordinator 2016-2018
Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
First Year Writing Instructor 2015-2018
Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
Lecturer of English for Specific Purposes (ESP) 2008-2015
University of Sharjah, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates
Middle School English Teacher 2006-2008
Al Nahda National Schools, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
English as a Second Language (ESL) Instructor 2003-2006
American Language Center, Beirut, Lebanon
Research Assistant, Center for English Language Teaching and Research 2003-2005
American University of Beirut, Beirut, Lebanon

Banat, H. (Forthcoming, 2020). English in Lebanon: Policy making, education, and user agency.
World Englishes Journal.
Panahi, P., Banat, H., Sims, R., Tran, P., Silva, T., & Dilger, B. (Forthcoming,
2020).Transnational curriculum design for intercultural learning in writing programs. In
C. Donahue & B. Horner (Eds.), Teaching and Studying Transnational Composition.
MLA Volume.
Banat, H. (2019). Floating on quicksand: Negotiating academe as Muslim while tutoring. In
H. Denny, R. Mundy, L.M. Naydan, R. Sévère, & A. Sicari (Eds.), Out in the Center:
Public Controversies and Private Struggles. Logan, UT: Utah State University Press.
Banat, H. (2018). Policy Makers, assessment practices and ethical dilution. In D. Crusan & T.
Ruecker (Eds.), International Political Contexts of Second Language Writing Assessment.
New York, NY: Routledge.
Publications in Development
Banat, H. Multilingual writer agency and assessing translingual writing practices. For
submission to the College Composition and Communication Journal.
Banat, H., Sims, R., Panahi, P., Tran, P., & Dilger, B. A linked course model curriculum:
Domestic and international students in First Year Writing. For submission to the TESOL
Quarterly Journal.


Banat, H. (2019). Purdue Research Foundation Dissertation Fellowship. April 2019. $20,000
Banat, H. (2019). Purdue English Department Fellowship for Excellence. March 2019. $20,000.
PROMISE Travel Grant: Transitional Genres in Professional Writing. Travel to SSLW 2019.
November 2019. $750
Banat, H., Sims, R., Tran, P., Panahi, P. & Dilger, B. (2019). Center for Intercultural Learning
Mentoring Assessment and Research (CILMAR) Grant. “Transculturation in Introductory
Composition.” April 2018-March 2019. $5000
Dilger, B. Banat, H., Sims, R., Tran, P., & Panahi, P. (2018). CWPA Targeted Research Grant.
“Prioritizing Intercultural Competence in Writing Programs through Linked Courses.”
August 2018-July 2019. $3998
Banat, H. (2018). Purdue Research Foundation Summer Dissertation Fellowship. May 2018.
PROMISE Grant: Fostering Intercultural Competence in First Year Writing Courses. Travel to
SSLW 2018. July 2018. $1500

Sims, R., Banat, H., Tran, P., Panahi, P. & Dilger, B. (2018). CILMAR Pedagogical Grant.
“Transculturation in Introductory Composition.” April 2018-March 2019. $2000
Banat, H., Sims, R. & Dilger, B. (2017). CILMAR Pedagogical Grant. “Transculturation in
Introductory Composition.” April 2017-March 2018. $2000
PROMISE Travel Grant: Policy Makers, Assessment Practices and Ethical Dilution. Travel to
SSLW 2017. August 2017. $1500.
PROMISE Travel Grant: Transculturation in First Year Writing. Travel to CCCC 2017. March
2017. $750.
PROMISE Travel Grant: Multiculturalism Ethnographic Research in Lebanon. Summer 2016.
Purdue College of Liberal Arts. $1500.
ASPIRE Travel Grant with Dr. Shelley Staples. Travel and presentation at TALC conference.
Summer 2016. $1500.
Grants Not Funded
Panahi, P., Tran, P., Sims, R., Banat, H., & Dilger, B. (August 2018). Prioritizing
Intercultural Competence in Writing Programs through Linked Courses. $10,000. (Not

Transculturation in First Year Writing – Purdue University
Designed a First Year Writing curriculum model which links sections of domestic and
international students to develop intercultural competence. Adopted quantitative and qualitative
methods for assessing intercultural competence development. Created/designed schemes for
coding intercultural competence development through participant reflective writing. For more
information about the project and the team, please refer to
Writing Across the Curriculum – Purdue Writing Center
Led the writing across the curriculum initiative and mediated between the Writing Center
administration and faculty in the disciplines. Through participatory ethnographic research, I
investigated the causes of potential conflicts between faculty expectations about outreach
workshops and the writing center philosophy. The outcome of this research was a training
module I designed for conflict resolution.
The Corpus and Repository of Writing – Crow
Crow is a web-based archive which supports research and professional development in both
applied linguistics and rhetoric and composition. It is an interdisciplinary interinstitutional
research project which includes faculty, graduate, and undergraduate students from Purdue
University, University of Arizona, Michigan State University, and Northern Arizona University.
Crow is supported by grants from the Humanities Without Walls (HWW) Consortium and the
American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS). In Crow, I have worked in infrastructure

development, repository development, grant funding, conference planning, outreach workshops,
and writing research. For more information about the project and team, please refer to


Professional Writing – ENGL 420 (3 sections)
Taught three face-to-face sections of professional writing which introduces students to
workplace communication and the types of writing they encounter; focused on the rhetorical
principles and writing practices useful for producing effective, collaborative and useful texts in
professional contexts.
Professional Writing – ENGL 420Y (1 section)
Taught an online 8-module section of professional writing adopting a problem-setting approach
to writing and research; emphasized methods for sustaining effective teamwork and digital
First Year Writing – ENGL 106 (4 sections)
Developed and taught a linked course model curriculum which focused on cross-cultural
interaction between domestic and international students to develop intercultural competence.
The research and writing assignment sequences provide students with ample opportunities to
interact with difference, reflect upon it, and understand it through an empathetic lens.
First Year Writing – ENGL 106 (2 sections)
Taught First Year Writing adopting the writing about writing approach which focuses on genres
that promote transfer of writing skills to the disciplines.
Writing Center Tutor – Purdue University (4 semesters)
Tutored undergraduate and graduate student writers (ESL, WID); coordinated the Writing Across
the Curriculum Initiative of the Writing Center; collaborated with faculty in the disciplines to
design writing workshops; mentored both undergraduate and graduate writing center tutors on
workshop design
English for Academic Purposes and English for Specific Purposes (14 semesters)
Taught and assessed various sections of Academic Writing, English for Medical Sciences,
English for Media, Public Speaking, and Communicative English for users of English as a
second language at University of Sharjah in the United Arab Emirates. Conducted peer
evaluation visits; designed professional development workshops, and participated in curriculum
revamping of academic writing.
Middle School Teacher (2 years)
Taught middle and higher classes of English in both the American High School system and the
IGCSE British system; prepared all types of formal and informal assessment, formative and

summative assessment; prepared annual and daily lesson plans; selected academic textbooks;
offered the school administration feedback regarding assessment, academic plans and curriculum
design; participated in relevant educational workshops, field trips and events
ESL Instructor (3 years)
Taught elementary, intermediate, and advanced levels of ESL in Lebanon; assessed students’
competency in admission examinations and oral interviews; conducted and supervised ECCE
Cambridge Michigan Language Assessment oral examinations (A Certified Rater)

Linking a Corpus & Repository for Research, Teaching & Professional Development (July
This workshop introduced the Crow platform and its various uses to the CWPA audience.
Participants explored multiple features of the platform and reflected on its potential uses
for their own research and writing programs. With Dr. Bradley Dilger, I led a guided tour
of our web interface, provided ample time for hands-on exploration, and assisted
workshop participants by answering queries during our extensive individual work time.
Exploring a Web-based Archive of Assignments and Writing (June 2019)
This workshop introduced the Crow platform and its various uses to the Computers &
Writing audience. Participants explored the technical aspects of building and maintaining
the interface. During the guided tour, participants explored the web interface especially
the repository of pedagogical materials and user tested its various features. Finally,
participants reported on their experience interacting with the interface and reflected on
ways to utilize this resource in their own institutional contexts.

Email Etiquette Workshop (March 2018)

This workshop was facilitated for Purdue clerical staff enrolled in ACE course. In
collaboration with Carrie Hanson – a senior talent management specialist, we worked on
developing peer review strategies and activities that help clerical staff write effective
emails. We focused on the genre of professional emails due to the staff involvement in
daily electronic communication.
Peer Review Cover Letter Workshop (October 2017)
This workshop was facilitated in the College of Engineering at Purdue University. In
collaboration with Dr. Carlos Martinez from the Department of Materials Engineering,
we worked on developing peer review strategies that help materials engineering students
revise their writing to address potential audiences. We focused on the genre of cover
letters because students were getting ready for job fairs and internship opportunities.

Scaffolding Approach for Teaching Writing (January 2015)
This training workshop was conducted at Al Nahda National Schools in Abu Dhabi,
United Arab Emirates. Based on a scaffolding approach for teaching writing, the
participants were involved in a hierarchical framework of activities through which they
have perceived how engaging students in the prewriting and writing process can prepare
them to be more accurate and fluent second language writers. There was a discussion of
the context and needs of second language learners with a group of activities featuring
exposure of learners to relevant pedagogical materials.
Writing Practice and Job Search Techniques (April 2013)
This workshop was presented at the University of Sharjah in affiliation with CASTO
(Career Advising and Students’ Training Office) to train senior undergraduate students
on composing resumes and cover letters in addition to acquainting them with technical
jargon used in written and oral communication in the designated context.
The Writing Center: Magic or Possible Reality? (May 2012)
This seminar was presented at the University of Sharjah to propose starting a writing
center that collaborates with writing specialists and instructors to offer students feedback
regarding the quality of their writing in different disciplines and for different purposes.
Professional Development Skills for English Language Teachers at Sharjah Educational
Zone (April 2011)
This workshop was organized by the Department of English Language and Literature at
the University of Sharjah to train teachers working in elementary governmental schools
that are part of Sharjah Educational Zone. It was a joint presentation that handled
pedagogical implications for teaching reading in the classroom.
TESOL Arabia Sharjah Chapter December Event “The world inside an ESL classroom”
(December 2010)
This training seminar focused on showing versus telling in the writing classroom. In this
workshop, I focused on sharing teaching strategies that help ESL students write narrative
and descriptive essays focusing on sensory description and promoting the creation of
imagery in writing to reach audiences effectively.
Professional Development Skills for English Language Teachers at Sharjah Educational
Zone (November 2008)
This workshop was organized by the Department of English Language and Literature at
the University of Sharjah to train teachers working in public secondary schools. My
workshop titled “How to Overcome Difficulties Students Encounter in Writing?” train
teachers how to effectively engage students in their writing tasks, when and how to offer
feedback which facilitates further progress .

Crow Research Team Mentor (December 2015-Present)
Worked in infrastructure development, repository development, grant funding, conference
planning, and outreach workshops. Led the planning of Writing Without Walls Symposium and
supervised the workforce involved in various logistics: plenary speakers, space reservation, event
planning, accommodation, transportation, and audiovisual equipment. Coordinated the graduate
lab practicum during my research assistantship in Fall 2018.
Graduate and Undergraduate Researcher Mentor (2017- 2019)
Mentored graduate student researchers who joined the transculturation project in 2017 on
curriculum design, co-teaching, coding scheme design, and data coding. Hired and mentored
undergraduate researchers who joined the transculturation lab in 2018 on data coding,
documentation, and conference presentations.
ESL Graduate Student Organization President – Purdue University (2017-2018)
Worked with all organization members on their agendas. Raised funds by writing grants and
alumni outreach. Organized workshops and professional development events. Organized social
events and team building activities. Worked with faculty and administration in the department
and college. Facilitated communication among members of the community. Promoted visibility
for the organization and the Second Language Studies Ph.D. program. Led the workforce team
who prepared the program effectiveness assessment report and met with the College of Liberal
Arts (CLA) Dean to discuss opportunities to sustain the program.

Banat, H. & Dilger, B. (2019, July). Linking a Corpus and Repository for Research, Teaching,
and Professional Development. Workshop facilitated at the Conference of Writing
Program Administration. Baltimore, Maryland.
Tran, P., Dilger, B., Yan, Y., Sims, R., & Banat, H. (2019, July). Developing Intercultural
Competence in First Year Writing. Workshop facilitated at the Conference of Writing
Program Administration. Baltimore, Maryland.
Jones, E., McMullin, M., Banat, H., & Dilger, B. (2019, June). Exploring a Web-based Archive
of Writing and Assignments. Workshop facilitated at Computers and Writing Conference.
East Lancing, Michigan.
Opel, D., Dilger, B, Jones, J., Banat, H., Rodriguez, E., & McMullin, M. (2019, June).
Foregrounding Ethics in Grant-funded Research: Interdisciplinarity, Inter-
institutionality, and Collaboration. Roundtable presented at Computers and Writing
Conference. East Lancing, Michigan.
Banat, H., Panahi, P., Sims, R., & Tran, P. (2018, August). Cultivating Intercultural
Competence through Paired Freshman Composition Sections: Theory, Pedagogy, and

Assessment. Panel presented at Symposium of Second Language Writing. Vancouver,
Silva, T., Banat, H., Chen, Y., Goodrich, N., Velázquez, A., & Wang, Z. (2018, August).
Current Issues in Translingual Writing with regard to Theory, Research, Teaching, and
Assessment. Panel presented at Symposium of Second Language Writing. Vancouver,
Banat, H., Panahi, P., Sims, R., & Tran, P. (2018, March). Fostering Intercultural Competence
in First Year Writing Courses. Panel presented at Purdue Linguistics, Literature, and
Second Language Studies Conference. West Lafayette, IN.
Banat, H., Panahi, P., Sims, R., & Tran, P. (2018, February). Developing and Assessing
Intercultural Competence in Linked Sections of First Year Writing. Panel presented at
Scaling Up: Institute on Intercultural Learning and Mentoring. West Lafayette, IN.
Banat, H. (2017, November). Writing Center and WAC: Faculty and Student Resistance. Panel
presented at International Writing Center Association Conference 2017. Chicago, IL.
Ruecker, T., Crusan, D., & Banat, H. (2017, August). The Politics of English L2 Writing
Assessment in Global Contexts. Panel presented at Symposium of Second Language
Writing 2017. Bangkok, Thailand.
Gao, J., Banat, H., & Bushner, A. (2017, June). Users of a Web-based Writing Repository: A
Needs Analysis Survey. Panel presented at Computers and Writing 2017. Findlay, OH,
Silva, T., Chen, Y., Velázquez, A., Banat, H., Goodrich-Hosseini, N., & Wang, Z. (2017,
March). Interrogating Translingual Writing. Panel presented at TESOL 2017. Seattle,
Banat, H., Craig, S., Wang, Z., & Staples, S. (2017, March). Building a Collaborative
Interdisciplinary Research and Pedagogical Project for SLW. Presented at TESOL 2017.
Seattle, WA, USA.
Gao, J., Banat, H., Staples, S., & Dilger, B. (2017, March). Developing a Corpus of L2 Writing
and Repository of Pedagogical Artifacts: Methodology, Usability and Research. Poster
presented at AAAL 2017. Portland, OR, USA.
Banat, H., Wang, Z., Staples, S., & Swatek, A. (2016, October). Building Community Expertise:
Developing a Corpus and Repository of Writing for Writing Professionals. Presented at
Symposium on Second Language Writing 2016. Tempe, AZ, USA.
Swatek, A., Banat, H. & Staples, S. (2016, July). Developing First Year Composition L2 Writing
Corpus: Research, Pedagogy and Teacher Training. Presentation at the 12th Teaching
and Language Corpora Conference. Giessen, Germany.
Banat, H. (2014, November). Linguistic and Cognitive Obstacles L2 Writers Face. Presented at
Symposium on Second Language Writing 2014. Tempe, AZ, USA.

ESL Graduate Student Organization, Purdue University
President 2017-2018
Professional Development Coordinator 2016-2017
Purdue English Graduate Student Education Association
First Year Writing Committee Representative 2017-2018
Purdue Linguistics, Literature, and Second Language Studies Conference
Volunteer Conference Co-chair 2015-2016
Finance Conference Co-chair 2016-2017
English Department Committee Service, University of Sharjah
Community Outreach Member 2014-2015
Testing Committee Head 2010-2014
Social Committee Head 2009-2010
Course Coordination 2008-2014

• WAC Theory • Writing Center Theory • WPA Theory

• Professional Writing • Writing Assessment • Curriculum Design

• Qualitative Research • Testing Principles & • Quantitative Research
Embedded Assessment

Excellence in Teaching Award received from the English Department at Purdue. September
Quintilian Teaching Award received from the English Department at Purdue. March 2018.
Quintilian Teaching Award received from the English Department at Purdue. August 2017.
“Tutor of the Year” Award received from the Writing Center at Purdue University. May 2017.
“Most Innovative Syllabus Approach” Award received from the Introductory Composition
program at Purdue. April 2017.
Award of Dedication received from the College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences at
University of Sharjah. September 2013.
Sharjah Award for Academic Excellence received from Sharjah Educational Council,
Government of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates. May 2012.

Award of Excellence at University and Community Service received from the College of Arts,
Humanities and Social Sciences at University of Sharjah. June 2012.
Award of Excellence at University and Community Service received from the College of Arts,
Humanities and Social Sciences at University of Sharjah. June 2011

Dr. Anthony Silva
Professor of English & Director of Second Language Studies Ph.D. program, Purdue University
(765) 494-3774

Dr. Bradley Dilger

Associate Professor of English & First Year Writing Program Administrator, Purdue University
(765) 494-3730

Dr. Irwin Weiser

Professor of English & Former Dean of College of Liberal Arts, Purdue University

Dr. Harry Denny

Associate Professor of English & Writing Center Director, Purdue University
(765) 494-4854


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